Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934            (Amendment No. )

Filed by Registrant [ X ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [    ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ X]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[    ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
 (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[    ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[    ] Definitive Additional Materials
[    ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or Sec. 240.14a-12

The Irish Investment Fund, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                           Brigid O. Bieber, Secretary
  (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[ X ]  No fee required
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

       1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

       2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

       3)  Per unit  price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11(set  forth the amount on which the
           filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

       4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

       5) Total fee paid:

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[   ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[      ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
       Rule  0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
       paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
       number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

       1)  Amount Previously Paid:

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
       2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
       3)  Filing Party:

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
       4)  Date Filed:

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                         THE IRISH INVESTMENT FUND, INC.
                  c/o First Data Investor Services Group, Inc.
                          One Exchange Place -- BOS 865
                                 53 State Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02109


To our Stockholders:

         Notice is hereby  given that the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of The Irish Investment Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") will be held on March
10, 1998, at [ ] [location to be determined], for the following purposes:

    1. To elect two (2) Directors of the Fund (Proposal 1).

    2.   To ratify the  selection by the Board of Directors of Price  Waterhouse
         LLP as  independent  accountants  for the year ending  October 31, 1998
         (Proposal 2).

 3.   To approve a New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement between the Fund and 
Salomon Brothers Asset          Management    Inc    ("SBAM")
(Proposal 3).

    4. To consider and act upon any other  business as may properly  come before
the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     These  items  are  discussed  in  greater  detail  in  the  attached  Proxy

     Only stockholders of record at the close of business on January 5, 1998 are
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, this Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                                     BRIGID O. BIEBER

Dated:   January 26, 1998



     The following general rules for signing proxy cards may be of assistance to
you and avoid the time and expense to the Fund involved in validating  your vote
if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

    1.   Individual Accounts: Sign your name exactly as it appears
in the registration on the proxy card.

    2.    Joint Accounts: Either party may sign, but the name of the 
party signing should conform exactly          to the name shown
in the registration.

    3. All Other  Accounts:  The capacity of the  individuals  signing the proxy
card should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of registration. For

                  Registration                       Valid Signature

Corporate Accounts

(1) ABC Corp. ..................................ABC Corp.
(2) ABC Corp. ..........................................John Doe, Treasurer
(3) ABC Corp.
     c/o John Doe, Treasurer .................................John Doe
(4) ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan .......................     John Doe, Trustee

Trust Accounts

(1) ABC Trust ........................................ Jane B. Doe, Trustee
(2) Jane B. Doe, Trustee ................................... Jane B. Doe
     u/t/d 12/28/78

Custodian or Estate Accounts

(1) John B. Smith, Cust.
     f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA ......................     John B. Smith
(2) Estate of John B. Smith ...................John B. Smith, Jr., Executor

                                          THE IRISH INVESTMENT FUND, INC.
                                   c/o First Data Investor Services Group, Inc.
                                           One Exchange Place -- BOS 865
                                                  53 State Street
                                            Boston, Massachusetts 02109


                                                  PROXY STATEMENT

      This proxy  statement  is furnished by the Board of Directors of The Irish
Investment  Fund,  Inc.  (the "Fund") in  connection  with its  solicitation  of
proxies for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be held
on March 10, 1998 at [ ][location to be determined].  The purpose of the Meeting
and the  matters  to be acted upon are set forth in the  accompanying  Notice of
Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

      If the  accompanying  form of proxy is  executed  properly  and  returned,
shares  represented  by it will be voted at the Meeting in  accordance  with the
instructions on the proxy. If, however,  no instructions  are specified,  shares
will be voted for the election of Directors and for the other proposals. A proxy
may be revoked  at any time  prior to the time it is voted by written  notice to
the  Secretary  of the Fund or by  attendance  at the  Meeting.  The Fund's most
recent annual report is available upon request  without charge by writing to the
Fund at the address listed above or by calling 1-800-468-6475.

      In the event a quorum is not  present  at the  Meeting,  the  holders of a
majority  of the stock  present  in  person  or by proxy  will have the power to
adjourn the Meeting,  without notice other than an  announcement at the Meeting,
until the requisite amount of stock entitled to vote at such Meeting is present.
In the event a quorum is present at the Meeting but sufficient  votes to approve
any of the proposed  items are not  received,  the persons  named as proxies may
propose one or more adjournments of such Meeting to permit further  solicitation
of proxies.  A shareholder  vote may be taken on one or more of the proposals in
this proxy  statement  prior to such  adjournment if sufficient  votes have been
received and it is otherwise appropriate.  Any such adjournment will require the
affirmative  vote of a majority of those shares present at the Meeting in person
or by proxy and the persons  named as proxies will vote those proxies which they
are  entitled  to vote FOR or AGAINST  any such  proposal  in their  discretion.
Absent the establishment of a subsequent record date and the giving of notice to
the holders of record  thereon,  the adjourned  Meeting will take place not more
than 120 days after the original  record date. At such  adjourned  Meeting,  any
business  may be  transacted  which might have been  transacted  at the original

      The close of business on January 5, 1998 has been fixed as the record date
for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
Meeting. On that date, the Fund had 5,009,000 shares of common stock outstanding
and entitled to vote. Each share will be entitled to one vote at the Meeting. It
is expected  that the Notice of Annual  Meeting,  proxy  statement,  and form of
proxy will be mailed to stockholders on or about January 26, 1998.

      The expense of solicitation will be borne by the Fund and Salomon Brothers
Asset  Management  Inc (referred to herein as "SBAM" and the "U.S.  Co-Advisor")
and will include  reimbursement  to  brokerage  firms and others for expenses in
forwarding proxy solicitation material to beneficial owners. The solicitation of
proxies  will be largely by mail,  but may  include,  without  cost to the Fund,
telephonic, telegraphic, or oral communications by regular employees of the Bank
of Ireland Asset Management (U.S.) Limited ("Principal  Investment Adviser") and
SBAM. If necessary,  the solicitation of proxies may include  communications  by
employees of a proxy solicitation firm to be engaged by the Fund.

      The date of this Proxy Statement is January 26, 1998.

                                               ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                                 (Proposal No. 1)

     At the  Meeting,  two  Directors  will be  elected.  Pursuant to the Fund's
By-laws,  the terms of  office  of the  Directors  are  staggered.  The Board of
Directors  is divided  into three  classes,  designated:  Class I, Class II, and
Class III.  Class I consists of Peter J.  Hooper and William P. Clark,  Class II
consists of James M.  Walton and Denis P.  Kelleher,  and Class III  consists of
Gerald F. Colleary.  Messrs. Kelleher and Walton, the Directors in Class II, are
being considered for election at this Meeting. If elected,  Messrs. Kelleher and
Walton will each hold  office for a term of three years and until his  successor
is elected  and  qualified.  It is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the
accompanying  form of proxy to vote,  on  behalf  of the  stockholders,  for the
election of Denis P. Kelleher and James M. Walton.

      As nominees  for election to the Board,  Messrs.  Kelleher and Walton have
consented  to be named in this  Proxy  Statement  and to serve as  Directors  if
elected.  The Board of Directors has no reason to believe that Messrs.  Kelleher
and Walton will become unavailable for election as Directors, but if that should
occur  before the Meeting,  proxies will be voted for such other  persons as the
Board of Directors may recommend.

      The  Directors  and Officers of the Fund are listed  below,  together with
their respective positions, and a brief statement of their principal occupations
during the past five years and, in the case of Directors,  their  positions with
certain international organizations and publicly-held companies.

                                                                                                Common Stock of the
                                    First                                                        Fund Beneficially
                                  Became a                                                      Owned as of January
Name, Age, Position with Fund,    Director/      Term       Principal Occupations and Other          5, 1998**
 and Address                       Officer     Expiring               Affiliations                                     Percent

Peter J. Hooper, 57                 1990         2000     Consultant;  formerly  President and           0              ****
Chairman of the Board                                     General  Manager,  Bank of  Ireland,
Westchester Financial Center                              New York;  Director  of the  Ireland
Suite 1053                                                United  States  Council for Industry
50 Main Street                                            and Commerce
White Plains, NY  10606

William P. Clark, 66                1990         2000     Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Clark         1,000            ****
Director                                                  Company;  Sr.  Counsel  to  the  law
1031 Pine Street                                          firm Clark, Cali and Negranti;
Paso Robles, CA  93446                                    Director,    Lawter   International,
                                                          Inc.,  SBC   Communications,   Inc.;
                                                          formerly,     Secretary    of    the
                                                          Depart-ment    of   the    Interior,
                                                          Adviser   to   the   President   for
                                                          National  Security  Affairs,  Deputy
                                                          Secretary  of  the   Department   of
                                                          State,    and    Justice    of   the
                                                          California Supreme Court

*Gerald F. Colleary, 48             1990         1999     Director and Senior Vice                        0             ****
Director                                                  President,  Bank  of  Ireland  Asset
20 Horseneck Lane                                         Management (U.S.) Limited
Greenwich, CT  06830

*James M. Walton, 67                1990         1998     Formerly,    Director    and    Vice         1,000            ****
Director                                                  Chairman,     MMC    Group,     Inc.
525 William Penn Place                                    (management company)
Room 3902
Pittsburgh, PA  15219

                                                                                                Common Stock of the
                                    First                                                        Fund Beneficially
                                  Became a                                                      Owned as of January
Name, Age, Position with Fund,    Director/      Term       Principal Occupations and Other          5, 1998**
 and Address                       Officer     Expiring               Affiliations                                     Percent

Denis P. Kelleher, 58 Director      1991         1998     Chief   Executive   Officer,    Wall         15,000           ****
17 Battery Place                                          Street  Access;   Director,   Staten
New York, NY  10004                                       Island Savings Bank
Richard H. Rose, 42                 1995         ***      Vice President, First Data                       0            ****
President and Treasurer                                   Investor   Services   Group,   Inc.;
One Exchange Place                                        previously,  Senior  Vice  President
53 State Street                                           of The Boston Company Advisors, Inc.
Boston, MA  02109

William A. Harkins, 30              1997         ***      Assistant   Treasurer,   First  Data             0            ****
Assistant Treasurer                                       Investor   Services   Group,   Inc.;
One Exchange Place                                        previously,      Client     Treasury
53 State Street                                           Manager,    First   Data    Investor
Boston, MA  02109                                         Services  Group,  Inc. and Assistant
                                                          Manager   of  Fund   Compliance   at
                                                          Scudder, Stevens and Clark, Inc.

Brigid O. Bieber, 37                1994         ***      Counsel, First Data Investor                     0            ****
Secretary                                                 Services  Group,  Inc.;  previously,
One Exchange Place                                        Vice    President    and   Associate
53 State Street                                           General Counsel,  The Boston Company
Boston, MA  02109                                         Advisors, Inc.

Elizabeth A. Russell, 35            1997         ***      Counsel,    First   Data    Investor             0            ****
Assistant Secretary                                       Services  Group,  Inc.;  previously,
One Exchange Place                                        Assistant    Vice    President   and
53 State Street                                           Counsel,    The    Boston    Company
Boston, MA  02109                                         Advisors, Inc.

All Directors and Officers as a group.................................                                17,000       ****
                                                                                                      ------       ====

- ---------

      *  "Interested"  Director  within the meaning of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended (the "1940
     Act").       Mr. Colleary is an "interested"  Director  because of his affiliation  with Bank of Ireland Asset
     Management (U.S.)     Limited,  which  acts as the  Fund's  principal  investment  adviser.  Mr.  Walton is an
     "interested" Director within the       meaning  of the  1940 Act  because  he  directly  or  indirectly  owns,
     shares of Travelers Group Inc., the parent company of             Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc.

    **   This information has been furnished by each Director and Officer.

  *** Each Officer of the Fund will hold such office until a successor  has been
elected by the Board of Directors.

****  Less than 1%.

      There were four regular meetings of the Board of Directors held during the
fiscal year ended October 31, 1997.  Each Director  attended at least 75% of the
aggregate number of meetings of the Board and of meetings of Board Committees on
which that  Director  served.  Aggregate  fees and expenses paid to the Board of
Directors for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1997 were $57,288.

      The Board of Directors has an Audit  Committee.  The Audit Committee makes
recommendations to the full Board of Directors with respect to the engagement of
independent  accountants and reviews with the  independent  accountants the plan
and results of the audit  engagement and matters having a material effect on the
Fund's  financial  operations.  The members of the Audit  Committee  are Messrs.
Clark, Hooper,  Kelleher,  and Walton.  Messrs.  Clark, Hooper, and Kelleher are
"non-interested"  Directors. The Audit Committee met once during the fiscal year
ended  October 31, 1997.  At the present  time,  the Board of  Directors  has no
compensation or nominating  committees,  or other committees  performing similar

      The  following  table  sets  forth  certain   information   regarding  the
compensation of the Fund's Directors and Officers.  The Fund currently pays each
of its Directors  who is not a managing  director,  officer,  or employee of the
Fund's Principal  Investment Adviser or U.S. Co-Adviser or any affiliate thereof
an annual fee of $7,000 plus $700 for each  meeting of the Board of Directors or
a committee of the Board attended in person or via telephone and any stockholder
meeting  attended  in person not held on the same day as a meeting of the Board.
The Fund pays the Chairman of the Board of  Directors of the Fund an  additional
$3,500   annually.   Each  Director  is   reimbursed   for  travel  and  certain
out-of-pocket  expenses.  Officers  of the Fund who are  employed  by First Data
Investor  Services  Group,  Inc.   ("Investor   Services  Group"),   the  Fund's
administrator,  receive no compensation or expense  reimbursement from the Fund.
No Officer  received  compensation  from the Fund in excess of  $60,000  for the
fiscal year ended October 31, 1997.

                                                COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                      for the
                                        Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 1997

                                                        Pension or
                                                        Retirement        Estimated
                                                     Benefits Accrued      Annual       Total Compensation
                                    Aggregate         as Part of Fund     Benefits     From the Fund Paid
 Name of Person and Position    Compensation From        Expenses           upon           to Directors
                    --------                 -----       --------                          ------------
                                     the Fund                            Retirement

Peter J.                             $14,000                 0               N/A             $14,000
    Chairman of the Board

William P.                           $10,500                 0               N/A             $10,500

Gerald F.                              $ 0                   0               N/A               $ 0

James M.                             $10,500                 0               N/A             $10,500

Denis P.                             $10,500                 0               N/A             $10,500

Required Vote

      In the election of the Directors of the Fund, the candidates receiving the
highest  number of votes cast at the Meeting,  if a quorum is present,  shall be


                                       SELECTION OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS
                                                 (Proposal No. 2)

      A majority of the Directors who are not "interested" Directors of the Fund
(as defined in the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"))
has recommended  that  shareholders  approve Price Waterhouse LLP as independent
accountants  for the Fund for the year ending  October 31, 1998. The approval of
the independent  accountants is to be voted on at the Meeting and it is intended
that the persons named in the  accompanying  Proxy Statement will vote for Price
Waterhouse  LLP. It is expected that a  representative  of Price  Waterhouse LLP
will not be present at the Meeting, but will be available by telephone to answer
any questions that may arise.

      The Board's policy regarding engaging independent accountants' services is
that  management  may engage the Fund's  principal  independent  accountants  to
provide any services normally provided by independent accounting firms, provided
that such  services  meet any and all of the  independence  requirements  of the
American  Institute of  Certified  Public  Accountants  and the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC").  In  accordance  with this policy,  the Audit
Committee  reviews  and  approves  all  services  provided  by  the  independent
accountants prior to their being rendered.  The Board of Directors also receives
a report from its Audit Committee  relating to all services after they have been
performed by the Fund's independent accountants.

Required Vote

      Ratification  of the  selection  of Price  Waterhouse  LLP as  independent
accountants  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast by
holders of shares of the Fund represented at the meeting if a quorum is present.


(Proposal No. 3)


      On September 24, 1997, Travelers Group Inc.  ("Travelers") and Salomon Inc
("Salomon")  entered into a Merger  Agreement  pursuant to which a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of Travelers agreed to merge into Salomon, with Salomon continuing as
the surviving entity and changing its name to Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc.
("Salomon Smith Barney").  Thereafter,  under the Merger  Agreement Smith Barney
Holdings  Inc., a  subsidiary  of  Travelers,  would merge with and into Salomon
Smith Barney, with Salomon Smith Barney as the surviving entity (the two mergers
collectively, the "Transaction").  The Transaction was completed on November 28,

      As a result of the Transaction,  Salomon,  the ultimate parent corporation
of SBAM,  has been  reconstituted  as  Salomon  Smith  Barney  and has  become a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Travelers.  SBAM  currently,  and at the time of the
Transaction, serves as the U.S. Co-Advisor to the Fund. The Transaction could be
deemed to have resulted in an  "assignment,"  as defined by the 1940 Act, of the
U.S.  Co-Advisory  agreement  between  the Fund and SBAM in effect  prior to the
closing of the Transaction (the "Former U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement").

      As  required  by the 1940  Act,  the  Former  U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement
provided  for an  automatic  termination  in the event of its  "assignment,"  as
defined by the Act.  The 1940 Act  defines  assignment  to include any direct or
indirect  transfer or  hypothecation of a contract.  Therefore,  the Transaction
could be deemed to have given rise to an  assignment  within the  meaning of the
1940 Act, and resulted in the automatic termination of the Former U.S.
Co-Advisory Agreement.

      On November 19 and November 21, 1997, the Directors of the Fund, including
the  Directors who are not parties to the Former U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement or
"interested  persons"  (as  defined  by the  1940  Act) of any such  party  (the
"Independent Directors"), approved, subject to the required shareholder approval
described  herein, a new U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement  between the Fund and SBAM
(the "New U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement")  to take effect upon the closing of the
Transaction and recommended  approval of the New U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement by
the stockholders of the Fund.

Information Concerning SBAM and Travelers

      SBAM is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware on December 24,
1987 and is  registered  as an  investment  adviser  pursuant to the  Investment
Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the  "Advisers  Act").  SBAM has served as the
U.S. Co-Adviser pursuant to the Fund's Former U.S. Co-Advisory  Agreements since
the Fund's commencement of operations.

      As of  September  30, 1997,  SBAM and its  worldwide  investment  advisory
affiliates managed  approximately $25.9 billion of assets, of which SBAM manages
approximately  $19.3 billion.  The principal business address of SBAM is 7 World
Trade Center, New York, New York 10048.

      The names,  titles and principal  occupations of the current directors and
executive officers of SBAM are set forth in the following table.

                                                      Title and
Name                                        Principal Occupation

Thomas W. Brock...........................  Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
                                             of SBAM and Managing Director and Member of
                                             the Management Board of Salomon Brothers Inc

Michael S. Hyland...........................President, Managing Director and Member of the
                                            Board of SBAM and Managing Director of Salomon
                                            Brothers Inc

Rodney B. Berens..........................  Managing Director and Member of the Board of
                                            SBAM and Managing Director and Member of the
                                            Management Board of Salomon Brothers Inc

Vilas V. Gadkari............................Managing Director and Member of the Board of
                                            SBAM and Managing Director of Salomon Brothers Inc

Zachary Snow............................... Secretary of  SBAM and Managing Director and
                                            Counsel of  Salomon Brothers Inc

      The business address of each person listed above,  other than Mr. Gadarki,
is 7 World Trade Center,  New York,  New York 10048 and the business  address of
Mr.Gadarki is Victoria Plaza, 111 Buckingham Palace Road,  London,  England SW1W

      The Fund has been  informed  that  Berkshire  Hathaway,  Inc.,  a Delaware
corporation,  owned  beneficially,  as of September  30, 1997,  shares of Common
Stock and Preferred Stock,  Series A, of Salomon,  constituting in excess of 10%
of the  votes  entitled  to be  cast by the  outstanding  voting  securities  of
Salomon. Messrs. Brock and Hyland currently own common stock of Travelers, which
they received in exchange for the common stock they held of Salomon.

      Travelers is a publicly traded  financial  services  holding company whose
principal  business address is 388 Greenwich  Street,  New York, New York 10013.
Travelers is a diversified,  integrated  financial  services  company engaged in
investment and asset management  services,  consumer finance services,  and life
and property-casualty insurance services. Travelers' investment services include
investment  banking,  asset  management,  retail  brokerage and other  financial
services provided through its subsidiaries.

     Description  of the  Former  U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement  and the New U.S.
Co-Advisory Agreement

      The  Former  U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement  between  the  Fund and SBAM was
executed on March 30, 1990 and was last approved by the  Directors,  including a
majority of the Independent Directors, at a meeting of the Board of Directors on
March 20,  1997.  The Former U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement  was last  approved by
stockholders on June 27, 1991. If the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement is approved
by the  stockholders  of the Fund,  as described  herein,  SBAM will continue to
serve as the U.S.  Co-Adviser  to the Fund and will provide the same services to
the Fund as provided to the Fund under the Former  U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement.
Except  for  the  investment  advisory  fee,  duration,  and the  effective  and
termination dates (as discussed herein),  the terms of the New U.S.  Co-Advisory
Agreement are identical in all material respects to the terms of the Former U.S.
Co-Advisory  Agreement. A form of the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement is attached
to this  Proxy  Statement  as  Exhibit  A, and the  description  of the New U.S.
Co-Advisory  Agreement  set forth in this Proxy  Statement  is  qualified in its
entirety by reference to Exhibit A.

         Services Provided

      The New U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement,  just as the Former U.S. Co-Advisory
Agreement,  contains the following provisions. The U.S. Co-Adviser shall provide
the Fund's  Principal  Investment  Adviser and the Fund such investment  advice,
research and assistance as BIAM and the Fund shall from time-to-time  reasonably
request;  furnish to BIAM and the Fund  international  economic  information and
analysis  with   particular   emphasis  on   macroeconomic   issues  within  the
international   economic   community  and  in  particular  within  the  European
Community;  consult with BIAM and the Fund with  respect to emerging  trends and
developments in the European Community with particular emphasis on opportunities
for Irish entities both domestically and internationally;  monitor the shares of
the Fund with the shares of other closed-end  investment  companies selected for
such comparison jointly by the Fund, the U.S.  Co-Adviser and BIAM, with respect
to market price,  net asset value,  distributions  and other market  indices and
performance  indicators  selected  jointly by the Fund, the U.S.  Co-Adviser and
BIAM and  monitor  the  effect  of issuer  tender  offers  and share  repurchase
programs;  evaluate  the trading  pattern in the Fund's  shares,  the  potential
causes of any  discount  from,  or premium  over,  net asset value per share and
actions which might be taken with respect to any such  variations from net asset
value;   furnish   investment  advice  regarding  global  and  U.S.   (including
governmental and private issuers) debt securities,  particularly with respect to
the period of initial  investment of the Fund's assets in Irish securities,  the
investment of the Fund's assets during  defensive  periods and the investment of
the Fund's  assets held  pending  distributions  to the Fund's  shareholders  or
payment of the Fund's  expenses or pending  reinvestment of the Fund's assets in
securities; provide investors with information with respect to the Irish economy
and securities  market,  the asset value of the Fund's portfolio and the general
composition of such portfolio and other asset  management  issues,  including by
making available to investors,  at the U.S.  Co-Adviser's  expense,  a toll free
telephone  number which may be used to access such  information;  supervise  and
coordinate  the work of the Fund's  Administrator  with  respect  to  regulatory
filings  and  the  overall  administration  of the  Fund in the  United  States;
furnish,  without undue expense to the U.S. Co-Adviser,  for the use of the Fund
such office  space and  facilities  as the Fund may  require for its  reasonable
needs  in New York  and to  furnish,  at the  expense  of the  U.S.  Co-Adviser,
clerical  services in New York related to research,  statistical  and investment
work for the benefit of the Fund; and to pay the salaries,  fees and expenses of
such  of  the  Fund's  officers,   directors  or  employees  (including,   where
applicable,  the Fund's share of payroll  taxes) as are  directors,  officers or
employees of the U.S.  Co-Adviser or any of its affiliates;  provided,  however,
that the Fund,  and not the U.S.  Co-Adviser,  shall pay travel  expenses  or an
appropriate  fraction  thereof of  directors  and  officers  of the Fund who are
directors, officers or employees of the U.S. Co-Adviser or any of its affiliates
to the extent that such expenses  relate to attendance at meetings of the Fund's
Board of Directors or any committee thereof.

         The  U.S.  Co-Adviser  also  agrees  to  maintain  a staff  within  its
organization  to furnish the above  services  to the Fund and to BIAM.  The U.S.
Co-Adviser shall bear all expenses arising out of its duties hereunder.

         Investment Advisory Fee

         As compensation to the U.S.  Co-Adviser the Fund will pay,  pursuant to
the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement, a monthly fee at the annual rate of 0.20% of
the Fund's  average  weekly net assets.  The  advisory fee under the Former U.S.
Co-Advisory  Agreement was 0.25%. During the fiscal year ended October 31, 1997,
the Fund's investment  advisory fees paid to SBAM amounted to $225,282.  Neither
SBAM nor any affiliated  person of SBAM nor any affiliated person of such person
received any other fees from the Fund for  services  provided to the Fund or any
other  material  payments from the Fund during the Fiscal year ended October 31,

         Duration and Termination of the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement

         The Fund's New U.S. Co-Advisory  Agreement will have an initial term of
one (1) year and thereafter  will continue in effect for successive one (1) year
periods,  provided such  continuance is specifically  approved at least annually
by: (i) a majority of the Board of  Directors of the Fund who are not parties to
the New U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement,  and who are not "interested  persons" (as
defined by the 1940 Act) of any such party;  and (ii) a majority of the Board of
Directors  of the Fund or the holders of a "majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities"  (as defined by the 1940 Act) of the Fund. The New U.S.  Co-Advisory
Agreement may be terminated, without penalty, on 60 days' written notice, by the
Board of Directors  of the Fund,  by a vote of the holders of a "majority of the
outstanding  voting securities" (as defined by the 1940 Act) of the Fund, except
that the New U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement  will terminate  automatically  in the
event of its "assignment" (as defined in the 1940 Act).

Key Considerations Concerning the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement

      At meetings  held on  November  19 and  November  21,  1997,  the Board of
Directors considered whether the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement with SBAM was in
the best interests of the Fund and its  stockholders.  In connection  with their
review  of the New U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement,  the  Directors  requested  and
reviewed,  with the assistance of Fund counsel,  materials furnished by SBAM and
Travelers.  These  materials  included  financial  statements,  as well as other
written   information,   regarding  SBAM  and  Travelers  and  their  personnel,
operations and financial condition.  After a presentation of information on this
matter and  detailed  discussion,  the  Directors,  including  a majority of the
Independent Directors, approved the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement with SBAM and
voted to recommend its approval by the stockholders of the Fund. In making these
determinations,  the Directors  considered,  among other  things,  the following

1. The key  professionals  who have been  responsible  for servicing the Fund to
date are expected to continue to be responsible for servicing the Fund.

 2. The New U.S. Co-Advisory  Agreement with SBAM is materially identical to the
Former U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement  with respect to the nature and scope of the
operations  and services to be provided.  Therefore,  there will be no change in
the duties and other terms of engagement of the Fund's U.S. Co-Adviser. However,
the New U.S.  Co-Advisory  agreement provides for a 0.05% reduction of fees from
0.25% of the Fund's  average  weekly  net assets to 0.20% of the Fund's  average
weekly net assets.  The New U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement was effective as of the
closing date of the Transaction on November 28, 1997.

      The Directors also considered the terms of the  Transaction,  compared the
ownership and control of SBAM and considered  the extent to which  personnel and
resources  would be enhanced by the personnel  and  resources of Travelers.  The
Directors also  considered,  as they have in the past, the nature and quality of
services expected to be provided by SBAM and information regarding fees, expense
ratios and  performance.  In  evaluating  SBAM's  ability  to  provide  advisory
services to the Fund, the Directors considered information as to SBAM's business
organization, financial resources and personnel.

Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act

      Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act provides  that,  when a change of control of
an investment adviser to an investment company occurs, the investment adviser or
any of its  affiliated  persons may receive any amount or benefit in  connection
therewith as long as two conditions are satisfied. First, no "unfair burden" may
be imposed on the investment company as a result of the transaction  relating to
the  change  of  control,  or  any  express  or  implied  terms,  conditions  or
understandings  applicable thereto. As defined in the 1940 Act, the term "unfair
burden" includes any arrangement during the two (2) year period after the change
in control whereby the investment adviser (or predecessor or successor adviser),
or any interested person of any such adviser, receives or is entitled to receive
any  compensation,  directly or indirectly,  from the investment  company or its
security  holders  (other than fees for bona fide  investment  advisory or other
services),  or from  any  person  in  connection  with the  purchase  or sale of
securities or other  property to, from, or on behalf of the  investment  company
(other than fees for bona fide brokerage and principal  underwriting  services).
The Board of Directors is aware of no circumstances arising from the Transaction
that might result in an unfair burden being imposed on the Fund.

      The second condition is that, during the three (3) year period immediately
following  the  Transaction,  at least 75% of an investment  company's  board of
directors  must not be  "interested  persons" of the  investment  adviser of the
investment  company or the predecessor  investment adviser within the meaning of
the 1940 Act. At present,  75% of the Directors are not "interested  persons" of
the U.S. Co-Adviser or any of its affiliates.

Recommendation and Required Vote

      Based upon its review,  the Board of Directors of the Fund  concluded that
the New U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement is reasonable, fair and in the best interests
of the Fund and its  stockholders,  and that the fees  provided  in the New U.S.
Co-Advisory  Agreement  are  fair and  reasonable  in  light  of the  usual  and
customary  charges  made by others for  services of the same nature and quality.
Accordingly,  after  consideration of the above factors,  and such other factors
and information as it deemed  relevant,  the Directors,  including a majority of
the  Independent  Directors (as defined by the 1940 Act),  approved the New U.S.
Co-Advisory Agreement and voted to recommend its approval by the stockholders of
the Fund.

      At the Meeting, the stockholders of the Fund will vote on the proposed New
U.S. Co-Advisory Agreement. The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of
the  outstanding  shares  of the Fund is  required  to  approve  this  proposal.
"Majority"  for this  purpose  under the 1940 Act means the lesser of (i) 67% or
more of the shares of the Fund entitled to vote thereon  present or  represented
by proxy at the Meeting if more than 50% of such outstanding  shares are present
or represented by proxy, or (ii) more than 50% of such outstanding shares. Where
a shareholder  abstains,  the shares  represented will be counted as present and
entitled to vote on the matter for the purpose of determining a quorum,  but the
abstention will have the effect of a negative vote on the proposal.


                                              ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Investment Advisers and Administrator

      The Fund's advisory  structure  provides a  multinational  arrangement for
furnishing  management  skills  and  investment  advice  to  pursue  the  Fund's
investment  objective  of  investing  primarily  in equity  securities  of Irish
corporations.  BIAM, an Irish company  registered as an investment adviser under
the  U.S.  Investment  Advisers  Act  of  1940,  acts  as the  Fund's  Principal
Investment  Adviser.  BIAM's  office  in the  United  States  is  located  at 20
Horeseneck Lane,  Greenwich,  Connecticut  06830. The Fund's U.S.  Co-Adviser is
SBAM, a United States investment advisory firm. SBAM is located at 7 World Trade
Center, New York, New York 10048.

      Investor  Services Group,  located at One Exchange Place, 53 State Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02109, provides administration services to the Fund.


      As of January 5, 1998,  Cede & Co., a nominee  partnership  of  Depository
Trust  Company,  located at 7 Hanover  Square,  New York,  New York 10004,  held
4,814,457 or 9.61% of the Fund's shares.


      Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  requires that the
Fund's  Directors and Officers,  certain  persons  affiliated with the Principal
Investment Adviser and the U.S. Co-Adviser, and persons who own more than 10% of
a registered  class of the Fund's  securities,  file  reports of  ownership  and
changes of ownership  with the SEC and the New York Stock  Exchange.  Directors,
Officers,  and greater than 10%  shareholders  are required by SEC regulation to
furnish the Fund with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

      Based solely upon the SEC's review of the copies of such forms it receives
and written representations from certain of such persons, the Fund believes that
during  1997  all such  filing  requirements  applicable  to such  persons  were
complied with,  except that the Form 4 report required to be filed by William P.
Clark, Director of the Fund, was filed late.

                                         BROKER NON-VOTES AND ABSTENTIONS

      A  proxy  which  is  properly   executed  and  returned   accompanied   by
instructions  to withhold  authority  to vote,  represents  a broker  "non-vote"
(i.e.,  shares held by brokers or nominees as to which (i) instructions have not
been received  from the  beneficial  owners or the persons  entitled to vote and
(ii)  the  broker  or  nominee  does not have  discretionary  voting  power on a
particular  matter).  Proxies  that  reflect  abstentions  or  broker  non-votes
(collectively,  "abstentions")  will be counted as shares  that are  present and
entitled to vote on the matter for  purposes of  determining  the  presence of a
quorum.  Under  Maryland  law,  abstentions  do not  constitute  a vote "for" or
"against" a matter and will be disregarded in determining the "votes cast" on an
issue.  The election of Directors  (Proposal  1) requires  that each  successful
candidate  receives the highest amount of votes cast at the Meeting;  therefore,
abstentions  will be disregarded.  The  ratification of independent  accountants
(Proposal  2) requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast at
the Meeting; therefore,  abstentions will be disregarded in determining the vote
cast on the  Proposal.  The  approval  of the  New  U.S.  Co-Advisory  Agreement
(Proposal 3) requires the affirmative vote of a majority (as defined by the 1940
Act) of the  outstanding  shares present or represented by proxy at the Meeting;
therefore,  abstentions  will have the same  effect as votes  cast  against  the

                                                   OTHER MATTERS

      No business  other than as set forth herein is expected to come before the
Meeting,  but should any other matter  requiring a vote of  stockholders  arise,
including any question as to an adjournment of the Meeting, the persons named in
the  enclosed  proxy will vote thereon  according to their best  judgment in the
interests of the Fund.

                                               STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

      A  stockholder's  proposal  intended to be presented at the Fund's  Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  in 1999  must be  received  by the Fund on or  before
February 16, 1998 in order to be included in the Fund's proxy statement and form
of proxy relating to that meeting.
                                Brigid O. Bieber
Dated: January 26, 1998

      Stockholders  who do not expect to be present at the  Meeting and who wish
to have their shares voted are requested to date and sign the enclosed proxy and
return it in the  enclosed  envelope.  No postage is  required  if mailed in the
United States.

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                                      FORM OF
                                            U.S. CO-ADVISORY AGREEMENT

         Agreement  dated and  effective as of November  28,  1997,  between THE
IRISH INVESTMENT FUND, INC., a Maryland  corporation  (herein referred to as the
"Fund")  and  Salomon  Brothers  Asset  Management  Inc, a Delaware  corporation
(herein referred to as the "U.S. Co-Adviser").

         1. The U.S. Co-Adviser hereby undertakes and agrees, upon the terms and
conditions  herein set forth, (i) to furnish to the Fund's Principal  Investment
Adviser,  Bank of Ireland Asset Management (U.S.) Limited (herein referred to as
"BIAM") and the Fund such investment advice, research and assistance as BIAM and
the Fund shall from time-to-time reasonably request; (ii) to furnish to BIAM and
the  Fund  international  economic  information  and  analysis  with  particular
emphasis on macroeconomic issues within the international economic community and
in particular within the European Community;  (iii) to consult with BIAM and the
Fund with respect to emerging trends and developments in the European  Community
with particular  emphasis on opportunities  for Irish entities both domestically
and  internationally;  (iv) to monitor the shares of the Fund with the shares of
other closed-end  investment  companies  selected for such comparison jointly by
the Fund, the U.S.  Co-Adviser and BIAM, with respect to market price, net asset
value,  distributions  and  other  market  indices  and  performance  indicators
selected  jointly by the Fund,  the U.S.  Co-Adviser and BIAM and to monitor the
effect of issuer tender offers and share  repurchase  programs;  (v) to evaluate
the trading pattern in the Fund's shares,  the potential  causes of any discount
from,  or premium  over,  net asset value per share and  actions  which might be
taken with respect to any such variations from net asset value;  (vi) to furnish
investment advice regarding global and U.S. (including  governmental and private
issuers)  debt  securities,  particularly  with respect to the period of initial
investment  of the Fund's  assets in Irish  securities,  the  investment  of the
Fund's assets during  defensive  periods and the investment of the Fund's assets
held pending  distributions to the Fund's  shareholders or payment of the Fund's
expenses or pending  reinvestment  of the Fund's assets in securities;  (vii) to
provide  investors  with  information  with  respect  to the Irish  economy  and
securities  market,  the asset  value of the Fund's  portfolio  and the  general
composition of such portfolio and other asset  management  issues,  including by
making available to investors,  at the U.S.  Co-Adviser's  expense,  a toll free
telephone  number  which  may be used to  access  such  information;  (viii)  to
supervise and  coordinate the work of the Fund's  Administrator  with respect to
regulatory  filings  and the  overall  administration  of the Fund in the United
States; (ix) to furnish,  without undue expense to the U.S. Co-Adviser,  for the
use of the Fund such office space and facilities as the Fund may require for its
reasonable  needs  in New  York  and to  furnish,  at the  expense  of the  U.S.
Co-Adviser,  clerical services in New York related to research,  statistical and
investment  work for the benefit of the Fund; and (x) to pay the salaries,  fees
and expenses of such of the Fund's officers,  directors or employees (including,
where applicable, the Fund's share of payroll taxes) as are directors,  officers
or employees of the U.S. Co-Adviser or any of its affiliates; provided, however,
that the Fund,  and not the U.S.  Co-Adviser,  shall pay travel  expenses  or an
appropriate  fraction  thereof of  directors  and  officers  of the Fund who are
directors, officers or employees of the U.S. Co-Adviser or any of its affiliates
to the extent that such expenses  relate to attendance at meetings of the Fund's
Board of Directors or any committee thereof.

         In connection herewith,  the U.S. Co-Adviser agrees to maintain a staff
within its  organization  to furnish the above services to the Fund and to BIAM.
The U.S. Co-Adviser shall bear all expenses arising out of its duties hereunder.

         2. The Fund agrees to pay in U.S.  Dollars to the U.S.  Co-Adviser,  as
full  compensation  for the  services to be rendered and expenses to be borne by
the U.S.  Co-Adviser  hereunder,  a fee, payable monthly,  at an annualized rate
equal to 0.20% of the value of the  average  weekly net assets of the Fund.  For
purposes of  computing  the monthly fee, the weekly net assets of the Fund for a
month  shall be  determined  as of the close of business in New York on the last
New York Stock  Exchange  business  day of each week with  respect to which such
last business day falls within that month,  and the aggregate  value of all such
weekly  net assets  shall be divided by the number of such weeks in such  month.
The value of the net  assets of the Fund  shall be  determined  pursuant  to the
applicable  provisions  of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
"1940 Act") and the directions of the Fund's Board of Directors.  Such fee shall
be computed beginning on the date on which the Fund receives the net proceeds of
the sale of its shares of common stock in the initial  public  offering  thereof
(the  "Effective  Date") until the  termination,  for whatever  reason,  of this
Agreement. The fee for the period from the end of the last month ending prior to
termination  of this  Agreement to the date of  termination  and the fee for the
period from the  Effective  Date  through the end of the month  during which the
Effective Date occurs shall be pro-rated  according to the proportion which such
period bears to the full monthly period.  Except as provided below, each payment
of a monthly  fee to the U.S.  Co-Adviser  shall be made  within ten days of the
first day of each month  following the day as of which such payment is computed.
Upon the  termination  of this Agreement  before the end of any month,  such fee
shall be payable on the date of termination of this Agreement.

         3.  The  U.S.  Co-Adviser  represents  and  warrants  that  it is  duly
registered  and  authorized as an investment  adviser under the U.S.  Investment
Advisers Act of 1940,  as amended,  and the U.S.  Co-Adviser  agrees to maintain
effective all requisite registrations,  authorizations and licenses, as the case
may be, until the termination of this Agreement.

         4. The services provided hereunder by the U.S. Co-Adviser are not to be
deemed  exclusive and the U.S.  Co-Adviser  and any of its affiliates or related
persons are free to render  similar  services to others and to use the  research
developed in connection  with this  Agreement  for other clients or  affiliates.
Nothing herein shall be construed as constituting  the U.S.  Co-Adviser an agent
of BIAM or of the Fund.

         5. The U.S.  Co-Adviser may rely on information  reasonably believed by
it to be accurate and reliable.  Neither the U.S.  Co-Adviser  nor its officers,
directors,  employees,  agents or any controlling persons as defined in the 1940
Act shall be subject to any liability for any act or omission, error of judgment
or  mistake  of law,  or for any loss  suffered  by the Fund in the  course  of,
connected with or arising out of any services to be rendered hereunder except by
reason of willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence in the performance
of its  duties  or by  reason  of  reckless  disregard  on the  part of the U.S.
Co-Adviser of its obligations and duties under this Agreement.  Any person, even
though also employed by the U.S. Co-Adviser, who may be or become an employee of
the Fund shall be deemed,  when acting within the scope of his employment by the
Fund, to be acting in such employment solely for the Fund and not as an employee
or agent of the U.S. Co-Adviser.

         6. This Agreement  shall remain in effect for a period of one year from
the date  hereof and shall  continue in effect  thereafter,  but only so long as
such  continuance is specifically  approved at least annually by the affirmative
vote of (i) a majority of the members of the Fund's Board of  Directors  who are
not interested persons of the Fund or the U.S.  Co-Adviser,  cast in person at a
meeting called for the purpose of voting on such  approval,  and (ii) a majority
of the Fund's Board of Directors or the holders of a majority of the outstanding
voting securities of the Fund.

             Notwithstanding  the above,  this Agreement (a) may nevertheless be
terminated at any time,  without penalty,  by the Fund's Board of Directors,  by
vote of holders of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund
or by the U.S. Co-Adviser,  upon 60 days' written notice delivered to each party
hereto,  and  (b)  shall  automatically  be  terminated  in  the  event  of  its
assignment,  provided, however, that a transaction which does not, in accordance
with the 1940 Act,  result in a change of actual  control or  management  of the
U.S.  Co-Adviser  shall not be deemed to be an  assignment  for purposes of this
Agreement. Any such notice shall be deemed given when received by the addressee.

         7. This  Agreement  may not be  transferred,  assigned,  sold or in any
manner  hypothecated  or pledged  by any party  hereto  other than as  permitted
pursuant  to Section 6. It may be  amended by mutual  agreement,  but only after
authorization  of such amendment by the affirmative vote of (i) the holders of a
majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund; and (ii) a majority
of the members of the Fund's Board of Directors who are not  interested  persons
of the  Fund  or the  U.S.  Co-Adviser  or of any  entity  regularly  furnishing
investment  advisory services with respect to the Fund pursuant to any agreement
with the U.S. Co-Adviser,  cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such approval,  unless such  shareholder  approval is deemed not to be
required under the 1940 Act.

         8. This  Agreement  shall be governed,  construed  and  interpreted  in
accordance  with the laws of the  State of New  York,  provided,  however,  that
nothing  herein shall be construed as being  inconsistent  with the 1940 Act. As
used herein the terms "interested person,"  "assignment" and "vote of a majority
of the outstanding  voting  securities" shall have the meanings set forth in the
1940 Act.

         9. Any notice  hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be delivered in
person or by telex or  facsimile  (followed  by mailing  such  notice,  air mail
postage  prepaid,  on the day on which  such telex or  facsimile  is sent to the
address set forth below) to the following address, telex and facsimile numbers:

     If to the Fund, to the attention of Richard H. Rose,  President,  c/o First
Data Investor Services Group, Inc., 53 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, Telephone
No. (617) 573-1351, Facsimile No. (617) 557-7125, with copy to Brigid O. Bieber,
Secretary,  53 State Street,  Boston,  MA 02109,  Telephone No. (617)  573-1529,
Facsimile No. (617) 722-9269.

     If to Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc, to the attention of Michael S.
Hyland, President, 7 World Trade Center, New York, NY 10048, Telephone No. (212)
783-7416, Facsimile No. (212) 783-1938.

         or to such other address as to which the recipient  shall have informed
the other parties in writing.

         Unless specifically provided elsewhere,  notice given as provided above
shall be deemed to have been given, if by personal delivery,  on the day of such
delivery,  and,  if by telex or  facsimile  and mail,  on the date on which such
telex or facsimile and confirmatory letter are sent.

         10.  Each party  hereto  irrevocably  agrees  that any suit,  action or
proceeding against the U.S. Co-Adviser or the Fund arising out of or relating to
this Agreement  shall be subject  exclusively to the  jurisdiction of the United
States  District  Court for the  Southern  District  of New York and the Supreme
Court of the  State  of New  York,  New  York  County,  and  each  party  hereto
irrevocably  submits to the  jurisdiction  or each such court in connection with
any such suit,  action or proceeding.  Each party hereto waives any objection to
the laying of venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in either such court,
and waives any claim that such suit, action or proceeding has been brought in an
inconvenient forum. Each party hereto irrevocably consents to service of process
in connection with any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing a copy thereof
by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to their respective  addresses
as set forth in this Agreement.

IN       WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have  executed  this  Agreement by their
         officers thereunto duly authorized as of the day and year first written

                                    THE IRISH INVESTMENT FUND, INC.

                                    By:              /s/ Richard H. Rose
                                            Name:    Richard H. Rose
                                            Title:   President

                                    SALOMON BROTHERS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC

                                    By:              /s/ Michael S. Hyland
                                            Name:    Michael S. Hyland
                                            Title    President

                            THE IRISH INVESTMENT FUND, INC.

                    Annual Meeting of Stockholders - March 10, 1998

      The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Gerald F.  Colleary,  Peter J. Hooper,
Brigid O. Bieber,  and  Elizabeth A.  Russell,  and each of them,  attorneys and
proxies of the undersigned,  with full powers of substitution and revocation, to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned as designated
on the reverse side of this proxy card, all stock of The Irish  Investment Fund,
Inc. held of record by the  undersigned on January 5, 1998 at the Annual Meeting
of  Stockholders  (the  "Meeting")  to be held on  March  10,  1998,  and at any
adjournments  thereof. The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice
of Meeting and Proxy  Statement and hereby  instructs said attorneys and proxies
to vote said shares as indicated herein.  In their  discretion,  the proxies are
authorized  to vote upon such other  business  as may  properly  come before the

A majority  of the  proxies  present  and acting at the  Meeting in person or by
substitute  (or, if only one shall be so present,  then that one) shall have and
exercise  all  of the  power  and  authority  of  said  proxies  hereunder.  The
undersigned hereby revokes any proxy previously given.

                              (Continued on reverse side)

                Please mark your
                votes as in this

             FOR     WITHHELD                           FOR    AGAINST  ABSTAIN
1.         Nominees:  Denis P. Kelleher         2. Ratification of the
ELECTION                 (Class II Director)       selection of  Price
   OF                                               Waterhouse LLP as
                          James M. Walton           independent accountants for
DIRECTORS.                (Class II                  the fiscal year ended
                                                      October 31, 1998

     For,  except vote withheld from the following nominee(s)

- --------------------------------------------
4. To consider and vote upon such other
matters as may  properly  come before said Meeting or any
adjournment thereof.

3.  Approval of a new U.S. Co-Advisory                       Check Here for
Agreement between the Fund and                                Change
  Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc.                  of Address and Note


               This Proxy, when properly  executed,  will be voted in the manner
          directed  herein by the  undersigned  stockholder.  If no direction is
          made,  this Proxy will be voted "FOR" the  election  of the  Nominees,
          Proposal 2 and 3, and  Proposal 4, as such  matters may arise.  Please
          refer to the Proxy Statement for a discussion of all of the proposals.
          Please sign exactly as the name appears below. When shares are held by
          joint tenants, either party may sign.

               SIGNATURE:                                        __________DATE:
          ________________________________________________  (IMPORTANT):  Please
          sign this Proxy exactly as the name(s) appear hereon.  When signing as
          attorney-in-fact, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please
          add your title as such.  Proxies executed in the name of a corporation
          should be signed on  behalf of the  corporation  by a duly  authorized
          officer.  Where shares are owned in the name of two or more persons, a
          majority of such persons, should sign. PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND RETURN IN