Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of

Filed by Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ] Check the appropriate box:

[    ]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[  ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
(as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X ]     Definitive Proxy Statement
[    ]   Definitive Additional Materials
[    ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or Sec. 240.14a-12

                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                                  GAIL A. HANSON
                                                ASSISTANT SECRETARY
                                    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ X ]    No fee required.

[   ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
      1)       Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

         2)       Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         3)       Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined):

         4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         5)       Total fee paid:

[    ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[        ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange
         Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identity the filing for which the  offsetting
         fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        1)       Amount Previously Paid:

         2)       Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         3)       Filing Party:

         4)       Date Filed:       May 14, 1997

                                              VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO
                                            OPPORTUNITY VALUE PORTFOLIO
                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                                              2101 East Coast Highway
                                                     Suite 300
                                         Corona del Mar, California 92625

                                     NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                            To be Held on June 18, 1997

     To the  Shareholders  of:  Value Equity  Portfolio  and  Opportunity  Value
Portfolio of Endeavor Series Trust

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Special  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of
Value Equity  Portfolio  and  Opportunity  Value  Portfolio  (collectively,  the
"Portfolios") of Endeavor Series Trust (the "Trust"),  a Massachusetts  business
trust, will be held at the offices of the Trust, 2101 East Coast Highway,  Suite
300,  Corona del Mar,  California  on June 18,  1997 at 10:00 a.m.  P.D.T.  (the
"Special Meeting") for the following purposes:

1.       To approve or disapprove new  investment  advisory  agreements  between
         Endeavor  Investment  Advisers  and  OpCap  Advisors  relating  to  the
         respective  Portfolios  effective  upon the  acquisition of Oppenheimer
         Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries  pursuant to the Transaction described
         in the Proxy Statement attached hereto (Proposal 1).

2.       To  approve or  disapprove  a proposed  amendment  to the Value  Equity
         Portfolio's investment restriction regarding illiquid securities and to
         change  this  restriction  to  non-fundamental  (shareholders  of Value
         Equity Portfolio only) (Proposal 2).

     3. To transact such other  business as may properly come before the Special
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of Trustees has fixed the close of business on April 15, 1997
as the record date for the  determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of
and to vote at the Special Meeting.

                        By order of the Board of Trustees

                                                              Pamela Shelton

May 9, 1997


                                       INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNING PROXY CARDS

         The  following  general  rules  for  signing  proxy  cards  may  be  of
assistance  to you and avoid the time and expense to the  Portfolio  involved in
validating your vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

     1.  Individual  Accounts:  Sign  your name  exactly  as it  appears  in the
registration on the proxy card.

     2. Joint Accounts: Either party may sign, but the name of the party signing
should conform exactly to the name shown in the registration on the proxy card.

     3. All Other  Accounts:  The capacity of the  individual  signing the proxy
card should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of registration. For

  Registration                                                  Valid Signature

         Corporate Accounts

         (1)      ABC Corp......................................  ABC Corp.
   (2)      ABC Corp......................................  John Doe, Treasurer
         (3)      ABC Corp.
                           c/o John Doe, Treasurer..............  John Doe
     (4)      ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan.................  John Doe, Trustee

         Trust Accounts

  (1)      ABC Trust.....................................  Jane B. Doe, Trustee
         (2)      Jane B. Doe, Trustee
                           u/t/d/ 12/28/78......................  Jane B. Doe

         Custodial or Estate Accounts

         (1)      John B. Smith, Cust.
                           f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA........  John B. Smith
 (2)Estate of John B. Smith.......................  John B. Smith, Jr., Executor


                                              VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO
                                            OPPORTUNITY VALUE PORTFOLIO
                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST

                                        2101 East Coast Highway, Suite 300
                                         Corona del Mar, California 92625

                                          SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                                   June 18, 1997

                                                  PROXY STATEMENT

         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Trustees of Endeavor  Series Trust (the  "Trust") for
the Value Equity Portfolio and Opportunity  Value Portfolio (the  "Portfolios"),
for use at a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the  Portfolios to be held at
10:00 a.m. P.D.T. on June 18, 1997 at the offices of the Trust,  2101 East Coast
Highway,  Suite 300,  Corona del Mar,  California  92625,  and any  adjournments
thereof  (collectively,  the "Special Meeting"). A notice of the Special Meeting
and a proxy card accompany this Proxy Statement. In addition to solicitations of
proxies by mail,  beginning on or about June 1, 1997,  proxy  solicitations  may
also be  made by  telephone,  telegraph  or  personal  interviews  conducted  by
officers  of the Trust,  regular  employees  of  Endeavor  Management  Co.,  the
managing  partner of Endeavor  Investment  Advisers,  the Trust's  manager  (the
"Manager"); First Data Investor Services Group, Inc. ("FDISG"), 53 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109, a subsidiary of First Data  Corporation,  the Trust's transfer
agent; or other  representatives of the Trust. The costs of solicitation and the
expenses  incurred in connection  with  preparing  this Proxy  Statement and its
enclosures  will  be  paid  by  PIMCO  Advisors  L.P.  ("PIMCO   Advisors")  and
Oppenheimer  Group,  Inc.  ("OGI").  The Trust's  most recent  annual  report is
available  upon request  without  charge by writing or calling the Trust at 2101
East Coast Highway, Suite 300, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 or 1-800-854-8393.

         If the enclosed  proxy is properly  executed and returned in time to be
voted at the  Special  Meeting,  the shares of  beneficial  interest  ("Shares")
represented  by the  proxy  will be voted in  accordance  with the  instructions
marked therein.  Unless instructions to the contrary are marked on the proxy, it
will be voted FOR the  matters  listed  in the  accompanying  Notice of  Special
Meeting of Shareholders.  Any shareholder who has given a proxy has the right to
revoke it at any time prior to its  exercise  either by  attending  the  Special
Meeting  and voting his or her Shares in person,  or by  submitting  a letter of
revocation or a later-dated proxy to the Trust at the above address prior to the
date of the Special Meeting.

         In the event that a quorum is not present at the Special Meeting, or in
the event that a quorum is present but sufficient votes to approve the proposals
are not received,  the persons  named as proxies on the enclosed  proxy card may
propose  one or more  adjournments  of the  Special  Meeting  to permit  further
solicitation of proxies.  In determining whether to adjourn the Special Meeting,
the following  factors may be  considered:  the nature of the proposals that are
the subject of the Special  Meeting,  the percentage of votes actually cast, the
percentage  of  negative   votes  actually  cast,  the  nature  of  any  further
solicitation and the information to be provided to shareholders  with respect to
the reasons for the  solicitation.  Any adjournment will require the affirmative
vote of a majority of those Shares  represented at the Special Meeting in person
or by proxy. A shareholder  vote may be taken on one or more of the proposals in
this Proxy Statement prior to any such adjournment if sufficient votes have been
received for  approval.  Under the Trust's  Agreement and  Declaration  of Trust
dated November 18, 1988 (the  "Declaration of Trust"),  a quorum of shareholders
is  constituted  by the  presence  in  person  or by proxy of the  holders  of a
majority of the outstanding  Shares of the Trust entitled to vote at the Special

         The Board has fixed  the  close of  business  on April 15,  1997 as the
record date (the "Record Date") for the  determination  of  shareholders  of the
Portfolios  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  Special  Meeting.  At the
close of business on the Record Date, there were  8,147,718.263  Shares of Value
Equity  Portfolio  outstanding  and  578,772.639  Shares  of  Opportunity  Value
Portfolio outstanding.

         PFL Life  Insurance  Company ("PFL Life") and its  affiliate  AUSA Life
Insurance  Company,  Inc.  ("AUSA  Life") are the owners of all of the Shares of
each Portfolio and as such have the right to vote upon certain  matters that are
required by the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), to
be approved or ratified by the  shareholders  and to vote upon any other  matter
that may be voted upon at a shareholders' meeting. PFL Life will vote the Shares
of each Portfolio for the owners of the PFL Endeavor  Variable  Annuity  Account
issued by PFL Life and AUSA Life will vote the shares of each  Portfolio for the
owners of the AUSA  Endeavor  Variable  Annuity  Account  (the  "Contracts")  in
accordance  with  instructions  received  from the policy  owners.  Interests in
Contracts  for  which  no  timely  instructions  are  received  will be voted in
proportion to the  instructions  which are received from variable life insurance
policy owners and variable annuity contract owners or participants. PFL Life and
AUSA Life will also vote any shares in separate accounts that they own and which
are not  attributable  to Contracts in the same  proportion.  Each full Share is
entitled to one vote and any fractional Share is entitled to a fractional vote.

         As of April 15,  1997,  the officers and the Trustees of the Trust as a
group beneficially owned less than 1% of the Shares of each Portfolio.

         In order that your Shares may be  represented  at the Special  Meeting,
you are requested to:

         --       indicate your instructions on the enclosed proxy card;

         --       date and sign the proxy card;

     -- mail the proxy card promptly in the enclosed envelope, which requires no
postage if mailed in the United States; and

     -- allow  sufficient  time for the proxy card to be  received  on or before
10:00 a.m. P.D.T. on June 18, 1997.

Summary of Proposals

         The table set forth below lists each  proposal  contained  in the Proxy
Statement and the Portfolios whose shareholders will be voting on the proposal.

          Proposal Number                     Proposal Summary                     Portfolio(s)

Proposal 1......................     To  approve  or   disapprove   new           Both Portfolios
                                     investment   advisory   agreements
                                     between    Endeavor     Investment
                                     Advisers   and   OpCap    Advisors
                                     relating    to   the    respective
                                     Portfolios   effective   upon  the
                                     acquisition     of     Oppenheimer
                                     Capital   and   its   subsidiaries
                                     pursuant   to   the    Transaction
                                     described in this Proxy  Statement
                                     attached hereto.

Proposal 2......................     To   approve   or   disapprove   a       Value Equity Portfolio
                                     proposed  amendment  to  the  Value  Equity
                                     Portfolio's      investment     restriction
                                     regarding illiquid securities and to change
                                     this restriction to non-fundamental.



                                                SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL


    .........For  the reasons  and based on an  analysis  of factors  described
below, all of the Trustees of the Trust have approved the Manager's execution of
new investment  advisory  agreements (the "New  Agreements") with OpCap Advisors
("OpCap" or the "Adviser").  The New Agreements  contain  substantially the same
terms and  conditions as the current  investment  advisory  agreements  with the
Adviser for the Portfolios (the "Existing Agreements").  There will be no change
in the fees payable by the  Portfolios  to the Manager.  The Manager will pay to
OpCap monthly fees at an annual rate based on the Portfolios'  average daily net
assets.  Pursuant to their terms and subject to  shareholder  approval,  the New
Agreements will become effective upon the closing of the Transaction  (described
below) and will  continue  initially  for a two-year  period  and  continue  for
successive annual periods  thereafter,  provided such continuance is approved at
least  annually by a majority of the Board of Trustees  who are not  "interested
persons"  of the Trust (as the term is used in the 1940 Act) and a  majority  of
the full Board of Trustees or a majority of the outstanding voting securities of
each Portfolio, as defined in the 1940 Act.

     .........OpCap  is a majority-owned  subsidiary of Oppenheimer  Capital,  a
registered  investment adviser with approximately  $49.4 billion in assets under
management on March 31, 1997.  Oppenheimer Financial Corp. ("Opfin"),  a holding
company,  is a 1.0%  general  partner of OpCap.  Opfin  also  holds a  one-third
managing  general  partner  interest in  Oppenheimer  Capital,  and  Oppenheimer
Capital,  L.P., a Delaware limited partnership whose units are traded on the New
York Stock  Exchange and of which Opfin is the sole 1.0% general  partner,  owns
the remaining two-thirds interest.

     .........On  February 13, 1997,  PIMCO  Advisors,  a registered  investment
adviser  with  approximately  $110 billion in assets  under  management  through
various  subsidiaries,  signed an Agreement  and Plan of Merger with OGI and its
subsidiary  Opfin pursuant to which PIMCO  Advisors and its  affiliate,  Thomson
Advisory Group Inc. ("TAG"), will acquire the one-third managing general partner
interest in Oppenheimer Capital, the 1.0% general partnership interest in OpCap,
and  the  1.0%  general  partner  interest  in  Oppenheimer  Capital  L.P.  (the
"Transaction")  and OGI will be merged with and into TAG. The aggregate purchase
price is  approximately  $265  million  including  the  issuance of  convertible
preferred stock of TAG and assumption of certain indebtedness. The amount of TAG
preferred stock comprising the purchase price is subject to reduction in certain
circumstances.  The Transaction is subject to certain conditions being satisfied
prior to closing,  including  consents  from  certain  lenders,  approvals  from
regulatory  authorities,  including  a favorable  tax ruling  from the  Internal
Revenue Service, and consents of certain clients,  which are expected to take up
to six months to obtain.  If the Transaction is  consummated,  it will involve a
change in control of  Oppenheimer  Capital  and OpCap which will  constitute  an
assignment  and  termination  of the  Existing  Agreements  for the  Portfolios.
Therefore,  the Board of Trustees is proposing that shareholders approve the New
Agreements  to  take  effect  upon  the  consummation  of  the  Transaction.   A
description of the New Agreements and the services to be provided by the Adviser
is set forth below.  With the  exception  of the  commencement  and  termination
dates,  the  New  Agreements  are   substantially   identical  to  the  Existing

     The  principal  business  address of OpCap,  Oppenheimer  Capital and their
affiliates is Oppenheimer Tower, 200 Liberty Street, One World Financial Center,
New York,  New York 10281.  The  principal  business  address of OpCap would not
change  following the  Transaction.  Joseph La Motta is Chairman of  Oppenheimer
Capital and OpCap.  George Long is President of Oppenheimer  Capital and Bernard
H. Garil is President of OpCap.

     At a  meeting  held on April  8,  1997,  the  Trust's  Board  of  Trustees,
including  all of the  "non-interested"  Trustees,  approved and  determined  to
submit to shareholders for approval at this Special Meeting,  the New Agreements
with the Adviser.  The New  Agreements  are attached to this Proxy  Statement as
Exhibits A and B.

Investment   companies  with  similar  investment   objectives  as  the
Portfolios for which the Adviser  provides  investment  advisory  services,  the
amount of their net assets as of February 28, 1997 and the annual rates of OpCap
fees for its services to such companies are set forth in Exhibit C to this Proxy

     Portfolio Managers. Investment decisions with respect to the Portfolios are
made by the following portfolio managers:

     Eileen Rominger is a senior equity portfolio  manager and research analyst.
In addition to the Value Equity Portfolio, she is responsible for the management
of separate  account  portfolios,  the Oppenheimer  Quest Value Fund and several
other variable annuity funds managed or subadvised by OpCap. She brings eighteen
years of investment  experience to her current  position.  Ms.  Rominger  joined
Oppenheimer  Capital in 1981 and  originally  devoted  her time  exclusively  to
finding  and  analyzing  investment  opportunities.   Her  analytical  work  has
encompassed  many  industries  and  companies.  Later,  she  assumed her current
responsibilities,   combining  her  security   analysis   work  with   portfolio
management. Ms. Rominger graduated from Fairfield University with a BA Cum Laude
in English  literature  and earned an MBA in Finance  from the Wharton  Graduate
School of Business.

     Richard J. Glasebrook,  II is a senior equity portfolio manager and analyst
at Oppenheimer Capital. He is responsible for tax-exempt  portfolios and several
investment  companies advised or subadvised by OpCap,  including the Oppenheimer
Quest  Opportunity  Value Fund and the Opportunity Value Portfolio of the Trust.
Morningstar,  Inc.  named Mr.  Glasebrook  the 1995 Variable Fund Manager of the
Year.  He joined the firm in 1990 and brings 23 years  investment  experience to
his current  position.  From 1983 to 1990,  Mr.  Glasebrook  was a partner  with
Delafield Asset Management serving as a portfolio manager and analyst. For three
years  prior  to  this,  he  was  responsible  for  the  portfolios  of  several
high-net-worth  individuals  and their family  estates.  From 1974 to 1980,  Mr.
Glasebrook  held the  position of  portfolio  manager  and  analyst  with Morgan
Guaranty Trust Co. He is a member of the Association  for Investment  Management
and Research.  Mr. Glasebrook,  a Chartered  Financial  Analyst,  graduated from
Kenyon  College in 1970 with a BA in  Economics  Magna Cum Laude and received an
MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.

Effects of the Transaction.  Upon  consummation of the Transaction,  Oppenheimer
Capital and OpCap will be  controlled  by PIMCO  Advisors.  PIMCO  Advisors  has
advised OGI that it anticipates  that the senior  portfolio  management  team of
Oppenheimer  Capital  will  continue  in  their  present  capacities;  that  the
eligibility of OpCap to serve as an investment  adviser or sub-adviser  will not
be affected by the Transaction;  and that Oppenheimer  Capital and OpCap will be
able to continue to provide  advisory and  management  services with no material
changes in operating conditions.  PIMCO Advisors has further advised OGI and the
Board of Trustees that it currently  anticipates  that the Transaction  will not
affect the ability of Oppenheimer Capital and OpCap to fulfill their obligations
under their investment advisory or sub-advisory agreements.

Information Concerning PIMCO. PIMCO Advisors, with approximately $110 billion in
assets under  management as of December 31, 1996, is one of the largest publicly
traded money management firms in the United States.  PIMCO Advisors'  address is
800 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660.

     PIMCO Partners,  G.P.  ("PIMCO GP") is PIMCO Advisors' sole general partner
and owns approximately 42.83% and 66.37%,  respectively of the total outstanding
Class A and Class B units of limited  partnership  interest  ("Units")  of PIMCO
Advisors.  Upon the closing of the Transaction,  PIMCO GP will own a majority of
the voting  stock of TAG which in turn owns  approximately  14.94%  and  25.06%,
respectively,  of the Units of PIMCO Advisors.  PIMCO GP is a California general
partnership  with two  general  partners.  The  first  of  these is an  indirect
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Pacific  Mutual Life  Insurance  Company  ("Pacific

     PIMCO Partners L.L.C. ("PPLLC"), a California limited liability company, is
the second,  and managing,  general partner of PIMCO GP. PPLLC's members are the
Managing  Directors  (the "PIMCO  Managers")  of Pacific  Investment  Management
Company, a subsidiary of PIMCO Advisors (the "PIMCO Subpartnership").  The PIMCO
Managers  are:  William H. Gross,  Dean S. Meiling,  James F. Muzzy,  William F.
Podlich,  III, Frank B. Rabinovitch,  Brent R. Harris, John L. Hague, William S.
Thompson Jr., William C. Powers, David H. Edington,  Benjamin Trosky, William R.
Benz, II and Lee R. Thomas, III.

     PIMCO  Advisors  is  governed by an  Operating  Board and an Equity  Board.
Governance  matters  are  allocated  generally  to the  Operating  Board and the
Operating  Board  delegates to the  Operating  Committee the authority to manage
day-to-day  operations of PIMCO  Advisors.  The  Operating  Board is composed of
twelve   members,   including   the  chief   executive   officer  of  the  PIMCO
Subpartnership  as  Chairman  and six  PIMCO  Managers  designated  by the PIMCO

     The authority of PIMCO Advisors' Operating Board and Operating Committee to
take certain  specified  actions is subject to the  approval of PIMCO  Advisors'
Equity Board.  Equity Board approval is required for certain major  transactions
(e.g.,  issuance of additional  PIMCO  Advisors'  Units and appointment of PIMCO
Advisors'  chief  executive  officer).   In  addition,   the  Equity  Board  has
jurisdiction  over  matters such as actions  which would have a material  effect
upon PIMCO  Advisors'  business  taken as a whole and  (after an appeal  from an
Operating Board  decision)  matters likely to have a material  adverse  economic
effect on any subpartnership of PIMCO Advisors.  The Equity Board is composed of
twelve members,  including the chief executive officer of PIMCO Advisors,  three
members  designated  by a  subsidiary  of Pacific  Mutual,  the  chairman of the
Operating Board and two members designated by PPLLC.

     Because  of its power to  appoint  (directly  or  indirectly)  seven of the
twelve  members  of  the  Operating   Board  as  described   above,   the  PIMCO
Subpartnership may be deemed to control PIMCO Advisors. Because of the direct or
indirect  power to appoint 25% of the members of the Equity  Board,  (i) Pacific
Mutual and (ii) the PIMCO Managers and/or the PIMCO  Subpartnership  may each be
deemed, under applicable  provisions of the 1940 Act, to control PIMCO Advisors.
Pacific  Mutual,  PIMCO  Subpartnership  and the PIMCO  Managers  disclaim  such

 .........Section  15(f) of the 1940 Act is available to OGI in  connection  with
PIMCO Advisors' acquisition of a controlling interest in Oppenheimer Capital and
its  subsidiary  OpCap.  Section  15(f)  provides,  in pertinent  part,  that an
investment  adviser  and its  affiliates  may  receive  any amount or benefit in
connection with a sale of an interest in such  investment  adviser which results
in an assignment of an investment advisory contract if (1) for a period of three
years after the time of such event,  75% of the members of the Board of Trustees
or  Directors of the  investment  company  which it advises are not  "interested
persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the new or old investment adviser,  and
(2) during the two-year period after the date on which the transactions  occurs,
there is no "unfair burden" imposed on the investment company as a result of the
transaction.  For this  purpose,  "unfair  burden" is  defined  to  include  any
arrangement  during  the  two-year  period  after the  transaction  whereby  the
investment  adviser or  predecessor  or successor  investment  advisers,  or any
interested  person of any such  adviser,  receives or is entitled to receive any
compensation  directly or indirectly (i) from any person in connection  with the
purchase or sale of securities  or other  property to, from, or on behalf of the
investment  company  other than bona fide  ordinary  compensation  as  principal
underwriter  for such  company,  or (ii)  from  the  investment  company  or its
security holders for other than bona fide investment advisory or other services.
No compensation  arrangements  of the types described above are  contemplated in
the  proposed  Transaction.  The  Trust's  Board  of  Trustees  is  aware  of no
circumstances arising from the Transaction that might result in an unfair burden
being imposed on the Portfolios.  Moreover,  PIMCO Advisors have agreed with OGI
that they will use  commercially  reasonable  efforts  to insure  that no unfair
burden will be imposed on the  Portfolios  by or as a result of the  Transaction
during such  two-year  period.  The second  condition  of Section  15(f) is that
during the three-year  period  following the  consummation of a transaction,  at
least 75% of the investment  company's board of trustees must not be "interested
persons"  of  the  investment  adviser  or  predecessor   adviser.  The  Trust's
compliance with or exemption from such 75% disinterested  board requirement is a
condition to  consummation  of the  Transaction,  and PIMCO Advisors has entered
into related  agreements with OGI with respect to such  requirement  during such
three-year period.

Description of the Existing and New Agreements.  The Existing Agreements between
the Value Equity  Portfolio  and  Opportunity  Value  Portfolio and OpCap as the
Adviser  thereunder,  were  executed as of April 19, 1993 and November 18, 1996,
respectively,  and for the  Value  Equity  Portfolio  was last  approved  by the
Trustees,  including a majority of the Independent Trustees, at a meeting of the
Board of Trustees on April 8, 1997. The Existing  Agreements  were last approved
by  shareholders  on April 19, 1993 and November 4, 1996. If the New  Agreements
are approved by the required holders of beneficial interest in the Portfolio, as
described herein, upon the closing of the Transaction,  OpCap, will serve as the
investment  adviser to the  Portfolios and will provide the same services to the
Portfolios as it currently  provides under the Existing  Agreements.  Except for
the  effective  and  termination  dates,  the  terms of the New  Agreements  are
identical in all material respects to the terms of the Existing Agreements.  The
New  Agreements  are  attached  to this  Proxy  Statement  as  Exhibits A and B,
respectively,  and the  description of the New Agreement set forth in this Proxy
Statement is qualified in its entirety by reference to Exhibits A and B.

OpCap shall manage the investment and  reinvestment  of the portfolio  assets of
each Portfolio,  all without prior consultation with the Manager, subject to and
in accordance  with the  respective  investment  objectives and policies of each
Portfolio set forth in the Trust's Registration  Statement, as such Registration
Statement may be amended from time to time, and any written  instructions  which
the Manager or the  Trust's  Board of Trustees  may issue from  time-to-time  in
accordance  therewith.  In  pursuance  of the  foregoing,  OpCap  shall make all
determinations with respect to the purchase and sale of portfolio securities and
shall take such action  necessary  to  implement  the same.  OpCap shall  render
regular reports to the Trust's Board of Trustees and the Manager  concerning the
investment activities of the Portfolios.

To  the  extent  provided  in  the  Trust's  Registration   Statement,  as  such
Registration  Statement  may be amended from time to time,  OpCap shall,  in the
name of the Portfolios, place orders for the execution of portfolio transactions
with or through such  brokers,  dealers or banks as it may select  including its
affiliates and,  complying with Section 28(e) of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, may pay a commission on transactions in excess of the amount of commission
another broker-dealer would have charged.

In  connection  with the  placement  of orders for the  execution  of  portfolio
transactions  of the  Portfolios,  OpCap shall create and maintain all necessary
records  pertaining  to the  purchase  and sale of  securities  on behalf of the
Portfolios  in  accordance  with all  applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations,
including but not limited to records required by Section 31(a) of the 1940 Act.

Pursuant to its terms, subject to shareholder approval,  the New Agreements will
become  effective on the closing of the  Transaction.  The New Agreements  shall
remain in force for two years from the date of its effectiveness, and thereafter
it will  terminate  unless its  continuance  is  specifically  approved at least
annually (a) by the vote of a majority of the Independent  Trustees at a meeting
specifically  called for the purpose of voting on such approval,  and (b) by the
Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust or by vote of a  majority  of the  outstanding
voting  securities  of the  Portfolios.  The New  Agreements,  like the Existing
Agreements,  are  terminable  without  penalty by the Board of Trustees,  by the
Manager,  or by a vote of the majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of
the Portfolios upon 60 days' prior written notice to OpCap, or by OpCap upon 150
days' prior written notice to the Manager, or upon such shorter notice as may be
mutually agreed upon. The New  Agreements,  like the Existing  Agreements,  will
terminate automatically and immediately in the event of its assignment.

Services and Fees under the New Agreement. Under the New Agreements, the Adviser
shall  regularly  provide  investment  advice with respect to the Portfolios and
invest and reinvest cash,  securities and the property  comprising the assets of
the  Portfolios.  The  fees  payable  by the  Manager  to  OpCap  under  the New
Agreements  will be at the same  rate as the fees  payable  under  the  Existing
Agreements.  For the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1996,  the Value Equity and
Opportunity Value Portfolios paid $768,579 and $197, respectively, in management
fees of which  $563,953  was paid to OpCap for Value Equity  Portfolio.  No fees
were paid to OpCap for Opportunity Value Portfolio.

Limitation  of  Liability.  The New  Agreements  provide  that in the absence of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or reckless disregard of its
duties or  obligations,  the Adviser  shall not be liable to the Manager for any
act or omission in the course of or in connection with rendering  services under
the New  Agreements  or for any losses that may be  sustained  in the  purchase,
holding or sale of any security. This provision is identical to the provision on
limitation of liability in the Existing Agreements.

Termination.  The termination  provisions of the New Agreements and the Existing
Agreements are identical. Each New Agreement may be terminated by the respective
Portfolio at any time without  penalty upon 60 days' written notice to the other
party and by the Adviser  upon 150 days,  prior  written  notice to the Manager.
Termination  by a  Portfolio  must be  approved by the vote of a majority of the
Trustees or by vote of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of the  Portfolio.
The New Agreements will terminate in the event of an  "assignment,"  as required
by the 1940 Act.

Portfolio Transactions and Brokerage.  Provisions of the New Agreements relating
to portfolio transactions and brokerage are identical to those provisions in the
Existing  Agreements.  During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996, the Value
Equity  Portfolio and the  Opportunity  Value  Portfolio  paid $90,589 and $291,
respectively,  in  brokerage  commissions  of which  $2,908  from  Value  Equity
Portfolio was paid to  Oppenheimer & Co., Inc., an affiliated  broker-dealer  of

Evaluation By The Board of Trustees.  The Board of Trustees has determined  that
continuity and efficiency of portfolio management services after the Transaction
can best be assured by approving the New Agreements on behalf of the Portfolios.
The Board  believes  that the New  Agreements  will  enable  the  Portfolios  to
continue to obtain sub-advisory services of high quality at costs which it deems
appropriate  and  reasonable,  and that approval of the New Agreements is in the
best interests of the Portfolios and their shareholders.

 .........In  evaluating the New Agreements,  the Board of Trustees requested and
reviewed, with the assistance of legal counsel, materials furnished by OpCap and
PIMCO Advisors.  These materials included financial  statements as well as other
written information regarding PIMCO Advisors and its personnel,  operations, and
financial condition.  The Board also reviewed information about OpCap, including
its brokerage policies  described above.  Consideration was given to comparative
performance  and cost  information  concerning  other  mutual funds with similar
investment  objectives,  including  information  prepared  by Lipper  Analytical
Services,  Inc. The Board of Trustees  also reviewed and discussed the terms and
provisions of the New Agreements as compared to the Existing  Agreements as well
as the  arrangements  of other mutual  funds,  particularly  with respect to the
allocation  of various types of expenses,  levels of fees and resulting  expense
ratios.  The Board evaluated the nature and extent of services provided by other
investment  advisers to their  respective funds and also considered the benefits
OpCap would obtain from its  relationship  with the Portfolios and the economies
of scale in costs and expenses to the Adviser associated with its providing such
services.  The Board also met with  representatives of PIMCO Advisors to discuss
their current intentions with respect to Oppenheimer Capital and OpCap.

     The Board considered:  (i) the quality of the operations and services which
have been  provided to the Portfolio by OpCap and which are expected to continue
to be  provided  after the  Transaction,  with no change in fee rates;  (ii) the
overall  experience  and  reputation  of OpCap in  providing  such  services  to
investment  companies,  and the likelihood of its continued financial stability;
(iii) the capitalization of PIMCO Advisors;  (iv) the aspects of the Transaction
that  would  affect  the  ability  of  OpCap to  retain  and  attract  qualified
personnel;  and (v) the  benefits of  continuity  in the services to be provided
under the New Agreements. Based upon its review, the Board of Trustees concluded
that  the  terms  of the New  Agreements  are  reasonable,  fair and in the best
interests of the Portfolios and their  shareholders,  and that the fees provided
therein are fair and reasonable in light of the usual and customary charges made
by others for  services of the same nature and quality.  Accordingly,  the Board
concluded that continuing to retain OpCap as Adviser to the Portfolios after the
Transaction  is desirable and in the best  interests of the Portfolios and their
shareholders.  Based on these and other  considerations,  the Board  unanimously
recommended  approval of the New Agreements and their submission to shareholders
of each Portfolio for their respective approvals. The New Agreements will become
effective on the date that the  Transaction is  consummated.  The New Agreements
will  continue  in  effect  until two  years  from  their  effective  date,  and
thereafter for successive annual periods as long as such continuance is approved
in accordance  with the 1940 Act. If the  Transaction  is not  consummated,  the
Existing Agreements will remain in effect according to their terms.

Vote Required.  As provided  under the 1940 Act,  approval of each New Agreement
will require the vote of a majority of the outstanding  Shares of the respective
Portfolio. Under the 1940 Act, the vote of a "majority of the outstanding voting
securities" of an investment  company (or a series thereof) means the vote, at a
duly-called  annual or special  meeting of  shareholders,  of 67% or more of the
shares  present  at  such  meeting,  if the  holders  of  more  than  50% of the
outstanding  shares of such  company or series are  present  or  represented  by
proxy,  or of more than 50% of the total  outstanding  shares of such company or
series, whichever is less (a "Majority Vote").




     The Board of  Trustees  has  proposed  an  amendment  to the  Value  Equity
Portfolio's  fundamental  investment  restriction regarding illiquid securities.
Currently,  the  Value  Equity  Portfolio's  investment  restrictions  include a
fundamental restriction which provides that the Value Equity Portfolio may not:

     Invest more than 10% of its net assets  (taken at current value at the time
of  each  purchase)  in  illiquid  securities  including  repurchase  agreements
maturing in more than seven days.

     It is proposed to increase this  percentage  from 10% to 15% of net assets.
It is also proposed to change this  restriction  from a fundamental  restriction
which may be amended only with the approval of  shareholders  as described below
to  a   non-fundamental   restriction  which  may  be  changed  without  further
shareholder approval.

     As an open-end  investment  company,  the Trust may not hold a  significant
amount of illiquid securities because these securities may not be susceptible to
accurate  valuation and because it is possible  that the Value Equity  Portfolio
would have  difficulty  liquidating  securities in order to satisfy  requests to
redeem  shares  within  seven  days,  as is  required  for  open-end  investment
companies.  In general,  illiquid securities have included securities subject to
contractual or legal  restrictions  on resale,  securities for which there is no
readily available market and repurchase  agreements or time deposits maturing in
greater than seven days.  However,  the securities  markets are evolving and new
types of  instruments  have  developed  that make the Value  Equity  Portfolio's
present   policies  on  illiquid   investments   overbroad   and   unnecessarily
restrictive.  For example,  many foreign  securities  are not  registered in the
United  States and may not be sold in the  United  States  without  registration
under the U.S.  securities  laws,  but these  securities  trade  freely in their
principal  markets  abroad.  The markets for some types of securities are almost
exclusively institutional - repurchase agreements,  commercial paper, many types
of municipal  securities and some corporate bonds and notes.  These  instruments
are often either exempt from  registration or sold in transactions not requiring
registration.  Institutional investors will therefore often depend either on the
issuer's  ability to honor a demand for  repayment in less than seven days or on
an efficient institutional market in which the unregistered security can readily
be  resold.  The fact that  there may be legal or  contractual  restrictions  on
resale to the general  public,  therefore,  does not  necessarily  determine the
liquidity of these investments.

 .........In recognition of the increased size and liquidity of the institutional
market for unregistered securities and the importance of institutional investors
in the capital formation  process,  the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the
"SEC") has adopted Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, which
allows  for a broad  institutional  trading  market  for  securities  subject to
restriction  on resale to the general  public.  As these  institutional  markets
develop,  the  Value  Equity  Portfolio  would  be  constrained  by its  current
investment  restrictions  even though the  institutional  restricted  securities
markets  would  provide  readily  ascertainable  market  values  for  restricted
securities  and the ability to reduce an  investment to cash in order to satisfy
Value Equity  Portfolio share  redemption  orders on a timely basis. In order to
take  advantage of these  regulatory  initiatives  and the  increasingly  liquid
institutional  trading  markets,  the Board  recommends  that the  Value  Equity
Portfolio  reclassify as  non-fundamental  its policy  regarding  investments in
illiquid securities.  If approved by shareholders,  the Board intends to adopt a
non-fundamental  policy  limiting the Value Equity  Portfolio's  investments  in
illiquid  securities  to not  more  than  15%  of its  total  assets,  which  is
consistent  with the current SEC staff position on illiquid  investments.  Under
this new  policy,  restricted  securities  that are  nonetheless  liquid  may be
purchased without limitation.

     If this  proposal  is  approved  by  shareholders,  the  specific  types of
securities  that may be deemed to be illiquid will be determined by the Board in
a manner consistent with current regulatory  positions of the SEC and its staff.
By  making  the  Value  Equity   Portfolio's   policy  on  illiquid   securities
non-fundamental,  the  Portfolio  will  be  able  to  respond  more  rapidly  to
regulatory and market developments  because no shareholder vote will be required
to redefine  the types of  securities  that are deemed  illiquid.  .........  If
approved by shareholders, this investment restriction will be amended to provide
that the Value Equity Portfolio will not:

     Invest more than 15% of its net assets  (taken at current value at the time
of  each  purchase)  in  illiquid  securities  including  repurchase  agreements
maturing in more than seven days.


     Approval of this Proposal  requires a Majority Vote of the  shareholders of
the Value Equity Portfolio.


                                        SUBMISSION OF SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     The Trust is not generally  required to hold annual or special  meetings of
shareholders.  Shareholders wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy
statement  for a  subsequent  shareholders'  meeting  should send their  written
proposals  to the  Assistant  Secretary  of the Trust,  c/o First Data  Investor
Services Group, Inc., Mail Zone BOS865, 53 State Street, Boston, MA 02109.

                                     SHAREHOLDERS' REQUEST FOR SPECIAL MEETING

 .........Shareholders  holding at least 10% of the  Trust's  outstanding  voting
securities  (as defined in the 1940 Act) may require the calling of a meeting of
the Trust's  shareholders  for the purpose of voting on the removal of any Board
member.  Meetings of the Trust's shareholders for any other purpose will also be
called by the Board when requested in writing by  shareholders  holding at least
10% of the Shares then  outstanding  or, if the Board members shall fail to call
or give notice of any meeting of shareholders for a period of 30 days after such
application,  shareholders  holding at least 10% of the Shares then  outstanding
may call and give notice of such meeting.

                                     OTHER MATTERS TO COME BEFORE THE MEETING

     The Board does not  intend to present  any other  business  at the  Special
Meeting other than as described in this Proxy Statement,  nor is the Board aware
that any  shareholder  intends  to do so. If,  however,  any other  matters  are
properly  brought  before  the  Special  Meeting,   the  persons  named  in  the
accompanying proxy card will vote thereon in accordance with their judgment.

May 9, 1997




                                                                      EXHIBIT A
                                                      FORM OF
                                           INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made this __th day of _______,  1997,  by and between  OpCap
Advisors,   a  Delaware  general  partnership  (the  "Adviser"),   and  Endeavor
Investment Advisers, a California general partnership (the "Manager").

         WHEREAS,  the Manager has been organized to serve as investment manager
and  administrator  of Endeavor  Series  Trust (the  "Trust"),  a  Massachusetts
business  trust which has filed a  registration  statement  under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act") and the  Securities Act of 1933
(the "Registration Statement"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Trust  is  comprised  of  several  separate  investment
portfolios, one of which is the Value Equity Portfolio (the "Portfolio"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Manager  desires  to  avail  itself  of  the  services,
information,  advice,  assistance  and  facilities of an  investment  adviser to
assist the Manager in performing services for the Portfolio; and

         WHEREAS,  the Adviser is registered under the 1940 Act, as amended, and
is  engaged  in the  business  of  rendering  investment  advisory  services  to
investment companies and other institutional clients and desires to provide such
services to the Manager;

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration  of  the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows:

         1. Employment of the Adviser. The Manager hereby employs the Adviser to
manage the investment and  reinvestment of the assets of the Portfolio,  subject
to the control and  direction of the Trust's  Board of Trustees,  for the period
and on the  terms  hereinafter  set  forth.  The  Adviser  hereby  accepts  such
employment  and agrees  during such period to render the  services and to assume
the  obligations  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein  provided.  The
Adviser shall for all purposes herein be deemed to be an independent  contractor
and  shall,  except as  expressly  provided  or  authorized  (whether  herein or
otherwise), have no authority to act for or represent the Manager, the Portfolio
or the Trust in any way.

     2.  Obligations of and Services to be Provided by the Adviser.  The Adviser
undertakes  to  provide  the  following  services  and to assume  the  following

                  a. The Adviser shall manage the investment and reinvestment of
         the portfolio assets of the Portfolio,  all without prior  consultation
         with the  Manager,  subject to and in  accordance  with the  respective
         investment  objectives  and policies of the  Portfolio set forth in the
         Trust's Registration  Statement,  as such Registration Statement may be
         amended  from  time to time,  and any  written  instructions  which the
         Manager or the Trust's Board of Trustees may issue from time-to-time in
         accordance therewith. In pursuance of the foregoing,  the Adviser shall
         make  all  determinations  with  respect  to the  purchase  and sale of
         portfolio  securities and shall take such action necessary to implement
         the same. The Adviser shall render regular reports to the Trust's Board
         of Trustees and the Manager concerning the investment activities of the

                  b.  To  the  extent  provided  in  the  Trust's   Registration
         Statement,  as such Registration  Statement may be amended from time to
         time, the Adviser shall, in the name of the Portfolio, place orders for
         the execution of portfolio  transactions  with or through such brokers,
         dealers or banks as it may select  including  affiliates of the Adviser
         and,  complying  with Section 28(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
         1934, may pay a commission on  transactions  in excess of the amount of
         commission another broker-dealer would have charged.

                  c.  In  connection  with  the  placement  of  orders  for  the
         execution of the portfolio  transactions of the Portfolio,  the Adviser
         shall create and  maintain  all  necessary  records  pertaining  to the
         purchase  and  sale of  securities  by the  Adviser  on  behalf  of the
         Portfolio  in  accordance   with  all   applicable   laws,   rules  and
         regulations,  including but not limited to records  required by Section
         31(a) of the 1940 Act.  All records  shall be the property of the Trust
         and shall be available for  inspection  and use by the  Securities  and
         Exchange  Commission  ("SEC"),  the  Trust,  the  Manager or any person
         retained  by  the  Trust.  Where  applicable,  such  records  shall  be
         maintained by the Adviser for the periods and in the places required by
         Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act.

     d. The Adviser  shall bear its expenses of providing  services  pursuant to
this Agreement.

         3.  Compensation of the Adviser.  In consideration of services rendered
pursuant to this Agreement, the Manager will pay the Adviser a fee at the annual
rate of the  value of the  Portfolio's  average  daily net  assets  set forth in
Schedule A hereto.  Such fee shall be accrued  daily and paid monthly as soon as
practicable  after the end of each month.  If the  Adviser  shall serve for less
than the whole of any month, the foregoing  compensation shall be prorated.  For
the  purpose  of  determining  fees  payable  to the  Adviser,  the value of the
Portfolio's  net  assets  shall  be  computed  at the  times  and in the  manner
specified in the Trust's Registration Statement.

         4. Activities of the Adviser. The services of the Adviser hereunder are
not to be deemed  exclusive,  and the  Adviser  shall be free to render  similar
services to others and to engage in other  activities,  so long as the  services
rendered hereunder are not impaired.

         5. Use of Names.  The Manager  shall not use the name of the Adviser or
its parent in any prospectus, sales literature or other material relating to the
Trust in any  manner  not  approved  prior  thereto  by the  Adviser;  provided,
however,  that the  Adviser  shall  approve all uses of its name and that of its
parent  which  merely refer in accurate  terms to its  appointment  hereunder or
which are required by the SEC or a state securities  commission;  and, provided,
further,  that in no event shall such  approval be  unreasonably  withheld.  The
Adviser  shall  not use the name of the  Trust or the  Manager  in any  material
relating to the Adviser in any manner not approved prior thereto by the Manager;
provided, however, that the Manager shall approve all uses of its or the Trust's
name which  merely  refer in accurate  terms to the  appointment  of the Adviser
hereunder  or which are  required by the SEC or a state  securities  commission;
and,  provided  further,  that in no event shall such  approval be  unreasonably

         6.  Liability of the Adviser.  Absent willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,
gross  negligence,  or reckless  disregard of obligations or duties hereunder on
the part of the Adviser, the Adviser shall not be liable for any act or omission
in the course of, or connected  with,  rendering  services  hereunder or for any
losses that may be sustained in the purchase, holding or sale of any security.

         7. Limitation of Trust's  Liability.  The Adviser  acknowledges that it
has received  notice of and accepts the limitations  upon the Trust's  liability
set forth in its Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Adviser agrees that any
of the Trust's  obligations  shall be limited to the assets of the Portfolio and
that the Adviser shall not seek  satisfaction  of any such  obligation  from the
shareholders  of the Trust nor from any Trust officer,  employee or agent of the

         8. Renewal, Termination and Amendment. This Agreement shall continue in
effect,  unless sooner terminated as hereinafter  provided,  for a period of two
years  from the date  hereof  and shall  continue  in full  force and effect for
successive  periods  of one  year  thereafter,  but  only so  long as each  such
continuance  as to the Portfolio is  specifically  approved at least annually by
vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the
Portfolio  or by vote of a  majority  of the  Trust's  Board of  Trustees';  and
further provided that such continuance is also approved  annually by the vote of
a majority of the Trustees who are not parties to this  Agreement or  interested
persons of any such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such approval. This Agreement may be terminated as to the Portfolio at
any time, without payment of any penalty,  by the Trust's Board of Trustees,  by
the Manager,  or by a vote of the majority of the outstanding  voting securities
of the Portfolio  upon 60 days' prior written  notice to the Adviser,  or by the
Adviser upon 150 days' prior written notice to the Manager, or upon such shorter
notice  as  may  be  mutually   agreed  upon.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate
automatically and immediately upon termination of the Management Agreement dated
November  23,  1992  between the Manager  and the Trust.  This  Agreement  shall
terminate  automatically  and  immediately in the event of its  assignment.  The
terms "assignment" and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities"
shall have the meaning set forth for such terms in the 1940 Act. This  Agreement
may be amended at any time by the Adviser and the  Manager,  subject to approval
by the Trust's Board of Trustees  and, if required by  applicable  SEC rules and
regulations,  a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Portfolio's  outstanding  voting

     9.  Confidential  Relationship.  Any  information  and advice  furnished by
either party to this Agreement to the other shall be treated as confidential and
shall not be disclosed to third parties except as required by law.

     10. Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made
invalid by a court decision,  statute, rule or otherwise,  the remainder of this
Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

         11.  Miscellaneous.  This Agreement  constitutes  the full and complete
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.  Each
party agrees to perform such further actions and execute such further  documents
as are necessary to effectuate  the purposes  hereof.  This  Agreement  shall be
construed and enforced in accordance  with and governed by the laws of the State
of California.  The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience only
and in no way define or delimit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect
their  construction  or  effect.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  several
counterparts,  all of which  together  shall  for all  purposes  constitute  one
Agreement, binding on all the parties.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of
the date first written above.

                                                   ENDEAVOR INVESTMENT ADVISERS
                                             BY:      Endeavor Management Co.,
                                                           Managing Partner

                                         BY:      ___________________________
                                                             Authorized Officer

                                                     OPCAP ADVISORS

                                         BY:      ____________________________
                                                             Authorized Officer

                                                    SCHEDULE A

Value Equity               .........          .40% of average daily net assets


                                                                    EXHIBIT B
                                                      FORM OF
                                           INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made this __th day of _______,  1997,  by and between  OpCap
Advisors,   a  Delaware  general  partnership  (the  "Adviser"),   and  Endeavor
Investment Advisers, a California general partnership (the "Manager").

         WHEREAS,  the Manager has been organized to serve as investment manager
and  administrator  of Endeavor  Series  Trust (the  "Trust"),  a  Massachusetts
business  trust which has filed a  registration  statement  under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act") and the  Securities Act of 1933
(the "Registration Statement"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Trust  is  comprised  of  several  separate  investment
portfolios,  one of which is the Opportunity Value Portfolio (the  "Portfolio");

         WHEREAS,   the  Manager  desires  to  avail  itself  of  the  services,
information,  advice,  assistance  and  facilities of an  investment  adviser to
assist the Manager in performing services for the Portfolio; and

         WHEREAS,  the Adviser is registered under the 1940 Act, as amended, and
is  engaged  in the  business  of  rendering  investment  advisory  services  to
investment companies and other institutional clients and desires to provide such
services to the Manager;

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration  of  the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows:

         1. Employment of the Adviser. The Manager hereby employs the Adviser to
manage the investment and  reinvestment of the assets of the Portfolio,  subject
to the control and  direction of the Trust's  Board of Trustees,  for the period
and on the  terms  hereinafter  set  forth.  The  Adviser  hereby  accepts  such
employment  and agrees  during such period to render the  services and to assume
the  obligations  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein  provided.  The
Adviser shall for all purposes herein be deemed to be an independent  contractor
and  shall,  except as  expressly  provided  or  authorized  (whether  herein or
otherwise), have no authority to act for or represent the Manager, the Portfolio
or the Trust in any way.

     2.  Obligations of and Services to be Provided by the Adviser.  The Adviser
undertakes  to  provide  the  following  services  and to assume  the  following

                  a. The Adviser shall manage the investment and reinvestment of
         the portfolio assets of the Portfolio,  all without prior  consultation
         with the  Manager,  subject to and in  accordance  with the  respective
         investment  objectives  and policies of the  Portfolio set forth in the
         Trust's Registration  Statement,  as such Registration Statement may be
         amended  from  time to time,  and any  written  instructions  which the
         Manager or the Trust's Board of Trustees may issue from time-to-time in
         accordance therewith. In pursuance of the foregoing,  the Adviser shall
         make  all  determinations  with  respect  to the  purchase  and sale of
         portfolio  securities and shall take such action necessary to implement
         the same. The Adviser shall render regular reports to the Trust's Board
         of Trustees and the Manager concerning the investment activities of the

                  b.  To  the  extent  provided  in  the  Trust's   Registration
         Statement,  as such Registration  Statement may be amended from time to
         time, the Adviser shall, in the name of the Portfolio, place orders for
         the execution of portfolio  transactions  with or through such brokers,
         dealers or banks as it may select  including  affiliates of the Adviser
         and,  complying  with Section 28(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
         1934, may pay a commission on  transactions  in excess of the amount of
         commission another broker-dealer would have charged.

                  c.  In  connection  with  the  placement  of  orders  for  the
         execution of the portfolio  transactions of the Portfolio,  the Adviser
         shall create and  maintain  all  necessary  records  pertaining  to the
         purchase  and  sale of  securities  by the  Adviser  on  behalf  of the
         Portfolio  in  accordance   with  all   applicable   laws,   rules  and
         regulations,  including but not limited to records  required by Section
         31(a) of the 1940 Act.  All records  shall be the property of the Trust
         and shall be available for  inspection  and use by the  Securities  and
         Exchange  Commission  ("SEC"),  the  Trust,  the  Manager or any person
         retained  by  the  Trust.  Where  applicable,  such  records  shall  be
         maintained by the Adviser for the periods and in the places required by
         Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act.

     d. The Adviser  shall bear its expenses of providing  services  pursuant to
this Agreement.

         3.  Compensation of the Adviser.  In consideration of services rendered
pursuant to this Agreement, the Manager will pay the Adviser a fee at the annual
rate of the  value of the  Portfolio's  average  daily net  assets  set forth in
Schedule A hereto.  Such fee shall be accrued  daily and paid monthly as soon as
practicable  after the end of each month.  If the  Adviser  shall serve for less
than the whole of any month, the foregoing  compensation shall be prorated.  For
the  purpose  of  determining  fees  payable  to the  Adviser,  the value of the
Portfolio's  net  assets  shall  be  computed  at the  times  and in the  manner
specified in the Trust's Registration Statement.

         4. Activities of the Adviser. The services of the Adviser hereunder are
not to be deemed  exclusive,  and the  Adviser  shall be free to render  similar
services to others and to engage in other  activities,  so long as the  services
rendered hereunder are not impaired.

         5. Use of Names.  The Manager  shall not use the name of the Adviser or
its parent in any prospectus, sales literature or other material relating to the
Trust in any  manner  not  approved  prior  thereto  by the  Adviser;  provided,
however,  that the  Adviser  shall  approve all uses of its name and that of its
parent  which  merely refer in accurate  terms to its  appointment  hereunder or
which are required by the SEC or a state securities  commission;  and, provided,
further,  that in no event shall such  approval be  unreasonably  withheld.  The
Adviser  shall  not use the name of the  Trust or the  Manager  in any  material
relating to the Adviser in any manner not approved prior thereto by the Manager;
provided, however, that the Manager shall approve all uses of its or the Trust's
name which  merely  refer in accurate  terms to the  appointment  of the Adviser
hereunder  or which are  required by the SEC or a state  securities  commission;
and,  provided  further,  that in no event shall such  approval be  unreasonably

         6.  Liability of the Adviser.  Absent willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,
gross  negligence,  or reckless  disregard of obligations or duties hereunder on
the part of the Adviser, the Adviser shall not be liable for any act or omission
in the course of, or connected  with,  rendering  services  hereunder or for any
losses that may be sustained in the purchase, holding or sale of any security.

         7. Limitation of Trust's  Liability.  The Adviser  acknowledges that it
has received  notice of and accepts the limitations  upon the Trust's  liability
set forth in its Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Adviser agrees that any
of the Trust's  obligations  shall be limited to the assets of the Portfolio and
that the Adviser shall not seek  satisfaction  of any such  obligation  from the
shareholders  of the Trust nor from any Trust officer,  employee or agent of the

         8. Renewal, Termination and Amendment. This Agreement shall continue in
effect,  unless sooner terminated as hereinafter  provided,  for a period of two
years  from the date  hereof  and shall  continue  in full  force and effect for
successive  periods  of one  year  thereafter,  but  only so  long as each  such
continuance  as to the Portfolio is  specifically  approved at least annually by
vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the
Portfolio  or by vote of a  majority  of the  Trust's  Board of  Trustees';  and
further provided that such continuance is also approved  annually by the vote of
a majority of the Trustees who are not parties to this  Agreement or  interested
persons of any such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such approval. This Agreement may be terminated as to the Portfolio at
any time, without payment of any penalty,  by the Trust's Board of Trustees,  by
the Manager,  or by a vote of the majority of the outstanding  voting securities
of the Portfolio  upon 60 days' prior written  notice to the Adviser,  or by the
Adviser upon 150 days' prior written notice to the Manager, or upon such shorter
notice  as  may  be  mutually   agreed  upon.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate
automatically and immediately upon termination of the Management Agreement dated
November  23,  1992  between the Manager  and the Trust.  This  Agreement  shall
terminate  automatically  and  immediately in the event of its  assignment.  The
terms "assignment" and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities"
shall have the meaning set forth for such terms in the 1940 Act. This  Agreement
may be amended at any time by the Adviser and the  Manager,  subject to approval
by the Trust's Board of Trustees  and, if required by  applicable  SEC rules and
regulations,  a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Portfolio's  outstanding  voting

     9.  Confidential  Relationship.  Any  information  and advice  furnished by
either party to this Agreement to the other shall be treated as confidential and
shall not be disclosed to third parties except as required by law.

     10. Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made
invalid by a court decision,  statute, rule or otherwise,  the remainder of this
Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

         11.  Miscellaneous.  This Agreement  constitutes  the full and complete
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.  Each
party agrees to perform such further actions and execute such further  documents
as are necessary to effectuate  the purposes  hereof.  This  Agreement  shall be
construed and enforced in accordance  with and governed by the laws of the State
of California.  The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience only
and in no way define or delimit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect
their  construction  or  effect.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  several
counterparts,  all of which  together  shall  for all  purposes  constitute  one
Agreement, binding on all the parties.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of
the date first written above.

                                                   ENDEAVOR INVESTMENT ADVISERS
                                              BY:      Endeavor Management Co.,
                                                              Managing Partner
                                          BY:      ___________________________
                                                              Authorized Officer

                                                     OPCAP ADVISORS

                                         BY:      ____________________________
                                                          Authorized Officer

                                                    SCHEDULE A

Opportunity Value          .........           .40% of average daily net assets


                                                                     EXHIBIT C

                                                  OPCAP ADVISORS

                                            Net Assets
                                              as of
Investment Company                      February 28, 1997       Annual Fee Rate

OCC Accumulation Trust:                $20 million .80% per annum on the first
Equity Portfolio                                  $400 million of average daily
                                                                     net assets

                                                     .75% per annum on the next
                                                            $400 million;
                                                    .70% per annum on average
                                               daily net assets in excess of
                                                $800 million

OCC Accumulation Trust:$196 million                  .80% per annum on the first
Managed Portfolio                                 $400 million of average daily
                                                     net assets

                                                  .75% per annum on the next
                                                             $400 million

                                                     .70% per annum on average
                                                 daily net assets in excess of
                                                                $800 million


The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby  appoint  AUSA Life  Insurance  Company,  Inc.,  attorneys  and
proxies for the undersigned, with full powers of substitution and revocation, to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
Beneficial  Interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m. P.D.T. on June 18, 1997 at the
offices of the Trust,  2101 East Coast  Highway,  Suite 300,  Corona del Mar, CA
92625 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated, will be voted FOR all proposals below. If a proxy is not
received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant,  then votes
attributable  to his  interest  will be allocated in the same ratio as votes for
which instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response.

         1. To approve a new investment advisory agreement between Endeavor 
         Investment Advisers and OpCap Advisors (Proposal 1).

          FOR            AGAINST        ABSTAIN

         2. To approve a proposed amendment to the Value Equity Portfolio's    
         investment restriction regarding illiquid securities, changing this
         restriction to non-fundamental (Proposal 2).

          FOR            AGAINST            ABSTAIN

The  undersigned,  by completing this form does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.


                           .........     PLEASE VOTE, DATE, SIGN EXACTLY AS YOUR
NAME APPEARS BELOW         .........                            AND RETURN
                           .........  NOTE: The undersigned hereby acknowledges
receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting
             and Proxy  Statement,  and revokes any proxy  heretofore given with
             respect to the votes covered by this proxy.

Dated ______________________, 1997..
- -----------------------------------------------------
                           .........                               (Signature)

                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                                               VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO

The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby appoint PFL Life Insurance Company, Inc., attorneys and proxies
for the  undersigned,  with  full  powers of  substitution  and  revocation,  to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
Beneficial  Interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m. P.D.T. on June 18, 1997 at the
offices of the Trust,  2101 East Coast  Highway,  Suite 300,  Corona del Mar, CA
92625 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated, will be voted FOR all proposals below. If a proxy is not
received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant,  then votes
attributable  to his  interest  will be allocated in the same ratio as votes for
which instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response.

         1. To approve a new investment advisory agreement between Endeavor
         Investment Advisers and OpCap Advisors (Proposal 1). 

               FOR            AGAINST             ABSTAIN

         2. To approve a proposed amendment to the Value Equity Portfolio's    
         investment restriciton regarding illiquid securities, changing this
         restriction to non-fundamental (Proposal 2).

               FOR       AGAINST             ABSTAIN

The  undersigned,  by completing this form does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.


                           .........   PLEASE VOTE, DATE, SIGN EXACTLY AS YOUR
NAME APPEARS BELOW         .........                            AND RETURN THIS
                           ......... NOTE: The undersigned hereby acknowledges
receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting
             and Proxy  Statement, and revokes any proxy  heretofore given with
             respect to the votes covered by this proxy.

Dated ______________________, 1997..
- -----------------------------------------------------
                           .........                                (Signature)

                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                                            OPPORTUNITY VALUE PORTFOLIO

The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby  appoint  AUSA Life  Insurance  Company,  Inc.,  attorneys  and
proxies for the undersigned, with full powers of substitution and revocation, to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
beneficial  interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m. P.D.T. on June 18, 1997 at the
offices of the Trust,  2101 East Coast  Highway,  Suite 300,  Corona del Mar, CA
92625 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated,  will be voted FOR the proposal below. If a proxy is not
received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant,  then votes
attributable  to his  interest  will be allocated in the same ratio as votes for
which instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response.

         1. To approve a new investment advisory agreement between Endeavor   
         Investment Advisers and OpCap Advisers (Proposal 1).
               FOR       AGAINST        ABSTAIN

The  undersigned,  by completing this form does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as
properly come before the meeting.


                           .........   PLEASE VOTE, DATE, SIGN EXACTLY AS YOUR
NAME APPEARS BELOW         .........                          AND RETURN THIS
                           .........  NOTE: The undersigned hereby acknowledges
receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting
             and Proxy  Statement,  and revokes any proxy  heretofore given with
             respect to the votes covered by this proxy.

Dated ______________________, 1997..
- -----------------------------------------------------
                           .........                                (Signature)

                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                                            OPPORTUNITY VALUE PORTFOLIO

The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby appoint PFL Life Insurance Company, Inc., attorneys and proxies
for the  undersigned,  with  full  powers of  substitution  and  revocation,  to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
beneficial  interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m. P.D.T. on June 18, 1997 at the
offices of the Trust,  2101 East Coast  Highway,  Suite 300,  Corona del Mar, CA
92625 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated,  will be voted FOR the proposal below. If a proxy is not
received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant,  then votes
attributable  to his  interest  will be allocated in the same ratio as votes for
which instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response.

         1. To approve a new investment advisory agreement between Endeavor
            Investment Advisers and OpCap Advisors (Proposal 1).          

          FOR            AGAINST             ABSTAIN

The  undersigned,  by completing this form does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.


                           .........         PLEASE VOTE, DATE, SIGN EXACTLY
AS YOUR NAME APPEARS BELOW .........                                   AND
RETURN THIS FORM IN THE    .........                                ENCLOSED
SELF-ADDRESSED             .........                              ENVELOPE.
                           .........            NOTE: The undersigned hereby
acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting and Proxy Statement,  and
revokes any proxy  heretofore  given with  respect to the votes  covered by this

                           .........        Dated ______________________, 1997
- -----------------------------------------------
                           .........                                (Signature)