1. Service to be Provided by CWI: CWI will provide the following long-distance 
   services; Domestic Outbound, Domestic Inbound, International Outbound and
   Directory Assistance (hereinafter collectively, "Services").

   The Carrier will access CWIs network, as soon as is reasonably possible, via
   dedicated T-1 lines ("Access Lines") ordered from local exchange carriers or
   alternate access carriers (collectively "Local Carriers") and paid for by the
   Carrier. If the Carrier orders an Access Line from a Local Carrier, the
   Carrier will pay the Local Carrier directly for the Access Line. If the
   Carrier requests CWI to order the Access Line and if permitted by the Local
   Carrier, CWI will order the Access Line on behalf of the Carrier and will
   have the Local Carrier bill the Carrier directly for the Access Line.

2. Term and Termination: The initial term of this Agreement will end the number
   of full CWI monthly billing periods ("Month(s)") after service is initiated
   as set forth in the "Initial Term" portion of the Order Information section
   of this Agreement ("Initial Term"). Either party may terminate this Agreement
   at the end of the Initial Term, by providing thirty (30) days' prior written
   notice. If no such notice is given, this Agreement will continue after the
   Initial Term, until terminated by either party providing the other with
   thirty (30) days' prior written notice. The term "Term" as used herein will
   mean the Initial Term plus any subsequent period of time during which this
   Agreement continues beyond the end of the Initial Term. If CWI shall have
   undertaken efforts to provide Services prior to the date of full execution of
   this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall apply retroactively
   with respect to such efforts and such Services.

   At any time prior to the end of the Initial Term, the Carrier may, for its
   convenience, terminate this Agreement in its entirety by providing CWI with
   thirty (30) days' prior written notice. In such event, in addition to paying
   for all charges incurred through the date service is discontinued, including
   any applicable shortfall charges, the Carrier will pay (as a contract
   discontinuance fee and not as a penalty) an amount equal to the sum of the
   minimum monthly payment obligations for each of the remaining Months in the
   Initial Term.

   If CWI has not received any traffic from Carrier hereunder within sixty (60)
   days after full execution of this Agreement, CWI shall have the right to
   terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Carrier.

   If the Carrier fails to do any of the following when due and then does not
   cure such failure within two (2) days after receiving notice thereof from
   CWI, CWI may, in addition to any other remedies available to it and without
   any further written notice to the Carrier, immediately terminate this
   Agreement in its entirety and discontinue providing Services: (i) make a
   payment in full; (ii) provide any required security deposit amount; or (iii)
   provide any required financial report. In addition to any other remedies
   available to it, CWI may immediately terminate this Agreement in its entirety
   if Carrier fails to comply with the terms of any license accompanying any
   software relating to E-BIS(R) reporting options.

3. Rates and Taxes: The Carrier will pay the monthly, non-recurring and usage
   charges set forth in this Agreement. Each call will be billed in 6-second
   increments and will be subject to a 30-second minimum charge except that
   domestic outbound calls (both interstate and intrastate) will be subject to a
   6-second minimum charge. The Carrier will pay any applicable federal, state,
   or local taxes, surcharges, or similar fees for the Services.

   CWI may, upon fifteen (15) days written notice to Carrier, increase any of
   the rates, fees and other charges, including any assessment and amount of any
   surcharges for a particular Service. If CWI increases any of the
   international rates set forth in this Agreement and Carrier subsequently
   discontinues routing traffic to CWI for a country for which such increased
   rate applies, then providing traffic to such country would have contributed
   to the Carrier's minimum monthly payment obligations set forth in the Order
   Information section of the Agreement, for so long as Carrier discontinues
   routing traffic to such country to CWI, the amount of such minimum monthly
   payment obligations will be reduced by a percentage that is equivalent to the
   average total charges incurred by the Carrier for calls placed to that
   country in each of the three (3) Months immediately preceding the date the
   Carrier discontinues routing such traffic to CWI, divided by the average of
   the Carrier's total charges for Services in each such Month.

   Any software which CWI supplies for use in connection with the E-BIS(R)
   reporting options shall be provided subject to the software license agreement
   that accompanies such software. Carrier agrees to comply with all terms and
   conditions set forth in such software license agreement. Title to, all rights
   to and all interest in, such software shall at all times remain with CWI or
   its third-party suppliers.

4. Payment: CWI will provide monthly invoices covering CWI-designated periods
   which will be due and payable within the number of days after the invoice
   date as set forth in the "Payment Period" section of the Order Information
   section of this Agreement. The "invoice date" for a particular monthly
   billing period will be the day immediately following the last day of such
   monthly billing period. For example, if the monthly billing period runs from
   January 24th to February 23rd, the invoice date for such billing period will
   be February 24th, and, if the "Payment Period" set forth in the Order
   Information section of the Agreement is "10 days after the invoice date",
   then payment for such monthly billing period is due no later than the tenth
   (10th) day after February 24th.

   If the Order Information section of this Agreement indicates that estimated
   payments are required, CWI will notify the Carrier on the last day of the
   "Estimated Usage Period," or if such day is not a business day, on the next
   business day, as to CWIs estimate of the charges incurred by the Carrier
   during such period. The Carrier will pay CWI such estimated amount
   ("Estimated Payment") no later than the "Estimated Payment Due Date". At the
   end of a Month, CWI will provide an invoice for the usage charges actually
   incurred that Month less that Month's Estimated Payment; provided, however,
   that if a minimum monthly payment obligation applies for that Month and such
   minimum has not been met, then the invoice amount will be that Month's
   minimum payment obligation less that Month's Estimated Payment. The Carrier
   will pay the invoiced amount within the Payment Period.

   A late payment charge will be applied on balances that remain unpaid after
   the Payment Period in the amount of the lesser of (a) 1 1/2% per month of the
   amount of the late payment starting from the day following the Payment
   Period, or (b) maximum amount allowed under applicable law. The Carrier must
   pay all invoices when due; any questions which the Carrier may have
   concerning an invoice must be brought to CWI's attention within forty-five
   (45) days of the invoice date. The Carrier shall reimburse CWI for any
   expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees, CWI may
   incur in collecting amounts due hereunder.

   If so indicated in the Order Information section of this Agreement, all
   payments by the Carrier will be made via wire transfer (in immediately
   available funds) to Mellon Bank, 3 Mellon Bank Center, Room 153-2718,
   Pittsburgh, PA 15259-0001, ABA #0430-00261/Account #1705643. __Or

5. Financial Reports: If the Order Information section of this Agreement
   indicates that financial reports are required, within thirty (30) days after
   the end of each calendar quarter, the Carrier will provide CWI with a written
   report updating the Carrier's financial status ("Quarterly Report"), and
   within ninety (90) days after the end of each calendar year, the carrier will
   provide CWI with an audited annual report. Each Quarterly Report will
   contain, as a minimum, an updated balance sheet and income statement. The
   Carrier represents and warrants that no Quarterly Report will contain any
   material misstatement or omission.

6. Security Deposits: If the Order Information section of this Agreement
   indicates that security deposits are required, each required security deposit
   will be either in cash (paid by check or via wire transfer) or an irrevocable
   stand-by letter of credit in a form and from a financial institution
   reasonably acceptable to CWI. The "Initial Security Deposit" amount will be
   provided prior to the initiation of service. Thereafter, if requested in
   writing by CWI, the Carrier will add additional amounts to the Initial
   Security Deposit such that the total amount of the security deposit being
   held by CWI at all times is at least equal to the "Continuing Security
   Deposit". The Carrier will provide any such required additional amounts
   within five (5) business days after receiving CWI's written request. CWI will
   refund or release, as applicable, any security deposit it is holding (plus,
   if the security deposit is in the form of cash, accrued interest at the
   applicable rate set by regulation of the state in which CWI invoices the
   Carrier, or if no such rate is set by regulation, CWI's then-prevailing
   interest rate for security deposit refunds) if the following conditions are
   met by the Carrier: (i) for the entire "Deposit Release Period", the Carrier
   pays CWI in full when each payment is due; and (ii) CWI determines that the
   Carrier's Quarterly Reports covering the Deposit Release Period indicate that
   the Carrier's financial condition has had no materially adverse change as
   compared to the equivalent period of time immediately prior to the start of
   the Deposit Release Period. If CWI does not refund or release the security
   deposit during the Term as set forth above, the security deposit will be
   refunded or released, as applicable, at the end of the Term. If, at any time
   during the term of the Agreement, CWI determines that there has been a
   materially adverse change in the Carrier's financial condition as compared
   with the equivalent period of time immediately prior to the Effective Date,
   CWI may require Carrier to provide a security deposit or an additional
   security deposit in an amount to be determined by CWI. The Carrier shall
   provide any such required amounts within five (5) business days after
   receiving CWI's written request therefor.

7. Minimum Payment Obligations: If the total amount of usage charges incurred by
   the Carrier for international service in any Month is less than the amount
   of the then-applicable minimum monthly payment obligation set forth in the
   Order Information section of this Agreement, then in addition to paying for
   its actual usage that Month, the Carrier will pay (as an underutilization fee
   and not as a penalty) a shortfall charge equal to the difference between (i)
   the actual usage charges incurred for international service that Month, and
   (ii) the amount of the then-applicable minimum monthly payment obligation. If
   this Agreement remains in effect after the Initial Term, the minimum monthly
   payment obligation for each subsequent Month, shall be equal to the amount of
   the minimum monthly payment obligation for the last Month of the Initial

8. Additional Terms: This is a carrier-to-carrier agreement subject to (S)211 of
   the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. The Carrier is responsible for
   and shall comply with any and all legal and regulatory requirements with
   respect to the Carrier's use and resale of the Services, including those of
   the Federal Communications Commission and state public utility commissions.
   The Services are governed by this Agreement and all Carrier obligations and
   CWI rights set forth in the "General Rules and Regulations" section of CWI's
   interstate tariff, as may be amended by CWI in accordance with applicable
   laws and regulations, or if such tariff is withdrawn by CWI, as the tariff
   was in effect as of the date of withdrawal. The Carrier shall defend,
   indemnify and hold CWI harmless from and against all claims, demands,
   actions, causes of action, judgments, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees
   and expenses of any kind arising from or related to any use of the Service or
   otherwise arising under this Agreement. In no event shall CWI be liable for
   any loss of profits, or for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or
   consequential damages.

   This Agreement is effective as of the date of signature of the last party to
   sign and it is governed by and subject to the laws and the jurisdiction of
   the courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Carrier shall not disclose
   any of the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is the sole and exclusive
   understanding between parties with respect to the Services. CWI and Carrier
   expressly agree that this Agreement shall not give rise to any third party
   being entitled to any right whatsoever.

                                     -----------------------      ----------

                               CARRIER AGREEMENT


This Carrier Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Cable & 
Wireless, Inc. ("CWI") and its carrier customer signing below ("Carrier"). The 
General Terms and Conditions for Carrier Agreements CAR-96B (12/96) attached 
hereto are part of this Agreement.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               ORDER INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Initial Term:   13   Months
   ------------  ------

2. Rates:      (per minute except for Directory Assistance, T-1 Port Charges and Reporting Options)

    Domestic Inbound, Domestic Outbound and International Outbound:
         See attached schedule entitled     Communications Systems International, Inc.   and dated   3/4/97
                                        ------------------------------------------------           ----------
         Intrastate rates are applicable within:                            Colorado
    Directory Assistance:    CWIs then-standard per-call rates
    T-1 Port Charges:        Monthly Charge per T-1 Port............................  $   70.00
    ----------------                                                                    -------
                             Non-Recurring Installation Charge per T-1 Port.........  $  150.00
                             Initial Quantity of T-1 Ports..........................       2
    Reporting Options:        (insert "X" in box for the required option)
         [_]  Second copy of call detail: Monthly Charge                              $   n/a
       E-BIS(R) Options:
         [_]  On-line             [_]  Magnetic Tape         [_]  CD-ROM
         [_]  Floppy Disk (3.5")  [_]  Floppy Disk (5.25")
             Charges for selected E-BIS(R) option:    Set-up........................  $   n/a
                                                      Monthly.......................  $   n/a

3. Payments/Security Deposits     (insert "Yes" or "No" where applicable)
    Payment Period:       10       
    --------------  -------------- days after invoice date 
    Payment by Wire Transfer Required    yes
    ---------------------------------  -------
    Financial Reports Required.......    yes
    --------------------------         -------
    Security Deposits Required.......    yes
    --------------------------         -------
      Initial Security Deposit Amount:... $   50,000
      Continuing Security Deposit Amount:..    one     times the amount of usage charges incurred over any  six week  period
                                            ----------                                                     ----------
      Deposit Release Period:..............     12     Months
    Estimated Payments Required:...........    n/a
    ---------------------------             ----------
      Estimated Usage Period:.........first    n/a     days of each Month
      Estimated Payment Due Date...........    n/a     business days after CWI notifies the Customer of the Estimated Payment Amount

4. Minimum Monthly Payment Obligations:
      Month after Service Initiation     Minimum Amount each Month*    Month after Service Initiation     Minimum Amount each Month*
      ------------------------------     --------------------------    ------------------------------     --------------------------
                    1                        $     0.00                                2                        $    10,000
              -------------                    -------------                     -------------                    -------------
                    3                        $    15,000                               4                        $    20,000
              -------------                    -------------                     -------------                    -------------
                   5-25                      $    25,000                                                        $
              -------------                    -------------                     -------------                    -------------
                                             $                                                                  $
              -------------                    -------------                     -------------                    -------------
            * Minimums apply to international usage only; domestic usage shall not contribute towards meeting minimum monthly 
              payments obligations

                             COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS
                             ----------------------                             CABLE & WIRELESS, INC.
                              INTERNATIONAL, INC.                               ----------------------
                  Signature:                                         Signature:
                             -------------------------------                    ------------------------------- 
               Printed Name:                                      Printed Name:  Elaine M. Beiseigel 
                             -------------------------------                    ------------------------------- 
                      Title:                                             Title:  Contract Manager
                             -------------------------------                    ------------------------------- 
                       Date:                                              Date:
                             -------------------------------                    ------------------------------- 

                           SERVICE QUALITY ADDENDUM
                             TO CARRIER AGREEMENT


Cable & Wireless, Inc. ("CWI") and its carrier customer signing this Service
Quality Addendum ("Carrier") agree that their Carrier Agreement ("Agreement") is
modified as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If Carrier is not satisfied with the quality of calls placed over CWI's network
during the first thirty (30) days after service is initiated ("INITIAL MONTH"),
Carrier may so notify CWI in writing no later than ten (10) days after the end
of such Initial Month. Carrier may, upon prior written notice to CWI, terminate
the Agreement and all services provided thereunder if CWI does not correct the
problem(s) with call quality to Carrier's satisfaction within thirty (30) days
of CWI's receipt of the initial notice. In the event of such termination, the
following shall apply: (i) Carrier shall pay CWI for all charges incurred up
through the date service is discontinued; (ii) the contract discontinuance fee
shall be waived; and (iii) neither party shall have any liability or obligation
to one another resulting from CWI not correcting the service quality or
resulting from such a termination.

         Communications Systems                      Cable & Wireless, Inc.
           International, Inc.
         ----------------------                      ----------------------
   Signature:  /s/ R. A. Spade                 Signature:
              --------------------------                  ----------------------
Printed Name:  R. A. Spade                  Printed Name:  Elaine M. Beiseigel
              --------------------------                  ----------------------
       Title:  CEO                                 Title:  Contract Manager
              --------------------------                  ----------------------
        Date:  4-10-97                              Date:
              --------------------------                  ----------------------

                             TO CARRIER AGREEMENT


Cable & Wireless, Inc. ("CWI") and its Carrier customer signing this Special
Terms and Conditions Addendum ("Carrier") agree that the Carrier Agreement
("Agreement") is modified as set forth below. Any capitalized terms not defined
herein shall have the meaning defined in the General Terms and Conditions for
Carrier Agreements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Payment

   Reference to "forty-five (45) days" in the third paragraph of Section 4
   (Payment) of the General Terms and Conditions for Carrier Agreements is
   deleted and replaced by "sixty (60) days".

2. Confidentiality

   Each party may, either orally, in written form, or otherwise, disclose to the
   other party or the other party may otherwise obtain the disclosing party's
   confidential information ("Confidential Information") in connection with this
   Agreement. The terms and conditions of this Agreement are Confidential
   Information except that CWI shall have the right to disclose the terms and
   conditions of this Agreement to its affiliates. In order to be Confidential
   Information, any information disclosed in tangible form must be conspicuously
   marked as being the disclosing party's confidential information, and any
   other information must be clearly indicated as being confidential at the time
   of disclosure and reduced to writing and sent to the receiving party within
   ten (10) days of disclosure. Regardless of when disclosed or obtained,
   Confidential Information shall only be used by the receiving party in its
   performance under this Agreement, and it shall not be disclosed by the
   receiving party except to those employees, affiliates, advisors, and
   consultants who have a need to know and an obligation to treat Confidential
   Information in accordance with this clause. If any of the following apply to
   any information, such information shall not be considered as Confidential
   Information: (i) it is or becomes available to the public through no wrongful
   act of the receiving party; (ii) it is already in the possession of the
   receiving party and not subject to any agreement of confidence between the
   parties; (iii) it is received from a third party without any restriction
   known to the receiving party for the benefit of the disclosing party; or (iv)
   it is independently developed by the receiving party. The receiving party may
   disclose the disclosing party's Confidential Information pursuant to a
   requirement of a duly empowered government agency or a court of competent
   jurisdiction after due notice and an adequate opportunity to intervene is
   given to the disclosing party unless legally prohibited. Upon termination or
   expiration of this Agreement, the receiving party shall, at the disclosing
   party's written direction, either return to the disclosing party or destroy
   all of the disclosing party's Confidential Information and so certify in
   writing. The obligations of this provision shall survive for three (3) years
   after any termination or expiration of this Agreement.

3. Additional Charges

   It is acknowledged that Carrier shall access CWI's network at CWI's Denver
   POP. In addition to all other charges, Carrier shall pay CWI $800.00 per
   month for backhaul from such POP to a CWI switch site designated by CWI

   Notwithstanding the provisions of the second paragraph of Section 2 (Term and
   Termination) of the General Terms and Conditions for Carrier Agreements to
   the contrary, in the event that Carrier terminates this Agreement prior to
   the end of the Initial Term, as provided for therein, in addition to paying
   for all charges incurred through the date service is discontinued including
   any applicable shortfall charges, the Carrier will pay (as a contract
   discontinuance fee and not as a penalty) an amount equal to (i) the sum of
   the minimum monthly payment obligations for each of the remaining Months in
   the Initial Term, plus (ii) the sum of the Backhaul Charges for each of the
   remaining Months in the Initial Term.

Communications Systems International, Inc.      Cable & Wireless, Inc.
- ------------------------------------------      ----------------------

   Signature:  /s/ R. A. Spade                 Signature:
              ---------------------------                 ----------------------
Printed Name:  R. A. Spade                  Printed Name:
              ---------------------------                 ----------------------
       Title:  CEO                                 Title:        
              ---------------------------                 ----------------------
        Date:  4-10-97                              Date:         
              ---------------------------                 ----------------------