Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K

                          SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                      For the year ended December 31, 1999


                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                       (Commission File Number 333-51037)

                               ICG SERVICES, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               Delaware                                                                         84-1448147
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)                   (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

                           161 Inverness Drive West
                           Englewood, Colorado 80112
                        (888) 424-1144 or (303) 414-5000
  (Address of principal executive offices and registrant's telephone numbers,
                             including area codes)

ICG Services, Inc. has no securities registered pursuant to Sections 12 (b) or
12 (g) of the Act.

        Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.     Yes X      No
                                                 _____      _____

        Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained,
to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information
statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [X]

        On March 27, 2000 ICG Services, Inc. had 10 shares of common stock
outstanding.  ICG Communications, Inc. owns all of the issued and outstanding
shares of common stock of ICG Services, Inc.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

PART I.......................................................................1
  ITEM 1.  BUSINESS..........................................................1
      Market Opportunity and Strategy........................................3
      Products Descriptions and Major Contracts..............................4
      Leasing Services.......................................................6
      Network and Facilities.................................................7
      Customers and Marketing................................................7
      Regulatory Activity....................................................8
      Financing Activities...................................................9
      Sale of Assets.........................................................11
      Trademarks and Trade Names.............................................12
  ITEM 2.  PROPERTIES........................................................12
  ITEM 3.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS.................................................13

PART II......................................................................14
           STOCKHOLDER MATTERS............................................14
  ITEM 6.  SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA...........................................14
           CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS...............................17
           MARKET RISK.......................................................27
           ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES..............................29

PART III.....................................................................30
  ITEM 11. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION............................................31
PART IV......................................................................40
      Financial Statements...................................................40
      Finacial Statement Schedules...........................................40

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.........................................................F-1

                                     PART I

     Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "Company" or "ICG Services"
means the combined business operations of ICG Services, Inc. and its
subsidiaries, including ICG NetAhead, Inc. (NetAhead) and ICG Equipment, Inc.
(ICG Equipment). All dollar amounts are in U.S. Dollars.  The Business section
and other parts of this Report contain "forward-looking statements" intended to
qualify as safe harbors from liability as provided for under the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1985.  These forward-looking statements can
generally be identified as such because the context of the statement includes
words such as "intends," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates," "plans,"
"believes" and other similar words.  Similarly, statements that describe the
Company's future plans, objectives or goals also are forward-looking statements.
All forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties
that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those
currently anticipated.  Factors that could affect actual results include, but
are not limited to, the Company's ability to obtain financing necessary  to fund
its planned expansion, its dependence on increased traffic on the Company's
facilities, the successful implementation of the Company's strategy of offering
an integrated telecommunications package of wholesale and retail data services,
the successful implementation of the Company's strategy to offer access to the
Internet over emerging technologies, continued development of the Company's
network infrastructure and actions of competitors and regulatory authorities.



     The Company was formed on January 23, 1998 and is a wholly owned subsidiary
of ICG Communications, Inc. (ICG). On January 21, 1998 ICG acquired NETCOM On-
Line Communication Services, Inc. (NETCOM), and NETCOM was subsequently
contributed by ICG to the Company. In February 1999, the Company sold certain of
the operating assets and liabilities of NETCOM, but retained NETCOM's domestic
Internet backbone assets. See "Sale of Assets." In January 1998, the Company
formed ICG Equipment for the principal purpose of providing lease financing of
telecommunications equipment and services to ICG Telecom Group, Inc. (ICG
Telecom), a wholly owned subsidiary of ICG. In 1999, the vast majority of the
Company's revenue was derived from ICG Equipment's leasing activities.

Enhanced Internet Access Services

     By retaining the NETCOM Internet backbone, the Company positioned itself to
provide enhanced network data access services and data management to Internet
service providers (ISPs), application service providers (ASPs) and other
customers.  The Company's network assets provide nationwide data services to
approximately 700 cities with 227 data points of presence (POPs).   During 1999,
the Company began to implement its "Gateway Strategy," which includes meeting
demand for multiple access methods to the Internet (such as dial-up, wireless
and digital subscriber lines) and to provide advanced network management and
applications.  The Company's current product offerings to the ISP and ASP
markets include dial-up products such as primary rate interface (PRI),  which is
a product provisioned by ICG Telecom, remote access service (RAS) and Internet
remote access service (IRAS), as well as broadband access services,


including T1 and T3 connections.

     A focus of the Company's long-term strategy is to expand its national
network and facilities, based upon anticipated demand under existing contracts.
Network expansion will be undertaken through a combination of constructing owned
facilities and entering into long-term fiber and capacity agreements with other
telecom carriers. Network build-out is designed to support increased future
capacity demands. At year end 1999, the Company's network and related facilities

 .         18,000 miles of long-haul broadband capacity under long-term leases;
 .         24 ATM switches (that deliver advanced voice, data and video services)
 .         16 frame relay switches;
 .         145 ISP customer collocation sites; and
 .         Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) network capability from most POP

     During 1999, the Company took steps to streamline its business and focus on
core operations. The Company sold non-core assets for net cash proceeds of
approximately $282.9 million, including the Company's retail ISP customer
business. See "Sale of Assets" The Company also centralized its provisioning
process to maximize economies of scale and opened a new provisioning center in
San Jose, California.

Equipment Leasing

     The Company's subsidiary, ICG Equipment, was established for the principal
purpose of providing equipment financing of telecommunications equipment and
services to ICG Telecom.  This financing is provided through ICG Equipment's
purchase of telecommunications equipment, software, network capacity and
related services from original equipment manufacturers, providers of inter-city
network facilities and ICG Telecom, and subsequent lease of such assets to ICG


     The Internet access business in which the Company competes is growing at a
substantial rate, driven in large part by new technologies. This market is
expected to increase from approximately $18.0 billion in 1999 to over $48.0
billion in 2002, reflecting expanded market size as well as enhanced service
offerings. Internet subscribers have grown dramatically in the past two years
and are expected to continue rapid growth for the coming three years. Growth in
Internet is expected to come in the form of dial-up modem access in the near-
term to and transition to higher growth from emerging broadband access methods.
Dial-up Internet access was estimated to increase from approximately 37 million
users at year-end 1998 to approximately 43 million by year-end 1999. At the same
time, broadband subscribers were expected to grow from 1.5 million to 3.1
million. Over the next three years, at year-end 2002, dial-up Internet accounts
are forecast to increase another 15 percent to nearly 50 million while broadband
subscribers are forecast to grow over 500 percent to 20 million. In addition,
the number of users per household and the time connected to the Internet is
expected to


increase. (See Forrester Research, Inc. Reports from February and April
1999) More users and more time on the Internet are expected to create
continued, rapid increase in the demand for ISP access ports nationwide.

Market Opportunity and Strategy

Geographical Expansion

     In order to meet its customers' needs and maximize traffic across its
network, the Company intends to expand its footprint nationwide to deliver basic
and enhanced data services on Company-owned facilities. The Company's objective
is to supply communications infrastructure for its ISP customers while adding
new systems to serve ASPs, a quickly emerging group of companies that deliver
advanced communication services over the Internet.

     As the Company enters new markets, it is following a "smart build" network
strategy.  Consistent with this strategy, the Company plans to build-out its
network to meet existing demand, while infrastructure and facilities are
designed to support future demand.  The Company's expansion into new markets is
supported by existing three- to five- year term contracts for over 700,000 new
Internet access ports.

Gateway Strategy

     The Company's growth in the near term will be related to the ISP segment.
The Company is expanding its network to deliver a broad range of Internet access
methods and to support enhanced data services to its customers both directly and
by partnering with other companies. The Company jointly offers Internet access
and data management services through a partnership with its affiliate, ICG
Telecom. The Company intends to continue this partnership with ICG Telecom to
offer a broad range of voice and data services to its customers. Geographical
expansion is intended to be complemented with expanded product and service
offerings as the Company seeks to provide a portfolio capable of supplying the
telecommunications needs of its customers.

     The Company's Gateway Strategy includes offering multiple Internet access
methods and more advanced network management features to ISP and ASP markets.
As these customers seek to grow their businesses, they frequently require broad
geographical coverage and more sophisticated facilities and network management
capabilities, as well as the capability to connect their end-use customers to
the Internet via dial-up or broadband methods.

     In order to capture market share in the fast-growing Internet market, the
Company seeks to reach the end-user customer by partnering with third party
providers as well as through direct marketing channels.  The Company plans to
introduce additional Internet access technologies as demand for new methods
dictates.  The Company also provides direct broadband connections to its
customers through T1 lines delivering 1.5 megabits of data per second (Mbps) and
T3 lines at 44.7 Mbps.  By adding new broadband customers or migrating existing
dial-up customers to broadband services, the Company can deliver additional
value-added services and applications that increase customer satisfaction,
increase the value of each customer and increase customer


reliance on the Company.

Advanced Services

     New products and technologies under the Gateway Strategy include advanced
network services such as managing content, providing applications and managing
Internet traffic.  Advanced applications are intended to be offered both
directly through the Company and through partnerships with ICG Telecom and other
application providers.  The Company is adding computing power within its network
to support these new services. For example, the Company is increasing the number
of traffic servers on its network which will enable the Company to provide
caching services for its customers.  It is anticipated that these services will
increase the download speed of data by as much as 30 percent and improve network
efficiency.  The Company has already established a relationship with a provider
to deliver Unified Messaging on its network.  Other services that the Company
plans to introduce in 2000 include virus protection within ICG's network,
reducing individual protection requirements for customers, and Virtual Private
Networks (VPNs) and Virtual Private Dial-up Networks (VPDNs).  These services
combine the functionality of private networks and employ the far reach and cost
effectiveness of the Internet.

     With deployment of application and content servers on its network, the
Company anticipates offering its customers network infrastructure to support
services such as web and e-mail hosting, video and voice streaming applications
and other media applications. The Company plans to introduce these and other
advanced services in 2001 and beyond. With its extensive network, the Company
expects that it will be able to deliver these products nationwide, as they are
developed, providing revenue opportunities for the Company and its ISP and ASP

     During 2000, the Company intends to build a new on-line, web-based customer
management center.  This center will allow ISPs to retain control over service
levels to their retail customers while at the same time outsourcing their
network requirements to ICG.  Service level alerts and on-line reporting and
provisioning are expected to be a part of this initiative.

     Although several new applications are being added to the Company's network
in 2000 and 2001, significant new revenue from these applications is not
expected to contribute meaningfully until 2002 and beyond.

Product Descriptions and Major Contracts

Products and Services to ISP Customers

     During 1999, the Company provided wholesale network capacity and enhanced
data services to ICG Telecom and other telecommunications providers. In late
1999, the Company began complementing ICG Telecom's PRI product with additional
network services to ISPs, including RAS and IRAS. PRI, which is provisioned by
ICG Telecom, has been the traditional product that allows an ISP to connect to
its customer by utilizing the Company's local access network. The dial-up
customer calls the ISP and the call is routed to the Company through the public
telephone service network. Using ICG Telecom's switch network, the


Internet call is routed via a signal to the ISP remote access service modem
bank, which is generally located at a collocation site provided by the Company.
The ISP can either route the call to the Internet or to its network to terminate
the call.

     To further support the ISP in its network needs, the Company, in
conjunction with ICG, provisions the RAS product. RAS utilizes the Company's and
ICG Telecom's switches and owned modem banks. This service provides modem access
at either ICG Telecom's or the Company's switch location, eliminating the need
for ISPs to deploy modems physically at each of its POPs. RAS is a "connect and
send" approach, which enables the Company to act as an aggregator for ISP
traffic while limiting the ISP's capital deployment. RAS service reduces the
ISP's capital expenditures by eliminating the need for ISPs to purchase separate
modems, and transfers a portion of its network management responsibilities to
the Company. As of January 2000, ICG Telecom and the Company had contracted for
the provision of approximately 200,000 RAS lines.

     The Company, again in conjunction with its partnership with ICG, also
provides Internet RAS, or IRAS, which combines access, transport and routing
services to deliver IP data packets either directly to the ISP or directly to
the Internet bypassing the ISP. The Company estimates that more than 65 percent
of all of its ISP traffic is routed directly to the Internet. IRAS enables
regional or local ISPs to expand their geographical footprint outside their
current physical locations without significant capital expenditures by carrying
the ISP's out-of-region traffic on ICG's nationwide data network. As of January
2000, ICG Telecom and the Company were obligated under long-term contracts to
deliver approximately 500,000 IRAS lines. Of a total of approximately 700,000
RAS and IRAS lines contracted for in 1999, 500,000 remained to be provisioned
during 2000.

     The Company markets integrated packages of network services and enhanced
services to ISPs through its subsidiary, NetAhead. NetAhead's services generally
are not subject to utility regulation by federal and other governmental
authorities. See "Regulatory Activity."

Significant Contracts

     In conjunction with the sale to of its subsidiary NETCOM to MindSpring
Enterprises, Inc. (MindSpring) (see "Sale of Assets), NETCOM retained the
domestic Internet backbone assets which, as of December 31, 1999 included 227
POPs serving approximately 700 cities nationwide. (The legal name of the
Company's NETCOM subsidiary was subsequently changed to ICG NetAhead, Inc.)
Commencing in the first quarter of 1999, NetAhead began to utilize these
retained network operating assets to provide wholesale Internet access and
enhanced network services to MindSpring.  On February 17, 1999, NetAhead entered
into an agreement to provide IRAS, dedicated Internet access and toll free
service to MindSpring for a one-year period.  Under the Agreement, NetAhead
provides MindSpring with IRAS ports at a fixed fee in exchange for a minimum of
$27 million.  MindSpring utilizes the capacity under the RAS ports to provide
Internet access to MindSpring's dial-up services customers.  In addition, under
this agreement NetAhead received for a one-year period 50 percent of the gross
revenue earned by MindSpring from the dedicated access customers formerly owned
by NETCOM.  The MindSpring contract is currently operating under a 90-day
extension that ends in May 2000, and


discussions are ongoing between the Company and MindSpring to extend the
business relationship beyond that time.

Leasing  Services

     ICG Equipment was formed for the principal purpose of providing financing
of telecommunications equipment and services to ICG Telecom.  Such financing is
provided through ICG Equipment's purchase of telecommunications equipment,
software, network capacity and related services from original equipment
manufactures, providers of intercity network facilities and ICG Telecom and the
subsequent lease of such assets to ICG Telecom. The equipment and services
provided to ICG Telecom are utilized to upgrade and expand ICG's network

     All leasing and other arrangements between ICG Equipment and ICG Telecom
contain fair and reasonable terms and are intended to be conducted on the basis
of fair market value and on comparable terms that the Company would be able to
obtain from a comparable third party.  ICG Equipment has engaged a third party
to conduct independent appraisals of the assets ICG Equipment purchases from ICG
Telecom.  Such appraisals provide ICG Equipment with an independent evaluation
of the fair value of the assets at the time of purchase, the estimated economic
life of the various classes of assets and the estimated fair value of the assets
at points in time during their economic life.  ICG Equipment purchases assets
at the request of ICG Telecom and, accordingly, maintains only a limited
inventory of unleased assets on any date.

     All of ICG Equipment's leases with ICG Telecom are structured as operating
leases, with non-cancelable initial terms ranging from two to 10 years. Although
lease revenue is recognized from the date the assets are placed in service,
lease payments are due and payable one year in arrears. Under master lease
agreements between ICG Equipment and ICG Telecom, ICG Telecom is also required
to pay ICG Equipment a monthly lease service fee based on the average monthly
balance of assets purchased by ICG Equipment and intended for future lease to
ICG Telecom, but not yet placed into service. The master lease agreements
require ICG Telecom to insure the leased assets against casualty loss, to pay
all related property, sales and other taxes and to maintain the assets in good
operating condition.

     Residual values of leased assets are established at lease inception.  In
estimating the residual value, ICG Equipment considers relevant facts regarding
the assets, including their potential obsolescence within the telecommunications
industry and the probability that the assets will continue to be installed and
in use by ICG Telecom at the end of the lease term.  ICG Equipment has engaged a
third party to conduct substantially all of ICG Equipment's lease documentation
and administration activities.


     At December 31, 1999, ICG Equipment had $560.6 million of
telecommunications equipment, software, network capacity and related services
under lease to ICG Telecom and approximately $165.8 million of such assets
intended for future lease to ICG Telecom, but not yet placed into service.
Revenue from the Company's Leasing Services was approximately $93.7 million for
the year ended December 31, 1999.

Network and Facilities

National Data Network

     The Company acquired an extensive data network as part of its acquisition
of NETCOM in 1998. During 1999, the Company began providing Internet access
services to Mindspring, ICG Telecom and other customers over its data network.
To service its customers, the Company owns and operates a Tier I nationwide data
network which at December 31, 1999 included public and private peering
locations, 227 POPs, 16 frame relay switches and high-performance routers
connecting a backbone of 24 leased ATM switches and 18,000 miles of leased long-
haul fiber optic lines in the United States. The data network connects to major
public Internet peering connections at MFS MAE East NAP (Washington, D.C.), MFS
MAE West NAP (Santa Clara, California), PacBell NAP (San Jose, California),
Sprint NAP (Newark, New Jersey) and Ameritech NAP (Chicago, Illinois). In
addition, the Company has several private peering relationships with major ISPs.
The network carries and will carry all IP data traffic associated with the
Company's ISP business. The design and architecture of the physical network
permits the Company to offer flexible, high-speed services to its customers.

     Customer service and monitoring of the Company's network facilities and
infrastructure are provided 24 hours per day, seven days per week.  ICG has two
network monitoring centers.  The center in Englewood, Colorado monitors and
manages ICG's regional fiber networks and provides high-level monitoring of its
local exchange switches and is also a back-up monitoring site for the Company's
data network. The Company's center located in San Jose, California monitors
and manages the data network facilities.

Planned Capacity Upgrades

     In order to meet the requirements of its growing customer base, the Company
intends to increase the capacity of its national data network.  During 2000, the
Company plans to increase its data network capacity to OC-48, capable of
carrying 2,488 megabits of data per second, 16 times the OC-3 capacity the
Company had at year-end 1999.  If required, the Company has an option to further
increase capacity on its network by a factor of four, to OC-192, prior to year-
end 2000.  The Company also plans to install up to 36 new gigabit routers during
2000 to further increase the capacity and efficiency of its network.

Customers and Marketing

     The Company's major customers include ISPs, ASPs and other
telecommunications customers. The Company's primary marketing strategies to
these customers are to offer a broad range of data and infrastructure provider
services at cost-effective rates. The Company markets its service offerings
through direct sales to customers through sales agents. The Company has
developed a dedicated internal sales channel that sells and markets ISP
services. The Company is focused on improving its customer service and
provisioning process, which is essential for attracting and retaining customers.

     Further, efforts are being made to increase customer satisfaction by
improving the provisioning, billing and back office processes. With respect to
provisioning, over the last year,


the Company has increased its provisioning capacity and centralized the process
in a new national provisioning center. During 1999, ICG also began implementing
a new billing technology from Saville, PLC which the Company anticipates using
in its business. The Company anticipates that this new system will enhance its
collection capabilities and improve customer service by providing customers with
reliable, easy to understand invoices.


     The Company operates in a highly competitive arena and expects that
competition will continue to intensify as customers seek additional capacity to
satisfy the continued growth of the Internet.  In addition, numerous
competitors, including major telecommunications carriers, are rapidly expanding
their network capabilities in order to service the ISP industry.  The Company
believes that the primary competitive factors for the provision of network
services are quality of service, network coverage, reliability, price, and
product innovation.

     The Company's competitors in the Internet access market possess (or will
possess) significant network infrastructure enabling them to provide ISPs with
capacity and access to the Internet.  The Company's primary competitors in this
segment include Level 3, UUNet, Verio, Concentric, PSINet and Splitrock.  While
the Company believes that its network and products will enable it to compete in
this industry sector, some of the Company's competitors have significantly
greater market presence, brand recognition and financial, technical and
personnel resources than the Company.  In addition, the Company believes that
new competitors with significant resources will enter this market and construct
networks similar to the Company's networks.  There can be no assurance that the
Company will be able to compete effectively with these companies.

     While strong competition currently exists in all sectors of the industry,
the Company believes that the demand for enhanced services will provide expanded
opportunity for new providers such as the Company. There can be no assurance,
however, that sufficient demand will exist for the Company's network services in
its selected markets, that market prices will not dramatically decline or the
Company will be successful in executing its strategy in time to meet new
competitors, or at all.

Regulatory Activity

     Although, the Company is not currently subject to direct regulation by the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), it operates in a highly regulated
industry.  Therefore, changes in the regulatory environment relating to the
Internet  and other telecommunications services, including regulatory changes
which directly or indirectly affect telecommunications


costs or increase the likelihood or scope of competition from the Regional Bell
Operating Companies (RBOCs) or other telecommunication companies, could have a
material adverse effect on the Company's financial position or results of

     Various existing federal and state regulations are currently the subject of
judicial proceedings, legislative hearings and administrative proposals which
could change, in varying degrees, the manner in which the Company must operate.
Neither the outcome of these proceedings, nor their impact upon the
telecommunications industry generally, or on the Company particularly, can be
predicted at this time.  In addition, over the past several years both the
federal and state governments have adopted new legislation and rules profoundly
affecting the telecommunications industry.  There is no assurance that changes
in legislation or new legislation, and the regulations adopted by the FCC or
state regulators pursuant to such legislation, will not have a material adverse
impact on the Company.

Financing Activities

1999 Activities

     On August 12, 1999, two of the Company's subsidiaries, ICG Equipment and
NetAhead, entered into a $200.0 million senior secured financing facility
(Senior Facility) consisting of a $75.0 million term loan, a $100.0 million term
loan and a $25.0 million revolving line of credit. At year end 1999, these
subsidiaries had borrowed $80.0 million under the loans at interest rates
ranging from LIBOR plus 3.125% to 3.5% or 9.35% to 9.67%. Quarterly repayments
on the debt commence at various dates beginning September 30, 1999, with
remaining outstanding balances maturing on June 30, 2005 for the $100.0 million
term loan and the $25.0 million line of credit, and March 31, 2006 for the $75.0
million term loan. The terms of the Senior Facility provide customary
limitations on the use of proceeds, additional indebtedness, investments, asset
sales, dividends, prepayment of the Senior Facility and other indebtedness and
certain other transactions. Additionally, the Company, ICG Equipment and
NetAhead are subject to certain financial covenants based on their results of
operations. During 1999 and January 2000, certain defined terms in the credit
agreement for the Senior Facility were amended to ensure that the Company and
its subsidiaries would remain in compliance with the financial covenants of the
Senior Facility.

Subsequent Activities

     During the first quarter of 2000, the Company signed letters of intent with
its two biggest vendors, Lucent Technologies, Inc. (Lucent) and Cisco Systems,
Inc. (Cisco) to obtain financing on future equipment purchases. The Company
believes that these financing agreements, if consummated, will better enable the
Company to fund its scheduled network expansion through the purchase of Lucent
and Cisco equipment. The Lucent credit agreement will provide the Company with
up to $250.0 million of capital which can be drawn down during the year
following the closing to purchase network equipment. Under the terms of the
agreement, the Company will commit to purchase a minimum of $175.0 million of
equipment, and an additional $75.0 million will be available to purchase
equipment if and when ICG obtains equity financing. The Lucent financing will
provide for a five-year repayment schedule and will require quarterly principal


repayments beginning in June 2001. The Cisco credit facility will provide the
Company with up to $180 million of capital lease financing with a three-year
repayment term.

     In February 2000, the Company's parent, ICG announced that it had
arranged to sell approximately $750.0 million (before estimated expenses and
fees of $45.0 million) of convertible preferred stock in ICG to three investors:
affiliates of Liberty Media Corporation (Liberty), Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst
Incorporated (Hicks Muse) and Gleacher Capital Partners (Gleacher). Under the
terms of the transaction, Liberty will invest $500.0 million, Hicks Muse will
invest $230.0 million and Gleacher will invest $20.0 million in exchange for a
total of 750,000 shares of Series A convertible preferred stock at $1,000 per
share. The preferred stock will be convertible into ICG common stock at a
conversion rate of $28.00 per common share. ICG will also issue 10 million
common stock warrants that will be exercisable at $34.00 per share. The proceeds
from this new equity investment will be used principally by ICG to fund network
expansion, including expansion of the Company's data network. It is expected
that this equity financing will close during the second quarter of 2000.

     Also in February 2000, ICG and Teligent, Inc. (Teligent) agreed to a common
stock share exchange whereby ICG will purchase one million shares of Teligent
and Teligent will acquire 2,996,076 of ICG shares. ICG anticipates that this
share exchange may create business opportunities for both companies.  The
pricing for each company's shares was based on the average closing price for
stock during the ten days prior to the announcement of the transaction.

     While the Company anticipates that the Lucent and Cisco debt financing
transactions, the preferred stock investment and the Teligent share exchange
will be consummated during the second quarter of 2000, there is no assurance
that the Company or ICG will be able to close these transactions on acceptable
terms and conditions.  In the event ICG or the Company is not able to finalize
one or more of these transactions, the Company's ability to undertake its
network expansion and execute its business plan could be materially adversely
affected.  See Part II, "Liquidity and Capital Resources," below.


     On August 27, 1998, the Company purchased, for $9.1 million in cash, the
remaining 20% equity interest in ICG Ohio LINX, Inc. (ICG Ohio LINX) which ICG
Telecom did not already own, including incremental costs of obtaining that
investment of $0.1 million. ICG Ohio LINX is a facilities-based competitive
local exchange carrier which operates a fiber optic telecommunications network
in Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio. The Company has accounted for its investment in
ICG Ohio LINX under the equity method of accounting.  For the years ended
December 31, 1998 and 1999, the Company included approximately $1.1 million and
$1.8 million, respectively, in its consolidated statements of operations for its
proportionate share of earnings of ICG Ohio LINX.

     On March 1, 1999, the Company purchased from ICG Telecom, for $35.1 million
in cash, a 49% equity interest in ICG ChoiceCom, L.P. (ChoiceCom).  Based in
Austin, Texas, ChoiceCom currently provides facilities based telecommunications
service in Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Texas.  The
remaining 51% equity interest in ChoiceCom is owned by ICG Telecom.


     On March 30, 1999, the Company purchased, for approximately $10.0 million
in cash, 454,545 shares of restricted Series D-1 Preferred Stock (NorthPoint
Preferred Stock) of NorthPoint Communications, Inc. (NorthPoint). The Series D-1
Preferred Stock was automatically converted into approximately 555,555 Class B
Common Shares upon Northpoint's initial public offering. The Company is
restricted from selling the NorthPoint Class B Stock for one year from the date
of the purchase of the Series D-1 Preferred.

     On August 11, 1999, the Company purchased 1,250,000 shares of Series C
Preferred Stock (ThinkLink Preferred Stock) of International ThinkLink
Corporation (ThinkLink), or approximately 8% of the outstanding shares, for $1
million in cash. The ThinkLink Preferred Stock will automatically convert to
common stock upon the completion of the initial public offering of the common
stock or upon election to convert by the holders of a majority of the ThinkLink
Preferred Stock.

     On November 15, 1999, the Company entered into an agreement to purchase a
limited partnership interest in Centennial Strategic Partners VI, LP
(Centennial). The primary purpose of the partnership is to invest in venture
capital investments, principally by investing in equity or equity-orientated
securities of privately held companies in the electronic communications
industry. The Company has a capital contribution commitment to Centennial of
$1.0 million to be funded in installments through January 15, 2002. Through
December 31, 1999, the Company had contributed approximately $0.3 million to the

     On February 22, 2000, the Company purchased 61,845 shares of restricted
Series D Preferred Stock (Cyras Preferred Stock) of Cyras Systems, Inc., a
California corporation and manufacturer of telecommunications equipment (Cyras)
for approximately $1.0 million.  Cyras Preferred Stock is automatically
convertible into shares of common stock of Cyras, upon the initial public
offering of common stock of Cyras or upon the election to convert by more than
66% of all the preferred stock holders of Cyras.

Sale of Assets

     To better focus its efforts on core operations, the Company disposed of
certain assets which management believes did not complement its overall business

     On January 21, 1998, the Company acquired NETCOM, a provider of Internet
connectivity, Web site hosting services and other value-added services. On
February 17, 1999, the Company sold certain of the operating assets and
liabilities of NETCOM to MindSpring, an ISP located in Atlanta, Georgia. Total
proceeds from the sale were $245.0 million, consisting of $215.0 million in cash
and 376,116 shares of unregistered common stock of MindSpring, valued at
approximately $79.76 per share at the time of the transaction. Assets and
liabilities sold to MindSpring included those directly related to the domestic
operations of NETCOM's Internet dial-up, dedicated access and Web site hosting
services. On March 16, 1999, the Company sold all of the capital stock of
NETCOM's international operations for total proceeds of approximately $41.1
million. Specifically, MetroNET Communications Corp. (MetroNET), a Canadian
entity, and Providence Equity Partners (Providence), located in


Providence, Rhode Island, together purchased the 80% interest in NETCOM Canada
Inc. owned by NETCOM for approximately $28.9 million in cash. Additionally,
Providence purchased all of the capital stock of NETCOM Internet Limited,
NETCOM's subsidiary in the United Kingdom, for approximately $12.2 million in
cash. The Company realized a combined gain on the NETCOM transactions of
approximately $178.9 million, net of income taxes of approximately $18.3
million. The Company's consolidated financial statements reflect the operations
of NETCOM as discontinued for all periods presented.

     The Company will from time to time evaluate all of its assets as to its
core needs and, based on such analysis, may sell or otherwise dispose of assets
which management does not believe complement its overall business strategy.


     As of December 31, 1999, the Company employed approximately 236 individuals
on a full-time basis. None of the Company's employees is represented by a union.
The Company has not experienced any strikes or work stoppages and believes that
relations with its employees are satisfactory.

     The Company believes that its ability to successfully implement its
business strategy will depend on its continued ability to attract and retain
qualified employees, which in the current competitive environment is becoming
increasingly difficult. In order to attract and retain highly qualified
employees, the Company believes that it is imperative to maintain a competitive
compensation program. Included in the Company's compensation program are non-
cash benefit programs offered by its parent ICG, including a 401(k) program,
stock option grants and a bonus package which is based on both individual and
ICG performance. The Company believes that it generally offers compensation
packages that are comparable with those of its competitors who are similar in
size and capital structure. Due to the existing labor market, qualified
personnel are difficult to recruit and retain and the Company cannot guarantee
that it will be able to attract and retain the personnel necessary to implement
its business strategy.

Trademarks and Trade Names

     The Company filed United States federal trademark applications for the
marks "ICG", "NetAhead", "ICG NetAhead" and "ICG NetAhead, Inc.". The Company
also filed a separate United States federal trademark application for the
diamond logo used in conjunction with ICG on March 20, 1997. These applications
are pending and the Company has no assurance that they will be granted.


     The Company's physical properties include owned and leased space for
offices, storage,


equipment rooms, collocation sites and POPs. Additional space may be purchased
or leased by the Company as networks are expanded.

     As of December 31, 1999, the Company leased approximately 66,792 square
feet of office and operations space, and NetAhead leased an additional 227,472
square feet for its POP sites at over 270 locations across the country.

     Effective January 1, 1999, the Company purchased ICG's corporate
headquarters building, land and improvements (collectively, the Corporate
Headquarters) for approximately $43.4 million, which amount represented
historical costs and approximated fair value. The Corporate Headquarters is
approximately 239,749 square feet. The Company financed the purchase primarily
through a mortgage granted in favor of an affiliate of the seller, which
encumbers the Corporate Headquarters. Effective May 1, 1999, the Corporate
Headquarters was transferred to ICG 161, L.P., a special purpose limited
partnership owned 99% by a subsidiary of the Company and 1% by an affiliate of
the mortgage and seller, and ICG 161, L.P. assumed the loan secured by the
mortgage. The partnership agreement for ICG 161, L.P. grants to the one-percent
partner an option to acquire all of such subsidiary's interest in the
partnership for a purchase price of $43.1 million which option is exercisable
from January 1, 2004 through January 31, 2012.

     Effective December 10, 1999, a subsidiary of the Company acquired an 8.36
acre parcel of vacant ground located adjacent to the Corporate Headquarters for
approximately $3.3 million. The Company plans to use this parcel in connection
with the expansion of its Corporate Headquarters.


     The Company is a party to certain litigation that has arisen in the
ordinary course of business.  In the opinion of management, the ultimate
resolution of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on the
Company's financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.  The Company
is not involved in any administrative or judicial proceedings relative to an
environmental matter.




                                    PART II


     All of the Company's common stock issued and outstanding is owned by ICG.
There exists no established public trading market for the Company's common
stock.  Since the formation of the Company and ICG's initial acquisition of the
Company's common stock, there have been no sales or transfers of the Company's
common stock.  No cash dividends have been declared and the Company does not
intend to pay any cash dividends.

     In April 1998, the Company sold $405.3 million principal amount at maturity
($250.0 million original issue price) of 9 7/8% Senior Discount Notes due 2008
(the 9 7/8% Notes).  Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated acted as placement agent
for the offering and received placement fees of approximately $7.5 million.  In
February 1998, the Company sold $490.0 million principal amount at maturity
($300.6 million original issue price) of 10% Senior Discount Notes due 2008 (the
10% Notes).  Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated acted as placement agent for the
offering and received placement fees of approximately $9.0 million.

     Both of the foregoing offerings were exempt from registration pursuant to
Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act).
Sales were made only to "qualified institutional buyers," as defined in Rule
144A under the Securities Act, and other institutional accredited investors.
The securities sold in both of the foregoing offerings were subsequently
registered under the Securities Act.


     The selected financial data for the years ended December 31, 1995 through
1999 have been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of the
Company. The information set forth below should be read in conjunction with the
Company's audited consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto
included elsewhere in this Report. Upon the formation of the Company, ICG
contributed its investment in NETCOM to the Comany and NETCOM became a wholly
owned subsidiary of, and predecessor entity to, the Company. Accordingly, the
historical consolidated financial statements of the Company prior to January 23,
1998 consist solely of the accounts of NETCOM. On February 17, 1999, the Company
sold certain of the operating assets and liabilities of NETCOM to MindSpring
Enterprises, Inc. and, accordingly, the Company's consolidated financial
statements reflect the operations of NETCOM as discontinued for all periods
presented. ICG owns all of the Company's issued and outstanding common stock.
The Company does not present loss per share from continuing operations or net
loss per share as such disclosure is not considered to be meaningful. See
"Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of


                                                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                                1995                1996                1997                1998            1999
                                         ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    --------
                                                                                   (in thousands)
Statement of Operations Data:
Revenue                                    $            -                   -                   -               9,911     100,115
Cost of services                                        -                   -                   -                   -       3,613
Selling, general and administrative                     -                   -                   -               3,761       1,948
Depreciation                                            -                   -                   -               4,064      55,334
                                         ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    --------
        Operating income                                -                   -                   -               2,086      39,220

Interest expense                                        -                   -                   -             (45,522)    (74,351)
Interest income                                         -                   -                   -              23,436      26,133
Other income, net                                       -                   -                   -                   -         440
                                         ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    --------
Loss from continuing operations   before
 share of net earnings
 (losses)                                               -                   -                   -             (20,000)     (8,558)

Share of net earnings (losses) of
 equity investees                                       -                   -                   -               1,075      (8,019)
                                         ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    --------

Loss from continuing operations
 before extraordinary gain                              -                   -                   -             (18,925)    (16,577)
Loss from discontinued operations                 (14,064)            (44,265)            (33,092)            (60,965)          -
Extraordinary gain on sales of
 operations of NETCOM, net of
 income taxes of $18.3 million
 (note 3)                                               -                   -                   -                   -     178,917
                                         ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    --------

        Net (loss) income                        $(14,064)            (44,265)            (33,092)            (79,890)    162,340
                                         ================    ================    ================    ================    ========

Other Data:
Net cash (used) provided by
 operating activities                      $            -                   -                   -             (85,764)    115,603
Net cash used by investing activities                   -                   -                   -            (352,073)   (251,687)
Net cash provided by financing
 activities                                             -                   -                   -             532,802      70,034

EBITDA (1)                                              -                   -                   -               6,150      94,554
Capital expenditures of continuing
 operations (2)                                         -                   -                   -             301,969     645,437

Capital expenditures of discontinued
 operations (2)                                    43,601              53,992              17,258              25,971           -


                                                                                   At December 31,
                                                 1995                1996                1997                1998            1999
                                         -----------------    ----------------    ----------------    ----------------    --------
                                                                                   (in thousands)
Balance Sheet Data:
Cash, cash equivalents and short-  term
 investments available for sale            $            -                    -                   -             155,380      53,664

Net current assets (liabilities) of
 discontinued operations (3)                       131,917              53,646              38,698             (22,328)          -

Working capital (deficit)                          131,917              53,646              38,698             248,438     (35,525)
Property and equipment, net                              -                   -                   -             297,905     852,680
Net non-current assets of   discontinued
 operations (3)                                     53,549              91,145              73,637              54,023           -

Total assets                                       185,466             144,791             112,335             679,749   1,187,757
Current portion of long-term debt and
 capital lease obligations                               -                   -                   -                   -       2,701
Long-term debt and capital lease
 obligations less current portion                        -                   -                   -             594,617     772,951
Common stock and additional paid-  in
 capital                                           203,271             205,622             207,325             207,798     129,402
Accumulated deficit                                (17,777)            (62,042)            (95,134)           (175,024)    (12,684)
Stockholder's equity                               185,466             144,791             112,335              32,655     116,718

(1)  EBITDA consists of loss from continuing operations before interest, income
     taxes, depreciation, other expense, net and share of net earnings (losses)
     of equity investees, or operating income plus depreciation.  EBITDA is
     provided because it is a measure commonly used in the telecommunications
     industry.  EBITDA is presented to enhance the understanding of the
     Company's operating results and is not intended to represent cash flows or
     results of operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting
     principles (GAAP) for the periods indicated.  EBITDA is not a measurement
     under GAAP and is not necessarily comparable with similarly titled measures
     of other companies.  Net cash flows from operating, investing and financing
     activities as determined using GAAP are also presented in Other Data.

(2)  Capital expenditures includes assets acquired under capital leases and
     excludes payments for construction of the Company's corporate headquarters
     and corporate headquarters assets acquired through the issuance of long-
     term debt.  Capital expenditures of discontinued operations includes the
     capital expenditures of NETCOM for all periods presented.

(3)  Net current assets (liabilities) of discontinued operations and net non-
     current assets of discontinued operations represents the assets and
     liabilities of NETCOM for all periods presented.



     The following discussion includes certain forward-looking statements which
are affected by important factors including, but not limited to, the Company's
ability to obtain financing necessary to fund its planned expansion, the
Company's lack of operating history, the Company's successful implementation of
its strategy of offering wholesale network services to ISPs, ICG Telecom and
other telecommunications providers and its lack of credit support from ICG that
could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking
statements. The results of operations for the years ended December 31, 1997,
1998 and 1999 have been derived from the Company's audited financial statements
included elsewhere herein. The Company's consolidated financial statements
reflect the operations of NETCOM as discontinued for all periods presented.

Company Overview

     ICG Services, Inc. (ICG Services or the Company) was formed on January 23,
1998 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICG Communications, Inc. (ICG).  The
Company's Leasing Services operations are primarily conducted through ICG
Equipment, Inc. (ICG Equipment) and its network services operations are
conducted through ICG NetAhead, Inc. (NetAhead) (formerly NETCOM On-Line
Communication Services, Inc. (NETCOM)).

     On January 21, 1998, ICG acquired NETCOM, a Delaware corporation and
provider of Internet connectivity and Web site hosting services located in San
Jose, California, in a transaction accounted for as a pooling of interests. As
consideration for the acquisition, ICG issued approximately 10.2 million shares
of common stock of ICG (ICG Common Stock), valued at approximately $284.9
million on the date of the merger. Upon the formation of ICG Services, ICG
contributed its investment in NETCOM to ICG Services and NETCOM became a wholly
owned subsidiary of, and predecessor entity to, ICG Services. Accordingly, the
historical consolidated financial statements of the Company prior to January 23,
1998 consist solely of the accounts of NETCOM.

     In January 1998, the Company formed ICG Equipment, a Colorado corporation,
for the principal purpose of providing financing of telecommunications equipment
and services to ICG Telecom Group, Inc., an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary
of ICG and provider of competitive local exchange services, and its subsidiaries
(ICG Telecom). Such financing is provided through ICG Equipment's purchase of
telecommunications equipment, software, network capacity and related services
from original equipment manufacturers, providers of intercity network facilities
and ICG Telecom, and subsequent lease of such assets to ICG Telecom. The
equipment and services provided to ICG Telecom are utilized to upgrade and
expand ICG's network infrastructure. Management believes that all leasing and
other arrangements between ICG Equipment and ICG Telecom contain fair and
reasonable terms and are intended to be conducted on the basis of fair market
value and on comparable terms that the Company would be able to obtain from a
comparable third party. ICG Equipment completed its first significant
transaction on June 30, 1998 and, accordingly, ICG Equipment's operations


prior to that date are not significant. During the second half of 1998 and the
year ended December 31, 1999, ICG Equipment entered into a series of agreements
whereby ICG Equipment purchased telecommunications equipment and fiber optic
capacity from and for ICG Telecom and leased the same telecommunications
equipment and fiber optic capacity to ICG Telecom under operating leases.
Additionally, under master lease agreements between ICG Equipment and ICG
Telecom, ICG Telecom is required to pay ICG Equipment a monthly lease service
fee based on the average monthly balance of assets purchased by ICG Equipment
and intended for future lease to ICG Telecom, but not yet placed into service.
At December 31, 1999, ICG Equipment had approximately $560.6 million of
telecommunications equipment, software, network capacity and related services
under lease to ICG Telecom and approximately $165.8 million of such assets
intended for future lease to ICG Telecom, but not yet placed into service.

     On February 17, 1999, the Company sold certain of the operating assets and
liabilities of NETCOM to MindSpring Enterprises, Inc., an Internet service
provider (ISP) located in Atlanta, Georgia and predecessor to EarthLink, Inc.
(MindSpring), for total proceeds of $245.0 million, and on March 16, 1999, the
Company sold all of the capital stock of NETCOM's international operations in
Canada and the United Kingdom to other unrelated third parties for total
proceeds of approximately $41.1 million.  For the year ended December 31, 1999,
the Company recorded a combined gain on the sales of the operations of NETCOM of
approximately $178.9 million, net of income taxes of approximately $2.0 million
and payments required to be made under the tax sharing agreement of $16.3
million.  Offsetting the gain on the sales is approximately $16.6 million of net
losses from operations of NETCOM from November 3, 1998 (the date on which the
Company's board of directors adopted the formal plan to dispose of the
operations of NETCOM) through the dates of the sales. Since the operations sold
were acquired by ICG in a transaction accounted for as a pooling of interests,
the gain on the sales of the operations of NETCOM is classified as an
extraordinary item in the Company's consolidated statement of operations. The
Company's consolidated financial statements reflect the operations of NETCOM as
discontinued for all periods presented.

     In conjunction with the sale to MindSpring, the legal name of the NETCOM
subsidiary was changed to ICG NetAhead, Inc.  NetAhead has retained the domestic
Internet backbone assets formerly owned by NETCOM which include 227 points of
presence (POPs) serving approximately 700 cities nationwide.  NetAhead is
utilizing the retained network operating assets to provide wholesale Internet
access and enhanced network services to MindSpring and other ISPs, ICG Telecom
and other telecommunications providers.  On February 17, 1999, NetAhead entered
into an agreement to lease to MindSpring for a one-year period the capacity of
certain network operating assets formerly owned by NETCOM and retained by the
Company.  MindSpring is utilizing the Company's network capacity under this
agreement to provide Internet access to the dial-up services customers formerly
owned by NETCOM.  In addition, the Company received for a one-year period 50% of
the gross revenue earned by MindSpring from the dedicated access customers
formerly owned by NETCOM.  All cash operating losses under this agreement were
offset by the periodic recognition of approximately $34.7 million of the
proceeds from the sale of certain of NETCOM's domestic assets and liabilities to
MindSpring, which the Company deferred on February 17, 1999.  Accordingly, the
Company did not


recognize any revenue, operating costs or selling, general and administrative
expenses from services provided to MindSpring for the term of the agreement.
Incremental revenue and costs generated by other customers have been recognized
in the Company's consolidated statement of operations as incurred. During the
year ended December 31, 1999, the Company applied $29.3 million of deferred
proceeds to the network capacity agreement with MindSpring.

     NetAhead also provides network capacity and enhanced data services to ISPs,
ICG Telecom and other telecommunications providers.  In December 1998, ICG
announced several new network services offerings available to its business and
ISP customers which utilize ICG's and, consequently, NetAhead's nationwide data
network and service capabilities to carry out-of-region traffic and enhance data
services provided. Modemless remote access service (RAS), also known as managed
modem service, allows NetAhead to provide modem access at ICG's and the
Company's switch locations, thereby eliminating the need for ISPs to deploy
modems physically at each of their POPs. RAS benefits the ISPs by reducing
capital expenditures and shifting network management responsibility from the
ISPs to NetAhead. During the year ended December 31, 1999, ICG and the Company
together entered into contracts to supply over 700,000 RAS and Internet RAS
lines. NetAhead also provides transport services to deliver all Internet
protocol (IP) data packets either directly to the ISP, if the ISP is not
collocated at the telecommunications provider's local switch, or directly to the
Internet, bypassing the ISP. Additionally, through its network operations
center, NetAhead monitors the usage of each line and is responsible for the
administration of all network repair and maintenance.

     In August 1998, ICG Telecom began offering enhanced telephony services via
IP technology. ICG Telecom currently offers this service in 230 major cities in
the United States, which cities account for more than 90% of the commercial long
distance market. ICG Telecom carries the IP traffic over NetAhead's nationwide
data network and terminates a large portion of the traffic via NetAhead's POPs.
NetAhead charges ICG Telecom for calls carried and terminated on NetAhead's

     The Company has and will continue to enter into partnership arrangements
with ICG Telecom to provide network services at negotiated rates. Management
believes that all such arrangements have and will contain fair and reasonable
terms and are intended to be conducted on the basis of fair market value and on
comparable terms that the Company would be able to obtain from a comparable
third party. The Company is not presently able to determine the impact that the
offerings of its newly developed network services will have on revenue or EBITDA
in 2000 or future years. The nature, volume and consideration received for
network services from ISPs and other telecommunications providers, as well as
that received under its agreements with ICG Telecom are ultimately dependent
upon demand from ISPs and other telecommunications providers. Thus, while ICG
Telecom and NetAhead believe the Internet services market sector will benefit
from these services, there is no assurance that ICG Telecom and NetAhead will be
able to successfully deploy and market their services efficiently, or obtain and
retain new customers in a competitive marketplace.


     The Company may acquire telecommunications and related businesses that
complement ICG's business strategy to offer a wide array of telecommunications
and related services primarily to communications-intensive business customers.
Additionally, the Company may acquire businesses from ICG which ICG currently
owns and operates.  Any further acquisitions would be primarily through the use
of cash on hand and the proceeds from securities offerings, including offerings
of ICG Common Stock.  However, there is no assurance that acquisitions at
favorable prices to the Company will occur or that the Company will have
sufficient sources of funding to make such acquisitions.  The Company's results
of operations and financial condition will change as the operations of ICG
Equipment and NetAhead become more significant and as it consummates
acquisitions, if any.

Results of Operations

     The following table provides certain statement of operations data and
certain other financial data for the Company for the periods indicated.  The
table also presents revenue, cost of services and expenses, operating income and
EBITDA as a percentage of the Company's revenue.

                                                                              Years Ended December 31,
                                                        1997                           1998                            1999
                                           ---------------------------    ----------------------------    ------------------------
                                                   $              %               $               %            $             %
                                           ---------------   ---------    ---------------    ---------    ------------   ----------
                                                                              (Dollars in thousands)
Statement of Operations Data:
Revenue                                                  -           -              9,911          100         100,115          100
Cost of services                                         -           -                  -            -           3,613            4
Selling, general and administrative                      -           -              3,761           38           1,948            2
Depreciation                                             -           -              4,064           41          55,334           55
                                           ---------------   ---------    ---------------    ---------    ------------   ----------
   Operating income                                      -           -              2,086           21          39,220           39

Other Data:
Net cash (used) provided by                                                       (85,764)                     115,603
   operating activities                                  -
Net cash used by investing activities                    -                       (352,073)                    (251,687)
Net cash provided by financing
   activities                                            -                        532,802                       70,034
EBITDA (1)                                               -           -              6,150           62          94,554           94
Capital expenditures of continuing
   operations (2)                                        -                        301,969                      645,437
Capital expenditures of discontinued
   operations (2)                                   17,258                         25,971                            -

     (1) (2) See notes 1 and 2 under "Selected Financial Data" for the
           definitions of EBITDA and capital expenditures, respectively.


Year Ended December 31, 1999 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1998

     Revenue.  The Company recorded revenue of approximately $9.9 million and
$100.1 million for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively. The
increase in revenue relates primarily to the continued expansion of ICG
Equipment's operations since June 30, 1998.  Revenue recorded on operating
leases of property and equipment to ICG Telecom was $4.9 million and $79.1
million for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively.
Additionally, the Company charges lease service fees to ICG Telecom for the cost
of carrying assets not yet placed into service. For the years ended December 31,
1998 and 1999, revenue earned on lease service fees was $5.0 million and $14.6
million, respectively.  The Company also received rental income from ICG under
the operating lease for ICG's corporate headquarters, which the Company
purchased and simultaneously leased to ICG, effective January 1, 1999.  For the
year ended December 31, 1999, the Company recorded revenue on the operating
lease for the corporate headquarters of $4.8 million.  For the year ended
December 31, 1999, NetAhead generated revenue of approximately $1.6 million for
RAS custom programming and IP network services provided to ICG and other
customers.  Revenue earned of $38.6 million for the year ended December 31, 1999
under the Company's network capacity agreement with MindSpring was offset by
cost of services and selling, general and administrative expenses of $67.9
million incurred under the same agreement.  This $29.3 million operating deficit
has been equally offset by the recognition of $29.3 million of the deferred
proceeds from the sale of certain of the domestic operating assets and
liabilities of NETCOM.

     Cost of services.  Cost of services of $3.6 million for the year ended
December 31, 1999 consists of line costs and other direct costs of NetAhead
associated with NetAhead's and ICG Telecom's joint service offering of IP
telephony services.

     Selling, general and administrative expenses.  Selling, general and
administrative (SG&A) expenses were approximately $3.8 million and $1.9 million
for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively.  SG&A expenses
include allocations of a portion of ICG's general and administrative expenses
for certain direct and indirect costs incurred by ICG on behalf of the Company.
Such allocations were $2.4 million and $0.9 million, representing approximately
63% and 47% of total SG&A expenses for the years ended December 31, 1998 and
1999, respectively.  Remaining SG&A expenses include general corporate
administrative expenses, including professional and cash management fees.  SG&A
expenses for the year ended December 31, 1998 include increased professional
fees due to the start-up and organization of the Company in 1998.  SG&A expenses
are expected to increase in absolute dollars as the volume of ICG Equipment's
operations increases and as NetAhead obtains new customers.

     Depreciation.  Depreciation increased $51.2 million, from $4.1 million for
the year ended December 31, 1998 to $55.3 million for the year ended December
31, 1999. Depreciation consists primarily of depreciation of ICG Equipment's
property and equipment purchased from and for ICG Telecom and leased to ICG
Telecom under long-term operating leases, in addition to depreciation of
property and equipment of NetAhead.  The increase in depreciation is primarily
due to the continued expansion of ICG Equipment's operations since June 30,
1998.  The


Company's depreciation expense will continue to increase as NetAhead purchases
additional property and equipment, ICG Equipment places in service equipment
that has already been purchased and purchases additional property and equipment
for lease to ICG's other operating subsidiaries.

     Interest expense.  Interest expense increased $28.9 million, from $45.5
million for the year ended December 31, 1998 to $74.4 million for the year ended
December 31, 1999, which includes $63.6 million of noncash interest.  Interest
expense is primarily attributable to the 10% Senior Discount Notes due 2008 (the
"10% Notes") issued in February 1998, the 9 7/8% Senior Discount Notes due 2008
(the "9 7/8% Notes") issued in April 1998 and the senior secured financing
facility (the "Senior Facility") completed in August 1999. The Company's
interest expense has and will continue to increase as the principal amounts of
the 10% Notes and the 9 7/8% Notes increase until the 10% Notes and the 9 7/8%
Notes begin to pay interest in cash in 2003.

     Interest income.  Interest income increased $2.7 million, from $23.4
million for the year ended December 31, 1998 to $26.1 million for the year ended
December 31, 1999 and primarily represents net interest income from ICG of
approximately $4.6 million and $18.6 million during the years ended December 31,
1998 and 1999, respectively, for invoices paid by the Company on behalf of ICG
and its other operating subsidiaries and repaid on a quarterly basis.  The
Company also earned interest on invested cash balances during both the year
ended December 31, 1998 and the year ended December 31, 1999.  The increase in
interest income is attributable to the increase in cash, cash equivalents and
short-term investments available for sale during the year ended December 31,
1999, arising from the proceeds from the sales of the operations of NETCOM in
February and March 1999 and the completion of the Senior Facility in August
1999, offset by a decrease in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments
available for sale as the Company invests available cash balances in
telecommunications equipment and other assets.

     Other income, net, including realized gain on marketable trading
securities. Other income, for the year ended December 31, 1999 primarily
includes the net gain on the common stock of MindSpring which the Company
received as partial consideration for the sale of the domestic operations of
NETCOM. The Company sold its investment in MindSpring in April 1999.

     Share of net earnings (losses) of equity investees.  The Company's share of
net earnings (losses) of equity investees decreased $9.1 million, from net
earnings of $1.1 million for the year ended December 31, 1998 to net losses of
$8.0 million for the year ended December 31, 1999.  The Company's share of net
losses of equity investees for the year ended December 31, 1999 consists of the
Company's share of net earnings of ICG Ohio LINX, Inc. (ICG Ohio LINX) of $1.8
million and the Company's share of net losses of ICG ChoiceCom, L.P. (ChoiceCom)
of $9.8 million.  For the year ended December 31, 1998, share of net earnings of
equity investees consists of the Company's share of net income of ICG Ohio LINX.
The Company purchased a 20% equity interest in ICG Ohio LINX in August 1998 and
a 49% equity interest in ChoiceCom in March 1999.


     Loss from continuing operations.  Loss from continuing operations improved
$2.3 million, or 12%, from $18.9 million for the year ended December 31, 1998 to
$16.6 million for the year ended December 31, 1999 primarily due to the
increase in revenue, offset by increases in depreciation and interest expense,
as noted above.

     Extraordinary gain on sales of operations of NETCOM.  The Company reported
an extraordinary gain on the sales of operations of NETCOM during the year ended
December 31, 1999 of $178.9 million, net of income taxes of $18.3 million.
Offsetting the gain on the sales is approximately $16.6 million of net losses of
operations of NETCOM from November 3, 1998 through the dates of the sales and
$34.7 million of deferred sales proceeds from the sale of certain of the
domestic operating assets and liabilities of NETCOM to MindSpring.  The deferred
proceeds were recognized on a periodic basis over the term of the Company's
network capacity agreement with MindSpring.

     Loss from discontinued operations.  For the years ended December 31, 1997
and 1998, loss from discontinued operations was $33.1 million and $61.0 million,
respectively.  Loss from discontinued operations consists of the net loss of
NETCOM in both periods.  The Company sold the operations of NETCOM in February
and March 1999.

Quarterly Results

     The following table presents selected unaudited operating results for
three-month quarterly periods during the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999.
The Company believes that all necessary adjustments, consisting of normal
recurring entries, have been included in the amounts stated below to present
fairly the quarterly results when read in conjunction with the Company's
consolidated financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this
Annual Report.  Results of operations for any particular quarter are not
necessarily indicative of results of operations for a full year or predictive of
future periods.  The Company's development and expansion activities during the
periods shown below materially affect the comparability of this data from one
period to another.  ICG owns all of the Company's issued and outstanding common
stock.  The Company does not present loss per share from continuing operations
or net loss per share as such disclosure is not considered to be meaningful.


                                            Three Months Ended                                   Three Months Ended
                             Mar. 31,     June 30,     Sept. 30,     Dec. 31,     Mar. 31,     June 30,     Sept. 30,     Dec. 31,
                               1998         1998          1998         1998         1999         1999          1999         1999
                           -----------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------
                                                                  (in thousands)
Statement of Operations
Revenue                    $      -            452         3,104        6,355       14,603       20,041        32,844       32,627
Operating (loss) income        (489)          (711)        1,312        1,974        6,498        4,933        16,215       11,574
Loss from continuing
 operations                  (2,324)        (6,703)       (5,065)      (4,833)      (1,648)      (5,602)         (502)      (8,825)
Loss from discontinued
 operations                 (16,579)       (11,794)      (14,062)     (18,530)           -            -             -            -
Net (loss) income           (18,903)       (18,497)      (19,127)     (23,363)     191,381       (5,602)         (502)     (22,937)
                           ===========  ===========  ============  ============  ==========   ===========  ============  =========

Other Data:
Net cash provided
 (used) by  operating
 activities                 $ 1,762         31,636       (75,347)     (43,815)       3,620        2,715       (24,584)     133,852
Net cash (used)
 provided by
 activities                 (14,123)       (54,113)     (105,521)    (178,316)     130,621     (147,136)     (104,793)    (130,379)
Net cash provided
 (used) by  financing
 activities                 291,469        242,373          (384)        (656)      (2,572)         153        73,602       (1,149)
EBITDA (1)                     (489)          (563)        1,848        5,354       13,628       18,746        31,140       31,040
Capital expenditures of
 continuing operations (2)    2,123         50,113        71,521      178,212       67,814      229,175       156,728      191,720
Capital expenditures of
 operations (2)               6,509          8,439         5,270        5,753            -            -             -            -

(1)(2) See notes 1 and 2 under "Selected Financial Data" for the definitions of
       EBITDA and capital expenditures, respectively.

Net Operating Loss Carryforwards

     As of December 31, 1999, the Company had federal net operating loss
carryforwards (NOLs) of approximately $169.4 million, which expire in varying
amounts through December 31, 2018.  However, due to the provisions of Section
382 and certain other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury
Regulations (the "Code"), the utilization of the Company's NOLs may be limited.
In addition, the Company is also subject to certain state income tax laws which
may also limit the utilization of NOLs for state income tax purposes.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     The Company's growth to date has been funded through a combination of
equity, debt and lease financing and non-core asset sales.  The Company has also
incurred losses from continuing operations since inception and, as of December
31, 1999, had a working capital deficit of $35 million. As of December 31, 1999,
the Company had approximately $53 million of cash and short term investments,
$203 million receivable from ICG and approximately $120 million of credit
available under the Senior Facility. At year end 1999, the Company's capital
requirements under its year 2000 business plan well exceeded its liquidity and
capital resources indicating that additional financing will be required to meet
its financial objectives.

     The Company and/or its parent, ICG, has entered into several financing
agreements during the first quarter of 2000 to provide additional capital to
support the Company's earnings deficit and planned capital expansion, including:


     i)  The Company's parent, ICG, signed an agreement with affiliates of
         Liberty Media Corporation, Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated and
         Gleacher Capital Partners to sell 750,000 shares of Convertible
         Preferred Stock and warrants (See Part IV - Subsequent Events) for
         estimated proceeds to the Company of approximately $750.0 million,
         (before estimated expenses and fees of $45.0 million). This transaction
         is subject to customary closing conditions including certain regulatory
         approvals and is expected to close during the second quarter of 2000.

     ii) The Company signed letters of intent with two major vendors, Lucent
         Technologies, Inc. and Cisco Systems, Inc., to provide financing for
         the acquisition of equipment. Together this financing will provide for
         $355.0 million of financing, with an additional $75.0 million to be
         provided if and when the Company raises additional equity. The Company
         anticipates that these transactions will close during the second
         quarter of 2000.

     Management believes that the preferred stock purchase and warrant agreement
discussed in (i) above as well letters of intent for the $355.0 million in debt
and capital lease financing discussed in (ii) above will close prior to June 30,
2000 and that these transactions will provide the financing necessary for the
Company's 2000 business plan and into the year 2001.

     Importantly, should the Company or ICG be unable to complete the above
financing arrangements, management would be required to obtain alternative
sources of financing or curtail or otherwise significantly modify its business
plan for the year 2000. Such modifications would likely result in a significant
reduction in planned capital expenditures, which could be material and affect
its ability to expand its network facilities within the time frame originally
planned. Network expansion is a key component of achieving the Company's
targeted future growth. While the Company believes that it could obtain
requisite additional financing, there can be no assurance that such financing
would be available on a timely basis or on acceptable terms.

Net Cash (Used) Provided by Operating Activities

     The Company's operating activities used $85.8 million and provided $115.6
million for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively.  Net cash
used by operating activities for the year ended December 31, 1998 is primarily
due to losses from continuing operations, in addition to changes in working
capital items and non-cash expenses, such as recognition of deferred gain,
deferred interest expense and depreciation.  Net cash provided by operating
activities for the year ended December 31, 1999 is primarily due to changes in
working capital items and non-cash expenses such as deferred interest expense
and depreciation as well as changes in operating assets and liabilities such as
accounts payable and accrued liabilities.

Net Cash Used By Investing Activities

     The Company's investing activities used $352.1 million and $251.7 million
for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively.  Net cash used by
investing activities for the year ended December 31, 1998 includes the
acquisition of property, equipment and other assets,


the purchase of short-term investments available for sale and the purchase of
the Company's investment in ICG Ohio LINX. Net cash used by investing activities
for the year ended December 31, 1999 includes the acquisition of property,
equipment and other assets of $503.9 million, the purchase of corporate
headquarters and payments for construction of corporate headquarters of $13.8
million, the purchase of the 49% equity interest in ChoiceCom of $35.1 million,
the purchase of long-term investments of $11.3 million and the increase in
restricted cash of $1.0 million, offset by the proceeds from the sales of the
operations of NETCOM of $252.9 million and the proceeds from the sale of short-
term investments available for sale and marketable securities of $60.6 million.
The Company will continue to use cash in 2000 and subsequent periods for the
purchase of telecommunications equipment by ICG Equipment for lease to ICG
Telecom, the expansion of NetAhead's operations and, potentially, for
acquisitions. The Company acquired assets under capital leases of $141.5 million
during the year ended December 31, 1999.

Net Cash Provided By Financing Activities

     The Company's financing activities provided $532.8 million and $70.0
million for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively.  Net cash
provided by financing activities for the year ended December 31, 1998 includes
net proceeds from the private placement of the 10% Notes and the 9 7/8% Notes
issued in February 1998 and April 1998, respectively.  For the year ended
December 31, 1999, the Company's financing activities consist of the proceeds
from the Senior Facility, principal payments on capital leases and the Senior
Facility and deferred financing and lease administration costs.

     On August 12, 1999, ICG Equipment and NetAhead entered into a $200.0
million senior secured financing facility (the "Senior Facility") consisting of
a $75.0 million term loan, a $100.0 million term loan and a $25.0 million
revolving line of credit. During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company
borrowed $80.0 million under the loans at interest rates ranging from LIBOR plus
3.125% to 3.5% or 9.35% to 9.67% at December 31, 1999. Quarterly repayments on
the debt commence at various dates beginning September 30, 1999 with remaining
outstanding balances maturing on June 30, 2005 for the $100.0 million term loan
and the $25.0 million line of credit and March 31, 2006 for the $75.0 million
term loan.

     As of December 31, 1999, the Company had an aggregate accreted value of
approximately $734.8 million outstanding under the 10% Notes, the 9 7/8% Notes
and the Senior Facility.  The 10% Notes require payments of interest to be made
in cash commencing August 15, 2003 and mature February 15, 2008.  The 9 7/8%
Notes require payments of interest to be made in cash commencing November 1,
2003 and mature May 1, 2008.  As of December 31, 1999, the Company had $7.7
million of capital lease obligations and $33.1 million of other indebtedness
outstanding.  With respect to fixed rate senior indebtedness outstanding on
December 31, 1999, the Company has cash interest payment obligations of
approximately $44.5 million in 2003 and $89.0 million in 2004, 2005 and each
year thereafter through 2007.

     During the first quarter of 2000, the Company signed letters of intent with
its two biggest vendors, Lucent Technologies, Inc. and Cisco Systems, Inc. for
financing of future capital expenditures.  The Company believes that these
financing agreements will better enable the


Company to fund its scheduled network expansion through the purchase of Lucent
and Cisco equipment. The Lucent credit agreement provides the Company with up to
$250.0 million of long-term debt financing which can be drawn down during the
year following the closing to purchase network equipment. Under the terms of the
Lucent letter of intent, the Company will commit to purchase a minimum of $175.0
million of equipment with principal amounts outstanding required to be repaid in
quarterly installments over a five-year period beginning 2001. The Cisco credit
facility will provide the Company with up to $180 million of capital lease
financing with a three-year repayment term. During the first quarter of 2000,
$50.0 million of the capital lease financing with Cisco was finalized, however,
no amounts have been drawn down under this facility. The Company anticipates
that these transactions will close during the second quarter of 2000. There is
no assurance, however, that these transactions will close during the second
quarter, or at all.

Other Cash Commitments and Capital Requirements

     The Company's capital expenditures of continuing operations, including
assets acquired under capital leases, were $645.4 million for the year ended
December 31, 1999.  The Company anticipates that the expansion of the Company's
businesses as currently planned will require capital expenditures of
approximately $1.0 billion for the year ended December 31, 2000.  In the event
that ICG's and the Company's efforts to acquire new customers and deploy new
services are more successful than planned, the Company may be required to expend
capital resources earlier than expected to accommodate customer demands. To
facilitate the expansion of its services and networks, the Company has entered
into equipment purchase agreements with various vendors under which the Company
will purchase equipment and other assets, including a full range of switching
systems, fiber optic cable, network electronics, software and services.  If the
Company fails to meet the minimum purchase level in any given year, the vendor
may discontinue certain discounts, allowances and incentives otherwise provided
to the Company.  Actual capital expenditures will depend on numerous factors,
including certain factors beyond the Company's control. These factors include
economic conditions, competition, regulatory developments and the availability
of equity, debt and lease financing.

     Changes in the Company's business plan may require additional sources of
cash which may be obtained through public and private debt or equity financings,
capital leases and other financing arrangements.  To date, the Company has been
able to secure sufficient amounts of financing to meet its capital and operating
needs. There can be no assurance that additional financing will be available to
the Company or, if available, that it can be obtained on terms acceptable to the
Company.  The failure to obtain sufficient amounts of financing could result in
the delay or abandonment of some or all of the Company's development and
expansion plans, which could have a material adverse effect on the Company's


     The Company's financial position and cash flows are subject to a variety of
risks in the normal course of business, which include market risks associated
with movements in interest rates and equity prices.  The Company routinely
assesses these risks and has established policies and business practices to
protect against the adverse effects of these and other potential


exposures. The Company does not, in the normal course of business, use
derivative financial instruments for trading or speculative purposes.

Interest Rate Risk

     The Company's exposure to market risk associated with changes in interest
rates relates primarily to the Company's investments in marketable securities
and its senior indebtedness.

     The Company invests primarily in high grade short-term investments which
consist of money market instruments, commercial paper, certificates of deposit,
government obligations and corporate bonds, all of which are considered to be
available for sale and generally have maturities of one year or less.  The
Company's short term investment objectives are safety, liquidity and yield, in
that order.  As of December 31, 1999, the Company had approximately $53.7
million in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments available for sale,
at a weighted average fixed interest rate of 5.20% for the year ended December
31, 1999.  A hypothetical 10% fluctuation in market rates of interest would not
cause a material change in the fair value of the Company's investment in
marketable securities at December 31, 1999, and accordingly, would not cause a
material impact on the Company's financial position, results of operations or
cash flows.

     At December 31, 1999, the Company's indebtedness included $655.2 million
under the 10% Notes and 9 7/8% Notes. Future increases in interest rates could
increase the cost of any new borrowings by the Company. The Company does not
hedge against future changes in market rates of interest.

     On August 12, 1999, the Company entered into the Senior Facility,
consisting of two term loans and a revolving line of credit.  All components of
the Senior Facility bear variable annual rates of interest, based on changes in
LIBOR, the Royal Bank of Canada prime rate and the federal funds rate.
Consequently, additional borrowings under the Senior Facility and increases in
LIBOR, the Royal Bank of Canada prime rate and the federal funds rate will
increase the Company's indebtedness and may increase the Company's interest
expense in future periods.  Additionally, under the terms of the Senior
Facility, the Company is required to hedge the interest rate risk on $100.0
million of the Senior Facility if LIBOR exceeds 9.0% for 15 consecutive days.
As of December 31, 1999, the Company had $79.6 million outstanding under the
Senior Facility.  A hypothetical change in annual interest rate of 1% per annum
would result in a change in interest expense of approximately $0.8 million.

Equity Price Risk

     On March 30, 1999, the Company purchased, for approximately $10.0 million
in cash, 454,545 shares of restricted Series D-1 Preferred Stock of NorthPoint
Communications Holdings, Inc. (NorthPoint) which was converted into 555,555
shares of Class B common stock of NorthPoint (the NorthPoint Class B Shares) on
May 5, 1999.  The NorthPoint Class B Shares are convertible on or after March
31, 2000 on a one-for-one basis into a voting class of common


stock of NorthPoint. The Company will be subject to the effects of fluctuations
in the fair value of the common stock of NorthPoint until such time as the
Company liquidates its investment in NorthPoint.

     On August 11, 1999, the Company purchased 1,250,000 shares of Series C
Preferred Stock (the "ThinkLink Preferred Stock") of International ThinkLink
Corporation (ThinkLink), or approximately 8% of the outstanding shares, for $1.0
million in cash. The ThinkLink Preferred Stock is exchangeable into common stock
of ThinkLink at any time. The ThinkLink Preferred Stock will automatically
convert to common stock upon the completion of the initial public offering of
the common stock of ThinkLink or upon election to convert by the holders of a
majority of the ThinkLink Preferred Stock.  The conversion rate from the
ThinkLink Preferred Stock to common stock of ThinkLink is initially one-for-one;
however, such conversion rate is subject to adjustment.  The Company will be
subject to the effects of fluctuations in the fair value of the common stock of
ThinkLink until such time as the Company liquidates its investment in ThinkLink.

     Although changes in the fair market value of the common stock of NorthPoint
and  ThinkLink may affect the fair market value of the Company's investments in
NorthPoint and  ThinkLink and cause unrealized gains or losses, such gains or
losses will not be realized until the securities are sold.

Market Price Risk

     The fair value of the Company's Senior Discount Notes outstanding was
$462.7 million as of December 31, 1999 compared to the carrying value of $655.2
million. A hypothetical 10% fluctuation in market rates of interest would not
cause a material change in the fair value of the Company's Senior Discount Notes
at December 31, 1999.


     The consolidated financial statements of the Company appear on page F-1
of this Annual Report.

     Selected quarterly financial data required under this Item is included
under Item 7  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations.




                                    PART III


     The Directors and executive officers of the Company are set forth below.
The Directors of ICG Services hold office until their successors are appointed
and qualified or until their death, resignation or removal.

     Set forth below are the names, ages and positions of the Directors and
executive officers of the Company.

Name                          Age      Position
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J. Shelby Bryan               54       Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors
William S. Beans, Jr.         34       President and Director
Harry R. Herbst               48       Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Director
H. Don Teague                 57       Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary and Director
Michael D. Kallet             46       Executive Vice President
James R. Washington           47       Executive Vice President
John V. Colgan                55       Vice President, Controller and Director

     J. Shelby Bryan has been Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief
Executive Officer since January 1998.  Prior thereto, he served as President,
Chief Executive Officer and Director of ICG from May 1995.  Mr. Bryan has over
20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, primarily in the
cellular business.  He co-founded Millicom International Cellular S.A., a
publicly owned corporation providing cellular service internationally, served as
its President and Chief Executive Officer from 1985 to 1994 and served as a
Director through May 1998.

     William S. Beans, Jr. has been President and Director of the Company since
January 2000. Prior thereto, he was Executive Vice President of the Company and
Executive Vice President Network Services of ICG from June 1999. Prior to
joining ICG, Mr. Beans held several positions in the Teleport Communications
Group, a division of AT&T Local Services. He was National Vice President -
Operations from November 1997 until June 1999, Vice President Customer
Care/Customer Service from October 1995 to November 1997 and Vice President of
Network Development from September 1993 to October 1995.

     Harry R. Herbst has been Executive Vice President of ICG and the Company
since July 1998 and, in August 1998, he also became Chief Financial Officer of
ICG and the Company.  He has served as a Director of the Company since August
1998.  Mr. Herbst has been a member of the Board of Directors of ICG since
October 1995. From November 1995 to July 1998, he was Vice President of Finance
and Strategic Planning of Gulf Canada Resources Ltd (Gulf Canada).  He was Vice
President and Treasurer of Gulf Canada from January to November 1995.
Previously, Mr. Herbst was Vice President of Taxation for Torch Energy Advisors
Inc. from 1991 to 1994, and tax manager for Apache Corp. from 1987 to 1990. Mr.
Herbst is a certified


public accountant, formerly with Coopers & Lybrand, now known as
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

     H. Don Teague has been Executive Vice President, General Counsel and
Secretary of ICG since May 1997.  In January 1998, Mr. Teague became Executive
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary and a Director of the
Company.  Prior to these positions, Mr. Teague was Senior Vice President,
Administration and Legal with Falcon Seaboard Holdings, L.P. and its
predecessors from April 1994 through April 1997.  From 1974 to April 1994, Mr.
Teague was a partner in the law firm of Vinson & Elkins LLP.

     Michael D. Kallet has been Executive Vice President of the Company since
January 2000. Prior thereto, he was Vice President of the Company since August
1999 and Senior Vice President of Products and Services of ICG from 1998. He has
been General Manager and Chief Operations Officer of ICG NetAhead, Inc., a
subsidiary of the Company, since February 1999. Prior to joining ICG, he held
several positions in the technology industry, including positions at IBM,
Computer Support Corporation, Walker Interactive and Software Publishing
Corporation (Harvard Graphics).

     James R. Washington joined the Company in January 2000 as Executive Vice
President.  Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Washington was Vice President of
Local Planning at AT&T from June 1998 to December 1999.  From January 1993 to
June 1998, Mr. Washington held several positions at Teleport Communications
Group, including Regional Vice President and Vice President of Carrier Relations
and Settlements.  Mr. Washington also held executive positions at American
Mobile Systems, PacTel Paging and MobileComm.

     John V. Colgan has been a Director of the Company since August 1998.  Mr.
Colgan is currently Senior Vice President of Finance and Controller of ICG and
has held a number of positions at ICG since 1994, including Vice President of
Financial Planning and Analysis of ICG and Senior Vice President of Finance for
ICG Telecom Group, Inc. Prior to joining ICG, Mr. Colgan held several executive
positions in the transportation and logistics industry, including Vice President
and General Manager of TLN, Inc., a logistic information systems integrator,
Executive Vice President of Administration and Treasurer for MNX, Inc. a
publicly held transportation services provider and Vice President of Finance of
Burlington Northern Motor Carriers. Mr. Colgan, a certified public accountant,
was employed for 10 years by Arthur Andersen & Co.


Director Compensation

     All of the Company's Directors are employees of ICG and therefore receive
no additional compensation for serving as Directors.

Compensation Committee and Insider Participation

     The Company has no compensation committee.  However, the Compensation
Committee of the Board of Directors of ICG (the "Compensation Committee")
evaluates compensation levels of senior management and evaluates the various
factors affecting compensation of the


Company's highest paid officers. The Compensation Committee consists of four
non-employee Directors: William J. Laggett, Vice Chairman of the ICG Board of
Directors, John U. Moorhead II, Walter Threadgill and Leontis Teryazos.

Board Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

     The compensation of senior management is paid by ICG, with the exception
of Michael D. Kallet, currently an Executive Vice President of the Company, who
was paid by ICG NetAhead, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company. The Compensation
Committee believes that compensation to the Company's executive officers should
be designed to encourage and reward management's efforts to further strengthen
the Company's business and to create added value for the stockholders. Such a
compensation program helps to achieve the Company's business and financial
objectives and also provides incentives needed to attract and retain well-
qualified executives. The Company operates in a competitive marketplace and
needs to attract and retain highly qualified senior management and executive
personnel in order for the Company to achieve its goal of continued growth. The
Compensation Committee attributes a substantial portion of the Company's overall
performance, as well as the individual contributions of the executive officers,
to the executive officers' compensation.

     All senior management, except for J. Shelby Bryan, President, Chief
Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors, are compensated with a
base salary and incentive bonus.  The base salaries are intended to compensate
executives for their ongoing leadership skills and management responsibility.
The incentive bonuses are dependent upon ICG's and the Company's performance.
For purposes of determining incentive bonuses, the Compensation Committee
evaluates the accomplishment of goals set at the beginning of each fiscal year
and compares ICG's and the Company's performance in each year to those goals. As
a result of ICG's and the Company's performance during fiscal 1999, the
Compensation Committee approved bonuses for the Named Executive Officers of the
Company. See "Executive Compensation" for the definition of Named Officers and
the bonuses paid to executive officers.

     In addition, on June 1, 1999 the Stock Option Committee of ICG awarded
stock options to certain employees of the Company, including executive officers.
These grants were based on individual performance and responsibility and were
related to the executive officers' past performance during the year ended
December 31, 1999, as well as an incentive for continued efforts and success.
The Compensation Committee believes that stock options serve as important long-
term incentives for executive officers by encouraging their continued employment
and commitment to ICG's and the Company's performance.  The Compensation and
Stock Option Committees do not consider the number of options currently held by
all executive officers in determining individual grants because such
consideration could create an incentive to exercise options and sell the
underlying stock.  See "Summary Compensation Table" for the stock options
granted to the executive officers.

     The compensation of the Company's Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of
the Board of Directors, J. Shelby Bryan, is paid by ICG and is set forth in his
employment contract.  Mr.


Bryan's base salary is computed as: the sum of (i) one percent (1%) of the
increase in revenues of ICG for such fiscal quarter over revenues of ICG for the
immediately prior fiscal quarter and (ii) three percent (3%) of the increase in
EBITDA before nonrecurring and noncash charges of ICG for such fiscal quarter
over EBITDA of ICG for the immediately prior fiscal quarter (such payments were
previously calculated on a monthly basis prior to July 1, 1999). In addition, as
further incentive to Mr. Bryan, ICG has entered into a Deferred Compensation
Agreement with Mr. Bryan pursuant to which Mr. Bryan will receive ten annual
installments of $500,000 each, commencing on the later of January 1, 2001 or the
date of Mr. Bryan's retirement or termination (whether by resignation by Mr.
Bryan or by discharge by ICG) from his position of Chief Executive Officer of
the Company. Mr. Bryan was also granted, on March 10, 1999, an option to
purchase 200,000 shares of ICG Common Stock at $18.8125 per share. Mr. Bryan
receives other benefits, as well. See "Summary Compensation Table" for the type
and amount of these payments.

     Further, in the event any payments paid or payable by ICG or benefits
received or receivable by Mr. Bryan from ICG (collectively, the "Executive
Payments") are of the type encompassed within Section 280G of the Code, are
subject to tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code, and/or any comparable tax
imposed by any state or local taxing authority, including any interest or
penalties (collectively, the "Excise Tax"), ICG will pay an additional amount in
cash (the "Gross-Up Payment") so that the net amount retained by Mr. Bryan after
deduction of the Excise Tax on the Gross-Up Payment, as well as any other taxes
due solely as a result of the Gross-Up Payment, shall be equal to the full
amount of the Executive Payments.  The Compensation Committee believes that the
compensation paid to Mr. Bryan is appropriate based on Mr. Bryan's experience in
the communications industry and because his compensation is directly tied to the
performance of ICG and the Company.

     The Compensation Committee has reviewed the compensation of ICG's and the
Company's executive officers and has concluded that their compensation is
reasonable and appropriate in view of ICG's and the Company's performance.  The
Compensation Committee continually evaluates the compensation of ICG's and the
Company's executive officers, including an assessment of compensation reports
for comparable companies and for the telecommunications industry in general.
The Compensation Committee believes that maintaining suitable executive
compensation programs is necessary to support the future development of ICG and
the Company and growth in stockholder value.

                              William J. Laggett
                              John U. Moorhead II
                              Leontis Teryazos
                              Walter Threadgill
                              (Members of the ICG Compensation Committee)


Executive Compensation

     The following table provides certain summary information concerning
compensation paid or accrued by ICG and the Company for the years ended December
31, 1998 and 1999 to or on behalf of J. Shelby Bryan, the Company's President,
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors, and the
Company's only executive officer paid directly by the Company at December 31,
1999 (the "Named Officers").

                                                     Summary Compensation Table
                                                  Annual Compensation                          Compensation
                                      ------------------------------------------------      ------------------
                                                                         Other Annual             Securities            All Other
    Name and Principal       Fiscal                                      Compensation             Underlying          Compensation
      Position               Year        Salary ($)     Bonus ($)/(1)/        ($)                  Options                 ($)
J. Shelby Bryan              1999      1,500,000 /(2)/        -            98,658 /(3)/           200,000                    -
 President, Chief            1998      1,435,191 /(2)/        -           159,554 /(4)/                 -                    -
 Officer and Chairman of
 the Board of Directors

Michael D. Kallet            1999        240,154        125,147            19,523 /(5)/            55,000                    -
 Senior Vice President,      1998        198,846         83,919             9,577 /(6)/            35,000 /(7)/         37,500 /(8)/
 General Manager and
 Chief Operating Officer
 of NetAhead and
 Executive Vice President
 of Services

(1)  Consists of amounts earned and paid in the current year and earned in the
     current year but paid in the subsequent year.
(2)  Consists of amounts earned pursuant to the compensation formula in Mr.
     Bryan's employment agreement with ICG, as adjusted for amounts earned in
     1999.  All amounts earned have been paid by ICG.
(3)  Consists of $13,997 for car allowance, $49,583 for housing expenses and
     Company contributions to ICG's 401(k) Defined Contribution Plan in the
     amount of $35,078.  All amounts earned have been paid by ICG.
(4)  Consists of $24,430 for car allowance, $46,964 for housing expenses and
     Company contributions to ICG's 401(k) Defined Contribution Plan in the
     amount of $88,160.  All amounts earned have been paid by ICG.
(5)  Consists of $3,000 for car allowance, Company contributions to ICG's 401(k)
     Defined Contribution Plan in the amount of $16,067 and $456 for group term
     life insurance premiums.
(6)  Consists of Company contributions to ICG's 401(k) Defined Contribution
(7)  Includes options regranted as a result of the repricing of ICG's options on
     September 18, 1998.  See "Ten-Year Option/SAR Repricings."
(8)  Consists of an incentive bonus awarded for continued employment through the
     date of the merger between ICG and NETCOM.


                     Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year

     The Company granted no stock options or stock appreciation rights during
the year ended December 31, 1999 to the Named Officers or to other employees.
The Company's employees are eligible to participate in the stock option plans of
ICG.  The following table provides information on option grants to purchase ICG
Common Stock to the Named Officers during the year ended December 31, 1999:

                                                                                             Potential realizable value
                                       Individual grants                                             at assumed
                                  Number of       Percent of total   Exercise                annual rates of stock
                                 securities       options granted    or base                price appreciation for
                                 underlying       to employees in    price     Expiration         option term
Name                          options granted (#)   fiscal year      ($/Sh)       date               5% ($)          10% ($)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J. Shelby Bryan                   200,000                7.2        18.8125      3/9/09           2,365,397        5,993,908

Michael D. Kallet                  25,000                0.9        18.8125      3/10/09            295,777          749,557
                                   30,000                1.1        17.8750      5/31/09            337,128          854,281

        Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year
                               End Option Values

     The following table provides information on options to purchase ICG Common
Stock exercised during the year ended December 31, 1999 by the Named Officers
and the value of such officers' unexercised options at December 31, 1999:

                                                                       Number of securities             Value of unexercised in-the-
                                 Shares                               underlying unexercised                money options at
                              acquired on         Value             options at fiscal year end (#)        fiscal year end ($) /(1)/
                                                                 -----------------------------------   -----------------------------
Name                          exercise (#)      realized ($)        Exercisable        Unexercisable    Exercisable    Unexercisable
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

J. Shelby Bryan                      -                 -              1,750,000             100,000       17,634,375           -

Michael D. Kallet               10,000           115,251                 94,845              81,251          208,582      75,469

(1)  Based on the closing price of a share of ICG Common Stock on the Nasdaq
     National Market of $18.75 on December 31, 1999.

Executive Employment Agreements

     ICG has an employment agreement with Michael Kallet.  ICG's employment
agreement with Mr. Kallet provides for an initial term of two years which
commenced July 1, 1999.  Upon completion of one year of the initial term, the
agreement automatically renews from month to month such that there is always one
year remaining in the term until either ICG or Mr. Kallet provides notice of its
or his desire to terminate.  In such case, the term ends upon the date indicated
in the notice of termination.  The agreement provides for an annual base salary
and an incentive bonus determined by the Board of Directors of ICG.  Mr. Kallet
is also entitled to such other benefits as are generally provided to executive
officers of ICG, including options under ICG's stock option plans, a car
allowance and reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred on
behalf of ICG.  The agreement may be terminated by ICG upon 30 days written
notice if Mr. Kallet is prevented from performing his duties by reason of
illness or


incapacity for 140 days in any 180-day period. The agreement may also be
terminated by ICG or Mr. Kallet upon 30 days written notice in certain other
circumstances. If the agreement is terminated due to the death of Mr. Kallet,
his estate will receive an amount equal to three months salary. Upon a change in
control of ICG, Mr. Kallet will receive an amount equal to his annual base
salary, his targeted incentive bonus and the value of his other benefits, and
his unvested options shall fully vest. If Mr. Kallet is terminated pursuant to a
change in control transaction or if he resigns for good reason, he shall receive
an amount equal to two times his annual base salary, his targeted incentive
bonus and the value of his other benefits, and certain of his unvested options
shall fully vest. If Mr. Kallet is terminated by ICG without cause and not
involving a change in control transaction, he will receive an amount equal to
his salary for the remaining term of the agreement, and certain of his unvested
options shall fully vest. If Mr. Kallet resigns without good reason after
February 17, 2000, he will receive six months' salary, bonus and health
insurance benefits. Mr. Kallet is also subject to a ten-year confidentiality
covenant, a one-year non-competition commitment and a two-year non-solicitation


     ICG owns all of the outstanding shares of common stock of the Company.

     The following table sets forth, as of March 27, 2000, the number of
shares of ICG Common Stock owned by all executive officers and Directors of the
Company, individually and as a group.  The persons named in the table below have
sole voting and investment power with respect to all of the shares of ICG Common
Stock owned by them, unless otherwise noted.

                                                                            Amount/Nature of Beneficial
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner                                               Ownership                      Percent /(1)/
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------     ---------------------------      ----------------------
J. Shelby Bryan........................................................              2,235,941 (2)                    4.42%
 Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors
William S. Beans, Jr...................................................                  1,613 (3)                     *
 President and Director
Harry R. Herbst........................................................                110,702 (4)                     *
 Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Director
H. Don Teague..........................................................                60,910  (5)                     *
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary and Director
Michael D. Kallet......................................................                111,501 (6)                     *
Executive Vice President
James R. Washington....................................................                         0                      *
Executive Vice President
John V. Colgan.........................................................                 33,274 (7)                     *
 Vice President, Controller and Director
All executive officers and Directors of the Company as a group (7 persons)           2,553,941 (8)                    5.05%
*      Less than one percent of the outstanding shares of ICG Common Stock.

(1)  Based on 48,582,035 issued and outstanding shares of ICG Common Stock on
     March 27, 2000, plus shares of ICG Common Stock which may be acquired by
     the person or group indicated pursuant to any options and warrants
     exercisable, or pursuant to any shares vesting under ICG's 401(k) Plan
     within 60 days.
(2)  Includes 165,000 shares of ICG Common Stock held by Mr. Bryan, 20,941
     shares of IGC Common Stock held by a 401(k) Plan in Mr. Bryan's name and
     2,050,000 shares of ICG Common Stock that may be acquired pursuant to the
     exercise of outstanding stock options. Figure does not include 2,000 shares
     held in the name of Mr. Bryan's spouse for which Mr. Bryan specifically
     disclaims benificial ownership.


(3)  Includes 1,000 unrestricted shares owned by Mr. Beans and 613 shares held
     in ICG's Stock Purchase Plan.
(4)  Includes 3,518 unrestricted shares of ICG Common Stock held by ICG's
     Employee Stock Purchase Plan and 107,184 shares of ICG Common Stock that
     may be acquired by Mr. Herbst pursuant to the exercise of outstanding stock
(5)  Includes 910 shares of ICG Common Stock held by a 410K Plan in Mr. Teague's
     name and 60,000 shares of ICG Common Stock that may be acquired by Mr.
     Teague pursuant to the exercise of outstanding options.
(6)  Includes 937 shares of ICG Common Stock held by a 401K plan in the name of
     Mr. Kallet, 719 shares of ICG Common Stock held by ICG's Employee Stock
     Purchase Plan and 109,845 shares of ICG Common Stock that may be acquired
     by Mr. Kallet pursuant to the exercise of outstanding stock options.
(7)  Includes 4,100 shares of ICG Common Stock held by Mr. Colgan, 1,400 shares
     of ICG Common Stock held in the name of Mr. Colgan's spouse, 3,268 shares
     of ICG Common Stock held by a 401k Plan in Mr. Colgan's name, 2,318 shares
     of ICG Common Stock held by ICG's Employee Stock Purchase Plan and 22,188
     shares of ICG Common Stock held that may be acquired by Mr. Colgan pursuant
     to the exercise of outstanding options.
(8)  Includes 171,500 shares of ICG Common Stock held directly by the officers
     and directors as a group, 26,056 shares of ICG Common Stock held by ICG's
     401(K) Plan in the names of the individual officers and directors of ICG
     Services, 7,168 shares of ICG Common Stock held by ICG's Employee Stock
     Purchase Plan and 2,349,217 shares of ICG Common Stock that may be acquired
     pursuant to the exercise of outstanding stock options.


     Upon its formation, the Company, including its subsidiaries, entered into
certain intercompany and shared services agreements with ICG, whereby ICG
allocates to the Company direct and certain indirect costs incurred by ICG or
its other subsidiaries (the "Restricted Subsidiaries") on behalf of the Company.
Allocated expenses generally include a portion of salaries and related benefits
of legal, accounting and finance, information systems support and other ICG
employees, certain overhead costs and reimbursement for invoices of the Company
paid by ICG.  Conversely, any cash collected by ICG on behalf of the Company or
invoices paid by the Company on behalf of ICG are in turn reimbursed to the
Company by ICG.  As the Company and its subsidiaries and ICG and its Restricted
Subsidiaries jointly enter into service offerings and other transactions, joint
costs incurred are generally allocated to each of the Company and ICG according
to the relative capital invested and efforts expended by each party. All
transactions between the Company, including its subsidiaries, and ICG, including
its Restricted Subsidiaries, contain fair and reasonable conditions and/or are
approved by the Board of Directors of the Company and of ICG.  All such
transactions are settled in cash on a quarterly basis.

     For the year ended December 31, 1999, ICG charged approximately $46.8
million to the Company for intercompany transfers and direct and indirect costs
incurred by ICG and its Restricted Subsidiaries on behalf of the Company.  Of
this amount, approximately $0.9 million is included in the Company's selling,
general and administrative expenses for the year ended December 31, 1999. In
addition, for the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company charged
approximately $607.9 million to ICG and its Restricted Subsidiaries for
intercompany transfers and direct and indirect costs incurred by the Company on
behalf of ICG and its Restricted Subsidiaries.  The net receivable from ICG for
all intercompany charges combined is included in due from ICG in the Company's
consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 1999. Net interest income accrued by
the Company on outstanding balances from ICG and its Restricted Subsidiaries is
included in interest income in the Company's consolidated statement of
operations and was approximately $18.6 million for the year ended December 31,


Effective January 1, 1999, interest accrued on outstanding balances of
intercompany transfers and direct and indirect costs between the respective
entities at 12 1/2% per annum.

     During the year ended December 31, 1999, ICG Equipment purchased certain
telecommunications equipment and fiber optic capacity both from and for ICG
Telecom for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $466.7 million.
Simultaneously with each of the purchases, ICG Equipment entered into separate
agreements to lease the same telecommunications equipment back to ICG Telecom
under operating leases, with annual lease payments commencing one year from the
date of the lease.  During the year ended December 31, 1999, ICG Equipment
entered into separate agreements to lease $374.1 million of telecommunications
equipment to ICG Telecom.  ICG Equipment recognizes revenue from the lease
payments ratably over the lease terms. The Company recognized approximately
$79.1 million in revenue under these operating leases for the year ended
December 31, 1999, all of which is included in lease receivables at December 31,
1999.  The purchase prices and lease payments for all leases are subject to
adjustment, based on the results of an independent appraisal which may be
requested at the option of ICG Telecom and ICG Equipment on or before 90 days
from the purchase date. ICG Equipment submitted a request to ICG Telecom for
independent appraisals of certain of the telecommunications equipment and fiber
optic capacity purchased through June 30, 1999. The Company received the
appraisals for certain transactions completed during the years ended December
31, 1998 and 1999 which determined the fair value of the purchased
telecommunications equipment and fiber optic capacity exceeded the book value,
and accordingly, the original purchase price, by $82.3 million.  The Company has
reflected the payment of the excess of fair value over the original purchase
price as a reduction of equity in the accompanying consolidated financial

     Additionally, under a master lease agreement between ICG Equipment and ICG
Telecom, ICG Telecom is required to pay ICG Equipment a monthly lease service
fee, at an annual rate of prime plus 4% (12 1/2% at December 31, 1999), based on
the average monthly balance of assets purchased by ICG Equipment and intended
for future lease to ICG Telecom, but not yet placed into service.  For the year
ended December 31, 1999, ICG Equipment recognized approximately $14.6 million of
monthly service fee revenue under this agreement and approximately $4.9 million
was included in lease receivables at December 31, 1999.  The amount of assets
purchased by ICG Equipment and intended for future lease to ICG Telecom, but not
yet placed into service, was approximately $165.8 million at December 31, 1999.

     In the normal course of business during the year ended December 31, 1999,
ICG Telecom provided the use of certain of its local access lines to NETCOM and
NetAhead and, accordingly, charged NETCOM and NetAhead for costs of any
installation and recurring access to its network.  For the year ended December
31, 1999, NETCOM and NetAhead incurred approximately $4.3 million for
installation and recurring local access charges from ICG Telecom, which have
been included in the extraordinary gain on the sales of the operations of NETCOM
for those charges relating to NETCOM and in operating costs for those charges
relating to NetAhead, a portion of which were applied against the deferred gain
on the sale of certain of NETCOM's domestic operating assets and liabilities in
the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31,


     On March 1, 1999, the Company purchased from ICG Telecom, for $35.1 million
in cash, a 49% equity interest in ChoiceCom.  Based in Austin, Texas, ChoiceCom
currently provides local exchange and long distance services in Austin, Corpus
Christi, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Texas.  The Company accounted for its
investment in ChoiceCom under the equity method of accounting.  The remaining
51% equity interest in ChoiceCom is owned by ICG Telecom.

     On August 27, 1998, the Company purchased, for $9.1 million in cash, the
remaining 20% equity interest in ICG Ohio LINX, Inc. (ICG Ohio LINX) which ICG
Telecom did not already own, including incremental costs of obtaining that
investment of $0.1 million. ICG Ohio LINX is a facilities-based competitive
local exchange carrier which operates a fiber optic telecommunications network
in Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio. The Company has accounted for its investment in
ICG Ohio LINX under the equity method of accounting.

     Effective January 1, 1999, the Company purchased ICG's Corporate
Headquarters building.  The Company assumed the lease of the building from the
prior owner upon acquisition and is leasing the building to a subsidiary of ICG
under an operating lease. For the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company
earned leasing revenue from the Restricted Subsidiary of ICG of approximately
$4.8 million under the operating lease, which is included in revenue and due
from ICG in the Company's consolidated financial statements. The Company
received $2.5 million from the subsidiary as a security deposit on the operating
lease, which is included in other long-term liabilities in the Company's
consolidated financial statements.

     Effective January 1, 1999, the Company entered into a tax sharing agreement
with ICG and its other subsidiaries. According to the tax sharing arrangement,
the parties have mutually agreed to reimburse other members of the affiliated
group should one member's income tax attributes be used to offset income or
gains of another member through the filing of consolidated federal and combined
state income tax returns.  During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company
recorded a liability of $16.3 million to reimburse ICG for income tax losses
generated by ICG's other subsidiaries which were used to offset current income
tax liabilities of the Company in accordance with the tax sharing agreement.


                                    PART IV


(A)  (1)     Financial Statements.  The following financial statements are
             included in Item 8 of Part II:

             Independent Auditors' Report  Report of KPMG LLP.................................        F-2
             Independent Auditors' Report  Report of Ernst & Young LLP........................        F-3
             Consolidated Balance Sheets, December 31, 1998 and 1999..........................        F-4
             Consolidated Statements of Operations, Years Ended December 31,
                 1997, 1998 and 1999 .........................................................        F-6
             Consolidated Statements of Stockholder's Equity, Years Ended
                 December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999.............................................        F-8
             Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, Years Ended December 31,
                 1997, 1998 and 1999..........................................................        F-9
             Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.......................................        F-11

     (2)  Financial Statement Schedules.

     (3)  List of Exhibits.

          (2)  Plan of Acquisition, Reorganization, Arrangement, Liquidation or

          (3)  Corporate Organization.

               3.1:  Certificate of Incorporation of ICG Services, Inc.
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to Registration
                     Statement on Form S-4 of ICG Services, Inc., File No. 333-
                     51037, as amended].
               3.2:  By-laws of ICG Services, Inc. [Incorporated by reference to
                     Exhibit 3.2 to Registration Statement on Form S-4 of ICG
                     Services, Inc., File No. 333-51037, as amended].

          (4)  Instruments Defining the Rights of Security Holders, Including

               4.1:  Indenture, dated February 12, 1998, between ICG Services,
                     Inc. and Norwest Bank Colorado, National Association
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to Registration
                     Statement on Form S-4 of ICG Services, Inc., File No. 333-


               4.2:  Indenture, dated April 27, 1998, between ICG Services, Inc.
                     and Norwest Bank Colorado, National Association
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to Registration
                     Statement on Form S-4 of ICG Services, Inc., File No. 333-
               4.3:  Loan Agreement, dated as of January 1, 1999, by and among
                     TriNet Realty Capital, Inc. and ICG Services, Inc.
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to ICG Services,
                     Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly
                     period ended March 31, 1999].
               4.4:  Promissory Note, dated as of January 1, 1999, by and among
                     TriNet Realty Capital, Inc. and ICG Services, Inc.
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to ICG Services,
                     Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly
                     period ended March 31, 1999].
               4.5:  Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents and Security Agreement,
                     made as of January 1, 1999, granted by ICG Services, Inc.
                     for the benefit of TriNet Realty Capital, Inc.
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to ICG Services,
                     Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly
                     period ended March 31, 1999].
               4.6:  Amended and Restated Loan Agreement, dated as of May 1,
                     1999, by and among TriNet Realty Capital, Inc. and ICG 161,
                     L.P. [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to ICG
                     Services, Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
                     quarterly period ended June 30, 1999].
               4.7:  Credit Agreement, dated as of August 12, 1999, among ICG
                     Equipment, Inc. and ICG NetAhead, Inc., as Borrowers, ICG
                     Services, Inc., as Parent, the Initial Lenders and the
                     Initial Issuing Bank, as Initial Lenders and Initial
                     Issuing Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, as Administrative Agent
                     and Collateral Agent, Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc.,
                     as Sole Book-Runner and Lead Arranger and Bank of America,
                     N.A. and Barclays Bank Plc, as Co-Documentation Agents
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to ICG Services,
                     Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly
                     period ended June 30, 1999].
               4.8:  Security Agreement, dated August 12, 1999, from ICG
                     Equipment, Inc. and ICG NetAhead, Inc., as Grantors to
                     Royal Bank of Canada, as Collateral Agent [Incorporated by
                     reference to Exhibit 10.4 to ICG Services, Inc.'s Quarterly
                     Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30,
               4.9:  Amendment No. 1 to Credit Agreement, dated as of September
                     30, 1999, among ICG Equipment, Inc. and ICG NetAhead, Inc.,
                     as Borrowers, ICG Services, Inc., as Parent, certain
                     Initial Lender Parties thereto, Morgan Stanley Senior
                     Funding, Inc., as Sole Book-Runner and Lead Arranger, Royal
                     Bank of Canada, as Collateral Agent and as Administrative
                     Agent for such Lender Parties, and Bank of America, N.A.
                     and Barclays Bank Plc, as Co-Documentation Agents
                     [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1


                       to ICG Services, Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
                       the quarterly period ended September 30, 1999].

                4.10:  Amendment and Waiver No. 2 to the Loan Documents, dated
                       as of December 29, 1999, among ICG Equipment, Inc., ICG
                       NetAhead, Inc., ICG Services, Inc., certain Initial
                       Lender Parties party thereto, Morgan Stanley Senior
                       Funding, Inc., as Sole Book-Runner and Lead Arranger,
                       Royal Bank of Canada, as Collateral Agent and as
                       Administrative Agent for such Lender Parties, Bank of
                       America, N.A., as Documentation Agent and Barclays Bank
                       Plc, as Co-Documentation Agent.
                4.11:  Amendment No. 3 to the Loan Documents, dated as of
                       February 11, 2000, among ICG Equipment, Inc., ICG
                       NetAhead, Inc., ICG Services, Inc., as Parent, certain
                       Initial Lender Parties party thereto, Morgan Stanley
                       Senior Funding, Inc., as Sole Book-Runner and Lead
                       Arranger, Royal Bank of Canada, as Collateral Agent and
                       as Administrative Agent for such Lender Parties, Bank of
                       America, N.A., as Documentation Agent and Barclays Bank
                       Plc, as Co-Documentation Agent.

          (9)   Voting Trust Agreement.

          (10)  Material Contracts.

                10.1:  Shared Administrative and Operational Services Agreement,
                       dated as of January 23, 1998, between ICG Communications,
                       Inc. and ICG Services, Inc.
                10.2:  Form of Master Lease Agreement between ICG Equipment,
                       Inc. and each of ICG Telecom Group, Inc., ICG Ohio LINX,
                       Inc., ICG Access Services, Inc., ICG Telecom of San
                       Diego, L.P. and Bay Area Teleport, Inc.
                10.3:  Purchase Agreement, dated as of January 1, 1999, by and
                       among TriNet Essential Facilities X, Inc. and ICG
                       Services, Inc. [Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4
                       to ICG Services, Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
                       the quarterly period ended March 31, 1999].
                10.4:  Assumption and Modification Agreement, dated as of May 1,
                       1999, by and among ICG Services, Inc., ICG 161, L.P. and
                       TriNet Realty Capital, Inc. [Incorporated by reference to
                       Exhibit 10.2 to ICG Services, Inc.'s Quarterly Report on
                       Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 1999].
                10.5:  Employment Agreement, dated as of July 1, 1999, between
                       ICG Communications, Inc. and Michael D. Kallet.

          (11)  Statement re Computation of per Share Earnings.
                Not Applicable.


          (12)  Statement re Computation of Ratios.
                Not Applicable.

          (13)  Annual Report to Security Holders.
                Not Applicable.

          (21)  Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

                21.1:  Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

          (22)  Published Report re Matters Submitted to Vote of Security
                Not Applicable.

          (24)  Power of Attorney.
                Not Applicable.

          (27)  Financial Data Schedule.

                27.1:  Financial Data Schedule of ICG Services, Inc. for the
                       Year Ended December 31, 1999.

(B)  Reports on Form 8-K.

(C)  Exhibits. The exhibits required by this Item are listed under Item

(D)  Financial Statement Schedules.


                             FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Independent Auditors' Report - Report of KPMG LLP........................   F-2

Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors........................   F-3

Consolidated Balance Sheets, December 31, 1998 and 1999..................   F-4

Consolidated Statements of Operations, Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1998
 and 1999................................................................   F-6

Consolidated Statements of Stockholder's Equity, Years Ended
 December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999........................................   F-8

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1998
 and 1999................................................................   F-9

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements...............................   F-11


                Independent Auditors' Report - Report of KPMG LLP

The Board of Directors and Stockholder
ICG Services, Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of ICG Services,
Inc. and subsidiaries (the "Company") (a wholly owned subsidiary of ICG
Communications, Inc.) as of December 31, 1998 and 1999 and the related
consolidated statements of operations, stockholder's equity, and cash flows for
each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 1999.  These
consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated
financial statements based on our audits. We did not audit the consolidated
financial statements of NETCOM On-Line Communication Services, Inc. (NETCOM), a
discontinued wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, for the year ended December
31, 1997, whose loss from operations constitutes 100 percent of the consolidated
loss from discontinued operations in 1997. Those consolidated financial
statements were audited by other auditors whose report has been furnished to us,
and our opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts included for NETCOM in
1997, is based solely on the report of the other auditors.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits and the report of the other auditors provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, based on our audits and the report of other auditors, the
consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of ICG Services, Inc. and subsidiaries
as of December 31, 1998 and 1999, and the results of their operations and their
cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31,
1999, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                 /s/ KPMG LLP

Denver, Colorado
February 16, 2000


               Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
NETCOM On-Line Communication Services, Inc.

We have audited the consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity
and cash flows of NETCOM On-Line Communication Services, Inc. for the year ended
December 31, 1997 (not presented separately herein). These financial statements
are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated results of operations and
cash flows of NETCOM On-Line Communication Services, Inc. for the year ended
December 31, 1997, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States.

                                                /s/ Ernst & Young LLP

San Jose, California
February 13, 1998



Consolidated Balance Sheets
December 31, 1998 and 1999

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                        December 31,
                                                                1998                    1999
                                                       --------------------     ------------------
Assets                                                                 (in thousands)
- ------
Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                                 $     114,380              43,222
 Short-term investments available for sale (note 4)               41,000              10,442
   Network services, including amounts due from
            ICG (notes 8 and 10)                                       -               7,412
   Leasing services, due from ICG (notes 8 and 10)                 7,753              66,652
   Due from ICG (notes 8 and 10)                                 137,762             128,893
   Other                                                               -                 500
                                                           -------------       -------------
            Total receivables                                    145,515             203,457
                                                           -------------       -------------

 Prepaid expenses, deposits and inventory                             20               2,942
                                                           -------------       -------------

   Total current assets                                          300,915             260,063
                                                           -------------       -------------

Property and equipment (notes 5, 8, 10 and 11)                   301,969             916,953
 Less accumulated depreciation                                    (4,064)            (64,273)
                                                           -------------       -------------
   Net property and equipment                                    297,905             852,680
                                                           -------------       -------------

 Restricted cash                                                       -               1,030
 Investments in partnership interests, common stock and
  restricted and exchangeable preferred stock (note 6)                 -              11,250

 Investments, accounted for under the equity method
 (notes 6 and 12)                                                 10,179              41,152
 Deferred financing and lease administration costs, net
 of accumulated amortization of $1.5 million and $3.9
 million at December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively
 (notes 8 and 10)                                                 16,727              20,663
Other assets                                                           -                 919
Net non-current assets of discontinued operations
 (note 3)                                                         54,023                   -
                                                           -------------       -------------
   Total assets (note 12)                                       $679,749           1,187,757
                                                           =============       =============



Consolidated Balance Sheets, Continued
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                      December 31,
                                                                             1998                       1999
                                                                   ---------------------      ---------------------
Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity                                                 (in thousands)
- ------------------------------------

Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable                                                           $     28,840                    113,372
 Payable pursuant to IRU agreement (note 7)                                            -                    135,322
 Accrued liabilities, including amounts due to ICG
   (note 10)                                                                       1,309                     38,718
 Deferred gain on sale (note 3)                                                        -                      5,475
 Current portion of capital lease obligations (note 7)                                 -                      1,951
 Current portion of long-term debt (note 8)                                            -                        750
 Net current liabilities of discontinued operations
   (note 3)                                                                       22,328                          -
                                                                            ------------               ------------
   Total current liabilities                                                      52,477                    295,588
                                                                            ------------               ------------

Capital lease obligations, less current portion (note 7)                               -                      5,784
Long-term debt, net of discount (note 8)                                         594,617                    767,167
Other long-term liabilities (note 10)                                                  -                      2,500
                                                                            ------------               ------------

   Total liabilities                                                             647,094                  1,071,039
                                                                            ------------               ------------

Stockholder's equity:
 Common stock, $.01 par value, 1,000 shares authorized; 10
  shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 1998 and
  1999 (note 2)                                                                        -                          -
 Additional paid-in capital                                                      207,798                    129,402
 Accumulated deficit                                                            (175,024)                   (12,684)
 Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                               (119)                         -
                                                                            ------------               ------------
   Total stockholder's equity                                                     32,655                    116,718
                                                                            ------------               ------------
Commitments and contingencies (notes 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11)

   Total liabilities and stockholder's equity                               $    679,749                  1,187,757
                                                                            ============               ============

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Operations
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                      Years ended December 31,
                                                                      1997                      1998                      1999
                                                             --------------------      --------------------      -------------------
                                                                                           (in thousands)

Revenue (note 12):
  From services provided to ICG (note 10)                      $          -                     9,911                    99,738
  Other                                                                   -                         -                       377
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------
      Total revenue                                                       -                     9,911                   100,115
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------

Cost of services and expenses:
   Cost of services                                                       -                         -                     3,613
   Selling, general and administrative expenses:
        Amounts allocated from ICG (note 10)                              -                     2,396                       916
        Other                                                             -                     1,365                     1,032
   Depreciation (notes 5 and 12)                                          -                     4,064                    55,334
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------
     Total cost of services and expenses                                  -                     7,825                    60,895
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------

     Operating income                                                     -                     2,086                    39,220

Other (expense) income:
   Interest expense (notes 8 and 12)                                      -                   (45,522)                  (74,351)
   Interest income:
        Amounts earned from ICG (note 10)                                 -                     4,625                    18,638
        Other                                                             -                    18,811                     7,495
   Other income, net, including realized gain on
        marketable trading securities
        (note 6)                                                          -                         -                       440
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------
                                                                          -                   (22,086)                  (47,778)
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------
Loss from continuing operations before share of
   net earnings (losses) of equity investees                              -                   (20,000)                   (8,558)
Share of net earnings (losses) of equity investees
   (note 12)                                                              -                     1,075                    (8,019)
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------

Loss from continuing operations                                           -                   (18,925)                  (16,577)
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------

Loss from discontinued operations (note 3)                          (33,092)                  (60,965)                        -
                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------

Extraordinary gain on sales of operations of
 NETCOM, net of income taxes (notes 3 and 12)                             -                         -                   178,917

                                                               ------------                ----------               -----------
    Net (loss) income                                              $(33,092)                  (79,890)                  162,340
                                                               ============                ==========               ===========



Consolidated Statements of Operations, Continued

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                      Years ended December 31,
                                                                   1997                      1998                      1999
                                                             --------------------      --------------------      -------------------
                                                                                          (in thousands)
Other comprehensive loss:
   Foreign currency translation adjustment                         $     (527)                     (263)                        -
   Unrealized loss on short-term investments
     available for sale                                                  (540)                        -                         -

                                                             --------------------      --------------------      -------------------
         Other comprehensive loss                                      (1,067)                     (263)                        -
                                                             --------------------      --------------------      -------------------

         Comprehensive (loss) income                               $  (34,159)                  (80,153)                  162,340
                                                             ====================      ====================      ===================

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Stockholder's Equity
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         Common stock        Additional                        other            Total
                                    --------------------       paid-in      Accumulated     comprehensive     stockholder's
                                       Shares     Amount       capital        deficit       income (loss)       equity
                                                                         (in thousands)
Balances at January 1, 1997            11,631      $ 116        205,506         (62,042)        1,211           144,791
 Shares issued for cash in
  connection with NETCOM's employee
  stock purchase plan and the
  exercise of NETCOM's stock options      152          1          1,702               -             -             1,703
 Reversal of unrealized gains on
  short-term investments
  available for sale                        -          -              -               -          (540)             (540)
 Cumulative foreign currency
  translation adjustment                    -          -              -               -          (527)             (527)
 Net loss                                   -          -              -         (33,092)            -           (33,092)
                                       ------      -----       --------       ---------       -------         ---------
Balances at December 31, 1997          11,783        117        207,208         (95,134)          144           112,335
 Shares issued for cash in
  connection with NETCOM's employee
  stock purchase plan and the
  exercise of NETCOM's stock
  options (note 1)                         38          1            472               -             -               473
 Elimination of NETCOM's historical
  equity in connection with
  NETCOM's merger with ICG (note 1)   (11,821)      (118)      (102,349)              -             -          (102,467)
 Contribution of ICG's investment in
  NETCOM to ICG Services, Inc. in
  exchange for 10 shares of common
  stock of ICG Services, Inc.
  (note 1)                                  -          -        102,467               -             -           102,467
 Cumulative foreign currency
  translation adjustment                    -          -              -               -          (263)             (263)
 Net loss                                   -          -              -         (79,890)            -           (79,890)
                                       ------      -----       --------       ---------       -------         ---------
Balances at December 31, 1998               -          -        207,798        (175,024)         (119)           32,655
 Excess of book value of net assets
  acquired over consideration
  paid (note 6)                             -          -          3,899               -             -             3,899
 Excess of fair value of assets
  acquired over book value (note 10)        -          -        (82,295)              -             -           (82,295)
 Reversal of foreign currency
  translation adjustment (note 3)           -          -              -               -           119               119
 Net income                                 -          -              -         162,340             -           162,340
                                       ------     ------       --------       ---------       -------         ---------
Balances at December 31, 1999               -     $    -        129,402         (12,684)            -           116,718
                                       ======     ======       ========       =========       =======         =========

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                        Years ended December 31,
                                                                             1997                 1998                  1999
                                                                     ------------------    ----------------     -----------------
                                                                                             (in thousands)
Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net (loss) income                                                             $(33,092)            (79,890)              162,340
 Loss from discontinued operations                                               33,092              60,965                     -
 Extraordinary gain on sales of discontinued operations                               -                   -              (178,917)
 Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash (used)
  provided by operating activities:
    Recognition of deferred gain                                                      -                   -               (29,250)
    Share of net (earnings) losses of equity investees                                -              (1,075)                8,019
    Depreciation                                                                      -               4,064                55,334
    Interest expense deferred and included in long-term debt                          -              44,040                60,599
    Amortization of deferred financing costs included in
     interest expense                                                                 -               1,482                 2,058
    Amortization of deferred lease administration costs included
     in selling, general and administrative expenses                                  -                  36                   355
    Change in operating assets and liabilities:
      Receivables                                                                     -            (145,515)              (62,643)
      Prepaid expenses, deposits and inventory                                        -                 (20)               (1,873)
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                        -              30,149                99,581
                                                                     ------------------    ----------------     -----------------
        Net cash (used) provided by operating activities                              -             (85,764)              115,603
                                                                     ------------------    ----------------     -----------------
Cash flows from investing activities:
 Acquisition of property, equipment and other assets                                  -            (301,969)             (503,925)
 Purchase of corporate headquarters                                                   -                   -               (10,528)
 Payments for construction of corporate headquarters                                  -                   -                (3,300)
 Investment in equity investees                                                       -              (9,104)              (35,093)
 Investment in partnership interests and restricted
   preferred stock                                                                    -                   -               (11,250)
 Proceeds from sales of operations of NETCOM, net of
   cash included in sale                                                              -                   -               252,881
 (Purchase) sale of short-term investments available for sale                         -             (41,000)               30,558
 Proceeds from sale of marketable securities, net of
   realized gain                                                                      -                   -                30,000
 Increase in restricted cash                                                          -                   -                (1,030)
                                                                     ------------------    ----------------     -----------------
    Net cash used by investing activities                              $              -            (352,073)             (251,687)
                                                                     ------------------    ----------------     -----------------



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, Continued
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                          Years ended December 31,
                                                                   1997              1998             1999
                                                            ----------------   -------------    -------------
                                                                              (in thousands)
Cash flows from financing activities:
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock:
    Exercise of stock options                                 $            -             341                -
    Employee stock purchase plan                                           -             132                -
   Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                                -         550,574           80,000
   Deferred financing and lease administration costs                       -         (18,245)          (6,349)
   Principal payments on capital lease obligations                         -               -           (3,241)
   Principal payments on long-term debt                                    -               -             (376)
                                                              --------------   -------------    -------------
     Net cash provided by financing activities                             -         532,802           70,034
                                                              --------------   -------------    -------------
     Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                  -          94,965          (66,050)
     Net cash provided (used) by discontinued operations                   -          19,415           (5,108)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                               -               -          114,380
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                        $            -         114,380           43,222
                                                              ==============   =============    =============

Supplemental disclosure of cash flows information of
   continuing operations:
       Cash paid for interest                                 $           -                -           10,725
                                                              ==============   =============    =============

       Cash paid for taxes                                    $           -                -            1,220
                                                              ==============   =============    =============

Supplemental disclosure of non-cash investing and financing
   activities of continuing operations:
     Acquisition of corporate headquarters assets
       through the issuance of long-term debt (note 8)        $           -                -           33,077

                                                              ==============   =============    =============
     Assets acquired pursuant to IRU agreement                             -               -          135,322
     Assets acquired under capital leases                     $            -               -            6,190
                                                              --------------   -------------    -------------
       Total (notes 7 and 11)                                 $           -               -          141,512
                                                              ==============   =============    =============

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(1)  Organization and Nature of Business

     ICG Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation (ICG Services or the Company),
     was incorporated on January 23, 1998 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of
     ICG Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation (ICG). On January 21,
     1998, ICG completed a merger with NETCOM On-Line Communication Services,
     Inc., a Delaware corporation and Internet service provider (ISP) located in
     San Jose, California (NETCOM), in a transaction accounted for as a pooling
     of interests.  In conjunction with the merger between ICG and NETCOM,
     NETCOM's employee stock purchase plan was dissolved and all outstanding
     options to purchase common stock of NETCOM were converted into options to
     purchase ICG Common Stock. Upon the formation of ICG Services on January
     23, 1998, ICG contributed its investment in NETCOM to ICG Services and
     NETCOM became a wholly owned subsidiary of, and predecessor entity to, ICG
     Services.  Accordingly, the financial statements of the Company prior to
     January 23, 1998 consist solely of the accounts of NETCOM and its

     Effective November 3, 1998, the Company's board of directors adopted the
     formal plan to dispose of the operations of NETCOM (see note 3) and,
     accordingly, the Company's consolidated financial statements reflect the
     operations of NETCOM as discontinued for all periods presented.  The
     Company completed the sales of the operations of NETCOM on February 17 and
     March 16, 1999.  In conjunction with the sales, the legal name of the
     NETCOM subsidiary was changed to ICG NetAhead, Inc. (NetAhead).  NetAhead
     has retained the domestic Internet backbone assets formerly owned by NETCOM
     which it is utilizing for the provision of newly developed wholesale
     network services to ISPs and other telecommunications providers.

     On January 23, 1998, ICG Equipment, Inc., a Colorado corporation and wholly
     owned subsidiary of the Company (ICG Equipment), was formed for the
     principal purpose of providing financing of telecommunications equipment
     and services to ICG Telecom Group, Inc., an indirectly wholly owned
     subsidiary of ICG and provider of competitive local exchange services, and
     its subsidiaries (ICG Telecom).  Such financing is provided through ICG
     Equipment's purchase of telecommunications equipment, software, network
     capacity and related services from original equipment manufacturers,
     providers of intercity network facilities and ICG Telecom, and subsequent
     lease of such assets to ICG Telecom.

     The Company's objective is to acquire and invest in telecommunications
     equipment, software, network capacity and businesses that complement ICG's
     business strategy.  By leveraging its relationship with ICG, the Company
     intends to capitalize on the growth in demand for telecommunications
     equipment and services provided by the Company.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(2)  Significant Accounting Policies

    (a) Basis of Presentation

        The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts
        of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries.

        All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been
        eliminated in consolidation.

    (b) Cash Equivalents

        The Company considers all highly liquid investments with original
        maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

    (c) Investments

        The Company's short-term investment objectives are safety, liquidity and
        yield, in that order. The Company invests primarily in high grade short-
        term investments which consist of money market instruments, commercial
        paper, certificates of deposit, government obligations and corporate
        bonds, all of which are considered to be available for sale and
        generally have maturities of one year or less. Available for sale
        investments are carried at amortized cost, which approximates fair
        market value, with unrealized gains and losses, net of tax, reported as
        other comprehensive loss in stockholder's equity.  Realized gains and
        losses and declines in value judged to be other than temporary are
        included in the statement of operations.

        Investments in partnership interests and common or preferred stock for
        which there is no public trading market and which represent less than a
        20% equity interest are accounted for using the cost method, unless the
        Company exercises significant influence and/or control over the
        operations of the investee company, in which case the equity method is
        used. Investments representing an equity interest of 20% or more, but
        less than 50%, are accounted for using the equity method of accounting,
        whereby the Company's share of earnings or losses in the investee
        company is included in results of operations.  Losses recognized in
        excess of the Company's investment due to an additional investment or
        financing requirements, or guarantees, are recorded as a liability in
        the consolidated financial statements.

    (d) Inventory

        Inventory, consisting of equipment to be utilized in the installation of
        telecommunications systems, services and networks for customers, is
        recorded at the



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(2)  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

        lower of cost or market.

    (e) Property and Equipment

        Property and equipment are stated at cost.  Equipment held under capital
        leases is stated at the lower of the fair value of the asset or the net
        present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of the
        lease.  For equipment held under capital leases, depreciation is
        provided using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives
        of the assets owned, or the related lease term, whichever is shorter.
        Estimated useful lives of major categories of property and equipment are
        as follows:

            Furniture, fixtures and office equipment          3 to 7 years
            Machinery and equipment                           3 to 8 years
            Fiber optic equipment                                  8 years
            Switch equipment                                      10 years
            Fiber optic network                                   20 years
            Buildings and improvements                          31.5 years

    (f) Deferred Costs

        The Company defers the incremental costs of obtaining financing
        instruments and of lease administration. Amortization of deferred costs
        is provided on a straight-line basis, which approximates the interest
        method, over the life of the related financing or lease agreement, the
        maximum term of which is ten years.

    (g) Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

        The Company provides for the impairment of long-lived assets pursuant to
        Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121, Accounting for the
        Impairment of Long- Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be
        Disposed Of (SFAS 121), which requires that long-lived assets and
        certain identifiable intangibles held and used by an entity be reviewed
        for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that
        the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable. An impairment
        loss is recognized when estimated undiscounted future cash flows
        expected to be generated by the asset is less than its carrying value.
        Measurement of the impairment loss is based on the fair value of the
        asset, which is generally determined using valuation techniques such as
        the discounted present value of expected future cash flows.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(2)  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

    (h) Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments

        The functional currency for all foreign operations of NETCOM, which were
        sold during the year ended December 31, 1999, was the local currency.
        As such, all assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
        were translated through March 16, 1999 at the exchange rate on the
        balance sheet date.  Revenue and costs and expenses were translated at
        weighted average exchange rates prevailing during the period.
        Translation adjustments are included in other comprehensive loss, which
        is a separate component of stockholder's equity.  Gains and losses
        resulting from foreign currency transactions are included in
        discontinued operations and are not significant for the periods

    (i) Revenue Recognition

        ICG Equipment recognizes monthly leasing revenue from ICG on a straight-
        line basis, according to the terms of the lease.  Lease service revenue
        earned on assets purchased by ICG Equipment and intended for future
        lease to other subsidiaries of ICG, but not yet placed in service, is
        recognized monthly based on the terms of ICG Equipment's master lease
        agreement with ICG.

        Prior to the sales of the operations of NETCOM, monthly subscription
        service revenue was recognized over the period services were provided.
        One-time set-up fees and equipment revenue, which required the use of
        Company-provided installation of equipment at an Internet subscriber's
        location, were recognized when the monthly subscription service was
        commenced.  The Company sold equipment to customers without future
        obligation to purchase service.  A provision for estimated equipment
        returns was recorded in the period the revenue was recognized.

        Prior to the sales of the operations of NETCOM, deferred revenue
        included monthly advance billings to customers for Internet services
        provided and also, to a lesser extent, billings to customers for
        equipment shipped that had not been installed at customer locations.

    (j) Income Taxes

        The Company accounts for income taxes under the provisions of Statement
        of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes
        (SFAS 109). Under the asset and liability method of SFAS 109, deferred
        tax assets and



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(2)  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

        liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable
        to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of
        existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred
        tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected
        to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary
        differences are expected to be recovered or settled. Under SFAS 109, the
        effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates
        is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.

        Effective January 1, 1999, the Company entered into a tax sharing
        agreement with ICG and its other subsidiaries.  Together, the Company
        and ICG make up an affiliated group of corporations as defined in
        Section 1504 of the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations (the
        "Code"), and join in filing a consolidated federal income tax return.
        According to the tax sharing arrangement, the parties have mutually
        agreed to reimburse other members of the affiliated group should one
        member's income tax attributes be used to offset income or gains of
        another member through the filing of consolidated federal and combined
        state income tax returns.

    (k) Net (Loss) Income Per Share

        Shares outstanding prior to the Company's inception on January 23, 1998
        consist solely of the common stock of NETCOM.  At December 31, 1998 and
        1999, the Company has 10 shares of common stock issued and outstanding,
        which are owned entirely by ICG.  Accordingly, the Company does not
        present net (loss) income per share in its consolidated financial
        statements as such disclosure is not considered to be meaningful.

    (l) Stock-Based Compensation

        The Company participates in ICG's stock-based employee compensation
        plans.  ICG accounts for its stock-based employee compensation plans
        using the intrinsic value based method prescribed by Accounting
        Principles Board Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to
        Employees, and related Interpretations (APB 25). The Company has
        provided pro forma disclosures of net (loss) income for all periods
        presented as if the fair value based method of accounting for these
        plans, as prescribed by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
        123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation (SFAS 123), had been
        applied and had the pro rata portion of compensation expense based on
        Company employee participation been allocated to the Company by ICG.
        Pro forma disclosures of net (loss) income per share is not presented as
        such disclosure is not considered to be meaningful.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(2)  Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

    (m) Use of Estimates

        The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
        accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
        assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities
        and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
        financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses
        during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those

    (n) Reclassifications

        Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform with the
        current period's presentation.

(3) Discontinued Operations

    On February 17, 1999, the Company sold certain of the operating assets and
    liabilities of NETCOM to MindSpring Enterprises, Inc., an ISP located in
    Atlanta, Georgia and predecessor to EarthLink, Inc. (MindSpring). Total
    proceeds from the sale were $245.0 million, consisting of $215.0 million in
    cash and 376,116 shares of common stock of MindSpring, valued at
    approximately $79.76 per share at the time of the transaction. Assets and
    liabilities sold to MindSpring included those directly related to the
    domestic operations of NETCOM's Internet dial-up, dedicated access and Web
    site hosting services. In conjunction with the sale to MindSpring, the
    Company entered into an agreement to lease to MindSpring for a one-year
    period the capacity of certain network operating assets formerly owned by
    NETCOM and retained by the Company. MindSpring utilized the Company's
    network capacity under this agreement to provide Internet access to the
    dail-up services customers formerly owned by NETCOM. In addition, the
    Company received for a one-year period 50% of the gross revenue earned by
    MindSpring from the dedicated access customers formerly owned by NETCOM. The
    carrying value of the assets retained by the Company was approximately $21.7
    million, including approximately $17.5 million of network equipment, on
    February 17, 1999. The Company also retained approximately $11.3 million of
    accrued liabilities and capital lease obligations.

    On March 16, 1999, the Company sold all of the capital stock of NETCOM's
    international operations for total proceeds of approximately $41.1 million.
    MetroNET Communications Corp., a Canadian entity, and Providence Equity
    Partners, located in Providence, Rhode Island (Providence), together
    purchased the 80% interest in



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(3) Discontinued Operations (continued)

    NETCOM Canada Inc. owned by NETCOM for approximately $28.9 million in cash.
    Additionally, Providence purchased all of the capital stock of NETCOM
    Internet Access Services Limited, NETCOM's operations in the United Kingdom,
    for approximately $12.2 million in cash.

    During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company recorded a combined
    gain on the sales of the operations of NETCOM of approximately $178.9
    million, net of income taxes of approximately $2.0 million, and payments
    required to be made under the tax sharing agreement of $16.3 million.
    Offsetting the gain on the sales is approximately $16.6 million of net
    losses from operations of NETCOM from November 3, 1998 (the date on which
    the Company's board of directors adopted the formal plan to dispose of the
    operations of NETCOM) through the dates of the sales. Additionally, since
    the Company expected to generate operating costs in excess of revenue under
    its network capacity agreement with MindSpring and the terms of the sale
    agreement were dependent upon and negotiated in conjunction with the terms
    of the network capacity agreement, the Company deferred approximately $34.7
    million of the proceeds from the sale agreement to be applied on a periodic
    basis to the network capacity agreement. The deferred proceeds were
    recognized in the Company's statement of operations as the Company incurred
    cash operating losses under the network capacity agreement. Accordingly, the
    Company did not recognize any revenue, operating costs or selling, general
    and administrative expenses from services provided to MindSpring for the
    term of the agreement. Any incremental revenue or costs generated by other
    customers were recognized in the Company's consolidated statement of
    operations as incurred. During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company
    applied $29.3 million of deferred proceeds from the sale of the operating
    assets and liabilities of NETCOM to the network capacity agreement with
    MindSpring, which entirely offset the cost of the Company's operations under
    the agreement. The Company, through NetAhead, is currently utilizing the
    retained network operating assets to provide similar wholesale capacity and
    other enhanced network services on an ongoing basis to MindSpring under a
    new agreement as well as to other ISPs and telecommunications providers.
    Operating results from such services will be included in the Company's
    statement of operations as incurred. Since the operations sold were acquired
    by ICG in a transaction accounted for as a pooling of interests, the gain on
    the sales of the operations of NETCOM is classified as an extraordinary item
    in the Company's consolidated statement of operations.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(4) Short-term Investments Available for Sale

    Short-term investments available for sale are comprised of the following:

                                                December 31,
                                          1998                1999
                                       ----------          ----------
                                               (in thousands)

       Certificates of deposit         $   31,000              10,442
       Commercial paper                     5,000                   -
       U.S. Treasury securities             5,000                   -
                                       ----------          ----------
                                       $   41,000              10,442
                                       ==========          ==========

    At December 31, 1998 and 1999, the estimated fair value of the Company's
    certificates of deposit, commercial paper and U.S. Treasury securities
    approximated cost.  All certificates of deposit, commercial paper and U.S.
    Treasury securities included in short-term investments available for sale
    mature within one year.

(5) Property and Equipment

    Property and equipment, including assets held under capital leases, is
    comprised of the following:

                                                              December 31,
                                                          1998           1999
                                                       ---------       --------
                                                              (in thousands)
        Land                                           $      -          10,794
        Buildings and improvements                            -          36,203
        Furniture, fixtures and office equipment              -           6,862
        Machinery and equipment                           2,997          13,451
        Fiber optic equipment                            76,523         241,166
        Switch equipment                                 36,602         158,252
        Fiber optic network                              78,881         282,469
        Site improvements                                     -             810
        Construction in progress                        106,966         166,946
                                                       --------        --------
                                                        301,969         916,953
        Less accumulated depreciation                    (4,064)        (64,273)
                                                       --------        --------
                                                       $297,905         852,680
                                                       ========        ========

     Construction in progress consists of approximately $166.9 million of
     property and equipment which has not been placed in service at December 31,
     1999 and, accordingly,



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(5)  Property and Equipment (continued)

     is not being depreciated.  This amount primarily relates to
     telecommunications equipment and other assets purchased by ICG Equipment,
     but not yet leased to other subsidiaries of ICG.

     Substantially all of the assets described above have been pledged as
     security for long-term debt.

     The following is a summary of property and equipment held under capital
     leases or acquired pursuant to an IRU agreement as of December 31, 1999:

                                                           December 31,
                                                  1998                1999
                                               -----------         ------------
                                                         (in thousands)
        Fiber optic network                      $      -              141,633
        Switch equipment                                -                1,911
                                               ----------           ----------
                                                        -              143,544
        Less accumulated depreciation                   -               (2,645)
                                               ----------           ----------
                                                 $      -              140,899
                                               ==========           ==========

     Amortization of capital leases is included in depreciation and amortization
     or in loss from discontinued operations in the Company's consolidated
     statements of operations for all periods presented.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(5)  Property and Equipment (continued)

     The Company's property and equipment which is leased under operating leases
     to other subsidiaries of ICG is as follows:

                                                               December 31,
                                                           1998          1999
                                                        ----------    ----------
                                                              (in thousands)
        Furniture, fixtures and office equipment      $       -        4,631
        Machinery and equipment                           2,997       13,507
        Fiber optic equipment                            76,523      280,142
        Switch equipment                                 36,602      129,792
        Fiber optic network                              78,881      132,509
                                                      ---------     ----------
                                                        195,003      560,581
      Less accumulated depreciation                      (4,069)     (54,473)
                                                      ---------     ----------
                                                      $ 190,934      506,108
                                                      =========     ==========

     Minimum future rentals on non-cancelable operating leases with other
     subsidiaries of ICG are as follows at December 31, 1999 (in thousands):

          2000                                     $  107,131
          2001                                        108,295
          2002                                        108,826
          2003                                        107,310
          2004                                         90,976
          Thereafter                                  105,822
                                                   $  628,360

(6)  Investments

     On March 30, 1999, the Company purchased, for approximately $10.0 million
     in cash, 454,545 shares of restricted Series D-1 Preferred Stock of
     NorthPoint Communications Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation and
     competitive local exchange carrier based in San Francisco, California
     (NorthPoint) which was converted into 555,555 shares of Class B common
     stock of NorthPoint (the NorthPoint Class B Shares) on May 5, 1999. The
     NorthPoint Class B shares are convertible on or after March 31, 2000 on a
     one-for- one basis into a voting class of common stock of NorthPoint.  The
     Company is accounting for its investment in NorthPoint under the cost
     method of accounting until the NorthPoint Class B Shares are converted into
     voting and tradable common stock of NorthPoint.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(6)  Investments (continued)

     On August 11, 1999, the Company purchased 1,250,000 shares of Series C
     Preferred Stock (the ThinkLink Preferred Stock) of International ThinkLink
     Corporation (ThinkLink), for $1.0 million in cash. The ThinkLink Preferred
     Stock will automatically convert to common stock upon the completion of the
     initial public offering of the common stock of ThinkLink or upon election
     to convert by the holders of a majority of the ThinkLink Preferred Stock.
     The conversion rate from the ThinkLink Preferred Stock to common stock of
     ThinkLink is initially one-for-one; however, such conversion rate is
     subject to adjustment.  The Company has accounted for its investment in
     ThinkLink under the cost method of accounting.  Dividends on the ThinkLink
     Preferred Stock will be included in income when paid.  ThinkLink is an
     Internet and enhanced services provider.

     On November 15, 1999, the Company entered into an agreement to purchase a
     limited partnership interest in Centennial Strategic Partners VI, L.P.
     (Centennial).  The primary purpose of the partnership is to invest in
     venture capital investments, principally by investing in equity or equity-
     oriented securities of privately held companies in the electronic
     communications industry. The Company has capital contribution commitments
     to Centennial of $1.0 million to be funded in installments through January
     15, 2002. Through December 31, 1999, the Company had contributed
     approximately $0.3 million to the partnership.  The Company has accounted
     for its investment in Centennial under the cost method of accounting.

     On August 27, 1998, the Company purchased, for $9.1 million in cash, the
     remaining 20% equity interest in ICG Ohio LINX, Inc. (ICG Ohio LINX) which
     ICG Telecom did not already own, including incremental costs of obtaining
     that investment of $0.1 million. ICG Ohio LINX is a facilities-based
     competitive local exchange carrier which operates a fiber optic
     telecommunications network in Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio. The Company has
     accounted for its investment in ICG Ohio LINX under the equity method of
     accounting.  For the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, the Company
     included approximately $1.1 million and $1.8 million, respectively, in its
     consolidated statements of operations for its proportionate share of
     earnings of ICG Ohio LINX.

     On March 1, 1999, the Company purchased from ICG Telecom, for $35.1 million
     in cash, a 49% equity interest in ICG ChoiceCom, L.P. (ChoiceCom).  Based
     in Austin, Texas, ChoiceCom currently provides local exchange and long
     distance services in Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Houston and San
     Antonio, Texas.  The Company accounts for its investment in ChoiceCom under
     the equity method of accounting.  The remaining 51% equity interest in
     ChoiceCom is owned by ICG Telecom.  Due to the related party nature



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(6)  Investments (continued)

     of the transaction, the Company has reflected the excess of ICG Telecom's
     book value of the net assets acquired over the consideration paid of $3.9
     million as a contribution to equity in the accompanying consolidated
     financial statements.  For the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company
     included approximately $9.8 million in its consolidated statement of
     operations for its proportionate share of losses of ChoiceCom.

(7)  Capital Lease Obligations

     The Company has payment obligations under various capital lease agreements
     for property and equipment.  Required payments due each year on or before
     December 31 under the Company's capital lease obligations are as follows
     (in thousands):

         2000                                                     $      2,798
         2001                                                            1,004
         2002                                                              786
         2003                                                              786
         2004                                                              786
         Thereafter                                                     11,267
           Total minimum lease payments                                 17,427
           Less amounts representing interest                           (9,692)
           Present value of net minimum lease payments                   7,735
           Less current portion                                         (1,951)
                                                                  $      5,784

     In December 1999, the Company entered into a maximum 20-year agreement with
     a major interexchange carrier to lease approximately 18,000 miles of long-
     haul capacity in various regions of the United States for $140.1 million,
     payable in installments through June 2000. The discounted value of the
     Company's remaining payments on the lease of $135.3 million is included in
     payable pursuant to IRU agreement in the accompanying consolidated balance
     sheet at December 31, 1999.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(8)  Long-term debt is summarized as follows:

                                                                         December 31,
                                                                 1998                    1999
                                                        ---------------------    -----------------
                                                                       (in thousands)
Senior Facility with adjustable rate of interest due on
 scheduled maturity dates, secured by assets of ICG
 Equipment and NetAhead (a)                               $            -               79,625
9 7/8% Senior discount notes, net of discount (b)                266,918              293,925
10% Senior discount notes, net of discount (c)                   327,699              361,290
Mortgage loan payable with adjustable rate of interest
 (14.77% at December 31, 1999) due in full on January
 31, 2013, secured by corporate headquarters (d)
                                                                       -               33,077
                                                        ---------------------    -----------------
                                                                 594,617              767,917
Less current portion                                                   -                 (750)
                                                        ---------------------    -----------------
                                                                $594,617              767,167
                                                        =====================    =================

(a)    Senior Facility

       On August 12, 1999 and amended on December 29, 1999, ICG Equipment and
       NetAhead entered into a $200.0 million senior secured financing facility
       (the "Senior Facility") consisting of a $75.0 million term loan, a $100.0
       million term loan and a $25.0 million revolving line of credit. The
       Senior Facility is guaranteed by ICG Services and is secured by the
       assets of ICG Equipment and NetAhead, which are substantially all of the
       assets of ICG services.

       As required under the terms of the loan, the Company borrowed on August
       12, 1999 the available $75.0 million on the $75.0 million term loan. The
       loan bears interest at an annual interest rate of LIBOR plus 3.5% or the
       base rate, as defined in the credit agreement, plus 2.5%, at the
       Company's option. At December 31, 1999, the $75.0 million term loan bears
       annual interest at LIBOR plus 3.5%, or 9.67%. Quarterly repayments
       commenced September 30, 1999 and require quarterly loan balance
       reductions of 0.25% through June 30, 2005 with the remaining outstanding
       balance to be repaid during the final three quarters of the loan term.
       The $75.0 million term loan matures on March 31, 2006. At December 31,
       1999, the Company had $74.6 million outstanding under the $75.0 million
       term loan.

       On August 12, 1999, the Company borrowed $5.0 million on the $100.0
       million term loan.  The $100.0 million term loan is available for
       borrowing through August 10, 2000 at an initial annual interest rate of
       LIBOR plus 3.125% or the base rate, as



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(8)  Long-term Debt (continued)

        defined in the credit agreement, plus 2.125%, at the Company's option.
        At December 31, 1999, the $5.0 million outstanding under the $100.0
        million term loan bears annual interest at LIBOR plus 3.125%, or 9.35%.
        Quarterly repayments commence September 30, 2002 and require aggregate
        loan balance reductions of 25% through June 30, 2003, 35% through June
        30, 2004 and 40% through June 30, 2005. The $100.0 million term loan
        matures on June 30, 2005.

        The $25.0 million revolving line of credit is available through the
        maturity date of June 30, 2005 at an initial annual interest rate of
        LIBOR plus 3.125% or the base rate, as defined in the credit agreement,
        plus 2.125%, at the Company's option.

        The Company is required to pay commitment fees ranging from 0.625% to
        1.375% for the unused portion of available borrowings under the Senior

        The terms of the Senior Facility provide certain limitations on the use
        of proceeds, additional indebtedness, dividends, prepayment of the
        Senior Facility and other indebtedness and certain other transactions.
        Additionally, the Company is subject to certain financial covenants
        based on its results of operations and the results of operations of ICG.
        During the year ended December 31, 1999, certain defined terms in the
        credit agreement for the Senior Facility were amended to ensure that the
        Company would remain in compliance with the financial covenants of the
        Senior Facility.

        The amortization of the debt issuance costs is included in interest
        expense in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the
        year ended December 31, 1999.

    (b) 9 7/8% Notes

        On April 27, 1998, the Company completed a private placement of 9 7/8%
        Senior Discount Notes due 2008 (the "9 7/8% Notes") for gross proceeds
        of approximately $250.0 million.  Net proceeds from the offering, after
        underwriting and other offering costs of approximately $7.9 million,
        were approximately $242.1 million.

        The 9 7/8% Notes are unsecured senior obligations of the Company that
        mature on May 1, 2008, at a maturity value of $405.3 million.  Interest
        will accrue at 9 7/8% per annum, beginning May 1, 2003, and is payable
        each May 1 and November 1, commencing November 1, 2003.  The indenture
        for the 9 7/8% Notes contains certain covenants which provide
        limitations on indebtedness, dividends, asset sales



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(8)  Long-term Debt (continued)

        and certain other transactions.

        The 9 7/8% Notes were originally recorded at approximately $250.0
        million.  The discount on the 9 7/8% Notes is being accreted through May
        1, 2003, the date on which the 9 7/8% Notes may first be redeemed.  The
        accretion of the discount and the amortization of the debt issuance
        costs is included in interest expense in the accompanying consolidated
        statements of operations.

    (c) 10% Notes

        On February 12, 1998, the Company completed a private placement of 10%
        Senior Discount Notes due 2008 (the "10% Notes") for gross proceeds of
        approximately $300.6 million.  Net proceeds from the offering, after
        underwriting and other offering costs of approximately $9.7 million,
        were approximately $290.9 million.

        The 10% Notes are unsecured senior obligations of the Company that
        mature on February 15, 2008, at a maturity value of $490.0 million.
        Interest will accrue at 10% per annum, beginning February 15, 2003, and
        is payable each February 15 and August 15, commencing August 15, 2003.
        The indenture for the 10% Notes contains certain covenants which provide
        limitations on indebtedness, dividends, asset sales and certain other

        The 10% Notes were originally recorded at approximately $300.6 million.
        The discount on the 10% Notes is being accreted through February 15,
        2003, the date on which the 10% Notes may first be redeemed.  The
        accretion of the discount and the amortization of the debt issuance
        costs is included in interest expense in the accompanying consolidated
        statements of operations.

    (d) Mortgage Loan Payable

        Effective January 1, 1999, the Company purchased ICG's corporate
        headquarters building, land and improvements (collectively, the
        "Corporate Headquarters") for approximately $43.4 million.  The Company,
        through a newly formed subsidiary, financed the purchase primarily
        through a loan secured by a mortgage on the Corporate Headquarters,
        guaranteed by the Company.  The amended loan agreement, dated May 1,
        1999, requires monthly interest payments at an initial interest rate of
        14.77% per annum, which rate increases annually by 0.003%, with the
        mortgage balance due in full on January 31, 2013.  The seller of the
        Corporate Headquarters has retained an option to repurchase the
        Corporate Headquarters at the



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(8)  Long-term Debt (continued)

        original sales price, which option is exercisable from January 1, 2004
        through January 31, 2012.

     Scheduled principal maturities of long-term debt as of December 31, 1999
     are as follows (in thousands):

         2000                                                $         750
         2001                                                          750
         2002                                                          750
         2003                                                          750
         2004                                                          750
         Thereafter                                              1,004,202
         Less unaccreted discount                                 (240,035)
         Less current portion                                         (750)
                                                             $     767,167

(9)  Stock Options and Employee Stock Purchase Plan

     The NETCOM 1993 Stock Option Plan was assumed by ICG at the time of the
     merger, and approved by ICG's board of directors as an incentive and non-
     qualified stock option plan which provides for the granting of options to
     certain directors, officers and employees to purchase 2,720,901 shares of
     ICG Common Stock.  A total of 2,073,277 options, net of cancellations, have
     been granted under this plan through December 31, 1999 at exercise prices
     ranging from $0.56 to $79.50, none of which were less than 100% of the fair
     market value of the shares underlying options on the date of grant, and
     accordingly, no compensation expense was recorded for these options under
     APB 25.  The options granted under this plan are subject to various vesting
     requirements, generally three and five years, and expire within ten years
     from the date of grant.

     During the year ended December 31, 1998, ICG's board of directors approved
     incentive and non-qualified stock option plans and replenishments to those
     plans which provide for the granting of options to certain directors,
     officers and employees, including officers and employees of the Company, to
     purchase 3,400,000 shares of ICG Common Stock. A total of 487,552 options,
     net of cancellations, have been granted to employees of the Company under
     this plan at original exercise prices ranging from $11.38 to $35.75, none
     of which were less than 100% of the fair market value of the shares
     underlying options on the date of grant, and accordingly, no compensation
     expense was recorded for these options under



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(9)  Stock Options and Employee Stock Purchase Plan (continued)

     APB 25. The options granted under these plans are subject to various
     vesting requirements and expire in five and ten years from the date of

     Additionally, during the year ended December 31, 1999, ICG's board of
     directors granted 5,150 non-qualified stock options, net of cancellations
     through December 31, 1999, to certain officers and employees of the Company
     at exercise prices ranging from $14.75 to $22.38, none of which were less
     than 100% of the fair market value of the shares underlying options on the
     date of the grant, and accordingly, no compensation expense was recorded
     for these options under APB 25.  The non-qualified options granted during
     the year ended December 31, 1999 are subject to various vesting
     requirements and expire in ten years from the date of grant.

     In order to continue to provide non-cash incentives and retain key
     employees, all employee stock options outstanding on September 18, 1998
     with exercise prices at or in excess of $22.00 were canceled by the Stock
     Option Committee of ICG's Board of Directors and regranted with an exercise
     price of $16.875, the closing price of ICG Common Stock on the Nasdaq
     National Market on September 18, 1998.  A total of 757,058 options held by
     employees of the Company, with original exercise prices ranging from $22.02
     to $35.75 were canceled and regranted on September 18, 1998.  There was no
     effect on ICG's or the Company's consolidated financial statements as a
     result of the cancellation and regranting of options.

     During the year ended December 31, 1994, NETCOM's board of directors
     approved and adopted an Employee Stock Purchase Plan which was dissolved
     upon NETCOM's merger with ICG.  Shares purchased under this plan were
     converted into an estimated 119,000 shares of ICG Common Stock.

     During the year ended December 31, 1998, the Company's employees became
     eligible to participate in ICG's Employee Stock Purchase Plan whereby
     employees can elect to designate 1% to 30% of their annual salary, to be
     used to purchase shares of ICG Common Stock, up to a limit of $25,000 in
     ICG Common Stock each year, at a 15% discount to fair market value. Stock
     purchases occur four times a year on February 1, May 1, August 1 and
     November 1, with the price per share equaling the lower of 85% of the
     market price at the beginning or end of the offering period. ICG is
     authorized to issue a total of 1,000,000 shares of ICG Common Stock to
     participants in the plan. During the years ended December 31, 1998 and
     1999, ICG sold 10,080 and 13,589 shares, respectively, of ICG Common Stock
     to employees of the Company under this plan.

     ICG accounts for its stock-based employee and non-employee director
     compensation plans pursuant to the intrinsic value based method of APB 25.
     Had compensation



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(9)  Stock Options and Employee Stock Purchase Plan (continued)

     expense for ICG's plans been determined based on the fair market value of
     the options at the grant dates for awards under those plans consistent with
     the provisions of SFAS 123 and had the pro rata portion of compensation
     expense based on Company employee participation been allocated to the
     Company, the Company's pro forma net (loss) income would have been as
     presented below.

                                               Years ended December 31,
                                          1997         1998        1999
                                       --------      --------    ---------
                                                  (in thousands)
         Net (loss) income:
           As reported                 $ (33,092)     (79,890)    162,340
           Pro forma                     (37,962)     (85,379)    160,910

     The fair value of each option grant to employees was estimated on the date
     of grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the following
     assumptions: an expected option life of 1.6 years for the year ended
     December 31, 1997, and three years for officers and other executives and
     two years for other employees for the years ended December 31, 1998 and
     1999; expected volatility of 80% for the year ended December 31, 1997, and
     70% for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999; and risk-free interest
     rates of 6% for the year ended December 31, 1997 and risk-free interest
     rates ranging from 4.11% to 5.66% for the year ended December 31, 1998 and
     4.67% to 6.25% for the year ended December 31, 1999.  Risk-free interest
     rates, as were currently available on the grant date, were assigned to each
     granted option based on the zero-coupon rate of U.S. Treasury bills to be
     held for the same period as the assumed option life.  Since ICG does not
     anticipate issuing any dividends on the ICG Common Stock, the dividend
     yield for all options granted was assumed to be zero.  The weighted average
     fair market value of options granted to Company employees during the years
     ended December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999 was approximately $13.84, $12.96 and
     $11.19 per option, respectively.

     As options outstanding at December 31, 1999 will continue to vest in
     subsequent periods and additional options are expected to be awarded under
     existing and new plans, the above pro forma results are not necessarily
     indicative of the impact on net (loss) income in future periods.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(9)  Stock Options and Employee Stock Purchase Plan (continued)

     The following table summarizes the status of ICG's stock-based compensation
     plans for Company employees:

                                        Shares underlying       Weighted average           Options
                                             options             exercise price          exercisable
                                      -------------------    --------------------   -------------------
                                          (in thousands)                                (in thousands)

Outstanding at January 1, 1997                      1,631             $30.24               507
  Granted                                           1,831              16.11
  Exercised                                           (77)             12.96
  Canceled                                         (1,744)             29.84

Outstanding at December 31, 1997                    1,641              15.67               495
  Granted                                           1,661              23.04
  Exercised                                          (706)             14.90
  Canceled                                         (1,282)             25.04

Outstanding at December 31, 1998                    1,314              16.27               442
  Granted                                             375              21.53
  Exercised                                          (372)             15.20
  Canceled                                           (739)             18.61
  Transfers to parent                                  (8)             17.29

Outstanding at December 31, 1999                      570              16.89               149



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(9)  Stock Options and Employee Stock Purchase Plan (continued)

     The following table summarizes information about options granted to Company
     employees outstanding at December 31, 1999:

                                          Options outstanding                               Options exercisable
                        --------------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                  average            Weighted                                Weighted
      Range of                                   remaining           average                                 average
      exercise                 Number           contractual          exercise             Number             exercise
       prices               outstanding             life              price            exercisable            price
- ---------------------   -----------------    ---------------    ----------------   -----------------    ----------------
                           (in thousands)        (in years)                           (in thousands)

  $ 5.20 - 15.65                  50               6.13              $13.98                  26               $6.17
   15.73 - 16.13                  62               7.11               15.25                  13                7.08
   16.44 - 18.25                 320               8.19               17.10                 106                7.30
   18.33 - 30.00                 138               8.85               19.65                   4                8.62
                              --------                                                    -------
                                 570                                                        149
                              ========                                                    =======

(10) Related Party Transactions

     The Company and its subsidiaries have entered into certain intercompany and
     shared services agreements with ICG, whereby ICG allocates to the Company
     direct and certain indirect costs incurred by ICG or its other subsidiaries
     (the "Restricted Subsidiaries") on behalf of the Company. Allocated
     expenses generally include a portion of salaries and related benefits of
     legal, accounting and finance, information systems support and other ICG
     employees, certain overhead costs and reimbursement for invoices of the
     Company paid by ICG.  Conversely, any cash collected by ICG on behalf of
     the Company or its subsidiaries or invoices paid by the Company on behalf
     of ICG or its Restricted Subsidiaries are in turn reimbursed to the Company
     by ICG.  As the Company and its subsidiaries and ICG and its Restricted
     Subsidiaries jointly enter into service offerings and other transactions,
     joint costs incurred are generally allocated to each of the Company and ICG
     according to the relative capital invested and efforts expended by each
     party. Management believes that all transactions between the Company,
     including its subsidiaries, and ICG, including its Restricted Subsidiaries,
     contain fair and reasonable terms. All such transactions are settled in
     cash on a quarterly basis.

     ICG charged approximately $8.0 million and $46.8 million for the years
     ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively, to the Company for
     intercompany transfers and direct and indirect costs incurred by ICG and
     its Restricted Subsidiaries on behalf of the



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(10) Related Party Transactions (continued)

     Company.  Of these amounts, approximately $2.4 million and $0.9 million is
     included in the Company's selling, general and administrative expenses for
     the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively. The Company
     charged to ICG and its Restricted Subsidiaries for intercompany transfers
     and direct and indirect costs incurred by the Company on behalf of ICG and
     its Restricted Subsidiaries approximately $284.5 million and $607.9 million
     for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively. The net
     receivable of $145.5 and $203.0 as of December 31, 1998 and 1999,
     respectively, from ICG for intercompany charges is included in due from ICG
     in the Company's consolidated balance sheets. Accrued liabilities includes
     amounts due to ICG of approximately $22.5 million as of December 31, 1999
     for accrued line costs and costs related to the purchase of equipment from
     ICG.  Net interest income earned by the Company on outstanding balances
     from ICG and its Restricted Subsidiaries is included in interest income in
     the Company's consolidated statements of operations and was approximately
     $4.6 million and $18.6 million for the years ended December 31, 1998 and
     1999, respectively.  Interest has been accrued on outstanding balances of
     intercompany transfers and direct and indirect costs between ICG Services
     and ICG and its Restricted Subsidiaries at 10% and 12 1/2% per annum for
     the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively, which represents
     the Company's approximate weighted average cost of capital at the beginning
     of the respective years.

     ICG Equipment purchased certain telecommunications equipment both from and
     for ICG Telecom for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $195.0
     million and $466.7 million during the years ended December 31, 1998 and
     1999, respectively.  Additionally, ICG Equipment entered into separate
     agreements to lease $195.0 million and $374.1 million during the years
     ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively, of telecommunications
     equipment to ICG Telecom under operating leases, with annual lease payments
     commencing one year from the date of the lease.  ICG Equipment recognizes
     revenue from the lease payments ratably over the lease terms.  ICG
     Equipment recognized approximately $4.9 million and $79.1 million for the
     years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, respectively, in revenue under its
     operating leases with ICG Telecom. The purchase prices and lease payments
     for all leases are subject to adjustment, based on the results of an
     independent appraisal which may be requested at the option of ICG Equipment
     on or before 90 days from the purchase date. ICG Equipment submitted a
     request to ICG Telecom for independent appraisals of certain of the
     telecommunications equipment and fiber optic capacity purchased through
     June 30, 1999. The Company received the appraisals for certain transactions
     completed during the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999 which
     determined the fair value of the purchased telecommunications equipment and
     fiber optic capacity exceeded the book value, and accordingly, the original
     purchase price, by $82.3 million.  The Company has reflected the payment of
     the excess



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(10) Related Party Transactions (continued)

     of fair value over the original purchase price as a reduction of equity in
     the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

     Additionally, under a master lease agreement between ICG Equipment and ICG
     Telecom, ICG Telecom is required to pay ICG Equipment a monthly lease
     service fee, at an annual rate of prime plus 4% (12.50% at December 31,
     1999), based on the average monthly balance of assets purchased by ICG
     Equipment and intended for future lease to ICG Telecom, but not yet placed
     into service.  ICG Equipment places assets in service upon the commencement
     of the respective lease term. ICG Equipment recognized approximately $5.0
     million and $14.6 million for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999,
     respectively, of service fee revenue under this agreement. The amount of
     assets purchased by ICG Equipment and intended for future lease to ICG
     Telecom, but not yet placed into service, was approximately $165.8 million
     at December 31, 1999. The Company begins depreciation on property and
     equipment at the time the assets are placed in service.

     In the normal course of business, ICG Telecom provides the use of certain
     of its local access lines to NETCOM (prior to the disposition of the
     operations of NETCOM) and NetAhead and, accordingly, charges NETCOM and
     NetAhead for costs of any installation and recurring access to its network.
     For the year ended December 31, 1998, NETCOM incurred approximately $2.3
     million for installation and recurring local access charges
     from ICG Telecom, which is included in loss from discontinued operations in
     the accompanying consolidated financial statements.  For the year ended
     December 31, 1999, NETCOM and NetAhead together incurred approximately $4.3
     million for installation and recurring local access charges from ICG
     Telecom, which is included in the extraordinary gain on the sales of the
     operations of NETCOM for those charges relating to NETCOM, and in operating
     costs for those charges relating to NetAhead, a portion of which were
     applied against the deferred gain on the sale of certain of NETCOM's
     domestic operating assets and liabilities, in the Company's consolidated
     financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1999.  Conversely,
     NetAhead provides the use of its network to ICG Telecom in NetAhead's and
     ICG Telecom's joint service offerings.  For the year ended December 31,
     1999, NetAhead recognized approximately $1.2 million of revenue from ICG
     Telecom for network services provided to ICG Telecom in conjunction with
     NetAhead's and ICG Telecom's joint service offerings of Internet protocol
     (IP) telephony services and other enhanced data services. Additionally,
     included in cost of services of NetAhead is approximately $1.4 million for
     the year ended December 31, 1999 for costs incurred by NetAhead associated
     with NetAhead's and ICG Telecom's joint service offerings of IP telephony
     services and other enhanced data services.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(10) Related Party Transactions (continued)

     Effective January 1, 1999, the Company purchased ICG's Corporate
     Headquarters.  The Company assumed the lease from the prior owner upon
     acquisition and is leasing the Corporate Headquarters to a subsidiary of
     ICG under an operating lease. For the year ended December 31, 1999, the
     Company earned leasing revenue from the Restricted Subsidiary of ICG of
     approximately $4.8 million under the operating lease, which is included in
     revenue and due from ICG in the Company's consolidated financial
     statements. The Company received $2.5 million from the subsidiary as a
     security deposit on the operating lease, which is included in other long-
     term liabilities in the Company's consolidated financial statements.

     During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company recorded a liability
     of $16.3 million to reimburse ICG for income tax losses generated by ICG's
     other subsidiaries which were used to offset current income tax liabilities
     of the Company in accordance with the tax sharing agreement.

(11)  Commitments and Contingencies

      (a)  Network Construction and Capital Purchase Commitments

           The Company has entered into various equipment purchase agreements
           with certain of its vendors. Under these agreements, if the Company
           does not meet a minimum purchase level in any given year, the vendor
           may discontinue certain discounts, allowances and incentives
           otherwise provided to the Company. In addition, the agreements may be
           terminated by either the Company or the vendor upon prior written

           The Company has entered into certain commitments to purchase capital
           assets with an aggregate purchase price of approximately $159.5
           million at December 31, 1999.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(11)  Commitments and Contingencies (continued)

      (b)  Litigation

           NETCOM, now NetAhead, is a party to certain litigation which has
           arisen in the ordinary course of business. In the opinion of
           management, the ultimate resolution of these matters will not have a
           material adverse effect on the Company's financial condition, results
           of operations or cash flows.

      (c)  Operating Leases

           The Company leases office space and equipment under non-cancelable
           operating leases. Lease expense was approximately $3.2 million for
           the year ended December 31, 1999, however, all rent expense during
           the year ended December 31, 1999 was incurred by NetAhead and was
           entirely offset against the deferred proceeds from the sale of the
           operating assets and liabilities of NETCOM allocated to the network
           capacity agreement with MindSpring. Minimum lease payments due each
           year on or before December 31 under the Company's operating leases
           are as follows (in thousands):

                    2000                                    $   2,057
                    2001                                        1,661
                    2002                                        1,367
                    2003                                        1,228
                    2004                                        1,303
                    Thereafter                                  6,387
                                                            $  14,003

(12) Business Units

     The Company conducts transactions with external customers through the
     operations of its Network Services (NetAhead) and Leasing Services
     (primarily ICG Equipment).  Direct and certain indirect costs incurred by
     ICG Services, Inc., the parent company, on behalf of Network Services and
     Leasing Services are allocated among those business units based on the
     nature of the underlying costs.  The operations of Network Services are not
     considered to be significant for purposes of business segment reporting
     and, accordingly, are included with the remaining corporate subsidiaries of
     the Company which primarily hold securities.

     Set forth below are revenue, EBITDA (which represents the measure of
     operating performance used by management to evaluate operating results),
     depreciation, interest expense, capital expenditures of continuing
     operations and total assets for Leasing Services and all other subsidiaries
     of the Company combined.  As described in note 3, the



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(12) Business Units (continued)

     operating results of the Company reflect the operations of NETCOM as
     discontinued for all periods presented.

                                                         Years ended December 31,
                                              1997               1998               1999
                                          --------------   --------------    ---------------
                                                            (in thousands)
    Leasing Services                      $       -             9,911             98,511
    All other                                     -                 -              1,604
                                          --------------   --------------    ---------------
       Total revenue                      $       -             9,911            100,115
                                          ==============   ==============    ===============

    Leasing Services                      $       -             9,379             97,621
    All other                                     -            (3,229)            (3,067)
                                          --------------   --------------    ---------------
       Total EBITDA                       $       -             6,150             94,554
                                          ==============   ==============    ===============

Depreciation (b):
    Leasing Services                      $       -             4,064             46,633
    All other                                     -                 -              8,701
                                          --------------   --------------    ---------------
       Total depreciation                 $       -             4,064             55,334
                                          ==============   ==============    ===============

Interest expense (b):
    Leasing Services                      $       -                 -              7,956
    All other                                     -            45,522             66,395
                                          --------------   --------------    ---------------
       Total interest expense             $       -            45,522             74,351
                                          ==============   ==============    ===============

Share of net earnings (losses) of
    equity investees:
       Leasing Services                   $       -                 -                  -
       All other                                  -             1,075             (8,019)
                                          --------------   --------------    ---------------
           Total share of net earnings
               (losses) of equity
                investees                 $       -             1,075             (8,019)
                                          ==============   ==============    ===============



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(12)   Business Units (continued)

                                                                 Years ended December 31,
                                                         1997             1998              1999
                                                    ------------     ------------      -------------
                                                                    (in thousands)
Extraordinary gain on sales of
  operations of NETCOM:
   Leasing Services                                 $       -                -                 -
   All other                                                -                -           178,917
                                                    ------------     ------------      -------------
    Total extraordinary gain on sales
     of operations of NETCOM                        $       -
                                                    ============     ============      =============

Capital expenditures of continuing
  operations (c):
   Leasing Services                                 $       -          301,969           468,047
   All other                                                -                -           177,390
                                                    ------------     ------------      -------------
    Total capital
     expenditures of
     continuing operations                          $       -          301,969           645,437
                                                    ============     ============      =============

                                                            December 31,
                                                        1998              1999
                                                   -------------       -----------
                                                                  (in thousands)
Investments accounted for under the
  equity method:
   Leasing Services                                  $        -              -
   All other                                             10,179         41,152
                                                     ----------       --------
    Total investments accounted
     for under the equity method                     $   10,179         41,152
                                                     ==========       ========

Total assets:
   Leasing Services                                  $  292,300        713,166
   All other (d)                                        195,664        355,406
   Net non-current assets of discontinued
    operations                                           54,023              -
   Due from ICG                                         137,762        119,185
                                                     ----------      ---------
    Total assets                                     $  679,749      1,187,757
                                                     ==========    ===========



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(12)  Business Units (continued)

      (a)  EBITDA consists of loss from continuing operations before interest,
           income taxes, depreciation, other expense, net, and share of net
           earnings (losses) of equity investees, or operating income plus
           depreciation. EBITDA is presented as the Company's measure of
           operating performance because it is a measure commonly used in the
           telecommunications industry. EBITDA is presented to enhance an
           understanding of the Company's operating results and is not intended
           to represent cash flows from operating activities or results of
           operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting
           principles for the periods indicated. EBITDA is not a measurement
           under generally accepted accounting principles and is not necessarily
           comparable with similarly titled measures of other companies.

      (b)  Although not included in EBITDA (which represents the measure of
           operating performance used by management to evaluate operating
           results), the Company has supplementally provided depreciation and
           interest expense for each of the Company's Leasing Services and all
           other Company subsidiaries combined. Interest expense excludes
           amounts charged by ICG Services, Inc. to ICG Equipment, Inc. (Leasing
           Services) for interest on outstanding cash advances and expense

      (c)  Capital expenditures includes assets acquired under capital leases
           and excludes payments for construction of the Company's headquarters
           and corporate headquarters assets acquired through the issuance of
           long-term debt.

      (d)  Total assets excludes the investment in ICG Equipment, Inc. (Leasing
           Services) which eliminates in consolidation.

(13)  Income Taxes

      Current income taxes paid during the years ended December 31, 1997, 1998
      and 1999 represents foreign and state income taxes relating to operations
      of NETCOM in foreign countries and in states requiring separate entity tax
      returns, and is included in loss from discontinued operations or the
      extraordinary gain in the Company's consolidated financial statements.

      Income tax benefit differs from the amounts computed by applying the U.S.
      federal income tax rate to loss before income taxes primarily because the
      Company has not recognized the income tax benefit of certain of its net
      operating loss carryforwards and other deferred tax assets due to the
      uncertainty of realization.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(13) Income Taxes (continued)

     The tax effect of temporary differences that give rise to significant
     portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities at
     December 31, 1998 and 1999 are as follows:

                                                            December 31,
                                                       1998             1999
                                                   ------------      ----------
                                                           (in thousands)
Deferred income tax liabilities:
 Property and equipment, due to excess
  purchase price of tangible assets and
  differences in depreciation for book
  and tax purposes                                   $  2,252          26,515
                                                     --------         -------

Deferred income tax assets:
 Net operating loss carryforwards                     (64,186)        (67,770)
 Accrued expenses not currently deductible
  for tax purposes                                          -          (1,281)
 Less valuation allowance                              61,934          42,536
                                                     --------         -------
 Net deferred income tax assets                        (2,252)        (26,515)
                                                     --------         -------
 Net deferred income tax liability                   $      -               -
                                                     ========         =======

     As of December 31, 1999, the Company has federal net operating loss
     carryforwards (NOLs) of approximately $169.4 million which expire in
     varying amounts through December 31, 2018.  Due to the provisions of
     Section 382 and certain other provisions of the Code, the utilization of
     these NOLs may be limited. The Company is also subject to certain state
     income tax laws, which will also limit the utilization of NOLs for state
     income tax purposes.

     A valuation allowance has been provided for the full amount of the deferred
     tax asset as management is not presently able to determine when the Company
     will generate future taxable income.

(14) Employee Benefit Plans

     Prior to the merger with ICG, NETCOM established salary reduction savings
     plans under Section 401(k) of the Code which NETCOM administered for
     participating employees.All full-time employees were covered under the plan
     after meeting minimum service and age requirements.  Under the plans
     available to NETCOM employees from January 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998,
     NETCOM made a matching contribution of 100% of each



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(14) Employee Benefit Plans (continued)

     employee's contribution up to a maximum of 3% of the employee's eligible
     earnings. Aggregate matching contributions under NETCOM's employee benefit
     plans were approximately $0.6 million and $0.3 million for the years ended
     December 31, 1997 and 1998, respectively, which is included in loss from
     discontinued operations in the Company's statements of operations.

(15) Fair Value of Financial Instruments

     The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value
     of each class of financial instruments for which it is practicable to
     estimate that value:

     Cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments available for sale:

     The carrying amount approximates fair value because of the short maturities
     of such instruments.

     Long-term investments:

     The fair values of long-term investments for which it is practicable are
     estimated based on the quoted market prices for those or similar
     investments.  The long-term investments for which it is not practicable to
     estimate the fair value relate to cost and equity investments in unrelated
     entities for which there is no market.

     Long-term debt:

     The fair value of the Company's long-term debt is estimated based on the
     quoted market prices for the same or similar issues for the Senior Discount
     Notes which are publicly traded.  The fair value of both the Senior
     Facility and the mortgage loan payable are estimated to be the carrying
     amount of the debt as the debt instruments are not publicly traded and have
     stated fixed or LIBOR plus a fixed percent interest rates.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(15) Fair Value of Financial Instruments (continued)

     The estimated fair values of the Company's financial instruments are as

                                                         December 31,
                                         1998                                  1999
                            ---------------------------------       ----------------------------
                                                        (in thousands)
                                 Carrying                            Carrying
                                  Amount         Fair Value           Amount        Fair Value
                                 --------      --------------        --------     --------------
Cash and cash equivalents
 and short-term investments
 available for sale                $ 155,380     $ 155,380         $  53,664        $  53,664

Restricted Cash                            -             -             1,030            1,030
Long-term investments
 Not practicable                      10,179             -            42,402                -
 Practicable                               -             -            10,000           13,333
Long-term debt:
 Senior Facility                           -             -           (79,625)         (79,625)
 Senior Discount Notes              (594,617)     (467,103)         (655,215)        (462,712)
 Mortgage loan payable                     -             -           (33,077)         (33,077)

(16) Events Subsequent to Date of Independent Auditors' Report (Unaudited)

     On February 22, 2000, the Company purchased 61,845 shares of restricted
     Series D Preferred Stock (Cyras Preferred Stock) of Cyras Systems, Inc.,
     (Cyras), for approximately $1.0 million. Cyras is a manufacturer of
     telecommunications equipment. Dividends on the Cyras Preferred Stock are 8%
     per annum, noncumulative and payable in cash or any Cyras assets legally
     available and as declared by the board of directors of Cyras.  The Cyras
     Preferred Stock is automatically convertible into shares of common stock of
     Cyras upon the initial public offering of the common stock of Cyras or upon
     the election to convert by more than 66% of all of the preferred
     stockholders of Cyras.

     During the first quarter of 2000, the Company signed letters of intent with
     its two biggest vendors, Lucent Technologies, Inc. and Cisco Systems, Inc.
     for financing of future capital expenditures.  The Company believes that
     these proposed financing agreements will better enable the Company to fund
     its scheduled network expansion through the purchase of Lucent and Cisco
     equipment. It is anticipated that the Lucent credit agreement will provide
     the Company with up to $250.0 million of long-term debt financing which can
     be drawn down during the year following the closing to purchase network
     equipment. Under the terms of the Lucent letter of intent, the Company will
     commit to purchase a minimum of $175.0 million of equipment with principal
     amounts outstanding required to be repaid in quarterly installments over a
     five-year period beginning 2001. The proposed Cisco credit facility will



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Continued

(16) Events Subsequent to Date of Independent Auditors' Report (Unaudited)

     provide the Company with up to $180 million of capital lease financing with
     a three-year repayment term. During the first quarter of 2000, $50.0
     million of the capital lease financing with Cisco was finalized, however,
     no amounts have been drawn down under this facility.

     In February 2000, the Company's parent, ICG, announced that it had entered
     into an agreement to sell approximately $750.0 million (before estimated
     expenses and fees of $45 million) of convertible preferred stock in ICG to
     three investors: affiliates of Liberty Media Corporation (Liberty), Hicks,
     Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated (Hicks Muse) and Gleacher Capital Partners
     (Gleacher). Under the terms of the transaction, Liberty will invest $500.0
     million, Hicks Muse will invest $230.0 million and Gleacher will invest
     $20.0 million in exchange for a total of 750,000 shares of Series A
     convertible preferred stock at $1,000 per share. The preferred stock will
     be convertible into ICG's common stock at a conversion rate of $28.00 per
     common share. ICG will also issue 10 million common stock warrants which
     will be exercisable at $34.00 per share. The proceeds from this new equity
     investment will be used principally by ICG and the Company to fund network



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                      ICG Services, Inc.

                                      By: /s/ J. Shelby Bryan
                                          J. Shelby Bryan
                                          Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer

                                      Date:  March 29, 2000

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

        Signature                                               Title                      Date
        ---------                                               -----                      ----
                                     Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief
                                     Executive Officer (Principal Executive
/s/ J. Shelby Bryan                  Officer)                                           March 29, 2000
- ------------------------------------
J. Shelby Bryan

                                     Executive Vice President, Chief Financial
                                     Officer (Principal Financial Officer) and          March 29, 2000
/s/ Harry R. Herbst                  Director
- ------------------------------------
Harry R. Herbst

                                     Vice President, Controller (Principal
/s/ John V. Colgan                   Accounting Officer) and Director                   March 29, 2000
- ------------------------------------
John V. Colgan

/s/ William S. Beans, Jr.            President and Director                             March 29, 2000
- -----------------------------------
William S. Beans, Jr.

                                     Executive Vice President, General Counsel,
/s/ H. Don Teague                    Secretary and Director                             March 29, 2000
- -----------------------------------
H. Don Teague

                              INDEX TO EXHIBITS
                            Washington, D.C. 20549


4.10:          Amendment and Waiver No. 2 to the Loan Documents, dated as of
               December 29, 1999, among ICG Equipment, Inc., ICG NetAhead, Inc.,
               ICG Services, Inc., certain Initial Lender Parties party thereto,
               Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc., as Sole Book-Runner and Lead
               Arranger, Royal Bank of Canada, as Collateral Agent and as
               Administrative Agent for such Lender Parties, Bank of America,
               N.A., as Documentation Agent and Barclays Bank Plc, as Co-
               Documentation Agent.

4.11:          Amendment No. 3 to the Loan Documents, dated as of February 11,
               2000, among ICG Equipment, Inc., ICG NetAhead, Inc., ICG
               Services, Inc., as Parent, certain Initial Lender Parties party
               thereto, Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc., as Sole Book-Runner
               and Lead Arranger, Royal Bank of Canada, as Collateral Agent and
               as Administrative Agent for such Lender Parties, Bank of America,
               N.A., as Documentation Agent and Barclays Bank Plc, as Co-
               Documentation Agent.

10.5:          Employment Agreement, dated as of July 1, 1999, between ICG
               Communications, Inc. and Michael D. Kallet.

21.1:          Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

27.1:          Financial Data Schedule of ICG Services, Inc. for the Year Ended
               December 31, 1999.