(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                       Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant     |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:
|_|  Preliminary Proxy Statement
                                             |_|  Confidential, for Use of the
                                                  Commission Only (as permitted
                                                  by Rule 14a-6(e) (2))
|X|  Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|  Definitive Additional Materials
|_|  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                            AlphaNet Solutions, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
      |X|  No fee required.
      |_|  Fee computed on table below per Exchange  Act Rules  14a-6(i)(1)  and

      (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (5) Total fee paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      |_|  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      |_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (3)  Filing Party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (4)  Date Filed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            ALPHANET SOLUTIONS, INC.
                               7 Ridgedale Avenue
                         Cedar Knolls, New Jersey 07927

                                                                  April 16, 2001

To Our Shareholders:

           You are most  cordially  invited to attend the 2001 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders of AlphaNet  Solutions,  Inc. at 9:00 a.m.,  local time, on Friday,
May 18, 2001 (the "Meeting") at the offices of the Company,  7 Ridgedale Avenue,
Cedar Knolls, New Jersey.

           The Notice of Meeting  and Proxy  Statement  on the  following  pages
describe the matters to be presented at the Meeting.

           It is important  that your shares be  represented  at this Meeting to
assure the presence of a quorum.  Whether or not you plan to attend the Meeting,
we hope that you will assure that your shares are  represented at the Meeting by
signing,  dating and  returning  your proxy as soon as possible in the  enclosed
envelope,  which requires no postage if mailed in the United States. Your shares
will be voted in accordance with the instructions on your proxy.

           Thank you for your continued support.


                                             Stan Gang
                                             Chairman & CEO

                            ALPHANET SOLUTIONS, INC.
                               7 Ridgedale Avenue
                         Cedar Knolls, New Jersey 07927

                             To Be Held May 18, 2001

           The Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  (the  "Meeting")  of  AlphaNet
Solutions,  Inc., a New Jersey corporation (the "Company"),  will be held at the
offices of the Company, 7 Ridgedale Avenue, Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, on Friday,
May 18, 2001, at 9:00 a.m., local time, for the following purposes:

(1)        To elect five  directors  to serve until the next  Annual  Meeting of
           Shareholders  and until their  respective  successors shall have been
           duly elected and qualified;

(2)        To  ratify  the   appointment   of   PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP  as
           independent accountants for the year ending December 31, 2001; and

(3)        To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come before the
           Meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

           Only holders of record of common stock of the Company at the close of
business on March 30, 2001 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting,
or any adjournment or adjournments thereof. A complete list of such shareholders
will be open to the examination of any  shareholder at the Meeting.  The Meeting
may be adjourned from time to time without notice other than by  announcement at
the Meeting.


                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                             Jack P. Adler, Secretary
Cedar Knolls, New Jersey
April 16, 2001


                            ALPHANET SOLUTIONS, INC.
                               7 Ridgedale Avenue
                         Cedar Knolls, New Jersey 07927


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

           This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation
by the Board of Directors of AlphaNet Solutions, Inc. (the "Company") of proxies
to be voted at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of the Company to be held on
Friday, May 18, 2001 (the "Meeting"), at the offices of the Company, 7 Ridgedale
Avenue,  Cedar  Knolls,  New  Jersey  at  9:00  a.m.,  local  time,  and  at any
adjournment or adjournments  thereof.  Only holders of record of common stock of
the Company,  $0.01 par value ("Common  Stock"),  as of the close of business on
March 30, 2001, will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting and any
adjournment  or  adjournments  thereof.  As of that date,  there were  6,404,950
shares of Common Stock issued and  outstanding  and entitled to vote. Each share
of Common Stock is entitled to one vote on any matter presented at the Meeting.

           If  proxies  in the  accompanying  form  are  properly  executed  and
returned,  the shares of Common Stock  represented  thereby will be voted in the
manner specified therein. If not otherwise specified, the shares of Common Stock
represented  by the  proxies  will be voted:  (i) FOR the  election  of the five
nominees for director named in this Proxy  Statement;  (ii) FOR the ratification
of the appointment of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the Company's auditors for
the year ending  December 31, 2001;  and (iii) in the  discretion of the persons
named in the enclosed  form of proxy,  on any other  matters  which may properly
come  before  the  Meeting  or any  adjournment  or  adjournments  thereof.  Any
shareholder  who has  submitted  a proxy may revoke it at any time  before it is
voted by giving  notice to the  Secretary of the Company or by submitting a duly
executed  proxy  bearing a later date.  The mere  presence at the Meeting of the
person appointing a proxy does not, however, revoke the appointment.

           The presence,  in person or by proxy,  of holders of shares of Common
Stock  representing  a  majority  of the  shares  of  Common  Stock  outstanding
constitutes a quorum.  The affirmative vote by the holders of a plurality of the
shares of Common Stock  represented  at the Meeting is required for the election
of directors, provided a quorum is present in person or by proxy. Appointment of
the Company's independent accountants will be ratified upon the affirmative vote
of a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting,  provided a quorum is present in
person or by proxy.

           Abstentions  are  included  in the shares  present at the Meeting for
purposes of  determining  whether a quorum is present,  but are not counted as a
vote  cast at the  Meeting  and  thus  have no  effect  on the  outcome.  Broker
non-votes  (when shares are  represented at the Meeting by a proxy  specifically
conferring only limited authority to vote on certain matters and no authority to
vote on other matters) are included in the determination of the number of shares
represented  at the Meeting  for  purposes  of  determining  whether a quorum is
present but are not counted as votes cast for purposes of determining  whether a
proposal has been approved and thus have no effect on the outcome.

           This Proxy Statement,  together with the related proxy card, is being
mailed to the shareholders of the Company on or about April 16, 2001. The Annual
Report to  Shareholders  of the Company for the year ended  December  31,  2000,
including  financial  statements (the "Annual  Report") is being mailed together
with this Proxy Statement to all shareholders of record as of March 30, 2001. In
addition, the Company has provided brokers,  dealers, banks, voting trustees and
their nominees,  at the Company's expense,  with additional copies of the Annual
Report to permit such  record  holders to supply such  materials  to  beneficial
owners determined as of March 30, 2001.

                                     Item I

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

           General.  At the Meeting,  five  directors,  constituting  the entire
Board of  Directors,  are to be elected  to hold  office  until the next  annual
meeting  of  shareholders  and  until  their  successors  are duly  elected  and
qualified.  In the event any of the nominees should become unavailable or unable
to serve as a director,  the persons named in the  accompanying  proxy intend to
vote for such other person or persons,  as the Board of Directors  may designate
as a substitute  nominee.  The Board of Directors  has no reason to believe that
the nominees named will be unable to serve if elected.  Each of the nominees has
consented to being named in this Proxy Statement and to serve if elected.

           Set forth below is a brief  description of each nominee for director,
including name, age and principal  occupation or employment during the past five

                       Nominees for Election as Directors


           Stan Gang, 66,  founded the Company and is currently  Chairman of the
Board and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company.  From 1984 through June 1999,
Mr.  Gang served as  Chairman  of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company. From June 1999 to March 2001, Mr. Gang was Chairman of the Board of the
Company.  Mr. Gang has nearly 40 years of experience  in the computer  sales and
services  industry.  Prior to joining  the  Company,  Mr.  Gang was  employed in
various management capacities by IBM Corporation,  MAI Equipment Corporation and
Memorex Telex.  Mr. Gang has been a Director of the Company since 1984. Mr. Gang
is the father of Michael Gang, a nominee for Director described below.


           Michael  Gang,  34,  joined the  Company in April 1989 and has been a
National  Account  Manager/Sector  Director of the Company since that time. From
September 1995 through October 1997, he also served as Secretary of the Company.
Mr. Gang has been a Director of the Company since  September  1995.  Mr. Gang is
the son of Stan Gang, a nominee for Director described above.


           Ira Cohen,  49,  has,  since 1988,  served as a Managing  Director of
Updata  Capital,  Inc.,  an  investment  banking  firm  focused on  mergers  and
acquisitions in the information  technology  industry.  Mr. Cohen founded Updata
Software,  Inc. and, from 1986 to 1988, served as that company's Chief Financial
Officer.  Mr.  Cohen is also a director of  Datastream  Systems,  Inc. Mr. Cohen
holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the City University of New
York and is a registered Certified Public Accountant in New York and New Jersey.
Mr. Cohen has been a Director of the Company since May 1999.



           Thomas F.  Dorazio,  43, has,  since  1995,  been Vice  President  of
Information  Services  for the  New  York  State  Electric  and Gas  Corporation
("NYSE&G")   and,   since   1998,   Chairman   of  the  Board  of  Energy   East
Telecommunications,  Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy East Corporation.
Mr. Dorazio also serves on the Advisory Board of the Syracuse  University Center
for Business  Information  Technologies.  Mr. Dorazio has been a Director of the
Company since May 1999.


           Doreen  A.  Wright,   44,  is  a  senior  technology  and  operations
executive.  Prior to the  acquisition of Nabisco by Philip Morris,  from 1999 to
2001, Ms. Wright was the Executive Vice President and Chief Information  Officer
for Nabisco, Inc. From 1995 to 1998, she was Senior Vice President, Operations &
Systems of  Prudential  Investments,  a  division  of the  Prudential  Insurance
Company of America. Ms. Wright currently serves on the Rutgers Business Board of
Advisors  and on the Board of Trustees of the  American  Repertory  Ballet.  Ms.
Wright has been a Director of the Company since March 2001.

           The Board of Directors  recommends that  shareholders vote "FOR" each
of the nominees for the Board of Directors.

Committees and Meetings of the Board
- ------------------------------------

           In 2000, the Board of Directors held 10 meetings, the Audit Committee
held 3 meetings,  the  Compensation  Committee held 0 meetings,  and the Options
Committee  held 0 meetings.  There is no  standing  nominating  committee.  Each
director  attended  100% of the  meetings of the Board of  Directors  and of the
committees of which he was a member.

           Audit Committee. The Audit Committee reviews the results and scope of
the audit and other services provided by the Company's independent  accountants.
The current members of the Audit Committee are Messrs.  Cohen  (Chairperson) and
Dorazio.  The Board of  Directors  has  adopted a written  charter for the Audit
Committee,  a copy of which is  attached  as Exhibit A to this proxy  statement.
Effective June 1, 2001, the Audit  Committee will consist of no fewer than three
independent directors, as defined in NASD Rule 4200.

           Compensation Committee.  The Compensation Committee approves salaries
and certain  incentive  compensation  for  management  and key  employees of the
Company and administers the Employee Stock Purchase Plan. The current members of
the Compensation Committee are Messrs. Dorazio (Chairperson) and (Stanley) Gang.

           Options  Committee.  The Options Committee  administers the Company's
1995 Stock Plan. The current members of the Options Committee are Messrs.  Cohen
(Chairperson) and Dorazio.

Compensation of Directors
- -------------------------

           The Company's  non-employee  directors currently receive compensation
of $1,500 per meeting for each  meeting  attended,  other than brief  telephonic
meetings.  In  addition,  each of the  non-employee  directors  who serve on the
Audit, Option and/or Compensation  Committees of the Board of Directors receives
a $500 fee per meeting attended for each  regularly-scheduled  committee meeting
held on a day or days  other  than  the day of a  regularly-scheduled  Board  of
Directors  meeting.  The Company also  provides  reimbursement  to directors for
reasonable  and necessary  expenses  incurred in connection  with  attendance at
meetings of the Board of Directors and its Committees.


           Pursuant to the Company's  1995  Non-Employee  Director  Stock Option
Plan, non-employee directors also receive fully-vested options to purchase 5,000
shares of Common Stock upon the date first  elected a director and an additional
5,000 fully-vested options upon the date of re-election at the annual meeting of
shareholders.  Directors  who are  employees  of the  Company  are  eligible  to
participate in the Company's 1995 Stock Plan.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

           The following table identifies the current executive  officers of the

                       Age         Capacities in Which Served                       In Current Position Since
                       ---         --------------------------
 Stan Gang             66          Chairman of the Board                            June 1984
 Vincent Tinebra       43          President and Chief Operating Officer            March 2001

 William S. Medve      41          Executive Vice President, Chief Financial        April 2000
                                   Officer and Treasurer

 Jack P. Adler         47          Executive Vice President,                        March 1999
                                   Secretary and General Counsel


           For  biographical   information  concerning  Mr.  Gang,  see  Item  1
"Election of Directors" beginning on page 2.


           Vincent  Tinebra,  43,  joined the Company in March 2001 as President
and  Chief  Operating  Officer.  From  1990 to 2000,  Mr.  Tinebra  was a senior
executive  with Inacom  Corporation  (formerly  Vanstar  Corporation),  where he
served as Senior Vice  President,  Solution  Delivery Field  Operations  (2000),
Senior Vice President of  Professional  Services,  Eastern Region (1998 to 2000)
and Senior Vice President of Sales (1996 to 1998).


      William S.  Medve,  41,  joined the  Company in April 2000 as Senior  Vice
President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. In March 2001, he was named an
Executive Vice President of the Company. From 1997 to 2000, Mr. Medve was Senior
Vice  President,  Finance of  Microwarehouse,  Inc. Prior thereto,  from 1994 to
1997,  he was Chief  Financial  Officer  of various  business  units of The Walt
Disney Co.


           Jack P.  Adler,  47,  joined the Company in March 1999 as Senior Vice
President,  Secretary  and  General  Counsel.  In March  2001,  he was  named an
Executive Vice President of the Company. From 1997 to 1999, Mr. Adler was Senior
Vice President,  Secretary and General  Counsel of EA  Engineering,  Science and
Technology,  Inc.  Previously,  from 1983 to 1996,  he was in-house  counsel for
several  leading   corporations  in  the   telecommunications,   computer,   and
environmental  industries.  Mr. Adler is a member of the American and New Jersey
Corporate Counsel Associations and the New Jersey General Counsels Group.

           Executive  officers of the Company are elected  annually by the Board
of Directors and serve until their successors are duly elected and qualify.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
- -------------------------------------------------------

           Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"Exchange  Act"),  requires  the  Company's  directors,  executive  officers and
shareholders  who  beneficially  own  more  than  10% of  any  class  of  equity
securities of the Company registered  pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act
(the  "Reporting  Persons") to file initial  reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership with respect to the Company's  equity  securities  with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC").  All  Reporting  Persons are
required by SEC  regulation  to furnish  the Company  with copies of all reports
that such Reporting Persons file with the SEC pursuant to Section 16(a).

           Based on a review of these  filings,  the Company  believes  that all
required filings were timely made.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

           Summary   Compensation   Table.   The  following   table  sets  forth
compensation  information  for all  individuals  serving as the Company's  Chief
Executive  Officer or acting in a similar  capacity  during  the last  completed
fiscal year, the other most highly compensated executive officers of the Company
who were  serving as  executive  officers  of the Company at the end of the last
fiscal  year,  and two  additional  individuals  who were no longer  serving  as
executive officers of the Company at the end of the last fiscal year.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                               Annual Compensation                     Awards
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------
                                                                                                     Securities           All Other
                                  Fiscal                                     Other Annual            Underlying         Compensation
Name and Principal Position        Year       Salary ($)      Bonus ($)     Compensation (6)($)       Options (#)            (7)($)
- --------------------------------- -------    ------------- -------------- ---------------------- -------------------- --------------
Stan Gang,                        2000       250,016             -                  -                     -                  1,400
Chairman & CEO                    1999       250,000             -                  -                     -                  2,308
                                  1998       250,000             -                  -                     -                  2,480

Donald A. Deieso (1)              2000       240,000             -                  -                     -                    -
Former President and Chief        1999       128,307          96,000                -                  105,000                 -
Executive Officer

William S. Medve (2)              2000       136,615          10,000                -                   50,000               2,510
Executive Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer and

Jack P. Adler (3)                 2000       157,692          10,000                -                   20,000               3,400
Executive Vice President,         1999       122,308          45,000                -                   20,000               2,529
Secretary and General

John Centinaro (4)                2000       131,650             -               48,462                   -                  3,295
Former Chief Operating Officer    1999       180,000          54,000                -                   15,000               2,736
                                  1998       148,590             -                  -                     -                  3,200

Dennis Samuelson (5)              2000       135,066             -               31,731                   -                  3,000
Former Senior Vice President      1999       165,000          23,100                -                   20,000               3,200
- -Professional Development         1998       153,846             -                  -                     -                  2,967

(1)      Mr.  Deieso  joined  the  Company in June 1999 as  President  and Chief
         Executive Officer. He was separated from the Company in March 2001.

(2)      Mr.  Medve  joined the Company in April 2000 as Senior Vice  President,
         Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.

(3)      Mr.  Adler  joined the Company in March 1999 as Senior Vice  President,
         Secretary and General Counsel.


(4)      Mr. Centinaro was separated from the Company in August 2000.

(5)      Mr. Samuelson was separated from the Company in October 2000.

(6)      The costs of certain  benefits  are not  included  because they did not
         exceed  the lesser of  $50,000  or 10% of the total  annual  salary and
         bonus as reported above.

(7)      Represents 401(k)  contributions  made by the Company on behalf of each
         named executive officer.


                           STOCK OPTION GRANTS IN 2000

           The following  table sets forth  information  regarding stock options
granted during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000 pursuant to the Company's
1995 Stock Plan to each of the named executive officers of the Company.

                                                                                                      Value At Assumed
                                                                                                      Annual Rates of
                                                                                                        Stock Price
                                                                                                      Appreciation for
                                                                                                     Option Term ($)(1)
                           Number of
                           Securities       % of Total Options
                           Underlying           Granted to           Exercise or
                            Options            Employees In          Base Price         Expiration
         Name               Granted (#)         Fiscal Year            ($/Sh)              Date            5%($)        10%($)
- ------------------------ ------------------ ---------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------- ------------
Stan Gang                        -                    -                    -                -             -             -

Donald A. Deieso                 -                    -                    -                -             -             -

William S. Medve              25,000                10.7                 4.50            4/17/10           70,751      179,296
                              25,000                10.7                 3.13            9/26/10           49,211      124,710
Jack P. Adler                 20,000                 8.6                 3.13            9/26/10           39,369       99,768

John Centinaro                   -                    -                    -                -             -             -

Dennis Samuelson                 -                    -                    -                -             -             -

(1)      Represents  the  difference  between (i) the market value of the Common
         Stock for which the option may be  exercised,  assuming that the market
         value of the Common Stock on the date of grant  appreciates in value to
         the end of the  ten-year  option term at rates of 5% and 10% per annum,
         respectively, and (ii) the exercise price of the option.


           Option  Exercises and Year-End Option  Holdings.  The following table
sets forth  information  regarding option exercises during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2000 as well as fiscal 2000 year-end option holdings for each named
executive officer of the Company.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                            Shares                             Number of Securities
                           Acquired                           Underlying Unexercised              Value of Unerxercised In-The-
                          on Exercise     Value              Options At Fiscal Year-End             Money Options At Fiscal
             Name             (#)       Realized ($)                      (#)                           Year-End ($) (1)
- ----------------------- ------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------       ----------------------------------
                                                         Exercisable        Unexercisable        Exercisable        Unexercisable

Stan Gang                      -            -                   -                   -                   -                   -

Donald A. Deieso               -            -                55,000               50,000                -                   -

William S. Medve               -            -                12,500               37,500                -                   -

Jack P. Adler                  -            -                17,000               23,000                -                   -

John Centinaro                 -            -                   0                   0                   -                   -

Dennis Samuelson               -            -                32,500               32,500                -                   -

(1)      Based on a year-end  fair  market  value of the  underlying  securities
         equal to $1.69 per share.


Employment Contracts, Termination of Employment and Change-of-Control

           The Company has executed  indemnification  agreements with certain of
its  executive  officers,  pursuant to which the Company has agreed,  subject to
certain  exceptions,  to  indemnify  each such  officer  to the  fullest  extent
permitted by law if such officer becomes subject to an action arising out of the
discharge  of his duties as an  officer,  employee,  agent or  fiduciary  of the

           Effective    March   12,   2001,   the   Company   entered   into   a
Change-of-Control  Agreement with Vincent Tinebra, President and Chief Operating
Officer.  Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. Tinebra is entitled to the continuation
of salary  and  benefits  for one year in the event  that a  "change-of-control"
results in either the involuntary termination of his employment with the Company
or his  voluntary  resignation  from the Company due to a reduction in salary or
benefits.  In  addition,  in the  event of such  "change-of-control,"  all stock
options  issued to Mr.  Tinebra  immediately  vest and become  exercisable.  The
Company entered into similar agreements with Messrs.  Medve and Adler on June 8,
2000 and June 8, 1999,  respectively.  Similar  agreements entered into with Mr.
Deieso on June 8, 2000 and with Messrs.  Centinaro and Samuelson on June 8, 1999
terminated upon their respective separations from the Company.

           Under  these  agreements,  a  "change-of-control"  is  deemed to have
occurred in the event that (i) there is an acquisition (including as a result of
merger) by any "person"  (as such term is used in Section  13(d) of the Exchange
Act) or  persons  "acting in  concert"  of  beneficial  ownership,  directly  or
indirectly,  of  securities  of the  Company  representing  more than 25% of the
combined voting power of the then outstanding securities of the Company entitled
to vote generally in the election of directors of the Company;  and (ii) Stanley
Gang ceases to be the Chairman of the Board of the Company.


Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
- -----------------------------------------------------------

           The  Compensation   Committee  is  comprised  of  Thomas  F.  Dorazio
(Chairperson),  and Stan Gang.  Currently,  there are no Compensation  Committee
interlocks  between the Company and any other  entities  involving the Company's
executive  officers  and Board of Directors  who serve as executive  officers of
such entities.

           In connection with the Company's 1996 initial public  offering,  Stan
Gang agreed to  indemnify  the Company for any and all losses  which the Company
sustained,  up to $1,000,000,  arising from or relating to the alleged  wrongful
conduct of certain  former  employees of the Company and their current  employer
(the "Defendants").  Mr. Gang advanced $675,000 to the Company in furtherance of
this  agreement.  Pursuant  to an  amendment  to his  indemnification  agreement
adopted by the Company's Board of Directors in February 2000, upon  consummation
of the settlement of the Company's  litigation  against the Defendants on August
10, 2000, the Company reimbursed Mr.Gang for the $675,000 he previously advanced
to the Company.

           Mr. Cohen, a director and member of the Audit and Options Committees,
is a principal of Fallen Angel Capital LLC ("Fallen Angel"),  a Delaware limited
liability  company  which is the general  partner of Fallen  Angel  Equity Fund,
L.P.,  a  Delaware  limited  partnership  which owns more than 10% of the Common
Stock of the Company.  In May 2000,  the Company's  shareholders  authorized the
issuance to Fallen Angel of a warrant (the  "Warrant")  to purchase an aggregate
of  200,000  shares of Common  Stock at an  exercise  price of $5.00 per  share,
exercisable  for a period of one year  commencing  on May 19, 2000 and ending on
May 18, 2001. The Warrant was issued in  consideration  for  investment  banking
advisory  services  rendered by Fallen Angel in  connection  with the  Company's
preferred stock investment in Inc., in which Fallen Angel Equity Fund,
L.P. also participated.

           In October 2000,  the  Company's  Board of Directors  authorized  the
execution of an engagement  letter with Fallen  Angel,  pursuant to which Fallen
Angel was engaged on an  exclusive  basis as a  financial  advisor to assist the
Company's management and Board of Directors in examining strategic  alternatives
to maximize shareholder value. The engagement, which may be terminated by either
party on thirty days' prior notice,  provides for the payment of a "success" fee
to Fallen Angel of the  aggregate  consideration  paid in any  transaction.  The
engagement   letter  also   contains   customary   expense   reimbursement   and
indemnification  provisions.  Mr. Cohen is a principal of Fallen Angel. To date,
no transactions have been consummated pursuant to this engagement.


Performance Graph

           The graph set forth  below  shows the  cumulative  total  shareholder
return  (i.e.,  price change plus  reinvestment  of  dividends) on the Company's
Common Stock,  for the period beginning on March 21, 1996, the date on which the
SEC declared effective the Company's Form S-1 Registration Statement pursuant to
Section 12 of the Exchange Act and ending on December 31, 2000,  the last day of
the Company's last completed fiscal year, as compared over such period with: (i)
the  Nasdaq  Composite  Index,  and (ii) the Peer  Group  Index  (capitalization
weighted).  The stock  performance graph assumes that $100 was invested on March
21, 1996.  The stock  performance  shown on the graph below is not indicative of
future price performance.

                      COMMON STOCK PERFORMANCE GRAPH(1)(2)
                  Among the Company, the Nasdaq Composite Index
                           and the Peer Group Index(3)
                            (Capitalization Weighted)


                                                                    Cumulative Total Return
                                    -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
                                       3/21/96         12/96          12/97          12/98         12/99          12/00
                                    -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
ALPHANET SOLUTIONS, INC.               100.00         147.97         106.35          34.10         37.58          15.61
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET (U.S.)             100.00         117.82         144.30         203.49        378.18        227.59
PEER GROUP                             100.00         123.69          98.10          71.44         70.28          39.72


(1)      Graph assumes $100  invested on March 21, 1996 in the Company's  Common
         Stock,   the  Nasdaq   Composite   Index  and  the  Peer  Group   Index
         (capitalization weighted).

(2)      Cumulative total return assumes reinvestment of dividends, if any.

(3)      The Company has  constructed  a Peer Group  Index  consisting  of other
         computer systems integrators that also provide  information  technology
         consulting services to their clients, including CompuCom Systems, Inc.,
         Datatec  Systems,   Inc.,   Government   Technology   Services,   Inc.,
         Micros-to-Mainframes,  Inc.,  Pomeroy  Computer  Resources,  Inc.,  and
         TransNet  Corporation.  The Company  believes that these companies most
         closely resemble the Company's  business mix and that their performance
         is representative of the industry.


Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation
- -------------------------------------------------------

           The Company's  executive  compensation  policy is designed to attract
and retain  highly  qualified  individuals  for its  executive  positions and to
provide incentives for such executives to achieve maximum Company performance by
aligning the executives'  interest with that of shareholders by basing a portion
of compensation on the Company's performance.

           The  Compensation  Committee  generally  reviews and determines  base
salary levels for executive officers of the Company at or about the start of the
fiscal year and determines actual bonuses after the end of the fiscal year based
upon Company and individual performance.

           The Company's executive officer  compensation program is comprised of
base salary,  discretionary annual cash bonuses,  stock options, auto allowance,
and various other benefits, including medical insurance and a 401(k) Plan, which
are generally available to all employees of the Company.

           Salaries  are  established  in  accordance  with  industry  standards
through review of publicly available information  concerning the compensation of
officers  of  comparable  companies.  Consideration  is also  given to  relative
responsibility,   seniority,   individual  experience  and  performance.  Salary
increases  are  generally  made based on  increases  in the industry for similar
companies  with  similar  performance  profiles  and/or  attainment  of  certain
division or Company goals.

           Certain  senior  executives  and key  managers  who have a direct and
measurable  ability to impact the  Company's  financial  results are eligible to
participate  in  the  Company's  Incentive  Plan,  subject  to  approval  by the
Compensation Committee. The purpose of the plan is to motivate senior executives
through variable  compensation toward the attainment of corporate and individual
goals.  Each  participant  is  assigned  an  incentive  target  expressed  as  a
percentage  of base salary.  The  incentive  target is based on two  independent
categories:   corporate   earnings  per  share,   and  business  unit  financial
performance objectives.

           During 2000, all executive  officers,  including the Chief  Executive
Officer, and certain other corporate officers,  were eligible to receive a bonus
equal to 30% of their base salary if the Company achieved significant  operating
profitability.  Because  the  Company  failed  to attain  significant  operating
profitably and incurred  operating  losses in 2000, no bonuses were disbursed to
executive  officers of the  Company,  except that  Messrs.  Medve and Adler were
awarded nominal bonuses in recognition of their  successful  management of their
respective areas of responsibility  and  extraordinary  efforts on the Company's

           The stock  option  program  is  designed  to relate  executives'  and
certain  middle  managers'  long-term   interests  to  shareholders'   long-term
interests.  In general,  stock  option  awards are granted on an annual basis if
warranted by the Company's growth and  profitability.  Stock options are awarded
on the basis of  individual  performance  and/or  the  achievement  of  internal
strategic objectives.


           Based on review of available information, the Committee believes that
the former Chief Executive  Officer's total annual  compensation  was reasonable
and  appropriate  given the size and  historical  performance  of the  Company's
business,  the Company's position as compared to its peers in the industry,  and
the specific  challenges  faced by the Company during 2000,  such as the ongoing
transition of the Company from a computer  systems  integrator to a professional
and network services firm.
                                               Compensation Committee

                                               Thomas F. Dorazio (Chairperson)
                                               Stan Gang


Report of the Audit Committee
- -----------------------------

           The Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors is comprised  entirely
of independent outside directors.  Consistent with Nasdaq rules,  effective June
1, 2001,  the Audit  Committee  will consist of no fewer than three  independent
directors,  as defined in NASD Rule 4200. Its primary function is to oversee the
Company's system of internal controls,  financial  reporting practices and audit
function  to ensure  their  quality,  integrity  and  objectivity.  The Board of
Directors  has adopted and  approved a written  charter for the Audit  Committee
attached as Exhibit A.

           For fiscal  2000,  the Audit  Committee  reviewed  the overall  audit
scope,  plans and results of the audit  engagement.  The Committee also with the
independent  auditors to discuss the year's  audit.  In addition,  the Committee
reviewed and discussed the Company's annual financial statements with management
before issuance.

           The Audit Committee has discussed with the  independent  auditors the
matters required to be discussed by SAS 61, Communication with Audit Committees,
of the Auditing  Standards Board of the American  Institute of Certified  Public
Accountants, to the extent applicable. The Audit Committee has also received and
reviewed the written disclosures and confirmation from the independent  auditors
required  by  Independence   Standards   Board  Standard  No.  1,   Independence
Discussions with Audit Committee,  of the Independence  Standards Board, and has
discussed with the auditors the auditors' independence.

           Based on the  foregoing  review and  discussions,  and in reliance on
Section  14A:6-14(2)  of the New  Jersey  Business  Corporation  Act  permitting
reliance  on  the  reports  prepared  by an  independent  public  accountant  or
certified  public  accountant or firm of such  accountants,  the Audit Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited  financial  statements be
included in the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2000.

                                 Audit Committee

                                 Ira Cohen, Chairman
                                 Thomas F. Dorazio



           There are, as of March 30, 2001,  approximately 316 holders of record
and  approximately  2,574  beneficial  owners of the Company's Common Stock. The
following  table sets forth  certain  information,  as of March 30,  2001,  with
respect to holdings of the Common  Stock by (i) each person known by the Company
to  beneficially  own more than 5% of the total number of shares of Common Stock
outstanding as of such date, (ii) each of the Company's directors, nominees, and
named executive  officers,  and (iii) all directors and executive  officers as a

    Name and Address                      Amount and Nature of
 of Beneficial Owner(1)                  Beneficial Ownership(1)         Percent of Class(2)
- -----------------------------------      -----------------------         -------------------
Certain Beneficial Owners:

Stan Gang (3)                                     1,938,000                       29.98%
   7 Ridgedale Avenue
   Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927

Fallen Angel Equity Fund, L.P. (4)                 687,100                        10.63%
   c/o Fallen Angel Capital, LLC
   125 Half Mile Road
   Red Bank, NJ 07733

Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. (5)                 411,100                        6.36%
   1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor
   Santa Monica, CA  90401

Royce & Associates, Inc. (6)                       317,200                        4.91%
   1414 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
   New York, NY 10019

Directors, nominees, and named executive officers who are not set forth above:

Michael Gang (7)                                    52,000                                *
Ira Cohen (8)                                       10,000                                *
Thomas F. Dorazio (9)                               10,000                                *
Doreen A. Wright (10)                                5,000                                *
William S. Medve (11)                               12,500                                *
Jack P. Adler (12)                                  17,000                                *
Donald A. Deieso (13)                               55,000                                *
John Centinaro (14)                                   -0-                                 *
Dennis Samuelson (15)                               32,500                                *

All directors and executive officers
as a group (10 persons)                          2,132,000                            32.98%

*     Less than one percent


(1)      Except as set forth in the  footnotes  to this  table  and  subject  to
         applicable  community property law, the persons named in the table have
         sole  voting and sole  investment  power with  respect to all shares of
         Common Stock shown as beneficially owned by such shareholder.

(2)      Applicable  ownership percentage is based on 6,404,950 shares of Common
         Stock  outstanding on March 30, 2001, plus presently  exercisable stock
         options  held by each such holder which are  exercisable  within the 60
         days after March 30, 2001.

(3)      Does not  include  135,000  shares  of Common  Stock  owned by The Gang
         Annuity  Trust dated  January 3, 1994.  Mr. Gang  disclaims  beneficial
         ownership of such shares.

(4)      Pursuant  to an amended  Schedule  13D filed with the SEC on August 20,
         1999.  Does not include  200,000  warrants held by Fallen Angel Capital

(5)      Pursuant to a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 2, 2001.

(6)      Pursuant to a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 7, 2001.

(7)      Represents  52,000 shares of Common Stock underlying  options which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.
         Excludes 13,000 shares underlying options which become exercisable over
         time after such period.  In addition,  excludes 135,000 shares owned by
         The Gang Annuity Trust. Mr. Gang disclaims beneficial ownership of such

(8)      Represents  10,000 shares of Common Stock underlying  options which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.
         Does not include  634,000  shares of Common Stock owned by Fallen Angel
         Equity Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited  partnership,  in which Mr. Cohen
         is a limited partner.  Mr. Cohen disclaims beneficial ownership of such
         shares of Common Stock.

(9)      Represents  10,000 shares of Common Stock underlying  options which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.

(10)     Represents  5,000 shares of Common Stock  underlying  options which are
         exercisable  as of March 30,  2001,  or within  the 60 days  after such

(11)     Represents  12,500 shares of Common Stock underlying  options which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.
         Excludes 37,500 shares underlying options which become exercisable over
         time after such period.

(12)     Represents  17,000 shares of Common Stock underlying  options which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.
         Excludes 23,000 shares underlying options which become exercisable over
         time after such period.

(13)     Represents  55,000 shares of Common Stock underlying  options which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.
         Excludes 50,000 shares underlying options which become exercisable over
         time after such period.


(14)     Represents  -0- shares of Common  Stock  underlying  options  which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.
         Excludes -0- shares  underlying  options which become  exercisable over
         time after such period.

(15)     Represents  32,500 shares of Common Stock underlying  options which are
         exercisable as of March 30, 2001 or within the 60 days after such date.



           In 2000, the Company paid, as compensation  for services  rendered to
the Company and for sales  generated,  an aggregate of $491,400 to Michael Gang,
the son of Stan Gang, the Company's  Chairman of the Board.  Michael Gang serves
as National Account Manager/Sector  Director for the Company and has served as a
Director of the Company  since  September  1995 and as  Secretary of the Company
from September 1995 to October 1997.

           For transactions  involving Stan Gang and Ira Cohen, directors of the
Company, see "Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation."

           In 1995, the Board of Directors  adopted a policy  requiring that any
future transactions between the Company and its officers,  directors,  principal
shareholders  and their  affiliates be on terms no less favorable to the Company
than  could  be  obtained  from  unrelated  third  parties  and  that  any  such
transactions  be  approved  by a majority  of the  disinterested  members of the
Company's Board of Directors.


                                     Item 2


           The Board of  Directors  has retained  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as
independent  accountants  of the Company for the year ending  December 31, 2001.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP also served as independent accountants of the Company
for 2000.  Neither the accounting  firm nor any of its members has any direct or
indirect  financial  interest  in or any  connection  with  the  Company  in any
capacity other than as independent accountants.


           One or more representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is expected
to attend the Meeting  and to have an  opportunity  to make a  statement  and/or
respond to appropriate questions from shareholders.


           The  fees   billed  for   services   rendered   for  the  Company  by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000 were as

Audit Fees                                                  $180,000

Financial Information Systems Design and
Implementation Fees                                         $212,000

All Other Fees                                              $107,000

           The Audit  Committee  has  considered  whether the  provision  of the
services covered under the captions  "Financial  Information  Systems Design and
Implementation  Fees" and "All Other Fees" above is compatible with  maintaining
the auditor's independence.


                             SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

           Shareholders  who  wish to  submit  proposals  for  inclusion  in the
Company's  proxy statement and form of proxy relating to the 2002 Annual Meeting
of  Shareholders  must advise the Secretary of the Company of such  proposals in
writing by December 17, 2001.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

           The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any business to be presented
for action at the Meeting other than the matters  referred to above and does not
intend to bring any other matters before the Meeting. However, if other business
should  properly  come before the  Meeting,  it is intended  that holders of the
proxies will vote thereon in their discretion.


           The accompanying  proxy is solicited by and on behalf of the Board of
Directors,  whose notice of meeting is attached to this Proxy Statement, and the
entire cost of such solicitation will be borne directly by the Company.

           In addition  to the use of the mails,  proxies  may be  solicited  by
personal  interview,  telephone,  telegram,  facsimile  and e-mail by directors,
officers  and  other  employees  of  the  Company  who  will  not  be  specially
compensated  for these  services.  The Company will also  request that  brokers,
nominees,  custodians and other fiduciaries forward soliciting  materials to the
beneficial owners of shares held of record by such brokers, nominees, custodians
and other  fiduciaries.  The  Company  will  reimburse  such  persons  for their
reasonable expenses in connection therewith.

           Certain information contained in this Proxy Statement relating to the
occupations  and security  holdings of directors  and officers of the Company is
based upon information received from the individual directors and officers.



                                  By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                  Jack P. Adler

Cedar Knolls, New Jersey
April 16, 2001


                                                                 Exhibit A

                            ALPHANET SOLUTIONS, INC.

                             Audit Committee Charter

The audit committee of ALPHANET SOLUTIONS,  INC. (the "Company") will assist the
board of directors  in  fulfilling  its  oversight  responsibilities.  The audit
committee  will  review the  financial  reporting  process,  system of  internal
control, audit process, and the Company's process for monitoring compliance with
laws and  regulations.  In performing  its duties,  the committee  will maintain
effective working  relationships  with the board of directors,  management,  and
external auditors. To effectively perform their role, each committee member will
obtain an understanding of the detailed responsibilities of committee membership
as well as the Company's business, operations and risks.

Effective  June 1, 2001,  the audit  committee  will  consist of at least  three
members  of the board of  directors  and will meet at least  once per year.  All
members of the committee will be independent  directors,  one of whom will serve
as  chairman  of the  committee,  and  each  of whom  will  be able to read  and
understand  fundamental  financial  statements,  including a  company's  balance
sheet,  income  statement and cash flow statement,  or will become able to do so
within a  reasonable  period of time after his or her  appointment  to the audit
committee.  At least one member of the audit committee must have past employment
experience in finance or accounting,  requisite  professional  certification  in
accounting,  or any other  comparable  experience or background which results in
the  individual's  financial  sophistication,  including  being or having been a
chief executive  officer,  chief financial  officer or other senior officer with
financial oversight responsibilities.

In meeting the  requirement  for the minimum  size of the audit  committee,  one
director who is not  independent  and is not a current  employee or an immediate
family  member of an employee may be included if the board of  directors,  under
exceptional and limited  circumstances,  determines that membership on the audit
committee by the individual is required by the best interests of the Company and
its  shareholders,  and the board discloses,  in the Company's next annual proxy
statement  subsequent to such determination,  the nature of the relationship and
the reasons for that determination.

A.         With respect internal controls, the committee will:

               o    Evaluate whether  management is setting the appropriate tone
                    by  communicating  the  importance of internal  controls and
                    ensuring that all individuals  possess an  understanding  of
                    their respective roles and responsibilities.

               o    Focus on the extent to which internal and external  auditors
                    review computer  systems and  applications,  the security of
                    such systems and applications, and the contingency plans for
                    processing  financial  information in the event of a systems

               o    Determine whether internal control  recommendations  made by
                    external  auditors have been, or are to be,  implemented  by
                    management.  Ensure that  external  auditors  keep the audit
                    committee informed about fraud,  illegal acts,  deficiencies
                    in internal  controls,  and other  matters  specified by the
                    audit committee.


B.         With respect to financial reporting in general, the committee will:

               o    Review   significant   accounting   and  reporting   issues,
                    including recent professional and regulatory pronouncements,
                    and understand their impact on financial statements.

               o    Ask management and the external  auditors about  significant
                    risks and exposures and the plans to minimize such risks.

C.         With respect to annual financial statements, the committee will:

               o    Review the annual financial statements and determine whether
                    they are complete and consistent with the information  known
                    to  committee  members,  and assess  whether  the  financial
                    statements reflect appropriate accounting principles.

               o    Pay   particular   attention  to  complex   and/or   unusual
                    transactions  such as restructuring  charges and convertible
                    securities and/or debenture financings.

               o    Focus on judgmental areas such as those involving  valuation
                    of assets and  liabilities,  including,  accounting  for and
                    disclosure  of  obsolete  or  slow  moving  inventory;  loan
                    losses;  warranty,   product  and  environmental  liability;
                    litigation    reserves;    and   other    commitments    and

               o    Meet with  management,  and the external  auditors to review
                    the financial statements and the results of the audit.

               o    Consider management's handling of proposed audit adjustments
                    identified by the external auditors.

               o    Review  the MD&A and other  sections  of the  annual  report
                    before its release and consider  whether the  information is
                    adequate and consistent  with members'  knowledge  about the
                    Company and its operations.

               o    Ensure  that  the  external  auditors   communicate  to  the
                    committee as to items specified by the committee.

               o    Consider whether the Company's  annual financial  statements
                    should be included in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form


D.        With respect to interim financial statements, the committee will:

               o    Determine how management  develops and summarizes  quarterly
                    financial  information  and the extent of  external  auditor

               o    Obtain  explanations  from  management and from the internal
                    and external auditors on whether:

                    o    Actual  financial  results  for the  quarter or interim
                         period varied  significantly from budgeted or projected

                    o    Changes in financial  ratios and  relationships  in the
                         interim   financial   statements  are  consistent  with
                         changes  in  the  Company's  operations  and  financing

                    o    Generally  accepted  accounting  principles  have  been
                         consistently applied.

                    o    There are any actual or proposed  changes in accounting
                         or financial reporting practices.

                    o    There  are  any   significant   or  unusual  events  or

                    o    The  Company's  financial  and  operating  controls are
                         functioning effectively.

                    o    The interim financial  statements  contain adequate and
                         appropriate disclosures.

                    o    Determine that the Company's  external  auditors review
                         the  Company's  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q  before

E.         The  committee  will assess the  Company's  compliance  with laws and
           regulations, including:

               o    Review  the  effectiveness  of  the  system  for  monitoring
                    compliance  with laws and  regulations  and the  results  of
                    management's    investigation   and   follow-up   (including
                    disciplinary  action) on any  fraudulent  acts or accounting

               o    Review   significant   accounting   and  reporting   issues,
                    including recent professional and regulatory pronouncements,
                    and understand their impact on the financial statements.

               o    Ask management and the internal and external  auditors about
                    significant  risks and  exposures  and the plans to minimize
                    such risks.


F.        With respect to internal and external audit, the committee will:

               o    Review  the  external  auditor's  proposed  audit  scope and

               o    Review  the   performance  of  the  external   auditors  and
                    recommend  to the  board of  directors  the  appointment  or
                    discharge of the external auditors.

               o    Review and confirm the independence of the external auditors
                    by  reviewing  the  nonaudit   services   provided  and  the
                    auditors'  written   assertion  of  their   independence  in
                    accordance with professional standards.

               o    Ensure  the  receipt  from  external  auditors  of a formal,
                    written statement  delineating all relationships between the
                    auditor  and  the  Company,   consistent  with  Independence
                    Standards Board Standard 1.

               o    Engage in a dialogue with the external auditors with respect
                    to any disclosed  relationships  or services that may impact
                    the objectivity and independence of the auditor.

               o    Take,  or recommend  that the full board of directors  take,
                    appropriate  action to oversee,  and ensure the independence
                    of, the external auditor.

G.        The committee will annually provide a report to the board of directors
          regarding the above matters.

                           Audit Committee Membership
                              As of: July 13, 2000

                               Ira Cohen, Chairman
                      Members: Ira Cohen, Thomas F. Dorazio

                           Charter Date: July 13, 2000
