WASHINGTON,  D.C.    20549

     FORM  10-K

(Mark  One)

[    X   ]     Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange  Act  of  1934  for  the  fiscal  year ended September 30, 1996. (Fee

[          ]          Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934          (No  Fee  Required)

Commission  File  Number:        333-5411

- ----------------------------
 (Exact  name  of  registrant  as  specified  in  its  charter)

          Delaware                                                  06-1185400
- ------------------                              ------------------------------
(State  or  other  jurisdiction  of                              (IRS Employer
Identification  No.)
 incorporation  or  organization)

1020  West  Park  Avenue,  Kokomo,  Indiana                         46904-9013
- -------------------------------------------          -------------------------
(Address  of  principal  executive  offices)                        (Zip Code)

(317)  456-6000
- ---------------
 (Registrant's  telephone  number,  including  area  code)

Securities  registered  pursuant  to  Section  12(b) of the Act:          None

Securities  registered  pursuant  to  Section  12(g) of the Act:          None

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required  to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12  months  (or for such shorter period that the
registrant  was  required  to  file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such  filing  requirements  for  the  past  90  days.    Yes      X         No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
by  Regulation  S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best  of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated  by  reference  in Part III of this Form 10-K or any Amendment to
this  Form  10-K.        X

The  registrant  is  a  privately  held  corporation.    As  such, there is no
practicable method to determine the aggregate market value of the voting stock
held  by  non-affiliates  of  the  registrant.

The number of shares of Common Stock, $.01 par value, of Haynes International,
Inc.  outstanding  as  of  December  20,  1996  was  100.

Documents  Incorporated  by  Reference:    None

The  Index  to Exhibits begins on page  79 in the sequential numbering system.

Total  pages:        83



PART I                                                            Page
Item 1.   Business                                                   3
Item 2.   Properties                                                17
Item 3.   Legal Proceedings                                         18
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders       19
Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related         20
          Stockholder Matters
Item 6.   Selected Financial Data                                   21
Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial         23
          Condition and Results of Operations
Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data               36
Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on          62
          Accounting and Financial Disclosure
Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant        63
Item 11.  Executive Compensation                                    66
Item 12.  Security of Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and    76
Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions            79
Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports       80
          on Form 8-K

     PART  I

ITEM  1.          BUSINESS


    The  Company  develops, manufactures and markets technologically advanced,
high  performance  alloys  primarily  for  use  in  the aerospace and chemical
processing  industries.  The  Company's  products  are high temperature alloys
("HTA") and corrosion resistant alloys ("CRA"). The Company's HTA products are
used  by  manufacturers  of  equipment  that  is  subjected  to extremely high
temperatures,  such  as  jet  engines  for the aerospace industry, gas turbine
engines  used  for  power  generation,  and  waste incineration and industrial
heating  equipment.  The  Company's CRA products are used in applications that
require  resistance  to  extreme corrosion, such as chemical processing, power
plant  emissions  control  and hazardous waste treatment. The Company produces
its  high performance alloy products primarily in sheet, coil and plate forms,
which  in  the  aggregate  represented  approximately 65% of the Company's net
revenues  in fiscal 1996. In addition, the Company produces its alloy products
as  seamless  and  welded  tubulars,  and  in  bar,  billet  and  wire  forms.

    High  performance  alloys  are  characterized  by highly engineered, often
proprietary,  metallurgical formulations primarily of nickel, cobalt and other
metals  with  complex physical properties. The complexity of the manufacturing
process  for  high performance alloys is reflected in the Company's relatively
high average selling price per pound, compared to the average selling price of
other  metals  such as carbon steel sheet, stainless steel sheet and aluminum.
Demanding end-user specifications, a multi-stage manufacturing process and the
technical sales, marketing and manufacturing expertise required to develop new
applications  combine  to  create  significant  barriers  to entry in the high
performance  alloy  industry.  The  Company  derived  approximately 25% of its
fiscal  1996  net  revenues  from products that are protected by United States
patents  and  derived  an  additional approximately 19% of its fiscal 1996 net
revenues  from  sales  of  products  that  are not patented, but for which the
Company  has  limited  or  no  competition.


    The alloy market consists of four primary segments: stainless steel, super
stainless  steel,  nickel  alloys  and  high  performance  alloys. The Company
competes exclusively in the high performance alloy segment, which includes HTA
and CRA products. The Company believes that the high performance alloy segment
represents  less  than  10%  of the total alloy market. The percentages of the
Company's total product revenue and volume presented in this section are based
on  data which include revenue and volume associated with sales by the Company
to  its  foreign  subsidiaries, but exclude revenue and volume associated with
sales  by  such foreign subsidiaries to their customers.  Management believes,
however,  that the effect of including revenue and volume data associated with
sales  by its foreign subsidiaries would not materially change the percentages
presented in this section.  In fiscal 1996, HTA and CRA products accounted for
approximately  61%  and  39%,  respectively,  of  the  Company's net revenues.

    HTA  products  are  used primarily in manufacturing components used in the
hot sections of jet engines. Stringent safety and performance standards in the
aerospace industry result in development lead times typically as long as eight
to  ten years in the introduction of new aerospace-related market applications
for HTA products. However, once a particular new alloy is shown to possess the
properties  required  for a specific application in the aerospace industry, it
tends to remain in use for extended periods. HTA products are also used in gas
turbine  engines produced for use in applications such as naval and commercial
vessels,  electric  power  generators,  power  sources  for  offshore drilling
platforms, gas pipeline booster stations and emergency standby power stations.

    CRA  products  are  used  in  a  variety of applications, such as chemical
processing,  power plant emissions control, hazardous waste treatment and sour
gas production. Historically, the chemical processing industry has represented
the  largest end-user segment for CRA products. Due to maintenance, safety and
environmental considerations, the Company believes this industry represents an
area  of  potential  long-term  growth  for  the  Company.  Unlike  aerospace
applications  within  the  HTA  product  market, the development of new market
applications  for  CRA  products  generally  does not require long lead times.

    HIGH  TEMPERATURE ALLOYS.  The following table sets forth information with
respect  to  certain  of  the  Company's  significant high temperature alloys:


Alloy and Year Introduced   End Markets and Applications (1)                  Features
- --------------------------  ------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------

Haynes HR-160 (1990) (2)    Waste incineration/CPI-boiler tube shields        Good resistance to sulfidation
                                                                              high temperatures

Haynes 242 (1990) (2)       Aero-seal rings                                   High strength, low expansion
                                                                              and good fabricability

Haynes HR-120 (1990) (2)    Industrial heating-heat-treating baskets          Good strength-to-cost ratio as
                                                                              compared to competing alloys

Haynes 230 (1984) (2)       Aero/LBGT-ducting                                 Good combination of strength,
                                                                              stability, oxidation resistance
                                                                              and fabricability

Haynes 214 (1981) (2)       Aero-honeycomb seals                              Good combination of oxidation
                                                                              resistance and fabricability
                                                                              among nickel-based alloys

Haynes 188 (1968)           Aero-burner cans, after-burner components         High strength, oxidation
                                                                              resistant cobalt-based alloys

Haynes 625 (1964)           Aero/CPI-ducting, tanks, vessels, weld overlays   Good fabricability and general
                                                                              corrosion resistance

Haynes 263 (1960)           Aero/LBGT-components for gas turbine hot gas      Good ductility and high
                            exhaust pan                                       strength at temperatures up to

Haynes 718 (1955)           Aero-ducting, vanes, nozzles                      Weldable high strength alloy
                                                                              with good fabricability

Hastelloy X (1954)          Aero/LBGT-burner cans, transition ducts           Good high temperature
                                                                              strength at relatively low cost

Haynes Ti 3-2.5 (1950)      Aero-aircraft hydraulic and fuel systems          Light weight, high strength
                            components                                        titanium-based alloy


- -------------
(1)        "Aero" refers to aerospace; "LBGT" refers to land-based gas turbines; "CPI" refers to the chemical
processing  industry.

(2)      Represents a patented product or a product with respect to which the Company believes it has limited
or  no  competition.

    The  higher  volume  HTA  products,  including  Haynes 625, Haynes 718 and
Hastelloy  X,  are  generally considered industry standards, especially in the
manufacture  of  aircraft  and  LBGT.  These  products  have been used in such
applications  since  the  1950's and because of their widespread use have been
most  subject to competitive pricing pressures. In fiscal 1996, sales of these
HTA  products  accounted  for approximately 25% of the Company's net revenues.

    The  Company  also  produces and sells cobalt-based alloys introduced over
the  last  three  decades,  which  are  more highly specialized and less price
competitive  than  nickel-based alloys. Haynes 188 and Haynes 263 are the most
widely  used  of  the  Company's  cobalt-based  products  and  accounted  for
approximately  10%  of the Company's net revenues in fiscal 1996. Three of the
more  recently introduced HTA products, Haynes 242, Haynes 230 and Haynes 214,
initially  developed  for  the  aerospace  and  LBGT  markets,  are  still
patent-protected  and together accounted for approximately 6% of the Company's
net  revenues  in  fiscal  1996. These newer alloys are gaining acceptance for
applications  in  industrial  heating  and  waste  incineration.

    Haynes  HR-160  and  Haynes  HR-120  were  introduced  in  fiscal 1990 and
targeted for sale in industrial heat treating applications. Haynes HR-160 is a
higher  priced cobalt-based alloy designed for use when the need for long-term
performance  outweighs initial cost considerations. Potential applications for
Haynes  HR-160  include  use in key components in waste incinerators, chemical
processing  equipment, mineral processing kilns and fossil fuel energy plants.
Haynes  HR-120  is a lower priced, iron-based alloy and is designed to replace
competitive  alloys not manufactured by the Company that may be slightly lower
in  price  but also less effective. In fiscal 1996, these two alloys accounted
for  approximately  1%  of  the  Company's  net  revenues.

    The  Company  also  produces seamless titanium tubing for use as hydraulic
lines  in  airframes and as bicycle frames. During fiscal 1996, sales of these
products  accounted  for  approximately  4%  of  the  Company's  net revenues.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]

    CORROSION  RESISTANT  ALLOYS.   The following table sets forth information
with  respect  to  certain  of  the  Company's significant corrosion resistant


 Alloy and Year Introduced   End Markets and Applications (1)            Features
- ---------------------------  ------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------

Hastelloy C-2000 (1995) (2)  CPI-tanks, mixers, piping                   Versatile alloy with good resistance to
                                                                         uniform corrosion

Hastelloy B-3 (1994) (2)     CPI-acetic acid plants                      Better fabrication characteristics
                                                                         compared to other nickel-molybdenum

Hastelloy D-205 (1993) (2)   CPI-plate heat exchangers                   Corrosion resistance to hot sulfuric acid

Ultimet (1990) (2)           CPI-pumps, valves                           Wear and corrosion resistant
                                                                         nickel-based alloy

Hastelloy G-50 (1989) (2)    Oil and gas-sour gas tubulars               Good resistance to down hole corrosive

Hastelloy C-22 (1985) (2)    CPI/FGD-tanks, mixers, piping               Resistance to localized corrosion and

Hastelloy G-30 (1985) (2)    CPI-tanks, mixers, piping                   Lower cost alloy with good corrosion
                                                                         resistance in phosphoric acid

Hastelloy B-2 (1974)         CPI-acetic acid                             Resistance to hydrochloric acid and other
                                                                         reducing acids

Hastelloy C-4 (1973)         CPI-tanks, mixers, piping                   Good thermal stability

Hastelloy C-276 (1968)       CPI/FGD/oil and gas-tanks, mixers, piping   Broad resistance to many environments


- -------------
(1)  "CPI"  refers  to  the  chemical  processing  industry;  "FGD"  refers  to  flue  gas

(2)  Represents  a  patented  product  or  a  product  with  respect  to  which  the  Company
    believes  it  has  limited  or  no  competition.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]

    During  fiscal  1996,  sales  of the CRA alloys Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy
C-22  and  Hastelloy  C-4 accounted for approximately 31% of the Company's net
revenues. Hastelloy C-276, introduced by the Company in 1968, is recognized as
a standard for corrosion protection in the chemical processing industry and is
also  used  extensively  for  FGD  and  oil and gas exploration and production
applications.  Hastelloy  C-22,  a  proprietary  alloy  of  the  Company,  was
introduced  in 1985 as an improvement on Hastelloy C-276 and is currently sold
to  the  chemical  processing  and  FGD  markets  for  essentially  the  same
applications  as  Hastelloy  C-276.  Hastelloy  C-22  offers  greater and more
versatile  corrosion  resistance  and therefore has gained market share at the
expense  of  the  non-proprietary  Hastelloy  C-276. Hastelloy C-22's improved
corrosion  resistance has led to increased sales in semiconductor gas handling
systems,  pharmaceutical  manufacturing  and  waste  treatment  applications.
Hastelloy C-4 is specified in many chemical processing applications in Germany
and  is  sold  almost  exclusively  to  that  market.

    The  Company also produces alloys for more specialized applications in the
chemical  processing industry and other industries. For example, Hastelloy B-2
was introduced in 1970 for use in the manufacture of equipment utilized in the
production  of  acetic  acid  and  ethyl  benzine  and  is  still  sold almost
exclusively  for  those  purposes.  Due  to  its  limited  use  and  complex
manufacturing process, there is little competition for sales of this material.
Hastelloy  B-3 was developed for the same applications and has greater ease in
fabrication. The Company expects Hastelloy B-3 to eventually replace Hastelloy
B-2.  Hastelloy  G-30  is used primarily in the production of super phosphoric
acid  and  fluorinated  aromatics.  Hastelloy  G-50 has gained acceptance as a
lower  priced  alternative to Hastelloy C-276 for production of tubing for use
in sour gas wells. These more specialized products accounted for approximately
7%  of  the  Company's  net  revenues  in  fiscal  1996.

    The  Company's  patented  Ultimet  is  used  in  a  variety  of industrial
applications  that result in material degradation by "corrosion-wear." Ultimet
is  designed for applications where conditions require resistance to corrosion
and  wear and is currently being tested in spray nozzles, fan blades, filters,
bolts,  rolls,  pump  and  valve  parts  where  these properties are critical.
Hastelloy  D-205,  introduced  in  1993,  is  designed for use in handling hot
concentrated  sulfuric  acid  and  other  highly  corrosive  substances.

    The  Company  believes  that its most recently introduced alloy, Hastelloy
C-2000,  improves  upon  Hastelloy  C-22.  Hastelloy C-2000, which the Company
expects  will  be used extensively in the chemical processing industry, can be
used  in  both  oxidizing  and  reducing  environments.


    Aerospace.  The  Company  has  manufactured HTA products for the aerospace
market  since  it  entered  the  market  in  the late 1930s, and has developed
numerous  proprietary  alloys  for  this  market. The Company sold products to
approximately  500  customers  in  this  segment  in  fiscal  1996, and no one
customer  accounted  for  more  than  2%  of  the  Company's  net  revenues.

    Customers  in  the  aerospace  markets  tend to be the most demanding with
respect to meeting specifications within very low tolerances and achieving new
product  performance  standards.  Stringent  safety  standards  and continuous
efforts  to  reduce  equipment  weight  require close coordination between the
Company and its customers in the selection and development of HTA products. As
a  result,  sales to aerospace customers tend to be made through the Company's
direct  sales  force.  Unlike  the  FGD and oil and gas production industries,
where large,competitively bid projects can have a significant impact on demand
and  prices,  demand  for  the Company's products in the aerospace industry is
based  on  the  new and replacement market for jet engines and the maintenance
needs  of  operators  of commercial and military aircraft. The hot sections of
jet engines are subjected to substantial wear and tear and accordingly require
periodic  maintenance  and  replacement.  This maintenance-based demand, while
potentially  volatile,  is  generally  less  subject to wide fluctuations than
demand  in  the  FGD  and  sour  gas  production  industries.

    Chemical Processing. The chemical processing industry segment represents a
large  base  of customers with diverse CRA applications. The Company sells its
CRA products to hundreds of chemical processing customers worldwide and no one
customer  in this industry accounted for over 2% of the Company's net revenues
in  fiscal  1996.  CRA  products supplied by the Company have been used in the
chemical  processing  industry  since  the  early  1930s.

    Demand  for  the Company's products in this industry is based on the level
of  maintenance,  repair  and  expansion  of  existing  chemical  processing
facilities as well as the construction of new facilities. The Company believes
the  extensive  worldwide  network  of  Company-owned  service  centers  and
independent  distributors  is  a  competitive  advantage  in marketing its CRA
products  to  this  market.  Sales  of  the Company's products in the chemical
processing industry tend to be more stable than the aerospace, FGD and oil and
gas  markets.  Increased  concerns  regarding  the  reliability  of  chemical
processing facilities, their potential environmental impact and safety hazards
to  their  personnel  have  led  to an increased demand for more sophisticated
alloys,  such  as  the  Company's  CRA  products.

    Land-Based  Gas  Turbines.  The LBGT industry represents a growing market,
with  demand  for  the  Company's  products  driven  by  the  construction  of
cogeneration  facilities  and electric utilities operating electric generating
facilities.    Demand  for  the Company's alloys in the LBGT industry has also
been  driven  by  concerns  regarding  lowering  emissions  from  generating
facilities  powered  by  fossil  fuels. LBGT generating facilities are gaining
acceptance  as  clean,low-cost  alternatives  to  fossil  fuel-fired  electric
generating  facilities.

    Flue  Gas  Desulfurization.  The  FGD  industry  has  been  driven by both
legislated  and  self-imposed  standards  for  lowering  emissions from fossil
fuel-fired electric generating facilities. In the United States, the Clean Air
Act mandates a two-phase program aimed at significantly reducing SO2 emissions
from  electric  generating  facilities powered by fossil fuels by 2000. Canada
and its provinces have also set goals to reduce emissions of SO2 over the next
several years. Phase I of the Clean Air Act program affected approximately 100
steam-generating  plants  representing  261  operating  units fueled by fossil
fuels,primarily  coal.  Of these 261 units, 25 units were retrofitted with FGD
systems  while  the  balance  opted mostly for switching to low sulfur coal to
achieve compliance. The market for FGD systems peaked in 1992 at approximately
$1.1  billion,  and  then  dropped sharply in 1993 to a level of approximately
$174.0 million due to a curtailment of activity associated with Phase I. Phase
II  compliance begins in 2000 and affects 785 generating plants with more than
2,100  operating units. Options available under the Clean Air Act to bring the
targeted  facilities  into compliance with Phase II SO2 emissions requirements
include  fuel  switching, clean coal technologies, purchase of SO2 allowances,
closure  off  facilities  and  off-gas  scrubbing  utilizing  FGD  technology.

    Oil  and  Gas.  The Company also sells its products for use in the oil and
gas  industry,  primarily  in  connection  with  sour gas production. Sour gas
contains  extremely  corrosive  materials and is produced under high pressure,
necessitating  the  use  of corrosion resistant materials. The demand for sour
gas  tubulars  is  driven  by  the rate of development of sour gas fields. The
factors  influencing  the  development of sour gas fields include the price of
natural  gas and the need to commence drilling in order to protect leases that
have been purchased from either the federal or state governments. As a result,
competing  oil  companies  often  place  orders  for the Company's products at
approximately  the same time, adding volatility to the market. This market was
very active in 1991, especially in the offshore sour gas fields in the Gulf of
Mexico,  but  demand  for  the  Company's  products  declined  significantly
thereafter.  More  recently there has been less drilling activity and more use
of  lower  performing  alloys,  which  together have resulted in intense price
competition.  Demand for the Company's products in the oil and gas industry is
tied  to  the  global  demand  for  natural  gas.

    Other  Markets. In addition to the industries described above, the Company
also targets a variety of other markets. Other industries to which the Company
sells  its  HTA products include waste incineration, industrial heat treating,
automotive  and  instrumentation.  Other industries to which the Company sells
its  CRA  products  include automotive, medical and instrumentation. Demand in
these  markets  for  many of the Company's lower volume proprietary alloys has
grown  in  recent periods. For example, incineration of municipal, biological,
industrial  and  hazardous  waste  products  typically produces very corrosive
conditions  that  demand high performance alloys. Markets capable of providing
growth  are  being  driven  by increasing performance, reliability and service
life  requirements  for  products  used  in  these markets which could provide
further  applications  for  the  Company's  products.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


    Providing  technical  assistance  to customers is an important part of the
Company's  marketing  strategy.  The Company provides analyses of its products
and  those  of  its  competitors  for its customers. These analyses enable the
Company  to  evaluate  the  performance  of  its  products  and  to  make
recommendations  as to the substitution of Company products for other products
in  appropriate  applications,enabling  the Company's products to be specified
for  use  in  the  production  of  customers' products. The market development
engineers,  five  of whom have doctoral degrees in metallurgy, are assisted by
the  research  and  development  staff  in  directing  the  sales force to new
opportunities. The Company believes its combination of direct sales, technical
marketing  and research and development customer support provides an advantage
over  other  manufacturers  in  the  high  performance industry. This activity
allows  the  Company  to obtain direct insight into customers' alloy needs and
allows  the  Company  to  develop proprietary alloys that provide solutions to
customers'  problems.

    The  Company  sells  its  products  primarily  through  its  direct  sales
organization,  which  includes  four  domestic  Company-owned service centers,
three  wholly-owned  European  subsidiaries  and sales agents serving the Asia
Pacific  Rim.  Approximately  75% of the Company's net revenues in fiscal 1996
was generated by the Company's direct sales organization. The remaining 25% of
the  Company's  fiscal  1996  net  revenues  was  generated  by  independent
distributors and licensees in the United States, Europe and Japan,some of whom
have  been  associated with the Company for over 25 years. The following table
sets  forth  the  approximate  percentage  of  the  Company's  fiscal 1996 net
revenues  generated  through  each  of  the  Company's  distribution channels.

                                       DOMESTIC          FOREIGN         TOTAL
                                       ---------------   -------------   ---------- 

Company sales office/direct . . . . .               34%              8%          42%
Company-owned service centers . . . .               13              20           33 
Independent distributors/sales agents               17               8           25 
                                       ----------------  --------------  -----------

    Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               64%             36%         100%
                                       ================  ==============  ===========

    The  top  twenty  customers  not affiliated with the Company accounted for
approximately  41%  of  the  Company's  net  revenues in fiscal 1996. Sales to
Spectrum  Metals, Inc. and Rolled Alloys, Inc., which are affiliated with each
other,  accounted  for  an  aggregate  of 12% of the Company's net revenues in
fiscal  1996.  No other customer of the Company accounted for more than 10% of
the  Company's  net  revenues  in  fiscal  1996.

    The  Company's  foreign  and  export  sales  were  approximately  $55.7
million,$79.6  million  and  $84.3  million  for  fiscal  1994, 1995 and 1996,
respectively.  Additional information concerning foreign operations and export
sales  is  set  forth  in  Note  12  of  the  Notes  to Consolidated Financial
Statements  appearing  elsewhere  herein.


    High  performance alloys require a lengthier, more complex melting process
and  are  more difficult to manufacture than lower performance alloys, such as
stainless  steels.  The  alloying  elements in high performance alloys must be
highly  refined,  and  the manufacturing process must be tightly controlled to
produce  precise  chemical  properties. The resulting alloyed material is more
difficult  to process because, by design, it is more resistant to deformation.
Consequently,  high  performance  alloys require that greater force be applied
when  hot  or  cold  working and are less susceptible to reduction or thinning
when  rolling  or  forging, resulting in more cycles of rolling, annealing and
pickling  than a lower performance alloy to achieve proper dimensions. Certain
alloys  may  undergo  as  many  as  40  distinct stages of melting, remelting,
annealing,  forging,  rolling  and  pickling  before  they  achieve  the
specifications  required  by  a customer. The Company manufactures products in
sheet, plate, tubular, billet, bar and wire forms, which represented 48%, 23%,
12%,  12%, 3% and 2%, respectively, of total volume sold in fiscal 1996 (after
giving  effect  to  the  conversion  of  billet  to  bar  by  the  Company's

    The manufacturing process begins with raw materials being combined, melted
and  refined in a precise manner to produce the chemical composition specified
for  each alloy. For most alloys, this molten material is cast into electrodes
and  additionally  refined through electroslag remelting. The resulting ingots
are then forged or rolled to an intermediate shape and size depending upon the
intended  final  product.  Intermediate  shapes destined for flat products are
then  sent  through  a  series of hot and cold rolling, annealing and pickling
operations  before  being  cut  to  final  size.

    The  Argon  Oxygen  Decarburization  ("AOD") gas controls in the Company's
primary  melt  facility  remove carbon and other undesirable elements, thereby
allowing  more  tightly-controlled  chemistries  which  in  turn  produce more
consistent  properties  in  the alloys. The AOD gas control system also allows
for  statistical  process  control  monitoring in real time to improve product

    The  Company  has  a  four-high  Steckel  mill  for  use  in  hot  rolling
material.The  four-high  mill was installed in 1982 at a cost of approximately
$60.0  million and is one of only two such mills in the high performance alloy
industry.  The mill is capable of generating approximately 12.0 million pounds
of  separating force and rolling plate up to 72 inches wide. The mill includes
integrated  computer  controls  (with  automatic  gauge control and programmed
rolling  schedules),  two  coiling Steckel furnaces and five heating furnaces.
Computer-controlled rolling schedules for each of the hundreds of combinations
of alloy shapes and sizes the Company produces allow the mill to roll numerous
widths  and  gauges  to exact specifications without stoppages or changeovers.

    The Company also operates a three-high rolling mill and a two-high rolling
mill, each of which is capable of custom processing much smaller quantities of
material  than  the  four-high  mill.  These  mills  provide  the Company with
significant  flexibility  in  running  smaller  batches  of varied products in
response  to  customer  requirements.  The  Company  believes  the flexibility
provided  by  the  three-high  and  two-high  mills  provides  the  Company an
advantage  over  its  major competitors in obtaining smaller specialty orders.


    As  of  September  30,  1996,  the  Company's  backlog  orders  aggregated
approximately  $53.7  million,  compared  to  approximately  $49.9  million at
September  30, 1995,and approximately $41.5 million at September 30, 1994. The
increase  in  backlog  orders  is  primarily  due to an increase in orders for
chemical  processing  and  aerospace  products  worldwide  during fiscal 1996.
Substantially  all orders in the backlog at September 30, 1996 are expected to
be  shipped  within  the  twelve  months beginning October 1, 1996. Due to the
cyclical  nature  of  order  entry experienced by the Company, there can be no
assurance  that  order  entry will continue at current levels.  The historical
and  current  backlog amounts shown in the following table are also indicative
of  relative  demand  over  the  past  few  years.



      1993   1994   1995   1996
     -----  -----  -----  -----

1st  $41.5  $29.5  $49.7  $61.2
- ---  -----  -----  -----  -----

2nd  $38.9  $35.5  $64.8  $61.9
     -----  -----  -----  -----

3rd  $31.5  $38.0  $55.8  $57.5
     -----  -----  -----  -----

4th  $31.1  $41.5  $49.9  $53.7
- ---  -----  -----  -----  -----


    Nickel is the primary material used in the Company's alloys. Each pound of
alloy contains, on average, 0.48 pounds of nickel. Other raw materials include
cobalt,  chromium,  molybdenum and tungsten.  Melt materials consist of virgin
raw  material,  purchased scrap and internally produced scrap. The significant
sources of cobalt are the countries of Zambia, Zaire and Russia; all other raw
materials  used  by  the  Company  are  available from a number of alternative

    Since  most of the Company's products are produced to specific orders, the
Company  purchases materials against known production schedules. Materials are
purchased  from several different suppliers, through consignment arrangements,
annual  contracts  and spot purchases. These arrangements involve a variety of
pricing  mechanisms,  but  the  Company generally can establish selling prices
with  reference  to  known  costs  of  materials,  thereby  reducing  the risk
associated  with changes in the cost of raw materials. The Company maintains a
policy  of  pricing  its products at the time of order placement. As a result,
rapidly  escalating  raw material costs during the period between the time the
Company receives an order and the time the Company purchases the raw materials
used  to  fill  such order, which has averaged approximately 30 days in recent
months,  can  negatively affect profitability even though the high performance
alloy  industry  has  generally been able to pass raw material price increases
through  to  its  customers.

    Raw material costs account for a significant portion of the Company's cost
of  sales.  The prices of the Company's products are based in part on the cost
of raw materials, a significant portion of which is nickel. The Company covers
approximately  half  its  open market exposure to nickel price changes through
hedging  activities  through  the London Metals Exchange.  The following table
sets  forth  the average per pound prices for nickel as reported by the London
Metals  Exchange  for  the  fiscal  years  indicated.


SEPTEMBER 30,                                               AVERAGE PRICE
- ----------------------------------------------------------   -----------------

1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $             4.12
1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                5.77
1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                4.29
1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                4.21
1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                3.48
1993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                2.53
1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                2.54
1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                3.66
1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                3.56


    The  Company's  research  facilities  are  located at the Company's Kokomo
facility  and  consist  of  90,000 square feet of offices and laboratories, as
well  as  an additional 90,000 square feet of paved storage area.  The Company
has  ten  fully  equipped  laboratories,  including  a  mechanical test lab, a
metallographic  lab,  an  electron  microscopy lab, a corrosion lab and a high
temperature  lab,among  others. These facilities also contain a reduced scale,
fully  equipped  melt  shop  and  process  lab.  As of September 30, 1996, the
research  and  technical development staff consisted of 37 persons, 15 of whom
have engineering or science degrees, including six with doctoral degrees, with
the  majority  of  degrees  in  the  field  of  metallurgical  engineering.

    Research  and technical development costs relate to efforts to develop new
proprietary  alloys,  to improve current or develop new manufacturing methods,
to  provide  technical  service  to  customers,  to maintain quality assurance
methods  and  to  provide  metallurgical training to engineer and non-engineer
employees.    The  Company  spent approximately $3.6 million, $3.0 million and
$3.4  million  for  research  and  technical development activities for fiscal
1994,  1995  and  1996,  respectively.

     During  fiscal  1996, exploratory alloy development projects were focused
on  new CRA products for hydrofluoric and phosphoric acid service. Engineering
projects  include  manufacturing  process development, welding development and
application support for two large volume projects involving the LBGT and steel
making  industries.  The  Company  is  also developing a computerized database
management  system  to  better  manage  its  corrosion,  high  temperature and
mechanical  property  data.

    Over  the  last seven years, the Company's technical programs have yielded
seven  new  proprietary  alloys  and  seven  United  States  patents,  with an
additional  three  United  States  patent  applications  pending.  The Company
currently  maintains a total of 42 United States patents and approximately 147
foreign  counterpart  patents  targeted  at  countries  with  significant  or
potential markets for the patented products. In fiscal 1996, approximately 25%
of  the  Company's net revenues was derived from the sale of patented products
and  an additional approximately 46% was derived from the sale of products for
which  patents  formerly  held  by  the Company had expired. While the Company
believes  its  patents  are important to its competitive position, significant
barriers  to  entry  continue  to  exist  beyond  the expiration of any patent
period. Five of the alloys considered by management to be of future commercial
significance,  Ultimet,  Hastelloy  C-22,  Haynes  230,  Hastelloy  G-30  and
Hastelloy G-50, are protected by United States patents that continue until the
years  2009,  2008,  2002,  2001  and  1998,  respectively.


    The  high performance alloy market is a highly competitive market in which
eight to ten producers participate in various product forms. The Company faces
strong  competition  from  domestic  and  foreign  manufacturers  of  both the
Company's  high  performance  alloys and other competing metals. The Company's
primary  competitors  include Inco Alloys International, Inc., a subsidiary of
Inco Limited, Allegheny Ludlum Corporation and Krupp VDM GmbH. Prior to fiscal
1994,this  competition,  coupled  with  declining  demand  in  several  of the
Company's  key markets, led to significant erosion in the price for certain of
the  Company's  products.  The  Company may face additional competition in the
future  to  the  extent  new  materials  are  developed,  such  as plastics or
ceramics,  that  may  be  substituted  for  the  Company's  products.


    As of September 30, 1996, the Company had approximately 931 employees. All
eligible  hourly  employees  at  the  Kokomo plant are covered by a collective
bargaining  agreement  with  the United Steelworkers of America ("USWA") which
was  ratified  on  June  11,  1996  and  which expires on June 11, 1999. As of
September  30,  1996, 474 employees of the Kokomo facility were covered by the
collective  bargaining  agreement. The Company has not experienced a strike at
the Kokomo plant since 1967. None of the employees of the Company's Arcadia or
Openshaw  plants  are  represented  by a labor union. Management considers its
employee  relations  in  each  of  the  facilities  to  be  satisfactory.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


    The  Company's  facilities  and  operations  are  subject  to  certain
foreign,federal,  state  and  local  laws  and  regulations  relating  to  the
protection  of human health and the environment, including those governing the
discharge  of  pollutants into the environment and the storage, handling, use,
treatment and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes. Violations of these
laws and regulations can result in the imposition of substantial penalties and
can  require facilities improvements. In addition, the Company may be required
in the future to comply with certain regulations pertaining to the emission of
hazardous  air  pollutants  under  the  Clean  Air  Act.  However, since these
regulations  have not been proposed or promulgated, the Company cannot predict
the  cost,  if any, associated with compliance with such regulations. Expenses
related  to environmental compliance were $1.3 million for fiscal 1996 and are
expected  to be approximately $3.2 million for fiscal year 1997 through fiscal
year 1998.  Although there can be no assurance, based upon current information
available  to  the  Company,  the  Company  does  not  expect  that  costs  of
environmental  contingencies,  individually  or  in the aggregate, will have a
material  adverse  effect  on  the  Company's  financial condition, results of
operations  or  liquidity.

    The  Company's  facilities  are  subject to periodic inspection by various
regulatory  authorities,  who  from  time  to  time  have  issued  findings of
violations of governing laws, regulations and permits. In the past five years,
the Company has paid administrative fines, none of which has exceeded $50,000,
for  alleged  violations  relating  to  environmental  matters,  including the
handling  and  storage  of  hazardous  wastes, and record keeping requirements
relating to, and handling of, polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs"). Although the
Company  does not believe that similar regulatory or enforcement actions would
have  a  material  impact  on  its  operations, there can be no assurance that
violations  will  not  be  alleged  or  will  not  result in the assessment of
additional  penalties  in  the  future.

    The Company has received permits from IDEM and EPA to close and to provide
post-closure monitoring and care for certain areas at the Kokomo facility used
for  the  storage  and  disposal  of  wastes,  some of which are classified as
hazardous  under  applicable  regulations.  The  closure  project, essentially
complete,  entailed  installation  of a clay liner under the disposal areas, a
leachate  collection  system  and  a  clay  cap  and revegetation of the site.
Construction  was  completed  in May 1994 and a closure certification has been
filed  with  IDEM.  Thereafter,  the  Company  will  be  required  to  monitor
groundwater  and  to  continue post-closure maintenance of the former disposal
areas.  The Company is aware of elevated levels of certain contaminants in the
groundwater.   The Company believes that some or all of these contaminants may
have  migrated  from  a  nearby  superfund  site. If it is determined that the
disposal  areas  have impacted the groundwater underlying the Kokomo facility,
additional  corrective action by the Company could be required. The Company is
unable  to  estimate  the  costs  of  such  action,  if  any.  There can be no
assurance,  however, that the costs of future corrective action would not have
a  material effect on the Company's financial condition, results of operations
or  liquidity. Additionally, it is possible that the Company could be required
to  obtain  permits  and  undertake  other  closure  projects and post-closure
commitments  for  any  other  waste management unit determined to exist at the

    As a condition of these closure and post-closure permits, the Company must
provide and maintain assurances to IDEM and EPA of the Company's capability to
satisfy  closure  and  post-closure  ground  water  monitoring  requirements,
including  possible  future  corrective action as necessary. On April 8, 1996,
IDEM  issued a Notice of Violation relating to the requirements for the former
disposal  areas.  An  Agreed Order dated July 2, 1996 was entered into between
the  Company  and  the  IDEM  in  resolution of this Notice of Violation.  The
Company  paid  a  civil  penalty  of $15,000 provided for by the Agreed Order.

    The  Company  has  completed  an  investigation,  pursuant  to a work plan
approved  by  the EPA, of eight specifically identified solid waste management
units  at  the  Kokomo facility. Results of this investigation have been filed
with  the  EPA.    Based  on  the  results  of  this investigation compared to
Indiana's Tier II clean-up goals, the Company believes that no further actions
will  be  necessary.  Until the EPA reviews the results, the Company is unable
to  determine  whether  further  corrective  action  will  be  required or, if
required,  whether  it  will  have  a material adverse effect on the Company's
financial  condition,  results  of  operations  or  liquidity.

    The  Company  may  also  incur liability for alleged environmental damages
associated  with  the  off-site transportation and disposal of its wastes. The
Company's  operations generate hazardous wastes, and, while a large percentage
of  these  wastes  are  reclaimed  or  recycled,  the Company also accumulates
hazardous  wastes  at each of its facilities for subsequent transportation and
disposal  off-site by third parties. Generators of hazardous waste transported
to  disposal  sites  where  environmental  problems  are  alleged to exist are
subject to claims under CERCLA, and state counterparts. CERCLA imposes strict,
joint  and  several  liability  for investigatory and cleanup costs upon waste
generators,  site  owners  and  operators  and  other "potentially responsible
parties"  ("PRPs"). Based on its prior shipment of waste oil contaminated with
PCBs,  the  Company  is  one  of approximately 700 PRPs in connection with the
cleanup  of  PCB  contamination  at  the  Rose  Chemical site in Missouri. The
Company  has  contributed  over  $130,000 toward the private cleanup currently
being  implemented  by a group of many of these PRPs, approximately $52,000 of
which  has  been  refunded,  and  does not anticipate that further significant
expenditures  by  the  Company  will be required in connection with this site.
Based  on its prior shipment of certain hydraulic fluid, the Company is one of
approximately  300  PRPs  in  connection  with  the  proposed  cleanup  of the
Fisher-Calo  site  in  Indiana.  The  PRPs  have  negotiated  a Consent Decree
implementing  a  remedial  design/remedial  action plan ("RD/RA") for the site
with  the EPA. The Company has paid approximately $138,000 as its share of the
total  estimated  cost  of  the  RD/RA  under  the  Consent  Decree.  Based on
information  available  to  the  Company  concerning the status of the cleanup
efforts  at  the Rose Chemical and Fisher-Calo sites, the large number of PRPs
at  each  site  and  the prior payments made by the Company in connection with
these  sites,  management  does  not expect the Company's involvement in these
sites to have a material adverse effect on the financial condition, results of
operations  or  liquidity  of  the  Company.  The  Company  may have generated
hazardous  wastes  disposed of at other sites potentially subject to CERCLA or
equivalent state law remedial action. Thus, there can be no assurance that the
Company  will  not be named as a PRP at additional sites in the future or that
the costs associated with those sites would not have a material adverse effect
on  the  Company's  financial  condition,  results of operations or liquidity.

    In November 1988, the EPA approved start-up of a new waste water treatment
plant  at the Arcadia, Louisiana facility, which discharges treated industrial
waste water to the municipal sewage system. After the Company exceeded certain
EPA  effluent  limitations  in 1989, the EPA issued an administrative order in
1992  which  set  new  effluent  limitations for the facility. The waste water
plant  is  currently operating under this order and the Company believes it is
meeting  such  effluent  limitations. However, the Company anticipates that in
the  future Louisiana will take over waste water permitting authority from the
EPA  and may issue a waste water permit, the conditions of which could require
modification  to  the  plant.  Reasonably  anticipated  modifications  are not
expected  to  have  a  substantial  impact  on  operations.

ITEM  2.          PROPERTIES

     The  Company's  owned  facilities,  and  the  products  provided  at each
facility,  are  as  follows:

        Kokomo,  Indiana--all  product  forms,  other  than  tubular  goods.

        Arcadia,  Louisiana--welded  and  seamless  tubular  goods.

        Openshaw,  England--bar  and  billet  for  the  European  market.

    The  Kokomo  plant,  the  primary  production  facility,  is  located  on
approximately  236  acres of industrial property and includes over one million
square  feet  of  building  space.  There  are three sites consisting of ahead
quarters  and  research  lab;  melting and annealing furnaces, forge press and
several  hot  mills;  and  the  four-high  mill and sheet product cold working
equipment,  including two cold strip mills. All alloys and product forms other
than  tubular  goods  are  produced  in  Kokomo.

     The  Arcadia  plant  consists  of approximately 42 acres of land and over
135,000  square  feet  of  buildings  on a single site. Arcadia uses feedstock
produced  in Kokomo to fabricate welded and seamless alloy pipe and tubing and
purchases  extruded  tube  hollows  to  produce  seamless  titanium  tubing.
Manufacturing  processes  at  Arcadia  require  cold pilger mills, weld mills,
drawbenches,  annealing  furnaces  and  pickling  facilities.

    The  United  States facilities are subject to a mortgage which secures the
Company's obligations under the Company's Revolving Credit Facility.  See Note
6  of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.

    The  Openshaw  plant,  located  near  Manchester,  England,  consists  of
approximately  15 acres of land and over 200,000 square feet of buildings on a
single  site.  The  plant  produces  bar  and billet using billets produced in
Kokomo as feedstock. Additionally, products not competitive with the Company's
products  are  processed  for  third  parties.  The processes conducted at the
facility require hot rotary forges, bar mills and miscellaneous straightening,
turning  and  cutting  equipment.

    Although  capacity  can be limited from time to time by certain production
processes,  the  Company  believes  that  its existing facilities will provide
sufficient  capacity  for  current  demand.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


    In  Leslie Baxter, et. al. vs. Haynes International, Inc. and Haynes Group
Insurance  Plan,  filed  July  6,  1995  in  the U.S. District Court, Southern
District  of Indiana, Indianapolis Division, retirees and the surviving spouse
of  a  retiree  filed  suit  on  behalf  of  themselves and similarly situated
retirees and surviving spouses for restoration of the retiree health insurance
to  benefit  levels prevailing before the reduction of those benefit levels on
January  1, 1995 and to maintain the restored insurance benefit levels for the
lives of the covered retirees and their surviving spouses. The suit also seeks
judgment  in  damages  for the benefits that have been lost as a result of the
January  1,  1995  reductions  in benefit levels and for the medical expenses,
premiums paid and other damages incurred, including reasonable attorneys' fees
and costs of maintaining the suit. This lawsuit is in the very early stages of
discovery,  and  the Company is not able at this time to assess the likelihood
that or the extent to which this lawsuit could have an impact on the Company's
financial  position  or  operations.  The Company intends to vigorously defend
against  the  claims.

    The  Company  recently  completed  an  examination by the Internal Revenue
Service  ("IRS")  for  the  five  taxable  years ended September 30, 1993 (the
"Years  in  Issue").    The  IRS has proposed to disallow aggregate deductions
claimed  by  the  Company  during  the Years in Issue in an amount aggregating
approximately  $5.5 million, relating to the amortization of certain loan fees
totaling  $10.4  million  incurred  in  connection with the acquisition of the
Company  by  Morgan,  Lewis,  Githens & Ahn ("MLGA") and the management of the
Company  in  August  1989  ("1989  Acquisition").  The Company claimed similar
deductions  in  1994  through  1996.  The loan fees are being amortized over a
10-year  period  ending  in  1999.    In  addition to proposed disallowance of
deductions claimed during the Years in Issue, the IRS' position, if sustained,
would  prohibit  amortization  deductions for the years following the Years in
Issue  in an aggregate amount of approximately $4.9 million, and the amount of
available  net operating loss carryforwards would be reduced accordingly.  The
Company  has  formally  protested  the  disallowance  of these deductions.  On
August  28,  1996,  the Company met with officials from the IRS Appeals Office
and  received  a  favorable  verbal  confirmation that the deductions would be
allowed as a result of the recent passage of the Small Business Job Protection
Act  of  1996.    The  Company  is  awaiting  written confirmation of the IRS'

    The Company also is involved in other routine litigation incidental to the
conduct  of  its  business,  none  of  which  is  believed by management to be

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]



     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]

     PART  II


     There  is  no  established  trading  market  for  the common stock of the

     As  of  December 26, 1996 there was one holder of the common stock of the

     There  have  been  no cash dividends declared on the common stock for the
two  fiscal  years  ended  September  30,  1996.

     The  payment  of dividends is limited by terms of certain debt agreements
to  which  the  Company  is a party.  See Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial
Statements  of  the Company included in this Annual Report in response to Item

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]



     The  following  table  sets forth selected consolidated financial data of
the Company.  The selected consolidated financial data as of and for the years
ended  September  30,  1992,  1993,  1994,  1995 and 1996 are derived from the
audited  consolidated  financial  statements  of  the  Company.

     These selected financial data are not covered by the auditor's report and
are  qualified  in  their  entirety  by  reference  to,  and should be read in
conjunction with, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and  Results  of  Operations" and the Consolidated Financial Statements of the
Company  and  the  related notes thereto included elsewhere in this Form 10-K.


                                              Year Ended    September            30, 

Statement of Operations Data:
                                                     1992         1993          1994       1995         1996 
                                              ------------  -----------  ------------  ---------  -----------

Net revenues                                  $   169,344   $  162,454   $   150,578   $201,933   $  226,402 

Cost of sales                                   152,911(2)     137,102     171,957(3)   167,196      181,173 

Selling and administrative expenses              19,641(2)      14,569        15,039     15,475       19,966 

Research and technical expenses                     3,894        3,603         3,630      3,049        3,411 

Operating income (loss)                            (7,102)       7,180       (40,048)    16,213       21,852 

Other cost, net                                     882(2)         400           816      1,767          590 

Interest expense, net                              20,107       18,497        19,582     19,904       21,102 

Income (loss) before extraordinary item and
cumulative effect of change in accounting
principle                                         (16,771)      (8,275)      (60,866)    (6,771)         160 

Extraordinary item, net of tax benefit                                                             (7,256)(9)

Cumulative effect of change in accounting
principle (net of tax benefit)                         --           --    (79,630)(4)        --           -- 
                                              ------------  -----------  ------------  ---------  -----------

Net loss                                          (16,771)      (8,275)     (140,496)    (6,771)      (9,036)


                                        Year Ended   September         30, 

Balance Sheet Data:                            1992        1993       1994        1995        1996 
                                        -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Working capital (5)                     $    39,344  $   72,131  $  60,182   $  62,616   $  57,307 

Property, plant and equipment, net           60,700      51,676     43,119      36,863      31,157 

Total assets                                214,585     194,200    145,723     151,316     161,489 

Total debt                                  142,194     140,180    148,141     152,477     168,238 

Accrued post-retirement benefits                 --          --     94,148      94,830      95,813 

Stockholder's equity (Capital deficit)       35,162      22,938   (116,029)   (121,909)   (130,341)


                                                                    September         30, 

Other Financial Data:                                        1992         1993       1994      1995      1996 
                                                         ---------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------

Depreciation and amortization (6)                        $ 16,484   $   13,766   $ 51,555   $ 9,000   $ 9,042 

Capital expenditures                                          821           56        771     1,934     2,092 

EBITDA (7)                                                  8,500       20,546     10,691    23,446    32,141 

Ratio of EBITDA to interest expense                         0.42x        1.11x      0.55x     1.18x     1.52x 

Ratio of earnings before fixed
charges to fixed charges (8)                                   --           --         --        --     1.01x 

Net cash provided from (used in) operations              $ 19,850   $    5,711   $(12,801)  $(2,883)  $(5,343)

Net cash provided from (used in) investment activities       (757)         318        746    (1,895)   (2,025)

Net cash provided from (used in) financing
activities                                                (16,440)      (2,014)     7,102     3,912     7,116 

(1)          The  Company was acquired by MLGA and the management of the Company in August 1989. For financial
statement  purposes,  the  1989 Acquisition was accounted for as a purchase transaction effective September 1,
1989; accordingly, inventories were adjusted to reflect estimated fair values at that date. This adjustment to
inventories  was  amortized to cost of sales as inventories were reduced from the base layer. Non-cash charges
for  this  adjustment  included  in cost of sales were $5,210, $3,686 and $488 for fiscal 1992, 1993 and 1994,
respectively;  no  charges  have  been  recognized  since  fiscal  1994.

(2)     Includes costs related to the implementation of certain cost reduction measures, the implementation of
a just-in-time and total quality management program and the renegotiation of the terms of the 1989 Acquisition
credit  agreement.  In  fiscal 1992, these charges were reflected in cost of sales, selling and administrative
expenses,  and  other  cost,  net  in  the  amounts  of  $6,937,  $1,156  and  $603,  respectively.
(3)          Reflects  the  write-off  of  $37,117 of goodwill created in connection with the 1989 Acquisition
remaining  at  September  30,  1994.  See  Note  10  of  the  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.
(4)         During fiscal 1994, the Company adopted SFAS 106. The Company elected to immediately recognize the
transition  obligation  for  benefits earned as of October 1, 1993, resulting in a non-cash charge of $79,630,
net  of  a $10,580 tax benefit, representing the cumulative effect of the change in accounting principles. The
tax  benefit  recognized was limited to then existing net deferred tax liabilities. See Note 8 of the Notes to
Consolidated  Financial  Statements.
(5)     Reflects the excess of current assets over historical and adjusted current liabilities as set forth in
the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.
(6)         Reflects (i) depreciation and amortization as presented in the Company's Consolidated Statement of
Cash  Flows  and  set forth in note (7) below, plus (ii) other non-cash charges, including the amortization of
prepaid  pension    costs  (which  is  included in the change in other asset category) and the amortization of
inventory costs as described in note (1) above, minus amortization of debt issuance costs, all as set forth in
note  (7)  below.
(7)          Represents  for  the  relevant  period  net  income plus expenses recognized for interest, taxes,
depreciation, amortization and other non-cash charges (excluding any non-cash charges which require accrual or
reserve  for  cash charges for any future period and excluding the refinancing costs set forth in Note 9, part
(a)  and (b) below for fiscal 1996). In addition to net interest expense as listed in the table, the following
charges  are  added  to  net  income  to  calculate  EBITDA:


                                                1992      1993      1994      1995      1996 
                                            ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------

Provision for (benefit from) income taxes   $(11,320)  $(3,442)  $   420   $ 1,313   $ 1,940 

Depreciation                                   8,752     8,650     8,208     8,188     7,751 


    Debt issuance costs                        1,333     2,120     1,680     1,444     4,698 

    Goodwill                                   1,490     1,487    38,607        --        -- 

    Inventory (see note (1) above)             5,210     3,686       488        --        -- 

    Prepaid pension costs                      1,032       (57)      314       130       308 
                                            ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------

                                               9,065     7,236    41,089     1,574     5,006 

SFAS 106-Post-retirement                          --        --     3,938       682       983 

Amortization of debt issuance costs           (1,333)   (2,120)   (1,680)   (1,444)   (4,698)
                                            ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------

    Total                                   $  5,164   $10,324   $51,975   $10,313   $10,982 
- ------------------------------------------  =========  ========  ========  ========  ========

EBITDA  should  not  be  construed  as  a substitute for income from operations, net earnings
(loss)  or  cash  flows  from  operating  activities  determined in accordance with Generally
Accepted  Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). The Company has included EBITDA because it believes
it is commonly used by certain investors and analysts to analyze and compare companies on the
basis  of  operating performance, leverage and liquidity and to determine a company's ability
to  service debt. Because EBITDA is not calculated in the same manner by all entities, EBITDA
as  calculated  by  the  Company  may  not necessarily be comparable to that of the Company's
competitors  or  of  other  entities.
(8)       For purposes of these computations, earnings before fixed charges consist of income
(loss)  before  provision  for (benefit from) income taxes and cumulative effect of change in
accounting  principle  plus  fixed  charges.  Fixed  charges  consist of interest on debt and
amortization  of  debt  issuance  costs. Earnings were insufficient to cover fixed charges by
$28,091,  $11,717,  $60,446,  and  $5,458 for fiscal 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995, respectively.
(9)     During fiscal 1996, the Company successfully refinanced its debt with the issuance of
$140,000  Senior  Notes  due  2004  and  an  amendment  to its Revolving Credit Facility with
Congress Financial Corporation ("Congress").  As a result of this refinancing effort, certain
non-recurring  charges were recorded as follows:  (a) $7,256 was recorded as the aggregate of
extraordinary  items  which  represents  the  extraordinary  loss  on  the  redemption of the
Company's  113%  Senior  Secured  Notes  due 1998 and 132% Senior Subordinated Notes due 1999
(collectively,  the  "Old Notes") and is comprised of $3,911 of prepayment penalties incurred
in  connection  with  the  redemption  and  $3,345 of deferred debt issuance costs which were
written  off  upon  consummation  of the redemption; (b) $1,837 of Selling and Administrative
Expense  which  represents  costs  incurred  with  a postponed initial public offering of the
Company's  common  stock;  and (c) $924 of Interest Expense which represents the net interest
expense  (approximately  $1,500  interest  expense,  less approximately $600 interest income)
incurred during the period between the issuance of the Senior Notes and the redemption of the
Old  Notes.



    The  Company sells high temperature alloys and corrosion resistant alloys,
which  accounted  for 61% and 39%, respectively, of the Company's net revenues
in fiscal 1996. Based on available industry data, the Company believes that it
is one of three principal producers of high performance alloys in flat product
form, which includes sheet, coil and plate forms, and also produces its alloys
in round and tubular forms. In fiscal 1996, flat products accounted for 72% of
shipments  and  65%  of  net  revenues.

    The  Company's annual production capacity varies depending upon the mix of
alloys,  forms,  product  sizes,  gauges and order sizes. Based on the current
product  mix, the Company estimates that its annual production capacity, which
has  been  unchanged  for  the  past five years, is approximately 20.0 million
pounds.  As a result of changes in the Company's primary markets, sales volume
has ranged from a high of 16.4 million pounds in fiscal 1996, to a low of 13.3
million  pounds  in  fiscal  1994.  The  Company  is  not  currently  capacity
constrained,  but  has  planned  capital  expenditures  of approximately $17.6
million from fiscal 1997 through fiscal 1998, one of the principal benefits of
which  will  be  to  increase  annual  capacity  by  approximately  25%  to
approximately  25.0  million  pounds. See "--Liquidity and Capital Resources."

    The  Company  sells  its  products  primarily  through  its  direct  sales
organization,  which  includes  four  domestic  Company-owned service centers,
three  wholly-owned European subsidiaries and sales agents serving the Pacific
Rim  who operate on a commission basis. Approximately 75% of the Company's net
revenues  in  fiscal  1996  was  generated  by  the  Company's  direct  sales
organization.  The remaining 25% of the Company's fiscal 1996 net revenues was
generated  by  independent  distributors  and  licensees in the United States,
Europe  and Japan, some of whom have been associated with the Company for over
25  years.

    The  proximity  of  production  facilities  to  export  customers is not a
significant  competitive  factor,  since  freight and duty costs per pound are
minor  in  comparison to the selling price per pound of high performance alloy
products.  In  fiscal  1996,  sales  to  customers  outside  the United States
accounted  for  approximately  36%  of  the  Company's  net revenues. Sales of
domestically-produced  products  accounted  for  approximately  38%  of  the
Company's  foreign  sales in fiscal 1996, and the balance of foreign sales was
derived  from  sales  of  products  produced  overseas.

     The  high  performance  alloy  industry  is characterized by high capital
investment and high fixed costs, and profitability is therefore very sensitive
to  changes  in volume. The cost of raw materials is the primary variable cost
in  the  high  performance  alloy  manufacturing  process  and  represents
approximately  one-half  of  total  manufacturing  costs.  Other manufacturing
costs,  such  as  labor, energy, maintenance and supplies, often thought of as
variable,  have  a  significant  fixed  element. Accordingly, relatively small
changes  in  volume  can  result  in  significant  variations in earnings. The
Company's  results  in  fiscal  1994  reflect  this  sensitivity. While volume
declined  by 13% from fiscal 1993 to fiscal 1994, primarily due to declines in
demand  for  the Company's products in the oil and gas and FGD markets, EBITDA
calculated  as  described in Note (7) to Selected Consolidated Financial Data,
declined  48%, despite a 7% increase in the average selling price per pound of
the  Company's  products.

    In  fiscal 1996, proprietary products represented approximately 25% of the
Company's  net revenues. In addition to these patent-protected alloys, several
other  alloys manufactured by the Company have little or no direct competition
because  they are difficult to produce and require relatively small production
runs  to  satisfy  demand.  In  fiscal  1996,  these  other alloys represented
approximately  19%  of  the  Company's  net  revenues.

    Order  to  shipment  lead  times can be a competitive factor as well as an
indication  of  the  strength  of  the demand for high performance alloys. The
Company's  current  average  manufacturing  lead  time  for  flat  products is
approximately  10  to  12  weeks, although due to current backlog levels, lead
times  from  order  to  shipment  are  approximately  14  to  18  weeks.


    A  breakdown of sales, shipments and average selling prices to the markets
served by the Company for the last five fiscal years is shown in the following


                            1992     1992         1993     1993         1994        1994         1995        1995         1996
SALES (DOLLARS                       % of                  % of               % of Total               % of Total             
IN MILLIONS)          Amount      Total     Amount      Total     Amount                   Amount                   Amount
                       ---------  -------    ---------  -------    ---------     -------    ---------     -------    ---------

Aerospace. . . . . .  $     45.7     27.0%  $     46.7     28.7%  $     46.4        30.8%  $     66.4        32.9%  $     87.1
Chemical processing         52.8     31.2         52.2     32.1         50.1        33.3         72.2        35.8         83.0
Land-based gas              10.7      6.3         12.6      7.8         17.0        11.3         14.3         7.1         16.4
Flue gas                    11.4      6.7         17.4     10.7         10.2         6.7          6.6         3.3          8.2
Oil and gas                 18.8     11.1         11.0      6.8          4.2         2.8          4.5         2.2          4.3
Other markets               28.0     16.6         20.5     12.6         20.6        13.7         34.6        17.1         23.8
                          ------   ------       ------   ------       ------      ------       ------      ------       ------
Total product              167.4     98.9        160.4     98.7        148.5        98.6        198.6        98.4        222.8
Other revenue(1)             1.9      1.1          2.1      1.3          2.1         1.4          3.3         1.6          3.6

Net revenues          $    169.3    100.0%  $    162.5    100.0%  $    150.6       100.0%  $    201.9       100.0%  $    226.4
U.S.                  $    116.4            $    109.1            $     94.8               $    122.3               $    142.0
Foreign               $     52.9            $     53.4            $     55.8               $     79.6               $     84.4

Aerospace                    3.4     24.5%         3.3     21.6%         3.3        24.8%         4.7        28.8%         5.8
Chemical processing          4.6     33.1          5.2     34.0          5.0        37.6          6.1        37.4          6.6
Land-based gas
turbines                     1.3      9.4          1.2      7.8          1.6        12.0          1.3         8.0          1.4
Flue gas
desulfurization              1.6     11.4          2.9     19.0          1.5        11.3          0.9         5.5          0.9
Oil and gas                  1.3      9.4          1.1      7.2          0.4         3.0          0.5         3.1          0.3
Other markets                1.7     12.2          1.6     10.4          1.5        11.3          2.8        17.2          1.4
                          ------   ------       ------   ------       ------      ------       ------      ------       ------
Total shipments             13.9    100.0%        15.3    100.0%        13.3       100.0%        16.3       100.0%        16.4

Aerospace. . . . . .  $    13.44            $    14.15            $    14.06               $    14.13               $    15.02
Chemical processing        11.48                 10.04                 10.02                    11.84                    12.58
Land-based gas
turbines                    8.23                 10.50                 10.63                    11.00                    11.71
Flue gas
desulfurization             7.13                  6.00                  6.80                     7.33                     9.11
Oil and gas                14.46                 10.00                 10.50                     9.00                    14.33
Other markets              16.47                 12.81                 13.73                    12.36                    17.00
All markets                12.04                 10.48                 11.17                    12.18                    13.59


SALES (DOLLARS           % of 
IN MILLIONS)          Total

Aerospace. . . . . .     38.5%
Chemical processing      36.7 
Land-based gas            7.2 
Flue gas                  3.6 
Oil and gas               1.9 
Other markets            10.5 
Total product            98.4 
Other revenue(1)          1.6 

Net revenues            100.0%

Aerospace                35.4%
Chemical processing      40.2 
Land-based gas
turbines                  8.5 
Flue gas
desulfurization           5.5 
Oil and gas               1.8 
Other markets             8.6 
Total shipments         100.0%

Chemical processing
Land-based gas
Flue gas
Oil and gas
Other markets
All markets


- --------------------
(1)  Includes  toll  conversion  and  royalty  income.

    Fluctuations  in  net  revenues and volume from fiscal 1992 through fiscal
1996 are a direct result of significant changes in each of the Company's major

    Aerospace.  Demand for the Company's products in the aerospace industry is
driven  by  orders for new jet engines as well as requirements for spare parts
and  replacement  parts  for  jet  engines. Demand for the Company's aerospace
products  declined  significantly  from  fiscal  1991 to fiscal 1992, as order
rates  for  commercial aircraft fell below delivery rates due to cancellations
and  deferrals  of  previously  placed orders. The Company believes that, as a
result  of  these  cancellations and deferrals, engine manufacturers and their
fabricators  and  suppliers were caught with excess inventories. The draw down
of  these  inventories,  and  the  implementation  of  just-in-time  delivery
requirements  by  many  jet  engine  manufacturers,  exacerbated  the  decline
experienced by suppliers to these manufacturers, including the Company. Demand
for  products used in manufacturing military aircraft and engines also dropped
during this period as domestic defense spending declined following the Persian
Gulf  War.  These  conditions  persisted  through  fiscal  1994.

    The  Company  began  to  see  a  recovery  in the demand for its aerospace
products  at  the  beginning  of  fiscal  1995.  Reflecting increased aircraft
production  and  maintenance,  the  Company's  net  revenues from sales to the
aerospace  industry  in  1996  increased  31.2%  over the comparable period in
fiscal  1995.

    Chemical  Processing.  Demand  for  the Company's products in the chemical
processing  industry  is  driven  primarily  by  maintenance  requirements  of
chemical  processing  facilities, and tends to track overall economic activity
due  to  the diverse nature of chemical products and their applications. Major
projects involving the expansion of existing chemical processing facilities or
the  construction  of  new  facilities  periodically  increase  demand for CRA
products  in  the  industry.  Demand  for  the  Company's products used in the
chemical  processing  industry  declined  in  fiscal 1991 and fiscal 1992, but
began  to increase in late fiscal 1993. In fiscal 1996, sales of the Company's
products to the chemical processing industry reached a five-year high, and the
Company  believes  that the outlook for sales of the Company's products to the
chemical  processing  industry  continues  to  improve. Concerns regarding the
reliability  of  chemical processing facilities, their potential impact on the
environment  and  the safety of their personnel as well as the need for higher
throughput  should  support  demand for more sophisticated alloys, such as the
Company's  CRA  products.

    The  Company  expects that growth in the chemical processing industry will
result  from  volume  increases  and  selective price increases as a result of
increased demand. In addition, the Company's key proprietary CRA products, the
recently  introduced  Hastelloy  C-2000,  which  the Company believes provides
better  overall  corrosion  resistance  and versatility than any other readily
available  CRA  product, and Hastelloy C-22, are expected to contribute to the
Company's  growth in this market, although there can be no assurance that this
will  be  the  case.

    Land-Based Gas Turbines. The Company leveraged its metallurgical expertise
to  develop  LBGT  applications  for  alloys  it  had historically sold to the
aerospace  industry.  Electric generating facilities powered by land-based gas
turbines  are less expensive to construct and operate and produce fewer sulfur
dioxide  ("SO2")  emissions than traditional fossil fuel-fired facilities. The
Company  believes  these factors are primarily responsible for creating demand
for its products in the LBGT industry. Prior to the enactment of the Clean Air
Act  of  1990,  as amended (the "Clean Air Act"), land-based gas turbines were
used  primarily  to  satisfy  peak  power  requirements.  However,  legislated
standards for lowering emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric utilities and
cogeneration facilities, such as the Clean Air Act, together with self-imposed
standards,  contributed to increased demand for some of the Company's products
in  the  early 1990s, when Phase I of the Clean Air Act was being implemented.
The  Company believes that land-based gas turbines are gaining acceptance as a
clean,  low-cost  alternative  to  fossil  fuel-fired  electric  generating
facilities.  The  Company  believes that compliance with Phase II of the Clean
Air  Act,  which  begins  in  2000,  will further contribute to demand for its

    Flue  Gas  Desulfurization.  The  Clean  Air  Act  is  the  primary factor
determining  the  demand  for high performance alloys in the FGD industry. FGD
projects  have  been  undertaken  by  electric  utilities  and  cogeneration
facilities  powered  by  fossil  fuels  in  the  United States, Europe and the
Pacific Rim in response to concerns over emissions. FGD projects are generally
highly  visible  and as a result are highly price competitive, especially when
demand  for  high  performance  alloys  in  other  major markets is weak.  The
Company  anticipates  increasing  sales  opportunities  in  the  FGD market as
deadlines  for  Phase  II  of  the  Clean  Air  Act  approach  in  2000.

     Oil  and  Gas.  The  Company's  participation in the oil and gas industry
consists  primarily of providing tubular goods for sour gas production. Demand
for  the  Company's  products  in  this  industry  is  driven  by  the rate of
development  of  sour  gas  fields,  which  in  turn is driven by the price of
natural  gas  and  the need to commence production in order to protect leases.
This  market  was  very active in fiscal 1991, especially in the offshore sour
gas  fields  in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  but demand for the Company's sour gas
tubular  products  has  declined  significantly  since  that  time. Due to the
volatility  of  the oil and gas industry, the Company has chosen not to invest
in  certain  manufacturing equipment necessary to perform certain intermediate
steps  of  the  manufacturing process for these tubular products. However, the
Company  can  outsource  the  necessary processing steps in the manufacture of
these  tubulars  when prices rise to attractive levels. The Company intends to
selectively take advantage of future opportunities as they arise, but plans no
capital  expenditures  to  increase  its  internal  capabilities in this area.

    Other  Markets. In addition to the industries described above, the Company
also  targets  a variety of other markets. Representative industries served in
fiscal  1996 include waste incineration, industrial heat treating, automotive,
medical  and  instrumentation.  Many of the Company's lower volume proprietary
alloys are experiencing growing demand in these other markets. Markets capable
of  providing  growth  are being driven by increasing performance, reliability
and  service life requirements for products used in these markets, which could
provide  further  applications  for  the  Company's  products.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


    The  following  table  sets forth, for the periods indicated, consolidated
statements  of  operations  data  as  a  percentage  of  net  revenues:

                                                                   YEAR ENDED   September     30,
                                                                   -----------  ----------  --------

                                                                         1994        1995      1996 
                                                                   -----------  ----------  --------

Net revenues                                                            100.0%      100.0%    100.0%

Cost of sales                                                          89.6(1)       82.8      80.0 

Selling and administrative expenses                                      10.0         7.7     8.8(4)

Research and technical expenses                                           2.4         1.5       1.5 

Other cost, net                                                           0.5         0.9       0.3 

Interest expense                                                         13.2        10.0     9.7(4)

Interest income                                                          (0.2)       (0.2)  (0.4)(4)

Goodwill write-off                                                     24.6(2)         --        -- 

Income (loss) before provision for income taxes, extraordinary
items, and cumulative effect of change in accounting principle          (40.1)       (2.7)      0.1 

Provision for (benefit from) income taxes                                 0.3         0.6       0.9 

Extraordinary item, net of tax benefit                                                      (3.2)(4)

Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, (net of tax
benefit)                                                             (52.9)(3)         --        -- 

Net loss                                                               (93.3)%      (3.3)%    (4.0)%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------  ===========  ==========  ========


- -----------------------------
(1)          For  financial statement purposes, the 1989 Acquisition was accounted for as a purchase
transaction effective September 1, 1989; accordingly, inventories were adjusted to reflect estimated
fair  values  at  that  date.  This  adjustment  to  inventories  was  amortized to cost of sales as
inventories  were reduced from the base layer. Non-cash charges for this adjustment included in cost
of  sales  were  approximately  $488,000  for  fiscal 1994 and no charges have been recognized since
fiscal  1994.
(2)          Reflects the write-off of $37.1 million of goodwill created in connection with the 1989
Acquisition  remaining  at  September  30,  1994. See Note 10 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial
(3)          During  fiscal  1994,  the Company adopted SFAS 106. The Company elected to immediately
recognize  the  transition  obligation  for  benefits  earned  as of October 1, 1993, resulting in a
non-cash  charge  of  approximately $79.6 million net of an approximately $10.6 million tax benefit,
representing the cumulative effect of the change in accounting principle. The tax benefit recognized
was  limited  to then existing net deferred tax liabilities. See Note 8 of the Notes to Consolidated
Financial  Statements.
(4)     During 1996, the Company refinanced its debt and certain non-recurring charges were recorded
as  a  result  of this refinancing effort as follows: (a) approximately $7.3 million was recorded as
the  aggregate  of  extraordinary items which represents the extraordinary loss on the redemption of
the  Senior  Secured  Notes  and  Senior  Subordinated  Notes and is comprised of approximately $3.9
million  of  prepayment  penalties incurred in connection with the redemption and approximately $3.3
million  of deferred debt issuance costs which were written off upon consummation of the redemption;
(b) approximately $1.8 million of Selling and Administrative Expense which represents costs incurred
with a postponed initial public offering of the Company's common stock; and (c) $924,000 of Interest
Expense  which represents the net interest expense (approximately $1.5 million interest expense less
approximately  $600,000  interest  income)  incurred  during  the period between the issuance of the
Senior  Notes  and  the  redemption  of  the  Senior  Secured  and  Senior  Subordinated  Notes.


     Net  revenues  increased  approximately  $24.5  million,  or  12.1%,  to
approximately  $226.4 million in fiscal 1996 from approximately $201.9 million
in  fiscal  1995,  primarily  as  a result of an 11.6% increase in the average
selling  price  per pound, from $12.18 to $13.59.  Shipments increased by 0.6%
to 16.4 million pounds in fiscal 1996 from 16.3 million pounds in fiscal 1995,
as  volume  increases  in  the aerospace, chemical processing and LBGT markets
offset  lower  volumes  in  the  oil  and  gas  and  other  markets.

     Sales  to  the aerospace market increased by 31.2% to approximately $87.1
millon in fiscal 1996 from approximately $66.4 million in fiscal 1995.  Volume
increased  23.4%  and  the  average  selling  price  per pound increased 6.3%.
Increased  demand for the Company's products in fiscal 1996 from the aerospace
market  was  generated  primarily  by  domestic engine producers, as demand in
Europe  remained  relatively  flat.

     Sales  to  the  chemical  processing  industry  increased  15.0%  to
approximately $83.0 million in fiscal 1996 from approximately $72.2 million in
fiscal  1995.  Volume increased 8.2% despite lower exports to the Asia Pacific
Rim.    In  addition,  the average selling price per pound increased 6.3% as a
result  of  higher  demand  from  both  the  domestic  and  European  markets.

     Sales  to  the LBGT market increased 14.7% to approximately $16.4 million
in  fiscal 1996 from approximately $14.3 million in fiscal 1995 as a result of
an  7.7%  increase  in volume and a 6.5% increase in the average selling price
per  pound.  This reflected strong demand for cleaner burning power generation
from  gas turbines.  In addition, the Company's sales to this market have been
favorably  impacted by its success in marketing Haynes 230 to European turbine
manufacturers  as  a  replacement  for  competing  alloys.

     Sales  to the FGD market increased 24.2% to approximately $8.2 million in
fiscal  1996  from  approximately  $6.6  million  in  fiscal 1995.  Volume was
essentially  unchanged;  however, average selling price per pound increased by

     Sales  to  the  oil and gas industry decreased 4.4% to approximately $4.3
million  in  fiscal  1996  from  sales of approximately $4.5 million in fiscal
1995.    Sales to this market occurred primarily in the third quarter for both
fiscal  years due to sour gas projects in Mobile Bay off the coast of Alabama.
Volume  decreased 40.0%, while average selling price per pound increased 59.2%
due  primarily  to  a  favorable  product  mix.

     Sales  to other markets decreased by 31.8% to approximately $23.8 million
for  fiscal  1996 from approximately $34.9 million in fiscal 1995, as a result
of  a  50.0%  decrease  in  volume  which was only partially offset by a 37.5%
increase  in  average  selling price per pound.  The Company benefitted from a
one-time  order  of  approximately  $3.5  million  for a major waste treatment
facility  in  Eastern  Europe  and  a  $5.1  million  one-time  order  for
defense-related  recuperators  on M-1 tanks in the first nine months of fiscal
1995.  Sales to the waste incineration market increased as a result of greater
use  of the Company's products in high temperature corrosion applications.  In
addition,  increased  use  of  Haynes  HR-120  as  a  substitute for competing
products  (including  stainless steel) in the industrial heating market led to
higher  sales  in  that  segment.

     Cost  of  sales  increased  by  approximately  $14.0  million, or 8.4% to
approximately  $181.2 million in fiscal 1996 from approximately $167.2 million
in fiscal 1995.  However, cost of sales as a percent of net revenues decreased
to  80.0%  from  82.3% in the respective periods as a result of higher average
selling  prices  and  a  favorable  change  in  product  mix.    Volume in the
higher-market  high value-added product forms such as sheet, wire and seamless
tubulars increased in fiscal 1996 over fiscal 1995 levels.  Increased capacity
utilization  in the higher-cost operations used to manufacture these forms led
to  efficiencies that lowered the per unit cost.  Also, during fiscal 1995 raw
material  costs  escalated  thereby  temporarily  reducing margins until price
increases  could  be fully implemented.  In fiscal 1996, these increased costs
had  been  fully  passed  through  to  a greater extent as reflected in higher
selling  prices.

     Selling and administrative expenses increased approximately $4.5 million,
or  29.0%  to  approximately  $20.0 million for fiscal 1996 from approximately
$15.5  million  in fiscal 1995.  The increase was primarily a result of salary
increases  and  the  payment and accrual of management and employee bonuses of
approximately  $1.9 million which were awarded for fiscal 1995 and fiscal 1996
performance.    Selling and administrative expenses also include approximately
$1.8  million  of costs incurred in connection with a postponed initial public
offering  of  the  Company's  common  stock.  In addition, sales and marketing
personnel  were  hired  as  a part of the Company's efforts to increase market
coverage  and  customer  contact.

     Research  and  technical  expenses  increased  approximately  $362,000 or
11.9%,  to  approximately  $3.4 million in fiscal 1996 from approximately $3.0
million  in fiscal 1995, primarily as a result of salary increases.  Headcount
increased  as  part  of  the  Company's  ongoing  commitment  to technological

     As a result of the above factors, the Company recognized operating income
for  fiscal 1996 of approximately $21.9 million, approximately $4.9 million of
which was contributed by the Company's foreign subsidiaries.  For fiscal 1995,
operating  income was approximately $16.2 million, of which approximately $5.3
million  was  contributed  by  the  Company's  foreign  subsidiaries.

     Other  costs,  net  decreased  approximately  $1.2  million  or  66.6% to
approximately  $590,000 for fiscal 1996 from approximately $1.8 million in the
same period in fiscal 1995, primarily as a result of foreign exchange gains in
fiscal  1996 compared to foreign exchange losses in fiscal 1995 and a $582,000
reduction  in  other costs associated with the fiscal 1995 purchase of options
to  acquire  the  then  outstanding  Subordinated  Notes.

     Interest  expense  increased  approximately  $1.8  million  or  8.7%  to
approximately  $22.0  million  or fiscal 1996 from approximately $20.2 million
for the same period in fiscal 1995, due primarily to higher average borrowings
under  the Existing Credit Facility and an additional $1.5 million of interest
expense  incurred  during  the period between the issuance of the Senior Notes
and  the redemption of the Senior Secured Notes and Senior Subordinated Notes.

     The  provision  for income taxes of approximately $1.9 million for fiscal
1996  increased  by approximately $672,000 from approximately $1.3 million for
fiscal  1995,  due  primarily  to  taxes on foreign earnings against which the
Company  was  unable to utilize its U.S. federal income tax net operating loss

     Extraordinary  items,  net  of tax benefit of approximately $7.3 million,
were  recorded  in  fiscal  1996  representing  the  extraordinary loss on the
redemption  of  the  Senior Secured Notes and Senior Subordinated Notes and is
comprised  of approximately $3.9 million of prepayment penalties incurred as a
result  of  the  redemption  and  approximately  $3.3 million of deferred debt
issuance  costs  which  were  written off upon redemption.  No tax benefit was
recognized  due  to  the  valuation  reserve  established  for  tax  reporting

     As  a  result of the above factors, the Company recognized a net loss for
fiscal  1996  of  approximately  $9.0  mllion,  compared  to  a  net  loss  of
approximately  $6.8  million  for  fiscal  1995.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


    Net  revenues  increased  approximately  $51.3  million,  or  34.1%,  to
approximately  $201.9 million in fiscal 1995 from approximately $150.6 million
in  fiscal  1994,  as  a  result of a 22.6% increase in volume to 16.3 million
pounds  from  approximately 13.3 million pounds and a 9.0% increase in average
selling price to $12.18 per pound from $11.17 per pound. Volume increases were
due to higher demand in the aerospace, chemical processing, waste incineration
and  industrial  heating industries. Alloy price increases were implemented in
fiscal 1995 in response to rising raw material costs, which resulted in higher
average  selling  prices.

    Sales  to  the  aerospace  market  increased  43.1% to approximately $66.4
million  in fiscal 1995 from approximately $46.4 million in fiscal 1994 due to
a  42.4%  increase  in  volume as reflected by the increased order backlog for
commercial  aircraft  and jet engines in fiscal 1995. In addition, the Company
greatly  increased  its  sales to distributors serving the aerospace market by
meeting  competitive  prices  for  certain  higher volume HTA products. Due to
changes  in  product mix, the average selling price per pound to the aerospace
market  in  fiscal  1995  remained essentially flat as compared to fiscal 1994
despite  generally  higher  alloy  prices.

    Sales to the chemical processing industry increased 44.1% to approximately
$72.2  million  in fiscal 1995 from approximately $50.1 million in fiscal 1994
as  a  result  of  higher spending in the United States and Europe for smaller
maintenance  and  improvement  projects,  as well as along the Pacific Rim for
certain  large capacity expansion projects. Volume increased 22.0% and average
selling  price  per pound increased 18.2%. The large Pacific Rim projects were
very  competitively  bid  upon,  resulting in lower average selling prices per
pound  for  these  projects  as  compared to other projects. The lower average
selling  prices  for  these products were more than offset, however, by higher
prices in smaller projects. In addition, the Company was favorably impacted in
fiscal  1995  by  its  shift  from production of a low-priced duplex stainless
steel  that  it  had  manufactured  for  several years to other higher-priced,
higher-margin  products  as  a  result  of  stronger  market  demand  for such

    Sales to the LBGT market decreased 15.9% to approximately $14.3 million in
fiscal  1995  from  approximately  $17.0 million in fiscal 1994. During fiscal
1995,  a few of the larger LBGT manufacturers decreased purchases of alloys as
they  reduced  their  inventories; as a result, the Company's volume decreased
18.8%.  Although  Haynes 230 was gaining acceptance, especially in Europe, the
Company  experienced  temporary  disruptions  in  sales of this product due to
production  and  delivery  problems, and as a result the Company's fiscal 1995
average  selling  price  per  pound  was unchanged as compared to fiscal 1994.

    Sales  to  the  FGD market declined 35.3% to approximately $6.6 million in
fiscal  1995  from approximately $10.2 million in fiscal 1994 as a result of a
40.0%  decrease  in  volume  and  a 7.8% increase in average selling price per
pound.  Sharply  lower domestic sales were partially offset by increased sales
in  Europe  and  along  the  Pacific  Rim.  The  weakness  in domestic markets
reflected  lower  demand  for  wet  scrubbing facilities for fossil fuel-fired
electric  generating  plants.

    Demand  in  the oil and gas market has been weak and orders have been only
sporadic  since  fiscal  1992, when a major sour gas production project in the
Gulf  of Mexico was completed. Sales increased 7.1% in fiscal 1995 as compared
to  fiscal 1994 as a result of a 25.0% increase in volume, which was partially
offset  by  a  14.3%  decrease  in  average  selling  price  per  pound.

    Sales  to  other markets increased 68.0% to approximately $34.6 million in
fiscal 1995 from approximately $20.6 million in fiscal 1994 due primarily to a
shipment  in  fiscal  1995  to  a  large  waste treatment project destined for
installation  in Eastern Europe and the completion of a short-term contract in
support  of  the  U.S.  Army's M-1 tank program. These projects resulted in an
86.7% increase in volume in fiscal 1995 as compared to fiscal 1994 and a 10.0%
decrease  in  average  selling  price  per  pound  for  the  same  periods.

    Cost  of  sales  decreased  approximately  $4.8  million,  or  2.8%,  to
approximately  $167.2 million in fiscal 1995 from approximately $172.0 million
in  fiscal  1994. Fiscal 1994 cost of sales included the write-off of goodwill
as  discussed  in  Note  10 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
Cost  of  sales  as a percent of the Company's net revenues decreased to 82.8%
from  89.6%  in the respective years, excluding the effect of the write-off of
goodwill  in  fiscal  1994  as  discussed  above.  This  was  due primarily to
increased  capacity  utilization  and  increased profitability in the European
subsidiaries.  During  the  first  half  of  fiscal  1995,  raw material costs
escalated rapidly, resulting in lower margins. As a result, the spread between
average  selling  price  and  material cost per pound was lower in fiscal 1995
than  in  fiscal  1994. This was partially offset in the second half of fiscal
1995  as  price  increases  for  the Company's alloys became effective. Higher
volume reduced unit fixed costs and led to improved operating efficiencies. In
addition, the European subsidiaries experienced improved volume and margins in
fiscal  1995,  reflecting  improved business conditions which further improved
the  Company's  cost  of  sales  as  a  percent  of  net  revenues.

    Selling  and  administrative expenses increased approximately $436,000, or
2.9%,  to  approximately $15.5 million in fiscal 1995 from approximately $15.0
million  in fiscal 1994 primarily as a result of expenses which previously had
been  reported  as  research  and  technology  expenses  in  fiscal 1994 being
reclassified  as  selling  and  administrative  expenses  in  fiscal  1995.

    Research  and  technical  expenses  decreased  approximately  $581,000, or
16.0%,  to  approximately  $3.0 million in fiscal 1995 from approximately $3.6
million  in  fiscal 1994 due in part to the reclassification of expenses noted
above.  In  addition,  certain  costs  associated  with  engineering functions
recorded  as  manufacturing costs in fiscal 1995 were reported as research and
technical  expenses  in  fiscal  1994.

    As  a result of the above factors, the Company recognized operating income
in fiscal 1995 of approximately $16.2 million as compared to an operating loss
of  approximately  $40.0 million in fiscal 1994. Operating loss in fiscal 1994
was  approximately  $2.9 million prior to the write off of approximately $37.1
million  of  goodwill  as  described  in  Note 10 of the Notes to Consolidated
Financial  Statements.  Operating  income contributed by the Company's foreign
subsidiaries  was  approximately $5.3 million in fiscal 1995 and approximately
$1.6  million  in  fiscal  1994.

    Other  costs,  net  increased  approximately  $951,000,  or  116.5%,  to
approximately  $1.8  million  in  fiscal  1995  from approximately $816,000 in
fiscal  1994, primarily as a result of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates,
which  accounted for approximately $150,000 of the increase, and approximately
$478,000  in  costs  incurred  associated  with  obtaining options to purchase
certain  of  the Company's Existing Subordinated Notes. The options expired in
October  1995.

    Interest  expense  increased  approximately  $317,000,  or  1.6%,  to
approximately $20.2 million in fiscal 1995 from approximately $19.9 million in
fiscal  1994,  primarily  as  a  result of higher average borrowings under the
Existing  Credit  Facility.

      The  provision  for  income taxes for fiscal 1995 was approximately $1.3
million  compared  to  approximately $420,000 in fiscal 1994, due primarily to
taxes  on foreign earnings against which the Company was unable to utilize its

      As  a  result  of  the above factors, the Company reported a net loss of
approximately  $6.8  million  in  fiscal  1995  compared  to  a  net  loss  of
approximately  $140.5  million  in  fiscal 1994, including SFAS 106 expense of
approximately  $79.6  million.


    The  Company's  near-term  future  cash  needs  will  be driven by working
capital  requirements,  which  are  likely  to  increase,  and planned capital
expenditures.  Capital  expenditures were approximately $2.1 million in fiscal
1996  and  are  expected  to  be approximately $8.0 million in fiscal 1997 and
approximately  $9.6  million  in  fiscal  1998.  Capital  expenditures  were
approximately  $772,000  and  $1.9  million  for  fiscal  1994  and  1995,
respectively.  The  increased capital investments for fiscal 1997 and 1998 are
designated  for  significant  new  equipment  additions  and  expenditures  of
approximately $3.1 million for new integrated information systems. The primary
benefits  of  this  spending  are  expected  to be (i) the expansion of annual
production  capacity  by  25%  from  approximately  20.0  million  pounds  to
approximately  25.0  million  pounds,  based  on the current product mix, (ii)
improved  production  quality  resulting in lower internal rejection rates and
rework  costs  and  (iii)  improved  coordination  among  sales, marketing and
manufacturing  personnel  resulting  in  more efficient pricing practices. The
Company  does  not expect such capital expenditures to have a material adverse
effect  on  its  long-term liquidity. Moreover, the Company does not currently
have  any  significant capital expenditure commitments. The Company expects to
fund  its  working  capital  needs and capital expenditures with cash provided
from  operations,  supplemented  by  borrowings  under  its  Revolving  Credit
Facility.  The Company believes these sources of capital will be sufficient to
fund these capital expenditures and working capital requirements over the next
12  months  and  on a long-term basis, although there can be no assurance that
this  will  be  the  case.

    Net cash used in operations in fiscal 1996 was approximately $5.3 million,
as  compared  to approximately $2.9 million for fiscal 1995. The negative cash
flow  from  operations  for fiscal 1996 was primarily a result of increases of
approximately  $15.1  million in inventories and approximately $1.6 million in
accounts  receivable,  which  were  offset  by  non-cash  depreciation  and
amortization  expenses  of  approximately  $9.1 million, extraordinary item of
$7.3 million, an increase in the accounts payable and accrued expenses balance
of  approximately  $2.5 million and other adjustments. Cash used for investing
activities  increased  from  approximately  $1.9  million  in  fiscal  1995 to
approximately  $2.0  million  in  fiscal 1996, primarily as a result of higher
capital  expenditures.  Cash  provided by financing activities for fiscal 1996
was  approximately  $7.1  million  due  primarily  to  $18.4 million increased
borrowings  under  the  Revolving  Credit  Facility offset by a net payment on
refinancing of long-term debt of $12.0 million. Cash for fiscal 1996 decreased
approximately  $347,000,  resulting  in  a  September 30, 1996 cash balance of
approximately  $4.7  million.  Cash  in  fiscal  1995  decreased approximately
$655,000,  resulting  in  a  cash  balance  of  approximately  $5.0 million at
September  30,  1995.

    On  August  23,  1996,  the  Company  issued $140.0 million of its 11 5/8%
Senior  Notes due 2004 and amended its Revolving Credit Facility with Congress
Financial  Corporation  ("Congress")  to increase the maximum amount available
under  the  Revolving Line of Credit to $50.0 million.  With the proceeds from
the  issuance  of  the  Senior Notes and borrowings under the Revolving Credit
Facility, the Company redeemed all of its outstanding Senior Secured Notes and
Senior  Subordinated  Notes on September 23, 1996.  See Note 6 of the Notes to
Consolidated  Financial  Statements for a description of the terms of the
Senior Notes and the Revolving Credit Facility.

    The  Senior  Notes  and  the Revolving Credit Facility contain a number of
covenants  limiting  the Company's access to capital, including covenants that
restrict  the  ability  of  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  to (i) incur
additional  Indebtedness,  (ii) make certain restricted payments, (iii) engage
in transactions with affiliates, (iv) create liens on assets, (v) sell assets,
(vi)  issue  and  sell  preferred  stock  of subsidiaries, and (vii) engage in
consolidations,  mergers  and  transfers.

    The  Company  is  currently  conducting  groundwater  monitoring  and
post-closure  monitoring  in  connection  with certain disposal areas, and has
completed  an  investigation  of  eight  specifically  identified  solid waste
management units at the Kokomo facility. The results of the investigation have
been  filed  with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"). If the EPA
or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management ("IDEM") were to require
corrective  action  in  connection  with  such  disposal  areas or solid waste
management  units, there can be no assurance that the costs of such corrective
action  will  not  have  a  material adverse effect on the Company's financial
condition,  results  of  operations or liquidity. In addition, the Company has
been  named  as  a  potentially responsible party at two waste disposal sites.
Although  there can be no assurance, based on current information, the Company
believes  that  its  involvement  at  these two sites will not have a material
adverse  effect on the Company's financial condition, results of operations or
liquidity.  Expenses related to environmental compliance were $1.3 million for
fiscal  1996  and

are  expected  to be approximately $3.2 million for fiscal 1997 through fiscal
1998.  See  "Business-- Environmental Matters." Based on information currently
available  to  the  Company, the Company is not aware of any information which
would  indicate  that  litigation  pending  against  the Company is reasonably
likely  to  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the Company's operations or
liquidity.  See  "Business--Legal  Proceedings."


      The Company believes that inflation has not had a material impact on its


    For  financial  reporting  purposes  the  Company  recognizes deferred tax
assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of events that
have  been  recognized  in  the Company's financial statements or tax returns.
Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 109 requires the
recording  of  a valuation allowance when it is more likely than not that some
portion  or  all  of a deferred tax asset will not be realized. This statement
further  states  that  forming  a conclusion that a valuation allowance is not
needed  may  be  difficult, especially when there is negative evidence such as
cumulative  losses in recent years. The ultimate realization of all or part of
the  Company's  deferred  tax  assets  depends  upon  the Company's ability to
generate  sufficient  taxable  income  in  the  future.

    At  September  30,  1996,  the  Company  had  a  net  deferred  tax  asset
approximating  $36.4  million  consisting principally of temporary differences
relating  to  available  Net  Operating  Losses  ("NOL's")  and  accruals  for
postretirement  benefits other than pensions partially offset by depreciation.
Because  of  unfavorable  operating  results  in recent years, the Company has
established  a  100% valuation allowance to offset the net deferred tax asset,
resulting  in  a charge to operations and a corresponding reduction of equity.
The  Company  will  periodically  evaluate its strategic and business plans in
light  of  evolving  business conditions and actual operating results, and the
valuation  allowance  may be adjusted for future income expectations resulting
from  that  process.

    As  a  result,  the  application  of the valuation allowance determination
process  could  result  in recognition of significant income tax provisions or
benefits  in a single interim or annual period due to actual operating results
and  changes  in  future  income  expectations  over  several  years. Such tax
provision  or  benefit  effect  could likely be material in the context of the
specific  interim  or  annual  financial  reporting period in which changes in
judgment  about  extended future periods are reported. The valuation allowance
determination  process  is  a  balance sheet approach and does not have as its
objective  the  periodic  matching  of pre-tax income or loss with the related
actual  income  tax  effects.

    If  the  Company's  principal markets continue to exhibit improvement, and
such  improvement  is  manifested  in  positive  trends  in  the  value  and
profitability  of  customer orders and backlog, additional tax benefits may be
reported  in  future  periods  as  the  valuation  allowance  is  reduced.
Alternatively,  to  the  extent  that the Company's future profit expectations
remain  static or are diminished, tax provisions may be charged against pretax
income.  In  either  event, such valuation allowance-related tax provisions or
benefits should not necessarily be viewed as recurring. Further, the amount of
current  taxes  that  the Company expects to pay for the foreseeable future is
minimal,  and  the  Company's  carryforward  tax  attributes  are  viewed  by
management  as  a significant competitive advantage to the extent that profits
can  be  sheltered  effectively  from tax and re-employed in the growth of the

    See  "Legal  Proceedings"  with  respect  to  certain  other  tax matters.


    SFAS  No. 121, "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for
Long-Lived  Assets  to  Be  Disposed  Of,"  and  SFAS No. 125, "Accounting for
Transfers  and  Servicing  of  Financial  Assets  and  Extinguishments  of
Liabilities"  are  effective  for  the  year ending September 30, 1997. In the
opinion  of  management,  these  statements  will  not  impact  the  Company's
financial  position  or  results  of  operations.

    SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock Based Compensation," was issued and is
also  effective  for  the  year ending September 30, 1997. The Company has not
decided  how  it  intends to apply the accounting and disclosure provisions of
this  statement.

ITEM  8.    Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

Board  of  Directors
Haynes  International,  Inc.

     We  have  audited the consolidated financial statements and the financial
statement schedule of Haynes International, Inc. (the Company), a wholly owned
subsidiary  of  Haynes Holdings, Inc., listed in Item 14(a) of this Form 10-K.
These  financial  statements  and  financial  statement  schedules  are  the
responsibility  of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express
an  opinion  on  these  financial statements and financial statement schedules
based  on  our  audits.

     We  conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted standards.
Those  standards  require  that  we  plan  and  perform  the  audit  to obtain
reasonable  assurance  about  whether  the  financial  statements  are free of
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  an audit
also  includes  assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and  significant
estimates  made  by  management,  as  well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for  our  opinion.

     In  our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above present
fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the  consolidated financial position of
Haynes  International,  Inc.  as  of  September  30,  1996  and  1995, and the
consolidated  results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the
three  years  in  the  period  ended  September  30,  1996  in conformity with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  In addition, in our opinion, the
financial statement schedule referred to above, when considered in relation to
the  basic  financial  statements  taken  as  a whole, presents fairly, in all
material  respects,  the  information  required  to  be  included  therein.

     As  discussed  in Notes 1 and 8 to the consolidated financial statements,
the  Company  changed  its  method  of  accounting  for  income  taxes  and
postretirement  benefits  during  1994.

Coopers  &  Lybrand  L.L.P.

Fort  Wayne,  Indiana
November  6,  1996

                                 HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET


                                                            September 30,    September 30,
ASSETS                                                                1995             1996 
- ----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------

Current Assets:

     Cash and cash equivalents                              $        5,035   $        4,688 

     Accounts and notes receivable, less allowance for
     doubtful accounts of $979 and $900, respectively               38,089           39,624 

     Inventories                                                    60,234           74,755 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

          Total current assets                                     103,358          119,067 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

Net property, plant and equipment                                   36,863           31,157 

Prepayments and deferred charges, net                               11,095           11,265 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

                    Total assets                            $      151,316   $      161,489 
                                                            ===============  ===============


Current liabilities:

     Accounts payable and accrued expenses                  $       22,975   $       24,814 

     Accrued postretirement benefits                                 4,100            4,000 

     Revolving credit                                               12,477           30,888 

Note payable                                                                            859 

     Income taxes payable                                            1,190            1,199 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

          Total current liabilities                                 40,742           61,760 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

Long-term debt, net of unamortized discount                        140,000          137,350 

Deferred income taxes                                                  326              485 

Accrued postretirement benefits                                     90,730           91,813 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

          Total liabilities                                        271,798          291,408 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

Redeemable common stock of parent company                            1,427              422 

Capital deficiency:

     Common stock, $.01 par value (100 shares authorized,
     issued and outstanding)

     Additional paid-in capital                                     46,306           47,985 

     Accumulated deficit                                          (172,285)        (181,321)

     Foreign currency translation adjustment                         4,070            2,995 
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

          Total capital deficiency                                (121,909)        (130,341)
                                                            ---------------  ---------------

                 Total liabilities and capital deficiency   $      151,316   $      161,489 
- ----------------------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============


The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  financial  statements.

                                       HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                                         (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

                                                       Year Ended       Year Ended       Year Ended
                                                       September 30,    September 30,    September 30,
                                                                 1994             1995             1996 
                                                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Net revenues                                           $      150,578   $      201,933   $      226,402 

Costs and expenses:

Cost of sales                                                 134,840          167,196          181,173 

Goodwill write-off                                             37,117 

Selling and administrative                                     15,039           15,475           19,966 

Research and technical                                          3,630            3,049            3,411 

Other costs, net                                                  816            1,767              590 

Interest expense                                               19,916           20,233           21,991 

Interest income                                                  (334)            (329)            (889)
                                                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

     Total costs and expenses                                 211,024          207,391          226,242 
                                                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Income (loss) before provision for income taxes,
extraordinary item and cumulative effect of change in
accounting principle                                          (60,446)          (5,458)             160 

Provision for income taxes                                        420            1,313            1,940 
                                                       ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Loss before extraordinary item and cumulative effect
of change in accounting principle                             (60,866)          (6,771)          (1,780)

Extraordinary item, net of tax benefit                                                           (7,256)

Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle,
net of tax benefit                                            (79,630)

          Net loss                                     $     (140,496)  $       (6,771)  $       (9,036)
- -----------------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============  ===============

The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these  financial  statements.

                                      HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                        (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

                                                     Year Ended       Year Ended       Year Ended
                                                     September 30,    September 30,    September 30,
                                                               1994             1995             1996 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Cash flows from operating activities:

Net loss                                             $     (140,496)  $       (6,771)  $       (9,036)

Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
net cash used in operations:

Extraordinary item                                                                              7,256 

Depreciation                                                  8,208            8,188            7,751 

Amortization and goodwill write-off                          40,287            1,444            1,353 

Deferred income taxes                                       (10,633)               2              213 

Gain on disposition of property and equipment                  (397)             (37)             (20)

Change in assets and liabilities:

Accounts and notes receivable                                (3,028)          (7,354)          (1,599)

Inventories                                                    (951)          (6,480)         (15,132)

Other assets                                                    (58)             347             (335)

Accounts payable and accrued expenses                         4,291            6,322            2,543 

Income taxes payable                                           (234)             774               10 

Accrued postretirement benefits                              90,210              682              983 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Net cash used in operating activities                       (12,801)          (2,883)          (5,343)
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

Additions to property, plant and equipment                     (771)          (1,934)          (2,092)

Proceeds from disposals of property, plant,
     and equipment                                            1,517               39               67 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

         Net cash provided from (used in) investing
                activities                                      746           (1,895)          (2,025)
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

Net additions of revolving credit                             7,960            4,337           18,411 

Borrowings of long-term debt                                                                  137,350 

Repayments of long-term debt                                                                 (140,000)

Payment of debt issuance costs                                                                 (5,408)

Prepayment penalties on debt retirement                                                        (3,911)

Dividend from parent company on exercise of
stock options                                                                                     674 

Retirement of stock options                                    (858)            (425)
                                                     ---------------  ---------------                 

Net cash provided from financing activities                   7,102            3,912            7,116 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Effect of exchange rates on cash                                129              211              (95)
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                        (4,824)            (655)            (347)

Cash and cash equivalents:

Beginning of year                                            10,514            5,690            5,035 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

End of year                                          $        5,690   $        5,035   $        4,688 
                                                     ===============  ===============  ===============

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
Cash paid during period for:

Interest                                             $       17,891   $       18,840   $       22,076 
                                                     ===============  ===============  ===============

Income taxes                                         $          848   $          560   $        1,717 
- ---------------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============  ===============

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                            (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)



The  consolidated  financial  statements  include  the  accounts  of  Haynes
International,  Inc.  and  its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  (collectively, the
"Company").    All  significant  intercompany  transactions  and  balances are
eliminated.     The Company develops, manufactures and markets technologically
advanced,  high  performance  alloys  primarily  for  use in the aerospace and
chemical  processing  industries  worldwide.


The  Company  considers  all  highly  liquid investment instruments, including
investments with maturities of three months or less at acquisition, to be cash
equivalents,  the  carrying  value of which approximates fair value due to the
short  maturity  of  these  investments.


Inventories  are  stated at the lower of cost or market.  The cost of domestic
inventories  is  determined  using  the last-in, first-out method (LIFO).  The
cost of foreign inventories is determined using the first-in, first-out (FIFO)
method  and  average  cost  method.


Additions  to  property,  plant  and  equipment  are  recorded  at  cost  with
depreciation  calculated  primarily by using the straight-line method based on
estimated  economic useful lives.  Buildings are generally depreciated over 40
years  and machinery and equipment are depreciated over periods ranging from 5
to  14  years.

Expenditures  for  maintenance  and  repairs and minor renewals are charged to
expense;  major  renewals are capitalized.  Upon retirement or sale of assets,
the  cost  of the disposed assets and the related accumulated depreciation are
removed  from  the  accounts  and  any  resulting  gain or loss is credited or
charged  to  operations.


The  Company's  foreign operating entities' financial statements are stated in
the  functional  currencies  of  each  respective country, which are the local
currencies.    Substantially all assets and liabilities are translated to U.S.
dollars using exchange rates in effect at the end of the year and revenues and
expenses  are  translated  at  the  weighted  average  rate  for  the  year.
Translation  gains  or  losses are recorded as a separate component of capital
deficiency  and  transaction  gains  and  losses  are reflected in net losses.

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


F.          INCOME  TAXES

Effective  October  1,  1993,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS")  No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes".  This
statement  applies  an  asset  and  liability  approach  that  requires  the
recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax
consequences  of  events  that have been recognized in the Company's financial
statements or tax returns.  If it is more likely than not that some portion or
all  of  a  deferred  tax asset will not be realized, a valuation allowance is
recognized  (see  Note 5).  Previously, the Company accounted for income taxes
under the provisions of SFAS No. 96, "Accounting for Income Taxes".  Financial
statements  for  the  prior  years  have  not been restated and the cumulative
effect  of  the  change  in  accounting  principle  was  not  material.


Deferred  charges consist primarily of debt issuance costs which are amortized
over  the  terms  of  the  related  debt  using the effective interest method.
Accumulated  amortization  at  September 30, 1995 and 1996 was $9,266 and $63,
respectively.    During  1996,  the  Company wrote off approximately $3,345 of
deferred  debt  issuance  costs  and capitalized approximately $5,408 of costs
incurred  in  connection  with  the  refinancing  of  the  Company's  debt.


The Company enters into forward currency exchange contracts and nickel futures
contracts  on  a  continuing  basis  for  periods  consistent with contractual
exposures.   The effect of this practice is to minimize the variability in the
Company's  operating results arising from foreign exchange rate and nickel
price  movements.    These  contracts  are  considered  short-term  financial
instruments,  the  carrying  value of which approximates fair value due to the
relatively  short  duration  of the contracts.  The Company does not engage in
foreign  currency  or  nickel  futures speculation.  Gains and losses on these
contracts  are  reflected  in  the  statement  of  operations in the month the
contracts are settled.  At September 30, 1995 and 1996, the Company had $1,700
and  $1,360  of foreign currency exchange contracts, respectively,  and $4,441
and  $3,512  of  nickel  futures  contracts,  respectively, outstanding with a
combined  net unrealized loss of $103 and $192, respectively.  With respect to
the  Consolidated  Statement  of Cash Flows, contracts accounted for as hedges
are  classified  in  the  same  category  as  the  items  being  hedged.

Financial  instruments which potentially subject the Company to concentrations
of  credit  risk  consist of cash and cash equivalents.  At September 30, 1996
and  periodically throughout the year the Company has maintained cash balances
in  excess  of  federally  insured  limits.

During  1995 and 1996, sales to one group of affiliated customers approximated
$23,718  and $26,937,  respectively, or 12% of net revenues for both years. At
September  30,  1995  and  1996,  receivables  from the customers approximated
$3,338  and  $5,034,  respectively.    During 1994, sales to a single customer
approximated  $15,452 or 10% of net revenues.  The Company does not believe it
is significantly vulnerable to certain business concentrations with respect to
customers,  suppliers,  products,  markets  or  geographic areas that make the
Company  vulnerable  to  the  risk  of  a  near-term  severe  impact.




Certain  amounts  in prior year financial statements have been reclassified to
conform  with  current  year  presentation.


The  preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting  principles  requires  management to make estimates and assumptions
that  affect  the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of
contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and
the  reported  amounts  of  revenues and expenses during the reporting period.
Actual  results  could  differ  from  those  estimates.   The Company does not
believe that it has assets, liabilities or contingencies that are particularly
sensitive  to  changes  in  estimates  in  the  near  term.


SFAS  No.  121,  "Accounting  for  the Impairment of Long-Lived assets and for
Long-Lived  assets  to  Be  Disposed  Of"  and  SFAS  No. 125, "Accounting for
Transfers  and  Servicing  of  Financial  Assets  and  Extinguishments  of
Liabilities"  are  effective  for  the year ending September 30, 1997.  In the
opinion  of  management,  these  statements  will  not  impact  the  Company's
financial  position  or results of operations.  The Company currently accounts
for  stock options under the provisions of Accounting Principles Board Opinion
(APB)  No.  25.    Recently,  SFAS  No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Based
Compensation",  was issued and is also effective for the year ending September
30,  1997.  The Company has not decided how it intends to apply the accounting
and  disclosure  provisions  of  this  statement.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]

                                      HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.



The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  major  classes  of  inventories:

                                                                     September 30,    September 30,
                                                                               1995             1996 
                                                                     ---------------  ---------------

Raw materials                                                        $        2,998   $        4,296 

Work-in-process                                                              38,488           37,643 

Finished goods                                                               20,616           32,046 

Other                                                                         2,428              861 

Amount necessary to decrease certain inventories to the LIFO method
                                                                             (4,296)             (91)
                                                                     ---------------  ---------------

     Net inventories                                                 $       60,234   $       74,755 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============

Inventories  valued  using  the  LIFO method comprise 73% and 74% of consolidated FIFO inventories at
September  30,  1995  and  1996,  respectively.


     The  following  is a summary of the major classes of property, plant, and

                                    September  30,    September 30,
                                               1995             1996 
                                    ----------------  ---------------

Land and land improvements          $         1,920   $        1,918 

Buildings                                     6,623            6,623 

Machinery and equipment                      74,951           76,336 

Construction in process                         664              900 
                                    ----------------  ---------------

                                             84,158           85,777 

     Less accumulated depreciation          (47,295)         (54,620)
                                    ----------------  ---------------

Net property, plant and equipment   $        36,863   $       31,157 
- ----------------------------------  ================  ===============

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.



     The  following  is a summary of the major classes of accounts payable and
accrued  expenses:

                                September 30,   September 30,
                                          1995            1996
                                --------------  --------------

Accounts payable, trade         $       14,477  $       15,285

Employee compensation                    1,995           4,214

Taxes, other than income taxes           2,226           1,977

Interest                                 3,160           1,718

Other                                    1,117           1,620
                                --------------  --------------

     Total                      $       22,975  $       24,814
- ------------------------------  ==============  ==============

                 (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.)

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


NOTE  5:          INCOME  TAXES

The  components of income (loss) before provision for income taxes, extraordinary item and cumulative
effect  of  change  in  accounting  principle  consist  of  the  following:

                                                    Year Ended       Year Ended       Year Ended
                                                    September 30,    September 30,    September 30,
                                                              1994             1995             1996 
                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Income (loss) before provision for income taxes,
extraordinary item and cumulative effect of change
in accounting principle

U.S.                                                $      (58,509)  $       (9,332)  $       (4,558)

Foreign                                                     (1,937)           3,874            4,718 
                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

     Total                                          $      (60,446)  $       (5,458)  $          160 
                                                    ===============  ===============  ===============

Income tax provision (benefit):


U.S. Federal                                                                          $          187 

Foreign                                             $          411   $        1,284            1,509 

State                                                           62               27               31 
                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Current total                                                  473            1,311            1,727 
                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------


U. S. Federal                                                                     2              131 

Foreign                                                        (53)                               82 
                                                    ---------------                   ---------------

Deferred total                                                 (53)               2              213 
                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Total provision for income taxes                    $          420   $        1,313   $        1,940 
- --------------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============  ===============

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


The provision for income taxes applicable to results of operations before extraordinary item and
cumulative  effect  of  change  in accounting principle differed from the U.S. federal statutory
rate  as  follows:

                                               Year Ended       Year Ended       Year Ended
                                               September 30,    September 30,    September 30,
                                                         1994             1995             1996 
                                               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Statutory federal tax rate                                 34%              34%              34%

Tax provision (benefit) at the statutory rate  $      (20,552)  $       (1,856)  $           54 

Foreign tax rate differentials                            951             (162)             (24)

Goodwill amortization and write-off                    12,054 
Withholding tax on undistributed earnings of
foreign subsidiaries                                                                        131 

Provision for state taxes, net of federal tax              62               27               31 

Exercise of stock options of parent company                                                 400 

U.S. tax on distributed and undistributed
earnings of foreign subsidiaries                        1,735              980              760 

Increase in valuation allowance                         5,639            2,057              363 

Other                                                     531              267              225 
                                               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Provision at effective tax rate                $          420   $        1,313   $        1,940 
- ---------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============  ===============

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


Deferred  income  tax  assets  (liabilities)  are  comprised  of  the following:


Current defferred income tax assets             September 30,    September 30,
(liabilities):                                            1995             1996 
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Inventory capitalization                        $          853   $          962 

Postretirement benefits other than pensions              1,590            1,553 

Accrued expenses for vacation                              446              470 

Other                                                      606              700 
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Gross deferred tax assets                                3,495            3,685 

Less:  Valuation allowance                              (2,132)          (2,434)
                                                ---------------  ---------------

                                                         1,363            1,251 

Inventory  purchase accounting adjustment               (5,637)          (5,646)
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Total net current deferred tax liability                (4,274)          (4,395)
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Noncurrent deferred income tax assets

Property, plant and equipment, net                      (9,344)          (7,069)

Prepaid pension costs                                   (2,107)          (1,990)

Investment in subsidiary                                  (466)            (466)

Other foreign related                                     (390)            (475)

Undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries          (2,669)          (3,420)
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Gross noncurrent deferred tax liability                (14,976)         (13,420)
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Postretirement benefits other than pensions             35,182           35,656 

Executive compensation                                     553              164 

Investment in subsidiary                                   563              563 

Net operating loss carryforwards                        13,283           14,406 

Alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards               414              538 
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Gross noncurrent deferred tax asset                     49,995           51,327 

Less:  Valuation allowance                             (31,071)         (33,997)
                                                ---------------  ---------------

                                                        18,924           17,330 
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Total net noncurrent deferred tax asset                  3,948            3,910 
                                                ---------------  ---------------

       Total                                    $         (326)  $         (485)
- ----------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============

The  valuation  allowance  used  to  offset deferred tax assets is as follows:


Allowance at October 1, 1993     $24,422
- -------------------------------  -------
Increase in allowance              6,435
Allowance at October 1, 1994      30,857
Increase in allowance              2,346
Allowance at October 1, 1995      33,203
Increase in allowance              3,228
Allowance at September 30, 1996  $36,431
- -------------------------------  =======



    As  of September 30, 1996 the Company had net operating loss carryforwards
for  regular  tax  purposes of approximately $39,700 (expiring in fiscal years
2005  to  2011),  of  which $19,800 are available for alternative minimum tax.
The  Company has alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards of approximately
$500  which are available to reduce federal regular income taxes, if any, over
an  indefinite  period.

    Because of unfavorable operating results in recent years and the Company's
net  operating  loss  carryforward  position,  the  Company  has established a
valuation  allowance  to  offset  certain  deferred  tax  assets  created  by
operations.    If  in  the future the facts and circumstances of the Company's
financial  position  and  operating  performance  consistently  improve over a
period  of  time,  the  valuation  allowance  will  be  adjusted  accordingly.

    The  Company  recently  completed  an  examination by the Internal Revenue
Service  (IRS)  for  the five taxable years ended September 30, 1993.  The IRS
has proposed to disallow aggregate deductions in the amount of $5,500 relative
to  the  amortization  of  certain  loan  fees,  totaling $10,400, incurred in
connection  with  the  1989  acquisition  of the Company.  The Company claimed
similar  deductions  in 1994 through 1996.  The Company has formally protested
the  disallowance  of  these  deductions.  On August 28, 1996, the Company met
with  officials  from  the  IRS Appeals Office and received a favorable verbal
confirmation  that  the  deductions would be allowed as a result of the recent
passage  of  the  Small  Business  Job Protection Act of 1996.  The Company is
presently  awaiting  a written confirmation from the IRS.  If the Company does
not  prevail  in  its  defense,  the  amount  of  available net operating loss
carryforwards  will  be  reduced  accordingly.

                 (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.)



NOTE  6:          DEBT

    Long-term  debt,  consists  of  the  following:

                                                  September 30,   September 30,
                                                            1995            1996
                                                  --------------  --------------

Senior Notes (due 2004, 11.625%) net of $2,650
unamortized discount (effective rate of 12.0%)                    $      137,350

Senior Subordinated Notes (due 1997-1999, 13.5%)  $       90,000

Senior Secured Notes (due 1998, 11.25%)                   50,000

                                                  $      140,000  $      137,350
                                                  ==============  ==============

    On  August 23, 1996, the Company successfully refinanced its debt with the
issuance  of  $140,000  Senior  Notes  due  2004  and an amendment to its then
existing  revolving  credit  facility  with  Congress  Financial  Corporation

    Certain  non  recurring  charges  were  recorded  as  a  result  of  this
refinancing  effort  as  follows:

    @          $7,256 of extraordinary losses were incurred resulting from the
redemption  of  the  Senior Secured and Senior Subordinated Notes.  The losses
are  comprised  of $3,911 in prepayment penalties incurred with the redemption
and  $3,345  of  deferred  debt  issuance  costs  which  were written off upon
redemption  of  the  related  debt;
    @      $1,837 of Selling and Administrative Expense which represents costs
incurred  from  a  deferred  initial  public  offering of the Company's common
stock;  and
    @      $924 of net Interest Expense incurred during the period between the
issuance  of  the  Senior  Notes  and the redemption of the Senior Secured and
Senior  Subordinated  Notes.

    The  Company  now  has  available  a $50,000 working capital facility (the
"Revolving  Credit  Facility")  with  Congress.    The  amount  available  for
revolving  credit  loans  equals  the  difference  between  the  $50,000 total
facility  amount  less any letter of credit reimbursement obligations incurred
by  the  Company,  which  are  subject  to  a  sublimit of $10,000.  The total
availability  may  not  exceed  the sum of 85% of eligible accounts receivable
(generally,  accounts  receivable  of  the  Company  from  domestic and export
customers  that  are  less  than  60  days  outstanding)  plus 60% of eligible
inventories  consisting  of  finished  goods  and  raw  materials  plus 45% of
eligible  inventories  consisting  of  work-in-process and semi-finished goods
calculated at the lower of cost or current market value minus any availability
reserves  established  by  Congress.    Unused  line of credit fees during the
revolving  credit  loan  period  are  .375% of the amount by which the $50,000
million  maximum  credit  exceeds  the  average daily principal balance of the
outstanding  revolving  loans  and  letter  of  credit  accommodations.



    The  Revolving  Credit  Facility bears interest at a fluctuating per annum
rate  equal  to  a  combination  of prime rate plus 0.75% and London Interbank
Offered  Rates  ("LIBOR")  plus  2.75%.    At September 30, 1996 the effective
interest  rates  for  revolving  credit  loans  were 8.238% for $24,000 of the
Revolving  Credit  Facility  and  9.0%  for  $6,900  of  the  Revolving Credit
Facility.   As of September 30, 1996, $3,025 in letter of credit reimbursement
obligations have been incurred by the Company.  The availability for revolving
credit  loans  at  September  30,  1996  was  $16,075.

    The Revolving Credit Facility contains covenants common to such agreements
including  the  maintenance  of  certain  net  worth levels and limitations on
capital  expenditures, investments, incurrences of debt, impositions of liens,
dispositions  of  assets  and  payments  of  dividends and distributions.  The
Revolving  Credit  Facility  is  collateralized  by  first  priority  security
interests  in  all accounts receivable and inventories (excluding all accounts
receivable  and  inventories  of the Company's foreign subsidiaries) and fixed
assets  of  the  Company  and  the  sales  proceeds  therefrom.

    The  estimated  fair value, based upon an independent market quotation, of
the  Company's  long-term  debt  was  approximately  $106,750  and $145,600 at
September  30,  1995  and  1996,  respectively.    The  carrying  value of the
Company's  Revolving  Credit  Facility  approximates  fair  value.

                 (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.)

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


- ------------------------

    The  Senior  Notes are uncollateralized obligations of the Company and are
effectively  subordinated  in  right  of  payment  to  obligations  under  the
Revolving  Credit  Facility.  Interest is payable semi-annually on March 1 and
September  1.

    The  notes are redeemable, in whole or in part, at the Company's option at
any  time  on  or  after  September  1, 2000 at redemption prices ranging from
105.813%  to  100%  plus  accrued  interest  to  the  date  of redemption.  In
addition,  prior  to September 1, 1999, in the event one or more public equity
offerings  of  the  Company  are  consummated,  the  Company may redeem in the
aggregate  up to a maximum of 35% of the initial aggregate principal amount of
the  Notes  with  the  net  proceeds  thereof  at  a redemption price equal to
111.625%  of  the principal amount thereof plus accrued and unpaid interest to
the  date  of redemption; provided that, after giving effect thereto, at least
$85,000  aggregate  principal  amount  of  Notes  remains  outstanding.

    The  Senior  Notes  limit  the  incurrence  of  additional  indebtedness,
restricted  payments,  mergers,  consolidations  and  asset  sales.

- -----

    In addition, the Company's UK affiliate (Haynes International, Ltd.) has a
revolving credit agreement with Midland Bank that provides for availability of
1 million pounds sterling collateralized by the assets of the affiliate.  This
revolving credit agreement was available in its entirety on September 30, 1996
as  a means of financing the activities of the affiliate including payments to
the  Company  for  intercompany  purchases.    The  Company's French affiliate
(Haynes  International, SARL) has an overdraft banking facility of 7.0 million
French  francs  ($1,400)  and utilized 4.4 million French francs ($896) of the
facility  as  of  September  30,  1996.

                 (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.)

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.



The  following  is  a  summary  of  changes  in  stockholder's  equity  (capital  deficiency):


                                Common Stock

                                                            Additional                              Currency
                                No. of             At       Paid in                  (Accumulated   Translation
                                Shares             Par      Capital            Deficit)             Adjustment
                                -----------------  -------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------

Balance at
September 30, 1993                            100  $     0  $         46,087   $          (25,018)  $            1,869 
- ------------------------------                                                                                         

Year ended
September 30, 1994:

    Net loss                                                                             (140,496)                     

    Dividend to parent
    company to repurchase
    stock                                                                (83)                                          

    Reclassification of  re-
    deemable common stock                                                272                                           

    Foreign exchange                                                                                             1,342 
                                -----------------   ------   ---------------    -----------------    ----------------- 

Balance at
September 30, 1994                            100        0            46,276             (165,514)               3,211 
- ------------------------------                                                                                         

Year ended
September 30, 1995:

    Net Loss                                                                               (6,771)                     

    Dividend to parent company
    to repurchase stock                                                  (70)                                          

    Reclassification of
    redeemable common stock                                              100                                           

    Foreign Exchange                                                                                               859 
                                -----------------   ------   ---------------    -----------------    ----------------- 

Balance at
September 30, 1995                            100        0            46,306             (172,285)               4,070 
- ------------------------------                                                                                         

Year ended
September 30, 1996:

    Net Loss                                                                               (9,036)                     

    Dividend from parent
    company on exercise of
    stock option                                                         674                                           

    Reclassification of
    redeemable common stock                                            1,005                                           

    Foreign Exchange                                                                                            (1,075)
                                -----------------   ------   ---------------    -----------------    ----------------- 

Balance at
September 30, 1996                            100  $     0  $         47,985   $         (181,321)  $            2,995 
- ------------------------------  =================  =======  =================  ===================  ===================



Balance at
September 30, 1993              $             22,938 
- ------------------------------                       

Year ended
September 30, 1994:

    Net loss                                (140,496)

    Dividend to parent
    company to repurchase
    stock                                        (83)

    Reclassification of  re-
    deemable common stock                        272 

    Foreign exchange                           1,342 

Balance at
September 30, 1994                          (116,027)
- ------------------------------                       

Year ended
September 30, 1995:

    Net Loss                                  (6,771)

    Dividend to parent company
    to repurchase stock                          (70)

    Reclassification of
    redeemable common stock                      100 

    Foreign Exchange                             859 

Balance at
September 30, 1995                          (121,909)
- ------------------------------                       

Year ended
September 30, 1996:

    Net Loss                                  (9,036)

    Dividend from parent
    company on exercise of
    stock option                                 674 

    Reclassification of
    redeemable common stock                    1,005 

    Foreign Exchange                          (1,075)

Balance at
September 30, 1996              $           (130,341)
- ------------------------------  =====================

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.



    The Company has non-contributory defined benefit pension plans which cover
most  employees  in  the  United  States  and  certain  foreign  subsidiaries.

    Benefits  provided  under  the  Company's domestic defined benefit pension
plan are based on years of service and the employee's final compensation.  The
Company's  funding  policy  is to contribute annually an amount deductible for
federal  income  tax  purposes  based  upon  an  actuarial  cost  method using
actuarial  and  economic  assumptions  designed to achieve adequate funding of
benefit  obligations.

    Net periodic pension cost on a consolidated basis was $611, $458, and $720
for  the  years  ended  September  30,  1994,  1995  and  1996,  respectively.

    For  the domestic pension plan, net periodic pension cost was comprised of
the  following  elements:

                               Year Ended       Year Ended       Year Ended
                               September 30,    September 30,    September 30,
                                         1994             1995             1996 
                               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Service cost                   $        2,165   $        1,713   $        2,042 

Interest cost                           6,536            7,060            7,027 

Actual return on plan assets             (639)         (18,727)         (13,431)

Net amortization and deferral          (7,748)          10,084            4,670 
                               ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

Net periodic pension cost      $          314   $          130   $          308 
- -----------------------------  ===============  ===============  ===============

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


    The  following table sets forth the domestic pension plan's funded status:

                                                                    September 30,    September 30,
                                                                              1995             1996 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------

Accumulated benefit obligation, including vested
benefits of $86,227 and $83,516, respectively                       $       90,285   $       87,469 
                                                                    ===============  ===============

Projected benefit obligation for
service rendered to date                                            $     (103,149)  $     (101,922)

Plan assets at fair value
(primarily debt securities)                                                122,103          128,264 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------

Plan assets in excess of projected
benefit obligation                                                          18,954           26,342 

Unrecognized net gain from past experience different from that
assumed and effects of changes in assumptions                              (13,459)         (24,364)

Unrecognized prior service costs                                               (62)           3,146 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------

Prepaid pension cost recognized in the consolidated balance sheet   $        5,433   $        5,124 
                                                                    ===============  ===============


Weighted average discount rate                                                7.00%            7.50%
                                                                    ===============  ===============

Average rate of increase in
compensation levels                                                           5.25%            5.75%
                                                                    ===============  ===============

Expected rate of return on plan
assets during year                                                            7.50%            7.75%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------  ===============  ===============

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


    In  addition  to  providing pension benefits, the Company provides certain
health  care and life insurance benefits for retired employees.  Substantially
all domestic employees become eligible for these benefits if they reach normal
retirement  age  while  working  for  the Company.  Prior to 1994, the cost of
retiree health care and life insurance benefits was recognized as expense upon
payment  of  claims  or  insurance  premiums.

    Effective  October  1,  1993, the Company adopted SFAS No. 106, "Employers
Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions" which requires the
cost of postretirement benefits to be accrued over the years employees provide
services  to  the  date  of  their  full  eligibility  for such benefits.  The
Company's  policy  is  to  fund the cost these of benefits on an annual basis.
The  Company  elected  to  immediately recognize the transition obligation for
benefits earned as of October 1, 1993, resulting in a pre-tax, non-cash charge
of  $90,210  representing  the  cumulative  effect of the change in accounting
principle,  which  along  with  the  establishment of a deferred tax valuation
allowance,  reduced  net  worth  at September 30, 1994 by $79,630.  Operations
were charged approximately $7,997, $4,671 and $4,823 for these benefits during
fiscal  1994,  1995  and  1996,  respectively.

    Effective  January  1,  1995,  the Company amended its health care plan by
requiring  retirees and surviving spouses to share in the cost of medical care
by  paying  a  portion  of  the  cost  of  continuing  health  care  insurance
protection.    As  a  result of this amendment, the accumulated postretirement
benefit  obligation was reduced by $13,583 and will be amortized to operations
over  approximately  12.5  years.

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                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


    The  following  sets forth the funded status of the plans in the aggregate
reconciled  with  amounts  reported  in  the  Company's  balance  sheet:

                                           September 30,   September 30,   September 30,
                                                     1994            1995            1996
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------

Accumulated postretirement benefit
  obligation (APBO):

     Retirees and dependents               $       59,907  $       47,039  $       48,380

     Active plan participants eligible to
         receive benefits                           8,286           6,941           7,813

     Active plan participants not yet
        eligible to receive benefits               18,087          15,823          16,043
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------

                  Total APBO                       86,280          69,803          72,236

     Unrecognized prior service cost                               12,674          11,582

     Unrecognized net gain                          7,868          12,353          11,995
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------

     Accrued postretirement liability      $       94,148  $       94,830  $       95,813
- -----------------------------------------  ==============  ==============  ==============

Net  periodic  postretirement  benefit cost included the following components:

                                    Year Ended              Year Ended               Year Ended
                                    September 30,           September 30,            September 30,
                                                      1994                    1995                     1996 
                                    ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------

Service cost                        $                1,624  $                1,036   $                1,131 

Interest cost                                        6,373                   5,126                    5,089 

Amortization of net gain                                                      (582)                    (306)

Amortization of prior service cost                                            (909)                  (1,091)
                                    ---------------------   ---------------------    ---------------------
                                    ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------

Net periodic postretirement
   benefit cost                     $                7,997  $                4,671   $                4,823 
- ----------------------------------  ======================  =======================  =======================

    An  11.46%  annual  rate  of increase for ages under 65 and a 9.32% annual
rate of increase for ages over 65 in the costs of covered health care benefits
was assumed for 1996, gradually decreasing for both age groups to 5.25% by the
year  2010.    Increasing  the  assumed  health  care  cost trend rates by one
percentage  point  in  each year would increase the accumulated postretirement
benefit  obligation  as  of  September 30, 1996 by $9,903 and increase the net
periodic  postretirement  benefit  cost  for 1996 by $973.  A discount rate of
8.0%  was  used to determine the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation
at  September  30,  1994 and a discount rate of 7.5% was used to determine the
accumulated  postretirement benefit obligation at September 30, 1995 and 1996.

    The  Company  sponsors  certain  profit  sharing  plans for the benefit of
employees  meeting  certain  eligibility  requirements.    There  were  no
contributions  for  these  plans  for  the  three  years  in  the period ended
September  30,  1996.

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.



    The  Company leases certain transportation vehicles, warehouse facilities,
office  space  and machinery and equipment under cancelable and non-cancelable
leases,  most  of  which  expire  within  10  years  and may be renewed by the
Company.    Rent  expense  under  such arrangements totaled $1,567, $1,431 and
$1,392  for the periods ended September 30, 1994, 1995 and 1996, respectively.
Future  minimum  rental  commitments  under non-cancelable leases in effect at
September  30,  1996  are  as  follows:


1997                 $1,234
- -------------------  ------
1998                  1,086
1999                    806
2000                    563
2001 and thereafter     928

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


NOTE  10:          OTHER

    Other  costs, net consists of net foreign currency transaction (gains) and
losses in the amounts of $56, $207, and $(185) for the periods ended September
30,  1994,  1995  and  1996,  respectively,  and  miscellaneous  costs.

    At  September  30,  1994  the  Company  elected to write-off the remaining
goodwill  balance  of  $37,117.   The reason for the write-off was that excess
industry  capacity,  aggressive  competitive  activity, just-in-time inventory
management  programs,  and weakness in certain economic sectors of the economy
adversely affected the specialty corrosion and high-temperature alloy industry
operating  conditions  and  the  Company's  operating  results  since  1992.
Accordingly,  the  Company  revised  its  projections  and determined that its
projected  operating  results would not support the future amortization of the
Company's  remaining  goodwill  balance.

    The  methodology  employed  to  assess the recoverability of the Company's
goodwill  first involved the projection of operating results forward 25 years,
which  approximated  the  remaining  amortization  period  of  goodwill  as of
September 30, 1994.  The Company then evaluated the recoverability of goodwill
on  the  basis of this forecast of future operations.  Based on this forecast,
the  cumulative  discounted  net  loss, before goodwill amortization and after
interest  expense,  was insufficient to recover the remaining goodwill balance
and  accordingly,  operations were charged for the entire unamortized balance.

    The  Company,  like  others  in  similar  businesses,  is  involved as the
defendant  in several legal actions and is subject to extensive federal, state
and  local environmental laws and regulations.  Although Company environmental
policies  and  practices are designed to ensure compliance with these laws and
regulations,  future  developments and increasingly stringent regulation could
require  the Company to make additional unforeseen environmental expenditures.

    Although  the  level  of  future  expenditures for environmental and other
legal  matters cannot be determined with any degree of certainty, based on the
facts presently known, management does not believe that such costs will have a
material  effect on the Company's financial position, results of operations or

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


NOTE  11:          STOCK  OPTION  PLAN

    The Company's parent has a stock option plan (the "Plan") which allows for
the granting of options to certain key employees and directors of the Company.
Under  the  Plan, options to purchase up to 905,880 shares of common stock may
be  granted  at  a  price not less than the lower of book value or 50% of fair
market  value,  as  defined in the Plan.  The options must be exercised within
ten  years  from  the date of grant and become exercisable on a pro rata basis
over  a  five  year  period from the date of grant, subject to approval by the
Board  of  Directors.

    All  holders  of options with exercise prices of $2.28 and $3.24 per share
have  the  right  to  redeem  such  options at a price equal to book value per
share,  as  defined  in  the Plan.  Further, the Company has the right to call
these  options  at  an amount equal to the greater of $10.00 per share or fair
market  value  per  share, as defined in the Plan.  The difference between the
fair  market  value of the stock on the last measurement date and the exercise
price  of  these options is classified as redeemable common stock.  Due to the
exercise  and/or  redemption of some of these options, redeemable common stock
was  reduced  by  $454  and  $1,005  during  1995  and  1996,  respectively.

    Certain holders of 320,000 options with exercise prices of $5.00 per share
have  the  right  to  redeem  such  options at a price equal to book value per
share,  as  defined  in  the Plan.  Further, the Company has the right to call
these  options  at  an  amount  equal  to  the greater of $5.00 per share (the
estimated fair market value on the last measurement date) or fair market value
per  share,  as  defined  in  the  Plan.

    In  January  1996, a majority of the options with exercise prices of $5.00
per  share  were re-priced to $2.50 per share (the estimated fair market value
on  that  date).

    On  October  22,  1996,  133,000  options  were  granted  to  certain  key
management  personnel  at  an  exercise  price  of  $8.00  per  share.

                 (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.)

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.


Pertinent  information  covering  the  Plan  is  as  follows:

                                   Number of   Option Price   Fiscal Year     Shares
                                   Shares      Per Share      of  Expiration  Exercisable
                                   ----------  -------------  --------------  -----------

Outstanding at September 30, 1993    836,058   $   2.28-5.00       1999-2003      592,078

Granted                                7,000            5.00

Redeemed                            (139,315)      2.28-3.24

Canceled                            (107,300)           5.00

Outstanding at September 30, 1994    596,443       2.28-5.00       1999-2004      434,443

Granted                              322,900            5.00

Redeemed                             (62,798)      2.28-3.24

Canceled                             (36,500)           5.00

Outstanding at September 30, 1995    820,045       2.28-5.00       1999-2005      377,145

Granted                                  ---             ---

Exercised                           (201,931)      2.28-5.00

Canceled                             (32,000)           2.50

Outstanding at September 30, 1996    586,114   $   2.28-2.50       1999-2005      279,794
                                   ==========  =============                  ===========

Options Outstanding at

September 30, 1996 consist of:        23,644   $        2.28                       23,644

                                      35,470            3.24                       35,470

                                     527,000            2.50                      220,680
                                   ----------                                 -----------

                                     586,114                                      279,794
                                   ==========                                 ===========

                          HAYNES INTERNATIONAL, INC.



Financial  information  by  geographic  area  is  as  follows:

                                                   Year Ended       Year Ended       Year Ended
                                                   September 30,    September 30,    September 30,
                                                             1994             1995             1996
                                                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------


United States                                      $       94,830   $      122,334   $      142,132

Export Sales                                               43,045           63,235           66,777
                                                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------

                                                          137,875          185,569          208,909

Europe                                                     31,560           42,935           54,173
                                                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------

                                                          169,435          228,504          263,082

Less:  Eliminations                                        18,857           26,571           36,680
                                                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------

Net revenues                                       $      150,578   $      201,933   $      226,402
                                                   ===============  ===============  ==============

Operating income (loss) and other cost, net

United States                                      $      (38,636)  $       10,825   $       17,345

Europe                                                     (1,894)           3,950            4,806
                                                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------

Total operating income (loss) and other cost, net
                                                          (40,530)          14,775           22,151

Interest                                                   19,916           20,233           21,991
                                                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------

Income (loss) before provision for income taxes,
extraordinary item and cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle                     $      (60,446)  $       (5,458)  $          160
                                                   ===============  ===============  ==============

Identifiable assets

United States                                      $      115,251   $      116,428   $      122,400

Europe                                                     24,490           29,649           34,314

General corporate assets*                                   5,690            5,035            4,688

Equity in affiliates                                          292              204               87
                                                   ---------------  ---------------  --------------

                                                   $      145,723   $      151,316   $      161,489
                                                   ===============  ===============  ==============

- -          General  corporate  assets  include  cash  and  cash  equivalents.


     Not  applicable.

     PART  III


    The  following table sets forth certain information concerning the persons
who  served  as  the  directors  and  executive  officers of the Company as of
September  30,  1996.  Except  as  indicated  in the following paragraphs, the
principal  occupations  of these persons have not changed during the past five


NAME                           AGE        POSITION WITH THE COMPANY
- -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael D. Austin . . . . . .         56  President and Chief Executive Officer; Director
Joseph F. Barker. . . . . . .         49  Chief Financial Officer; Vice President,
                                          Finance; Secretary; Treasurer; Director
F. Galen Hodge. . . . . . . .         58  Vice President, International
Michael F. Rothman. . . . . .         49  Vice President, Engineering & Technology
Charles J. Sponaugle. . . . .         48  Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Frank J. LaRosa . . . . . . .         37  Vice President, Human Resources and Information Technology
August A. Cijan . . . . . . .         41  Vice President, Operations
Theodore T. Brown . . . . . .         38  Controller; Chief Accounting Officer
Robert I. Hanson. . . . . . .         52  General Manager, Arcadia Tubular Products
Perry J. Lewis. . . . . . . .         58  Director, Chairman of the Board
Robert Egan . . . . . . . . .         65  Director, Vice Chairman of the Board
John A. Morgan. . . . . . . .         66  Director
Thomas F. Githens . . . . . .         69  Director
Sangwoo Ahn . . . . . . . . .         58  Director
Ira Starr . . . . . . . . . .         37  Director

    Mr.  Austin  was elected President, Chief Executive Officer and a director
of the Company in September 1993. From 1987 to the time he joined the Company,
Mr.  Austin  was  President  and  Chief  Executive Officer of Tuscaloosa Steel
Corporation,  a  mini  hot  strip  mill  owned  by  British  Steel  PLC  with
approximately  $200 million in annual revenue ("Tuscaloosa").  Mr. Austin also
serves  on  the  board  of  directors  of  Chicago  Metallic  Corporation.

    Mr.  Barker  was  elected  Vice  President,  Finance and a director of the
Company  in  September 1992 and Treasurer and Secretary in September 1993. Mr.
Barker  was also elected Chief Financial Officer in May 1996. He had served as
Controller  of  the  Company  and  its  predecessors  since  November  1986.

    Dr.  Hodge  was  elected  Vice President, International in June 1994 after
having  served  as  Vice  President of Technology since September 1989. He was
Marketing  and  Technical  Manager  for  the  European  Sales and Distribution
operations  from  1985  to  1987 and Director of Technology from 1987 to 1989.

    Mr.  Rothman  was  elected  Vice  President, Engineering and Technology in
October  1995  after  having  served  as  Marketing  Manager  since  1994.  He
previously  served  in various marketing and technical positions since joining
the  Company  in  1975.

    Mr.  Sponaugle  was elected Vice President, Sales and Marketing in October
1994  after having served as Quality Control Manager and Total Quality Manager
since  September  1992. He previously served as Marketing Manager from 1985 to

    Mr.  LaRosa  was  elected  Vice President, Human Resources and Information
Technology  in  April 1996 after having served as Manager, Human Resources and
Information Technology from June 1994 to April 1996. From September 1993 until
June  1994,  Mr. LaRosa served as Manager, Human Resources. From December 1990
until  joining  the Company in September 1993, he served in various management
capacities  at  Tuscaloosa.

    Mr.  Cijan was elected Vice President, Operations in April 1996. He joined
the  Company in 1993 as Manufacturing Manager and was Manager, Maintenance and
Engineering  for  Tuscaloosa  from  1987  until he joined the Company in 1993.

    Mr.  Brown  was  elected  Controller  and  Chief Accounting Officer of the
Company  in  May, 1996 after having served as General Accounting Manager since
1992.  From  1988  to  1992 he served in various financial capacities with the

    Mr. Hanson was named General Manager, Arcadia Tubular Products Facility in
November  1994.  He  previously  served  the  Company  and its predecessors in
various  technical,  production and engineering capacities since October 1987.

    Mr.  Lewis  has  served  as  a  general  partner  of  MLGAL  Partners L.P.
("MLGAL"),  a  Connecticut  limited partnership that is the general partner of
Fund II, since its formation in 1987. He was elected a director of the Company
in  1989  and has served as Chairman of the Board of the Company since October
1993.  Mr.  Lewis  also  serves on the boards of directors of Aon Corporation,
Evergreen  Media  Corporation,  Tyler  Corporation, Quaker Fabric Corporation,
Stuart  Entertainment,  Inc.  and  ITI  Technologies,  Inc.

    Mr.  Egan  was elected as a director and Vice Chairman of the Board of the
Company  in  December  1993. Mr. Egan is retired. He was formerly the Chairman
and  Chief  Executive Officer of Alloy Rods Corporation from 1985 to 1993. Mr.
Egan  also  serves on the board of directors of Robroy Inc.  See Item 12 for a
summary  of  these  agreements.

    Mr. Morgan has served as a general partner of MLGAL since its formation in
1987. He was elected a director of the Company in 1989. Mr. Morgan also serves
on the boards of directors of TriMas Corporation, Flight Safety International,
Mascotech,  Inc., Masco Corp., Allied Digital Technologies, Inc. and McDermott
International  Incorporated.

    Mr.  Githens  has  been  a retired partner of MLGAL since January 1, 1993.
From  1982  until his retirement, Mr. Githens was a partner in MLGAL, although
he  ceased his active involvement in the operations of MLGAL in December 1991.

    Mr.  Ahn  has  served as a general partner of MLGAL since its formation in
1987. He was elected a director of the Company in 1989. Mr. Ahn also serves on
the  boards  of  directors  of Kaneb Services, Inc., Kaneb Pipe Line Partners,
L.P.,  PAR  Technology Corp., Quaker Fabric Corporation, Stuart Entertainment,
Inc.  and  ITI  Technologies,  Inc.

    Mr.  Starr  has served as a general partner of MLGAL since 1994. Mr. Starr
served as Vice President of MLGAL from 1988 to 1994. He was elected a director
of  the  Company  in 1989. Mr. Starr also serves on the boards of directors of
Quaker  Fabric  Corporation  and  Stuart  Entertainment,  Inc.

    The  Company,  Holdings,  Fund II and the investors in the Company who are
officers  or  directors  of  the  Company  or employees of MLGA or the Company
entered  into the Stock Subscription Agreement, which requires certain persons
be  elected to the board of directors. The same parties, together with certain
institutional  investors,  entered  into a Stockholders Agreement dated August
31,  1989  (the  "Stockholder Agreement").  See Item 12 for a summary of these

    Each  member  of the board of directors is elected for a term of one year.
Except  for  Messrs.  Austin,  Barker  and Egan, who were elected in September
1993, September 1992 and October 1993, respectively, each of the directors has
served  in that capacity since August 1989. Each of the directors is nominated
and  elected  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  Stock Subscription Agreement.

    The  Company's Certificate of Incorporation (the "Certificate") authorizes
the  board  of  directors  to  designate  the  number  of directors. The board
currently  has  designated  eleven  directors,  and  there  are three existing
vacancies on the board of directors, which the Company does not intend to fill
in  the near future. Directors of the Company serve until their successors are
duly  elected  and  qualified  or  until their earlier resignation or removal.
Officers  of  the  Company  serve at the discretion of the board of directors,
subject,  in  the case of Mr. Austin, to the terms of his employment contract.
See  "--Austin  Employment  Agreement."

    The board has established an Audit Committee and a Compensation Committee.
The  Audit  Committee  consists  of  Messrs.  Egan,  Githens and Starr and the
Compensation  Committee  consists  of  Messrs.  Lewis, Ahn and Egan. The Audit
Committee  is responsible for recommending independent auditors, reviewing, in
connection  with  the  independent  auditors,  the audit plan, the adequacy of
internal controls, the audit report and management letter and undertaking such
other  incidental  functions  as  the  board  may  authorize. The Compensation
Committee is responsible for administering the Stock Option Plans, determining
executive  compensation  policies  and  administering  compensation  plans and
salary  programs,  including  performing  an  annual  review  of  the  total
compensation  and recommended adjustments for all executive officers. See Item

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


    The  following  tables  and notes present the compensation provided by the
Company  to  its  Chief  Executive  Officer and the Company's four most highly
compensated  executive  officers,  who  served  as  executive  officers  as of
September  30,  1996.



                              ANNUAL       COMPENSATION
                              -----------  -------------                                                                     

NAME AND PRINCIPAL POSITION   FISCAL                                                   (NUMBER OF  ALL OTHER
                              YEAR         SALARY         BONUS          SHARES                    COMPENSATION(3)
- ----------------------------  -----------    -----------   -----------   ------------------------  ------------------------
Michael D. Austin                    1996  $     351,250  $     67,000                         --  $                  104,519
  President and Chief                1995        314,167            --                         --                      75,631
  Executive Officer                  1994        314,167     100,000(2)                        --                       5,520

Joseph F. Barker                     1996        150,000        27,000                         --                       2,073
  Vice President, Finance;           1995        130,500            --                     28,400                       1,808
  Secretary; Treasurer               1994        130,500            --                         --                       2,252

F. Galen Hodge                       1996        136,750        26,700                         --                       3,236
  Vice President,                    1995        129,033            --                      23,00                       3,651
  International                      1994        129,033            --                         --                       2,580

August A. Cijan                      1996        139,350        25,100                         --                         743
  Vice President, Operations         1995        117,800            --                     40,000                      55,677
                                     1994        106,893            --                         --                         295

Charles J. Sponaugle                 1996        134,042        23,100                         --                       1,191
  Vice President, Sales              1995        109,908            --                      40,00                       1,555
  and Marketing                      1994         83,733            --                         --                         682


- --------------------------

(1)     Additional compensation in the form of perquisites was paid to certain of the named officers in the perids presented;
however,  the  amount  of  such  compensation  was  less  than  the  level  required  for  reporting.
(2)     Mr. Austin was elected President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company on September 2, 1993 and, under the terms
of  an  Executive  Employment Agreement with the Company, Mr. Austin received a $100,000 bonus to cover deferred compensation
forfeited  at  his  former  employer.  See  "Austin  Employment  Agreement"  below.
(3)         Premium payments to the group term life insurance plan, gainsharing payments  and relocation reimbursements which
were  made  by  the  Company.


    In 1986, the Company adopted a stock incentive plan, which was amended and
restated  in  1987,  for  certain  key management employees (the "Prior Option
Plan").  The  Prior  Option  Plan  allowed  participants to acquire restricted
common  stock  from  the  Company  by  exercising  stock  options  (the "Prior
Options")  granted  pursuant  to  the terms and conditions of the Prior Option
Plan. In connection with the 1989 Acquisition, Holdings established the Haynes
Holdings,  Inc. Employee Stock Option Plan (the "Existing Stock Option Plan").
The  Existing  Stock Option Plan authorizes the granting of options to certain
key  employees  and  directors of Holdings and its subsidiaries (including the
Company)  for  the purchase of a maximum of 905,880 shares of Holdings' Common
Stock.  As  of  September  30,  1996,  options to purchase 820,045 shares were
outstanding  under  the  Existing  Stock  Option  Plan, leaving 85,835 options
available for grant. Upon consummation of the 1989 Acquisition, the holders of
the  Prior  Options exchanged all of their remaining Prior Options for options
pursuant  to  the  Stock  Option Plan (the "Rollover Options"). Except for the
Rollover  Options,  the Compensation Committee, which administers the Existing
Stock  Option  Plan,  is authorized to determine which eligible employees will
receive options and the amount of such options. Pursuant to the Existing Stock
Option  Plan,  the  Compensation  Committee  is authorized to grant options to
purchase  Common  Stock  at any price in excess of the lower of Book Value (as
defined in the Existing Stock Option Plan) or 50% of the Fair Market Value (as
defined  in  the  Existing Stock Option Plan) per share of Common Stock on the
date  of  the  award.  However,  actual options outstanding under the Existing
Stock  Option  Plan  have  been granted at the estimated fair market value per
share  at  the  date  of  grant, resulting is no compensation being charged to

    Subject  to  earlier exercise upon death, disability or normal retirement,
upon  a  change  of  control (as defined in the Existing Stock Option Plan) of
Holdings,  upon  the  determination  of  the  Compensation  Committee  in  its
discretion,  or upon the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company,  options granted under the Existing Stock Option Plan (other than the
Rollover  Options  and  options  granted  to  existing  Management Holders (as
defined  in  the Existing Stock Option Plan) that are immediately exercisable)
become  exercisable on the third anniversary thereof unless otherwise provided
by the Compensation Committee and terminate on the earlier of (i) three months
after  the  optionee  ceases  to  be  employed  by  the  Company or any of its
subsidiaries  or  (ii) ten years and two days after the date of grant. Options
granted  pursuant  to  the  Existing  Stock Option Plan may not be assigned or
transferred  by  an  optionee  other than by last will and testament or by the
laws  of  descent and distribution, and any attempted transfer of such options
may  result  in termination thereof. The grant, holding or exercise of options
granted  pursuant  to  the Existing Stock Option Plan may, in the Compensation
Committee's  discretion,  be conditioned upon the optionee becoming a party to
the Stock Subscription Agreement or the Stockholders Agreement entered into by
the  investors  in  the  Company  at  the  time  of  the 1989 Acquisition. See
"Principal  Stockholders."

    In fiscal 1995, 322,900 options were granted by the Compensation Committee
pursuant  to the Existing Stock Option Plan. No options were granted in fiscal
1996.  On  October  22,  1996,  133,000  options  were  granted to certain key
management  personnel  with  exercise  prices  of  $8.00  per  share.

     Certain options were originally granted in December 1994 with an exercise
price  of  $5.00  per  share.  In  order  to provide a meaningful incentive to
management,  in  January  1996  the  Company's  board of directors reduced the
exercise price for the options listed in the table (and options to purchase an
additional  191,500  shares  of  Common  Stock granted to other members of the
Company's  management)  to  $2.50  per  share,  which  the  board of directors
determined  was  the  fair  market  value  at  that  time.

The  following  table  sets forth the number of shares of Holdings common stock covered by exercisable
and  unexercisable  options  held  by  the  persons  named  in  the  Summary  Compensation  Table.

     Fiscal  Year  End  Option  Values

                       Number of    Unexercised Options     Value of      Unexercised    In-the-Money
                      at September      30, 1996 (#)       Options at    September 30,   1996 ($)(1)
                      ------------  --------------------  -------------  -------------  --------------

                      Name          Exercisable           Unexercisable  Exercisable    Unexercisable
                      ------------  --------------------  -------------  -------------  --------------

Michael D. Austin          120,000                80,000        660,000        440,000
F. Galen Hodge              57,070                18,400        287,637        101,200
Joseph F. Barker            40,924                               22,720        230,284        124,960 
August A. Cijan              8,000                32,000         44,000        176,000
Charles J. Sponaugle        14,800                25,200         81,400        138,600
                      ------------              --------   ------------      ---------    ----------- 


(1)    Because  there  is no market for Holdings common stock, the value of unexercised "In-the Money"
options is based on the most recent value of Holdings common stock as determined by the Holdings Board
of  Directors.


    In connection with the events leading up to the acquisition of the Company
by  Morgan  Lewis  Githens & Ahn and management of the Company in August 1989,
the  Company entered into Severance Agreements with certain key employees (the
"Prior  Severance  Agreements").  In  1995,  the  Company  determined that the
provisions  of  the  Prior Severance Agreements were no longer appropriate for
the  key  employees  who  were  parties  thereto  and  that  several other key
employees  who  were  employed  after  1989  should  be  entitled to severance
benefits.  Consequently,  during and after July 1995, the Company entered into
Severance Agreements (the "Severance Agreements") with Messrs. Austin, Barker,
Cijan, Hodge, LaRosa and Sponaugle and with certain other key employees of the
Company (the "Eligible Employees"). The Severance Agreements superseded in all
respects  the  Prior  Severance  Agreements  that  were  then  in  effect.

    The  Severance  Agreements  provide for an initial term expiring April 30,
1996,  subject  to  one-year  automatic  extensions  (unless terminated by the
Company  or  the  Eligible  Employee  60 days prior to May 1 of any year). The
Severance  Agreements automatically terminate upon termination of the Eligible
Employee's  employment prior to a Change in Control of the Company, as defined
in  the  Severance  Agreements  (a  "Severance Change in Control"), unless the
termination  of  employment  occurs as a result of action of the Company other
than  for  Cause  (as defined in the Severance Agreements) within 90 days of a
Severance  Change  in  Control.  A  Severance  Change in Control occurs upon a
change  in  ownership  of  50.0%  or  more of the combined voting power of the
outstanding  securities of the Company or upon the merger, consolidation, sale
of  all  or  substantially  all  of  the assets or liquidation of the Company.

    The Severance Agreements provide that if an Eligible Employee's employment
with  the Company is terminated within six months following a Severance Change
in  Control  by  reason  of such Eligible Employee's disability, retirement or
death,  the  Company  will  pay the Eligible Employee (or his estate) his Base
Salary  (as defined in the Severance Agreements) plus any bonuses or incentive
compensation  earned  or  payable  as of the date of termination. In the event
that the Eligible Employee's employment is terminated by the Company for Cause
(as  defined  in  the  Severance  Agreements) within the six-month period, the
Company is obligated only to pay the Eligible Employee his Base Salary through
the  date  of  termination.  In  addition,  if within the six-month period the
Eligible  Employee's  employment is terminated by the Eligible Employee or the
Company  (other than for Cause or due to disability, retirement or death), the
Company  must  (among  other  things)  (i)  pay  to the Eligible Employee such
Eligible Employee's full Base Salary and any bonuses or incentive compensation
earned or payable as of the date of termination; (ii) continue to provide life
insurance and medical and hospital benefits to the Eligible Employee for up to
12  months following the date of termination (18 months for Messrs. Austin and
Barker);  (iii) pay to the Eligible Employee $12,000 for outplacement costs to
be  incurred,  (iv) pay to the Eligible Employee a lump sum cash payment equal
to  either  (a)  150%  of  the  Eligible Employee's Base Salary in the case of
Messrs.  Austin and Barker, or (b) 100% of the Eligible Employee's Base Salary
in  the  case  of  the other Eligible Employees, provided that the Company may
elect  to  make  such  payments in installments over an 18 month period in the
case of Messrs. Austin or Barker or a 12 month period in the case of the other
Eligible  Employees.  As  a  condition  to  receipt  of severance payments and
benefits,  the  Severance Agreements require that Eligible Employees execute a
release  of  all  claims.

    Pursuant  to  the Severance Agreements, each Eligible Employee agrees that
during  his  employment  with  the  Company  and  for  an  additional one year
following  the  termination  of  the  Eligible  Employee's employment with the
Company by reason of disability or retirement, by the Eligible Employee within
six  months  following  a  Severance  Change  in Control or by the Company for
Cause,  the  Eligible Employee will not, directly or indirectly, engage in any
business  in  competition  with  the  business  of  the  Company.


    On  September  2,  1993,  the board of directors elected Michael D. Austin
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The Company and Holdings
entered into an Executive Employment Agreement with Mr. Austin (the "Executive
Employment  Agreement")  which  provides that, in exchange for his services as
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, the Company will pay Mr.
Austin  (1) an annual base salary of not less than $325,000, subject to annual
adjustment at the sole discretion of the board of directors, and (2) incentive
compensation  as  determined  by  the  board  of directors based on the actual
results  of  operations  of  the  Company  in  relation to budgeted results of
operation  of  the  Company.  In  addition,  Mr. Austin is entitled to receive
vacation leave and to participate in all benefit plans generally applicable to
senior  executives  of  the  Company  and  to  receive  fringe benefits as are
customary  for  the  position  of  Chief  Executive  Officer.

    Under  the terms of the Executive Employment Agreement, the Company agreed
to  pay  Mr.  Austin  the  sum  of  $100,000  as  compensation  for  deferred
compensation  forfeited by Mr. Austin at his former employer. The Company also
indemnified  Mr.  Austin against any loss incurred in the sale of Mr. Austin's
residence  at  his prior location and paid certain financing costs incurred in
connection with the residence. The Company provided supplemental life, health,
and  accident  coverage for Mr. Austin until he was eligible to participate in
the  Company's  benefit  plans.

    Pursuant  to the Executive Employment Agreement, Holdings also granted Mr.
Austin  the option to purchase 200,000 shares of Common Stock of Holdings at a
purchase  price  of  $5.00  per share under the Existing Stock Option Plan. In
January  1996,  the  purchase  price for exercise of the option was reduced to
$2.50  per share. These options vest at a rate of 40,000 shares on September 1
of  each  year commencing September 1, 1994 until fully vested, so long as Mr.
Austin continues to be employed by the Company on such dates and provided that
all  options  would vest upon a "change in control" as defined in the Existing
Stock  Option  Plan  or  certain  sales of assets as specified in the Existing
Stock  Option  Plan.  Mr. Austin also became a party to the Stock Subscription
Agreement  and the Stockholders Agreement. In the event of a change in control
and  the termination of Mr. Austin's employment by the Company thereafter, the
Company  is  also obligated to pay the difference, if any, between the pension
benefit  payable  to Mr. Austin under the U.S. Pension Plan (as defined below)
at  the  time  of such change in control and the pension benefit that would be
payable  under  the  U.S. Pension Plan if Mr. Austin had completed 10 years of
service  with  the  Company.

    On  July  15,  1996,  the Company, Holdings and Mr. Austin entered into an
amendment  of  the  Executive  Employment  Agreement which extends its term to
August  31, 1999 (with year to year continuation thereafter unless the Company
or  Mr.  Austin  elects  otherwise)  and requires the Company to reimburse Mr.
Austin  for  up  to  $10,000  for  estate  or financial planning services. The
amendment of the Executive Employment Agreement also requires that in 1996 the
Company review and evaluate the existing bonus plans and consider, among other
alternatives,  a deferred compensation plan for the management of the Company.

    If  Mr.  Austin's  employment is terminated by the Company prior to August
31, 1999 without "Cause," as defined in the Executive Employment Agreement, as
amended,  Mr.  Austin  is  entitled  to continuation of his annual base salary
until  the  later  of  August  31,  1999  or  24  months following the date of
termination.  Also,  if the Company terminates Mr. Austin's employment without
Cause  after  August  31, 1999 or elects not to renew the Executive Employment
Agreement  on  a  one-year basis, Mr. Austin is entitled to annual base salary
continuation  for  a  period of 12 months following the date of termination of
his  employment.  In  the  event  that  Mr.  Austin is entitled to termination
benefits  under  the  Severance  Agreement  to  which he is a party, he is not
entitled  to  salary  continuation  or benefits under the Executive Employment
Agreement,  as  amended.


    The  Company  maintains  for  the benefit of eligible domestic employees a
defined  benefit  pension  plan,  designated as the Haynes International, Inc.
Pension  Plan  (the  "U.S.  Pension  Plan").  Under the U.S. Pension Plan, all
Company  employees completing at least 1,000 hours of employment in a 12-month
period  become  eligible to participate in the plan. Employees are eligible to
receive  an  unreduced pension annuity on reaching age 65, reaching age 62 and
completing  10  years of service, or completing 30 years of service. The final
option  is available only for union employees hired before July 3, 1988 or for
salaried  employees  who  were  plan  participants  on  March  31,  1987.

    For  salaried  employees  employed  on  or  after July 3, 1988, the normal
monthly pension benefit provided under the U.S. Pension Plan is the greater of
(i)  1.31%  of  the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by years of
credited  service,  plus  an additional 0.5% of the employee's average monthly
earnings,  if  any,  in  excess  of  Social  Security  covered compensation
multiplied by years  of credited service up to 35 years, or (ii) the
employee's  accrued  benefit  as  of  March  31,  1987.

    There  are  provisions  for  delayed retirement benefits, early retirement
benefits, disability and death benefits, optional methods of benefit payments,
payments  to an employee who leaves after five or more years of service
and  payments  to  an  employee's  surviving  spouse. Employees are vested and
eligible  to  receive pension benefits after completing five years of service.
Vested  benefits  are  generally paid  beginning  at  or  after age 55;
however, benefits maybe paid earlier in the event of disability, death, or
completion of 30 years service prior to age 55.

    The  following  table  sets  forth  the range of estimated annual benefits
payable  upon  retirement  for graduated levels of average annual earnings and
years  of  service for employees under the plan, based on retirement at age 65
in 1996. The maximum annual benefit permitted for 1996 under Section 415(b) of
the  Code  is  $120,000.


                                     YEARS OF

REMUNERATION           15        20         25        30        35
                 --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------
100,000         $ 23,800  $ 31,700  $  39,700  $ 47,600  $ 55,500
150,000           36,500    48,700     60,900    73,100    85,300
200,000           49,300    65,700     82,200    98,600   115,000
250,000           62,000    82,700    103,400   124,100   144,800
300,000           74,800    99,700    124,700   149,600   174,500
350,000           87,500   116,700    145,900   175,100   204,300
400,000          100,300   133,700    167,200   200,600   234,000
450,000          113,000   150,700    188,400   226,100   263,800

    The  estimated  credited years of service of each of the individuals named
in  the  Summary  Compensation  Table as of September 30, 1996 are as follows:

Michael D. Austin            2
F. Galen Hodge              26
Joseph F. Barker            15
Charles J. Sponaugle        15
August A. Cijan              2
- --------------------  --------


    The  Company  maintains  a  pension  plan  for its employees in the United
Kingdom  (the  "U.K.  Pension  Plan"). The U.K. Pension Plan is a contributory
plan  under  which  eligible  employees  contribute  3%  or 6% of their annual
earnings.  Normal  retirement  age  under  the U.K. Pension Plan is age 65 for
males  and  age  60 for females. The annual pension benefit provided at normal
retirement  age  under  the  U.K. Pension Plan ranges from 1% to 1 2/3% of the
employee's  final  average  annual earnings for each year of credited service,
depending  on  the  level  of employee contributions made each year during the
employee's  period  of  service  with  the Company. The maximum annual pension
benefit  for  employees with at least 10 years of service is two-thirds of the
individual's  final average annual earnings. Similar to the U.S. Pension Plan,
the  U.K.  Pension  Plan  also  includes  provisions  for  delayed  retirement
benefits,  early  retirement benefits, disability and death benefits, optional
methods  of  benefit payments, payments to employees who leave after a certain
number  of  years  of service, and payments to an employee's surviving spouse.
The  U.K.  Pension  Plan also provides for payments to an employee's surviving


    The  Company  maintains  the Haynes International, Inc. Profit Sharing and
Savings  Plan  and  the  Haynes  International, Inc. Hourly Profit Sharing and
Savings  Plan (the "Profit Sharing Plans") to provide retirement, tax-deferred
savings  for  eligible  employees  and  their  beneficiaries.

    The  board  of  directors  has sole discretion to determine the amount, if
any,  to  be contributed by the Company. No Company contributions were made to
the  Profit  Sharing Plans for the fiscal years ended September 30, 1994, 1995
and  1996.

    The  Profit  Sharing  Plans  are  qualified under Section 401 of the Code,
permitting  the  Company to deduct for federal income tax purposes all amounts
contributed  by  it  to  the  Profit  Sharing  Plans.

    In  general,  all  salaried  employees  completing at least 1,000 hours of
employment  in  a 12-month period are eligible to participate after completion
of  one  full  year  of  employment.  Each  participant's  share in the annual
allocation,  if  any,  to  the  Profit  Sharing  Plans  is  represented by the
percentage  which  his  or her plan compensation (up to $260,000) bears to the
total  plan  compensation  of all participants in the plan. Employees may also
elect  to  make  elective salary reduction contributions to the Profit Sharing
Plans,  in  amounts  up  to  10%  of  their plan compensation. Elective salary
reduction  contributions  may  be withdrawn subject to the terms of the Profit
Sharing  Plans.

    Vested  individual  account balances attributable to Company contributions
may  be withdrawn only after the amount to be distributed has been held by the
plan  trustee  in  the  profit  sharing  account  for  at least 24 consecutive
calendar  months.  Participants  vest  in  their  individual  account balances
attributable  to  Company  contributions  at  age  65, death, disability or on
completing  five  years  of  service.


    In  January  1996,  the  Company  awarded  and  paid management bonuses of
approximately  $439,000  pursuant  to  its  management  incentive program. The
January  bonuses  were  calculated  based  on  the  Company's  fiscal  1995
performance.  Additionally,  the  Company  adopted a management incentive plan
effective  for  fiscal  1996 pursuant to which senior managers and managers in
the  level  below  senior managers will be paid a bonus based on actual EBITDA
compared  to  budgeted  EBITDA.  Based on results for fiscal 1996, the Company
accrued  approximately  $1.5  million  for  fiscal  1996 which was paid to all
domestic  employees meeting certain service requirements on November 15, 1996.


    In  fiscal  1995,  the  Company's  affiliate  Haynes  International,  LTD
instituted  a  gainsharing  plan.  For  fiscal 1995 and 1996, the Company made
gainsharing  payments  pursuant  to  this  plan  of approximately $269,000 and
$266,000,  respectively.


    The  directors of the Company other than Thomas F. Githens and Robert Egan
receive no compensation for their services as such. The non-management members
of  the  board  of  directors  are  reimbursed  by  the  Company  for  their
out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred  in  attending  meetings  of  the  board  of
directors.  Mr.  Githens  receives  a  director's  fee  of $3,000 per calendar
quarter,  $1,000  per  board  meeting  attended  and  $750 per board committee
meeting  attended. Mr. Egan receives a director's fee of $2,000 per month plus
an  advisory  fee  of  $2,000  per  month.


    Sangwoo  Ahn,  Perry  J.  Lewis and Robert Egan served on the Compensation
Committee  during  fiscal  1996.  None  of  the  members  of  the Compensation
Committee  are  now serving or previously have served as employees or officers
of the Company or any subsidiary, and none of the Company's executive officers
serve  as directors of, or in any compensation related capacity for, companies
with  which  members  of  the  Compensation  Committee  are  affiliated.


    The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of Directors is responsible for
administering  the  Existing  Stock  Option  Plan,  determining  executive
compensation  policies  and  administering  compensation  plans  and  salary
programs.    The  Committee  is  currently  comprised  solely  of non-employee
directors.    The  Committee  is  chaired  by  Mr.  Perry J. Lewis.  The other
Committee  members  are  Mr.  Sangwoo  Ahn and Mr. Robert Egan.  The following
report  is  submitted  by  the  members  of  the  Compensation  Committee.

     *                    *                    *

    The  Company's  executive  compensation  program  is  designed  to  align
executive compensation with the financial performance, business strategies and
objectives of the Company.  The Company's compensation philosophy is to ensure
that  the  delivery  of  compensation,  both  in  the short- and long-term, is
consistent  with  the  sustained  progress,  growth  and  profitability of the
Company and acts as an inducement to attract and retain qualified individuals.
Under  the  guidance  of the Company's Compensation Committee, the Company has
developed  and  implemented an executive compensation program to achieve these
objectives while providing executives with compensation opportunities that are
competitive  with  companies  of  comparable  size  in  related  industries.

    The  Company's  executive  compensation  program  has  been  designed  to
implement  the  objectives  described  above and is comprised of the following
fundamental  three  elements:

C          a  base  salary  that is determined by individual contributions and
sustained performance within an established competitive salary range.  Pay for
performance  recognizes  the achievement of financial goals and accomplishment
of  corporate  and  functional  objectives  of  the  Company.

C        an annual cash bonus, based upon corporate and individual performance
during  the  fiscal  year.

C          grants  of  stock options, also based upon corporate and individual
performance  during  the  fiscal  year, which focus executives on managing the
Company  from  the  perspective  of  an  owner  with an equity position in the

    Base  Salary.    The  salary,  and  any  periodic increase thereof, of the
President  and  Chief  Executive Officer was and is determined by the Board of
Directors  of  the  Company  based on recommendations made by the Compensation
Committee.    The  salaries,  and  any periodic increases thereof, of the Vice
President,  Finance,  Secretary  and    Treasurer,  the  Vice  President,
International,  the  Vice  President,  Operations,  and  the  Vice  President,
Marketing,  were  and  are  determined  by  the  Board  of  Directors based on
recommendations made by the President and Chief Executive Officer and approved
by  the  Committee.

    The  Company,  in  establishing base salaries, levels of incidental and/or
supplemental  compensation,  and  incentive  compensation  programs  for  its
officers  and  key  executives,  assesses  periodic  compensation  surveys and
published  data  covering  the  industry  in  which  the  Company operates and
industry  in  general.  The level of base salary compensation for officers and
key  executives  is  determined by both their scope and responsibility and the
established  salary  ranges  for  officers  and key executives of the Company.
Periodic increases in base salary are dependent on the executive's proficiency
of  performance  in  the  individual's position for a given period, and on the
executive's  competency,  skill  and  experience.

    Compensation  levels for fiscal 1996 for the President and Chief Executive
Officer,  and  for  the other executive officers of the Company, reflected the
accomplishment  of  corporate  and  functional  objectives  in  fiscal  1995.

    Bonus  Payments.  Bonus awards are determined by the Board of Directors of
the  Company  based  on  recommendations  made  by the Compensation Committee.
Bonus  awards  for  fiscal  1996 reflected the accomplishment of corporate and
functional  objectives in fiscal 1996, including the successful refinancing of
the  Company's  debt.

    Stock  Option  Grants.    Stock options under the Existing Option Plan are
granted  to  key  executives  and officers based upon individual and corporate
performance  and are determined by the Board of Directors of the Company based
on  recommendations made by the Compensation Committee.  No stock options were
granted  in  fiscal  1996.


Mr.  Perry  J.  Lewis
Mr.  Sangwoo  Ahn
Mr.  Robert  Egan

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


    All  of the outstanding capital stock of the Company is owned by Holdings.
The  only  stockholder  of record of Holdings owning more than five percent of
its  outstanding  Common  Stock  at  September 30, 1996 was MLGA Fund II, L.P.
("Fund  II"),  a Connecticut limited partnership that is controlled by John A.
Morgan,  Perry  J.  Lewis, Sangwoo Ahn, Ira Starr and William C. Ughetta, Jr.,
all  principals  of  MLGAL.  The  following  table  sets  forth the number and
percentage  of  shares  of Common Stock of Holdings owned by (i) Fund II, (ii)
all affiliates of Fund II, (iii) each of the directors of the Company and each
of  the  executive  officers named in the Summary Compensation Table, (iv) all
affiliates  of Fund II as a group and (v) all directors and executive officers
of  the  Company as a group, as of September 30, 1996. The address of Fund II,
and  of  Messrs.  Ahn, Lewis, Morgan, Starr and Ughetta, is 2 Greenwich Plaza,
Greenwich,  Connecticut  06830.  The address of Messrs, Austin, Hodge, Barker,
Cijan, and Sponaugle is 1020 West Park Avenue, Kokomo, Indiana 46904-9013. The
address  of  Mr.  Githens is 41 Crescent Place, Short Hills, New Jersey 07078.
The  address  of  Mr. Egan is 4 Foxwood Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238.


                                      Shares Beneficially Owned(1)

   Name                               Number                        Percent
- ------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------

Fund II                                                 5,759,894      87.6%

Sangwoo Ann                                        5,879,836(2)(3)     89.4 

Perry J. Lewis                                     5,879,836(2)(3)     89.4 

John A. Morgan                                     5,879,836(2)(3)     89.4 

Ira Starr                                          5,854,251(2)(3)     89.0 

William C. Ughetta, Jr.                            5,846,751(2)(3)     88.9 

Thomas F. Githens                                          54,799        (6)

Robert Egan                                                     0        -- 

Michael D. Austin                                       120,000(4)      1.8 

F. Galen Hodge                                           57,070(6)       (6)

Joseph F. Barker                                         40,924(6)       (6)

August A. Cijan                                           8,000(6)       (6)

Charles J. Sponaugle                                     19,800(5)       (6)

All Fund II affiliates as a group                       5,953,506      90.6 

All directors and executive officers
of the Company as a group                             6,270,099(2)     91.8 
- ------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------


- ----------------------------
(1)         Except as indicated in the footnotes to this table and pursuant to
applicable  community  property laws, the persons named in the table have sole
voting  and  investment  power  with  respect  to  all shares of Common Stock.
(2)          Includes the shares reported in the table as owned by Fund II and
86,857  shares  owned  by  MLGAL.
(3)         The named stockholder disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares
held  by  Fund  II  and  MLGAL, except to the extent of his pecuniary interest
therein  arising  from  his  general  partnership  interest  in  MLGAL.
(4)          Represents  shares of Common Stock underlying options exercisable
within 60 days of September 30, 1996 which are deemed to be beneficially owned
by the holders of such options.  See Item 11 - "Executive Compensation - Stock
Option  Plans."
(5)      Includes 14,800 shares of Common Stock underlying options exercisable
within  60 days of September 30, 1996 which are deemed to be beneficially owned
by  Mr.  Sponaugle.    See  Item  11  - "Executive Compensation - Stock Option
(6)          Less  than  1%.


    Holdings, the Company, MLGA Fund II and the investors in Holdings who were
officers  or  directors  of  the  Company or affiliates of MLGA Fund II or the
Company  at  the  time  of  the  1989  Acquisition have entered into the Stock
Subscription  Agreement and Holdings and all of the investors in Holdings have
entered into the Stockholder Agreement, both dated August 31, 1989 and amended
as  of  August  14,  1992  to  add  MLGAL  as  a party. The Stock Subscription
Agreement  was  further  amended  on  March  16,  1993 to reduce the Company's
purchase  price  for  Holdings common stock and stock options described below.

    The  Stock  Subscription Agreement provides that each of the investors who
is  a  party to the agreement shall have a right of first refusal with respect
to  any  transfer  by an investor of Holdings common stock unless the transfer
complies  with all applicable securities laws and all other agreements made by
the  investors who are parties to the agreement, or the transferee is Holdings
or  a  person  specified  in  the Stock Subscription Agreement as a "Permitted
Transferee", or the transfer is made pursuant to a public offering of Holdings
common  stock.  Investors who are management employees of the Company or their
Permitted  Transferees (the "Management Holders") have the right to sell their
Holdings  common  stock or their options to purchase Holdings common stock, in
whole  or  in  part, to Holdings at a price equal to (i) 6.3 multiplied by the
Company's  EBITDA  (as  defined  in  the Stock Subscription Agreement) for the
immediately  preceding  four  fiscal quarters less the average indebtedness of
Holdings,  the Company and its subsidiaries for the immediately preceding four
fiscal quarters, all to be determined on a consolidated basis, divided by (ii)
the  total number of fully diluted shares of Holdings common stock outstanding
(the "Fair Market Value") net of the applicable exercise price, if any, within
five  years  after termination of employment because of disability, retirement
or  death,  after which time the Holdings common stock and options to purchase
Holdings  common  stock  may  be called by Holdings for redemption at the Fair
Market  Value.  Additionally,  upon  the  termination  of  employment  of  any
Management  Holder  other  than for disability, retirement or death, the Stock
Subscription  Agreement  contains  provisions  for  the  purchase  and sale of
Holdings  common stock and options to purchase Holdings common stock at prices
based  on  formulas  which  take  into account the reason for the termination.

    The  Stock  Subscription  Agreement  contains  voting  requirements  which
provide  for  the  election as directors of Holdings and of the Company of six
persons  (including  the  Chairman  of  the  Board) designated by the Founding
Investors (as defined in the Stock Subscription Agreement) and of five persons
designated  by  the  Management  Holders.  A change in the number of directors
requires  the  approval  of a majority of all the investors who are parties to
the agreement and a majority of the Management Holders. The Board of Directors
must  approve  all capital expenditures over $500,000, mergers, adjustments to
management's  compensation, promotions of officers, incurrence of debt, loans,
sales  of  shares,  and  any  disposal  of substantially all the assets of the
Company. The Stock Subscription Agreement also requires that the investors who
are parties to the agreement vote to amend the Certificate of Incorporation of
Holdings  if necessary to accommodate a public offering; however, newly issued
shares  must  be  approved  by  a  majority  of  the Management Holders if the
issuance  price  is  below  certain  specified  minimum  prices.  The  Stock
Subscription  Agreement  terminates  upon  the  earlier  of  an initial public
offering,  the  consent  of a majority of all the investors who are parties to
the  agreement  and  of  a  majority  of  the Management Holders, or the tenth
anniversary  of  the  1989  Acquisition.

    The  Stockholder  Agreement  imposes  certain transfer restrictions on the
Holdings common stock, including provisions that (i) Holdings common stock may
be  transferred  only to those persons agreeing to be bound by the Stockholder
Agreement,  and  the Stock Subscription Agreement if the transferor is a party
thereto,  except  if  such  transfer  is pursuant to a public offering or made
following  a  public offering in compliance with Rule 144 under the Securities
Act;  (ii)  the investors may not grant any proxy or enter into or agree to be
bound  by any voting trust with respect to the Holdings common stock; (iii) if
the  Founding Investors, the Management Holders or their permitted transferees
propose  to sell any of their Holdings common stock, the other investors shall
in  most  instances have the right to participate ratably in the proposed sale
or, under certain circumstances, to sell all of their Holdings common stock in
the  proposed sale; (iv) if a majority in interest of the investors propose to
sell  a  majority  of  the  Holdings  common stock or substantially all of the
assets  of  Holdings  or  the Company to a third party, the Management Holders
shall  have  a  right  to  bid for such stock or assets; and (v) a majority in
interest  of  the  investors may compel all other such investors to sell their
shares  under certain circumstances. The Stockholder Agreement also contains a
commitment on the part of Holdings to register the shares under the Securities
Act upon request by investors holding at least 25% of the fully diluted shares
of  Holdings  common  stock  outstanding, or if Holdings otherwise proposes to
register  shares,  subject  to  certain  conditions  and  limitations.  The
Stockholder  Agreement terminates on the earlier of the sale of 15% or more of
the fully diluted stock pursuant to a public offering and the qualification of
the  common  stock  for  listing  on the New York Stock Exchange, the American
Stock  Exchange  or  Nasdaq, or upon the tenth anniversary of the Acquisition.



     PART  IV


(a)          Documents  filed  as  part  of  this  Report.

     1.          Financial  Statements:

Included  as  outlined  in  Item  8  of  Part  II  of  this  report:

Report  of  Independent  Accountants.

Consolidated  Balance  Sheet  as of September 30, 1995 and September 30, 1996.

Consolidated  Statement  of Operations for the Years Ended September 30, 1994,
1995  and  1996.

Consolidated  Statement  of Cash Flows for the Years Ended September 30, 1994,
1995  and  1996.

Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.

2.          Financial  Statement  Schedules:

Included  as  outlined  in  Item  8  of  Part  II  of  this  report:

Schedule  VIII  -  Valuation  and  Qualifying  Accounts  and  Reserves

Schedules  other than those listed above are omitted as they are not required,
are  not  applicable,  or  the  information  is  shown  in  the  Notes  to the
Consolidated  Financial  Statements.

(b)          Reports  on  Form  8-K.    None.

(c)          Exhibits.    See  Index  to  Exhibits.

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]



                                Year Ended        Year Ended        Year Ended
                                Sept. 30, 1994    Sept. 30, 1995    Sept. 30, 1996
                                ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Balance at beginning of period  $           450   $           520   $           979 

Provisions                                  863               553                26 

Write-Offs                                 (805)             (151)             (152)

Recoveries                                   12                57                47 
                                ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Balance at end of period        $           520   $           979   $           900 
                                ================  ================  ================

     [Remainder  of  page  intentionally  left  blank.]


     Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on  its  behalf  by  the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized.


     By:/s/              Michael  D.  Austin
         Michael  D.  Austin,  President

     Date:    December  20,  1996

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has  been  signed  below  by  the  following  persons on behalf of the
Registrant  and  in  the  capacities  and  on  the  dates  indicated.


Signature              Capacity                        Date
- ---------------------  ------------------------------  -----------------

/s/ Michael D. Austin  President and Director          December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Michael D. Austin      (Principle Executive Officer)

/s/ Joseph F. Barker   Vice President, Finance;        December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Joseph F. Barker       Treasurer and Director
                       Principle Financial Officer

/s/ Theodore T. Brown  Controller                      December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Theodore T. Brown      (Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ John A. Morgan     Director                        December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

John A. Morgan

/s/ Perry J. Lewis     Director                        December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Perry J. Lewis

/s/ Thomas F. Githens  Director                        December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Thomas F. Githens

/s/ Sangwoo Ahn        Director                        December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Sangwoo Ahn

/s/ Ira Starr          Director                        December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Ira Starr

/s/ Robert Egan        Director                        December 20, 1996
- ---------------------                                                   

Robert Egan



 Number                                                                                             Numbering
 Assigned In                                                                                        System Page
 Regulation S-K                                                                                     Number of
    Item 601             Description of Exhibit                                                     Exhibit
- ----------------         -------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------

(2)                      No Exhibit.

(3)                3.01  Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Registrant.  (Incorporated by
                         reference to Exhibit 3.01 to Registration Statement on Form S-1,
                         Registration No. 33-32617.)

                   3.02  Bylaws of Registrant.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.02 to
                         Registration Statement on Form S-1, Registration No. 33-32617.)
(4)                4.01  Indenture, dated as of August 23,  1996, between Haynes
                         International, Inc., and National City Bank, as
                         Trustee, relating to the 11-5/8% Senior Notes Due 2004, table of
                         contents and cross-reference sheet

                   4.02  Form of 11 5/8% Senior Note Due 2004.

(9)                      No Exhibit

(10)              10.01  Form of Severance Agreements, dated as of March 10, 1989, between
                         Haynes International, Inc. and the employees of Haynes International,
                         Inc. named in the schedule to the Exhibit.  (Incorporated by reference
                         to Exhibit 10.03 to Registration Statement on Form S-1, Registration
                         No. 33-32617.)

                  10.02  Stock Subscription Agreement, dated as of August 31, 1989, among
                         Haynes Holdings, Inc., Haynes International, Inc. and the persons
                         listed on the signature pages thereto (Investors).  (Incorporated by
                         reference to Exhibit 4.07 to Registration Statement on Form S-1,
                         Registration No. 33-32617.)

                  10.03  Amendment to the Stock Subscription Agreement To Add a Party,
                         dated August 14, 1992, among Haynes Holdings, Inc., Haynes
                         International, Inc., MLGA Fund II, L.P., and the persons listed on the
                         signature pages thereto.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.17 to
                         Registration Statement on Form S-4, Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.04  Second Amendment to Stock Subscription Agreement, dated
                         March 16, 1993, among Haynes Holdings, Inc., Haynes International,
                         Inc., MLGA Fund II, L.P., MLGAL Partners, Limited Partnership, and
                         the persons listed on the signature pages thereto.  (Incorporated by
                         reference to Exhibit 10.21 to Registration Statement on Form S-4,
                         Registration  No. 33-66346.)

                  10.05  Stockholders Agreement, dated as of August 31, 1989, among Haynes
                         Holdings, Inc. and the persons listed on the signature pages thereto
                         (Investors).  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.08 to Registration
                         Statement on Form S-1, Registration No. 33-32617.)

                  10.06  Amendment to the Stockholders Agreement To Add a Party, dated
                         August 14, 1992, among Haynes Holdings, Inc., MLGA Fund II, L.P.,
                         and the persons listed on the signature pages thereto.  (Incorporated
                         by reference to Exhibit 10.18 to Registration Statement on Form S-4,
                         Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.07  Investment Agreement, dated August 10, 1992, between MLGA Fund
                         II, L.P., and Haynes Holdings, Inc. (Incorporated by reference to
                         Exhibit 10.22 to Registration Statement on Form S-4, Registration
                         No. 33-66346.)

                  10.08  Investment Agreement, dated August 10, 1992, between MLGAL
                         Partners, Limited Partnership and Haynes Holdings, Inc. (Incorporated
                         by reference to Exhibit 10.23 to Registration Statement on Form S-4,
                         Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.09  Investment Agreement, dated August 10, 1992, between Thomas F.
                         Githens and Haynes Holdings, Inc. (Incorporated by reference to
                         Exhibit 10.24 to Registration Statement on Form S-4, Registration
                         No. 33-66346.)

                  10.10  Consent and Waiver Agreement, dated August 14, 1992, among
                         Haynes Holdings, Inc., Haynes International, Inc., MLGA Fund II, L.P.,
                         and the persons listed on the signature pages thereto.  (Incorporated
                         by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to Registration Statement on Form S-4,
                         Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.11  Retirement Agreement, dated as of May 21, 1993, between Haynes
                         International, Inc. and Paul F. Troiano (Incorporated by reference to
                         Exhibit 10.02 to Registration Statement on Form S-4, Registration
                         No. 33-66346.)

                  10.12  Executive Employment Agreement, dated as of September 1, 1993, by
                         and among Haynes International, Inc., Haynes Holdings, Inc. and
                         Michael D. Austin. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.26 to the
                         Registration Statement on Form S-4, Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.13  Amendment to Employment Agreement, dated as of July 15, 1996 by
                         and among Haynes International, Inc., Haynes Holdings, Inc. and
                         Michael D. Austin.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.15 to
                         Registration Statement on Form S-1, Registration No. 333-05411.)

                  10.14  Haynes Holdings, Inc. Employee Stock Option Plan.  (Incorporated by
                         reference to Exhibit 10.08 to Registration Statement on Form S-1,
                         Registration No. 33-32617.)

                  10.15  Form of "New Option" Agreements between Haynes Holdings, Inc. and
                         the executive officers of Haynes International, Inc. named in the
                         schedule to the Exhibit.  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.09 to
                         Registration Statement on Form S-1, Registration No. 33-32617.)

                  10.16  Form of "September Option" Agreements between Haynes Holdings,
                         Inc. and the executive officers of Haynes International, Inc. named in
                         the schedule to the Exhibit. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.10
                         to Registration Statement on Form S-1, Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.17  Form of "January 1992 Option" Agreements between Haynes Holdings,
                         Inc. and the executive officers of Haynes International, Inc. named in
                         the schedule to the Exhibit. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.08
                         to Registration Statement on Form S-4, Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.18  Form of "Amendment to Holdings Option Agreements" between
                         Haynes Holdings, Inc. and the executive officers of Haynes
                         International, Inc. named in the schedule to the Exhibit. (Incorporated
                         by reference to Exhibit 10.09 to Registration Statement on Form S-4,
                         Registration No. 33-66346.)

                  10.19  Amended and Restated Loan Agreement by and among CoreStates
                         Bank, N.A. and Congress Financial Corporation (Central), as Lenders,
                         Congress Financial Corporation (Central), as Agent of Lenders, and
                         Haynes International, Inc., as Borrower.

(11)                     No Exhibit.

(12)              12.01  Statement re: computation of ratio of earnings to fixed charges.

(13)                     No Exhibit.

(16)                     No Exhibit.

(18)                     No Exhibit.

(21)              21.01  Subsidiaries of the Registrant.  (Incorporated by Reference to
                         Exhibit 21.01 to Registration Statement on Form S-1, Registration
                         No. 333-05411.)

(22)                     No Exhibit.

(23)                     No Exhibit.

(24)                     No Exhibit.

(27)              27.01  Financial Data Schedule

(28)                     No Exhibit.

(99)                     No Exhibit.
- ----------------         -------------------------------------------------------------------------