September 24, 2001

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

         On behalf of the Board of Directors and management of Southern Missouri
Bancorp,  Inc.,  we  cordially  invite you to attend the 2001 Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders.  The  meeting  will be held at 9:00 a.m.  local  time,  on Monday,
October 15, 2001 at the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce  Building,
1111 West Pine Street, Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

         The matters  expected to be acted upon at the meeting are  described in
the attached proxy statement. In addition, we will report on our progress during
the past year, and entertain your questions and comments.

         We  encourage  you to attend the meeting in person.  Whether or not you
plan to attend,  however,  please read the  enclosed  proxy  statement  and then
complete,  sign and date the  enclosed  proxy and return it in the  accompanying
postpaid return envelope provided as promptly as possible. This will save us the
additional  expense in  soliciting  proxies and will ensure that your shares are
represented at the annual meeting.

         Your Board of Directors and  management  are committed to the continued
success  of  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,  Inc.,  and  the  enhancement  of your
investment.  As President, I want to express my appreciation for your confidence
and support.


                                              /s/ Greg A. Steffens

                                              Greg A. Steffens

                         SOUTHERN MISSOURI BANCORP, INC.
                                 531 Vine Street
                          Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901
                                 (573) 785-1421

                         To be held on October 15, 2001

         Notice is hereby  given that the  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  of
Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,  Inc. will be held at the Greater Poplar Bluff Area
Chamber of Commerce  Building,  1111 West Pine Street,  Poplar Bluff, on Monday,
October 15, 2001, at 9:00 a.m. local time.

         A proxy card and a proxy statement for the annual meeting are enclosed.

         The annual meeting is for the purpose of considering  and voting on the
following proposals:

         Proposal 1.  Election  of three directors of Southern Missouri Bancorp,
                      each with a term of three years; and

         Proposal 2.  Ratification of the appointment of Kraft,  Miles &  Tatum,
                      LLC as  Southern Missouri  Bancorp's independent  auditors
                      for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002.

Shareholders  also will  transact such other matters as may properly come before
the annual meeting,  or any adjournment or postponement  thereof. As of the date
of this notice, we are not aware of any other business to come before the annual

         The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on September 14,
2001, as the record date for the annual meeting. This means that shareholders of
record at the close of business on that date are  entitled to receive  notice of
and to vote at the  meeting  and any  adjournment  thereof.  To ensure that your
shares are represented at the meeting,  please take the time to vote by signing,
dating and mailing the  enclosed  proxy card which is solicited on behalf of the
Board of  Directors.  The proxy  will not be used if you  attend and vote at the
annual meeting in person.  Regardless of the number of shares you own, your vote
is very important. Please act today.

                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ Samuel H. Smith

                                        SAMUEL H. SMITH

Poplar Bluff, Missouri
September 24, 2001

Important:  The  prompt  return of proxies  will save us the  expense of further
requests for proxies to ensure a quorum at the annual  meeting.  A pre-addressed
envelope  is  enclosed  for your  convenience.  No postage is required if mailed
within the United States.

                         SOUTHERN MISSOURI BANCORP, INC.
                                 531 Vine Street
                          Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901
                                 (573) 785-1421

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                         To be held on October 15, 2001

         Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,  Inc.'s  Board of  Directors is using this
proxy statement to solicit proxies from the holders of Southern Missouri Bancorp
common stock for use at our annual meeting of shareholders. We are first mailing
this proxy  statement and the enclosed form of proxy to our  shareholders  on or
about September 24, 2001. Certain of the information  provided herein relates to
Southern Missouri Bank and Trust, a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Missouri
Bancorp.  Southern  Missouri Bank and Trust may also be referred to from time to
time as the "Bank." References to "Southern  Missouri  Bancorp",  "we", "us" and
"our" refer to Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,  Inc. and, as the context  requires,
Southern Missouri Bank and Trust.


Time and Place of the Annual Meeting.

           Our annual meeting will be held as follows:

           Date:         October 15, 2001
           Time:         9:00 a.m., local time
           Place:        Greater Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce
                         1111 West Pine Street
                         Poplar Bluff, Missouri

Matters to be Considered at the Annual Meeting.

         At the meeting,  shareholders  of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp are being
asked to consider and vote upon the following proposals:

           Proposal I.        Election of three directors of   Southern Missouri
                              Bancorp, each with a term of three years; and

           Proposal II.       Ratification  of the  appointment  of  Kraft,
                              Miles & Tatum, LLC as Southern Missouri  Bancorp's
                              independent  auditors  for the fiscal  year ending
                              June 30, 2002.

The  shareholders  also will transact any other  business that may properly come
before the annual meeting.  As of the date of this proxy  statement,  we are not
aware of any other  business to be  presented  for  consideration  at the annual
meeting other than the matters described in this proxy statement.

Who is Entitled to Vote?

         We have fixed the close of business on September 14, 2001 as the record
date for shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Southern Missouri
Bancorp  annual  meeting.  Only holders of record of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp
common  stock on that record  date are  entitled to notice of and to vote at the
annual meeting. You are entitled to one vote for each share of Southern Missouri
Bancorp  common  stock you own.  On  September  14,  2001,  1,237,580  shares of
Southern  Missouri Bancorp common stock were outstanding and entitled to vote at
the annual meeting.

What if My Shares are Held in "Street Name" by a Broker?

         If you are the  beneficial  owner of shares held in "street  name" by a
broker, your broker, as the record holder of the shares, is required to vote the
shares in accordance with your instructions.  If you do not give instructions to
your  broker,  your  broker may  nevertheless  vote the shares  with  respect to
"discretionary"  items,  but will not be  permitted  to vote  your  shares  with
respect to "non-discretionary"  items, pursuant to current industry practice. In
the case of  non-discretionary  items,  the  shares not voted will be treated as
"broker  non-votes." Each of the proposals  described in this proxy statement is
considered a "discretionary" item under the Nasdaq Stock Market rules.

How Will My Shares of Common Stock Held in the Employee Stock  Ownership Plan be

         We maintain an employee stock  ownership plan ("ESOP") which owns 6.61%
of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  common  stock.  Employees  of Southern  Missouri
Bancorp and Southern  Missouri Bank and Trust participate in the ESOP. Each ESOP
participant instructs the trustee of the plan how to vote the shares of Southern
Missouri Bancorp common stock allocated to his or her account under the ESOP. If
an ESOP participant properly executes the voting instruction card distributed by
the ESOP  trustee,  the ESOP  trustee  will  vote the  participant's  shares  in
accordance  with the  participant's  instructions.  Shares of Southern  Missouri
Bancorp  common stock held in the ESOP but not  allocated  to any  participant's
account and allocated shares for which no voting  instructions are received from
participants  will be voted by the trustees in the same proportion as shares for
which the trustees have received voting instructions.

How Many Shares Must Be Present to Hold the Meeting?

         A  quorum  must  be  present  at the  meeting  for any  business  to be
conducted.  The  presence at the meeting,  in person or by proxy,  of at least a
majority of the shares of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  common stock  entitled to
vote at the  annual  meeting  as of the record  date will  constitute  a quorum.
Proxies  received but marked as abstentions or broker non-votes will be included
in the  calculation  of the  number of shares  considered  to be  present at the

What If a Quorum Is Not Present at the Meeting?

         If a quorum is not  present at the  scheduled  time of the  meeting,  a
majority of the  shareholders  present or  represented  by proxy may adjourn the
meeting until a quorum is present.  The time and place of the adjourned  meeting
will be announced at the time the adjournment is taken, and no other notice will
be given unless the adjourned meeting is set to be held after November 14, 2001.
An adjournment  will have no effect on the business that may be conducted at the


Vote Required to Approve Proposal I: Election of Directors.

         Directors  are elected by a majority of the votes cast, in person or by
proxy,  at the annual  meeting by holders of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  common
stock.  Pursuant  to our  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  stockholders  are not
permitted to cumulate  their votes for the election of  directors.  Votes may be
cast for or  withheld  from each  nominee.  Votes that are  withheld  and broker
non-votes  for a particular  nominee will have the same effect as a vote against

Vote Required to Approve Proposal II: Election of Our Independent Auditors.

         Ratification  of the  appointment of Kraft,  Miles & Tatum,  LLC as our
independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ending  June 30,  2002  requires  the
affirmative  vote of the majority of shares cast, in person or by proxy,  at the
annual meeting by holders of Southern Missouri Bancorp common stock. Abstentions
and broker non-votes on the proposal to ratify the appointment of Kraft, Miles &
Tatum,  LLC as our  independent  auditors,  will have the same  effect as a vote

How Do I Vote at the Annual Meeting?

         Proxies  are  solicited  to provide all  shareholders  of record on the
voting record date an  opportunity  to vote on matters  scheduled for the annual
meeting and described in these  materials.  Shares of Southern  Missouri Bancorp
common  stock can only be voted if the  shareholder  is present in person at the
annual meeting or by proxy. To ensure your representation at the annual meeting,
we  recommend  you vote by proxy even if you plan to attend the annual  meeting.
You can always change your vote at the meeting.

         Voting instructions are included on your proxy card. Shares of Southern
Missouri Bancorp common stock  represented by properly  executed proxies will be
voted  by the  individuals  named  on the  proxy  card in  accordance  with  the
shareholder's  instructions.  Where  properly  executed  proxies are returned to
Southern  Missouri  Bancorp with no specific  instruction  as how to vote at the
annual  meeting,  the persons  named in the proxy will vote the shares "FOR" the
election of each of management's director nominees and "FOR" ratification of the
appointment of Kraft,  Miles & Tatum,  LLC as our  independent  auditors for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. Should any other matters be properly presented
at the annual  meeting for action,  the persons named in the enclosed  proxy and
acting  thereunder  will  have  the  discretion  to vote  on  these  matters  in
accordance with their best judgment.  No other matters are currently expected by
the Board of Directors to be properly presented at the Annual Meeting.

         You may receive  more than one proxy card  depending on how your shares
are held.  For  example,  you may hold some of your  shares  individually,  some
jointly  with your  spouse and some in trust for your  children -- in which case
you will receive three separate proxy cards to vote.

May I Revoke My Proxy?

         You may revoke your proxy before it is voted by:

          o    submitting a new proxy with a later date;


          o    notifying the Corporate Secretary of Southern Missouri Bancorp in
               writing  before the annual  meeting  that you have  revoked  your
               proxy; or

          o    voting in person at the annual meeting.

         If you plan to attend the annual meeting and wish to vote in person, we
will give you a ballot at the annual meeting.  However,  if your shares are held
in the name of your  broker,  bank or other  nominee,  you must  bring a validly
executed proxy from the nominee  indicating that you have the right to vote your

Proxy Solicitation Costs.

         We will  pay the  cost  of  soliciting  proxies.  In  addition  to this
mailing,  our  directors,  officers  and  employees  may  also  solicit  proxies
personally,  electronically or by telephone.  We will also reimburse brokers and
other  nominees  for  their  expenses  in  sending  these  materials  to you and
obtaining your voting instructions.


Stock Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers and 5% Owners.

         The  following  table sets forth,  as of the  September 14, 2001 voting
record date, information regarding share ownership of:

          o    those  persons or  entities  (or groups of  affiliated  person or
               entities) known by management to beneficially  own more than five
               percent of Southern Missouri Bancorp common stock;

          o    each director and director  nominee of Southern  Missouri Bancorp

          o    each executive  officer of Southern Missouri Bancorp named in the
               Summary    Compensation    Table   appearing   under   "Executive
               Compensation" below; and

          o    all current directors and executive officers of Southern Missouri
               Bancorp as a group.

         The address of each of the beneficial  owners,  except where  otherwise
indicated,  is the same address as Southern Missouri Bancorp. An asterisk (*) in
the table indicates that an individual  beneficially  owns less than one percent
of the outstanding common stock of Southern Missouri Bancorp.

         Beneficial  ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the
SEC. In computing  the number of shares  beneficially  owned by a person and the
percentage  ownership  of  that  person,  shares  of  common  stock  subject  to
outstanding options that are currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days
after September 14, 2001 are included in the number of shares beneficially owned
by the person and are deemed  outstanding  for the  purpose of  calculating  the
person's percentage ownership. These shares, however, are not deemed outstanding
for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person.


                                                                        Number of     Percent of
                                                                         Shares         Common
                                                                      Beneficially       Stock
                           Beneficial Owners                            Owned(1)      Outstanding
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------
  Beneficial Owners of More Than 5%
  Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc.                                         81,826            6.61%
  Employee Stock Ownership Plan Trust(2)
     531 Vine Street
     Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901
  Donald R. Crandell(3)                                                   92,793            7.50
     1815 Zehm Street
     Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901
  Jeffrey L. Gendell                                                      99,500            8.04
     Tontine Financial partners, L.P.
     200 Park Avenue, Suite 300
     New York, New York 10166(4)
  Directors and Named Executive Officers
  Thadis R. Seifert                                                       62,554            5.05
  Greg A. Steffens(5)                                                     48,192            3.80
  Samuel H. Smith                                                         44,277            3.55
  Leonard W. Ehlers(6)                                                    44,277            3.58
  James W. Tatum(7)                                                       44,277            3.58
  Ronnie D. Black                                                          7,650            *
  L. Douglas Bagby                                                         7,650            *
  Sammy A. Schalk                                                         13,600            1.09
  Directors and executive officers of Southern Missouri                  289,413           22.13
     Bancorp, Inc. and Southern Missouri Bank and Trust
     as a group (9 persons)(8)

(1)  Except as  otherwise  noted in these  footnotes,  the nature of  beneficial
     ownership for shares  reported in this table is sole voting and  investment
     power. Included in the shares beneficially owned by the directors and named
     executive  officers  are  options to purchase  shares of Southern  Missouri
     Bancorp common stock as follows:  Mr. Steffens - 30,000 shares; Mr. Smith -
     10,712 shares;  Mr. Black - 5,000 shares; Mr. Bagby - 5,000 shares; and Mr.
     Schalk - 5,000 shares.
(2)  Represents  shares held by the ESOP.  Of these  shares,  55,730 shares have
     been  allocated to accounts of  participants.  Pursuant to the terms of the
     ESOP, each ESOP participant has the right to direct the voting of shares of
     Southern Missouri Bancorp common stock allocated to his or her account.
(3)  Based on  information  provided by Donald R.  Crandell as of  September  1,
(4)  As reported by Jeffrey L. Gendell and Tontine Financial  Partners L.P. in a
     statement  dated August 20, 2001 on Schedule 13D under the  Securities  and
     Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
(5)  Includes 2,192 shares allocated to Mr. Steffens' account under the ESOP.
(6)  Includes 13,565 shares held solely by Mr. Ehlers' spouse.
(7)  Includes 10,000 shares held solely by Mr. Tatum's spouse.
(8)  Includes  shares held directly,  as well as shares held jointly with family
     members,  shares held in retirement accounts, held in a fiduciary capacity,
     held by certain of the group members' families,  or held by trusts of which
     the group member is a trustee or substantial  beneficiary,  with respect to
     which shares the group  member may be deemed to have sole or shared  voting
     and/or  investment  powers.  This amount also includes  options to purchase
     70,203  shares  of  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  common  stock  granted  to
     directors and executive officers.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.

         Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 requires Southern
Missouri Bancorp's  directors and executive  officers,  and persons who own more
than 10% of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp's  common stock to report their  initial
ownership of Southern Missouri Bancorp's common stock and any subsequent changes
in that  ownership to the SEC.  Specific  due dates for these  reports have been
established by the SEC and Southern  Missouri Bancorp is required to disclose in
this proxy statement any late filings or failures to file.


         Southern  Missouri  Bancorp is aware of the late filing of a Form 3 for
Sammy A. Schalk related to Mr. Schalk's appointment to the Board of Directors on
October 17, 2000, and of the late filing of a Form 3 for James W. Duncan related
to Mr.  Duncan's  appointment  as Executive  Vice  President on August 19, 1999.
Except as set forth above, Southern Missouri Bancorp believes, based solely on a
review of the copies of such reports furnished to us and written representations
relative to the filing of certain  forms,  that no other late  reports  occurred
during the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2001.  All other  Section  16(a)  filing
requirements  applicable to our executive  officers,  directors and greater than
10% beneficial owners were complied with.

                       PROPOSAL I -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Our  Board  of  Directors  consists  of  eight  members.  Approximately
one-third of the directors are elected annually to serve for a three-year period
or until their respective successors are elected and qualified.

         The table  below sets forth  information  regarding  each  director  of
Southern  Missouri  Bancorp and each nominee for  director,  including  his age,
position  on the  board  and term of  office.  The  Board of  Directors  selects
nominees  for election as  directors.  All of our  nominees  currently  serve as
Southern Missouri Bancorp  directors.  Each nominee has consented to being named
in this  proxy  statement  and has agreed to serve if  elected.  If a nominee is
unable to stand for  election,  the Board of  Directors  may  either  reduce the
number  of  directors  to be  elected  or  select  a  substitute  nominee.  If a
substitute nominee is selected,  the proxy holders will vote your shares for the
substitute nominee, unless you have withheld authority. At this time, we are not
aware of any reason why a nominee might be unable to serve if elected. Except as
disclosed in this proxy statement,  there are no arrangements or  understandings
between  any  nominee and any other  person  pursuant to which such  nominee was
selected.  The Board of Directors recommends you vote "FOR" each of the director

                                                     Position(s) Held with
                                                Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc.             Director       Term to
            Name              Age(1)         and Southern Missouri Bank and Trust           Since(2)       Expire
----------------------------  ------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------

                                                  Director Nominees
 Leonard W. Ehlers              82     Director                                               1961          2004
 Thadis R. Seifert              82     Chairman                                               1971          2004
 Sammy A. Schalk                52     Director                                               2000          2004

                                           Directors Continuing in Office
 Ronnie D. Black                53     Director                                               1997          2002
 James W. Tatum                 75     Director                                               1983          2002
 Greg A. Steffens               34     President                                              2000          2003
 Samuel H. Smith                63     Director and Secretary                                 1988          2003
 L. Douglas Bagby               52     Director                                               1997          2003

(1)  At June 30, 2001.
(2)  Includes service as a director of Southern Missouri Bank and Trust,  except
     for Mr.  Ehlers  who only  serves on the  Board of  Directors  of  Southern
     Missouri Bancorp.


         Set  forth  below  is the  principal  occupation  of each  director  of
Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  and of  each  of the  nominees  for  director.  All
directors and nominees have held their present positions for at least five years
unless otherwise indicated.

         Leonard  W.  Ehlers.  Mr.  Ehlers is  presently  retired.  He served as
Official  Court  Reporter  of the 36th  Judicial  Circuit  and  owner of  Ehlers
Reporting  Service for over 39 years. Mr. Ehlers served as Chairman of the Board
of Southern  Missouri  Bank and Trust from 1994 to 1999.  He is  currently  Vice
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Southern Missouri Bancorp.

         Thadis R. Seifert. Mr Seifert is Chairman of Southern Missouri Bancorp.
He is a former  Executive Vice President of Southern  Missouri Bank and Trust, a
position he held from 1976 to 1985.

         Sammy A. Schalk.  Mr. Schalk is the  President  and principal  owner of
Gamblin  Lumber  Company.  Mr. Schalk  serves on the  Municipal  Board of Public
Utilities and the advisory committee for the Industrial Technology Department of
the local junior college.

         Ronnie D. Black. Mr. Black serves as Executive  Director of the General
Association  of General  Baptists,  a position he has held since 1997. Mr. Black
served as Stewardship  Foundation Director of the General Association of General
Baptists from 1978 to 1997.

         James W. Tatum. Mr. Tatum is presently  retired.  He is a former member
and partner of Kraft, Miles & Tatum, LLC, an accounting firm, for over 40 years.
He is currently  Vice  Chairman of the Board of  Directors of Southern  Missouri
Bank and Trust.

         Greg A.  Steffens.  Mr.  Steffens  has served as  President of Southern
Missouri  Bancorp  since October 2000.  Prior to being  elected  President,  Mr.
Steffens served as Chief Financial  Officer of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,  and
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of  Southern  Missouri  Bank and Trust.
Before joining Southern Missouri  Bancorp,  Mr. Steffens was the Chief Financial
Officer of Sho-Me Financial Corporation and 1st Savings Bank from December, 1993
until February, 1998.

         Samuel H. Smith.  Mr.  Smith is  currently  the  Secretary  of Southern
Missouri  Bancorp and Chairman of the Board of  Directors  of Southern  Missouri
Bank  and  Trust.  He  is  President,   Chief  Executive  Officer  and  majority
stockholder of S.H. Smith and Company,  Inc., an engineering  consulting firm in
Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

         L. Douglas Bagby.  Mr. Bagby is General Manager of Municipal  Utilities
of the City of Poplar Bluff, a position he has held since 1989.



         The Board of Directors of Southern  Missouri Bancorp generally meets on
a monthly basis,  holding additional  special meetings as needed.  During fiscal
2001,  the Board of  Directors  of  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  held 12 regular
meetings and no special meetings. Meetings of the Board of Directors of Southern
Missouri Bank and Trust are also generally held on a monthly basis. The Board of
Directors of Southern Missouri Bank and Trust held 12 regular meetings and three
special meetings during fiscal 2001. No director of Southern Missouri Bancorp or
of the Bank  attended  fewer than 75% of the Board  meetings and meetings of the
committees on which they served during the period they were directors.



         The Board of  Directors  of  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  has  standing
Executive, Audit, Personnel and Nominating Committees.

         The  Executive  Committee  generally  acts in lieu of the full Board of
Directors between board meetings.  This committee is responsible for formulating
and  implementing  policy  decisions,  subject to review by the entire  Board of
Directors.  The Executive  Committee is composed of Directors  Steffens,  Tatum,
Ehlers and Seifert. The Executive Committee did not meet in fiscal 2001.

         The Audit  Committee  of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp  operates  under a
written  charter  adopted  by the full  Board of  Directors,  a copy of which is
attached as Appendix A to this proxy  statement.  The Audit Committee  currently
has seven members,  Chairman Tatum and directors Bagby, Black,  Ehlers,  Schalk,
Seifert and Smith, each of whom is an "independent  director" under the National
Association  of  Securities  Dealers'  listing  standards  for the Nasdaq  Stock
Market.  This  committee is responsible  for the review of the company's  annual
audit report  prepared by our independent  auditors.  The functions of the Audit
Committee include:

         o   reviewing significant financial information for the purpose of
             giving added  assurance  that the  information is accurate and
             timely  and  that  it  includes  all   appropriate   financial
             statement disclosures;

         o   ascertaining   the  existence  of  effective   accounting  and
             internal control systems; and

         o   overseeing   the  entire  audit  function  both  internal  and

         In fiscal 2001, this committee met five times.

         The Personnel Committee consists of Directors Seifert (Chairman), Smith
and Bagby.  Personnel  issues are  usually  discussed  at the  monthly  Board of
Director  meetings.  Accordingly,  this Committee meets on an as-needed basis to
review  promotions and to interview  staff at the officer level.  This committee
met one time during fiscal 2001.

         The entire  Board of Directors  acts as the  Nominating  Committee  for
selecting nominees for election as directors.  While the Board of Directors will
consider  nominees  recommended by shareholders,  it has not actively  solicited
nominations.  The  full  Board of  Directors  met one  time in its  capacity  as
Nominating Committee during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.



         The following  Report of the Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors
shall not be deemed to be soliciting material or to be incorporated by reference
by any general  statement  incorporating  by reference this proxy statement into
any filing under the Securities  Act of 1933 or the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, except to the extent Southern Missouri Bancorp  specifically  incorporates
this Report therein, and shall not otherwise be deemed filed under such Acts.

         The Board of Directors  has adopted a charter for the Audit  Committee,
which  charter is  attached  as  Appendix A to this proxy  statement.  The Audit
Committee has issued the following report with respect to the audited  financial
statements of Southern Missouri Bancorp for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001:

         o   The  Audit  Committee  has  reviewed  and  discussed  with the
             Company's   management  the  Company's   fiscal  2001  audited
             financial statements;

         o   The  Audit   Committee  has   discussed   with  the  Company's
             independent  auditors (Kraft,  Miles & Tatum, LLC) the matters
             required to be discussed  by  Statement on Auditing  Standards
             No. 61;

         o   The Audit  Committee has received the written  disclosures and
             letter from the independent  auditors required by Independence
             Standards   Board  No.  1  (which  relates  to  the  auditors'
             independence  from the Company and its related  entities)  and
             has discussed  with the auditors their  independence  from the
             Company; and

         o   Based on the review and  discussions  referred to in the three
             items above,  the Audit Committee  recommended to the Board of
             Directors that the fiscal 2001 audited financial statements be
             included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the
             fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.

                                 James W. Tatum
                                L. Douglas Bagby
                                 Ronnie D. Black
                                Leonard W. Ehlers
                                 Sammy A. Schalk
                                Thadis R. Seifert
                                 Samuel H. Smith

                              DIRECTOR COMPENSATION


         Members of Southern Missouri Bancorp's Board of Directors receive a fee
of $900 per month.  Non-employee  members of the Board of  Directors of Southern
Missouri Bank and Trust also receive a fee of $900 per month. Additionally,  the
non-employee members of the Board of Directors of SMS Financial Services,  Inc.,
a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Missouri Bank and Trust,  receive a fee of
$300 per quarter.  Total fees paid to directors  of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,
Southern  Missouri Bank and Trust and SMS Financial  Services,  Inc.  during the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2001 were $153,900.


Directors' Retirement Agreements

         Effective April 13, 1994, Southern Missouri Bank and Trust entered into
individual retirement agreements with Messrs. Ehlers,  Seifert, Smith, Tatum and
the Estate of Robert  Seifert,  a former  director.  Southern  Missouri Bank and
Trust entered into similar  agreements with directors Bagby and Black on October
19, 1999, and with director Schalk on November 20, 2000.  These  agreements were
entered into in recognition  of the  directors'  past service to the Bank and to
ensure their  continued  service on the Board.  Each  agreement  provides  that,
following a director's  termination  of service on the Board on or after age 60,
other than termination for cause, the director will receive five annual payments
equal to the product of the cash fees paid to the  director  during the calendar
year preceding his retirement and the director's vested  percentage.  The vested
percentage is determined as follows:  50% after five years of service, 75% after
10 years of service,  and 100% after 15 years of service.  The benefits  payable
under  the   director's   retirement   agreements  are  unfunded  and  unsecured
obligations  of Southern  Missouri Bank and Trust that is payable  solely out of
the general assets of Southern Missouri Bank and Trust.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table.

         The  following   table  sets  forth  summary   information   concerning
compensation  awarded to, earned by or paid to Southern Missouri Bancorp's chief
executive  officer.  No other  executive  officer of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp
earned a salary and bonus in excess of  $100,000  for the fiscal year ended June
30, 2001. Mr.  Steffens  received  perquisites  and other  personal  benefits in
addition to salary and bonus during the periods stated.  The aggregate amount of
these  perquisites  and other  personal  benefits,  however,  did not exceed the
lesser  of  $50,000  or 10% of the total of his  annual  salary  and bonus  and,
therefore, has been omitted as permitted by the rules of the SEC.

                                                                                    Long Term
                                                        Annual                    Compensation
                                                    Compensation(1)                  Awards
                                  --------------------------------------- -----------------------------
                                                                               Stock        Options/          All Other
       Name and Principal                        Salary          Bonus        Awards          SARs          Compensation
            Position                 Year          ($)            ($)           ($)            (#)               ($)
--------------------------------  ---------- --------------  ------------ --------------- -------------  -----------------

Greg A. Steffens                     2001      $ 112,244          $  ---     $   ---         $   ---            $15,106(3)
                                     2000        103,000             ---         ---             ---             15,372

                                     1999         94,946             ---      20,250(2)       15,000                ---
(1)      All compensation and benefits are paid by the Bank.
(2)      Based on the $13.50  closing price per share of the common stock on the
         Nasdaq Stock Market on May 18, 1999, the date of grant.  Twenty percent
         of the restricted shares vested on each of April 13, 2000 and April 13,
         2001,  and the  remaining  shares are  scheduled to vest in three equal
         annual  installments  on April 13,  2002,  2003 and 2004.  Based on the
         $14.00  closing price per share of the Common Stock on the Nasdaq Stock
         Market on June 29,  2001,  the last day the stock was  traded in fiscal
         2001, the remaining 900 restricted  shares held by Mr.  Steffens had an
         aggregate  market value of $12,600 as of June 30, 2001. Mr. Steffens is
         entitled to receive all dividends paid on the restricted shares.
(3)      Represents  contributions  made to the ESOP on behalf  of Mr.  Steffens
         totaling $15,106.



Aggregated  Option  Exercises in Last Fiscal Year And FY-End  Option/SAR  Values

         The following  table  summarizes  certain  information  relating to the
value of options held by Mr.  Steffens at June 30,  2001.  Value  realized  upon
exercise is the difference between the fair market value of the underlying stock
on the exercise date and the exercise price of the option.  Mr. Steffens did not
exercise any of his options during the fiscal year. The value of an unexercised,
in-the-money  option at fiscal  year-end is the difference  between its exercise
price and the fair market value of the underlying  stock on June 30, 2001, which
was $14.00 per share,  based on the closing price of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp
common stock as reported on the Nasdaq  National  Market on June 29,  2001,  the
last trading day in fiscal 2001.  These values have not been,  and may never be,
realized.  These options have not been, and may not ever be,  exercised.  Actual
gains, if any, on exercise will depend on the value of Southern Missouri Bancorp
common stock on the date of exercise.  Unexercisable  options are those  options
which were not vested as of June 30, 2001.

                                                     Number of Securities               Value of Unexercised
                          Shares                    Underlying Unexercised              In-the-Money Options
                        Acquired on     Value        Options at FY-End (#)                   FY-End ($)
                         Exercise     Realized   -----------------------------------  --------------------------------
Name                        (#)          ($)       Exercisable      Unexercisable      Exercisable     Unexercisable
----------------------  ------------  ---------- ----------------  -----------------  --------------  ----------------

Greg A. Steffens            ---         $---           30,000              ---             $7,500            $---

Employment Agreement

         Mr.  Steffens has an employment  agreement with Southern  Missouri Bank
and Trust.  The  agreement  provides  for an annual base salary in an amount not
less than Mr.  Steffens'  current  salary and an initial  term of one year.  The
agreement also provides for annual extensions of one year on each anniversary of
the  effective  date of the  agreement  (i.e.,  each  June  30).  The  agreement
terminates upon the Mr.  Steffens'  death,  upon Mr.  Steffens'  termination for
cause, or by Mr. Steffens upon 90 days notice to us.

         The employment  agreement  provides for payment to Mr.  Steffens of the
greater of his salary for the remainder of the term of the agreement, or 299% of
his base  compensation,  in the event there is a "change in control" of Southern
Missouri  Bancorp or the Bank,  where  employment  terminates  involuntarily  in
connection with the change in control or within twelve months  thereafter.  This
termination  payment  is  subject  to  reduction  by the  amount  of  all  other
compensation to the employee deemed for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended,  to be contingent on a "change in control," and may not exceed
three times the employee's average annual compensation over the most recent five
year period or be  non-deductible  by the Bank for federal  income tax purposes.
For the purposes of the employment  agreement,  a "change in control" is defined
as any event  which  would  qualify  as a change in  control  under (i) the Home
Owners Loan Act of 1933 with respect to Southern Missouri  Bancorp;  or (ii) the
Change in Bank Control Act with respect to Southern  Missouri Bank and Trust; or
(iii) where the current  members of the Board of  Directors  of either  Southern
Missouri  Bancorp or  Southern  Missouri  Bank and Trust cease for any reason to
constitute  at least a majority  thereof.  Such events are  generally  triggered
prior to the acquisition of control of 10% of Southern Missouri Bancorp's common
stock.  The agreement also guarantees  participation  in an equitable  manner in
employee benefits applicable to executive personnel.


         Based on his current compensation, if Mr. Steffens was terminated as of
June 30, 2001, under  circumstances  entitling him to severance pay as described
above,  he would  have  been  entitled  to  receive a lump sum cash  payment  of
approximately $280,000.

                             OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         The  Board  of  Directors  has  renewed  Southern  Missouri   Bancorp's
arrangement for Kraft, Miles & Tatum, LLC to be its auditors for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2002,  subject to the ratification of Southern Missouri Bancorp's
shareholders.  A  representative  of Kraft,  Miles & Tatum,  LLC is  expected to
attend the annual meeting to respond to  appropriate  questions and will have an
opportunity to make a statement if he or she so desires.

Audit Fees

         Aggregate  fees billed by Kraft,  Miles & Tatum,  LLC for  professional
services  rendered  for the  audit  of  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp's  financial
statements for fiscal 2001 and the review of the financial  statements  included
in the  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp's  quarterly  reports on Form 10-QSB for the
fiscal year were $34,215.

All Other Fees

         Other than audit fees, the aggregate  fees billed to Southern  Missouri
Bancorp by Kraft,  Miles & Tatum,  LLC for fiscal  2001 were  $25,396.  Southern
Missouri Bancorp did not incur any fees related to financial information systems
design and implementation.

         The Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors has  considered  whether
the providing of all  non-auditing  services (and the aggregate  fees billed for
such services) in fiscal year 2001 by Kraft,  Miles & Tatum,  LLC, the principal
independent  auditors,  is compatible with  maintaining the principal  auditors'


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

         Like many financial institutions,  Southern Missouri Bank and Trust has
followed a policy of granting loans to our officers,  directors and employees on
the security of their primary  residences and also of granting consumer loans to
such persons. We have never granted loans to directors and executive officers on
preferred terms. In accordance with the requirements of applicable law, loans to
executive  officers and directors of the Southern  Missouri Bancorp and Southern
Missouri  Bank and Trust are made on  substantially  the same  terms,  including
interest  rates,  fees  and  collateral,  as  those  prevailing  at the time for
comparable  transactions with other persons, and in the opinion of management do
not  involve  more than the  normal  risk of  collectibility  or  present  other
unfavorable  features.  At June 30,  2001,  loans  to  directors  and  executive
officers totaled $1,585,233.


                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

         Southern  Missouri  Bancorp's annual report to shareholders,  including
financial  statements,  has been mailed to all  shareholders of record as of the
close of business on the record  date.  Any  shareholder  who has not received a
copy of the annual  report may  obtain a copy by  writing  to the  Secretary  of
Southern Missouri Bancorp. The annual report is not to be treated as part of the
proxy solicitation material or as having been incorporated herein by reference.

         In addition,  a copy of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp's  annual report on
Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, is available to each record
and beneficial owner of Southern Missouri  Bancorp's common stock without charge
upon written  request to the Corporate  Secretary,  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,
Inc., 531 Vine Street, Poplar Bluff, Missouri, 63901.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         In order to be eligible for  inclusion in Southern  Missouri  Bancorp's
proxy materials for next year's annual meeting of shareholders,  any shareholder
proposal to take action at such  meeting  must be received at Southern  Missouri
Bancorp's main office at 531 Vine Street, Poplar Bluff,  Missouri, no later than
May 27, 2002. Any such  proposals  shall be subject to the  requirements  of the
proxy rules adopted under the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
If a  proposal  does  not meet  the  above  requirements  for  inclusion  in the
Corporation's proxy materials, but otherwise meets the Corporation's eligibility
requirements  to be presented at the next annual  meeting of  shareholders,  the
persons  named in the  enclosed  form of proxy and acting  thereon will have the
discretion to vote on any such  proposal in accordance  with their best judgment
if the  proposal  is  received  at the  Corporation's  main office no later than
August 12, 2002.

                                 ANNUAL REPORTS

         A copy of the Form  10-KSB as filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  will be furnished  without charge upon written  request to Samuel H.
Smith,  Secretary,  Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,  Inc., 531 Vine Street,  Poplar
Bluff, Missouri 63901.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         We are not aware of any  business  to come  before the  annual  meeting
other than those  matters  described in this proxy  statement.  However,  if any
other  matter  should  properly  come before the  meeting,  it is intended  that
holders of the proxies will act in accordance with their best judgment.


                                                                     APPENDIX  A

                         SOUTHERN MISSOURI BANCORP, INC.
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

Committee Role

The Audit  Committee  is  appointed  by the Board of  Directors  to oversee  all
aspects of the Bank's financial reporting,  control and audit functions,  except
those specifically related to the responsibilities of another standing committee
of the Board.  The Audit  Committee's role is to review and monitor the adequacy
of corporate  financial  reporting,  accounting  systems and  controls;  to help
ensure that the Bank prepares externally  distributed  financial statements that
are complete,  accurate and in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles  consistently  applied; and to help ensure compliance with the Bank's
internal  policies,  standards  of  business  conduct  and  external  regulatory

The Audit Committee and any of its members shall, if requested by them, be given
full  access to any and all  information  within  the  custody or control of the
Bank, including,  without limitation,  information known to any of its officers,
employees,  consultants, legal counsel, independent auditors or any other member
of the Board of Directors.  The Audit  Committee  will  encourage  full and free
interchange  among the Bank's Board of  Directors,  President,  Chief  Financial
Officer,  other  Bank  executives  and the  independent  auditors  as the  Audit
Committee deems appropriate.  The Committee shall have access to its own counsel
and other advisors at the Committee's sole discretion and it shall be authorized
to access  internal and  external  resources,  as it requires,  to carry out its

In carrying out its responsibilities,  the Audit Committee believes its policies
and  procedures  should  remain  flexible  in  order to best  react to  changing
conditions  and to help  ensure  to the  Directors  and  shareholders  that  the
corporate  accounting  and reporting  practices of the Bank meet the  applicable
requirements and are of high quality.

Committee Membership

The Audit  Committee  shall consist of at least three of the  Company's  outside
directors  who  should  be (1)  independent;  (2) have the  ability  to read and
understand fundamental financial statements, including the Bank's balance sheet,
income statement,  statement of cash flows, and key performance indicators;  and
(3) have the ability to understand key business and financial  risks and related
controls and control processes.  At least one member should have past employment
experience in finance or accounting,  requisite  professional  certification  in
accounting,  or other  comparable  experience or background which results in the
individual's  financial  sophistication,  including being or having been a chief
executive  officer,  chief  financial  officer  or  other  senior  officer  with
financial  oversight  responsibilities.  Notwithstanding the above, one director
who is not independent and is not a current  employee or immediate family member
of such  employee  may be a member  of the Audit  Committee  if (1) the Board of
Directors  determines  that  membership is required by the best interests of the
Bank and its  shareholders,  and (2) the Board of  Directors  discloses,  in the
annual  proxy  statement  subsequent  to such  determination,  the nature of the
relationship and the reasons for that determination.

Committee Responsibilities

The Audit Committee's specific responsibilities are to:

o    Recommend  selection  of the  independent  auditors to audit the  financial
     statements  of the  Bank  for  the  fiscal  year.  The  Committee  is  also
     responsible for evaluation and replacement of the independent  auditors, as

o    Ensure that the  independent  auditors are  ultimately  accountable  to the
     Board of Directors and Audit Committee.

o    Require an annual written statement by the independent  auditors confirming
     their independence, assess the impact and extent of non-audit services they
     are providing and provide oversight responsibility for the annual audit.

o    Review the annual  audit  plan,  and  changes to it,  with the  independent
     auditors and Bank management.


o    Review the results of the annual  audit with the  independent  auditors and
     Bank management, and review:

     1.   The Bank's annual financial statement and related footnotes;

     2.   The quality and appropriateness of the Bank's accounting principles as
          applied to its financial reporting;

     3.   Changes in accounting principles or practices that had or are expected
          to have a significant effect on the financial statements;

     4.   Adjustments to the financial statements recommended by the independent

     5.   Uncorrected  misstatements aggregated by the independent auditors that
          are determined by management to be immaterial,  both  individually and
          in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole;

     6.   Significant audit findings during the year and management's  responses
          thereto; and

     7.   Other matters required by the independent  auditors to be communicated
          to the Audit Committee.

o    Recommend to the Board of Directors that the audited  financial  statements
     be included in the Company's Form 10-KSB for the last fiscal year.

o    Review, in consultation with management and the independent  auditors,  the
     effectiveness  and adequacy of the Bank's  processes and internal  controls
     relating to finance and  accounting,  financial  reporting and  information

o    Inquire of management and the independent  auditors  regarding  significant
     risks or exposures  and assess the steps  management  has taken to minimize
     such risks to the Company.

o    Investigate,  when  deemed  necessary,  potential  improprieties  or  known
     improprieties in the Company's operations.

o    Recommend  to the  Board of  Directors,  when  deemed  advisable,  that the
     independent auditors engage in specific studies regarding auditing matters,
     accounting procedures and other matters.

o    Review with Company  counsel and tax  executives,  the legal and regulatory
     matters  that  may  have  a  material  impact  on the  Company's  financial

o    Convene  at least  four  times  each  fiscal  year  and  report  the  Audit
     Committee's activities to the Board at least annually. Some or all of these
     meetings may include  meeting with the  Company's  management  and with the
     independent  auditors to discuss any issues  arising  from the  Committee's

o    Meet with the  independent  auditors at least annually in separate  private
     sessions to discuss  any  matters  that the  Committee  or the  independent
     auditors  believe should be discussed with the Committee.  The  independent
     auditors  or legal  counsel  may,  at any  time,  request  and  cause to be
     convened a meeting with the Audit Committee or Audit Committee Chairperson,
     with or without management attendance.

o    Include a report of the Audit Committee in the proxy statement  relating to
     the Company's annual shareholders' meeting. The report should report on the
     matters then currently required by the SEC.

o    Review quarterly  earnings results prior to the Company's earnings release,
     or, if not  practical,  prior to filing its quarterly  Form 10-QSB with the
     Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  The  Chairperson  may  represent the
     entire Committee for purposes of this review.

o    Annually  review and reassess the adequacy of the Audit  Committee  Charter
     and ensure it is included as an appendix to the Company's  proxy  statement
     at least once every three years.


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY
                         SOUTHERN MISSOURI BANCORP, INC.

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                October 15, 2001

         The undersigned hereby appoints Thadis R. Seifert,  James W. Tatum, and
Ronnie D. Black as the official  Proxy  Committee of the Board of Directors with
full powers of substitution,  as attorneys and proxies for the  undersigned,  to
vote all shares of common stock of Southern  Missouri  Bancorp,  Inc.  which the
undersigned  is  entitled  to  vote  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of   Shareholders
("Meeting"),  to be held at the Greater  Poplar  Bluff Area  Chamber of Commerce
Building,  1111 West Pine Street, Poplar Bluff, Missouri, on Monday, October 15,
2001, at 9:00 a.m.,  Central Time, and at any and all adjournments  thereof,  as

                                                            FOR         WITHHELD

  1.  The election as directors of all nominees listed     _____         ______
      below (except as marked to the contrary below).

      Leonard W. Ehlers
      Thadis R. Seifert
      Sammy A. Schalk

      INSTRUCTION:  To withhold your vote for
      any individual nominee, write that nominee's
      name on the line below.


                                                   FOR      AGAINST    ABSTAIN

  2.  The ratification of the appointment
      of Kraft, Miles & Tatum, LLC as auditors    _____     ______      ______
      of the Corporation for the fiscal year
      ending June 30, 2001.

  3.  Such  other  matters  that may  properly  come  before  the
      Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the above proposals.



         Should the  undersigned  be present and elect to vote at the Meeting or
at any  adjournment  thereof  and after  notification  to the  Secretary  of the
Corporation  at the  Meeting of the  shareholder's  decision to  terminate  this
proxy,  then the power of said attorneys and proxies shall be deemed  terminated
and of no further force and effect.

         The undersigned acknowledges receipt from the Corporation, prior to the
execution  of this proxy,  of notice of the  Meeting,  a proxy  statement  dated
September 24, 2001 and the 2001 Annual Report to Shareholders.

Dated: _________________________, 2001

--------------------------------             ---------------------------------

--------------------------------             ---------------------------------

Please sign  exactly as your name  appears on this proxy card.  When  signing as
attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give your full
title. If shares are held jointly, only one signature is required.