Exhibit 4.3 VAEKSTFONDEN Tagensvej 137 DK-2200 Kobenhavn N Telefon: 35 86 86 35 Telefax: 35 86 86 36 Laneaftale Debitor Phytera A/S under stiftelse c/o Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen Advokat Mogens Bach Radhuspladsen 4 1550 Kobenhavn V A/S-reg.nr. SE-nr. erkender herved at skylde Kreditor VaekstFonden, Tagensvej 137, 2200 Kobenhavn N Projekt nr. og betegnelse 1211 Phytera - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Lanetype FU-lan - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Lanebelob, kr. 13.232.7000 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Projektnr. 1211 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Udbetaling Lanet udbetales I 3-maneders rater forud - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Projektbudget, kr. 29.406.000 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Finansieringsprocent 45 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Projektperiode, start* 01.11.1995 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Projektperiode, slut 31.12.1998 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Rente** p.a., fast 7,98% - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Rente** p.a., variabel 7,98%. Renten fastsaettes den forste bankdag I hver maned - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Forrentning sker fra Udbetaling - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Morarente 14% p.a. - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Stempelafgift, lan, kr. 39.698 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Losoreejerpantebrev, kr. 150, forudsat vaerdipategning 10,000 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Retsafgift, kr. 700 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Terminsdatoer, kr. 01.04, 01.07, 01.10, 01.01 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 1. ydelse 01.04.1999 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Ydelse pr. termin*** Se tilbagebetalingsoversigt af 12.12.1955 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Royaltyprocent**** 12,23 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Projektrapporteringsdatoer 01.04, 01.07, 01.10, 01.01 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 1. gang den 01.04.1996 for perioden indtil 31.12.1996 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Indsendelsesfrist 3 uger - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Sikkerhed Pant I projektet - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- *) Omkost for arbejde udfort for projektets startdata medfinansieres ikke. **) Renten tilskrives kvartalsvis bagud. ***) Afdragenes storrelse fremglr af vedlagte tilbagebetalingsoversigt. ****) Se under afonittet oen tilbagetetaling pa side 2. Forudsaetning Lanet gives under forudsaetning af, at . projektet udfores som specificeret I det ansogningsmateriale, VaekstFonden har lagt til grund for bevillingen, . projektets budget f0lges, jf. VaekstFonden budgetskema, . royalty beregnes af Phytera Inc.'s samlede koncernomsaetning. . lanet tilbagebetales over maks. 5 ar efter projektafslutning. Erlagt royalty tilbagebetales ikke i forbindelse med en evt. gaeldsnedskrivning. . DUF skal have en repraesentant i Phytera Inc.'s bestyrelse indtil en evt. b0rsintroduktion af Phytera Inc. . semest 1/2 ar efter udbetaling af 1. rate skal det danske selskab have ansat en fuldtidsdirekt0r . lanet forfalder til betaling uden ret til gaeldsnedskrivning, hvis antal let af udviklingspersonale i Phytera A/S falder til under 8 personer, inden lanet er tilbagebetalt. . VaekstFonden vil lade foretage en evaluering af projektet, der afsluttes senest den 30. marts 1997. Indtil evalueringen er gennemf0rt med et efter VaekstFondens sk0n positivt resltat, kan der h0jst ud betales 4 mio. kr. pa lanet. Projektets forl0b, Phytera Inc.'s finansielle situation samt forventningerne til det danske selskabs kommercialiseringsmuligheder indgar i evalueringen. Betingelser 1. rate udbetales, nar VaekstFonden har modtaget for udbetaling denne aftale i underskrevet stand sammen med de 0vrige oplysninger og dokumenter, angivet i f0lgebrevet, og nar f0lgende betingelser er opfyldt: . Phytera A/S skal vaere etableret med en kontant indbetalt aktiekapital pa 500.000 kr. . kautionserklaering fra Phytera Inc. er modtaget. . Phytera Inc. skal tilf0res 6,0 mio. USD i ny aktiekapital, heraf milnimum 1,8 mio. USD fra DUF (Series C Preferred Shares). Inden 2 rate udbetales skal VaekstFonden endvidere modtage . anmaerkningsfrit tinglyst l0s0reejerpantebrev. 2 Sikkerhed L0s0reejerpantebrev 13.232.700 kr. med pant i projektrettighederne. Tilbagebetaling Lanet afvikles som anf0rt i laneaftalen og tilbagebetalingsoversigten. Ydelserne opkraeves via PBS. Tilbagebetalingsaftalen kan ikke aendres. Afviklingen er fastsat ud fra en beregnet royalty af Phytera Inc.'s forventede omsaetning. Royaltyprocenten er anf0rt pa side l i denne laneaftale. Hvis der resterer en restgaeld den sidste terminsdato, fortsaetter afvikllingen af lanet med samme terminsdatoer som anf0rt i laneaftalen og med samme ydelse som den, der forfalder den sidste termin, jf. tilbagebetalingsoversigten. Royaltyen beregnes af: Phytera Inc.'s samlede koncernomsaetning. Anvendes projektets/projekternes resultater belt eller delvist i andre produkter, markeder, ydelser eller projekter, skal omsaetningen herfra medregnes fuldt ud i den omsaetning, hvoraf royaltyen beregnes. Saelges eller overdrages rettigheder eller know-how til projektet eller dele heraf, hereunder aftaler om licens, betales en royalty til VaekstFonden pa 25% af bruttoindtaegten. Gaeldsnedskrivning Lantager kan til enhver tid forlange nedskrivning af restgaelden mod overdragelse af samtlige projektrettigheder, herunder samtlige salgsrettigheder jf. afsnittet om tilbagebetaling. Lantager haeter dog stadig for et bel0b svarende til royaltyen af enhver omsaetning, projektet bar skabt. Royaltyprocenten er anf0rt pa side 1. Royaltybel0bet reguleres med betalte ydelser, erlagte ydelser tilbage betales ikke. Rettigheder Lantager indestar for, at rettighederne til udviklingsprojektet alene tilh0rer lantager. Erklaering Lantager erklaerer ikke at have ans0gt eller modtaget anden offentlig st0tte til dette eller til graensende projekter, uden at VaekstFonden skriftligt har faet meddelelse herom. 0vrige betingelser Lantager har modtaget: . tilbagebetalingsoversigt, dateret 12 december 1995, . VaekstFondens budgetskema og . VaekstFondens almindelige betingelser for lan, august 1995, som uden yderligere underskrift gaelder for lanet. 3 Valg af rente Lanet 0nskes med: [x] fast rente [_] variabel rente Valget galder for hele lanets labetid. Laneaftalen underskrives i 2 eksemplarer. Dato 11/4/96 Dato 11 april 1996 ----------------------------- --------------------------- Phytera A/S under stiftelse VaekstFonden /s/ Bent Kiemer /s/ Gustav A. Christensen /s/ Otto Kjaegaard ----------------------------------- --------------------------------- (Navnene skrives tillige med Bent Kiemer Otto Kjaegaard Til vitterlighed for sa vidt angar lantager: (bedes udfyldt med maskinskrift og underskrevet): Navn: [illegible] Navn: ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Stilling: Stilling: ------------------------ ------------------------ Adresse: Adresse: ------------------------- ------------------------- Postnr/by: Postnr/by: ----------------------- ----------------------- Radhuspladeen 4 - 1550 K0benhavn V Telefon 33 14 66 66 - Telefax 33 14 66 67 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Underskrift Underskrift 4 Stempel 150 kr. Tingl.afgift 700 kr. I alt 850 kr. ANMELDER: VaekstFonden Tagensvej 137 2200 K0benhavn N Tlf. 35 86 86 35 Vaedipategning Det erklaeres pa tro og love, at vaedien af pantet ikke overstiger 10.000 kr Ejerpantebrev (L0s0re) Debitors navn og adresse: Phytera A/S c/o Advokatfirmaet Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen Advokat Mogen Bach Radhuspladsen 4 1550 Kobenhavn V SE nr. erkender herved at skylde Kreditor Samme, eller den til hvem naevaerende pantebrev matte blive overdraget, vaere sig til pant eller pa anden made, uden personligt gaeldsansvar. Bel0bets st0rrelse: 13.232.700 kr. skriver kr. trettenmillionertohundrededetretitotusindesyvhunrede Rente - og betalingsvilkar: Pantebrevet forrentes med 16% p.a. fra overdragelsen at regne Renten erlaegges hver 11. juni og 11. december termin. halvarligt bagud, f0rste gang i den f0rste termin efter overdragelsen. Pantegenstanden: Samtige de ophavsrettigheder, der knytter sig til pantsaetters udvikling af plantekulturer med projektnummer 1211, herunder alt materiale,softwarebeskrivelser, kildetekster og alle resultater af enhver art, der klart fremstar som h0rende til og vaerende en del af projektet, herunder alle tegninger, beskrivelser, diagrammer, prototyper og det udviklede produckt og eventuelle andre produkter, der er resultat af ovennaevnte udviklingsarbejde.Panteretten omfatter endvidere den af projektete omfattede fond af teknisk know-how. 5 Yderligere omfatter pantet samtlige indtaegter af pantet, herunder leje-, licens- og forpagtningsafgift samt forsikringssummer. Foranstaende haeftelser: Ingen Fuldmagtshaver: VaekstFonden bemyndiges til pa mine vegne at underskrive pategninger af enhver art pa dette pantebrev, herunder kvitterings-, transport-, moderations-og relaksationshpategninger. Adressat for Meddelelser i henhold til Retsplejelovens kap. 50 og ovrige meddelesler, der efter eventuel meddelelse lovens bestemmelser skal senders til om pantekreditor, bedes sendt til: retsforf0lgning m.v.: VaestFonden Tagensvej 137 2200 K0benhavn N 0vrige kredit- oplysninger Er pantebrevet omfattet af lov om kreditaftaler JA [_] NEJ [x] Opsigelse: Pantebrevet kan til enhver tid opsiges af kreditor eller af debitor uden varsel. NB. Adresseaendring skal meddeles til kreditor. Ved forsinket betaling af renter og afdrafg kan kreditor forlange kapitalen indfriet, se sidste side, punkt 7a. I 0rigt gaelder Justitsministeriets nedenstaende pantebrevsformular L0S0RE (sidste side) For sa vidt pantebrevet alene underskrives af debitor, erklaerer denne samtidig at vaere ugift eller at pantet ikke omfattes af lov om aegteskabets retsvirkninger ss. 19. Dato: [illegible] , den Aug. 8, 96 -------------------- ------------------ Phytera A/S Debitors underskrift /s/ Gustav A. Christensen /s/ Malcolm Morville -------------------------------------------------- Navnet bedes tillige anfort med maskinskrift /blokbogstaver For sa vidt debitor er gift, erklaerer medunderskrevne aegtefaelle samtykke i pantsaetningen. Er aegtaellen medejer, underskrives som debitor og pantsaeter. 6 Aegtefaelle: ___________________________________________ Til vitterlighed om underskriftens aethed, dateringens rigtighed samt underskriverens myndighed (bedes udfuldt med maskinskrift: Navn:_________________________ Navn:___________________________ Stilling:_____________________ Stilling:_______________________ Bopael:_______________________ Bopael:_________________________ - ----------------------------- -------------------------------- Underskrift Underskrift 7 Pantsaetter Phytera A/S c/o Advokatfirmaet Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen Advokat Mogens Bach Radhuspladsen 4 1550 K0benhavn V Panthaver VaekstFonden, Tagensvej, 137, 2200 K0benhavn N Pant Til sikkerhed for patnsaetters gaeld til panthaver i henhold til laneaftale nr 1211 handpantsaettes 13.232.700 kr. l0s0reejerpantebrev med 1. priortets pant i projekt til udvikling af plantekulturer. L0s0reejerpantet tjener til sikkerhed for tilbagebetaling af lan, renter og omkostninger. Panteretten if0lge pantebrevet udvides ud over den i pantebrevet angivne hovedstol med den pal0bne rente i indtil 5 ar. Udvidelsen beregnes af den oprindelige hovedstol med den i pantebrevet anf0rte rentesats. Udvidelsen pantsaetning ved pantebrevets pantsaetning til VaekstFonden og vedvarer indtil det pantsattes eventuelle realisering, dog maks. 5 ar. Betingelser VaekstFondens almindelige betingelser for lan, august 1995. Dato 8-8-1996 Som pantsaetter Phytera A/S Underskift /s/ Gustav A Christensen /s/ Malcolm Morville ---------------------------------------------------- Navnet anfores tillige med maskinskrift Til vitterlighed for sa vidt angar lamtager: (bedes udfyldt med maskinskrift og underskrevet): Navn:_____________________ Navn:___________________ Stilling:_________________ Stilling:_______________ Adresse:__________________ Adresse:________________ Postnr/by:________________ Postnr/by:______________ -------------------------- ------------------------ Underskrift Underskrift 8 Kautionserklaering Debitor Phytera A/S under stiftelse c/o Advokafirmaet Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen Advokat Mogens Bach Radhuspladsen 4 1550 K0benhavn V Kreditor VaekstFonden Tagensvej 137 2200 K0benhavn N Kautionist Phytera Inc. indestar som selvskyldnerkautionist for betaling af ethvert bel0b, som pahviler Phytera A/S (under stifelse) i benhold til projekt 1211, lan 13.232.700 kr. med tilh0rende almindelige betingelser for lan dateret august 1995. Renterne tilskrives lanet. Saerlige forudsaetninger Der gaelder saelige viklar fpr lanets udbetaling og afvikling, jf. laneaftalen med debitor. Saerligt skal kautionisten vaere opmaerksom pa forudsaetningerne for lanet jf. laneaftalen, hvor det bl.a. fremgar, at . Phytera Inc. skal acceptere, at det danske selskab selvstaendigt kan kommercialisere egne udviklingsprojekter i det omfang disse retter sig mod andet end den farmaceutiske industri. . Royalty beregnes af Phytera Inc.'s samlede omsaetning. . Lanet tilbagebetales over maks. 5 ar efter projektafslutning. Eriagt royalty tilbagebetales ikke i forbindelse med en evt. gaeldsnedskrivning. . DUF far en plads i Phytera Inc.'s bestyrelse indtil en evt. b0rsintroduktion af Phytera Inc. . Senest 1/2 ar efter udbetaling af 1. rate skal det danske selskab have ansat en fuldtidsdirekt0r. . Lanet forfalder til betaling uden ret til gaeldsnedskrivning, hvis antallet af udviklingspersonale i Phytera A/S falder til under 8 personer, inden lanet er tilbagebetalt. . Senest nar den udbetalte del af naervaerende lan overstiger 4 mio. kr., vurderer VaekstFonden, om projektet forl0ber planmaessigt, samt om Phytera Inc.'s finansielle situation fortsat kan sikre projektets gennemf0relse. . VaelstFonden vil lade foretage en ekstern evaluering af projektet 12-15 maneder inde i udviklingsperioden med henblik pa Fondens fortsatte medvirken. I denne evaluering vil 9 ogsa indga forventningerne til det danske selskabs egne kommercialiseringsmuligheder. Kaution Phytera Inc. indestar som selvskyldnerkautioinist. Lanet tilbagebetales med en royalty af Phytera Inc.'s samlede omsaetning, og Phytera Inc. er forpligtet til at udlevere revisorattesterede omsaetningtal til VaelstFonden. Betingelser I 0vrigt gaelder VaekstFondens almindelige betingelser for lan, dateret august 1995. Vaerneting og Lovvalg For alle krav som udspringer af eller er relateret til naervaerende kautionsforpligtelse accepterer Phytera Inc. at tvister afg0res efter dansk ret ved danske domstole. Phytera Inc. accepterer, at en endelig dansk domstolsafg0relse kan eksekveres over for selskabet i USA. Den 4/11/96 Phytera Inc. /s/ Christopher J. Pazoles ---------------------------------- Christopher J. Pazoles 10 English Translation (Logo) VAEKSTFONDEN Loan Agreement The Debtor: Phytera A/S under formation c/o Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen, Law Office Mr. Mogens Bach, attorney-at-law No. 4 Radhuspladsen DK-1550 Copenhagen V Corporate Registration No. SE-No. hereby admits indebtedness to The Creditor: VaekstFonden, No.137 Tagensvej, DK-2200 Copenhagen N. Project No. and Name: 1211 Phytera - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of loan R&D Loan - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of loan, DKK 13,232,700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project No. 1211 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disbursement By 3-month installments in advance - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project budget, DKK 29,406,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financing share (%) 45 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project period, start* November 1, 1995 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project period, end December 31, 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest** p.a., fixed 7.98% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest** p.a., variable 7.98%. To be fixed on the 1st banking day each month. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest accrues as from Disbursement - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late interest 14% per annum - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stamp duty, loan, DKK 39,698 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill of sale reg. to owner DKK 150.00 - assuming value endorsement of 10,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Court fee, DKK 700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment due dates April 1; July 1; October 1; January 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st payment April 1, 1999 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment per due date*** See repayment schedule dated December 12, 1995. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- royalty percentage**** 12.23 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project reporting dates April 1; July 1; October 1; January 1. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st reporting date April 1, 1996, for the time until December 31, 1996. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respite for submission Three (3) weeks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security Pledge on the Project - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Costs of work carried out prior to the Project's starting date are not included in the financing. **) Interest is added quarterly in arrears. ***) The amount of the installments appears from the enclosed repayment schedule. 11 ****) See under the paragraph on repayment on page 2. Preconditions The loan is being granted under the following conditions: . The Project is carried out as specified in the application material on which VaekstFonden has based the grant; . The budget for the Project is adhered to, cf. VaekstFonden's budget form; . Royalty is calculated on the basis of Phytera Inc.'s total consolidated sales; . The loan is repaid over a period of not more than five (5) years from the end of the Project. Any royalty paid is not reimbursed in connection with a possible write-down of the debt; . DUF must have a representative on the Board of Phytera Inc. until any stock-exchange introduction of Phytera Inc.; ./1/The Danish Company must have employed a full-time manager within six (6) months of start of the Project. . The loan becomes payable without any right to write down the debt if the number of development staff in Phytera A/S becomes less than 8 persons before the loan has been repaid; . VaekstFonden will arrange for an evaluation of the Project to be completed not later than march 30, 1997. Until the evaluation has been completed with a result that VaekstFonden deems favourable, a maximum of DKK 4,000,000 may be disbursed on the loan. The progress of the Project, the financial situation of Phytera Inc., and the expected commercialization prospects of the Danish Company will be factors in the evaluation. Conditions for The 1st installment will be disbursed when disbursement VaekstFonden has received this Agreement,duly signed, together with the other details and documents indicated in the covering letter, and when the following conditions have been met: . Phytera A/S must have been established with a share capital of DKK 500,000.00 paid up in cash; . The bail bond from Phytera Inc. has been received; and . Phytera Inc. must be established with a share capital of USD 6,000,000, including at least USD 1,800,000 from Dansk Udviklingsfinansiering A/S ("Danish Development Financing Ltd."); ("Series C Preferred Shares") Before the 2nd installment is disbursed VaekstFonden must, furthermore, receive: . Bill of sale registered to owner and with clean registration of title Security Bill of sale registered to owner for DKK 13,232,700 secured on the Project rights. Repayment The loan shall be repaid as specified in the Loan Agreement and the repayment schedule. The payments are collected via standing order payments service. The repayment agreement is not subject to change. The repayment is determined on the basis of a calculated royalty on Phytera Inc.'s anticipated sales. The royalty percentage is stated on p. 1 of this Loan Agreement. - -------------------- /1/ Preconditions, bullet no. 6: "The Danish Company must have employed a full-time manager within six (6) months of start of the project" was changed to "The Danish Company must have employed a full-time manager within six (6) months from receipt of the first payment from VaekstFonden". 12 If a balance remains on the debt on the last due date, the repayment of the loan shall continue with the same due dates as stated in the Loan Agreement and with the same payment as that which becomes payable on the last due date, cf. the repayment schedule. The royalty shall be calculated on the basis of: Phytera Inc.'s total consolidated sales. If the results of the Project(s) are used, wholly or in part, in other products, markets, services or projects, any sales therefrom shall be fully included in the sales on which the royalty is computed. If rights or know-how in the Project, or parts thereof, are sold or transferred (including licensing agreements), a royalty shall be paid to VaekstFonden at the rate of 25% of the gross receipts. Write-down of debt The borrower may at any time demand a write-down of the outstanding debt against transfer of all Project rights, including all selling rights, cf. the paragraph on repayment. However, the borrower shall remain liable for a sum corresponding to the royalty on any sale generated by the project. The royalty percentage is stated on p.1 hereof. The amount of royalty shall be adjusted to reflect services paid; services paid are not subject to reimbursement. Rights The borrower warrants and guarantees that all rights in the development project are the exclusive property of the borrower. Declaration The borrower declares that it has not applied for or received other public subsidy of this Project or adjacent projects without having duly notified VaekstFonden thereof in writing. Other conditions The borrower has received: . Repayment schedule dated December 12, 1995; . The budget form of VaekstFonden; and . VaekstFonden's general terms and conditions for loans, August 1995, which shall apply to the loan without any further signature. Choice of Interest The rate of interest selected for the loan shall be: Fixed [x] Variable [_] This Loan Agreement shall be signed in two (2) copies. Date: 11/4/96 Date: April 11, 1996. Phytera A/S under formation VaekstFonden /s/ Bent Kiemer /s/ Gustav A. Christensen /s/ Otto Kjaergard ------------------------- ---------------------------- (Please also type names) Bent Kiemer Otto Kjaergaard IN WITNESS of the Borrower's signature: (please complete in typing, and sign) Name: [illegible] Name: ---------------------- --------------------- Title: Title: --------------------- -------------------- Address: Address: ------------------- ------------------ ZIP code/town: ZIP code/town: ------------- ------------ Radhuspladeen 4-1550- K0benhavn V Tel. 33 14 66 66 Fax 33 14 66 67 13 ----------------------- ------------------------ Signature Signature 14 Stamp duty: DKK 150 Translation Registration fee: DKK 700 ----------- Total DKK 850 APPLICANT: VaekstFonden No. 137 Tagensvej DK - 2200 Copenhagen N. Tel: +45 3586 8635 Value Endorsement: - ----------------- We hereby solemnly declare that the value of the mortgaged property does not exceed DKK 10,000.00. Bill of Sale Registered to Owner (Chattel Mortgage) Name and address Phytera A/S of Debtor c/o Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen, Law Office Mr. Mogens Bach, attorney-at-law No. 4 Radhuspladsen DK - 1550 Copenhagen V. SE No. hereby admits indebtedness to The Creditor: Same, or whomever this Bill of Sale may be assigned to, be it by mortgage or otherwise, without personal liability. Amount: DKK 13,232,700 (in letters: thirteen million two hundred and thirty two thousand and seven hundred Danish Kroner only). Terms of interest The Bill of Sale shall be subject to interest at the and payment: rate of sixteen percent (16%) as from the time of transfer. Interest shall be payable on every June 11 and December 11 due date semi-annually in arrear, the first time being the first due date following the transfer. The property mortgaged: All of those copyrights which attach to the mortgagor's development of plant cultures with Project No. 1211, including all such material, software descriptions, source code, and results of any kind as clearly appear as belonging to and being a part of the Project, including all drawings, descriptions, diagrams, prototypes, and the developed product and any other products which are the result of the above development work. The mortgage shall also include the fund of technical know-how covered by the Project. Furthermore, the mortgage shall include all income from the mortgage, such as but not limited to payments of rent, license fees and leases, as well as insurance sums. Prior mortgages: None. Principal: VaekstFonden is hereby authorized to sign on my behalf endorsements of any kind to this Bill of Sale, including endorsements of receipt, assignment, reduction, and release. Addressee for any Notices in pursuance of Part 50 of the Administration notices of legal of Justice Act and such other notices as shall by law be sent to the mortgagee, should be addressed to: 15 proceedings, etc. VaekstFonden No. 137 Tagensvej DK - 2200 Copenhagen N. Other credit details: Is this Bill of Sale covered by the Credit Contracts Act? Yes [_] No [x] Termination: This Bill of Sale may at any time be terminated by the Creditor or the Debtor without notice. NOTE: Any change of address must be notified to the Creditor. In the event of delay with the payment of interest and installments the Creditor shall have the right to demand a redemption of the capital, cf. item 7a on the last page. This Bill of Sale shall otherwise be governed by the provisions of the Chattel Mortgage form issued by the Ministry of Justice (last page). If the Bill of Sale is signed by the Debtor alone, the Debtor also declares that he is single or that the mortgage is not covered by sect. 19 of the Marriages (Legal Effects) Act. Place & Date: [illegible] , this 8 day of Aug. 1996. Phytera A/S under formation Debtor's signature: /s/ Gustav A. Christensen /s/ Malcolm Morville ----------------------------------------------------- Please also type name or use block letters If the Debtor is married, the Debtor's spouse signifies her consent to the mortgage by her signature. If the spouse is co-owner, the signature is that of a debtor and mortgagor. Spouse: _________________________________ IN WITNESS of the authenticity of the signature(s), the correctness of the date, and the full legal age of the signatory/ies (please type): Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ Address:_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ - --------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Signature Signature 16 (Logo) VAEKSTFONDEN Instrument of Pledge Pledgor: Phytera A/S c/o Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen, Law Office Mr. Mogens Bach, attorney-at-law No. 4 Radhuspladsen DK - 1550 Copenhagen V Pledgee: VaekstFonden, No. 137 Tagensvej, DK - 2200 Copenhagen N. Pledge: By way of security for the Pledgor's debt to the Pledgee in pursuance of Loan Agreement No. 1211, a bill of sale registered to owner for DKK 13,232,700 is hereby pledged as 1st Pledge on a project regarding development of plant cultures. The Bill of Sale shall serve as security for the repayment of loan, interest and costs. The mortgage under the Bill of Sale is extended beyond the principal (?) stated in the Bill of Sale by up to five (5) years. The extension is calculated on the original principal at the rate of interest stated in the Bill of Sale. The extension shall commence upon the pledging of the Bill of Sale to VaekstFonden and shall continue until any realization of the property pledged, subject to a maximum of five (5) years. Conditions: VaekstFonden's General Terms and Conditions for Loans, August 1995. Date: 8-8-1996 ------------------- As Pledgor: Phytera A/S under formation Signature:/s/Gustav A. Christensen /s/Malcolm Morville ----------------------------------------------- (Please also type name) IN WITNESS of the Borrower's signature: (please complete in typing, and sign) Name:__________________ Name:___________________ Title:_________________ Title:__________________ Address:_______________ Address:________________ ZIP code/town:_________ ZIP code/town:__________ _______________________ ________________________ Signature Signature 17 Translation Surety Commitment ------------ Debtor: Phytera A/S c/o Dragsted & Helmer Nielsen, Law Office Mr. Mogens Bach, attorney-at-law No. 4 Radhuspladsen DK - 1550 Copenhagen V Creditor: VaekstFonden No. 137 Tagensvej DK - 2200 Copenhagen N. Surety: Phytera Inc. guarantees as surety for the payment of all and any amount owing by Phytera A/S (under formation) in pursuance of Project 1211, Loan DKK 13,232,700 with associated General Terms & Conditions for Loans dated August 1995. Interest will be added to the Loan. Special Conditions: The disbursement and repayment of the Loan are subject to special conditions, cf. the Loan Agreement with the Debtor. The surety should take particular note of the preconditions for the Loan, cf. the Loan Agreement, from which appears, i.a., that: . Phytera A/S must accept that the Danish Company may independently commercialize own development projects to the extent that these projects address industries other than the pharmaceutical one; . Royalty is calculated on the basis of Phytera Inc.'s total sales; . The Loan is repaid over a period of not more than five (5) years from the end of the Project. Any royalty paid is not reimbursed in connection with a possible write-down of the debt; . DUF must be given a seat on the Board of Phytera Inc. until any stock-exchange introduction of Phytera Inc.: ./2/The Danish Company must have employed a full-time manager within six (6) months of start of the project. . The Loan becomes payable without any right to write down the debt if the number of development staff in Phytera A/S becomes less than 8 persons before the Loan has been repaid; . VaekstFonden will evaluate if the Project is progressing according to plan and if the financial situation of Phytera Inc. continues to be capable of securing the completion of the Project. This will occur when the disbursed portion of this Loan exceeds DKK 4,000,000, at the latest; . VaekstFonden will arrange for an external evaluation of the Project some 12 to 15 months into the Project period with a view to considering the continued cooperation of VaekstFonden. Expectations as to the Danish Company's own commercialization prospects will also be included in this evaluation. - -------------------- /2/Special conditions, bullet No. 5: "The Danish Company must have employed a full-time manager within six (6) months of start of the project" was changed to "The Danish Company must have employed a full-time manager within six (6) months from receipt of the first payment from VaekstFonden" 18 Suretyship: Phytera Inc. guarantees as surety. The Loan is repaid with a royalty on Phytera Inc.'s total sales, and Phytera Inc. is obligated to deliver sales figures attested by a CPA to VaekstFonden. Conditions: VaekstFonden's General Terms & Conditions for Loans dated August 1995 shall otherwise apply. Venue and Phytera Inc. accepts that, for all claims arising out applicable law of our incidental to this Surety Commitment, any dispute shall be settled according to Danish law before Danish courts of law. Phytera Inc. accepts that a final decision by a Danish court of law may be enforced against the Company in the U.S.A. This 11 day of April 1996. Phytera Inc. /s/ Christopher J. Pazoles ----------------------------------- Christopher J. Pazoles 18