PennFed PENNFED FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM - - - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby authorize PennFed Financial I wish to participate in the Services, Inc. to pay to the Dividend Dividend Reinvestment Plan on Reinvestment Plan Administrator ("Plan the following basis (select Administrator") for my account all cash one): dividends payable to me on shares of Common Stock of PennFed Financial Full Dividend Reinvestment. Services, Inc. indicated hereon. --- I want to reinvest dividends on all shares now or hereafter I authorize the Plan Administrator to registered in my name or apply all such cash dividends received held for me in the Plan by by it to the purchase of full and the Plan Administrator. fractional shares of PennFed Financial Services, Inc. Partial Dividend Reinvest- --- ment. I want to reinvest dividends on only shares registered in my name. I understand that dividends on all shares held for me in the Plan by the Plan Administrator will be reinvested. This authorization is given with the understanding that I may terminate it at any time by so notifying the Plan Administrator in writing. -------------------------------- Date -------------------------------- Stockholder Signature All persons whose names appear above -------------------------------- should sign authorization. Co-holder (if any) Signature THIS IS NOT A PROXY