TO COMBINE IN MERGER OF EQUALS

         Hudson River Bancorp,  Inc.  (Nasdaq-NNM:  HRBT)  ("Hudson  River") and
Cohoes Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq-NNM:  COBI) ("Cohoes"),  two of the largest Capital
District-based  savings  banks in the Greater  Albany  area,  announced  today a
definitive  agreement to merge their  respective  holding  companies and banking
operations in a merger of equals to form one of the  strongest  savings banks in
the region. The combined banking operations will have approximately $1.9 billion
in total  assets and a market  capitalization  in excess of $230  million.  Upon
completion  of  the  merger,   the  combined  holding  company  will  be  called
Cohoes-Hudson Bancorp, Inc. ("Cohoes-Hudson") and the bank will be called Hudson
River Bank & Trust Company.  The combined banking operation will have a total of
38  branches   throughout   the  counties  of  Columbia,   Rensselaer,   Albany,
Schenectady, Dutchess, Greene and Warren.

         The  agreement  provides  that the common  shareholders  of Cohoes will
receive  1.185 shares of Hudson River common stock for each Cohoes  common share
in a tax-free exchange. Hudson River will issue approximately 9.4 million shares
of stock to complete the merger,  which will be accounted for under the purchase
method of accounting.  Following the merger,  the former Hudson River and Cohoes
shareholders  will each own  approximately  62% and 38% of the combined company,
respectively.  The merger, which has been approved by the Boards of Directors of
both Hudson River and Cohoes, is valued at approximately  $87.3 million based on
the  market  price of Hudson  River  common  stock as of the close of trading on
April 24, 2000. Based on the April 24, 2000 market price of Cohoes common stock,
the  exchange  ratio  results  in an  implied  price  for each  Cohoes  share of
approximately $11.04.

         It is  anticipated  that the merger will result in annual  pre-tax cost
savings of  approximately  $3.4  million by the end of the  combined  companies'
first full year of operations,  or approximately  7% of the combined  companies'
operating  costs,  and will create an expanded  revenue  base.  It is  currently
anticipated that all branches will remain open post-merger.

         The  transaction  is  expected  to be  immediately  accretive  to  both
companies'  earnings  per  share  in  2000.  This  will  be  accomplished  as  a
consequence  of the synergies of  consolidating  operations,  without  regard to
revenue   enhancements.   Management   believes  that  this  transaction  should
significantly  enhance the combined  company's  future earnings per share growth

         Cohoes-Hudson's  new  Board of  Directors  will be  comprised  of equal
numbers of directors from both companies. Executive management positions will be
filled by Harry Robinson of Cohoes,  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,  Carl
Florio of Hudson  River,  President,  Richard  Ahl of  Cohoes,  Chief  Operating
Officer,  Timothy  Blow of Hudson  River,  Chief  Financial  Officer  and Sidney
Richter  of  Hudson  River,  Senior  Lending  Officer.  Harry L.  Robinson,  the
President and Chief Executive Officer of Cohoes,  will serve as Chairman for six
years and Chief Executive Officer for an initial term of three years.  After the
third  anniversary of the effective date of the merger,  a transition will occur
such that Carl A. Florio and Harry L. Robinson will be co-Chief Exectuive

Officers  for six  months,  after  which time Mr.  Florio will be the sole Chief
Executive  Officer.  The transition  phase is expected to occur over a six-month

         Carl A. Florio,  Hudson River's President and Chief Executive  Officer,
said, "We believe the transaction will be beneficial to the shareholders of both
institutions.  Hudson  River and Cohoes  complement  each other  extraordinarily
well. The addition of Cohoes's  21-office branch network  supplements our recent
acquisition  of  Schenectady  Federal  Savings  and  its  4  branch  offices  in
Schenectady  County and further  enhances our strategy for market  expansion and
product  diversification.  Our  proven  retail  strategy  and our  products  and
services should add significant value to Cohoes's extensive retail network."

         Harry L.  Robinson,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Cohoes,
summarized  the  announcement,  "This  transaction  fits our  existing  strategy
perfectly.  We had  embarked  on a series  of  efforts  designed  to  strengthen
Cohoes's retail  franchise.  As a combined entity, we will be able to accelerate
that process substantially.  The transaction preserves the earnings momentum and
capital growth that existed for us before the merger."

         Both men observed that the combined  company will be well  capitalized,
with an  equity  to asset  ratio in excess of 15%.  The  combined  company  will
continue  Hudson  River's  strategies  of market  expansion  while  focusing  on
integrating the products and services  offered by both companies  throughout the
branch  network.  In  addition  to  market  expansion,   the  structure  of  the
transaction  using the  purchase  method of  accounting  will  leave  intact the
combined   companies'  ability  to  enhance   shareholder  value  through  stock
repurchase programs.

         In connection with the merger  agreement,  Hudson River and Cohoes have
granted each other options to purchase up to 19.9% of the outstanding  shares of
each  other's  common  stock  under  certain  circumstances  in  the  event  the
transaction is terminated.

         The merger is expected to be completed before the end of calendar 2000,
subject to  regulatory  approval  and  ratification  by Hudson  River and Cohoes

         Hudson River Bancorp,  Inc.,  Hudson, New York, with 17 branch offices,
had $1.1 billion in assets and $749 million in deposits as of March 31, 2000.

         Cohoes Bancorp,  Inc.,  Cohoes,  New York, with 21 branch offices,  had
$704 million in assets and $492 million in deposits as of March 31, 2000.


         When  used  in  this  press   release  or  other   public   shareholder
communications,  or in oral  statements  made with the approval of an authorized
executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to,"
"will continue," "is anticipated,"  "estimate,"  "project,"  "significantly"  or
similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company
wishes to caution  readers  not to place undue  reliance on any  forward-looking
statements,  which speak only as of the date made,  and to advise  readers  that
various factors including regional and national economic conditions,  changes in
levels  of  market  interest  rates,  credit  risks of  lending  activities  and
competitive and regulatory factors could affect the Bank's financial performance
and could  cause the  Company's  actual  results  for  future  periods to differ
materially from those anticipated or projected.

         The  Company  does  not  undertake,  and  specifically  disclaims,  any
obligation to publicly  release the result of any revisions which may be made to
any  forward-looking  statements  to reflect the  occurrence of  anticipated  or
unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statements.

         Hudson River and Cohoes will be filing  relevant  documents  concerning
the  merger  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC").  WE URGE
Investors  will be able to  obtain  the  documents  free of  charge at the SEC's
website, In addition,  documents filed with the SEC by Cohoes will
be available  free of charge from the  Secretary of Cohoes at 75 Remsen  Street,
Cohoes, New York 12047,  telephone (518) 233-6500.  Documents filed with the SEC
by Hudson  River will be available  free of charge from the  Secretary of Hudson
River at One  Hudson  City  Centre,  Hudson,  New York  12534,  telephone  (518)

         Cohoes and Hudson River and their  respective  directors  and executive
officers  may be deemed to be  participants  in the  solicitation  of proxies to

                           Hudson River Bancorp, Inc.
                              Cohoes Bancorp, Inc.

                               Synopsis of Merger

                                 April 25, 2000

     These investor materials contain forward-looking statements that involve
risk and uncertainty. It should be noted that a variety of factors could cause
the compined company's acutal results and experience to differ materially form
the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in the combined
company's forward-looking statements.

     The risks and uncertainties that may affect the operations, performance,
development, growth projections and results of the combined company's business
include, but are not limited to, the growth of the economy, interest rate
movements, timely development by the combined company of technology enhancements
for its products and operating systems, the impact of competitive products,
services and pricing, customer based requirements, Congressional legislation,
acquisition cost savings and revenue enhancements and similar matters. Readers
of this report are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking
statements which are subject to influence by the named risk factors and
unanticipated future events. Actual results, accordingly, may differ materially
from management expectations.

[Map of Combined Market Area of Cohoes Savings Bank and Hudson River Bank and
Trust Company]



          -    Creates a dominant franchise with assets of approximately $1.8
               billion and a $230mm market capitalization

          -    Expands core market area and creates critical mass in upstate New
               York with a strong local presence

          -    Enhances ability to compete and widens product range through a
               broadened customer base with similar demographics

          -    Provides an additional platform for further growth


          -    Significantly accretive to earnings

          -    Strong capital position

          -    Purchase acct. provides flexibility to maintian stock repurchases

          -    Increases liquidity

          -    Identified cost savings of approximately $3.6 million

          -    Revenue enhancements and/or deployment of excess capital/
               incremental cash will further enhance financial benefits


- -    Headquartered in Hudson, NY, the company provides full-service banking, as
     well as investment management, trust and commercial services through its
     subsidiary, Hudson River Bank & Trust Company. The company operates 17
     branch offices.

- -    A summary of the bank's balance sheet and earnings performance as of March
     31, 2000 is as follows:

          (in thousands)
                              Total Assets:            $1,149,547
                              Loans, net:                 804,247
                              Securities:                 255,549
                              Deposits:                   748,563
                              Total Equity:               200,723
                              Equity to Assets:            17.46%
                              LTM Earnings:                 9,526
                              LTM EPS:                       $.65
                              LTM ROE:                      5.09%


- -    Unitary holding company headquartered in Cohoes, NY. Its principal
     subsidiary, Cohoes Savings Bank, operates 21 banking locations throughout
     the NY upstate region.

- -    A summary of the bank's balance sheet and earnings performance as of March
     31, 2000 is as follows:

          (in thousands)
                              Total Assets:            $700,000
                              Loans, net:               570,000
                              Securities:               100,000
                              Deposits:                 475,000
                              Total Equity:             130,000
                              Equity to Assets:           18.00%
                              LTM Earnings:            $  6,000
                              LTM EPS:                    $1.25
                              LTM ROE:                     4.00%

Deposit Data & Market Share Information is as of June 30, 1999
Source: SNL Securities, L.P.

County      Institution      Total Deposits ($000)  Market Share %
- ----------- ---------------  ---------------------  --------------

Albany         HRBT                $   38              5.32%
               COHB                   321               .62
                                   ------             -----
               Pro Forma              359              5.94

Columbia       HRBT                   457             59.22

Greene         COHB                     1               .17

Rensselaer     HRBT                    63              4.08
               COHB                    57              3.71
                                   ------             -----
               Pro Forma              119              7.79

Saratoga       COHB                    48              2.87

Schenectady    HRBT                   176              8.51
               COHB                    24              1.18
                                   ------             -----
               Pro Forma              200              9.69

Warren         COHB                     7               .71


Exchange Ratio:     Fixed exchange ratio of 1.185 shares of HRBT for each COHB

Value:              COHB shareholders receive $11.04, based on HRBT's closing
                    stock price of $9.31 through 4/24/00. The aggregate offer is
                    approximately $87.3 million.

Ownership Profile:  HRBT 62% / COHB 38%

Management:         Chairman & CEO:  Robinson for next 36 mos.
                    President: Florio
                    On the third anniversary, CEO position shared between
                    Robinson and Florio, for a six month transition.  Then
                    Florio is sole CEO and Robinson continues as chairman.

BOD Representation: 6 HRBT members / 6 COHB members

Stock Percentage:   Purchase Accounting; 100% Stock

Stock Purchase
Option:             Reciprocal standard 19.9% Agreements


Estimated March 31, 2000 Pro Forma Balance Sheet
($ in millions)

                                                  HRBT       COHB     Pro Forma
                                              ----------- ---------- -----------

Assets                                        $1,149        $704      $1,853
Loans                                            804         577       1,381
   Investments                                   255          97         352
Deposits                                         749         491       1,240
Borrowings                                       151          80         231
Tangible Capital                                 189         121         300

App. Market Capitalization                       146          84         230

Borrowings/Assets                              13.14%      11.36%      12.40%

Tangible Capital/Assets                        16.62%      17.20%      15.88%

LLR Loans                                       2.38%       1.84%       1.48%

($ in millions, except for per share data)

                                                                 Est. 2002
HRBT Estimated Net Income ($ .99)(1)                                $14.2
COHB Estimated Net Income ($1.11)(1)                                  8.2
     Total Estimated Net Income                                      22.4

After-Tax Cost Savings ($3.6 Pre-Tax)                                 2.3
After-Tax Earnings on Incremental Cash/ Capital                         0
Revenue Enhancements                                                    0
Purchase Accounting Adjustments (2)                                     2
     Pro Forma Net Income                                           $26.7

Estimated Pro Forma FD Shares                                        24.1
Pro Forma EPS                                                       $1.10

HRBT EPS Accretion                                                    11%

COHB EPS Accretion                                                    17%

(1)  I/B/E/S estimates unavailable for fiscal year 2002. Based on managements'
(2)  Includes amortization of negative goodwill generated in transaction plus
     any balance sheet mark to markets.


Non Interest Expense                         (In Thousands)
- --------------------------------             --------------

Salary & Benefits                                $1,669

Occupancy Expense                                   104

ESOP Expense                                        616

Other Operating Expenses                          1,212

     Total                                       $3,601

Estimated Pre-tax Merger and Restructuring Charges of $6mm

Note: Full phase in expected in 2001.


- -    Incremental earnings potential through ability to leverage excess capital

- -    Trust services

- -    Expansion of small business lending

- -    Cash management services

- -    Expanded legal lending limit