SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant X

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

         Preliminary Proxy Statement

         Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
         (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
X        Definitive Proxy Statement
         Definitive Additional Materials
         Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) 
         or Section 240.14a-12

                          AMBANC HOLDING CO., INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

 X       No fee required.
         Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
          and 0-11.

         (1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction

         (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         (3)      Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
                  computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
                  (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
                  calculated and state how it was determined)

         (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5)      Total fee paid:

                  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

                  Check box if any part of the fee  is  offset  as  provided  by
                  Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)  and   identify  the  filing  for
                  which the  offsetting  fee was paid previously.  Identify  the
                  previous filing by  registration  statement   number,  or  the
                  Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1)      Amount Previously Paid:
         (2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
         (3)      Filing Party:
         (4)      Date Filed:

                                                                  April 30, 1999

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

     On behalf of the Board of Directors and  management of Ambanc  Holding Co.,
Inc. (the  "Company"),  we cordially  invite you to attend the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  of the Company.  The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m.,  New York
time, on Friday,  May 28, 1999 at the Best Western  Hotel,  located at 10 Market
Street,  Amsterdam,  New York.  At the meeting we will  report on the  Company's
operations and outlook for the year ahead.

     An important aspect of the annual meeting process is the annual stockholder
vote on  corporate  business  items.  I urge you to  exercise  your  rights as a
stockholder to vote and participate in this process.

     We encourage  you to attend the meeting in person.  Whether or not you plan
to attend,  however, please read the enclosed proxy statement and then complete,
sign and date the enclosed proxy card and return it in the accompanying postpaid
return envelope as promptly as possible.  This will save the Company  additional
expense in soliciting  proxies and will ensure that your shares are  represented
at the meeting.

     Your Board of  Directors  and  management  are  committed to the success of
Ambanc Holding Co., Inc., and the enhancement of your  investment.  As President
and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  I want to  express  my  appreciation  for  your
confidence and support.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          /s/ John M. Lisicki

                                          JOHN M. LISICKI
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer

                            AMBANC HOLDING CO., INC.
                               11 Division Street
                         Amsterdam, New York 12010-4303
                                 (518) 842-7200

                           To Be Held on May 28, 1999

     Notice is  hereby  given  that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of Ambanc Holding Co., Inc. (the  "Company") will be held at the Best
Western Hotel, located at 10 Market Street,  Amsterdam, New York, on Friday, May
28, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., New York time.

     A proxy card and a proxy statement for the Meeting are enclosed.

     The Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

     I. The election of five directors of the Company;

     II. The ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as independent auditors
for the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999; and

such other matters as may properly  come before the Meeting or any  adjournments
or  postponements  thereof.  The  Board of  Directors  is not aware of any other
business to come before the Meeting.

     Any action may be taken on the  foregoing  proposals  at the Meeting on the
date  specified  above,  or on any date or dates to  which  the  Meeting  may be
adjourned or postponed. Stockholders of record at the close of business on April
15,  1999  are  the  stockholders  entitled  to  vote  at the  Meeting  and  any
adjournments or postponements  thereof. A complete list of stockholders entitled
to vote at the Meeting will be available for inspection by  stockholders  at the
offices of the Company  during the ten days prior to the Meeting,  as well as at
the Meeting.

     You are  requested  to complete,  sign and date the enclosed  form of proxy
which is solicited  on behalf of the Board of Directors  and to mail it promptly
in the enclosed  envelope.  The proxy will not be used if you attend and vote at
the Meeting in person or otherwise properly revoke the proxy.

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors

                                           /s/ Robert Kelly

                                           Robert Kelly

Amsterdam, New York
April 30, 1999


                            AMBANC HOLDING CO., INC.
                               11 Division Street
                         Amsterdam, New York 12010-4303
                                 (518) 842-7200

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 28, 1999

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation on
behalf of the Board of Directors of Ambanc Holding Co., Inc. (the  "Company") of
proxies to be used at the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company  (the
"Meeting"),  to be held at the Best Western Hotel,  located at 10 Market Street,
Amsterdam,  New York, on Friday, May 28, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., New York time, and
all  adjournments or postponements  of the Meeting.  The accompanying  Notice of
Meeting and form of proxy and this Proxy  Statement  are first  being  mailed to
stockholders  on or about April 30, 1999.  Certain of the  information  provided
herein relates to Mohawk Community Bank (the "Bank"),  a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Company.

     At the Meeting, stockholders of the Company are being asked to consider and
vote upon the election of five  directors of the Company and the  appointment of
KPMG LLP as the  Company's  independent  auditors  for the  fiscal  year  ending
December 31, 1999.

Proxies and Proxy Solicitation

     All shares of the  Company's  common  stock  represented  at the Meeting by
properly executed proxies received prior to or at the Meeting,  and not revoked,
will be voted at the Meeting in accordance with the instructions  thereon. If no
instructions  are indicated,  properly  executed proxies will be voted "FOR" the
election of the director  nominees  named in this proxy  statement and "FOR" the
ratification  of the  appointment  of KPMG LLP. The Company does not know of any
matters,  other than as described in the Notice of Annual  Meeting,  that are to
come before the  Meeting.  If any other  matters are  properly  presented at the
Meeting for action,  the persons  named in the enclosed form of proxy and acting
thereunder  will have the discretion to vote on such matters in accordance  with
their best judgment.

     Any proxy given pursuant to this  solicitation  or otherwise may be revoked
by the stockholder giving it at any time before it is voted by delivering to the
Secretary  of the Company at the above  address,  on or before the taking of the
vote at the Meeting,  a written  notice of revocation  bearing a later date than
the proxy or a later dated proxy  relating to the same shares of common stock or
by attending  the Meeting and voting in person.  Attendance  at the Meeting will
not in itself constitute the revocation of a proxy.

     The cost of  solicitation  of  proxies  will be borne by the  Company.  The
Company  will  reimburse  brokerage  firms and other  custodians,  nominees  and
fiduciaries for reasonable  expenses incurred by them in sending proxy materials
to the beneficial  owners of common stock.  In addition to solicitation by mail,
directors,  officers  and  employees  of the  Company  and the Bank may  solicit
proxies personally or by facsimile,  telegraph or telephone,  without additional

Voting Rights; Vote Required

     Stockholders  of record as of the close of  business on April 15, 1999 (the
"Voting Record Date") will be entitled to one vote on each matter  presented for
a vote at the Meeting for each share of common stock then held. Such vote may be
exercised  in  person  or by a  properly  executed  proxy  as  discussed  above.
Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast in person or by proxy
at the  Meeting.  Approval  of the  appointment  of  KPMG  LLP as the  Company's
independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999 requires the


affirmative  vote of the majority of the votes cast in person or by proxy at the
Meeting. The presence in person or representation by proxy of at least one-third
of the  outstanding  shares of the  common  stock will  constitute  a quorum for
purposes of the Meeting.

     With regard to the election of directors,  votes may be cast in favor of or
withheld  from each nominee;  votes that are withheld will be excluded  entirely
from the vote and will  have no  effect.  Abstentions  may be  specified  on all
proposals  except the election of  directors  and will be counted as present for
purposes  of the item on which  the  abstention  is  noted.  Abstentions  on the
proposal to ratify KPMG LLP as the Company's  independent auditors will have the
effect of a negative  vote.  A broker  non-vote  (i.e.,  proxies from brokers or
nominees  indicating that such persons have not received  instructions  from the
beneficial  owners  or other  persons  as to  certain  proposals  on which  such
beneficial  owners or persons are entitled to vote their shares but with respect
to which the brokers or nominees  have no  discretionary  power to vote  without
such  instructions)  will  have  no  effect  on the  election  of  directors  or
ratification  of the  appointment  of the  auditors.  Brokers who do not receive
instructions  are  entitled  to  vote  on the  election  of  directors  and  the
ratification of the appointment of the auditors.


Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof

     As of the Voting Record Date,  the Company had  5,349,337  shares of common
stock issued and  outstanding.  The following table sets forth, as of the Voting
Record  Date,  information  regarding  share  ownership  by: (i) the  persons or
entities known by management to  beneficially  own more than five percent of the
Company's common stock;  (ii) each person who served as Chief Executive  Officer
of the Company  during  fiscal  1998;  and (iii) all  nominees  for  election as
director,  directors whose terms of office extend beyond the date of the Meeting
and executive  officers of the Company and the Bank, as a group. See "Proposal I
- -Election  of  Directors"  for  information  regarding  share  ownership  by the
individual director nominees and directors continuing in office. An asterisk (*)
denotes beneficial  ownership of less than one percent of the outstanding shares
of common stock of the Company.

                                                         Shares Beneficially        Percent of
                Beneficial Owners                               Owned                 Class
- -------------------------------------------------        -------------------        ----------

Ambanc Holding Co., Inc.                                       433,780(1)               8.11%
Employee Stock Ownership Plan
11 Division Street
Amsterdam, New York  12010

Jewelcor Management, Inc., et al.                              307,671(2)               5.75
100 N. Wilkes-Barre Boulevard
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18702

Wellington Management Company, LLP                             289,180(3)               5.41
75 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
First Financial Fund, Inc.
Gateway Center Three
100 Mulberry Street, 9th Floor
Newark, New Jersey 07102-4077

John M. Lisicki                                                 62,127(4)(5)            1.15

Lauren T. Barnett                                               39,697(4)(6)            *

Robert J. Brittain                                              84,094(4)(7)            1.56

Director nominees, directors continuing in office              700,761(8)              12.71
and executive officers of the Company and the Bank
as a group (19 persons)

- --------------


     (1)  The  amount  reported  represents  shares of common  stock held by the
          Ambanc Holding Co., Inc.  Employee Stock  Ownership Plan (the "ESOP").
          As of the Voting Record Date, 103,525 shares of common stock under the
          ESOP had been  allocated to accounts of  participants.  First  Bankers
          Trust Company, N.A., Quincy, Illinois, as the trustee of the ESOP, may
          be deemed to  beneficially  own the shares held by the ESOP which have
          not been allocated to the accounts of  participants or which have been
          allocated but are not voted by the  participants.  Participants in the
          ESOP have the right to direct the voting of shares  allocated to their
          accounts.  Unallocated  shares  held by the ESOP are voted by the plan
          trustee in the same manner  that the plan  trustee is directed to vote
          by the majority of the plan participants who directed the plan trustee
          as to the  manner  of  voting  the  shares  allocated  to  their  plan

     (2)  As reported by Jewelcor Management, Inc. ("JMI") and the other members
          of a group  formed  with JMI  under  Section  13(d) of the  Securities
          Exchange  Act of 1934 (the  "Group") on a Schedule  13D filed with the
          Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") on December 2, 1998.
          JMI reported sole voting and  dispositive  power over 300,440  shares.
          Seymour Holtzman, a director of the Company and a member of the Group,
          is  Chairman  of the  Board  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of JMI and


          Jewelcor Inc., the sole stockholder of JMI ("Jewelcor"). Jewelcor is a
          wholly owned  subsidiary of S.H.  Holdings,  Inc. Mr. Holtzman and his
          wife,  also a member of the Group,  own as tenants by the entireties a
          majority interest in S.H. Holdings,  Inc. and Mr. Holtzman is Chairman
          and  President of S.H.  Holdings,  Inc. The members of the Group other
          than JMI  reported  beneficial  ownership  as follows:  Mr.  Holtzman:
          shared voting and dispositive power over 3,467 shares;  Mr. Holtzman's
          wife: none;  Allison Holtzman Garcia,  Mr. Holtzman's  daughter:  sole
          voting and  dispositive  power over 1,535  shares;  Custodial  Account
          f/b/o Allison Holtzman Garcia ("AHG Custodial  Account"):  sole voting
          and dispositive power over 1,374 shares;  Trust f/b/o Steven Holtzman,
          Mr.  Holtzman's son ("SH Trust"):  sole voting and  dispositive  power
          over 160 shares; Custodial Account f/b/o Olivia Garcia, Mr. Holtzman's
          granddaughter  ("OG Custodial  Account"):  sole voting and dispositive
          power over 160 shares;  Custodial Account f/b/o Chelsea Holtzman,  Mr.
          Holtzman's other granddaughter ("CH Custodial  Account"):  sole voting
          and dispositive  power over 535 shares;  S.H.  Holdings,  Inc.:  none;
          Jewelcor:  none.  Mr.  Holtzman is the  custodian for the OG Custodial
          Account.  Mr.  Holtzman's  wife  is the  custodian  for the AHG and CH
          Custodial  Accounts.  Mr. Holtzman's  brother-in-law is the trustee of
          the SH Trust.

(3)       As  reported  by  Wellington  Management  Company,  LLP ("Wellington")
          and its investment advisory client, First Financial Fund, Inc. ("First
          Financial"),  as of December 31, 1998 on  amendments  to Schedule 13Gs
          filed with the SEC. Wellington reported that it had shared dispositive
          power as to all of the shares listed and First Financial reported that
          it had sole  voting  and  shared  dispositive  powers as to all of the
          shares listed.

(4)       Included  in the  shares  listed  for  Messrs.  Lisicki,  Barnett  and
          Brittain  are options to purchase  shares of common  stock,  which are
          currently  exercisable or which will become exercisable within 60 days
          of the Voting Record Date, as follows:  Mr.  Lisicki - 38,913  shares,
          Mr. Barnett - 9,028 shares; and Mr. Brittain - 50,156 shares.

(5)       Mr.  Lisicki  shares  voting and dispositive  powers over 6,261 shares
          held by his wife.

(6)       Includes  6,100  shares of  restricted  common  stock  over  which Mr.
          Barnett has no dispositive power.

(7)       Includes  20,333  shares of  restricted  common  stock  over which Mr.
          Brittain has no dispositive power.

(8)       This  amount  includes  shares held  directly,  as well as shares held
          jointly with family members,  shares held in retirement accounts, held
          in a  fiduciary  capacity,  held  by  certain  of the  group  members'
          families,  or held by trusts of which the group member is a trustee or
          substantial beneficiary, with respect to which shares the group member
          may be deemed to have sole or shared voting and/or investment  powers.
          This amount also includes options to purchase 165,878 shares of common
          stock  granted to group members  which are  currently  exercisable  or
          which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days of the  Voting  Record
          Date. In addition,  this amount  includes the 307,671  shares owned by
          Mr.  Holtzman and the other members of his group described in footnote


                       PROPOSAL I -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Approximately  one-third of the Company's directors are elected annually to
serve for a three-year term or until their respective successors are elected and
qualified.  The  Company's  Board of  Directors  is  currently  comprised  of 17
directors,  with seven  directors  in one class,  whose terms will expire on the
date of the Meeting, and five directors in each of two other classes, with terms
that will expire in 2000 and 2001, respectively.  Effective upon commencement of
the Meeting,  the number of directors  will be reduced to 15, and the Board will
be  divided  into  three  classes  with  five   directorships   in  each  class.
Accordingly,  stockholders will elect five directors at the Meeting (and at each
succeeding  annual  meeting)  and may not vote for more  than five  persons  for
election as directors.  Three of the current  directors  whose terms will expire
this year, Paul W. Baker,  Robert J. Dunning,  D.D.S. and Carl A. Schmidt,  Jr.,
are retiring from the Board and have therefore not been renominated. The Company
wishes to express its sincere  gratitude for the years of dedicated  service and
guidance provided by Directors Baker, Dunning and Schmidt.

     The following table sets forth certain information, as of the Voting Record
Date,  regarding each nominee for director and each current  director whose term
of office extends beyond the date of the Meeting.  The Board of Directors acting
as the nominating committee has recommended and approved the nominees identified
in the following  table. It is intended that the proxies  solicited on behalf of
the Board of Directors (other than proxies in which the vote is withheld as to a
nominee)  will be  voted at the  Meeting  "FOR"  the  election  of the  nominees
identified below. If a nominee is unable to serve, the shares represented by all
valid proxies will be voted "FOR" the election of such substitute nominee as the
Board of Directors may recommend.  At this time, the Board of Directors knows of
no reason why a nominee might be unable to serve if elected. Except as disclosed
herein, there are no arrangements or understandings  between any nominee and any
other person pursuant to which the nominee was selected.  An asterisk (*) in the
table  indicates that an individual  beneficially  owns less than one percent of
the outstanding shares of common stock of the Company.

                                                                                                    Shares of
                                                                                                   common stock
                                                                          Director   Term to      Beneficially      Percent
         Name              Age   Position(s) Held in the Company          Since(1)    Expire        Owned(2)       of Class
- ---------------------      ---   -------------------------------          --------   --------     -------------    --------

James J. Bettini, Sr.       44   Director                                    1998       2002            600           *
Seymour Holtzman            63   Director                                    1999       2002        307,671(3)        5.75%
Allan R. Lyons              58   Director                                    1999       2002              0           *
Charles E. Wright           56   Director                                    1998       2002            700(4)        *
William L. Petrosino        40   Nominee                                      ---       2002         54,298           1.02

                                               DIRECTORS CONTINUING IN OFFICE

Lauren T. Barnett           74   Chairman of the Board                       1966       2001         39,697(5)        *
Daniel J. Greco             71   Director                                    1998       2001         17,848           *
John M. Lisicki             52   President and Chief Executive Officer       1998       2001         62,127(6)        1.15
Charles S. Pedersen         73   Director                                    1977       2001         19,662(5)(7)     *
John A. Tesiero, Jr.        71   Director                                    1998       2001         26,942(8)        *
John J. Daly                58   Director                                    1988       2000         23,883(5)(9)     *
Lionel H. Fallows           79   Director                                    1981       2000         20,536(5)(10)    *
Marvin R. LeRoy, Jr.        38   Director                                    1996       2000         10,048(5)(11)    *
Ronald S. Tecler            60   Director                                    1998       2000         29,085           *
William A. Wilde, Jr.       81   Director                                    1966       2000         18,162(5)        *

- ---------------

(1)  Includes service as a director of the Bank.
(2)  The nature of beneficial  ownership  for shares  reported in this column is
     sole  voting and  dispositive  power,  except as  otherwise  noted in these
     footnotes.   Included  in  the  shares  beneficially  owned  by  the  named
     individuals  are  options to  purchase  shares of common  stock,  which are
     currently  exercisable or which will become  exercisable  within 60 days of


     the Voting Record Date,  as follows:  Mr.Lisicki - 38,913  shares;  Messrs.
     Greco,  Tecler and  Tesiero -  7,782  shares;  and Messrs.  Barnett,  Daly,
     Fallows, LeRoy, Pedersen and Wilde - 9,028 shares.
(3)  For detailed information regarding Mr. Holtzman's ownership, see footnote 2
     to the table under "Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof."
(4)  The director shares voting and dispositive powers over such shares with his
(5)  Includes 6,100 shares of restricted common stock over which such individual
     has no dispositive power.
(6)  The director shares voting and dispositive  powers  over  6,261 shares with
     his wife.
(7)  The director  shares voting and dispositive powers  over 2,500  shares with
     his wife.
(8)  The  director  shares voting and dispositive powers over 2,681  shares with
     his wife.
(9)  The  director  shares  voting and dispositive powers over 1,391 shares with
     his wife.
(10) The director  shares voting and  dispositive  powers over 3,374 shares with
     his wife.
(11) The director shares voting  and  dispositive  powers over 1,000 shares with
     his wife.


         The  business  experience  for at  least  the past  five  years of each
nominee and director continuing in office is set forth below.

     James J. Bettini, Sr. Mr. Bettini is Executive Vice President of Operations
of Farm Family Holding Co.,  parent company of Farm Family  Insurance,  where he
has been employed since 1979. He is past president of the Albany  Association of
Chartered Property and Casualty  Underwriters,  and served on the Amsterdam City
Zoning Board of Appeals and the Amsterdam Golf Commission.

     Seymour Holtzman. Since 1990, Mr. Holtzman has served as Chairman and Chief
Executive  Officer of each of the  following  companies:  Jewelcor  Management &
Consulting,   Inc.,  a  management   and   consulting   firm  in   Wilkes-Barre,
Pennsylvania;  C.D. Peacock, Inc., a jewelry company based in Chicago, Illinois;
Central European Capital  Investors,  Inc., an investment  company  operating in
eastern  Europe;  and S.A.  Peck & Co., a mail order  jewelry  company  based in
Chicago,  Illinois. Mr. Holtzman has over 35 years of management experience, and
has been an  investor  in the  banking  and  thrift  industries  since  1972.  A
philanthropist,  Mr. Holtzman has been honored as  "Humanitarian of the Year" by
the Cardinal  Cushing School and Training  Center in Boston,  Massachusetts  and
"Man of the Year" by the B'nai B'rith Youth Services.

     Allan R. Lyons.  Mr.  Lyons is  Chairman  of the Board and Chief  Executive
Officer of Piaker & Lyons,  Vestal,  New York. Mr. Lyons has worked for Piaker &
Lyons  since  1964,  and  became  an  executive  of the firm in 1968.  He is the
Chairman of the firm's  personal  financial  planning  committee  and  executive
committee. Mr. Lyons is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, the New York
State Society of CPAs, and the International Association for Financial Planning.
He  is on  the  board  of  advisors  of  the  Binghamton  University  School  of
Management,  is a treasurer and trustee of United Health Services, and serves on
the endowment committee of the United Jewish Appeal of Broome County, and on the
Harpur Form.  Mr. Lyons is a director of  Officeland,  Inc. and Franklin  Credit
Management Corporation.

     Charles E. Wright. Since 1976, Mr. Wright has been President of W.W. Custom
Clad, Inc., Canajoharie, New York, a metal finishing shop specializing in powder
coatings.  Prior to that time,  Mr.  Wright was a sales  representative  for the
Industrial  Coatings  Division of Schenectady  International in the New York and
New  England  regions  and  a  teacher  and  vocational  guidance  counselor  at
Canajoharie  High School.  Mr. Wright is a trustee of the Arkell Hall Foundation
in Canajoharie and the Foundation of St. Mary's Hospital in Amsterdam.

     William L. Petrosino.  Mr. Petrosino is a longtime local businessman in the
wholesale  beverage  industry,  operating  beverage  companies in the Amsterdam,
South Glens Falls and  Schenectady,  New York areas.  He also owns and  operates
warehouse rental space in Montgomery and Fulton Counties, as well as residential
rental properties in the Amsterdam area. Mr. Petrosino serves as the Chairman of
the  Board of  Directors  of the  Fulton-Montgomery-Schoharie  Private  Industry
Council,  and of the Workforce  Development  Board. In addition,  Mr.  Petrosino
serves as Chairman of the Amsterdam City Planning Board, and is on the boards of
directors of the  Montgomery  County  Economic  Development  Zone and  Amsterdam
Memorial Hospital.

     Lauren T. Barnett.  Mr. Barnett became Chairman of the Board of the Company
in 1998. Mr. Barnett served as Interim  President and Chief Executive Officer of
the  Company  and the Bank from July 1, 1998  until the  Company's  merger  with
AFSALA Bancorp,  Inc.  ("AFSALA") on November 16, 1998.  Since 1957, Mr. Barnett


has been the President of Barnett Agency,  Inc., an insurance  agency located in
Amsterdam, New York. Mr. Barnett is also a licensed real estate broker.

     Dr.  Daniel J. Greco.  Dr.  Greco  became a director of the Company and the
Bank following the merger with AFSALA. Prior to the merger, Dr. Greco had been a
director of Amsterdam  Federal Bank, a subsidiary of AFSALA,  since 1980,  and a
director of AFSALA  since its  formation in 1996.  Dr. Greco is a former  school
teacher and the retired superintendent of the Greater Amsterdam School District.
Dr. Greco serves on the Board of Directors of the  Amsterdam  Memorial  Hospital
and Industries  for  Amsterdam,  Inc. and is active in the Rotary Club, the Elks
Club, and the Boy Scouts of America.

     John M. Lisicki.  Mr. Lisicki became President and Chief Executive  Officer
of the Company and the Bank upon  consummation of the merger with AFSALA.  Prior
to the merger,  Mr. Lisicki had served as President and Chief Executive  Officer
of  Amsterdam  Federal  Bank since  1983 and as  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of AFSALA since 1996.  Mr.  Lisicki is a current  member,  Treasurer and
past Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Amsterdam Memorial Hospital,  a member
of the Board and former  President of Industries for Amsterdam,  a member of the
Board and former Vice President of the Amsterdam  Free Library,  a member of the
Board of the Sarah J. Sanford Home for Elderly  Women,  former  President of the
Foundation  of  Liberty  Enterprises,  as  well  as a  member  of its  Board  of
Directors,  and a former board member of Hospice Foundation,  the Amsterdam City
Center and the Advisory Board of St. Mary's Hospital.

     Charles S.  Pedersen.  Since 1985, Mr.  Pedersen has been a  manufacturers'
representative  for  various   international   fiberglass  and  related  product
companies. Mr. Pedersen's office is located in Amsterdam, New York.

     John A. Tesiero,  Jr. Mr.  Tesiero became a director of the Company and the
Bank  following  the merger with AFSALA.  Prior to the Merger,  Mr.  Tesiero had
served as a director of  Amsterdam  Federal  Bank since 1994 and of AFSALA since
1996. Mr. Tesiero is the sole owner and President and Chief Executive Officer of
Cranesville  Block Co., Inc., a construction  supply business  selling ready mix
concrete,  concrete block,  sand,  gravel and stone,  located in Amsterdam,  New

     John J. Daly.  Mr.  Daly is the Vice  President  and was a former  owner of
Alpin  Haus,  Inc.,  a retail  company  located in  Amsterdam,  New York,  which
specializes in the sale of recreational  vehicles.  Mr. Daly has been associated
with Alpin Haus since 1963.

     Lieutenant  Colonel  Lionel H.  Fallows.  Lieutenant  Colonel  Fallows is a
retired logistics manager,  Stratton Air National Guard Base,  Schenectady,  New
York and Deputy Group  Commander,  109th Military  Airlift  Group,  New York Air
National Guard. Lieutenant Colonel Fallows retired in 1980.

     Marvin R. LeRoy,  Jr. Mr.  LeRoy is Executive  Director of the  Alzheimer's
Association,  Northeastern New York Chapter and is also  Town/County  Supervisor
for Saratoga County  representing the Town of Clifton Park.  Previously,  he has
served  as  Development  Officer  for  Skidmore  College  in  Saratoga  Springs,
Executive Director of the Kenwood Child Development Center in Albany,  Executive
Director of the Amsterdam City Center (YMCA) and served as Executive Director of
the Montgomery  County Youth Bureau,  Planning Officer for the Montgomery County
Planning  Department,  and Director of the Montgomery County Veterans  Services.
Mr. LeRoy is also active in the  community,  having served on over 25 boards and
councils throughout the Capital District.

     Dr.  Ronald S. Tecler.  Dr. Tecler became a director of the Company and the
Bank following the merger with AFSALA.  Prior to the merger, Dr. Tecler had been
a director of  Amsterdam  Federal Bank since 1994 and a director of AFSALA since
1996.  Dr.  Tecler is the majority  stockholder  of a  professional  corporation
engaged in the practice of dentistry in  Amsterdam,  New York and has  practiced
dentistry  since 1971.  Dr. Tecler is the Chairman of the Board of the Amsterdam
Urban Renewal Agency, a board member of Industries for Amsterdam, Inc., the Vice
President of the Twin Rivers Boy Scouts Council,  and is active in the Amsterdam
Rotary Club and the St. Mary's Hospital of Amsterdam Foundation.


     William A. Wilde,  Jr. Mr. Wilde is a retired Vice  President of Operations
for  Amsterdam  Printing and Litho Corp.,  located in Amsterdam,  New York.  Mr.
Wilde retired in 1983.

Meetings and Committees of the Boards of Directors

     Meetings and Committees of the Company.  Meetings of the Company's Board of
Directors are generally held on a monthly basis. For the year ended December 31,
1998, the Board of Directors met 13 times. During 1998, no incumbent director of
the Company  attended  fewer than 75% of the  aggregate  of the total  number of
Board  meetings  held while he was a director  and the total  number of meetings
held by the  committees  of the Board of Directors on which he served during the
period in which he served.

     The Board of Directors of the Company has standing Audit,  Compensation and
Nominating Committees.

     The  Company's  Audit  Committee  is  responsible  for  the  review  of the
Company's  annual audit report prepared by the Company's  independent  auditors.
The review  includes a detailed  discussion  with the  independent  auditors and
recommendation to the full Board concerning any action to be taken regarding the
audit.  Directors  Pedersen  (Chairman),  Baker, Daly LeRoy,  Fallows and Tecler
serve on this Committee. The Audit Committee met three times during 1998.

     The Company's Compensation and Benefits Committee is currently comprised of
Directors Schmidt (Chairman),  Baker, Barnett, Bettini, Daly, Pedersen,  Tesiero
and Wilde. (As noted above, Directors Schmidt and Baker will retire as directors
upon  the  expiration  of their  terms at the  Meeting.)  The  Compensation  and
Benefits  Committee is responsible for developing and making  recommendations to
the Board of Directors  with  respect to the  Company's  executive  compensation
policies as well as administering  the Company's 1997 Stock Option and Incentive
Plan (the "Stock Option Plan") and  Recognition  and Retention Plan (the "RRP").
This committee met 15 times during 1998.

     The  Company's  Nominating  Committee,  consisting  of the entire  Board of
Directors,  reviews  the  terms  of the  directors  and  makes  nominations  for
directors to be voted on by  stockholders.  The Nominating  Committee  generally
meets once a year. Nominations of persons for election to the Board of Directors
may be made  only by or at the  direction  of the Board of  Directors  or by any
stockholder entitled to vote for the election of directors who complies with the
notice procedures set forth in the Company's  Bylaws.  Pursuant to the Company's
Bylaws,  nominations  by  stockholders  must  be  delivered  in  writing  to the
Secretary  of the  Company  at  least 30 days  prior  to the date of the  annual
meeting,  except that if less than 40 days' notice of the date of the meeting is
given or made to  stockholders,  nominations must be delivered no later than the
close of  business  on the tenth day  following  the day on which  notice of the
meeting was mailed.  The Nominating  Committee met twice in 1999 for the purpose
of  making  nominations  for  directors  to be voted on by  stockholders  at the

     Meetings and Committees of the Bank. The Bank's Board of Directors meets at
least  monthly and held 17 meetings  during the year ended  December  31,  1998.
During 1998, no incumbent  director of the Bank  attended  fewer than 75% of the
aggregate of the total number of Board meetings held while he was a director and
the total number of meetings held by the committees of the Board of Directors on
which he served during the period in which he served.

Director Compensation

     Directors of the Company did not receive any  remuneration  during 1998 for
service on the Company's  Board of Directors or any  committees of the Company's
Board of Directors.  Each non-employee  director of the Bank, however,  received
during  1998 an  annual  fee of  $13,800  in cash for  service  on the  Board of
Directors of the Bank.  Non-employee  directors serving on the Bank's Executive,
Audit,  Personnel and Strategic  Planning  Committees  also received during 1998
$200 in cash for each committee meeting  attended.  Each director of the Company
also currently serves as a director of the Bank,  except Directors  Holtzman and
Lyons. Following the Meeting, if elected, Directors Holtzman and Lyons will also
serve as directors of the Bank.  For 1999 and each  succeeding  year, 65% of the
annual fee for the Bank's  non-employee  directors will be paid in shares of the
Company's  common  stock  issued  pursuant to the RRP (with  one-twelfth  of the
annual share amount  vesting each month),  and the remaining 35% will be paid in


     The Bank has established a deferred compensation program for the benefit of
certain  of its  non-employee  directors.  This  program  permits  participating
directors  to defer a  portion  of their  Board  fees over a  five-year  period.
Pursuant to agreements entered into with participating directors, upon the later
of the first year after the end of the five-year period or the director reaching
65  years  of age,  the  director  (or in the  event of  death,  his  designated
beneficiary)  will receive an annual cash payment for a period of up to 10 years
based  upon the  amount  of fees  deferred.  In order to  balance  the  expected
payments under the deferred compensation plan, the Bank has purchased whole life
insurance policies on the lives of the participating  directors.  While the Bank
will make the  annual  payments  to  participating  directors  over the ten year
period,  the lump sum death benefits payable on the insurance policies should be
sufficient  to  repay  the  Bank  for the  benefits  paid  to the  participating
directors with a modest return,  provided actuarial  assumptions  regarding life
expectancies are accurate. The participants in the deferred compensation program
are Directors Baker, Barnett, Daly, Dunning,  Fallows and Schmidt. Each of these
directors has completed his five-year deferral period, except Director Daly, who
is expected to complete his deferral period during fiscal 1999.


Executive Compensation

     The following table sets forth information concerning the compensation paid
to John M.  Lisicki,  who became  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company and the Bank on November 16, 1998 upon  consummation  of the merger with
AFSALA;  Lauren T. Barnett,  the Chairman of the Board of the Company who served
as Interim  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company and the Bank
from July 1, 1998 to November 15, 1998; and Robert J.  Brittain,  who retired as
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company and the Bank on June 30,
1998. No other officer earned a salary and bonus in excess of $100,000 in 1998.

                                               Summary Compensation Table
                                                                                      Long Term
                                                Annual Compensation                     Awards   
                                       -------------------------------------- -------------------------
                                                               Other Annual    Restricted                   All Other
                                          Salary      Bonus    Compensation       Stock       Options      Compensation
Name and Principal Position     Year        ($)        ($)        ($)(2)        Award ($)       (#)            ($)
- ------------------------------ ------- ------------- ------- ---------------- ------------- ------------ ---------------
John M. Lisicki, President      1998     $19,615(1)    ---         ---             ---          ---         $16,055(3)
and Chief Executive Officer     1997         ---       ---         ---             ---          ---             ---
                                1996         ---       ---         ---             ---          ---             ---

Lauren T. Barnett, former       1998     $50,000       ---         ---             ---          ---         $19,200(4)
Interim President and Chief     1997         ---       ---         ---             ---          ---             ---
Executive Officer               1996         ---       ---         ---             ---          ---             ---

Robert J. Brittain, former      1998    $ 85,507       ---         ---             ---          ---         $125,668(6)
President and Chief             1997     167,000       ---         ---         $372,776(5)    100,312         54,378
Executive Officer               1996     167,000       ---         ---             ---           ---          33,788

- ---------------


(1)  Represents  that  portion  of Mr.  Lisicki's  salary  earned by him for his
     service as President and Chief Executive  Officer during 1998,  which began
     on November 16, 1998. Mr. Lisicki's base annual salary under his employment
     agreement  is  $170,000.  For a  description  of Mr.  Lisicki's  employment
     agreement, see "Employment Agreement with John M. Lisicki" below.
(2)  None of  the persons listed received any additional benefits or perquisites
     which, in the aggregate, exceeded the lesser of 10%  of the person's salary
     and bonus, or $50,000.
(3)  Includes $9,807 for unused vacation time and the value at December 31, 1998
     of the allocation to Mr. Lisicki's ESOP account for 1998 ($6,248).
(4)  Represents fees for service as a director.
(5)  Represents the dollar value of the award, based on the $13.75 closing price
     per share of the  common  stock on May 23,  1997,  the date of  grant.  The
     shares of  restricted  stock have a vesting  schedule of four equal  annual
     installments  (with the first  installment  having vested on May 23, 1998).
     Holders of  restricted  stock granted under the RRP are entitled to receive
     any  dividends  paid by the Company on the common  stock.  At December  31,
     1998, Mr.  Brittain  owned 20,333 shares of restricted  common stock with a
     market  value of $360,911 at such date (based on the $17.75  closing  price
     per share of the common stock on December 31, 1998).
(6)  Represents  payment of $40,000 under the Agreement of  Termination  between
     Mr.  Brittain and the Company and the Bank and payment of $85,668 under the
     Consulting Agreement between Mr. Brittain and the Company and the Bank. The
     Agreement of Termination  and the Consulting  Agreement are described below
     under "Agreements with Robert J. Brittain."



         The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  concerning  the
aggregate number and value of the stock options held by Messrs. Lisicki, Barnett
and  Brittain at  December  31,  1998.  No stock  appreciation  rights have been
granted by the Company to date.

                 Aggregate Options Exercised in Last Fiscal Year
                        and Fiscal Year End Option Values

                           Shares                      Number of Securities                 Value of Unexercised    
                          Acquired                    Underlying Unexercised                In-the-Money Options
                             on           Value        Options at FY-End (#)                    FY-End ($)(1)   
                          Exercise      Realized     -----------------------------        ------------------------------
        Name                 (#)           ($)       Exercisable     Unexercisable        Exercisable      Unexercisable
- ---------------------  -------------- ------------- ------------     -------------        -----------      -------------

John M. Lisicki               ---           ---         38,913                ---           $186,004                ---
Lauren T. Barnett             ---           ---          4,514             13,542             18,056          $  54,168
Robert J. Brittain            ---           ---         25,078             75,234            100,312            300,936


(1) Represents  the  aggregate  market value of the stock options as of December
    31, 1998, based on the difference  between the market price per share of the
    common  stock  ($17.75,  the closing  price per share of the common stock as
    reported on the Nasdaq Stock Market on December 31, 1998),  and the exercise
    price of the stock  options  ($12.97 per share for Mr.  Lisicki;  $13.75 for
    Messrs. Barnett and Brittain).

Defined Benefit Pension Plan

     The Bank sponsors a defined  benefit  pension plan for its  employees  (the
"Pension Plan"). Full-time salaried employees are eligible to participate in the
Pension Plan following the completion of one year of service (1,000 hours worked
during a  continuous  12-month  period)  and  attainment  of 21 years of age.  A
participant  must  complete  five years of  service  before  attaining  a vested
interest in his or her retirement benefits,  after which the participant is 100%
vested.  The Pension Plan is funded  solely  through  contributions  made by the

     The benefit  provided to a participant at normal  retirement age (generally
age 65) is based on the average of the participant's  basic annual  compensation
during the 36 consecutive months of service within the last 120 completed months
of a  participant's  service  which  yields  the  highest  average  compensation
("average   annual   compensation").   Compensation  for  this  purpose  is  the
participant's basic annual salary,  including any contributions through a salary
reduction  arrangement  pursuant to a cash or deferred plan under Section 401(k)
of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  but  exclusive of overtime,
bonuses,  severance pay, or any special payments or other deferred  compensation
arrangements. The annual benefit provided to a participant who retires at age 65
is equal to 2% of average annual  compensation  for each year of service without
offset  of  the  participant's   anticipated   Social  Security   benefits.   An
individual's  annual  benefit is  limited  to 70% of his or her  annual  average

     The annual benefit  provided to  participants  (i) at early  retirement age
(generally  age 60) with five years of service who elect to defer the payment of
their benefits to normal  retirement age, (ii) at early  retirement age with ten
years of service who elect to receive  payment of their benefits prior to normal
retirement age or (iii) who postpone annual  benefits  beyond normal  retirement
age, are  calculated  basically  the same as the benefits for normal  retirement
age, with annual average  compensation  being  multiplied by 2% for each year of
such  individual's  actual years of service.  A  participant  eligible for early
retirement benefits who does not meet the requirements set forth above will have
his or her benefits adjusted as further described in the Pension Plan.

     The Pension Plan also provides for disability and death benefits.


     The following table sets forth, as of December 31, 1998,  estimated  annual
pension benefits for individuals at age 65 payable in the form of a life annuity
under the most  advantageous  plan provisions for various levels of compensation
and years of service.  The  figures in this table are based upon the  assumption
that the Pension Plan continues in its present form.

                               Pension Plan Table

                                 Years of Credited Service
     Remuneration      15         20        25        30        35
     -------------  -------    -------   -------   -------   -------

       $ 75,000     $22,500    $30,000   $37,500   $45,000   $52,500
        100,000      30,000     40,000    50,000    60,000    70,000
        125,000      37,500     50,000    62,500    75,000    87,500
        150,000      45,000     60,000    75,000    90,000   105,000
        175,000(1)   48,000     64,000    80,000    96,000   112,000

- -----------

(1)  1998  annual  earnings  limited to $160,000  by  Internal  Revenue  Service

     At December 31, 1998,  Mr.  Lisicki had no years of credited  service under
the Pension Plan. At the time of his  retirement,  Mr.  Brittain had 22 years of
credited  service under the Pension Plan. Mr. Barnett,  who was briefly employed
by the Bank as Interim  President and Chief Executive  Officer from July 1, 1998
through November 15, 1998, is not eligible to participate in the Pension Plan.

Employment Agreement with John M. Lisicki

     The Bank entered into an employment  agreement with Mr. Lisicki on November
16, 1998, the effective date of the merger with AFSALA.  The agreement  provides
for a minimum annual base salary of $170,000,  and for the payment of bonuses in
the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Bank. Mr.  Lisicki's  employment
agreement has a term of three years,  which  commenced on November 16, 1998. The
term of the agreement  will be extended for an  additional  year (in addition to
the  then-remaining  term) on the first anniversary of the commencement date and
on each anniversary thereafter, subject to approval of the Board of Directors of
the Bank.  The Agreement  entitles Mr.  Lisicki to  participate  in all employee
benefit and retirement plans in which the Bank's executive officers participate.

     Under  the  employment   agreement,   if  Mr.  Lisicki's   employment  were
"involuntarily  terminated" by the Bank other than in connection  with or within
twelve months after a change in control of the Bank or the Company or for cause,
then (i) the Bank would be required to pay to Mr.  Lisicki  during the remaining
term of the  agreement  his  salary  at the  rate in  effect  as of the  date of
termination and (ii) the Bank would be required to provide to Mr. Lisicki during
the remaining term of the agreement  substantially the same benefits as the Bank
maintained  for  its  executive  officers  immediately  prior  to  the  date  of
termination.  The  agreement  provides  that if Mr.  Lisicki's  employment  were
involuntarily  terminated in connection  with or within 12 months after a change
in control,  Mr.  Lisicki  would be entitled to receive from the Bank a lump sum
payment in cash of an amount equal to 299% of Mr.  Lisicki's  "base amount" and,
for the remaining term of the agreement,  substantially the same health benefits
as the Bank  maintained  for its  executive  officers  immediately  prior to the
change  in  control.  Under  the  agreement,   "involuntary  termination"  means
termination of Mr. Lisicki's employment without his express written consent, and
also includes a material diminution of his current duties,  responsibilities and
benefits (including not being elected or re-elected to the Board of Directors of
the Bank or the Company).

Supplemental Retirement Plan

     The Bank maintains a supplemental  retirement plan ("SERP") for the benefit
of Mr. Lisicki,  which was adopted by Amsterdam  Federal Bank in connection with
the termination of Amsterdam  Federal Bank's defined benefit  retirement plan in
fiscal  1994,  and amended as of March 17,  1998.  The purpose of the SERP is to
furnish Mr. Lisicki with


supplemental  post-retirement  benefits  in  addition  to  those  which  will be
provided to him under the Bank's 401(k) Plan.  (Amsterdam  Federal Bank's 401(k)
Plan, in which Mr. Lisicki currently participates, is expected to be merged into
the Bank's 401(k) Plan during fiscal 1999. Mr. Lisicki will become a participant
in the Bank's 401(k) plan upon the merger of the two plans.) It is intended that
Mr.  Lisicki's  benefits  under the SERP,  when added to his benefits  under the
Bank's  401(k) Plan,  will be  approximately  equal to the benefits Mr.  Lisicki
would have  received  under the  terminated  defined  benefit  retirement  plan.
Annually,  a sum equal to 16.90% of Mr.  Lisicki's annual salary is expensed and
funded by the Bank to a reserve account  ("Deferred  Compensation  Account") for
the purpose of providing  to him the target  benefits  under the SERP.  Upon Mr.
Lisicki's  termination of employment  with the Bank (other than for cause),  the
supplemental  retirement  benefits  consisting of the then-current  value of all
amounts credited to Mr. Lisicki's Deferred  Compensation Account will be payable
to him. The SERP provides that the Bank may pay the benefits  either as a single
lump sum payment,  by purchasing a straight life or joint and survivor  annuity,
or in monthly  installments  over five,  ten or fifteen  years.  Upon receipt of
benefits under the SERP, under current federal income tax laws, Mr. Lisicki will
recognize ordinary income in the amount of the benefits he receives and the Bank
will  be  entitled  to a tax  deduction  for  the  amount  of  benefits  paid as
compensation expense at that time.

Agreements with Robert J. Brittain

     In order to  facilitate  the merger with AFSALA,  Mr.  Brittain  retired as
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and the Bank effective June
30, 1998. In  connection  with his  retirement as President and Chief  Executive
Officer,  Mr. Brittain executed  termination and consulting  agreements with the
Company and the Bank whereby his  employment  agreement with the Bank (which was
to expire on December 31, 1999) terminated  effective June 30, 1998 and he is to
serve as a consultant to the Company and the Bank through December 31, 2000.

     Under the termination  agreement,  in exchange for not becoming  associated
directly  or  indirectly  with any  competitor  of the Company or the Bank until
December 31, 2000,  whether as a shareholder (other than as a holder of not more
than 1% of the outstanding voting shares of a publicly traded company), partner,
employee or consultant, Mr. Brittain received $40,000 in 1998 and is entitled to
receive $40,000 for each remaining year this  restriction is in effect (1999 and
2000), payable on a monthly basis.

     The consulting  agreement calls for Mr. Brittain to provide such consulting
services to the Company and the Bank as the  Chairman of the Board or  President
and Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company  and/or  the Bank may  reasonably
request.  Mr. Brittain's major  responsibility is to assist the Chairman and the
President,  at their request, in evaluating  strategic  alternatives for current
and future  business  needs of the Company and the Bank.  For his services under
the  consulting  agreement  and in lieu of any payments  otherwise due under his
terminated employment  agreement,  Mr. Brittain is entitled to receive an annual
fee of $171,175,  payable in monthly or semi-monthly  installments.  The Company
and the Bank must also pay for medical  insurance  coverage for Mr. Brittain and
his wife on the same basis as is provided to senior executives  through December
31, 1999 and must allow Mr.  Brittain to pay for such  coverage  for himself and
his wife, as a  participant  in the  Company's or the Bank's  medical  insurance
plans,  for the  period  from  January  1,  2000  through  the date on which Mr.
Brittain becomes eligible to receive Medicare benefits. Mr. Brittain is entitled
to be reimbursed by the Company and the Bank for normal travel expenses, if any,
incurred  in  connection  with  performing  his  services  under the  consulting
agreement,  and is  entitled  to be provided  secretarial,  telephone  and other
support  services  as well as other  equipment  which  Mr.  Brittain  reasonably
requests to assist him in the  performance  of his services under the consulting

     The  consulting   agreement  also  provides  that  Mr.  Brittain  shall  be
compensated  for his service as a director  or advisory  director of the Company
and/or the Bank at the rate of $1,150 per month of service  from January 1, 1999
until at least May 23,  2001,  and be  nominated  as  necessary to enable him to
remain a director or advisory  director of the Company  and/or the Bank until at
least May 23, 2001.  Mr.  Brittain  retired as a director of the Company and the
Bank on  November  23,  1998,  at which  time he was  appointed  as an  advisory
director of the Company to serve for a term  expiring on November 30,  2001.  So
long as Mr. Brittain serves as an advisory director, he will continue to vest in
his options to purchase  Company common stock and  restricted  shares of Company
common stock.  As of December 31, 1998, Mr.  Brittain held an option to purchase
100,312 shares of Company common stock at an exercise price of $13.75 per share;
as of that date 25% of the option had vested (i.e.,  became  exercisable),  with
the  remaining  75%  scheduled to vest in equal annual  installments  on May 23,


1999,  2000 and 2001,  respectively.  As of December 31,  1998,  6,778 of 27,111
restricted  shares of Company  common stock awarded to Mr.  Brittain had vested;
the remaining 20,333 unvested  restricted  shares are scheduled to vest in equal
annual installments on May 23, 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively. As a result of
his retirement,  Mr. Brittain  forfeited his right to receive future allocations
under the Company's  Employee Stock Ownership Plan,  including an allocation for

Compensation and Benefits Committee Report

     The  Compensation and Benefits  Committee (the  "Committee") is responsible
for the establishment,  oversight and  administration of executive  compensation
and executive and director  incentive plans. The Committee is composed  entirely
of outside directors.

Executive Compensation Philosophy

     The  executive  compensation  program is designed to achieve two  principal
objectives.  First,  the program is intended  to be fully  competitive  so as to
attract,  motivate  and retain  talented  executives.  Secondly,  the program is
intended  to align  executive  compensation  with  the  values  and  objectives,
business  strategy,  management  initiatives,  and the  business  and  financial
performance of the Company.  The  Committee's  philosophy is to pay  competitive
annual salaries to executive officers,  coupled with incentives that will result
in overall  compensation  for executive  officers that will fluctuate  depending
upon, and be commensurate  with, the Company's actual performance in relation to
the financial  goals  established  by the Committee and ratified by the Board of
Directors at the beginning of each year. These incentives consist of annual cash
incentive compensation and long-term stock compensation, consisting primarily of
stock grants and stock options.

     The Committee assesses the competitiveness of its executives'  compensation
by  referring,  at least  annually,  to a survey  which  compares and examines a
variety of  compensation-related  data  furnished  by a prominent  international
consulting  firm for the financial  industry.  The Committee  also  periodically
reviews the compensation policies of other similarly situated companies,  as set
forth in various  industry  publications,  to  determine  whether the  Company's
compensation  decisions are  competitive  within its  industry.  Based upon this
information, the Committee believes that it has established a program to:

         o        Support  a   performance-oriented   environment  that  rewards
                  performance  not only with respect to the Company's  goals but
                  also the Company's  performance  as compared to that of others
                  in the industry;

         o        Attract  and  retain  key executives critical to the long-term
                  success of the Company and the Bank;

         o        Integrate compensation programs with both the Company's annual
                  and long-term strategic planning and measuring processes; and

         o        Reward executives  for  long-term strategic management and the
                  enhancement of stockholder value.

     In  making  compensation  decisions  the  Committee  also  focuses  on  the
individual  contributions  of  executives  of the  Company  and  the  Bank.  The
Committee uses its discretion to set executive compensation as, in its judgment,
external, internal or individual circumstances dictate.

     Effective August 1, 1998 and  simultaneous  with the imposition of a freeze
on directors'  fees, the Board of Directors  imposed a freeze on the salaries of
the Chief Executive Officer and certain other executive officers  (collectively,
"executive  managers") at then-current  levels. The freeze will remain in effect
until the Board of Directors  determines that the Company has shown satisfactory
improvement in its consolidated operating results.

Annual Salaries

     Salary ranges  governing  executives  are  established  annually based upon
competitive  data  and  other  information  pertinent  to the  geographic  area,
especially in the banking field. Within the ranges,  salaries vary based upon an
individual's level of responsibility,  impact on the business,  work experience,
performance, tenure and potential for


advancement  within the Company and the Bank.  Annual  salaries for  newly-hired
executives  are  determined at the time of hire,  taking into account all of the
foregoing  except  tenure.  The chief  executive  officer  and  other  executive
officers  generally  receive  salary  increase   consideration  at  12-15  month
intervals for purposes of business performance  comparisons.  Salary adjustments
for the chief executive  officer and other executives are subject to approval by
the full  Board,  based upon the  recommendations  of the  Committee.  Until the
freeze on salaries is lifted,  however,  annual  salaries of executive  managers
will not increase.

Annual Incentives/Bonuses.

     As  a  result  of  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  the  Company's
acquisition  of AFSALA,  the Committee  determined  not to award cash bonuses to
executive officers for 1998.

Long-Term Incentives

     The  Company's   Stock  Option  Plan  and  RRP,   which  were  approved  by
stockholders in 1997, are the Company's  long-term incentive plans for executive
officers, directors and employees of the Company and the Bank. The objectives of
the  program are to align  executive  and  stockholder  long-term  interests  by
creating  a strong and  direct  link  between  executive  pay and the  Company's
performance,   and  to  enable  such  individuals  to  develop  and  maintain  a
significant,  long-term stock ownership  position in the Company's common stock.
Awards  are  made  at a level  calculated  to be  competitive  with  the  thrift

     In 1993,  Section 162(m) was added to the Internal Revenue Code, the effect
of which was to eliminate the  deductibility  of  compensation  over $1 million,
with certain  exclusions,  paid to each of certain highly compensated  executive
officers of publicly  held  corporations,  such as the Company.  Section  162(m)
applies to all  remuneration  (both cash and non-cash)  that would  otherwise be
deductible for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 1994, unless expressly
excluded.  Because the current  compensation of each of the Company's  executive
officers  is well  below  the $1  million  threshold,  the  Company  has not yet
considered its policy regarding this provision.

Submitted by the Compensation and Benefits Committee of the Company:

Carl A. Schmidt, Jr. (Chairman)
Paul W. Baker
Lauren T. Barnett
James J. Bettini
John J. Daly
Charles S. Pedersen
John A. Tesiero, Jr.
William A. Wilde, Jr.


Stockholder Return Performance Presentation

     The Company's initial public offering price for its common stock was $10.00
per share. The line graph below compares the cumulative total shareholder return
on the Company's common stock to the cumulative total return of a broad index of
the Nasdaq  Stock  Market and a savings and loan  industry  index for the period
from December 27, 1995 (the date the Company  became a public  company)  through
December 31, 1998.  The graph assumes the  investment of $100.00 on December 27,


                              12/27/95   12/31/95   12/31/96  12/31/97  12/31/98
                              --------   --------   --------  --------  --------

Ambanc Holding Co., Inc ...    $100.00   $101.09     $112.50   $188.65   $180.57
Selected Thrift Index......     100.00    100.00      130.51    219.43    192.36
Nasdaq Market Index........     100.00    100.00      124.27    152.00    214.39


Certain Transactions

     Litigation and Settlement Agreement with Director Seymour Holtzman.  In May
1998,  Director  Seymour  Holtzman  and a group of related  persons and entities
filed lawsuits against the Company objecting to certain disclosures contained in
the Company's proxy materials for its 1998 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  and
alleging certain  defamation  claims. On August 11, 1998, the Company,  together
with  AFSALA,  entered  into a  settlement  and  standstill  agreement  with Mr.
Holtzman and his group (the "Settlement Agreement").  Pursuant to the Settlement
Agreement,  Mr. Holtzman and his group agreed to dismiss the litigation  against
the Company with  prejudice  and to refrain from future  litigation  against the
Company and AFSALA through  January 1, 2000. Mr. Holtzman and his group also, as
required by the Settlement Agreement,  publicly stated that they fully supported
the then-pending merger of the Company and AFSALA, and agreed to vote all shares
of Company and AFSALA common stock they owned in favor of the merger.

     Pursuant  to the  Settlement  Agreement,  Mr.  Holtzman  and his group have
agreed to vote at the  Meeting  all  shares  of common  stock  they  control  in
accordance  with the  recommendation  by the Company's Board of Directors on the
election of directors  and  ratification  of the  appointment  of auditors.  Mr.
Holtzman and his group have  further  agreed not to  introduce  any  shareholder
proposal  at the  Meeting  or to  support  any  proposal  that is opposed by the
Company's Board of Directors. In addition, Mr. Holtzman and his group agreed not
to, in connection with the Meeting,  solicit proxies against or otherwise oppose
any management proposal or nominee for election as a director.

     In consideration  for the covenants made by Mr. Holtzman and his group, the
Company engaged an investment banking firm to seek ways to maximize  shareholder
value, including the sale of the Company. The Company agreed that if, as was the
case,  the Company did not enter into a merger or  acquisition  agreement with a
third party by April 1, 1999, the Company's Board of Directors would appoint two
persons  selected by Mr.  Holtzman  and his group to serve  three-year  terms as
directors of the Company.  Pursuant to this provision, the Company appointed Mr.
Holtzman and Allan R. Lyons to the Board on April 1, 1999.  (Because the current
terms of Messrs. Holtzman and Lyons will expire at the Meeting, each of them has
been  nominated  for  election  at the  Meeting to serve for a term  expiring in
2002.) The Company and AFSALA also agreed to pay to Mr.  Holtzman  and his group
$80,000 in cash representing  reimbursement of a portion of their expenses,  and
to refrain from  litigation  against Mr.  Holtzman and his group for any matters
which occurred on or before the date of the Settlement Agreement.

     Lease Agreements. Director John A. Tesiero, Jr. is a principal owner of the
Amsterdam  Riverfront  Center,  which has leased two properties to the Bank. One
property  is used as an  operations  center,  and the  other is used as a branch
office. Each lease agreement has a term of five years, expiring in 2003, with an
option  to renew  after  expiration  for an  additional  five  years.  The lease
payments  by the Bank are  equivalent  to the market  rate at the time the lease
agreements  were  executed.  The  Bank  is  expected  to pay  in  the  aggregate
approximately $125,000 in lease payments under both agreements over the terms of
the leases.

     Loans.  The Company has  followed a policy of granting  consumer  loans and
loans secured by the borrower's  personal  residence to officers,  directors and
employees.   Loans  to  directors   must  be  approved  by  a  majority  of  the
disinterested directors. Residential loans and any loan in excess of $100,000 to
an executive  officer must be approved by a majority of the Board of  Directors.
All loans to executive officers and directors are made in the ordinary course of
business  and  on  the  same  terms  and   conditions  as  those  of  comparable
transactions   prevailing  at  the  time,  in  accordance   with  the  Company's
underwriting  guidelines,  and do not  involve  more  than  the  normal  risk of
collectibility or present other unfavorable features.



     The  Board  of  Directors  has  appointed  KPMG  LLP  to be  the  Company's
independent  auditors for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 1999,  subject to
ratification of such appointment by the Company's stockholders at the Meeting. A
representative  of KPMG LLP is  expected  to attend  the  Meeting  to respond to
appropriate questions and will have an opportunity to make a statement.


                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     In order to be eligible for inclusion in the Company's  proxy materials for
its 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, any stockholder proposal to take action
at the 2000 Annual  Meeting  must be received at the main office of the Company,
11 Division Street,  Amsterdam,  New York  12010-4312,  no later than January 1,
2000. Any proposal  submitted will be subject to the  requirements  of the proxy
rules adopted  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and, as
with any stockholder  proposal  (regardless of whether included in the Company's
proxy  materials),  the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation  and Bylaws and
Delaware  law.  Under the proxy  rules,  in the event that the Company  receives
notice of a stockholder  proposal to take action at the 2000 Annual Meeting that
is not submitted for inclusion in the Company's proxy materials, or is submitted
for inclusion but is properly  excluded from the Company's proxy materials,  the
persons  named in the  form of proxy  sent by the  Company  to its  stockholders
intend to exercise their  discretion to vote on the proposal in accordance  with
their best judgment if notice of the proposal is not received at the main office
of the Company by the Deadline (as defined below).  In addition to the provision
of the proxy rules regarding  discretionary  voting  authority  described in the
preceding sentence, the Company's Bylaws provide that if notice of a stockholder
proposal to take action at the 2000 Annual  Meeting is not  received at the main
office of the Company by the Deadline,  the proposal will not be recognized as a
matter  proper for  submission  to the  Company's  stockholders  and will not be
eligible for presentation at the 2000 Annual Meeting. The "Deadline" means March
29, 2000;  however,  in the event the 2000 Annual  Meeting is held before May 8,
2000 or after July 27, 2000, the  "Deadline"  means the close of business on the
later of the 60th day prior to the date of the 2000 Annual  Meeting or the tenth
day following the day on which notice of the 2000 Annual Meeting is first mailed
or public announcement of the date of the 2000 Annual Meeting is first made.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any  business  to come  before the
Meeting other than the matters  described above in this Proxy Statement.  Should
any other matters properly come before the Meeting,  it is intended that holders
of the proxies will act in accordance with their best judgment.


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                            Ambanc Holding Co., Inc.
                               Amsterdam, New York

                 Annual Meeting of Stockholders May 28, 1999

     The  undersigned  hereby  appoints the members of the Board of Directors of
Ambanc Holding Co., Inc. (the  "Company") with full powers of  substitution,  to
act as attorneys  and proxies for the  undersigned  to vote all shares of common
stock,  par value $.01 per share (the "Common  Stock"),  of Ambanc  Holding Co.,
Inc.  which  the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  to be held at the Best Western Hotel located at 10 Market  Street,
Amsterdam,  New  York,  at the date and time set  forth in the  Notice of Annual
Meeting and at any and all adjournments and postponements thereof, as instructed


                        FOR all                                                                                           
                     nominees listed    WITHHOLD                                                                               
                     at right (except  AUTHORITY to                                                                             
                      as marked to      vote for all                                                                       
                      the contrary    nominees listed                                                                           
                         below)          at right                                                             FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN
I. Election of five       [  ]             [  ]      Nominees:              II. The ratification of the       [  ]    [  ]      [  ]
   directors for terms                                James J. Bettini, Sr.     appointment of KPMG LLP
   of three years                                     Seymour Holtzman          as independent auditors for
                                                      Allan R. Lyons            the Company for the fiscal
                                                      Charles E. Wright         year ending December 31,
                                                      William L. Petrosino      1999.

(Instructions:  To  withhold  authority  to vote  for  one or  more  but not all
nominees,  mark the "FOR" box, and write the name(s) of the  nominee(s) for whom
you  wish to  withhold  your  vote in the  space  provided  below.  To  withhold
authority to vote for all nominees, mark the 'WITHHOLD AUTHORITY" box.

     In their  discretion,  the  proxies  are  authorized  to vote on any  other
business may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment or postponement

The Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote "For" the  Election of All  Nominees
Listed at Left and "For" the Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP.

     This proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted by  delivering  to
the  Secretary  of the  Company,  on or  before  the  taking  of the vote at the
Meeting, a written notice of revocation bearing a later date than the proxy or a
later dated proxy relating to the same  shares of Company  Common  Stock,  or by
attending  the Meeting and voting in person.  Attendance at the Meeting will not
in itself  constitute  the  revocation of this proxy.  If this proxy is properly
revoked as described  above,  then the power of the  attorneys and proxies named
herein shall be deemed terminated and of no further force and effect.

     The  undersigned  acknowledges  receipt  from  the  Company,  prior  to the
execution of this Proxy, of the Notice of the Annual Meeting,  the related Proxy
Statement and the Company's  Annual Report to  Stockholders  for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1998.


___________________________   __________________________  Dated _________, 1999

Note:  Please sign exactly as your name  appears on this proxy.  When signing as
attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give your full
title. If shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.