CONTRACT AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 25TH day of MARCH, 1998 by and 
between the STATE OF ARIZONA, acting by and through its State Engineer duly 
authorized by the Director, Arizona Department of Transportation to enter into 
such agreement, party of the first part, and MEADOW VALLEY CONTRACTORS, INC. 
hereinafter called the Contractor, party of the second part.
WITNESSETH: That the said Contractor, for in consideration of the sum to be paid
him by said State Arizona in the manner and at the time hereinafter provided,
and of the other covenants and agreements herein contained, hereby agrees, for
himself, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns as follows:

     ARTICLE I - SCOPE OF WORK:  The Contractor shall perform in a workmanlike 
and substantial manner and to the satisfaction of the State Engineer, all the 
work specified under TRACS/Project No.

101L MA 052 H473201C RAM 600-I-547
(Pima-Red Mountain Traffic Interchange Phase IV)

and furnish at his own cost and expense all necessary machinery, tools, 
apparatus, materials and labor to complete the work in the most substantial and 
workmanlike manner according to the Plans and Specifications therefor on file 
with the State Engineer and such modifications of the same and other directions 
that may be made by the State Engineer as provided herein.

     ARTICLE II - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: It if further agreed that the Proposal, 
Plans, Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, Contract Bond(s) and any and
all Supplementary Agreements, and any and all requirements necessary to complete
the work in a substantial and acceptable manner, and any and all equipment and 
progress statements required, are hereby referred to and made a part of this 
contract, and shall have the same force and effect as though all of the same 
were fully inserted herein.

     ARTICLE III - WARRANTY: The Contractor expressly warrants that he is free 
from obligation of any other person or persons for services rendered, or 
supposed to have rendered, in the procurement of this contract. He further 
agrees that any breach of the Warranty shall constitute adequate cause for the 
annulment of the Contract by the State of Arizona and that the State of Arizona 
may retain to its own use from any sums of money due or become due thereunder, 
an amount thereof equal to any brokerage, commission or percentage so paid, or 
agreed to be paid.

     ARTICLE IV - TIME OF COMPLETION: The Contractor further covenants and 
agrees that all of the said materials shall be furnished and delivered and all 
of the said labor shall be done and performed in every respect to the 
satisfaction and approval of the State Engineer and that the said work shall be 
turned over to the State Engineer, complete and ready for use, on or before the 
specified time herein. The work shall be free and discharged of all claims and 
demands whatsoever for, or on account of any and all labor and materials used 
or furnished to be used in said work.

     It is expressly understood and agreed that in case of failure on the part 
of the Contractor, for any reason, except with the written consent of the State 
Engineer, to complete the entire work to the satisfaction of the State Engineer,
and within the aforesaid time limit, the party of the first part shall deduct 
from any money due, or which may become due the Contractor, as liquidated 
damages, an amount in accordance with Subsection 108.09 of the Contract 

     If no money shall be due the Contractor, the State shall have a cause of 
action to recover against the Contractor in a court of competent jurisdiction, 
liquidated damages, in accordance with Subsection 108.09 of the Contract 
Specifications, said deduction to be made, or said sum to be recovered, not as a
penalty, but as liquidated damages: provided, however, that upon receipt of 
written notice from the Contractor, of the existence of causes, as herein 
provided, over which said Contractor has no control and which must delay the 
completion of said work or any delay occasioned by the Arizona Department of 
Transportation, the State Engineer may extend the period hereinbefore specified
for the completion of said work in accordance with the Specifications and in 
such case, the Contractor shall become liable for said liquidated damages for 
delays commencing from date said extension period shall expire.

     After the date as set up in Contract plus any extension granted, no further
payments shall be made the Contractor until all work is completed and accepted 
by the State engineer. It is also agreed that the date of completion shall be 
that upon which the work is accepted by the State Engineer.

     ARTICLE V - CLAIMS FOR EXTRA WORK: It is distinctly understood and agreed 
that no claim for extra work or materials, not specifically herein provided, 
done or furnished by the Contractor, will be allowed by the State Engineer, nor 
shall the Contractor do any work or furnish any materials not covered by these 
Specifications and Contract, unless such work is ordered in writing by the State
Engineer. In no event shall the Contractor incur any liability by reason of any 
oral direction or instruction that he may be given by the State Engineer, or his
authorized representatives. It is the intent and meaning of this Article that 
all orders, directions, instructions, not contained in the Plans,
Specifications, and Special Provisions, pertaining to the work shall be in
writing, and the Contractor hereby waives any claims for compensation for work
done, or materials furnished in violation thereof.

     ARTICLE VI - MISUNDERSTANDING OR DECEPTION: The party of the second part 
agrees that he has investigated the site of the work and all parts and 
appurtenances thereto and hereby waives any right to plead misunderstanding or 
deception as to location, character of work or materials, estimates of 
quantities or other conditions surrounding or being a part of the work and 
understands that the quantities given in the Bidding Schedule are approximate 
only, and hereby agrees to accept the quantities as actually placed and finally 
determined upon the completion of the work, in accordance with the Contract 

     ARTICLE VII - PAYMENTS: For and in consideration of the faithful 
performance of the work herein embraced, as set forth in the Contract Agreement,
Specifications, Special Provisions, Bidding Schedule and all general and 
detailed Specifications and Plans, which are a part hereof, and in accordance 
with the directions of the State Engineer and to his satisfaction or his 
authorized agents, the said State of Arizona agrees to pay to said Contractor 
the amount earned, computed from the actual quantities of work performed as 
shown by the estimates of the State Engineer, and the unit forces named in the 
attached Bidding Schedule and Supplementary Agreements made a part hereof, and
to make such payments in the manner and at the time provided in the
specifications hereto appended.

done nor any obligations incurred under this contract during any fiscal year 
which are in excess of the funds programmed and budgeted for this project for 
that fiscal year.

its officers and employees, from all suits, actions or claims of any character
brought because of any injuries or damage received or sustained by any person,
persons or property on account of the operations of the said contractor or an
account of or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the work; or through
use of unacceptable materials in constructing the work; or because of any act or
omission, neglect or misconduct of said contractor; or because of any claims or
amounts recovered from any infringements of patent, trademark or copyright; or
from any claims or amounts arising or recovered under the Workmen's Compensation
Act or any other law, ordinance, order or decree.

     The contractor shall indemnify and save harmless any county or incorporated
city, its officers and employees, within the limits of which county or 
incorporated city work is being performed, all in the same manner and to the 
same extent as provided in the above paragraph.

     IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that all work required to be done under
this contract is excess of the funds now appropriated and budgeted for this 
project shall not be done nor any obligation incurred therefor until such time 
as the Legislature appropriates the additional funds and the same are budgeted 
for this project by the Arizona Department of Transportation and in the event 
the parties hereto are bound to continue performance of this contract to the 
extent permitted by the funds so appropriated and budgeted.

     In the event that no funds are appropriated or budgeted for this project 
for the succeeding fiscal year, then this contract shall be null and void, 
except as to that portion for which funds have now been appropriated and 
budgeted, therefore, and no right of action or damages shall accrue to the 
benefit of the parties hereto as to that portion of the contract that may so 
become null and void.

     All parties are hereby put on notice that this contract (agreement) is 
subject to cancellation by the Governor pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes 
Section 38-511.

     IT IS ALSO UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that this contract is subject to A.R.S. 
28-1824, 28-1825, 28-1826, together with all other limitations pursuant to the
applicable laws of the State of Arizona relating to public contracts and

101L MA 052 H473201C RAM 600-1-547
(Pima-Red Mountain Traffic Interchange Phase IV)

Witness or hands and seals this 25th day of March 1998

                                STATE OF ARIZONA

                                         By:     /s/ SIGNATURE 
                                             Department of Transportation


                                         PARTY OF THE FIRST PART

                                         Meadow Valley Contractors, Inc.

                                         By: /s/ Bradley E. Larson
                                         Contractor  BRADLEY E. LARSON PRESIDENT

Attest: /s/ Robert W. Bottcher               PARTY OF THE SECOND PART

                                                                   Page 19 of 19

                                                        BID SCHEDULE

                                                    101L MA 052 H473201C

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ITEM NO                  ITEM DESCRIPTION                        UNIT       QUANTITY        UNIT PRICE       EXTENDED AMOUNT
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2030506 1   STRUCTURE BACKFILL                                   CU.YD.         140             28.00           3,920.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   6011105 1   BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER, TYPE B                       L.FT.         156             32.00           4,992.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   6011352 1   DECK JOINT ASSEMBLY (B-24.20 3X3 COMPRESSION SEAL)    L.FT.          56             90.00           5,040.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   6011365 1   APPROACH SLAB (B-19.11)                              SQ.FT.         840              9.00           7,560.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   6011366 1   APPROACH SLAB (B-19.12)                              SQ.FT.       2,166             10.00          21,660.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   9210007 1  SLOPE PAVING (EXPOSED AGGREGATE)                      SQ.YD.         985             30.00          29,550.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                               BID TOTAL:     10,995,812.95