Executive Life Program
                  Collateral Assignment Split Dollar Agreement

This Split Dollar  Agreement  is entered  into as of December  20, 1999,  by and
between Norman Axelrod, (the "Employee")(hereinafter, the Employee or this trust
shall be referred  to as the "Owner"  when  referred  to in that  capacity)  and
Linens 'n Things, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Employer").


         Whereas,  Employee is  eligible  for and wishes to  participate  in the
Employer's Executive Life Program (the "Program"); and

         Whereas,  Owner will be the sole owner and  possessor of the Policy and
assign an interest in the Policy's  death benefit and cash value to the Employer
as collateral to secure repayment of Employer's premium payments with respect to
the Policy; and

         Whereas,  it is the  intent of the  Employer  and  Owner to define  the
limited extent of the Employer's security interest in the Policy;

         Now, therefore, Employer and Owner mutually agree that:

                     (1) Interests in the Policy Cash Values
The Policy,  which is the subject of this Split Dollar Agreement,  is a variable
universal  life  policy  issued by  Nationwide  Life and  Annuity  Company  (the
"Insurer") Policy Number N056077170, on the life of the Employee. The Employer's
interest in the cash value of the Policy (the  "Employer's  Interest")  shall be
equal to the total amount of the premium payments made on the Policy  (including
any unused  amounts  paid to the Insurer as  pre-paid  premiums  triggered  by a
Change in Control  Event as defined  below).  The  Owner's  interest in the cash
value of the Policy (the  "Owner's  Interest")  shall be equal to the  remaining
cash value of the Policy, if any, in excess of the Employer's Interest,  reduced
by the amount of any distributions from the cash value of the Policy made to the
Owner as permitted by this Agreement.

                              (2) Premium Payments
On or before the due date of each premium payment on the Policies, Employer will
pay the  entire  premium  due on the  Policy.  The  Employer  will make  premium
payments as they are due until the  termination  of service of the Employee with
the Employer,  or in the event the Employee becomes  "disabled" as defined under
the  Employer-maintained  long term disability program, until the Employee's age
55, provided, however, that upon the happening of a Change in Control Event, the
Employer shall pay to the Insurer,  in the form of pre-paid premiums,  an amount
equal to the present value of the remaining  premium  payments due on the Policy
until the Employee attains age 55, such amount to be determined by the Insurer.

The  Employee  shall have  imputed  income  each year in an amount  equal to the
annual cost of current  death  benefit  protection  on the life of the Employee,
measured  by the  lower of (a) the PS 58 rate,  as set forth in  Revenue  Ruling
55-747 (or the corresponding applicable provision of any future Revenue Ruling),
or (b) the Insurer's current published premium rate for annually  renewable term
insurance for standard risks.

                            (3) Death Benefit Amounts
Upon the death of the  Employee,  and  subject  to the  minimum  death  benefits
provided  to the Owner as  described  below,  the death  benefit  payable to the
Employer (or the Employer's designated beneficiaries) under this Agreement shall
be equal to the Employer's Interest in the Policy as defined in Section 1 above,
accumulated  at interest at a rate of 3.4% per annum,  except that, in the event
of  Employee's  death  after a Change in  Control as herein  defined,  the death
benefit  payable to the Employer  under this  paragraph  shall be limited to the
Employer's Interest in the Policy as defined in Section 1 above.

Upon the death of the Employee,  the death benefit  payable to the Owner (or the
Owner's  designated  beneficiaries)  shall be equal to the  excess  of the total
death  proceeds under the Policy less the amount payable to the Employer (or the
Employer's  designated  beneficiaries) as defined above, except that the minimum
death  benefit  payable to the Owner shall be  twenty-five  thousand  dollars ($

Owner  understands  that  sufficiency  of cash  value in the  Policy to  provide
expected  amounts of death benefit under this  Agreement may vary as a result of
Policy  performance  and  duration of premium  payments  and this is in no event
guaranteed by the Employer or the Insurer.  The Employer makes no representation
or  warranty  as to the  merits or risks of the  investment  performance  of the

                     (4) Ownership and Rights in the Policy
The Policy will be owned  exclusively by the Owner or the Owner's  Assignee (for
purposes of this Agreement, Owner's Assignee shall be included in the definition
of Owner). Any rights in the Policy other than those  specifically  mentioned in
this Agreement must be exercised with the written  consent of both the Owner and
the Employer.

Employer's  Rights.  While this  Agreement  is in  effect,  the  Employer  has a
security interest in the Policy limited  exclusively to: (a) that portion of the
cash value of the Policy equal to the Employer's  Interest in the Policy; or (b)
the death benefit payable to the Employer as set forth in paragraph 3, above. In
addition,  prior to the  occurrence of a Change in Control  Event,  the Employer
shall have the right to make any investment choices permitted by the Policy with
respect to the cash value of the  Policy,  and Owner  shall  agree to waive this
right  prior to the  occurrence  of a Change  in  Control  Event as long as this
Agreement remains in force in accordance with the established  procedures of the
Insurer. After a Change in Control Event, the Owner shall have the right to make
any investment choices permitted by the Policy with respect to the cash value of
the Policy.

Owner's Rights.  The Owner's rights include the right to irrevocably  assign any
of his or its rights under the Policy,  with the consent of the Employer and the
Insurer  and to  select  and  change  beneficiaries  to  receive  Owner's  death
benefits.  The Owner will not be  permitted to borrow  against,  or partially or
totally  surrender the Policy as long as the  Collateral  Assignment  remains in
force. The Owner shall not be permitted to receive a distribution  from the cash
value of the Policy prior to the termination of the Employee's services with the
Employer,  at which time the Owner may request an annual  distribution  from the
Owner's Interest in the cash value of the Policy, commencing on the first day of
the month  coincident  with or next  following the date the Employee  terminates
service with the Employer.  The distribution shall be made annually and shall be
limited to an amount of five hundred and thirty thousand dollars  ($530,000) per
year and shall continue for the remainder of the Employee's  lifetime,  or until
the Owner's Interest is exhausted.

             (5) Assignment of Policy to Secure Employer's Payments
To secure  Employer's  Interest in the Policy under this  Agreement,  Owner will
collaterally  assign  the  Policy  to  the  Employer  by  signing  the  separate
Collateral  Assignment.  The Collateral Assignment cannot be altered without the
Employer's, Owner's, and Insurer's consent.

                    (6) Termination of Split Dollar Agreement
This Split Dollar Agreement, and all obligations of the Employer to pay premiums
under it, will terminate upon the earliest to occur of the following:

a) Death of the Employee;
b) Written  agreement  of both the Owner and the  Employer  to  terminate  this
c) Termination of Employee's employment with the Employer for Cause;
d) Voluntary termination by the Employee of Employee's service with the Employer
  (i) Employer fails to renew Owner's  Employment  Agreement prior to the
      Employee   attaining  age  60;
 (ii) Termination  of  service  is  due  to  any "Constructive Termination
      Without Cause" as defined in the Employment Agreement; or
(iii) Employee terminates service with the Employer under an "Approved Early
      Retirement" or "Normal Retirement" as defined in the Employment Agreement;

e) Failure of the Employee or Owner to complete all necessary requirements for
   the Insurer to issue a policy, including the waiver of investment choices;

f) At the sole discretion of the Employer, upon the Employee entering into
   Competition  with the  Employer  during  the "Restriction Period" as defined
   in the Employment Agreement.

Upon  termination  of this  Agreement,  as set forth above,  the Employer  shall
receive the Employer's Interest in the Policy as soon as is practical, but in no
event shall receipt be later than sixty (60) days from the earliest of the dates
listed above.  In the event of  termination  of this  Agreement for reason other
than the death of the Employee,  the Employer's Interest in the Policy and under
this  Agreement  shall be satisfied  either  directly from the cash value of the
Policy or by direct  payment by the Owner,  at the  discretion of the Owner.  In
this event, the recovery of the Employer's Interest shall be limited to the cash
value of the Policy at that time. In the event of  Termination of this Agreement
by reason of the death of the Employee,  the  Employer's  Interest in the Policy
and under this  Agreement  shall be satisfied  through  direct  payment from the
Insurer from the Policy proceeds.

                (7) Payment of Proceeds or Cash Value to Employer
Upon receipt of the Employer's  Interest in the Policy, as provided in paragraph
1 above,  whether from the Policy or from the Owner,  the Employer  will release
the Collateral  Assignment.  Upon satisfaction of the Employer's Interest in the
Policy, the Owner shall have unrestricted ownership to the Policy.

Upon  termination  of this Split Dollar  Agreement by reason of the death of the
Insured,  the Insurer in satisfaction of the Owner's  obligations,  will issue a
check directly to the Employer as collateral  assignee in an amount equal to the
Employer's Interest in the Policy.

                                (8) Miscellaneous
Not an Employment  Agreement.  This Split Dollar  Agreement  does not in any way
constitute  an  employment  agreement,  and the  Employer  reserves the right to
terminate  Employee's  employment  to the same extent as though the Split Dollar
Agreement did not exist.  This Split Dollar Agreement may be amended at any time
by written agreement signed on behalf of the Employer and by the Owner.

Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
the  Employer  and its  successors  and  assigns,  and to the  Employee  and the
Employee's successors, assigns, heirs, executor or personal representative,  and

Certain Defined Terms.  For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have
the meanings set forth below:

      "Approved Early  Retirement" has the meaning set forth in Section 10(f) of
the Employment Agreement.

      "Cause"  has the  meaning  set forth in  Section  10(b) of the  Employment

      "Change in  Control"  has the  meaning  set forth in Section  10(c) of the
Employment Agreement.

      "Competition" has the meaning set forth in Section 12(a) of the Employment

      "Constructive  Termination  Without  Cause" has the  meaning  set forth in
Section 10(c) of the Employment Agreement.

      "Employment  Agreement"  means the Employment  Agreement dated October 16,
1996 between Employee and Employer.

      "Normal  Retirement"  has the  meaning  set forth in Section  10(f) of the
Employment Agreement.

      "Restriction  Period" has the  meaning  set forth in Section  12(b) of the
Employment Agreement.

      "Termination  Without Cause" has the meaning set forth in Section 10(c) of
the Employment Agreement.

Notices.  Any  notice,  consent  or demand  required  or  permitted  under  this
Agreement  shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the party  making the
notice, consent, or demand. Such notice shall be sent by United States certified
mail, postage pre-paid and shall be sent to the other party's last known address
as shown on the  records  of the  Employer.  The date of such  mailing  shall be
deemed to be the date of such notice, consent or demand.

Entire Agreement;  Amendment of Agreement. This Agreement,  including only those
provisions of the Employment Agreement specifically referred to above, evidences
the entire  agreement of the parties with respect the subject  matter hereof and
supercedes  all prior  discussions  or  understandings.  This  Agreement  may be
altered,  amended or modified,  including the addition of any additional  policy
provisions, only by a written agreement signed by the Employer and the Owner. It
shall be the  responsibility  of the  Employer  to  notify  the  Insurer  of any
amendments or changes to this Agreement.

Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

                               (9) Named Fiduciary
The Employer is designated as the Named Fiduciary of this Agreement for purposes
of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended. The business
address and telephone number of the Named Fiduciary are as follows:

                                   Linens 'n Things, Inc.
                                   c/o Corporate Secretary
                                   6 Brighton Rd.
                                   Clifton,  NJ   07015

The Named Fiduciary shall have the authority to control and manage the operation
and administration of the Executive Life Program,  of which this Agreement forms
a part thereof.  The Named  Fiduciary is empowered to construe and interpret the
terms of the Program and this Agreement, to supply omissions consistent with the
intent of the  Program and the  Agreement,  and to make all  determinations  and
resolve all disputes regarding eligibility for and the amount of, benefits under
the Program and Agreement,  consistent  with the terms of the Policy.  The Named
Fiduciary may delegate some or all of its duties and responsibilities to another
person or entity  (e.g.  a  committee  designated  by the  Employer),  including
persons who are not Named Fiduciaries.  Any decisions and determinations made by
the Named  Fiduciary  (or its delegate)  shall be conclusive  and binding on all
parties.  The Named Fiduciary shall have the sole discretion of carrying out its
responsibilities.  Any  person or  entity  claiming  a  benefit,  requesting  an
interpretation  or ruling under the Plan,  or requesting  information  under the
Plan  (hereinafter  referred  to as  "Claimant")  shall  present  the request in
writing to the Employer,  which shall respond in writing as soon as practicable.
If the claim or request is denied,  the written notice of denial shall state the
reason for denial, with specific reference to the provisions on which the denial
is based, a description of any additional  material or information  required and
an  explanation  of why it is  necessary,  and an  explanation  of the program's
claims review procedure.

                             (10) Claims Procedures
Any person or entity claiming a benefit,  requesting an interpretation or ruling
under the Plan, or requesting  information under the Plan (hereinafter  referred
to as  "Claimant")  shall present the request in writing to the Employer,  which
shall  respond  in writing  as soon as  practicable.  If the claim or request is
denied,  the written  notice of denial  shall state the reason for denial,  with
specific reference to the provisions on which the denial is based, a description
of any additional material or information  required and an explanation of why it
is necessary, and an explanation of the program's claims review procedure.

Review of Claim.  Any  Claimant  whose claim or request is denied or who has not
received a response  within sixty (60) days may request a review by notice given
in writing to the  Employer.  Such  request  must be made within sixty (60) days
after receipt by the Claimant of the written  notice of denial,  or in the event
Claimant  has not  received  a response  sixty  (60) days  after  receipt by the
Employer of Claimant's claim or request.  The claim or request shall be reviewed
by the  Employer  which may,  but shall not be required to, grant the Claimant a
hearing.  On review,  the Claimant may have  representation,  examine  pertinent
documents, and submit issues and comments in writing.

Final Decision. The decision on review shall normally be made within thirty (30)
days  after  the  Employer's  receipt  of  Claimant's  claim or  request.  If an
extension of time is required for a hearing or other special circumstances,  the
Claimant  shall be  notified  and the time limit  shall be sixty (60) days.  The
decision  shall be in  writing  and shall  state  the  reason  and the  relevant
provisions.  All  decisions  on  review  shall  be final  and  bind all  parties

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Employer and the Owner or the Owner's  Assignee  have
signed this Split Dollar Agreement,  which is effective as of the effective date
of the Policy described herein.

                                      BRIAN SILVA
                                      Officer of Corporation
                                      Title:  Sr. V.P. Human Resources &
                                              Corp. Secretary

Witness                               NORMAN AXELROD

                                      Date:  12/20/99