THIS  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT is made on June 11th,  1999, by and between
Base Ten System, Inc. ("Employer"),  a New Jersey corporation ("Employer"),  and
Robert J. Bronstein ("Employee") (Employer and Employee collectively referred to
as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party").


         Whereas,   Employer   desires  to  employ   Employee   as   "President,
Applications  Software  Division"  and Employee  desires to be so employed.  The
Parties are entering into this  Agreement to set forth the terms and  conditions
of Employee's employment by Employer.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and  the  mutual
undertakings  hereinafter set forth,  intending to be legally bound hereby,  the
Parties hereto agree as follows:


         a.       Position and Duties.  Employer  employs  Employee and Employee
                  hereby  accepts  such  employment  as  Employer's  "President,
                  Applications   Software  Division"  with   responsibility  for
                  Employer's Applications Software Division as conducted through
                  BTS Clinical Inc., a New Jersey  corporation  wholly-owned  by
                  Employer,  and  reporting  to the Chairman of the Board or the
                  Chief  Executive  Officer of Employer for the Employment  Term
                  (as defined below). During his employment hereunder,  Employee
                  shall  have  such  authority  and   responsibilities   as  are
                  consistent  with his prior  service as  President  of Almedica
                  Technology  Group Inc.  ("ATG").  Employee  shall  perform any
                  other duties in addition thereto as may be reasonably required
                  by the  Employer  and its Board of  Directors  (the  "Board"),
                  including services for Employer's  subsidiaries and affiliated
                  companies.  Employee's entire working time,  energy, and skill
                  shall be  devoted  to the  performance  of  Employee's  duties
                  hereunder in a manner  which will  faithfully  and  diligently
                  further the  business  and  interest of  Employer.  During the
                  Employment  Term,  Employee may engage in  charitable,  civic,
                  fraternal  and  trade  association   activities  that  do  not
                  interfere with  Employee's  obligations to Employer.  Employee
                  shall not work for any other for-profit business,  except that
                  Employee may serve on boards of directors of other  for-profit
                  businesses  as  are  approved,  in  advance,  in  writing,  by

         b.       Location of Employment.  Employee's services shall be rendered
                  principally at Employer's office in Parsippany, New Jersey, or
                  at a location  or office  within a 25 mile (map,  not  travel)
                  radius  of  the  current   office  of  BTS  Clinical  Inc.  in
                  Parsippany, New Jersey, unless mutually agreed to otherwise by
                  Employer and Employee.


         a.       Term.   Unless   terminated  sooner  in  accordance  with  the
                  provisions of this Agreement, the term of Employee's full-time
                  employment  hereunder  shall  continue  from the  date  hereof
                  through June 30, 2001 ("Initial Employment Term"). Thereafter,
                  the term shall  continue from year to year for  additional one
                  year terms (the "Additional  Term(s)";  the Initial Employment
                  Term  together  with  any  Additional  Terms  are  hereinafter
                  referred to in the aggregate as the "Employment  Term") unless
                  sooner terminated as provided herein.

         b.       Termination for Cause.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
                  this  Agreement,  Employee's  employment  may be terminated by
                  Employer at any time without prior notice upon a determination
                  of  Cause.  As  used  herein,   "Cause"  shall  mean  (i)  the
                  continuing willful failure by Employee to devote substantially
                  all his  working  time,  energy  and skill to  performing  his
                  duties  hereunder as provided in Section 1 (a) (other than any
                  such failure resulting from Employee's death or incapacity due
                  to physical or mental  illness)  and the  continuance  of such
                  failure  for a period of 30 days  after a written  demand  for
                  substantial  performance is delivered to Employee by the Board
                  which  specifically  identifies  the manner in which the Board
                  believes that Employee has not  substantially  performed  such
                  duties;  (ii)  the  engaging  by  Employee  in  willful  gross
                  misconduct or willful gross neglect in carrying out his duties
                  under this Agreement,  resulting,  in either case, in material
                  economic harm to the Company;  (iii) the Employee  engaging in
                  any activity  that  constitutes  a crime or offence  involving
                  moral turpitude; or (iv) the Employee engaging in any activity
                  that  constitutes   embezzlement,   theft,  fraud  or  similar
                  criminal conduct. No termination of Employee's  employment for
                  Cause shall be effective  unless the  provisions  set forth in
                  the following  three  sentences shall have been complied with.
                  The Board shall give Employee  written notice of its intention
                  to terminate him for Cause, such notice (x) to state in detail
                  the particular  circumstances  that  constitute the grounds on
                  which the proposed  termination  for Cause is based and (y) to
                  be  given  no  later  than 90 days  after  the  Board is first
                  advised of such circumstances. Employee shall then be entitled
                  to a hearing before the Board to be held within 20 days of his
                  receiving such notice.  If, within,  seven days following such
                  hearing, the Board gives written notice to Employee confirming
                  that,  in the  reasonable,  good faith  judgment of at least a
                  majority  of the members of the Board,  Cause for  terminating
                  him on the basis set forth in the original notice exists,  his
                  employment  with the Company shall thereupon be terminated for
                  Cause,  subject to de novo review in  accordance with
                  Section 7.

         c.       Termination Without Cause.  Employer may terminate  employment
                  of Employee  without cause by giving  Employee  notice of such
                  termination 90 days prior to the end of the Initial Employment
                  Term, or 90 days prior to the end of any Additional Term, such
                  notice of termination to be effective at the end of such term.
                  Such  termination  notice  may be  given  if  Employee  is not
                  performing as a result of a physical or mental incapacity even
                  if the entire time period under  2(d)(2) has not  accrued,  if
                  such termination is not in violation of law. A material breach
                  of this  Agreement by Employer not cured after written  notice
                  thereof  specifying the  particulars  thereof and a reasonable
                  opportunity to cure such breach, or the constructive discharge
                  of Employee, shall be deemed a termination without cause.

         d.       Termination Upon Death or Disability.

                  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement:

                  (1)  The  Employment  Term shall expire  immediately  upon the
                       death or disability of the Employee.

                  (2)  Employee  shall be deemed to be  disabled if by reason of
                       physical or mental  illness or incapacity he is unable to
                       perform,  on a full-time  basis,  the regular  duties and
                       activities of his employment for a period of:

                       (a) Six (6) consecutive months, or

                       (b) A total of thirty-nine (39) weeks during any
                           twenty-four (24) month period.

                  (3)  The date of  disability  shall  be the date on which  the
                       earlier of the requirements stated in (2)(a) or (2)(b) of
                       this  Section  2(d) are  satisfied.  In the event  that a
                       dispute  arises  as to the  existence  of  disability,  a
                       determination  shall  be  made  by  two  medical  doctors
                       licensed  in New  Jersey  or,  in the event  Employee  is
                       hospitalized or otherwise confined, licensed in the State
                       of such hospitalization or confinement.  One doctor shall
                       be  appointed  by the  Employer  and one doctor  shall be
                       appointed  by the  Employee.  If the two  doctors  cannot
                       agree on a determination  regarding  disability,  the two
                       doctors  shall  appoint  a third  doctor,  who  shall  be
                       responsible  for making  such a  determination.  Any such
                       determination in accordance with the foregoing provisions
                       shall be final and binding and conclusive on the parties.


         a.       Salary.   During  the  Employment  Term,  Employer  shall  pay
                  Employee  an annual  salary of Two  Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
                  ($200,000), less withholding and deductions required by law or
                  agreed to by Employee,  payable in accordance  with Employer's
                  regular  payroll  practice.  Employee's  annual  salary may be
                  increased by  Employer's  Board of  Director's  at  Employee's
                  annual review, at its sole discretion.

         b.       Bonus.  During the portion of Employment  Term occurring after
                  December  31,  1999,  the  Employer,  shall pay to Employee an
                  annual  bonus   targeted  to  equal  forty  percent  (40%)  of
                  Employee's  then annual  salary with respect to each  calendar
                  year (or pro-rata for the portion  thereof  occurring prior to
                  December 31 of any year in which this  Agreement is terminated
                  and, by the terms hereof,  such bonus is to be paid), based on
                  the  achievement  of such goals and objectives as agreed upon,
                  in writing,  by Employer and  Employee.  During the portion of
                  Employment  Term  occurring  prior to January 1, 2000 Employer
                  shall  pay to  Employee  an  bonus  equal  to  $40,000  in two
                  installments of $20,000 each,  payable  September 30, 1999 and
                  December 31, 1999.

         c.       Benefits.

                  (1)  Paid Time-Off. During the Employment Term, Employee shall
                       be  entitled  to paid  time-off  in  accordance  with the
                       Employer's   standard   policies   applicable  to  senior
                       executives  of  Employer.  Effective  on the date hereof,
                       Employee is credited  with 475.15  hours of accrued  paid
                       time-off,  which, to the extent not utilized by Employee,
                       shall be paid to Employee in cash, in two installments of
                       not more than 237.875 hours on July 1 of 2000 and July 1,

                  (2)  Other  Benefits.  In  addition to the paid  time-off  set
                       forth in Section  3(c)(1)  hereof,  during the Employment
                       Term, Employee will receive the fringe benefits which are
                       generally applicable to senior executives of Employer.

         d.       Withholdings. Employer shall withhold from any amounts payable
                  as  compensation  all  federal,  state,  municipal,  or  other
                  deductions as are required by any law, regulation,  or ruling.
                  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 3(d),
                  Employee  shall be  liable  for the  payment,  if any,  of any
                  federal,  state, or local taxes incurred by him as a result of
                  Employer's provision of benefits hereunder.

         e.       Effect of Termination on Salary and Benefits.

                  (1)  Upon  termination  of the  Employment  Term  pursuant  to
                       Section 2(c) or Section 2(d),  Employee shall be entitled
                       to (i)  severance  pay equal to 24 times the amount which
                       is the  average  of his  salary  per month for the twelve
                       months prior to such  termination to be paid,  subject to
                       withholdings and deductions  required by law, in 24 equal
                       monthly  installments  commencing  on the last day of the
                       first calendar month  beginning  after such  termination;
                       (ii) any  annual  bonus or other  incentive  compensation
                       awarded  but not yet paid;  (iii) any  amounts  earned or
                       accrued, but not yet paid, under this Section 3; and (iv)
                       a lump sum  payment  in  respect  of  accrued  but unused
                       vacation   days  at  his  salary  rate  on  the  date  of
                       termination;  Employee's  salary and benefits  under this
                       Section 3 shall  terminate  effective  on the date of any
                       termination of Employee's  employment or this  Agreement;
                       Employee  shall be entitled to any rights with respect to
                       the stock option referred to in Section 3(g) as set forth
                       in the separate agreement and plan with regard thereto.

                  (2)  Upon  termination  of the  Employment  Term  pursuant  to
                       Section 2(b), or upon voluntary  termination by Employee,
                       Employee  shall be  entitled  to (i) any annual  bonus or
                       other  incentive  compensation  awarded but not yet paid;
                       (ii) any  amounts  earned or  accrued,  but not yet paid,
                       under  this  Section  3; and (iii) a lump sum  payment in
                       respect of accrued but unused vacation days at his salary
                       rate on the date of  termination;  Employee's  salary and
                       benefits under this Section 3 shall  terminate  effective
                       on the date of any  termination of Employee's  employment
                       or this  Agreement;  Employee  shall be  entitled  to any
                       rights with  respect to the stock  option  referred to in
                       Section 3(g) as set forth in the separate  agreement  and
                       plan with regard thereto.

         f.       Business  Expenses.  Employer  shall  reimburse  Employee  for
                  ordinary  and  necessary  expenses   reasonably  incurred  for
                  business purposes of Employer in the course of his employment,
                  in  accordance  with   Employer's   policies  in  effect  from

         g.       Stock  Option.  On the date  hereof,  Employer  shall award to
                  Employee  a  ten-year   incentive  stock  option  (the  "Stock
                  Option")  pursuant to  Employer's  1998 Stock Option and Stock
                  Award Plan (the "1998 Stock Plan"), to purchase 300,000 shares
                  of Employer's  Class A Common Stock at a price per share equal
                  to the closing  price of  Employer's  Class A Common  Stock as
                  reported by the NASDAQ  National  Market System on the date of
                  this  Agreement,  subject to and in  accordance  with the 1998
                  Stock Plan.  The Stock  Option shall be  substantially  in the
                  form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

         h.       Change in Control.  On the date hereof,  Employer  shall enter
                  into  a   change   in   control   agreement   with   Employee,
                  substantially  in the  form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  B.
                  Employer's  obligation  to provide  benefits and  compensation
                  under  Section  3(e)(1)(i),  (ii),  (iii),  and  (iv)  of this
                  Agreement shall not be paid if duplicative of amounts paid for
                  similar benefits under such change in control agreement.


         a.       Confidential  Information.  The  Employee  shall  not,  either
                  directly  or  indirectly,  except as required in the course of
                  his  employment by the Employer,  disclose or use at any time,
                  whether  during or  subsequent  to the  Employment  Term,  any
                  information  owned by the Employer or any of its  subsidiaries
                  including,  but not limited to, customer lists, records, data,
                  formulae, documents,  specifications,  inventions,  processes,
                  methods, systems, technical information and intangible rights,
                  which are acquired by him in the performance of his duties for
                  the Employer or any subsidiary or affiliate  thereof and which
                  are  proprietary  to,  confidential  information  of or  trade
                  secrets  of  Employer.   All  inventions,   computer  software
                  programs and developments,  processes,  methods and intangible
                  rights, records, files, drawings,  documents,  equipment,  and
                  the  like,  relating  to the  business  of the  Employer  or a
                  subsidiary  or  affiliate,  which the Employee  shall  invent,
                  develop,   conceive,   produce,  prepare,  use,  construct  or
                  observe,  during the course of his  employment by the Employer
                  or ATG (including  during  employment by ATG prior to the date
                  hereof),  shall  be  disclosed  promptly  in  writing  to  the
                  Employer and shall be and remain sole property of the Employer
                  or the relevant  subsidiary  or affiliate of Employer  and, at
                  the Employer's  request and expense,  the Employee shall apply
                  to the  proper  issuing  authorities  for  such  patent(s)  or
                  copyright(s)  thereon as the Employer may designate  and, upon
                  issuance of any such patent(s) or  copyright(s),  the Employee
                  shall   assign   them   to  the   Employer   without   further
                  consideration.  Upon the  termination of his  employment,  the
                  Employee  shall return to the  possession  of the Employer any
                  materials  or  copies  thereof   involving  any   confidential
                  information  or trade  secrets and shall not take any material
                  or copies  thereof  from  possession  of the  Employer  or any
                  subsidiary or affiliate.


         a.       Definitions. For purposes of this Section 5, "Restricted Area"
                  shall be defined as the State of New Jersey,  the remainder of
                  the United States,  and the remainder of the world. The phrase
                  "Products  and  Services"  shall be defined  as all  services,
                  including  customization and design,  with respect to products
                  sold  or  offered  for  sale  by  Employer,   or  any  of  its
                  subsidiaries or affiliates, used or developed for Employer, or
                  any of its  subsidiaries  or affiliates,  by Employee or under
                  the direction of Employee, at any time, and from time to time,
                  during the Employment Term.

         b.       Covenant.   During  the  Employment  Term  and  for  one  year
                  thereafter Employee shall not, directly or indirectly,  acting
                  as  employee,   investor,   officer,  partner,   principal  or
                  otherwise,  of any  corporation  or other  entity,  within the
                  Restricted  Area,  on behalf of or for POMS  Corporation,  Pro
                  Pack Data GmbH,  or any entity which on the date hereof is not
                  in the  business of  providing  products  and  services  which
                  compete  materially with the Products and Services,  engage in
                  any  activity  involving  products or services  which  compete
                  materially  with the Products and  Services,  as such Products
                  and  Services  exist  as of the date  hereof  and  during  the
                  Employment Term.

         c.       Construction.  The parties hereto agree that in the event that
                  either the length of time or the geographical  areas set forth
                  in Section 5(a) hereof is deemed too  restrictive in any court
                  proceeding,  the court may reduce such  restrictions  to those
                  which it deems reasonable under the circumstances.

         d.       Remedies.  Employee agrees and acknowledges  that Employer and
                  any of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates  do not have adequate
                  remedy at law for the breach or threatened  breach by Employee
                  of the covenants under this Section 5 and agrees that Employer
                  or any  subsidiary or affiliate of Employer  shall be entitled
                  to apply for injunctive  relief to restrain Employer from such
                  breach or threatened  breach in addition to any other remedies
                  which  might  be  available  to  Employer  any  subsidiary  or
                  affiliate of Employer at law or equity.


                  Employee  represents  and warrants that he has been afforded a
reasonable  opportunity to review this Agreement,  to understand its terms,  and
has had an  opportunity to have an attorney of his choice review it prior to its
execution, and that he knowingly and voluntarily enters this Agreement. Employer
represents  and  warrants  that it has had an  opportunity  to have its attorney
review this Agreement prior to its execution.


                  Except as  otherwise  provided  in Section  5, any  dispute or
controversy  between  Employee and the Employer that arises out of or relates to
this  Agreement  (or any  amendment  thereof)  shall,  at the election of either
party, be resolved by  confidential  arbitration,  to be held in New Jersey,  in
accordance  with the Commercial  Arbitration  Rules of the American  Arbitration
Association,  and  judgment  upon the award may be entered  in any court  having
jurisdiction thereof.


         a.       Notices.  Unless  otherwise  agreed  in  writing  by  a  Party
                  entitled  to notice,  all notices  required by this  Agreement
                  shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when  physically
                  delivered  to and  acknowledged  by  receipt by a Party or its
                  duly  authorized  attorney  or legal  representative,  or when
                  deposited   postage  paid,   registered  or  certified   mail,
                  addressed to the Party at its principal  business or residence
                  as  set  forth  in  Employer's  records  or  as  known  to  or
                  reasonably ascertainable by the Party required to give notice.

         b.       Meaning  of Certain  Words.  The word  "including"  shall mean
                  "including without limitation."

         c.       Waivers.  No assent,  express or implied,  by any Party to any
                  breach or default  under this  Agreement  shall  constitute  a
                  waiver  of or assent to any  breach  or  default  of any other
                  provision  of this  Agreement  or any breach or default of the
                  same provision on any other occasion.

         d.       Entire  Agreement,  Modification.  This  Agreement  (including
                  Exhibit A and  Exhibit B of this  Agreement)  constitutes  the
                  entire agreement of the Parties  concerning its subject matter
                  and  supersedes  all  other  oral or  written  understandings,
                  discussions,  and  agreements,  and may be modified  only in a
                  writing signed by both Parties.

         e.       Binding Effect; No Third Party  Beneficiaries.  This Agreement
                  shall bind and benefit the Parties and their respective heirs,
                  devisees,     beneficiaries,     grantees,    donees,    legal
                  representatives,    successors,    and    assigns.    Employee
                  specifically  acknowledges  that  all his  covenants  given in
                  Sections 4 and 5 are  transferable  and assignable by Employer
                  in  connection  with any  assignment  subject to Section  8(f)
                  hereof  (subject to the  obligations  of  Employer  under this
                  Agreement).  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be construed to
                  confer any rights or  benefits on  third-party  beneficiaries,
                  except Employer's subsidiaries and affiliates.

         f.       Assignment.  Neither  Party may  assign its  interest  in this
                  Agreement without the other's prior written consent;  provided
                  that  Employer  may assign this  Agreement  and its rights and
                  obligations  hereunder without  Employee's  consent to another
                  entity which Employer controls,  or is controlled by it, or is
                  under common  control with it, or in connection  with the sale
                  of all or substantially all of Employer's business or assets.

         g.       Captions.  Titles or captions  contained in this Agreement are
                  for convenience and are not intended to affect the substantive
                  meaning of any provision.

         h.       Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by  and
                  construed  under the  substantive  laws of New Jersey  without
                  reference to choice of laws rules.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Parties have executed this Agreement,
intending to be legally bound hereby, on the date first written above.

                                  BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.

                                      WILLIAM F. HACKETT
                                  WILLIAM F. HACKETT,
                                  Executive Vice President

                                  ROBERT J. BRONSTEIN
                                  ROBERT J. BRONSTEIN


Exhibit   A -  Stock Option

Exhibit   B  -  Change in Control Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT A

                             BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.

                     1998 STOCK OPTION AND STOCK AWARD PLAN



                  We are pleased to notify you that by the  determination of the
Board of Directors of Base Ten Systems, Inc. (the "Company") or an appropriately
designated  Committee (the  "Committee"),  an incentive stock option to purchase
_______  shares of Class A Common  Stock of the  Company  at a price of  _______
($___) per share  effective  this __ day of _______ 1999 has been granted to you
under the Company's  1998 Stock Option and Stock Award Plan (the  "Plan").  This
incentive  stock option (the  "Option") may be exercised only upon the terms and
conditions set forth below.

Purpose of the Plan.

                  The  purpose  of the Plan  under  which  this  Option has been
granted is to advance  the  interests  of the Company  and its  shareholders  by
providing incentives to selected officers and other key employees of the Company
and its subsidiaries.

Acceptance of Option Agreement.

                  Your  execution  of  this  incentive  stock  option  agreement
(herein  called the  "Agreement")  will  indicate  your  acceptance  of and your
willingness  to be bound by its  terms;  it imposes  no  obligation  upon you to
purchase any of the shares  subject to the Option.  Your  obligation to purchase
shares can arise only upon your  exercise  of the Option in the manner set forth
in paragraph 3 hereof.

When Option May Be Exercised.

                  The Option  granted you hereunder  shall be first  exercisable
from the  effective  date of the  Committee's  grant as set  forth  above.  Your
entitlement to exercise this Option shall vest as follows:

                  25% at grant  date and an  additional  25% on each of the next
                  three anniversaries of the grant date.

This Option may not be exercised for less than fifty (50) shares at any one time
(or the remaining  shares then  purchasable if less than fifty (50)) and expires
at the end of ten (10) years  from the date it is granted  whether or not it has
been duly  exercised,  unless sooner  terminated as provided in paragraphs 5, 6,
and 7 hereof.

How Option May Be Exercised.

                  This Option is  exercisable  by a written notice signed by you
and delivered to the Company at its executive offices,  signifying your election
to exercise  the  Option.  The notice must state the number of shares of Class A
Common Stock as to which your Option is being  exercised and must be accompanied
by cash,  shares of Class A Common Stock already owned by you (the value of such
stock shall be its fair market value on the date of exercise as determined under
Paragraph 6(a) of the Plan), or any combination  thereof.  Any shares of Class A
Common  Stock  delivered in  satisfaction  of all or any portion of the purchase
price  shall be  appropriately  endorsed  for  transfer  and  assignment  to the
Company.  No shares of Class A Common  Stock shall be issued  until full payment
therefor has been made.

                  The Company  shall  prepare and file with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission a  Registration  Statement on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act of 1933  covering  shares  issuable  pursuant to the terms of the Plan.  The
Company will endeavor to keep such registration statement effective at all times
that this  Agreement  is  outstanding,  but in the event that such  registration
statement  is not  effective at the time of  exercise,  your  written  notice of
exercise to the Company must contain a statement by you (in form  acceptable  to
the Company) that such shares are being  acquired by you for  investment and not
with a view to their distribution or resale.

                  If notice of the  exercise of this Option is given by a person
or persons  other than you,  the Company  may  require,  as a  condition  to the
exercise of this Option,  the submission to the Company of appropriate  proof of
the right of such person or persons to exercise this Option.

                  Certificates  for the shares of Class A Common Stock purchased
hereunder will be issued as soon as practicable. The Company, however, shall not
be  required  to issue or  deliver a  certificate  for any  shares  until it has
complied with all  requirements  of the  Securities  Act of 1933, the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, any national  securities  exchange or automated  quotation
system  upon  which  shares of Class A Common  Stock may then be listed  and all
applicable  state laws in connection with the issuance or sale of such shares or
the listing of such shares on said  exchange.  Until the date of issuance of the
certificate  for such  shares to you (or any person  succeeding  to your  rights
pursuant to the Plan), you (or such other person, as the case may be) shall have
no rights as a  stockholder  with  respect to any shares of Class A Common Stock
subject to this Option.

Termination of Employment.

                  If your  employment  with or your  performance of services for
the Company is  terminated  or shall cease for any reason other than by death or
permanent disability (as determined by the Board of Directors or the Committee),
the Option shall  simultaneously  terminate,  unless otherwise determined by the
Board of Directors or the Committee.


                  If your  employment  with or your  performance of services for
the Company or a subsidiary is terminated by reason of your permanent disability
(as  determined by the Board of Directors or the  Committee) and this Option has
not  expired  and has not been  fully  exercised,  you may  exercise  the vested
portion of this Option for a period of one (1) year following such  termination,
but not beyond the expiration date of the option.


                  If you die while  employed by or  performing  services for the
Company or a  subsidiary  and this Option has not expired and has not been fully
exercised,  the unvested  portion of this Option shall  immediately vest and the
Option  may   thereafter  by   immediately   exercised  in  full  by  the  legal
representative  of your  estate  of by the  legatee  under  your last will for a
period of three (3) months  following the date of such death, but not beyond the
expiration date of the option.

Non-Transferability of Option.

                  This Option may not be sold, assigned,  transferred,  pledged,
hypothecated or otherwise disposed of, except by will or the laws of descent and
distribution,  and shall be exercisable during your lifetime only by you, except
as otherwise set forth herein or in the Plan.

Dilution and Other Adjustments.

                  If at any time  after  the date of the  grant of this  Option,
there is any change in the  outstanding  Class A Common  Stock of the Company by
reason  of  any  stock  dividend,  stock  split,  reverse  split,   subdivision,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation  (whether  or not the  Company  is the
surviving  corporation),  combination or exchange of shares,  reorganization  or
liquidation,  then the number of shares of Class A Common Stock  covered by this
Option and the terms of this Option shall be equitably  adjusted by the Board of
Directors or the Committee, whose determination shall be conclusive and binding.

Trading Black Out Periods.

                  By entering  into this  Agreement  the  undersigned  expressly
agrees that:  (i) during all periods of employment of the  undersigned  with the
Company and its  subsidiaries,  or otherwise  while the undersigned is otherwise
maintained on the payroll of the Company or its  subsidiaries,  the  undersigned
shall abide by all trading  "black out"  periods  with  respect to  purchases or
sales of common stock or exercises of stock options for common stock established
from time to time by the Company ("Trading Black Out Periods") and (ii) upon any
cessation or  termination  of  employment  with the Company for any reason,  the
undersigned  agrees that for a period of six (6) months  following the effective
date of any  termination  of  employment  or, if later,  for a period of six (6)
months  following  the date as of which  the  undersigned  is no  longer  on the
payroll of the Company or its  subsidiaries,  the undersigned  shall continue to
abide by all such Trading Black Out Periods established from time to time by the

Change in Control.

                  This Option shall  become  immediately  exercisable  and fully
vested  upon a Change in Control of the  Company (as such term is defined in the

Subject to Terms of the Plan.

                  This  Agreement  shall be subject in all respects to the terms
and  conditions  of the Plan and in the  event of any  question  or  controversy
relating to the terms of the Plan, the decision of the Board of Directors or the
Committee shall be conclusive.

Tax Status.

                  It is the intent of the Company that this Option be classified
as an  "incentive  stock  option"  under the  provisions  of Section  422 of the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  The income tax implications of your
receipt of an incentive  stock option and your exercise of such an option should
be discussed with your tax counsel.

                  You will  recognize  no income upon the grant of an  incentive
stock  option and incur no tax on its  exercise  unless  you are  subject to the
alternative  minimum tax. If you hold the stock  acquired  upon exercise of this
incentive  stock  option  for more than one year  after the date the  option was
exercised and for more than two years after the date the option was granted, you
generally  will realize  long-term  capital  gain or loss (rather than  ordinary
income or loss) upon  disposition of the stock.  This gain or loss will be equal
to the  difference  between the amount  realized upon such  disposition  and the
amount paid for the stock.

                  If you dispose of the stock prior to the  expiration of either
of the above required holding periods,  the gain realized upon such disposition,
up to the  difference  between  fair  market  value of the  stock on the date of
exercise and the option exercise price, will be treated as ordinary income.  Any
additional  gain will be long-term or short-term  capital gain,  depending  upon
whether or not the stock was held for more than one year  following  the date of

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.


Agreed to and accepted this ______ day of ___________, 1999.


                                    EXHIBIT B

                           CHANGE IN CONTROL AGREEMENT

                  THIS CHANGE IN CONTROL  AGREEMENT dated June ___, 1999, by and
between Base Ten  Systems,  Inc., a New Jersey  corporation  (together  with any
successor,   the   "Company"),   and   Robert   J.   Bronstein,    residing   at
___________________, (the "Executive").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

                  WHEREAS,  should the Company receive a proposal from or engage
in discussions with a third person  concerning a possible  business  combination
with or the  acquisition  of a substantial  portion of voting  securities of the
Company or should there be a significant  change in the composition of the Board
of Directors of the Company (the  "Board"),  the Board has deemed it  imperative
that it and the Company be able to rely on the Executive to continue to serve in
his  position and that the Board and the Company be able to rely upon his advice
as being in the best  interests  of the  Company  and its  shareholders  without
concern that the Executive might be distracted by the personal uncertainties and
risks that such a proposal or discussions might otherwise create; and

                  WHEREAS,  the Company desires to enhance  executive morale and
its ability to retain existing management; and

                  WHEREAS,  the Company  desires to compensate the Executive for
his service to the Company or one or more of its subsidiary  corporations  (each
together with any successor,  a  "Subsidiary")  should his service be terminated
under circumstances hereinafter described; and

                  WHEREAS,   the  Board  therefore  considers  it  in  the  best
interests  of the  Company  and its  shareholders  for the Company to enter into
Change in Control  Agreements,  in form similar to this Agreement,  with certain
key executive officers of the Company; and

                  WHEREAS,  the Executive is presently a key executive with whom
the Company has been authorized by the Board to enter into this Agreement;

                  WHEREAS,  as of the date of this  Agreement,  the  specialized
knowledge and skills of the Executive will be particularly needed by the Company
as the  Company  continues  to  expand  its  medical  technology  business,  and
stability at the top management level is and will be critically important to the
ultimate success of the Company; and

                  WHEREAS,  in order to provide an  incentive  to members of top
management not to seek and consider  opportunities outside of the Company, which
would  substantially  impede the continued  expansion of the  Company's  medical
technology business, while at the same time continuing to engage in its historic
business,  the Company's  independent  directors have determined it to be in the
best interests of the Company to enter into this Agreement;

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  to assure  the  Company  of the  Executive's
continued dedication and the availability of his advice and counsel in the event
of any such proposal or change in the  composition  of the Board,  to induce the
Executive to remain in the employ of the Company or a Subsidiary,  and to reward
the Executive for his valuable, dedicated service to the Company or a Subsidiary
should his service be terminated under circumstances  hereinafter described, and
for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy whereof each
party acknowledges, the Company and the Executive agree as follows:


                  (a) This  Agreement  shall  commence  on the date  hereof  and
continue in effect through June 10, 2002; provided,  however, that commencing on
June  11,  2000  and  each  succeeding  June  11,  thereafter,  the term of this
Agreement  shall be extended  automatically  for one additional year (so that at
all times the remaining term hereof shall not be less than two (2) years) unless
not later than March 10  preceding  such  automatic  extension  date the Company
shall have given notice that it does not wish to extend this Agreement.

                  (b) This Agreement is effective and binding on both parties as
of the date hereof. Notwithstanding its present effectiveness, the provisions of
paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Agreement shall become operative only when, as and if
there has been a "Change  in  Control  of the  Company."  For  purposes  of this
Agreement, a "Change in Control of the Company" shall be deemed to have occurred
if, after the date of this Agreement:

                           (X) any  "person"  (as such term is used in  Sections
                  13(d) and 14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
                  amended (the "Exchange  Act")), or persons "acting in concert"
                  (which for  purposes of this  Agreement  shall  include two or
                  more persons voting together on a consistent basis pursuant to
                  an  agreement or  understanding  between  them),  other than a
                  trustee  or  other  fiduciary  holding   securities  under  an
                  employee  benefit  plan of the Company and other than a person
                  engaging in a transaction  of the type described in clause (Z)
                  of this  subsection  but which does not constitute a change in
                  control  under  such  clause,  is or becomes  the  "beneficial
                  owner"  (as  defined in Rule 13d-3  under the  Exchange  Act),
                  directly  or   indirectly,   of   securities  of  the  Company
                  representing  forty  percent  (40%)  or more  of the  combined
                  voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities; or

                           (Y)   individuals   who,  as  of  the  date  of  this
                  Agreement,  constitute  the Board and any new  director  ("New
                  Director")  whose  election by the Board,  or  nomination  for
                  election by the Company  shareholders,  was approved by a vote
                  of at least  seventy-five  percent (75%) of the directors then
                  still in office who either were  directors at the beginning of
                  the period or whose  election or  nomination  for election was
                  previously so approved ("Continuing  Members"),  cease for any
                  reason to constitute a majority  thereof  (provided  that, for
                  purposes  of this clause (Y),  the term "New  Director"  shall
                  exclude (i) a director  designated by a person who has entered
                  into an  agreement  with the  Company to effect a  transaction
                  described in clauses (X) or (Z) of this  subsection,  and (ii)
                  an individual whose initial assumption of office as a director
                  is in connection with any actual or threatened contest related
                  to the election of any directors to the Board); or

                           (Z) the shareholders of the Company approve or, if no
                  shareholder approval is required or obtained, the Company or a
                  Subsidiary  completes  a  merger,   consolidation  or  similar
                  transaction  of the Company or a  Subsidiary  with or into any
                  other  corporation,  or a binding share exchange involving the
                  Company's  securities,  other than any such transaction  which
                  would  result  in  the  voting   securities   of  the  Company
                  outstanding  immediately prior thereto continuing to represent
                  (either by remaining  outstanding  or by being  converted into
                  voting   securities   of  the   surviving   entity)  at  least
                  seventy-five percent (75%) of the combined voting power of the
                  voting  securities  of the  Company or such  surviving  entity
                  outstanding   immediately  after  such  transaction,   or  the
                  shareholders  of  the  Company  approve  a  plan  of  complete
                  liquidation  of the  Company or an  agreement  for the sale or
                  disposition  by the  Company of all or  substantially  all the
                  Company's assets (excluding, for this purpose, the sale of the
                  Company's Government Technology division).

                  2.       EMPLOYMENT OF EXECUTIVE.

                  Nothing  herein shall affect any right which the  Executive or
the Company or a Subsidiary  may  otherwise  have to terminate  the  Executive's
employment  by the  Company or a  Subsidiary  at any time in any lawful  manner,
subject  always to the  Company's  providing to the  Executive  the payments and
benefits  specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Agreement to the extent herein
below provided.

                  In the event any person  commences a tender or exchange offer,
circulates a proxy statement to the Company's  shareholders or takes other steps
designed to effect a Change in Control of the Company as defined in  paragraph 1
of this Agreement,  the Executive agrees that he will not voluntarily  leave the
employ of the Company or a Subsidiary,  and will continue to perform his regular
duties and to render the services  specified in the recitals of this  Agreement,
until such person has abandoned or terminated  his efforts to effect a Change in
Control of the Company or until a Change in Control of the Company has occurred.
Should the Executive voluntarily terminate his employment before any such effort
to effect a Change in Control of the  Company has  commenced,  or after any such
effort has been abandoned or terminated without effecting a Change in Control of
the Company and no such effort is then in process,  this  Agreement  shall lapse
and be of no further force or effect.


                  (a) If any of the  events  described  in  paragraph  1  hereof
constituting  a Change in  Control  of the  Company  shall  have  occurred,  the
Executive shall be entitled to the benefits  provided in paragraph 4 hereof upon
the  termination  of his employment  within the  applicable  period set forth in
paragraph 4 hereof unless such termination is (i) due to the Executive's  death;
or (ii) by the Company or a Subsidiary by reason of the  Executive's  Disability
or for Cause; or (iii) by the Executive other than for Good Reason.

                  (b) If  following  a Change  in  Control  of the  Company  the
Executive's  employment is terminated by reason of his death or Disability,  the
Executive shall be entitled to death or long-term  disability  benefits,  as the
case may be, from the  Company no less  favorable  than the maximum  benefits to
which he would have been entitled had the death or  termination  for  Disability
occurred  during  the six month  period  prior to the  Change in  Control of the
Company. If prior to any such termination for Disability, the Executive fails to
perform his duties as a result of incapacity due to physical or mental  illness,
he shall continue to receive his Salary less any benefits as may be available to
him under the Company's or Subsidiary's disability plans until his employment is
terminated for Disability.

                  (c) If the Executive's  employment  shall be terminated by the
Company  or a  Subsidiary  for  Cause or by the  Executive  other  than for Good
Reason,  the Company shall pay to the Executive his full Salary through the Date
of Termination at the rate in effect at the time Notice of Termination is given,
and the Company shall have no further  obligations  to the Executive  under this

                  (d)      For purposes of this Agreement:

                  (i) "Disability" shall mean the Executive's  incapacity due to
                  physical or mental illness such that the Executive  shall have
                  become  qualified to receive  benefits  under the Company's or
                  Subsidiary's  long-term  disability  plans  or any  equivalent
                  coverage required to be provided to the Executive  pursuant to
                  any other plan or agreement, whichever is applicable.

                  (ii)     "Cause" shall mean:

                           (A) the conviction of the Executive for a felony,  or
                           the willful commission by the Executive of a criminal
                           or other act that in the judgment of the Board causes
                           or will probably cause substantial economic damage to
                           the Company or a Subsidiary or substantial  injury to
                           the   business   reputation   of  the  Company  or  a

                           (B)  the  commission  by the  Executive  of an act of
                           fraud in the performance of such  Executive's  duties
                           on behalf of the Company or a Subsidiary  that causes
                           or will probably cause economic damage to the Company
                           or a Subsidiary; or

                           (C) the continuing  willful  failure of the Executive
                           to  perform  the  duties  of  such  Executive  to the
                           Company or a Subsidiary  (other than any such failure
                           resulting  from  the  Executive's  incapacity  due to
                           physical  or mental  illness)  after  written  notice
                           thereof   (specifying  the  particulars   thereof  in
                           reasonable detail) and a reasonable opportunity to be
                           heard  and  cure  such   failure  are  given  to  the
                           Executive by the Compensation  Committee of the Board
                           with  the  approval  thereof  by a  majority  of  the
                           Continuing Directors.

                  For purposes of this subparagraph  (d)(ii), no act, or failure
to act, on the Executive's  part shall be considered  "willful"  unless done, or
omitted to be done, by him not in good faith and without  reasonable belief that
his action or omission was in the best interests of the Company or a Subsidiary.

                  (iii)    "Good Reason" shall mean:

                           (A) The  assignment by the Company or a Subsidiary to
                           the  Executive  of  duties  without  the  Executive's
                           express  written  consent,  which (i) are  materially
                           different or require travel  significantly  more time
                           consuming or extensive than the Executive's duties or
                           business travel  obligations  measured from the point
                           in time one (1) year  prior to the  Change in Control
                           of  the   Company,   or  (ii)   result  in  either  a
                           significant  reduction in the  Executive's  authority
                           and responsibility as a senior corporate executive of
                           the  Company or a  Subsidiary  when  compared  to the
                           highest   level  of  authority   and   responsibility
                           assigned to the  Executive at any time during the one
                           (1) year period prior to the Change in Control of the
                           Company,  or, (iii) without the  Executive's  express
                           written  consent,  the removal of the Executive from,
                           or any failure to reappoint or reelect the  Executive
                           to,  the  highest  title  held since the date one (1)
                           year  before the  Change in  Control of the  Company,
                           except  in  connection  with  a  termination  of  the
                           Executive's employment by the Company or a Subsidiary
                           for Cause,  or by reason of the  Executive'  death or

                           (B) A reduction by the Company or a Subsidiary of the
                           Executive's Salary, or the failure to grant increases
                           in  the  Executive's  Salary  on  a  basis  at  least
                           substantially  comparable  to those  granted to other
                           executives   of  the  Company  or  a  Subsidiary   of
                           comparable title, salary and performance ratings made
                           in good faith;

                           (C)  The   relocation  of  the  Company's   principal
                           executive offices in Parsippany,  New Jersey, or at a
                           location  or  office  within  a  25  mile  (map,  not
                           travel,)  radius of the Company's  current  principal
                           office in  Parsippany,  new Jersey  (unless  mutually
                           agreed  to  otherwise  by  the   Executive   and  the
                           Company), except for required travel on the Company's
                           or a Subsidiary's business to an extent substantially
                           consistent  with  the  Executive's   business  travel
                           obligations  measured  from the point in time one (1)
                           year prior to the  Change in Control of the  Company,
                           or in the event of any  relocation  of the  Executive
                           with the  Executive's  express written  consent,  the
                           failure  by the  Company or a  Subsidiary  to pay (or
                           reimburse the Executive  for) all  reasonable  moving
                           expenses  by the  Executive  relating  to a change of
                           principal   residence   in   connection   with   such
                           relocation and to indemnify the Executive against any
                           loss   realized  in  the  sale  of  the   Executive's
                           principal  residence  in  connection  with  any  such
                           change  of  residence,  all to the  effect  that  the
                           Executive  shall  incur no loss  upon such sale on an
                           after tax basis;

                           (D) The  failure by the  Company or a  Subsidiary  to
                           continue to provide the Executive with  substantially
                           the same welfare benefits (which for purposes of this
                           Agreement shall mean benefits under all welfare plans
                           as  that  term  is  defined  in  Section  3(1) of the
                           Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as
                           amended), and perquisites, including participation on
                           a comparable basis in the Company's or a Subsidiary's
                           stock option plan, incentive bonus plan and any other
                           plan  in  which   executives  of  the  Company  or  a
                           subsidiary of comparable title and salary participate
                           and as were provided to the  Executive  measured from
                           the point in time one (1) year  prior to such  Change
                           in  Control  of the  Company,  or with a  package  of
                           welfare    benefits   and    perquisites    that   is
                           substantially  comparable in all material respects to
                           such welfare benefits and perquisites; or

                           (E) The  failure of the Company to obtain the express
                           written  assumption  of and agreement to perform this
                           Agreement  by  any  successor  as   contemplated   in
                           subparagraph 5(d) hereof.

                  (iv)  "Dispute"  shall mean (i) in the case of  termination of
                  employment of the  Executive  with the Company or a Subsidiary
                  by the Company or a Subsidiary for  Disability or Cause,  that
                  the Executive  challenges the existence of Disability or Cause
                  and  (ii) in the  case of  termination  of  employment  of the
                  Executive  with the Company or a Subsidiary  by the  Executive
                  for Good Reason, that the Company or the Subsidiary challenges
                  the existence of Good Reason.

                  (v)  "Salary"  shall  mean  the  Executive's   average  annual
                  compensation reported on Form W-2.

                  (vi)  "Incentive  Compensation"  in any  year  shall  mean the
                  amount  the  Executive  has  elected  to  defer  in such  year
                  pursuant to any plan,  arrangement  or contract  providing for
                  the deferral of compensation.

                  (e) Any purported  termination of employment by the Company or
a Subsidiary by reason of the  Executive's  Disability  or for Cause,  or by the
Executive  for  Good  Reason,   shall  be  communicated  by  written  Notice  of
Termination to the other party hereto. For purposes of this Agreement, a "Notice
of  Termination"  shall mean a notice given by the Executive or the Company or a
Subsidiary,  as the case may be, which shall  indicate  the  specific  basis for
termination and shall set forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances
claimed  to  provide  a basis  for  determination  of any  payments  under  this
Agreement.  The Executive  shall not be entitled to give a Notice of Termination
that  the  Executive  is  terminating  his  employment  with  the  Company  or a
Subsidiary for Good Reason more than six (6) months following the later to occur
of (i) the Change in Control  and (ii) the  occurrence  of the event  alleged to
constitute Good Reason.  The Executive's  actual  employment by the Company or a
Subsidiary  shall cease on the Date of  Termination  specified  in the Notice of
Termination, even though such Date of Termination for all other purposes of this
Agreement may be extended in the manner  contemplated  in the second sentence of
Paragraph 3(f).

                  (f) For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  "Date of  Termination"
shall mean the date specified in the Notice of  Termination,  which shall be not
more than ninety (90) days after such Notice of  Termination  is given,  as such
date may be modified  pursuant to the next sentence.  If within thirty (30) days
after any Notice of Termination is given,  the party who receives such Notice of
Termination  notifies  the other  party that a Dispute (as  heretofore  defined)
exists,  the Date of  Termination  shall be the date on  which  the  Dispute  is
finally  determined,  either by mutual written agreement of the parties, or by a
final judgment,  order or decree of a court of competent  jurisdiction (the time
for appeal  therefrom  having  expired  and no appeal  having  been  perfected);
provided that the Date of  Termination  shall be extended by a notice of Dispute
only if such  notice is given in good  faith and the party  giving  such  notice
pursues the  resolution of such Dispute with  reasonable  diligence and provided
further  that  pending  the  resolution  of any such  Dispute,  the Company or a
Subsidiary  shall  continue to pay the  Executive the same Salary and to provide
the Executive with the same or  substantially  comparable  welfare  benefits and
perquisites  that the  Executive was paid and provided as of a date one (1) year
prior to the Change in Control of the Company.  Should a Dispute  ultimately  be
determined  in favor of the Company or a  Subsidiary,  then all sums paid by the
Company or a Subsidiary to the Executive from the date of termination  specified
in the Notice of Termination  until final  resolution of the Dispute pursuant to
this  paragraph  shall be repaid  promptly by the  Executive to the Company or a
Subsidiary,  with interest at the prime rate generally  prevailing  from time to
time among major New York City banks and all  options,  rights and stock  awards
granted to the  Executive  during such period  shall be cancelled or returned to
the Company or  Subsidiary.  The Executive  shall not be obligated to pay to the
Company  or a  Subsidiary  the cost of  providing  the  Executive  with  welfare
benefits and  perquisites  for such period unless the final  judgment,  order or
decree  of a court or other  body  resolving  the  Dispute  determines  that the
Executive  acted in bad faith in giving a notice  of  Dispute.  Should a Dispute
ultimately  be  determined  in favor of the  Executive  or be  settled by mutual
agreement  between the  Executive and the Company,  then the Executive  shall be
entitled to retain all sums paid to the Executive  under this  subparagraph  (f)
for the period  pending  resolution  of the  Dispute  and shall be  entitled  to
receive, in addition, the payments and other benefits to the extent provided for
in paragraph 4 hereof to the extent not previously paid hereunder.

                  4.          PAYMENTS UPON TERMINATION.

                  If within three years after a Change in Control of the Company
(or if within  nine (9)  months  prior to a Change in  Control  if  effected  in
connection  with such  Change in  Control),  the Company or a  Subsidiary  shall
terminate the  Executive's  employment  other than by reason of the  Executive's
death,  Disability or for Cause or the Executive  shall terminate his employment
for Good Reason then,

                  (a)  The  Company  or a  Subsidiary  will  pay on the  Date of
                  Termination  to the  Executive  as  compensation  for services
                  rendered on or before the Executive's  Date of Termination,  a
                  lump  sum  cash  amount  (subject  to any  applicable  payroll
                  deduction  or taxes  required to be  withheld  computed at the
                  rate for  supplemental  payments)  equal to (i) 2.99 times the
                  sum of the average  for each of the five  fiscal  years of the
                  Company  ending  before the day on which the Change in Control
                  of the Company occurs of the Executive's Salary, his Incentive
                  Compensation  and  the  annual  cost  to  the  Company  of all
                  hospital,   medical  and  dental  insurance,  life  insurance,
                  disability   insurance  and  other  welfare  or  benefit  plan
                  provided to the  Executive  minus (ii) the cost to the Company
                  of the insurance required under subparagraph 4(b) hereof;

                  (b)  For a  period  of  three  years  following  the  Date  of
                  Termination,  the Company shall provide,  at Company  expense,
                  the Executive and the  Executive's  spouse with full hospital,
                  medical  and  dental  insurance  with  substantially  the same
                  coverage  and  benefits  as  were  provided  to the  Executive
                  immediately prior to the Change in Control of the Company; and

                  (c) In event that any  payment or  benefit  received  or to be
                  received  by the  Executive  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  in
                  connection  with a Change in  Control  of the  Company  or the
                  termination of the Executive's  employment  (collectively with
                  all payments and benefits  hereunder,  "Total Payments") would
                  not be  deductible  in whole or in part by the  Company as the
                  result of Section 280G of the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,
                  as amended and the regulations  thereunder  (the "Code"),  the
                  payments  and  benefits  hereunder  shall be reduced  until no
                  portion of the Total Payments is not deductible by reducing to
                  the  extent  necessary  the  payment  under  subparagraph  (a)
                  hereof.  For purposes of this limitation (i) no portion of the
                  Total Payments the receipt or enjoyment of which the Executive
                  shall have effectively  waived in writing prior to the date of
                  payment  shall be taken into  account,  (ii) no portion of the
                  Total  Payments  shall  be  taken  into  account  which in the
                  opinion  of  tax  counsel   selected  by  the   Executive  and
                  acceptable to the Company's independent auditors is not likely
                  to  constitute  a  "parachute  payment"  within the meaning of
                  Section  280G(b)(2)  of the  Code,  and (iii) the value of any
                  non-cash  benefit or any deferred  payment or benefit included
                  in the Total  Payments  shall be  determined  by the Company's
                  independent  auditors in  accordance  with the  principles  of
                  Sections 280G(d)(3) and (4) of the Code.

                  5.       GENERAL.

                  (a) The Executive  shall retain in confidence any  proprietary
or other  confidential  information  known to him concerning the Company and its
business (including the Company's  Subsidiaries and their businesses) so long as
such information is not publicly  disclosed and disclosure is not required by an
order of any governmental body or court.

                  (b) If  litigation  or other  proceedings  shall be brought to
enforce or interpret any provision  contained  herein, or in connection with any
tax audit to the extent  attributable  to the application of Section 4999 of the
Code to any payment or benefit provided  hereunder,  the Company shall indemnify
the Executive for his reasonable  attorney's fees and disbursements  incurred in
connection therewith (which  indemnification  shall be made at regular intervals
during the course of such  litigation,  not less frequently than every three (3)
months)  and pay  prejudgment  interest  on any money  judgment  obtained by the
Executive  calculated at the prime rate of interest  generally  prevailing  from
time to time among major New York City banks from the date that  payment  should
have been made under the Agreement; provided that if the Executive initiated the
proceedings,  the Executive shall not have been found by the court or other fact
finder  to have  acted  in bad  faith in  initiating  such  litigation  or other
proceeding, which finding must be final without further rights of appeal.

                  (c)  The  Company's   obligation  to  pay  the  Executive  the
compensation and to make the arrangements  provided herein shall be absolute and
unconditional and shall not be affected by any circumstance,  including, without
limitation, any setoff, counterclaim,  recoupment,  defense or other right which
the Company may have against the Executive or anyone else.  All amounts  payable
by the  Company  hereunder  shall be paid  without  notice or demand.  Except as
expressly  provided herein,  the Company waives all rights which it may now have
or may hereafter have conferred upon it, by statute or otherwise,  to terminate,
cancel or rescind  this  Agreement  in whole or in part.  Except as  provided in
paragraph  3(e) herein,  each and every  payment  made  hereunder by the Company
shall be final and the  Company  will not seek to recover  for any reason all or
any part of such payment from the Executive or any person entitled thereto.  The
Executive  shall not be required to mitigate  the amount of any payment or other
benefit provided for in this Agreement by seeking other employment or otherwise.

                  (d) The Company will require any successor  (whether direct or
indirect,   by  purchase,   merger,   consolidation  or  otherwise)  to  all  or
substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company  (excluding,  for
this purpose,  the sale of the Company's  Government  Technology  division),  by
written  agreement  in form and  substance  satisfactory  to the  Executive,  to
expressly  assume and agree to perform this  Agreement in the same manner and to
the same  extent  that the  Company  would be  required to perform it if no such
succession had taken place.

                  As used in this Agreement, "Company" shall mean the Company as
hereinbefore  defined  and  any  successor  to its  business  and/or  assets  as
aforesaid  which  executes  and  delivers  the  agreement  provided  for in this
paragraph 5 or which otherwise  becomes bound by all the terms and provisions of
this Agreement by operation of law.

                  (e) This  Agreement  shall  inure to the  benefit  of,  and be
enforceable by, the Executive's  personal or legal  representatives,  executors,
administrators,  successors,  heirs, distributees,  devises and legatees. If the
Executive  should die while any amounts  would still be payable to the Executive
hereunder  if he had  continued  to live,  all such  amounts,  unless  otherwise
provided herein, shall be paid in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to
the  Executive's  devisee,  legatee  or other  designee  or, if there be no such
designee,  to the Executive's estate. The obligations of the Executive hereunder
shall not be assignable by the Executive.

                  (f) Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be deemed to entitle the
Executive  to continued  employment  with the Company or a  Subsidiary,  and the
rights of the  Company  or a  Subsidiary  to  terminate  the  employment  of the
Executive shall continue as fully as though this Agreement were not in effect.

                  6.       NOTICE.

                  For the  purposes  of this  Agreement,  notices  and all other
communications  provided for in the  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be
deemed  to have been  duly  given  when  delivered  or  mailed by United  States
registered  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid,  addressed  as

                  If to the Executive:

                           Robert J. Bronstein



                  If to the Company:

                           Base Ten Systems, Inc.
                           One Electronics Drive
                           P. O. Box 3151
                           Trenton, New Jersey  08619
                           Attention:  President

                  7.       MISCELLANEOUS.

                  No  provisions of this  Agreement  may be modified,  waived or
discharged  unless  such  waiver,  modification  or  discharge  is  agreed to in
writing,  signed  by the  Executive  and  such  officer  as may be  specifically
designated  by the Board.  No waiver by either  party  hereto at any time of any
breach by the other  party  hereto of, or  compliance  with,  any  condition  or
provision of this  Agreement to be performed by such other party shall be deemed
a waiver of similar or dissimilar provisions or conditions at the same or at any
prior or subsequent time. No assurances or  representations,  oral or otherwise,
express or implied,  with respect to the subject matter hereof have been made by
either  party  which  are not set  forth  expressly  in  this  Agreement  or the
Employment Agreement. However, this Agreement is in addition to, and not in lieu
of, any other plan  providing  for payments to or benefits for the  Executive or
any agreement now existing,  or which hereafter may be entered into, between the
Company  and the  Executive.  The  validity,  interpretation,  construction  and
performance of this Agreement  shall be governed by the laws of the State of New

                  8.       FINANCING.

                  All amounts due and  benefits  provided  under this  Agreement
shall constitute general obligations of the Company in accordance with the terms
of this  Agreement.  The Executive shall have only an unsecured right to payment
thereof out of the general assets of the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the Company  may, by agreement  with one or more  trustees to be selected by the
Company,  create a trust on such terms as the Company  shall  determine  to make
payments to the Executive in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

                  9.       VALIDITY.

                  The invalidity or  unenforceability  of any provisions of this
Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision
of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. Any provision in
this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable  in any jurisdiction  shall,
as to such  jurisdiction,  be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition
or unenforceability  without  invalidating or affecting the remaining provisions
hereof, and any such prohibition or  unenforceability  in any jurisdiction shall
not invalidate or render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement
as of the date set forth above.

                                 BASE TEN SYSTEMS, INC.


                                 ROBERT J. BRONSTEIN