As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 7, 1999
                                  Securities Act File No. 333-12075

                                         UNITED STATES
                                    Washington, D.C. 20549

                                            FORM N-14

                               Pre-Effective Amendment No.
                               Post-Effective Amendment No.

                                KOBREN INSIGHT FUNDS
                 (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

         20 William Street, Suite 310, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181
                         (Address of Principal Executive Office)

        Registrant's Telephone Number, including Area Code: (617) 535-0525

Name and Address of Agent for Service:                    Copies to:

Gail A. Hanson, Esq.                                         Pamela Wilson, Esq.
Kobren Insight Funds                                       Hale and Dorr LLP
101 Federal Street, 6th Floor                               60 State Street
Boston, MA 02110                                            Boston, MA 02109

Title of Securities Being Registered:
Shares of beneficial interest, par value $.001 per share

No filing fee is due because an indefinite  number of shares has previously been
registered pursuant to Rule 24f-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940. This
Registration  Statement  relates to shares  previously  registered  on Form N-1A
(File Nos. 333-12075, 811-07813).

                       Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering:
     As soon as practicable after this Registration Statement becomes effective.

It is proposed that this filing will become  effective on the earliest  possible

Registrant  hereby amends this  Registration  Statement on such date or dates as
may be necessary to delay its effective  date until  Registrant  files a further
amendment  that  specifically  states  that  this  Registration  Statement  will
thereafter  become  effective in accordance  with Section 8(a) of the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended, or until this Registration  Statement becomes effective
on  such  date  as the  Commission,  acting  pursuant  to  Section  8(a)  of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, may determine.

                           PROSPECTUS DATED MAY   , 1999 OF
                                            KOBREN MODERATE GROWTH FUND
                                        (a series of Kobren Insight Funds)

This prospectus  contains the information  about the proposed  reorganization of
your fund,  Kobren  Conservative  Allocation  Fund,  into Kobren Moderate Growth
Fund.  Please  read it  carefully  and  retain  it for  future  reference.  This
prospectus is for  information  purposes only and does not require any action on
your part.

How the Reorganization Will Work

 Your fund will  transfer  all of its assets to  Moderate  Growth  Fund.
 Moderate Growth Fund will assume your fund's liabilities.

Moderate  Growth Fund will issue shares in a dollar amount equal to the value of
your fund's shares. These shares will be distributed to your fund's shareholders
in proportion to their holdings on the reorganization date.

The reorganization will be tax-free.

Your fund will be liquidated  and you will end up as a  shareholder  of Moderate
Growth Fund.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment Goals
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conservative Allocation                                  Moderate Growth
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enough long-term growth of capital to offset         Long-term growth of
the loss of the value of your investment             capital without regard
due to inflation.  Current income is a               to income. A volatility
secondary objective. A volatility level              level over a full market
over a full market cycle approximately               cycle approximately 20%
30% below that of the S&P 500 Index.                 below that of the S&P 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where to Get More Information
- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Prospectus  of your fund and  Moderate               In the same envelope as 
  Growth  Fund dated  5/3/99.                        this prospectus. 
                                                     Incorporated by reference
                                                     into this prospectus.
- ---------------------------------------------
Latest annual report to shareholders for
 your fund and Moderate Growth Fund.
- ---------------------------------------------
A statement of additional information dated 5/__/99.  It
contains additional information about your fund and Moderate
Growth Fund.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To ask questions about this                 Call our toll-free telephone number:
prospectus and the reorganization.          1-800-4KOBREN (1-800-456-2736)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               The address of your fund and Moderate Growth Fund
                      is: 20 William Street, Suite 310, P.O. Box 9150, Wellesley
                      Hills, MA 02481.

An investment  in Moderate  Growth Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured
or  guaranteed  by the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation  or  any  other
government agency.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has not approved or disapproved shares of
Moderate  Growth  Fund or  determined  whether  this  prospectus  is accurate or
complete. It is a criminal offense to state otherwise.

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS


SUMMARY                                                                   1

FEES AND EXPENSES                                                         6

THE REORGANIZATION                                                        7

CAPITALIZATION                                                           10


BOARD'S EVALUATION                                                       12

OWNERSHIP OF SHARES OF THE FUNDS                                         12

EXPERTS                                                                  12

AVAILABLE INFORMATION                                                    12


A Agreement and Plan of Reorganization  between Kobren  Conservative  Allocation
Fund and Kobren Moderate Growth Fund (attached to this document)

B Combined prospectus dated May 3, 1999 of Kobren  Conservative  Allocation Fund
and Kobren Moderate Growth Fund

C        Statement of additional  information  ("SAI") of Kobren Moderate Growth
         Fund dated May , 1999, incorporating the combined SAI dated May 3, 1999
         of Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund and Kobren Moderate Growth Fund

D  Combined  annual  report  dated  December  31,  1998 of  Kobren  Conservative
Allocation Fund and Kobren Moderate Growth Fund


The following is a summary of more complete information  appearing later in this
prospectus.  You should read the entire  prospectus,  Exhibit A and the enclosed
documents  carefully  because they contain  details that are not in the summary.
The prospectus and the other documents are for information  purposes only and do
not require any action on your part.

Comparison of Conservative Allocation Fund to Moderate Growth Fund


- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
                                        Conservative Allocation                             Moderate Growth
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Business                     Each fund is a diversified series of Kobren Insight
                             Funds, a Massachusetts business trust. The trust is
                             an open-end management investment company.
- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Net assets as of                              $ 16,573,245                                    $ 31,664,239
April 30, 1999
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment adviser           The funds' investment adviser is Kobren Insight Management, Inc. ("KIM").  Eric M. Kobren is
and portfolio manager        the portfolio manager for each fund.  Mr. Kobren has been the president of KIM and the funds'
                             distributor since their inception in 1987 and of Mutual Fund Investors Association, Inc.
                             since its inception in 1985.  Mr. Kobren has been in the investment business since 1976.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Investment goals             Enough long-term growth of capital to offset    Long-term growth of capital without regard to
                             the loss of the value of your investment due    income.  A volatility level over a full
                             to inflation. Current income is a secondary     market cycle approximately 20% below that of
                             objective.  A volatility level over a full      the S&P 500 Index.
                             market cycle approximately 30% below that of
                             the S&P 500 Index.
                                     Volatility means price changeability.  A full market cycle is the market's peak to
                             its trough.

                              The funds'  board of  trustees  may  change  each
                             fund's   investment  goals  without  obtaining  the
                             approval of the fund's shareholders.
- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Principal investments                At least 40% of assets in open-end             At least 65% of assets in open-end
                             and closed-end, growth and growth and income    and closed-end, growth and growth and income
                             funds.  These may include both U.S. and         funds.  These may include both U.S. and
                             international funds.                            international funds.
                                     At least 20% of assets in income               Up to 35% of assets in fixed income
                             producing funds or securities.                  funds and direct investments in stocks, bonds
                                     Up to 40% of assets in direct          and other permitted investments.
                             investments in stocks, bonds and other
                             permitted investments.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal investment         1.       ASSET ALLOCATION--KIM begins with a "top down" fundamental analysis of the economy
strategy                     and investment markets in the U.S. and foreign countries.  In deciding what percentage of the
                             funds' assets should be allocated to U.S. stocks, foreign stocks, U.S. bonds and cash
                             equivalents, KIM focuses on:

                             A fund's risk  tolerance  and its target
                             volatility relative to the S&P 500 Index
                             Economic factors such as inflation,  employment and interest

                             The  outlook  for  corporate  earnings 

                             Current stock valuations  (e.g.,  price to earnings
                             and price to book ratios)

                             Supply and demand for various asset classes

                             2.  INVESTMENT   STYLES--Next  KIM  determines  the
                             percentage of fund assets  allocated to each of the
                             following   six  global  equity   styles: 

                             U.S. Growth--Large  Cap                            In allocating among styles,  KIM
                                                                                first   reviews  
                             U.S. Growth--Small   Cap                           the broad-based  economic  factors  that  will
                             U.S. Value--Large  Cap                              influence the earnings  prospects for each 
                             U.S.  Value--Small  Cap style.                     Then, to
                                                                                determine each style's # Diversified  International
                                                                                Equity relative attractiveness,  KIM compares the #
                                                                                Specialized International Equity resulting earnings
                                                                                 outlook for each style
                                                                                with the style's current valuation in
                                                                                relation to historical norms and other styles.

                             3.       SELECTING FUNDS--KIM looks for funds appearing to offer the highest risk-adjusted
                             return potential for the style relative to each fund's target volatility.  KIM applies its
                             internally developed screening process to virtually all publicly available mutual funds--a
                             risk-adjusted return analysis and the evaluation of each fund against its peers.  Based on
                             interviews with and other information from fund portfolio managers, KIM evaluates each
                             portfolio   fund's   asset    allocation,    sector
                             weightings,    individual    holdings    and   risk
- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Industry  allocation  process The funds' strategies are designed to identify and
                              avoid industries that appear overvalued.
                             KIM compares stock valuations for companies in a particular industry to current and
                             historical valuations for industries represented in the S&P 500 Index.  When stock valuations
                             in a particular  industry are outside  their normal
                             range,   that  industry  may  be  underweighted  or
                             overweighted in a fund's portfolio.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investing  in  underlying    Both funds invest  primarily  in other mutual  funds,
                             including  those whose  investment  funds  objectives  do not match those of the
funds.                       KIM believes that, by investing in a combination
                             of underlying funds with a broad range of goals and
                             offsetting   risk   characteristics,   each  Kobren
                             Insight fund can achieve a higher composite rate of
                             return while meeting its volatility targets.

                             Underlying   funds  may  engage  in  all  types  of
                             investment  practices,  even  those that the Kobren
                             Insight funds do not engage in directly.  The funds
                             will bear all the risks  associated with underlying
                             funds' investments.

                             Due to KIM's size and buying power, the funds can invest at net asset value in underlying
                             funds that would otherwise be sold with a front-end sale charge.  A fund will not buy
                             underlying fund shares if the fund would have to pay a front-end sales charge on the
                             purchase.  However, the funds may buy underlying fund shares that are subject to a deferred
                             sales charge or redemption fee.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity investments           The funds and the underlying  funds in
                             their portfolios may invest in equity securities of
                             U.S.  and  foreign   companies.   These  securities
                             include  exchange-traded and over-the-counter (OTC)
                             common  and  preferred  stocks,  warrants,  rights,
                             convertible  debt securities,  trust  certificates,
                             partnership interests and equity participations.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed income  investments    The funds  and the  underlying
                             funds  in  their  portfolios  may  invest  in fixed
                             income  securities  of any  maturity  or  duration.
                             These   securities   may  be  issued  by  the  U.S.
                             government   or  any  of  its   agencies,   foreign
                             governments,  supranational  entities  such  as the
                             World Bank and U.S. and foreign companies.

                             The funds'  investments in fixed income  securities
                             may be of any credit quality and may have all types
                             of interest rate payment and reset terms.  They may
                             include    mortgage-backed,     asset-backed    and
                             derivative  securities as well as junk bonds.  Junk
                             bonds  involve  more credit risk and  interest-rate
                             risk than investment grade bonds.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Defensive investing          Each fund (and each underlying fund in its portfolio) may depart from its principal
                             investment strategies by taking temporary defensive positions in short-term debt securities
                             in response to adverse market, economic or political conditions for up to 100% of the
                             portfolio.  A fund could give up potential gains and minimize losses while defensively
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Derivative contracts         The  funds and the  underlying  funds in
                             their  portfolios may, but are not required to, use
                             derivative  contracts  for  any  of  the  following

                             To hedge  against  adverse  changes in the market
                             value of  securities  held by or to be bought for a
                             fund.  These  changes  may be  caused  by  changing
                             interest  rates,  stock  market  prices or currency
                             exchange rates.

                             As a substitute for purchasing or selling securities or foreign currencies.

                             To shorten or lengthen the effective maturity or duration of a fund's fixed income

                             In non-hedging situations, to attempt to profit from anticipated market developments.

                             A derivative  contract  will  obligate or entitle a
                             fund to deliver or receive an asset or a
                             cash payment that is based on the change in value of a designated security, index or
                             currency.  Examples of derivative contracts are futures contracts, options, forward
                             contracts, swaps, caps, collars and floors.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal investment  risks  You  could  lose  money  on your
                             investment in either fund or the fund could perform
                             less well than other possible investments if any of
                             the following occurs:

                              The U.S. or a foreign stock market goes down.

                              Interest rates go up, which will make bond prices and the value of the fund's
                             investments in fixed income funds and securities go down.

                              An adverse event, such as an unfavorable earnings report or credit downgrade,
                             depresses the value of a particular issuer's stocks or bonds that are held by the fund or an
                             underlying fund.
                             The adviser's judgments about the attractiveness and risk adjusted return potential
                             of particular  asset  classes,  investment  styles,
                             industries, underlying funds or other issuers prove
                             to be wrong.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Special risks of investing   The funds' practice of investing primarily in other mutual funds presents special risks.
in other mutual funds
                                    You will bear, not just your proportionate share of the funds' operating expenses,
                             but also, indirectly, the operating expenses of the underlying funds.
                                    One underlying fund may be buying the same securities that another underlying fund
                             is selling.  You would indirectly bear the costs of these transactions without accomplishing
                             any investment purpose.
                                     You may  receive  higher  taxable  capital  gains
                             distributions  than if you invested directly in the
                             underlying   funds.   #   Because   of   regulatory
                             restrictions,  a fund's  ability  to  invest  in an
                             attractive  underlying  fund may be  limited to the
                             extent  that  the  underlying   fund's  shares  are
                             already held by the other Kobren Insight funds, KIM
                             or their affiliates.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Foreign country and          Prices of a fund's  investments in foreign securities may go
 currency risks              down because of unfavorable foreign government actions, political
                             instability or the absence of accurate information
                             about foreign issuers.  Also, a decline in the value of foreign currencies relative to the
                             U.S. dollar will reduce the value of securities denominated in those currencies.  Foreign
                             securities are sometimes less liquid and harder to value than securities of U.S. issuers.
                             These risks are more severe for securities of issuers in emerging market countries.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credit risk                  An issuer of a debt security or OTC derivative
                             contract  could  default on its  obligation  to pay
                             principal  and interest,  or a rating  organization
                             could  downgrade  the credit  rating of the issuer.
                             Junk bonds  involve  more  credit  risk than higher
                             quality debt securities.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepayment or call risk      The issuer of a debt security may exercise its right when interest rates are falling to
                             prepay principal earlier than scheduled, forcing the fund to reinvest in lower yielding
                             securities.  Prepayments will also depress the value of interest-only securities.  Corporate
                             bonds, mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities are especially susceptible to
                             prepayment risk.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Extension risk               The issuer of a debt security may exercise its
                             right when interest  rates are rising to extend the
                             time for  paying  principal.  This  will  lock in a
                             below-market interest rate, increase the security's
                             duration  and  reduce  the  value of the  security.
                             Mortgage-backed    securities   and    asset-backed
                             securities are especially  susceptible to extension
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Leverage risk                Because  of  borrowing  or   investments   in
                             derivative   contracts  or   leveraged   derivative
                             securities,  a fund may  suffer  disproportionately
                             heavy   losses   relative  to  the  amount  of  its
                             investment. Leverage can magnify the impact of poor
                             asset allocation or investment decisions.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Correlation risk             Changes  in the value of a fund's  derivative
                             contracts  or  other  hedging  instruments  may not
                             match or fully  offset  changes in the value of the
                             hedged portfolio securities.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Liquidity and valuation      Securities that were liquid when purchased by a fund may
risks                        become  temporarily  illiquid and hard to value,  especially  in declining

                             Also, an underlying fund's obligation to redeem shares held by a Kobren Insight fund is
                             limited to 1% of the underlying fund's outstanding shares per 30-day period.  Because the
                             Kobren Insight funds and their affiliates may together acquire up to 3% of an underlying
                             fund's  shares,  it may  take up to 90 days for the
                             funds to  completely  dispose  of their  underlying
                             fund shares.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Impact of high portfolio     Each fund or any underlying fund in its portfolio may engage in active and frequent trading
turnover                     to achieve its principal investment strategies.  As a result, a fund may realize and
                             distribute to  shareholders  higher  capital gains,
                             which would increase their tax liability.  Frequent
                             trading also  increases  transaction  costs,  which
                             could detract from a fund's performance.  Each fund
                             anticipates  that its annual  turnover will be less
                             than 100%.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net asset value              Each fund calculates its net asset value per share (NAV) at the close of regular trading on
                             the New York Stock Exchange (normally 4:00 p.m. eastern time) on each business day.  Shares
                             of underlying funds are valued at their reported NAVs.  Each fund's other portfolio
                             securities are valued on the basis of either market quotations or at fair value, which may
                             include the use of pricing services.  Fair value means estimating a security's value at other
                             than the market quotation.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Buying shares                Conservative   Allocation   Fund   is  not
                             currently  offering its shares except in connection
                             with dividend  reinvestments.  The  procedures  for
                             buying shares of Moderate Growth Fund are identical
                             to those  previously  in  effect  for  Conservative
                             Allocation   Fund.    Individuals,    institutions,
                             companies  and   fiduciaries   may  buy  shares  of
                             Moderate  Growth Fund without a sales charge at its
                             NAV  next  calculated  after  the  order  has  been
                             received in proper form.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minimum investment amounts   Moderate Growth Fund has and Conservative  Allocation
                             Fund had the same initial investment
                             minimums.  These are $2,500 for regular accounts, $2,000 for Individual Retirement Accounts
                             and $2,500 for accounts with shares purchased through the following fund networks:
                                     Charles Schwab Mutual Fund Marketplace
                                     Fidelity FundsNetwork
                                     Waterhouse Securities
                                     Jack White Mutual Fund Network
                             Each fund's minimum subsequent investment is $500.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exchanging shares            Shareholders  of both  funds  may  exchange
                             their  shares at net asset  value for shares of any
                             other Kobren  Insight fund other than  Conservative
                             Allocation Fund.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Redeeming shares             A shareholder may redeem shares of each fund
                             on any  business  day at the  NAV  next  calculated
                             after the  receipt  of the  redemption  request  in
                             proper form.
- ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     FEES AND EXPENSES

                             This table describes the fees and expenses that you
                             may pay if you buy and hold  shares of a fund.  The
                             table also  shows pro forma  expenses  of  Moderate
                             Growth Fund as if the  reorganization  had occurred
                             on December 31, 1998.  The fees and expenses  shown
                             in the table are in  addition  to those paid by the
                             underlying funds in which a fund may invest.


                                                                            Pro Forma
                             For year ended 12/31/98                     Moderate Growth      Moderate       Conservative
                                                                                               Growth         Allocation
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Shareholder fees
                             (fees paid directly from your investment)
                             Maximum sales charge (load) imposed on           None              None             None
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Maximum deferred sales charge (load)             None              None             None
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Redemption fee                                   None              None             None
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Exchange fee                                     None              None             None
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Annual fund operating expenses before
                             expense limitation1
                             (expenses that are deducted from fund
                             Management fees                                  0.75%            0.75%             0.75%
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Distribution (12b-1) and/or service fees         None              None             None
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Other expenses                                   0.32%            0.38%             0.69%
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             Total annual fund operating expenses             1.07%            1.13%             1.44%

                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                             1  Each  fund  has  an  expense   limitation  which
                             continues  until January 1, 2001,  but is voluntary
                             and may be revoked at any time.  Under this expense
                             limitation,   the  maximum   expenses   other  than
                             management   fees  for  the  funds  is  0.25%.   In
                             addition,  payments made by an  underlying  fund or
                             its   adviser   will  serve  to  reduce  the  total
                             operating expenses of the Kobren Insight funds. For
                             the year ended  December  31,  1998,  pro forma and
                             actual  expense  reductions  and total  annual fund
                             operating expenses would have been or were:

                             Expense reductions and limitations  (0.16%) (0.22%) (0.44%)
                             Total annual fund  operating  expenses  0.91% 0.91%  1.00%
                             ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
This example is intended     The example for each fund        Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, under
to help you compare the      assumes that:                    these assumptions your costs would be:
cost of investing in each
fund with the cost of                You invest $10,000 in
investing in other mutual    the fund for the time periods
funds.                       indicated;
                                     Your  investment has a 5% return each year; 
                                     The fund's  operating  expenses  remain the same; and 
                                     You  redeem  your  investment  at the  end of  each
                                     Pro Forma         Moderate       Conservative
                                   Moderate Growth       Growth         Allocation
                        1 year          $109              $115             $147
                        3 years          340              $359             $456
                        5 years          590              $622             $787
                       10 years        1,306            $1,375           $1,724
                             -------------------------------- ---------- ---- ----------------

                                                     THE REORGANIZATION

Terms of the Reorganization

The funds'  trustees have approved an Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  a
copy  of  which  is  attached  as  Exhibit  A.  The  Agreement  provides  for  a
reorganization on the following terms:

        The reorganization is scheduled to occur at 4:00 p.m., Eastern time, on
         May __, 1999, but may occur on any later date before December 31, 1999.

        Your fund will  transfer  all of its assets to  Moderate  Growth  Fund.
         Moderate  Growth Fund will assume  your fund's  liabilities.  This will
         result in the addition of your fund's assets to Moderate  Growth Fund's
         portfolio.  The net asset  value of both funds will be  computed  as of
         4:00 p.m., Eastern time, on the reorganization date.

        Moderate  Growth  Fund will  issue  shares  in an  amount  equal to the
         aggregate  net  asset  value  of  your  fund's  shares.  As part of the
         liquidation of your fund,  these shares will immediately be distributed
         to your fund's  shareholders  in  proportion  to their  holdings on the
         reorganization date. As a result, shareholders of your fund will end up
         as shareholders of Moderate Growth Fund.

        After the reorganization is over, your fund will be terminated.

The following diagram shows how the reorganization will be carried out.


- ---------------------                                                         --------------------
    Conservative                                                               Moderate Growth
  Allocation Fund                                                                Fund receives
   transfers its                                                                assets from and
     assets and                                                                     assumes
   liabilities to                                                               liabilities of
Moderate Growth Fund                                                             Conservative
                                                                                Allocation Fund
- ---------------------                                                         --------------------
    Conservative                          Conservative                        Moderate Growth
  Allocation Fund                        Allocation Fund                        Fund shares are
    shareholders                         receives these                             issued
  receive Moderate                         shares and
 Growth Fund shares                     distributes them
                                       to its shareholders
- ---------------------                                                         --------------------

Tax Status of the Reorganization

The reorganization will be tax-free for federal income tax purposes and will not
take place unless both funds receive a  satisfactory  opinion from Hale and Dorr
LLP, counsel to the funds, substantially to the effect that:

        The reorganization  described above will be a  "reorganization"  within
         the meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the  Internal  Revenue Code of
         1986 (the "Code"),  and each fund will be "a party to a reorganization"
         within the meaning of Section 368 of the Code;

       No gain or loss will be  recognized  by your fund upon (1) the transfer
         of all of its assets to Moderate  Growth Fund as described above or (2)
         the  distribution  by your fund of Moderate  Growth Fund shares to your
         fund's shareholders;

        No gain or loss will be  recognized  by  Moderate  Growth Fund upon the
         receipt of your fund's  assets  solely in exchange  for the issuance of
         Moderate  Growth Fund shares and the  assumption  of all of your fund's
         liabilities by Moderate Growth Fund;

        The basis of the assets of your fund  acquired by Moderate  Growth Fund
         will be the same as the basis of those assets in the hands of your fund
         immediately before the transfer;

        The tax  holding  period  of the  assets  of your  fund in the hands of
         Moderate  Growth Fund will include  your fund's tax holding  period for
         those assets;

        The  shareholders of your fund will not recognize gain or loss upon the
         exchange of all their  shares of your fund solely for  Moderate  Growth
         Fund shares as part of the reorganization;

        The basis of  Moderate  Growth  Fund  shares  received  by your  fund's
         shareholders in the reorganization will be the same as the basis of the
         shares of your fund surrendered in exchange; and

        The tax holding period of the Moderate  Growth Fund shares  received by
         your fund's  shareholders will include,  for each shareholder,  the tax
         holding  period of the  shares of your fund  surrendered  in  exchange,
         provided  that the  Moderate  Growth  Fund  shares were held as capital
         assets on the reorganization date.

Reasons for the Proposed Reorganization

The board of trustees of your fund  believes  that the  proposed  reorganization
will be  advantageous  to the  shareholders  of your fund and has considered the
following matters, among others, in approving the reorganization.

Possible Reduction in Expense Ratios

A combined fund offers  economies of scale that may lead to better  control over
expenses  than is possible for either fund alone.  Both funds incur  substantial
expenses  for  accounting,  legal,  transfer  agency  services,  insurance,  and
custodial and administrative  services.  Many of these expenses are fixed, which
means that they do not depend on the level of the funds' assets.

KIM has voluntarily  agreed to cap these expenses at no more than 0.25% annually
of each  fund's  average  daily net  assets.  However,  this cap will  expire on
January 1, 2001 and may be revoked  sooner by KIM. KIM estimates that the funds'
projected gross expense ratios (before  reimbursement)  will be approximately as


- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
                                    If Assets Stay the Same
                                      as on April 7, 1999          If Assets Decrease 10%         If Assets Increase 10%
Conservative Allocation                      1.65%                          1.75%                         1.57%
Moderate Growth                              1.26%                          1.31%                         1.21%
Combined fund                                1.19%                          1.24%                         1.16%
- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------

Thus, the gross expense ratio (before  reimbursement) of the combined fund after
the  reorganization is expected to be at least 5 basis points (0.05%) lower than
that of Moderate  Growth Fund alone and at least 40 basis points  (0.40%)  lower
than that of Conservative Allocation Fund alone.

Viability of Conservative Allocation Fund

Mutual fund investors have in general been channeling a relatively insignificant
portion of their investable assets into conservatively  managed asset allocation
products,  such as  Conservative  Allocation  Fund.  Based on current trends and
KIM's  projections,  your fund's board is not optimistic that the fund will grow
to a viable asset size in the near future.

Similarity to Moderate Growth Fund

Although  Moderate  Growth Fund and  Conservative  Allocation Fund have slightly
different  investment goals, in practice,  both funds have used almost identical
asset and style allocation  strategies,  have held similar  investments and have
experienced  similar  returns.  Thus,  the board has concluded that the Moderate
Growth  Fund shares  received in the  reorganization  will  provide  your fund's
shareholders with substantially the same investment advantages as they currently
have at a comparable level of risk.

In addition,  it is not  advantageous to operate and market your fund separately
from  Moderate  Growth Fund.  Offering  each fund  separately  hinders the other
fund's potential for asset growth.

Benefits to Funds' Adviser and Distributor

The board considered that the adviser and the funds' distributor, Kobren Insight
Brokerage,  Inc., will also benefit from the  reorganization.  For example,  the
adviser would incur a lower cost to cap the funds' expenses and might be able to
reduce  the  time  it  spends  managing  the  funds'  portfolios  and  preparing
prospectuses, reports and regulatory filings.

Comparative Performance

The trustees also took into consideration the relative  performance of your fund
and Moderate  Growth Fund.  For most periods shown in the table below,  Moderate
Growth Fund has outperformed your fund.


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
                                                   Conservative Allocation                      Moderate Growth
                                                    (Inception 12/30/96)                     (Inception 12/24/96)
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
1 year ended 3/31/99                                       -2.32%                                   -3.78%
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Inception to 3/31/99                                       10.08%                                   11.78%
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
1 year ended 12/31/98                                       3.36%                                    3.44%
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Inception to 12/31/98                                      11.55%                                   13.12%
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

Additional Terms of Reorganization

Conditions to Closing the Reorganization

The obligation of both funds to consummate the  reorganization is subject to the
satisfaction  of certain  conditions,  including  the  receipt of all  consents,
orders and permits necessary to consummate the reorganization.  In addition, the
obligations  of the funds are subject to the  receipt of a favorable  opinion of
Hale  and  Dorr  LLP  as  to  the  federal  income  tax   consequences   of  the
reorganization. (see Agreement, paragraph 3).

Termination of Agreement

The funds'  board may  terminate  the  Agreement on behalf of either fund at any
time before the  reorganization  occurs,  if the board believes that  proceeding
with the reorganization would no longer be advisable.

Expenses of the Reorganization

Moderate Growth Fund and your fund will each be responsible for its own expenses
incurred in connection with entering into and carrying out the provisions of the
Agreement,  whether  or  not  the  reorganization  occurs.  These  expenses  are
estimated to be approximately $_______ per fund.

Dissenters' Rights

Massachusetts  law does  not  give  shareholders  of your  fund any  dissenters'


The following table sets forth the  capitalization  of each fund as of April 30,
1999  and  the  pro  forma  combined  capitalization  of  both  funds  as if the
reorganization  had occurred on that date. The table reflects pro forma exchange
ratios of approximately 0.936 Moderate Growth Fund shares for each share of your
fund. If the  reorganization  is  consummated,  the actual exchange ratio on the
reorganization date may vary from the exchange ratio indicated due to changes in
any of the following:

The market value of the portfolio  securities  of both Moderate  Growth Fund and
your fund between April 30, 1999 and the reorganization date.

Changes in the amount of  undistributed  net investment  income and net realized
capital gains of Moderate Growth Fund and your fund during that period resulting
from income and distributions.

Changes in the accrued  liabilities of Moderate Growth Fund and your fund during
the same period.


- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
As of                                   Conservative Allocation             Moderate                     Pro Forma
April 30, 1999                                                               Growth                      Combined1
Net assets                                    $16,573,245                  $31,664,239                  $48,237,484
Net asset value per share                       $11.86                       $12.67                       $12.67
Shares outstanding                             1,397,306                    2,499,767                    3,807,837
- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------

1 If the  reorganization had taken place on April 30, 1999, your fund would have
received  1,308,070  shares of  Moderate  Growth  Fund,  which  would  have been
available for distribution to the shareholders of your fund.

It is  impossible  to  predict  how many  shares of  Moderate  Growth  Fund will
actually be received and  distributed by your fund on the  reorganization  date.
You  should not rely on the above  table to  determine  the  amount of  Moderate
Growth Fund shares that you will actually receive.


The following table shows where in the funds'  combined  prospectus you can find
additional information about the business of each fund.


- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Type of Information                              Headings in Combined Prospectus of Both Funds
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Risk/return summary                        FACTORS EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD KNOW
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment objectives/goals                INVESTMENT GOALS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal investment strategies            PRINCIPAL INVESTMENTS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal risks of investing in the        PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT RISKS
funds: narrative disclosure                WHO MAY WANT TO INVEST IN THE KOBREN INSIGHT FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal risks of investing in the        Summary of Past Performance
funds: risk/return bar chart and table
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fee table                                  Fees and Expenses
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Body of prospectus
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment objectives, principal           THE FUND'S INVESTMENTS
investment strategies and related risks    INDUSTRY ALLOCATION PROCESS
                                           INVESTING IN UNDERLYING FUNDS
                                           PRINCIPAL INVESTMENTS
                                           DEFENSIVE INVESTING
                                           DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS
                                           ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT RISKS
                                           IMPACT OF HIGH PORTFOLIO TURNOVER
                                           THE FUNDS' INVESTMENT GOALS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Management: investment adviser and         INVESTMENT ADVISER
portfolio manager                          KOBREN INSIGHT MANAGEMENT, INC.
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholder information: pricing of fund   INVESTMENT AND ACCOUNT POLICIES
shares                                     CALCULATION OF NET ASSET VALUE
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholder information: purchase of       INVESTMENT AND ACCOUNT POLICIES
fund shares                                PURCHASING FUND SHARES
                                           TAX-DEFERRED RETIREMENT PLANS
                                           WIRE AND ACH TRANSFERS
                                           TELEPHONE TRANSACTIONS
                                           MINIMUM INVESTMENT AMOUNTS
                                           HOW TO PURCHASE SHARES
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholder information: redemption of     HOW TO EXCHANGE/REDEEM SHARES
fund shares                                INVESTMENT AND ACCOUNT POLICIES
                                           REDEEMING FUND SHARES
                                           SIGNATURE GUARANTEES
                                           CLOSING SUB-MINIMUM ACCOUNTS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholder information: dividends and     INVESTMENT AND ACCOUNT POLICIES
distributions;                             DIVIDENDS, DISTRIBUTIONS AND TAXES
tax consequences
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial highlights information           FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     BOARD'S EVALUATION

For the reasons  described above, the board of trustees of the funds,  including
the  trustees  who are not  "interested  persons" of either fund or the adviser,
approved the  reorganization.  In particular,  the trustees  determined that the
reorganization  was in the best interests of each fund and that the interests of
each fund's shareholders would not be diluted as a result of the reorganization.

                                              OWNERSHIP OF SHARES OF THE FUNDS

As of May 14,  1999,  _______  shares of  beneficial  interest of your fund were
outstanding.  To the knowledge of your fund,  as of May 14, 1999,  the following
persons owned or would have owned, of record or beneficially,  5% or more of the
outstanding  shares of your fund,  Moderate Growth Fund (before  reorganization)
and Moderate Growth Fund (after reorganization).


- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
 Names and Addresses of Owners                                            Moderate                       Moderate
   of More Than 5% of Shares             Conservative                    Growth Fund                   Growth Fund
                                        Allocation Fund            (before reorganization)        (after reorganization)
- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
Eric M. Kobren                            $_________*                        N/A                        $ ________
20 William Street
Suite 310, P.O. Box 9150
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481.

- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------

*  Mr. Kobren is/will be a controlling person of this fund.

As of May 14, 1999 the trustees and officers of the funds owned in the aggregate
the following amounts of each fund's shares:

- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------
                                Conservative                     Moderate
                                Allocation Fund                  Growth Fund
- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------
All trustees and officers as a    $                              $
- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------


The  financial  statements  and the  financial  highlights  of each fund,  as of
December 31, 1998 and for the years then ended,  are  incorporated  by reference
into this  prospectus.  These  financial  statements  and  highlights  have been
independently  audited by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  as stated in its report
appearing in the statement of additional information. These financial statements
and  highlights  are  included  in  reliance  upon the  reports  given  upon the
authority of such firms as experts in accounting and auditing.

                                                   AVAILABLE INFORMATION

Each  fund  is  subject  to the  informational  requirements  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 and the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 and files reports,
prospectuses and other information with the SEC. These reports, prospectuses and
other  information filed by the funds can be inspected and copied (at prescribed
rates) at the public reference  facilities of the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington,  D.C.,  and at the  following  regional  offices:  Chicago (500 West
Madison  Street,  Suite 1400,  Chicago,  Illinois);  and New York (7 World Trade
Center,  Suite 1300,  New York,  New York).  Copies of this material can also be
obtained  by mail  from the  Public  Reference  Section  of the SEC at 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates. In addition,  copies
of these documents may be viewed on-screen or downloaded from the SEC's Internet
site at



         THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF  REORGANIZATION  (the  "Agreement")  is made
this ___th day of May, 1999,  between Kobren  Conservative  Allocation Fund (the
"Acquired Fund") and Kobren Moderate Growth Fund (the "Acquiring Fund"), each of
which is a series of Kobren Insight Funds, a  Massachusetts  business trust (the

1.       Plan of Reorganization and Liquidation

(a) The Acquired Fund shall assign,  sell,  convey,  transfer and deliver to the
Acquiring Fund at the Closing  provided for in Section 2 (the  "Closing") all of
its then existing assets of every kind and nature.  In  consideration  therefor,
the  Acquiring  Fund agrees that at the  Closing  (i) the  Acquiring  Fund shall
assume all of the Acquired Fund's  obligations  and  liabilities  then existing,
whether absolute,  accrued,  contingent or otherwise,  including all unpaid fees
and  expenses  of  the  Acquired  Fund  in  connection  with  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby and (ii) the Acquiring  Fund shall issue and deliver to the
Acquired full and fractional shares of beneficial interest of the Acquiring Fund
(the  "Acquiring  Fund  Shares") that have an aggregate net asset value equal to
the value of the assets  transferred to the Acquiring Fund by the Acquired Fund,
less the liabilities of Acquired Fund assumed by Acquiring Fund.

         (b)      Upon  consummation of the transactions  described in paragraph
                  (a) of this Section 1, the Acquired  Fund shall  distribute in
                  complete liquidation pro rata to its shareholders of record as
                  of the Closing Date the Acquiring Fund Shares  received by the
                  Acquired Fund.  This  distribution  shall be  accomplished  by
                  establishing  an  account  on the  share  record  books of the
                  Acquiring  Fund in the name of each  shareholder  an amount of
                  full and fractional  Acquiring Fund Shares equal to the amount
                  of  shares  of  the  Acquired  Fund  owned  of  record  by the
                  shareholder at the Closing Date.

         (c)      As promptly as practicable  after the above liquidation of the
                  Acquired Fund, the legal  existence of the Acquired Fund shall
                  be terminated.

2. Closing and Closing Date. The Closing shall occur as of the close of business
on May ___,  1999 or at such other  time and date as the  parties  may  mutually
agree (the "Closing Date").

3. Conditions Precedent.  The obligations of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring
Fund to effect the transactions  contemplated  hereunder (the  "Reorganization")
shall be subject to the satisfaction of each of the following conditions:

(a) All such filings shall have been made with, and all such  authorizations and
orders shall have been received from,  the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
(the "SEC") and state  securities  commissions as may be necessary to permit the
parties to carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

(b) Each party shall have  received an opinion of counsel  substantially  to the
effect that for federal income tax purposes:  (1) the  acquisition of the assets
of the Acquired  Fund by the  Acquiring  Fund in exchange for  Acquiring  Fund's
assumption  of Acquired  Fund's  liabilities  and Acquiring  Fund's  issuance of
Acquiring Fund Shares to the Acquired Fund, the  distribution  of such Acquiring
Fund Shares to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund in complete  liquidation of
the Acquired  Fund, and the  termination of the Acquired Fund will  constitute a
"reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  and the Acquiring  Fund and the Acquired
Fund will each be "a party to a  reorganization"  within the  meaning of Section
368(b) of the Code;  (2) no gain or loss will be recognized by the Acquired Fund
upon the transfer of all of its assets to the Acquiring  Fund solely in exchange
for the Acquiring  Fund Shares and the  assumption by the Acquiring  Fund of the
liabilities  of the Acquired Fund and the  distribution  by the Acquired Fund of
such Acquiring Fund Shares to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund; (3) no gain
or loss will be recognized by the Acquiring  Fund upon the receipt of all of the
assets of the Acquired Fund in exchange solely for Acquiring Fund Shares and the
assumption by the Acquiring  Fund of the  liabilities  of the Acquired Fund; (4)
the tax basis of the  Acquiring  Fund in the assets  received  from the Acquired
Fund  will be the  same as the tax  basis  of such  assets  in the  hands of the
Acquired Fund immediately  prior to the transfer of such assets to the Acquiring
Fund; (5) the Acquiring  Fund's tax holding period for the assets  acquired from
the Acquired  Fund will  include,  in each  instance,  the  Acquired  Fund's tax
holding  period for those assets;  (6) no gain or loss will be recognized by the
Acquired Fund's  shareholders  upon the exchange of their shares of the Acquired
Fund solely for Acquiring Fund Shares as part of the reorganization; (7) the tax
basis of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by the Acquired Fund's  shareholders
in the transaction will be, for each  shareholder,  the same as the tax basis of
the shares of the  Acquired  Fund  exchanged  therefor;  and (8) the tax holding
period of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by the Acquired Fund's shareholders
will include, for each shareholder, the shareholder's tax holding period for the
shares of the Acquired Fund surrendered in exchange therefor,  provided that the
surrendered  shares  were held as  capital  assets in the hands of the  Acquired
Fund's  shareholders  on the date of the  exchange.  The  opinion  may cover any
additional  matters  deemed  material by such counsel.  At any time prior to the
Closing,  any of the foregoing  conditions  may be waived by the Trustees of the
Trust if in their judgment,  the waiver will not have a material  adverse effect
on the interests of the shareholders of the Acquired Fund or Acquiring Fund.

4.  Amendment.  This  Agreement  may be  amended  at any time by  action  of the
Trustees of the Trust,  provided that no amendment shall have a material adverse
effect on the  interests of the  shareholders  of the Acquired Fund or Acquiring

5.  Termination.  The Trustees of the Trust may  terminate  this  Agreement  and
abandon the  Reorganization  at any time prior to the Closing,  if circumstances
should develop that, in their judgment,  make proceeding with the Reorganization

This  Agreement  shall be executed in any number of  counterparts  each of which
shall  be  deemed  to  be an  original,  but  all  counterparts  together  shall
constitute only one instrument.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties have hereunto  caused this Agreement to
be executed and  delivered by their duly  authorized  officers as of the day and
year first above written.

- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

                                            KOBREN INSIGHT FUNDS on behalf of
                                            Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund

Attest:  _____________________
           By:                                 By: ___________________________
           Its:  Secretary                          Name:
- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

                                             KOBREN INSIGHT FUNDS on behalf of
                                             Kobren Moderate Growth Fund

Attest:  _____________________              By: ___________________________
           By:                                  Name:
           Its:  Secretary                      Its:
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------


                     [Logo appears in center of cover page]

                               Kobren Growth Fund

                           Kobren Moderate Growth Fund

                       Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund

             [Picture depicting eyeglasses on a financial newspaper
                page appears in center of page in a colored box]

                               P R O S P E C T U S

                                   May 3, 1999

               [The following statement appears in a colored box]

The Securities and Exchange  Commission has not approved any fund's shares as an
investment or determined whether this prospectus is accurate or complete.  It is
a criminal offense to state otherwise.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


         Investment goals                              3

         Principal investments                         3

         Investment strategy                           3

         Principal investment risks                    4

         Performance                                   4

         Who may want to invest                        5

         Fees and expenses                             5

THE FUNDS' INVESTMENTS                                 6

INVESTMENT ADVISER                                     8

INVESTMENT AND ACCOUNT POLICIES                        9

         Calculation of net asset value                9

         How to purchase shares                        10

         How to exchange shares                        11

         How to redeem shares                          11

         Dividends, distributions and taxes            12

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                   13

FOR MORE INFORMATION                                   back cover


                                    The Fund

                                  Growth Fund

Investment Goals:

Long term growth of capital without regard to income.  A price  changeability or
"volatility"  level over a full market cycle  approximating  that of the S&P 500
Index. A full market cycle is the market's peak to its trough.

Principal Investments:

At least 65% of assets in open-end and closed-end,  growth and growth and income
funds. These may include both U.S. and international funds.

Up to 35% of assets in fixed  income  funds and  direct  investments  in stocks,
bonds and other permitted investments.

                              Moderate Growth Fund

Investment Goals:

Long term growth of capital without regard to income.  A volatility level over a
full market cycle approximately 20% below that of the S&P 500 Index.

Principal Investments:

At least 65% of assets in open-end and closed-end,  growth and growth and income
funds. These may include both U.S. and international funds.

Up to 35% of assets in fixed  income  funds and  direct  investments  in stocks,
bonds and other permitted investments.

                          Conservative Allocation Fund

Investment Goals:

Enough  long term  growth  of  capital  to offset  the loss of the value of your
investment due to inflation. Current income is a secondary objective. Volatility
level  over a full  market  cycle  approximately  30% below  that of the S&P 500

Principal Investments:

At least 40% of assets in open-end and closed-end,  growth and growth and income
funds. These may include both U.S. and international funds.

At least 20% of assets in income producing funds or securities.

Up to 40% of assets in direct  investments in stocks,  bonds and other permitted


              Kobren Insight Management (KIM) Investment Strategy

1. ASSET ALLOCATION -- KIM begins with a fundamental analysis of the economy and
investment  markets  in  the  U.S.  and  foreign  countries.  In  deciding  what
percentage  of the funds'  assets  should be allocated to U.S.  stocks,  foreign
stocks, U.S. bonds and cash equivalents, KIM focuses on:

- - A fund's  risk  tolerance  and its target  volatility  relative to the S&P 500
- - Economic factors such as inflation, employment and interest rates
- - The outlook for corporate earnings
- - Current stock valuations (e.g., price to earnings and price to book ratios)
- - Supply and demand for various asset classes

2.  INVESTMENT  STYLES -- Next KIM  determines  the  percentage  of fund  assets
allocated to each of the following seven global equity styles:

- -        U.S. Growth--Large Cap
- -        U.S. Growth--Small Cap
- -        U.S. Value--Large Cap
- -        U.S. Value--Small Cap
- -        Diversified International Equity
- -        Specialized International Equity

In allocating among styles,  KIM first reviews the broad-based  economic factors
that will  influence the earnings  prospects for each style.  Then, to determine
each  style's  relative  attractiveness,  KIM compares  the  resulting  earnings
outlook  for each  style with the  style's  current  valuation  in  relation  to
historical norms and other styles.

3.  SELECTING  FUNDS -- KIM  looks  for funds  appearing  to offer  the  highest
risk-adjusted  return  potential  for the style  relative to each fund's  target
volatility.  KIM applies its internally developed screening process to virtually
all publicly  available  mutual funds - a risk-adjusted  return analysis and the
evaluation of each fund against its peers.  Based on  interviews  with and other
information  from fund portfolio  managers,  KIM evaluates each portfolio fund's
asset   allocation,   sector   weightings,    individual   holdings   and   risk


        [Picture of a bull and a bear appears in upper left-hand corner]

                           PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT RISKS

An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency.

You could lose money on your  investment  in a Kobren  Insight  fund or the fund
could  perform  worse than other  possible  investments  if any of the following

- -        The U.S. or a foreign stock market goes down.
- -        Interest  rates go up, which will make bond prices and the value of the
         fund's investments in fixed income funds and securities go down.
- -        An adverse  event,  such as an  unfavorable  earnings  report or credit
         downgrade, depresses the value of a particular issuer's stocks or bonds
         that are held by the fund or an underlying fund.
- -        The  adviser's  judgments  about the  attractiveness  and risk adjusted
         return  potential  of  particular  asset  classes,  investment  styles,
         industries, underlying funds or other issuers prove to be wrong.

Special risks of investing in other mutual funds.

The funds'  practice of  investing  primarily  in other  mutual  funds  presents
special risks.

- -        You  will  bear,  not  just  your  proportionate  share  of the  funds'
         operating expenses, but also, indirectly, the operating expenses of the
         underlying funds.
- -        One  underlying  fund may be buying the same  securities  that  another
         underlying  fund is  selling.  You would  indirectly  bear the costs of
         these transactions without accomplishing any investment purpose.
- -        You may receive higher taxable capital gains  distributions than if you
         invested directly in the underlying funds.
- -        Because of regulatory  restrictions,  a fund's  ability to invest in an
         attractive  underlying  fund  may be  limited  to the  extent  that the
         underlying  fund's shares are already held by the other Kobren  Insight
         funds, KIM or their affiliates.

Summary of Past Performance

                     [This section appears in a colored box]

The bar chart and table shown below may help  illustrate  the risks of investing
in the Kobren  Insight funds.  The bar chart shows the  performance of the funds
for the  periods  indicated.  The table  shows how each  fund's  average  annual
returns  for the  periods  indicated  compares  to that of a widely  recognized,
unmanaged  index of common  stock  prices.  A fund's past  performance  does not
necessarily indicate how the fund will perform in the future.


[Bar chart showing the performance of the funds for 1997 and 1998, respectively.
The plot points are 15.03% and 11.45% for Growth,  23.25% and 3.44% for Moderate
Growth, and 20.64% and 3.36% for Conservative Allocation, respectively.]

                                               Average Annual Returns
                                             For Periods Ended 12/31/98
Fund (Inception)                             1 year         Since Inception

Growth (12/16/96)                            11.45%         14.26%

S&P 500 Index                                28.66%        	32.02%

Moderate Growth (12/24/96)                    3.44%       	13.12%

S&P 500 Index                                28.66%      	29.76%

Conservative Allocation (12/30/96)  	    3.36%       	11.55%

S&P 500 Index                                28.66%        	29.72%


                    Growth              Moderate Growth          Conservative

Best quarterly      16.94% in 4th       11.27% in 4th            8.51% in 4th
returns             quarter 1998        quarter 1998             quarter 1998

Worst quarterly    -14.83% in 3rd      -13.08% in 3rd           -8.59% in 3rd
Returns             quarter 1998        quarter 1998             quarter 1998



             [Picture of people appears in upper left-hand corner]


Growth Fund

- -    Investors  seeking growth of capital and a volatility  level  approximating
     that of the S&P 500  Index.
- -    Investors  with a minimum  five year time  horizon  and no need for current

Moderate Growth Fund

- -    Investors  seeking  growth of capital and a volatility  level below that of
     the S&P 500 Index.
- -    Investors  with a minimum  time  horizon  of three to five years and modest
     income needs.

Conservative Allocation Fund

- -    Investors  seeking enough long-term growth of capital to offset the loss of
     purchasing  power due to inflation.
- -    Conservative  investors  willing to  sacrifice  some  growth  potential  in
     exchange for less (but not zero) volatility.

Fees and Expenses

This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold
shares of a Kobren  Insight  fund.  These fees and  expenses  are in addition to
those paid by the underlying funds in which a fund may invest.

For year ended 12/31/98                                Moderate  Conservative
                                             Growth    Growth    Allocation

Shareholder fees
(fees paid directly from your investment)
Maximum sales charge (load) imposed
         on purchases                        None      None      None
Maximum deferred sales charge (load)         None      None      None
Redemption fee                               None      None      None
Exchange fee                                 None      None      None

Annual fund operating  expenses  before expense  limitation 1 (expenses that are
deducted from fund assets)
Management fees                              0.75%     0.75%     0.75%
Distribution (12b-1) and/or service fees     None      None      None
Other expenses                               0.32%     0.38%     0.69%
Total annual fund operating expenses         1.07%     1.13%     1.44%

1        Each fund has an expense  limitation  that  continues  until January 1,
         2001,  but is  voluntary  and may be  revoked  at any time.  Under this
         expense limitation, the maximum expenses other than management fees for
         the funds is 0.25%. In addition, payments made by an underlying fund or
         its advisor will serve to reduce the total annual operating expenses of
         the Kobren Insight fund. For the year ended December 31, 1998,  expense
         reductions and total annual fund operating expenses were:

         Expense reductions and
         limitations                        (0.16%)   (0.22%)   (0.44%)
         Total annual fund operating
         expenses                            0.91%     0.91%     1.00%

This  example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in each fund
with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example for each fund assumes that:

- -    You invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated;
- -    Your investment has a 5% return each year;
- -    The fund's operating expenses remain the same; and
- -    You redeem your investment at the end of each period.

Although your actual costs may be higher or lower,  under these assumptions your
costs would be:

                    Growth                   Moderate            Conservative
                                             Growth              Allocation
1 year              $109                     $115                $147
3 years             $340                     $359                $456
5 years             $590                     $622                $787
10 years            $1,306                   $1,375              $1,724

                              THE FUND' INVESTMENTS

The Kobren Insight funds' strategies and investments.

                           INDUSTRY ALLOCATION PROCESS

The funds'  strategies are designed to identify and avoid industries that appear
overvalued. KIM compares stock valuations for companies in a particular industry
to current and historical  valuations for industries  represented in the S&P 500
Index.  When stock valuations in a particular  industry are outside their normal
range, that industry may be underweighted or overweighted in a fund's portfolio.

                          INVESTING IN UNDERLYING FUNDS

The Kobren Insight funds invest primarily in other mutual funds, including those
whose investment  objectives do not match those of the funds. KIM believes that,
by  investing  in a  combination  of  funds  with a broad  range  of  goals  and
offsetting  risk  characteristics,  a Kobren  Insight  fund can achieve a higher
composite rate of return while meeting its volatility targets.

Underlying  funds may engage in all types of  investment  practices,  even those
that the Kobren Insight funds do not engage in directly. The funds will bear all
the risks associated with underlying funds' investments.

Due to KIM's size and buying  power,  the funds can invest at net asset value in
underlying  funds that would otherwise be sold with a front-end sales charge.  A
fund  will  not buy  underlying  fund  shares  if the fund  would  have to pay a
front-end  sales charge on the purchase.  However,  the funds may buy underlying
fund shares subject to a deferred sales charge or redemption fee or 12b-1 fee.

                              PRINCIPAL INVESTMENTS

- -        Equity
The funds and the  underlying  funds in their  portfolios  may  invest in equity
securities   of  U.S.   and  foreign   companies.   These   securities   include
exchange-traded  and   over-the-counter   (OTC)  common  and  preferred  stocks,
warrants, rights, convertible debt securities,  trust certificates,  partnership
interests and equity participations.

- -        Fixed income
The funds  and the  underlying  funds in their  portfolios  may  invest in fixed
income securities of any maturity or duration. These securities may be issued by
the U.S. government or any of its agencies,  foreign governments,  supranational
entities such as the World Bank and U.S. and foreign companies.

The funds'  investments in fixed income  securities may be of any credit quality
and may have all  types of  interest  rate  payment  and reset  terms.  They may
include mortgage-backed,  asset-backed and derivative securities as well as junk
bonds.  Junk  bonds  involve  more  credit  risk  and  interest-rate  risk  than
investment grade bonds.

                               DEFENSIVE INVESTING

Each  fund (and each  underlying  fund in its  portfolio)  may  depart  from its
principal  investment  strategies  by taking  temporary  defensive  positions in
short-term debt securities in response to adverse market,  economic or political
conditions for up to 100% of the portfolio. A fund would give up potential gains
and minimize losses while defensively invested.

                              DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS

The funds and the underlying funds in their portfolios may, but are not required
to, use derivative contracts for any of the following purposes:

- -    To hedge against  adverse changes in the market value of securities held by
     or to be  bought  for a fund.  These  changes  may be  caused  by  changing
     interest rates, stock market prices or currency exchange rates.

- -    As a substitute for purchasing or selling securities or foreign currencies.

- -    To shorten or lengthen the effective maturity or duration of a fund's fixed
     income portfolio.

- -    In non-hedging  situations,  to attempt to profit from  anticipated  market

A derivative  contract  will obligate or entitle a fund to deliver or receive an
asset or a cash  payment  that is based on the  change in value of a  designated
security,  index or  currency.  Examples  of  derivative  contracts  are futures
contracts, options, forward contracts, swaps, caps, collars and floors.

                             THE FUNDS' INVESTMENTS

More about the Kobren Insight funds' strategies and investments

                           ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT RISKS

The funds (and the  underlying  funds in their  portfolios)  could lose money or
underperform  for the reasons listed in the "Factors Every Investor Should Know"
section or for the following additional reasons:

- -        Foreign country and currency risks
Prices of a fund's  investments  in foreign  securities  may go down  because of
unfavorable foreign government actions,  political instability or the absence of
accurate  information  about  foreign  issuers.  Also, a decline in the value of
foreign  currencies  relative  to the  U.S.  dollar  will  reduce  the  value of
securities  denominated in those  currencies.  Foreign  securities are sometimes
less liquid and harder to value than securities of U.S. issuers. These risks are
more severe for securities of issuers in emerging market countries.

- -        Credit risk
An issuer of a debt  security or OTC  derivative  contract  could default on its
obligation  to pay  principal  and  interest,  or a  rating  organization  could
downgrade the credit  rating of the issuer.  Junk bonds involve more credit risk
than higher quality debt securities.

- -        Prepayment or call risk
The issuer of a debt  security may exercise  its right when  interest  rates are
falling  to  prepay  principal  earlier  than  scheduled,  forcing  the  fund to
re-invest in lower yielding securities.  Prepayments will also depress the value
of interest-only  securities.  Corporate bonds,  mortgage-backed  securities and
asset-backed securities are especially susceptible to prepayment risk.

- -        Extension risk
The issuer of a debt  security may exercise  its right when  interest  rates are
rising to extend the time for paying principal. This will lock in a below-market
interest  rate,  increase  the  security's  duration and reduce the value of the
security.  Mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities are especially
susceptible to extension risk.

- -        Leverage risk
Because of  borrowing  or  investments  in  derivative  contracts  or  leveraged
derivative  securities,  a  fund  may  suffer  disproportionately  heavy  losses
relative  to the amount of its  investment.  Leverage  can magnify the impact of
poor asset allocation or investment decisions.

- -        Correlation risk
Changes  in  the  value  of a  fund's  derivative  contracts  or  other  hedging
instruments  may not match or fully  offset  changes  in the value of the hedged
portfolio securities.

- -        Liquidity and valuation risks
Securities  that were liquid  when  purchased  by a fund may become  temporarily
illiquid and hard to value, especially in declining markets.

Also, an underlying  fund's obligation to redeem shares held by a Kobren Insight
fund is limited to 1% of the  underlying  fund's  outstanding  shares per 30-day
period.  Because the Kobren  Insight  funds and their  affiliates  may  together
acquire up to 3% of an underlying  fund's shares,  it may take up to 90 days for
the funds to completely dispose of their underlying fund shares.


Each fund or any  underlying  fund in its  portfolio  may  engage in active  and
frequent trading to achieve its principal investment strategies.  As a result, a
fund may realize and distribute to  shareholders  higher  capital  gains,  which
would increase their tax liability.  Frequent trading also increases transaction
costs, which could detract from a fund's performance.  Each fund anticipates its
annual turnover will be less than 100%.

                           THE FUNDS' INVESTMENT GOALS

The funds' board of trustees  may change each fund's  investment  goals  without
obtaining the approval of the fund's  shareholders.  A fund might not succeed in
achieving its goals.

                               INVESTMENT ADVISER

                    [Logo appears in upper left-hand corner]


Kobren Insight  Management,  Inc. (KIM) provides investment advice and portfolio
management  services to the Kobren Insight funds.  Under the  supervision of the
funds' board of trustees,  KIM makes the funds' day-to-day investment decisions,
arranges for the execution of portfolio  transactions and generally  manages the
funds' investments.

Kobren  Insight  Management,   Inc.,  a  registered   investment  adviser,   was
established  in 1987.  KIM has  historically  used  mutual  funds,  rather  than
individual  securities,  as the primary  investment vehicle for client accounts.
KIM has extensive  experience managing mutual fund portfolios for high net worth
individuals and corporations  with minimum $400,000 account sizes. KIM currently
manages over 1,000 client accounts with assets totaling over $1 billion.

Eric M. Kobren owns all of the stock of KIM and of the funds'  distributor.  Mr.
Kobren is also the principal  shareholder of Mutual Fund Investors  Association,
Inc., the publisher of Fidelity  Insight and FundsNet  Insight reports with over
100,000 paid subscribers.

Mr.  Kobren is the  primary  portfolio  manager  for each of the Kobren  Insight
funds. Mr. Kobren has been the president of KIM and the funds' distributor since
their inception in 1987 and of the Mutual Fund Investors Association, Inc. since
its inception in 1985.  Mr.  Kobren has been in the  investment  business  since

Each fund has agreed to pay KIM a monthly  advisory  fee at the  annual  rate of
0.75% of the fund's average daily
net assets.

A Kobren Insight fund may invest in shares of an underlying mutual fund:

- -    that makes  payments  of Rule 12b-1 or service  fee  revenues  based on the
     amount of shares held by the Kobren Insight fund or

- -    whose  investment  adviser is willing to share a portion of the  underlying
     fund's advisory fee  attributable to the underlying fund shares held by the
     Kobren Insight fund.

Rule 12b-1,  service fee or revenue  sharing  payments  made as to shares of any
underlying  fund will be applied to  advisory  fees owed to KIM by the  affected
Kobren Insight fund. Each fund will pay a portion of the costs of  participating
in various fund network programs.

KIM has  voluntarily  agreed to cap each fund's  other  expenses at no more than
0.25% annually of the fund's  average daily net assets.  This cap does not apply
to brokerage  commissions,  taxes, interest and litigation,  indemnification and
other  extraordinary  expenses.  Although  this expense cap  arrangement  can be
revoked at any time,  KIM plans to continue  this  arrangement  until January 1,

                                    YEAR 2000
                    [This section appears in a colored box.]

The  funds'  securities  trades,  pricing  and  accounting  services  and  other
operations  could be adversely  affected if the computer systems of the adviser,
distributor,  custodian or transfer  agent were unable to recognize  dates after
1999. The adviser and other service  providers have told the funds that they are
taking  action  to  prevent,  and  do not  expect  the  funds  to  suffer  from,
significant year 2000 problems. In addition,  the companies in which the fund or
the underlying funds invest may have year 2000 computer  problems.  The value of
their  securities  could go down if they do not fix these problems on time or if
fixing them is very expensive.

                         INVESTMENT AND ACCOUNT POLICIES

       [Picture depicting a calculator appears in upper left-hand corner]

The funds calculate their NAVs every business day.

                         CALCULATION OF NET ASSET VALUE

Each fund calculates its net asset value per share (NAV) at the close of regular
trading on the New York Stock Exchange (normally 4:00 p.m. eastern time) on each
business  day. A business day is a weekday  that is not a holiday  listed in the
statement  of  additional  information.  If the New York Stock  Exchange  closes
early, the time for calculating the NAV and the deadlines for share transactions
will be accelerated to the earlier closing times.

Shares of underlying  funds are valued at their reported NAVs. Each fund's other
portfolio  securities are valued on the basis of either market  quotations or at
fair  value,  which may include  the use of pricing  services.  Fair value means
estimating a security's value at other than the market quotation.  The effect of
such  method  may be that the price  used may be  different  than  other  fund's
pricing using market quotations. Although each Kobren Insight fund's NAV will be
calculated  every business day, the NAV reported to NASDAQ for  distribution  to
news agencies will be delayed by one business day.

                             PURCHASING FUND SHARES

Individuals,  institutions,  companies and authorized fiduciaries may buy shares
of each Kobren  Insight fund  without a sales charge at its NAV next  calculated
after the order has been received in proper form.

                          TAX-DEFERRED RETIREMENT PLANS

Traditional  individual  retirement  account  (IRA)  plans  and Roth  individual
retirement  plans can invest in the funds through  Investor  Services Group. The
following retirement plans are available through the mutual fund networks listed
in the box below:

- -    Keough plans for self-employed individuals.

- -    SEP and SARSEP plans for corporations.

- -    Qualified pension and profit-sharing plans for employees,  including 401(k)
     plans and  403(b)(7)  custodial  accounts for  employees  of public  school
     systems, hospitals, colleges and other non-profit organizations.

                             WIRE AND ACH TRANSFERS

The funds  currently  impose no fee for wire and Automated  Clearing House (ACH)
transfers of purchase  payments and  redemption  proceeds.  However,  the funds'
custodian may charge a fee in the future.


The funds and Investor  Services Group have  procedures  designed to verify that
telephone  instructions are genuine. If they follow these procedures,  they will
not be  liable  for any  losses  caused  by  acting  on  unauthorized  telephone

                           MINIMUM INVESTMENT AMOUNTS
                     [This section appears in a colored box]

The following minimum investment requirements apply to initial purchases:

TYPE OF ACCOUNT                              	MINIMUM

Regular accounts                             	$2,500

Individual Retirement Accounts               	$2,000

Accounts purchased through the following 	 	$2,500
fund networks:

- -        Charles Schwab Mutual Fund Marketplace
- -        Fidelity FundsNetwork
- -        Waterhouse Securities
- -        Jack White Mutual Fund Network

The minimum  subsequent  investment is $500.  Fund  officers have  discretion to
waive or reduce any of the minimum investment requirements.

You can get  prospectuses,  sales  literature and  applications  from the funds'
distributor at the address and telephone number listed on the back cover of this

The funds and their  distributor may reject all or part of any order to buy fund

                             HOW TO PURCHASE SHARES

Method of Purchase
By Check [Picture of a check appears here]
Purchase Procedures


- -    To open an account and make an initial  investment,  send a minimum  $2,500
     check and a completed account application to the address shown below.
- -    An account application is included with this prospectus.


- -    Send a check for no less than $500  with your  account  name and  number to
     permit  proper  crediting.  You can use the  deposit  slip  attached to the
     bottom of all account statements.
- -    If you are adding to an IRA account,  please provide the contribution year.
- -    Your  checks  should be drawn on a U.S.  bank or  savings  institution  and
     should be made payable to Kobren Insight Funds.
- -    If an order to purchase  shares is  cancelled  because  your check does not
     clear, you will be responsible for any resulting losses to the funds, their
     distributor or Investor Services Group.

By Wire [Picture of a bank appears here]


- -    To purchase shares by wire, call Investor  Services Group for  instructions
     at the number shown below.
- -    Be  prepared  to give the name in which the  account  will be  opened,  the
     address,  telephone  number  and  taxpayer  identification  number  for the
     account and the name of the bank that will wire the purchase payment.
- -    You will be assigned a new account number.  You should write this number on
     and  complete an account  application,  which must be sent  promptly to the
     address shown below.
- -    Your  purchase  order  will not  take  effect  until  both the wire and the
     purchase order are received by the funds.
- -    You will be able to redeem shares of a fund,  but not receive the proceeds,
     until the fund has received your completed account  application form. Also,
     if a signed  application  form is not received within 60 days, your account
     will be subject to backup tax withholding.


- -    When you purchase more shares by wire, provide your fund name, account name
     and account number to permit proper crediting.
- -    To receive  timely credit,  you must call and tell Investor  Services Group
     that your bank is sending a wire.

By Automated Clearing House Transfer (ACH)

- -    If you want to purchase shares for  non-retirement  accounts via electronic
     funds transfer, check this option in section 5 of your application.
- -    Call Investor Services Group before 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.

By Automatic Investment Plan [Picture of a calendar appears here]

- -    After your initial  investment  of $2,500 or more,  you can make  automatic
     monthly,  quarterly or annual  purchases (on the day you choose in advance)
     of $100 or more.
- -    To use this plan, complete section 6 of the application. You can change the
     purchase amount or terminate the plan at any time by notifying the funds in

Through Broker-Dealers and Fund Networks

- -    Contact your dealer to find out about its procedures for processing  orders
     to purchase  fund shares.  Purchase  orders  received by your dealer or its
     agent before 4:00 p.m.  eastern time on any business day receive that day's
     NAV.  Your  dealer  is  responsible  for  promptly   transmitting  properly
     completed orders to Investor Services Group.

- -    The  Kobren  Insight  funds  may also be  purchased  with a $2,500  minimum
     through the following fund networks:

Fidelity Investments               800-544-9697        No transaction fee.
Jack White & Company               800-323-3263        No transaction fee.
Waterhouse Securities              800-934-4443        No transaction fee.
Charles Schwab & Company           800-266-5623        Transaction fee applies.

                        [This section appears in a box]

Send mail to

Kobren Insight Funds
P.O. Box 5146
4400 Computer Drive
Westborough, MA 01581


Investor Services Group
toll-free at

                          HOW TO EXCHANGE/REDEEM SHARES

Method of Exchange
All  Exchanges  [Picture  of a dollar  sign with arrow  pointing  to upper right
appears here]
Exchange Procedures

- -    You may exchange  shares of any Kobren Insight fund for shares of the other
     funds  at the  NAV of each  fund  next  determined  after  receipt  of your
     exchange request.
- -    Exchanges must meet the applicable minimum initial investment  requirements
     for each fund.
- -    To  protect  other  shareholders  of the  funds,  the funds may  cancel the
     exchange  privileges  of any person that,  in the opinion of the funds,  is
     using market timing strategies or making more than four exchanges per owner
     or  controlling  person  per  calendar  year.  The funds may also close the
     accounts of shareholders whose exchange privilege has been cancelled.
- -    The funds'  trustees may change or terminate  the exchange  privilege on 60
     days' prior notice to shareholders.

By Mail [Picture of an envelope appears here]

- -    Send a written request to the address shown below.
- -    Your  request  must state the  number of shares or the dollar  amount to be
     exchanged,  both funds' names and the applicable  account  numbers for both
- -    The  request  must be signed  exactly as your name  appears on the  account

By Telephone [Picture of a telephone appears here]

- -    Call Investor Services Group at the toll-free number shown below.
- -    If you are unable to execute a telephone exchange (for example during times
     of unusual market activity),  you should consider requesting an exchange by

Method of Redemption
By Mail [Picture of an envelope appears here]
Redemption Procedures

- -    You may redeem shares of the funds by sending a written  redemption request
     to the Kobren Insight funds at the address shown below.
- -    Your  request  must  state the  number  of  shares  or dollar  amount to be
     redeemed and the applicable account number.
- -    The  request  must be signed  exactly as your name  appears on the  account
- -    If the  shares  to be  redeemed  have a value  of  $50,000  or  more,  your
     signature must be guaranteed by one of the eligible guarantor  institutions
     listed under "Signature Guarantees" on page 12.
- -    If you want redemption  proceeds deposited directly through an ACH transfer
     in the  bank  account  or  brokerage  account  designated  on your  account
     application,  you should specify this in your written  redemption  request.
     Call Investor Services Group for more information about ACH transfers.

By Telephone [Picture of a telephone appears here]

- -    To redeem by telephone,  call Investor  Services  Group at the number shown
- -    You can request that redemption  proceeds be deposited  directly through an
     ACH transfer in the bank account or brokerage  account  designated  on your
     account application.

Through Broker-Dealers and Fund Networks

- -    Contact your dealer to find out about its procedures for processing  orders
     to redeem fund shares.  Redemption  orders  received by your dealers or its
     agent before 4:00 p.m.  eastern time on any business day receive that day's
     NAV.  Your  dealer  is  responsible  for  promptly   transmitting  properly
     completed orders to Investor Services Group.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan [Picture of a calendar appears here]

- -    If shares in your account have a value of at least $5,000, you may elect to
     receive, or may designate another person to receive, monthly,  quarterly or
     annual payments in a specified amount. There is no charge for this service.

- -    Call Investor Services Group at the number shown below for more info.

                      [This section appears in a box]

Send mail to

Kobren Insight Funds
P.O. Box 5146
4400 Computer Drive
Westborough, MA 01581

Investor Services Group
toll-free at

                         INVESTMENT AND ACCOUNT POLICIES

You  may  redeem  shares  of the  funds  on any  business  day at the  NAV  next
calculated after the receipt of your redemption request in proper form.

                              REDEEMING FUND SHARES

Redemption  proceeds are usually  sent on the  business day after the  effective
date of a redemption.  However,  the payment of  redemption  proceeds for shares
purchased by check will be delayed until after the check has cleared,  which may
take  up  to 15  days.  Under  unusual  circumstances,  the  funds  may  suspend
redemptions, if allowed by the SEC, or postpone payment.

Redemption  proceeds are paid by wire or, at your  request,  ACH transfer to the
bank or brokerage account  designated on your account  application.  If you have
not  designated  an  account  or if it is  impossible  or  impractical  to  wire
redemption  proceeds,  they will be sent by mail to your record address. You may
change your designated  account by sending to the address on the previous page a
written  request  or  supplemental   telephone  redemption   authorization  form
(available from Investor  Services Group) that has been signature  guaranteed by
an eligible guarantor institution.

                              SIGNATURE GUARANTEES

The funds will accept  signature  guarantees  from the  following  institutions:
banks, broker-dealers,  credit unions, savings institutions, national securities
exchanges,   registered   securities   associations   and   clearing   agencies.
Shareholders  that are  corporations,  partnerships,  trusts,  estates  or other
organizations may be required to provide documents  evidencing that a request to
redeem shares or change a designated bank or brokerage account has been properly

                          CLOSING SUB-MINIMUM ACCOUNTS

The funds may close your account if, for reasons other than market  losses,  the
value of your shares  falls below  $1,000,  the  applicable  initial  investment
minimum or any other minimum set by the funds' trustees.  After the funds notify
you of their intention to close your account, you will have 60 days to bring the
account back to the minimum level.


                     [This section appears in a colored box]

Each fund declares and pays dividends according to the schedule on the right.

Redemptions  and  exchanges  of fund shares are taxable  events on which you may
recognize a gain or loss.  Dividends  and  distributions  are also  taxable,  as
described in the chart below,  whether they are received in additional shares or

Type of Distribution     Name of Fund        Declared       Federal Tax Status
                         and Paid

Dividends from net       Growth              annually       Taxable as ordinary
investment income        Fund                               income.

Dividends from net       Moderate Growth     annually       Taxable as ordinary
investment income        Fund                               income.

Dividends from net       Conservative        quarterly      Taxable as ordinary
investment income        Allocation Fund                    income.

Distributions of short   All Kobren          annually       Taxable as ordinary
term capital gain        Insight Funds                      income.

Distributions of long    All Kobren          annually       Taxable as capital
term capital gain        Insight Funds                      gain.

Dividends  are paid in  additional  shares of the same fund  unless you elect to
receive them in cash.

You should  generally  avoid  investing  in a fund  shortly  before an  expected
dividend  or  distribution.  Otherwise,  you  may  pay  taxes  on  dividends  or
distributions  that are  economically  equivalent  to a  partial  return of your

You should consult your tax adviser about particular  federal,  state, local and
other taxes that may apply to you.

Every January,  the funds will send you information  about the fund's  dividends
and distributions during the previous calendar year.

If you do not provide the funds with a correct  taxpayer  identification  number
and required  certifications,  you may be subject to federal backup  withholding

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                               Kobren Growth Fund

For a fund share outstanding throughout the year.


                                             For the year        For the Year        For the Period
                                             Ended               Ended               Ended
                                             12/31/98 (f)        12/31/97            12/31/96 (a)

Net asset value - beginning of period        $11.51              $10.24              $10.00

Net investment income/(loss)                 (0.02)              0.05                0.00 (d)
Short term capital gains                     0.05                0.22                ----
Net realized and unrealized gain on
     investments                             1.29                1.27                0.24
                                             ------              -----               ------
Net increase in net assets resulting
     from investment operations              1.32                1.54                0.24

Distributions from net investment
     income                                  ----                (0.05)              ----
Distributions from net realized
     short term capital gains                (0.03)              (0.22)              ----
Distributions from net realized
     long term capital gains                 (0.26)              0.00 (d)            ----
                                             ------              ------
Total distributions                          (0.29)              (0.27)              ----

Net asset value - end of period              $12.54              $11.51              $10.24
                                             ------              ------              ------

Total return (b)                             11.45%              15.03%              2.40%
                                             ------              ------              ------


Net assets, end of period (in 000's)         $64,507             $62,509             $251
Ratio of net investment income/(loss)
     to average net assets                   (0.19)%             0.60%               (0.97)% (c)(e)
Ratio of operating expenses to average
     net assets before fees waived and/or
     expenses reimbursed by investment
     adviser and other reductions            1.07%               1.28%               n/a (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to
     average net assets after
     reimbursements and reductions           0.91%               0.89%               1.00% (c)
Portfolio turnover rate                      62%                 43%                 n/a (e)

(a)  Kobren Growth Fund commenced operations on December 16, 1996.
(b)  Total return represents aggregate total return for the period indicated.
(c)  Annualized.
(d)  Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.
(e)  Since Kobren Growth Fund was in operation for a short period of time, these
     ratios are not meaningful.
(f)  Per share net  investment  income  has been  calculated  using the  monthly
     average share method.


                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                           Kobren Moderate Growth Fund

For a fund share outstanding throughout the year.


                                             For the year        For the Year        For the Period
                                             Ended               Ended               Ended
                                             12/31/98 12/31/97   12/31/96 (a)

Net asset value - beginning of period        $11.94              $10.06              $10.00

Net investment income                        0.16                0.19                0.00 (d)
Short term capital gains                     0.06                0.27                ----
Net realized and unrealized gain on
     investments                             0.20                1.88                0.06
                                             ------              ------              ----
Net increase in net assets resulting
     from investment operations              0.42                2.34                0.06
                                             ------              ------              ----

Distributions from net investment
     income                                  (0.16)              (0.19)              ----
Distributions from net realized
     short term capital gains                (0.06)              (0.27)              ----
Distributions from net realized
     long term capital gains                 (0.28)              (0.00) (d)          ----
Total distributions                          (0.50)              (0.46)              ----
                                             ------              ------

Net asset value - end of period             $11.86               $11.94              $10.06

Total return (b)                            3.44%                23.25%              0.60%


Net assets, end of period (in 000's)        $46,958              $43,381             $190
Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets                     1.15%                2.76%               8.95% (c) (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to average
     net assets before fees waived and/or
     expenses reimbursed by investment
     adviser and other reductions           1.13%                1.58%               n/a (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to
     average net assets after
     reimbursements and reductions           0.91%               0.92%               1.00% (c)
Portfolio turnover rate                      50%                 14%                 n/a (e)

(a)  Kobren Moderate Growth Fund commenced operations on December 24, 1996.
(b)  Total return represents aggregate total return for the period indicated.
(c)  Annualized.
(d)  Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.
(e)  Since Kobren  Moderate  Growth Fund was in operation  for a short period of
     time, these ratios are not meaningful.


                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                       Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund

For a fund share outstanding throughout the year.


                                             For the year        For the Year        For the Period
                                             Ended               Ended               Ended
                                             12/31/98            12/31/97            12/31/96 (a)

Net asset value - beginning of period        $11.39              $9.98               $10.00

Net investment income                        0.25                0.57                ---- (d)
Short term capital gains                     0.08                0.04                ----
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)
     on investments                          0.05 (f)            1.44                (0.02)
                                             ------              ------              ------
Net increase/(decrease) in net assets
     resulting from investment
     operations                              0.38                2.05                (0.02)

Distributions from net investment
     income                                  (0.25)              (0.57)              ----
Distributions from net realized
     short term capital gains                (0.08)              (0.04)              ----
Distributions from net realized
     long term capital gains                 (0.25)              (0.03)              ----
                                             ------              ------
Total distributions                          (0.58)              (0.64)              ----
                                             ------              ------

Net asset value - end of period              $11.19              $11.39              $9.98
                                             ------              ------              -----

Total return (b)                             3.36%               20.64%              (0.20)%
                                             ------              ------              -------


Net assets, end of period (in 000's)         $19,710             $17,475             $1650
Ratio of net investment income/(loss)
     to average net assets                   2.01%               3.99%               (1.00)% (c) (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to average
     net assets before fees waived and/or
     expenses reimbursed by investment
     adviser and other reductions            1.44%               2.82%               n/a (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to
     average net assets after
     reimbursements and reductions           1.00%               1.00%               1.00% (c)
Portfolio turnover rate                      68%                 13%                 n/a (e)

(a)  Kobren  Conservative  Allocation Fund commenced  operations on December 30,
(b)  Total return represents aggregate total return for the period indicated.
(c)  Annualized.
(d)  Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.
(e)  Since Kobren  Conservative  Allocation  Fund was in  operation  for a short
     period of time, these ratios are not meaningful.
(f)  The  amount  shown for a share  outstanding  does not  correspond  with the
     aggregate net loss on investments for the period ended due to the timing of
     sales and  repurchases  of fund shares in relation  to  fluctuating  market
     values of the investments of the fund.


Kobren Insight Management, Inc.
20 William Street, PO Box 9135
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481
Toll-free: 1-800-456-2736

Hale and Dorr LLP

First Data Investor
Services Group, Inc.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

First Data Investor
Services Group, Inc.
Toll-free: 1-800-895-9936

Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co.

                              FOR MORE INFORMATION

For investors who want more  information  about the Kobren  Insight  funds,  the
following documents are available free upon request:

Annual/Semiannual Reports

Additional  information about the funds'  investments is available in the funds'
annual  and  semiannual  reports  to  shareholders.   These  reports  contain  a
discussion of the market conditions and investment strategies that significantly
affected each fund's performance during its last fiscal year.

Statement of Additional Information (SAI)

The SAI provides more detailed  information  about the funds and is incorporated
into this prospectus by reference.

Contacting Principal Distributor

Investors can get free copies of reports and SAIs, request other information and
discuss  their  questions  about the funds by  contacting  the funds'  principal
distributor at:

                  Address:         Kobren Insight Brokerage, Inc.
                                   20 William Street, Suite 310
                                   P.O. Box 9150
                                   Wellesley Hills, MA  02481

                  Phone:           1-800-4KOBREN  (1-800-456-2736)

Contacting the SEC

Investors can review the funds' reports and SAIs at the Public Reference Room of
the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  Information  on the operation of the
Public   Reference   room  may  be  obtained  by  calling  the   Commission   at
1-800-SEC-0330. Investors can get text-only copies:

- -    For a fee,  by  writing  to or calling  the  Public  Reference  Room of the
     Commission, Washington, D.C. 20549-6009
     Telephone: 1-800-SEC-0330

- -    Free from the Commission's Internet website at

Investment Company Act File No. 811-07813


                                                KOBREN MODERATE GROWTH FUND

                                            STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

                                                         May , 1999

This statement of additional  information is not a prospectus,  but expands upon
and supplements  the information  contained in the prospectus of Kobren Moderate
Growth Fund, dated May , 1999. This statement of additional  information  should
be read in conjunction with the prospectus.

The Fund's  prospectus  is being  delivered  with this  statement of  additional
information.  Additional  copies of the prospectus may be obtained by writing to
the Fund at P.O. Box 5146,  Westborough,  Massachusetts  01581 or by telephoning
the Fund toll free at (800)-895-9936.

This statement of additional  information is accompanied by and  incorporates by
reference  the combined  statement of additional  information  dated May 3, 1999
(the  "combined  SAI") of Kobren  Moderate  Growth Fund and Kobren  Conservative
Allocation Fund (collectively, the "Funds").

                                                ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT
                                                  MODERATE GROWTH FUND AND
                                                CONSERVATIVE ALLOCATION FUND

The  following  table  shows  where  in the  funds'  combined  SAI you can  find
additional information about each Fund.


- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Type of Information                                  Headings in Combined SAI of Both Funds
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fund history                               X.       DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Description of each Fund and its           I.       INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES
investments, strategies, policies and      II.      INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Management of the Funds, including the     III.     MANAGEMENT OF THE TRUST AND THE FUNDS:
board of trustees, officers and trustee    Trustees and Officers
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Control persons, principal holders of      III.     MANAGEMENT OF THE TRUST AND THE FUNDS:
securities and management ownership        Trustees and Officers: Control Persons and Principal  Holders of Securities
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment advisory and other services:    III.     MANAGEMENT OF THE TRUST AND THE FUNDS:
investment adviser, distributor and        Investment Adviser
other service providers                    Distributor
             Administrator, Transfer Agent and Dividend Paying Agent
                                           IX.      CUSTODIAN, COUNSEL AND INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brokerage allocation and other practices   VI       PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares of beneficial interest              X.       DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purchase, redemption and pricing of        IV.      PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET VALUE
shares                                     V.       SPECIAL REDEMPTIONS
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taxation of the Funds                      VIII.    DIVIDENDS, DISTRIBUTIONS AND TAXES
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calculation of performance data            VII.     PERFORMANCE INFORMATION
                                           A.       Total Return
                                           B.       Non-Standardized Total Return
                                           C.       Other Information Concerning Fund Performance
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial statements                       XII.     FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                           This    section    incorporates    by
                                           reference  the Funds'  annual  report
                                           dated December 31, 1998.
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      PRO FORMA COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF
                                                  MODERATE GROWTH FUND AND
                                                CONSERVATIVE ALLOCATION FUND
                                                  AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1998

         The combined pro forma financial statements of the funds as of December
31, 1998 are attached to this SAI.
                                     Kobren Moderate Growth Fund - POST MERGER
                                          December 31, 1998

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           Large Cap Value - 22.57%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
         42,228            Fidelity Value Fund                                                    1,957,279
        159,968            Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund, Class Z                                   2,098,775
        102,569            Gabelli Westwood Equity Fund                                           1,030,815
        216,105            Longleaf Partners Fund                                                 5,270,795
        324,037            MAS Pooled Value Fund                                                  4,688,820
                           Large Cap Growth - 18.71%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         45,419            Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund, Class T            $       2,280,486
        437,678            Marsico Growth & Income Fund                                           6,276,305
        157,184            PIMCo Cadence Capital Appreciation Fund, Institutional Class           3,920,164
                           International - 14.13%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        560,151            Tweedy, Browne Global Value Fund                                       9,421,743

                           Small Cap Value - 10.22
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         44,857            Longleaf Partners Small Cap Fund                                         984,614
        242,748            Skyline Special Equities Fund                                          4,801,565
         31,717            Third Avenue Value Fund                                                1,024,152
                           Real Estate - 5.36%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        179,608            Longleaf Partners Realty Fund                                          2,613,292
         75,320            Morgan Stanley Institutional Real Estate Fund, Class A                   957,314
                           Bond - 2.07%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         53,508            PIMCo Total Return Institutional Fund                                    563,971
         73,593            Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund                                 819,825
                           Money Market Fund - 1.84%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      1,226,529            Dreyfus Cash Management Plus Fund                                      1,226,529

                           Total Mutual Funds (Cost $48,830,004)                          $      49,936,444


                           U.S. Treasury Notes - 17.33%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      1,250,000            5.625%  11/30/99                                                       1,261,621
      3,150,000            7.250%  08/15/04                                                       3,535,383
      2,500,000            7.500%  02/15/05                                                       2,857,617
      2,000,000            6.500%  08/15/05                                                       2,195,157
      1,500,000            7.000%  07/15/06                                                       1,704,960
                           U.S. Treasury Bonds - 7.46%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      1,500,000            6.000%  02/15/26                                                       1,637,754
      2,500,000            8.125%  08/15/19                                                       3,334,767
                           Total U.S. Treasury Obligations
                             (Cost $15,524,372)                                                  16,527,259

  (Cost $64,354,376*)                                                             99.69%         66,463,703

  (Net)                                                                            0.31%            204,264
                                                                           --------------   ----------------

NET ASSETS                                                                          100%  $      66,667,967
                                                                           ==============   ================

Statements of Assets and Liabilities
Kobren Insight Funds
December 31, 1998


                                                                    Kobren                 Kobren
                                                                   Moderate             Conservative                  POST
                                                                  Growth Fund          Allocation Fund               MERGER
Investments, at value
  See accompanying schedules                                 $        46,829,138   $          19,634,565     $          66,463,703
Cash                                                                          --                      --                        --
Dividends receivable                                                       6,775                   2,772                     9,547
Interest receivable                                                      238,867                 153,598                   392,465
Receivable for fund shares sold                                           33,806                   5,341                    39,147
Unamortized organization costs                                             6,208                   6,277                    12,485
Prepaid expenses and other net assets                                     13,910                      --                        --
                                                               ------------------    --------------------      --------------------
  Total assets                                                        47,128,704              19,802,553                66,931,257
                                                               ------------------    --------------------      --------------------

Payable to custodian                                                       3,492                   5,940                     9,432
Payable for fund shares redeemed                                          60,114                  24,212                    84,326
Distributions payable                                                     38,252                  31,175                    69,427
Investment advisory fee payable                                           20,511                   3,485                    23,996
Administration fee payable                                                 5,625                   5,625                    11,250
Transfer agent fees payable                                                7,333                   4,667                    12,000
Accrued Trustees' fees and expenses                                        2,500                   2,500                     5,000
Accrued expenses and other payables                                       32,896                  14,963                    47,859
                                                               ------------------    --------------------
                                                               ------------------    --------------------      --------------------
  Total liabilities                                                      170,723                  92,567                   263,290
                                                               ------------------    --------------------      --------------------
Net Assets                                                   $        46,957,981   $          19,709,986     $          66,667,967
                                                               ==================    ====================      ====================

Investments, at cost                                         $        45,219,048   $          19,135,328     $          64,354,376
                                                               ==================    ====================      ====================

NET ASSETS consist of:
Undistributed net investment income                          $                --   $                  --     $                  --
Accumulated net realized gain/(loss) on investments sold                 897,914               (560,666)                   337,248
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                             1,610,090                 499,237                 2,109,327
Par value (Shares of beneficial interest, $.001 per                        3,960                   1,762                     5,622
Paid-in capital in excess of par value                                44,446,017              19,769,653                64,215,770
                                                               ------------------    --------------------
                                                               ==================    ====================      ====================
NET ASSETS                                                   $        46,957,981   $          19,709,986     $          66,667,967
                                                               ==================    ====================      ====================

SHARES OUTSTANDING                                                     3,959,727               1,761,910                 5,621,770
                                                               ==================    ====================      ====================
Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share     $             11.86   $               11.19     $               11.86
                                                               ==================    ====================      ====================

See Notes to Financial Statements

Statements of Operations
Kobren Insight Funds
For the Year Ended December 31, 1998


                                                     Kobren             Kobren
                                                     Moderate         Conservative
                                                     Growth Fund     Allocation Fund        ADJUSTMENTS          PROFORMA
Dividends                                      $       472,979  $          323,338 $              0      $         796,317
Interest                                               598,393             342,871                0                941,264
                                                      --------------   -----------------
                                                     --------------   -----------------  ---------------       ----------------
  Total investment income                            1,071,372             666,209                0              1,737,581
                                                     --------------   -----------------  ---------------       ----------------
Investment advisory fee                               388,684             165,999                0                554,683
Administration fee                                     67,500              67,500         (67,500) a               67,500
Transfer agent fees                                    55,704              42,076         (30,076) b               67,704
Custodian fees                                          3,599               3,441                0                  7,040
Professional fees                                      31,264              10,828                0                 42,092
Trustees' fees and expenses                             9,874               5,059                0                 14,933
Registration and filing fees                           18,524              16,129         (10,129) c               24,524
Amortization of organization costs                      2,100               2,100          (2,100) d                2,100
Other                                                  10,173               4,624          (4,624) e               10,173
                                                     --------------   -----------------  ---------------       ----------------
  Total expenses                                      587,422             317,756        (114,429)                790,749
Expenses reimbursed
  by investment adviser                               (69,479)            (96,407)          114,715 f             (51,171)
Other reductions                                      (44,404)                  --                0               (44,404)
                                                     --------------   -----------------
                                                     --------------                      ---------------       ----------------
  Net expenses                                        473,539             221,349              286                695,174
                                                     --------------   -----------------  ---------------       ----------------
                                                     --------------   -----------------  ---------------       ----------------
NET INVESTMENT INCOME/(LOSS)                          597,833             444,860            (286)              1,042,407
                                                     --------------   -----------------  ---------------       ----------------

Net realized gain/(loss) from security transactions (1,938,559)         (1,178,310)                0            (3,116,869)
Short term capital gain distributions received         224,103             140,633                0                364,736
Long term capital gain distributions received        2,836,492             618,165                0              3,454,657
Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of   (371,379)             346,115                0               (25,264)
                                                     --------------   -----------------
                                                                                         ---------------       ----------------
Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments 750,657            (73,397)                0                677,260
                                                     --------------   -----------------  ---------------       ----------------

      FROM OPERATIONS                           $     1,348,490  $          371,463 $          (286)      $       1,719,667
                                                   ==============   =================  ===============       ================

a - Per fund fixed  annual fee has been  eliminated  post  merger.  b - Per fund
fixed annual fee portion has been  eliminated  post  merger.  c - Per fund fixed
annual  fee has been  eliminated  post  merger.  d -  Conservative  Allocation's
remaining  Organization  Costs will be completely  expensed prior to merger. e -
Per fund fixed annual fee portion has been eliminated post merger.
 f - Reimbursement recalculated based on total proforma expenses.

See Notes to Financial Statements

Notes to Proforma Financial Statements
For the Year Ended December 31, 1998

1.   Significant Accounting Policies

     Kobren  Insight Funds (the "Trust") was organized on September 13, 1996, as
a  Massachusetts  business trust.  The Trust is registered  under the Investment
Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the  "1940  Act"),  as a  no-load,  open-end
diversified  management  investment  company. As of December 31, 1998, the Trust
offers shares of four funds,  Kobren Growth Fund,  Kobren  Moderate Growth Fund,
Kobren Conservative  Allocation Fund and Kobren Delphi Value Fund (individually,
a  "fund"  and  collectively,  the  "funds").  Information  presented  in  these
financial  statements  pertains only to Kobren  Moderate  Growth Fund and Kobren
Conservative  Allocation  Fund.  These  funds seek to achieve  their  investment
objectives  by  investing  primarily  in  shares of other  investment  companies
("underlying  funds"),  but also may  invest  directly  in  securities  that are
suitable investments for that fund.

Pending SEC approval,  the Kobren  Conservative  Allocation  Fund and the Kobren
Moderate  Growth Fund will be combined  under a tax-free  merger.  Shares of the
Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund will be exchanged for shares into the Kobren
Moderate Growth Fund at the net asset value of the Moderate Growth Fund on merge

Use of Estimates -- The  preparation of financial  statements in accordance with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  and  disclosures  in the
financial  statements.  Actual  results could differ from those  estimates.  The
following is a summary of significant  accounting policies followed by the funds
in the preparation of their financial statements.

Portfolio Valuation -- The underlying funds are valued according to their stated
net asset value. Each fund's other investment  securities are valued at the last
sale price on the  securities  exchange or national  securities  market on which
such  securities  primarily are traded.  Securities not listed on an exchange or
national  securities  market, or securities in which there were no transactions,
are valued at the average of the most recent bid and asked prices.  Bid price is
used when no asked  price is  available.  Short-term  investments  are valued at
amortized cost, which approximates  market value. Any securities or other assets
for which recent market  quotations are not readily available are valued at fair
value as  determined  in good  faith by or under the  direction  of the board of

Dividends and  Distributions  -- It is the policy of Kobren Moderate Growth Fund
to  declare  and pay  dividends  from net  investment  income  annually.  Kobren
Conservative  Allocation  Fund has a policy of paying such dividends  quarterly.
Each fund will distribute net realized  capital gains  (including net short-term
capital  gains),  unless  offset by any  available  capital  loss  carryforward,
annually.  Additional  distributions of net investment  income and capital gains
for  each  fund  may  be  made  in  order  to  avoid  the  application  of  a 4%
non-deductible  excise tax on certain  undistributed  amounts of ordinary income
and capital  gain.  Income  distributions  and capital  gain  distributions  are
determined  in  accordance  with income tax  regulations,  which may differ from
generally accepted accounting principles. These differences are due primarily to
differing treatments of income and gain on various investment securities held by
a fund, timing differences and differing characterizations of distributions made
by a fund.

Securities  Transactions  and Investment  Income -- Securities  transactions are
recorded  on a  trade  date  basis.  Realized  gain  and  loss  from  securities
transactions are recorded on the specific identified cost basis. Dividend income
is  recognized on the  ex-dividend  date.  Interest  income is recognized on the
accrual basis.

Federal Income Tax -- Each fund has qualified and intends to continue to qualify
as a regulated  investment  company under  Subchapter M of the Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended,  applicable to regulated  investment  companies and by
distributing  substantially all of its earnings to its shareholders.  Therefore,
no Federal income or excise tax provision is applicable.

Expenses -- Expenses of the Trust which are directly  identifiable to a specific
fund are allocated to that fund. Other expenses of the Trust are allocated among
the funds based upon relative net assets of each fund.

2.   Investment Advisory Fee, Administration Fee and Other Transactions

     The Trust has entered into an investment  advisory agreement (the "Advisory
Agreement") with Kobren Insight Management, Inc. ("KIM"). The Advisory Agreement
provides that each fund pays KIM a fee, computed daily and paid monthly,  at the
annual  rate of 0.75% of each fund's  average  daily net  assets.  In  addition,
certain 12b-1 fee and sub-transfer  agent fee revenue will be used to defray the
costs associated with participation in certain no transaction fee programs.  KIM
has voluntarily agreed to limit each fund's other operating expenses to 0.25% of
each fund's average daily net assets until January 1, 2001.

     The Trust  also has also  entered  into an  administration  agreement  (the
"Administration  Agreement") with First Data Investor  Services Group, Inc. (the
"Administrator"),  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of First Data  Corporation.  The
Administrator  also serves as the Trust's  transfer  agent and  dividend  paying
agent.  Boston  Safe  Deposit  and  Trust  Company,  an  indirect   wholly-owned
subsidiary of Mellon Bank Corporation,  serves as the Trust's custodian.  Kobren
Insight  Brokerage,  Inc.,  an affiliate of KIM,  serves as  distributor  of the
funds' shares and pays all distribution  costs. No distribution fees are paid by
the funds.

     For the year ended  December  31,  1998,  expense  reimbursement  and other
reductions are as follows:


                                                   Expenses Reimbursed
                                                  By Investment Advisor         Other Reductions (1)
Kobren Moderate Growth Fund                              $ 69,479                       $ 44,404
Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund                        96,407                            --

(1) Payments  made by an underlying  fund or its  investment  advisor,  based on
shares held by a Kobren Insight Fund.

     No officer,  director or employee of KIM, Kobren Insight  Brokerage,  Inc.,
the Administrator,  or any affiliate thereof, receives any compensation from the
Trust for serving as a trustee or officer of the Trust.  Each Trustee who is not
an  "affiliated  person"  receives  an annual fee of $5,000 plus $1,000 for each
board meeting attended and $500 for each committee meeting  attended.  The Trust
also  reimburses  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred by each trustee in attending
such meetings.

3.   Purchases and Sales

     The  aggregate  amounts  of  purchases  and sales of  underlying  funds and
investment securities, other than U.S. government and short-term securities, for
the year ended December 31, 1998, were as follows:

                                                    Purchases             Sales

Kobren Moderate Growth Fund                    $ 32,105,786        $ 25,154,303
Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund              18,394,556          14,481,960

4.   Shares of Beneficial Interest

     As of  December  31,  1998,  an  unlimited  number of shares of  beneficial
interest,  having a par value of $0.001, were authorized for the Trust.  Changes
in shares of beneficial interest were as follows:


                                                         Year Ended                         Year Ended
                                                      December 31, 1998                  December 31, 1997
                                                 Shares             Amount          Shares             Amount
Kobren Moderate Growth Fund:
Shares Sold                                      1,885,448      $ 23,034,304        3,867,539       $ 43,059,814
Shares Issued as Reinvestment of Dividends         154,509         1,832,481          130,811          1,561,885
Shares Redeemed                                 (1,713,953)      (20,768,039)       (383,530)        (4,460,468)
                                                ----------       ------------       ---------        -----------

Net Increase                                       326,004       $ 4,098,746        3,614,820       $ 40,161,231
                                               ===========       ===========        =========       ============

Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund:
Shares Sold                                      1,260,211      $ 14,740,908        1,763,364       $ 19,397,323
Shares Issued as Reinvestment of Dividends          87,053           974,832           71,701            818,115
Shares Redeemed                                 (1,120,082)      (12,840,550)       (316,837)        (3,484,213)
                                                -----------      ------------       ---------        -----------

Net Increase                                       227,182     $   2,875,190        1,518,228       $ 16,731,225
                                               ===========     =============        =========       ============

At December 31, 1998, Kobren Insight  Management,  Inc. and its affiliates owned
485,712  and  369,573  shares  of  Kobren   Moderate   Growth  Fund  and  Kobren
Conservative Allocation Fund, respectively.

5.   Organization Expenses

     Expenses  incurred in  connection  with the  organization  of each fund are
being  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis over a period  not to exceed  sixty
months from the date upon which each fund commenced its operations.

6.   Risk Factors of the Funds

     Investing  in  underlying  funds  through a Kobren  Insight  Fund  involves
additional  and  duplicative  expenses and certain tax results that would not be
present if an investor were to make a direct investment in the underlying funds.
A fund, together with the other funds and any "affiliated persons" (as such term
is defined in the 1940 Act) may purchase only up to 3% of the total  outstanding
securities  of an underlying  fund.  Accordingly,  when the Trust,  KIM or their
affiliates  hold shares of any of the underlying  funds,  each fund's ability to
invest fully in shares of such underlying funds may be restricted,  and KIM must
then, in some instances, select alternative investments.

7.    Capital Loss Carryforward

     For the year ended  December 31, 1998, the Kobren  Conservative  Allocation
Fund had a capital loss carryforward of $487,627 expiring December 31, 2006.

                                                                May 3, 1999     

                              KOBREN INSIGHT FUNDS


This statement of additional  information is not a prospectus,  but expands upon
and supplements  the  information  contained in the prospectus of Kobren Insight
Funds (the  "Trust"),  dated     May 3, 1999.       The  statement of additional
information  should be read in  conjunction  with the  prospectus.  The  Trust's
prospectus  may  be  obtained  by  writing  to  the  Trust  at  P.O.  Box  5146,
Westborough,  Massachusetts  01581 or by  telephoning  the  Trust  toll  free at
800-895-9936.  Capitalized  terms not  otherwise  defined  herein  have the same
meaning as in the prospectus.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


     I.    INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES.................................2
    II.    INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS...........................................17
           A.     Trustees and Officers......................................19

           B.     Investment Adviser.........................................22

           C.     Distributor................................................23
D.Administrator, Transfer Agent and Dividend Paying Agent....................23
                  OF NET ASSET VALUE.........................................24
     V.    SPECIAL REDEMPTIONS...............................................25
    VI.    PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS............................................25
           A.     Total Return...............................................26
           B.     Non-Standardized Total Return..............................27
           C.     Other Information Concerning Fund Performance..............27
  VIII.    DIVIDENDS, DISTRIBUTIONS AND TAXES................................32
     X.    DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST..........................................37
    XI.    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION............................................38
   XII.    FINANCIAL STATEMENTS..............................................38
           APPENDIX - RATINGS OF DEBT INSTRUMENTS............................A-1


         Kobren Insight Funds (the "Trust") is a no-load  open-end,  diversified
investment  company,  registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act"). The Trust currently offers four separate series,  each
with different investment  objectives.  This Statement of Additional Information
pertains only to the Kobren Growth Fund,  Kobren Moderate Growth Fund and Kobren
Conservative Allocation Fund (each, a "fund" and collectively, the "funds"). The
funds seek to achieve  their  investment  objectives  by investing  primarily in
shares of other investment companies ("underlying funds" or "mutual funds").

         KOBREN GROWTH FUND,  which seeks  long-term  growth of capital  without
regard to current income and with a volatility level  approximating  that of the
S&P 500 Index;

         KOBREN  MODERATE GROWTH FUND,  which seeks long-term  growth of capital
without regard to current  income and with a volatility  level below that of the
S&P 500 Index; and

         KOBREN  CONSERVATIVE  ALLOCATION  FUND,  which seeks  enough  long-term
growth of capital to  maintain  purchasing  power in the face of  inflation  (as
measured by the Consumer Price Index) with a volatility  level below that of the
S&P 500 Index.

         Each fund will  concentrate  its  investments  in the  shares of mutual
funds.  Mutual funds pool the investments of many investors and use professional
management  to select and purchase  securities  of  different  issuers for their
portfolios.  Some mutual funds invest in particular  types of securities  (i.e.,
equity or debt), some concentrate in certain  industries,  and others may invest
in a variety of securities to achieve a particular type of return or tax result.
Some of the  underlying  funds are, like the funds,  "open-end"  funds and stand
ready to redeem their shares.  Any  investment  in a mutual fund involves  risk.
Even though the funds may invest in a number of mutual  funds,  this  investment
strategy cannot eliminate  investment risk.  Investing in mutual funds through a
fund involves  additional and duplicative  expenses and certain tax results that
would not be  present if an  investor  were to make a direct  investment  in the
underlying  funds.  See "Fees and Expenses" and  "Dividends,  Distributions  and
Taxes" in the prospectus.

         A fund, together with the other funds and any "affiliated  persons" (as
defined  in the 1940 Act) may  purchase  only up to 3% of the total  outstanding
securities of an underlying mutual fund. Accordingly, when affiliated persons of
Kobren Insight  Management,  Inc. ("KIM" or the "Adviser") hold shares of any of
the  underlying  funds,  each fund's  ability to invest  fully in shares of such
mutual funds is restricted, and the Adviser must then, in some instances, select
alternative  investments  for the  fund  that  would  not have  been  its  first
investment choice.

         The  1940  Act  also  provides  that a mutual  fund  whose  shares  are
purchased  by a fund is  obliged  to redeem  shares  held by the fund only in an
amount up to 1% of the underlying  mutual fund's  outstanding  securities during
any  period  of less  than 30 days.  Accordingly,  because  the  funds and their
affiliates may together acquire up to 3% of an underlying  fund's shares, a fund
that has decided to sell its entire  position in an underlying  fund may need up
to 90 days to completely implement this decision. In addition,  shares held by a
fund in excess of 1% of an underlying mutual fund's  outstanding  securities may
be considered not readily  marketable  securities.  Together with other illiquid
securities,  these  mutual funds may not exceed 15% of net assets of each Kobren
Insight fund. However, since the funds have reserved the right to pay redemption
requests in  portfolio  securities,  these  positions  may be treated as liquid.
These  limitations are not fundamental and may therefore be changed by the Board
of Trustees of the Trust without shareholder approval.

         Under certain  circumstances  an underlying  fund may determine to make
payment of a redemption by a fund (wholly or in part) by a distribution  in kind
of securities  from its portfolio,  instead of in cash. As a result,  a fund may
hold  securities  distributed  by an  underlying  fund  until  such  time as KIM
determines it appropriate to dispose of such  securities.  Such disposition will
impose additional costs on the fund.

Industry  Concentration.  An underlying  fund may  concentrate  its  investments
within one industry.  Since the investment  alternatives  within an industry are
limited, the value of the shares of such a fund may be subject to greater market
fluctuation  than an  investment  in a fund that  invests in a broader  range of

         Investment decisions by the investment advisers of the underlying funds
are made independently of the funds and the Adviser. At any particular time, one
underlying  fund may be  purchasing  shares of an issuer  whose shares are being
sold by another  underlying  fund.  As a result,  a fund would incur  indirectly
certain  transaction costs without  accomplishing any investment  purpose.  Each
fund limits its  investments in underlying  funds to mutual funds whose shares a
fund  may  purchase  without  the  imposition  of an  initial  sales  load.  The
underlying funds may incur distribution expenses in the form of Rule 12b-1 fees.
An investor  could  invest  directly in the  underlying  funds.  By investing in
mutual funds  indirectly  through the funds,  the investor bears not only his or
her proportionate share of the expenses of the funds (including  operating costs
and investment advisory and administrative fees) but also,  indirectly,  similar
expenses of the underlying  funds. An investor may indirectly bear expenses paid
by underlying funds related to the distribution of such mutual funds' shares. As
a result of the funds'  policies of investing in other mutual funds, an investor
may receive taxable capital gains  distributions  to a greater extent than would
be the case if he or she invested directly in the underlying funds.
See "Dividends, Distributions and Taxes" below.

         The  types of  securities  that may be  acquired  by the  funds and the
underlying funds and the various investment  techniques which either may employ,
including the risks associated with these investments, are described below.

Foreign  Securities.  A fund or an  underlying  fund may invest a portion of its
assets in securities of foreign issuers. These investments may be in the form of
American  Depositary  Receipts  ("ADRs")  or  similar  securities   representing
interests  in  an  underlying   foreign  security.   ADRs  are  not  necessarily
denominated in the same currency as the underlying foreign securities. If an ADR
is not  sponsored  by  the  issuer  of  the  underlying  foreign  security,  the
institution  issuing the ADR may have reduced  access to  information  about the

Investments in foreign securities involve special risks and considerations  that
are not present when a fund invests in domestic securities.  These risks include
less publicly-available financial and other information about foreign companies;
less  rigorous  securities  regulation;  the  potential  imposition  of currency
controls,  foreign withholding and other taxes; and war,  expropriation or other
adverse  governmental  actions.  Foreign  equity markets may be less liquid than
United  States  markets  and may be  subject  to  delays  in the  settlement  of
portfolio  transactions.  Brokerage  commissions and other  transaction costs in
foreign  markets  tend to be  higher  than in the  United  States.  The value of
foreign  securities  denominated  in a foreign  currency will vary in accordance
with  changes  in  currency  exchange  rates,  which  can be very  volatile.  In
addition,  the value of foreign  fixed  income  investments  will  fluctuate  in
response to changes in U.S. and foreign interest rates.

Exchange  Rates.  Since a fund or an  underlying  fund may  purchase  securities
denominated in foreign  currencies,  changes in foreign currency  exchange rates
will  affect the value of the assets  from the  perspective  of U.S.  investors.
Changes  in  foreign  currency  exchange  rates  may also  affect  the  value of
dividends  and  interest  earned,  gains  and  losses  realized  on the  sale of
securities and net investment income and gains, if any, to be distributed to the
investor  by a mutual  fund.  The rate of exchange  between the U.S.  dollar and
other  currencies  is  determined  by the forces of supply and demand in foreign
exchange  markets.  These  forces are affected by the  international  balance of
payments and other economic and financial conditions,  government  intervention,
speculation and other factors.  A fund or an underlying fund may seek to protect
itself against the adverse  effects of currency  exchange rate  fluctuations  by
entering into  currency-forward,  futures,  options or swaps contracts.  Hedging
transactions will not, however,  always be fully effective in protecting against
adverse exchange rate fluctuations.  Furthermore,  hedging  transactions involve
transaction  costs and the risk that the fund or the  underlying  fund will lose
money,  either because exchange rates move in an unexpected  direction,  because
another party to a hedging contract defaults, or for other reasons.

Exchange  Controls.  The value of foreign  investments and the investment income
derived  from them may also be affected  (either  favorably or  unfavorably)  by
exchange control  regulations.  It is expected that a fund or an underlying fund
will invest only in securities  denominated in foreign currencies that are fully
exchangeable  into  U.S.  dollars  without  legal  restriction  at the  time  of
investment.  However,  there is no assurance that currency  controls will not be
imposed after the time of investment.

Limitations   of   Foreign   Markets.    There   is   often   less   information
publicly-available  about a foreign  issuer  than about a U.S.  issuer.  Foreign
issuers  are not  generally  subject  to  accounting,  auditing,  and  financial
reporting standards and practices  comparable to those in the United States. The
securities  of some foreign  issuers are less liquid and at times more  volatile
than  securities of comparable  U.S.  issuers.  Foreign  brokerage  commissions,
custodial expenses, and other fees are also generally higher than for securities
traded in the United States. Foreign settlement procedures and trade regulations
may involve certain risks (such as delay in payment or delivery of securities or
in the recovery of a fund's  assets held abroad) and expenses not present in the
settlement  of domestic  investments.  A delay in  settlement  could  hinder the
ability of a fund or an  underlying  fund to take  advantage of changing  market
conditions, with a possible adverse effect on net asset value. There may also be
difficulties in enforcing legal rights outside the United States.

Foreign  Laws,  Regulations  and  Economies.  There  may  be  a  possibility  of
nationalization  or  expropriation  of assets,  imposition of currency  exchange
controls,   confiscatory  taxation,  political  or  financial  instability,  and
diplomatic developments that could affect the value of a fund's or an underlying
fund's  investments in certain foreign  countries.  Legal remedies  available to
investors in certain foreign  countries may be more limited than those available
with respect to investments in the United States or in other foreign  countries.
The laws of some  foreign  countries  may limit a fund or an  underlying  fund's
ability to invest in securities of certain issuers  located in those  countries.
Moreover,  individual foreign economies may differ favorably or unfavorably from
the U.S. economy in such respects as growth or gross national product, inflation
rate, capital  reinvestment,  resource  self-sufficiency  and balance of payment

Foreign Tax Considerations.  Income (possibly including,  in some cases, capital
gains)  received by a fund or an  underlying  fund from sources  within  foreign
countries  may be  reduced  by  withholding  and  other  taxes  imposed  by such
countries.  Tax conventions  between certain countries and the United States may
reduce or eliminate such taxes in some cases. Any such taxes paid by a fund will
reduce  the net  income of the fund  available  for  distribution.  Special  tax
considerations apply to foreign securities.

Emerging Markets.  Risks may be intensified in the case of investments by a fund
or an  underlying  fund  in  emerging  markets  or  countries  with  limited  or
developing  capital  markets.   Security  prices  in  emerging  markets  can  be
significantly  more  volatile than in more  developed  nations,  reflecting  the
greater uncertainties of investing in less established markets and economies. In
particular,  countries  with  emerging  markets  may  have  relatively  unstable
governments, present the risk of nationalization of businesses,  restrictions on
foreign ownership,  or prohibitions on repatriation of assets, and may have less
protection of property  rights than more developed  countries.  The economies of
countries  with  emerging  markets  may be  predominantly  based  on  only a few
industries,  may be  highly  vulnerable  to  changes  in local or  global  trade
conditions,  and may suffer from extreme and volatile  debt or inflation  rates.
Local  securities  markets  may trade a small  number of  securities  and may be
unable to respond effectively to increases in trading volume, potentially making
prompt  liquidation  of substantial  holdings  difficult or impossible at times.
Securities  of issuers  located in emerging  market  countries  may have limited
marketability and may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements. Debt
obligations  of developing  countries may involve a high degree of risk, and may
be in default or present the risk of default.  Governmental entities responsible
for repayment of the debt may be unwilling to repay  principal and interest when
due,  and  may  require  renegotiation  or  rescheduling  of debt  payments.  In
addition,  prospects  for  repayment  of  principal  and  interest may depend on
political as well as economic factors.

Foreign  Currency  Transactions.  A fund or an  underlying  fund may enter  into
forward  contracts  to  purchase  or sell an  agreed-upon  amount of a  specific
currency at a future date that may be any fixed  number of days from the date of
the  contract  agreed  upon by the  parties  at a price  set at the  time of the
contract. Under such an arrangement,  a fund could, at the time it enters into a
contract  to acquire a foreign  security  for a  specified  amount of  currency,
purchase with U.S.  dollars the required amount of foreign currency for delivery
at the  settlement  date of the  purchase;  the fund could  enter  into  similar
forward currency transactions in connection with the sale of foreign securities.
The  effect of such  transactions  would be to fix a U.S.  dollar  price for the
security to protect  against a possible loss resulting from an adverse change in
the  relationship  between the U.S. dollar and the particular  foreign  currency
during the period  between the date the  security is  purchased  or sold and the
date on  which  payment  is made  or  received  (usually  3 to 14  days).  These
contracts are traded in the interbank  market between  currency traders (usually
large commercial banks and other financial  institutions) and their customers. A
forward  contract  usually has no deposit  requirement  and no  commissions  are
charged for trades.  While forward  contracts  tend to minimize the risk of loss
due to a decline in the value of the currency involved,  they also tend to limit
any  potential  gain that  might  result if the value of such  currency  were to
increase during the contract period.

Portfolio  Securities Loans. A fund or an underlying fund may lend its portfolio
securities  as long  as:  (1) the loan is  continuously  secured  by  collateral
consisting of U.S. government securities or cash or cash equivalents  maintained
on a daily  mark-to-market  basis in an  amount  at least  equal to the  current
market value of the securities  loaned;  (2) the fund or the underlying fund may
at any time call the loan and obtain the securities  loaned; (3) the fund or the
underlying  fund will  receive  any  interest  or  dividends  paid on the loaned
securities; and (4) the aggregate market value of the securities loaned will not
at any time exceed  one-third of the total assets of the fund or the  underlying
fund. The funds may pay reasonable fees in connection with securities loans. KIM
will evaluate the credit-worthiness of prospective  institutional  borrowers and
monitor  the  adequacy  of the  collateral  to  reduce  the risk of  default  by
borrowers from the Kobren Insight funds.  Lending portfolio  securities involves
risk of delay in the recovery of the loaned  securities  and in some cases,  the
loss of rights in the collateral if the borrower fails.

Short Sales. A fund or an underlying fund may sell securities  short. In a short
sale the fund sells  stock it does not own and makes  delivery  with  securities
"borrowed"  from a broker.  The fund  then  becomes  obligated  to  replace  the
security  borrowed  by  purchasing  it  at  the  market-price  at  the  time  of
replacement. This price may be more or less than the price at which the security
was sold by the fund.  Until the security is replaced,  the fund is obligated to
pay to the lender any  dividends or interest  accruing  during the period of the
loan. In order to borrow the security, the fund may be required to pay a premium
that would  increase  the cost of the security  sold.  The proceeds of the short
sale will be  retained  by the broker,  to the extent  necessary  to meet margin
requirements, until the short position is closed out.

         When it engages in short sales, a fund or an underlying  fund must also
deposit in a segregated  account an amount of cash or liquid securities equal to
the difference between (1) the market value of the securities sold short and (2)
the value of the  collateral  deposited  with the broker in connection  with the
short sale (not  including  the proceeds  from the short sale).  While the short
position is open, the fund must maintain daily the segregated  account at such a
level that the amount  deposited in the account plus the amount  deposited  with
the broker as collateral  equals the current market value of the securities sold

         A fund will  incur a loss as a result  of a short  sale if the price of
the security  increases between the date of the short sale and the date on which
the fund  replaces  the borrowed  security.  The fund will realize a gain if the
security  declines in price  between such dates.  The amount of any gain will be
decreased  and the amount of any loss  increased  by the amount of any  premium,
dividends or interest the fund may be required to pay in connection with a short

Short Sales "Against the Box". A short sale is "against the box" if at all times
when the short  position  is open the fund or an  underlying  fund owns an equal
amount of the securities or securities convertible into, or exchangeable without
further  consideration for,  securities of the same issue as the securities sold
short.  The extent to which such a  transaction  may be used to defer a gain for
federal  income  tax  purposes  was  significantly   curtailed  by  federal  tax
legislation enacted in 1997.


Futures, Options, Swaps and Currency Contracts and Their Risks. Any transactions
in  derivative  contracts  involve  a  risk  of  loss  or  depreciation  due  to
unanticipated  adverse changes in securities prices,  interest rates or currency
exchange  rates. A fund incurs  liability to a counterparty  in connection  with
transactions in futures  contracts,  swaps and forward contracts and the selling
of options,  caps, floors and collars. As a result, the loss on these derivative
contracts  may  exceed a fund's  initial  investment.  A fund may also  lose the
entire premium paid for purchased options,  caps, floors and collars that expire
before they can be  profitably  exercised by the fund.  In  addition,  the funds
incur   transaction  costs  in  opening  and  closing  positions  in  derivative

         Derivative  contracts  may  sometimes  increase  or  leverage  a fund's
exposure to a particular market risk. Leverage magnifies the price volatility of
derivative  contracts held by a fund. A fund may cover, or partially offset, the
leverage  inherent in derivative  contracts by maintaining a segregated  account
consisting  of cash and  liquid  securities,  by  holding  offsetting  portfolio
securities or contracts or by covering written options.

         A fund's  success  in using  derivative  contracts  to hedge  portfolio
assets  depends  on the  degree  of price  correlation  between  the  derivative
contract and the hedged asset.  Imperfect  correlation  may be caused by several
factors, including temporary price disparities among the trading markets for the
derivative  contract,  the assets  underlying the derivative  contract,  and the
fund's portfolio assets.

         During  periods of extreme  market  volatility,  a commodity or options
exchange may suspend or limit trading in an exchange-traded derivative contract,
which may make the contract  temporarily  illiquid and difficult to price.  Some
over-the-counter  options may be illiquid,  while others may be determined to be
liquid in accordance  with  procedures  established by the Trustees.  The funds'
ability to terminate  over-the-counter options, swaps, caps, floors, collars and
forward  contracts may depend on the cooperation of the  counterparties  to such
contracts.  For thinly  traded  derivative  contracts,  the only source of price
quotations may be the selling dealer or counterparty.

Options on  Securities,  Securities  Indices and Currency.  A fund or underlying
fund in its  portfolio may purchase and write (sell) call and put options on any
securities in which it may invest,  any securities  index based on securities in
which  it  may  invest  or  any  currency  in  which  fund  investments  may  be
denominated. These options may be listed on U.S. or foreign securities exchanges
or traded in the over-the-counter  market. A fund may write covered put and call
options  and  purchase  put and call  options  to  enhance  total  return,  as a
substitute  for the purchase or sale of  securities  or currency,  or to protect
against declines in the value of portfolio  securities and against  increases in
the cost of securities to be acquired.

Writing Covered  Options.  A call option on securities or currency  written by a
fund obligates the fund to sell  specified  securities or currency to the holder
of the option at a specified price if the option is exercised at any time before
the  expiration  date. A put option on securities or currency  written by a fund
obligates the fund to purchase specified  securities or currency from the option
holder at a specified  price if the option is  exercised  at any time before the
expiration  date.  Options  on  securities  indices  are  similar  to options on
securities,  except that the exercise of securities  index options requires cash
settlement  payments  and  does  not  involve  the  actual  purchase  or sale of
securities. In addition,  securities index options are designed to reflect price
fluctuations in a group of securities or segment of the securities market rather
than price  fluctuations in a single security.  Writing covered call options may
deprive a fund of the opportunity to profit from an increase in the market price
of the securities or foreign  currency assets in its portfolio.  Writing covered
put options may deprive a fund of the  opportunity  to profit from a decrease in
the market price of the securities or foreign currency assets to be acquired for
its portfolio.

         All call and put options  written by each fund are  covered.  A written
call  option or put  option may be  covered  by (i)  maintaining  cash or liquid
securities,  either of which may be quoted or denominated in any currency,  in a
segregated  account with a value at least equal to the fund's  obligation  under
the option,  (ii) entering into an offsetting  forward  commitment  and/or (iii)
purchasing  an  offsetting  option or any other option  which,  by virtue of its
exercise  price or  otherwise,  reduces  the fund's net  exposure on its written
option  position.  A written call option on securities  is typically  covered by
maintaining  the  securities  that are  subject  to the  option in a  segregated
account.  A fund  may  cover  call  options  on a  securities  index  by  owning
securities  whose  price  changes  are  expected  to be  similar to those of the
underlying index.

         A fund may terminate its  obligations  under an exchange traded call or
put  option  by  purchasing  an  option  identical  to the  one it has  written.
Obligations under an over-the-counter  option may be terminated only by entering
into an  offsetting  transaction  with the  counterparty  to the  option.  These
purchases are referred to as "closing purchase transactions."

Purchasing  Options. A fund would normally purchase call options in anticipation
of an  increase,  or put  options in  anticipation  of a  decrease  ("protective
puts"),  in the market value of securities or currencies of the type in which it
may invest. A fund may also sell call and put options to close out its purchased

         The purchase of a call option would  entitle a fund,  in return for the
premium paid, to purchase specified  securities or currency at a specified price
during the option period. A fund would ordinarily realize a gain on the purchase
of a call option if, during the option period,  the value of such  securities or
currency  exceeded  the  sum  of  the  exercise  price,  the  premium  paid  and
transaction costs;  otherwise the fund would realize either no gain or a loss on
the purchase of the call option.

         The purchase of a put option would  entitle a fund, in exchange for the
premium paid,  to sell  specified  securities  or currency at a specified  price
during the option period.  The purchase of protective puts is designed to offset
or hedge against a decline in the market value of a fund's portfolio  securities
or the  currencies  in  which  they are  denominated.  Put  options  may also be
purchased by a fund for the purpose of  affirmatively  benefiting from a decline
in the price of  securities  or  currencies  which it does not own. A fund would
ordinarily  realize  a gain if,  during  the  option  period,  the  value of the
underlying   securities  or  currency   decreased   below  the  exercise   price
sufficiently  to cover the premium and  transaction  costs;  otherwise  the fund
would realize either no gain or a loss on the purchase of the put option.  Gains
and  losses on the  purchase  of put  options  may be  offset by  countervailing
changes in the value of a fund's portfolio securities.

         A  fund's   options   transactions   will  be  subject  to  limitations
established  by  each  of the  exchanges,  boards  of  trade  or  other  trading
facilities  on which  these  options are traded.  These  limitations  govern the
maximum  number of options in each class which may be written or  purchased by a
single investor or group of investors  acting in concert,  regardless of whether
the options are written or purchased on the same or different exchanges,  boards
of trade or  other  trading  facilities  or are held or  written  in one or more
accounts or through one or more  brokers.  Thus,  the number of options  which a
fund may write or purchase  may be affected by options  written or  purchased by
other investment advisory clients of the fund's adviser.  An exchange,  board of
trade or other trading  facility may order the liquidation of positions found to
be in excess of these limits, and it may impose certain other sanctions.

Risks Associated with Options Transactions.  There is no assurance that a liquid
secondary  market on a domestic or foreign  options  exchange will exist for any
particular exchange-traded option or at any particular time. If a fund is unable
to effect a closing purchase  transaction with respect to covered options it has
written,  the  fund  will  not be able  to sell  the  underlying  securities  or
currencies  or dispose of assets held in a segregated  account until the options
expire or are exercised. Similarly, if a fund is unable to effect a closing sale
transaction with respect to options it has purchased,  it would have to exercise
the options in order to realize any profit and will incur transaction costs upon
the purchase or sale of underlying securities or currencies.

         Reasons  for the  absence of a liquid  secondary  market on an exchange
include the following: (i) there may be insufficient trading interest in certain
options; (ii) restrictions may be imposed by an exchange on opening transactions
or closing  transactions  or both;  (iii) trading  halts,  suspensions  or other
restrictions  may be imposed  with  respect to  particular  classes or series of
options;   (iv)  unusual  or  unforeseen   circumstances  may  interrupt  normal
operations  on an  exchange;  (v) the  facilities  of an exchange or the Options
Clearing  Corporation may not at all times be adequate to handle current trading
volume;  or (vi) one or more  exchanges  could,  for economic or other  reasons,
decide or be compelled at some future date to discontinue the trading of options
(or a  particular  class or series of  options),  in which  event the  secondary
market on that  exchange (or in that class or series of options)  would cease to
exist although  outstanding options on that exchange that had been issued by the
Options  Clearing  Corporation  as a result  of trades  on that  exchange  would
continue to be exercisable in accordance with their terms.

         A fund's ability to terminate  over-the-counter options is more limited
than with  exchange-traded  options and may involve the risk that broker-dealers
participating  in these  transactions  will not fulfill their  obligations.  The
Adviser will determine the liquidity of each fund's over-the-counter  options in
accordance with guidelines adopted by the Trustees.

         The writing and  purchase of options is a highly  specialized  activity
which involves  investment  techniques and risks different from those associated
with ordinary portfolio securities  transactions.  The successful use of options
depends in part on the  ability of a fund's  adviser  to  predict  future  price
fluctuations and, for hedging  transactions,  the degree of correlation  between
the options and securities or currency markets.

Futures  Contracts and Options on Futures  Contracts.  To seek to increase total
return or hedge against changes in interest rates, securities prices or currency
exchange rates, a fund or underlying fund in its portfolio may purchase and sell
various kinds of futures contracts,  and purchase and write call and put options
on these futures contracts. A fund may also enter into closing purchase and sale
transactions  with respect to any of these  contracts  and options.  The futures
contracts  may  be  based  on  various  securities  (such  as  U.S.   government
securities),  securities  indices,  foreign  currencies and any other  financial
instruments and indices. All futures contracts entered into by a fund are traded
on U.S. or foreign exchanges or boards of trade that are licensed,  regulated or
approved by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC").

Futures Contracts. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy
and sell  particular  financial  instruments  or currencies  for an agreed price
during a designated month (or to deliver the final cash settlement price, in the
case of a contract  relating to an index or  otherwise  not calling for physical
delivery at the end of trading in the contract).

         Positions  taken  in the  futures  markets  are  not  normally  held to
maturity but are instead liquidated  through  offsetting  transactions which may
result in a profit or a loss. While futures  contracts on securities or currency
will usually be  liquidated  in this manner,  a fund may instead  make, or take,
delivery  of  the  underlying   securities  or  currency   whenever  it  appears
economically  advantageous to do so. A clearing corporation  associated with the
exchange on which futures  contracts are traded  guarantees that, if still open,
the sale or purchase will be performed on the settlement date.

Hedging and Other  Strategies.  Hedging is an attempt to establish the effective
price or rate of  return  on  portfolio  securities  or  securities  that a fund
proposes  to acquire  or the  exchange  rate of  currencies  in which  portfolio
securities  are  quoted  or  denominated.  When  interest  rates  are  rising or
securities prices are falling,  a fund can seek to offset a decline in the value
of its current portfolio securities through the sale of futures contracts.  When
interest rates are falling or securities prices are rising, a fund,  through the
purchase of futures contracts, can attempt to secure better rates or prices than
might later be available in the market when it effects anticipated  purchases. A
fund may seek to offset anticipated  changes in the value of a currency in which
its portfolio securities,  or securities that it intends to purchase, are quoted
or denominated by purchasing and selling futures contracts on these currencies.

         A fund may, for example,  take a "short" position in the futures market
by selling futures  contracts in an attempt to hedge against an anticipated rise
in interest  rates or a decline in market prices or foreign  currency rates that
would  adversely  affect the dollar  value of the fund's  portfolio  securities.
These  futures  contracts  may  include  contracts  for the future  delivery  of
securities held by a fund or securities with characteristics similar to those of
the fund's portfolio securities. Similarly, a fund may sell futures contracts on
any currencies in which its portfolio securities are quoted or denominated or in
one  currency  to  hedge  against   fluctuations  in  the  value  of  securities
denominated  in a  different  currency  if  there is an  established  historical
pattern of correlation between the two currencies.

         If, in the  opinion of the  Adviser,  there is a  sufficient  degree of
correlation  between price trends for a fund's portfolio  securities and futures
contracts  based on other  financial  instruments,  securities  indices or other
indices,  the fund may also enter into these  futures  contracts  as part of its
hedging strategy.  Although under some  circumstances  prices of securities in a
fund's  portfolio  may be more or less  volatile  than  prices of these  futures
contracts,  the Adviser will  attempt to estimate the extent of this  volatility
difference  based on historical  patterns and compensate for any differential by
having the fund enter into a greater or lesser number of futures contracts or by
attempting to achieve only a partial  hedge against price changes  affecting the
fund's portfolio securities.

         When a short hedging  position is successful,  any  depreciation in the
value of portfolio  securities will be  substantially  offset by appreciation in
the  value  of the  futures  position.  On the  other  hand,  any  unanticipated
appreciation  in  the  value  of  a  fund's   portfolio   securities   would  be
substantially offset by a decline in the value of the futures position.

         On other  occasions,  a fund may take a "long"  position by  purchasing
futures contracts.  This would be done, for example, when a fund anticipates the
subsequent purchase of particular securities when it has the necessary cash, but
expects the prices or currency  exchange  rates then available in the applicable
market to be less favorable than prices that are currently available. A fund may
also purchase  futures  contracts as a substitute for transactions in securities
or foreign  currency,  to alter the  investment  characteristics  of or currency
exposure  associated  with  portfolio  securities  or to  gain or  increase  its
exposure to a particular securities market or currency.

Options on Futures  Contracts.  A fund may purchase and write options on futures
for the same purposes as its transactions in futures contracts.  The purchase of
put and call  options on futures  contracts  will give a fund the right (but not
the obligation) for a specified price to sell or to purchase,  respectively, the
underlying  futures  contract  at any time  during  the  option  period.  As the
purchaser of an option on a futures contract,  a fund obtains the benefit of the
futures position if prices move in a favorable  direction but limits its risk of
loss in the event of an  unfavorable  price  movement to the loss of the premium
and transaction costs.

         The writing of a call option on a futures contract  generates a premium
which may partially offset a decline in the value of a fund's assets. By writing
a call option,  a fund  becomes  obligated,  in exchange  for the premium  (upon
exercise of the option) to sell a futures  contract if the option is  exercised,
which may have a value higher than the exercise price.  Conversely,  the writing
of a put option on a futures  contract  generates a premium  which may partially
offset an increase in the price of  securities  that a fund intends to purchase.
However,  a fund becomes  obligated  (upon exercise of the option) to purchase a
futures  contract if the option is exercised,  which may have a value lower than
the exercise price. The loss incurred by a fund in writing options on futures is
potentially unlimited and may exceed the amount of the premium received.

         The holder or writer of an option on a futures  contract may  terminate
its position by selling or purchasing  an offsetting  option of the same series.
There is no guarantee that these closing  transactions can be effected. A fund's
ability to establish and close out positions on these options will be subject to
the development and maintenance of a liquid market.

Other  Considerations.  A fund  will  engage  in  futures  and  related  options
transactions  either for bona fide hedging purposes or to seek to increase total
return as permitted by the CFTC.  To the extent that a fund is using futures and
related options for hedging purposes,  futures contracts will be sold to protect
against a decline in the price of securities  (or the currency in which they are
quoted or denominated) that the fund owns or futures contracts will be purchased
to protect  the fund  against an  increase  in the price of  securities  (or the
currency in which they are quoted or denominated) it intends to purchase. A fund
will determine that the price  fluctuations in the futures contracts and options
on  futures  used  for  hedging  purposes  are  substantially  related  to price
fluctuations in securities  held by the fund or securities or instruments  which
it expects to purchase.  As evidence of a fund's hedging intent,  on 75% or more
of the occasions on which it takes a long futures or option position  (involving
the purchase of futures contracts),  the fund must have purchased, or will be in
the process of purchasing,  equivalent  amounts of related securities (or assets
denominated  in the  related  currency)  in the cash market at the time when the
futures or option position is closed out. However,  in particular cases, when it
is economically advantageous for a fund to do so, a long futures position may be
terminated  or an option  may  expire  without  the  corresponding  purchase  of
securities or other assets.

         To the extent that a fund engages in nonhedging transactions in futures
contracts  and options on futures,  the  aggregate  initial  margin and premiums
required to establish  these  nonhedging  positions may not exceed 5% of the net
asset  value of the fund's  portfolio,  after  taking  into  account  unrealized
profits and losses on any such positions and excluding the amount by which these
options were in-the-money at the time of purchase.

         Transactions  in futures  contracts  and  options  on  futures  involve
brokerage  costs,  require  margin  deposits  and, in the case of contracts  and
options obligating a fund to purchase securities or currencies, require the fund
to establish a segregated  account consisting of cash or liquid securities in an
amount equal to the underlying value of these contracts and options.

         While  transactions  in futures  contracts  and  options on futures may
reduce certain risks, these transactions  themselves entail certain other risks.
For  example,  unanticipated  changes in interest  rates,  securities  prices or
currency  exchange rates may result in a poorer overall  performance  for a fund
than if it had not entered into any futures contracts or options transactions.

         Perfect  correlation  between a fund's futures  positions and portfolio
positions  will  be  impossible  to  achieve.  In  the  event  of  an  imperfect
correlation  between a futures position and the portfolio position to be hedged,
the desired  protection may not be obtained and a fund may be exposed to risk of
loss. In addition, it is not possible to hedge fully or protect against currency
fluctuations affecting the value of securities denominated in foreign currencies
because  the value of these  securities  is likely to  fluctuate  as a result of
independent factors not related to currency fluctuations.

         Some futures  contracts or options on futures may become illiquid under
adverse market conditions.  In addition,  during periods of market volatility, a
commodity exchange may suspend or limit trading in a futures contract or related
option,  which may make the  instrument  temporarily  illiquid and  difficult to
price.  Commodity  exchanges may also establish  daily limits on the amount that
the price of a futures  contract  or related  option can vary from the  previous
day's settlement price.  Once the daily limit is reached,  no trades may be made
that day at a price  beyond the limit.  This may prevent a fund from closing out
positions and limiting its losses.

Restricted  and Illiquid  Securities.  Each fund may invest up to 15% of its net
assets  in  illiquid  securities,   including  certain  restricted  and  private
placement  securities.  It may be  difficult  to dispose of illiquid  securities
quickly  or  at a  price  that  fully  reflects  their  fair  value.  Restricted
securities  that are  eligible  for  resale in  reliance  on Rule 144A under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the "1933  Act"),  and  commercial  paper
offered  under  Section  4(2) of the 1993 Act are not  subject to the funds' 15%
limit on illiquid investments, if they are determined to be liquid.

         An  underlying  fund whose shares are held by a Kobren  Insight fund is
obligated to redeem  these  shares only in an amount up to 1% of the  underlying
fund's  outstanding   securities  during  any  period  of  less  than  30  days.
Accordingly,  because the funds and their  affiliates may together acquire up to
3% of an underlying  fund's  shares,  a fund that has decided to sell its entire
position in an underlying  fund may need up to 90 days to  completely  implement
this  decision.  In  addition,  a fund's  holdings  of  underlying  fund  shares
representing more than 1% of the underlying fund's outstanding securities may be
subject to the 15% limitation on illiquid  investments.  However, the funds have
reserved  the right to pay  redemption  requests  in  portfolio  securities  and
therefore, these positions may be treated as liquid.

         An  underlying  fund may elect to pay the proceeds of a redemption by a
Kobren  Insight fund  through a  distribution  in kind of portfolio  securities,
instead of cash. If a fund receives securities that are not considered by KIM to
be desirable  investments,  the fund will incur additional  transaction costs in
disposing of the securities.

Borrowing,  Reverse Repurchase  Agreements and Leverage. An underlying fund in a
fund's  portfolio  may borrow  money from  banks or through  reverse  repurchase
agreements for emergency  and/or leverage  purposes.  Using the cash proceeds of
reverse repurchase agreements to finance the purchase of additional  investments
is a form of leverage.  Leverage magnifies the sensitivity of a fund's net asset
value to  changes  in the  market  prices of the  fund's  portfolio  securities.
However,  each Kobren Insight fund will borrow solely for temporary or emergency
(and not for leverage)  purposes.  The aggregate  amount of such  borrowings and
reverse  repurchase  agreements  may not exceed  one-third  of any fund's  total

         Under the 1940 Act, a fund is  required to  maintain  continuous  asset
coverage of 300% with respect to such borrowings and to sell (within three days)
sufficient  portfolio  holdings in order to restore  such  coverage if it should
decline to less than 300% due to market fluctuation or otherwise. Such sale must
occur  even if  disadvantageous  from an  investment  point of view.  Leveraging
aggregates  the effect of any  increase or  decrease  in the value of  portfolio
securities on the underlying fund's net asset value. In addition, money borrowed
is subject to interest costs (which may include  commitment fees and/or the cost
of maintaining  minimum average balances) which may or may not exceed the income
and gains from the securities purchased with borrowed funds.

Defensive  Investing.  For temporary  defensive  purposes under abnormal  market
conditions,  Kobren Growth Fund and Kobren Moderate Growth Fund each may hold or
invest  up to 100% of  total  assets  in cash,  investment  grade  fixed  income
securities,  repurchase  agreements  and/or  money  market fund  shares.  Kobren
Conservative  Allocation  Fund may hold more than 35% of total assets up to 100%
in these securities regardless of market conditions.

                             FIXED INCOME SECURITIES

Fixed Income Securities.  The value of fixed income  securities,  including U.S.
government  securities,  varies  inversely with changes in interest rates.  When
interest rates decline, the value of fixed income securities tends to rise. When
interest rates rise, the value of fixed income securities tends to decline.  The
market prices of zero coupon, delayed coupon and payment-in-kind  securities are
affected  to a  greater  extent by  interest  rate  changes  and tend to be more
volatile  than the  market  prices of  securities  providing  for  regular  cash
interest payments.

         In addition,  fixed income  securities are subject to the risk that the
issuer may default on its obligation to pay principal and interest. The value of
fixed  income  securities  may  also  be  reduced  by the  actual  or  perceived
deterioration  in  an  issuer's   credit-worthiness,   including  credit  rating

         Fixed income  securities may be subject to both call  (prepayment) risk
and  extension  risk.  Call risk is the risk that an issuer of a  security  will
exercise its right to pay  principal on an  obligation  earlier than  scheduled.
Early  principal  payments tend to be made during periods of declining  interest
rates. This forces the affected fund to reinvest the unanticipated  cash flow in
lower  yielding  securities.  Extension  risk is the risk  that an  issuer  will
exercise its right to pay principal later than scheduled. This typically happens
during  periods of rising  interest  rates and prevents  the affected  fund from
reinvesting in higher yielding securities. Unscheduled principal prepayments and
delays in payment can both reduce the value of an affected security. Unlike most
conventional   fixed  income   securities,   mortgage-backed   and  asset-backed
securities are generally  subject to both call  (prepayment)  risk and extension

Money Market  Instruments.  Kobren Growth Fund,  Kobren Moderate Growth Fund and
Kobren  Conservative  Allocation  Fund each may  invest up to 35%,  35% and 40%,
respectively, of their total assets directly in money market instruments.  Money
market  instruments in which the funds may invest include  obligations issued or
guaranteed by the United States government,  its agencies or  instrumentalities;
certificates  of deposit,  time deposits and bankers'  acceptances  issued by or
maintained at U.S. and foreign banks; and commercial paper.

Master Demand Notes. An underlying fund (particularly an underlying money market
fund) may  invest up to 100% of its  assets in master  demand  notes.  These are
unsecured  obligations of U.S.  corporations  redeemable upon notice that permit
investment by a mutual fund of fluctuating  amounts at varying rates of interest
pursuant  to  direct  arrangements  between  the  mutual  fund  and the  issuing
corporation.  Because  master demand notes are direct  arrangements  between the
mutual fund and the issuing  corporation,  there is no secondary  market for the
notes. The notes are, however, redeemable at face value plus accrued interest at
any time.

Repurchase  Agreements.  Each fund (and the  underlying  funds in its portfolio)
may, to the extent permitted by its investment  policies,  enter into repurchase
agreements.  A  repurchase  agreement  consists  of the sale to a fund of a U.S.
government  security or other debt obligation together with an agreement to have
the selling counterparty  repurchase the security at a specified future date and
repurchase  price.  If a  repurchase  agreement  counterparty  defaults  on  its
repurchase  obligation,  a fund may,  under  some  circumstances,  be limited or
delayed in disposing of the repurchase agreement collateral,  which could result
in a loss to the fund.

High Yield Securities and Their Risks. A fund will not invest directly more than
35% of its  total  assets  in high  yield,  high-risk,  lower-rated  securities,
commonly  known as "junk bonds." Junk bonds are  securities  rated below the top
four  bond  rating  categories  of  Standard  & Poor's  Ratings  Group,  Moody's
Investors  Service,  Inc. or another  nationally  recognized  statistical rating
organization  or, if  unrated,  determined  by the  investment  adviser to be of
comparable credit quality.  Such fund's investment in such securities is subject
to the risk factors outlined below.

Growth of the High Yield Bond  Market.  The high  yield,  high risk market is at
times subject to  substantial  volatility.  An economic  downturn or increase in
interest rates may have a more significant  effect on the high yield,  high risk
securities in a fund's portfolio and their markets, as well as on the ability of
securities' issuers to repay principal and interest. Issuers of high yield, high
risk securities may be of low  credit-worthiness  and the high yield,  high risk
securities may be subordinated  to the claims of senior lenders.  During periods
of economic  downturn or rising interest rates, the issuers of high yield,  high
risk securities may have greater potential for insolvency and a higher incidence
of high yield, high risk bond defaults may be experienced.

Sensitivity  of Interest  Rate and Economic  Changes.  The prices of high yield,
high risk securities may be more or less sensitive to interest rate changes than
higher-rated  investments but are more sensitive to adverse  economic changes or
individual  corporate  developments.  During an economic downturn or substantial
period of  rising  interest  rates,  highly  leveraged  issuers  may  experience
financial  stress that would  adversely  affect their  ability to service  their
principal and interest payment  obligations,  to meet projected  business goals,
and to obtain  additional  financing.  If the issuer of a high yield,  high risk
security  owned by an underlying  fund defaults,  the fund may incur  additional
expenses in seeking recovery. Periods of economic uncertainty and changes can be
expected to result in increased  volatility of market prices of high yield, high
risk securities and the fund's net asset value.  Yields on high yield, high risk
securities  will  fluctuate over time.  Furthermore,  in the case of high yield,
high risk securities structured as zero coupon or pay-in-kind securities,  their
market  prices are  affected to a greater  extent by interest  rate  changes and
thereby tend to be more  volatile  than market  prices of  securities  which pay
interest periodically and in cash.

Payment  Expectations.  Certain securities held by a fund or an underlying fund,
including  high yield,  high risk  securities,  may contain  redemption  or call
provisions. If an issuer exercises these provisions in a declining interest rate
market,  such fund would  have to replace  the  security  with a lower  yielding
security,  resulting in a decreased return for the investor.  Conversely, a high
yield,  high risk  security's  value will  decrease  in a rising  interest  rate

Liquidity and Valuation. The secondary market may at times become less liquid or
respond to adverse publicity or investor  perceptions,  making it more difficult
for a fund or an  underlying  fund to  accurately  value high  yield,  high risk
securities  or dispose  of them.  To the  extent  such fund owns or may  acquire
illiquid or restricted high yield,  high risk  securities,  these securities may
involve  special  registration  responsibilities,  liabilities  and  costs,  and
liquidity  difficulties,  and  judgment  will play a greater  role in  valuation
because there is less reliable and objective data available.

Taxation. Special tax considerations are associated with investing in high yield
bonds  structured as zero coupon or pay-in-kind  securities or other  securities
that have "original issue  discount." A fund will report the accrued interest on
these  securities  as income each year even though it receives no cash  interest
until the security's  maturity or payment date.  Further, a fund must distribute
substantially all of its income for each year to its shareholders to qualify for
pass-through  treatment under the tax law. Accordingly,  such a fund may have to
dispose of its  portfolio  securities  under  disadvantageous  circumstances  to
generate  cash or may have to leverage  itself by borrowing  the cash to satisfy
distribution requirements.

Credit  Ratings.  Credit  ratings  evaluate the safety of principal and interest
payments,  not the market value risk of high yield, high risk securities.  Since
credit rating  agencies may fail to change the credit ratings in a timely manner
to  reflect  subsequent  events,  the  investment  adviser  to the  funds  or an
underlying fund must monitor the issuers of high yield,  high risk securities in
the fund's  portfolio to determine if the issuers will have sufficient cash flow
and profits to meet required principal and interest payments,  and to attempt to
assure the securities'  liquidity so the fund can meet redemption  requests.  To
the extent that an underlying fund invests in high yield,  high risk securities,
the achievement of the fund's investment  objective may be more dependent on the
underlying fund's own credit analysis than is the case for higher quality bonds.
A fund or an underlying  fund may retain a portfolio  security  whose rating has
been changed. See "Appendix" for credit rating information.

Mortgage-Backed, Asset-Backed, Indexed and Derivative Securities. Each fund (and
the  underlying   funds  in  its  portfolio)  may  invest  in   mortgage-backed,
asset-backed and indexed securities.  Some of these securities are considered to
be derivative  securities.  Mortgage-backed  securities represent  participation
interests in pools of adjustable and fixed-rate mortgages. They may be issued by
agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government or may be privately issued.
Unlike conventional debt obligations, mortgage-backed securities provide monthly
payments derived from the monthly interest and principal payments (including any
prepayments) made by the individual borrowers on the pooled mortgage loans.

         A  fund's  investments  in   mortgage-backed   securities  may  include
conventional   mortgage  pass  through  securities,   stripped   mortgage-backed
securities  ("SMBS")  and  certain  classes  of  multiple  class  collateralized
mortgage obligations ("CMOs"). Examples of SMBS include interest only ("IO") and
principal  only ("PO")  securities.  Senior CMO classes  typically have priority
over less senior and residual CMO classes as to the receipt of principal  and/or
interest payments on the underlying  mortgages.  The CMO classes in which a fund
may  invest  include  sequential  and  parallel  pay  CMOs,   including  planned
amortization class securities ("PACs").

         The   principal   and   interest   on   asset-backed   securities   are
collateralized  by pools of assets such as auto loans,  credit card receivables,
leases,  installment  contracts and personal property.  Asset-backed  securities
generally are not collateralized as securely as mortgage-backed securities.

         A fund may invest in floating  rate and other indexed  securities.  The
interest  rate  and/or  the  principal  payable  at the  maturity  of an indexed
security may change  positively or inversely in relation to one or more interest
rates, financial indices, currency rates or other reference prices. In addition,
changes in the amount payable on a leveraged  indexed security may be a multiple
of changes  in the  reference  rate or price.  Examples  of  indexed  securities
include  IOs,  POs,  inverse  floaters,  inverse  IOs,  super  floaters,  capped
floaters,  range floaters,  dual index or yield curve floaters and Cost of Funds
Index ("COFI") floaters.

         Mortgage-backed,  asset-backed  and indexed  securities  are subject to
different combinations of call (prepayment),  extension, interest-rate and other
market risks.  These risks and the price  volatility of a security are magnified
to the extent  that a security  has  imbedded  leverage.  Under  adverse  market
conditions, any of these risks could lead to a decline in the yield on or market
value  of  these  securities.  In  addition,  these  securities  can at times be
difficult to price accurately or to liquidate at a fair price.

         Conventional  mortgage-backed  securities  and  sequential pay CMOs are
subject to all of these risks,  but are typically not leveraged.  PACs and other
senior classes of sequential and parallel pay CMOs usually involve less exposure
to  prepayment,  extension  and  interest-rate  risk than  other  mortgage-based
securities,  provided  that  prepayment  rates stay within  expected  prepayment
ranges or collars. Call or prepayment risk is the risk primarily associated with
mortgage IOs and  superfloaters.  Mortgage POs, inverse IOs,  inverse  floaters,
capped  floaters and COFI floaters are  especially  susceptible to extension and
interest  rate risk.  Range  floaters  are subject to the risk that a designated
interest rate will float outside the specified interest rate collar.  Dual index
floaters are subject to  depreciation  if there is an unfavorable  change in the
spread between two designated interest rates.

REITs.  Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are companies that invest directly
in real estate or in real estate mortgages.  Investing in REITs would expose the
funds to the special risks of the real estate and mortgage sectors.  These risks
include possible downturns in the real estate market, overbuilding, high vacancy
rates,  reduced or  regulated  rents,  increases in interest  rates,  unexpected
changes in  prepayment  rates for real estate  mortgages,  adverse  governmental
actions, environmental liabilities and natural disasters.

Year 2000 Risks. Like other mutual funds,  financial and business  organizations
and  individuals  around the world,  a fund could be  adversely  affected if the
computer systems used by the Adviser and other service providers do not properly
process and calculate  date-related  information from and after January 1, 2000.
This is commonly  known as the "Year 2000  Problem." KIM is taking steps that it
believes are  reasonably  designed to address the Year 2000 Problem with respect
to the computer systems that it uses and to obtain satisfactory  assurances that
comparable  steps are being  taken by each of the  funds'  other  major  service
providers.  At this time,  however,  there can be no assurance  that these steps
will be sufficient to avoid any adverse impact on the funds.
         In addition,  the underlying  funds or the companies in which the funds
or the underlying funds may have Year 2000 computer problems. The value of their
securities  could go down if they do not fix their problems in time or if fixing
them is very expensive.

                           II. INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS

         FUNDAMENTAL   INVESTMENT  POLICIES.   Each  fund  has  adopted  certain
fundamental investment policies. These fundamental investment policies cannot be
changed  unless the change is  approved  by the lesser of (1) 67% or more of the
voting securities  present at a meeting,  if the holders of more than 50% of the
outstanding  voting  securities of the fund are present or represented by proxy,
or (2) more than 50% of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the fund.  These
fundamental policies provide that a fund may not:

1.   Invest 25% or more of its total assets in  securities of issuers in any one
     industry  (securities issued or guaranteed by the United States government,
     its  agencies  or   instrumentalities   are  not  considered  to  represent
     industries)  or in shares of underlying  funds  ("sector  funds") that each
     have a policy of concentrating  in the same industry.  This limitation does
     not apply to underlying  funds that have a policy against  concentrating in
     any one industry and does not preclude a fund from investing 25% or more of
     its assets in sector funds generally,  provided that cumulative investments
     in  sector  funds  that all  concentrate  as a matter of policy in the same
     industry do not equal or exceed 25% of the fund's total  assets.  Each fund
     will concentrate in the mutual fund industry.

2.   Borrow money or issue senior  securities  except to the extent permitted by
     the 1940 Act.

3.   Make loans of securities to other  persons,  except loans of securities not
     exceeding  33  1/3%  of  the  fund's  total  assets,  investments  in  debt
     obligations and transactions in repurchase agreements.

4.   Underwrite  securities of other issuers,  except insofar as the fund may be
     deemed an  underwriter  under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the
     "1933 Act") in selling portfolio securities.

5.   Purchase or sell real estate or any interest therein,  including  interests
     in real estate limited partnerships,  except securities issued by companies
     (including  real estate  investment  trusts)  that invest in real estate or
     interests   therein  and  real  estate  acquired  as  a  result  of  owning

6.   Invest in commodities or commodity  futures  contracts,  provided that this
     limitation  shall not  prohibit the purchase or sale by the fund of forward
     currency  contracts;  financial  futures contracts and options on financial
     futures  contracts;  options  on  securities,   currencies  and  securities
     indices;  and swaps,  caps, floors and collars,  as permitted by the fund's

         The  1940  Act  currently  prohibits  the  funds  from  issuing  senior
securities  or  borrowing  money.  However,  each fund may borrow  from banks or
pursuant to reverse repurchase  agreements in an amount not exceeding  one-third
of total assets  (including  the amount  borrowed).  If  borrowings  exceed this
one-third  limitation,  for any  reason,  a fund must  reduce  the amount of its
borrowings  to not more than  one-third  of total assets  within three  business

         Additional  investment  restrictions adopted by the funds, which may be
changed by the Board of Trustees, provide that a fund may not:

1.   With respect to 75% of the fund's assets, invest more than 5% of the fund's
     assets  (taken at market value at the time of purchase) in the  outstanding
     securities  of any  single  issuer or own more than 10% of the  outstanding
     voting securities of any one issuer, in each case other than (1) securities
     issued or  guaranteed  by the United  States  government,  its  agencies or
     instrumentalities, or (2) securities of other investment companies.

2.   Invest more than 15% of its net assets  (taken at market  value at the time
     of purchase) in illiquid securities.

3.   Make investments for the purpose of exercising control or management.

4.   Invest in other  investment  companies  except as permitted  under the 1940

         The mutual funds in which the funds may invest may, but need not,  have
the same investment  objectives or policies as a fund. Although all of the funds
may from time to time invest in shares of the same  underlying  mutual fund, the
percentage  of each fund's assets so invested may vary,  and KIM will  determine
that such investments are consistent with the investment  objective and policies
of each fund. The investments that may, in general,  be made by underlying funds
in which  the  funds  may  invest,  as well as the  risks  associated  with such
investments, are described in the prospectus.


A.  Trustees and Officers

         The  principal  occupations  of the  Trustees and officers of the Trust
during the past five years are set forth below: Each Trustee who is deemed to be
an "interested person" of the Trust, as defined in the 1940 Act, is indicated by
an asterisk.

*ERIC M. KOBREN, 20 William Street,  Suite 310, P.O. Box 9135,  Wellesley Hills,
Massachusetts 02481 - Chairman of the Board,  President and Trustee.  Mr. Kobren
has served as President of Mutual Fund  Investors  Association,  Inc. since 1985
and  as  President  of  Kobren  Insight  Management,  Inc.  and  Kobren  Insight
Brokerage,  Inc.  since  1987.  These  are a  financial  publishing  concern,  a
registered   investment   advisory   firm   and  a   registered   broker-dealer,
respectively.     Mr. Kobren is 45 years old.     

*MICHAEL P. CASTELLANO, 134 Redspruce Drive, Lake Naomi,  Pennsylvania,  18350 -
Trustee.  Retired.  From December 1994 to June 1997,  Mr.  Castellano  served as
Chief  Administrative  Officer  of  Kobren  Insight  Management,  Inc.  and as a
registered representative of Kobren Insight Brokerage, Inc. From October 1993 to
December 1994, Mr. Castellano was employed as Executive Vice President and Chief
Administrative   Officer  of  Wall  Street  Investor   Services,   a  registered
broker-dealer.  Prior to that time, he was a Senior Vice President with Fidelity
Investments,  a registered  investment advisory firm and broker-dealer.      Mr.
Castellano is 57 years old.     

EDWARD B. BLOOM,  International Data Group Inc., 5 Speen Street,  P.O. Box 9192,
Framingham,  Massachusetts  01701 -  Trustee.  Mr.  Bloom,  Vice  President  and
Treasurer  of  International  Data Group Inc., a  publishing  company,  has been
employed there since November 1967.     He is 49 years old.     

ARTHUR  DUBROFF,  335 Madison  Avenue,  25th Floor,  New York,  New York 10017 -
Trustee. Since July 1996, Mr. Dubroff has served as Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial  Officer of Enhance  Financial  Services Group,  Inc.  ("Enhance
Financial"). Mr. Dubroff also acted as a Director of Enhance Financial from 1986
to 1991 and 1992 to 1996.  From November 1993 to July 1996, he was employed as a
Senior Vice President of First Data Corporation,  a financial  services company.
    Mr. Dubroff is 48 years old.     

    ROBERT I. GOLDFARB, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP, 201 South Biscayne Boulevard,
Suite 2500,  Miami,  Florida 33131 - Trustee.  Mr.  Goldfarb,  Partner of Hughes
Hubbard & Reed LLP, a law firm,  has been employed  there since July 1989. He is
43 years old.     

STUART  J.  NOVICK,   Children's   Hospital,   300  Longwood   Avenue,   Boston,
Massachusetts 02115 - Trustee. Since April 1997, Mr. Novick has served as Senior
Vice  President and General  Counsel of Children's  Hospital.  From July 1984 to
April  1997,  Mr.  Novick  served  as Vice  President  and  General  Counsel  of
Children's Hospital.     He is 49 years old.     

ERIC J. GODES, 20 William  Street,  Suite 310, P.O. Box 9135,  Wellesley  Hills,
Massachusetts  02481 - Vice  President,  Treasurer and Secretary.  Mr. Godes, an
investment advisory  representative of Kobren Insight Management,  Inc. and Vice
President and a registered representative of Kobren Insight Brokerage, Inc., has
been associated with both companies since 1990.     He is 38 years old.     

EDWARD R.  GOLDFARB,  20 William  Street,  Suite 310,  P.O. Box 9135,  Wellesley
Hills,  Massachusetts 02481 - Vice President. Since September 1995, Mr. Goldfarb
has been Director of Research and Chief Strategist of Kobren Insight Management,
Inc. as well as a registered  representative of Kobren Insight  Brokerage,  Inc.
From June 1992 to September 1995, he was employed as a registered representative
of Aeltus  Capital,  Inc. and, from March 1994 to September 1995, he also served
as Managing Director of Aeltus Investment  Management,  Inc. From September 1982
to September 1995, Mr. Goldfarb was employed as a Vice President of Aetna Life &
Casualty  serving  in  various  capacities.  During  that  time,  he was  also a
registered  representative of Aetna Financial Services, Inc.     Mr. Goldfarb is
38 years old.     

         The  Trustees who are not employed by the Adviser each receive a $5,000
annual  retainer  paid in  quarterly  installments,  a $1,000 fee for each board
meeting  attended  and  a  $500  fee  per  committee  meeting   attended,   plus
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending such meetings.

                               Compensation Table

         The following table sets forth the compensation paid to the Trustees of
the Trust for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998. No  compensation  is paid
to any officers of the Trust by the funds.

                                                            TOTAL COMPENSATION
                                        AGGREGATE           FROM THE TRUST
NAME OF PERSON                          COMPENSATION        AND FUND COMPLEX
AND POSITION                            FROM THE TRUST      PAID TO TRUSTEES

Eric M. Kobren,                         $         0         $      0
Chairman of the Board,
President and Trustee

Michael P. Castellano,                  $         0         $      0

Edward B. Bloom,                        $     9,000         $  9,000

Arthur Dubroff,                         $     9,000         $  9,000

Robert I. Goldfarb*,                    $         0         $      0

Stuart J. Novick,                       $     9,000         $  9,000

*  (Elected as a Trustee effective 02/05/99)

Control Persons and Principal Holders of Securities

    As of April 21, 1999, the following  entities/individuals owned of record or
beneficially 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the funds     :

                                                  Kobren Growth Fund

Name and Address                             % of Fund      Nature of Ownership

National Financial Services Corporation      23.34%         Record (a)
One World Financial Center
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY  10281

Eric M. Kobren & Catherine S. Kobren JT WROS 9.58%          Beneficial
20 William Street, Suite 310
P.O. Box 9135
Wellesley Hills, MA  02481

Mutual Fund Investors Association, Inc.      7.48%          Beneficial
P.O. Box 9135
Wellesley, MA  02481

                                                  Kobren Moderate Growth Fund

Name and Address                             % of Fund      Nature of Ownership

National Financial Services Corporation      24.88%         Record (a)
One World Financial Center
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY  10281

                                           Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund

Name and Address                             % of Fund      Nature of Ownership

Eric M. Kobren & Catherine S. Kobren JT WROS 22.62%         Beneficial
20 William Street, Suite 310
P.O. Box 9135
Wellesley Hills, MA  02481

National Financial Services Corporation      22.30%         Record (a)
One World Financial Center
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY  10281

 (a) National Financial Services Corporation  disclaims beneficial ownership and
     no one underlying  shareholder owns beneficially more than 5% of the shares
     of the fund.


         The Trust's Declaration of Trust provides that the Trust will indemnify
its  Trustees  and  officers  against   liabilities  and  expenses  incurred  in
connection  with  litigation  in which they may be involved as a result of their
positions  with  the  Trust,  unless,  as to  liability  to  the  Trust  or  its
shareholders,   it  is  finally   adjudicated   that  they  engaged  in  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties
involved  in their  offices,  or unless with  respect to any other  matter it is
finally adjudicated that they did not act in good faith in the reasonable belief
that their actions were in the best interests of the Trust and its funds. In the
case of settlement, such indemnification will not be provided unless it has been
determined  by  a  court  or  other  body  approving  the  settlement  or  other
disposition,  or by a reasonable  determination,  based upon a review of readily
available facts, by vote of a majority of disinterested Trustees or in a written
opinion of independent counsel,  that such officers or Trustees have not engaged
in willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or reckless  disregard of
their duties.

B.  Investment Adviser

         KIM serves as investment adviser to the Trust and its funds pursuant to
a written  investment  advisory  agreement.  KIM is a Massachusetts  corporation
organized in 1987, and is a registered  investment  adviser under the Investment
Advisers Act of 1940.

         Certain  services  provided  by  KIM  under  the  investment   advisory
agreement are described in the prospectus.  In addition to those  services,  KIM
may, from time to time,  provide the funds with office space for managing  their
affairs,  with the services of required  executive  personnel,  and with certain
clerical   services  and  facilities.   These  services  are  provided   without
reimbursement  by the funds  for any costs  incurred.  As  compensation  for its
services, each fund pays KIM a fee computed daily and paid monthly at the annual
rate of 0.75% of the fund's  average daily net assets.  This fee will be reduced
by agreements the Kobren Insight funds have structured with underlying  funds to
receive Rule 12b-1 and service fees and to share in a portion of their  advisory
fee  revenue.  For the years ended  December 31, 1997 and the December 31, 1998,
the Adviser was paid $324,325 and $495,612, respectively, by Kobren Growth Fund;
$178,947 and $388,684, respectively, by Kobren Moderate Growth Fund; and $66,652
and $165,999, respectively, by Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund.

         Each fund is responsible for all expenses not expressly  assumed by KIM
or the administrator.  These include, among other things, organization expenses,
legal fees, audit and accounting expenses, insurance costs, the compensation and
expenses of the Trustees, the expenses of printing and mailing reports,  notices
and proxy statements to fund  shareholders,  registration fees under federal and
state securities laws, brokerage commissions,  interest, taxes and extraordinary
expenses (such as for litigation).

         KIM has  agreed to  reimburse  each  fund to the  extent  necessary  to
maintain each fund's operating  expenses  (excluding  investment  advisory fees,
brokerage commissions, taxes, interest and litigation, indemnification and other
extraordinary  expenses)  at 0.25%  annually  of the  fund's  average  daily net
assets.  Although this expense cap  arrangement  can be revoked at any time, KIM
plans to continue this arrangement until January 1, 2001.

         By its terms, the Trust's investment  advisory agreement will remain in
effect through  November 15, 1998 and from year to year  thereafter,  subject to
annual  approval by (a) the Board of Trustees  or, with  respect to a particular
fund, (b) a vote of the majority of that fund's  outstanding  voting securities.
In either event, continuance must also be approved by a majority of the Trustees
who are not  interested  persons  of the  Trust,  by a vote  cast in person at a
meeting called for the purpose of voting such approval.  The Trust's  investment
advisory agreement may be terminated at any time, on sixty days' written notice,
without the payment of any penalty,  by the Board of Trustees,  by a vote of the
majority of a particular fund's outstanding  voting  securities,  or by KIM. The
investment  advisory  agreement  automatically  terminates  in the  event of its
assignment, as defined by the 1940 Act and the rules thereunder.

C.  Distributor

         Kobren  Insight  Brokerage,   Inc.,  an  affiliate  of  Kobren  Insight
Management,  20 William  Street,  Suite 310,  P.O.  Box 9135,  Wellesley  Hills,
Massachusetts  02481, serves as each fund's distributor pursuant to an agreement
which is renewable  annually.  Each fund's shares are sold on a continuous basis
by Kobren Insight Brokerage,  Inc. as agent,  although Kobren Insight Brokerage,
Inc. is not obligated to sell any particular  amount of shares.  The distributor
pays the cost of printing and  distributing  prospectuses to persons who are not
shareholders of a fund (excluding  preparation and printing  expenses  necessary
for the continued  registration  of a fund's shares) and of preparing,  printing
and distributing all sales literature.

D.  Administrator, Transfer Agent and Dividend Paying Agent

         The  Board of  Trustees  of the Trust has  approved  an  Administration
Agreement  between  the Trust and  First  Data  Investor  Services  Group,  Inc.
("Investor Services Group"), a subsidiary of First Data Corporation, pursuant to
which Investor  Services Group serves as  administrator to the Trust and to each
of the funds.  Investor Services Group is located at One Exchange Place, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109. The administrative  services necessary for the operation of
the Trust and its funds provided by Investor  Services Group include among other
things:  (i)  preparation  of  shareholder  reports  and  communications,   (ii)
regulatory  compliance,  such as reports to and filings with the  Securities and
Exchange  Commission ("SEC") and state securities  commissions and (iii) general
supervision of the operation of the Trust and its funds,  including coordination
of  the  services  performed  by  the  transfer  agent,  custodian,  independent
accountants,  legal counsel and others.  For these services,  Investor  Services
Group is  entitled  to receive  $67,500  annually  for  administration  and fund
accounting on a per fund basis.      Of the $67,500 payable by each fund for the
year ended  December  31,  1997,  $6,381  was  waived for each fund by  Investor
Services Group.     

         Investor  Services  Group  also  serves  as the  Trust's  transfer  and
dividend paying agent and performs shareholder service activities.  The location
for these services is 4400 Computer Drive, Westborough, Massachusetts 01581. The
services of Investor  Services Group are provided  pursuant to a Transfer Agency
and Services  Agreement between the Trust and Investor Services Group.  Pursuant
to such Agreement, Investor Services Group receives from the Trust, with respect
to each fund, an annual fee of $14 per shareholder account (subject to a $32,000
annual minimum per fund).  Investor  Services Group also receives  reimbursement
under the  Transfer  Agency and  Services  Agreement  for certain  out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in rendering such services.

                               OF NET ASSET VALUE

         Detailed  information  on purchase and redemption of shares is included
in the  prospectus.  The Trust may  suspend  the right to redeem  its  shares or
postpone the date of payment upon  redemption  for more than three business days
(i) for any period during which the NYSE is closed (other than customary weekend
or holiday  closings)  or trading on the  exchange is  restricted;  (ii) for any
period during which an emergency  exists as a result of which disposal by a fund
of securities owned by it is not reasonably  practicable or it is not reasonably
practicable for a fund fairly to determine the value of its net assets; or (iii)
for such other periods as the SEC may permit for the protection of  shareholders
of the Trust.

         Each  fund's  underlying  funds are valued  according  to the net asset
value per share ("NAV")  furnished by that fund's  accounting agent. Each fund's
investment  securities  are  valued  at the last  sale  price on the  securities
exchange or national  securities  market on which such securities  primarily are
traded.  Securities not listed on an exchange or national  securities market, or
securities in which there were no transactions, are valued at the average of the
most  recent  bid and asked  prices.  Bid  price is used when no asked  price is
available.   Short-term   investments  are  carried  at  amortized  cost,  which
approximates  market  value.  Any  securities  or other  assets for which recent
market  quotations  are not  readily  available  are  valued  at fair  value  as
determined  in good faith by or under the  direction  of the Board of  Trustees.
Income,  expenses and fees,  including the advisory and administration fees, are
accrued  daily and taken into  account  for the purpose of  determining  the net
asset value of each fund's shares.

         Each  fund  computes  the NAV of its  shares  at the  close of  regular
trading on the NYSE  (normally  4:00 p.m. New York time) on each weekday that is
not a holiday.  The holidays (as  observed) on which the NYSE is scheduled to be
closed currently are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Presidents'
Day, Good Friday,  Memorial Day,  Independence Day, Labor Day,  Thanksgiving and
Christmas.  If the NYSE  closes  early,  the time of  computing  the NAV and the
deadlines for purchasing and redeeming shares will be accelerated to the earlier
closing time.  The NAV of each fund's shares is determined by  subtracting  from
the value of the fund's  total assets the amount of the fund's  liabilities  and
dividing the remainder by the number of  outstanding  fund shares.  Although the
NAV  will be  calculated  at the  close of all  regular  trading  days,  the NAV
reported  to NASDAQ for  distribution  to news  agencies  will be delayed by one
business day.

         Foreign  securities  in which  the  funds or the  underlying  funds may
invest may be listed  primarily  on foreign  stock  exchanges  that may trade on
other days (i.e., Saturday).  Accordingly, the net asset value of a fund's or an
underlying  fund's  portfolio may be  significantly  affected by such trading on
days when KIM does not have access to the underlying  funds and an investor does
not have access to the funds.

                             V. SPECIAL REDEMPTIONS

         If the  Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust  determines  that it would be
detrimental  to the best  interests of the remaining  shareholders  of a fund to
make payment wholly or partly in cash, that fund may pay the redemption price in
whole or in part by a distribution  in kind of securities  from the portfolio of
that fund,  instead of in cash, in conformity  with any applicable  rules of the
SEC. The  proceeds of  redemption  may be more or less than the amount  invested
and, therefore, a redemption may result in a gain or loss for federal income tax

                           VI. PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS

         KIM is  responsible  for decisions to buy and sell  securities  for the
funds and for the placement of the funds' portfolio  business and negotiation of
commissions, if any, paid on these transactions.

         In  placing  portfolio  transactions  with  brokers  and  dealers,  KIM
attempts to obtain the best  overall  terms for the funds,  taking into  account
such factors as price (including  dealer spread),  the size, type and difficulty
of  the  transaction  involved,   and  the  financial  condition  and  execution
capability  of the  broker or dealer.  In  selecting  broker-dealers  and to the
extent  that the  execution  and  price  offered  by more  than one  dealer  are
comparable,  KIM  may  consider  research,   including  statistical  or  pricing
information,  and brokerage services furnished to the funds or KIM. In addition,
the funds may pay brokerage commissions to brokers or dealers in excess of those
otherwise  available upon a  determination  that the commission is reasonable in
relation to the value of the  brokerage  services  provided,  viewed in terms of
either a  specific  transaction  or overall  brokerage  services  provided  with
respect to the funds' portfolio  transactions by such broker or dealer.  KIM may
use this research  information in managing the funds' assets,  as well as assets
of other clients.

         Stocks,  other  equity  securities  and options  may be traded  through
brokers on an agency basis with a stated brokerage  commission or on a principal
basis in the  over-the-counter  market.  Fixed income  securities  are generally
traded  on the  over-the-counter  market  on a  "net"  basis  without  a  stated
commission,  through  dealers  acting for their own  account and not as brokers.
Prices  paid to a dealer on  principal  transactions  will  generally  include a
"spread",  which is the  difference  between  the  prices at which the dealer is
willing to  purchase  and sell the  specific  security  at that time.  Shares of
underlying  funds may be purchased or redeemed in  transactions  with the funds,
their  principal  underwriters  or  independent  dealers.  Certain  money market
instruments and government agency securities may be purchased  directly from the
issuer, in which case no commissions or premiums are paid. Futures contracts are
traded on an agency basis with a futures  commission  merchant.  Swaps and other
over-the-counter  contracts are traded directly with the counterparty,  which is
usually a dealer, a bank or other institution.

         Other investment advisory clients advised by KIM may also invest in the
same securities as a fund. When these clients buy or sell the same securities at
substantially  the same time, KIM may average the  transactions  as to price and
allocate the amount of available  investments  in a manner which KIM believes to
be  equitable to each  client,  including  the funds.  In some  instances,  this
investment  procedure may adversely  affect the price paid or received by a fund
or the size of the position  obtainable for it. On the other hand, to the extent
permitted by law, KIM may aggregate the securities to be sold or purchased for a
fund with those to be sold or purchased for other funds or clients managed by it
in order to obtain best execution.

         The funds  will  arrange  to be  included  within a class of  investors
entitled not to pay sales charges by  purchasing  initial load fund shares under
letters of intent,  rights of accumulation,  cumulative  purchase privileges and
other quantity discount programs.

                          VII. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

A.  Total Return

         From time to time,  quotations of a fund's  performance may be included
in  advertisements,  sales  literature or reports to shareholders or prospective
investors. These performance figures may be calculated in the following manner:

Total  return is  computed by finding the  average  annual  compounded  rates of
return over the designated periods that would equate the initial amount invested
to the ending redeemable value, according to the following formula:

                  P(1+T)n = ERV


P =        a hypothetical initial payment of $1,000
T =        average annual total return
n =        number of years
ERV        =  ending  redeemable  value  at the  end of  the  designated  period
           assuming a  hypothetical  $1,000 payment made at the beginning of the
           designated period

         The  calculation  set forth above is based on the  further  assumptions
that:  (i) all  dividends  and  distributions  of a fund  during the period were
reinvested  at the net  asset  value  on the  reinvestment  dates;  and (ii) all
recurring  expenses  that were charged to all  shareholder  accounts  during the
applicable period were deducted.

         Total  returns  quoted in  advertising  reflect all aspects of a fund's
return,   including  the  effect  of  reinvesting  dividends  and  capital  gain
distributions, and any change in the fund's net asset value per share (NAV) over
the period.  Average annual returns are calculated by determining  the growth or
decline in value of a hypothetical historical investment in a fund over a stated
period, and then calculating the annually compounded  percentage rate that would
have produced the same result if the rate of growth or decline in value had been
constant  over the period.  For example,  a  cumulative  return of 100% over ten
years  would  produce an  average  annual  return of 7.18%,  which is the steady
annual  return rate that would equal 100%  growth on a  compounded  basis in ten
years.  While  average  annual  returns  are a  convenient  means  of  comparing
investment  alternatives,  investors should realize that a fund's performance is
not constant over time,  but changes from year to year,  and that average annual
returns  represent  averaged  figures  as  opposed  to the  actual  year-to-year
performance of the fund.

The funds'  average  annual total returns for the fiscal year ended December 31,
1998 were as follows:

Series                                  One Year                 Life of Fund

Kobren Growth Fund                      11.45%                   14.26% (a)

Kobren Moderate Growth Fund             3.44%                    13.12% (b)

Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund     3.36                     11.55% (c)

(a) The fund  commenced  operations on December 16, 1996 
(b) The fund  commenced operations  on December 24, 1996
(c) The fund  commenced  operations on December 30, 1996

B.  Non-Standardized Total Return

         In addition to the performance  information described above, a fund may
provide total return  information for designated  periods,  such as for the most
recent rolling six months or most recent rolling twelve months. A fund may quote
unaveraged or cumulative total returns  reflecting the simple change in value of
an investment over a stated period.  Average annual and cumulative total returns
may be quoted as a percentage or as a dollar amount, and may be calculated for a
single investment, a series of investments,  and/or a series of redemptions over
any time  period.  Total  returns  may be broken down into their  components  of
income and capital (including capital gains and changes in share price) in order
to illustrate the relationship of these factors and their contributions to total
return.   Total  returns  and  other  performance   information  may  be  quoted
numerically or in a table, graph or similar illustration.

C.  Other Information Concerning Fund Performance

         A fund may quote its  performance in various ways,  using various types
of comparisons to market indices, other funds or investment alternatives,  or to
general increases in the cost of living. All performance information supplied by
a fund in  advertising  is  historical  and is not  intended to indicate  future
returns. A fund's share prices and total returns fluctuate in response to market
conditions and other factors, and the value of a fund's shares when redeemed may
be more or less than their original cost.

         A fund may  compare its  performance  over  various  periods to various
indices or benchmarks or combinations  of indices and benchmarks,  including the
performance  record of the  Standard & Poor's 500  Composite  Stock  Price Index
("S&P"), the Dow Jones Industrial Average ("DJIA"), the NASDAQ Industrial Index,
the Ten Year Treasury Benchmark and the cost of living (measured by the Consumer
Price  Index,  or CPI)  over the same  period.  Comparisons  may also be made to
yields  on  certificates  of  deposit,  treasury  instruments  or  money  market
instruments.  The  comparisons  to the S&P and DJIA show how such  fund's  total
return  compared to the record of a broad  average of common  stock prices (S&P)
and a narrower set of stocks of major industrial  companies (DJIA). The fund may
have the ability to invest in  securities  or  underlying  funds not included in
either  index,  and  its  investment  portfolio  may or may  not be  similar  in
composition to the indices. Figures for the S&P and DJIA are based on the prices
of unmanaged groups of stocks,  and unlike the fund's returns,  their returns do
not  include  the  effect of paying  brokerage  commissions  and other  costs of

         Comparisons  may  be  made  on  the  basis  of a  hypothetical  initial
investment  in the fund (such as  $1,000),  and reflect  the  aggregate  cost of
reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions for the period covered (that
is, their cash value at the time they were  reinvested).  Such  comparisons  may
also reflect the change in value of such an  investment  assuming  distributions
are  not  reinvested.  Tax  consequences  of  different  investments  may not be
factored into the figures presented.

         A fund's  performance may be compared in advertising to the performance
of other mutual funds in general or to the  performance  of particular  types of
mutual funds, especially those with similar objectives.

     Other  groupings  of funds  prepared by Lipper  Analytical  Services,  Inc.
("Lipper") and other organizations may also be used for comparison to the funds.
Although Lipper and other  organizations  such as Investment  Company Data, Inc.
("ICD"), CDA Investment  Technologies,  Inc. ("CDA") and Morningstar  Investors,
Inc.  ("Morningstar"),  include funds within various  classifications based upon
similarities in their  investment  objectives and policies,  investors should be
aware that these may differ significantly among funds within a grouping.

         From time to time a fund may publish the ranking of the  performance of
its shares by Morningstar,  an independent  mutual fund monitoring  service that
ranks mutual funds, including the funds, in broad investment categories (equity,
taxable  bond,  tax-exempt  and other)  monthly,  based upon each  fund's  one-,
three-,  five- and ten-year  average annual total returns (when available) and a
risk adjustment  factor that reflects fund  performance  relative to three-month
U.S. Treasury bill monthly returns. Such returns are adjusted for fees and sales
loads. There are five ranking  categories with a corresponding  number of stars:
highest (5),  above average (4),  neutral (3), below average (2) and lowest (1).
Ten percent of the funds,  series or classes in an investment category receive 5
stars,  22.5% receive 4 stars,  35% receive 3 stars,  22.5% receive 2 stars, and
the bottom 10% receive one star.

         From time to time,  in reports  and  promotional  literature,  a fund's
yield and total  return  will be  compared  to indices of mutual  funds and bank
deposit  vehicles  such as  Lipper's  "Lipper - Fixed  Income  Fund  Performance
Analysis," a monthly  publication  which tracks net assets,  total  return,  and
yield on  approximately  1,700 fixed income  mutual funds in the United  States.
Ibbotson  Associates,  CDA  Wiesenberger  and  F.C.  Towers  are  also  used for
comparison purposes as well as the Russell and Wilshire Indices. Comparisons may
also be made to bank  certificates of deposit  ("CD"),  which differ from mutual
funds,  such as the funds, in several ways. The interest rate established by the
sponsoring  bank is fixed for the term of a CD,  there are  penalties  for early
withdrawal from CDs, and the principal on a CD is insured.  Comparisons may also
be made to the 10 year Treasury Benchmark.

         Performance  rankings  and ratings  reported  periodically  in national
financial publications such as Money Magazine,  Forbes,  Business Week, The Wall
Street Journal, Micropal, Inc., Morningstar, Stanger's, Barron's, etc.
will also be used.

         Ibbotson  Associates  of  Chicago,  Illinois  ("Ibbotson")  and  others
provide  historical  returns of the capital markets in the United States. A fund
may compare its  performance to the long-term  performance  of the U.S.  capital
markets in order to demonstrate  general long-term risk versus reward investment
scenarios.   Performance   comparisons   could  also  include  the  value  of  a
hypothetical investment in common stocks,  long-term bonds or treasuries. A fund
may discuss the  performance of financial  markets and indices over various time

         The  capital  markets  tracked by  Ibbotson  are common  stocks,  small
capitalization stocks, long-term corporate bonds,  intermediate-term  government
bonds,  long-term  government  bonds,  Treasury  bills,  and  the  U.S.  rate of
inflation.  These capital markets are based on the returns of several  different
indices.  For common stocks the S&P is used.  For small  capitalization  stocks,
return is based on the  return  achieved  by  Dimensional  Fund  Advisors  Small
Company Fund. This fund is a market  value-weighted index of the ninth and tenth
deciles of the NYSE,  plus stocks  listed on the  American  Stock  Exchange  and
over-the-counter  with the same or less capitalization as the upper bound of the
NYSE ninth decile.

         Long-term  corporate  bond returns are based on the  performance of the
Salomon Brothers Long-Term High-Grade Corporate Bond Index which includes nearly
all Aaa- and Aa-rated bonds. Returns on  intermediate-term  government bonds are
based on a one-bond portfolio  constructed each year, containing a bond which is
the  shortest  noncallable  bond  available  with a maturity  not less than five
years. This bond is held for the calendar year and returns are recorded. Returns
on long-term government bonds are based on a one-bond portfolio constructed each
year, containing a bond that meets several criteria,  including having a term of
approximately  20 years.  The bond is held for the calendar year and returns are
recorded.  Returns  on U.S.  Treasury  bills are based on a  one-bill  portfolio
constructed each month,  containing the shortest-term  bill having not less than
one month to  maturity.  The total  return  on the bill is the  month-end  price
divided by the previous  month-end price, minus one. Data up to 1976 is from the
U.S.  Government Bond file at the University of Chicago's Center for Research in
Security Prices; the Wall Street Journal is the source thereafter.

         Inflation rates are based on the CPI. Ibbotson calculates total returns
in the same method as the fund.

         Other  widely  used  indices  that  the  funds  may use for  comparison
purposes  include the Lehman Bond Index,  the Lehman  Aggregate Bond Index,  the
Lehman GNMA Single Family Index, the Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index, the
Salomon Brothers Long-Term High Yield Index, the Salomon Brothers Non-Government
Bond Index,  the Salomon  Brothers  Non-U.S.  Government Bond Index, the Salomon
Brothers World Government Bond Index and the J.P. Morgan  Government Bond Index.
The Salomon  Brothers  World  Government  Bond Index  generally  represents  the
performance  of government  debt  securities of various  markets  throughout the
world, including the United States. The Lehman  Government/Corporate  Bond Index
generally  represents the performance of intermediate  and long-term  government
and investment grade corporate debt securities.  The Lehman Aggregate Bond Index
measures  the  performance  of  U.S.  corporate  bond  issues,  U.S.  government
securities and mortgage-backed securities. The J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index
generally  represents  the  performance  of  government  bonds issued by various
countries  including the United States. The foregoing bond indices are unmanaged
indices of securities that do not reflect  reinvestment of capital gains or take
investment  costs  into  consideration,  as these  items are not  applicable  to

         The funds may also discuss in advertising  the relative  performance of
various types of investment instruments, such as stocks, treasury securities and
bonds,  over various time periods and covering  various  holding  periods.  Such
comparisons may compare these investment  categories to each other or to changes
in the CPI. In addition, the funds may employ historical mutual fund performance
data and industry asset allocation studies in their advertisements.

         A fund may  advertise  examples of the  effects of periodic  investment
plans, including the principle of dollar cost averaging.  In such a program, the
investor invests a fixed dollar amount in a fund at periodic intervals,  thereby
purchasing  fewer  shares  when  prices are high and more shares when prices are
low.  While such a strategy  does not assure a profit or guard against loss in a
declining  market,  the  investor's  average cost per share can be lower than if
fixed  numbers of shares had been  purchased at those  intervals.  In evaluating
such a plan,  investors  should  consider  their ability to continue  purchasing
shares through periods of low price levels.

         The funds may be available  for purchase  through  retirement  plans or
other programs  offering  deferral of or exemption from income taxes,  which may
produce superior  after-tax returns over time. For example,  a $1,000 investment
earning a taxable  return of 10%  annually,  compounded  monthly,  would have an
after-tax  value of $2,009 after ten years,  assuming tax was deducted  from the
return each year at a 31% rate. An equivalent tax-deferred investment would have
an after-tax value of $2,178 after ten years, assuming tax was deducted at a 31%
rate from the deferred earnings at the end of the ten year period.

         Evaluations of fund performance made by independent sources may also be
used  in  advertisements   concerning  the  funds,  including  reprints  of,  or
selections  from,  editorials or articles  about the fund.  These  editorials or
articles may include quotations of performance from other sources such as Lipper
or Morningstar.  Sources for fund performance information and articles about the
funds may include the following:

BANXQUOTE,  an on-line source of national  averages for leading money market and
bank CD interest  rates,  published  on a weekly  basis by  Masterfund,  Inc. of
Wilmington, Delaware.

BARRON'S,  a Dow Jones and  Company,  Inc.  business and  financial  weekly that
periodically reviews mutual fund performance data.

THE BOSTON GLOBE, a regional daily newspaper.

BUSINESS  WEEK,  a  national  business  weekly  that  periodically  reports  the
performance rankings and ratings of a variety of mutual funds investing abroad.

CDA INVESTMENT  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC., an organization which provides  performance
and ranking  information  through  examining the dollar results of  hypothetical
mutual fund investments and comparing these results against  appropriate  market

CONSUMER  DIGEST, a monthly  business/financial  magazine that includes a "Money
Watch" section featuring financial news.

FINANCIAL WORLD, a general  business/financial  magazine that includes a "Market
Watch" department reporting on activities in the mutual fund industry.

FORBES,  a national  business  publication  that from time to time  reports  the
performance of specific investment companies in the mutual fund industry.

FORTUNE, a national business publication that periodically rates the performance
of a variety of mutual funds.

IBC/DONOGHUES'   MONEY  FUND  REPORT,  a  weekly  publication  of  the  Donoghue
Organization, Inc. of Holliston, Massachusetts,  reporting on the performance of
the nation's money market funds,  summarizing  money market fund  activity,  and
including certain averages as performance benchmarks,  specifically  "Donoghue's
Money Fund Average," and "Donoghue's Government Money Fund Average."

IBBOTSON  ASSOCIATES,  INC., a company  specializing in investment  research and

INVESTMENT  COMPANY  DATA,  INC., an  independent  organization  which  provides
performance ranking information for broad classes of mutual funds.

INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY, a daily newspaper that features  financial,  economic,
and business news.

KIPLINGER'S PERSONAL FINANCE, a monthly business publication.

publication of industry-wide mutual fund averages by type of fund.

MONEY,  a monthly  magazine that from time to time features both specific  funds
and the mutual fund industry as a whole.

MORNINGSTAR  INVESTOR and MORNINGSTAR  PRINCIPIA,  monthly mutual fund reporting

MUTUAL FUND MAGAZINE, a monthly business magazine published by the Institute for
Econometric Research.

MUTUAL FUND VALUES,  a bi-weekly  Morningstar,  Inc.  publication  that provides
ratings  of  mutual  funds  based  on  fund  performance,   risk  and  portfolio

THE NEW YORK TIMES, a nationally  distributed  newspaper which regularly  covers
financial news.

PERSONAL  INVESTING  NEWS,  a monthly  news  publication  that often  reports on
investment opportunities and market conditions.

PERSONAL  INVESTOR,  a monthly investment  advisory  publication that includes a
"Mutual Funds Outlook" section  reporting on mutual fund  performance  measures,
yields, indices and portfolio holdings.

SMART MONEY, a Dow Jones & Company, Inc. monthly business magazine.

SUCCESS,  a monthly magazine  targeted to the world of entrepreneurs and growing
business, often featuring mutual fund performance data.

USA TODAY, a nationally distributed newspaper.

U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, a national business weekly that periodically reports
mutual fund performance data.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL,  a Dow Jones & Company,  Inc. newspaper which regularly
covers financial news.

WIESENBERGER  INVESTMENT COMPANIES SERVICES, an annual compendium of information
about mutual funds and other investment companies, including comparative data on
funds' background,  management policies,  salient features,  management results,
income and dividend records, and price ranges.

WORTH MAGAZINE, a monthly business publication.

         When comparing  yield,  total return and investment risk of shares of a
fund with other  investments,  investors  should  understand  that certain other
investments have different risk  characteristics than an investment in shares of
the funds.  For example,  certificates of deposit may have fixed rates of return
and may be insured as to  principal  and  interest  by the FDIC,  while a fund's
returns  will  fluctuate  and its share  values and returns are not  guaranteed.
Money market  accounts  offered by banks also may be insured by the FDIC and may
offer  stability of principal.  U.S.  Treasury  securities  are guaranteed as to
principal  and  interest  by the full faith and  credit of the U.S.  government.
Money market mutual funds may seek to offer a fixed price per share.

         The  performance of the funds is not fixed or  guaranteed.  Performance
quotations  should not be considered to be  representative  of  performance of a
fund for any period in the future.  The  performance  of a fund is a function of
many factors including its earnings,  expenses and number of outstanding shares.
Fluctuating  market  conditions,  purchases and sales of underlying funds, sales
and  redemptions  of shares of  beneficial  interest,  and changes in  operating
expenses  are all  examples  of items  that can  increase  or  decrease a fund's


Dividends and  Distributions.  If a shareholder has elected to receive dividends
and/or  capital  gain  distributions  in cash and the  postal or other  delivery
service is unable to deliver checks to the shareholder's address of record, such
shareholder's  distribution option will automatically be converted to having all
dividend and other  distributions  reinvested in additional  shares. No interest
will  accrue on amounts  represented  by  uncashed  distribution  or  redemption

Taxes.  Each fund has qualified and intends to continue to qualify as a separate
regulated  investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986,  as  amended  (the  "Code").  In any year in which a fund  qualifies  as a
regulated  investment company and distributes to its shareholders  substantially
all of its investment company taxable income (which includes, among other items,
interest,  dividends  and the  excess of net  short-term  capital  gain over net
long-term  capital  loss) and its net capital gain (the excess of net  long-term
capital gain over net  short-term  capital loss) the fund will not be subject to
federal  income tax on the amounts  distributed  to  shareholders  in the manner
required under the Code. A fund would be taxed at regular  corporate  income tax
rates on any amounts not  distributed to  shareholders  in accordance with these

         Amounts not distributed on a timely basis in accordance with a separate
calendar year distribution  requirement are subject to a nondeductible 4% excise
tax. To avoid  imposition of the excise tax, each fund must  distribute for each
calendar year an amount equal to the sum of (1) at least 98% of its net ordinary
income  (excluding  any capital gains or losses) for the calendar  year,  (2) at
least 98% of the excess of its capital gains over capital  losses  (adjusted for
certain  ordinary  losses) realized during the one-year period ending October 31
of such year,  and (3) all  ordinary  income and capital  gains for the previous
year that were not  distributed  during  such year and on which the fund has not
paid income tax. A  distribution  will be treated as paid by a fund, and taxable
to shareholders as if received,  on December 31 of the year if it is declared by
a fund in October,  November or December of that year with a record date in such
a month and paid by the fund during  January of the  following  year.  Each fund
intends to seek to distribute its income in accordance with this  requirement to
avoid or minimize any excise tax.  Shortly after the end of each year, the Trust
will  notify   shareholders   of  the  federal  tax  status  of  dividends   and
distributions for that year.

         All income and capital  gains  received by a fund from a mutual fund in
that fund's portfolio will be distributed by the fund (after  deductions for the
fund's  allowable  losses and expenses) and will be taxable to  shareholders  as
ordinary  income,  except for any  distributions  attributable to the fund's net
capital gain, which will be taxable to shareholders as long-term  capital gains.
These long-term  capital gains may be subject to tax at different  maximum rates
for individual  (noncorporate)  investors,  depending  upon each  investor's tax
bracket,  the assets from which the fund or underlying  mutual fund realized the
gains,  and the fund's or underlying  fund's  holding  periods for those assets.
Because  each fund is actively  managed and may realize  taxable net  short-term
capital  gains  by  selling  shares  of a  mutual  fund  in its  portfolio  with
unrealized  appreciation,  or capital losses that might be disallowed under wash
sale rules or  recharacterized,  investing in a fund rather than directly in the
underlying  funds may result in increased tax  liability to a shareholder  since
the fund must  distribute  its net realized  gains in accordance  with the rules
described above.

         Distributions  of  net  capital  gain  received  by  a  fund  from  the
underlying funds (as described above), as well as net capital gain realized by a
fund from the sale (or  redemption)  of mutual fund shares or other  securities,
after reduction by allowable capital losses, will be taxable to a shareholder as
long-term  capital  gain (even if the  shareholder  has held the shares for less
than one year).

         Redemptions and exchanges are taxable events for shareholders  that are
subject  to  tax.  Shareholders  should  consult  their  own tax  advisers  with
reference to their individual  circumstances to determine whether any particular
transaction  in fund shares is properly  treated as a sale for tax purposes,  as
the following  discussion assumes,  and the character of and tax rate applicable
to any gains or losses recognized in such transactions. If a shareholder who has
received a capital gain  distribution  suffers a loss on the redemption or other
sale of his or her fund shares  that have a tax holding  period of six months or
less,  the loss on those  shares will be treated as a long-term  capital loss to
the extent of the capital gain distribution  received on those shares. Also, any
loss  realized on a redemption or other sale of fund shares may be disallowed to
the extent the shares  disposed of are  replaced  with other  shares of the same
fund  within a period of 61 days  beginning  30 days  before  and ending 30 days
after the shares  are  disposed  of,  such as  pursuant  to  automatic  dividend

         For purposes of determining  the character of income received by a fund
when an underlying  fund  distributes  net capital gain to a fund, the fund will
treat the  distribution  as a long-term  capital gain, even if the fund has held
shares of the  underlying  fund for less than one year.  Any loss  incurred by a
fund on the  redemption  or other sale of such mutual  fund's shares that have a
tax holding period of six months or less, however, if it is not disallowed under
wash sale rules,  will be treated as a long-term  capital  loss to the extent of
the gain distribution received on the shares disposed of by the fund.

         If a fund acquires any equity interest in certain foreign  corporations
that receive at least 75% of their  annual  gross  income from  passive  sources
(such as interest,  dividends,  certain rents and royalties, or capital gain) or
hold at least 50% of their assets in  investments  producing such passive income
("passive foreign investment  companies"),  the fund could be subject to federal
income tax and additional  interest charges on "excess  distributions"  received
from such  companies or gain from the sale of stock in such  companies,  even if
all income or gain actually  received by the fund is timely  distributed  to its
shareholders. The fund would not be able to pass through to its shareholders any
credit or deduction  for such a tax. An election  may  generally be available to
ameliorate these adverse tax  consequences,  but any such election could require
the fund to recognize  taxable income or gain without the concurrent  receipt of
cash. These investments could also result in the treatment of associated capital
gains as ordinary  income.  Each fund may limit  and/or  manage its  holdings in
passive foreign  investment  companies to minimize its tax liability or maximize
its return from these investments.

         Each fund may be subject to foreign  withholding or other foreign taxes
imposed by foreign  countries with respect to the fund's  investments in foreign
securities. Tax conventions between certain countries and the U.S. may reduce or
eliminate  such taxes in some cases.  The funds do not expect to qualify to pass
such taxes or  associated  foreign  tax credits or  deductions  through to their
shareholders,  who  consequently  are not  expected to take them into account on
their own tax returns.

         Foreign exchange gains and losses realized by a fund in connection with
certain  transactions  involving foreign  currency-denominated  debt securities,
foreign  currency  forward  contracts,  certain  options and  futures  contracts
relating to foreign  currency,  foreign  currencies,  or payables or receivables
denominated  in foreign  currency are subject to Section 988 of the Code,  which
generally  causes  such gains and losses to be  treated as  ordinary  income and
losses and may affect the  amount,  timing and  character  of  distributions  to
shareholders.  Any such  transactions  that are not directly related to a fund's
investment in stock or securities,  possibly  including any such transaction not
used for hedging purposes,  may under future Treasury regulations produce income
not among the types of  "qualifying  income"  from which the fund must derive at
least 90% of its gross income for each taxable year. If the net foreign exchange
loss for a year  treated as ordinary  loss under  Section 988 were to exceed the
fund's  investment  company taxable income computed without regard to such loss,
the resulting overall ordinary loss for such year would not be deductible by the
fund or its shareholders in future years.

         Limitations imposed by the Code on regulated  investment companies like
the funds may  restrict  each fund's  ability to enter into  options and futures
contracts,  foreign currency  positions and foreign currency forward  contracts.
Certain of these transactions may cause a fund to recognize gains or losses from
marking to market even though its positions have not been sold or terminated and
may affect the character as long-term or short-term  (or, in the case of certain
foreign currency options,  futures and forward contracts,  as ordinary income or
loss) of some capital gains and losses  realized by the fund. A fund may also be
required to recognize gain if an option,  futures  contract,  forward  contract,
short sale or other  transaction that is not subject to the mark to market rules
is treated as a "constructive sale" of an "appreciated  financial position" held
by the fund under Section 1259 of the Code.  Any net mark to market gains and/or
gains from  constructive  sales may also have to be  distributed  to satisfy the
distribution  requirements  referred to above even though no corresponding  cash
amounts may  concurrently  be received,  possibly  requiring the  disposition of
portfolio  securities or borrowing to obtain the necessary  cash.  Additionally,
certain of a fund's losses on transactions involving options,  futures,  forward
contracts,  and any offsetting or successor  positions in its portfolio,  may be
deferred  rather than being taken into  account  currently  in  calculating  the
fund's taxable income or gain.  Certain of such  transactions may also cause the
fund to dispose of investments sooner than would otherwise have occurred.  These
transactions may therefore  affect the amount,  timing and character of a fund's
distributions to shareholders.  The funds will take into account the special tax
rules   applicable  to  options,   futures  or  forward   contracts,   including
consideration of available elections, in order to seek to minimize any potential
adverse tax consequences.

         The federal income tax rules  applicable to interest rate swaps,  caps,
floors and collars and  currency  swaps are unclear in certain  respects,  and a
fund may be  required  to  account  for these  instruments  under tax rules in a
manner that,  under certain  circumstances,  may limit its transactions in these

         Investments in debt  obligations  that are at risk of or are in default
(i.e.,  junk bonds) present special tax issues for the funds.  Tax rules are not
entirely clear about issues such as when the funds may cease to accrue interest,
original issue discount, or market discount,  when and to what extent deductions
may be taken for bad debts or worthless  securities,  how  payments  received on
obligations in default  should be allocated  between  principal and income,  and
whether  exchanges of debt  obligations in a workout context are taxable.  These
and other  issues will be  addressed  by a fund that holds such  obligations  in
order to reduce the risk of  distributing  insufficient  income to preserve  its
status as a regulated  investment  company and seek to avoid becoming subject to
federal income or excise tax.

         The tax treatment of distributions  from a fund is the same whether the
distributions  are  received  in  additional  shares  or in  cash.  Shareholders
receiving  distributions in the form of additional shares will have a cost basis
for federal  income tax purposes in each share  received  equal to the amount of
cash that could have been received instead.

         A fund may invest in mutual funds with capital loss  carryforwards.  If
such a mutual fund realizes  capital gains,  it will be able to offset the gains
to the extent of its loss  carryforwards  in  determining  the amount of capital
gains which must be  distributed to  shareholders.  To the extent that gains are
offset in this manner,  distributions to a fund and its shareholders will likely
be reduced. Similarly, a fund may incur capital losses that it may carry forward
to future  taxable  years,  to the extent  provided  by the Code and  applicable
regulations, to offset capital gains it may realize in such years.

         Depending   upon  a   shareholder's   residence   for   tax   purposes,
distributions  and the value of fund  shares  may also be  subject  to state and
local taxes, or other taxes.  Shareholders should consult their own tax advisers
regarding  the tax  consequences  of  ownership  of shares  of,  and  receipt of
distributions from, a fund in their particular circumstances.

         The funds are generally  required to withhold  federal  income tax at a
rate of 31%  ("backup  withholding")  from  dividends  and other  distributions,
including  redemption  proceeds,   paid  to  individuals  and  other  non-exempt
shareholders  if (1) the  shareholder  fails to  furnish  the Trust  with and to
certify  his  or  her  correct   social   security   number  or  other  taxpayer
identification  number, (2) the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") or a broker
notifies the Trust that the  shareholder  is subject to  withholding  or (3) the
shareholder  fails  to  certify  that  he  or  she  is  not  subject  to  backup

         Each fund will distribute investment company taxable income and any net
capital  gain  at  least  annually.  All  dividends  and  distributions  will be
reinvested  automatically  at net asset value in  additional  shares of the fund
making the distribution,  unless the shareholder notifies the fund in writing of
his or her election to receive distributions in cash.

The  foregoing  discussion  relates  solely to U.S.  federal  income  tax law as
applicable to U.S. persons (i.e.,  U.S.  citizens or residents and U.S. domestic
corporations,  partnerships,  trusts or estates)  subject to tax under such law.
The discussion does not address special tax rules  applicable to certain classes
of investors, such as retirement plans, tax-exempt entities, insurance companies
and financial institutions.

Non-U.S. investors not engaged in a U.S. trade or business with which their fund
investment is effectively  connected will be subject to U.S.  federal income tax
treatment that is different from that described  above.  These  investors may be
subject to  non-resident  alien  withholding  tax at the rate of 30% (or a lower
rate under an applicable  tax treaty) on amounts  treated as ordinary  dividends
from a fund and, unless an effective Form W-8 is on file, 31% backup withholding
on certain other payments from the fund. Non-U.S. investors should consult their
tax advisers  regarding such treatment and the applicability of foreign taxes to
an investment in the funds.

         The  funds  are  not  subject  to  Massachusetts  corporate  excise  or
franchise  taxes.  Provided that each fund  qualifies as a regulated  investment
company under the Code, the funds will also not be required to pay Massachusetts
income tax.


         Pursuant  to a Custody  Agreement  between  the Trust and  Boston  Safe
Deposit  and  Trust  Company  ("Boston  Safe"),  a  subsidiary  of  Mellon  Bank
Corporation,  Boston Safe provides  custodial  services to the Trust and each of
the funds.  The principal  business  address of Boston Safe is One Boston Place,
Boston, Massachusetts 02108.

         Hale and Dorr LLP, 60 State Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02109,  is
counsel for the Trust.

               PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP,   160   Federal   Street,   Boston,
Massachusetts 02110, are the independent accountants of the Trust.     

                           X. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST

         The Trust is an  open-end,  diversified  series  management  investment
company  established as a business trust under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts  pursuant to a Declaration of Trust dated  September 13, 1996. The
name of the Trust, formerly Insight Premier Funds, was changed to Kobren Insight
Funds in November 1996 by amendment to the Declaration of Trust.

         The Trustees of the Trust have  authority to issue an unlimited  number
of shares of beneficial  interest in an unlimited  number of series,  each share
with a par value of $.001.  Currently,  the Trust consists of three series. Each
share in a particular series represents an equal proportionate  interest in that
series with each other  share of that  series and is entitled to such  dividends
and  distributions  as are  declared  by the  Trustees  of the  Trust.  Upon any
liquidation of a series,  shareholders  of that series are entitled to share pro
rata in the net assets of that series available for  distribution.  Shareholders
in one of the series have no interest in, or rights upon  liquidation of, any of
the other series.

         The Trust will  normally not hold annual  meetings of  shareholders  to
elect  Trustees.  If less than a majority of the  Trustees of the Trust  holding
office have been elected by shareholders, a meeting of shareholders of the Trust
will be called to elect  Trustees.  Under the  Declaration of Trust and the 1940
Act, the recordholders of not less than two-thirds of the outstanding  shares of
the Trust may  remove a Trustee by votes cast in person or by proxy at a meeting
called  for the  purpose  or by a written  declaration  filed  with the  Trust's
custodian bank.  Except as described  above,  the Trustees will continue to hold
office and may appoint successor Trustees.

         Under   Massachusetts   law,    shareholders   could,   under   certain
circumstances,  be held  personally  liable  for the  obligations  of the Trust.
However,  the Declaration of Trust disclaims  shareholder  liability for acts or
obligations of the Trust and requires that notice of this disclaimer be given in
each agreement,  obligation or instrument  entered into or executed by the funds
or the Trustees.  The Declaration of Trust provides for  indemnification  out of
the Trust's property for all loss and expense of any shareholder held personally
liable for  obligations of the Trust and its funds.  Accordingly,  the risk of a
shareholder  of the Trust  incurring a financial  loss on account of shareholder
liability is limited to  circumstances in which the Trust itself would be unable
to meet its obligations. The likelihood of such circumstances is remote.

                           XI. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         The  prospectus  and this  statement of additional  information  do not
contain all of the information  included in the Trust's  registration  statement
filed with the SEC under the 1933 Act,  with respect to the  securities  offered
hereby.  Certain  portions  of the  registration  statement  have  been  omitted
pursuant to the rules and regulations of the SEC. This  registration  statement,
including the exhibits  filed  therewith,  may be examined at the offices of the
SEC in Washington, D.C.

         Statements contained in the prospectus and this statement of additional
information as to the contents of any agreement or other  documents  referred to
are not necessarily  complete,  and, in each instance,  reference is made to the
copy  of  such  agreement  or  other  documents  filed  as  an  exhibit  to  the
registration  statement,  each such statement being qualified in all respects by
such reference.

                            XII. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

         The following  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended December
31,  1998 as well as the related  Notes to  Financial  Statements  and Report of
Independent  Accountants  are  incorporated  into this  statement of  additional
information  by reference to the Trust's Annual Report for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1998:  Portfolios of Investment at December 31, 1998; Statements of
Assets and  Liabilities  at December 31, 1998;  Statements of Operations for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 1998; and Statements of Changes in Net Assets for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998.


                         Kobren Insight Management, Inc.
                              Kobren Insight Funds

      Kobren Growth, Kobren Moderate Growth, Kobren Conservative Allocation

                                  Annual Report
                                December 31, 1998

Message To Shareholders

Volatile Year Ends On A Good Note

     Like the weather in New England,  if you didn't like what was  happening in
the stock market over the past year, all you had to do was wait. A very volatile
1998 closed with some positive news as the market and our funds recovered during
the fourth  quarter,  recouping all of the losses they suffered  during the late
summer and early fall ... and then some.

[Picture of Eric M. Kobren]

         In our third  quarter  report we wrote about the quick turn in investor
sentiment.  As the market declined during the summer, many investors went from a
feeling of tremendous greed to outright fear. Then, in early October, the market
responded to another  interest-rate  cut and retraced its earlier  losses.  Once
again,  it appears that  investors  are in the greed mode.  We're not saying the
market is going to drop tomorrow,  but it is a little  disconcerting  that a few
"hot stocks" have once again become the top subject of conversation.
         It is important to understand  that much of the market's gain last year
was the result of just a handful of high-growth technology companies.  Fully 25%
of the market's  gain,  as measured by the S&P 500,  came from just five stocks:
Intel, Cisco,  Microsoft,  Lucent and Dell. And even though small-cap stocks did
experience a surge last quarter,  one-third of the small-cap  stocks  tracked by
Morningstar still declined 30% or more during 1998.

Managing Risk Through Asset Allocation

         As  large-cap  stocks   outperformed   small  caps,  the  disparity  in
valuations   have   become  even  more   pronounced.   Indeed,   the   large-cap
stock-oriented S&P 500 ended the year with a price-earnings multiple of about 30
versus an  historic  average of 14. This is all the more  remarkable  given that
economic  growth  is  slowing  to a crawl  and  corporate  earnings  in 1999 are
expected to grow less than 5%.
         For these  reasons,  we enter 1999 even more committed to managing risk
by  diversifying  each fund by asset  class and  investment  style.  Rather than
jumping  on  the  bandwagon  of  high-growth  technology-oriented  funds,  we've
maintained a healthy dose of stock  exposure in areas that have (in our opinion)
less  downside  risk.  This  includes  investing  in  value-oriented  large- and
small-cap funds. Small caps, for example,  are selling at only 20 times earnings
on average,  despite having higher  expected  growth rates than their  large-cap
cousins.  And all funds  include at least  some  exposure  to the  international

A Frustrating Year for Managers ...

         With more than 90% of actively  managed stock funds failing to beat the
S&P 500,  1998 was a  particularly  frustrating  year  for most  fund  managers.
Nevertheless,  we spent  the  fourth  quarter  making  sure  that  the  managers
investing  your money were sticking to their  disciplines,  and not allowing the
market's volatility and lack of breadth to blur their investment  processes.  We
are happy to report that in  virtually  all  instances,  our  managers  remained
focused  and  looked  at  the   market's   wide   swings  as  great   investment

 ... And for Us

         We can point to the  irrational  behavior of the market for not meeting
our  expectations  for  each  fund.  But the  fact is that we had our  share  of
mistakes and frustrating  moments over the past year.  Despite a fairly accurate
economic analysis,  in hindsight,  we made some poor asset allocation decisions.
We also may have been overly concerned with current market  valuations  relative
to historic norms. This led to a lower allocation in the top-performing  sectors
last year.  We've  taken steps to address  these  issues  which we believe  will
result in improved performance on both an absolute and a relative basis.
         Despite this  critical  self-evaluation,  we are very  confident in the
quality and depth of our research.  We continue to be applauded by fund managers
for our  thorough  and  insightful  research.  Our staff  continues to meet with
managers in their offices,  at our office,  at conferences,  and via phone. Over
the past year  we've  installed  numerous  computer  programs  and  developed  a
database of fund  information  that  allows us to quickly  hone in on funds that
require our immediate attention.
         We expect  volatility  to  continue,  and top stock  pickers  should be
rewarded going forward. Thank you for the confidence and trust you have shown in
our funds.

                                                /s/ ERIC
                                                Eric M. Kobren
                                                President and Portfolio Manager

Kobren Growth Fund (12/31/98)

Kobren  Growth  Fund  (Ticker:   KOGRX):  Both  large-  and  small-  cap  stocks
experienced a bounce in the fourth  quarter as the S&P 500  rebounded  21.3% and
the Russell 2000 rose 16.3%. The recovery was very narrow as investors continued
to  favor  growth  stocks  over  value  stocks.  For  the  year,  Kobren  Growth
underperformed  the  large-cap  benchmarks  due to our focus on smaller,  value-
oriented  funds.  We  committed  to this area of the market  for its  attractive
pricing.  However,  this sector never received as much investor  attention as we
felt it deserved.  Trouble in Asia and slowing profit growth  weakened  investor
confidence,  shifting  focus to the larger  and  better-known  growth  companies
regardless of their lofty valuations.
         Two star  performers of 1998,  Janus Twenty and Artisan  International,
held top positions in the portfolio  throughout the year.  While  accounting for
approximately  30% of assets,  these two funds drove  performance  in the fourth
quarter as Janus Twenty surged 29.7% and Artisan International  increased 24.9%.
Both funds are managed by pure bottom-up stock pickers,  one concentrated in the
U.S. and the other in Europe.
         Major changes throughout the past year were the elimination of our real
estate position as well as an increased  emphasis on larger-cap growth and value
funds.  We've  continued  to  focus on  concentrated  funds  run by savvy  stock
pickers, and these managers know their holdings very well. We expect these funds
to excel in a choppy 1999.

[Double Line Chart]

Value of $10,000 invested 12/16/96

                           12 Months            Annualized
                           Ended                Since Inception
Total Return (%)           12/31/98             (12/16/96)
Kobren Growth              +11.5                +14.3
S&P 500                    +28.7                +32.0

[Pie Chart]

Asset Allocation*

Bonds                                5%
Cash & Other Assets                  7%
International                       16%
U.S. Stocks                         72%

[Pie Chart]

Style Allocation*

Sector                               3%
Bonds                                5%
Cash & Other Assets                  7%
International                       16%
Small Cap Value                     17%
Large Cap Growth                    20%
Large Cap Value                     32%

Top Holdings*

Kobren Growth                       Style                        Alloc(%)
- -------------                       -----                        --------
Oakmark                             Large Cap Value              18.5
Janus Twenty                        Large Cap Growth             14.7
Longleaf Partners                   Large Cap Value              13.8
Longleaf Partners Small Cap         Small Cap Value               9.4
Artisan International               International                 8.1
Artisan International Inst'l Class  International                 7.6
Marsico Growth & Income             Large Cap Growth              5.7
U.S. Treasury Strip, 3.21% 8/15/20  Bonds                         4.7
Dreyfus Cash Management Plus        Money Market                  4.4
Neuberger & Bergman Genesis Trust   Small Cap Value               4.2
Oakmark Small Cap                   Small Cap Value               3.6
Fidelity Select Air Transportation  Sector                        2.7

Total Fund Assets                   $64,506,745

[Bar Chart]

Top Sectors**
(Total may not equal 100%)

Services                   28.7
Financial                  16.4
Ind. Cyclicals             13.6
Technology                 11.7
Cons. Staples               8.7
Health                      8.1
Cons. Durables              8.0
Energy                      2.2
Retail                      1.7
Utilities                   0.9

*   Based on total investments.
**  Equities only.

Kobren Moderate Growth Fund (12/31/98)

Kobren  Moderate  Growth Fund  (Ticker:  KOMGX):  After a very  successful  1997
(+23.3%),  Kobren  Moderate  Growth  had a  disappointing  year  (+3.4%)  as our
aversion to overpriced  market sectors  largely kept us away from 1998's biggest
winners. Our 25% allocation to bonds (flat for the quarter),  5% in real estate,
and a more  value-oriented  approach did not pay off in a market where investors
bid technology-oriented and Internet stocks into the stratosphere.
         Bright  spots in the  portfolio  this year were Tweedy,  Browne  Global
Value, along with Marsico Growth & Income. The management team of Tweedy, Browne
Global Value  concentrated in household  finance and basic cyclicals,  which are
trading at large  discounts to book value.  On the growth  side,  Tom Marsico of
Marsico Growth & Income favored pharmaceuticals and regional banks, leading to a
stellar first year (+43.4%) for this fund. Although we dramatically  reduced our
exposure to real estate in the fourth quarter,  this sector has not regained the
investor attention it had in 1996 and 1997. Also, the portfolio's  allocation to
U.S.  Treasuries,  while  minimizing  volatility,  could  not keep pace with the
spectacular equity market returns.
         Looking  ahead  to 1999,  we  expect  volatility  will  remain,  if not
increase.  Given the more risk-averse  charter of this fund, we remain committed
to staying  well-diversified,  while  concentrating  on managers who have proven
their  stock-picking  prowess. As evidenced by our 11% fourth quarter gain, this
fund contains plenty of firepower while remaining prudently invested.

[Double Line Chart]

Value of $10,000 invested 12/24/96

                                    12 Months              Annualized
                                    Ended                  Since Inception
Total Return (%)                    12/31/98               (12/24/96)
Kobren Moderate Growth              +3.4                   +13.1
S&P 500                             +28.7                  +29.7

[Pie Chart]

Asset Allocation*

Cash                                 2%
International                       16%
Bonds                               23%
U.S. Stocks                         59%

[Pie Chart]

Style Allocation*

Cash                                 2%
Real Estate                          6%
Small Cap Value                     10%

International                       16%
Large Cap Value                     21%
Large Cap Growth                    22%
Bonds                               23%

Top Holdings*

Kobren Moderate Growth              Style                        Alloc(%)
- ----------------------              -----                        --------
Tweedy, Browne Global Value         International                15.6
Longleaf Partners                   Large Cap Value              11.2
Skyline Special Equities            Small Cap Value              10.2
MAS Pooled Value                    Large Cap Value              10.0
Marsico Growth & Income             Large Cap Growth              8.6
PIMCo Cadence Capital App Inst'l    Large Cap Growth              8.3
Longleaf Partners Realty            Real Estate                   5.6
Fidelity Adv Growth Opp'ty, CI.T    Large Cap Growth              4.9
Treasury Note, 6.50% 08/15/05       Bond                          4.1
Treasury Note, 7.50% 02/15/05       Bond                          3.7
Treasury Note, 7.25% 08/15/04       Bond                          3.6
Treasury Note, 8.125% 08/15/19      Bond                          3.6
Treasury Note, 5.625% 11/30/99      Bond                          2.7
Treasury Note, 6.00% 02/15/26       Bond                          2.3
Treasury Note, 7.00% 07/15/06       Bond                          1.8
Dreyfus Cash Management Plus        Money Market                  1.8
Vang. Interm-Term Treas.            Bond                          1.7

Total Fund Assets                   $46,957,981

[Bar Chart]

Top Sectors**
(Total may not equal 100%)

Services                   22.9
Financial                  18.8
Ind. Cyclicals             16.5
Cons. Staples               9.0
Technology                  8.5
Health                      8.4
Retail                      8.2
Cons. Staples               3.7
Energy                      2.8
Utilities                   1.2

*   Based on total investments.
**  Equities only, excludes real estate funds.

Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund (12/31/98)

Kobren  Conservative  Allocation  Fund  (Ticker:  KOCAX):  Despite a very strong
fourth quarter for a fund with a conservative charter (+8.5%), we were only able
to eke out single digit gains for the year (+3.4%). Our value-oriented bias hurt
the fund as investors continued to flock to growth stocks at almost any price.
         The largest  contributions  to  performance  in 1998 were from  Marsico
Growth &  Income  (+43.4%),  Gabelli  Westwood  Equity  (+13.1%),  and  Longleaf
Partners Small Cap (+12.7%).  Tom Marsico's approach for Marsico Growth & Income
combines a  macro-economic  analysis with  bottom-up  stock  selection.  Gabelli
Westwood  Equity  manager,  Susan Byrne,  has  positioned  her portfolio in more
defensive,  less growth-oriented areas. Also, while small-cap value funds didn't
shine this year, we owned one of the best in Longleaf Partners Small Cap.
         Although  the bond  holdings  did not help  during  the  strong  fourth
quarter rally, we were pleased with their  contribution to total return for most
of the year.  We continue to hold bonds,  as we don't expect  interest  rates to
dramatically  increase and can enjoy the income and stability  they bring to the
portfolio.  If 1999 is as volatile as we expect,  this portion of the  portfolio
should serve as an anchor during a very uncertain period.

[Double Line Chart]

Value of $10,000 invested 12/30/96

                                    12 Months               Annualized
                                    Ended                   Since Inception
Total Return (%)                    12/31/98                (12/30/96)
Kobren Conservative Allocation      +3.4                    +11.5
S&P 500                             +28.7                   +29.7

[Pie chart]
Asset Allocation*

Cash                                 2%
International                       11%
Bonds                               35%
U.S. Stocks                         52%

[Pie Chart]

Style Allocation*

Cash                                 2%
Real Estate                          5%
International                       11%
Large Cap Growth                    11%
Small Cap Value                     10%
Large Cap Value                     26%
Bonds                               35%

Top Holdings*

Kobren Conservative Allocation      Style                        Alloc(%)
- ------------------------------      -----                        --------
Marsico Growth & Income             Large Cap Growth             11.3
Franklin Mutual Beacon, Cl. Z       Large Cap Value              10.6
Tweedy, Browne Global Value         International                10.6
Fidelity Value                      Large Cap Value               9.9
Treasury Note, 7.25% 08/15/04       Bond                          9.4
Treasury Bond, 8.125% 08/15/19      Bond                          8.5
Treasury Note, 7.50% 02/15/05       Bond                          5.8
Gabelli Westwood Equity             Large Cap Value               5.2
Third Avenue Value                  Small Cap Value               5.2
Longleaf Partners Small Cap         Small Cap Value               5.0
Morgan Stanley Inst'l Real
Estate, Cl. A                       Real Estate                   4.9
Treasury Note, 7.00% 07/15/06       Bond                          4.3
PIMCo Total Return Inst'l           Bond                          2.9
Treasury Bond, 6.00% 02/15/26       Bond                          2.8
Dreyfus Cash Management Plus        Money Market                  1.9
Treasury Note, 6.50% 08/15/05       Bond                          1.4

Total Fund Assets                   $19,709,986

[Bar Chart]

Top Sectors**
(Total may not equal 100%)

Financial                  20.9
Services                   19.0
Ind. Cyclicals             17.4
Technology                 10.4
Cons. Durables             10.2
Health                      6.0
Energy                      5.9
Retail                      4.5
Cons. Staples               4.3
Utilities                   1.4

*   Based on total investments.
**  Equities only, excludes real estate funds.

Kobren Insight  Management,  Inc. is the registered  investment  adviser for the
Kobren Insight Funds, and Kobren Insight Brokerage,  Inc., a NASD broker/dealer,
is the distributor for the Funds. Performance data reflects past performance and
is not a guarantee of future  results.  Cumulative  total return figures include
reinvestment of all  distributions.  Investment  return and principal value will
fluctuate with market  conditions and an investor's  shares when redeemed may be
worth more or less than their original cost. International investing has special
risks, including currency fluctuation,  political and economic instability,  and
the volatility of emerging markets. The adviser absorbs certain expenses of each
Kobren Insight Fund, without which total return would have been lower. Portfolio
holdings are also subject to change. Copyright c1999.  Reproductions in whole or
in part are  prohibited  except by  permission.  Data  sources:  Kobren  Insight
Management,  Inc. and  Morningstar.  Postmaster:  Send address changes to Kobren
Insight Funds,  PO Box 5146,  Westborough,  MA  01581-9936.  This report must be
preceded  or  accompanied  by a  prospectus.  Please  read it  carefully  before
investing.  You may  obtain  a  prospectus  by  calling  a Kobren  Insight  Fund
representative at 1-800-4KOBREN (1-800-456-2736) or by visiting

                            Portfolio of Investments
                               Kobren Growth Fund
                                December 31, 1998

SHARES            MUTUAL FUNDS - 92.70%                       VALUE  (Note 1)

                           Large Cap Value - 32.37%
366,091           Longleaf Partners Fund                      $8,928,967
333,601           Oakmark Fund                                11,949,597

                           Large Cap Growth - 20.44%
178,093           Janus Twenty Fund                            9,492,365
257,644           Marsico Growth & Income Fund                 3,694,601
                           Small Cap Value - 17.11%
275,293           Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund             6,042,683
132,742           Neuberger & Berman Genesis Trust             2,699,979
155,147           Oakmark Small Cap Fund                       2,291,527
                           International - 15.69%
325,193           Artisan International Fund                   5,242,105
302,373           Artisan International Fund,
                           Institutional Class                 4,877,277
                           Money Market Fund - 4.36%
2,815,251         Dreyfus Cash Management Plus Fund            2,815,251

                           Sector Fund - 2.66%
67,781            Fidelity Select Air Transportation Fund      1,714,867

                           Small Cap Growth - 0.07%
1,712             RBB Fund Inc. Numeric Growth Fund               22,579
1,479             RBB Fund Inc. Numeric Investors Micro Cap       24,873

                           Total Mutual Funds
                           (Cost $53,294,435)                $59,796,671

PRINCIPAL AMT     U.S. TREASURY STRIP - 4.71% (Cost $3,055,006)
$10,000,000                3.210%, 8/15/20                     3,037,100

(Cost $56,349,501*)                 97.41%                    62,833,771

(Net)                                2.59%                     1,672,974

NET ASSETS                         100.00%                   $64,506,745

*For Federal income tax purposes, cost is $56,590,403 and
appreeciation/(depreciation) is as follows:

         Unrealized appreciation:            $7,596,392
         Unrealized depreciation:            (1,353,024)
         Net unrealized appreciation:        $6,243,368

                            Unaudited Tax Information
Kobren  Growth Fund paid  $1,309,372  in long term capital  gains for the fiscal
year ended 12/31/98.

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                            Portfolio of Investments
                           Kobren Moderate Growth Fund
                                December 31, 1998

SHARES            MUTUAL FUNDS - 78.02%                       VALUE  (Note 1)

                           Large Cap Growth - 21.83%
45,419            Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities
                  Fund, Class T                               $2,280,486
282,481           Marsico Growth & Income Fund                 4,050,774
157,184           PIMCo Cadence Capital Appreciation
                  Fund, Institutional Class                    3,920,164
                           Large Cap Value - 21.21%
216,105           Longleaf Partners Fund                       5,270,795
324,037           MAS Pooled Value Fund                        4,688,820
                           International - 15.63%
436,486           Tweedy, Browne Global Value Fund             7,341,689

                           Small Cap Value - 10.22%
242,748           Skyline Special Equities Fund                4,801,565

                           Real Estate - 5.57%
179,608           Longleaf Partners Realty Fund                2,613,292

                           Money Market Fund - 1.81%
849,560           Dreyfus Cash Management Plus Fund              849,560

                           Bond - 1.75%
73,593            Vanguard Intermediate-Term
                  Treasury Fund                                  819,825

                           Total Mutual Funds
                           (Cost $35,573,679)                $36,636,970


                  U.S. Treasury Notes - 15.83%
$1,250,000        5.625%  11/30/99                             1,261,621
1,500,000         7.250%  08/15/04                             1,683,516
1,500,000         7.500%  02/15/05                             1,714,570
1,750,000         6.500%  08/15/05                             1,920,762
750,000           7.000%  07/15/06                               852,480
                  U.S. Treasury Bonds - 5.88%
1,000,000         6.000%  02/15/26                             1,091,836
1,250,000         8.125%  08/15/19                             1,667,383

                  Total U.S. Treasury Obligations
                  (Cost $9,645,369)                           10,192,168

     (Cost $45,219,048*)                99.73%                46,829,138

     (Net)                               0.27%                   128,843

NET ASSETS                             100.00%               $46,957,981

*For Federal income tax purposes, cost is $45,373,673 and
appreciation/(depreciation) is as follows:

         Unrealized appreciation:            $2,775,778
         Unrealized depreciation:            (1,320,313)
         Net unrealized appreciation:        $1,455,465

                            Unaudited Tax Information
Kobren  Moderate  Growth Fund paid $1,048,296 in long term capital gains for the
fiscal year ended 12/31/98.

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                            Portfolio of Investments
                       Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund
                                December 31, 1998

SHARES            MUTUAL FUNDS - 67.48%                       VALUE  (Note 1)

                           Large Cap Value - 25.81%
42,228            Fidelity Value Fund                         $1,957,279
159,968           Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund,
                  Class Z                                      2,098,775
102,569           Gabelli Westwood Equity Fund                 1,030,815
                           Large Cap Growth - 11.29%
155,197           Marsico Growth & Income Fund                 2,225,531

                           International - 10.55%
123,665           Tweedy, Browne Global Value Fund             2,080,054

                           Small Cap Value - 10.19%
31,717            Third Avenue Value Fund                      1,024,152
44,857            Longleaf Partners Small Cap Fund               984,614
                           Real Estate - 4.86%
75,320            Morgan Stanley Institutional
                  Real Estate Fund, Class A                      957,314

                           Bond - 2.86%
53,508            PIMCo Total Return Institutional Fund          563,971

                           Money Market Fund - 1.92%
376,969           Dreyfus Cash Management Plus Fund              376,969

                           Total Mutual Funds
                           (Cost $13,256,325)                $13,299,474


                  U.S. Treasury Notes - 20.91%
1,650,000         7.250%  08/15/04                             1,851,867
1,000,000         7.500%  02/15/05                             1,143,047
250,000           6.500%  08/15/05                               274,395
750,000           7.000%  07/15/06                               852,480
                  U.S. Treasury Bonds - 11.23%
1,250,000         8.125%  08/15/19                             1,667,384
500,000           6.000%  02/15/26                               545,918
                  Total U.S. Treasury Obligations
                  (Cost $5,879,003)                            6,335,091

(Cost $19,135,328*)                 99.62%                    19,634,565

(Net)                                0.38%                        75,421

NET ASSETS                         100.00%                   $19,709,986

*For Federal income tax purposes, cost is $19,208,366 and
appreciation/(depreciation) is as follows:

          Unrealized appreciation:           $857,527
          Unrealized depreciation:          ($431,328)
          Net unrealized appreciation:       $426,199

                            Unaudited Tax Information
Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund paid $426,542 in long term capital gains for
the fiscal year ended 12/31/98.

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                      Statements of Assets and Liabilities
                              Kobren Insight Funds
                                December 31, 1998

                              Kobren      Kobren Moderate    Kobren Conservative
                            Growth Fund     Growth Fund        Allocation Fund

Investments, at value
See accompanying
schedules                  $62,833,771      $46,829,138       $19,634,565
Cash                               165                -                 -
Dividends receivable            13,724            6,775             2,772
Interest receivable                  -          238,867           153,598
Receivable for investment
securities sold              1,735,996                -                 -
Receivable for fund
shares sold                     63,136           33,806             5,341
Unamortized organization
costs                           12,416            6,208             6,277
Prepaid expenses and other
net assets                      19,376           13,910                 -
     Total assets           64,678,584       47,128,704        19,802,553


Payable to custodian                 -            3,492             5,940
Payable for fund shares
redeemed                        67,616           60,114            24,212
Distributions payable           20,053           38,252            31,175
Investment advisory
fee payable                     31,721           20,511             3,485
Administration fee payable       5,625            5,625             5,625
Transfer agent fees payable      8,000            7,333             4,667
Accrued trustees' fees
and expenses                     2,500            2,500             2,500
Accrued expenses and other
payables                        36,324           32,896            14,963
     Total liabilities         171,839          170,723            92,567

Net Assets                 $64,506,745      $46,957,981       $19,709,986
- ----------

Investments, at cost       $56,349,501      $45,219,048       $19,135,328

NET ASSETS consist of:

Undistributed net
investment income                   $-               $-                $-
Accumulated net realized
gain/(loss) on
investments sold             1,357,613          897,914          (560,666)
Net unrealized appreciation
of investments               6,484,270        1,610,090           499,237
Par value (shares of beneficial interest, $.001 per share)
                                 5,144            3,960             1,762
Paid-in capital in excess of par value
                            56,659,718       44,446,017        19,769,653

NET ASSETS                 $64,506,745      $46,957,981       $19,709,986

SHARES OUTSTANDING           5,144,196        3,959,727         1,761,910

Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share
                                $12.54           $11.86            $11.19

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                            Statements of Operations
                              Kobren Insight Funds
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1998

                              Kobren      Kobren Moderate    Kobren Conservative
                            Growth Fund     Growth Fund        Allocation Fund
Dividends                     $421,985         $472,979          $323,338
Interest                        53,788          598,393           342,871
Total investment income        475,773        1,071,372           666,209

Investment advisory fee        495,612          388,684           165,999
Administration fee              67,500           67,500            67,500
Transfer agent fees             62,136           55,704            42,076
Custodian fees                   3,130            3,599             3,441
Professional fees               36,027           31,264            10,828
Trustees' fees and
expenses                        11,956            9,874             5,059
Registration and
filing fees                     17,452           18,524            16,129
Amortization of organization
costs                            4,200            2,100             2,100
Other                           11,970           10,173             4,624
Total expenses                 709,983          587,422           317,756
Expenses reimbursed
by investment adviser          (49,566)         (69,479)          (96,407)
Other reductions               (56,320)         (44,404)                -
Net expenses                   604,097          473,539           221,349
(LOSS)                        (128,324)         597,833           444,860

Net realized gain/(loss) from
security transactions        (1,711,222)     (1,938,559)       (1,178,310)
Short term capital gain
distributions received          266,876         224,103           140,633
Long term capital gain
distributions received        3,925,774       2,836,492           618,165
Change in unrealized
of securities                 3,983,749        (371,379)          346,115
Net realized and unrealized
gain/(loss) on investments    6,465,177         750,657           (73,397)
RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS    $6,336,853      $1,348,490          $371,463

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                       Statements of Changes in Net Assets
                              Kobren Insight Funds
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1998

                              Kobren      Kobren Moderate    Kobren Conservative
                            Growth Fund     Growth Fund        Allocation Fund
Net investment
income/(loss)                 $(128,324)       $597,833          $444,860
Net realized gain/(loss)
from security transactions   (1,711,222)     (1,938,559)       (1,178,310)
Short term capital gains
distributions received          266,876         224,103           140,633
Long term capital gains
distributions received        3,925,774       2,836,492           618,165
Change in unrealized
of investments                3,983,749        (371,379)          346,115
Net increase in net assets
resulting from operations     6,336,853       1,348,490           371,463
Distribution to shareholders from:
Net investment income and
short term capital gains       (138,552)       (821,936)         (585,493)
Net realized gains
on investments               (1,309,372)     (1,048,296)         (426,542)
Total distributions          (1,447,924)     (1,870,232)       (1,012,035)
Net increase/(decrease)
in net assets from fund
share transactions           (2,891,457)      4,098,746         2,875,190

Net increase in net assets    1,997,472       3,577,004         2,234,618
Net Assets:
Beginning of period          62,509,273      43,380,977        17,475,368
End of period               $64,506,745     $46,957,981       $19,709,986

Undistributed net investment
income at end of period              $-              $-                $-

                              Kobren Insight Funds
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1998

                              Kobren      Kobren Moderate    Kobren Conservative
                            Growth Fund     Growth Fund        Allocation Fund

Net investment income          $261,121        $656,855          $354,447
Net realized gain/(loss)
on investment                (1,716,593)        (52,046)            2,902
Short term capital gains
distributions received        1,165,983         946,535           459,166
Long term capital gains
distributions received        2,169,928       1,102,350           470,684
Change in unrealized appreciation
of investments                2,499,144       1,981,333           153,396
Net increase in net assets
resulting from operations     4,379,583       4,635,027         1,440,595
Distribution to shareholders from:
Net investment income          (261,121)       (656,929)         (354,446)
Short term capital gains     (1,165,983)       (946,535)         (459,166)
Net realized gain/(loss)
on investments                     (902)         (2,027)          (47,565)
Total distributions          (1,428,006)     (1,605,491)         (861,177)
Net increase in net assets from
fund share transactions      59,306,348      40,161,231        16,731,225

Net increase in net assets   62,257,925      43,190,767        17,310,643
Net Assets:
Beginning of period             251,348          190,210          164,725
End of period               $62,509,273      $43,380,977      $17,475,368

Undistributed net investment
income at end of period             $-                $-               $-

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Financial Highlights
                               Kobren Growth Fund

                              For the Year   For the Year     For the Period
                              Ended          Ended            Ended
                              12/31/98(f)    12/31/97         12/31/96(a)
Net asset value - beginning
of period                         $11.51        $10.24          $10.00

Net investment income/(loss)       (0.02)         0.05            - (d)
Short term capital
gains received                      0.05          0.22            -
Net realized and unrealized
gains on investments                1.29          1.27            0.24
Net increase in net assets
resulting from investment
operations                          1.32          1.54            0.24

Distributions from net
investment income                    -           (0.05)            -
Distributions from short term
capital gains received             (0.03)        (0.22)            -
Distributions from net realized
long term capital gains            (0.26)         0.00 (d)         -
Total distributions                (0.29)        (0.27)            -

Net asset value - end of
period                            $12.54        $11.51          $10.24
Total return (b)                   11.45%        15.03%           2.40%

Ratios to average net assets/supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period
(in 000's)                       $64,507       $62,509            $251
Ratio of net investment income/(loss)
to average net assets              -0.19%         0.60%          -0.97%(c)(e)
Ratio of operating expenses to
average net assets after
reimbursements and reductions       0.91%         0.89%           1.00%    (c)
Portfolio turnover rate               62%           43%           n/a      (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to
average net assets before fees
waived and/or expenses reimbursed
by investment advisor
and other reductions                1.07%         1.28%           n/a      (e)

(a) Kobren Growth Fund commenced operations on December 16, 1996.
(b) Total return represents aggregate total return for the period indicated.
(c) Annualized.
(d) Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.
(e) Since Kobren Growth Fund was in operation for a short period of time,  these
ratios  are not  meaningful.  (f) Per  share  net  investment  income  has  been
calculated using the monthly average share method.

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Financial Highlights
                           Kobren Moderate Growth Fund

                         For the Year      For the Year      For the Period
                         Ended             Ended             Ended
                         12/31/98          12/31/97          12/31/96(a)
Net asset value - beginning
of period                     $11.94         $10.06            $10.00

Net investment income/(loss)    0.16           0.19              0.00 (d)
Short term capital
gains received                  0.06           0.27                -
Net realized and unrealized
gains on investments            0.20           1.88              0.06
Net increase in net assets
resulting from investment
operations                      0.42           2.34              0.06

Distributions from net
investment income              (0.16)         (0.19)               -
Distributions from short term
capital gains received         (0.06)         (0.27)               -
Distributions from net realized
long term capital gains        (0.28)          0.00(d)             -
Total distributions            (0.50)         (0.46)               -

Net asset value - end of
period                        $11.86           $11.94            $10.06

Total return (b)                3.44%           23.25%             0.60%

Ratios to average net assets/supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period
(in 000's)                    $46,958           $43,381            $190
Ratio of net investment income
to average net assets            1.15%            2.76%            8.95%(c)(e)
Ratio of operating expenses
to average net assets after
reimbursements and reductions    0.91%            0.92%            1.00%(c)
Portfolio turnover rate            50%              14%            n/a  (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to
average net assets before fees
waived and/or expenses reimbursed
by investment advisor
and other reductions             1.13%            1.58%            n/a  (e)

(a) Kobren Moderate Growth Fund commenced operations on December 24, 1996.
(b) Total return represents aggregate total return for the period indicated.
(c) Annualized.
(d) Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.
(e) Since Kobren  Moderate  Growth Fund was in operation for a short period
    of time, these ratios are not meaningful.

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Financial Highlights
                       Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund

                         For the Year      For the Year      For the Period
                         Ended             Ended             Ended
                         12/31/98          12/31/97          12/31/96(a)

Net asset value - beginning
of period                    $11.39          $9.98             $10.00

Net investment income/(loss)   0.25           0.57               0.00 (d)
Short term capital
gains received                 0.08           0.04                -
Net realized and unrealized
gains on investments           0.05(f)        1.44              (0.02)
Net increase in net assets
resulting from investment
operations                     0.38           2.05              (0.02)

Distributions from net
investment income             (0.25)         (0.57)                -
Distributions from short term
capital gains received        (0.08)         (0.04)                -
Distributions from net realized
long term capital gains       (0.25)         (0.03)                -
Total distributions           (0.58)         (0.64)                -

Net asset value - end of
period                       $11.19           $11.39            $9.98

Total return (b)               3.36%          20.64%            -0.20%

Ratios to average net assets/supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period
(in 000's)                   $19,710        $17,475              $165
Ratio of net investment income/(loss)
to average net assets           2.01%          3.99%            -1.00%(c)(e)
Ratio of operating expenses
to average net assets after
reimbursements and reductions   1.00%          1.00%             1.00%(c)
Portfolio turnover rate           68%            13%             n/a  (e)
Ratio of operating expenses to
average net assets before fees
waived and/or expenses reimbursed
by investment advisor           1.44%          2.82%             n/a  (e)

(a) Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund commenced operations on December 30,
(b) Total return represents aggregate total return for the period indicated.
(c) Annualized.
(d) Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.
(e) Since Kobren Conservative  Allocation Fund was in operation for a short
    period of time, these ratios are not meaningful.
(f) The amount shown for a share  outstanding  does not correspond with the
    aggregate  net loss on  investments  for the  period  ended  due to the
    timing  of  sales  and  repurchases  of  fund  shares  in  relation  to
    fluctuating market values of the investments of the fund.

                        See Notes to Financial Statements

                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              Kobren Insight Funds
                                December 31, 1998

1.       Significant Accounting Policies

         Kobren Insight Funds (the "Trust") was organized on September 13, 1996,
as a Massachusetts  business trust. The Trust is registered under the Investment
Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the  "1940  Act"),  as a  no-load,  open-end
diversified  management  investment  company. As of December 31, 1998, the Trust
offers shares of four funds,  Kobren Growth Fund,  Kobren  Moderate Growth Fund,
Kobren Conservative  Allocation Fund and Kobren Delphi Value Fund (individually,
a  "fund"  and  collectively,  the  "funds").  Information  presented  in  these
financial statements pertains only to Kobren Growth Fund, Kobren Moderate Growth
Fund and Kobren Conservative  Allocation Fund. These funds seek to achieve their
investment  objectives  by  investing  primarily  in shares of other  investment
companies  ("underlying funds"), but also may invest directly in securities that
are suitable investments for that fund.

Use of Estimates -- The  preparation of financial  statements in accordance with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  and  disclosures  in the
financial  statements.  Actual  results could differ from those  estimates.  The
following is a summary of significant  accounting policies followed by the funds
in the preparation of their  financial  statements.  Portfolio  Valuation -- The
underlying  funds are valued  according to their  stated net asset  value.  Each
fund's  other  investment  securities  are  valued at the last sale price on the
securities  exchange  or  national  securities  market on which such  securities
primarily  are  traded.  Securities  not  listed  on  an  exchange  or  national
securities market, or securities in which there were no transactions, are valued
at the average of the most recent bid and asked  prices.  Bid price is used when
no asked price is  available.  Short-term  investments  are valued at  amortized
cost, which approximates  market value. Any securities or other assets for which
recent market  quotations are not readily  available are valued at fair value as
determined in good faith by or under the direction of the board of trustees.

Dividends and Distributions -- It is the policy of Kobren Growth Fund and Kobren
Moderate  Growth Fund to declare and pay dividends  from net  investment  income
annually.  Kobren  Conservative  Allocation  Fund has a policy  of  paying  such
dividends  quarterly.  Each fund will  distribute  net  realized  capital  gains
(including net short-term capital gains), unless offset by any available capital
loss carryforward,  annually.  Additional distributions of net investment income
and capital gains for each fund may be made in order to avoid the application of
a 4%  non-deductible  excise tax on certain  undistributed  amounts of  ordinary
income and capital gain. Income distributions and capital gain distributions are
determined  in  accordance  with income tax  regulations,  which may differ from
generally accepted accounting principles. These differences are due primarily to
differing treatments of income and gain on various investment securities held by
a fund, timing differences and differing characterizations of distributions made
by a fund.

Securities  Transactions  and Investment  Income -- Securities  transactions are
recorded  on a  trade  date  basis.  Realized  gain  and  loss  from  securities
transactions are recorded on the specific identified cost basis. Dividend income
is  recognized on the  ex-dividend  date.  Interest  income is recognized on the
accrual basis.

Federal Income Tax -- Each fund has qualified and intends to continue to qualify
as a regulated  investment  company under  Subchapter M of the Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended,  applicable to regulated  investment  companies and by
distributing  substantially all of its earnings to its shareholders.  Therefore,
no federal income or excise tax provision is applicable.

Expenses -- Expenses of the Trust which are directly  identifiable to a specific
fund are allocated to that fund. Other expenses of the Trust are allocated among
the funds based upon relative net assets of each fund.

2.       Investment Advisory Fee, Administration Fee and Other Transactions

         The  Trust has  entered  into an  investment  advisory  agreement  (the
"Advisory Agreement") with Kobren Insight Management, Inc. ("KIM"). The Advisory
Agreement  provides  that  each  fund  pays KIM a fee,  computed  daily and paid
monthly, at the annual rate of 0.75% of each fund's average daily net assets. In
addition,  certain 12b-1 fee and sub-transfer  agent fee  reimbursement  will be
used to defray the costs associated with participation in certain no transaction
fee programs.  KIM has  voluntarily  agreed to limit each fund's other operating
expenses to 0.25% of each fund's average daily net assets until January 1, 2001.

         The Trust also has also entered into an  administration  agreement (the
"Administration  Agreement") with First Data Investor  Services Group, Inc. (the
"Administrator"),  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of First Data  Corporation.  The
Administrator  also serves as the Trust's  transfer  agent and  dividend  paying
agent.  Boston  Safe  Deposit  and  Trust  Company,  an  indirect   wholly-owned
subsidiary of Mellon Bank Corporation,  serves as the Trust's custodian.  Kobren
Insight  Brokerage,  Inc.,  an affiliate of KIM,  serves as  distributor  of the
funds' shares and pays all distribution  costs. No distribution fees are paid by
the funds.

         For the year ended December 31, 1998,  expense  reimbursement and other
reductions are as follows:
                                     Expenses Reimbursed
                                     By Investment
                                     Advisor                Other Reductions (1)
Kobren Growth Fund                   $49,566                $56,320
Kobren Moderate Growth Fund           69,479                44,404
Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund   96,407                 -

     (1) Payments made by an underlying fund or its investment advisor, based on
shares held by a Kobren Insight Fund.

         No officer,  director or employee  of KIM,  Kobren  Insight  Brokerage,
Inc., the  Administrator,  or any affiliate  thereof,  receives any compensation
from the Trust for  serving as a trustee or officer of the Trust.  Each  trustee
who is not an "affiliated  person"  receives an annual fee of $5,000 plus $1,000
for each board meeting  attended and $500 for each committee  meeting  attended.
The Trust also  reimburses  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred by each trustee in
attending such meetings.

3.        Purchases and Sales

         The aggregate  amounts of purchases  and sales of underlying  funds and
investment securities, other than U.S. government and short-term securities, for
the year ended December 31, 1998, were as follows:

                                           Purchases                  Sales
Kobren Growth Fund                        $39,528,990              $42,122,247
Kobren Moderate Growth Fund                32,105,786               25,154,303
Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund        18,394,556               14,481,960

4.        Shares of Beneficial Interest

         As of December 31, 1998,  an unlimited  number of shares of  beneficial
interest,  having a par value of $0.001, were authorized for the Trust.  Changes
in shares of beneficial interest were as follows:

                                Year Ended              Year Ended
                                December 31, 1998       December 31, 1997
                                Shares     Amount       Shares      Amount
Kobren Growth Fund:
Shares Sold                     2,046,221  $24,949,435  6,040,941   $66,750,421
Shares Issued as Reinvestment
of Dividends                      114,032    1,429,965    121,905     1,403,131
Shares Redeemed                (2,448,666) (29,270,857)  (754,794)   (8,847,204)
Net Increase/
(Decrease)                       (288,413) $(2,891,457) 5,408,052   $59,306,348

Kobren Moderate Growth Fund:
Shares Sold                     1,885,448  $23,034,304  3,867,539   $43,059,814
Shares Issued as Reinvestment
of Dividends                      154,509    1,832,481    130,811     1,561,885
Shares Redeemed                (1,713,953) (20,768,039)  (383,530)   (4,460,468)
Net Increase                      326,004   $4,098,746  3,614,820   $40,161,231

Kobren Conservative Allocation Fund:
Shares Sold                     1,260,211  $14,740,908  1,763,364   $19,397,323
Shares Issued as Reinvestment
of Dividends                       87,053      974,832     71,701       818,115
Shares Redeemed                (1,120,082) (12,840,550)  (316,837)   (3,484,213)
Net Increase                      227,182   $2,875,190  1,518,228   $16,731,225

         At  December  31,  1998,  Kobren  Insight  Management,   Inc.  and  its
affiliates  owned  838,024,  485,712 and 369,573  shares of Kobren  Growth Fund,
Kobren  Moderate   Growth  Fund  and  Kobren   Conservative   Allocation   Fund,

5.        Organization Expenses

         Expenses  incurred in connection with the organization of each fund are
being  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis over a period  not to exceed  sixty
months from the date upon which each fund commenced its operations.

6.        Risk Factors of the Funds

         Investing in underlying  funds  through a Kobren  Insight Fund involves
additional  and  duplicative  expenses and certain tax results that would not be
present if an investor were to make a direct investment in the underlying funds.
A fund, together with the other funds and any "affiliated persons" (as such term
is defined in the 1940 Act) may purchase only up to 3% of the total  outstanding
securities  of an underlying  fund.  Accordingly,  when the Trust,  KIM or their
affiliates  hold shares of any of the underlying  funds,  each fund's ability to
invest fully in shares of such underlying funds may be restricted,  and KIM must
then, in some instances, select alternative investments.

7.        Capital Loss Carryforward

         For  the  year  ended  December  31,  1998,  the  Kobren   Conservative
Allocation Fund had a capital loss  carryforward of $487,627  expiring  December
31, 2006.


To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees
of Kobren Insight Funds:

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including
the portfolios of investments,  and the related  statements of operations and of
changes  in net assets  and the  financial  highlights  present  fairly,  in all
material  respects,  the financial  position of the Kobren  Growth Fund,  Kobren
Moderate Growth Fund and The Kobren  Conservative  Allocation Fund (The "Funds")
at December 31, 1998,  and the results of their  operations,  the changes in net
assets and the financial  highlights  for the periods  indicated,  in conformity
with generally accepted accounting  principles.  These financial  statements and
financial highlights  (hereafter referred to as "financial  statements") are the
responsibility  of the Funds'  management;  our  responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  financial  statements in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
auditing  standards  which  require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,   assessing  the
accounting  principles  used and significant  estimates made by management,  and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits,  which  included  confirmation  of  securities  at December  31, 1998 by
correspondence  with the custodian and brokers,  provide a reasonable  basis for
the opinion expressed above.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Boston, Massachusetts
February 5, 1999

                                     PART C: OTHER INFORMATION

Item 15. Indemnification.

The  response  to  this  Item  15 is  incorporated  by  reference  to Item 27 of
Pre-Effective  Amendment  No.  1  (Accession  No.  0000927405-96-000432)  to the
Registrant's  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A as  filed  with  the SEC on
November 8, 1996.

Item 16.   Exhibits.

(1)(a)(i)  Declaration of Trust is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1 of the
Registrant's   Registration   Statement  on  Form  N-1A  (File  Nos.  333-12075,
811-07813)  as  filed  with  the  SEC  on  September  16,  1996  (Accession  No.
0000927405-96-000374)(the "Form N-1A Registration Statement").

(a)(ii)  Amendment to the  Declaration of Trust on behalf of Kobren Delphi Value
Fund is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23(a) of  Post-Effective  Amendment
No. 9 to the Form N-1A Registration  Statement as filed with the SEC on December
17, 1998  (Accession No.  0000927405-98-000378)  ("Post-Effective  Amendment No.

(2)  By-Laws  are  incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  2 of the Form  N-1A
Registration Statement.

(3)  Not Applicable.

(4) Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization filed herewith.

(5)  Not Applicable.

(6)(a) Investment Advisory Agreement with Kobren Insight Management,  Inc. dated
November 15, 1996 is  incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 5 of  Post-Effective
Amendment No. 2 to the Form N-1A  Registration  Statement  filed with the SEC on
April 22, 1998 (Accession No.  0000927405-98-000133)  ("Post-Effective Amendment
No. 2").

(b) Amendment to Investment  Advisory Agreement with Kobren Insight  Management,
Inc. on behalf of Kobren  Delphi  Value Fund is  incorporated  by  reference  to
Exhibit 23(d) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 9.

(c) Form of Amendment  to  Investment  Advisory  Agreement  with Kobren  Insight
Management, Inc. on behalf of Kobren Growth Fund and Kobren Moderate Growth Fund
is incorporated by reference to Exhibit (d) of  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 12
to the Form N-1A  Registration  Statement  filed with the SEC on April 30,  1999
(Accession No. 0000927405-99-000161) ("Post-Effective Amendment No. 12").

   (d)  Subadvisory Agreement with Delphi Management, Inc. on behalf of Kobren
         Delphi Value Fund is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23(d) of
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 9.

(7)(a) Distribution Agreement with Kobren Insight Brokerage, Inc. dated November
15, 1996 is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 6 of  Post-Effective  Amendment
No. 2.

(b) Amendment to Distribution  Agreement with Kobren Insight Brokerage,  Inc. on
behalf of Kobren Delphi Value Fund is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23(e)
of Post-Effective Amendment No. 9.

   (c)  Form  of  Amendment  to  Distribution   Agreement  with  Kobren  Insight
        Brokerage,  Inc.  on behalf of Kobren  Growth  Fund and Kobren  Moderate
        Growth   Fund  is   incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit  (e)  of
        Post-Effective Amendment No. 12 .

(8)     Not Applicable.

(9)(a)   Custody  Agreement  with Boston Safe  Deposit and Trust  Company  dated
         November  18, 1996 is  incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  8(a) of
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 2.

   (b)  Amendment  to Custody  Agreement  with  Boston  Safe  Deposit  and Trust
        Company  dated January 8, 1998 is  incorporated  by reference to Exhibit
        8(b) of Post-Effective Amendment No. 2.

   (c)  Sub-Custodian  Agreement  with Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company and
        National  Financial  Services  Corporation  dated  January  8,  1998  is
        incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 8(c) of  Post-Effective  Amendment
        2. .

(d) Amendment to Custody Agreement with Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company on
behalf of Kobren  Delphi  Value Fund dated  October 8, 1998 is  incorporated  by
reference to Exhibit  23(g) of  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 5 to the Form N-1A
Registration  Statement as filed with the SEC on October 27, 1998 (Accession No.
0000927405-97-000313) ("Post-Effective Amendment No. 5").

(10)(a)   Plan of  Distribution  pursuant  to Rule 12b-1 on behalf of the Kobren
          Delphi Value Fund is  incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit  23(m) of
          Post-Effective Amendment No. 5.

     (b) Plan  pursuant to Rule 18f-3 on behalf of Kobren  Delphi  Value Fund is
         incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23(o) of Post-Effective  Amendment
         No. 5.
(11)     Opinion of Hale and Dorr LLP  concerning  legality  of shares of Kobren
         Moderate Growth Fund is filed herewith.

(12)    Opinion of Hale and Dorr LLP concerning the tax matters and consequences
        to   shareholders   discussed  in  the  prospectus   will  be  filed  by
       amendment after the closing of the reorganization.

(13)(a) Transfer Agency Agreement with First Data Investor  Services Group, Inc.
dated  November  15,  1996 is  incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  9(a) of
Post-Effective  Amendment No. 1 to the Form N-1A Registration Statement as filed
with   the  SEC  on  June  13,   1997   (Accession   No.   0000927405-97-000202)
("Post-Effective Amendment No. 1").

(b) Amendment to Transfer  Agency  Agreement  with First Data Investor  Services
Group,  Inc. dated June 30, 1998 is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 9(b) of
Post-Effective  Amendment No. 3 to the Form N-1A Registration Statement as filed
with  the  SEC  on  September  4,  1998  (Accession  No.   0000927405-98-000293)
("Post-Effective Amendment No. 3").

     (c)  Amendment  to  Transfer  Agency  Agreement  with First  Data  Investor
          Services  Group,  Inc.  on  behalf  of  Kobren  Delphi  Value  Fund is
          incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23(h) of Post-Effective Amendment
          No. 9.

(d) Administration Agreement with First Data Investor Services Group, Inc. dated
November 15, 1996 is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 9(b) of Post-Effective
Amendment No. 1.

     (e)  Amendment  to  Administration   Agreement  with  First  Data  Investor
          Services  Group,  Inc.  on  behalf  of  Kobren  Delphi  Value  Fund is
          incorporated by reference to Exhibit 23(h) of Post-Effective Amendment
          No. 9.

(14) Consent of Independent Accountants is filed herewith.

(15)     Not Applicable.

(16)     Not Applicable.

Item 17. Undertakings.

(1) The undersigned Registrant agrees that prior to any public reoffering of the
securities  registered  through  the use of a  prospectus  which is part of this
registration  statement  by  any  person  or  party  which  is  deemed  to be an
underwriter  within the meaning of Rule 145(c) under the Securities Act of 1933,
the  reoffering  prospectus  will  contain  the  information  called  for by the
applicable  registration  form for  reofferings  by  persons  who may be  deemed
underwriters,  in addition to the  information  called for by the other items of
the applicable form.

(2) The undersigned  Registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed under
paragraph  (1) above will be filed as part of an amendment  to the  registration
statement and will not be used until the  amendment is  effective,  and that, in
determining any liability under the Securities Act of 1933, each  post-effective
amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration  statement for the securities
offered therein, and the offering of the securities at that time shall be deemed
to be the initial bona fide offering of them.

(3)  The   undersigned   Registrant   undertakes   to  file  with  the  SEC,  by
post-effective  amendment promptly after the closing of the  reorganization,  an
opinion of Hale and Dorr LLP  concerning  the tax  matters and  consequences  to
shareholders discussed in the prospectus.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the
Registrant, KOBREN INSIGHT FUNDS, has duly caused this Registration Statement on
Form N-14 to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, duly authorized, in the
City of Boston and Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the 7th day of May, 1999.

                                                  KOBREN INSIGHT FUNDS

                                                   By:  /s/ Eric M. Kobren
                                                   Eric M. Kobren, President

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
this Registration  Statement on Form N-14 has been signed below by the following
persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


Signatures                         Title                                       Date

/s/ Eric M. Kobren               President, Chairman of the Board and          05/07/99
Eric M. Kobren                   Trustee (Chief Executive Officer)

/s/ Eric J. Godes                  Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer and        05/07/99
Eric J. Godes                      Chief Accounting Officer

/s/ Edward B. Bloom            Trustee                                           05/07/99
Edward B. Bloom

/s/ Michael P. Castellano      Trustee                                            05/07/99
Michael P. Castellano

/s/ Arthur Dubroff               Trustee                                          05/07/99
Arthur Dubroff

/s/ Robert I. Goldfarb           Trustee                                          05/07/99
Robert I. Goldfarb

/s/ Stuart J. Novick             Trustee                                          05/07/99
Stuart J. Novick

                                              EXHIBIT INDEX

Number       Description

(4)               Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization

(11)       Opinion of Hale and Dorr LLP concerning legality of shares of Kobren
                  Moderate Growth Fund

(14)              Consent of Independent Accountants