
                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT



                                EURONET USA INC.


                           EFT NETWORK SERVICES, LLC

                          Dated as of January 4, 2002


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

         Section 1.        Definitions ..................................................               1

         Section 2.        Basic Transaction ............................................               6

                  (a)      Purchase and Sale of Assets ..................................               6

                  (b)      Assumption of Liabilities ....................................               6

                  (c)      Excluded Liabilities .........................................               6

                  (d)      Preliminary Purchase Price ...................................               7

                  (e)      Preparation of Net Working Capital Statements ................               7

                  (f)      The Closing ..................................................               9

                  (g)      Deliveries at the Closing ....................................               9

                  (h)      Allocation ...................................................               9

         Section 3.        Representations and Warranties of Seller .....................               9

                  (a)      Organization .................................................              10

                  (b)      Authorization of Transaction .................................              10

                  (c)      Noncontravention .............................................              10

                  (d)      Brokers' Fees ................................................              11

                  (e)      Title to Assets ..............................................              11

                  (f)      Financial Statements .........................................              11

                  (g)      Events Subsequent to December 31, 2000 .......................              11

                  (h)      Undisclosed Liabilities ......................................              12

                  (i)      Legal Compliance .............................................              13

                  (j)      Tax Matters ..................................................              13

                  (k)      Real Property ................................................              14

                  (l)      Intellectual Property ........................................              15

                  (m)      Condition and Sufficiency of Assets ..........................              19

                  (n)      Contracts ....................................................              19

                  (o)      Notes and Accounts Receivable ................................              20

                  (p)      Powers of Attorney ...........................................              21

                  (q)      Insurance ....................................................              21

                  (r)      Litigation ...................................................              21

                  (s)      Product Warranty .............................................              21

                  (t)      Guaranties .....................................................         21

                  (u)      Environmental, Health and Safety Matters .......................         22

                  (v)      Certain Business Relationships With Parent .....................         22

                  (w)      Employees ......................................................         22

                  (x)      Settlement Accounts ............................................         22

                  (y)      Networks .......................................................         23

         Section 4.        Representations and Warranties of Buyer ........................         23

                  (a)      Organization of Buyer ..........................................         23

                  (b)      Authorization of Transaction ...................................         23

                  (c)      Noncontravention ...............................................         23

                  (d)      Brokers' Fees ..................................................         24

         Section 5.        Post-closing Covenants .........................................         24

                  (a)      General ........................................................         24

                  (b)      Litigation Support .............................................         24

                  (c)      Transition; Sales Referrals ....................................         25

                  (d)      Confidentiality ................................................         25

                  (e)      Solicitation of Transferred Employees ..........................         25

                  (f)      Recruiting of Employees ........................................         25

                  (g)      Relocation of Facilities .......................................         25

         Section 6.        Remedies for Breaches of This Agreement ........................         26

                  (a)      Survival of Representations and Warranties .....................         26

                  (b)      Indemnification Provisions for Benefit of Buyer ................         26

                  (c)      Indemnification Provisions for Benefit of Seller ...............         27

                  (d)      Matters Involving Third Parties ................................         27

                  (e)      Determination of Adverse Consequences ..........................         28

                  (f)      Other Indemnification Provisions ...............................         28

         Section 7.        Miscellaneous ..................................................         28

                  (a)      Public Announcements and Disclosures ...........................         28

                  (b)      No Third-party Beneficiaries ...................................         29

                  (c)      Entire Agreement ...............................................         29

                  (d)      Succession and Assignment ......................................         29

                  (e)      Counterparts ...................................................         29

                  (f)      Headings .......................................................         29


                  (g)      Notices ........................................................       29

                  (h)      Governing Law ..................................................       30

                  (i)      Amendments and Waivers .........................................       30

                  (j)      Severability ...................................................       30

                  (k)      Expenses .......................................................       30

                  (l)      Construction ...................................................       30

                  (m)      Incorporation of Exhibits and Schedules ........................       31

                  (n)      Specific Performance ...........................................       31

                  (o)      Employment of Seller Employees .................................       31

                  (p)      Bulk Transfer Laws .............................................       32


                           ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         THIS ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT entered into as of January 4, 2002 by
and between ALLTEL Information Services, Inc., an Arkansas corporation (the
"Buyer"), Euronet USA Inc., an Arkansas corporation (the "Parent"), and EFT
Network Services, LLC d/b/a DASH Network, an Arkansas limited liability company
(the "Seller"). Buyer, Parent and Seller are referred to collectively herein as
the "Parties."

         WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Buyer wishes to purchase,
substantially all of the assets of Seller on the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth herein;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
promises herein made and in consideration of the representations, warranties and
covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows.

         Section 1.  Definitions.

         "Acquired Assets" means (1) all right, title and interest in and to all
of the following assets owned by Seller: (a) all tangible personal property
(including the personal computers and other equipment, furniture, and other
tangible personal property listed in Section 3(e) of the Disclosure Schedule),
(b) all Intellectual Property, including goodwill associated therewith, licenses
and sublicenses granted and obtained with respect thereto and rights thereunder,
remedies against infringements thereof and rights to protection of interests
therein under the laws of all jurisdictions (including the Intellectual Property
listed in Section 3(l)(i)(A) of the Disclosure Schedule, except for the Parent
Intellectual Property and Third Party Intellectual Property), (c) the specific
agreements, contracts, leases and licenses listed in Section 3(n) of the
Disclosure Schedule, (d) all accounts, notes and other receivables, (e) all
securities, (f) claims, deposits, prepayments, refunds, causes of action, rights
of recovery, rights of set off and rights of recoupment (including any such item
relating to the payment of Taxes) relating to any of the Acquired Assets, (g)
all franchises, approvals, permits, licenses, orders, registrations,
certificates, variances and similar rights obtained from governments and
governmental agencies, (h) all books, records, ledgers, files, documents,
correspondence, lists, plats, architectural plans, drawings and specifications,
creative materials, advertising and promotional materials, studies, reports and
other printed or written materials, (i) all Cash and (j) all memberships, and
all interests and rights related thereto, in the Networks; provided, however,
that the Acquired Assets shall not include (A) certificates of organization,
qualifications to conduct business as a foreign limited liability company,
arrangements with registered agents relating to foreign qualifications, taxpayer
and other identification numbers, seals, minute books, stock or membership
interest transfer books, blank stock or membership interest certificates and
other documents relating to the organization, maintenance and existence of
Seller as a limited liability company or (B) the Parent Receivable, and (2) the
assets listed in Exhibit D hereto. The Acquired Assets shall include the assets
described in subparagraphs (1)(d), (e) and (i) above only in an aggregate amount
equal to that indicated on the Net Working Capital Statement;.

         "Adverse Consequences" means all actions, suits, proceedings, hearings,
investigations, charges, complaints, claims, demands, injunctions, judgments,
orders, decrees, rulings, damages, dues, penalties, fines, costs, amounts paid
in settlement, Liabilities, obligations, Taxes, liens, losses, expenses and
fees, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses.

         "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Party, any other Person that
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Party.

         "Affiliated Group" means any affiliated group within the meaning of
Code ss. 1504(a) or any similar group defined under a similar provision of
state, local or foreign law.

         "Assumed Liabilities" means the meaning set forth in Section 2(b)

          "Basis" means any past or present fact, situation, circumstance,
status, condition, activity, practice, plan, occurrence, event, incident,
action, failure to act or transaction that forms or could form the basis for any
specified consequence.

         "Buyer" has the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Cash" means cash and cash equivalents (including marketable securities
and short-term investments) calculated in accordance with GAAP applied on a
basis consistent with the preparation of the Financial Statements.

         "Closing" has the meaning set forth in Section 2(f) below.

         "Closing Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 2(f) below.

         "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         "Confidential Information" means any information concerning the
businesses and affairs of Seller that is not already generally available to the

         "Disclosure Schedule" has the meaning set forth in Section 3 below.

         "Embedded Third Party Intellectual Property" has the meaning set forth
in Section 3(l)(i) below.

         "Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements" shall mean all federal,
state, local and foreign statutes, regulations, ordinances and other provisions
having the force or effect of law, all judicial and administrative orders and
determinations, all contractual obligations and all common law concerning public
health and safety, worker health and safety and pollution or protection of the
environment, including, without limitation, all those relating to the presence,
use, production, generation, handling, transportation, treatment, storage,
disposal, distribution, labeling, testing, processing, discharge, release,
threatened release, control or cleanup of any hazardous materials, substances or
wastes, chemical substances or mixtures, pesticides, pollutants, contaminants,
toxic chemicals, petroleum products or byproducts, asbestos, polychlorinated
biphenyls, noise or radiation, each as amended and as now or hereafter in


         "Escrow Agent" means J.P. Morgan Trust Company, National Association.

         "Escrow Agreement" means the Escrow Agreement executed by Buyer, the
Sellers and the Escrow Agent concurrently herewith.

         "Escrow Fund" has the meaning set forth in Section 2(d)(ii).

         "Escrow Obligations" has the meaning set forth in the Escrow Agreement.

         "Estimated Net Working Capital Statement" has the meaning set forth in
Section 2(e) below.

          "Excluded Liabilities" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
2(c) below.

         "Financial Statement" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(f) below.

         "GAAP" means U.S. generally accepted accounting principles as in effect
from time to time.

         "Including" shall mean "including, but not limited to."

         "Indemnifiable Claim" has the meaning set forth in the Escrow

         "Indemnified Party" has the meaning set forth in Section 6(d) below.

         "Indemnifying Party" has the meaning set forth in Section 6(d) below.

         "Intellectual Property" means the following: (i) all inventions,
discoveries, improvements, ideas, know-how, methodology, processes, and other
proprietary technology (whether or not patentable), as well as all United States
and foreign patents and patent applications (including all reissues,
continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, renewals or extensions
thereof); (ii) all software, algorithms, source code, object code, data
structures, data models, data bases and flowcharts, any versions, updates,
customizations, and modifications of the foregoing; (iii) all copyrights and
copyrightable works, including but not limited to mask works, writings, designs,
or other original works of authorship and derivative works thereof (including
those for which registration has been applied, which are registered, or which
are unregistered); (iv) all U.S., state and foreign trademarks, service marks,
trade dress, trade names and other names, slogans and logos embodying
indications of origin, and all goodwill associated therewith (including those
for which registration has been applied, which are registered, or which are
unregistered); (v) all trade secrets including confidential and other non-public
information for which there exists a right in any jurisdiction to limit the use
or disclosure thereof; (vi) all Internet web sites, domain names, and
registrations or applications for registration thereof; (vii) all licenses,
covenants not to sue and the like relating to any of the foregoing; and (viii)
all documents, books and records describing, recording or otherwise used in
connection with any of the foregoing.


         "Knowledge of Seller" means the actual knowledge of any of Kenneth L.
Kerr, Ron Ferguson, Leslie Wheelock, and Mike Brown.

         "Liability" means any liability (whether known or unknown, whether
asserted or unasserted, whether absolute or contingent, whether accrued or
unaccrued, whether liquidated or unliquidated and whether due or to become due),
including any liability for Taxes.

         "Most Recent Balance Sheet" means the balance sheet contained within
the Most Recent Financial Statements.

         "Most Recent Financial Statements" has the meaning set forth in Section
3(f) below.

         "Most Recent Fiscal Month End" has the meaning set forth in Section
3(f) below.

         "Net Working Capital Statement" has the meaning set forth in Section
2(e) below.

         "Net Working Capital Adjustment" has the meaning set forth in Section
2(e) below.

         "Network" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(y).

         "Operating Rules" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(y).

         "Ordinary Course of Business" means the ordinary course of business
consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity and

         "Parent" has the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Parent Contractor" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(l)(vii)

         "Parent Contractor Agreements" has the meaning set forth in Section
3(l)(vii) below.

         "Parent Intellectual Property" has the meaning set forth in Section

         "Parent Receivable" means the aggregate amount due to Seller from
Parent in respect of Cash distributions made from time to time by Seller to

         "Party" has the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Person" means an individual, a partnership, a corporation, an
association, a joint stock company, a trust, a joint venture, an unincorporated
organization or a governmental entity (or any department, agency or political
subdivision thereof).

         "Products" has the meanings set forth in Section 3(l)(i)(D).

         "Purchase Price" has the meaning set forth in Section 2(e) below.

         "Security Interest" means any mortgage, pledge, lien, encumbrance,
charge or other security interest, other than (a) mechanic's, materialmen's and
similar liens, (b) liens for Taxes


not yet due and payable, or (c) purchase money liens and liens securing rental
payments under capital lease arrangements.

         "Seller" has the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Seller Contractor" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(l)(vii)

         "Seller Contractor Agreements" has the meaning set forth in Section
3(l)(vii) below.

         "Seller Intellectual Property" has the meaning set forth in Section
3(l)(i) below.

         "Seller Real Property" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(k)(iii).

         "Settlement Accounts" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(x) below.

         "Subsidiary" means any corporation with respect to which a specified
Person (or a Subsidiary thereof) owns a majority of the common stock or has the
power to vote or direct the voting of sufficient securities to elect a majority
of the directors.

         "Tax" means any federal, state, local or foreign income, gross
receipts, license, payroll, employment, excise, severance, stamp, occupation,
premium, windfall profits, environmental (including taxes under Code (S) 59A),
customs duties, capital stock, franchise, profits, withholding, social security
(or similar), unemployment, disability, real property, personal property, sales,
use, transfer, registration, value added, alternative or add-on minimum,
estimated or other tax of any kind whatsoever, including any interest, penalty
or addition thereto, whether disputed or not.

         "Tax Return" means any return, declaration, report, claim for refund or
information return or statement relating to Taxes, including any schedule or
attachment thereto and including any amendment thereof.

         "Third Party Claim" has the meaning set forth in Section 6(d) below.

         "Third Party Intellectual Property" has the meaning set forth in
Section 3(l)(i) below.

         "Transferred Employees" has the meaning set forth in Section 7(o)

         Section 2.  Basic Transaction.

                  (a)      Purchase and Sale of Assets.

                           (i) On and subject to the terms and conditions of
                  this Agreement, on the Closing Date, Buyer agrees to purchase
                  from Seller, and Seller agrees to sell, transfer, convey and
                  deliver to Buyer, all of the Acquired Assets (other than the
                  assets listed in Exhibit D hereto) at the Closing free and
                  clear of all Security Interests.


                      (ii) On and subject to the terms and conditions of
                  this Agreement, on January 6, 2002, Buyer agrees to purchase
                  from Parent, and Parent agrees to sell, transfer, convey and
                  deliver to Buyer, all of the assets listed in Exhibit D hereto
                  free and clear of all Security Interests.

                  (b) Assumption of Liabilities. On the terms and subject to the
         conditions set forth in this Agreement, on the Closing Date, Buyer
         agrees to assume pay, perform and discharge the following (the "Assumed
         Liabilities"): (i) the liabilities and obligations of Seller to be
         performed and paid after the Closing Date under the agreements,
         contracts, leases and licenses included in the Acquired Assets, other
         than any of the foregoing that is an Excluded Liability, and (ii)
         accounts payable and accrued expenses of Seller as of the Closing Date
         incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business, other than any of the
         foregoing that is an Excluded Liability, in an aggregate amount not
         more than the aggregate amount of accounts payable and accrued expenses
         set forth in the Net Working Capital Statement.

                  (c) Excluded Liabilities. Buyer will not assume or have any
         responsibility with respect to any Liability of Seller not specifically
         included within the definition of Assumed Liabilities (such liabilities
         and obligations not being assumed being herein called the "Excluded
         Liabilities"). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
         this Agreement or any disclosure contained in the Disclosure Schedules,
         none of the following shall constitute or be deemed to be Assumed
         Liabilities for purposes of this Agreement, but shall instead
         constitute Excluded Liabilities:

                      (i)  any Liability of Seller in respect of any (A)
                  accounts payable or accrued expenses of Seller attributable to
                  any period (or portion thereof) ending on or before the
                  Closing (irrespective of whether any invoice, statement or
                  bill for such amounts is received by Seller or Buyer or due
                  after the Closing) in an amount in excess of the aggregate
                  amount of accounts payable and accrued expenses set forth in
                  the Estimated Net Working Capital Statement, (B) Seller's
                  compensation and benefits for its employees, including wages,
                  incentives, commissions, bonuses, vacation pay, paid days off,
                  pension and retirement through the Closing Date and all prior
                  calendar years, (C) amounts payable by Seller to any employee
                  that is not a Transferred Employee or employee of Seller
                  accruing as a result of the execution and delivery of this
                  Agreement or the performance of the transactions contemplated
                  hereby, (D) any bank or third party debt, (E) any tort or
                  violation of law committed by Seller or any of its directors,
                  officers, employees or agents (including any noncompliance
                  with any federal, state or local law respecting employment or
                  employment practices, terms and conditions), (F) any breach of
                  any representation, warranty or covenant occurring prior to
                  the Closing under any agreement, license or lease included in
                  the Acquired Assets, (G) any litigation, claim, cause of
                  action, suit, investigation or proceeding pending or asserted
                  against Seller, or accruing or occurring, before the Closing
                  (including any claim of wrongful discharge, claim of
                  employment discrimination or claim of sexual harassment
                  pending or asserted against Seller, or accruing or occurring,
                  before the Closing), and (H) any actual or threatened demand,
                  suit, action or proceeding which involves a claim of
                  infringement or


                  misappropriation of any Intellectual Property
                  right (including without limitation patent, copyright, trade
                  mark, and trade secret rights) of any third party,

                           (ii)  any Liability of Seller for unpaid Taxes for
                  periods prior to the Closing,

                           (iii) any Liability of Seller for income Taxes
                  arising in connection with the consummation of the
                  transactions contemplated hereby,

                           (iv)  any obligation of Seller to indemnify any
                  Person by reason of the fact that such Person was a director,
                  officer, employee or agent of Seller or was serving at the
                  request of Seller as a partner, trustee, director, officer,
                  employee or agent of another entity (whether such
                  indemnification is for judgments, damages, penalties, fines,
                  costs, amounts paid in settlement, losses, expenses or
                  otherwise and whether such indemnification is pursuant to any
                  statute, charter document, bylaw, agreement or otherwise), and

                           (v)   any Liability of Seller for costs and  expenses
                  incurred in connection with this Agreement and the
                  transactions contemplated hereby.

                  (d)      Preliminary Purchase Price. Subject to the terms and
          conditions of this Agreement:

                           (i)   Buyer agrees to pay to Seller at the Closing
                  $6,142,592 [$5,850,000 plus $292,592] less or plus, as the
                  case may be, the Estimated Net Working Capital Adjustment, if
                  any, by delivery of cash payable by wire transfer or delivery
                  of other immediately available funds.

                           (ii)  In order to secure Seller's obligations
                  hereunder and to indemnify Buyer pursuant to this Agreement,
                  Buyer shall deposit on the Closing Date with the Escrow Agent
                  an amount equal to $650,000 by wire transfer to a separate
                  account specified in writing by the Escrow Agent (the "Escrow
                  Fund"), which amount the Escrow Agent shall hold for the
                  benefit of Buyer and Seller pursuant to the terms of this
                  Agreement and the Escrow Agreement.

                  The aggregate amount paid by Buyer pursuant to Sections
         2(d)(i) and (ii) is referred to herein as the "Preliminary Purchase
         Price." The Preliminary Purchase Price shall be subject to adjustment
         as set forth in Section 2(e) below.

                  (e)      Preparation of Net Working Capital Statements.

                           (i)   On the day prior to the Closing Date, Buyer and
                  Seller shall prepare and attach to this Agreement as Exhibit A
                  a draft statement (the "Estimated Net Working Capital
                  Statement") of the Estimated Net Working Capital (as defined
                  below). The "Estimated Net Working Capital" shall mean the
                  difference between the book value of the Acquired Assets that
                  are current assets and the book value of the Assumed
                  Liabilities that are current liabilities, in each case
                  determined as of the close of business on the day before the
                  Closing Date on


                  a pro forma basis as though the Parties had not consummated
                  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Subject to
                  the foregoing, the Estimated Net Working Capital shall be
                  calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting
                  principles applied on a basis consistent with the
                  preparation of Buyer's financial statements; provided,
                  however, that (i) no amounts shall be excluded from such
                  calculation solely because such amounts are or would be
                  deemed to be immaterial under generally accepted accounting
                  principles, and (ii) assets, liabilities, gains, losses,
                  revenues, and expenses in interim periods or as of dates
                  other than year-end (which normally are determined through
                  the application of so-called interim accounting conventions
                  or procedures) will be determined through full application
                  of the procedures used in preparing Buyer's year end financial

                           (ii)  If the amount of the Estimated Net Working
                  Capital is less than $400,000, then the amount by which it is
                  less than $400,000 shall be deducted from the Preliminary
                  Purchase Price. If the amount of the Estimated Net Working
                  Capital is greater than $400,000, then the amount by which it
                  is greater than $400,000 shall be added to the Preliminary
                  Purchase Price.

                           (iii) Within 60 days after the Closing Date, Buyer
                  will prepare and deliver to Seller a statement (the "Net
                  Working Capital Statement") of the Net Working Capital. The
                  "Net Working Capital" shall mean the difference between the
                  book value of the Acquired Assets that are current assets and
                  the book value of the Assumed Liabilities that are current
                  liabilities, in each case determined as of the close of
                  business on the Closing Date on a pro forma basis as though
                  the Parties had not consummated the transactions contemplated
                  by this Agreement. Subject to the foregoing, the Net Working
                  Capital shall be calculated in accordance with generally
                  accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent
                  with the preparation of Buyer's financial statements;
                  provided, however, that (i) no amounts shall be excluded from
                  such calculation solely because such amounts are or would be
                  deemed to be immaterial under generally accepted accounting
                  principles, and (ii) assets, liabilities, gains, losses,
                  revenues, and expenses in interim periods or as of dates other
                  than year-end (which normally are determined through the
                  application of so-called interim accounting conventions or
                  procedures) will be determined through full application of the
                  procedures used in preparing Buyer's year end financial

                           (iv)  If Seller has any objection to the Net Working
                  Capital Statement, it will deliver a detailed statement
                  describing its objections to Buyer within 30 days after
                  receiving the Net Working Capital Statement. If Seller does
                  not give notice of an objection within such time period, then
                  the Seller shall be deemed to have agreed to and accepted the
                  Net Working Capital Statement. If Seller has any objections to
                  the Net Working Capital Statement, Buyer and Seller will use
                  reasonable efforts to resolve any such objections. Buyer will
                  revise the Net Working Capital Statement as appropriate to
                  reflect the actual Net Working Capital, as determined by the
                  Parties upon resolution of any objections raised by Seller.


                       (v) If the Final Net Working Capital, as determined
                  pursuant to Section 2(e)(iv) above, is more than the Estimated
                  Net Working Capital, then Buyer shall pay to Seller an amount
                  equal to the difference by wire transfer or delivery of other
                  immediately available funds within three business days after
                  the date on which the Net Working Capital Statement finally is
                  determined pursuant to Section 2(e)(iv) above. If the Final
                  Net Working Capital, as determined pursuant to Section
                  2(e)(iv) above, is less than the Estimated Net Working
                  Capital, then Seller shall pay to Buyer an amount equal to
                  the difference by wire transfer or delivery of other
                  immediately available funds within three business days after
                  the date on which the Net Working Capital Statement finally
                  is determined pursuant to Section 2(e)(iv) above; provided,
                  however, in the event Buyer has an Indemnifiable Claim which
                  has not been finally resolved pursuant to the terms of the
                  Escrow Agreement and the amount of the Indemnifiable Claim
                  exceeds the Escrow Fund or is not known or determinable by
                  Buyer, then any amount otherwise payable by Buyer to Seller
                  pursuant to the terms of this Section 2(e)(v) shall be
                  delivered to Escrow Agent to hold in escrow, as security and
                  collateral for the Escrow Obligations, pursuant to the terms
                  and conditions of the Escrow Agreement.

                       (vi)  The Preliminary Purchase Price as adjusted by
                  Section 2(e)(v) is referred to as the "Purchase Price."

                  (f)  The Closing. The closing of the transactions contemplated
         by this Agreement (the "Closing") shall take place at the offices of
         Buyer in Little Rock, Arkansas on the date of this Agreement (the
         "Closing Date").

                  (g)  Deliveries at the Closing. At the Closing, (i) Seller,
         Buyer and/or Parent will each execute and deliver a Bill of Sale and
         Assignment and Assumption Agreement, a Trademark Assignment Agreement,
         a Software License Agreement, an Escrow Agreement, a Transition
         Services Agreement, and a Bill of Sale; (ii) Euronet Worldwide, Inc.
         (an Affiliate of Parent and Buyer) and Buyer will each execute and
         deliver a Sublease Agreement; (iii) Buyer will deliver to Seller the
         consideration specified in Section 2(d)(a) above; and (iv) Buyer will
         deliver to the Escrow Agent the consideration specified in Section
         2(d)(b) above.

                  (h)  Allocation. The Parties agree to allocate the Purchase
         Price (and all other capitalizable costs) among the Acquired Assets for
         tax purposes in accordance with the allocation schedule attached hereto
         as Exhibit B.

         Section 3. Representations and Warranties of Seller. Each of Parent and
Seller jointly and severally represent and warrant to Buyer that the statements
contained in this Section 3 are correct and complete as of the date of this
Agreement and will be correct and complete as of the Closing Date, except as set
forth in the disclosure schedule accompanying this Agreement (the "Disclosure
Schedule"). The Disclosure Schedule will be arranged in paragraphs corresponding
to the lettered and numbered paragraphs contained in this Section 3. Nothing in
the Disclosure Schedule shall be deemed adequate to disclose an exception to a
representation or warranty made herein unless the Disclosure Schedule identifies
the exception


with particularity and describes the relevant facts in detail. Without limiting
the generality of the foregoing, the mere listing (or inclusion of a copy) of a
document or other item shall not be deemed adequate to disclose an exception to
a representation or warranty made herein (unless the representation or warranty
has to do with the existence of the document or other item itself).

                  (a)  Organization.

                       (i)  Seller is a limited liability company duly
                  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
                  laws of the jurisdiction of its organization. Seller is duly
                  authorized to conduct business and is in good standing under
                  the laws of each jurisdiction where such qualification is
                  required. Seller has full limited liability company power and
                  authority and all licenses, permits and authorizations
                  necessary to carry on the businesses in which it is engaged
                  and to own and use the properties owned and used by it. Seller
                  has no Subsidiaries.

                       (ii) Parent is a corporation duly organized, validly
                  existing and in good standing under the laws of the
                  jurisdiction of its incorporation. Parent owns all of the
                  membership interests in Seller.

                  (b)  Authorization of Transaction. Each of Parent and Seller
         has full power and authority (including as applicable full corporate or
         limited liability company power and authority) to execute and deliver
         this Agreement and to perform its respective obligations hereunder.
         Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the members of Seller
         and the board of directors of Parent have duly authorized the
         execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Seller. This
         Agreement constitutes the valid and legally binding obligation of
         Parent and Seller, enforceable in accordance with its terms and

                  (c)  Noncontravention. Neither the execution and the delivery
         of this Agreement, nor the consummation of the transactions
         contemplated hereby (including the assignments and assumptions referred
         to in Section 2 above), will (i) violate any constitution, statute,
         regulation, rule, injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling, charge
         or other restriction of any government, governmental agency or court to
         which Parent or Seller is subject or any provision of the certificate
         of organization or membership agreement of Seller or the charter or
         bylaws of Parent or, (ii) except as set forth on Section 3(c) of the
         Disclosure Schedule, conflict with, result in a breach of, change the
         pricing of, constitute a default under, result in the acceleration of,
         create in any party the right to accelerate, terminate, modify or
         cancel or require any notice or consent under any agreement, contract,
         lease, license, instrument or other arrangement to which Seller or
         Parent is a party or by which either or them is bound or to which any
         of their respective assets is subject (or result in the imposition of
         any Security Interest upon any of their respective assets). Neither
         Parent nor Seller needs to give any notice, make any filing with
         (except under the US securities laws) or obtain any authorization,
         consent or approval of any government or governmental agency in order
         for the Parties to consummate the transactions contemplated by this
         Agreement (including the assignments and assumptions referred to in
         Section 2 above).


                  (d) Brokers' Fees. Neither Seller nor Parent has any Liability
         or obligation to pay any fees or commissions to any broker, finder or
         agent with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
         for which Buyer could become liable or obligated.

                  (e) Title to Assets. Seller has good and marketable title to
         the Acquired Assets (other than the assets listed in Exhibit D), free
         and clear of all Security Interests. Parent has or will have on January
         6, 2002 good and marketable title to the Acquired Assets listed in
         Exhibit D, free and clear of all Security Interests. Section 3(e) of
         the Disclosure Schedule and Exhibit D collectively list all fixed
         assets used by Seller in the conduct of its business as presently
         conducted. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Seller has
         good and marketable title to all of the tangible Acquired Assets listed
         in Section 3(e) of the Disclosure Schedule, free and clear of any
         Security Interest or restriction on transfer.

                  (f) Financial Statements.

                      (i)  Attached hereto as Exhibit C are the following
                  financial statements for Seller (collectively, the "Financial
                  Statements"): (i) unaudited balance sheets and statements of
                  income as of and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000;
                  (ii) unaudited balance sheets and statements of income (the
                  "Most Recent Financial Statements") as of and for the eleven
                  months ended November 30, 2001 (the "Most Recent Fiscal Month
                  End"). The Financial Statements have been prepared in
                  accordance with GAAP (except that footnotes are not included)
                  applied on a consistent basis throughout the periods covered
                  thereby, present fairly the financial condition of Seller as
                  of such dates and the results of operations of the Acquired
                  Assets and Seller for such periods, are correct and complete
                  and are consistent with the books and records of Seller (which
                  books and records are correct and complete). Section 3(f)(i)
                  of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth each item of revenue,
                  expense, asset or liability recorded in any of the Financial
                  Statements arising from any business arrangement or
                  relationship with Seller, on the one hand, and Parent and its
                  other Subsidiaries, on the other hand.

                      (ii) Section 3(f)(ii) of the Disclosure Schedule
                  includes a list of all banks and other financial institutions
                  which Seller maintains an account or safe deposit box, showing
                  the account number for all such accounts and the names of the
                  persons authorized as signatories thereon or to act or deal in
                  connection therewith.

                  (g) Events Subsequent to December 31, 2000. Since December 31,
         2000, there has not been any adverse change in the business, financial
         condition, operations, results of operations or future prospects of
         Seller. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, since that

                      (i)  Seller has not sold, leased, transferred or assigned
                  any of its assets, tangible or intangible (including
                  Intellectual Property) except in the Ordinary Course of


               (ii)   no party (including Seller) has accelerated, terminated,
          modified or cancelled any agreement, contract, lease or license that
          involves payments or compensation in excess of $10,000 (or series of
          related agreements, contracts, leases and licenses that in the
          aggregate involve payments or compensation in excess of $10,000) (nor
          provided notice to the other party thereto of its intention to take
          any such action);

               (iii)  Seller has not imposed any Security Interest upon any of
          its assets, tangible or intangible;

               (iv)   Seller has not cancelled, compromised, waived or released
          any right or claim (or series of related rights and claims) in excess
          of $50,000;

               (v)    Seller has not granted or acquired any license or
          sublicense of any rights under or with respect to any Intellectual

               (vi)   there has been no change made or authorized in the
          membership agreement of Seller;

               (vii)  Seller has not paid any amount in settlement of a claim or
          prospective Liability in excess of $50,000 or initiated any dispute
          resolution proceedings, arbitration or litigation with respect to any
          disputed claim or prospective Liability in excess of $50,000;

               (viii) Seller has not experienced any damage, destruction,
          casualty or loss (whether or not covered by insurance) to its property
          of the Acquired Assets in excess of $50,000;

               (ix)   Seller has not made any loan to or entered into any other
          transaction with, any of its directors, officers and employees outside
          the Ordinary Course of Business;

               (x)    Seller has not granted any increase in or otherwise
          modified the base compensation, bonus, commission, severance or other
          contract or commitment for the benefit of any of the Transferred

               (xi)   there has not been any other material occurrence, event,
          incident, action, failure to act or transaction outside the Ordinary
          Course of Business; and

               (xii)  Seller has not committed to do any of the foregoing.

     For purposes of this Agreement, the term "material adverse change" shall
     not include any reduction in the revenues or business activity of the
     Seller that is the result of or related to general economic conditions in
     the markets in which the Seller operates.

          (h)  Undisclosed Liabilities. Seller has no Liabilities (and, to the
     Knowledge of Seller, there is no Basis for any present or future action,
     suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge, complaint, claim or
     demand against Seller giving rise


          to any Liabilities), except for (i) Liabilities set forth on the face
          of the Most Recent Balance Sheet (including any notes thereto included
          in Section 3(f) of the Disclosure Schedule) and (ii) Liabilities which
          have arisen after the Most Recent Fiscal Month End in the Ordinary
          Course of Business (none of which results from, arises out of, relates
          to, is in the nature of or was caused by any breach of contract,
          breach of warranty, tort, infringement or violation of law).

               (i) Legal Compliance. Seller has complied in all material
          respects with all applicable laws (including rules, regulations,
          codes, plans, injunctions, judgments, orders, decrees, rulings and
          charges thereunder) of federal, state, local and foreign governments
          (and all agencies thereof) and no action, suit, proceeding, hearing,
          investigation, charge, complaint, claim, demand or notice has been
          filed or commenced against any of them alleging any failure so to

               (j) Tax Matters.

                    (i)   Seller has filed all Tax Returns that it was required
               to file. All such Tax Returns were correct and complete in all
               respects. All Taxes owed by Seller (whether or not shown on any
               Tax Return) have been paid. Seller currently is not the
               beneficiary of any extension of time within which to file any Tax
               Return. No claim has ever been made by an authority in a
               jurisdiction where Seller does not file Tax Returns that it is or
               may be subject to taxation by that jurisdiction.

                    (ii)  Seller has withheld and paid all Taxes required to
               have been withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid or
               owing to any Transferred Employee or any independent contractor,
               creditor, stockholder or other third party associated in any way
               with the Acquired Assets.

                    (iii) No officer of Seller (or employee responsible for Tax
               matters) expects any authority to assess any additional Taxes
               with respect to Seller for any period for which Tax Returns have
               been filed. To the Knowledge of the Seller, there is no dispute
               or claim concerning any Tax Liability of Seller claimed or raised
               by any authority in writing.

                    (iv)  Seller has not made any payments, is not obligated to
               make any payments or is not a party to any agreement that under
               certain circumstances could obligate it to make any payments that
               will not be deductible under Code (S) 280G. Seller has disclosed
               on its federal income Tax Returns all positions taken therein
               that could give rise to a substantial understatement of federal
               income Tax within the meaning of Code (S) 6662. Seller is not a
               party to any Tax allocation or sharing agreement, but is required
               to allocate income taxes in accordance with the Code. Seller has
               no Liability for the Taxes of any Person (other than Seller)
               under Reg. (S) 1.1502-6 (or any similar provision of state, local
               or foreign law), as a transferee or successor, by contract or


               (v) The unpaid Taxes of Seller (A) did not, as of the Most Recent
          Fiscal Month End, exceed the reserve for Tax Liability (rather than
          any reserve for deferred Taxes established to reflect timing
          differences between book and Tax income) set forth on the face of the
          Most Recent Balance Sheet (rather than in any notes thereto) and (B)
          do not exceed that reserve as adjusted for the passage of time through
          the Closing Date in accordance with the past custom and practice of
          Seller in filing its Tax Returns.

          (k)  Real Property.

               (i)   Seller does not own and has never owned any real property.

               (ii)  Seller does not lease or sublease, and has never leased or
          subleased, any real property.

               (iii) Section 3(k)(iii) of the Disclosure Schedule lists and
          describes briefly all real property used or occupied by Seller (the
          "Seller Real Property"). With respect to each parcel of Seller Real
          Property which is leased or subleased by Parent up to and including
          the date on which the Acquired Assets are moved out of the Seller Real
          Property by the Seller:

                     (A) the lease or sublease is in writing and is legal,
               valid, binding, enforceable and in full force and effect;

                     (B) the lease or sublease will continue to be legal, valid,
               binding, enforceable and in full force and effect on identical
               terms following the consummation of the transactions contemplated

                     (C) no party to the lease or sublease is in breach or
               default and no event has occurred which, with notice or lapse of
               time, would constitute a breach or default or permit termination,
               modification or acceleration thereunder;

                     (D) no party to the lease or sublease has repudiated any
               provision thereof;

                     (E) there are no disputes, oral agreements or forbearance
               programs in effect as to the lease or sublease;

                     (F) Parent has the right to sublease the Seller Real
               Property to Buyer without creating a breach of, default under, or
               right to accelerate, terminate, modify or cancel, or any notice
               or consent obligation under, the lease or sublease;

                     (G) with respect to each sublease, the representations and
               warranties set forth in subsections (A) through (E) above are
               true and correct with respect to the underlying lease;


               (H) Neither Seller nor Parent has assigned, transferred,
          conveyed, mortgaged, deeded in trust or encumbered any interest in the
          Seller Real Property;

               (I) all facilities leased or subleased thereunder have received
          all approvals of governmental authorities (including licenses and
          permits) required in connection with the operation thereof and have
          been operated and maintained in accordance with applicable laws, rules
          and regulations;

               (J) all facilities leased or subleased thereunder are supplied
          with utilities, an uninterruptible power source and other services
          necessary for the operation of said facilities;

               (K) to the Knowledge of Seller, there are no environmental
          problems or conditions on or relating to the Seller Real Property; and

     (l)  Intellectual Property.

          (i)  Except for the Operating System 400 Software licensed by Parent
     from IBM, Seller owns or has valid license to all Intellectual Property
     required in the Ordinary Course of Business of the Seller as such business
     currently operates ("Seller Intellectual Property"). Seller has taken
     commercially reasonable measures to protect the proprietary nature of each
     item of Seller Intellectual Property considered confidential, and to
     maintain in confidence all trade secrets and confidential information
     related to Seller Intellectual Property that it presently owns, possesses
     or uses.

               (A) Section 3(l)(i)(A) of the Disclosure Schedule lists, as of
          the date hereof, all Seller Intellectual Property (including, without
          limitation, the tradename "DASH", all derivatives thereof, and the
          application for registration thereof with the U.S. Patent and
          Trademark Office) that is not Third Party Intellectual Property or
          Parent Intellectual Property (each as defined below).

               (B) Section 3(l)(i)(B) of the Disclosure Schedule lists, as of
          the date hereof, all written licenses, sublicenses and other
          agreements to which Seller is a party and pursuant to which any Person
          is authorized or licensed to use any Seller Intellectual Property
          rights. Such list includes the name of the licensee and Seller
          Intellectual Property licensed or sublicensed. Such list also
          identifies all agreements or other arrangements under which Seller has
          provided or agreed to provide source code of any Seller Intellectual
          Property or any other Product.

               (C) Section 3(l)(i)(C)(1) of the Disclosure Schedule lists, as of
          the date hereof, all Intellectual Property to be licensed from Parent
          to Buyer under that certain Software License Agreement dated the date


               hereof between Buyer and Parent ("Parent Intellectual Property")
               and all licenses, sublicenses and other agreements (whether
               written or unwritten) to which Seller is a party and pursuant to
               which Seller acquired any rights from Parent or any other
               Affiliate of Seller to any Intellectual Property used by Seller
               in the Ordinary Course of Business of Seller. Except as set forth
               in Section 3(l)(i)(C)(2) of the Disclosure Schedule, Parent
               Intellectual Property includes all Intellectual Property
               currently licensed to Seller from Parent or any other Affiliate
               of Seller.

                    (D) Section 3(l)(i)(D) of the Disclosure Schedule lists, as
               of the date hereof, all licenses, sublicenses and other
               agreements (whether written or unwritten) to which Parent or
               Seller is a party and pursuant to which Seller uses or acquired
               any rights to any third party Intellectual Property other than
               Parent Intellectual Property that are required in the Ordinary
               Course of Business of the Seller as such business currently
               operates ("Third Party Intellectual Property"). Such schedule
               separately identifies any Third Party Intellectual Property which
               is incorporated in or an essential component of ("Embedded Third
               Party Intellectual Property") any existing software, data base,
               hardware, product or service of Seller and any software,
               database, hardware, product or service currently under
               development by Seller that, in each case, is required in the
               Ordinary Course of Business of the Seller as such business
               currently operates (collectively with the Parent Intellectual
               Property, the "Products"). Such list includes the names of the
               licensee and licensors and identifies the subject Third Party
               Intellectual Property.

               (ii)  With respect to each item of Seller Intellectual Property
          that is not Parent Intellectual Property or Third Party Intellectual
          Property, (i) such item is not subject to any outstanding judgment,
          order, decree, stipulation or injunction; and (ii) Seller has the sole
          and exclusive right to bring actions for infringement or unauthorized
          use of such item and to the Knowledge of Seller, there is no Basis for
          any such action. Seller is not a party to any oral license, sublicense
          or agreement which, if reduced to written form, would be required to
          be listed in Section 3(l)(i)(B) of the Disclosure Schedule.

               (iii) With respect to each item of Parent Intellectual Property,
          (i) such item is not subject to any outstanding judgment, order,
          decree, stipulation or injunction, (ii) Parent owns or has all
          applicable rights to license the Parent Intellectual Property,
          including all applicable Intellectual Property rights inherent
          therein, and neither the license nor use by Buyer as permitted under
          the Software License Agreement between Parent and Buyer dated the date
          hereof will constitute an infringement or other violation of any
          United States trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret or other
          intellectual property right of any third party or any foreign
          trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret or other intellectual
          property right of any third party in a country where Parent has
          licensed the Parent Intellectual Property, and (iii) Parent has the
          sole and exclusive right to bring actions for infringement or
          unauthorized use of such item and to the Knowledge


          of Seller, there is no Basis for any such action. Parent and Seller
          are not parties to any oral license, sub-license or agreement which,
          if reduced to written form, would be required to be listed in Section
          3(l)(i)(C) of the Disclosure Schedule.

               (iv) With respect to each item of Third Party Intellectual
          Property being transferred to Buyer under this Agreement: (i) to the
          Knowledge of Seller, such item is not subject to any outstanding
          judgment, order, decree, stipulation or injunction; (ii) such item is
          not subject to any outstanding judgment, order, decree, stipulation or
          injunction involving Seller; (iii) to the Knowledge of Seller, there
          is no Basis for any action for infringement or unauthorized use of
          such item; (iv) there is no Basis for any action against or involving
          Seller for infringement or unauthorized use of such item; (v) the
          license, sublicense or other agreement covering such Third Party
          Intellectual Property irrevocably grants to Seller a perpetual license
          to use the Third Party Intellectual Property and is legal, valid,
          binding, enforceable and in full force and effect with respect to
          Seller, and, with respect to each other party thereto; (vi) Seller is
          not in breach or default thereunder, and, to the Knowledge of Seller,
          no other party to such license, sublicense or other agreement is in
          breach or default thereunder, and no event has occurred which with
          notice or lapse of time would constitute a material breach or default
          by Seller or permit termination, modification or acceleration
          thereunder by the other party thereto; and (vii) Seller has the
          authority to transfer its interests in the Third Party Intellectual
          Property without the necessity of obtaining consents or paying fees
          and without adverse effect on the use by Buyer of such Third Party
          Intellectual Property in the Ordinary Course of Business. Seller is
          not a party to any oral license, sublicense or agreement which, if
          reduced to written form, would be required to be listed in Section
          3(l)(i)(D) of the Disclosure Schedule.

               (v)  Neither Seller nor Parent (i) is involved in any suit,
          action or proceeding which involves a claim of infringement or
          misappropriation of any Intellectual Property right of any third
          party, or (ii) has received any written notice alleging any such claim
          or possible claim or offering to license any third party Intellectual
          Property in order to avoid or lessen the chance of being subject to
          any such claim. The development, manufacturing, marketing, licensing,
          use or sale of the Products or the performance of the services offered
          in the Ordinary Course of Business by Seller do not currently
          infringe, and have not infringed, upon any Intellectual Property right
          of any third party. Section 3(l)(v) of the Disclosure Schedule lists
          all marketing agreements or similar arrangements, including OEM,
          distributor, sales agent, finder's fee or similar arrangements for the
          direct or indirect marketing of any Seller Intellectual Property.

               (vi) The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Seller, and
          the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, will neither
          cause Seller to be in violation or default under any agreement
          relating to Intellectual Property, nor terminate nor modify nor
          entitle any other party to any such license, sublicense or agreement
          to terminate or modify such license, sublicense or agreement
          (including any modification to pricing terms) nor result in the loss
          or impairment of any Seller Intellectual Property.


               (vii)  Seller has taken commercially reasonable security measures
          to safeguard and maintain the secrecy, confidentiality and value of,
          and its property rights in, all Seller Intellectual Property. Parent
          has taken commercially reasonable security measures to safeguard and
          maintain the secrecy, confidentiality and value of, and its property
          rights in, all Parent Intellectual Property.

                      (A)  Set forth in Section 3(l)(vii)(A) of the Disclosure
               Schedule is a list of all (1) agents, consultants, contractors,
               and subcontractors involved in the development, support,
               customization, installation, maintenance or modification of any
               Seller Intellectual Property, other than Parent Intellectual
               Property, on the date of this Agreement (individually a "Seller
               Contractor" and collectively, the "Seller Contractors") along
               with a list of his, her or its respective written or oral
               agreement (individually a "Seller Contractor Agreement" and
               collectively the "Seller Contractor Agreements"); and (2) agents,
               consultants, contractors, and subcontractors involved in the
               development, support, customization, installation, maintenance or
               modification of any Parent Intellectual Property on the date of
               this Agreement (individually a "Parent Contractor" and
               collectively, the "Parent Contractors") along with a list of his,
               her or its respective written or oral agreement (individually a
               "Parent Contractor Agreement" and collectively the "Parent
               Contractor Agreements"). Also set forth on Section 3(l)(vii)(A)
               of the Disclosure Schedule is a true and complete list of all
               written or oral Seller Contractor Agreements and Parent
               Contractor Agreements which have one or more continuing
               obligations as of the date hereof and as of the Closing Date by
               Seller or Parent. No current or prior officers, employees,
               agents, Seller Contractors or consultants of Seller has or claims
               any ownership interest or similar right in any Seller
               Intellectual Property as a result of having been involved in the
               development of such property while employed by or consulting to
               Seller, or otherwise. No current or prior officers, employees,
               agents, Parent Contractors or consultants of Parent has or claims
               any ownership interest or similar right in any Parent
               Intellectual Property as a result of having been involved in the
               development of such property while employed by or consulting to
               Parent, or otherwise.

                      (B)  All software that is included in Seller Intellectual
               Property is protectable under applicable copyright law and has
               not been forfeited to the public domain and has been registered
               with the U.S. Copyright Office or is eligible for registration.
               Seller has retained copies of all releases or separate versions
               of the software included in Seller Intellectual Property (that is
               not Parent Intellectual Property or Third Party Intellectual
               Property) and source code thereto, so that the same may be
               subject to registration in the United States Copyright Office.

               (viii) Seller has not been given oral or written notice by any
          customer of any (i) material defects, malfunctions or nonconformities
          in the Products


               (including, without limitation, any customization and
               installation thereof); (ii) material errors in any documentation,
               specifications, manuals, user guides, or promotional material
               related to, associated with or used or produced in the
               development, maintenance or marketing of the Products
               (collectively, the "Design Documentation"). The Design
               Documentation is sufficient and adequate to enable a Person of
               reasonable skill and experience in the relevant art to operate
               the Products. All Products are as described in the Design
               Documentation and perform in all material respects in accordance
               with the specifications included therein and in an integrated
               manner. Section 3(l)(viii) of the Disclosure Schedule includes a
               description of the functionality of the Products. Section
               3(l)(viii) of the Disclosure Schedule also identifies, with
               respect to each function thereof, all Embedded Third Party
               Intellectual Property necessary to perform such function. Except
               as disclosed in Section 3(l)(viii) of the Disclosure Schedule, no
               software contained within the Products contains any timer, virus,
               copy protection device, disabling code, clock, counter or other
               limiting design or routine which causes such software (or any
               portion thereof) to become erased, inoperable, impaired, or
               otherwise incapable of being used in the full manner for which it
               was designed and contemplated under this Agreement. There are no
               contracts in effect for the conversion, modification or
               enhancement of any Product.

                    (ix) Seller Intellectual Property (that is not Parent
               Intellectual Property or Third Party Intellectual Property) was
               developed exclusively by employees of Seller within the scope of
               such employees' employment.

                    (x) Section 3(l)(x) of the Disclosure Schedule lists all
               claims based on breach of contract or warranty (including any
               pending claims) related to the Products and Seller Intellectual
               Property (that is not Third Party Intellectual Property) and the
               nature of such claims. Except as set forth in Section 3(l)(x) of
               the Disclosure Schedule, neither Seller nor Parent has made any
               material oral or written representations or warranties with
               respect to the Products.

               (m)  Condition and Sufficiency of Assets. The Acquired Assets,
          the Parent Intellectual Property, the services to be provided by
          Parent and Seller to Buyer under that certain Transitional Services
          Agreement dated the date hereof, and the services to be provided by
          Parent to Buyer pursuant to the terms of that certain Software License
          Agreement dated the date hereof between Buyer and Parent are
          sufficient for the continued conduct of Seller's businesses after the
          Closing in the same manner as conducted prior to the Closing. Without
          limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Acquired Assets include
          all production units necessary to conduct the business of Seller as
          presently conducted. The Acquired Assets, the Parent Intellectual
          Property are free from defects (patent and latent) which would
          adversely effect their use in a production environment, have been
          maintained in accordance with normal industry practice, are in good
          operating condition and repair (subject to normal wear and tear) and
          are suitable for the purposes for which they presently are used.


               (n) Contracts. Section 3(n) of the Disclosure Schedule lists each
          contract being assigned to Buyer under this Agreement, including,
          without limitation, each agreement (or group of related agreements) of
          Seller for the purchase or sale of personal property, or for the
          furnishing or receipt of services, the performance of which will
          extend over a period of more than one year.

                    (i)  With respect to each agreement referred to in Section
               3(n) of the Disclosure Schedule: (i) the agreement is legal,
               valid, binding, enforceable and in full force and effect; (ii)
               the agreement will continue to be legal, valid, binding,
               enforceable and in full force and effect on identical terms
               following the consummation of the transactions contemplated
               hereby; (iii) Seller is not, and to the Knowledge of Seller, no
               other party thereto, is in breach or default or asserted any
               notice of default, and to the Knowledge of Seller, no event has
               occurred which with notice or lapse of time would constitute a
               breach or default or permit termination, modification,
               acceleration or a change in pricing, under the agreement; (iv) no
               party has repudiated any provision of the agreement; and (v)
               Seller has delivered to Buyer true and complete copies of the
               agreement. The relationships of Seller with the other Persons who
               are parties to agreements described in Section 3(n) of the
               Disclosure Schedule are satisfactory commercial working
               relationships and (i) no Person within the last twelve months has
               threatened to cancel or otherwise terminate, or to the Knowledge
               of Seller intends to cancel or otherwise terminate the
               relationship of such Person with Seller, (ii) no Person has
               during the last twelve months decreased materially or threatened
               to decrease or limit materially, or the Knowledge of Seller
               intends to modify materially its relationship with Seller or its
               usage or purchase of the services or Products from Seller.

                    (ii) No agreement listed in Section 3(n) of the Disclosure
               Schedule, including without limitation any software license
               agreement, obligates Seller to deliver future Products and
               services, including without limitation any software or new
               releases, upgrades, enhancements or modifications of any
               software, without receiving any additional compensation
               negotiated on arms length terms. No agreement listed in Section
               3(n) of the Disclosure Schedule, including without limitation any
               software license agreements, obligates Seller to deliver a
               product or service, including without limitation any software, or
               new releases, upgrades, enhancements or modifications of any
               software, that (i) is not in existence, (ii) is not otherwise
               owned or licensed by Seller, (iii) is not a commercially
               marketable product or service of Seller as of the date hereof
               with respect to each customer of Seller, and (iv) would not
               satisfy all performance representations, warranties, or covenants
               in such applicable agreement as of the date hereof. Section 3(n)
               of the Disclosure Schedule does not list any agreement in which
               Seller is behind schedule in meeting any future service or
               product deliverable commitments or is reasonably likely to not
               meet on a timely basis any future service or product deliverable
               commitments. No agreement listed in Section 3(n) of the
               Disclosure Schedule has resulted or is reasonably likely to
               result in a net loss (as calculated on a fully-loaded basis,
               including appropriate allocations of overhead, interest, Tax, and
               employee benefit costs). On the date hereof, Seller has the
               technical and


     personnel capability, expertise, and capacity to adequately perform all of
     its respective obligations under the agreements listed in Section 3(n) of
     the Disclosure Schedule, in a timely, professional and workmanlike manner,
     and in a manner that satisfies all of the performance representations,
     warranties, standards and covenants of the agreements.

     (o) Notes and Accounts Receivable. All notes and accounts receivable of
Seller included in Acquired Assets are reflected properly on its books and
records, are valid receivables subject to no setoffs or counterclaims, are
current and collectible and will be collected in accordance with their terms at
their recorded amounts, subject only to the reserve for bad debts set forth on
the face of the Most Recent Balance Sheet as adjusted for the passage of time
through the Closing Date in accordance with the past custom and practice of

     (p) Powers of Attorney. There are no outstanding powers of attorney
executed on behalf of Seller.

     (q) Insurance. Seller has been covered during the past two years by
insurance in scope and amount customary and reasonable for the businesses in
which it has engaged during the aforementioned period. Section 3(q) of the
Disclosure Schedule describes any self-insurance arrangements affecting Seller.

     (r) Litigation. Section 3(r) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth each
instance in which Seller (i) is subject to any outstanding injunction, judgment,
order, decree, ruling or charge that could affect the Acquired Assets (ii) is a
party or, to the Knowledge of Seller, is threatened to be made a party to any
action, suit, proceeding, hearing or investigation of, in or before any court or
quasi-judicial or administrative agency of any federal, state, local or foreign
jurisdiction or before any arbitrator.

     (s) Product Warranty. Each product, including software, manufactured, sold,
leased or delivered by Seller under the agreements assigned as part of the
Acquired Assets has been in conformity with all applicable contractual
commitments and all express and implied warranties, and Seller has no Liability
(and, to the Knowledge of the Seller, there is no Basis for any present or
future action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge, complaint,
claim or demand against it giving rise to any Liability) for replacement or
repair thereof or other damages in connection therewith, subject only to the
reserve for product warranty claims set forth on the face of the Most Recent
Balance Sheet as adjusted for the passage of time through the Closing Date in
accordance with the past custom and practice of Seller. No product manufactured,
sold, leased or delivered by Seller is subject to any guaranty, warranty or
other indemnity beyond the applicable standard terms and conditions of sale or
lease or the terms of any agreement under which they were sold. Section 3(s) of
the Disclosure Schedule includes copies of the standard terms and conditions of
sale or lease for each of Seller (containing applicable guaranty, warranty and
indemnity provisions).

     (t) Guaranties. Seller is not a guarantor or otherwise is liable for any
Liability or obligation (including indebtedness) of any other Person.


          (u) Environmental, Health and Safety Matters. Seller and its
     respective predecessors have complied and is in compliance with all
     Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements. Without limiting the
     generality of the foregoing, Seller and its respective Affiliates has
     obtained and complied with, and is in compliance with, all permits,
     licenses and other authorizations that are required pursuant to
     Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements for the occupation of its
     facilities and the operation of its business.

          Neither Seller nor its predecessors has received any written or oral
     notice, report or other information regarding any actual or alleged
     violation of Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements or any
     liabilities or potential liabilities (whether accrued, absolute,
     contingent, unliquidated or otherwise), including any investigatory,
     remedial or corrective obligations, relating to any of them or its
     facilities arising under Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements.

          (v) Certain Business Relationships With Parent. Except as disclosed on
     Section 3(v) of the Disclosure Schedule, none of Seller and its Affiliates
     has been involved in any business arrangement or relationship with Parent
     and its Affiliates within the past 12 months with respect to the business
     of Seller, and none of Parent and its Affiliates owns any asset, tangible
     or intangible, which is used in or necessary to conduct the business of
     Seller as it is presently conducted. Neither Seller, nor any officer, agent
     employee of Seller has (i) used Seller funds for unlawful contributions,
     gifts, entertainment or other unlawful expenses, (ii) made any unlawful
     payment to any governmental official, (iii) established or maintained any
     unrecorded fund or made any false entry on the books and records of Seller,
     or (iv) made any bribe, rebate, kickback or similar unlawful payment or
     given a gift that is not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

          (w)  Employees.

               (i)  The employment of each of the Transferred Employees is
          terminable at the will of Seller. All employees of Seller are citizens
          of the United States.

               (ii) Seller has complied in all material respects with all
          applicable state and federal equal employment opportunity laws and
          with other laws related to employment of the Transferred Employees.
          There is no, and has not been any, claim against Seller or, to the
          Knowledge of Seller, threatened against Seller, based on actual or
          alleged race, age, sex, disability or other harassment or
          discrimination, or similar tortious conduct, nor to the Knowledge of
          Seller, is there any basis for any such claim. There are no pending
          claims against Seller under any workers' compensation plan or policy
          or for long term disability. There are no pending or threatened wage
          claims against Seller and there are no other proceedings pending or,
          to the Knowledge of Seller, threatened against Seller by any employee
          or former employee.


          (x) Settlement Accounts. Seller's settlement accounts used in the
     Networks are listed in Section 3(x) of the Disclosure Schedule (the
     "Settlement Accounts"). The Settlement Accounts have not been used for any
     purpose other than the settlement of monies due the Networks. The
     transactions occurring on or prior to the date of this Agreement which are
     processed through the Settlement Accounts are subject to being settled by
     Buyer after the Closing through the Networks in the Ordinary Course of
     Business without any liability to Buyer. The Settlement Accounts are not
     subject to any retroactive adjustments by the Networks for which Buyer
     could become liable. Seller has done or caused to be done all things and
     taken all actions necessary to transfer such accounts to Buyer and to
     effect the transfer of its settlement rights and obligations with respect
     to the Networks.

          (y) Networks. Seller is a member in good standing of the Visa U.S.A.,
     Inc. and Pulse EFT Association networks (each a "Network") and has complied
     and is currently in compliance with the articles of incorporation, bylaws,
     service guide, operating rules and procedures and mandates (the "Operating
     Rules"), as applicable, of each Network. Seller has not been subject to any
     audit by a Network which has resulted in any fine, penalty, adjustment,
     deficiency or other obligation being imposed by the Network. The Acquired
     Assets are, and following the Closing of the transactions contemplated by
     this Agreement will be, in compliance with all applicable Operating Rules
     of each Network. Seller is not, and to the Knowledge of Seller no other
     party thereto, is in breach or default under any agreement between Seller
     and either Network, and Seller has not asserted any notice of default or
     termination (except as contemplated by this Agreement), and to the
     Knowledge of Seller no event has occurred which with notice or lapse of
     time would constitute a breach or default or permit termination (except as
     contemplated by this Agreement) of, any agreement between Seller and either
     Network. Seller has done or caused to be done all things and taken all
     actions necessary to cause Buyer to become a member in good standing of
     each Network and to obtain all interest and rights related thereto such
     that Buyer will be able to operate the Acquired Assets and the business of
     Seller as currently conducted.

     Section 4. Representations and Warranties of Buyer. Buyer represents and
warrants to Seller that the statements contained in this Section 4 are correct
and complete as of the date of this Agreement and will be correct and complete
as of the Closing Date (as though made then and as though the Closing Date were
substituted for the date of this Agreement throughout this Section 4), except as
set forth in the Disclosure Schedule. The Disclosure Schedule will be arranged
in paragraphs corresponding to the lettered and numbered paragraphs contained in
this Section 4.

          (a) Organization of Buyer. Buyer is a corporation duly organized,
     validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of
     its incorporation.

          (b) Authorization of Transaction. Buyer has full power and authority
     (including full corporate power and authority) to execute and deliver this
     Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. This Agreement
     constitutes the valid and legally binding obligation of Buyer, enforceable
     in accordance with its terms and conditions.


          (c) Noncontravention. Neither the execution and the delivery of this
     Agreement, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
     (including the assignments and assumptions referred to in Section 2 above),
     will (i) violate any constitution, statute, regulation, rule, injunction,
     judgment, order, decree, ruling, charge or other restriction of any
     government, governmental agency or court to which Buyer is subject or any
     provision of its charter or bylaws or (ii) conflict with, result in a
     breach of, constitute a default under, result in the acceleration of,
     create in any party the right to accelerate, terminate, modify or cancel or
     require any notice under any agreement, contract, lease, license,
     instrument or other arrangement to which Buyer is a party or by which it is
     bound or to which any of its assets is subject. Buyer does not need to give
     any notice to, make any filing with or obtain any authorization, consent or
     approval of any government or governmental agency in order for the Parties
     to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (including
     the assignments and assumptions referred to in Section 2 above).

          (d) Brokers' Fees. Buyer has no Liability or obligation to pay any
     fees or commissions to any broker, finder or agent with respect to the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement for which Seller could become
     liable or obligated.

     Section 5. Post-closing Covenants. The Parties agree as follows with
respect to the period following the Closing.

          (a) General. In case at any time after the Closing any further action
     is necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, each
     of the Parties will take such further action (including the execution and
     delivery of such further instruments and documents) as the other Party
     reasonably may request, all the sole cost and expense of the requesting
     Party (unless the requesting Party is entitled to indemnification therefor
     under Section 6 below). Seller acknowledges and agrees that from and after
     the Closing, Buyer will be entitled to possession of all documents, books,
     records (including Tax records), agreements and financial data of any sort
     relating to Seller. Buyer shall provide Seller with such access, during
     normal working hours, to such documents, books, records (including Tax
     Records) agreement and financial data as is reasonably required by Seller
     in order to prepare any Tax Returns or otherwise comply with any legal
     requirement applicable to the Seller after the Closing.

          (b) Litigation Support. In the event and for so long as any Party
     actively is contesting or defending against any action, suit, proceeding,
     hearing, investigation, charge, complaint, claim or demand against a person
     that is not a Party in connection with (i) any transaction contemplated
     under this Agreement or (ii) any fact, situation, circumstance, status,
     condition, activity, practice, plan, occurrence, event, incident, action,
     failure to act or transaction on or prior to the Closing Date involving
     Seller, the other Parties will cooperate with the contesting or defending
     Party and its counsel in the contest or defense, make available its
     personnel and provide such testimony and access to its books and records as
     shall be necessary in connection with the contest or defense, all at the
     sole cost and expense of the contesting or defending Party (unless the
     contesting or defending Party is entitled to indemnification therefor under
     Section 6 below).


          (c) Transition; Sales Referrals. Neither Parent nor Seller will take
     any action that is designed or intended to have the effect of discouraging
     any lessor, licensor, customer, supplier or other business associate of
     Seller from maintaining the same business relationships with Buyer after
     the Closing as it maintained with Seller prior to the Closing. Subject to
     any applicable confidentiality and privacy obligations of Seller, and in
     accordance with Seller's business objectives, as from time to time
     constituted, for a period of 3 years after the Closing, Seller will use its
     reasonable efforts to provide to Buyer's employees designated in writing
     from time to time by Buyer with the name, location and primary contact name
     for any customer of Seller who makes an inquiry to Seller about the
     products and/or services of Buyer relating to the Acquired Assets. The
     provisions of this Section 5(c) shall neither require nor permit Seller to
     promote or market Buyer's services or products.

          (d) Confidentiality. Each of Parent and Seller will treat and hold as
     such all of the Confidential Information, refrain from using any of the
     Confidential Information except in connection with this Agreement and
     deliver promptly to Buyer or destroy, at the request and option of Buyer,
     all tangible embodiments (and all copies) of the Confidential Information
     which are in its possession. In the event that either Parent or Seller is
     requested or required (by oral question or request for information or
     documents in any legal proceeding, interrogatory, subpoena, civil
     investigative demand or similar process) to disclose any Confidential
     Information, Parent or Seller, as the case may be, will notify Buyer
     promptly of the request or requirement so that Buyer may seek an
     appropriate protective order or waive compliance with the provisions of
     this Section 5(d). If, in the absence of a protective order or the receipt
     of a waiver hereunder, Parent or Seller is compelled to disclose any
     Confidential Information to any tribunal or else stand liable for contempt,
     Parent or Seller may disclose the Confidential Information to the tribunal;
     provided, however, that Parent or Seller shall use its reasonable efforts
     to obtain, at the request of Buyer, an order or other assurance that
     confidential treatment will be accorded to such portion of the Confidential
     Information required to be disclosed as Buyer shall designate.

          (e) Solicitation of Transferred Employees. For a period of five years
     commencing on the date hereof, without the prior written consent of Buyer,
     none of Parent or its Affiliates will (or will assist or encourage others
     to), directly or indirectly, solicit to hire (or cause or seek to cause to
     leave the employ of Buyer) any of the Transferred Employees or any Persons
     who may be hired by Buyer after the date hereof to work with or operate the
     Acquired Assets.

          (f) Recruiting of Employees. For a period of 18 months from the
     Closing Date, Buyer shall notify Seller, promptly following its occurrence,
     of any lay off involving more than 10 employees who, as part of their
     principal job responsibility with Buyer's Integrated Financial Solutions
     Division, further developed the Parent Intellectual Property, and Seller
     shall notify Buyer, promptly following its occurrence, of any lay off of
     more than 10 employees from Seller's software division.

          (g) Covenant Not To Compete. For a period of two years after the
     Closing, neither Parent nor Seller will directly or indirectly through any
     Affiliate perform for any


          DASH client (or contact, call on, solicit, or take away, or attempt to
          contact, call on, solicit or take away, any DASH client of Buyer for
          the purpose of performing) any ATM processing and/or related
          settlement services. For purposes of applying this paragraph, a "DASH
          client" is defined as an entity for whom Buyer provides ATM processing
          and/or related settlement services.

               (h)    Relocation of Facilities. Parent and Seller will use their
          reasonable best efforts to assist Buyer in relocating from the
          premises to be subleased from Parent pursuant to the sublease executed
          by Buyer and Parent contemporaneously with this Agreement.

         Section 6.  Remedies for Breaches of This Agreement.

               (a)    Survival of Representations and Warranties. All of the
          representations and warranties of Seller contained in Sections 3(f)
          through (i), Section 3(k) and Section (m) through (y) of this
          Agreement shall survive the Closing and continue in full force and
          effect for a period of one year following the release of Buyer's
          audited financial statements including Seller's results of operations.
          All of the other representations and warranties of Buyer and Seller
          contained in this Agreement (including the representations and
          warranties of Seller contained in Sections (a) through (e), 3(j) and
          3(l) hereof) shall survive the Closing and continue in full force and
          effect forever thereafter (subject to any applicable statutes of

               (b)    Indemnification Provisions for Benefit of Buyer.

                      (i) In the event Seller breaches any of its
               representations, warranties and covenants contained in this
               Agreement and, if there is an applicable survival period pursuant
               to Section 6(a) above, provided that Buyer makes a written claim
               for indemnification against Seller within such survival period,
               then Seller and Parent jointly and severally agree to indemnify
               Buyer from and against the entirety of any Adverse Consequences
               Buyer may suffer through and after the date of the claim for
               indemnification (including any Adverse Consequences Buyer may
               suffer after the end of any applicable survival period) resulting
               from, arising out of, relating to, or caused by the breach (or
               the alleged breach), provided, however, that Seller and Parent
               shall not have any obligation to indemnify Buyer from and against
               any Adverse Consequences resulting from, arising out of, relating
               to, or caused by the breach (or alleged breach) of any
               representation or warranty of Seller contained in Sections 3(f)
               through (i) and (k) through (y) above (i) until Buyer has
               suffered Adverse Consequences by reason of all such breaches (or
               alleged breaches) in excess of an $75,000 aggregate threshold (at
               which point Seller and Parent will be obligated to indemnify
               Buyer from and against all such Adverse Consequences relating
               back to the first dollar) and (ii) in excess of a dollar amount
               equal to the Purchase Price (the "Indemnity Limit") and Buyer
               shall have actually recovered from Seller and Parent an amount
               equal to the Indemnity Limit.


               (ii)      Seller and Parent jointly and severally agree to
          indemnify Buyer from and against the entirety of any Adverse
          Consequences Buyer may suffer resulting from, arising out of, relating
          to, in the nature of or caused by:

                         (A) any Liability of Seller which is not an Assumed
                    Liability (including any Liability of Seller that becomes a
                    Liability of Buyer under any bulk transfer law of any
                    jurisdiction, under any common law doctrine of de facto
                    merger or successor liability, under Environmental, Health
                    and Safety Requirements or otherwise by operation of law);

                         (B) any Liability of Seller for unpaid Taxes with
                    respect to any Tax year or portion thereof ending on or
                    before the Closing Date (or for any Tax year beginning
                    before and ending after the Closing Date to the extent
                    allocable to the portion of such period beginning before and
                    ending on the Closing Date).

                         (C) any Liability of Seller relating to Seller's
                    employment or termination of employment of any of the
                    Transferred Employees.

                         (D) any transactions occurring on or prior to the date
                    of this Agreement which are processed through the Settlement
                    Accounts and any breach or default by Seller under any
                    agreement between Seller and either Network.

                         (E) the failure of Parent to transfer on the date of
                    this Agreement good and marketable title to the assets
                    listed in Exhibit D hereto free and clear of all Security
                    Interests (even if title to such assets is later transferred
                    to Buyer on January 6, 2002 pursuant to the terms of Section
                    2(a)(ii) above or otherwise), including without limitation
                    any claim or allegation by IBM Credit Corporation or its
                    Affiliates or any other third party that it has or claims
                    any rights in or to the assets listed in Exhibit D hereto.

                         (F) any direct or indirect claim or allegation by IBM
                    Credit Corporation or its Affiliates or any other third
                    party resulting from or arising out of Buyer's access to
                    and/or use of the assets listed in Exhibit D hereto prior to
                    the time when title to such assets vests in Buyer free and
                    clear of all Security Interests.

               (c)  Indemnification Provisions for Benefit of Seller.

                    (i)  In the event Buyer breaches any of its representations,
               warranties and covenants contained in this Agreement and, if
               there is an applicable survival period pursuant to Section 6(a)
               above, provided that Seller makes a written claim for
               indemnification against Buyer within such survival period, then
               Buyer agrees to indemnify Seller from and against the entirety of
               any Adverse Consequences Seller may suffer through and after the
               date of the claim for indemnification (including any Adverse
               Consequences Seller may suffer after the end of any


     applicable survival period) resulting from, arising out of, relating to, in
     the nature of or caused by the breach (or the alleged breach).

          (ii)   Buyer agrees to indemnify Seller from and against the entirety
     of any Adverse Consequences Seller may suffer resulting from, arising out
     of, relating to, in the nature of or caused by any Assumed Liability.

     (d)  Matters Involving Third Parties.

          (i)    If any third party shall notify any Party (the "Indemnified
     Party") with respect to any matter (a "Third Party Claim") which may give
     rise to a claim for indemnification against the other Party (the
     "Indemnifying Party") under this Section 6, then the Indemnified Party
     shall promptly notify the Indemnifying Party thereof in writing; provided,
     however, that no delay on the part of the Indemnified Party in notifying
     the Indemnifying Party shall relieve the Indemnifying Party from any
     obligation hereunder unless (and then solely to the extent) the
     Indemnifying Party thereby is prejudiced.

          (ii)   The Indemnifying Party will have the right to defend the
     Indemnified Party against the Third Party Claim with counsel of its choice
     satisfactory to the Indemnified Party so long as (A) the Indemnifying Party
     provides the Indemnified Party with evidence acceptable to the Indemnified
     Party that the Indemnifying Party will have the financial resources to
     defend against the Third Party Claim and fulfill its indemnification
     obligations hereunder, (B) the Third Party Claim involves only money
     damages and does not seek an injunction or other equitable relief, (C)
     settlement of, or an adverse judgment with respect to, the Third Party
     Claim is not, in the good faith judgment of the Indemnified Party, likely
     to establish a precedential custom or practice adverse to the continuing
     business interests of the Indemnified Party and (D) the Indemnifying Party
     conducts the defense of the Third Party Claim actively and diligently.

          (iii)  So long as the Indemnifying Party is conducting the defense of
     the Third Party Claim in accordance with Section 6(d)(ii) above, (A) the
     Indemnified Party may retain separate co-counsel at its sole cost and
     expense and participate in the defense of the Third Party Claim, (B) the
     Indemnified Party will not consent to the entry of any judgment or enter
     into any settlement with respect to the Third Party Claim without the prior
     written consent of the Indemnifying Party and (C) the Indemnifying Party
     will not consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement
     with respect to the Third Party Claim without the prior written consent of
     the Indemnified Party.

          (iv)   In the event any of the conditions in Section 6(d)(ii) above is
     or becomes unsatisfied, however, (A) the Indemnified Party may defend
     against and consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any
     settlement with respect to, the Third Party Claim (provided that the
     Indemnified Party consults with and obtains the consent from, the
     Indemnifying Party in connection therewith), (B) the Indemnifying Party
     will reimburse the Indemnified Party promptly and


                    periodically for the costs of defending against the Third
                    Party Claim (including reasonable attorneys' fees and
                    expenses) and (C) the Indemnifying Party will remain
                    responsible for any Adverse Consequences the Indemnified
                    Party may suffer resulting from, arising out of, relating
                    to, in the nature of or caused by the Third Party Claim to
                    the fullest extent provided in this Section 6.

                    (e) Determination of Adverse Consequences. The Parties shall
               take into account the time cost of money in determining Adverse
               Consequences for purposes of this Section 6. All indemnification
               payments under this Section 6 shall be deemed adjustments to the
               Purchase Price.

                    (f) Other Indemnification Provisions. The foregoing
               indemnification provisions and the provisions of the Escrow
               Agreement are in addition to and not in derogation of, any
               statutory, equitable or common law remedy any Party may have for
               breach of representation, warranty or covenant (including,
               without limitation, any such remedy arising under Environmental,
               Health and Safety Requirements) any Party may have with respect
               to Seller, the Acquired Assets or the transactions contemplated
               by this Agreement.

               Section 7.  Miscellaneous.

                    (a) Public Announcements and Disclosures. No Party shall
               issue any press release or make any public announcement or other
               disclosure naming any other Party or relating to any other Party
               or the subject matter of this Agreement without the prior written
               approval of the other Party; provided, however, that any Party
               may make any public disclosure it believes in good faith is
               required by applicable law or any listing or trading agreement
               concerning its publicly traded securities (in which case the
               disclosing Party will use its reasonable best efforts to advise
               the other Party prior to making the disclosure).

                    (b) No Third-party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall not
               confer any rights or remedies upon any Person other than the
               Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

                    (c) Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including the
               documents referred to herein) constitutes the entire agreement
               between the Parties and supersedes any prior understandings,
               agreements or representations by or between the Parties, written
               or oral, to the extent they have related in any way to the
               subject matter hereof.

                    (d) Succession and Assignment. This Agreement shall be
               binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties named herein
               and their respective successors and permitted assigns. No Party
               may assign either this Agreement or any of its rights, interests
               or obligations hereunder without the prior written approval of
               the other Party; provided however, that Buyer may (i) assign any
               or all of its rights and interests hereunder to one or more of
               its Affiliates and (ii) designate one or more of its Affiliates
               to perform its obligations hereunder (in any or all of which
               cases Buyer nonetheless shall remain responsible for the
               performance of all of its obligations hereunder).


     (e) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which
together will constitute one and the same instrument.

     (f) Headings. The section headings contained in this Agreement are inserted
for convenience only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement.

     (g) Notices. All notices, requests, demands, claims and other
communications hereunder will be in writing. Any notice, request, demand, claim
or other communication hereunder shall be deemed duly given if (and then two
business days after) it is sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt
requested, postage prepaid and addressed to the intended recipient as set forth

                  If to Parent or Seller: Euronet USA Inc.
                                          17300 Chenal Parkway
                                          Little Rock, Arkansas 72223
                                          Attn: President

                  If to Buyer:            ALLTEL Information Services, Inc.
                                          601 South Lake Destiny Road
                                          Suite 300
                                          Maitland, FL 32751
                                          Attn: President

                  Copy to:                ALLTEL Information Services, Inc.
                                          4001 Rodney Parham Road
                                          Little Rock, AR 72212-2496
                                          Attention: General Counsel

     Any Party may send any notice, request, demand, claim or other
communication hereunder to the intended recipient at the address set forth above
using any other means (including personal delivery, expedited courier, messenger
service, telecopy, telex, ordinary mail or electronic mail), but no such notice,
request, demand, claim or other communication shall be deemed to have been duly
given unless and until it actually is received by the intended recipient. Any
Party may change the address to which notices, requests, demands, claims and
other communications hereunder are to be delivered by giving the other Party
notice in the manner herein set forth.

     (h) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the domestic laws of the State of Florida without giving effect
to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of
Florida or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws
of any jurisdiction other than the State of Florida.


          (i) Amendments and Waivers. No amendment of any provision of this
     Agreement shall be valid unless the same shall be in writing and signed by
     Buyer and Seller. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentation
     or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not,
     shall be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default,
     misrepresentation or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in
     any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such

          (j) Severability. Any term or provision of this Agreement that is
     invalid or unenforceable in any situation in any jurisdiction shall not
     affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions
     hereof or the validity or enforceability of the offending term or provision
     in any other situation or in any other jurisdiction.

          (k) Expenses. Each of Buyer and Parent will bear its own costs and
     expenses (including legal fees and expenses) incurred in connection with
     this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby. Seller agrees that
     Seller has not borne and will not bear any of the costs and expenses of
     Seller (including any of their legal fees and expenses) in connection with
     this Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated hereby. Seller also
     agrees that Seller has not paid any amount to any third party and will not
     pay any amount to any third party, with respect to any of the costs and
     expenses of Seller and Parent (including any of their legal fees and
     expenses) in connection with this Agreement or any of the transactions
     contemplated hereby.

          (l) Construction. Any reference to any federal, state, local or
     foreign statute or law shall be deemed also to refer to all rules and
     regulations promulgated thereunder, unless the context requires otherwise.
     The word "including" shall mean including, without limitation. The Parties
     intend that each representation, warranty and covenant contained herein
     shall have independent significance. If any Party has breached any
     representation, warranty or covenant contained herein in any respect, the
     fact that there exists another representation, warranty or covenant
     relating to the same subject matter (regardless of the relative levels of
     specificity) which the Party has not breached shall not detract from or
     mitigate the fact that the Party is in breach of the first representation,
     warranty or covenant.

          (m) Incorporation of Exhibits and Schedules. The Exhibits and
     Schedules identified in this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference
     and made a part hereof.

          (n) Specific Performance. Each of the Parties acknowledges and agrees
     that the other Party would be damaged irreparably in the event any of the
     provisions of this Agreement are not performed in accordance with their
     specific terms or otherwise are breached. Accordingly, each of the Parties
     agrees that the other Party shall be entitled to an injunction or
     injunctions to prevent breaches of the provisions of this Agreement and to
     enforce specifically this Agreement and the terms and provisions hereof in
     any action instituted in any court of the United States or any state
     thereof having jurisdiction over the Parties and the matter, in addition to
     any other remedy to which it may be entitled, at law or in equity.


          (o)  Employment of Seller Employees.

               (i)   Buyer shall, as of the Closing Date, offer employment to
          those employees of Seller as Buyer shall determine in its sole
          discretion. Any such person who accepts Buyer's offer of employment
          shall be referred to individually as a "Transferred Employee" and
          collectively as the "Transferred Employees." All Transferred Employees
          shall be "at will" employees following the Closing. At any time on or
          after the Closing Date, Buyer, in its sole discretion, shall have the
          right to terminate a Transferred Employee for any or no reason or
          reassign a Transferred Employee to a position within Buyer or within
          an Affiliate of Buyer.

               (ii)  Each Transferred Employee's eligibility to participate in
          Buyer's vacation, group insurance and other welfare benefit plans, the
          ALLTEL Corporation Profit Sharing Plan and the ALLTEL Corporation
          Thrift Plan shall be determined only in accordance with the provisions
          of each such plan; provided that no Transferred Employee shall be
          eligible to participate in any such plan prior to January 31, 2002.
          Buyer shall recognize each Transferred Employee's service with Seller
          for purposes of determining eligibility to participate in each Buyer
          vacation, group insurance, and welfare benefit plan, who as of the
          date immediately preceding the Closing Date were covered by Seller's
          group insurance and welfare benefit plans and who within 31 days after
          the Closing Date enroll in Buyer's group insurance and welfare benefit
          plans effective as of January 31, 2002. Furthermore, Buyer shall
          recognize each Transferred Employee's service with Seller for purposes
          of determining eligibility service and vesting service with respect to
          the ALLTEL Corporation Profit Sharing Plan and the ALLTEL Corporation
          Thrift Plan.

               (iii) Any restrictions in the Buyer group insurance and welfare
          benefit plans with respect to pre-existing conditions shall be waived
          for Transferred Employees, to the extent that such restrictions have
          been or would have been satisfied under Seller's plans, who as of the
          date immediately preceding the Closing Date were covered by Seller's
          group insurance and welfare benefit plans and who, within 31 days
          after the Closing Date, enroll in Buyer's group insurance and welfare
          benefit plans effective as of January 31, 2002. In no event shall
          Buyer be liable to Seller or to Transferred Employees for benefits
          incurred or accrued prior to January 31, 2002.

               (iv)  Seller shall comply with the requirements of COBRA, if

               (v)   For purposes of this Agreement, all of Seller's
          compensation and benefits for each Transferred Employee, including
          wages, incentives, commissions, bonuses, vacation pay, paid days off,
          pension and retirement through the Closing Date and all prior calendar
          years ("Accrued Employee Expense") shall be deemed to have accrued as
          of the Closing Date for each Transferred Employee. On or prior to the
          Closing Date, Seller shall pay each Transferred Employee his or her
          Accrued Employee Expense.


                    (vi) No provision of this Section 7(o) shall create a
               third-party beneficiary relationship or otherwise confer any
               benefit, entitlement, or right upon any person or entity
               (including, without limitation, any Transferred Employee) other
               than the parties to this Agreement.

               (p)  Bulk Transfer Laws. Buyer acknowledges that Seller will not
          comply with the provisions of any bulk transfer laws of any
          jurisdiction in connection with the transactions contemplated by this

               (q)  Sales Taxes. Buyer, Seller and Parent acknowledge and agree
          that no sales, use, gross receipts, or other transaction taxes (other
          than income taxes) shall arise from the consummation of the
          transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on as
of the date first above written.

                                         ALLTEL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC.:

                                         By ___________________________________

                                         EFT NETWORK SERVICES, LLC:

                                         By ___________________________________

                                         EURONET USA INC.:

                                         By ___________________________________


                             EXHIBITS and SCHEDULES


EXHIBIT A Calculation of the Estimated Net Working Capital EXHIBIT B Allocation
of Preliminary Purchase Price EXHIBIT C Historical Financial Statements EXHIBIT
D IBM Acquired Assets


- ---------

DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE   Exceptions to Representations and Warranties

                                    Exhibit A

                     Estimated Net Working Capital Statement
                         Estimated as of January 4, 2002

                                                                       Estimated as of
   All amounts in dollars                                                   1/4/02
   Current Assets
      Fees Settlement Account                                          $      1,426.00
      Pulse Settlement Account                                                2,465.00
      VISA DPS Settlement Account                                                10.00
      Accounts Receivables                                                  342,808.00

   Total Current Assets                                                $    346,709.00

   Current Liabilities
      Accounts Payable                                                      111,666.00
      Accrued Expenses                                                       18,510.00

   Total Current Liabilities                                           ---------------
                                                                       $    130,176.00

   Estimated Net Working Capital                                       $    216,533.00

   Working Capital target stated in Agreement [Section 2(e)(ii)]            400,000.00

   Estimated Net Working Capital Adjustment,
      Increase (Decrease) to Preliminary Purchase Price                $   (183,467.00)

   Net Asset Purchase Amount                                              6,142,592.00

   Pocket ATM Termination                                                   (22,012.00)

   Net Payment Due at Closing                                          $  5,937,113.00

                                    Exhibit B


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Estimated      Assets/Liab         Asset           Software           Post
                                                    As of            Not           Purchase          Agreement          Close
                    Assets:                        1/4/02          Acquired       Allocation        Allocation         1/4/02
    --------------------------------------        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Current Assets
              Cash and Equivalents                $ 179,027      $ (175,127)                                         $  3,900
              Accounts Receivable                   342,809                                                           342,809
              Prepaid Expenses                          447            (447)                                                -
              Inventory                                   -                                                                 -
                  Total Current Expenses            522,283        (175,574)             -                -           346,709

    Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment                3,217                       $ (3,217)                                 -
    Computer Equipment                              111,712                        180,880                            292,592
    Computer Software                               341,132                       (141,132)                           200,000
    DSU Modems                                        4,900                         (4,900)                                 -
    Less: Accumulated Depreciation                 (428,038)                       428,038                                  -
              Net fixed Assets                       32,923               -        459,669                -           492,592

    Contract Extension Renewal                      474,123                       (200,000)                           274,123
    Internally Developed Software                                                                 2,875,000         2,875,000
    Goodwill                                        249,531                      5,376,346        2,125,000         7,750,877
    Accumulated Amortization                       (289,463)                       289,463                                  -
                  Total Assets                    $ 989,397      $ (175,574)    $5,925,478       $5,000,000       $11,739,301

              Liabilities and Equity
    Current Liabilities
            Accounts Payable                      $ 111,666                                                        $  111,666
            Due to (from) Related Party          (1,703,761)     $1,703,761     $6,609,125       $2,500,000         9,109,125
            Accrued Expenses                         18,510                                                            18,510
            Accrued Sales Tax Payable                (2,111)          2,111                                                 -
                  Total Current Liabilities      (1,575,696)      1,705,872      6,609,125        2,500,000         9,239,301

            Software Agreement Payable                    -                                       2,500,000          2,500,00
                  Total Liabilities              (1,575,696)      1,705,872      6,609,125        5,000,000        11,739,301

            Members' Equity                         309,430        (309,430)                                                -
            Paid in Capital                         723,654        (723,654)                                                -
            Retained Earnings                     1,532,009        (848,362)      (683,647)                                 -
                  Total Equity                    2,565,093      (1,881,446)      (683,647)                                 -

            Total Liabilities and Equity          $ 989,397      $ (175,574)    $5,925,478       $5,000,000       $11,739,301

Form 8594                                                                                         OMB No. 1545-1021
(Rev. July 1998)                                 Asset Acquisition Statement                      ---------------------
Department of the Treasury                           Under Section 1060                           Attachment
Internal Revenue Service                  Attach to your Federal income tax return.               Sequence No. 61
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Title as shown on return                                                       Identification number as shown on return
ALLTEL INFORMATION SERVICES, INC.                                              71-0405375
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check the box that identifies you:       [X]   Buyer                           [ ]   Seller
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Part I           General Information - To be completed by all filers.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1    Name of other party to the transaction                                    Other party's identification number

EURONET USA, INC.                                                              71-0475915
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Address (number, street, and room or suite no.)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     City or town, state, and ZIP code
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2    Date of sale                                                              3     Total sales price
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Part II          Assets Transferred - To be completed by all filers of an original statement.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4    Assets              Aggregate Fair Market Value (Actual Amount               Allocation of Sales Price
                                        for Class I)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class I                $                                      216,533  $                                       216,533
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class II               $                                               $
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class III              $                                      292,592  $                                       292,592
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Classes IV and V       $                                    6,100,000  $                                     6,100,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                  $                                 6,609,125.00  $                                  6,609,125.00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5     Did the buyer and seller provide for an allocation of the sales price in
      the sales contract or in another written document signed by both parties?......................... [X] Yes [ ] No
      If "Yes", are the aggregate fair market values listed for
      each of asset Classes I, II, III, IV and V the amounts Agreed upon in your
      sales contract or in a separate written document?................................................. [X] Yes [ ] No
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6    In connection with the purchase of the group of assets, did the buyer also
     purchase a license or a covenant not to complete, or enter into a lease
     agreement contract, management contract, or similar arrangement with the
     seller (or managers, directors, owners, or employees of the seller)?............................... [ ] Yes [X] No
     If "Yes", specify (a) the type of agreement, and (b) the maximum amount of
     consideration (not including Interest) paid or to be paid under the
     agreement. See the instructions for line 6.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.
ISA                                                                                            Form  8594  (Rev. 7-98)
STF FED6841F.1

                                    EXHIBIT C


                 Asset Purchase Agreement Dated January 4, 2002


                       Alltel Information Services, Inc.,
                                Euronet USA Inc.


                            EFT Network Services, LLC


                         Historical Financial Statements

                            EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.
                                INCOME STATEMENT


                                             PERIOD TO DATE                            YEAR TO DATE
                                       ACTUAL     %  PRIOR YEAR      %        ACTUAL     %  PRIOR YEAR     %

   MEMBER JOINING FEES                      0    .0           0     .0             0    .0      17,500   1.1
   CARD MANAGEMENT FEES                 8,501   3.3      (1,652)  (1.7)       94,699   4.4      99,340   6.4
   ATM LOGO PANEL FEES                      0    .0           0     .0           178    .0         450    .0
   ATM CARD EMBOSSING FEES                736    .3         660     .7         7,458    .3       9,277    .6
   ATM CARD-MISC. FEES                    253    .1         222     .2         5,636    .3       3,085    .2
   DRIVING ATM's PER/ATM               16,550   6.3      16,033   16.9       189,111   8.9     185,953  12.0
   ATM MONITORING FEES                  1,615    .6       1,070    1.1        15,900    .7      12,710    .8
   ATM UPTIME/DOWNTIME                  1,220    .5         500     .5         7,295    .3       6,162    .4
   POSITIVE BALANCE FILE                  764    .3         781     .8         8,669    .4       8,849    .6
   MODEMS LEASED REVENUES                 560    .2         480     .5         6,555    .3       5,720    .4
   NETWORK ACCESS FEES                  6,550   2.5      13,364   14.1        76,113   3.6      91,958   6.0
   NETWORK CIRCUIT P/T REVENUE         96,974  37.1       4,776    5.0       328,774  15.4     209,993  13.6
   NTWRK CONNECT FEES P/T REVENUE       1,650    .6       1,731    1.8        18,940    .9      43,124   2.8
   Stand-in Transaction Revenues        2,641   1.0        (247)   (.3)       20,493   1.0      25,859   1.7
   DEBIT CARD ACCESS FEES                 700    .3       1,500    1.6        15,700    .7      16,500   1.1
   DEBIT CARD TRANSACTIONS FEES           667    .3         800     .8         7,937    .4       8,800    .6
   DEBIT CARDS FEES P/T REVENUE       112,368  43.0      57,511   60.5     1,160,028  54.4     636,462  41.2
   INTERCHANGE FEES                         0    .0          (2)    .0           573    .0      82,553   5.3
   QUEST EBT TRANS. SET-UP FEES           650    .2         650     .7         7,150    .3       7,100    .5
   ATM INTERCHANGE FEES/ON US           4,000   1.5           0     .0        44,000   2.1      53,174   3.4
   REBILLED EXPENSES                        0    .0           0     .0         4,137    .2       2,287    .1
   HARDWARE REVENUE                     4,000   1.5           0     .0        96,117   4.5       1,350    .1
   HARDWARE INSTALLATION FEES               0    .0           0     .0             0    .0         400    .0
   INTEREST INCOME                        190    .1         195     .2         3,333    .2      15,367   1.0
   OTHER-MISC. FEES                       544    .2      (3,319)  (3.5)       13,186    .6        (608)   .0

     TOTAL REVENUE                    261,133 100.0      95,053  100.0     2,131,982 100.0   1,543,365 100.0


   CARD ARTWORK:COST OF SALES               0    .0           0     .0            33    .0           0    .0
   MISC. ATM CARD COST                      0    .0           0     .0           453    .0         918    .1
   HARDWARE COST                            0    .0           0     .0        80,533   3.8         360    .0
   INTERCHANGE FEES-COST OF SALES           4    .0           0     .0         5,991    .3       5,817    .4
   NETWORK CIRCUIT PASS-THRU          105,522  40.4      13,063   13.7       257,879  12.1     236,649  15.3
   NETWORK CONNECTION FEES P/T            837    .3       1,847    1.9        73,210   3.4      29,373   1.9
   DEBIT CARDS FEES PASS THRU          26,598  10.2     (44,117) (46.4)      186,672   8.8     137,979   8.9
   REBILLED EXP. - COST OF SALES          133    .1         162     .2         3,165    .1       1,881    .1

     TOTAL COST OF SALES              133,094  51.0     (29,045) (30.6)      607,936  28.5     412,977  26.8

     GROSS PROFIT                     128,039  49.0     124,098  130.6     1,524,046  71.5   1,130,388  73.2


   ADVERTISING                              0    .0           0     .0           245    .0       2,663    .2
   AUDIT & ACCOUNTING                       0    .0         368     .4         1,102    .1       3,955    .3
   AUTO EXPENSES                           58    .0       2,376    2.5         4,051    .2       6,180    .4
   BANK CHARGES                           331    .1         192     .2         4,352    .2         592    .0
   BEEPER SERVICE                          14    .0          14     .0           197    .0         158    .0
   CARDS-SETUP EXPENSES                     0    .0          68     .1             0    .0         115    .0
   COMPUTER-SOFTWARE EXPENSE                0    .0           0     .0         6,370    .3           0    .0
   COMPUTER SUPPLIES                        0    .0           0     .0         8,445    .4           0    .0
   DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                 4,629   1.8       2,155    2.3        26,261   1.2      23,815   1.5
   Disaster Recovery                    2,347    .9           0     .0        27,781   1.3           0    .0
   DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS                     0    .0           0     .0           525    .0          60    .0
   EDS/PULSE EFT-SERVICE FEES           1,264    .5       1,264    1.3        16,753    .8      13,911    .9
   INSURANCE-CASUALTY/E&O                   0    .0           0     .0             0    .0        (882)  (.1)
   LEGAL FEES                               0    .0           0     .0             0    .0         557    .0
   MAINTENANCE-SOFTWARE                 6,119   2.3       4,901    5.2        60,979   2.9      55,338   3.6
   MAINTENANCE-PRODUCTION HRDWRE          117    .0         117     .1         1,286    .1       1,463    .1
   MAINTENANCE-AS/400                     346    .1         328     .3         3,812    .2       4,554    .3
   MISCELLANEOUS                          164    .1         396     .4         1,004    .0       3,237    .2
   OFFICE LEASE                         3,700   1.4           0     .0        21,656   1.0       2,200    .1
   OFFICE SUPPLIES                          0    .0       1,115    1.2           985    .0       2,661    .2
   POSTAGE                                115    .0       1,528    1.6         3,877    .2       4,377    .3
   PRINTING AND FORMS                       0    .0           0     .0           535    .0         959    .1
   OFFICE EXPENSE                           0    .0       7,253    7.6         3,897    .2      11,644    .8
   FRANCHISE TAX                            0    .0           0     .0             0    .0          50    .0
   REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE                  410    .2           0     .0           698    .0           0    .0
   SOFTWARE AMORTIZATION                1,545    .6           4     .0        14,958    .7          53    .0
   Contract exten. amortization         7,902   3.0       7,903    8.3        86,922   4.1      86,923   5.6
   GOODWILL AMORTIZATION                2,080    .8       2,079    2.2        22,874   1.1      22,873   1.5
   TELEPHONE EXPENSE                      271    .1         871     .9         4,612    .2       3,700    .2
   TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES               0    .0           0     .0             0    .0         420    .0
   CONSULTING FEES                          0    .0           0     .0         1,759    .1           0    .0
   OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                27,470  10.5      38,113   40.1       311,500  14.6     266,174  17.2
   BENEFITS EXPENSE                     4,034   1.5       9,528   10.0        41,895   2.0      66,543   4.3
   ENTERTAINMENT                            0    .0       2,250    2.4         4,853    .2       6,630    .4
   COMMERCIAL TRAVEL/AIRFARE                0    .0       1,390    1.5         4,701    .2       4,547    .3
   MEALS                                    0    .0         685     .7         1,953    .1       1,618    .1
   LODGING                                  0    .0       1,867    2.0         2,902    .1       3,061    .2

     TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES          62,916  24.1      86,765   91.3       693,740  32.5     600,149  38.9

     NET INCOME FROM OPERATIONS        65,123  24.9      37,333   39.3       830,306  38.9     530,239  34.4


   MISCELLANEOUS INCOME                     0    .0           0     .0             0    .0          13    .0

     TOTAL OTHER INCOME & EXPENSE           0    .0           0     .0             0    .0          13    .0

                        *** CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ***

                            EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.
                                INCOME STATEMENT


                                                PERIOD TO DATE                          YEAR TO DATE
                                       ACTUAL      %  PRIOR YEAR       %      ACTUAL       %  PRIOR YEAR       %
     EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAX        65,123   24.9      37,333    39.3     830,306    38.9     530,252    34.4


    TOTAL INCOME TAXES                      0     .0           0      .0           0      .0           0      .0

    NET INCOME (LOSS)                  65,123   24.9      37,333    39.3     830,306    38.9     530,252    34.4

                        *** CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ***

                            EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.
                                  BALANCE SHEET
                               NOVEMBER 30, 2001


   CHECKING-METROPOLITAN NATIONAL                       175,126
   DASH-FEES SETTLEMENT #121312                           1,426
   DASH-PULSE SETTLEMENT #120723                          2,465
   DASH-VISA DPS SETTLEMENT                                  10
   ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                                  342,809
   DUE FROM HUNGARY IS                                      170
   PREPAID EXPENSES                                         277

   TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                 522,283

FIXED ASSETS                                              3,217
   FURNITURE, FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT                      111,712
   COMPUTER EQUIPMENT                                   341,132
   COMPUTER SOFTWARE                                      4,900
   DSU/MODEMS - LEASE                                  (428,038)
   ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT                                        32,923


   Contract Extension Renewal                           474,123
   Goodwill                                             249,531
   ACCUMULATED AMORTIZATION                            (289,463)

   TOTAL OTHER ASSETS                                                   434,191

   TOTAL ASSETS                                                         989,397

                             LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

   ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                                     111,666
   DUE TO/FROM ARKSYS                                (1,703,761)
   ACCRUED SALES TAX PAYABLE                             (2,111)
   ACCRUED EXPENSES                                      18,510

   TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                         (1,575,696)


   TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                                                0

   TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                 (1,575,696)

   MEMBER EQUITY-ARKANSAS SYSTEMS                       309,430
   PAID IN CAPITAL                                      723,654
   RETAINED EARNINGS - PRIOR                            701,702
   RETAINED EARNINGS-CURRENT YEAR                       830,307

   TOTAL EQUITY                                                       2,565,093

   TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                                         989,397

                              Company Confidential

                            EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.
                             INCOME STATEMENT-BUDGET
                                  BUDGET REPORT

                                               PERIOD TO DATE                          YEAR TO DATE
                                      ACTUAL    CURR BUDGET    BUDGET VAR       ACTUAL  CURR BUDGET     BUDGET VAR

   CARD MANAGEMENT FEES                8,501                        8,501       94,699                      94,699
   ATM LOGO PANEL FEES                                                             178                         178
   ATM CARD EMBOSSING FEES               736                          736        7,458                       7,458
   ATM CARD-MISC. FEES                   253                          253        5,636                       5,636
   DRIVING ATM's PER/ATM              16,550                       16,550      189,111                     189,111
   ATM MONITORING FEES                 1,615                        1,615       15,900                      15,900
   ATM UPTIME/DOWNTIME                 1,220                        1,220        7,295                       7,295
   POSITIVE BALANCE FILE                 764                          764        8,669                       8,669
   MODEMS LEASED REVENUES                560                          560        6,555                       6,555
   NETWORK ACCESS FEES                 6,550                        6,550       76,113                      76,113
   NETWORK CIRCUIT P/T REVENUE        96,974                       96,974      328,774                     328,774
   NTWRK CONNECT FEES P/T REVENUE      1,650                        1,650       18,940                      18,940
   Stand-in Transaction Revenues       2,641                        2,641       20,493                      20,493
   DEBIT CARD ACCESS FEES                700                          700       15,700                      15,700
   DEBIT CARD TRANSACTIONS FEES          667                          667        7,937                       7,937
   DEBIT CARDS FEES P/T REVENUE      112,368        259,000      (146,632)   1,160,028    2,413,000     (1,252,972)
   INTERCHANGE FEES                                                                573                         573
   QUEST EBT TRANS. SET-UP FEES          650                          650        7,150                       7,150
   ATM INTERCHANGE FEES/ON US          4,000                        4,000       44,000                      44,000
   REBILLED EXPENSES                                                             4,137                       4,137
   HARDWARE REVENUE                    4,000                        4,000       96,117                      96,117
   INTEREST INCOME                       190                          190        3,333                       3,333
   OTHER-MISC. FEES                      544                          544       13,186                      13,186

     TOTAL REVENUE                   261,133        259,000         2,133    2,131,982    2,413,000       (281,018)


   CARD ARTWORK:COST OF SALES                                                       33                          33
   MISC. ATM CARD COST                                                             453                         453
   HARDWARE COST                                                                80,533                      80,533
   INTERCHANGE FEES-COST OF SALES          4                            4        5,991                       5,991
   NETWORK CIRCUIT PASS-THRU         105,522                      105,522      257,879                     257,879
   NETWORK CONNECTION FEES P/T           837                          837       73,210                      73,210
   DEBIT CARDS FEES PASS THRU         26,598         46,000       (19,402)     186,672      462,000       (275,328)
   REBILLED EXP. - COST OF SALES         133                          133        3,165                       3,165

     TOTAL COST OF SALES             133,094         46,000        87,094      607,936      462,000        145,936

     GROSS PROFIT                    128,039        213,000       (84,961)   1,524,046    1,951,000       (426,954)


   ADVERTISING                                        1,000        (1,000)         245       12,000        (11,755)
   AUDIT & ACCOUNTING                                                            1,102                       1,102
   AUTO EXPENSES                          58                           58        4,051                       4,051
   BANK CHARGES                          331                          331        4,352                       4,352
   BEEPER SERVICE                         14                           14          197                         197
   COMPUTER-SOFTWARE EXPENSE                          1,000        (1,000)       6,370       11,000         (4,630)
   COMPUTER SUPPLIES                                                             8,445                       8,445
   DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                4,629         11,000        (6,371)      26,261      127,000       (100,739)
   Disaster Recovery                   2,347                        2,347       27,781                      27,781
   DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS                                                            525                         525
   EDS/PULSE EFT-SERVICE FEES          1,264                        1,264       16,753                      16,753
   OPERATING EXPENSES                 10,561         30,000       (19,439)      98,031      330,000       (231,969)
   REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE                 410                          410          698                         698
   SOFTWARE AMORTIZATION               1,545                        1,545       14,958                      14,958
   Contract exten. amortization        7,902                        7,902       86,922                      86,922
   GOODWILL AMORTIZATION               2,080                        2,080       22,874                      22,874
   TELEPHONE EXPENSE                     271                          271        4,612                       4,612
   CONSULTING FEES                                                               1,759                       1,759
   SALES REPRESENTATIVE                                                          6,668                       6,668
   OPERATIONS PERSONNEL               27,470         30,000        (2,530)     304,832      324,000        (19,168)
   BENEFITS EXPENSE                    4,034                        4,034       41,895                      41,895
   ENTERTAINMENT                                                                 4,853                       4,853
   COMMERCIAL TRAVEL/AIRFARE                                                     4,701                       4,701
   MEALS                                              2,000        (2,000)       1,953       22,000        (20,047)
   LODGING                                                                       2,902                       2,902

     TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES         62,916         75,000       (12,084)     693,740      826,000       (132,260)

     NET INCOME FROM OPERATIONS       65,123        138,000       (72,877)     830,306    1,125,000       (294,694)


     TOTAL OTHER INCOME & EXPENSE          0              0             0            0            0              0

     EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAX       65,123        138,000       (72,877)     830,306    1,125,000       (294,694)


     TOTAL INCOME TAXES                    0              0             0            0            0              0

     NET INCOME (LOSS)                65,123        138,000       (72,877)     830,306    1,125,000       (294,694)

   EBITDA                             81,279        149,000       (67,721)     981,321    1,252,000       (270,679)

                        *** CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ***

                                                       EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.
                                                         FOR COMBINED OPERATIONS
                                      FOR THE 12 PERIODS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               PERIOD TO DATE           YEAR TO DATE
                                                           ----------------------   ---------------------
                                                             ACTUAL       PERCENT      ACTUAL     PERCENT
                                                           -----------    -------   ------------  -------

     MEMBER JOINING FEES                                   $       .00        .0%      17,500.00      1.1
     CARD MANAGEMENT FEES                                     1,078.70       1.2      100,419.00      6.2
     ATM LOGO PANEL FEES                                           .00        .0          450.00       .0
     ATM CARD EMBOSSING FEES                                    620.95        .7        9,897.80       .6
     ATM CARD-MISC. FEES                                        210.35        .2        3,295.17       .2
     DRIVING ATM's PER/ATM                                   16,162.50      18.2      202,115.86     12.4
     ATM MONITORING FEES                                      1,070.00       1.2       13,780.00       .8
     ATM UPTIME/DOWNTIME                                        501.67        .6        6,663.34       .4
     POSITIVE BALANCE FILE                                      785.94        .9        9,634.99       .6
     MODEMS LEASED REVENUES                                     480.00        .5        6,200.00       .4
     NETWORK ACCESS FEES                                      5,350.00       6.0       97,308.34      6.0
     NETWORK CIRCUIT P/T REVENUE                             (4,124.17)     (4.6)     205,868.41     12.6
     NTWRK CONNECT FEES P/T REVENUE                           4,540.85       5.1       47,664.99      2.9
     Stand-in Transaction Revenues                            1,262.50       1.4       27,121.00      1.7
     DEBIT CARD ACCESS FEES                                   1,500.00       1.7       18,000.00      1.1
     DEBIT CARD TRANSACTIONS FEES                               800.00        .9        9,600.00       .6
     DEBIT CARDS FEES P/T REVENUE                            56,113.28      63.2      692,575.87     42.4
     INTERCHANGE FEES                                            27.95        .0       82,580.64      5.1
     QUEST EBT TRANS. SET-UP FEES                               650.00        .7        7,750.00       .5
     ATM INTERCHANGE FEES/ON US                                    .00        .0       53,173.90      3.3
     REBILLED EXPENSES                                             .00        .0        2,287.50       .1
     HARDWARE REVENUE                                         1,350.00       1.5        2,700.00       .2
     HARDWARE INSTALLATION FEES                                 200.00        .2          600.00       .0
     INTEREST INCOME                                            154.67        .2       15,521.05      1.0
     OTHER-MISC. FEES                                              .00        .0         (607.81)      .0
                                                             ---------     -----    ------------    -----
     TOTAL REVENUE                                           88,735.19     100.0    1,632,100.05    100.0


     MISC. ATM CARD COST                                           .00        .0          917.64       .1
     HARDWARE COST                                                 .00        .0          360.00       .0
     INTERCHANGE FEES-COST OF SALES                                .00        .0        5,817.70       .4
     NETWORK CIRCUIT PASS-THRU                                5,517.86       6.2      242,166.44     14.8
     NETWORK CONNECTION FEES P/T                              1,846.92       2.1       31,220.49      1.9
     DEBIT CARDS FEES PASS THRU                             (10,593.41)    (11.9)     127,384.79      7.8
     REBILLED EXP. - COST OF SALES                              162.75        .2        2,044.23       .1
                                                             ---------     -----    ------------    -----
     TOTAL COST OF SALES                                     (3,065.88)     (3.5)     409,911.29     25.1
                                                             ---------     -----    ------------    -----
        GROSS PROFIT                                         91,801.07     103.5    1,222,188.76     74.9

Company Confidential
Unaudited Segment of Euronet USA Inc.

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                                                                         Page: 1

                                                       EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.

                                                         FOR COMBINED OPERATIONS
                                      FOR THE 12 PERIODS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                PERIOD TO DATE           YEAR TO DATE
                                                             -------------------      -------------------
                                                               ACTUAL    PERCENT        ACTUAL    PERCENT
                                                             ---------   -------      ----------  -------

     ADVERTISING                                             $     .00         0%       2,663.18       .2
     AUDIT & ACCOUNTING                                         367.50        .4        4,322.50       .3
     AUTO EXPENSES                                              320.04        .4        6,500.13       .4
     BANK CHARGES                                               590.15        .7        1,181.31       .1
     BEEPER SERVICE                                              14.39        .0          173.12       .0
     CARDS-SETUP EXPENSES                                          .00        .0          114.87       .0
     DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                                     2,154.53       2.4       25,969.14      1.6
     DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS                                          .00        .0           60.20       .0
     EDS/PULSE EFT-SERVICE FEES                               1,264.68       1.4       15,176.06       .9
     INSURANCE-CASUALTY/E&O                                        .00        .0         (882.33)     (.1)
     LEGAL FEES                                                    .00        .0          556.63       .0
     MAINTENANCE-SOFTWARE                                     4,900.66       5.5       60,238.52      3.7
     MAINTENANCE-PRODUCTION HRDWRE                              116.91        .1        1,580.42       .1
     MAINTENANCE-AS/400                                         327.93        .4        4,882.29       .3
     MISCELLANEOUS                                              400.00        .5        3,636.25       .2
     OFFICE LEASE                                                  .00        .0        2,200.00       .1
     OFFICE SUPPLIES                                               .00        .0        2,661.63       .2
     POSTAGE                                                     30.52        .0        4,406.84       .3
     PRINTING AND FORMS                                            .00        .0          959.01       .1
     OFFICE EXPENSE                                           2,235.00       2.5       13,878.94       .9
     FRANCHISE TAX                                                 .00        .0           50.00       .0
     REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE                                      185.72        .2          185.72       .0
     SOFTWARE AMORTIZATION                                        4.87        .0           58.33       .0
     Contract exten. amortization                             7,902.06       8.9       94,824.69      5.8
     GOODWILL AMORTIZATION                                    2,079.41       2.3       24,953.06      1.5
     TELEPHONE EXPENSE                                          221.37        .2        3,920.82       .2
     TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES                                    .00        .0          420.00       .0
     CONSULTING FEES                                          6,830.00       7.7        6,830.00       .4
     SALES REPRESENTATIVE                                          .00        .0       77,400.00      4.7
     OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                                    44,011.88      49.6      232,785.71     14.3
     BENEFITS EXPENSE                                        11,002.97      12.4       77,546.46      4.8
     ENTERTAINMENT                                              444.73        .5        7,074.35       .4
     COMMERCIAL TRAVEL/AIRFARE                                  289.00        .3        4,836.00       .3
     MEALS                                                       62.30        .1        1,680.50       .1
     LODGING                                                       .00        .0        3,061.32       .2
                                                             ---------     -----      ----------    -----
     TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES                                85,756.62      96.6      685,905.67     42.0
                                                             ---------     -----      ----------    -----

        NET INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                            6,044.45       6.8      536,283.09     32.9


     MISCELLANEOUS INCOME                                       173.83        .2          187.02       .0

Company Confidential
Unaudited Segment of Euronet USA Inc.

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                                                                         Page: 2

                                                       EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.

                                      FOR THE 12 PERIODS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         PERIOD TO DATE            YEAR TO DATE
                                                     --------------------     --------------------
                                                       ACTUAL     PERCENT       ACTUAL     PERCENT
                                                     ----------   -------     ----------   -------
   TOTAL OTHER INCOME & EXPENSE                      $   173.83      .2%          187.02        .0
                                                     ----------     ---       ----------      ----

     EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAX                        6,218.28     7.0       536,470.11      32.9
                                                     ----------     ---       ----------      ----

     NET INCOME (LOSS)                               $ 6,218.28     7.0%      536,470.11      32.9
                                                     ==========     ===       ==========      ====

Company Confidential
Unaudited Segment of Euronet USA Inc.

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                                                       EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.
                                                              DECEMBER 31, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



   CHECKING-METROPOLITAN NATIONAL                     $  50,933.27
   DASH-FEES SETTLEMENT #121312                          26,009.07
   DASH-PULSE SETTLEMENT #120723                          9,403.07
   ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                                  250,402.98
   DUE FROM HUNGARY IS                                      170.45
   PREPAID EXPENSES                                         701.44
   TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                    337,620.28


   FURNITURE, FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT                        3,216.94
   COMPUTER EQUIPMENT                                   109,429.92
   COMPUTER SOFTWARE                                    294,106.50
   DSU/MODEMS - LEASE                                     4,900.00
   ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT                      (393,980.56)
   TOTAL FIXED ASSETS                                                       17,672.80


   Contract Extension Renewal                           474,123.46
   Goodwill                                             249,530.86
   ACCUMULATED AMORTIZATION                            (179,666.61)

   TOTAL OTHER ASSETS                                                      543,987.71
       TOTAL ASSETS                                                       $899,280.79

Company Confidential
Unaudited Segment of Euronet USA Inc.

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                                                                         Page: 1

                                                       EFT NETWORK SERVICES LLC.
                                                               DECEMBER 31, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             LIABILITIES AND EQUITY


   ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                                    $  48,493.92
   DUE TO/FROM ARKSYS                                   (852,677.40)
   ACCRUED SALES TAX PAYABLE                                  66.54
   ACCRUED EXPENSES                                      (31,388.24)
   TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                (835,505.18)
     TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                      (835,505.18)


   MEMBER EQUITY-ARKANSAS SYSTEMS                        309,429.63
   PAID IN CAPITAL                                       723,654.32
   RETAINED EARNINGS - PRIOR                             165,231.91
   RETAINED EARNINGS-CURRENT YEAR                        536,470.11
   TOTAL EQUITY                                                            1,734,785.97
     TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                                         $  899,280.79

Company Confidential
Unaudited Segment of Euronet USA Inc.

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                                                                         Page: 2

                                    EXHIBIT D

                               IBM Acquired Assets

1.   9406 Midrange AS/400 processor Model 720 (Serial No. 43W3M)
2.   9406 Midrange AS/400 processor Model 720 (Serial No. 43W4M)
3.   External v.34 Data/Fax Type/Serial 7852/42P1788
4.   External v.34 Data/Fax Type/Serial 7852/42P1846
5.   International Product License Agreement for the IBM AS/400 operating system
     software Resource Code ID#5769SS1 and Resource Code ID#5796999