CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

   This Agreement is entered into as of February 28, 2002, by and between

1. LHT agrees not to disclose, except to its employees and consultants with a
   need to know, and not to use, except for the purposes set forth herein, any
   information received from HPAC under this Agreement, whether or not it is
   oral, written or in any other medium and whether or not it is marked as
   Confidential or Proprietary, and all notes, copies, analyses, compilations,
   studies, or interpretations that utilize such information, or are prepared,
   based on, or derived from such information (collectively, the "Confidential
   Information"). The Confidential Information shall also include any
   information provided by HPAC to LHT in connection with the possible business
   combination being considered by the parties prior to the date of this
   Agreement. The Confidential Information shall be provided for the purposes
   of discussions on a possible business combination.

2. LHT agrees to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or use of Confidential
   Information received hereunder using the same degree of care employed to
   protect its own confidential information, but in no event less than a
   reasonable standard of care.

3. Nothing herein shall be construed to obligate HPAC to disclose any
   Confidential Information to LHT, or as granting a license to any
   Confidential Information disclosed. HPAC makes no representation or warranty
   regarding the completeness or accuracy of any Confidential Information
   disclosed. All Confidential Information provided by HPAC and any copies made
   thereof shall remain the sole property of HPAC and shall be returned or
   destroyed, at the option of HPAC, upon three (3) days' written notice to
   LHT. Return or destruction of the Confidential Information and any copies
   made thereof shall not relieve LHT of its obligations hereunder.

4. The above restrictions shall not apply to Confidential Information which (a)
   is in the public domain or is properly in the possession of the LHT without
   restriction at the time of receipt hereunder; (b) subsequently enters the
   public domain without breach hereof by LHT; (c) is lawfully received from a
   third party without restriction on disclosure; (d) is independently
   developed by LHT's personnel who have not had direct or indirect access to
   or knowledge of the Confidential Information; (e) is used or disclosed with
   the prior written approval of HPAC; and (f) is obligated to be produced
   under order of a court of competent jurisdiction (provided that the LHT
   gives adequate notice of such pending order to HPAC so that HPAC can seek a
   protective order or other appropriate remedy). If the above exclusions apply
   to only a portion of the Confidential Information, then only that portion
   shall be excluded from the restrictions contained herein.

5. This Agreement shall not be assigned by either party without the express
   written consent of the other party; however, either party may assign this
   Agreement to its respective successors in interest. This Agreement
   constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the
   subject matter hereof, and may be modified only by a written amendment
   signed by both parties. LHT agrees to comply with all governmental
   regulations applicable to the Confidential Information, including federal
   and state securities laws and US Export Control Laws and Regulations.

6. LHT acknowledges that HPAC will be irreparably harmed if LHT's obligations
   are not specifically enforced, and that no adequate legal remedy exists for
   breach thereof. LHT agrees that HPAC shall be entitled to obtain injunctive
   relief, in addition to any other remedies available. Reasonable attorney's
   fees and costs shall be awarded to HPAC in the event of litigation in which
   HPAC prevails involving the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement.


7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States and the
   State of California, excluding its conflict of laws rules.


           /s/  KNUT WISZNIEWSKI                     /s/  JAMES R. BENNETT
     ----------------------------------        ----------------------------------
By:           Knut Wiszniewski            By:           James R. Bennett
     ----------------------------------        ----------------------------------
Its:        Director of Finance           Its:    Chief Financial Officer and
     ----------------------------------                    Secretary

By:           Petra Fellhoelter
Its:      Senior Manager of Finance
