
Consultant: Tamar Howson                     Company's Representative:
                                             Hunter Jackson , President and CEO
Address:  128 St. Georges Road               NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Ardmore, PA 19003                            420 Chipeta Way
                                             Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
Social Security Number or Employer I.D. #:

                         CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT

                         Effective Date:  July 3, 2000

This Consultant Services Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is entered into by
the above-referenced party (hereinafter "Consultant") whose address is as shown
above, and NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter the
"Company").  Consultant and the Company are collectively designated herein as
the "Parties" and the term "Party" shall mean either one of the Parties as the
text may require.

The "Effective Date" of this Agreement is as shown above.

WHEREAS, Company requires a party such as Consultant to perform services as
defined in Exhibit "A" hereto (the "Services");

WHEREAS, Consultant represents that she is qualified to perform said Services
and desires to perform said Services for and on behalf of the Company on the
terms and conditions set forth herein;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and the promises,
covenants, terms, conditions, and obligations hereinafter set forth, the Parties
agree as follows:

I.   REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE.  The Company's Representative for the purposes
     of this Agreement shall be as shown above.  All notices from Consultant to
     the Company shall be directed to the attention of the Company
     Representative at the Company's address shown above.

II.  SCOPE OF SERVICES.  The Services to be performed by Consultant pursuant to
     the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall include, but are not
     limited to, the work, activities and services set forth in Exhibit "A."

III. ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION.  The Parties agree that the Services as defined
     herein are unique personal services that are to be performed only by

IV.  COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES.  Compensation for Services shall be cash and
     stock options as set forth in Exhibit "B."



       1.   Consultant shall perform Services for the benefit of the Company
            from time to time or for such other period as shall be stated on
            Exhibit "A" hereto.

       2.   The Parties, by their mutual written consent, may extend the period
            for performing Services under this Agreement.

       3.   Either Party may terminate Consultant's performance of Services by
            giving thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other Party.

       4.   The Company's obligations under Section IV shall terminate upon
            expiration of the above period or upon termination by either Party
            of Consultant's performance of the Services as provided in this
            Section V.

       5.   Except for Consultant's obligation to perform Services, Consultant's
            obligations under this Agreement shall survive expiration of the
            above period and/or termination of Consultant's performance of
            Services for a period of two years.

  VI.  COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS.  Consultant shall comply with all
       requirements of any applicable federal, state, or local law, rule or
       regulation. Consultant represents that she has all licenses or other
       authorizations required to enable him/her to perform Services hereunder
       in the jurisdiction where the Services are to be performed.

  VII. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR.  Consultant is and shall be in the performance of
       Services hereunder as an independent contractor. Consultant shall be
       available as a qualified professional consultant in the field identified
       on Exhibit "A."


       1.   Consultant agrees to provide, in connection with performance of all
            Services under this Agreement, the standards of care, skill, and
            diligence normally provided by competent professionals in the
            performance of services similar to that contemplated by this

       2.   Consultant represents that to the best of her knowledge she has no
            conflicts of interest in rendering professional services to the
            Company. Upon request from the Company, Consultant will disclose, to
            the extent Consultant is lawfully permitted to do so, the general
            nature of previous work performed for others in the "Area of
            Technology of Possible Interest to Consultant or Others" defined in
            Exhibit "C" herein.

IX.    INSURANCE.  Consultant is not required to provide proof of insurance, nor
       to provide any insurance naming the Company as an additional insured.


       1.   "Confidential Information" shall mean:


          (a)  any and all Intellectual Property or information whether
               business, financial, technical or otherwise, of any type
               whatsoever, in any form whatsoever, which is (i) proprietary to
               the Company; or (ii) submitted or disclosed to the Company by a
               third party.

          (b)  Confidential Information (whether or not reduced to writing and
               in any and all stages of development) includes, but is not
               limited to:  discoveries, ideas, inventions, designs, formulas,
               test results, test procedures, protocols, concepts, drawings,
               specifications, techniques, models, data, software, research,
               processes, procedures, works of authorship, formulas,
               improvements, trade secrets, know-how, marketing plans and
               supplies, product plans, customer names (and other information
               relating to customers), supplier names (and other information
               relating to suppliers), and financial information.

          (c)  Confidential Information shall not include anything that is
               publicly known or generally employed by the trade at or after the
               Effective Date of this Agreement.

     2.   "Intellectual Property" shall mean, without limitation, all
          copyrights, discoveries, inventions, improvements (whether or not
          patentable), patents, patent applications, trademarks, service marks,
          trade secrets, know-how, and all other Intellectual Property rights of
          any type whatsoever.


     1.   Consultant hereby assigns to the Company all of Consultant's rights in
          all Intellectual Property rights which are made, discovered,
          developed, assembled, created, or conceived, in whole or in part, by
          Consultant during the course of and within the scope of Services
          performed under this Agreement.

     2.   All of Consultant's Intellectual Property assigned to the Company
          hereunder shall be deemed Confidential Information except for anything
          that is publicly known or generally employed by the trade, without the
          fault of Consultant, at or after the Effective Date of this Agreement.

     3.   Consultant hereby agrees to disclose promptly and fully to the Company
          all Intellectual Property which arises in the performance of services
          hereunder by Consultant.

     4.   Consultant shall, upon the Company's reasonable request and at the
          Company's expense, execute all documents and take such other action as
          may be necessary or desirable, to protect, enhance, exploit or vest in
          the Company any and all of Consultant's Intellectual Property rights
          assigned to Company hereunder.



     1.   Consultant understands that Confidential Information is confidential
          and secret and agrees to respect the confidentiality and secrecy of
          the same.  Consultant also understands that all Confidential
          Information is the property of the Company or of a third party which
          has submitted the same to the Company.  Consultant agrees to treat
          Confidential Information submitted to the Company by third parties as
          if confidential and proprietary to the Company.  Consultant further
          understands and agrees that the relationship between Consultant and
          the Company is of a confidential nature and imposes an affirmative
          obligation upon Consultant to protect, foster and respect the
          confidentiality of Confidential Information.

     2.   Except as lawfully authorized or as may be required in the performance
          of Consultant's responsibilities for the Company, Consultant agrees:

          (a)  not to directly or indirectly disclose, reveal, report, publish,
               or transfer possession of, or access to, any Confidential
               Information to any person or entity;

          (b)  at the expense of the Company, promptly at all times hereafter to
               execute and deliver any and all acts and instruments as may be
               necessary or desirable to perfect and protect the Company's
               interest in the Confidential Information; and

          (c)  not to directly or indirectly use the Confidential Information
               except for the benefit of the Company in the performance of
               Consultant's Services for the Company and the discharge of
               Consultant's obligations herein.

     3.   Upon and in accordance with the Company's instructions, Consultant
          shall return or dispose of all Confidential Information received or
          generated hereunder.  Consultant shall, whenever requested by the
          Company, give a prompt and full accounting of all Confidential
          Information given to Consultant and all copies or reproductions
          thereof.  Confidential Information shall remain the property of the
          Company even if Consultant is in possession thereof.


     1.   If Consultant has previously been exposed to proprietary information
          of the Company, such disclosure is deemed incorporated herein and
          controlled by the terms hereof, and if Consultant has executed an
          agreement regarding non-disclosure and non-competition, such agreement
          is continued and deemed incorporated herein by reference, except that
          any such agreement shall be deemed amended hereby to the extent the
          Company's rights hereunder extend beyond the Company's rights as
          specified therein.

     2.   Consultant, to the best of her knowledge, represents to the Company
          that Consultant has not brought and has not used, and agrees not to
          bring to the Company and will not


          use in the performance of any Services for the Company, any
          information, materials or the like which are confidential and are
          proprietary to a third party without written authorization from said
          third party.


       In the event and to the extent Consultant has previously performed
       services for another and to the extent Consultant has developed personal
       proprietary interests in areas of interest to the Company within the
       "Area of Technology of Possible Interest to Consultant or Others"
       identified by Consultant on Exhibit "C" hereto, Consultant, to the extent
       Consultant is lawfully permitted to do so, has advised the Company of the
       nature of such service, the general nature of the parties for whom such
       services were rendered, and the particular aspects of any facts
       supporting a claim that any of the "Area of Interest" is in the public
       domain or owned by Consultant or some other party, or under any
       obligation of confidence or non-use.


       1.   This Agreement may only be amended in writing, signed by each Party
            hereto. The terms of this Agreement shall be interpreted under the
            laws of the State of Utah. This Agreement constitutes the entire
            Agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter

       2.   Consultant agrees to execute such additional documents and do such
            further acts and deeds as may be necessary or desirable to
            effectuate the purposes hereof or the perfection of the rights and
            interests of the Company expressed herein.

       3.   Consultant may be, or has been, invited to serve on the Board of
            Directors of Company. Neither the payment for, nor the performance
            of, Services hereunder is tied to service or appointment to the

       4.   Consultant agrees that any breach of this contract or threatened
            breach hereof could subject the Company to substantial, immediate
            and irreparable damages and consents that the Company may be
            entitled to equitable relief in the event thereof. Consultant agrees
            that Utah law applies and that any adjudication of interests
            hereunder be proved in Utah courts

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the
date first above written.

CONSULTANT:                              NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.:

- -----------------------------               -----------------------------------
Tamar Howson                             Its:
Date:                                    Date:
     ------------------------                 ---------------------------------
