7030 Empire Central Drive
                              Houston, Texas 77040


                                  May 22, 2003


     At the direction of the Board of Directors of Flotek Industries,  Inc. (the
"Company"),  a  Delaware  corporation,  NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN  that the Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel,
12801  Northwest  Freeway,  Houston,  Texas 77040,  on May 22, 2003 at 2:00 p.m.
(local  time),  for the purpose of  considering  and voting  upon the  following

     1. The election of seven  directors to serve until the next annual  meeting
of  stockholders  of the Company or until their  successors are duly elected and
qualified, or until their earlier resignation or removal.

     2. Approval of the 2003 Long-Term Incentive Plan.

     3. Any other business  which may be properly  brought before the meeting or
any adjournment thereof.

                                   By order of the Board of Directors

                                   /s/ Rosalie Melia
                                   Rosalie Melia

April 23, 2003


                             FLOTEK INDUSTRIES, INC.
                            7030 Empire Central Drive
                              Houston, Texas 77040

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                                  May 22, 2003

     This Proxy Statement and the  accompanying  form of proxy are being sent to
the  stockholders  of  Flotek  Industries,  Inc.  (the  "Company"),  a  Delaware
corporation,  in connection  with the  solicitation by the Board of Directors of
the  Company  (the  "Board")  of proxies  to be voted at the  Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders of the Company (the "Meeting") to be held at 2:00 p.m. (local time)
on Thursday,  May 22, 2003, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel,  12801 Northwest Freeway,
Houston, Texas 77040, and at any adjournments thereof.

     The Notice of Meeting,  this Proxy Statement and the  accompanying  form of
proxy are first being mailed to the stockholders on or about April 23, 2003. The
Annual  Report  of  the  Company  for  the  year  2002  has  been  furnished  to
stockholders with this Proxy Statement.

     At the  Meeting,  stockholders  will be asked (i) to consider and vote upon
the  election  of  seven  nominees  to serve on the  Board of  Directors  of the
Company;  (ii) to  consider  and vote upon the  adoption  of the 2003  Long-Term
Incentive  Plan of the Company;  and (iii) to consider and take action upon such
other matters as may properly come before the Meeting.

                            VOTING RIGHTS AND PROXIES

     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on April 2, 2003, as
the record date for determination of stockholders  entitled to notice of, and to
vote at,  the  Meeting.  At the  close of  business  on such  date,  there  were
outstanding and entitled to vote 5,521,670  shares of common stock,  $0.0001 par
value per share  ("Common  Stock") of the Company,  which is the Company's  only
authorized and outstanding class of stock entitled to vote at the Meeting.

     Holders of at least one-third of the outstanding shares of Common Stock are
required to be represented at the Meeting,  in person or by proxy, to constitute
a quorum.  Each  outstanding  share of  Common  Stock as of the  record  date is
entitled  to one vote.  There  will be no  cumulative  voting of shares  for any
matter voted upon at the Meeting.

     Directors  are elected by a plurality  of the votes cast.  Abstentions  and
broker  nonvotes  will be  disregarded  and have no effect on the outcome of the
election of directors.

     The  affirmative  vote of at least a majority of the shares  represented at
the  Meeting is required to approve  the 2003  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan of the
Company.  In determining whether this proposal has received the requisite number
of affirmative votes,  abstentions and broker nonvotes will have the same effect
as votes against the proposal.

     If the  enclosed  form of proxy is properly  executed  and  returned to the
Company prior to or at the Meeting and is not revoked prior to its exercise, all
shares of Common  Stock  represented  thereby  will be voted at the Meeting and,
where instructions have been given by a stockholder, will be voted in accordance
with such instructions.


     Any stockholder  executing a proxy which is solicited  hereby has the power
to revoke it prior to its  exercise.  Revocation  may be made by  attending  the
Meeting and voting the shares of Common Stock in person or by  delivering to the
Secretary  of the  Company at the  principal  executive  offices of the  Company
located at 7030 Empire Central Drive, Houston,  Texas 77040 prior to exercise of
the Proxy a written  notice of revocation or a  later-dated,  properly  executed

     The  solicitation  of  proxies  will be by mail,  but  proxies  also may be
solicited by telephone,  telegram or in person by directors,  officers and other
employees of the Company. The Company will bear all costs of soliciting proxies.
Should the  Company,  in order to solicit  proxies,  request the  assistance  of
financial  institutions,  brokerage  houses  or other  custodians,  nominees  or
fiduciaries,  the Company  will  reimburse  such  persons  for their  reasonable
expenses in forwarding  proxy  materials to  stockholders  and  obtaining  their

                          ITEM 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The members of the Board of Directors serve one-year  terms.  Directors are
elected by a plurality of the votes cast.  Abstentions  and broker nonvotes will
be disregarded and have no effect on the outcome of the election of directors.

     Both  Messrs.  Richard  L.  Johnson  II and  Roger K.  Padgham  voluntarily
resigned as directors of the Company in December, 2002.

     Seven  nominees,  Jerry D. Dumas,  Sr., Gary M.  Pittman,  Robert S. Beall,
Barry E. Stewart, Dr. Glenn S. Penny, John W. Chisholm,  and William R. Ziegler,
are proposed to be elected to serve as  directors of the Company  until the next
annual meeting of  stockholders  or until their  successors are duly elected and
qualified, or until their earlier resignation or removal.

     All proxies which are timely  received in proper form will be voted FOR the
Board's  nominees for director,  unless  contrary  instructions  are given.  All
nominees are  presently  directors  of the Company.  If any nominee is unable to
serve, the Board of Directors may designate a substitute nominee, in which event
the proxy votes  which would have been cast for the nominee not serving  will be
cast for the substitute nominee.


                         NOMINEES AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

         The following table provides certain information with respect to the
Board nominees, and the executive officers of the Company.

         NAME                   AGE      POSITIONS                 HELD SINCE

         Jerry D. Dumas, Sr.    68       Chief Executive Officer      1998
                                           and Director
         Gary M. Pittman        39       Director                     1997
         Robert S. Beall        45       Director                     2001
         Barry E. Stewart       48       Director                     2001
         Glenn S. Penny         53       Chief Technical Officer
                                           and Director               2001
         John W. Chisholm       48       Director                     1999
         William R. Ziegler     61       Director                     1997
         Mark D. Kehnemund      53       Chief Financial Officer      2002


     The  following  is a brief  description  of the  background  and  principal
occupation of each Nominee and executive officer:

     JERRY D. DUMAS,  SR.. - Mr. Dumas became Chairman of the Board of Directors
of the Company in 1998. He has served as Chief Executive  Officer of the Company
since  September  1998.  Prior to that he was Vice  President of  Corporate  and
Executive  Services with Merrill Lynch from 1988 to 1998.  Mr. Dumas also served
as Group  Division  President  with Hughes Tool Company,  a predecessor to Baker
Hughes, Inc. from 1980 to 1984.

     GLENN S. PENNY - Dr. Penny became President,  Chief Technical Officer and a
Director of the Company  effective with the closing of the merger (the "Merger")
between  Flotek  Industries,  Inc.  and Chemical & Equipment  Specialties,  Inc.
("CESI") on October 31, 2001. Dr. Penny founded CESI in April 2000 and served as
its President and Chief  Executive  Officer until the Merger.  Prior to founding
CESI, Dr. Penny served as President of Stim-Lab, Inc., a company specializing in
independent testing of completion fluids and methods,  from its founding in 1985
to April 2000.  Stim-Lab,  Inc.  was  acquired  by Core  Laboratories  N.V.,  an
NYSE-listed oilfield service company, in 1997.

     MARK D. KEHNEMUND - Mr. Kehnemund was appointed Chief Financial  Officer of
the  Company  in June  2002.  Prior  to  joining  Flotek,  Mr.  Kehnemund  spent
twenty-six years with Halliburton Company in various executive,  financial,  and
administrative  positions,  including Controller of Halliburton Energy Services,
Vice President & Controller of Halliburton Geophysical Services, and Director of
Accounting for Halliburton Services. Mr. Kehnemund is a CPA.

     ROBERT S. BEALL - Mr.  Beall has served as a Director of the Company  since
the closing of the Merger between Chemical and Equipment  Specialties,  Inc. and
Flotek Industries, Inc. (October 2001). He is currently President of R. S. Beall
Investments,  Inc.  He founded  Beall  Concrete  Enterprises,  Ltd.  in 1980 and
resigned his position as President in December  2002.  In February  2000,  Beall
Concrete  Enterprises,  Ltd.  became  a  subsidiary  of  publicly  traded  U. S.
Concrete, Inc.

     JOHN W.  CHISHOLM - Mr.  Chisholm  has served as a Director  of the Company
since  1999.  He was  formerly  Chairman of and now serves as a  consultant  for
Wellogix,  Inc., a technology  company which  provides  internet-based  software
applications  to  improve  productivity  and  collaboration  in the  oil and gas
industry. Mr. Chisholm co-founded ProTechnics Company and served as President of
that company from 1985 to 1998.  ProTechnics  was acquired by Core  Laboratories
N.V. in 1996.  After leaving Core  Laboratories in 1998 as Senior Vice President
of Global Sales and Marketing, Mr. Chisholm started Chisholm Energy Partners LLC
to invest in mid-size energy service companies, including Wellogix, Inc. and the

     GARY M. PITTMAN - Mr. Pittman has served as a Director of the Company since
1997.  He is  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of  Pittman & Company,  a
company he founded in 1995 to provide  investment and merchant  banking services
to  private  and  public  companies.  From 1987 to 1995,  Mr.  Pittman  was Vice
President  of The Energy  Recovery  Fund,  a $180  million  private  equity fund
focused on the energy industry.  Mr. Pittman serves as Chairman of the Company's
Compensation Committee.

     BARRY E. STEWART - Mr.  Stewart was  appointed as a Director of the Company
upon the closing of the Merger.  Since  2000,  he has served as Chief  Financial
Officer of Inphact, Inc., a provider of internet-based radiology services to the
health care industry.  He was previously Vice President of Finance for Community
Health Systems, a leading  NYSE-listed  hospital chain. Mr. Stewart is a CPA and
serves as Chairman of the Company's Audit Committee.


     WILLIAM R. ZIEGLER - Mr.  Ziegler has been a Director of the Company  since
1997. He has been of counsel to the law firm of Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke
LLP since January 2001. Prior to that time he was a partner in that law firm and
predecessor  firms for over five  years.  Mr.  Ziegler  is a  Director  and Vice
Chairman of Grey Wolf,  Inc., a provider of contract land  drilling  services to
the oil and gas  industry,  and a Director of  Geokinetics,  Inc., a provider of
seismic acquisition and geophysical services to the oil and gas industry.

     There  are no  family  relationships  between  any  director  or  executive


     The Board of Directors  of the Company met seven times  during  2002.  Each
director  attended 75% or more of the Board of Directors and committee  meetings
held during the period he was a director or committee member.

     The standing  committees  of the Board include the  Compensation  Committee
consisting of Messrs. Gary Pittman,  Robert Beall, and William Ziegler,  and the
Audit Committee, comprised of Messrs. John Chisholm and Barry Stewart.

     The Compensation  Committee sets  compensation  policy for all employees of
the Company,  makes  recommendations  to the full Board of  Directors  regarding
executive compensation and employee stock option awards, and will administer the
2003 Long-Term  Incentive Plan of the Company.  The  Compensation  Committee met
three times during the last fiscal year.

     The  primary  function  of the Audit  Committee  is to provide  advice with
respect  to our  financial  matters  and to  assist  the Board of  Directors  in
fulfilling its oversight responsibilities regarding audit, finance,  accounting,
and tax  compliance.  In  particular,  the Audit  Committee is  responsible  for
overseeing  the  engagement,  independence,  and  services  of  our  independent
auditors.  The Audit  Committee  also serves to: (i) act as an  independent  and
objective party to monitor the financial  reporting process and internal control
system of the  Company;  (ii)  review  and  appraise  the audit  efforts  of the
independent auditors; (iii) evaluate the quarterly financial performance as well
as the  compliance  with  laws and  regulations  of the  Company;  (iv)  oversee
management's  establishment  and enforcement of financial  policies and business
practices; and (v) provide an open avenue of communication among the independent
auditors, financial and senior management,  counsel, and the Board of Directors.
The Audit  Committee met five times during the last fiscal year,  which meetings
were separate and apart from meetings of the full Board. The Board has adopted a
written charter for the Audit Committee.

     The Board of Directors of the Company does not have a standing executive or
nominating committee or committees performing similar functions.

     The  above  Committees  meet as and when  required,  except  for the  Audit
Committee  which meets at least four times each year.  Certain  matters that may
come before a committee may be reviewed or acted on by the Board as a whole.


     Pursuant to Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and the
rules issued  thereunder,  the Company's  directors  and executive  officers are
required to file with the Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") reports of
ownership  and changes in  ownership of Common  Stock.  Copies of such forms are
required to be filed with the  Company.  Based solely on its review of copies of
such reports  furnished to the Company,  the Company believes that the directors
and  executive  officers  were in  compliance  with the filing  requirements  of
Section 16(a) during the most recent fiscal year.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following table sets forth cash and certain other  compensation paid to
or earned by the Chief  Executive  Officer and other  executive  officers of the
Company  who  earned  at  least  $100,000  in cash  compensation  for the  years
indicated.  Amounts in the table include all compensation paid and stock options
granted by the Company and its predecessor, CESI.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                      UNDERLYING         ALL OTHER

Jerry D. Dumas, Sr.....................   2002       $   137,600          84,557         $    -
  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer    2001       $    66,000          43,750         $    -
                                          2000       $     -              16,667         $    -

Glenn S. Penny.........................   2002       $    93,700           -             $    -
  President and Chief Technical Officer   2001       $   100,000           -             $    -
                                          2000       $    50,000           -             $    -

     Mr. Dumas did not receive a salary prior to May 2001. There were no bonuses
paid to any Executive  Officers in any of the years presented.  Excludes certain
personal  benefits,  the  aggregate  value of which  does not  exceed 10% of the
annual compensation shown for each person.

                             OPTIONS GRANTS IN 2002

     The Company does not currently  have a formal stock option plan. No options
were granted by the Board of Directors in 2002.

                             YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                               NUMBER OF SHARES                      VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                            UNDERLYING UNEXERCISABLE                 IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                       OPTIONS AT DECEMBER 31, 2002 (#)                AT YEAR-END ($)
                                       --------------------------------                ---------------
NAME                                    EXERCISABLE      UNEXERCISABLE           EXERCISABLE     UNEXERCISABLE

Jerry D. Dumas, Sr..................        84,557                -                $     -           $ -

     There were no stock options exercised by Executive  Officers in 2002. There
were no in-the-money  unexercised  options as of December 31, 2002.  Exercisable
options at year-end were adjusted for the stock dividend issued on July 19, 2002
to Flotek Industries, Inc. shareholders other than former CESI shareholders.


     Directors  who are not  employees  of the  Company  are paid  $250 for each
meeting  attended.  There were a total of seven Board of  Directors  meetings in



     Dr. Penny is covered by an employment  contract  which provides for minimum
compensation  of $100,000 per year through January 21, 2004. The contract cannot
be terminated  except for cause and requires  continuing salary payments for the
remaining term in the event of involuntary termination, including termination in
connection with a change in control.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

     The  following  table sets forth,  as of March 25, 2003,  information  with
respect to the beneficial  ownership of the Company's  common stock by Executive
Officers and  Directors and persons known by management of the Company to be the
beneficial  owners of more than 5% of the outstanding  shares of common stock of
the Company.

                                             SHARES            RIGHT TO            TOTAL          PERCENT
NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                    OWNED (a)         ACQUIRE (b)         SHARES         OF CLASS
- ------------------------                    ---------         -----------         ------         --------

Executive Officers and Directors:

Jerry D. Dumas, Sr. (c).................      125,198            84,557          209,755            3.8%
Glenn S. Penny..........................      875,415             -              875,415           15.9%
Mark D. Kehnemund.......................        5,000             -                5,000            0.1%
Robert S. Beall.........................      493,810             -              493,810            8.9%
John W. Chisholm (d)....................      245,580            31,825          277,405            5.0%
Gary M. Pittman (e), (f)................       10,000            11,427           21,427            0.4%
William R. Ziegler......................      131,797             2,285          134,082            2.4%
Barry E. Stewart........................        9,999             -                9,999            0.2%

All directors and officers as a group...    1,896,799           130,094        2,026,893           36.7%

Other Beneficial Owners:

TOSI, L.P. (e), (f).....................      585,681             -              585,681           10.6%
  1601 Elm Street, Suite 3900
  Dallas, Texas 75201
Richard L. Johnson II (g)...............      327,030             -              327,030            5.9%

     (a) Each person has sole voting and  investment  power with  respect to the
common  shares  listed,  except  as noted  below.  The  address  for each of the
Executive  Officers and Directors is 7030 Empire Central Drive,  Houston,  Texas

     (b) Includes  common  shares which may be acquired  within 60 days of March
25, 2003  through the  exercise of stock  options or warrants to acquire  common

     (c) Includes  105,438 common shares owned by Saxton River  Corporation  and
19,760 common shares owned by Hinckley Brook, Inc., both of which are controlled
by Mr. Dumas.

     (d) Includes 231,692 common shares held by Chisholm Energy Partners LLC, of
which Mr.  Chisholm is a manager and member.  Also includes 15,235 common shares
held by ProTechnics II (Nevada), Inc., of which Mr. Chisholm is President.

     (e) The sole general partner of TOSI,  L.P.,  Pitman Property Corp. and its
President and controlling  person,  J.W.  Beavers,  may also be deemed to be the
beneficial owners of those shares. Pitman Property Corp. has no affiliation with
Mr. Gary Pittman, a Director of Flotek.

     (f) Mr. Pittman, through Pittman & Company, owns 10% of TOSI, LP. Pittman &
Company has no voting nor investment rights in TOSI.

     (g) Includes  199,603  common shares held in IRA account for the benefit of
Mr.  Johnson and 26,116 common shares held by Mr.  Johnson's  wife for which Mr.
Johnson shares voting and dispositive powers.


                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     In accordance with resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors, the Audit
Committee (the  "Committee"),  which consists entirely of directors who meet the
independence and experience  requirements of Nasdaq Stock Market,  Inc., assists
the Board of Directors in  fulfilling  its  responsibility  for oversight of the
quality and  integrity  of the  accounting,  auditing  and  financial  reporting
practices of the Company.

     In discharging its oversight  responsibility  as to the audit process,  the
Committee  obtained from the  independent  auditors a formal  written  statement
describing  all  relationships  between the  auditors and the Company that might
bear on the auditors'  independence as required by Independence  Standards Board
Standard No. 1, "Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees." The Committee
discussed with the auditors any relationships  that may impact their objectivity
and independence, including fees for non-audit services, and satisfied itself as
to the auditors' independence. The Committee also discussed with management, the
internal  auditors and the independent  auditors the quality and adequacy of the
Company's  internal  controls.  The  Committee  reviewed  with  the  independent
auditors their management letter on internal controls.

     The  Committee  discussed and reviewed  with the  independent  auditors all
matters required to be discussed by auditing standards generally accepted in the
United  States of America,  including  those  described in Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61, as amended, "Communication with Audit Committees".

     The Committee reviewed the audited consolidated financial statements of the
Company as of and for the year ended December 31, 2002,  with management and the
independent  auditors.  Management has the responsibility for the preparation of
the  Company's  financial  statements  and the  independent  auditors  have  the
responsibility for the examination of those statements.

     Based on the  above-mentioned  review and discussions  with the independent
auditors and  management,  the Committee  recommended  to the Board of Directors
that the Company's audited consolidated  financial statements be included in its
Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended  December 31, 2002,  for filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The Committee also recommended the
reappointment of Weinstein Spira & Company, P.C. as independent auditors and the
Board of Directors concurred with such recommendation.

                                                 AUDIT COMMITTEE

                                                 Barry E. Stewart, Chairman
                                                 John W. Chisholm, Member



     The Company leases  certain  automobiles  and equipment  from  corporations
controlled by Mr. Dumas who is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
of the Company.  Payments under these leases totalled  approximately $52,000 and
$66,000  during  the years  ended  December  31,  2001 and  December  31,  2002,
respectively,  and the remaining  balance owed at those dates was  approximately
$43,000 and $5,000,  respectively.  The Company also owes $100,892  ($120,839 at
December 31, 2001) to a corporation  controlled  by Mr. Dumas  pursuant to loans
made in 1999 and 2002.  Payments  on these  loans  totalling  $71,681  were made
during the year ended  December 31, 2002.  There were no payments on the loan in
2001. These loans bear interest at the rate of 10%.

     In December  2002,  100,000  shares of the common stock of the Company were
issued by Mr. Dumas in exchange for $100,000.

     The Company from time to time  utilizes the services of Satterlee  Stephens
Burke & Burke LLP. Mr. Ziegler, a Director of the Company is of counsel with the
firm.  The Company paid the firm  approximately  $27,000 and $2,000 for services
during the years ended  December 31, 2001 and  December 31, 2002,  respectively,
and owed this firm  approximately  $15,000  and  $40,000  on those  same  dates,

     In March 2002, the Company entered into a  sale-leaseback  transaction with
Oklahoma  Facilities  LLC  ("Facilities").  Dr.  Penny is an  officer  and has a
minority investment interest in Facilities, and is a Director of the Company and
the  Presdent  and Chief  Technical  Officer of the  Company.  Pursuant  to this
transaction,  Facilities  assumed the  capital  lease  obligation  on one of the
Company's  operating  facilities  in the amount of $639,000 and paid the Company
net cash proceeds of approximately  $761,000.  The transaction did not result in
any significant gain or loss to the Company. The Company  simultaneously entered
into a lease  agreement  with  Facilities  under  which it is  obligated  to pay
average rent of $18,000 per month for a fixed term of ten years.

     On July 25, 2002, the Company  borrowed  $500,000  under a promissory  note
from  Facilities.  Dr.  Penny has a minority  investment  interest  in and is an
officer of  Facilities.  The note is secured by an account  receivable  from the
Company's  major customer in Venezuela.  The note requires  payments of interest
only for the  first  three  months  and  fixed  payments  of  $8,045  per  month
thereafter.  The note bears interest at the rate of prime plus 4.5%. The note is
due upon the collection of the account receivable, but in any event must be paid
in full by August 1, 2003.

     Pursuant to an  arrangement  which  existed at the time of the Merger,  Dr.
Penny is a  personal  guarantor  on  substantially  all of the bank  debt of the
Company. Dr. Penny does not receive any compensation for his guaranty of Company

     Effective  August 1,  2002,  the  Company  cancelled  an  arrangement  with
Chisholm Management,  Inc., originally entered into January 1, 2002, under which
the  Company  had paid  $5,000  per month  for  marketing  and sales  consulting
services.  Mr.  Chisholm,  a Director of the Company,  is the President and sole
owner of Chisholm Management, Inc.

     Effective  December 1, 2002,  the Company  cancelled  an  arrangement  with
Pittman & Company,  originally  entered into  October 15, 2001,  under which the
Company had paid $5,000 per month for investment banking services and consulting
on mergers and  acquisitions.  Mr.  Pittman,  a Director of the Company,  is the
Chief Executive Officer and sole owner of Pittman & Company.

     In December 2002,  10,000 shares of common stock of the Company were issued
to Mr. Pittman in exchange for $10,000.


     On January 9, 2003, the Company entered into  agreements  with  Stimulation
Instruments,  Inc. to refurbish  four Nitrogen Skid Units at a total sales price
of  $412,000  and  broker  the sale of  these  units on  behalf  of  Stimulation
Instruments,  Inc.  for a  commission  of $5,000  per unit plus 50% of the sales
proceeds in excess of $160,000 per skid. Stimulation Instruments,  Inc. is owned
solely by Dr. Penny.

     On January 30, 2003, the Company entered into an agreement with Stimulation
Chemicals,  LLC ("SCL") for the purchase of various raw materials from suppliers
of the Company under deferred payment terms.  Under this  arrangement,  SCL will
procure the raw materials as ordered by the Company and grant to the Company 120
day  payment  terms for a 15%  markup  on  established  supplier  prices up to a
purchase value of $330,000. SCL invoices not paid by the Company within 120 days
will bear  interest at 1% per month.  SCL is owned  jointly by Dr. Penny and Mr.
Beall, both Directors of the Company.

     On February 11, 2003, Mr. Dumas,  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer,  made a short-term  loan to the Company for $135,000 to cover operating
cash flow requirements. This note bears interest at 6%.


     On  recommendation  of the Audit  Committee of the  Company,  the Board has
appointed Weinstein Spira & Company, P.C. as independent auditors of the Company
and the Bank for the year ending December 31, 2003. The appointment of Weinstein
Spira  &  Company,   P.C.   continues  a   relationship   that  began  in  1998.
Representatives of Weinstein Spira & Company, P.C. are expected to be present at
the Meeting and will have the  opportunity to make  statements if they so desire
and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

     AUDIT FEES.  The aggregate fees billed by Weinstein  Spira & Company,  P.C.
for  professional  services  rendered  for the  audit  of the  annual  financial
statements  of the Company for the most recent fiscal year and the review of the
financial  statements of the Company  included in the Forms 10-QSB for that year
was $89,176.

Company  P.C.  did not charge the  Company  any fees for  financial  information
system design and implementation fees.

     ALL OTHER  FEES.  The  aggregate  fees  billed  for  services  rendered  by
Weinstein  Spira & Company,  P.C.,  other than for audit services (and financial
information system design and  implementation  fees), for the most recent fiscal
year of the Company was $38,109.  The Audit Committee has considered whether the
provision  of such  non-audit  services is  compatible  with  Weinstein  Spira &
Company, P.C. maintaining its independence and determined that these services do
not compromise their independence.



     On April 3, 2003, the Board of Directors of the Company  adopted the Flotek
Industries,  Inc. 2003 Long-Term  Incentive  Plan (the "2003 Plan"),  subject to
approval by the Company's stockholders.  The summary description that follows is
qualified by  reference to the 2003 Plan, a copy of which is attached  hereto as
Exhibit A.  Capitalized  terms used but not  defined  herein  have the  meanings
assigned to them in the 2003 Plan. In the event that stockholder approval is not
received, the 2003 Plan will be terminated.

     The  purpose  of  the  2003  Plan  is  to  provide  employees,   directors,
consultants  and other  individuals  rendering  services  to or on behalf of the
Company  and/or one or more of its  subsidiaries  an  opportunity  to acquire an
equity interest in the Company.  The Company intends to use the Plan to link the
long-term  interests of stockholders of the Company and participants in the 2003
Plan,  attract  and retain  participants'  services,  motivate  participants  to
increase  the   Company's   value  and  create   flexibility   in   compensating


     The  2003  Plan is  administered  by a  committee  (the  "Plan  Committee")
appointed  by the  Board  of  Directors  and is  currently  administered  by the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.

     The 2003 Plan  provides for the grant of incentive and  nonqualified  stock
options,  stock appreciation  rights,  restricted stock,  performance shares and
performance  units  (individually  an "Award" or  collectively,  "Awards").  All
employees,  directors and consultants of the Company or its subsidiaries will be
eligible to receive  Awards  under the 2003 Plan  (currently  approximately  100
individuals). The Plan Committee has the discretion to select the individuals to
whom the Awards  will be  granted,  to  determine  the type,  size and terms and
conditions applicable to each Award and the authority to interpret, construe and
implement the provisions of the 2003 Plan. The Plan  Committee's  decisions will
be binding.

     The total  number of shares of Common  Stock  that may be subject to Awards
under the 2003 Plan is 700,000 shares  (subject to adjustment as provided in the
2003 Plan).  No more than 140,000 shares  authorized  under the 2003 Plan may be
issued as restricted stock. Any shares of Common Stock subject to an Award which
expires, is canceled, is forfeited or terminated for any reason other than being
settled in shares of Common  Stock shall again be available  for issuance  under
the Plan.

     The Company has not  granted  any Awards  under the 2003 Plan to date.  The
Company  intends to grant Awards in the future to the named  executive  officers
and other selected  participants,  but no  determination  is contemplated or has
been made regarding the number or terms of such Awards.

     The  Compensation  Committee  intends to grant  Awards  under the 2003 Plan
which will  strongly link the interests of  stockholders  and Award  recipients.
Accordingly,  the  Compensation  Committee  intends to grant  awards to eligible
individuals who have  demonstrated  successful  performance in their  respective
positions with the Company.

     Set forth below is a brief  description  of the types of Awards that may be
granted under the 2003 Plan.

     STOCK  OPTIONS.  Options  (each an "Option")  to purchase  shares of Common
Stock,  which may be incentive or  nonqualified  stock  options,  may be granted
under the 2003 Plan at an exercise price (the "Option Price")  determined by the
Plan Committee in its discretion,  provided that the Option Price may be no less
than the  trading  price of the Common  Stock on the date of grant.  Each Option
represents  the right to  purchase  one share of Common  Stock at the  specified
Option Price.

     Options will expire no later than 10 years after the date on which they are
granted and will become  exercisable at such times and in such  installments  as
determined  by the Plan  Committee.  Payment of the Option Price must be made in
full at the time of exercise in cash,  certified or bank check,  or by tendering
to the Company  shares of Common  Stock  having a fair market value equal to the
Option Price.

     Options  may become  vested and  exercisable  based  upon  satisfaction  of
criteria  established  by the Plan  Committee.  Such  criteria may be time-based
vesting based on continuous employment or rendering services to the Company over
a specified period of time from the date of grant.

     STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHTS. An Award of a stock appreciation right ("SAR")
may be  granted  under  the 2003 Plan with  respect  to shares of Common  Stock.
Generally, one SAR is granted with respect to one share of Common Stock. The SAR
entitles  the  participant,  upon the  exercise of the SAR, to receive an amount
equal  to  the  appreciation  in the  underlying  share  of  Common  Stock.  The
appreciation is equal to the difference  between (i) the "base value" of the SAR
(which is the trading price of the Common Stock on the date the SAR is granted),
and (ii) the closing trading price of the Common Stock on the date preceding the
date the SAR is  exercised.  Upon the exercise of a vested SAR,  the  exercising
participant  will be entitled to receive  the  appreciation  in the value of one
share of Common Stock as so  determined,  payable at the  discretion of the Plan
Committee in cash or in shares of Common Stock.


     SARs will  expire no later  than 10 years  after the date on which they are
granted.  SARs  become  exercisable  at such times and in such  installments  as
determined by the Plan Committee.

     TANDEM  OPTION/SARs.  An Option and an SAR may be granted "in tandem"  with
each other (a "Tandem Option/SAR"). An Option and an SAR are considered to be in
tandem with each other  because the exercise of the Option  aspect of the tandem
unit  automatically  cancels the right to exercise  the SAR aspect of the tandem
unit,  and  vice  versa.  The  Option  may be an  incentive  stock  option  or a
nonqualified stock option, and the Option may be coupled with one SAR, more than
one SAR or a fractional SAR in any  proportionate  relationship  selected by the
Plan Committee.

     RESTRICTED STOCK. An Award of restricted stock  ("Restricted  Stock") is an
Award of Common Stock that is subject to such restrictions,  if any, as the Plan
Committee deems appropriate,  including  forfeiture  conditions and restrictions
against transfer for a period specified by the Plan Committee.  Restricted Stock
Awards may be granted under the 2003 Plan as  consideration  for services and/or
payments  of  cash  by  the  participant,  as  determined  by  the  Compensation
Committee.  Restrictions,  if any, on Restricted Stock may lapse in installments
based on factors selected by the Plan Committee.  Prior to the expiration of the
restricted period,  except as provided by the Plan Committee,  a grantee who has
received a Restricted  Stock Award  generally has the rights of a stockholder of
the Company,  including  the right to vote and to receive cash  dividends on the
shares subject to the Award. Stock dividends issued with respect to a Restricted
Stock  Award may be treated  as  additional  shares  under such Award and may be
subject to the same  restrictions  and other terms and conditions  that apply to
the shares with respect to which such dividends are issued.

     PERFORMANCE  SHARES AND  PERFORMANCE  UNITS.  A performance  share Award (a
"Performance  Share") and/or a performance unit Award (a "Performance Unit") may
be granted under the 2003 Plan. Each Performance Unit will have an initial value
that is established by the Plan Committee at the time of grant. Each Performance
Share  will have an initial  value  equal to the  trading  price of one share of
Common  Stock on the  date of  grant.  Such  Awards  may be  earned  based  upon
satisfaction of certain specified  performance  criteria,  subject to such other
terms and conditions as the Plan Committee deems  appropriate.  Prior to the end
of a performance period, the Plan Committee,  in its discretion,  may adjust the
performance  objectives  to  reflect  an event  that may  materially  affect the
performance of the Company,  including, but not limited to, market conditions or
a significant  acquisition or disposition of the assets or other property by the
Company.  The extent to which a grantee is entitled to payment in  settlement of
such an Award at the end of the  performance  period will be  determined  by the
Plan  Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  based  on  whether  the  performance
criteria  have been met and payment  will be made in cash or in shares of Common
Stock in accordance with the terms of the applicable Award Agreements.


     Under the 2003 Plan,  if there is any change in the  capitalization  of the
Company,  a  reorganization  or  a  similar   transaction,   such  proportionate
adjustments as may be necessary (in the form  determined by the Plan  Committee)
to reflect such change will be made to prevent  dilution or  enlargement  of the
rights with respect to the aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock for which
Awards in  respect  thereof  may be granted  under the 2003 Plan,  the number of
shares of Common Stock covered by each outstanding Award and the price per share
in  respect  thereof.  Unless  otherwise  provided  in an  Award  Agreement,  an
individual's  rights  under the 2003  Plan may not be  assigned  or  transferred
(except in the event of death).


     The award agreements will provide that in the event of a  change-in-control
of the  Company,  each  Award  will  expire  as of the  effective  date  of such
transaction,  provided that to the extent  possible the Company is to provide 30
days written notice of such transaction to the participants so as to enable them
to exercise their vested awards prior to the change-in-control event.


     The 2003  Plan  will  remain in  effect  until  terminated  by the Board of
Directors and thereafter  until all Awards  granted  thereunder are satisfied by
the  issuance of shares of Common  Stock or the payment of cash or the 2003 Plan
is  otherwise  terminated  pursuant  to the  terms of the 2003 Plan or under any
Award Agreements.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Awards may be granted under
the 2003 Plan  after the tenth  anniversary  of the  effective  date of the 2003
Plan. The Board of Directors may at any time terminate, modify or amend the 2003
Plan, provided however, that no such amendment,  modification or termination may
(i)  materially  adversely  affect an optionee's  or grantee's  rights under any
Award  previously  granted under the 2003 Plan,  except with the consent of such
optionee or grantee,  or (ii) increase the number of shares  subject to the 2003
Plan,  or change the  designation  of the class of persons  eligible  to receive
Awards, unless approved by the stockholders of the Company.


     An employee to whom an Option  which is an incentive  stock option  ("ISO")
that  qualifies  under Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code is granted will
not recognize income at the time of grant or exercise of such option. No federal
income tax deduction will be allowable to the Company upon the grant or exercise
of such ISO.  However upon the exercise of an ISO, any excess in the fair market
price  of the  Common  Stock  over  the  Option  Price  constitutes  an  item of
adjustment that may have alternative  minimum tax consequences for the employee.
When the  employee  sells  such  shares  more  than one year  after  the date of
transfer  of such shares and more than two years after the date of grant of such
ISO (the "ISO Holding Period"),  the employee will generally  recognize either a
long-term  or mid-term  capital  gain or loss equal to the  difference,  if any,
between the sale prices and the aggregate  Option Price and the Company will not
be entitled to a federal  income tax  deduction  with respect to the exercise of
the ISO or the sale of such  shares.  The  shares  must be held for more than 12
months to qualify for  long-term  capital  gains.  If the employee does not hold
such shares for the required ISO Holding  Period,  when the employee  sells such
shares the employee will  recognize  ordinary  compensation  income and possibly
short-term  capital  gain  or  loss in such  amounts  as are  prescribed  by the
Internal  Revenue  Code and the  regulations  thereunder  and the  Company  will
generally be entitled to a federal income tax deduction.

     A participant to whom a nonqualified stock option ("NSO") or SAR is granted
will not  recognize  income at the time of grant of such Option or SAR. When the
participant  exercises such NSO or SAR, the participant will recognize  ordinary
compensation income equal to the difference,  if any, between the exercise price
paid and the fair  market  value,  as of the date of  exercise of such Option or
SAR, of the shares of Common Stock the  participant  receives.  The tax basis of
such shares to such  participant  will be equal to the exercise  price paid plus
the amount includible in the participant's  gross income,  and the participant's
holding period for such shares will commence on the date of exercise. Subject to
the  applicable   provisions  of  the  Internal   Revenue  Code  and  regulation
thereunder,  the Company  will  generally  be  entitled to a federal  income tax
deduction  in  respect  of an  NSO or SAR in an  amount  equal  to the  ordinary
compensation  income  recognized by the employee upon the exercise of the NSO or

     No income generally will be recognized upon the grant of performance shares
or performance  units.  Upon payment in respect of performance  shares or earned
performance  units,  the  recipient  generally  will be  required  to include as
taxable  ordinary income in the year of receipt an amount equal to the amount of
cash  received and the fair market value of any  nonrestricted  shares of Common
Stock  received  less any  amount  paid for such award at the time of payment or
transfer  pursuant  to  the  fulfillment  of  the  specified  conditions  or the
achievement of the performance goals.


     The  recipient  of  Restricted  Stock  generally  will be subject to tax at
ordinary  income rates on the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock on
the first date that such shares  either are  transferable  by the  recipient  or
cease to be subject to  forfeiture,  and the capital gain or loss holding period
for such shares will also commence on that date.


     The affirmative vote of holders of a majority of the shares of Common Stock
present  in person or by proxy at the 2003  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  is
required to approve the Flotek Industries,  Inc. 2003 Long-Term  Incentive Plan.
If not approved, the 2003 Plan will not become effective.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  of the  Company is not aware of any other  matters
that may come  before  the  Meeting.  However,  the  proxies  may be voted  with
discretionary authority with respect to any other matters that may properly come
before the Meeting.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     A Summary Annual Report to Stockholders and an Annual Report on Form 10-KSB
covering  the fiscal year of the Company  ended  December  31, 2002 are enclosed
herewith. These reports do not form any part of the material for solicitation of

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Stockholder  proposals  for  inclusion in the proxy  statement for the 2003
Annual Meeting of Stockholders  must be received by the Company at its principal
executive offices by February 1, 2003. Such stockholder proposals, together with
any supporting statements, should be directed to the Secretary of the Company.

Date:  April 23, 2003

                                    By order of the Board of Directors

                                    /s/ Rosalie Melia
                                    Rosalie Melia, Secretary