AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               THE PROVIDENT BANK

         WHEREAS, The Provident Bank (the "Bank") sponsors the Supplemental
Executive Savings Plan (the "Plan") of Provident Bank for the benefit of certain
senior executives whose benefits are limited under The Provident Bank Employee
Savings Incentive Plan, a tax-qualified thrift savings plan (the "Savings Plan")
due to limitations imposed by Sections 401(a)(17), 401(m) and 415 of the
Internal Revenue Code ("Code") (hereinafter, said limitations shall be referred
to collectively as the "Applicable Limitations"); and

         WHEREAS, in connection with its conversion to a stock form savings bank
as the wholly-owned subsidiary of Provident Financial Services, Inc. (the
"Company") and initial offering of the common stock of the ("Company Stock"),
the Bank intends to adopt a tax-qualified Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP")
and to have the ESOP obtain a loan to purchase up to 8% of the shares issued in
the offering; and

         WHEREAS, in consideration of the above, the Bank recently amended the
Plan in order to (i) credit the accounts of Participants with supplemental ESOP
benefits to the extent that the Applicable Limitations limit the amount of
benefits to such persons in the tax-qualified ESOP, (ii) revise the definition
of "change in control" to conform to the definition in its other benefit plans
and arrangements, and (iii) for certain other purposes set forth herein; and

         WHEREAS, the Bank now desires to amend and restate the Plan to permit
eligible executives to make a special one-time election to invest all or any
portion of their existing account balance in the Plan in Company Stock.

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Supplemental
Executive Savings Plan of The Provident Bank (the "Plan") is hereby amended and
restated effective December 1, 2002 in accordance with the following:

       1.     Participation. Participation in this Plan shall be limited to a
              select group of management or highly compensated employees of the
              Bank whose benefits under the Savings Plan and ESOP are affected
              by Section 401(a)(17), 401(m), or Section 415 of the Code and who
              are designated by the Board of Managers to participate in this
              Plan (hereinafter "Employee"). Those Employees who are designated
              to participate and who, in fact, participate shall sometimes
              hereinafter be referred to as "Participants".

       2.     A. Supplemental Savings Plan Benefits. The Bank will pay to or in
                 respect of each Employee an amount equal to the amount which
                 would have been payable under the terms of the Savings Plan but
                 for the limitations under Sections 401(a)(17), 401(m), and 415
                 of the Code less the amount payable under the terms of the
                 Savings Plan. The Bank will also pay to or in respect of each
                 Employee an amount equal to the amount which would have been
                 payable under the terms of the Savings Plan for any deferred
                 compensation in the form of deferred raises. Such amounts,
                 which shall be contingent upon the Employee deferring 5% of his
                 Compensation, on a pre-tax basis, (minus the amount actually
                 contributed to the Savings Plan) to this Plan, shall be paid
                 commencing no later than ninety (90) days following termination
                 of employment, but in no event before age 60, in 180 monthly
                 installments, provided, however, that if the amount
                 attributable to the Employee is equal to or less than
                 Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) (or such other amount as
                 the Board of Managers may be resolution determine),

              the Board of Managers, may in its sole discretion determine that
              the Employee's account shall be distributed in a lump sum within
              ninety (90) days following termination of employment, irrespective
              of the Employee's age at termination. Notwithstanding anything
              herein to the contrary, if the Employee has a portion of his
              Supplemental Savings benefit invested in Company Stock, as
              contemplated under Section 4.B hereof, the amount so invested
              shall be distributed in-kind in a lump sum distribution no later
              than ninety (90) days following termination of employment and the
              remainder of his account shall be paid in 180 monthly installments
              as contemplated above.

         B.   Supplemental ESOP Benefit. Each year, the Bank shall credit the
              account (or applicable sub-account) of each Participant, with a
              number of units of Phantom Stock, which number shall be determined
              in the following manner: the Bank shall determine (in accordance
              with such procedures as it may determine) the amount by which the
              Participant's maximum contribution under the ESOP exceeds his
              actual contribution due to the reductions imposed by the
              Applicable Limitations and then shall determine the number of
              shares of Stock such amount would have purchased under the ESOP if
              it had been contributed to the ESOP for the benefit of the
              Participant. The number of shares of Company Stock such amount
              would have purchased under the ESOP, shall for these purposes, be
              converted into units of Phantom Stock and shall be credited to the
              Participant's sub-account. The Bank's determination regarding "the
              number of shares of Company Stock such amount would have purchased
              under the ESOP" may take into consideration such factors as:
              whether the additional amount, if contributed to the ESOP, would
              have been used to repay an outstanding ESOP loan, and if so, the
              appropriate number of additional shares to be released from the
              suspense account and allocated to the Participant's account based
              on such ESOP loan payment.

                  (i)   Crediting of Earnings. Phantom Stock credited to a
                        Participant's account under this Section shall be
                        credited with dividends at the same time and in the same
                        manner as is applicable to the Company Stock held in the
                        Participant's account under the ESOP. Cash dividends
                        allocated to a Participant's account shall be credited
                        with interest at a rate determined by the Board of

                  (ii)  Stock Dividends and Stock Splits. In the case of a stock
                        dividend or stock split, additional units of Phantom
                        Stock shall be credited to each Participant's account
                        under the Plan.

                  (iii) Valuation of Sub-Accounts. The value of a Participant's
                        ESOP sub-account shall be determined as of each
                        "valuation date" (as determined by the Bank) in the
                        following manner:

                            (a)  First, the Bank will add the earnings to the
                                 Participant's sub-account in accordance with
                                 Section 2 B(i).
                            (b)  Next, all Bank contributions to the
                                 Participant's ESOP Sub-Account shall be
                                 credited in accordance with Section 2B.
                            (c)  Finally, a Participant's ESOP sub-account shall
                                 be reduced by the amount of any benefits
                                 distributed to or on behalf of the Participant
                                 from said sub- account, if any.


                            (d)  Each Participant's ESOP sub-account shall be
                                 valued as of each valuation date or more
                                 frequently, as determined in the sole
                                 discretion of the Bank, and shall again be
                                 valued as of the date that a Participant
                                 receives a payment under the Plan attributable
                                 thereto, in accordance with the procedures
                                 established by the Bank.
                            (e)  All allocations to and deductions from a
                                 Participant's account under this Section
                                 2.B(iii) shall be deemed to have been made on
                                 the applicable valuation date in the order of
                                 priority set forth in this Section, even though
                                 actually determined at a later date.

                  (iv) Distribution of Supplemental ESOP Benefit. Except to the
                       extent that a different time or different manner of
                       distribution is specifically set forth in this Plan, the
                       supplemental ESOP benefit shall be distributed at the
                       same time and in the same manner, i.e., lump sum or
                       installments, as the benefit payable under the ESOP. A
                       Participant's supplemental ESOP benefit under this Plan
                       shall be a benefit paid in the form of Company Stock to
                       the extent of the units of Phantom Stock credited to the
                       Participant's account. The value of a Participant's
                       supplemental ESOP benefit at the time of distribution
                       shall be equal to the number of units of Phantom Stock
                       allocated to the Participant's Account multiplied by the
                       fair market value of a share of Company Stock on the date
                       of distribution plus the dollar value of any earnings

      3.   A. The accounts of Participants who are not employed by The Provident
              Bank on or after January 1, 1998 shall be allocated earnings once
              a month at the same rate as the Provident prime rate.

           B. The Bank shall establish a fund ("Fund") in order to provide for
              the payment of the amounts due under this Plan to employees who
              are employed by The Provident Bank on or after January 1, 1998.
              The Fund shall be held separate and apart from other assets of the
              Bank and shall be used exclusively for the uses and purposes
              herein set forth. The amounts credited to the benefit of each
              Employee under the Fund shall be segregated into sub-accounts
              representing the "Supplemental Savings" benefit and the
              "Supplemental ESOP" benefit attributable to such Employee.

           C. The Employees, their beneficiaries, and the Plan shall not have
              any preferred claim on, or any beneficial ownership interest in,
              any assets of the Fund prior to the time such assets are to be
              paid to the Employee or his beneficiary as set forth in the Plan.
              All rights created under the Plan shall be deemed unsecured
              contractual rights of the Employees against the Bank until such
              time as the Employees or their beneficiaries are entitled to
              receipt of their separate account.

      4.   A. The Supplemental Savings accounts in the Supplemental Savings
              portion of the Fund shall be invested by the Board of Managers, in
              its sole discretion, after consulting with the eligible Employees
              (those who are employed by The Provident Bank on or after January
              1, 1998) in a portfolio of assets. The portfolio of assets shall
              consist of any combination of stocks, bonds, notes, mutual funds,
              certificates of deposit, money-market funds, or other cash
              equivalent investments. A separate sub-account, referred to as the


                 Investment Account, shall be maintained in the name of each
                 eligible Employee in the Supplemental Savings portion of the
                 Fund which account shall reflect the amount of each Employee's
                 contributions and the Bank's contributions on his behalf and
                 any distributions to such Employee. From time to time, the
                 value of each Investment Account shall be adjusted to reflect
                 its proportionate share of the net increment or decrement in
                 the portfolio of assets due to all interest, dividends and
                 other income received, as well as any realized and unrealized
                 gains and losses. For purposes of making any distribution under
                 paragraph 2 above the value of an eligible Employee's interest
                 in the portfolio shall be its value (adjusted as aforesaid) as
                 of the last day of the month next preceding the month
                 distribution occurs. Appropriate payroll and other taxes shall
                 be withheld from all payments made under the terms of this

              B. Effective December 1, 2002, in connection with the conversion
                 of the Company to stock form, each eligible Employee shall be
                 provided with the opportunity to invest all or any portion of
                 the amount credited to his or her Investment Account (in
                 increments of $10) in the Supplemental Savings portion of the
                 Fund in Company Stock on a one-time basis in connection with
                 the stock offering. Such election shall be irrevocable. Any
                 eligible Employee who wishes to take advantage of this
                 opportunity shall execute a special investment election form, a
                 copy of which is annexed hereto as "Exhibit A". Notwithstanding
                 any provision of the Plan to the contrary, if an eligible
                 Employee elects to invest all or a portion of the eligible
                 Employee's Investment Account under the Plan in Company Stock
                 (in increments of $10), the amount so invested shall remain
                 invested in Company Stock for the duration of such eligible
                 Employee's participation in the Plan. Each eligible Employee
                 who has directed the investment of all or any portion of his or
                 her Investment Account under the Plan in Company Stock may
                 exercise the voting rights appurtenant to such shares of
                 Company Stock by giving voting instructions to the trustee of
                 the Fund. If an eligible Employee has elected to invest all or
                 a portion of his Investment Account in Company Stock, the
                 common stock so purchased shall be credited to his separate
                 account in the Fund and shall be segregated from the other
                 assets or investments credited to the benefit of the Employee.
                 The Company Stock shall be credited to a Stock Fund Account in
                 the Supplemental Savings portion of the Fund for the benefit of
                 such Employee. The value of any Employee's Stock Fund Account
                 shall be determined by reference to the last reported trading
                 price of the Company Stock on the applicable valuation date.
                 Any earnings on such common stock shall be credited to the
                 Investment Account and invested in accordance with the
                 procedures for such account.

       5.     Any benefits payable under this Plan which are attributable to the
              Bank's contributions and the earnings on these contributions shall
              become vested under the same terms and conditions as the
              respective benefits provided under the Savings Plan and ESOP. Any
              benefits payable under this Plan which are attributable to the
              Employee's contributions and the earnings on these contributions
              shall be immediately 100% vested.

       6.     Hardship Distribution. An eligible Employee, who believes that he
              has incurred a Hardship may petition the Board of Managers for a
              Hardship distribution. Upon a finding that the Employee has
              suffered a Hardship, the Board of Managers may, in its sole
              discretion, make distributions from the Employees account prior to
              the time specified for payment of benefits. The amount of such
              distribution shall be limited to the amount reasonably necessary
              to meet


              the requirements during the financial Hardship. A distribution due
              to Hardship shall first be made from assets credited to such
              Employee other than Company Stock.

       7.     The undistributed balance, if any, of each Employee's separate
              account shall be distributed to his Beneficiary upon his death.
              The Employee's Beneficiary shall be the person who is his
              beneficiary in the Savings Plan. The Employee's Beneficiary with
              respect to the ESOP benefit under the Plan shall be the same
              person who is his beneficiary in the ESOP. Any portion of the
              undistributed balance which is invested in Company Stpcl, shall be
              distributed in-kind.

       8.     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, the
              undistributed balance of each Participant's separate account,
              including the Participant's separate supplemental Savings Plan
              account and supplemental ESOP account, shall be distributed to him
              within 60 days after the date of a "Change in Control" as
              hereafter defined. For purposes hereof, a "Change in Control"
              shall mean the occurrence of any of the following events:

              (a)   approval by the shareholders of Provident Financial
                    Services, Inc. (the "Company") of a transaction that would
                    result and does result in the reorganization, merger or
                    consolidation of the Company, with one or more other
                    persons, other than a transaction following which:

                        (i)    at least 51% of the equity ownership interests of
                    the entity resulting from such transaction are beneficially
                    owned (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under
                    the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Exchange
                    Act")) in substantially the same relative proportions by
                    persons who, immediately prior to such transaction,
                    beneficially owned (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
                    promulgated under the Exchange Act) at least 51% of the
                    outstanding equity ownership interests in the Company; and

                        (ii)   at least 51% of the securities entitled to vote
                    generally in the election of directors of the entity
                    resulting from such transaction are beneficially owned
                    (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the
                    Exchange Act) in substantially the same relative proportions
                    by persons who, immediately prior to such transaction,
                    beneficially owned (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
                    promulgated under the Exchange Act) at least 51% of the
                    securities entitled to vote generally in the election of
                    directors of the Company;

              (b)   the acquisition of all or substantially all of the assets of
                    the Company or beneficial ownership (within the meaning of
                    Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of 20% or
                    more of the outstanding securities of the Company entitled
                    to vote generally in the election of directors by any person
                    or by any persons acting in concert, or approval by the
                    shareholders of the Company of any transaction which would
                    result in such an acquisition;

              (c)   a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company or the
                    Bank, or approval by the shareholders of the Company of a
                    plan for such liquidation or dissolution;


              (d)   the occurrence of any event if, immediately following such
                    event, members of the Company's Board of Directors who
                    belong to any of the following groups do not aggregate at
                    least a majority of the Company's Board of Directors:

                        (i)    individuals who were members of the Company's
                    initial Board of Directors; or

                        (ii)   individuals, other than members of the Company's
                    initial Board of Directors who first became members of the
                    Company's Board of Directors:

                        (A)    upon election to serve as a member of the
                               Company's Board of Directors by the affirmative
                               vote of three-quarters of the members of such
                               Board, or of a nominating committee thereof, in
                               office at the time of such first election; or

                        (B)    upon election by the shareholders of the Company
                               to serve as a member of the Company's Board of
                               Directors, but only if nominated for election by
                               the affirmative vote of three-quarters of the
                               members of such Board, or of a nominating
                               committee thereof, in office at the time of such
                               first nomination; provided that such individual's
                               election or nomination did not result from an
                               actual or threatened election contest or other
                               actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or
                               consents other than by or on behalf of the
                               Company's Board of Directors; or

              (e)   any event which would be described in Paragraph 8(a), (b),
                    (c) or (d) if the term "Bank" were substituted for the term
                    "Company" therein and the term "Bank's Board of Managers"
                    were substituted for the term "Company's Board of Directors"
                    therein. In no event, however, shall a Change in Control be
                    deemed to have occurred as a result of any acquisition of
                    securities or assets of the Company, the Bank or a
                    subsidiary of either of them, by the Company, the Bank, any
                    subsidiary of either of them, or by any employee benefit
                    plan maintained by any of them. For purposes of this
                    Paragraph 8, the term "person" shall include the meaning
                    assigned to it under Sections 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the
                    Exchange Act.

       9.     The Board of Managers may amend the Plan at any time and from time
              to time in such manner as it shall determine and any amendment may
              be given retroactive effect, except that no amendment may reduce
              or eliminate any benefit which accrued to any Employee under the
              Plan prior to the date of the amendment without the consent of the
              affected Employee. The supplemental Savings Plan component of the
              Plan shall terminate upon the termination of the Savings Plan,
              unless sooner terminated by the Board of Managers and the
              supplemental ESOP component of the Plan shall terminate upon the
              termination of the ESOP component of the Plan, unless sooner
              terminated by the Board of Managers.

       10.    Except as otherwise provided by law, the right of any Employee to
              any benefit or payment hereunder is expressly made subject to the
              condition and limitation that it shall not be subject to
              alienation, assignment, attachment, execution, or other process.


       11.    If the Board of Managers determines that an eligible member (or
              the designated beneficiary of an eligible member) is unable to
              manage his affairs, it may, in its sole discretion, pay any amount
              due to such person to the individual or institution then providing
              for the care, maintenance and support of such person, unless prior
              to such payment claim shall be made therefore by a duly appointed
              guardian, committee or other legal representative designated to
              receive such payment on behalf of such person.

       12.    The interpretation and construction of the Plan by the Board of
              Managers, and any action taken hereunder, shall be binding and
              conclusive upon the eligible member and any other person claiming
              any rights hereunder. The Board of Managers may from time to time
              delegate to such person or persons or to such committee as it
              shall designate any one or more of its administrative duties under
              the Plan.

       13.    In the event that any claim for benefits, which must initially be
              submitted in writing to the Board of Managers, is denied (in whole
              or in part) hereunder, the claimant shall receive from the Bank
              notice in writing, written in a manner calculated to be understood
              by the claimant, setting forth the specific reasons for the
              denial, with specific reference to pertinent provisions of this
              Plan. The interpretations and construction hereof by the Board of
              Managers shall be binding and conclusive on all persons and for
              all purposes. Any disagreements about such interpretations and
              construction shall be submitted to an arbitrator subject to the
              rules and procedures established by the American Arbitration
              Association. No member of the Board of Managers shall be liable to
              any person for any action taken hereunder except those actions
              undertaken with lack of good faith.

       14.    Whenever used herein, the term "Board of Managers" shall mean the
              Board of Managers of The Provident Bank in its mutual form and the
              Board of Directors of The Provident Bank in its stock form.
              Wherever the context shall require, the masculine gender shall be
              construed to include the feminine and the singular number the

       15.    Whenever used hereto, the term "Compensation" shall mean, for any
              applicable period, the total earnings of a Participant and shall
              include deferred compensation in the form of deferred raises.
              However, compensation shall exclude bonuses, commissions,
              severance pay, reimbursements for expenses and any other fringe

       16.    The provisions of this Plan shall bind and inure to the benefit of
              the Bank and its successors and assigns. The term "successors" as
              used herein shall include any corporate or other business entity
              which shall, whether by merger, consolidation, purchase or
              otherwise acquire all or substantially all of the business and
              assets of the Bank, and successors of any such corporation or
              other business entity.

       17.    The Plan shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the
              laws of the State of New Jersey.

                                                    Approved by:

                                                    /s/ Paul M. Pantozzi


                                                           Authorized Officer
DATED: December 13, 2002