NVR, INC.
                       Computation of Earnings Per Share
               (amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                            THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                                  1997          1996
                                                            -------------   ------------
1.    Net income                                                $ 5,763         $ 3,740
                                                                =======         =======
2.    Average number of shares outstanding                       12,688          15,281
3.    Shares issuable upon exercise of                                        
      dilutive options, warrants and                                          
      subscriptions outstanding during                                        
      period, based on average market price                         927             115
                                                                -------         -------
4.    Shares issuable upon exercise of dilutive                               
      options, warrants and subscriptions                                     
      outstanding during period, based on                                     
      higher of average or end of period                                      
      market price                                                1,143             115
                                                                -------         -------
5.    Average number of shares and share                                      
      equivalents outstanding (2+ 3)                             13,615          15,396
                                                                =======         =======
6.    Average number of shares outstanding                                    
      assuming full dilution (2 + 4)                             13,831          15,396
                                                                =======         =======
7.    Net income per share and share                                          
      equivalents (1/5)                                         $  0.42           $0.24
                                                                =======         =======
8.    Net income per share assuming                                           
      full dilution (1/6)                                       $  0.42           $0.24
                                                                =======         =======
