FOR USE WITH THE


                            BASIC PLAN DOCUMENT #04

PLAN NAME:  Northfield Federal Savings & Loan Association, Inc. 401(k) Employee
            Savings and Investment Plan

ADDRESS:       Northfield Federal Savings & Loan Association, Inc.
               1844 E. Joppa Road
               Baltimore, MD 21234


DATE:     January, 1991

                                                   June 1990

                           SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section I      INTRODUCTION                            1
Section II     PLAN DATA
               Agent For Service Of Legal Process      1
               Custodian                               1
               Effective Date                          1
               Employer                                1
               Plan Administrator                      1
               Plan Year                               1
               Trustee                                 1
               Type of Administration                  1
               Break In Service                        1
               Compensation                            2
               Disability                              2
               Early Retirement                        2
               Effective Date                          2
               Elective Deferral                       2
               Entry Date                              2
               Highly Compensated Employee             2
               Hour Of Service                         2
               Maternity/Paternity Leave               2
               Normal Retirement Age                   3
               Spouse                                  3
               Year Of Service                         3
               Elective Deferrals                      3
               Voluntary Contributions                 4
               Rollover And Transfer Contributions     4

               Contribution Formula                    4
               Eligibility For Allocation              5
Section VII    GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS                  5

Section VIII   PARTICIPANT ACCOUNTS                    5
Section IX     VESTING
               Determining Vested Benefit              6
               Payment Of Vested Benefit               6
               Loss Of Benefits                        7
               Reemployment                            7
Section X      TOP-HEAVY RULES                         7
               Retirement Benefits                     8
               Distributions During Employment         8
               Beneficiary                             9
               Death Benefits                          9
               Form Of Payment                         9
               Time Of Payment                        10
               Annuity Rules                          10
               Insurance Policies                     10
Section XIII   AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION              10
               Rights Of Participants                 11
               Fiduciary Responsibility               12
               Employment Rights                      12
               Benefit Insurance                      12
               Claims Procedure                       12
               Assignment                             13
               Questions                              13
               Conflicts With Plan                    13


     A retirement program has been set up to help supplement your income during
     your retirement years.  Under the program, the Northfield Federal Savings
     and Loan Association (the Savings & Loan) makes contributions to a Trust
     Fund/Custodial account which will pay you a benefit at retirement.  The
     following is a summary of the important provisions of the Savings & Loan's
     Retirement Plan.  If you terminate employment before reaching retirement,
     you may be entitled to receive a benefit if you have completed enough Years
     of Service. Further details about how the Plan works are contained in this
     summary. While this summary describes most of the principal provisions of
     the Plan, it does not include every limitation or detail.  Every attempt
     has been made to provide concise and accurate information.  IF, HOWEVER,
     THE PLAN DOCUMENT SHALL GOVERN.  If you want to read the entire Plan, you
     may obtain a copy from the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator may
     charge a reasonable fee for providing you with the copy.
     A.    AGENT FOR SERVICE OF LEGAL PROCESS: Northfield Federal Savings
                        and Loan Association
     B.    EFFECTIVE DATE: Amended Plan: The Effective Date of the
                           original Plan was: February 1, 1987  ;
                           the Effective Date of this Amended Plan is:
                           January 1, 1989.
     C.    EMPLOYER:         Northfield Federal Savings & Loan Association, Inc.
           ADDRESS:          1844 E. Joppa Road, Baltimore, MD 21234
           TELEPHONE NO.:    (301) 665-9000
           TAX I.D. NO.:     52-0228804
     D.    PLAN ADMINISTRATOR: The Savings & Loan administers the Plan through a
           committee appointed by the Board of Directors.
     E.    PLAN YEAR:   The 12-month period beginning on     January 1       and
           ending on    December 31                          .
     F.    TRUSTEE(S):     Signet Trust Company
           ADDRESS:        Suite 210, 10400 Little Patuxent Pkwy
                           Columbia, MD 21044
           TELEPHONE NO.:  (301) 332-5555
           TAX I.D. NO.:   52-0514424
     G.    TYPE OF ADMINISTRATION:   Trust Fund


     A. BREAK IN SERVICE. A 12-consecutive month period during which you are not
        credited with or are not paid for more than 500 hours. If you go into
        the military service of the United States, you are not considered
        terminated as long as you return to work within the time required by
        law. If you separate from employment and incur a Break in Service, all
        contributions to your various accounts are suspended. [See special rules
        relating to maternity and paternity leave below.] If 


        a Break in Service occurs and you return to full time employment with
        the Savings and Loan, your rights are explained in the section entitled

     B. COMPENSATION. Your total salary, pay, or earned income from the Savings
        and Loan, as reflected on tax Form W-2 and received by you during the
        calendar year.

        Compensation includes Savings and Loan contributions made to this or
        another plan under a Salary Savings Agreement.

     C. DISABILITY. A potentially permanent illness or injury, as certified to
        by a physician who is approved by the Savings and Loan, which prevents
        you from engaging in work for which you are qualified for a period of at
        least 12 months.

     D. EARLY RETIREMENT. Early Retirement is not provided under the Plan.

     E. EFFECTIVE DATE. The date on which the Plan starts or an amendment is

     F. ELECTIVE DEFERRAL. Savings and Loan contributions made to the Plan at
        your election, instead of being given to you in cash as part of your
        salary. You can elect to defer a portion of your salary, instead of
        receiving it in cash, and the Savings and Loan will contribute it to the
        Plan on your behalf.

     G. ENTRY DATE. The date on which you enter the Plan after having met the
        Plan's eligibility requirements. The Entry Date for this Plan is: the
        first day of the Plan Year after the date you satisfy the eligibility

     H. HIGHLY COMPENSATED EMPLOYEE. Any Employee who during the current or
        prior Plan Year (1) was a 5% owner, (2) received more than $75,000 in
        compensation as adjusted for inflation, (3) received more than $50,000
        in compensation as adjusted for inflation and was in the top 20% of
        Employees when ranked by compensation, or (4) was an officer receiving
        more than $45,000 in compensation as adjusted for inflation. Family
        members of any 5% owner, or Highly Compensated Employee in the group of
        the ten Employees with the greatest Compensation, will be combined as if
        they were one person for purposes of Compensation and contributions. If
        you are not currently or never were Highly Compensated, or a family
        member of a Highly Compensated Employee, you are a Non-highly
        Compensated Employee.

     I. HOUR OF SERVICE. You will receive credit for each hour you are (1) paid
        for being on your job, (2) paid even if you are not at work (vacation,
        sickness, leave of absence, or disability), or (3) paid for back pay if
        hours were not already counted. A maximum of 501 hours will be credited
        for any year you are not at work but are paid. Hours of Service will be
        calculated based on actual hours you work.

     J. MATERNITY/PATERNITY LEAVE. You may be eligible for additional Hours of
        Service if you leave employment, even if temporarily, due to childbirth
        or adoption. If this is the case, you will be credited with enough Hours
        (up to 501) of Service to prevent a Break in Service, either in the year
        you leave employment or the following year. For example, if you have 750
        Hours of Service when your child is born, you would not get any more
        hours credited for that Plan Year since you do not have a Break in
        Service. Therefore, if you do not return to employment 


        the following year, you will get 501 Hours of Service so that you will
        not have a Break in Service in that year. Alternatively, if you do not
        have a Break in Service, but only work 300 hours, you will receive an
        additional 201 hours in order to prevent a break. These Hours of Service
        for maternity or paternity leave must all be used in one Plan Year. They
        are used only to prevent a Break in Service and not for calculating your
        Years of Service for eligibility, vesting or benefits.

     K. NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE. You reach Normal Retirement Age under our plan
        when you attain age 65.

     L. SPOUSE. The person to whom you are or were legally married, or your
        common law Spouse if common law marriage is recognized by the state in
        which you live. In order for your Spouse to receive a benefit under this
        Plan, he or she may not predecease you. A former spouse may be treated
        as a "Spouse" under this definition if recognized as such under a
        qualified domestic relations order as explained at section XIV(F) of
        this Summary Plan Description.

     M. YEAR OF SERVICE. For purposes of determining whether or not you are
        entitled to have a contribution allocated to your account, a Year of
        Service is a 12-month consecutive month period, which is the same as the
        Plan Year, during which you are credited with at least 1000 Hours of
        Service. For purposes of determining whether or not you are vested in
        your account balance, a Year Service is a 12-consecutive month period
        during which you are credited with 1000 Hours of Service.


     If you have completed 1/2 Year of Service and have attained age 20 1/2, you
                           ---                                       ------     
     are eligible  for participation. The Plan will not cover Employees who are
     non-resident aliens who receive no U.S. earned income from the Savings and

     The Plan will also exclude employees covered by a collectively bargained
     agreement where retirement benefits were the subject of good faith
     bargaining, piece-work employees, leased employees, and commissioned

     Your participation in the Plan will begin on the Entry Date specified at
     Section III(G).



          You, as an eligible Employee, may authorize the Savings and Loan to
          withhold from 1 % up to 20 % of your Compensation, not to exceed
                       ----      -----
          $7,000 as adjusted for inflation, and to deposit such amount in the
          Plan fund. If you participated in a similar plan of an unrelated
          employer and your Elective Deferrals under this Plan and the other
          plan exceed the $7,000 limit for a given year, you must designate one
          of the Plans as receiving an excess amount. If you choose this Plan as
          the one receiving the excess, you must notify the Plan Administrator
          by March 1 of the following year so that the excess and any income
          thereon may be returned to you by April 15. You may increase,
          decrease, or terminate your Elective Deferral percentage on any
          January 1 and on any July 1, provided that you notify 


          the Savings & Loan at least 30 days before making this change.

          If you terminate contributions, you may not reinstate payroll
          withholding for a period of 12 months.

          The Savings and Loan may also reduce or terminate your withholding if
          required to maintain the Plan's qualified status.


          You may make personal after-tax contributions to the Plan in any
          amount. You are not required to make Voluntary Contributions.
          Voluntary Contributions are not tax-deductible, but the investment
          earnings are tax-deferred until paid to you under the terms of the


          Rollover Contributions are permitted, but you must be a Participant in
          the plan. Transfer Contributions are also permitted, but again you
          must be a Participant. The Savings & Loan can refuse to allow Transfer
          Contributions to this plan if the transfer will affect the plan's
          ability to offer lump sum distributions as the normal form of


          (1)  Elective Deferrals:

               The Savings and Loan will contribute all Compensation which you
               elected to defer to the Plan.

          (2)  Matching Contributions:

               The Savings and Loan will contribute an amount equal to 100% of
               your Elective Deferrals but will not match any Elective Deferrals
               in excess of 5% of your Compensation.

               Savings and Loan Matching Contributions will only be made for
               employee Contributions not withdrawn prior to the end of the
               valuation period.

          (3)  Qualified Non-Elective Contributions:

               The Savings and Loan may also contribute an additional amount
               determined in its sole judgement. This additional contribution,
               if any, will be allocated to only Non-highly Compensated
               Participants in proportion to each eligible Employee's
               Compensation as a ratio of all eligible Employees' Compensation.
               These contributions will be nonforfeitable and subject to the
               same withdrawal restrictions as Elective Deferrals.


          (4)  Discretionary:

               The Savings and Loan may also contribute an additional amount
               determined in its sole judgement. Such additional contributions,
               if any, shall be allocated to Participants as follows: In
               proportion to each Participant's Compensation.

               These contributions may or may not be nonforfeitable.


          The Savings and Loan's contribution other than Matching Contributions
          will be allocated among all Participants who are employed at the end
          of the Plan Year provided that the Employee has completed a Year of
          Service for allocation accrual purposes, during the Plan Year. If so
          indicated, the Savings and Loan shall also make a contribution for
          each Participant who separated from employment during the Plan Year as
          a result of retirement, disability, or death.

          Matching Contributions will only be allocated to Participants who
          actually defer Compensation under the Plan.


     The federal government sets certain limitations on the level of
     contributions which may be made to a Plan such as this.  There is also a
     "percentage" limitation which means that the percentage of Compensation
     which you may contribute (both Elective Deferrals and, if applicable,
     Voluntary Contributions) depends on the average percentage of Compensation
     that the other participants are contributing.  Simply stated, all
     Participants are divided into 2 categories: Highly Compensated  and Non-
     highly Compensated and the average for each group is calculated.  The
     average contribution that the Highly Compensated group may make is based on
     the average contribution that the Non-highly Compensated make.  If a Highly
     Compensated Participant is contributing more than he or she is allowed, the
     excess plus or minus any gain or loss will either be returned or if
     permitted, recharacterized as Voluntary Contributions.  Keep in mind that
     if you are a 5% owner of the business or one of the ten highest paid
     employees, your family member's contribution percentage and Compensation
     will be combined with yours for purposes of determining your contributions
     under the Plan.


     The Savings and Loan will set up a record keeping account in your name to
     show the value of your retirement benefit.  The Savings and Loan will make
     the following additions to your account:

     A. your allocated share of the Savings and Loan's Contribution (including
        your Elective Deferrals),

     B. the amount of your personal Employee Voluntary Contributions, Transfer
        Contributions and Rollover Contributions, if any,

     C. your share of forfeited accounts of former employees. (These are amounts
        left behind by employees who terminated before becoming 100% vested in
        their benefit), and


     D. your share of investment earnings and appreciation in the value of

     The Savings and Loan will make the following subtractions from your

     E. any withdrawals or distributions made to you, and

     F. your share of investments losses and depreciation in the value of

     The Savings and Loan will give you a statement showing the additions to and
     subtractions from your account semi-annually.


     A.   Determining Vested Benefit

          Vesting refers to your earning or acquiring a nonforfeitable right to
          the full amount of your account(s). Any Employee Contribution
          (including Elective Deferrals), Rollover Contribution, or Transfer
          Contribution, plus or minus any earnings or losses, is always 100%
          vested and cannot be forfeited for any reason.

          You will become vested in any contributions (other than the
          contributions mentioned in the preceding paragraph), together with any
          earnings or losses attributable to such contributions, in accordance
          with the following vesting schedule:

               Your Years of Service     Your Vested Percentage
               ---------------------     ----------------------
               Less than 1                        0%
                    1                            20%
                    2                            40%
                    3                            60%
                    4                            80%
                    5 or more                   100%

     You are considered to have completed 1 Year of Service for purposes of
     vesting upon the completion of 1,000 Hours of Service at any time during
     the Plan Year.  Service prior to the Effective Date of the Plan is not
     counted for purposes of vesting.  Years of Service which you complete prior
     to age 18 will also not count for purposes of vesting.

     You automatically become fully vested, regardless of the vesting table,
     upon attainment of Normal Retirement Age, Early Retirement Age, upon
     retirement due to Disability, upon death, and upon termination of the Plan.


          If you terminate your employment before your retirement, death, or
          Disability, you may request early payment of your vested benefit by
          submitting a written request to the Plan Administrator. If your vested
          account balance at the time of 


          termination exceeds $3,500, you may defer the payment of your benefit
          until April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year during
          which you attain age 70-1/2. If you are not 100% vested when you
          terminate employment, the portion of your account balance to which you
          are not entitled, is called a "forfeiture" and remains in the Plan for
          the benefit of other Participants.

          For example, suppose you have worked for the Savings & Loan for three
          years, but decide to terminate your employment for personal reasons.
          Suppose that during your three years of employment, the Savings & Loan
          made contributions to this Plan on your behalf that with earnings has
          amounted to $1,500. In accordance with the Vesting Schedule on the
          previous page, you are 60% vested. Therefore, you may request that the
          Savings & Loan pay you 60% of $1,500, which is $900. A payment to you
          of $900 leaves $600 as a forfeiture. Other participants in the Plan
          will share in this $600 at a future point in time.


          There are only two events which can cause loss of all or a portion of
          your account. One is termination of employment before you are 100%
          vested according to the vesting table described at IX(A) and the other
          is a decrease in the value of your account from investment losses or
          administrative expenses and other costs of maintaining the Plan.


          If you terminate service with the Savings and Loan, then later become
          reemployed, you will become a Participant as of the next Entry Date
          upon returning to employment. A new account will be established on
          your behalf. All Years of Service will be counted when calculating
          your vested percentage in your new account balance.

          If your prior termination of employment resulted in part of your
          account balanced becoming a forfeiture, you may be entitled to have
          the forfeited amount reinstated to your account. There are some
          specific steps which you must take, and there are time limits that
          must be met if you want to have your forfeiture reinstated to your
          account. Therefore, you should check with the Plan Administrator
          immediately upon your reemployment to determine whether you are
          eligible for reinstatement of forfeited balances.


     A "top-heavy" plan is one in which more than 60% of the contributions or
     benefits are attributable to certain "key employees", such as owners,
     officers and stockholders.  If the Plan becomes top-heavy in any year, you
     may be entitled to certain minimum benefits.  The Plan Administrator is
     responsible for determining  each year if the plan is "top-heavy".




          If not already paid to you, the full value of your account balance is
          generally payable at Normal Retirement Age. If you work beyond your
          Normal Retirement Age, and have not separated from Service, you can
          request commencement of benefit payments. In either event, you will
          continue to fully participate in the Plan. The latest commencement
          date for payment of your benefits is generally April 1 of the year
          following your attainment of age 70-1/2, even if you are still
          employed. If you separate from Service before retirement, you may
          elect to receive payments at that time or any time prior to Normal


          Benefits are not normally payable prior to your separation from
          employment. There are four possible exceptions to this rule.
          First, you can always withdraw all or any part of your personal
          Employee Voluntary Contributions, Rollover Contributions, and Transfer
          Contributions and the earnings thereon.

          Second, if you are 100% fully vested, and have attained age 59-1/2,
          you may withdraw any or all Savings and Loan Contributions that have
          been in the account at least two years, plus the investment earnings

          Third, hardship withdrawals are permitted. You may file a written
          request for a hardship withdrawal of Savings and Loan-related
          contributions (to the extent vested) and the investment earnings
          thereon, and Elective Deferrals and the earnings thereon as of
          December 31, 1988. You must have your Spouse's written consent for a
          hardship withdrawal. Prior to receiving a hardship distribution, you
          must take any other nontaxable distribution and borrow the maximum
          nontaxable loan amount allowed under this and other plans of the
          Savings and Loan. Hardship withdrawals may be authorized by the
          Savings and Loan for the following reasons:

          (1) to assist you in purchasing a personal residence which is your
              primary place of residence (not including mortgage payments),

          (2) to assist you in paying post-secondary tuition expenses for you or
              your dependents for the next academic period,

          (3) to assist you in paying actual expenses incurred on behalf of you
              or your dependents for hospitalization, doctor or surgery expenses
              which are not covered by insurance, or

          (4) to prevent your eviction from a foreclosure on your principal

          Any hardship distribution is limited to the amount needed to meet the
          financial need. Hardship withdrawals must be approved by the Savings
          and Loan and will 


          be administered in a nondiscriminatory manner. Such withdrawals will
          not affect your eligibility to continue to participate in Savings and
          Loan Contributions to the Plan. Any withdrawals you receive under
          these rules may not be recontributed to the Plan and may be subject to
          taxation, as well as an additional 10% penalty tax if the withdrawal
          is received before you reach age 59-1/2. If you receive a hardship
          withdrawal, there will be a one-year mandatory suspension of your
          right to make Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions under the


          Every Participant or former Participant may designate a person (or
          persons) who is to receive benefits under the Plan in the event of his
          or her death. The designation must be made on a form provided by and
          returned to the Plan Administrator. You may change your designation at
          any time. If you are married, your beneficiary will automatically be
          your Spouse. If you and your Spouse wish to waive this automatic
          designation, you must complete a beneficiary designation form. The
          form must be signed by you and your Spouse and witnessed by either a
          Plan representative or a Notary Public.


          In the event of your death, the full value of your account is payable
          to your beneficiary in a lump sump, or in installments payable over
          any period which does not exceed the life expectancy of your
          beneficiary. If the Plan Administrator so notifies you, the
          beneficiary may also be paid in the form of an annuity. See the
          special annuity rules at (G). If you die after benefit payments have
          started under an installment option and after the attainment of age 
          70-1/2, your beneficiary will continue to receive payments in
          accordance with your payment option selected.


          When benefits become due, you or your representative should apply to
          the Savings and Loan requesting payment of your account and specifying
          the manner of payment. The normal or automatic form of payment is
          generally a lump sum, unless the Plan Administrator notifies you
          otherwise. [See the annuity rules at (G) below.] If you do not wish to
          receive the normal form of payment when your payments are due to
          start, you may request your benefit in any of the optional forms

          1.  lump sum,

          2.  installment payments,

          3.  a life annuity,

          4.  a joint and 50%, 75%, or 100% survivor annuity.

          Selection of an optional form of payment may require the written
          consent of your Spouse. Payments may not be made over any period which
          exceeds the life expectancy of you and your beneficiary. The life
          expectancy of you and/or your Spouse may be recalculated annually at
          your discretion.



          (1) If you retire, become disabled, or die, payments will start as
              soon as administratively feasible following the date on which a
              distribution is requested by you or is otherwise payable.

          (2) If you terminate for a reason other than death, Disability, or
              retirement, payment will start as soon as administratively
              feasible following the date on which a distribution is requested
              by you or is otherwise payable.


          If the benefit under the Plan is payable in the form of an annuity,
          the Plan is subject to the annuity rules. Under these rules, there are
          two automatic methods of payment for vested Participants depending on
          your marital status. If you do not choose another form of payment
          (such as a lump sum or installments), the normal form to be paid is a
          straight life annuity if you are not married at your retirement date,
          or a qualified joint and survivor annuity if you are married. Under a
          straight life annuity, you will receive equal monthly payments for as
          long as you live. No further payments will be made after your death.
          Under a qualified joint and survivor annuity, you will receive a
          reduced benefit each month for your lifetime. After you die, 50 % of
          that amount will be paid each month to your Spouse for his or her
          lifetime. The amount of your monthly benefit is reduced under a joint
          and survivor annuity because it is expected that payments will be made
          over two lifetimes instead of one. You may choose another form of
          payment by filling out the proper form and returning it to the Plan
          Administrator. In order to choose another form of payment or a
          beneficiary other than your Spouse, you must make a proper election,
          with your Spouse's written consent. Such election must be witnessed by
          a Plan representative or Notary. Written notice of these rules will be
          provided to you on a timely basis. If you die while still employed by
          the Savings and Loan, or die after you retire or terminate employment
          but before benefit payments start, your surviving Spouse will be
          entitled to a life annuity based on the value of your account. These
          payments will continue for your Spouse's lifetime unless he or she
          chooses to accelerate such payments. Again, you and your Spouse can
          waive this coverage by obtaining the proper form from the Plan
          Administrator and completing it.



     Insurance policies are permitted as an investment of the Plan.  You may
     elect to use a portion of your account balance for the purchase of
     insurance.  If you are interested in this option, you may obtain an
     Insurance Form from the Plan Administrator.  The Form provides the
     information you will need to arrange for the purchase of insurance.


     The Savings and Loan or the Sponsor may amend the Plan at any time,
     provided that no amendment will divert any part of the Plan's assets 
     to any purpose other than for the exclusive benefit of you


     and the other Participants in the Plan or eliminate an optional form of
     distribution. The Savings and Loan may also terminate the Plan. In the
     event of a full or partial termination, all amounts credited to your
     account will be fully vested and will be paid to you as directed by the
     Savings and Loan. Depending on the facts and circumstances, a partial
     termination may be found to occur where a significant number of Employees
     are terminated by the Savings and Loan. In case of a partial termination,
     only those who separated from Service will become 100% vested.



          As a Plan Participant, you have certain rights and protections under
          the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The law
          says that you are entitled to:

          (1) Examine, without charge, all documents relating to the operation
              of the Plan and any documents filed with the U.S. Department of
              Labor. These documents are available for review in the Savings and
              Loan's offices during regular business hours.

          (2) Obtain copies of all Plan documents and other Plan information
              upon written request to the Savings and Loan. The Savings and Loan
              may make a reasonable charge for producing the copies.

          (3) Receive from the Savings and Loan at least once each year a
              summary of the Plan's annual financial report.

          (4) Obtain, at least once a year, a statement of the total benefits
              accrued for you, and your nonforfeitable (vested) benefits, if

          (5) File suit in a federal court, if any materials requested are not
              received within 30 days of your request, unless the materials were
              not sent because of matters beyond the control of the Savings and
              Loan. If you are improperly denied access to information you are
              entitled to receive, the Savings and Loan may be required to pay
              up to $100 for each day's delay until the information is provided
              to you.



          ERISA also imposes obligations upon the persons who are responsible
          for the operation of the Plan. These persons are referred to as
          "fiduciaries." Fiduciaries must act solely in your interest as a Plan
          Participant and they must exercise prudence in the performance of
          their duties. Fiduciaries who violate ERISA may be removed and
          required to reimburse any losses they have caused you or your Plan.


          the Savings and Loan may not fire you or discriminate against you to
          prevent you from becoming eligible for the Plan or from obtaining a
          benefit or exercising your rights under ERISA.


          Your benefits under this Plan are not insured by the Pension Benefit
          Guaranty Corporation since the law does not require termination
          insurance for this type of Plan.


          If you feel you are entitled to a benefit under the Plan, mail or
          deliver your written claim to the Plan Administrator. The Plan
          Administrator will notify you, your beneficiary, or authorized
          representative of the action taken within 60 days of receipt of the
          claim. If you believe that you are being improperly denied a benefit
          in full or in part, the Savings and Loan must give you a written
          explanation of the reason for the denial. If the Savings and Loan
          denies your claim, you may, within 60 days after receiving the denial,
          submit a written request asking the Savings and Loan to review your
          claim for benefit. Any such request should be accompanied by documents
          or records in support of your appeal. You, your beneficiary, or your
          authorized representative may review pertinent documents and submit
          issues and comments in writing. If you get no satisfaction from the
          Savings and Loan, you have the right to request assistance from the
          U.S. Department of Labor or you can file suit in a state or federal
          court. Service of legal process may be made upon the Plan Trustee or
          the Plan Administrator. If you are successful in your lawsuit, the
          court may require the Savings and Loan to pay your legal cost,
          including your attorney's fees. If you lose, and the court finds that
          your claim is frivolous, you may be required to pay the Savings and
          Loan's legal fees.


          Your rights and benefits under this Plan cannot be assigned, sold,
          transferred or pledged by you or reached by your creditors (subject to
          state law) or anyone else except under a qualified domestic relations
          order. A qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) is a court order
          issued under state domestic relations law relating to divorce, legal
          separation, custody or support proceedings. The QDRO recognizes the
          right of someone other than you to receive your Plan benefits. You


          will be notified if a QDRO on your Plan benefits is received. Finally,
          receipt of a qualified domestic relations order will allow for an
          earlier than normal distribution to the person(s) other than the
          Participant listed in the order.


          If you have any questions about this statement of your rights under
          ERISA, please contact the Savings and Loan or the nearest Area Office
          of the U.S. Labor-Management Service Administration, Department of


          This booklet is not the Plan document, but only a Summary Plan
          Description of its principal provisions and not every limitation or
          detail of the Plan is included. Every attempt has been made to provide
          concise and accurate information. However, if there is a discrepancy
          between this booklet and the official Plan document, the Plan document
          shall prevail.
