Accent Software International
                                        2864 South Circle Drive
                                        Colorado Springs, CO 80906
                                        719-955-3400 main
                                        719-955-0282 fax

COMPANY CONTACTS:                                                   EXHIBIT 99.2
Todd Oseth, President & CEO
719-955-3400 x3410 phone
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Deborah Park
Corporate Communications
719-955-3400 x3405 phone
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For Immediate Release

          Accent to Conduct Business Under the Name

                     New name reflects strategy to provide
                global e-business solutions over the Internet.

Colorado Springs, CO--October 6, 1999 - As of today, Accent Software
International (OTCBB: ACNTF and ACNUF) will begin conducting its business under
the name and will aggressively expand its global e-business
solutions to corporations that are taking their Internet business worldwide.
Stock for the company will continue to be traded on the Over-the-Counter
Bulletin Board with the ticker symbol: ACNTF, and Units as ACNUF, until further
notice. The company expects that the name of the company will be officially
changed to (Company) Ltd. Before the end of the year and will
change its ticker symbol at the time the official name change occurs.

"This name change reflects the company's evolution and transition toward
providing global Internet solutions," explains Todd Oseth, president & CEO.
"Many have predicted, and current trends confirm, that within a couple years the
majority of Internet users will not speak English as their native language.
Although many consumers worldwide will use English for their Internet commerce,
we offer solutions to companies that recognize the competitive advantage in
offering consumers, not only web pages in their native language, but database
searches, monetary information and technical support as well. At, we believe that running a successful worldwide operation
requires integrated language solutions at every level of business."

With this name change, will begin to roll out a wide array of
multilingual global e-business solutions.  Some of these offerings include
multilingual Web site development, maintenance, and e-commerce solutions, along
with the unique ability to view, search and build multilingual databases on
English operating systems, and database and desktop capabilities that allow
Asian (double-byte) characters to be viewed on English operating systems. In
addition, offers a fully integrated, online machine and human
translation portal, with real-time multilingual, multi-cultural

Accent Software International - Name Change News Release - p.2

customer support and sales system development, software localization services,
along with a network of thousands of in-county, native-speaking translators that
are instantly screened and accessed via's Internet server

Portions of this press release contain historical information and forward-
looking statements.  Statements looking forward in time are included pursuant to
the "safe harbor" provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995.  Such statements involve known and unknown risks and the Company's actual
results in future periods may be materially different from any future
performance suggested herein.

About Accent Software International: Accent Software International, founded in
1988, provides global e-business solutions that allow customers, vendors,
suppliers and employees around the world to communicate with each other in their
native languages. The company, doing business as, is the only
source for integrated language solutions over the Internet that enable
successful worldwide e-business. For additional information visit the company's
Web site at

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