Schedule 14A Information
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X] 
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the Appropriate Box: 
[ ] Preliminary  Proxy Statement 
[ ] Confidential,  for Use of the Commission Only 
    (as permitted by Rule  14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement 
[ ] Definitive  Additional  Materials 
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.

                 (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter
                     Name of Person Filing Proxy Statement)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]      No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         1)       Title  of  each  class  of  securities  to  which  transaction

         2)       Aggregate number of securities to which  transaction  applies:

         3)       Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined):

         4)       Proposed    maximum    aggregate    value   of    transaction:

         5)       Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
    Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing with which the  offsetting fee was
    paid  previously.  Identify the previous  filing by  registration  statement
    number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

            Amount Previously Paid:  _____________________________________
            Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:_________________
            Filing Party:  _______________________________________________
            Date Filed:  _________________________________________________


                                                                  March 16, 1998
One Electronics Drive
P.O. Box 3151
Trenton, New Jersey  08619

                            TO BE HELD APRIL 16, 1998

To the Shareholders:

         The  Annual  Meeting  of Base  Ten  Systems,  Inc.  ("Base  Ten" or the
"Company") will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel, 57 East 57th Street, New York
City,  New York,  on  Thursday,  April 16, 1998 at 4:00 p.m.  for the  following

         (1)      The  election  by the  holders of Class A Common  Stock of two
                  directors  to the  Board  of  Directors,  one  director  to be
                  elected for a one year term and one director to be elected for
                  a two year term.

         (2)      The  election  by the  holders of Class B Common  Stock of two
                  directors  to the Board of  Directors,  each for a three  year

         (3)      Approval  of a proposed  increase  in the  authorized  Class A
                  Common Stock from 22 million shares to 40 million shares.

         (4)      Approval of the following proposed  amendments to the Restated
                  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to modify certain terms of the
                  Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock:

                  (a)      Proposal  to change the  conversion  ratio of Class B
                           Common  Stock so  that,  upon  conversion  to Class A
                           Common Stock, instead of receiving one share of Class
                           A Common Stock for each share of Class B Common Stock
                           held,  the Class B Common Stock holders would receive
                           1.5 shares of Class A Common  Stock for each share of
                           Class B Common Stock held.

                  (b)      Proposal  to  change  the  voting  rights  of Class A
                           Common Stock and Class B Common Stock with respect to
                           the election of  directors  so that the  directors of
                           the  Company  would be  elected by holders of Class A
                           Common Stock and Class B Common Stock voting together
                           as a single class.

                  (c)      Proposal  to  change  the  voting  rights  of Class A
                           Common  Stock  from  one-tenth  vote per share to one
                           vote per share.

                  (d)      Proposal  to  eliminate  a separate  vote by class of
                           Class B Common  Stock  holders on  certain  corporate

                  (e)      Proposal to change the dividend restriction for Class
                           B  Common  Stock  so that  holders  of Class A Common
                           Stock and Class B Common Stock would be  considered a
                           single   class  for   purposes   of  the  payment  of

                  (f)      Proposal   to  make   conforming   language   changes
                           throughout the Restated  Certificate of Incorporation
                           to reflect the changes  set forth in  proposals  4(a)
                           through 4(e).

         (5)      Approval of the  adoption  of the 1998 Stock  Option and Stock
                  Award Plan.

         (6)      Approval of the adoption of the 1998 Employee  Stock  Purchase
         (7)      Approval of the adoption of the 1998  Directors'  Stock Option
         (8)      Ratification  of the issuance and grant of certain options and
                  warrants to officers and directors.

         Shareholders  of the  Company  of record at the  close of  business  on
February  26,  1998 will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the 1998 Annual
Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

By order of the Board of Directors,


                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT,

                         THE ACCOMPANYING PROXY CARD AND


                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.
                              One Electronics Drive
                            Trenton, New Jersey 08619

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                            TO BE HELD APRIL 16, 1998


         This  Proxy  Statement  is  being  furnished  in  connection  with  the
solicitation  of proxies on behalf of the Board of  Directors  (the  "Board") of
Base  Ten  Systems,  Inc.  ("Base  Ten" or the  "Company"),  to be  voted at the
Company's Annual Meeting of Shareholders  scheduled to be held on April 16, 1998
or any adjournments or postponements thereof (the "Annual Meeting").  This Proxy
Statement and the enclosed form of proxy are first being mailed to  shareholders
on or about  March  16,  1998.  Upon  request,  additional  copies  of the proxy
materials  will be  furnished  without  cost to brokers and other  nominees  for
forwarding to beneficial owners of shares held in their names.


         There are eight  matters  to be  considered  and voted on at the Annual
Meeting as set forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting.  Shareholders
of record as of the close of  business  on  February  26,  1998 are  entitled to
notice of and to vote at the meeting.


         As of January 19, 1998,  there were  7,829,060  shares of the Company's
Class A Common Stock,  444,879  shares of its Class B Common  Stock,  and 19,000
shares of Series A Preferred Stock issued and outstanding.  The holders of Class
A Common Stock and the holders of Series A Preferred Stock, voting together, are
entitled to elect 25% of Base Ten's directors (rounded to the next highest whole
number)  and the  holders  of Class B Common  Stock  are  entitled  to elect the
remaining directors. Each share of Class A Common Stock and each share of Series
A Preferred Stock (at its Class A Equivalence,  as defined below) is entitled to
one vote in the  election of Class A directors  and,  except as set forth below,
one-tenth of a vote on any other matter properly presented at the Annual Meeting
other than the election of Class B directors. Each share of Class B Common Stock
is entitled to one vote in the election of Class B directors and one vote on all
other  matters  other than the  election  of Class A  directors.  The holders of
Series A  Preferred  Stock  have the same  voting  rights on all  matters as the
holders  of  Class A Common  Stock,  calculated  as if all  shares  of  Series A
Preferred  Stock had been  converted  into shares of Class A Common Stock on the
record  date for any such vote,  subject to  limitations  applicable  to certain
holders.  On February 26,  1998,  the record date for the Annual  Meeting,  each
share of Series A Preferred Stock was convertible  into 154.08 shares of Class A
Common  Stock (the "Class A  Equivalence").  The holders of Class A Common Stock
and Series A Preferred  Stock vote  together as one class.  With  respect to the
proposal to amend the Company's Restated  Certificate of Incorporation to modify
certain terms of the Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock,  approval of
such proposals  requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes cast by
each of (i) the holders of the  outstanding  Class A Common  Stock,  voting as a
class,  (ii) the holders of the  outstanding  Class B Common Stock,  voting as a
class,  and (iii) the holders of the outstanding  Class B Common Stock,  Class A
Common Stock and Series A Preferred  Stock,  voting  together as a group.  As to
each of the above class  votes,  each holder of Class A Common Stock and Class B
Common  Stock will be entitled  to one vote per share of stock  held.  As to the
vote of all  shareholders  entitled to vote together as a group,  Class A Common
Stock and Series A Preferred Stock (at its Class A Equivalence)  are entitled to
one-tenth  vote per share and each share of Class B Common  Stock is entitled to
one vote.

         The  Restated   Certificate  of  Incorporation  does  not  provide  for
cumulative  voting in the  election of  directors  or for any other  purpose.  A
majority of the outstanding shares of the Company entitled to vote,  represented
in  person or by proxy,  will  constitute  a quorum  at the  Annual  Meeting.  A
majority  of the  outstanding  shares  of  Class A  Common  Stock  and  Series A
Preferred  Stock (at their  Class A  Equivalence),  represented  in person or by
proxy,  will  constitute  a quorum  for the  election  of Class A  directors,  a
majority of the  outstanding  Class A Common Stock,  represented in person or by
proxy, will constitute a quorum for the Class A Common Stock class vote referred
to above, and a majority of the outstanding Class B Common Stock, represented in
person  or by  proxy,  will  constitute  a quorum  for the  election  of Class B
directors and for the Class B Common Stock class vote  referred to above.  To be
elected as a director,  nominees  for  director  must receive a plurality of the
votes  cast,  in person or by proxy,  by  shareholders  entitled to vote on such

         On October 31, 1997,  Myles Kranzler,  founder,  Chairman of the Board,
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company for  thirty-two  years,
retired as  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer,  and on December 31, 1997,
retired as Chairman of the Board and a director. Mr. Kranzler has continued as a
consultant  and advisor to the Company.  Thomas E. Gardner has been appointed to
the Board as Co-Chairman of the Board,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer,
replacing  Mr.  Kranzler.  Also,  in  connection  with the sale of the Company's
Government Technology Division to Strategic Technology Systems,  Inc., Edward J.
Klinsport  resigned as Executive Vice  President,  Chief  Financial  Officer and
Secretary  of the  Company on December  31,  1997 and  resigned as a director on
January 13,  1998.  In April 1997 Bruce D. Cowen,  a Class A director,  resigned
from the Board for personal reasons and the Board appointed David C. Batten as a
director. In January 1998 William Sword was appointed as a director. In February
1998 Alan J.  Eisenberg  separated  from the Company as Executive Vice President
and a director.  In accordance with the New Jersey Business  Corporation  Act, a
successor director's term expires as of the immediately following annual meeting
of shareholders.


      The Board is  divided  into  three  classes,  with each class to have a
three  year term.  Consistent  with such  classified  Board and the right of the
holders of Class A Common Stock and Series A Preferred Stock to elect 25% of the
Board (rounded to the next highest  number),  the Board has nominated  Thomas E.
Gardner and David C. Batten for three year terms as Class B  directors,  Alan S.
Poole for a two year term as a Class A  director,  and  William  Sword for a one
year term as a Class A director.  Alexander M. Adelson is currently serving as a
Class B director with a term ending in 2000.

         All properly executed proxies received prior to the Annual Meeting will
be voted in accordance  with the  instructions  marked on the proxy cards. If no
such  instructions  are  provided,  shares of Class B Common Stock will be voted
"for" the  election  of the two Class B  nominees,  and shares of Class A Common
Stock and Series A Preferred  Stock will be voted "for" the  election of the two
Class A nominees.  With  respect to all other  matters  presented  at the Annual
Meeting, unless other instructions are given, it is the intention of the persons
named in the enclosed proxy to vote "for" each of the proposals described in the
Notice  of Annual  Meeting,  and,  with  respect  to any other  matter as may be
properly  presented  at the  Annual  Meeting,  in  accordance  with  their  best
judgment.  A  shareholder  giving a proxy  may  revoke  it at any time by giving
written notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Company before it is voted,
by executing a proxy bearing a later date and  delivering it to the Secretary of
the Company prior to the earlier  proxy being voted,  or by attending the Annual
Meeting and voting in person.  Abstentions and broker  non-votes are counted for
purposes of determining  the number of shares  represented at the Annual Meeting
for  purposes  of  determining  a quorum,  but are not  deemed to be votes  cast
concerning a proposal.  Broker  non-votes occur when a broker nominee (which has
voted on one or more matters at the meeting)  does not vote on one or more other
matters at the meeting because it has not received  instructions to so vote from
the beneficial owner and does not have discretionary authority to so vote.

         The cost of soliciting  any proxies will be borne by the Company.  Base
Ten will reimburse  brokerage  firms and other persons  representing  beneficial
owners of shares for their expenses in forwarding  proxy materials to beneficial
owners.  Proxies may be  solicited  by the  Company's  directors,  officers  and
regular employees, without additional compensation, in person or by telephone or


                          ELECTION OF CLASS A DIRECTORS

The following persons have been nominated to serve as Class A directors:

         ALAN S. POOLE,  age 70, is proposed as a director  for a two year term.
Mr.  Poole has served as a director of Base Ten since  1994.  From 1960 to 1992,
Mr.  Poole held  executive  positions  with  Johnson & Johnson,  including  Vice
President of Ortho  Diagnostics,  Inc. from 1975 through 1982 and  International
Vice President of Johnson & Johnson  Pharmaceutica in Belgium from 1986 to 1992,
where he was responsible  for the Janssen  Companies in various  countries.  Mr.
Poole, now retired, is a member of the California bar.

         WILLIAM SWORD, age 74, is proposed as a Class A director for a one year
term.  Since 1976,  Mr. Sword has been  Chairman of the Board of Wm. Sword & Co.
Incorporated,  a diversified  investment banking firm located in Princeton,  New
Jersey,  and  since  1974  has been  Chairman  of the  Board  of Sword  Holdings
Incorporated,  a Princeton, New Jersey based company with corporate affiliations
throughout  the United States.  From 1954 to 1976 Mr. Sword was associated  with
Morgan Stanley & Co., serving in various  capacities  including General Partner,
Director and Managing Director. Mr. Sword is also a director of Roadway Express,
Inc., where he is Chairman of its Executive and Finance Committees. Mr. Sword is
also active in numerous professional and community  associations,  including The
Bond Club of New York,  The Medical  Center at Princeton  Foundation and the New
Jersey Historical Society.

If any one of the Class A nominees  becomes  unavailable for election,  which is
not anticipated,  proxies may be voted for a substitute  nominee selected by the


                          ELECTION OF CLASS B DIRECTORS

The following persons have been nominated to serve as Class B directors:

         THOMAS E.  GARDNER,  age 50, is  proposed  as a Class B director  for a
three year term.  Mr.  Gardner has been  Co-Chairman of the Board and a director
since December 31, 1997 and President and Chief Executive Officer since November
1, 1997. Mr. Gardner was President,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Chief Operating
Officer and a director of Access Health Corporation from 1996 to 1997, and prior
to that was  employed  by the Dun &  Bradstreet  Corporation  from 1990 to 1995,
serving  in  various  senior  executive   positions   including  Corporate  Vice
President,  and President and Chief Executive Officer of Dun & Bradstreet Health
Care Information, Inc.

         DAVID C. BATTEN,  age 53, is proposed as a Class B director for a three
year term. Mr. Batten is a private investor and is actively  involved in various
venture  capital  investments for early stage  companies.  From 1992 to 1994 Mr.
Batten was a General Partner of Lazard Freres & Co. in charge of Capital Markets
Development,  from 1990 to 1992 was a General  Partner in The Blackstone  Group,
and from 1977 to 1990 was a Managing Director of The First Boston Corporation.

If any one of the Class B nominees  becomes  unavailable for election,  which is
not anticipated,  proxies may be voted for a substitute  nominee selected by the


                               CONTINUING DIRECTOR

         ALEXANDER  M.  ADELSON,  age  63,  is a Class  B  director  with a term
expiring in 2000.  Mr.  Adelson  served as Vice  Chairman  from April 1997 until
December 31, 1997 and has been Co-Chairman of the Board since December 31, 1997.
He has been a  director  of Base Ten since  1992.  Since  1974 he has been Chief
Executive Officer of RTS Research Labs Inc., a consulting company  concentrating
in high  technology  fields.  From 1977 to 1989 Mr. Adelson was Chief  Technical
Consultant with Symbol  Technologies,  Inc. Since 1992 Mr. Adelson has also been
providing investment and financial advisory services to the Company.


Set forth below is information concerning beneficial ownership of Class A Common
Stock  and  Class B  Common  Stock  as of  January  15,  1998 by (i) each of the
nominees and current directors, (ii) each of the Named Executive Officers listed
in the Summary  Compensation  Table,  (iii) all current  directors and executive
officers of the Company as a group and (iv) all persons  known by the Company to
be the beneficial owners of 5% or more of Class A Common Stock or Class B Common

                                                                                           Percent of Voting
                                                                                           by Class A
                                                Shares                                     and Class B
                                             Beneficially                  Percent         Combined (2)
Name                                            Owned (1)                  of Class
- -----------------------------------  ----------------------------          ----------      ---------------------

Myles M. Kranzler (3)(4)             Class A -             510,423           6.21%                 15.6%
                                     Class B -             160,144          36.00

Thomas E. Gardner (4)                Class A -              70,000            .89                   0.6
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

Edward J. Klinsport (3)(4)           Class A -             256,886           3.18                   2.6
                                     Class B -               7,136           1.59

Alan J. Eisenberg (4)                Class A -             258,163           3.19                   2.1
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

Richard J. Farrelly (4)              Class A -              61,420           0.78                   0.5
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

Frank W. Newdeck (4)                 Class A -              38,480           0.49                   0.3
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

Alexander M. Adelson (4)             Class A -             532,916           6.43                   4.2
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

David C. Batten(4)                   Class A -              38,900           0.5                    0.3
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

Alan S. Poole (4)                    Class A -              20,000           0.26                   0.2
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

William Sword                        Class A -                 ---         ---                    ---
                                     Class B -                 ---         ---

Jesse L. Upchurch(5)                 Class A -           2,050,400          23.61                  19.4

                                     Class B -              53,900          12.12
Bruce D. Cowen(4)                    Class A -             493,370           6.01                   9.6
                                     Class B -              78,800          17.71

James A. Eby(4)                      Class A -              76,096           0.96                   3.8
                                     Class B -              43,636           9.81

Herzog, Heine, Geduld, Inc.          Class A -              28,895           0.37                   2.4
                                     Class B -              28,895           6.50

Directors and executive officers as  Class A -             723,236           8.57                   5.6
a group (8 persons) (4)              Class B -                 ---         ---

(1)  Ownership  of shares of Class A Stock  Common  included  in the above table
     includes  shares  issuable  upon (a)  conversion of Class B Common Stock in
     accordance  with the terms  thereof  (one share of Class A Common Stock for
     each share of Class B Common Stock),  (b) exercise of  outstanding  options
     and  warrants  to  purchase  Class  A  Common  Stock  which  are  currently
     exercisable  or  exercisable  within  60  days of  January  15,  1998,  (c)
     conversion of Class B Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise of  outstanding
     options to purchase  Class B Common Stock and (d) conversion of outstanding
     convertible  debentures.  Ownership of Class B Common Stock included in the
     above table includes shares  issuable upon exercise of outstanding  options
     to  purchase  Class B Common  Stock  which  are  currently  exercisable  or
     exercisable within 60 days of January 15, 1998.

(2)  Based upon  one-tenth  vote per share of Class A Common  Stock and one vote
     per share of Class B Common Stock. Assumes exercise of options and warrants
     which  are  currently  exercisable  or are  exercisable  within  60 days of
     January 15, 1998, but not the conversion of Class B Common Stock to Class A
     Common Stock.

(3)  Includes (a) as to Mr.  Kranzler  45,300 shares of Class A Common Stock and
     62,823  shares of Class B Common  Stock owned by his wife and (b) as to Mr.
     Klinsport 10 shares of Class A Common Stock owned by his wife.

(4)  Includes as to (a) Mr.  Kranzler  236,000  shares,  (b) Mr.  Gardner 70,000
     shares,  (c)  Mr.  Klinsport  249,740  shares  and  4,946  shares,  (d) Mr.
     Eisenberg  258,163,  (e) Mr. Adelson 460,500  shares,  (f) Mr. Poole 20,000
     shares,  (g) Mr. Newdeck 38,480 shares, (h) Mr. Farrelly 60,420 shares, (i)
     Mr. Batten 20,000 shares,  (j) Mr. Eby 29,460,  (k) Mr. Cowen 300,000,  and
     (l) all  directors and executive  officers as a group  610,920  shares,  of
     Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, respectively,  issuable upon
     the  exercise  of  outstanding  options  or  warrants  which are  currently
     exercisable or exercisable within 60 days of January 15, 1998.

(5)  Based in part on a Statement  on Schedule 13D and a Statement of Changes in
     Beneficial  Ownership  on Form 4 filed  with SEC,  represents  (i)  968,200
     shares of Class A Common  Stock held  directly  by the Estate of  Constance
     Upchurch,  of which Mr.  Upchurch  is the  executor  and  beneficiary  (the
     "Estate"),  (ii)  209,900  shares  of  Class  A  Common  Stock  held  by  a
     corporation  of which Mr.  Upchurch is the sole  shareholder,  (iii) 18,400
     shares of Class A Common Stock held directly by Mr.  Upchurch,  (iv) 53,900
     shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon  conversion of the same number
     of shares of Class B Common  Stock held  directly  by the  Estate,  and (v)
     800,000 shares of Class A Stock  issuable upon  conversion of the Company's
     9.01% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due August 31, 2003.

                       SECTION 16(A) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP
                              REPORTING COMPLIANCE


                  Based on a review of reporting forms filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") by officers and directors of the Company and
persons  beneficially  owning more than 10% of any class of capital stock of the
Company,  to the knowledge of the Company,  none of such officers,  directors or
10% holders  failed to file any such  required  reports on a timely basis during
fiscal 1997.


                             COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD

                  The Company has an Audit  Committee  currently  consisting  of
Messrs.  Adelson,  Batten and Poole.  The Audit  Committee  had two  meetings in
fiscal 1997. The Committee's purpose is to confer with the Company's independent
auditors and its chief financial officer to evaluate the financial  controls and
practices of Base Ten and the plans for and results of the audit engagement.

                  The Company has a Compensation  Committee currently consisting
of all the members of the Board.  This Committee had one meeting in fiscal 1997.
The function of the Compensation  Committee is to establish the compensation and
benefits of all employees of the Company, including its officers.

                  During fiscal 1997, the Company's Finance Committee  consisted
of Messrs. Kranzler,  Adelson and Klinsport. The purpose of the Committee was to
explore various financial  alternatives in connection with funding the Company's
operations.  The  Committee  formally met four times during the 1997 fiscal year
and also met informally from time to time.

                  The Board held nine meetings during the 1997 fiscal year. Each
member of the  Board  participated  in at least 91% of all Board and  applicable
Committee  meetings  held  during  the  period  for which he was a  director  or
Committee member. The Company does not have a nominating committee.

                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION

                  Directors  were not paid a fee for  service as a  director  or
Committee  member  during  fiscal 1997.  However,  during  fiscal 1997 Mr. Poole
received,  subject to shareholder approval, an option for 10,000 shares of Class
A Common  Stock,  and Mr.  Batten  received,  subject to  shareholder  approval,
options for an aggregate of 20,000 shares of Class A Common  Stock.  The options
are exercisable at the market price of such stock as of the dates of grant.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table. The Summary Compensation Table set forth below shows
certain  compensation  information for the Company's Chief Executive Officer and
the four other most highly compensated executive officers (together,  the "Named
Executive  Officers") for services  rendered in all capacities  during the three
fiscal years ended October 31, 1997,  1996 and 1995. This  information  includes
base salaries,  bonus awards and long-term incentive plan payouts, the number of
stock options and stock appreciation rights ("SARs") granted,  and certain other
compensation, if any, whether paid or deferred.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                         ANNUAL                              LONG-TERM
                                      COMPENSATION                         COMPENSATION
                                      ------------                        -------------

Name  and                                                      Options/      All Other
Principal Position                Year    Salary      Bonus    SARs          Compensation(1)
- --------------------------------- ------- ----------- -------- ------------- ---------------------
Myles M. Kranzler,                 1997      $220,000     ---         ---       $    ---
President and                      1996       220,000     ---      50,000            ---
Chief Executive Officer            1995       123,310     ---      25,000         42,308

Edward J. Klinsport,               1997       225,000     ---      60,000        112,075(2)
Executive Vice                     1996       195,061  10,000      50,000         29,012
President                          1995       105,002     ---      30,000         39,363

Alan J. Eisenberg,                 1997       225,000     ---     100,000(3)     105,312
Senior Vice President              1996       185,261     ---      50,000         26,042
                                   1995       103,386     ---      30,000         33,183

Richard J. Farrelly,               1997       155,000     ---       4,900         24,224
Vice President                     1996       135,431     ---         ---          8,067
                                   1995        79,982     ---      30,000         37,181

Frank W. Newdeck,                  1997       135,700  17,240       2,000         26,646
Vice President                     1996       135,700   3,080       2,000          9,233
                                   1995       101,993   4,620      15,000            ---

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)Includes  interest  paid on balance of  individuals'  deferred  compensation,
    vacation entitlement payout, commissions,  and 1996 amortization of employee
    loans.  For 1997, the amounts  indicated  represent  forgiveness of employee

(2) Includes accrued interest on individual's deferred compensation.

(3)Includes  contingent  option grant for 50,000 shares of Class A Common Stock,
    the conditions for which were satisfied on February 10, 1998.

Option/SAR  Grants in Last Fiscal Year.  The following  table shows  information
regarding  grants of stock options made to the Named  Executive  Officers during
the  fiscal  year  ended  October  31,  1997.  The  amounts  shown as  potential
realizable  values  are  based  on  assumed  annualized  rates  of  stock  price
appreciation of five percent and ten percent over the term of the options. These
potential  realizable  values are based solely on  arbitrarily  assumed rates of
appreciation  required by applicable SEC  regulations.  Actual gains, if any, on
option  exercises  and  common  stock  holdings  are  dependent  on  the  future
performance  of the  Company's  Class A Common  Stock and overall  stock  market


                                                                                                     Potential Realizable
                                                                                                     Value at Assumed
                                                                                                     Annual Rates of
                           Number of            % of Total                                           Stock Price
                           Securities           Options/SARs                                         Appreciation for
                           Underlying           Granted to                                           Option Term
                           Options/SARs         Employees in     Exercise or Base    Expiration
Name                       Granted  (1)         Fiscal Year      Price ($/Sh)        Date               5%       10%
- ----                       ------------         -----------      ------------        -------            --       ---
Myles M. Kranzler             --                  --                  --            --                 --        --

Edward J. Klinsport           60,000                9.6%            14 1/2          10/31/99        $ 89,175    $182,700

Alan J. Eisenberg             50,000                8.0%            10 7/8          10/12/07         341,961     866,597
                              50,000(2)             8.0%             7 9/16         02/10/99          38,758      79,406

Richard J. Farrelly            4,900                0.8%            10 3/4          09/22/07          33,127      83,950

Frank W. Newdeck               2,000                0.3%            10 3/4          03/11/07          13,521      34,265

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Class A Common Stock.

(2) Contingent option grant, the conditions for which were satisfied on February
    10, 1998.

Aggregated  Option/SAR  Exercises  in  Last  Fiscal  Year  and  Fiscal  Year-End
Option/SAR  Values.  The  following  table  summarizes  for  each  of the  Named
Executive  Officers the number of stock options,  if any,  exercised  during the
fiscal year ended  October 31, 1997,  the aggregate  dollar value  realized upon
exercise, the total number of securities underlying unexercised options, if any,
held at  October  31,  1997 and the  aggregate  dollar  value  of  in-the-money,
unexercised  options,  if any,  held at October 31, 1997.  Value  realized  upon
exercise is the difference between the fair market value of the underlying stock
on the  exercise  date and the  exercise or base price of the  option.  Value of
unexercised,  in-the-money  options at fiscal year end is the difference between
the exercise or base price and the fair market value of the underlying  stock on
October 31, 1997. On that date, the last sale prices of the Class A Common Stock
and Class B Common Stock were $14 1/2 and $15 1/2,  respectively.  The values in
the column "Value of Unexercised  In-The-Money  Options/SARs at Fiscal Year End"
have not been, and may never be, realized. The underlying options have not been,
and may not be,  exercised,  and actual  gains,  if any, on exercise will depend
upon the value of the underlying stock on the date of exercise.


                                                               Number of Securities           Value of Unexercised
                                                               Underlying Unexercised         In-the-Money
                                                               Options/SARs at                Options/SARs at
                             Shares                            FY-End                         FY-End
                             Acquired on       Value
Name                         Exercise          Realized        Exercisable    Unexercisable   Exercisable    Unexercisable
- --------                     ---------         ---------       -----------    -------------   -----------    -------------
Myles M. Kranzler
  Class A Common                35,893         $205,487            227,714        8,286       $1,281,067     $   21,026
  Class B Common                  --             --                   --             --               --             --

Edward J. Klinsport
  Class A Common                  --             --                243,130        6,610         1,261,911        23,961
  Class B Common                  --             --                  4,946           --            61,825            --

Alan J. Eisenberg
  Class A Common                  --             --                201,553       31,610(1)     1,310,385        114,586(1)
  Class B Common                  --             --                    --            --               --             --

Richard J. Farrelly
  Class A Common                  --             --                48,910        11,510          251,799         42,336
  Class B Common                  --             --                   --            --                --             --

Frank W. Newdeck
  Class A Common                  --             --                38,480            --          199,460             --
  Class B Common                  --             --                   --             --               --             --

(1) Does not include  contingent option grant of 50,000 shares of Class A Common
    Stock, the conditions for which were satisfied on February 10, 1998.


                  Under  employment  agreements which were in effect for each of
Messrs. Kranzler, Klinsport and Eisenberg (collectively,  the "Executives") such
Executives were entitled to their  respective  salaries and benefits to the date
of their  termination  if terminated  for "cause" (as defined in the  agreement,
including willful or gross  misconduct,  criminal  indictment,  or other actions
which  significantly  damaged the Company) or if voluntarily  terminating  their
employment  prior  to the  expiration  of  the  twelve  month  term,  which  was
automatically  extended  for one month at the end of each  month and  terminable
(unless  otherwise  terminated)  by either party on twelve  months'  notice.  If
terminated  without  "cause,"  the  Executive  was  entitled  to his  salary and
benefits  to the date of  termination  and a  termination  payment  equal to the
highest annual  combination of his base salary plus any annual bonus paid to the
Executive during the five fiscal years ending before the date of termination. If
the Executives were entitled to payment upon termination  pursuant to the change
in control agreement  described below, the termination  provisions of the change
in control agreement would have prevailed.


                  The Company  also had change in control  agreements  in effect
with each of Messrs.  Kranzler,  Klinsport and Eisenberg,  and continues to have
change  in  control  agreements  with  other  current  executive  officers.  The
agreements  provide  that if,  within  three  years  after  certain  "changes of
control" (as defined in the  agreement,  including an acquisition of 40% or more
of the  combined  voting  power  of the  outstanding  stock  of the  Company,  a
substantial  change in the  composition of the Board not approved by "continuing
directors," or certain mergers or sales involving the Company),  the executive's
employment with the Company is terminated by the Company other than for "cause,"
death or  disability,  or by the  executive for "good reason" (all as defined in
the agreement),  the executive would be entitled to receive,  subject to certain
limitations,  a lump sum cash  payment and health  insurance  benefits for three
years  following  termination of employment,  having an aggregate value equal to
2.99  times  the  total of  average  annual  compensation  and cost of  employee
benefits  for the  executive  for the five years prior to the change of control,
subject to a maximum  amount equal of the Company's  permitted  deduction  under
Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code. Each current  agreement is subject to
being extended automatically from year to year unless the Company gives at least
fifteen months' prior notice of its election not to extend the term.

                  On  October  31,  1997,  following  thirty-two  years with the
Company,  Myles M.  Kranzler,  founder of the Company,  retired as President and
Chief  Executive  Officer and,  effective on December  31,  1997,  Mr.  Kranzler
retired as  Chairman of the Board and a director of the  Company.  Mr.  Kranzler
will  continue as a  consultant  to the Company for a one year term,  subject to
extension upon mutual  agreement of the parties.  Pursuant to his separation and
consultant  agreement,  Mr.  Kranzler is required to be available to the Company
for  up to  sixty-five  working  days  for  which  he  will  receive  consulting
compensation  of $100,000 plus  reimbursement  for any reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses.  For  consulting  services in excess of 65 working days per year,  Mr.
Kranzler  would receive  consulting  compensation  of $1,600 per day.  Under the
separation and consultant  agreement,  Mr. Kranzler and his spouse will continue
to receive health and dental  insurance  coverage for life. Under the agreement,
Mr.  Kranzler  also agreed during the term of the agreement not to engage in any
business related to the Company's  business and during the term of the agreement
and for one year  thereafter  not to solicit any of the customers of the Company
in  connection  with any  competitive  products.  Subsequent  to year  end,  Mr.
Kranzler  received a total payment of $300,000 as a bonus for services  rendered
prior to October 31, 1997.


                            AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

                  The Company's  Compensation Committee consisted in fiscal year
1997 of all of the members of the Board except Mr.  Kranzler.  Of these members,
Messrs.  Adelson,  Eisenberg,  Klinsport  and Cowen were officers of the Company
during all or part of fiscal 1997. See "General" above.

                  The  Company had a  consulting  arrangement  with Mr.  Adelson
providing for Mr.  Adelson's  transfer to the Company of  intellectual  property
relating to radio tag technology and for various  advisory  services,  including
consulting  on  the  Company's  business,   technical,   marketing  and  related
strategies,  preparation of business plans and other  specialized  services that
the Company might request from time to time. In 1995,  the agreement was renewed
for three years. In connection with the renewal, the Company granted Mr. Adelson
a five-year  nontransferable  option to purchase 36,000 shares of Class A Common
Stock at $7 7/8 per share,  representing  the  market  price of the stock on the
date of grant, and agreed to pay annual  consulting fees of $50,000 plus monthly
consulting  fees of $10,000  in August  1995 and  $15,000  from  September  1995
through May 1997.  Mr.  Adelson is also  entitled to 2 1/2% of the Company's net
proceeds from sales of radio tag devices  incorporating  technology  supplied by
him.  The  agreement is no longer in effect.  The total fee paid to Mr.  Adelson
under this consulting agreement in fiscal 1997 was $135,000.

                  The Company had a  consulting  agreement  with Mr. Cowen for a
one-year term through March 1996,  providing for financial  consulting and other
specialized  services  requested by the Company.  The  agreement was extended in
1996 for an  additional  one-year  term,  entitling  Mr.  Cowen to an  option to
purchase  30,000 shares of Class A Common Stock at an exercise price $10 1/4 per
share,  the market  price of such shares on the date of grant,  and to quarterly
fees of $6,250  plus  expense  reimbursements.  This  agreement  is no longer in
effect.  The total fee paid to Mr.  Cowen  under this  consulting  agreement  in
fiscal 1997 was $32,702.

                  The Company had a financial  advisory  agreement  with Messrs.
Adelson and Cowen for financial and  investment  advisory  services on strategic
opportunities,  providing  for success  fees on any  introduced  acquisition  or
equity financing  completed  during the term of the agreement,  subject to Board
approval.  The  agreement  provided  for a cash  fee  equal  to 2% of the  gross
proceeds of an equity  financing or, for an  acquisition,  3% of pretax  profits
earned by the  acquired  operations  over the three years after the  transaction
plus 1% of the consideration  paid by the Company for the acquired company.  For
either an equity  financing or an  acquisition,  the agreement also provided for
the issuance of warrants  based on the terms of the particular  transaction.  On
May  30,  1997,  the  Company  privately  placed  $5.5  million  of  convertible
debentures together with warrants for Class A Common Stock. Mr. Adelson received
warrants to purchase  27,500 shares of Class A Common Stock at an exercise price
of $10.125 per share,  the market  price of Class A Common  Stock on the date of
grant,  and a fee of $55,000,  for  advisory  services in  connection  with such
private placement.

                  In connection with the May 1, 1997 creation of the uPACS,  LLC
(the "LLC")  whereby  the  Company  became the  minority  owner of this  limited
liability company (see "Certain  Transactions with Related Parties" below),  Mr.
Adelson  received a fee of $30,000 from the LLC and will be entitled to receive,
from the LLC, 1% of revenues generated by the LLC up to the first $45 million in
revenues,  in  consideration  of his  services  in  establishing  the LLC and in
obtaining the capital funding therefor.

                  Effective  June 9, 1997,  the  Company and RTS  Research  Lab,
Inc.,  a  corporation  of which Mr.  Adelson  is the sole  owner  and  principal
("RTS"), entered into a consulting agreement with the Company which replaced and
superseded the earlier financial and investment  advisory  agreement between the
Company and Messrs.  Adelson and Cowen  described  above.  Under the  consulting
agreement,  Mr. Adelson through RTS ("Consultant") would, for a three year term,
provide  investor  relations  and  investor  advisory  services to the  Company,
including  being a  liaison  with the  investment  community  on  behalf  of the
Company,  assisting in developing  marketing  strategies in connection  with the
Company's Medical Technology business and the Company's  PHARMASYST(R) products,
and assisting in developing  and marketing the uPACS(TM)  technology,  for which
Consultant  will  receive  $257,500  per  annum  over the term of the  agreement
(which, upon mutual agreement of the parties,  may alternatively be satisfied by
issuance  of  options  for Class A Common  Stock at a rate of an option  for one
share of stock for each $200 of compensation) plus an expense reimbursement and,
subject to shareholder  approval,  a warrant for 45,000 shares of Class A Common
Stock  exercisable in three equal  installments on each of the three anniversary
dates of the agreement,  at an exercise price equal to $10.00,  the market price
of the stock on the date of grant In  addition,  in the event  that  Consultant,
with  prior  Board  approval,  is  successful  during the three year term of the
agreement in arranging for  additional  capital  financing for the Company or in
successfully  assisting in consummating one or more acquisitions,  Consultant is
entitled to receive in connection with any such  financing,  a success fee of 1%
of the net proceeds plus a warrant for Class A Common Stock equal to one warrant
for each $200 of net proceeds,  and in connection with any such  acquisition,  a
success  fee equal to 1/2 % of the fair  market  value of the net  consideration
paid by the Company in such acquisition.  If approved in advance by the Board of
Directors, the Consultant would receive a success fee of $100,000 on the sale of
the Company or one of its divisions.  In no case will  Consultant be entitled to
more than $200,000 in success fees in any eighteen-month period over the term of
the agreement.

                  In connection with the Company's $19 million private placement
of Series A Preferred  Stock which was consummated in December 1997, Mr. Adelson
received a financial  advisory fee of $190,000 plus warrants to purchase  46,875
shares of Class A Common Stock exercisable at $12.50 per share (the market price
of Class A Common Stock as of the closing of the initial  $9.375 million of such
Series A Preferred Stock on December 5, 1997),  and a warrant to purchase 48,125
shares of Class A Common Stock exercisable at $10.31 per share (the market price
of Class A Common Stock on the closing of the balance of such private  placement
on December 31, 1997).

                  During the fiscal  year  ending  October  31,  1997,  Base Ten
operated a Medical Technology Division and a Government  Technology Division. On
December 31, 1997, following approval by the Company's shareholders at a special
shareholders'  meeting, the Company sold the Government Technology Division (the
"GTD Sale") to Strategic  Technology  Systems,  Inc.  ("STS") for aggregate cash
consideration of $3.5 million, a promissory note in a principal amount estimated
to be  approximately  $2.1 million,  and certain other  consideration.  STS is a
newly formed  corporation  managed and partially  owned by individuals who were,
prior to the GTD Sale,  members of the Company's  senior  management,  including
Edward J.  Klinsport,  who prior to the GTD Sale was Executive  Vice  President,
Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and a director of the Company.

                  In connection  with and effective as of the closing of the GTD
Sale, the Company entered into a consulting  agreement with Mr.  Klinsport for a
two year term  following  the GTD Sale with respect to events and matters  which
occurred during Mr.  Klinsport's  tenure as Chief Financial Officer of Base Ten,
provided such services do not interfere with Mr.  Klinsport's  other  employment
duties.  In  consideration  of such  services,  Base  Ten paid  $225,000  to Mr.
Klinsport,  an amount equal to his then current annual salary, and Mr. Klinsport
was also paid $75,000 in connection with his past services for the Company.

                  The Company  and STS also  entered  into a sublease  agreement
under which STS subleased for a five year term approximately  40,000 square feet
of space at the  Company's New Jersey  headquarters  facility at a lease rate of
$7.00 per square  foot for office and  manufacturing  space and $3.00 per square
foot for shared common access space,  plus a  proportionate  amount of utilities
and other building  expenses.  As part of the GTD Sale, the Company and STS also
entered  into a  transition  agreement  pursuant  to which STS will  continue to
provide the Company with certain accounting, reception, personnel and facilities
services for a three month period, in consideration of approximately $194,000.


                  The Company's executive compensation program has been designed
to retain and fairly  compensate its executives and to motivate them to maximize
Base Ten's  financial  performance.  The  compensation  program has consisted of
three key  elements:  a base salary,  an annual  incentive  bonus,  and periodic
grants of stock options.


                  Base Ten's compensation  policies for its executive  officers,
including its chief executive  officer,  are  administered  by the  Compensation
Committee  or, as to the  grant of stock  options,  by the  Board or in  certain
instances by a specifically designated committee of the Board.

                  Base  Salary.   Base  salaries  of  the  executive   officers,
including the Chief Executive Officer (the "CEO"),  have been established at the
beginning of the fiscal year based on the Compensation Committee's assessment of
(i) the overall  performance  of the CEO and the  recommendations  of the CEO on
officers   other   than   himself,   (ii)  the  nature  of  the   position   and
responsibilities  of the  CEO and  each  of the  other  individuals,  (iii)  the
contribution,  experience and relative  importance of the executive  officers to
the  Company,   (iv)  executive   salaries  at  comparable  public  and  private
manufacturing  companies  (without  survey or  similar  data,  and  because  the
Company's  most direct  competitors  for executive  talent are not the companies
included  in the  industry  index  used to  compare  the  Company's  shareholder
returns,  without  reference  to  salaries  at  those  companies),  and  (v) the
Company's financial condition as well as the Company's financial performance and
success in meeting  its  strategic  plans.  In making  its  determinations,  the
Compensation  Committee  does  not  assign  any  specific  weight  to any of the
foregoing  factors and does not  affirmatively  target such base salaries at any
particular  percentile  range in  relation  to any  other  group  of  comparable
companies,  but rather  considers the entire mix of factors in the aggregate and
makes a subjective  determination of what it considers to be appropriate  salary
levels.  In  assessing  the base  salary of each of the CEO and the other  named
executive  officers,  the Committee has also given  consideration  over the past
several years to the  substantial  changes which have been made in the nature of
the  Company's  business  and  strategic   direction,   and  in  particular  the
significant  change from primarily a defense industry business to a software and
technology  company.  The base salary for the CEO for fiscal 1997  remained  the
same as for fiscal 1996 based on the specific  recommendation  of the CEO to the
Compensation Committee and cost constraints.


                  Annual  Bonus.  An  annual  incentive  bonus  portion  of  the
Company's  executive  compensation  program was in effect since the beginning of
fiscal 1992. Each executive  officer,  including the CEO,  historically has been
eligible for an annual  incentive  bonus equal to a specified  percentage of the
Company's  pre-tax  profit,  if any,  subject  in certain  cases to  established
minimum  payments,  based on the  Committee's  belief  that such an  arrangement
aligns the interests of management  with the Company's  shareholders  by linking
this portion of executive compensation directly with performance.

                  The  particular  percentage  and  minimum  bonus  historically
awarded to each  executive  officer,  including the CEO, would be established by
the  Compensation  Committee at the beginning of each fiscal year based upon the
Committee's  assessment of (i) the factors  employed to determine  base salaries
and (ii) the Compensation  Committee's  general view (determined  without survey
data) of the  competitiveness  of the executive  officer's  total  compensation,
including both base salary and stock options.  In making its determination,  the
Compensation  Committee  does  not  assign  any  specific  weight  to any of the
foregoing factors,  but rather subjectively  considers the entire mix of factors
in  the  aggregate.  Accordingly,  the  annual  incentive  bonus  awarded  to an
executive officer may vary from year to year. However, based on cost constraints
as well as the financial  performance of the Company no annual  incentive  bonus
goals were established for fiscal 1997 for any executive  officer  including the
CEO and no incentive bonuses were awarded to any executive bonuses.  Mr. Newdeck
was awarded a merit bonus based on his  performance and efforts during the year,
as set forth in the Summary Compensation Table under the heading "Bonus."


                  Stock Options. Like annual incentive bonuses,  awards of stock
options to  executive  officers,  including  the CEO,  are  intended to align an
officer's  interests  with  shareholder  returns and the Company's  stock market
performance.  Options  are  granted  to the CEO and the  other  named  executive
officers from time to time, but not necessarily annually, based on an assessment
of (i) the factors employed to determine  annual  incentive  bonuses but without
regard to cost containment considerations and (ii) the amount and terms of stock
options  already held by the executive  officer.  In making awards,  no specific
weight is assigned to any of the foregoing factors, but rather the entire mix of
factors in the aggregate is subjectively  considered.  In fiscal 1997, the Board
awarded  Messrs.  Klinsport and Eisenberg  options to purchase  60,000 shares of
Class A Common Stock and 50,000 shares of Class A Common Stock, respectively, at
an exercise price of $14 1/2 per share and $10 7/8 per share  respectively.  Mr.
Eisenberg  was also  granted a  contingent  option for 50,000  shares of Class A
Common   Stock  based  on  his  years  of  service  with  the  Company  and  his
participation in the change in the nature and strategic direction of the Company
(the  conditions for which were  satisfied on February 10, 1998).  Stock Options
granted to executive  officers  during  fiscal 1997 are set forth in the Summary
Compensation   Table  under  the  heading   "Awards  -   Securities   Underlying
Options/SARs"  and in the above table captioned  "Option/SARs  Granted in fiscal


                  IRC Section  162(m).  Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue
Code limits the tax deduction for any  compensation  in excess of $1 million for
compensation  paid  to the  CEO or any of the  other  Named  Executive  Officers
included in the Summary Compensation Table, unless certain requirements are met.
The Company  does not  currently  believe  that  present  compensation  would be
subject  to such  limitations  and it is the  Compensation  Committee's  present
intention  to comply with the limits and  requirements  of Section  162(m).  The
Compensation Committee will continue to review this matter.

Compensation Committee                               Board of Directors
(current members as to fiscal                        (current members as to
1997 compensation)                                   award of stock options)

Alexander M. Adelson                                 Alexander M. Adelson
Alan S. Poole                                        Alan S. Poole
David C. Batten (for part of fiscal year 1997)       David C. Batten

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

                  The following  graph shows changes over the past five years in
the value of $100 invested on November 1, 1992 in the  Company's  Class A Common
Stock,  the NASDAQ  National  Market System Index and MG Industry  Group 403. MG
Industry Group 403,  Electronic  Controls and  Instruments is published by Media
General  Financial  Services,  P.O. Box 85333,  Richmond,  Virginia 23293 and is
accessible  through  publications  such as Industriscope and computer data bases
such as Dialog and Dow Jones News Retrieval. MG Industry Group 403 includes both
the Company's Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock.


                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

                                       11/01/92     10/31/93      10/31/94     10/31/95      10/31/96     10/31/97
                                      ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ -------------  --------

Base Ten - Class A                        100          263          223           326          298           407
- ------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------
MG Industry Group 403                     100          126          143           201          167           250
- ------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------
NASDAQ Market Index                       100          131          140           166          194           255
- ------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------


                  The Company entered into a separation and consulting agreement
with Myles M. Kranzler,  which took effect on November 1, 1997 (see  "Employment
Contracts, Termination of Employment and Change in Control Arrangements" above).

                  On May 1, 1997 the Company entered into an Operating Agreement
(the "Operating  Agreement")  with Jesse L. Upchurch ("LLC Member")  whereby the
Company became a minority owner of a limited liability company.  Under the terms
of the Operating Agreement,  the Company made an initial capital contribution to
the LLC of its rights to its uPACS(TM) technology in return for a 9% interest in
the LLC and the LLC Member made a capital  contribution  of $2 million and later
made a further  capital  contribution of $1 million in return for a 91% interest
in the LLC. In  connection  with the  formation of the LLC, the Company  entered
into a services and license agreement whereby the Company agreed to complete the
development  of the  uPACS(TM)  technology  and  undertake  to market,  sell and
distribute systems using the uPACS(TM) technology.  The LLC will pay the Company
its expenses in  connection  with such  services and the Company will pay to the
LLC  royalties  in  connection  with the sale of  systems  using  the  uPACS(TM)
technology.  At such  time as the LLC has  distributed  to the LLC  Member  $4.5
million of its net cash flow, the Company will become a 63% owner of the LLC and
the LLC Member will own a 37% interest in the LLC.

                  On  August  8,  1996,  the  Company  entered  into a  Purchase
Agreement  with  Jesse  L.  Upchurch  for the sale of up to  $10,000,000  of the
Company's  9.01%  Convertible  Subordinated  Debentures due August 31, 2003 (the
"Debentures").  On August 12, 1996,  the Company  issued and sold a Debenture in
the original  principal  amount of $4,500,000 to Mr.  Upchurch and on August 22,
1996 the Company issued and sold a Debenture in the original principal amount of
$5,500,000 to Mr. Upchurch. Pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, Mr.
Upchurch  has the right,  provided he continues to hold not less than 80% of the
aggregate  principal amount of the Debentures,  to nominate two directors to the
Board of  Directors  of the Company by giving  written  notice to the Company of
such nominations together with the written consents of such nominees to serve as
directors  not less  than 120 days  prior to the date that the  Company's  proxy
statement in connection  with its annual meeting of shareholders is to be mailed
to  shareholders.  The Company is then required to include the nominess among in
the directors recommended by management in the proxy statement for the next held
annual meeting of shareholders.

                  In October 1994, the Company completed a sale and leaseback of
its  headquarters  and  related  real  estate in  Trenton,  New Jersey  with CKR
Partners,  L.L.C., an investment concern ("CKR").  The principals of CKR include
Myles M. Kranzler,  formerly Chairman,  President and CEO of Base Ten, and Bruce
D. Cowen,  formerly Vice Chairman of Base Ten. The Company received $3.6 million
for the property,  of which  $550,000 was retained by CKR as a security  deposit
due at the end of the 15-year lease term.  The lease provides for annual rent of
$560,000  for the first  five  years,  $615,000  for the  second  five years and
$690,000 for the last five years, with the Company retaining a repurchase option
which may be exercised at any time at amounts  declining to $3.5 million  during
the last five years of the  lease,  although  under  certain  conditions  CKR is
provided the right to sell the premises free of such Company  repurchase option.
The  Company  received  an opinion  from The Talman  Realty  Group,  independent
financial  advisors,  that the terms of the transaction were fair to the Company
and  its  shareholders  from a  financial  point  of  view.  Proceeds  from  the
transaction  were applied by Base Ten  primarily to prepay its mortgage  debt of
approximately $2.8 million on the property.

                         SHARES OF CLASS A COMMON STOCK

                  The Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation  currently
authorizes the issuance of a total of 22,000,000 shares of Class A Common Stock,
2,000,000  shares of Class B Common  Stock,  and  1,000,000  shares of Preferred
Stock,  each with a par value of $1.00 per share.  Of such currently  authorized
capital stock, as of January 19, 1998,  7,829,060 shares of Class A Common Stock
were issued and outstanding,  444,879 shares of Class B Common Stock were issued
and  outstanding,  and 19,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock were issued and
outstanding.  In addition,  as of January 19, 1998,  an aggregate of  10,143,088
shares of Class A Common  Stock was  reserved  for  issuance as set forth in the
following table:

                                                                  Number of
Shares of Class A Common Stock Reserved for Issuance           Shares Reserved
- ----------------------------------------------------           ---------------
Class A Common Stock Warrants                                    1,935,100
Class A Common Stock Options                                     2,718,109
Conversion of Class B Common Stock                                 449,879
Conversion of Convertible Debentures                             2,000,000
Conversion of Series A Preferred Stock                           3,040,000

                  At this Annual  Meeting  shareholders  are also being asked to
approve the 1998 Stock Option and Stock Award Plan under which 1,000,000  shares
of Class A Common  Stock would  currently  be reserved  for  issuance;  the 1998
Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan under which  1,000,000  shares of Class A Common
Stock would  currently be reserved for issuance;  and the 1998  Directors  Stock
Option Plan under which 300,000  shares of Class A Common Stock would  currently
be reserved  for  issuance,  for a total of  2,300,000  shares of Class A Common
Stock  which would  currently  be reserved  under all three  equity-based  plans
assuming such plans are approved by shareholders.

                  After  giving  effect to all  shares  of Class A Common  Stock
reserved  and to be reserved for  issuance,  the Company does not believe it has
sufficient  uncommitted  shares  of  Class A  Common  Stock  for  use in  future
transactions  involving the issuance of shares of the  Company's  Class A Common

                  The  Board of  Directors  therefore  has  adopted  a  proposed
amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the
number  of  authorized  shares  of  Class A  Common  Stock  from  22,000,000  to


                  The additional  shares,  if so authorized,  could be issued at
the discretion of the Board without any further action by  shareholders  (except
as required by applicable law or regulation)  in connection  with  acquisitions,
efforts to raise  additional  capital,  issuances of additional  options,  stock
awards or warrants, and other corporate purposes. Shares of Class A Common Stock
will be issued only upon a determination  by the Board that a proposed  issuance
is in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders.


                  The Company  currently has no plans or commitments  that would
involve the issuance of additional shares of Class A Common Stock, other than as
referred to above.  However,  in connection with future capital needs, the Board
may from time to time consider  issuing shares of Class A Common Stock in one or
more capital  financings  or using shares of Class A Common Stock as a component
thereof,  including  derivative  securities  such as convertible  instruments or
stock purchase warrants.

                  The Company also believes that acquisition  opportunities  may
be available to it. The increase in  authorized  shares would allow the Board to
consider and, if in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders,  take
advantage of such acquisition opportunities. In addition, the flexibility vested
in the Board to  authorize  the  issuance  and sale of  authorized  but unissued
shares of Class A Common  Stock and/or to issue  Preferred  Stock in one or more
series  could  enhance  the  Board's  bargaining  capability  on  behalf  of the
Company's   shareholders  in  a  takeover   situation  and  could,   under  some
circumstances,  be used to render more difficult or discourage a merger,  tender
offer or proxy  contest,  the assumption of control by a holder of a large block
of the Company's securities, or the removal of an incumbent management,  even if
such a transaction  were favored by the holders of the  requisite  number of the
then  outstanding  shares.  Accordingly,  shareholders  of the Company  might be
deprived of an opportunity  to consider a takeover  proposal which a third party
might  consider if the Company did not have a sufficient  number of  uncommitted
authorized and unissued shares of Class A Common Stock.


                  The  Company  has in place  certain  provisions  which have an
anti-takeover  effect.  The  Company's  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation
currently  includes  provisions  which  provide,  among other things,  (i) for a
classified  board of directors,  (ii) any merger or consolidation of the Company
or any  sale,  lease or other  disposition  of all or  substantially  all of the
assets  of the  Company,  if not in the usual and  regular  course of  business,
currently  requires the affirmative vote of 75% of the votes cast by the holders
entitled to vote thereon and, in addition,  the  affirmative  vote of 75% of the
votes cast by the  holders of Class B Common  Stock,  (iii) for the  election of
only 25% of the number of  directors  on the Board  (rounded to the next highest
whole  number) by the holders of Class A Common Stock and the Series A Preferred
Stock,  and the election of the balance of the directors by the holders of Class
B Common Stock,  and (iv) holders of Class A Common Stock and Series A Preferred
Stock currently have one-tenth of a vote on all matters, other than the election
of Class B directors, submitted to a vote of shareholders and holders of Class B
Common Stock currently have one vote on all such matters other than the election
of Class A directors (but see the proposals  being  submitted to shareholders at
this Annual Meeting to eliminate  such  disparate  voting between Class A Common
Stock and Class B Common Stock, below).


                  This proposal is not the result of  management's  knowledge of
any specific effort to accumulate the Company's  securities or to obtain control
of the  Company  by means of a  merger,  tender  offer,  proxy  solicitation  in
opposition  to  management  or  otherwise.  The Company is not  submitting  this
proposal to enable it to  frustrate  any  efforts by another  party to acquire a
controlling interest or to seek Board representation.

                  The  submission  of this proposal is not a part of any plan by
the  Company's  management  to  adopt a series  of  amendments  to the  Restated
Certificate  of  Incorporation  or  by-laws  so as to render a  takeover  of the
Company more difficult.  Except as indicated  above,  management is not aware of
the  existence  of  any  other   provisions  in  the  Restated   Certificate  of
Incorporation or by-laws having an anti-takeover effect.

                  The Restated Certificate of Incorporation does not provide for
cumulative  voting. As a result, in order to be ensured of representation on the
Board,  a shareholder  must control the votes of a majority of the shares of the
class of stock entitled to elect a particular director,  present and voting at a
shareholders'  meeting  at which a quorum  is  present.  The lack of  cumulative
voting requires an entity seeking a takeover to acquire a substantially  greater
number of shares to ensure  representation  on the Board than would be necessary
were cumulative voting available.


                  The  Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote FOR the  proposed
increase in the  authorized  Class A Common  Stock.  Assuming  the presence of a
quorum,  the  affirmative  vote by  holders of  two-thirds  of the votes cast by
holders  entitled  to vote at the Annual  Meeting  is  required  to approve  the
amendment, with all shareholders voting together as a single class. When voting,
each share of Class A Common  Stock and each share of Series A  Preferred  Stock
(at its Class A  Equivalence)  is entitled to  one-tenth  vote and each share of
Class B Common Stock is entitled to one vote.


                              PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE
                         TO MODIFY CERTAIN TERMS OF THE


                  The Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation  currently
provides  for two  classes  of common  stock,  Class A Common  Stock and Class B
Common Stock, for the convertibility of Class B Common Stock into Class A Common
Stock, and for distinctions between the two classes of common stock with respect
to voting,  including the election of directors,  and with respect to payment of

                  The Board of  Directors  has  approved and is proposing to the
shareholders  certain  amendments  (the "Proposed  Amendments")  to the Restated
Certificate of Incorporation described below.

                  Shareholders  may  vote  for or  against  all of the  Proposed
Amendments,  or may vote for particular  Proposed Amendments and against others.
However,  the  changes  being  effected  by  the  Proposed  Amendments  are  all
interrelated  and are  intended,  as a  group,  to  address  what  the  Board of
Directors  believes  are  appropriate   modifications  to  the  Class  A  Common
Stock/Class B Common Stock distinctions,  as more fully discussed under "Reasons
for the Proposed  Amendments" below.  Accordingly,  if some, but not all, of the
Proposed  Amendments  are  approved  by the  shareholders,  the  Board  will not
effectuate  any  of  the  Proposed  Amendments.  An  analysis  of  the  Proposed
Amendments  from the  standpoint  of the holders of Class B Common Stock and the
holders  of the  Class A  Common  Stock is  presented  in the  section  entitled
"Reasons for the Proposed Amendments."

Description of the Proposed Amendments

         (a) Change the  conversion  ratio of the Class B Common  Stock so that,
upon conversion to Class A Common Stock, instead of receiving one share of Class
A Common Stock for each share of Class B Common  Stock held,  the Class B Common
Stock holders would receive 1.5 shares of Class A Common Stock for each share of
Class B Common Stock held. There were as of January 19, 1998,  444,879 shares of
Class B Common Stock  outstanding,  plus an  additional  4,946 shares of Class B
Common Stock subject to outstanding  options.  Accordingly,  the increase in the
conversion  rate would  increase  the  number of shares of Class A Common  Stock
issuable upon such conversion by 224,912 shares of Class A Common Stock over the
number  of  shares  of Class A  Common  Stock  which  would  be  issued  on such
conversion if the Proposed  Amendments are not approved.  The current conversion
rate of the Class B Common Stock is subject to certain anti-dilution adjustments
which would also be applicable to the new conversion rate.


         (b) Change the  voting  rights of Class A Common  Stock and the Class B
Common Stock with respect to the election of  directors.  Currently,  holders of
Class A Common Stock are  entitled to elect 25% of the  directors of the Company
(rounded to the next highest whole number),  and holders of Class B Common Stock
are entitled to elect the balance of the Board of Directors of the Company.  The
change  would  provide  that the  directors  of the Company  would be elected by
holders of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common  Stock  voting  together as a
single class. The  classification  of the Board into three separate classes with
"staggered" terms would not change,  but the distinction  between Class A Common
Stock  directors  and Class B Common Stock  directors  would cease.  This change
would not affect the  election  of the Board of  Directors  at this 1998  Annual
Meeting.  However,  immediately  after the  meeting,  as to any  vacancies in or
removal of  directors,  such  vacancies  and removal would be acted upon without
regard  to the  existing  Class A  Common  Stock/Class  B  Common  Stock  voting


         (c)  Change the  voting  rights for the shares of Class A Common  Stock
from  one-tenth  vote per share to one vote per  share.  Currently,  the Class B
Common  Stock is  entitled  to one vote per share  and  Class A Common  Stock is
entitled to one-tenth  vote per share.  This change would make the voting rights
among Class A Common Stock and the Class B Common Stock identical, with one vote
per share.

         (d)  Elimination  of  separate  vote by class  of Class B Common  Stock
holders on certain corporate transactions. This change will eliminate a separate
vote by class of Class B Common  Stock  holders on mergers,  consolidations,  or
sales or other dispositions of assets.  Currently,  such corporate  transactions
require  the  approval  by the  affirmative  vote  of 75% of  votes  cast by all
shareholders entitled to vote thereon and, in addition,  the affirmative vote of
75% of votes cast by Class B Common Stock holders.

         (e)  Change  the  dividend   restriction  for  Class  B  Common  Stock.
Currently,  if a dividend were to be paid to holders of Class B Common Stock,  a
similar  dividend  would  have to be paid to  holders  of Class A Common  Stock.
However,  the reverse is not currently true; a dividend could be paid to Class A
Common  Stock  holders  without  also paying the  dividend to holders of Class B
Common Stock.  The proposed  change would  eliminate  this  distinction  so that
holders of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common  Stock would be  considered a
single class for purposes of payment of dividends.  The Company currently has no
plans to pay any dividends.

         (f)  Conforming  changes.  To effect the changes set forth in proposals
4(a)  through  4(e),  there are a variety of  language  changes  throughout  the
Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to be made to  reflect  the  foregoing


                  Prior to 1980,  the Company had one class of common stock.  In
1980 the  shareholders  of the Company  approved an amendment to  Certificate of
Incorporation  which created two classes of common  stock,  Class A Common Stock
and Class B Common Stock, and pursuant to such amendment, each outstanding share
of common stock was  reclassified and converted into one share of Class B Common
Stock and two shares of Class A Common  Stock.  The 1980  amendment  was made to
facilitate  certain  capital  raising  by the  Company,  while at the same  time
maintaining  voting control among certain founding and management  shareholders,
and in January 1981 the Company  effected a public offering of securities  under
which  shares of Class A Common  Stock were sold by the  Company  and by certain
selling shareholders.  No current directors or executive officers of the Company
own shares of Class B Common Stock.

Description Of  Existing Capital Stock

                  The authorized capital stock of Base Ten currently consists of
22,000,000  shares of Class A Common  Stock (but see above  proposal to increase
the  authorized  Class A Common Stock to 40,000,000  shares) of which  7,829,060
shares were  outstanding  as of January 19,  1998,  2,000,000  shares of Class B
Common Stock of which 444,879  shares were  outstanding  as of January 19, 1998,
and  1,000,000  shares of  Preferred  Stock of which  19,000  shares of Series A
Preferred Stock were outstanding as of January 19, 1998.

Class A and Class B Common Stock

                  Dividends.  Both  classes  of Base  Ten's  common  stock  have
identical  cash and  property  dividend  rights  except that no cash or property
dividend may be paid on Class B Common Stock unless a dividend at least equal in
amount is paid concurrently on Class A Common Stock. Cash or property  dividends
can be declared and paid on Class A Common Stock without being declared and paid
on Class B Common Stock.

                  If a  dividend  is paid in shares  of Class A Common  Stock or
Class B Common  Stock,  shares of Class A Common Stock may be paid to holders of
shares of Class A Common Stock and shares of Class B Common Stock may be paid to
holders of shares of Class B Common  Stock.  The same  number of shares is to be
paid in respect  of each  outstanding  share of Class A Common  Stock or Class B
Common  Stock.  Base Ten may not  subdivide  or combine  shares of either  class
without,  at the same time,  proportionately  subdividing or combining shares of
the other class.

                  Voting Rights.  Holders of Class A Common Stock  currently are
entitled to elect 25% of the members of the Board of  Directors  (rounded to the
next highest whole number) so long as the number of outstanding  shares of Class
A Common  Stock is at least  10% of the  number  of  outstanding  shares of both
classes.  Currently,  the  holders of Class A Common  Stock are  entitled,  as a
class,  to elect two  directors  of Base Ten,  and the holders of Class B Common
Stock are entitled, as a class, to elect the remaining directors. As a result of
this provision,  the holders of a majority of the Class B Common Stock currently
can elect a majority of the directors and thereby  control Base Ten,  regardless
of the number of shares of Class B Common Stock  outstanding  from time to time.
Directors may be removed,  only for cause, by the holders of the class of common
stock which elected them.

                  Except for the  election or removal of  directors as described
above and  except for class  votes as  required  by law or Base  Ten's  Restated
Certificate  of  Incorporation,  holders of both classes of common stock vote or
consent  as a single  class on all  matters,  with each  share of Class A Common
Stock currently having one-tenth vote per share and each share of Class B Common
Stock having one vote per share.

                  The  outstanding  shares of the Class A Common Stock currently
represents  approximately  94% of the total  number of shares of both classes of
common stock outstanding.  If the number of outstanding shares of Class A Common
Stock should  become less than 10% of the total number of shares of both classes
of common stock outstanding,  the holders of Class A Common Stock would not have
the right to elect 25% of the Board of Directors,  but would have one-tenth vote
per share for all directors,  and the holders of Class B Common Stock would have
one vote per share for all directors.

                  Conversion.  At the option of the holder of record, each share
of Class B Common Stock  currently is  convertible at any time into one share of
Class A Common Stock.  Conversion  of a significant  number of shares of Class B
Common  Stock  into Class A Common  Stock  could  place  control of the Board of
Directors into the hands of the holders of a relatively small equity interest in
Base Ten who continue to hold the Class B Common Stock. The Class A Common Stock
is not convertible.


                  Other  Rights.  Shareholders  of Base Ten common stock have no
preemptive or other rights to subscribe for additional  shares.  On liquidation,
dissolution  or winding up of Base Ten, all holders of common stock,  regardless
of  class,   are  entitled  to  share  ratably  in  any  assets   available  for
distribution.  No  shares  of  either  class  are  subject  to  redemption.  All
outstanding shares are fully paid and non-assessable.


Preferred Stock

                  Base  Ten's  Board  of  Directors  is  empowered  to  fix  the
designations, powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional or other
special  rights of the Preferred  Stock and the  qualifications,  limitations or
restrictions of those preferences or rights.  Greater or different voting rights
relative to the common stock could be granted in connection with the creation of
any series of Preferred Stock;  however,  no issue of Preferred Stock may change
the current  ratio of one-tenth of a vote for each share of Class A Common Stock
to one vote for each share of Class B Common Stock described above.


                  Series A Preferred  Stock. As of January 19, 1998, the Company
had issued and outstanding 19,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock. Holders of
Series A Preferred Stock have the following rights, privileges and preferences:


                  Term;  Dividends  and  Illiquidity  Payments.   The  Series  A
Preferred Stock have a term of three years and pay a cumulative dividend of 8.0%
per annum  during  any  quarter in which the  closing  bid price for the Class A
Common  Stock  is less  than  $8.00  for any 10  consecutive  trading  days.  An
equivalent payment is payable to any holder of Series A Preferred Stock which is
subject  during  any  quarter  to a  standstill  period  following  a  Base  Ten
underwritten  public  offering  or  which  is  non-convertible  because  of  the
limitations  described below. Such dividends and payments are payable only prior
to conversion, and are payable in cash or additional Series A Preferred Stock at
Base Ten's option;  however,  if Base Ten elects to pay the dividend in Series A
Preferred Stock, the amount of such payment will be 125% of the cash amount due.

                  Liquidation  Preference.  The Series A  Preferred  Stock has a
liquidation  preference  as to  principal  amount  and any  accrued  and  unpaid

                  Conversion Rights. The Series A Preferred Stock is convertible
at any time or from  time to time into  Class A Common  Stock,  at a  conversion
price equal to the lesser of (i) $16.25 per share, or (ii) the Weighted  Average
Price of the Class A Common Stock prior to the conversion date. Weighted Average
Price is defined as the volume weighted average price of Class A Common Stock on
NASDAQ (as reported by Bloomberg Financial Markets) over any two trading days in
the 20 trading day period  ending on the day prior to the date the holder  gives
notice of conversion (excluding the lowest closing bid price in the period). The
holder has the right to select such two days. No more than  3,040,000  shares of
Class A Common  Stock  will be issued  upon  conversion  of all of the  Series A
Preferred Stock,  except for additional  shares of Class A Common Stock issuable
pursuant to anti-dilution  provisions and certain  adjustments to the conversion
price  in  certain  circumstances.   Any  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  remaining
outstanding  because of this  limitation may be redeemed at the holder's  option
for a subordinated 8% promissory note maturing when the Series A Preferred Stock
would have matured.

                  Redemption. Base Ten has the right, at any time, to redeem all
or any part of the outstanding Series A Preferred Stock or subordinated notes at
the  conversion  price  established  under the terms of the  Series A  Preferred
Stock.  Any Series A Preferred  Stock or  subordinated  notes still  outstanding
three years after  issuance  must be  redeemed  by the  Company,  on a mandatory
basis, in either cash or, at Base Ten's option, in Class A Common Stock. If Base
Ten elects to make the  redemption in Class A Common  Stock,  the amount of such
payment will be 125% of the original purchase price.

                  Voting  Rights.  The holders of Series A Preferred  Stock have
the same voting rights as the holders of Class A Common Stock,  calculated as if
all  outstanding  shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock had been  converted  into
shares  of  Class A  Common  Stock  on the  record  date  for  determination  of
shareholders entitled to vote on the matter presented.  Assuming the approval of
the increased voting rights of the Class A Common Stock contemplated by Proposed
Amendment 4(c), the voting rights of the Series A Preferred Stock would likewise
be increased.

                  Warrants.  For each $1 million of the Series A Preferred Stock
purchased,  the purchaser  received five-year warrants to purchase 40,000 shares
of Class A Common Stock exercisable at $16.25 per share.

                  Right  of First  Refusal.  So long as the  Series A  Preferred
Stock remains  outstanding,  each holder has the right (with certain exceptions)
to  purchase,  on five days'  notice,  up to that  portion of any future  equity
financing by Base Ten which would be sufficient to enable the holder to maintain
its percentage interest in Base Ten equity on a fully diluted basis.


                  Five  Percent  Limitation.  The  holders of Series A Preferred
Stock  are not  entitled  to  receive  shares  of  Class A Common  Stock  upon a
conversion  to the  extent  that the sum of (i) the  number of shares of Class A
Common Stock beneficially  owned by the holder and its affiliates  (exclusive of
shares of Class A Common  Stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of the  unconverted
portion  of the  Series A  Preferred  Stock and  shares of Class A Common  Stock
issuable upon conversion or exercise of any other securities of the Company) and
(ii) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock  issuable  upon  conversion of
the Series A Preferred  Stock then being  converted,  would result in beneficial
ownership by the holder and its affiliates of more than 4.9% of the  outstanding
Class A Common  Stock.  This  limitation  may be waived by  holders  of Series A
Preferred  Stock,  upon 90 days prior  written  notice  from the  holders to the


Reasons For The Proposed Amendments

                  The voting  distinctions  between the Class A Common Stock and
the Class B Common Stock have been  applicable to the Company since 1980.  Since
that time, the NASDAQ  National  Market System ("NASDAQ NMS") rules have changed
so that,  with certain  exceptions,  a corporation  with classes of common stock
having  similar voting  requirements  would no longer be eligible for listing on
the NASDAQ NMS. No change has been  requested  by the  National  Association  of
Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  ("NASD")  because the  Company's  common stock class
distinctions predated such current rules.


                  In  December  1997,  the NASD  notified  the  Company  that it
proposed  to de-list the Class B Common  Stock  because the number of holders of
Class B Common Stock  appears to have fallen below 300  beneficial  owners.  The
NASD has  additionally  advised the Company  that the Class B Common Stock would
also fail to meet the 500,000 share public float  requirement  under the revised
NASD listing  requirements  effective February 1998. The Company objected to the
de-listing of the Class B Common Stock and requested a hearing  before the NASD.
It was the Company's  view that if the Class B Common Stock were  de-listed from
the NASDAQ  SmallCap  Market,  trading in the Class B Common  Stock would become
more difficult. If that were to happen, the Company anticipated that there could
potentially  be more  conversions of shares of Class B Common Stock into Class A
Common Stock, thus concentrating within an ever-decreasing  number of holders of
Class B Common Stock  substantial  voting power for the election of directors of
the Company and for approval of other items  requiring a shareholder  vote.  The
NASD  nevertheless  determined  that the Class B Common Stock would be de-listed
from the NASDAQ SmallCap.  However,  the NASD granted to the Company a temporary
exception,  until May 1, 1998,  in order to permit the  Company to effect,  with
shareholder approval, the Proposed Amendments,  which would alleviate certain of
the negative impact of such de-listing of the Class B Common Stock.


                  In approving the Proposed  Amendments,  the Board of Directors
was also of the opinion that the elimination of the reduced rights in respect of
voting and election of directors of the Class A Common  Stock,  which  currently
represents  approximately 94% of the total issued and outstanding combined Class
A Common  Stock  and  Class B Common  Stock,  would  present  to the  investment
community a stronger and more  attractive  capital  structure and will be in the
best interests of the Company and all of its shareholders.

                  The Board also considered the potential impact of the Proposed
Amendments  and the increased  conversion  ratio for the Class B Common Stock on
the  trading  market for the Class A Common  Stock.  Assuming  that all  444,879
shares  of Class B  Common  Stock  outstanding  as of  January  19,  1998,  plus
outstanding  options for 4,946 shares of Class B Common  Stock,  were  converted
into Class A Common Stock  immediately  prior to the Effective  Date (as defined
below),  a total of 449,825  additional  shares of Class A Common Stock would be
issued and  outstanding.  Assuming the 1:1.5  conversion  ratio  proposed  under
Proposed  Amendment 4(a) were in effect, an aggregate of 674,737 shares of Class
A Common Stock would be issued and outstanding.  Therefore,  based on the shares
of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common stock  outstanding  as of January 19,
1998 and assuming the conversion of all currently  outstanding shares of Class B
Common Stock  following the Effective  Date (leaving no shares of Class B Common
Stock  outstanding),  an increase of less than 3% of the  currently  outstanding
Class A Common Stock would result from the increased  conversion  ratio afforded
to the Class B Common  Stock  holders.  Assuming  the  Proposed  Amendments  are
approved by the shareholders, the Company expects to apply for listing on NASDAQ
NMS of all of the  additional  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  which  would be
issuable under the revised conversion ratio.


                  The  increase  in the  conversion  ratio  to one and  one-half
shares of Class A Common Stock for each share of Class B Common Stock  converted
was  approved by the Board based on its  subjective  determination,  without the
participation or review by an outside  financial  advisor,  that such change was
fair  to  shareholders  as a  group  and  to  each  class  of  shareholders  and
represented an appropriate  enhancement of the conversion  ratio when considered
with (i) the proposed  increased  voting  rights of the Class A Common Stock and
other  changes  included  in the  Proposed  Amendments  and  (ii)  the  existing
respective rights of the two classes of common stock.


                  The Board also  considered  that,  immediately  following  the
Effective  Date and  immediately  after any  conversions  made  pursuant  to the
Proposed  Amendments,  each shareholder's  proportionate  equity interest in the
Company would be unchanged, and that the net book value, going concern value and
liquidation  value  per share of Class A Common  Stock and Class B Common  Stock
held by any  shareholder  immediately  prior  to the  Effective  Date  would  be
approximately equal to such values per share of Class A Common Stock and Class B
Common Stock held by such shareholder immediately after the Effective Date.

                  The Proposed  Amendments  do not give rise to a  shareholder's
right of appraisal under the New Jersey Business Corporation Act.

                  The  Proposed  Amendments  are not the result of  management's
knowledge of any specific  effort to accumulate  the Company's  securities or to
obtain  control  of the  Company  by  means of a  merger,  tender  offer,  proxy
solicitation  in  opposition  to  management  or  otherwise.  The Company is not
submitting  the Proposed  Amendments  to enable it to  frustrate  any efforts by
another party to acquire a controlling interest or to seek Board representation.

                  The submission of the Proposed Amendments is not a part of any
plan by the Company's management to adopt a series of amendments to the Restated
Certificate  of  Incorporation  or by-laws so as to render the  takeover  of the
Company more  difficult.  Except as indicated in the  discussion of the proposal
included  above in this Proxy  Statement  to increase  the number of  authorized
shares of Class A Common Stock,  management is not aware of the existence of any
other provisions in the Restated  Certificate of Incorporation or by-laws having
an anti-takeover effect.


                  From the  standpoint  of the holders of Class B Common  Stock,
the Class B Common Stock holders would receive an increased  conversion rate for
conversion  into shares of Class A Common  Stock,  as well as the  potential  to
receive dividends which are paid to the Class A Common Stock,  which,  under the
current Restated  Certificate of Incorporation,  need not be paid to the holders
of Class B Common Stock  (although  the Company has no current  plans to pay any
dividends);  the holders of Class B Common  Stock would no longer have the right
to elect  approximately  75% of the Board of Directors,  the  disproportionately
high  voting  rights of the Class B Common  Stock would be  eliminated,  and the
right to vote  separately  as a class on any  merger,  consolidation  or similar
corporate transaction would be eliminated.


                  From the  standpoint  of the holders of Class A Common  Stock,
the Class A Common Stock holders would receive a substantial  increase in voting
rights with respect to all matters  presented to the shareholders  generally and
with respect to the  election of  directors,  but  approximately  an  additional
224,912  shares of Class A Common  Stock  would be  issuable  as a result of the
increased conversion rate of the Class B Common Stock.


                  If the Proposed  Amendments  are approved by  shareholders  at
this  Annual   Meeting,   the  Company   expects  a  Certificate   of  Amendment
("Certificate   of  Amendment")  to  the  Company's   Restated   Certificate  of
Incorporation to be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey
as soon as practical after the Annual  Meeting.  The Proposed  Amendments  would
become  effective  as of the close of  business  on the date of such filing (the
"Effective  Date"). As of the Effective Date, all items included in the Proposed
Amendments  would  become   automatically   effective,   including  the  changed
conversion ratio for conversion of shares of Class B Common Stock into shares of
Class A Common Stock, the increased  voting right for each outstanding  share of
Class A Common  Sock and the right of all  outstanding  shares of Class A Common
Stock,  Class B Common Stock, and Series A Preferred Stock,  voting together and
not as a  class,  to  vote in the  election  of all  nominees  to the  Board  of
Directors.  Following the Effective Date, the Company's transfer agent will mail
to each holder of Class B Common Stock a description  of the voting,  conversion
and dividend rights as to such class of stock.


                  Assuming the Proposed  Amendments are adopted,  no exchange of
certificates  representing  either  Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock
will be  required;  holders  of Class B Common  Stock  will not be  required  to
convert  their shares.  However,  in the event a dividend were paid, a holder of
the Class B Common Stock would receive only the dividend  payable for the number
of  shares  of  Class B  Common  Stock  held  without  regard  to the  increased
conversion rate; conversion to Class A Common Stock prior to the dividend record
date  would  permit  the  holder  to  receive a  dividend  with  respect  to the
additional shares issued as a result of the change in the conversion rate.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

                  Set forth below is a summary of the anticipated federal income
tax  consequences  of the Proposed  Amendments  to the holders of Class B Common
Stock and Class A Common  Stock who are  citizens  or  residents  of the  United

                  Neither the proposed  change in the  conversion  ratio for the
Class B Common Stock  (Proposed  Amendment  4(a)),  nor the proposed  changes in
voting  rights of the holders of Class A Common  Stock and Class B Common  Stock
(Proposed Amendments 4(b) and 4(c)), nor the proposed changes in dividend rights
of the  holders  of Class A Common  Stock  and  Class B Common  Stock  (Proposed
Amendment 4(e)),  will result in taxable income either to the holders of Class B
Common Stock or Class A Common Stock, and will not result in any gain or loss to
the  Company.  No  gain or  loss  will be  recognized  by any  holder  upon  the
conversion  of  shares  of Class B Common  Stock  into  shares of Class A Common
Stock.  A holder's  basis for shares of Class A Common Stock  received  upon the
conversion  of Class B Common  Stock into Class A Common  Stock will be equal to
the holder's basis in the shares of Class B Common Stock  surrendered  therefor,
and the holder's  holding period for the shares of Class A Common Stock received
upon the  conversion  of Class B Common  Stock  into  Class A Common  Stock will
include the holding  period for the shares of Class B Common  Stock  surrendered

                  The  foregoing  summary  does  not  purport  to be a  complete
analysis  and each  holder of Class A Common  Stock and Class B Common  Stock is
urged to consult  his or her own tax  advisor  as to the effect of such  federal
income tax consequences on his or her own facts and circumstances.

Vote Required To Approve the Proposed Amendments

                  The Board of Directors has determined that, collectively,  the
Proposed   Amendments  are  in  the  best  interests  of  the  Company  and  its
shareholders  and, as provided by the New Jersey Business  Corporation  Act, has
directed   that  the  Proposed   Amendments  be  submitted  to  a  vote  of  the
shareholders. The Board of Directors believes that the changes being effected by
the Proposed  Amendments are all interrelated  and are intended,  as a group, to
address what the Board of Directors  believes are appropriate  modifications  to
the Class A Common  Stock/Class  B Common Stock  distinctions.  Accordingly,  if
some, but not all, of the Proposed  Amendments are approved by the shareholders,
the Board will not effectuate any of the Proposed Amendments.


                  The   approval  of  the  Proposed   Amendments   requires  the
affirmative  vote of  two-thirds of the votes cast by each of (i) the holders of
the outstanding  Class A Common Stock voting as a class, (ii) the holders of the
outstanding  Class B Common Stock,  voting as a class,  and (iii) the holders of
the  outstanding  Class B  Common  Stock,  Class A  Common  Stock  and  Series A
Preferred  Stock (at its Class A Equivalence)  voting together as a group. As to
each of the foregoing class votes, each holder of Class A Common Stock and Class
B Common  Stock will be entitled to one vote per share of stock held.  As to the
vote of all  shareholders  entitled to vote together as a group,  Class A Common
Stock and each share of Series A  Preferred  Stock (at its Class A  Equivalence)
are entitled to one-tenth  vote per share and each share of Class B Common Stock
is entitled to one vote.


                  The  Board  of  Directors  is of the view  that  the  Proposed
Amendments are in the best interests of the Company and all of its  shareholders
and recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Proposed Amendments.

                          APPROVAL OF 1998 STOCK OPTION
                              AND STOCK AWARD PLAN

                  The  Company's  1998 Stock  Option  and Stock  Award Plan (the
"1998  Stock  Plan") was  approved by the Board of  Directors  of the Company on
January 13,  1998,  subject to approval by the  Company's  shareholders  at this
Annual Meeting.

                  The  material  features of the 1998 Stock Plan are  summarized
below.  This  summary is  qualified in its entirety by reference to the terms of
the 1998 Stock  Plan,  a copy of which is attached  to this Proxy  Statement  as
Exhibit A.

Summary of Material Features


                  Purposes  of the 1998  Stock  Plan and  Eligibility.  The 1998
Stock Plan is designed to promote  the growth and  profitability  of the Company
and its  subsidiaries  by giving  key  employees  the  opportunity  to acquire a
proprietary  interest in the Company through  ownership of the Company's Class A
Common  Stock.  The 1998  Stock  Plan  authorizes  the Board of  Directors  or a
Committee  of the  Board  consisting  of at  least  two  members  of  the  Board
qualifying as "non-employee  directors" under SEC Rule 16b-3  (collectively  the
"Committee")  to grant  incentive  stock options,  non-qualified  stock options,
stock  appreciation  rights,  awards of restricted stock, and bonuses payable in
Class A Common Stock,  to those  employees  who the Committee in its  discretion
determines have the ability to make a substantial contribution to the growth and
profitability  of the  Company or its  subsidiaries.  Key  employees,  including
officers of the  Company,  are  eligible to receive  grants and awards under the
1998 Stock Plan.  Non-employee  directors and Committee members are not eligible
to participate in the 1998 Stock Plan.  Approximately  150 persons currently may
be eligible for participation in the 1998 Stock Plan.


                  Administration.  The  Committee is authorized to determine the
term during which an option may be  exercised,  which may not be longer than ten
years.  No option is exercisable  before six months from the date it was granted
except in the case of death or  certain  tender  offers,  mergers,  liquidation,
dissolution,  or change in control as  described  in the 1998  Stock  Plan.  The
Committee is also  authorized in its  discretion to specify the number of shares
to be covered by each award as well as the option  price,  which may not be less
than  100% of the fair  market  value of a share of Class A Common  Stock at the
time the  option is  granted.  The  Committee  has full power and  authority  to
administer   and   interpret   the  1998  Stock   Plan,   and  the   Committee's
interpretations, as well as its grants and awards, are final and conclusive.

                  Shares  Subject to the Plan.  The total  number of shares that
may be  optioned  or awarded  under the 1998 Stock Plan is  1,000,000  shares of
Class A Common  Stock,  plus an  additional  amount  of shares of Class A Common
Stock on May 1 of each year, from May 1, 1999 to May 1, 2007 inclusive, equal to
one percent of the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on April
30 of such  year  ("Additional  Annual  Increment"),  of which  (i) no more than
150,000  shares plus shares  equal to twenty  percent  (20%) of each  Additional
Annual  Increment  may be  awarded  as  restricted  stock  and (ii) no more than
500,000  shares may be awarded as incentive  stock  options under Section 422 of
the Internal Revenue Code ("Code"), all subject to adjustment as provided in the
1998 Stock Plan.

                  Payment of Exercise Price. The purchase price upon exercise of
an  option  may be paid  either  in cash or in  shares  of Class A Common  Stock
already owned by the optionee or a combination  of cash and shares.  No optionee
shall have any right to dividends or other rights of a shareholder  with respect
to shares  subject to an option until the optionee has given  written  notice of
exercise  and has  paid  for such  shares  and  applicable  taxes  thereon.  The
Committee may permit tax withholding obligations to be met by the withholding of
Class  A  Common  Stock  otherwise  deliverable  to the  recipient  pursuant  to
procedures approved by the Committee.

                  Per Individual  Limitation.  No plan  participant may receive,
over the term of the 1998  Stock  Plan,  awards in the form of  incentive  stock
options or options other than incentive stock options,  or restricted  stock, or
any combination  thereof,  for more than 500,000 shares of Class A Common Stock,
all subject to adjustment in  accordance  with the  provisions of the 1998 Stock

                  Death, Disability and Retirement. If the optionee's employment
is  terminated  by reason of death,  retirement  under a retirement  plan of the
Company  or  a  subsidiary,  or  permanent  disability,  as  determined  by  the
Committee,  the  optionee's  option is  exercisable  until the expiration of the
stated period of the option. In all other cases, unless the Committee determines
otherwise,  options held by optionees  terminate when the optionee's  employment
with the Company or a subsidiary terminates. No option is transferable except by
will or by operation of the laws of descent and  distribution  and an option may
be exercised during an optionee's lifetime only by the optionee.

                  Appreciation Right. In the Committee's  discretion,  an option
may provide a right to  exercise  such option  without  payment of the  purchase
price (a stock  appreciation  right).  Upon exercise of such right,  an optionee
shall  receive the number of whole  shares of Class A Common  Stock,  or, in the
Committee's  discretion,  cash  determined by dividing the fair market value per
share on the date of exercise into the excess of the aggregate  fair market over
the  aggregate  exercise  price for the number of option  shares  covered by the
exercise.  The option is reduced by the number of shares  with  respect to which
such rights are exercised, which shares may not thereafter again be optioned.

                  Limited  Rights.   The  1998  Stock  Plan  provides  that  the
Committee may in its discretion grant options containing  provisions for limited
rights,  exercisable  upon the occurrence of certain events and expiring  thirty
days  thereafter,  including  consummation of a tender offer for at least 20% of
the  outstanding  Class  A  Common  Stock,  a  proxy  contest  resulting  in the
replacement  of a majority  of the  Company's  Board of  Directors,  a merger or
reorganization  of the Company in which the Company does not survive or in which
the  shareholders  of  the  Company  receive  stock  or  securities  of  another
corporation or cash, a liquidation  or  dissolution  of the Company,  or similar
events.  Limited rights permit  optionees to receive in cash either (i) for each
share  covered by an option the highest  market price per share at which Class A
Common Stock traded on NASDAQ for the 60 days immediately preceding the exercise
event (or, if such exercise event is a tender offer or exchange offer, the value
per share set by the  tenderor  or  offeror),  less the  option  price per share
specified in the option;  or (ii) if provided by the Committee in its discretion
at the time of grant,  for each share  covered by the option the highest  market
price per share at which the Class A Common  Stock  traded on NASDAQ on the date
of exercise,  less the option price per share  specified in the option.  Limited
rights may not extend the  exercise  period of any option and, to the extent any
such  rights are  exercised,  will  reduce  the  shares of Class A Common  Stock
available  under the 1998 Stock Plan and the shares of such stock covered by the
options to which the limited rights relate.

                  Restricted  Stock. The 1998 Stock Plan provides that awards of
restricted  stock may be granted  in  addition  to or in lieu of option  grants.
During a period set by the  Committee  at the time of each  award of  restricted
stock,  a  restricted   stock  award   recipient  is  prohibited  from  selling,
transferring,  pledging or assigning the shares of  restricted  stock unless the
recipient dies or his employment  terminates by reason of permanent  disability,
as  established  by the  Committee,  or,  if  determined  by the  Committee,  by
retirement  under a  retirement  plan of the Company or a  subsidiary,  in which
case,  shares of  restricted  stock become free of all  restrictions.  Shares of
restricted  stock may be voted and, subject to certain  limitations,  holders of
restricted  stock may receive all dividends  paid thereon.  Unless the Committee
determines otherwise, shares of restricted stock are forfeited and revert to the
Company upon the  recipient's  termination of employment  during the restriction
period for any reason other than the recipient's death, permanent disability, as
determined by the Committee,  or, if  established  by the Committee,  retirement
under a retirement plan of the Company or a subsidiary.

                  Adjustment.  Subject  to certain  limitations,  the 1998 Stock
Plan  provides  for  adjusting  the  shares of Class A Common  Stock  subject to
outstanding  options or awards, or the class or exercise prices thereof,  in the
event  of  a  stock   dividend,   stock  split,   reverse  split,   subdivision,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  combination  or  exchange of shares,
separation, reorganization or liquidation.

                  Change in  Control.  In the event of a "change in  control" as
set forth in  Section 12 of the 1998 Stock  Plan,  the 1998 Stock Plan  provides
that (i) all restrictions on restricted stock previously  awarded under the 1998
Stock Plan shall lapse and (ii) all stock options and stock appreciation  rights
which are outstanding shall become immediately exercisable in full. In addition,
the Committee may determine that outstanding options shall be adjusted and shall
make such  adjustments  by  substituting  for Class A Common  Stock  subject  to
options, stock or other securities of any successor to the Company.

                  Bonuses  Payable  in Stock.  In lieu of paying a cash bonus to
employees eligible to participate in the 1998 Stock Plan, the Committee,  in its
sole discretion,  may pay bonuses in shares of unrestricted Class A Common Stock
or partly in shares of unrestricted Class A Common Stock and partly in cash. The
number  of  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  payable  in lieu of cash  shall be
determined by dividing such bonus amount by the fair market value, as determined
under the 1998 Stock Plan,  of one share of Class A Common Stock on the date the
bonus is payable.  The Company will  withhold  from such bonus an amount of cash
sufficient to meet tax withholding obligations.

                  Amendments.  The  Board  of  Directors  may  amend,  alter  or
discontinue  the 1998 Stock Plan,  but no  amendment  may,  without  shareholder
approval, increase the maximum number of shares for which options and awards may
be granted, decrease the option price of an option to less than 100% of the fair
market  value of a share of Class A Common  Stock on the date of the granting of
the option,  change the class of persons  eligible to receive  options and other
awards under the 1998 Stock Plan, or extend the duration of the 1998 Stock Plan.
No award or option may be granted  under the 1998 Stock Plan after  January  12,
2008, but awards or options theretofore granted may extend beyond that date.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

                  Under  the  Code,  the  grant of  options  does not  result in
taxable  income to the optionees or any tax  deduction to the Company.  However,
the transfer of Class A Common Stock to optionees upon exercise of their options
may or may  not  give  rise to  immediate  or  deferred  taxable  income  to the
optionees and tax  deductions to the Company  depending  upon whether or not the
options are incentive  stock options.  In general,  the exercise of an incentive
stock option is exempt from regular income tax (but not alternative minimum tax)
and does not  result in a tax  deduction  to the  Company  unless  the  optionee
disposes of the Class A Common Stock within two years of the grant of the option
or  within  one  year of the  transfer  of  such  Class A  Common  Stock  to the
individual.  On the  other  hand,  the  exercise  of an  option  which is not an
incentive  stock option  generally  results in immediate  taxable  income to the
optionee equal to the difference  between the exercise price and the fair market
value of the underlying  shares and a corresponding tax deduction to the Company
equal to the amount of ordinary  income  recognized  by the  individual  for the
taxable year in which the individual recognizes such income.

                  Similarly,  the transfer of restricted stock to an employee is
generally  taxable  to the  employee  and  deductible  by the  Company  when the
restrictions  lapse,  unless the employee  elects to be taxed at the time of the
transfer without regard to the  restrictions.  The payment of bonuses in Class A
Common Stock is  immediately  taxable to the  individual  and  deductible by the
Company.  The exercise of a stock appreciation right for Class A Common Stock is
generally taxable and deductible in the same manner as the exercise of an option
which is not an incentive stock option.


                  Section  162(m) of the Code  generally  limits  the income tax
deduction  for  publicly  held  companies  to  $1,000,000  in any tax  year  for
compensation  paid to each of the chief  executive  officer  and the other named
executive  officers.  This  limitation  applies to all  deductible  compensation
including  the  deduction  arising from the payment of  incentive  compensation.
Various  forms of  compensation  are  exempt  from  this  deduction  limitation,
including  payments that are (i) subject to the  attainment  of  pre-established
objective  performance  goals,  (ii)  established  and  administered  by outside
directors,  and  (iii)  approved  by  shareholders.  Particular  rules  apply in
implementing  Section 162(m) to equity-based  plans.  The Company  believes that
compensation  derived from the exercise of stock  options  issued under the 1998
Stock Plan, if approved by  shareholders,  will qualify for  exemption  from the
operation of Section 162(m) and therefore will be deductible by the Company.


                  New Plan  Benefits.  Options  and awards  under the 1998 Stock
Plan are not currently  determinable  since such options and awards are based on
discretionary determinations of the Committee.

                  The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  that  you  vote FOR the
proposal.  The 1998 Stock Plan will be  approved if more votes are cast in favor
of it than are cast against it.

                              APPROVAL OF THE 1998
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

                  The Board is recommending  for  shareholder  approval the 1998
Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan (the  "ESPP"),  which was adopted by the Board on
January 13, 1998, subject to shareholder approval.

                  The purpose of the ESPP is to further the long-term  stability
and  financial  success of the Company by  providing a method for  employees  to
increase  their  ownership in the Class A Common Stock.  The ESPP is intended to
qualify  under  Section 423 of the Code.  The total  number of shares of Class A
Common Stock which may be purchased under the ESPP is 1,000,000 shares,  plus an
additional  amount of shares on May 1 of each  year,  from May 1, 1999 to May 1,
2007  inclusive,  equal to 1% of the  number of  shares of Class A Common  Stock
outstanding on April 30 of such year, all subject to adjustment under the ESPP.

                  Summary  of  Material  Features.  The  following  is a general
description  of the  material  features of the ESPP,  which is  qualified in its
entirety by  reference to the full text of the ESPP, a copy of which is attached
as Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement.


                  Eligibility.   All  present  and  future   employees   of  the
Corporation or any designated  subsidiary who have completed at least sixty days
of service are eligible to participate in the ESPP. Currently, approximately 150
employees would be eligible under the ESPP.


                  Administration.  The ESPP will be  administered by a committee
("Committee"),  which will be either the  Compensation  Committee  or such other
committee as may be  designated  by the Board to  administer  the ESPP or by the
Board itself. Certain functions will be delegated to a plan administrator.

                  General  Description.  A participant in the ESPP may authorize
payroll deductions of a maximum of 10% of compensation per payroll period,  with
a minimum of five  dollars per  payroll  period.  The  amounts so  deducted  and
contributed are applied to the purchase of full and fractional shares of Class A
Common  Stock at 85% of the fair  market  value  of such  Class A Common  Stock,
determined  as of the first day of an  offering  period  or the  purchase  date,
whichever is lower.  Offering periods are twelve month periods  beginning on the
effective date or each  anniversary  of the effective  date, as the case may be,
and ending on the last  business  day  immediately  prior to the next  following
anniversary of the effective date.  Purchase dates are the last business days of
each of the four  consecutive  three month periods  occurring during an offering
period.  The fair market value of Class A Common Stock  purchased under the ESPP
for a participant in any one calendar year cannot exceed  $25,000.  In addition,
once a  participant  owns (or is  considered  as owning  within  the  meaning of
Section 423(d) of the Code) 5% or more of the voting power of the Company, he or
she will not be able to purchase any more stock under the ESPP.

                  Shares  purchased under the ESPP generally are transferable at
any time after the purchase is consummated,  regardless of whether  certificates
therefor  have been  issued.  In the event that a dividend is declared  and paid
with respect to Class A Common Stock acquired under the ESPP, the Committee will
determine  whether the dividend will be paid in cash to the owners of such Class
A Common Stock, or whether it will be used to purchase additional Class A Common
Stock. At the discretion of the Committee, the Class A Common Stock required for
the  ESPP  may be  purchased  on the  open  market  or  may be  treasury  stock,
reacquired shares and/or authorized but unissued shares.

                  Participants may increase or decrease their payroll deductions
as of the first  business day following a purchase  date, or at such other times
as may be permitted by the plan  administrator.  Participants  may withdraw from
further  participation  in the ESPP at any time by filing a withdrawal form with
the plan  administrator.  Upon such  withdrawal,  all  payroll  deductions  then
credited to the participant's account under the ESPP which have not already been
applied  for the  purchase  of shares  will be paid to the  participant,  and no
further  payroll  deductions will be made for that  participant  until he or she
files a new payroll authorization form; upon such withdrawal,  a participant may
not file a new payroll  authorization  form for the  remainder  of the  offering
period in which the withdrawal occurs. If a participant ceases to be an employee
on or before the last  working  day  preceding  the 15th day prior to a purchase
date,  then that  participant  will be deemed to have  elected to withdraw  from
participation  in the ESPP,  and all  payroll  deductions  then  credited to the
participant's  account which were not applied for the purchase of shares will be
paid to the  participant;  if a participant  ceases to be an employee  after the
above  described  date,  he or she will be deemed to have  elected  to  purchase
shares with the previously accumulated payroll deductions.

                  Amendments  to the ESPP.  The  Committee may at any time amend
the  ESPP in any  respect,  except  that no  amendment  that (i) may  effect  an
increase in the number of shares of Class A Common  Stock which may be purchased
under the ESPP,  if that  increase  would  require  shareholder  approval  under
Section 423 of the Code, or (ii) may effect a change in the  designation  of the
corporations  whose  employees may participate in the ESPP, if that change would
require  shareholder  approval under Section 423 of the Code,  will be effective
unless the required shareholder approval is obtained.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

                  A participant will not incur federal income tax liability as a
result of the  purchase of Class A Common  Stock  pursuant to the ESPP at 85% of
fair market value.  Generally,  if the  participant  holds any shares  purchased
under the ESPP for (a) more than two years  after the first day of the  offering
period relating to such purchase,  and (b) more than one year after the purchase
date  (the  "holding  period"),  then any gain  realized  upon the sale or other
disposition of that share will be taxed as long-term  capital gain, and any loss
will be long-term capital loss, except that an amount equal to the lesser of (a)
the  excess  of the fair  market  value of the  share  on the  first  day of the
offering  period  relating to such  purchase over the price at which such option
could have been exercised at that time if it had then been  exercisable  and (b)
the amount,  if any, by which the fair market  value of the share at the time of
such disposition exceeds the price actually paid for the share under the option,
will be taxed as ordinary income in the taxable year in which such sale or other
disposition  occurs.  If a  participant  disposes  of the share,  such amount of
ordinary  income  realized upon the sale or other  disposition of the share will
increase the  participant's  tax basis in the share for determining gain or loss
upon  such sale or other  disposition  of the  share.  The  Company  will not be
entitled to a deduction for federal income tax purposes in connection  with such
sale or other  disposition.  If a  participant  disposes of any share  purchased
under the ESPP without  satisfying the holding period,  the  participant  should
report as ordinary income for the taxable year in which the  disposition  occurs
the amount by which the market value of such share on the purchase date exceeded
the amount the  participant  paid for such share.  Any such ordinary income will
increase the participant's tax basis for the purpose of determining gain or loss
on the  sale  or  other  disposition  of the  share.  The  participant  will  be
considered to have  disposed of a share if such  participant  sells,  exchanges,
makes a gift or  transfers  (except by  pledge,  tax free  reorganization  or by
transfer on death) legal title to the share.

                  The  Company  will  not  be  entitled  to a  business  expense
deduction  for federal  income tax purposes in  connection  with the sale of the
shares  under the ESPP,  unless a  participant  disposes of the shares  received
under the ESPP prior to expiration of the required holding period. In that case,
the  Company  will be  entitled to a business  expense  deduction  to the extent
ordinary income is recognized by the participant.

                  The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  that  you  vote FOR the
proposal.  The ESPP will be  approved if more votes are cast in favor of it than
are cast against it.


                                   APPROVAL OF
                        1998 DIRECTORS' STOCK OPTION PLAN

                  The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  proposes  that the
shareholders  approve the 1998  Directors'  Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Directors
Plan") which was adopted by the Board of Directors on January 13, 1998,  subject
to shareholder approval.


                  The principal  features of the Directors  Plan are  summarized
below.  This  summary is  qualified in its entirety by reference to the terms of
the Directors Plan,  which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit C. The
Directors  Plan is intended to encourage  directors who are not employees of the
Company to acquire a proprietary  interest in the future of the Company  through
the  ownership of Class A Common  Stock.  It is also expected that the Directors
Plan will encourage qualified persons to serve as directors of the Company.

Summary of Material Features

                  The  Directors  Plan  will  be  generally   administered   and
interpreted by the Compensation Committee  ("Committee"),  although the Board of
Directors will determine when and to whom options will be granted and the number
of shares to be included in each grant.  Directors  who are not employees of the
Company are eligible to be granted  options under the Directors  Plan. The total
number of shares  that may be  issued  pursuant  to  options  granted  under the
Directors Plan is 300,000 shares of Class A Common Stock,  subject to adjustment
in accordance  with the terms of the  Directors  Plan.  The Directors  Plan will
continue  until the earlier of  termination  by the Board of Directors (in which
case outstanding  options shall remain  outstanding for the term of their grant)
or the date when all shares covered by the Directors Plan are purchased.

                  The  option  price per  share  shall be as  determined  by the
Committee,  although it may not be less than 100% of the fair  market  value (as
defined in the  Directors  Plan) of a share of Class A Common  Stock on the date
the option is granted. The term shall be as determined by the Board of Directors
but may not exceed 10 years.  Options are immediately  exercisable,  through the
payment of cash and/or shares of Class A Common Stock.

                  Options are not  transferable  by the  optionee  other than by
will or the laws of descent and  distribution,  provided that the Committee may,
in its discretion, permit transfer to the optionee's immediate family or a trust
or similar vehicle established solely for the benefit of such family members.

                  Subject to certain  limitations,  the Directors  Plan provides
for adjusting the shares of Class A Common Stock subject to outstanding options,
or the number or option prices thereof, in the event of a stock dividend,  stock
split,  reverse split,  subdivision,  recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,
combination or exchange of shares, separation, reorganization or liquidation.

                  The Board of Directors  may amend,  alter or  discontinue  the
Directors Plan, but no amendment may, without shareholder approval, increase the
number of shares for which  options may be granted or decrease  the option price
of an option to less  than 100% of the fair  market  value of a share of Class A
Common Stock on the date of the granting of the option.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

                  Under  the  Code,  the  grant of  options  does not  result in
taxable  income  to the  optionees  or any tax  deduction  to the  Company.  The
exercise  of an option  generally  results  in  ordinary  taxable  income to the
optionee equal to the difference  between the exercise price and the fair market
value of the underlying shares, and a corresponding tax deduction to the Company
equal to the amount of ordinary  income  recognized  by the  individual  for the
taxable year in which the individual recognizes such income.

                  New Plan  Benefits.  Options under the Directors  Plan are not
currently  determinable  because  such  options  are based on the  discretionary
determination of the Board of Directors.

                  The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  that  you  vote FOR the
proposal. The Directors Plan will be approved if more votes are cast in favor of
it than are cast against it.

                             RATIFICATION OF OPTIONS

                  NASDAQ rules require an issuer,  with certain  exceptions,  to
seek  shareholder  approval  when a  stock  option  or  stock  purchase  plan is
established  or  other  arrangement  is made  pursuant  to which  shares  of the
issuer's  capital stock may be acquired by officers or  directors.  As a result,
the  Company  is seeking  shareholder  approval  of the grant by the  Company of
certain options and warrants for Class A Common Stock which have been granted to
certain officers and directors,  as described below. The Company is seeking such
shareholder   approval  pursuant  to  the  designation  criteria  for  continued
inclusion of the Class A Common Stock on the NASDAQ NMS.

                  Each  of  the  options  and  warrants  set  forth  below  were
individual grants issued in consideration of particular services rendered to the
Company by the recipient of the option or warrant,  and were not issued pursuant
to any existing option or equity plan of the Company.

                  In the event that such options or warrants are not approved by
the shareholders,  the Company would be obligated to compensate such individual,
in lieu of such options and warrants,  by payment of cash or other consideration
having a substantially equivalent value to such option or warrant.

                                                    Number of Shares of Class A
         Holder of Options                           Common Stock Subject to
           and Warrants                             Stock Options and Warrants
         --------------------                       ---------------------------

         Alexander M. Adelson                                   217,500

         David C. Batten                                         20,000

         Alan S. Poole                                           10,000

         Bruce D. Cowen                                          10,000

                  Mr.  Adelson  serves as  Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors
and a director of the Company, and has served as a director of the Company since
1992.  Since 1992,  Mr.  Adelson has been  providing  consulting  and  financial
advisory  services to the Company.  See "Compensation  Committee  Interlocks and
Insider Participation" above. The above shares represent (i) a five year warrant
for 46,875 shares issued on December 5, 1997 at an exercise  price of $12.50 per
share and a warrant for 48,125 shares issued on December 31, 1997 at an exercise
price of $10.31 per share,  each  issued for  financial  and  advisory  services
rendered by Mr. Adelson with respect to the private  placement of $19 million of
Series A Preferred  Stock which was  consummated in December  1997;  (ii) a five
year warrant for 27,500  shares  issued on May 30, 1997 at an exercise  price of
$10.125 per share, for financial and advisory  services rendered in assisting in
arranging the private placement of $5.5 million of convertible  debentures which
was  consummated  on May 30, 1997;  (iii) a five year warrant for 50,000  shares
issued on August 8, 1996 at an exercise price of $10.00 per share, for financial
and advisory  services  rendered in assisting in arranging the private placement
of $10 million of  convertible  debentures in August 1996;  and (iv) a five year
warrant for 45,000 shares at an exercise price of $10.00 per share,  pursuant to
the consulting services agreement dated June 9, 1997 between the Company and RTS
as described under "Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation"
above. The Company believes that the financial and investment  advisory services
provided by Mr.  Adelson have been critical in obtaining  the necessary  capital
financing for the operations of the Company, in achieving the investment banking
relationships   which  the  Company  has   established,   and  in  assisting  in
repositioning  the  Company  from  what had  been a  business  supplying  safety
critical  products to the defense  industry to a  technology  company  providing
manufacturing execution system software to the pharmaceutical and medical device

                  Mr.  Batten serves as a director of the Company and has served
in such position  since April 1997.  The above shares  represent (i) a five year
option for 10,000 shares of Class A Common Stock at an exercise price of $10.375
per  share,  issued  to Mr.  Batten  on April 29,  1997 in  connection  with his
accepting an  appointment  as a member of the Board,  and (ii) a ten year option
for 10,000  shares of Class A Common  Stock at an exercise  price of $10.875 per
share,  issued to Mr.  Batten on October  13,  1997 for  services  rendered  his
capacity as a director.

                  Mr. Poole has served as a director of the Company  since 1994.
The above shares  represent an option for 10,000 shares of Class A Common Stock,
at an exercise  price of $10.875 per share,  issued to Mr.  Poole on October 13,
1997 for services rendered in his capacity as a director.

                  Mr. Cowen served for many years as an  investment  advisor and
consultant  to the Company in  connection  with capital  financing and financial
advisory services,  and served as a director and Vice Chairman of the Board from
May 1996 until  April  1997.  The above  shares  represent  a five year  warrant
granted by the Company to Mr.  Cowen in September  1996 at an exercise  price of
$11.50 per share,  which was a grant for services to the Company in assisting in
it achieving its capital financing objectives.

                  The exercise  price of each of the above  warrants and options
equals the  respective  market  price of the Class A Common Stock on the date of
original  issuance  of the  particular  warrant  or  option.  Each of the  above
warrants and options is  immediately  exerciseable  upon  receiving  shareholder
approval.  The  number of shares  covered  by, and the  exercise  prices of, the
warrants and options are each subject to equitable  adjustment in the event of a
stock split, stock combination,  reclassification,  recapitalization and similar
events.  No shares of Class A Common Stock may be voted prior to exercise of the
warrant or option.  The Class A Common  Stock  underlying  each such warrant and
option  is not  entitled  to any  preemptive  rights.  The  Company  has or will
register  for  resale in the  public  market  and for  listing on NASDAQ NMS the
shares  underlying  such warrants and options.  The warrants and options are not
subject to redemption or call by the Company.  On February 19, 1998, the closing
price of the Class A Common Stock on NASDAQ NMS was $6.75 per share.

                  Under the Code, the grant of an option or warrant for services
rendered  does not result in taxable  income to the recipient or a tax deduction
to the  Company.  Also  under the Code,  the  exercise  of an option or  warrant
results in ordinary  taxable  income to the  recipient  equal to the  difference
between the exercise price and the fair market value of the  underlying  shares,
and a corresponding tax deduction to the Company equal to the amount of ordinary
income recognized by the individual for the taxable year in which the individual
recognized such income.

                  The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  that  you  vote FOR the
ratification  of the grant of the  warrants  and  options  included in the above
table.  The proposal will be ratified if more votes are cast in favor of it than
cast against.



                  On March 13, 1998, the Company  engaged Price  Waterhouse LLP,
independent certified public accountants, as the Company's auditors for the 1998
fiscal  year.  During  the  Company's  two  most  recent  fiscal  years  and the
subsequent  interim period  preceding  March 13, 1998,  neither the Company (nor
anyone acting on the Company's behalf) consulted with Price Waterhouse regarding
the  application  of accounting  principles to a specified  transaction,  either
completed  or proposed;  or the type of audit  opinion that might be rendered on
the Company's financial statements, and neither a written report nor oral advice
was provided to the Company by Price Waterhouse;  or matters which would require
disclosure pursuant to Items 304(a)(iv) and 304(a)(1)(v) of Regulation S-K.

                  Price  Waterhouse  will be represented at the Annual  Meeting,
may make a  statement  if it  desires to do so,  and is  expected  to respond to
appropriate questions.

                  On March 3, 1998, the Company dismissed  Deloitte & Touche LLP
as the principal accountant to audit the Registrant's financial statements.  The
reports of Deloitte & Touche on the Company's financial  statements for the past
two fiscal years did not contain an adverse  opinion or a disclaimer of opinion,
nor were such reports  qualified or modified as to  uncertainty,  audit scope or
accounting principles. The decision to dismiss Deloitte & Touche was approved by
the Company's Board of Directors.

                  During the two most  recent  fiscal  years and the  subsequent
interim  period  preceding  March 3,  1998,  there  were no  disagreements  with
Deloitte & Touche on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial
statement  disclosure,  or auditing scope or procedure which, if not resolved to
Deloitte & Touche's  satisfaction,  would have caused  Deloitte & Touche to make
reference  to the subject  matter of the  disagreement  in  connection  with its
report.  During the two most  recent  fiscal  years and the  subsequent  interim
period preceding March 3, 1998,  Deloitte & Touche did not advise the Company of
any matters set forth in Item  304(a)(1)(v) of Regulation S-K. Deloitte & Touche
furnished  the Company with a letter  addressed to the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  stating that it agreed with this  disclosure,  which was filed as an
exhibit to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K, dated March 3, 1998.

                  Deloitte & Touche will be represented  at the Annual  Meeting,
may make a  statement  if it  desires to do so,  and is  expected  to respond to
appropriate questions.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

                  The  Board of  Directors  does not know of any  matters  to be
presented for action at the Annual Meeting other than those listed in the Notice
of Meeting and referred to herein. If any other matters properly come before the
Annual Meeting,  it is intended that the proxy solicited hereby will be voted in
accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Directors,  or if there is no
such recommendation, in the discretion of the proxy committee.

                             SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

                  Shareholders,  upon written  request to the  Secretary of Base
Ten Systems,  Inc., One Electronics Drive, P.O. Box 3151, Trenton, NJ 08619, may
receive,  without  charge,  a copy of the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K
including the financial  statements and schedules included therein,  required to
be filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission for the Company's  fiscal
year ended October 31, 1997.

                  Due to the  change  in the  Company's  fiscal  year  end  from
October 31 to  December  31  beginning  for the 1998  fiscal  year,  the Company
anticipates  that the Comany's 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  will be held
approximately  60 days later than the date of this year's  Annual  Meeting.  Any
shareholder proposals which meet the requirements of the Securities and Exchange
Commission  Proxy  Rules and  intended  to be  included  in proxy  material  for
consideration  at the Company's  1999 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders,  must be
received by the Secretary of the Company not later than November 16, 1998.

By order of the Board of Directors,

March 16, 1998


                                    EXHIBIT A

                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.
                     1998 STOCK OPTION AND STOCK AWARD PLAN

1.       Purpose

                  The purpose of this Base Ten Systems,  Inc.  1998 Stock Option
and Stock Award Plan (the "Plan") is to encourage and enable  selected  officers
and other  key  employees  of Base Ten  Systems  Inc.  (the  "Company")  and its
subsidiaries  to acquire a  proprietary  interest  in the  Company  through  the
ownership  of  Class A  Common  Stock  ("Common  Stock")  of the  Company.  Such
ownership  will  provide such  employees  with a more direct stake in the future
welfare of the  Company  and  encourage  them to remain with the Company and its
subsidiaries. It is also expected that the Plan will encourage qualified persons
to seek and accept employment with the Company and its subsidiaries. Pursuant to
the Plan,  such employees will be offered the opportunity to acquire such Common
Stock  through the grant of  options,  the award of  restricted  stock under the
Plan, bonuses payable in stock, or a combination thereof.

                  As used herein,  the term "subsidiary"  shall mean any present
or future  corporation  which is or would be a "subsidiary  corporation"  of the
Company as the term is defined in Section 424(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code").

2.       Administration of the Plan

                  The Plan shall be  administered  by the Board of  Directors of
the Company or a  Compensation  Committee as appointed  from time to time by the
Board of Directors of the Company ("Board"),  which Compensation Committee shall
consist  solely of not less than two (2)  members  of the  Board  qualifying  as
"non-employee  directors"  under Rule 16b-3 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934, as it may be amended from time to time (the "Exchange  Act");  none of the
members of the Compensation Committee shall be eligible to be granted options or
awarded  restricted stock under the Plan or receive bonuses payable in stock. No
member  of the  Board  of  Directors  shall  be  appointed  to the  Compensation
Committee who has been granted an option, awarded restricted stock or received a
bonus payment in stock under the Plan within one year prior to  appointment.  As
used hereinafter the term  "Committee"  shall mean (i) the Board of Directors of
the Company at all times that a  Compensation  Committee  is not in existence or
(ii) the Compensation Committee at all times that a Compensation Committee is in

                  In  administering  the Plan, the Committee may adopt rules and
regulations  for carrying out the Plan.  The  interpretation  and decision  with
regard to any question  arising  under the Plan made by the  Committee  shall be
final and  conclusive  on all  employees  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries
participating  or eligible to participate in the Plan. The Committee may consult
with counsel,  who may be of counsel to the Company, and the Committee shall not
incur any  liability  for any action  taken in good faith in  reliance  upon the
advice of counsel.

                  The Committee  shall  determine the employees to whom, and the
time or times at which,  grants or awards shall be made and the number of shares
to be included in the grants or awards.

                  Each option granted pursuant to the Plan shall be evidenced by
an Option Agreement (the "Agreement"). The Agreement shall not be a precondition
to the granting of options;  however,  no person shall have any rights under any
option  granted under the Plan unless and until the optionee to whom such option
shall have been  granted  shall have  executed  and  delivered to the Company an
Agreement.  The Committee  shall  prescribe the form of the  Agreement.  A fully
executed original of the Agreement shall be provided to both the Company and the

3.       Shares of Stock Subject to the Plan

                  The total  number of shares  that may be  optioned  or awarded
under the Plan is 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock plus an additional  amount of
shares on May 1 each year, from May 1, 1999 to May 1, 2007, inclusive,  equal to
one  percent  (1%) of the number of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  on the
immediately preceding April 30 (the "Additional Annual Increment"), of which (i)
150,000  shares plus shares  equal to twenty  percent  (20%) of each  Additional
Annual  Increment  may be  awarded  as  restricted  stock  and (ii) no more than
500,000 shares may be awarded as Incentive Stock Options,  as defined in Section
422 of the Code, except that,  notwithstanding any of the foregoing  limitations
set forth in this  Paragraph  3, said  numbers of shares  shall be  adjusted  as
provided in Paragraph  12. Any shares  subject to an option which for any reason
expires or is terminated unexercised and any restricted stock which is forfeited
may  again be  optioned  or  awarded  under the Plan;  provided,  however,  that
forfeited  shares shall not be available for further  awards if the employee has
realized any benefits of ownership from such shares.  Shares subject to the Plan
may be either  authorized and unissued  shares or issued shares  acquired by the
Company or its subsidiaries.

                  No employee shall receive,  over the term of the Plan,  awards
in the form of options  (whether  incentive  stock options or options other than
incentive  stock  options) or  restricted  stock,  or both,  covering  more than
500,000 shares of Common Stock.

4.       Eligibility

                  Key  employees,  including  officers,  of the  Company and its
subsidiaries  (but  excluding  members of the  Committee),  are  eligible  to be
granted  options and awarded  restricted  stock under the Plan and to have their
bonuses  payable in stock.  The employees  who shall  receive  awards or options
under the Plan shall be selected from time to time by the Committee, in its sole
discretion, from among those eligible, and the Committee shall determine, in its
sole  discretion,  the number of shares to be covered by the award or awards and
by the options or options granted to each such employee selected.

5.       Duration of the Plan

                  The Plan shall  terminate  upon the  earlier of the  following
dates or events to occur:

                  (a)     upon  the  adoption  of  a  resolution  of  the  Board
                          terminating the Plan; or

                  (b)     ten years from the date of adoption of the Plan by the
                          Board; or

                  (c)     the date all  shares of Common  Stock  subject  to the
                          Plan shall have been purchased according to the Plan's

                  No such termination of the Plan shall affect the rights of any
participant  hereunder and all options  previously  granted and restricted stock
and stock bonus awarded hereunder shall continue in force and in operation after
the  termination  of the Plan,  except as they may be  otherwise  terminated  in
accordance with the terms of the Plan.

6.       Terms and Conditions of Stock Options

                  All options granted under this Plan shall be either  Incentive
Stock  Options  as defined  in  Section  422 of the Code or  options  other than
Incentive Stock Options. Each such option shall be subject to all the applicable
provisions of the Plan,  including the following  terms and  conditions,  and to
such other terms and  conditions  not  inconsistent  therewith as the  Committee
shall determine.

                  (a) The  option  price per share  shall be  determined  by the
Committee.  However,  the option  price  shall not be less than 100% of the fair
market  value at the time the option is granted.  The fair market value shall be
the closing price of the Common Stock as reported on NASDAQ for the day on which
the option is  granted.  In the event that the method for  determining  the fair
market value of the shares provided for in this Paragraph 6(a) shall not for any
reason be practicable,  then the fair market value per share shall be determined
by such other  reasonable  method as the  Committee  shall,  in its  discretion,
select and apply at the time of grant of the option concerned.

                  (b) Each  option  shall be  exercisable  during  and over such
period  ending not later than ten years from the date it was granted,  as may be
determined by the Committee and stated in the option.

                  (c) No option shall be exercisable  prior to the expiration of
the  period  specified  by the  Committee  at the  time of grant  (the  "vesting
period"), which period shall not be less than six (6) months, except as provided
in Paragraphs 6(j), 9 and 12 of the Plan.

                  (d) Each  option  shall  state  whether it will or will not be
treated as an Incentive Stock Option.

                  (e) Each option may be exercised by giving  written  notice to
the  Company  specifying  the number of shares to be  purchased,  which shall be
accompanied by payment in full including applicable taxes, if any. Payment shall
be (i) in cash,  or (ii) in shares of Common Stock of the Company  already owned
by the  optionee  (the value of such stock shall be its fair market value on the
date of exercise as determined  under  Paragraph 6(a), or (iii) by a combination
of cash and shares of Common Stock of the Company.  No option shall be exercised
for less than the lesser of 50 shares or the full number of shares for which the
option is then  exercisable.  No optionee  shall have any rights to dividends or
other rights of a shareholder with respect to shares subject to his option until
he has given written  notice of exercise of his option and paid in full for such
shares.  Tax  withholding  obligations  may be met by the  withholding of Common
Stock otherwise  deliverable to the optionee pursuant to procedures  approved by
the Committee. In no event shall Common Stock be delivered to any optionee until
he has paid to the Company in cash the amount of tax  required to be withheld by
the Company or has elected to have his tax  withholding  obligations  met by the
withholding of Common Stock in accordance  with the  procedures  approved by the
Committee,  except that in the case of later tax dates  under  Section 83 of the
Code, the Company may deliver Common Stock prior to the optionee's  satisfaction
of tax withholding  obligations if the optionee makes arrangements  satisfactory
to the Company that such obligations will be met on the applicable tax date.

                  (f)  Notwithstanding the foregoing Paragraph 6(e) of the Plan,
each option granted hereunder may provide,  or be amended to provide,  the right
either (i) to exercise  such  option in whole or in part  without any payment of
the  option  price,  or (ii) to request  the  Committee  to permit,  in its sole
discretion,  such exercise without any payment of the option price. If an option
is  exercised  without a payment  of the option  price,  the  optionee  shall be
entitled to receive that number of whole shares as is determined by dividing (a)
an amount  equal to the fair  market  value per share on the date of exercise as
determined  under  Paragraph  6(a) into (b) an amount equal to the excess of the
total fair market value of the shares on such date as so determined with respect
to which the option is being  exercised  over the total cash  purchase  price of
such shares as set forth in the option. Fractional shares will be rounded to the
next lowest number and the optionee  will receive cash in lieu  thereof.  At the
sole discretion of the Committee,  or as specified in the option, the settlement
of all or part of an optionee's  rights under this Paragraph 6(f) may be made in
cash in an amount equal to the fair market value of the shares otherwise payable
hereunder.  The number of shares with  respect to which any option is  exercised
under this Paragraph 6(f) shall reduce the number of shares thereafter available
for  exercise  under the  option,  and such shares  thereafter  may not again be
optioned under the Plan.

                  (g) Each option may  provide,  or be amended to provide,  that
the  optionee may  exercise  the option  without  payment of the option price by
delivery to the Company of an exercise  notice and  irrevocable  instructions to
deliver  shares of Common Stock  directly to the brokerage firm named therein in
exchange for payment of the option price and withholding taxes by such brokerage
firm to the Company.

                  (h) If an optionee's employment by the Company or a subsidiary
terminates by reason of his retirement under a retirement plan of the Company or
a subsidiary, his option may thereafter be exercised whenever the vesting period
has elapsed until the  expiration of the stated period of the option;  provided,
however,  that if the optionee dies after such  termination of  employment,  any
unexercised option may thereafter be immediately  exercised in full by the legal
representative  of his estate or by the legatee of the  optionee  under his last
will until the expiration of the stated period of the option; provided, further,
that any right  granted to such an optionee  pursuant to  Paragraph  6(f) of the
Plan, shall terminate on the date of such termination of employment.

                  (i) If an optionee's employment by the Company or a subsidiary
terminates by reason of permanent  disability,  as determined by the  Committee,
his option may  thereafter be exercised  whenever the vesting period has elapsed
until the expiration of the stated period of the option; provided, however, that
if the optionee  dies after such  termination  of  employment,  any  unexercised
option  may   thereafter  be   immediately   exercised  in  full  by  the  legal
representative  of his estate or by the legatee of the  optionee  under his last
will until the expiration of the stated period of the option; provided, further,
that any right  granted to such an optionee  pursuant to  Paragraph  6(f) of the
Plan, shall terminate on the date of such termination of employment.

                  (j) If an optionee's employment by the Company or a subsidiary
terminates  by reason of his death,  his option may  thereafter  be  immediately
exercised in full by the legal representative of his estate or by the legatee of
the optionee  under his last will until the  expiration  of the stated period of
the  option;  provided,  however,  that any right  granted  to such an  optionee
pursuant  to  Paragraph  6(f) of the Plan,  shall  terminate  on the date of his

                  (k)  Unless  otherwise  determined  by  the  Committee,  if an
optionee's employment terminates for any reason other than death,  retirement or
permanent disability, his option shall thereupon terminate.

                  (l) The option by its terms shall be personal and shall not be
transferable  by the optionee  otherwise  than by will or by the laws of descent
and  distribution.  During the  lifetime  of an  optionee,  the option  shall be
exercisable only by him.

                  (m)  Notwithstanding  any  intent  to  grant  Incentive  Stock
Options,  an option granted will not be considered an Incentive  Stock Option to
the extent that it together with any earlier Incentive Stock Options permits the
exercise for the first time in any calendar  year of more than $100,000 in value
of Common Stock (determined at the time of grant).

                  (n) In the event any  option is  exercised  by the  executors,
administrators,  heirs or distributees of the estate of a deceased optionee, the
Company shall be under no obligation to issue Common Stock thereunder unless and
until the Company is satisfied that the person or persons  exercising the option
are the duly appointed legal representative of the deceased optionee's estate or
the proper legatees or distributees thereof.

                  (o) No Incentive  Stock Option shall be granted to an employee
who owns  immediately  before the grant of such option,  directly or indirectly,
stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes
of stock of the Company.  This  restriction  does not apply if, at the time such
Incentive Stock Option is granted, the option price is at least 110% of the fair
market value of one share of Common Stock,  as determined in Paragraph  6(a), on
the date of grant and the Incentive Stock Option by its terms is not exercisable
after the expiration of five years from the date of grant.

7.       Terms and Conditions of Restricted Stock Awards

                  All awards of restricted stock under the Plan shall be subject
to all the applicable  provisions of the Plan, including the following terms and
conditions,  and to such other terms and conditions not inconsistent  therewith,
as the Committee shall determine.

                  (a) Awards of  restricted  stock may be in  addition  to or in
lieu of option grants.

                  (b) During a period set by the  Committee  at the time of each
award of restricted stock (the "restriction period"), the recipient shall not be
permitted to sell, transfer, pledge, or assign the shares of restricted stock.

                  (c)  Shares  of  restricted  stock  shall  become  free of all
restrictions  if the recipient  dies or his  employment  terminates by reason of
permanent  disability,  as determined by the Committee,  during the  restriction
period  and,  to the  extent  set by the  Committee  at the time of the award or
later,  if the  recipient  retires  under a retirement  plan of the Company or a
subsidiary  during such period.  The Committee may require  medical  evidence of
permanent disability, including medical examinations by physician(s) selected by
it. If the  Committee  determines  that any such  recipient  is not  permanently
disabled  or  that  a  retiree's  restricted  stock  is not to  become  free  of
restrictions,  the restricted  stock held by either such recipient,  as the case
may be, shall be forfeited and revert to the Company.

                  (d) Shares of  restricted  stock shall be forfeited and revert
to the  Company  upon the  recipient's  termination  of  employment  during  the
restriction  period for any reason  other than death,  permanent  disability  or
retirement under a retirement plan of the Company or a subsidiary  except to the
extent the Committee,  in its sole discretion,  finds that such forfeiture might
not be in the best interest of the Company and, therefore,  affirmatively waives
in writing all or part of the  application  of this  provision to the restricted
stock held by such recipient.

                  (e)  Stock   certificates   for  restricted   stock  shall  be
registered in the name of the recipient but shall be appropriately  legended and
returned to the Company by the recipient,  together with a stock power, endorsed
in blank by the  recipient.  The  recipient  shall be entitled to vote shares of
restricted  stock and shall be entitled to all dividends  paid  thereon,  except
that  dividends  paid in Common Stock or other property shall also be subject to
the same restrictions.

                  (f)  Restricted  stock  shall  become  free  of the  foregoing
restrictions  upon  expiration  of the  applicable  restriction  period  and the
Company shall deliver Common Stock certificates evidencing such stock.

                  (g)  Recipients of  restricted  stock shall be required to pay
taxes to the Company upon the expiration of restriction  periods or such earlier
dates as elected  pursuant  to Section 83 of the Code;  provided,  however,  tax
withholding  obligations may be met by the withholding of Common Stock otherwise
deliverable to the recipient  pursuant to procedures  approved by the Committee.
In no event shall Common Stock be delivered to any awardee  until he has paid to
the Company in cash the amount of tax  required to be withheld by the Company or
has elected to have his withholding obligations met by the withholding of Common
Stock in accordance with the procedures approved by the Committee.

8.       Bonuses Payable in Stock

                  In lieu of cash bonuses  otherwise payable under the Company's
compensation  practices to employees  eligible to  participate  in the Plan, the
Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  may  determine  that such bonuses shall be
payable in stock or partly in stock and partly in cash. Such bonuses shall be in
consideration  of services  previously  performed and shall consist of shares of
Common Stock free of any restrictions  imposed by the Plan. The number of shares
of Common  Stock  payable in lieu of an amount of each bonus  otherwise  payable
shall be  determined  by dividing  such  amount by the fair market  value of one
share of Common  Stock on the date the bonus is  payable,  with the fair  market
value  determined in accordance  with Paragraph 6(a). The Company shall withhold
from any such  bonus an amount of cash  sufficient  to meet its tax  withholding

9.       Limited Rights

                  Any option  granted  under the Plan may, at the  discretion of
the Committee,  contain  provisions for limited rights,  as described  herein. A
limited right shall be exercisable  upon the occurrence of an event specified in
the option as an exercise  event,  and shall  expire  thirty (30) days after the
occurrence of such event.  Exercise events may include, at the discretion of the
Committee and as specified in the option,  consummation  of a tender or exchange
offer  for at  least  20% of  the  Company's  Common  Stock  outstanding  at the
commencement  of such  offer  or a proxy  contest  the  result  of  which is the
replacement of a majority of the members of the Company's Board of Directors, or
consummation of a merger or  reorganization  of the Company in which the Company
does not survive or in which the  shareholders  of the Company  receive stock or
securities of another  corporation  or cash, or a liquidation  or dissolution of
the Company or other similar  events.  Limited rights shall permit  optionees to
receive in cash  either (i) the  highest  market  price per share for each share
covered by an option,  without regard to the date on which the option  otherwise
would be exercisable,  which the Company's Common Stock traded on NASDAQ for the
sixty days  immediately  preceding the exercise event or (ii) if provided by the
Committee in its  discretion at the time of grant,  the highest market price per
share for each share  covered by the option  which the  Company's  Common  Stock
traded  on  NASDAQ  on the date of  exercise,  less the  option  price per share
specified in the option.  In the event the exercise event is  consummation  of a
tender or  exchange  offer,  the value per share set by the  tenderor or offeror
shall be  substituted  for the highest market price per share provided in clause
(i) in the  preceding  sentence.  Limited  rights  shall not extend the exercise
period of any option and, to the extent  exercised,  shall  reduce the shares of
Common Stock  available under the Plan and the shares of Common Stock covered by
the options to which the limited rights relate.

10.      Transfer, Leave of Absence, Etc.

                  For the  purpose of the Plan:  (a) a transfer  of an  employee
from the Company to a  subsidiary,  or vice  versa,  or from one  subsidiary  to
another, and (b) a leave of absence,  duly authorized in writing by the Company,
shall not be deemed a termination of employment.

11.      Rights of Employees

                  (a) No person  shall have any rights or claims  under the Plan
except in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

                  (b) Nothing  contained in the Plan shall be deemed to give any
employee  the  right  to be  retained  in  the  service  of the  Company  or its

12.      Changes in Capital

                  Upon  changes  in  the  Common  Stock  by  a  stock  dividend,
extraordinary dividend payable in cash or property,  stock split, reverse split,
subdivision, recapitalization, merger, consolidation (whether or not the Company
is a surviving  corporation),  combination  or  exchange of shares,  separation,
reorganization  or liquidation,  the number and class of shares  available under
the Plan as to which stock  options  and  restricted  stock may be awarded,  the
number and class of shares  under each option or award and the option  price per
share shall be correspondingly adjusted by the Committee, such adjustments to be
made in the case of  outstanding  options  without  change  in the  total  price
applicable to such options; provided, however, no such adjustments shall be made
in the case of stock dividends aggregating in any fiscal year of the Company not
more than 5% of the Common Stock issued and outstanding at the beginning of such
year or in the case of one or more splits,  subdivisions  or combinations of the
Common Stock  during any fiscal year of the Company  resulting in an increase or
decrease of not more than 5% of the Common Stock issued and  outstanding  at the
beginning of such year.

                  In the event of a  "Change  of  Control  of the  Company"  (as
hereinafter defined) (i) all restrictions on restricted stock previously awarded
to  recipients  under the Plan shall lapse and (ii) all stock  options and stock
appreciation  rights which are outstanding shall become immediately  exercisable
in full without regard to any limitations of time or amount otherwise  contained
in the Plan,  the  options or the rights.  Further,  in the event of a Change in
Control of the Company,  the Committee  may determine  that the options shall be
adjusted and make such  adjustments by substituting  for Common Stock subject to
options,  stock or other securities of any successor  corporation to the Company
that may be  issuable by another  corporation  that is a party to such Change in
Control of the Company if such stock or other securities are publicly traded or,
if such stock or other securities are not publicly traded, by substituting stock
or other securities of a parent or affiliate of such corporation if the stock or
other securities of such parent or affiliate are publicly traded, in which event
the  aggregate  option  price shall  remain the same and the amount of shares or
other  securities  subject  to  options  shall be the  amount of shares or other
securities  which could have been  purchased on the day of the Change in Control
of the Company with the proceeds  which would have been received by the optionee
if the option had been  exercised in full prior to such Change in Control of the
Company  and the  optionee  had  exchanged  all of such  shares in the Change in
Control   transaction.   No  optionee  shall  have  any  right  to  prevent  the
consummation  of any of the  foregoing  acts  affecting  the  number  of  shares
available to the optionee.

                  For  purposes  of the  foregoing,  a "Change in Control of the
Company"  shall be deemed to have  occurred  upon the  occurrence  of one of the
following events:

                  (a)     "any  person," as such term is used in Sections  13(d)
                          and 14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
                          amended (the "Exchange  Act") (other than the Company,
                          any employee  benefit  plan  sponsored by the Company,
                          any  trustee  or other  fiduciary  holding  securities
                          under an employee benefit plan of the Company,  or any
                          corporation  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  by the
                          stockholders of the Company in substantially  the same
                          proportion   as  their   ownership  of  stock  of  the
                          Company),  is or becomes  (other  than  pursuant  to a
                          transaction  which is deemed  to be a  "Non-Qualifying
                          Transaction"  under Subsection  12(c)) the "beneficial
                          owner" (as  defined in Rule 13d-3  under the  Exchange
                          Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of  securities of the
                          Company  representing  50% or  more  of  the  combined
                          voting  power  of  the  Company's   then   outstanding
                          securities  eligible  to vote for the  election of the
                          Board of Directors of the Company (the "Company Voting
                          Securities"); or

                  (b)     individuals  who, on January 31, 1998,  constitute the
                          Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Incumbent
                          Directors")  cease  for any  reason to  constitute  at
                          least a  majority  of the  Board of  Directors  of the
                          Company,  provided that any person becoming a director
                          subsequent  to January  31,  1998,  whose  election or
                          nomination  for  election was approved by a vote of at
                          least  two-thirds of the Incumbent  Directors  then on
                          the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (either by a
                          specific vote or by approval of the proxy statement of
                          the Company in which such person is named as a nominee
                          for  director,   without  written  objection  to  such
                          nomination) shall be an Incumbent Director;  provided,
                          however,  that  no  individual  initially  elected  or
                          nominated  as a director of the Company as a result of
                          an actual or threatened  election contest with respect
                          to directors (including without limitation in order to
                          settle  any  such  contest)  or any  other  actual  or
                          threatened  solicitation of proxies by or on behalf of
                          any person  other than the Board of  Directors  of the
                          Company shall be an Incumbent Director; or

                  (c)     the  stockholders  of the  Company  approve  a merger,
                          consolidation,  statutory  share  exchange  or similar
                          form of corporate transaction involving the Company or
                          any of its  subsidiaries  that requires such approval,
                          whether  for  such  transaction  or  the  issuance  of
                          securities   in   the    transaction    (a   "Business
                          Combination"),   unless  immediately   following  such
                          Business  Combination:  (i) more than 50% of the total
                          voting  power of (x) the  corporation  resulting  from
                          such    Business     Combination    (the    "Surviving
                          Corporation"),  or (y)  if  applicable,  the  ultimate
                          parent  corporation  that directly or  indirectly  has
                          beneficial  ownership of 100% of the voting securities
                          eligible   to  elect   directors   of  the   Surviving
                          Corporation  (the  "Parent   Corporation"),   will  be
                          represented  by Company  Voting  Securities  that were
                          outstanding   immediately   prior  to  such   Business
                          Combination (or, if applicable, shares into which such
                          Company Voting  Securities were converted  pursuant to
                          such Business Combination), (ii) no person (other than
                          any employee  benefit plan  sponsored or maintained by
                          the Surviving  Corporation or the Parent  Corporation)
                          will be or becomes the beneficial  owner,  directly or
                          indirectly,  of 25 % or more of the total voting power
                          of the outstanding voting securities eligible to elect
                          directors of the Parent  Corporation  (or, if there is
                          no Parent Corporation,  the Surviving Corporation) and
                          (iii) at least a majority  of the members of the board
                          of directors of the Parent  Corporation  (or, if there
                          is no Parent Corporation,  the Surviving  Corporation)
                          following the consummation of the Business Combination
                          were  Incumbent  Directors at the time of the approval
                          of  the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  of the
                          execution of the initial agreement  providing for such
                          Business  Combination (any Business  Combination which
                          satisfies  all of the criteria  specified in (i), (ii)
                          and   (iii)   above   shall   be   deemed   to   be  a
                          "Non-Qualifying Transaction"); or

                  (d)     the  stockholders  of the  Company  approve  a plan of
                          complete  liquidation or dissolution of the Company or
                          an  agreement  for  the  sale  or  disposition  by the
                          Company of all or  substantially  all of the Company's

                  Anything contained herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,  a
Change in  Control of the  Company  shall be deemed  not to have  occurred  with
respect to any optionee who  participates as an investor in the acquiring entity
(which  shall  include  the Parent  Corporation)  in any such  Change in Control
transaction  unless such acquiring entity is a  publicly-traded  corporation and
the  optionee's  interest  in such  acquiring  entity  immediately  prior to the
acquisition  constitutes  less than one  percent (1 %) of both (1) the  combined
voting power of such entity's outstanding  securities and (2) the aggregate fair
market value of such entity's  outstanding equity  securities.  For this purpose
the optionee's interest in any equity securities shall include any such interest
of which such optionee is a beneficial owner.

13.      Use of Proceeds

                  Proceeds from the sale of shares  pursuant to options  granted
under this Plan shall constitute general funds of the Company.

14.      Amendments

                  The Board of Directors  may amend,  alter or  discontinue  the
Plan,  including without limitation any amendment  considered to be advisable by
reason of changes to the United States Internal  Revenue Code, but no amendment,
alteration or discontinuation shall be made which would impair the rights of any
holder of an award of  restricted  stock or option  or stock  bonus  theretofore
granted,   without  his  consent,   or  which,   without  the  approval  of  the
shareholders, would:

                  (a)  except  as is  provided  in  Paragraph  12 of  the  Plan,
increase the total number of shares reserved for the purpose of the Plan.

                  (b) except as is  provided  in  Paragraphs  6(f) and 12 of the
Plan,  decrease  the  option  price of an  option  to less than 100% of the fair
market value on the date of the granting of the option.

                  (c) change the class of persons  eligible  to receive an award
of restricted stock or options under the Plan; or

                  (d) extend the duration of the Plan.

                  The  Committee  may amend the terms of any award of restricted
stock or option theretofore granted, retroactively or prospectively, but no such
amendment shall impair the rights of any holder without his consent.

15.      Miscellaneous Provisions

                  (a) The Plan  shall be  unfunded.  The  Company  shall  not be
required  to  establish  any  special  or  separate  fund or to make  any  other
segregation  of assets to assure the  issuance  of shares  upon  exercise of any
option under the Plan.

                  (b) It is understood  that the Committee  may, at any time and
from time to time  after the  granting  of an option or the award of  restricted
stock or bonuses  payable in Common Stock  hereunder,  specify  such  additional
terms,  conditions and restrictions  with respect to such option or stock as may
be  deemed  necessary  or  appropriate  to  ensure  compliance  with any and all
applicable  laws,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  terms,  restrictions  and
conditions for compliance with federal and state  securities laws and methods of
withholding or providing for the payment of required taxes.

                  (c) If at any  time  the  Committee  shall  determine,  in its
discretion, that the listing,  registration or qualification of shares of Common
Stock upon any national  securities  exchange or under any state or federal law,
or the consent or approval of any governmental  regulatory body, is necessary or
desirable  as a condition  of, or in  connection  with,  the sale or purchase of
shares of Common Stock hereunder,  no option or stock  appreciation right may be
exercised or restricted  stock or stock bonus may be  transferred in whole or in
part  unless and until such  listing,  registration,  qualification,  consent or
approval shall have been effected or obtained,  or otherwise  provided for, free
of any conditions not acceptable to the Committee.

                  (d) The Plan shall be governed by and  construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

16.      Limits of Liability

                  (a)  Any  liability  of the  Company  or a  subsidiary  of the
Company to any  Participant  with  respect to an option or stock or other  award
shall be based solely upon contractual  obligations  created by the Plan and the

                  (b) Neither the Company nor a subsidiary  of the Company,  nor
any member of the Committee or the Board, nor any other person  participating in
any  determination  of any question  under the Plan,  or in the  interpretation,
administration or application of the Plan, shall have any liability to any party
for any action  taken or not taken in  connection  with the Plan,  except as may
expressly be provided by statute.

                                    EXHIBIT B


                                    ARTICLE I

                              PURPOSE AND APPROVAL

         1.1.  Purpose of the Plan.  The purpose of the Base Ten  Systems,  Inc.
Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan is to provide a method  whereby  Employees of the
Company may acquire a proprietary  interest in the Company  through the purchase
of Shares of common  stock of Base Ten  Systems,  Inc.  The Plan is  intended to
qualify as an "Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan" as defined in Section 423 of the
Code.  The  provisions  of the Plan shall be construed so as to extend and limit
participation in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Code.

         1.2. Approval of the Plan. The Plan was adopted by the Board on January
13, 1998. The approval of the Plan by stockholders of the Company is required to
be obtained  within one (1) year following the adoption of the Plan by the Board
for the Plan to be  qualified  under  Section 423 of the Code.  The Plan will be
submitted to the stockholders at the 1998  Annual Meeting  for this purpose.  If
for any reason the  stockholders  fail to approve the Plan  within the  required
period of time, the Plan will not be implemented.

                                   ARTICLE II


         2.1. "Account"  means  the  account  maintained  by the  Company  for a
Participant pursuant to Section 3.3.

         2.2. "Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         2.3. "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

         2.4.  "Business  Day" means a day on which  there is trading on The New
York Stock Exchange.

         2.5. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, amended.

         2.6. "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board, or such
other  Committee as the Board may designate to  administer  the Plan pursuant to
Article VI.

         2.7. "Company" means Base Ten Systems, Inc.

         2.8.  "Compensation"  means  all  base  salary,  wages,  cash  bonuses,
commissions  and overtime  before giving effect to any  compensation  reductions
made in connection  with any plans described in Section 401(k) or Section 125 of
the Code, and any other payments designated by the Committee.

         2.9.  "Effective  Date" means the effective date of the Plan identified
in Section 7.8.

         2.10. "Eligible Employee" means an Employee described in Section 3.2.

         2.11.  "Employee"  means any person having an  employment  relationship
with the  Company or a  Participating  Corporation  within  the  meaning of Code
Section 423,  subject to the  exclusion of such persons or classes of persons as
the Committee may determine is consistent with Section 423 of the Code and other
applicable law.

         2.12.  "Exercise  Price" means the purchase price for Shares  purchased
pursuant to the exercise of an Option identified in Section 4.1.

         2.13. "Fair Market Value" means, with respect to Shares on any Business
Day,  the average of the high and low prices of the Shares on the NASDAQ on such
date as  published  in the Wall Street  Journal for such day;  provided  that if
prices of Shares  shall not be so  published,  the Fair Market  Value of a Share
shall be determined by the Committee.

         2.14.  "Offering" means an offering to Employees of Options to purchase
Shares under Section 4.1.

         2.15. "Offering Commencement Date" means the first business day of each
Offering Period.

         2.16.  "Offering  Period"  means  each  period  of twelve  (12)  months
commencing  on the Effective  Date and  thereafter  on each  anniversary  of the
Effective Date during which the Plan is in effect.

         2.17.  "Option" means an option to purchase Shares granted  pursuant to
the Plan.

         2.18.  "Participant"  means an  Eligible  Employee  who has  elected to
participate  in the Plan  pursuant  to  Section  3.3,  and who has not become an
ineligible  Employee or withdrawn  from  participation  in the Plan  pursuant to
Article III.

         2.19.  "Participating  Corporation"  means a corporation  so designated
pursuant to Section 3.1(B).

         2.20.  "Parent" means any corporation defined as such in Section 424(e)
of the Code.

         2.21.  "Plan" means the Base Ten Systems,  Inc. Employee Stock Purchase

         2.22.  "Plan  Administrator"  means the Committee  except to the extent
that the Committee may otherwise designate pursuant to Article VI.

         2.23.  "Purchase  Date" means the last  business  day of each three (3)
month  period  during an Offering  Period with the first three (3) month  period
during each Offering Period  commencing on the Effective Date or the anniversary
of the Effective Date, as the case may be.


         2.24.  "Share"  means one  share of Class A Common  Stock  ($1.00  par
value) of the Company.


         2.25.  "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation  defined as such in Section
424(f) of the Code.

         2.26.  "Transfer Agent" means the officially  designated transfer agent
of the Company.

                                   ARTICLE III

                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

         3.1. Granting of Options to Employees

                  A.  Granting  of  Options to Company  Employees  Only.  To the
extent permitted by the Plan, Options to purchase Shares hereunder shall only be
granted to Employees of the Company or a Participating Corporation.

                  B. Designation of Participating Corporations.  Designations of
additional  corporations  whose  Employees  may be granted  Options to  purchase
Shares to the extent  permitted  hereunder will be made from time to time by the
Committee.  Such  designations  shall be of the  Subsidiaries and Parents of the

                  C.  Employee  Rights and  Privileges.  All  Employees  granted
Options  under the Plan shall have the same rights and  privileges,  except that
the  Committee may from time to time provide for  differences  in the rights and
privileges of Employees granted Options  hereunder,  so long as such differences
do not  jeopardize  the  qualification  of the Plan  under Code  Section  423 or
violate other applicable law.

         3.2.  Eligibility  of  Employees.  Employees  who  qualify as  Eligible
Employees  pursuant to this Section shall be eligible to elect to participate in
the Plan in accordance with Section 3.3.

                  A. Eligible Employees Defined. Except as otherwise required by
Section 423 of the Code or other applicable law, an Employee (full or part time)
shall be considered an Eligible  Employee for the purposes of  participation  in
the Plan on the first date following completion of sixty (60) days of service.

                  B. Rehired  Employees.  If an Eligible Employee who has ceased
to be an Employee becomes an Employee again on a date thereafter,  such Employee
automatically  shall  become an Eligible  Employee  effective as of the Offering
Commencement Date following such date.

                  C. Employees Deemed Ineligible For Participation

                            (i) Approved Leave Of Absence. An Employees shall be
                  deemed  an  ineligible   Employees   during  the  period  such
                  Employees is on a Company  approved  leave of absence.  Such a
                  Participant shall be deemed to have filed a withdrawal form in
                  accordance with Section 3.4(A) on the date such Employee first
                  begins such approved leave of absence,  and such deemed filing
                  shall have the same consequences as would the actual filing of
                  a  withdrawal  form  pursuant  to  Section  3.4(A).  As of the
                  Offering  Commencement  Date  following  the end of the period
                  during  which the  approved  leave of absence  expires and the
                  Employee  returns to active  employment  with the Company or a
                  Participating  Corporation,  such Employee  shall no longer be
                  deemed an ineligible Employee pursuant to this Section.

                            (ii) 5% Owners. No Option shall be granted hereunder
                  to any Employee who,  immediately after the Option is granted,
                  owns or would own, within the meaning of Section 424(d) of the
                  Code,  Shares  possessing  5% or  more of the  total  combined
                  voting  power or value of all classes of stock of the Company.
                  For purposes of this Section, Shares that an Employee would be
                  entitled to purchase during an Offering  Period  applicable to
                  an Option that has been granted  pursuant to Section 4.1 shall
                  be treated as owned by the Employee.

                            (iii)  Employees  With Exercise  Rights In Excess Of
                  $25,000 Per Year. No Option shall be granted  hereunder to any
                  Employee  if,  within the  calendar  year in which such Option
                  first  becomes  exercisable,  such Option  (together  with any
                  other options that first become  exercisable in such year that
                  have been granted to the Employees under the Plan or any other
                  qualified  Employee  stock  purchase  plan  maintained  by the
                  Company)  would  provide the  Employee  with the right in such
                  year to purchase Shares having a Fair Market Value (determined
                  on the  Offering  Commencement  Date  applicable  to each such
                  Option) in excess of $25,000.

                            (iv) Other Employees. The Committee may from time to
                  time deem ineligible for participation  hereunder any class or
                  group of Employees,  so long as the exclusion of such class or
                  group from participation does not jeopardize the qualification
                  of the Plan under Code Section 423 or violate other applicable

         3.3. Election to Participate.

                  A. Payroll Deduction  Authorization Form. An Eligible Employee
may  elect  to  participate   in  the  Plan  by  filing  a  properly   completed
authorization  form, or such other authorization as the Plan Administrator shall
require,  with the party and by the date  designated by the Plan  Administrator.
Such form shall  authorize  automatic  payroll  deductions  from a Participant's
Compensation for each pay period  commencing on the Offering  Commencement  Date
next succeeding receipt of the timely filed authorization form by the designated
party (or such other date as may be designated by the Plan  Administrator),  and
continuing  until  (i) the  Participant  changes  the  amount  of  such  payroll
deductions   pursuant  to  Section  3.3(C),  (ii)  the  Participant  becomes  an
ineligible  Employee or withdraws  from  participation  in the Plan  pursuant to
Article III, (iii) the Plan is suspended or terminated pursuant to Section 7.11,
or (iv) the Committee otherwise  determines.  If a Participant has not withdrawn
or been deemed to have withdrawn from the Plan, such  Participant  does not need
to re-enroll for subsequent Offering Periods.

                  B.  Amount  of  Payroll  Deductions.  The  payroll  deductions
authorized by the Participant shall be in whole dollars, with a minimum of  Five
Dollars  ($5.00)   per pay  period  up to a  maximum  of ten  percent  (10%)  of
Compensation,  for each pay period, in effect on the date the payroll deductions
to which the authorization form relates are made.

                  C. Changes in Payroll Deductions. Subject to Section 3.3(B), A
Participant may increase or decrease the amount of payroll deductions previously
authorized  by  filing  a  properly   completed   change  form,  or  such  other
authorization as the Plan Administrator shall require, with the party and by the
date designated by the Plan  Administrator  but in no event more often than once
during each three (3) month period ending on a Purchase Date.  Such change shall
be made in whole dollars  subject to the limitation  contained in Section 3.3(B)
above, and shall be effective beginning as soon as practicable after the receipt
of the timely filed change form by the  designated  party (or such other date as
may be designated by the Plan  Administrator).  If a Participant  reduces his or
her  participation  level below the minimum  set forth in Section  3.3(B),  such
Participant will be deemed to have withdrawn from the Plan. The deemed filing of
a withdrawal  form pursuant to this Section shall have the same  consequences as
would the actual filing of a withdrawal form pursuant to Section 3.4(A).

                  D. Participant's  Account.  The Company shall maintain payroll
deduction  Accounts  for  all  Participants.  Payroll  deductions  made  from  a
Participant's  Compensation shall be credited to the Participant's  Account, and
shall  be  applied  for the  purchase  of  Shares  pursuant  to  Article  IV.  A
Participant  may not make any separate cash payment into his or her Account.  No
interest  shall be paid or  allowed  on any  payroll  deductions  credited  to a
Participant's Account.

         3.4. Withdrawal From Participation

                  A. In General.  A  Participant  may at any time  withdraw from
participation  in the Plan by filing a properly  completed  withdrawal  form, or
such other authorization as the Plan Administrator shall require, with the party
and by the date  designated by the Plan  Administrator.  As soon as  practicable
after receipt of the timely filed  withdrawal form by the designated  party, (i)
all payroll deductions then credited to the Participant's Account which have not
already been applied for the purchase of Shares  hereunder  shall be paid to the
Participant,  (ii)  no  further  payroll  deductions  shall  be  made  from  the
Participant's  Compensation  and no Options shall be granted to the  Participant
during any Offering Period commencing thereafter,  unless the Participant elects
again to  participate  in the Plan pursuant to Section 3.3, and (iii) subject to
the provisions of Section 4.2(C) of this Plan,  unless  otherwise  designated in
writing by the Participant,  the Participant's Account shall remain in existence
and all Shares in such  Account at the time of  withdrawal  shall  remain in the
Account. Partial withdrawals from participation shall not be permitted.  After a
withdrawal or deemed withdrawal from participation,  a Participant, if eligible,
shall  only be  permitted  to  re-enroll  in the Plan  effective  as of the next
succeeding Offering Commencement Date.

                  B. Termination of Employment. If a Participant ceases to be an
Employee for any reason on or before the last working day preceding the 15th day
prior to any  Purchase  Date,  the  Participant  shall be deemed to have filed a
withdrawal form in accordance  with Section 3.4(A) on the date such  Participant
ceases to be an Employee. If the Participant ceases to be an Employee after such
last working  day, the  Participant  shall be deemed to have (i)  exercised  any
outstanding  Options  in  accordance  with  Article  IV,  and  (ii)  immediately
thereafter filed a withdrawal form in accordance with Section 3.4(A). The deemed
filing  of a  withdrawal  form  pursuant  to this  Section  shall  have the same
consequences as would the actual filing of a withdrawal form pursuant to Section

                                   ARTICLE IV

                        GRANTING AND EXERCISE OF OPTIONS

         4.1. Granting of Options

                  A.  Yearly  Offerings.   The  Plan  shall  be  implemented  by
Offerings to Participants of Options to purchase Shares. Offerings shall be made
each Offering Period. Each Offering shall commence on the Offering  Commencement
Date and shall  terminate on the day  immediately  prior to the next  succeeding
anniversary of the Effective Date. The first Offering Commencement Date shall be
the  Effective  Date of the Plan as provided  in Section  7.8.  Offerings  shall
continue  to be made under the Plan until the later of (i) the date the  maximum
number of Shares identified in Article V has been purchased  pursuant to Options
granted  hereunder,  or (ii) the Plan is  terminated  or  suspended  pursuant to
Section  7.11.  The  Committee  or the Board may from  time to time  change  the
duration  and/or  frequency of an Offering  Period or the  frequency  with which
Shares are purchased under the Plan by announcing such change to Participants at
least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled  beginning of the first  Offering
Period to be affected.

                  B. Granting of Options. On the Offering  Commencement Date for
each Offering  Period, a Participant  automatically  shall be granted a separate
Option to  purchase  for the  applicable  Exercise  Price (as  defined in 4.1(C)
below) a maximum number of full and fractional  Shares equal to the  accumulated
payroll  deductions  credited to the  Participant's  Account as of each Purchase
Date for such Period,  divided by 85% of the lesser of (i) the Fair Market Value
of the Shares on the Offering  Commencement  Date, or (ii) the Fair Market Value
of the Shares on such Purchase Date.

                  C.  Exercise  Price.  The Exercise  Price for Options  granted
hereunder  shall be 85% of the lesser of (i) the Fair Market Value of the Shares
on the Offering  Commencement  Date, or (ii) the Fair Market Value of the Shares
on the Purchase Date.

         4.2. Exercise of Options

                  A.  Automatic  Exercise.  Except as otherwise  provided in the
Plan  or  determined  by the  Committee,  an  Option  granted  to a  Participant
hereunder shall be deemed to have been exercised  automatically  on the Purchase
Date applicable to such Option.  Such exercise shall be for the purchase,  on or
as soon as  practicable  after each Purchase  Date, of the number of full and/or
fractional  Shares  that the  accumulated  payroll  deductions  credited  to the
Participant's  Account as of such Purchase Date will purchase at the  applicable
Exercise  Price  (but not in excess of the  number of Shares for which an Option
has been granted to the Participant  pursuant to Section 4.1). The Participant's
Account shall be charged for the amount of the purchase,  and the  Participant's
ownership of the Shares purchased shall be appropriately  evidenced on the books
of the Company.

                  B. Restrictions on Exercise of Options

                            (i)   Exercise  of  Options.   Any  Option   granted
                  hereunder   shall  in  no  event  be  exercisable   after  the
                  expiration of the Offering Period applicable thereto.

                            (ii) Exercise by the  Participant  Only.  During the
                  Participant's  lifetime, any option granted to the Participant
                  shall be exercisable only by such Participant.

                            (iii)  Other  Restrictions.  Under no  circumstances
                  shall any Option be exercised,  nor shall any Shares be issued
                  hereunder,  until such time as the Company shall have complied
                  with  all  applicable  requirements  of (a) the  Act,  (b) all
                  applicable listing  requirements of any securities exchange on
                  which the  Shares  are  listed,  and (c) all other  applicable
                  requirements of law or regulation.

                  C. Issuance of Certificates. Until a Participant has satisfied
the Holding Period for any Shares held under the Plan, the Shares must (unless a
disqualifying disposition is made) remain in a Participant's Account. Therefore,
a  Participant  may not request a  certificate  for his or her Shares  until the
Participant has satisfied the Holding Period with respect to Shares.  Subject to
the immediately  preceding  sentences of this Section 4.2(C),  certificates with
respect to Shares  purchased  hereunder shall be issued to the Participant  upon
request by the  Participant to the party  designated by the Plan  Administrator.
The party  designated  by the Plan  Administrator  shall cause the  issuance and
delivery of such  certificates  as soon as  practicable  after receipt of such a
request. The Participant shall pay any fees charged by the Transfer Agent and/or
the party  designated by the Plan  Administrator  for its services.  The Company
shall not be required to issue any  certificates  for  fractional  shares.  If a
Participant  requests  certificates  for Shares,  the  Company  shall pay to the
Participant  cash in lieu of any  fractional  Shares,  based on the Fair  Market
Value  of  such   fractional   Shares  as  of  the  date  of  issuance  of  such

                  D.  Registration  of  Certificates.   Certificates   shall  be
registered only in the name of the Participant.

                  E.  Rights as a  Shareholder.  The  Participant  shall have no
rights or  privileges  of a  shareholder  of the Company with respect to Options
granted or Shares purchased  hereunder,  unless and until such Shares shall have
been appropriately evidenced on the books of the Company.

                  F.  Dividends.  If the Company pays a cash  dividend on Shares
and a Participant  is entitled to receive such dividend on Shares that have been
purchased  under the Plan,  such  dividend may be paid in cash or in the form of
additional  Shares,  upon  such  terms and  conditions  as the  Committee  shall

                                    ARTICLE V



         5.1. Maximum Shares.  The maximum  aggregate number of Shares which may
be  purchased  under the Plan  shall be  1,000,000, subject to  adjustment  upon
certain  corporate  changes as provided in Section  5.2. If the total  number of
Shares for which  Options have been  exercised on any Purchase Date exceeds such
maximum  number,  the Committee  shall make a pro rata  allocation of the Shares
available for purchase in as nearly a uniform manner as shall be practicable and
as it shall  determine to be  equitable,  and the balance of payroll  deductions
credited to the Account of each Participant shall, to the extent not applied for
the purchase of Shares,  be refunded to the  Participants as soon as practicable


         5.2.  Adjustment  Upon  Corporate  Changes.  In the  event of any stock
dividend,  stock split,  recapitalization  (including,  without limitation,  the
payment  of an  extraordinary  dividend),  merger,  consolidation,  combination,
spin-off,  distribution  of assets to  shareholders  (other than  ordinary  cash
dividends),  exchange of Shares,  or other similar corporate change with respect
to the Company, the Committee (i) shall determine the kind of Shares that may be
purchased  under the Plan after such  event,  and (ii) may,  in its  discretion,
adjust the aggregate  number of Shares  available for purchase under the Plan or
subject to outstanding  Options and the respective Exercise Prices applicable to
outstanding  Options.  Any  adjustment  made by the  Committee  pursuant  to the
preceding  sentence  shall be  conclusive  and  binding on the  Company  and all
Employees.  For  purposes  of  this  Section,  any  distribution  of  Shares  to
shareholders  in an amount  aggregating  20% or more of the  outstanding  Shares
shall be deemed a stock split, and any  distribution of Shares  aggregating less
than 20% of the outstanding Shares shall be deemed a stock dividend.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         6.1.  Appointment  of Committee.  Except as otherwise  delegated by the
Committee pursuant to this Article VI, (i) the Plan shall be administered by the
Committee,  (ii) the  Committee  shall have full  authority  to  administer  and
interpret the Plan in any manner it deems  appropriate  in its sole  discretion,
and (iii) the  determination of the Committee shall be binding on and conclusive
as to all parties.

         6.2. Delegation of Certain Authority. The Committee may delegate any or
all of its  responsibility  hereunder  to such  person  or  persons  as it deems

         6.3.  Compliance with Applicable Law. The Plan shall not be interpreted
or  administered in any way that would cause the Plan to be in violation of Code
Section 423 or other applicable law.

         6.4.  Expenses.  The  Company  shall pay all  expenses  related  to the
administration  of the Plan except  charges  imposed by the  Transfer  Agent for
issuing certificates for Shares, sales charges and commissions applicable to the
sale of Shares by a Participant, charges for back records and research performed
at the request of the Participant,  and such other expenses as may be designated
by  the  Committee.   The  Participant   shall  pay  all  expenses   related  to
administration of the Plan that are not paid for by the Company.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         7.1. No Employment  Rights. The Plan shall not, directly or indirectly,
create  in any  Employee  or  class of  Employees  any  right  with  respect  to
continuation   of  employment   with  the  Company  or  any  of  its  divisions,
subsidiaries  or  affiliates.  The Plan shall not  interfere in any way with the
Company's or any of its divisions', Subsidiaries', Parents' or affiliates' right
to terminate, or otherwise modify, an Employee's employment at any time.

         7.2. Rights Not  Transferable.  Any rights of the Participant under the
Plan shall not be  transferred  other than (i) by will,  and (ii) by the laws of
descent or distribution.

         7.3.  Withholding.  The  Committee  shall  have the  right to make such
provisions as it deems  appropriate  to satisfy any obligation of the Company to
withhold federal, state or local income or other taxes incurred by reason of the
operation of the Plan.

         7.4. Delivery of Shares to Estate Upon Death. In the event of the death
of a Participant,  any Shares purchased by the Participant hereunder, other than
Shares as to which the Participant  previously received  certificates,  shall be
issued and  delivered  to the  estate of the  Participant  as soon as  practical

         7.5.  Effect of Plan. The provisions of the Plan shall be binding upon,
and inure to the  benefit  of, all  successors  of each  Participant,  including
without limitation the Participant's estate and the executors, administrators or
trustees thereof, heirs and legatees, and any receiver, trustee in bankruptcy or
representative of creditors of such Participant.

         7.6. Use of Funds.  All funds received or held by the Company  pursuant
to the  Plan  may be used by the  Company  for any  corporate  purpose,  and the
Company shall not be obligated to segregate such funds from its general  assets.
Participants  should be aware that the Plan is an unfunded plan and,  therefore,
with respect to such funds, Participants are unsecured creditors of the Company.

         7.7. Plan Share  Purchases.  Shares subject to purchase by Participants
under the Plan shall, in the discretion of the Committee, be made available from
treasury Shares,  authorized but unissued  Shares,  re-acquired  Shares,  and/or
Shares purchased on the open market.


         7.8.  Effective Date. The Plan shall be effective on the first business
day occurring after April 16, 1998,  subject to its approval by the stockholders
of the Company.


         7.9.  Amendments to the Plan.  The Committee may from time to time make
amendments to the Plan that it deems  advisable and consistent with the purposes
of the Plan and applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment that
would (i)  effect an  increase  in the number of Shares  which may be  purchased
under the Plan,  which  increase  is of a type that  would  require  shareholder
approval  under Code Section 423, or (ii) effect a change in the  designation of
the  corporations  whose Employees may be offered Options under the Plan,  which
change is of a type that would require  shareholder  approval under Code Section
423, shall become  effective  unless the shareholder  approval  required by Code
Section 423 is obtained.

         7.10. Subsidiary Plans Required to Satisfy Local Law. The Committee may
approve or adopt  discount  Share  purchase  plans,  or other similar or related
plans consistent with the purposes of the Plan, for Employees of subsidiaries of
the Company as required to meet the provisions of the tax or securities  laws or
other applicable  laws,  rules or regulations in the  jurisdictions in which any
subsidiary operates.  Any Shares purchased under any such subsidiary plans shall
be deemed to have been  purchased  under the Plan.  The  Committee,  in its sole
discretion  and to the extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  may delegate its
authority  under this  Section  to (i) any other  appropriate  committee  of the
Company,  or (ii) to the Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company or any other
appropriate officer of the Company.


         7.11.  Termination  or Suspension of the Plan. The Board shall have the
power at any time to  terminate  or suspend the Plan and all rights of Employees
under the Plan. Unless earlier terminated,  the Plan will terminate by virtue of
its terms on April 16, 2008.

         7.12.  Governing Law. The laws of the State of New Jersey  shall govern
all matters relating to the Plan,  except to the extent such laws are superseded
by the laws of the United States.


         7.13. Merger Clause. The terms of the Plan are wholly set forth in this
document,  including  certain  standards of certain  other plans which are to be
applied to an Employee for purposes of the Plan to the extent  provided  herein,
regardless of whether such  Employee is covered  under such plans.  This Section
shall in no way limit the authority of the  Committee to administer  the Plan as
provided herein.

                                    EXHIBIT C

                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.
                          DIRECTORS' STOCK OPTION PLAN

         1. Purpose

         The purpose of the Base Ten Systems,  Inc. Directors' Stock Option Plan
(the "Plan") is to encourage  non-employee  directors  who are not  employees of
Base Ten Systems,  Inc. (the "Company") to acquire a proprietary interest in the
future of the Company  through the  ownership of the Class A Common Stock of the
Company  ("Common  Stock").  It is also  expected  that the Plan will  encourage
qualified persons to serve as directors of the Company.

         2. Administration of the Plan

         The Plan  shall be  administered  by the  Compensation  Committee  (the
"Committee")  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Board").  In
administering  the Plan,  the  Committee  may adopt  rules and  regulations  for
carrying  out the Plan.  The  interpretation  and  decision  with  regard to any
question  arising  under  the Plan  made by the  Committee  shall  be final  and
conclusive  on all directors  participating  or eligible to  participate  in the

         Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the  determination of the directors to
whom, and the time or times at which, options shall be granted and the number of
shares of Common Stock to be included in the grants shall be made by the Board.

         3. Shares of Stock Subject to the Plan

         The total  number of shares  that may be  issued  pursuant  to  options
granted under the Plan is 300,000 shares of Common Stock,  subject to adjustment
as provided in Paragraph 7. Any shares subject to an option which for any reason
expires or is terminated unexercised may again be subject to an option under the

         4. Eligibility

         Directors  who  are  not  employees  of  the  Company  or  any  of  its
subsidiaries  (including  members of the  Committee)  are eligible to be granted
options under the Plan.  The directors who shall receive  options under the Plan
shall be selected  from time to time by the Board and the Board shall  determine
the number of shares to be covered by the option granted to each such director.

         5. Duration of the Plan

         The Plan shall become  effective as of January 1, 1998,  subject to its
approval by the  stockholders of the Company.  The Plan shall terminate upon the
earliest of the  following to occur:  (a) the  adoption of a  resolution  by the
Board  terminating the Plan,  provided,  however,  that options then outstanding
shall extend beyond such termination  date; or (b) the date all shares of Common
Stock subject to options are purchased or all unexercised options have expired.

         6. Terms and Conditions of Stock Options

         All options  granted under this Plan shall be evidenced by an agreement
between the Company and the optionee and shall be subject to all the  applicable
provisions of the Plan,  including the following terms and conditions,  and such
other terms and conditions  not  inconsistent  therewith as the Committee  shall

                  (a) The  option  price per share  shall be  determined  by the
Committee,  but shall not be less than 100% of the fair market  value of a share
of Common  Stock on the date the option is granted.  The fair market value shall
be the price for the Common Stock as reported for the day on which the option is
granted.  In the event that the method for  determining the fair market value of
the Common Stock provided for in this Paragraph 6 (a) shall not be  practicable,
then  the  fair  market  value  per  share  shall be  determined  by such  other
reasonable method as the Committee shall, in its discretion, select and apply at
the time of grant of the option concerned.

                  (b) Each  option  shall be  exercisable  during  and over such
period  ending not later than ten years from the date it was granted,  as may be
determined by the Board and stated in the option grant agreement.

                  (c) Options shall be immediately exercisable.

                  (d) Each option may be exercised by giving  written  notice to
the  Company  specifying  the number of shares to be  purchased,  which shall be
accompanied by payment in full including applicable taxes, if any. Payment shall
be (i) in cash,  or (ii) in shares of Common Stock already owned by the optionee
(the value of such Common  Stock  shall be its fair market  value on the date of
exercise as determined under Paragraph 6 (a)), or (iii) by a combination of cash
and  shares of Common  Stock.  No option  shall be  exercised  for less than the
lesser of 50 shares or the full  number of shares  for which the  option is then
exercisable. No optionee shall have any rights to dividends or other rights of a
shareholder  with respect to shares of Common Stock  subject to his option until
he has given written  notice of exercise of his option and paid in full for such

                  (e) Each option may  provide,  or be amended to provide,  that
the  optionee may  exercise  the option  without  payment of the option price by
delivery to the Company of an exercise  notice and  irrevocable  instructions to
deliver  shares of Common Stock  directly to the brokerage firm named therein in
exchange for payment of the option price by such brokerage firm to the Company.

                  (f) Upon an  optionee's  death,  his option may  thereafter be
immediately  exercised  by the  legal  representative  of his  estate  or by the
legatee of the optionee under his last will until the expiration of the option.

                  (g) Except as  otherwise  provided  in this  paragraph  (g) of
Section  6,  the  option  by its  terms  shall  be  personal  and  shall  not be
transferable  by the optionee  otherwise  than by will or by the laws of descent
and  distribution.  During the  lifetime  of an  optionee,  the option  shall be
exercisable  only by him. The  Committee  may, in is  discretion,  authorize any
option to be on terms which  permit  transfer of all or a portion of such option
to members of the  optionee's  immediate  family or a trust or  partnership,  or
similar  vehicle,  established  solely for the  benefit  of, or the  partners or
members of which are solely, such family members, provided that the option grant
agreement expressly permits such transferability and any transfer of such option
shall be in accordance with any other terms,  conditions,  rules and limitations
prescribed  by the  Committee  and/or set forth in the  applicable  option grant
agreement.  Following  the valid  transfer of any such option,  the  transferred
option  shall  continue to be subject to the same terms and  conditions  as were
applicable to such option immediately prior to such transfer,  provided that the
transferee  of such option  shall be treated  under the Plan and the  applicable
agreement as the optionee.

         7. Changes in Capital/Change in Control

         Upon  changes in the Common  Stock by a stock  dividend,  stock  split,
reverse split, subdivision,  recapitalization, merger, consolidation (whether or
not the Company is a surviving corporation),  combination or exchange of shares,
separation,  reorganization  or  liquidation,  the  number  and  class of shares
available  under the Plan as to which  options  may be  granted,  the number and
class of shares  under  each  option  and the  option  price per share  shall be
correspondingly  adjusted by the Committee,  such  adjustments to be made in the
case of outstanding options without change in the total price applicable to such
options;  provided,  however,  no such adjustments  shall be made in the case of
stock  dividends  aggregating in any fiscal year of the Company not more than 5%
of the Common Stock issued and  outstanding  at the beginning of such year or in
the case of one or more splits, subdivisions or combinations of the Common Stock
during any fiscal  year of the Company  resulting  in an increase or decrease of
not more than 5% of the Common Stock issued and  outstanding at the beginning of
such year.

         8. Use of Proceeds

         Proceeds from the sale of shares pursuant to options granted under this
Plan shall constitute general funds of the Company.

         9. Amendments

         The Board may amend,  alter or discontinue the Plan,  including without
limitation any amendment  considered to be advisable by reason of changes to the
Internal Revenue Code, but no amendment,  alteration or discontinuation shall be
made  which  would  impair  the  rights of any  holder of an option  theretofore
granted,   without  his  consent,   or  which,   without  the  approval  of  the
shareholders, would:

                  (a) Except as is provided in Paragraph 7 of the Plan, increase
the total number of shares reserved for the purpose of the Plan.

                  (b)  Decrease  the option  price to less than 100% of the fair
market  value of a share of  Common  Stock  on the date of the  granting  of the

         The  Committee  may amend the terms of any option  heretofore  granted,
retroactively or prospectively, but no such amendment shall impair the rights of
any holder without his consent.

         10. Governing Law

         The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of New Jersey.

CLASS A                   BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.                        CLASS A

       Proxy solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company
            for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on April 16, 1998


         The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and appoints Thomas E. Gardner and
William F. Hackett,  and each of them, true and lawful agents and proxies,  with
full power of  substitution  in each, to represent the  undersigned and vote, as
directed,  all  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  which the  undersigned  may be
entitled to vote,  at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Base Ten Systems,
Inc. to be held at the Four Seasons  Hotel,  57 East 57th Street,  New York, New
York, on Thursday,  April 16, 1998,  at 4:00 p.m.,  and at any  adjournments  or
postponements thereof, on all matters coming before said meeting.


         You are  encouraged  to specify your choice by marking the  appropriate
boxes,  SEE REVERSE SIDE, but you need not mark any boxes if you wish to vote in
accordance with the Board of Directors'  recommendations.  Your shares cannot be
voted by the  persons  named  above as proxies  unless you sign and return  this


         The  shares  represented  by this  Proxy  will be voted  in the  manner
directed and, if no  instructions  to the contrary are indicated,  will be voted
FOR the election of directors and FOR approval of the proposals set forth in the
Notice of Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.



                  (continued, and to be signed on reverse side)

       Please date, sign and mail your proxy card back as soon as possible
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.
                                     Class A

A  |X| Please mark your votes as in this example.


The undersigned hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and the Proxy Statement  furnished  herewith and hereby revokes any
proxy or  proxies  heretofore  given.



                                FOR   WITHHELD                               FOR    AGAINST   ABSTAIN
1. Election of Directors:       |_|     |_|      3. Approval of  proposed    |_|      |_|       |_|  
                                                    Increase in the                             
                                                    authorized Class A                          
Nominees:                                           Common Stock from                           
Alan S. Poole, William Sword                        22 million shares to                        
                                                    40 million shares.                          
For, except vote withheld from                                                    
the following nominee:                                                            


4. Approval of proposed amendments to                                             
   the Restated Certificate of                                                    
   Incorporation. You may vote on                                                
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f) as                                                
   a package (Voting Option I) or                                                
   you may vote on each proposal                                                 
   individually (Voting Option II).                                              
   Unless all proposed amendments are                                            
   approved, none will be effectuated.                                            
   VOTING OPTION I - Approval of             FOR      AGAINST      ABSTAIN       
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f). (If                                              
   vote here, skip to Proposal 5).            |_|       |_|          |_|          
   VOTING OPTION II - Approval of                                                
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f)

   4(a)  Change conversion ratio of                                              
         Class B Common Stock                |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(b)  Change voting rights of 
         Class A and Class B
         Common Stock with respect
         to election of directors            |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(c)  Change voting rights of
         Class A Common Stock                |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(d)  Eliminate separate vote
         by class of Class B
         Common Stock holders on
         certain corporate
         transactions                        |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(e)  Change dividend restriction 
         of Class B Common Stock             |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(f)  Make conforming language
         changes to reflect
         changes in proposals 4(a)
         through 4(e)                        |_|     |_|            |_|

5.  Approval of the 1998 Stock 
    Option and Stock Award Plan              |_|     |_|            |_|

6.  Approval of the 1998 Employee 
    Stock Purchase Plan                      |_|     |_|            |_|

7.  Approval of the 1998 Directors
    Stock Option Plan                        |_|     |_|            |_|

8.  Ratification of the issuance
    and grant of certain options
    and warrants to officers and
    directors.                               |_|     |_|            |_|

_______________________________________________   DATE: __________________, 1998
SIGNATURE (Title, if any)

________________________________________________  DATE: __________________, 1998
SIGNATURE (if held jointly)

NOTE: Please print and sign your name exactly as it appears hereon. When signing
as attorney,  agent,  executor,  administrator,  trustee,  guardian or corporate
officer, please give full title as such. Each joint owner should sign the Proxy.
If a corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by president or authorized
officer. If a partnership please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

CLASS B                  BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.                       CLASS B

       Proxy solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company
            for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on April 16, 1998


         The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and appoints Thomas E. Gardner and
William F. Hackett,  and each of them, true and lawful agents and proxies,  with
full power of  substitution  in each, to represent the  undersigned and vote, as
directed,  all  shares  of Class B Common  Stock  which the  undersigned  may be
entitled to vote,  at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Base Ten Systems,
Inc. to be held at the Four Seasons  Hotel,  57 East 57th Street,  New York, New
York, on Thursday,  April 16, 1998,  at 4:00 p.m.,  and at any  adjournments  or
postponements thereof, on all matters coming before said meeting.


         You are  encouraged  to specify your choice by marking the  appropriate
boxes,  SEE REVERSE SIDE, but you need not mark any boxes if you wish to vote in
accordance with the Board of Directors'  recommendations.  Your shares cannot be
voted by the  persons  named  above as proxies  unless you sign and return  this


       The shares represented by this Proxy will be voted in the manner directed
and, if no  instructions  to the contrary are  indicated,  will be voted FOR the
election of directors  and FOR approval of the proposals set forth in the Notice
of Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.



                  (continued, and to be signed on reverse side)

       Please date, sign and mail your proxy card back as soon as possible
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.
                                     Class B

A  |X| Please mark your votes as in this example.

The undersigned hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and the Proxy Statement  furnished  herewith and hereby revokes any
proxy or  proxies  heretofore  given.



                                FOR   WITHHELD                               FOR    AGAINST   ABSTAIN
2. Election of Directors:       |_|     |_|      3. Approval of  proposed    |_|      |_|       |_|  
                                                    Increase in the                             
                                                    authorized Class A                          
Nominees:                                           Common Stock from                           
Thomas E. Gardner, David C. Batten                  22 million shares to                        
                                                    40 million shares.                          
For, except vote withheld from                                                    
the following nominee:                                                            


4. Approval of proposed amendments to                                             
   the Restated Certificate of                                                    
   Incorporation. You may vote on                                                
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f) as                                                
   a package (Voting Option I) or                                                
   you may vote on each proposal                                                 
   individually (Voting Option II).                                              
   Unless all proposed amendments are                                            
   approved, none will be effectuated.                                            
   VOTING OPTION I - Approval of             FOR      AGAINST      ABSTAIN       
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f). (If                                              
   vote here, skip to Proposal 5).           |_|       |_|          |_|          
   VOTING OPTION II - Approval of                                                
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f)

   4(a)  Change conversion ratio of                                              
         Class B Common Stock                |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(b)  Change voting rights of 
         Class A and Class B
         Common Stock with respect
         to election of directors            |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(c)  Change voting rights of
         Class A Common Stock                |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(d)  Eliminate separate vote
         by class of Class B
         Common Stock holders on
         certain corporate
         transactions                        |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(e)  Change dividend restriction 
         of Class B Common Stock             |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(f)  Make conforming language
         changes to reflect
         changes in proposals 4(a)
         through 4(e)                        |_|     |_|            |_|

5.  Approval of the 1998 Stock 
    Option and Stock Award Plan              |_|     |_|            |_|

6.  Approval of the 1998 Employee 
    Stock Purchase Plan                      |_|     |_|            |_|

7.  Approval of the 1998 Directors
    Stock Option Plan                        |_|     |_|            |_|

8.  Ratification of the issuance
    and grant of certain options
    and warrants to officers and
    directors.                               |_|     |_|            |_|

_______________________________________________   DATE: __________________, 1998
SIGNATURE (Title, if any)

________________________________________________  DATE: __________________, 1998
SIGNATURE (if held jointly)

NOTE: Please print and sign your name exactly as it appears hereon. When signing
as attorney,  agent,  executor,  administrator,  trustee,  guardian or corporate
officer, please give full title as such. Each joint owner should sign the Proxy.
If a corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by president or authorized
officer. If a partnership please sign in partnership name by authorized person.


       Proxy solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company
            for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on April 16, 1998


         The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and appoints Thomas E. Gardner and
William F. Hackett,  and each of them, true and lawful agents and proxies,  with
full power of  substitution  in each, to represent the  undersigned and vote, as
directed,  all shares of Series A Preferred  Stock which the  undersigned may be
entitled to vote,  at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Base Ten Systems,
Inc. to be held at the Four Seasons  Hotel,  57 East 57th Street,  New York, New
York, on Thursday,  April 16, 1998,  at 4:00 p.m.,  and at any  adjournments  or
postponements thereof, on all matters coming before said meeting.


         You are  encouraged  to specify your choice by marking the  appropriate
boxes,  SEE REVERSE SIDE, but you need not mark any boxes if you wish to vote in
accordance with the Board of Directors'  recommendations.  Your shares cannot be
voted by the  persons  named  above as proxies  unless you sign and return  this


         The  shares  represented  by this  Proxy  will be voted  in the  manner
directed and, if no  instructions  to the contrary are indicated,  will be voted
FOR the election of directors and FOR approval of the proposals set forth in the
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


                  (continued, and to be signed on reverse side)

       Please date, sign and mail your proxy card back as soon as possible
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.
                               Series A Preferred

A  |X| Please mark your votes as in this example.

The undersigned hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and the Proxy Statement  furnished  herewith and hereby revokes any
proxy or  proxies  heretofore  given.  


                                FOR   WITHHELD                               FOR    AGAINST   ABSTAIN
1. Election of Directors:       |_|     |_|      3. Approval of  proposed    |_|      |_|       |_|  
                                                    Increase in the                             
                                                    authorized Class A                          
Nominees:                                           Common Stock from                           
Alan S. Poole, William Sword                        22 million shares to                        
                                                    40 million shares.                          
For, except vote withheld from                                                    
the following nominee:                                                            


4. Approval of proposed amendments to                                             
   the Restated Certificate of                                                    
   Incorporation. You may vote on                                                
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f) as                                                
   a package (Voting Option I) or                                                
   you may vote on each proposal                                                 
   individually (Voting Option II).                                              
   Unless all proposed amendments are                                            
   approved, none will be effectuated.                                            
   VOTING OPTION I - Approval of             FOR      AGAINST      ABSTAIN       
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f). (If                                              
   vote here, skip to Proposal 5).           |_|       |_|          |_|          
   VOTING OPTION II - Approval of                                                
   proposals 4(a) through 4(f)

   4(a)  Change conversion ratio of                                              
         Class B Common Stock                |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(b)  Change voting rights of 
         Class A and Class B
         Common Stock with respect
         to election of directors            |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(c)  Change voting rights of
         Class A Common Stock                |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(d)  Eliminate separate vote
         by class of Class B
         Common Stock holders on
         certain corporate
         transactions                        |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(e)  Change dividend restriction 
         of Class B Common Stock             |_|     |_|            |_|

   4(f)  Make conforming language
         changes to reflect
         changes in proposals 4(a)
         through 4(e)                        |_|     |_|            |_|

5.  Approval of the 1998 Stock 
    Option and Stock Award Plan              |_|     |_|            |_|

6.  Approval of the 1998 Employee 
    Stock Purchase Plan                      |_|     |_|            |_|

7.  Approval of the 1998 Directors
    Stock Option Plan                        |_|     |_|            |_|

8.  Ratification of the issuance
    and grant of certain options
    and warrants to officers and
    directors.                               |_|     |_|            |_|

_______________________________________________   DATE: __________________, 1998
SIGNATURE (Title, if any)

________________________________________________  DATE: __________________, 1998
SIGNATURE (if held jointly)

NOTE: Please print and sign your name exactly as it appears hereon. When signing
as attorney,  agent,  executor,  administrator,  trustee,  guardian or corporate
officer, please give full title as such. Each joint owner should sign the Proxy.
If a corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by president or authorized
officer. If a partnership please sign in partnership name by authorized person.