Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q/A

         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the Quarter Ended September 7, 2001              Commission File No. 1-13881

                          MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.

Delaware                                                              52-2055918
(State of Incorporation)                 (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)

                               10400 Fernwood Road
                            Bethesda, Maryland 20817
                                 (301) 380-3000

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months, and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements
for the past 90 days.

                          Yes |X|         No |_|

                                                          Shares outstanding
               Class                                     at November 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------                ----------------------------
       Class A Common Stock,                                 240,980,998
          $0.01 par value

                          MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                                                                                           Page No.
              Forward-Looking Statements ................................................................    3

Part I.       Financial Information (Unaudited):

                  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income -
                      Twelve and Thirty-Six Weeks Ended September 7, 2001
                      and September 8, 2000 .............................................................    4

                  Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet -
                      as of September 7, 2001 and December 29, 2000 .....................................    5

                  Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows -
                      Thirty-Six Weeks Ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000 ....................    6

                  Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements ..................................    7

                  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                      and Results of Operations .........................................................   16

                  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk ............................   23

Part II.      Other Information and Signatures:

                  Legal Proceedings .....................................................................   24

                  Changes in Securities .................................................................   24

                  Defaults Upon Senior Securities .......................................................   24

                  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders ...................................   24

                  Other Information .....................................................................   24

                  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K ......................................................   25

                  Signatures ............................................................................   26


Forward-Looking Statements

When used throughout this report, the words "believes," "anticipates,"
"expects," "intends," "estimates," "projects," and other similar expressions,
which are predictions of or indicate future events and trends, identify
forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to a number of risks and
uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those
projected, including: competition within each of our business segments; business
strategies and their intended results; the balance between supply of and demand
for hotel rooms, timeshare units, senior living accommodations and corporate
apartments; our ability to obtain new operating contracts and franchise
agreements; our ability to develop and maintain positive relations with current
and potential hotel and senior living community owners; the effect of
international, national and regional economic conditions, including the duration
and severity of the current economic downturn in the United States and the
aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and
Washington; the availability of capital to allow us and potential hotel owners
to fund investments; the effect that internet hotel reservation channels may
have on rates that we are able to charge for hotel rooms; and other risks
described from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including those set forth on Exhibit 99 filed herewith. Given these
uncertainties, we caution you not to place undue reliance on such statements. We
also undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking
statement to reflect current or future events or circumstances.


                         PART I -- FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements
- -----------------------------

                          MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                    ($ in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                        Twelve weeks ended                 Thirty-six weeks ended
                                                   ------------------------------       ------------------------------
                                                   September 7,      September 8,       September 7,      September 8,
                                                       2001              2000               2001              2000
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
                                                   (As revised)      (As revised)       (As revised)      (As revised)
     Management and franchise fees ..............  $        187      $        215       $        618      $        633
     Distribution services ......................           385               356              1,143             1,044
     Other ......................................           521               478              1,519             1,385
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
                                                          1,093             1,049              3,280             3,062
     Other revenues from managed properties .....         1,280             1,266              4,004             3,839
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
                                                          2,373             2,315              7,284             6,901
     Distribution services ......................           384               351              1,137             1,045
     Other ......................................           531               482              1,500             1,361
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
                                                            915               833              2,637             2,406
     Other costs from managed properties ........         1,280             1,266              4,004             3,839
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
                                                          2,195             2,099              6,641             6,245
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
  AND INTEREST ..................................           178               216                643               656
Corporate expenses ..............................           (13)              (29)               (72)              (80)
Interest expense ................................           (26)              (22)               (75)              (72)
Interest income .................................            23                 9                 59                19
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES ......................           162               174                555               523
Provision for income taxes ......................            61                64                203               193
                                                   ------------      ------------       ------------      ------------
NET INCOME ......................................  $        101      $        110       $        352      $        330
                                                   ============      ============       ============      ============

DIVIDENDS DECLARED PER SHARE ....................  $       .065      $        .06       $        .19      $       .175
                                                   ============      ============       ============      ============

     Basic Earnings Per Share ...................  $        .41      $        .46       $       1.44      $       1.37
                                                   ============      ============       ============      ============
     Diluted Earnings Per Share .................  $        .39      $        .43       $       1.36      $       1.30
                                                   ============      ============       ============      ============

            See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                          MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                 ($ in millions)

                                                            September 7,    December 29,
                                                                2001            2000
                                                            ------------    ------------
                             ASSETS                          (Unaudited)
Current assets
   Cash and equivalents .................................   $        874    $        334
   Accounts and notes receivable ........................            660             728
   Inventory ............................................            101              97
   Other ................................................            313             256
                                                            ------------    ------------
                                                                   1,948           1,415
                                                            ------------    ------------

Property and equipment ..................................          3,110           3,241
Intangibles .............................................          1,801           1,833
Investments in affiliates ...............................            828             747
Notes and other receivables .............................            900             661
Other ...................................................            433             340
                                                            ------------    ------------
                                                            $      9,020    $      8,237
                                                            ============    ============


Current liabilities
   Accounts payable .....................................   $        732    $        660
   Other ................................................          1,113           1,257
                                                            ------------    ------------
                                                                   1,845           1,917
                                                            ------------    ------------

Long-term debt ..........................................          1,912           2,016
Other long-term liabilities .............................          1,222           1,037
Convertible debt ........................................            406               -
Shareholders' equity
   ESOP preferred stock .................................              -               -
   Class A common stock, 255.6 million shares issued ....              3               3
   Additional paid-in capital ...........................          3,426           3,590
   Retained earnings ....................................          1,062             851
   Unearned ESOP shares .................................           (372)           (679)
   Treasury stock, at cost ..............................           (425)           (454)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income ...............            (59)            (44)
                                                            ------------    ------------
                                                                   3,635           3,267
                                                            ------------    ------------
                                                            $      9,020    $      8,237
                                                            ============    ============

            See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                          MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                 ($ in millions)

                                                                                           Thirty-six weeks ended
                                                                                      September 7,        September 8,
                                                                                          2001                2000
                                                                                      ------------        ------------
     Net income ................................................................      $       352         $       330
     Adjustments to reconcile to cash provided by operations:
         Depreciation and amortization .........................................              147                 134
         Income taxes and other ................................................              151                 198
         Timeshare activity, net ...............................................             (218)               (122)
         Working capital changes ...............................................               16                  73
                                                                                      ------------        ------------
     Cash provided by operations ...............................................              448                 613
                                                                                      ------------        ------------

     Dispositions ..............................................................              508                 381
     Capital expenditures ......................................................             (360)               (627)
     Note advances .............................................................             (147)               (118)
     Note collections and sales ................................................               42                  29
     Other .....................................................................             (169)               (160)
                                                                                      ------------        ------------
     Cash used in investing activities .........................................             (126)               (495)
                                                                                      ------------        ------------

     Commercial paper activity, net ............................................             (423)               (239)
     Issuance of convertible debt ..............................................              405                   -
     Issuance of other long-term debt ..........................................              316                 332
     Repayment of other long-term debt .........................................              (13)                (10)
     Issuance of Class A common stock ..........................................               69                  30
     Dividends paid ............................................................              (45)                (41)
     Purchase of treasury stock ................................................              (91)               (301)
                                                                                      ------------        ------------
     Cash provided by (used in) financing activities ...........................              218                (229)
                                                                                      ------------        ------------

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND EQUIVALENTS ....................................              540                (111)
CASH AND EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period ......................................              334                 489
                                                                                      ------------        ------------
CASH AND EQUIVALENTS, end of period ............................................      $       874         $       378
                                                                                      ============        ============

            See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                          MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.

1.   Basis of Presentation
     The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements present the
     results of operations, financial position and cash flows of Marriott
     International, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, we, us or the

     The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements have not been
     audited. We have condensed or omitted certain information and footnote
     disclosures normally included in financial statements presented in
     accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
     States. We believe the disclosures made are adequate to make the
     information presented not misleading. You should, however read the
     financial statements in this report in conjunction with the consolidated
     financial statements and notes to those financial statements included in
     our Annual Report on Form 10-K (our Annual Report) for the fiscal year
     ended December 29, 2000. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this
     quarterly report have the meanings specified in our Annual Report.

     The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting
     principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to
     make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets
     and liabilities as of the date of the financial statements, and the
     reported amounts of sales and expenses during the reporting period.
     Accordingly, ultimate results could differ from those estimates.

     In our opinion, the accompanying condensed consolidated financial
     statements reflect all normal and recurring adjustments necessary to
     present fairly our financial position as of September 7, 2001 and December
     29, 2000, the results of operations for the twelve and thirty-six weeks
     ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000 and cash flows for the
     thirty-six weeks ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000. Interim
     results may not be indicative of fiscal year performance because of
     seasonal and short-term variations. We have eliminated all material
     intercompany transactions and balances between entities included in these
     financial statements.

     Financial Statement Revision

     We have revised the consolidated financial statements to change our method
     of accounting for the Marriott Rewards Program in accordance with Staff
     Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 101 "Revenue Recognition in Financial
     Statements." The effect of adopting SAB No. 101 on January 1, 2000 was to
     increase both revenues and expenses by $63 million for the year ended
     December 29, 2000, $28 million for the twelve weeks ended September 7, 2001
     and by $65 million for the thirty-six weeks ended September 7, 2001.
     However, there was no change in financial position, cashflows, net income
     or basic and diluted earnings per share. In addition, we added disclosures
     related to revenue recognition and certain other items to the notes to the
     consolidated financial statements.


     Revenue Recognition

     Our sales include (1) management and franchise fees, (2) sales from our
     distribution services business, (3) sales from lodging properties and
     senior living communities owned or leased by us, and sales made by our
     other businesses; and (4) certain other revenues from properties managed by
     us. Management fees comprise a base fee, which is a percentage of the
     revenues of hotels or senior living communities, and an incentive fee,
     which is generally based on unit profitability. Franchise fees comprise
     initial application fees and continuing royalties generated from our
     franchise programs, which permit the hotel owners and operators to use
     certain of our brand names. Other revenues from managed properties include
     direct and indirect costs that are reimbursed to us by lodging and senior
     living community owners for properties that we manage. Other revenues
     include revenues from hotel properties and senior living communities that
     we own or lease, along with sales from our timeshare and ExecuStay

     We recognize base fees as revenue when earned in accordance with the
     contract. In interim periods we recognize incentive fees that would be due
     as if the contract were to terminate at that date, exclusive of any
     termination fees payable or receivable by us. As of September 7, 2001 we
     have recognized $165 million of incentive management fees, retention of
     which is dependent on achievement of hotel profitability for the balance of
     the year at levels specified in a number of our management contracts.

     Distribution Services: We recognize revenue from our distribution services
     business when goods have been shipped and title passes to the customer in
     accordance with the terms of the applicable distribution contract.

     Timeshare: We recognize revenue from timeshare interest sales in accordance
     with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) No. 66, "Accounting
     for Sales of Real Estate." We recognize sales when a minimum of 10 percent
     of the purchase price for the timeshare interval has been received, the
     period of cancellation with refund has expired, receivables are deemed
     collectible and certain minimum sales and construction levels have been

     Owned and Leased Units: We recognize room sales and revenues from guest
     services for our owned and leased units, including ExecuStay, when rooms
     are occupied and services have been rendered.

     Franchise Revenue: We recognize franchise fee revenues in accordance with
     FAS No. 45, "Accounting for Franchise Fee Revenue." Franchise fees are
     recognized as revenue in each accounting period as fees are earned and
     become receivable from the franchisee.

     Other Revenues from Managed Properties: We recognize other revenues from
     managed properties when we incur the related reimbursable costs.


     We recognized sales in the twelve and thirty-six weeks ended September 7,
     2001 and September 8, 2000 as shown in the following table. Lodging
     includes our Full Service, Select Service, Extended Stay, and Timeshare
     business segments.

                                                                         Twelve weeks ended
                                                     September 7, 2001                             September 8, 2000
                                      -------------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------------
                                                    Senior                                         Senior
                                                    Living  Distribution                           Living   Distribution
Sales                                   Lodging    Services   Services    Total        Lodging    Services    Services     Total
                                       ---------  ---------- ----------  --------    ----------  ----------  ----------   ----------
($ in millions)                      (As revised)                      (As revised) (As revised)                        (As revised)
Management and franchise
    fees ..............................  $   179    $     8    $     -    $   187      $   207     $     8    $     -     $   215
Other .................................      447         74        385        906          414          64        356         834
                                         -------    -------    -------    -------      -------     -------    -------     -------
                                             626         82        385      1,093          621          72        356       1,049

Other revenues from managed
    properties ........................    1,197         83          -      1,280        1,185          81          -       1,266
                                         -------    -------    -------    -------      -------     -------    -------     -------
                                         $ 1,823    $   165    $   385    $ 2,373      $ 1,806     $   153    $   356     $ 2,315
                                         =======    =======    =======    =======      =======     =======    =======     =======
Operating costs and expenses

Operating costs .......................  $   452    $    79    $   384    $   915      $   405     $    77    $   351     $   833
Other costs from managed
    properties ........................    1,197         83          -      1,280        1,185          81          -       1,266
                                         -------    -------    -------    -------      -------     -------    -------     -------
                                           1,649        162        384      2,195        1,590         158        351       2,099
                                         -------    -------    -------    -------      -------     -------    -------     -------
Operating profit before
    corporate expenses and
    interest ..........................  $   174    $     3    $     1    $   178      $   216     $    (5)   $     5     $   216
                                         =======    =======    =======    =======      =======     =======    =======     =======

                                                                     Thirty-six weeks ended
                                                    September 7, 2001                             September 8, 2000
                                       --------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
                                                    Senior                                         Senior
                                                    Living   Distribution                          Living   Distribution
Sales                                   Lodging    Services    Services     Total      Lodging    Services   Services      Total
                                       ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------   ---------  ---------- -----------   --------
($ in millions)                      (As revised)                       (As revised) (As revised)                       (As revised)
Management and franchise
    fees ...............................  $   594    $    24    $     -    $   618      $   612    $    21    $     -     $   633
Other ..................................    1,294        225      1,143      2,662        1,179        206      1,044       2,429
                                          -------    -------    -------    -------      -------    -------    -------     -------
                                            1,888        249      1,143      3,280        1,791        227      1,044       3,062
Other revenues from managed
    properties .........................    3,759        245          -      4,004        3,614        225          -       3,839
                                          -------    -------    -------    -------      -------    -------    -------     -------
                                          $ 5,647    $   494    $ 1,143    $ 7,284      $ 5,405    $   452    $ 1,044     $ 6,901
                                          =======    =======    =======    =======      =======    =======    =======     =======
Operating costs and expenses

Operating costs ........................  $ 1,260    $   240    $ 1,137    $ 2,637      $ 1,128    $   233    $ 1,045     $ 2,406
Other costs from managed
    properties .........................    3,759        245          -      4,004        3,614        225          -       3,839
                                          -------    -------    -------    -------      -------    -------    -------     -------
                                            5,019        485      1,137      6,641        4,742        458      1,045       6,245
                                          -------    -------    -------    -------      -------    -------    -------     -------
Operating profit before
    corporate expenses and
    interest ...........................  $   628    $     9    $     6    $   643      $   663    $    (6)   $    (1)    $   656
                                          =======    =======    =======    =======      =======    =======    =======     =======


2.   Earnings Per Share
     The following table reconciles the earnings and number of shares used in
     the basic and diluted earnings per share calculations (in millions, except
     per share amounts).

                                                                Twelve weeks ended             Thirty-six weeks ended
                                                           -----------------------------    -----------------------------
                                                            September 7,   September 8,      September 7,   September 8,
                                                                2001           2000             2001            2000
                                                           ------------    -------------    ------------    -------------
      Computation of Basic Earnings Per Share

       Net income ......................................    $      101      $       110      $      352      $       330
       Weighted average shares outstanding .............         244.8            240.1           244.1            241.3
                                                           ------------    -------------    ------------    -------------

       Basic Earnings Per Share ........................    $      .41      $       .46      $     1.44      $      1.37
                                                           ============    =============    ============    =============

      Computation of Diluted Earnings Per Share

       Net income ......................................    $      101      $       110      $      352      $       330
       After-tax interest expense on convertible
         debt ..........................................             2                -               3                -
                                                           ------------    -------------    ------------    -------------
       Net income for diluted earnings per share .......    $      103      $       110      $      355      $       330
                                                           ============    =============    ============    =============

       Weighted average shares outstanding .............         244.8            240.1           244.1            241.3

       Effect of Dilutive Securities
           Employee stock purchase plan ................             -                -             0.1              0.1
           Employee stock option plan ..................           8.3              8.6             8.5              7.2
           Deferred stock incentive plan ...............           5.3              5.5             5.3              5.5
       Convertible debt ................................           6.4                -             3.1                -
                                                           ------------    -------------    ------------    -------------
       Shares for diluted earnings per share ...........         264.8            254.2           261.1            254.1
                                                           ============    =============    ============    =============

       Diluted Earnings Per Share ......................    $      .39      $       .43      $     1.36      $      1.30
                                                           ============    =============    ============    =============

     We compute the effect of dilutive securities using the treasury stock
     method and average market prices during the period. We use the if-converted
     method for convertible debt.

3.   Marriott Rewards
     We defer revenue received from managed, franchised, and
     Marriott-owned/leased hotels and program partners equal to the fair value
     of our future redemption obligation. We recognize the component of revenue
     from program partners that corresponds to program maintenance services over
     the expected life of the points awarded. Upon the redemption of points, we
     recognize as revenue the amounts previously deferred, and recognize the
     corresponding expense relating to the cost of the awards redeemed. The
     liability for the Marriott Rewards program was $611 million at September 7,
     2001 and $554 million at December 29, 2000, of which $390 million and $310
     million, respectively, are included in other long-term liabilities in the
     accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet.


4.   Dispositions
     In the first quarter of 2001, we closed on sales of eight lodging
     properties and one senior living community for cash proceeds of $241
     million, resulting in gains of $5 million. We recognized $4 million of the
     gain and the balance will be recognized as certain contingencies in the
     sales contracts expire. We will continue to operate seven of these hotels
     under long-term management agreements.

     In the second quarter of 2001, we sold four lodging properties for $102
     million. We will continue to operate the hotels under long-term management
     agreements. In the second quarter of 2001, in connection with the sale, the
     buyer terminated lease agreements for three properties sold and leased back
     to us in 1997 and 1998. In the third quarter of 2001, an additional six
     lease agreements were terminated. We now manage these nine previously
     leased properties under long-term management agreements, and gains on the
     sale of these properties of $5 million were recognized in both the second
     quarter and third quarter as a result of the lease cancellations.

     In the second quarter of 2001 we sold land, at book value, for $31 million
     to a joint venture which plans to build two resort hotels in Orlando,
     Florida, for $547 million. We will provide development services and have
     guaranteed completion of the project. The initial owners of the venture
     have the right to sell 20 percent of the venture's equity to us upon the
     opening of the hotels. At opening we also expect to hold approximately $120
     million in mezzanine loans that we have agreed to advance to the joint
     venture. We have provided the venture with additional credit facilities for
     certain amounts due under the first mortgage loan and to provide for
     limited minimum returns to the equity investors in the early years of the
     project, although we expect fundings under such support to be less than $5

     In the third quarter of 2001, we sold two lodging properties, and some
     undeveloped land, for cash proceeds of $146 million, resulting in gains of
     $7 million. We recognized $1 million of the gain and the balance will be
     recognized as certain contingencies in the sales contracts expire. We will
     continue to operate the two hotels under long-term management agreements.

5.   Comprehensive Income
     Total comprehensive income was $103 million and $109 million, respectively,
     for the twelve weeks ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000 and $337
     million and $325 million, respectively, for the thirty-six weeks ended
     September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000. The principal difference between
     net income and total comprehensive income relates to foreign currency
     translation adjustments.

6.   New Accounting Standards
     In the first quarter of 2001, we adopted FAS No. 133, "Accounting for
     Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," which resulted in no
     material impact to our financial statements.

     We will adopt FAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets," in the
     first quarter of 2002. The new rules require that goodwill is not
     amortized, but is reviewed annually for impairment. We estimate that
     adoption of FAS No. 142 will result in an annual increase in net income of
     approximately $30 million.


7.   Business Segments
     We are a diversified hospitality company with operations in six business

     .    Full Service Lodging, which includes Marriott Hotels, Resorts and
          Suites, The Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Renaissance Hotels, Resorts and
          Suites, Ramada International and the fees we receive for the use of
          the Ramada name in the United States and Canada;

     .    Select Service Lodging, which includes Courtyard, Fairfield Inn and
          SpringHill Suites;

     .    Extended Stay Lodging, which includes Residence Inn, TownePlace
          Suites, ExecuStay and Marriott Executive Apartments;

     .    Timeshare, which includes the operation, ownership, development and
          marketing of Marriott's timeshare properties under the Marriott,
          Ritz-Carlton Club and Horizons brands;

     .    Senior Living Services, which includes the operation, ownership and
          development of senior living communities; and

     .    Distribution Services, which includes our wholesale food distribution

     We evaluate the performance of our segments based primarily on operating
     profit before corporate expenses and interest. We do not allocate income
     taxes at the segment level.

     We have aggregated the brands and businesses presented within each of our
     segments considering their similar economic characteristics, types of
     customers, distribution channels, and the regulatory business environment
     of the brands and operations within each segment.


The following table outlines our sales and operating profit by business segment
for the twelve and thirty-six weeks ended September 7, 2001 and September 8,

                                                    Twelve weeks ended                        Thirty-six weeks ended
                                             ----------------------------------        ------------------------------------
                                              September 7,       September 8,            September 7,        September 8,
                                                  2001               2000                    2001               2000
                                             --------------     ---------------        ----------------   -----------------
($ in millions)                                (As revised)       (As revised)            (As revised)       (As revised)


   Full Service ..........................   $       1,170      $       1,222          $         3,779     $         3,765
   Select Service ........................             209                215                      645                 623
   Extended Stay .........................             158                173                      459                 455
   Timeshare .............................             286                196                      764                 562
                                             --------------     --------------         ----------------    ----------------

   Total Lodging .........................           1,823              1,806                    5,647               5,405
   Senior Living Services ................             165                153                      494                 452
   Distribution Services .................             385                356                    1,143               1,044
                                             --------------     --------------         ----------------    ----------------
                                             $       2,373      $       2,315          $         7,284     $         6,901
                                             ==============     ==============         ================    ================

Operating profit (loss) before corporate
   expenses and interest

   Full Service ..........................   $          70      $         104          $           314     $           354
   Select Service ........................              45                 47                      133                 139
   Extended Stay .........................              21                 32                       61                  67
   Timeshare .............................              38                 33                      120                 103
                                             --------------     --------------         ----------------    ----------------

   Total Lodging .........................             174                216                      628                 663
   Senior Living Services ................               3                 (5)                       9                  (6)
   Distribution Services .................               1                  5                        6                  (1)
                                             --------------     --------------         ----------------    ----------------
                                             $         178      $         216          $           643     $           656
                                             ==============     ==============         ================    ================

     Sales from Distribution Services exclude sales (made at market terms and
     conditions) to our other business segments of $37 million and $40 million
     for the twelve weeks ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000,
     respectively, and $117 million and $123 million for the thirty-six weeks
     ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000, respectively.

8.   Contingencies

     We issue guarantees to lenders and other third parties in connection with
     financing transactions and other obligations. These guarantees were
     limited, in the aggregate, to $556 million at September 7, 2001, including
     guarantees involving major customers. We are currently unable to estimate
     the impact that the recent terrorist attacks on New York and Washington
     could have on the extent to which we may fund under these guarantees. In
     addition, we have made physical completion guarantees relating to three
     hotel properties with minimal expected funding. As of September 7, 2001, we
     had extended approximately $940 million of loan commitments to owners of
     lodging properties and senior living communities under which we expected to
     fund approximately $230 million by December 28, 2001, and $528 million in
     total. Letters of credit outstanding on our behalf at September 7, 2001,
     totaled $69 million, the majority of which related to our self-insurance
     programs. At


     September 7, 2001, we had repurchase obligations of $54 million related to
     notes receivable from timeshare interval purchasers, which have been sold
     with limited recourse.

     New World Development and another affiliate of Dr. Henry Cheng Kar-Shun, a
     director of the Company, have severally indemnified us for guarantees by us
     of leases with minimum annual payments of approximately $59 million.

     In addition to the foregoing, we are from time to time involved in legal
     proceedings which could, if adversely decided, result in losses to the
     Company. Although we believe that the lawsuit described below is without
     merit, and we intend to vigorously defend against the claims being made
     against us, we cannot assure you as to the outcome of this lawsuit nor can
     we currently estimate the range of any potential loss to the Company.

     On March 30, 2001, Green Isle Partners, Ltd., S.E. (Green Isle) filed a
     63-page complaint in Federal district court in Delaware against The
     Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company of
     Puerto Rico, Inc. (Ritz-Carlton Puerto Rico), Marriott International, Inc.,
     Marriott Distribution Services, Inc., Marriott International Capital Corp.
     and Avendra L.L.C. (Green Isle Partners, Ltd. S.E., v. The Ritz-Carlton
     Hotel Company, L.L.C., et al, civil action no. 01-202). Ritz-Carlton Puerto
     Rico manages The Ritz-Carlton San Juan Hotel, Spa and Casino located in San
     Juan, Puerto Rico under an operating agreement with Green Isle dated
     December 15, 1995 (the Operating Agreement).

     The claim asserts 11 causes of action: three Racketeer Influenced and
     Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) claims, together with claims based on the
     Robinson-Patman Act, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, aiding
     and abetting a breach of fiduciary duty, breach of implied duties of good
     faith and fair dealing, common law fraud and intentional misrepresentation,
     negligent misrepresentation, and fiduciary accounting. The complaint does
     not request termination of the Operating Agreement.

     The claim includes allegations of: (i) national, non-competitive contracts
     and attendant kick-back schemes; (ii) concealing transactions with
     affiliates; (iii) false entries in the books and manipulation of accounts
     payable and receivable; (iv) excessive compensation schemes and fraudulent
     expense accounts; (v) charges of prohibited overhead costs to the project;
     (vi) charges of prohibited procurement costs; (vii) inflation of Group
     Service Expense; (viii) the use of prohibited or falsified revenues; (ix)
     attempts to oust Green Isle from ownership; (x) creating a financial crisis
     and then attempting to exploit it by seeking an economically oppressive
     contract in connection with a loan; (xi) providing incorrect cash flow
     figures and failing to appropriately reveal and explain revised cash flow

     The complaint seeks as damages the $140 million which Green Isle claims to
     have invested in the hotel (which includes $85 million in third party
     debt), which the plaintiffs seek to treble to $420 million under RICO and
     the Robinson-Patman Act.

     On May 25, 2001, defendants moved to dismiss the complaint or,
     alternatively, to stay or transfer. Briefing of the motion is complete but
     oral argument has not yet been scheduled. On June 25, 2001, Green Isle
     filed its Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Petition in the Southern District of


9.   Convertible Debt
     On May 8, 2001 we received cash proceeds of $405 million from the sale of
     zero-coupon convertible senior notes due 2021, known as LYONs.

     The LYONs are convertible into approximately 6.4 million shares of our
     Class A common stock and carry a yield to maturity of 0.75 percent. We may
     not redeem the LYONs prior to May 8, 2004, but may at the option of the
     holders be required to purchase the LYONs at their accreted value on May 8
     of each of 2002, 2004, 2011 and 2016. We may choose to pay the purchase
     price for redemptions or repurchases in cash and/or shares of our Class A
     common stock.

     We are amortizing the issuance costs of the LYONs into interest expense
     over the one-year period ending May 8, 2002. The LYONs are classified as
     long-term based on our ability and intent to refinance the obligation with
     long-term debt if we are required to repurchase the LYONs.

10.  Subsequent Events
     The Company has been adversely affected in the aftermath of the recent
     terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. Since the attacks, our hotels
     have experienced significant short-term declines in occupancy compared to
     the prior year. At present, it is not possible to predict either the
     severity or duration of such declines in the medium- or long-term, or the
     potential impact on the Company's results of operations, financial
     condition or cash flows. However, as a result of the significant short-term
     declines in occupancy, the Company has taken steps to reduce costs,
     including reductions in staff. The Company is undertaking a comprehensive
     analysis of its cost structure including, among other things, overall
     staffing levels and facilities related costs. Furthermore, the Company is
     evaluating hotel financial performance subsequent to September 11, 2001 and
     its impact on the Company's investments and contingent obligations.
     Declines in hotel profitability reduce management and franchise fees and
     could give rise to fundings or losses under investments and contingent
     obligations that we have made in connection with hotels that we manage or
     franchise. The outcome of the Company's analysis may result in charges to
     operations and potentially a material adverse impact on our financial
     position, results of operations and cashflows.


Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations
- ---------------------


The following discussion presents an analysis of results of our operations for
the twelve and thirty-six weeks ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000.
Revenue per available room (REVPAR) is calculated by dividing room sales for
comparable properties by room nights available to guests for the period. We
consider REVPAR to be a meaningful indicator of our performance because it
measures the period over period growth in room revenues for comparable
properties. REVPAR may not be comparable to similarly titled measures such as
revenues. Comparable REVPAR, room rate and occupancy statistics used throughout
this report are based upon U.S. properties operated by us, except that data for
Fairfield Inn also include comparable franchised units.

Twelve Weeks Ended September 7, 2001 Compared to Twelve Weeks Ended September 8,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----

We reported net income of $101 million for the 2001 third quarter on sales of
$2,373 million. This represents an eight percent decrease in net income and a
three percent increase in sales compared to the third quarter of 2000. Diluted
earnings per share of $.39 decreased by nine percent compared to the 2000 third
quarter. Revenues, excluding other revenues from managed properties, of $1.1
billion for the quarter increased four percent over last year.

Marriott Lodging reported a 19 percent decrease in operating profit while sales
increased slightly to $1,823 million. Lodging revenues, excluding other revenues
from managed properties, of $626 million increased slightly compared to the same
quarter a year ago. Lodging revenues were impacted by the transfer of several
hotels from owned to managed status and lower incentive fees resulting from
lower REVPAR, offset by unit additions.

We added a total of 118 lodging properties (14,862 units) during the third
quarter of 2001, and deflagged four properties (938 units), increasing our total
properties to 2,342 (425,911 units). Properties by brand (excluding 7,171 rental
units relating to ExecuStay) are as indicated in the following table.

                                                                           Properties as of September 7, 2001
                                                                    Company-operated                  Franchised
                                                               ----------------------------  -----------------------------
                                                                Properties       Rooms        Properties        Rooms
                                                               -------------  -------------  -------------  --------------
Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suites .........................        246         109,316            176          48,501
Ritz-Carlton ................................................         43          14,073              -               -
Renaissance Hotels, Resorts and Suites ......................         82          31,159             36          11,486
Ramada International ........................................          5           1,068            124          17,405
Residence Inn ...............................................        132          17,524            248          27,068
Courtyard ...................................................        284          44,290            259          32,591
Fairfield Inn ...............................................         52           7,526            419          37,389
TownePlace Suites ...........................................         33           3,542             63           6,412
SpringHill Suites ...........................................         16           2,426             61           6,097
Marriott Vacation Club International ........................         53           6,255              -               -
Marriott Executive Apartments and other .....................         10           1,783              -               -
                                                               -------------  -------------  -------------  --------------
   Total ....................................................        956         238,962          1,386         186,949
                                                               =============  =============  =============  ==============


Across our Lodging brands, REVPAR for comparable company-operated U.S.
properties declined by an average of 10.0 percent in the third quarter 2001.
Occupancy declined 5.6 percentage points to 74.9 percent and average room rates
declined 3.4 percent.

Occupancy, average daily rate and REVPAR for each of our principal established
brands are shown in the following table.

                                                                    Twelve weeks
                                                                       ended                 Change vs.
                                                                  September 7, 2001             2000
                                                                ----------------------    ------------------
   Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suites
        Occupancy ...........................................              74.8%               -5.2%   pts.
        Average daily rate ..................................       $     133.05               -5.4%
        REVPAR ..............................................       $      99.49              -11.6%

        Occupancy ...........................................              70.0%               -8.5%   pts.
        Average daily rate ..................................       $     220.24               +1.2%
        REVPAR ..............................................       $     154.23               -9.7%

   Renaissance Hotels, Resorts and Suites
        Occupancy ...........................................              68.2%               -7.1%   pts.
        Average daily rate ..................................       $     125.01               -4.2%
        REVPAR ..............................................       $      85.21              -13.3%

   Residence Inn
        Occupancy ...........................................              81.7%               -4.6%   pts.
        Average daily rate ..................................       $     105.77               -1.8%
        REVPAR ..............................................       $      86.41               -7.1%

        Occupancy ...........................................              75.5%               -6.0%   pts.
        Average daily rate ..................................       $      97.81               +0.4%
        REVPAR ..............................................       $      73.85               -7.0%

   Fairfield Inn
        Occupancy ...........................................              72.9%               -3.4%   pts.
        Average daily rate ..................................       $      65.07               +1.3%
        REVPAR ..............................................       $      47.47               -3.2%

Across our full-service lodging brands (Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suites,
Ritz-Carlton and Renaissance Hotels, Resorts and Suites), REVPAR for comparable
company-operated U.S. properties declined by an average of 11.6 percent in the
2001 third quarter. Average room rates decreased 4.7 percent and occupancy
declined 5.7 percentage points.

Our domestic select-service and extended-stay brands (Residence Inn, Courtyard,
Fairfield Inn, TownePlace Suites and SpringHill Suites) added a net of 35 hotel
properties, primarily franchises, during the third quarter of 2001. REVPAR for
comparable properties declined by an average of 6.9 percent. Occupancy decreased
5.3 percentage points and average room rates declined slightly.

Our timeshare brands posted a 15 percent increase in operating profit in the
third quarter of 2001 on a 57 percent increase in contract sales. Results
reflect strong demand at timeshares in California and Florida, and the second
quarter 2001 acquisition of the Grand Residence Club


property in Lake Tahoe, California. Note sale gains of $13 million in the
quarter, compared to $7 million in the year ago quarter, also contributed to
stronger comparisons. The results were negatively impacted by higher sales and
marketing costs.

The overall lodging profit margin, before other revenues and other costs from
managed properties, declined seven percentage points versus the year earlier
quarter. Margins were impacted by lower REVPAR, the transfer of several hotels
from owned to managed status, higher sales and marketing costs in the timeshare
brands and lower margins in the ExecuStay business.

Marriott Senior Living Services (SLS) posted eight percent sales growth in the
2001 third quarter, reflecting a slight increase in occupancy for comparable
communities to 85.8 percent. SLS posted operating profits of $3 million compared
to a $5 million loss a year ago. The favorable comparison is due to costs
incurred in 2000 related to development, start-up and debt associated with one
facility developed by an unaffiliated third party, as well as cost control
measures adopted in 2001.

Marriott Distribution Services reported an eight percent increase in sales in
the 2001 third quarter and $1 million of operating profits, a decrease of $4
million from the prior year. The unfavorable variance is due to the decline in
business from a significant customer. Although a substantial amount of this
business has been replaced, there were operating inefficiencies associated with
the new accounts.

Corporate activity. Interest expense increased 18 percent to $26 million
reflecting an increase in borrowings, partially offset by lower interest rates.
Interest income increased by $14 million to $23 million in the 2001 third
quarter due to income associated with higher loan balances, including loans made
to the Courtyard joint venture in the fourth quarter of 2000. Corporate expenses
declined 55 percent in the third quarter to $13 million, primarily due to a $4
million gain on the sale of tax investments, the impact of cost containment
initiatives and a $2 million decline in our net deferred compensation expense.
The effective tax rate increased slightly to 37.5 percent in the third quarter
as a result of modifications related to our deferred compensation plan,
partially offset by the impact of increased income in countries with lower
effective tax rates.

Thirty-Six Weeks Ended September 7, 2001 Compared to Thirty-Six Weeks Ended
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
September 8, 2000
- -----------------

We reported net income of $352 million for the first three quarters of 2001 on
sales of $7,284 million. This represents a seven percent increase in net income
and a six percent increase in sales over the same period in 2000. Diluted
earnings per share of $1.36 for the first three quarters of the year increased 5
percent compared to 2000. Overall profit growth in 2001 was favorably impacted
by a $15 million pretax charge, recorded in 2000, related to the write-off of a
contract investment by our distribution services business. Revenues, excluding
other revenues from managed properties, of $3.3 billion for the first three
quarters of 2001 increased seven percent over last year.


Marriott Lodging reported a five percent decrease in operating profit to $628
million, on four percent higher sales. Lodging revenues, excluding other
revenues from managed properties, of $1.9 billion increased five percent over
last year.

We added a total of 251 lodging properties (37,080 units) during the first three
quarters of 2001, and deflagged 8 properties (1,638 units).

Across our Lodging brands, REVPAR for comparable company-operated U.S.
properties declined by an average of 4.1 percent in the first three quarters of
2001. Occupancy declined 4.3 percentage points to 74.6 percent, while average
room rates rose 1.5 percent.

                                                    weeks ended
                                                 September 7, 2001        Change vs. 2000
                                               ----------------------    ------------------
Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suites
     Occupancy.............................                74.6%              -4.5%  pts.
     Average daily rate....................        $     146.55               +0.5%
     REVPAR................................        $     109.34               -5.3%

     Occupancy.............................                72.1%              -7.6%  pts.
     Average daily rate....................        $     260.60               +7.2%
     REVPAR................................        $     187.89               -3.0%

Renaissance Hotels, Resorts and Suites
     Occupancy.............................                70.4%              -4.7%   pts.
     Average daily rate....................        $     140.12               +0.2%
     REVPAR................................        $      98.67               -6.0%

Residence Inn
     Occupancy.............................                80.4%              -3.7%  pts.
     Average daily rate....................        $     108.47               +1.8%
     REVPAR................................        $      87.24               -2.7%

     Occupancy.............................                75.2%              -4.1%  pts.
     Average daily rate....................        $     101.29               +3.8%
     REVPAR................................        $      76.15               -1.6%

Fairfield Inn
     Occupancy.............................                68.3%              -3.2%  pts.
     Average daily rate....................        $      63.94               +3.2%
     REVPAR................................        $      43.65               -1.5%

Across our full-service lodging brands (Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suites,
Ritz-Carlton and Renaissance Hotels, Resorts and Suites), REVPAR for comparable
company-operated U.S. properties declined by an average of 5.1 percent during
the first three quarters of 2001. Occupancy fell 4.7 percentage points, while
average room rates increased one percent.

Our domestic select-service and extended-stay brands (Residence Inn, Courtyard,
Fairfield Inn, TownePlace Suites, SpringHill Suites) added a net of 160 hotel
properties, primarily franchises, since the third quarter of 2000. During the
first three quarters of 2001,


REVPAR for these brands decreased 1.9 percent, reflecting a 3.9 percentage point
decline in occupancy and a 3.1 percent increase in the average room rate.

Our timeshare brands posted a 17 percent increase in profit during the first
three quarters of 2001 on a 32 percent increase in contract sales. Results
reflect continued demand in California and Florida, and the second quarter 2001
acquisition of the Grand Residence Club property in Lake Tahoe, California. The
profit from the development activity was negatively impacted by increased
marketing and sales costs.

The overall lodging profit margin, before other revenues and other costs from
managed properties, declined 3.7 percentage points in the first three quarters
of 2001 versus the same period in the prior year. The decline in margin reflects
lower incentive fees related to the Courtyard joint venture and the impact of
lower RevPar, the transfer of several hotels from owned to managed status,
higher sales and marketing costs in the timeshare brands and lower margins in
the ExecuStay business. The lower incentive fees resulting from the Courtyard
joint venture are offset by higher interest income associated with the loans
made to the joint venture.

Marriott Senior Living Services posted a nine percent increase in sales in the
first three quarters of 2001, reflecting a 2.5 percentage point increase in
occupancy for comparable communities to 85.5 percent. The business posted
operating profits of $9 million, compared to a loss of $6 million a year ago.
The favorable comparison was positively impacted by costs incurred in 2000
related to start-up inefficiencies for new properties, debt associated with one
facility developed by an unaffiliated third party, higher pre-opening expenses
and write-offs associated with development cancellations. At September 7, 2001,
we operated 152 facilities (25,742 units).

Marriott Distribution Services posted a nine percent increase in sales in the
first three quarters of 2001, reflecting the commencement of new contracts in
2001 and increased sales from contracts established in 2000, partially offset by
the decline in business from one significant customer. Operating profit of $6
million compared favorably to a loss of $1 million in the first three quarters
of 2000, due to the prior year write-off of the $15 million investment in a
contract with Boston Market, Inc., offset by operating inefficiencies resulting
from the commencement of new contracts.

Corporate activity. Interest expense increased $3 million to $75 million,
reflecting an increase in borrowings, partially offset by lower interest rates.
Interest income increased substantially to $59 million in the first three
quarters of 2001, due to income associated with higher loan balances, including
the loans made to the Courtyard joint venture in the fourth quarter of 2000.
Corporate expenses decreased $8 million, reflecting the $11 million gain from
the sale of four affordable housing tax credit investments and the reversal of a
long-standing $10 million insurance reserve related to a lawsuit at one of our
hotels, lower expenses as a result of our cost containment initiatives, offset
by the $13 million write-off of two investments in technology partnerships,
lower deferred compensation expense, and lower foreign exchange gains. The
reversal of the insurance reserve was as a result of us being approached in the
first quarter by the plaintiffs' counsel, who indicated that a settlement could
be reached in an amount that would be covered by insurance. We determined that
it was no longer probable that the loss contingency would result in a material
outlay by us and accordingly, we reversed the reserve during the first quarter.
The effective tax rate decreased to 36.5 percent as a result of modifications
related to our deferred compensation plan and the impact of increased income in
countries with lower effective tax rates.


Avendra LLC. In January 2001 we contributed our hospitality procurement business
into a newly formed joint venture, together with the procurement business of
Hyatt Hotels Corporation. The joint venture, Avendra LLC, is an independent
professional procurement services company serving the North American hospitality
market and selected industries. Bass Hotels and Resorts, Inc., ClubCorp USA
Inc., and Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, Inc. joined Avendra LLC in May 2001.


This outlook is based on preliminary indications only and actual results for the
fourth quarter and fiscal 2001 may differ. See "Forward-Looking Statements" at
the beginning of this report.

For the remainder of 2001, we expect our business environment to remain
unusually challenging. For internal planning purposes, the Company is assuming
that REVPAR for its fourth quarter will decline 25 to 35 percent from last
year's fourth quarter. Although we cannot predict our fourth quarter earnings
with confidence, based on these assumptions, fourth quarter earnings could be
$0.20 to $0.30 per share.

Similarly, while the level of uncertainty is substantially higher for 2002 than
would normally be expected at this time, we are basing our internal estimates on
three to five percent lower REVPAR than 2001, or roughly 15 percent lower REVPAR
than 2000 levels. Based on these assumptions, after taking into account $0.12
per share of incremental earnings from the new accounting rules relating to
goodwill, our 2002 earnings per share could be roughly flat with 2001 levels,
with quarterly earnings and REVPAR comparisons improving over the course of

We expect investment spending for the full year 2001 to be roughly the same as
earlier forecasts, totaling $1.3 to $1.4 billion. We expect investment spending
levels in 2002 to decline at least one-third compared to 2001.

As a result of current industry conditions, we anticipate that fundings under
our guarantees and other charges related to our loan portfolio and employee
severance could occur in the fourth quarter. We are not yet able to estimate the
extent of any such fundings or charges.

See "Liquidity and Capital Resources" for a further discussion of our financial
position and our liquidity.



We have credit facilities, which support our commercial paper program and
letters of credit. At September 7, 2001, our cash balances combined with our
available borrowing capacity under the credit facilities was over $2 billion. We
consider these resources, together with cash expected to be generated by
operations, adequate to meet our short-term and long-term liquidity
requirements, to finance our long-term growth plans, and to meet debt service
and other cash requirements. We monitor the status of the capital markets, and
regularly evaluate the effect that changes in capital market conditions may have
on our ability to execute our announced growth plans.

The Company has been adversely affected in the aftermath of the recent terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington. Since the attacks, our hotels have
experienced significant short-term declines in occupancy compared to the prior
year. At present, it is not possible to predict either the severity or duration
of such declines in the medium- or long-term, or the potential impact on the
Company's results of operations, financial condition or cash flows. However, as
a result of the significant short-term declines in occupancy, the Company has
taken steps to reduce costs, including reductions in staff. The Company is
undertaking a comprehensive analysis of its cost structure including, among
other things, overall staffing levels and facilities related costs. Furthermore,
the Company is evaluating hotel financial performance subsequent to September
11, 2001 and its impact on the Company's investments and contingent obligations.
Declines in hotel profitability reduce management and franchise fees and could
give rise to fundings or losses under investments and contingent obligations
that we have made in connection with hotels that we manage or franchise. The
outcome of the Company's analysis may result in charges to operations and
potentially a material adverse impact on our financial position, results of
operations and cashflows.

Cash and equivalents totaled $874 million at September 7, 2001, an increase of
$540 million from year-end 2000. Cash balances increased due to temporary levels
of excess cash on hand following the issuance of convertible debt in the 2001
second quarter. Cash provided by operations decreased 27 percent compared to the
same period in 2000 as a result of timeshare activity and changes in working
capital associated with timing differences. Net income is stated after recording
depreciation expense of $93 million and $84 million for the thirty-six weeks
ended September 7, 2001 and September 8, 2000, respectively, and after
amortization expense of $54 million and $50 million, respectively, for the same
time periods. Earnings before interest expense, income taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA) for the thirty-six weeks ended September 7, 2001 of $777
million increased by $48 million, or seven percent, compared to the same period
in 2000. EBITDA is an indicator of operating performance which can be used to
measure the Company's ability to service debt, fund capital expenditures and
expand its business. However, EBITDA is not an alternative to net income,
operating profit, cash from operations, or any other operating or liquidity
measure prescribed by accounting principles generally accepted in the United

Net cash used in investing activities totaled $126 million for the thirty-six
weeks ended September 7, 2001, and consisted of capital expenditures for lodging
properties, note advances and the net impact of tax related investment
transactions, offset by proceeds from the disposition of real estate.

We purchased 3.9 million shares of our Class A common stock in the thirty-six
weeks ended September 7, 2001, at a cost of $161 million. As of September 7,
2001, we had been authorized by our Board of Directors to repurchase an
additional 15.7 million shares.

In April 1999, January 2000 and January 2001, we filed "universal shelf"
registration statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the
amounts of $500 million, $300 million and


$300 million, respectively. As of September 7, 2001, we had offered and sold to
the public under these registration statements, $300 million of debt securities
at 7 7/8%, due 2009 and $300 million at 8 1/8%, due 2005, leaving a balance of
$500 million available for future offerings.

In January 2001, we issued, through a private placement, $300 million of seven
percent senior unsecured notes, due 2008, and received net proceeds of $297
million. We agreed to make and complete a registered exchange offer for these
notes and, if required, to implement a resale shelf registration statement. A
registration statement for the exchange offer has been filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission but it is not yet effective. Under the terms of the note
issue, we will pay additional interest to the holders of these notes if we fail
to complete the registered exchange offer on a timely basis. We expect the
registered exchange offer to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2001 and
while we will make some additional interest payments, we do not expect those
payments to be significant.

On May 8, 2001, we issued zero-coupon convertible senior notes due 2021, known
as LYONs, and received cash proceeds of $405 million. The LYONs are convertible
into approximately 6.4 million shares of our Class A common stock and carry a
yield to maturity of 0.75 percent.

In 1996, MDS became the exclusive provider of distribution services to
Einstein/Noah Bagel Corp. (ENBC), which operates over 450 bagel shops in 29
states and the District of Columbia. In March 2000, ENBC disclosed that its
independent auditors had expressed substantial doubt about ENBC's ability to
continue as a going concern, due to its inability to meet certain financial
obligations. On April 27, 2000, ENBC and its majority-owned operating subsidiary
filed voluntary bankruptcy petitions for protection under Chapter 11 of the
Federal Bankruptcy code in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona
in Phoenix. On April 28, 2000, the Court approved a $31 million
debtor-in-possession credit facility to allow for operation of the companies
during reorganization, and also approved the payment in the ordinary course of
business of prepetition trade creditor claims, including those of MDS, subject
to recovery by the debtors under certain circumstances. On July 27, 2000, the
Court entered an order approving ENBC's assumption of the MDS contract. MDS
continues to distribute to ENBC and has been receiving full payment in
accordance with the terms of its contractual agreement. On June 19, 2001, ENBC
was acquired by New World Coffee-Manhattan Bagel Inc. and the contract was
assumed by the new owner.

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

There have been no material changes to our exposures to market risk since
December 29, 2000.


                          PART II -- OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings
- --------------------------

Incorporated by reference to the description of legal proceedings in the
"Contingencies" footnote in the financial statements set forth in Part I,
"Financial Information."

Item 2.  Changes in Securities
- ------------------------------


Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities
- ----------------------------------------


Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- ------------------------------------------------------------


Item 5.  Other Information
- --------------------------



Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
- -----------------------------------------

(a)     Exhibits

        Exhibit No.           Description
        -----------           -----------

        4                     Indenture, dated as of May 8, 2001, relating to
                              the  Liquid Yield Option Notes due 2021, with Bank
                              of New York, as trustee (incorporated by reference
                              to Exhibit 4.2 to our Registration Statement on
                              Form S-3, Registration Number 333-66406).

        10                    $1,500,000,000 Credit Agreement dated July 31,
                              2001 with Citibank, N.A., as Administrative Agent,
                              and certain banks (incorporated by reference to
                              Exhibit 10 to our Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter
                              ended September 7, 2001).

        12                    Statement of Computation of Ratio of Earnings to
                              Fixed Charges (incorporated by reference to
                              Exhibit 12 to our Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter
                              ended September 7, 2001).

        99                    Forward-Looking Statements.

(b)     Reports on Form 8-K




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                 MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                                 10th day of December, 2001

                                                 /s/ Arne M. Sorenson
                                                 Arne M. Sorenson
                                                 Executive Vice President and
                                                 Chief Financial Officer

                                                 /s/ Linda A. Bartlett
                                                 Linda A. Bartlett
                                                 Vice President and Controller
                                                 (Principal Accounting Officer)
