Subsidiaries of the Company

    As of March 24, 1998, the Company owned or controlled the following
percentages of the capital stock of the corporations listed below:

                                         State or Country of
    Name of Corporation                     Incorporation       % Owned
    -------------------                    --------------       -------
Kollmorgen Overseas Development
  Corporation                                Delaware               100  
Proto-Power Corporation                      Delaware               100 
Kollmorgen Tandon (India)                    India                   51 
Tianjin Kollmorgen Industrial                Peoples' Republic          
  Drives Corporation                         of China                63 
Artus Group                                  France                 100 
      Kollmorgen Artus                                                  
      Societe Anonyme Cryla                                             
Seidel Servo Drives GmbH                     Germany                100 
Servotronix, Ltd.                            Israel                 100