[Matthews Letterhead]

                                                              September 28, 1998

                         URGENT: PLEASE VOTE YOUR SHARES

Dear Shareholder:

         We  previously  mailed to you proxy  materials  relating to the special
meetings  of  shareholders  of the  Matthews  International  Funds to be held on
October 8, 1998.

         According to our latest records,  we have not received your proxy card.
Regardless  of the  number  of shares  you own,  it is  important  that they are
represented and voted at the meeting.  If you have not already mailed your proxy
card,  please take a moment to SIGN, DATE and MAIL the enclosed  duplicate proxy
card promptly in the return envelope provided for your convenience.  If you need
assistance  in voting  your  shares by mail or would  like to vote by  telephone
please call our solicitor D.F. King toll-free at 1-800-628-8536.

     For the reasons set forth in the Proxy  Statement dated August 31, 1998 the
Board of Trustees recommends a vote "For" each proposal.

         Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.


                                                             /s/G. Paul Matthews
                                                                G. Paul Matthews