Exhibit No. 10(n) United States of America Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P.O. Box 550 Richland, Washington 99352 96-PRO-596 Mr. R. E. Tiller, General Manager ICF Kaiser Hanford Company Richland, Washington Dear Mr. Tiller: CONTRACT DE-AC06-93RL12359, TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT Pursuant to Clause 1.b. of the Assignment Agreement for Contract No. DE- AC06-93RL12359, RL has retained sole termination rights for your contract. You are hereby notified that effective midnight on September 30, 1996, the subject contract with ICF Kaiser Hanford Company is terminated in whole for the convenience of the Government. The administration of any termination claim or settlement will be performed by WHC as part of the closeout effort. If you have any questions on this decision, please call me or your staff may contact Bill Kellogg at 376-7489 Sincerely, /s/ John D. Wagoner John D. Wagoner Manager PRO:AWK cc: H.J. Hatch, FDH S.J. Morgan, WHC