SPRINT SPECTRUM TRADEMARK AND
                        SERVICE MARK LICENSE AGREEMENT

     THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 22nd day of July, 1998, by and between
Sprint Spectrum L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, as licensor ("Licensor"),
and AirGate Wireless, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company as licensee
("Licensee"). The definitions for this agreement are set forth on the "Schedule
of Definitions."
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     WHEREAS, Licensor is the owner of the U.S. trademarks and service marks
CELLULAR TODAY" and such other marks as may be adopted and established from time
to time and the goodwill of the business symbolized thereby; and

     WHEREAS, Licensee desires to use the trademarks and service marks in

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, in consideration of the mutual agreements
herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, do hereby agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1

     Section 1.1.  License.

     (a)  Grant of License.  Subject to the terms and conditions hereof,
          Licensor hereby grants to Licensee, and Licensee hereby accepts from
          Licensor, for the term of this agreement, a non-transferable, royalty-
          free license to use the Licensed Marks solely for and in connection
          with the marketing, promotion, advertisement, distribution, lease or
          sale of Sprint PCS Products and Services and Premium and Promotional
          Items in the Service Area.

     (b)  Related Equipment.  The rights granted hereunder to Licensee shall not
          include the right to manufacture equipment under the Licensed Marks.
          However, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Licensor hereby
          grants to Licensee, and Licensee hereby accepts from Licensor, for the
          term of this agreement, a non-transferable, royalty-free license to
          market, promote, advertise, distribute and resell and lease Related
          Equipment in connection with the marketing, promotion, advertisement,
          distribution, lease or sale by Licensee of Sprint PCS Products and
          Services, and to furnish services relating to such Related Equipment
          (including installation, repair and maintenance of Related Equipment),
          under the Licensed Marks.


                                   ARTICLE 2
                        QUALITY STANDARDS, MAINTENANCE

     Section 2.1.  Maintenance of Quality.

     (a)  Adherence to Quality Standards.  In the course of marketing,
          promoting, advertising, distributing, leasing and selling Sprint PCS
          Products and Services and Premium and Promotional Items under the
          Licensed Marks, Licensee shall maintain and adhere to standards of
          quality and specifications that conform to or exceed those quality
          standards and technical and operational specifications adopted and/or
          amended in the manner provided below ("Quality Standards") and those
          imposed by Law. Such Quality Standards are designed to ensure that the
          quality of the Sprint PCS Products and Services and Premium and
          Promotional Items marketed, promoted, advertised, distributed, leased
          and sold under the Licensed Marks are consistent with the high
          reputation of the Licensed Marks and are in conformity with applicable

     (b)  Establishment of Quality Standards.  The parties acknowledge that the
          initial Quality Standards for the Sprint PCS Products and Services and
          Premium and Promotional Items are attached to the Management Agreement
          as Exhibits 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 7.2, and 8.1. The Quality Standards shall
          (i) be consistent with the reputation for quality associated with the
          Licensed Marks and (ii) be commensurate with a high level of quality
          (taking into account Licensee's fundamental underlying technology and
          standards), consistent with the level of quality being offered in the
          market for products and services of the same kind as the Sprint PCS
          Products and Services.

     (C)  Changes in Quality Standards.  In the event that Licensor wishes to
          change the Quality Standards, it will notify Licensee in writing of
          such proposed amendments, and will afford Licensee a reasonable time
          period in which to adopt such changes as may be required in order for
          Licensee to conform to the amended Quality Standards.

     Section 2.2.  Rights of Inspection.  In order to ensure that the Quality
Standards are maintained, Licensor and its authorized agents and representatives
shall have the right, but not the obligation, with prior notice to Licensee, to
enter upon the premises of any office or facility operated by or for Licensee
with respect to Sprint PCS Products and Services and Premium and Promotional
Items at all reasonable times, to inspect, monitor and test in a reasonable
manner facilities and equipment used to furnish Sprint PCS Products and Services
and Premium and Promotional Items and, with prior written notice to Licensee, to
inspect the books and records of Licensee in a manner that does not unreasonably
interfere with the business and affairs of Licensee, all as they relate to the
compliance with the Quality Standards maintained hereunder.

     Section 2.3.  Marking; Compliance with Trademark Laws.  Licensee shall
cause the appropriate designation "(TM)" or "(SM)" or the registration symbol
"(R)" to be placed adjacent to the Licensed Marks in connection with the use
thereof and to indicate such additional information as Licensor shall reasonably
specify from time to time concerning the license rights under which


Licensee uses the Licensed Marks. Licensee shall place the following notice on
all printed or electronic materials on which the Licensed Marks appear: "THE
TODAY", and such other marks as may be adopted and established from time to
time, are trademarks and/or service marks of Sprint Spectrum L.P., "used under
license" or such other notice as Licensor may specify from time to time.

     Section 2.4.  Other Use Restrictions.  Licensee shall not use the Licensed
Marks in any manner that would reflect adversely on the image of quality
symbolized by the Licensed Marks.

                                   ARTICLE 3
                           CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

     Section 3.1.  Maintenance of Confidentiality.  Each of Licensor and
Licensee and their respective Controlled Related Parties (each a "Restricted
Party") shall cause their respective officers and directors (in their capacity
as such) to, and shall take all reasonable measures to cause their respective
employees, attorneys, accountants, consultants and other agents and advisors
(collectively, and together with their respective officers and directors,
"Agents") to, keep secret and maintain in confidence the terms of this agreement
and all confidential and proprietary information and data of the other party or
its Related Parties disclosed to it (in each case, a "Receiving Party") in
connection with the performance of its obligations under this agreement (the
"Confidential Information") and shall not, and shall cause their respective
officers and directors not to, and shall take all reasonable measures to cause
their respective other Agents not to, disclose Confidential Information to any
Person other than the parties, their Controlled Related Parties and their
respective Agents that need to know such Confidential Information.  Each party
further agrees that it shall not use the Confidential Information for any
purpose other than determining and performing its obligations and exercising its
rights under this agreement.  Each party shall take all reasonable measures
necessary to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of the Confidential Information
by any of their respective Controlled Related Parties or any of their respective
Agents.  The measures taken by a Restricted Party to protect Confidential
Information shall be not deemed unreasonable if the measures taken are at least
as strong as the measures taken by the disclosing party to protect such
Confidential Information.

     Section 3.2.  Permitted Disclosures.  Nothing herein shall prevent any
Restricted Party or its Agents from using, disclosing, or authorizing the
disclosure of Confidential Information it receives and which:

     (i)  has been published or is in the public domain, or which subsequently
          comes into the public domain, through no fault of the receiving party;

     (ii) prior to receipt hereunder was property within the legitimate
          possession of the Receiving Party or, subsequent to receipt hereunder
          is lawfully received from a third party having rights therein without
          restriction of the third party's right to disseminate the Confidential
          Information and without notice of any restriction against its further



     (iii) is independently developed by the Receiving Party through Persons who
           have not had, either directly or indirectly, access to or knowledge
           of such Confidential Information;

     (iv)  is disclosed to a third party with the written approval of the party
           originally disclosing such information, provided that such
           Confidential Information shall cease to be confidential and
           proprietary information covered by this agreement only to the extent
           of the disclosure so consented to;

     (v)   subject to the Receiving Party's compliance with Section 3.4 below,
           is required to be produced under order of a court of competent
           jurisdiction or other similar requirements of a governmental agency,
           provided that such Confidential Information to the extent covered by
           a protective order or its equivalent shall otherwise continue to be
           Confidential Information required to be held confidential for purpose
           of this agreement; or

     (vi)  subject to the Receiving Party's compliance with Section 3.4 below,
           is required to be disclosed by applicable Law or a stock exchange or
           association on which such Receiving Party's securities (or those of
           its Related Party) are listed.

     Section 3.3.  Financial Institutions.  Notwithstanding this Article 3, any
party may provide Confidential Information to any financial institution in
connection with borrowings from such financial institution by such party or any
of its Controlled Related Parties, so long as prior to any such disclosure such
financial institution executes a confidentiality agreement that provides
protection substantially equivalent to the protection provided the parties in
this Article 3.

     Section 3.4.  Procedures.  In the event that any Receiving Party (i) must
disclose Confidential Information in order to comply with applicable Law or the
requirements of a stock exchange or association on which such Receiving Party's
securities or those of its Related Parties are listed or (ii) becomes legally
compelled (by oral questions, interrogatories, requests for information or
documents, subpoenas, civil investigative demand or otherwise) to disclose any
Confidential Information, the Receiving Party shall provide the disclosing party
with prompt written notice so that in the case of clause (i), the disclosing
party can work with the Receiving Party to limit the disclosure to the greatest
extent possible consistent with legal obligations or in the case of clause (ii),
the disclosing party may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy or
waive compliance with the provisions of this agreement.  In the case of a clause
(ii), (A) if the disclosing party is unable to obtain a protective order or
other appropriate remedy, or if the disclosing party so directs, the Receiving
Party shall, and shall cause its employees to, exercise all commercially
reasonable efforts to obtain a protective order or other appropriate remedy at
the disclosing party's reasonable expense, and (B) failing the entry of a
protective order or other appropriate remedy or receipt of a waiver hereunder,
the Receiving Party shall furnish only that portion of the Confidential
Information which it is advised by opinion of its


counsel is legally required to be furnished and shall exercise all commercially
reasonable efforts to obtain reliable assurance that confidential treatment
shall be accorded such Confidential Information, it being understood that such
reasonable efforts shall be at the cost and expense of the disclosing party
whose Confidential Information has been sought.

     Section 3.5.  Survival.  The obligations under this Article 3 shall
survive, as to any party, until two (2) years following the date of termination
of this agreement, and, as to any Controlled Related Party of a party, until two
(2) years following the earlier to occur of (A) the date that such Person is no
longer a Controlled Related Party of a party, or (B) the date of the termination
of this agreement; provided that such obligations shall continue indefinitely
with respect to any trade secret or similar information which is proprietary to
a party or its Controlled Related Parties and provides such party or its
Controlled Related Parties with an advantage over its competitors.

                                   ARTICLE 4

     Section 4.1.  Licensor's Ownership.  Licensee acknowledges Licensor's
exclusive right, title and interest in and to the Licensed Marks and
acknowledges that nothing herein shall be construed to accord to Licensee any
rights in the Service Area in the Licensed Marks except as expressly provided,
herein.  Licensee acknowledges that its use in the Service Area of the Licensed
Marks shall not create in Licensee any right, title or interest in the Service
Area in the Licensed Marks and that all use in the Service Area of the Licensed
Marks and the goodwill symbolized by and connected with such use of the Licensed
Marks will inure solely to the benefit of the Licensor.

     Section 4.2.  No Challenge by Licensee.  Licensee covenants that (i)
Licensee will not at any time challenge Licensor's rights, title or interest in
the Licensed Marks (other than to assert the specific rights granted to Licensee
under this agreement), (ii) Licensee will not do or cause to be done or omit to
do anything, the doing, causing or omitting of which would contest or in any way
impair or tend to impair the rights of Licensor in the Licensed Marks, and (iii)
Licensee will not represent to any third party that Licensee has any ownership
or rights in the Service Area with respect to the Licensed Marks other than the
specific rights conferred by this agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 5

     Section 5.1.  Title to the Licensed Marks.  Licensor represents and
warrants that:

     (a)  Licensor has good title to the Licensed Marks and has the right to
          grant the licenses provided for hereunder in accordance with the terms
          and conditions hereof, free of any liabilities, charges, liens,
          pledges, mortgages, restrictions, adverse claims, security interests,
          rights of others, and encumbrances of any kind (collectively,


          "Encumbrances"), other than Encumbrances which will not restrict or
          interfere in any material respect with the exercise by Licensee of the
          rights granted to Licensee hereunder.

     (b)  There is no claim, action, proceeding or other litigation pending or,
          to the knowledge of Licensor, threatened with respect to Licensor's
          ownership of the Licensed Marks or which, if adversely determined,
          would restrict or otherwise interfere in any material respect with the
          exercise by Licensee of the rights purported to be granted to Licensee

     Except as expressly provided above in this Section 5.1, Licensor makes no
representation or warranty of any kind or nature whether express or implied with
respect to the Licensed Marks (including freedom from third party infringement
of the Licensed Marks).

     The representations and warranties provided for in this Section 5.1 shall
survive the execution and delivery of this agreement.

     Section 5.2.  Other Licensees.  In the event Licensor grants to any third
party any licenses or rights with respect to the Licensed Marks, Licensor shall
not, in connection with the grant of any such license or rights, take any
actions, or suffer any omission that would adversely affect the existence or
validity of the Licensed Marks or conflict with the rights granted to Licensee

     Section 5.3.  Abandonment.  Licensor covenants and agrees that, during the
term of this agreement, it will not abandon the Licensed Marks.

                                   ARTICLE 6

     Section 6.1.  Representations and Warranties.  Each party hereby represents
and warrants to the other party as follows:

     (a)  Due Incorporation or Formation; Authorization of Agreement.  Such
          party is a corporation duly organized, a limited liability company
          duly organized or a partnership duly formed, validly existing and, if
          applicable, in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its
          incorporation or formation and has the corporate, company or
          partnership power and authority to own its property and carry on its
          business as owned and carried on at the date hereof and as
          contemplated hereby. Such party is duly licensed or qualified to do
          business and, if applicable, is in good standing in each of the
          jurisdictions in which the failure to be so licensed or qualified
          would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its
          ability to perform its obligations hereunder. Such party has the
          corporate, company or partnership power and authority to execute and
          deliver this agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder and
          the execution, delivery and performance of this agreement have been
          duly authorized by all necessary corporate, company or partnership


          Assuming the due execution and delivery by the other party hereto,
          this agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of
          such party enforceable against such party in accordance with its
          terms, subject as to enforceability to limits imposed by bankruptcy,
          insolvency or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and
          the availability of equitable remedies.

     (b)  No Conflict with Restrictions; No Default.  Neither the execution,
          delivery and performance of this agreement nor the consummation by
          such party of the transactions contemplated hereby (i) will conflict
          with, violate or result in a breach of any of the terms, conditions or
          provisions of any law, regulation, order, writ, injunction, decree,
          determination or award of any court, any governmental department,
          board, agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, or any
          arbitrator, applicable to such party or any of its Controlled Related
          Parties, (ii) will conflict with, violate, result in a breach of or
          constitute a default under any of the terms, conditions or provisions
          of the articles of incorporation, articles of organization or
          certificate of formation, bylaws, operating agreement or limited
          liability company agreement, or partnership agreement of such party or
          any of its Controlled Related Parties or of any material agreement or
          instrument to which such party or any of its Controlled Related
          Parties is a party or by which such party or any of its Controlled
          Related Parties is or may be bound or to which any of its material
          properties or assets is subject (other than any such conflict,
          violation, breach or default that has been validly and unconditionally
          waived), (iii) will conflict with, violate, result in a breach of,
          constitute a default under (whether with notice or lapse of time or
          both), accelerate or permit the acceleration of the performance
          required by, give to others any material interests or rights or
          require any consent, authorization or approval under any indenture,
          mortgage, lease agreement or instrument to which such party or any of
          its Controlled Related Parties is a party or by which such party or
          any of its Controlled Related Parties is or may be bound, or (iv) will
          result in the creation or imposition of any lien upon any of the
          material properties or assets of such party or any of its Controlled
          Related Parties, which in any such case could reasonably be expected
          to materially impair such party's ability to perform its obligations
          under this agreement or to have a material adverse effect on the
          consolidated financial condition of each party or its Parent.

     (c)  Governmental Authorizations.  Any registration, declaration or filing
          with, or consent, approval, license, permit or other authorization or
          order by, any governmental or regulatory authority, domestic or
          foreign, that is required to be obtained by such party in connection
          with the valid execution, delivery, acceptance and performance by such
          party under this agreement or the consummation by such party of any
          transaction contemplated hereby has been completed, made or obtained,
          as the case may be.

     (d)  Litigation.  There are no actions, suits, proceedings or
          investigations pending or, to the knowledge of such party, threatened
          against or affecting such party or any of its Controlled Related
          Parties or any of their properties, assets or businesses in any court


          or before or by any governmental department, board, agency or
          instrumentality, domestic or foreign, or any arbitrator which could,
          if adversely determined (or, in the case of an investigation could
          lead to any action, suit or proceeding, which if adversely determined
          could), reasonably be expected to materially impair such party's
          ability to perform its obligations under this agreement or to have a
          material adverse effect on the consolidated financial condition of
          such party or its parent; and such party or any of its Controlled
          Related Parties has not received any currently effective notice of any
          default, and such party or any of its Controlled Related Parties is
          not in default, under any applicable order, writ, injunction, decree,
          permit, determination or award of any court, any governmental
          department, board, agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, or
          any arbitrator, which default could reasonably be expected to
          materially impair such party's ability to perform its obligations
          under this agreement or to have a material adverse effect on the
          consolidated financial condition of such party or its Parent.

     Section 6.2.  Survival.  The representations and warranties provided for
under this Article 6 will survive the execution and delivery of this agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 7

     Section 7.1.  Notice and Prosecution of Infringement.  Licensee agrees to
notify Licensor promptly, in writing, of any alleged, actual or threatened
infringement of any of the Licensed Marks within the Service Area of which
Licensee becomes aware.  Licensor has the sole right to determine whether or not
to take any action on such infringements.  Licensor has the sole right to employ
counsel of its choosing and to direct any litigation and settlement of
infringement actions.  Any recoveries, damages and costs recovered through such
proceedings shall belong exclusively to Licensor, and Licensor shall be solely
responsible for all costs and expenses (including attorney fees) of prosecuting
such actions.  Licensee agrees to provide Licensor with all reasonably requested
assistance in connection with such proceedings.

                                   ARTICLE 8

     Section 8.1.  Indemnification.  (a) Each party hereby agrees to indemnify
the other party against and agrees to hold it harmless from any Loss incurred or
suffered by such other party arising out of or in connection with:

          (i)  the material breach of any representation or warranty made by
               such party in this agreement; and

          (ii) the material breach of any covenant or agreement by such party
               contained in this agreement.


     (b) In addition to the indemnification provided for in Section 8.1(a),
         Licensee agrees to indemnify Licensor against and hold it harmless from
         any Loss suffered or incurred by Licensor or its Controlled Related
         Parties by reason of a third party claim arising out of or relating to
         (i) the use of the Licensed Marks by Licensee; or (ii) the marketing,
         promotion, advertisement, distribution, lease or sale by Licensee ( or
         any permitted sublicensee) or by any additional Licensee (or any
         permitted sublicensee) of any Sprint PCS Products and Services, Related
         Equipment or Premium and Promotional Items under the Licensed Marks
         pursuant to this agreement, including unfair or fraudulent advertising
         claims, warranty claims and product defect or liability claims,
         pertaining to the Sprint PCS Products and Services, Related Equipment
         or Premium and Promotional Items. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
         Licensee will not be required under this paragraph (b) to indemnify any
         Loss arising solely out of Licensee's use of the Licensed Marks in
         compliance with the terms of the Trademark and Service Mark Usage
         Guidelines; provided that Licensor shall have no obligation to
         indemnify for third-party claims alleged to arise from the specifics of
         uses of third-party trademarks or service marks, or the specifics of
         claims made, in marketing materials prepared by or for Licensee, which
         marketing materials have not been approved by Licensor prior to the
         publication out of which such claims are alleged to have arisen.

                                   ARTICLE 9

         Section 9.1.  Obligations/Setoff.  The obligations of the parties as
set forth in this agreement shall be unconditional and irrevocable, and shall
not be subject to any defense or be released, discharged or otherwise affected
by any matter, including impossibility, illegality, impracticality, frustration
of purpose, force majeure, act of government, the bankruptcy or insolvency of
any party hereto, and the obligations of each party shall not be subject to any
right of setoff or recoupment which such party may not or hereafter have against
the other party.

                                   ARTICLE 10

         Section 10.1. Restrictions on Use.  Licensee is not permitted to make
any use of the Licensed Marks in connection with products or services other than
the Sprint PCS Products and Services, and as specifically authorized in Sections
1.1(b) above with respect to Related Equipment and Premium and Promotional
Items, nor to make any use of the Licensed Marks directed outside of the Service

         Section 10.2  Adherence to Trademark and Service Mark Usage Guidelines.
Licensee agrees to comply with and adhere to Trademark and Service Mark Usage
Guidelines for the depiction or presentation of the Licensed Marks, as furnished
by Licensor.  Prior to Licensee depicting or presenting any of the Licensed
Marks on any type of marketing, advertising or promotional materials, Licensee
agrees to submit samples of such materials to Licensor for


approval. Licensor shall have fourteen (14) days from the date Licensor receives
such materials to approve or object to any such materials submitted to Licensor
for review. In the event Licensor does not object to such materials within such
fourteen (14) day period, such materials shall be deemed approved by Licensor.
Thereafter, Licensee shall not be obligated to submit to Licensor materials
prepared in accordance with the samples previously approved by Licensor and the
Trademark and Service Mark Usage Guidelines; provided, however, Licensee shall,
at the reasonable request of Licensor, continue to furnish samples of such
marketing, advertising and promotional materials to Licensor from time to time
during the term hereof at the request of Licensor.

         Section 10.3.  Use of Similar Trademarks and Service Marks.  Licensee
agrees not to use (a) any trademark or service mark which is confusingly similar
to, or a colorable imitation of, the Licensed Marks or any part thereof, or (b)
any work, symbol, character, or set of words, symbols, or characters, which in
any language would be identified as the equivalent of the Licensed Marks or that
are otherwise confusingly similar to, or a colorable imitation of, the Licensed
Marks, whether during the term of this agreement or at any time following
termination of this agreement.  Licensee shall not knowingly engage in any
conduct which may place the Sprint PCS Products and Services, the Licensed Marks
or Licensor in a negative light or context.

         Section 10.4.  Services of Public Figures.  Licensee agrees to obtain
Licensor's prior written approval (which approval will not be unreasonably
withheld) before engaging the services of any celebrity or publicly known
individual for endorsement of any Sprint PCS Products and Services or Premium
and Promotional Items.

                                  ARTICLE 11
                            CONTROL OF BRAND IMAGE

         Section 11.1   Exclusive Use of Licensed Marks. The Sprint PCS Products
and Services shall be marketed by Licensee solely under the Licensed Marks.

         Section 11.2.  Consistency With Brand Image and Principles.  Licensee
shall use the Licensed Marks in a manner that is consistent with the brand image
and principles established by Licensor, and mechanics to ensure consistency will
be included in the Marketing Communications Guidelines.

         Section 11.3   Management of Brand Image. Licensor shall be responsible
for the overall management of the brand image for the Licensed Marks.  All
advertising, marketing and promotional materials using the Licensed Marks
prepared by Licensee shall, in addition to the provisions set forth in Section
11.2 above, comply with the Marketing Communications Guidelines to be furnished
by Licensor to Licensee as such Marketing Communications Guidelines may be
amended and updated by Licensor from time to time.  Such Marketing
Communications Guidelines shall establish reasonable principles to be followed
in the development of advertising, marketing and promotional campaigns in order
to ensure a consistent and coherent brand image.  All advertising, marketing and
promotional campaigns


conducted by Licensee shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the
Marketing Communications Guidelines.

         Section 11.4.  Advertising Agencies; Promotions.  Licensee may select
its own advertising agencies for development of its advertising and promotional
campaigns; provided, however, that all media buys shall be coordinated by
Licensee with the buying agency of Licensor.  Licensee and Licensor shall
conduct ongoing reviews of upcoming advertising, marketing and promotional
campaigns of each party and shall use good faith efforts to coordinate their
respective campaigns in a manner that will maximize the advertising, marketing
and promotional efforts of the parties and be consistent with the Marketing
Communications Guidelines.  Licensee shall not initiate any products or
promotions under names which are confusingly similar to any names of national
product offerings or promotions by Licensor.  Neither Licensor nor any of its
Controlled Related Parties shall initiate any products or promotions under names
which are confusingly similar to any names of national product offerings or
promotions by Licensee.  In addition, Licensor will use its commercially
reasonable efforts to ensure that no third party licensee under the Licensed
Marks initiates any products or promotions in the Service Area under names which
are confusingly similar to any names of national product offerings or promotions
by Licensee.

         Section 11.5   Ownership of Advertising Materials.  All agreements
entered into by Licensee with advertising agencies shall provide that Licensor
shall own all advertising materials (including concepts, themes, characters and
the like) created or developed thereunder.    Subject to the terms and
conditions set forth herein, Licensee shall receive a perpetual, non-exclusive,
royalty-free license to use such materials in connection with advertising and
promotional materials developed by Licensee; provided, however, that the rights
granted under such perpetual license shall be limited solely to the use of such
materials and shall not extend the term of the license with respect to the
Licensed Marks provided for hereunder.

                                  ARTICLE 12
                            RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES

         Section 12.1.  Relationship of Parties.  It is the express intention of
the parties that Licensee is and shall be an independent contractor and no
partnership shall exist between Licensee and Licensor pursuant hereto.  This
agreement shall not be construed to make Licensee the agent or legal
representative of Licensor for any purpose whatsoever (except as expressly
provided in Articles 7 and 8), and Licensee is not granted any right or
authority to assume or create any obligations for, on behalf of, or in the name
of Licensor (except as expressly provided in Articles 7 and 8).  Licensee
agrees, and shall require its permitted sublicensees to agree, not to incur or
contract any debt or obligation on behalf of Licensor, or commit any act, make
any representation, or advertise in any manner that may adversely affect any
right of Licensor in or with respect to the Licensed Marks or be detrimental to
Licensor's image.

                                  ARTICLE 13


         Section 13.1.  Term.  This agreement commences on the date of execution
and continues until the Management Agreement terminates, unless earlier
terminated in accordance with the terms set forth in this Article 13.  This
agreement automatically terminates upon termination of the Management Agreement.

         Section 13.2.  Events of Termination.  If any of the following events
shall occur with respect to Licensee, each such occurrence shall be deemed an
"Event of Termination":

         (a)  Bankruptcy.  The occurrence of a "Bankruptcy" with respect to

         (b)  Breach of Agreements.  Licensee fails to perform in accordance
              with any of the material terms and conditions contained herein in
              any material respect.

         (c)  Material Misrepresentation.  Licensee breaches any material
              representation or warranty of Licensee made in Section 4.2 or
              Article 6 in any material respect.

         (d)  Termination of Management Agreement.  The termination of the
              Management Agreement, for whatever reason.

         Section 13.3.  Licensor's Right to Terminate Upon Event of Termination.
Licensor may, at its option, without prejudice to any other remedies it may
have, terminate this agreement by giving written notice of such termination to
Licensee as follows:  (a) immediately, upon the occurrence of any Event of
Termination pursuant to Section 13.2(a) with respect to Licensee; or (b) after
the expiration of thirty (30) days from Licensee's receipt of written notice
from Licensor of the occurrence of any Event of Termination pursuant to Sections
13.2(b) or 13.2(c), if such failure to perform or breach is then still uncured;
or (c) immediately upon the repeated or continuing occurrence of Events of
Termination pursuant to Section 13.2(b) (regardless of whether such continuing
failures to perform or breaches have been cured by Licensee in accordance with
the provisions of clause (b) or this Section 13.3); or (d) immediately upon the
occurrence of a termination pursuant to Section 13.2(d).

         Section 13.4   Licensee's Right to Terminate.  Licensee may, at its
option, without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, terminate this
agreement by giving written notice of such termination to Licensor as follows:
(a) immediately, in the event that Licensor abandons the Licensed Marks or
otherwise ceases to support the Licensed Marks in Licensor's business; or (b)
immediately in the event of the occurrence of a Bankruptcy with respect to
Licensor; or (c) immediately in the event of  an occurrence of termination
pursuant to Section 13.2(d).

         Section 13.5.  Effects of Termination.  Upon the termination of this
agreement for any reason, all rights of Licensee in and to the Licensed Marks in
the Service Area shall cease within thirty (30) days following the date on which
this agreement terminates (except in the case of a termination resulting from an
Event of Termination described in Section 13.2(b),  (c) or (d), in which case
such rights to use the Licensed Marks will terminate immediately upon the date
of termination); provided, however, that Licensee may thereafter sell, transfer
or otherwise dispose


of any Related Equipment and Premium and Promotional Items that are then in
Licensee's inventory (or which Licensee has purchased or is then legally
obligated to purchase) for an additional reasonable period not to exceed three
(3) months. Licensee's right of disposal under this Section 13.5 shall not
prohibit Licensor from granting to third parties during the disposal period
licenses and other rights with respect to the Licensed Marks. The provisions of
Articles 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 will survive any termination of this agreement.

                                  ARTICLE 14
                           ASSIGNMENT; SUBLICENSING

         Section 14.1.  Licensee Right to Assign.  Licensee, without the prior
written consent of Licensor (in its sole discretion), shall have no right to
assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder.

         Section 14.2.  Licensor Right to Assign the Licensed Marks.  Nothing
herein shall be construed to limit the right of the Licensor to transfer or
assign its interests in the Licensed Marks, subject to the agreement of the
assignee to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement.

         Section 14.3.  Licenses to Additional Licensees; Sublicenses; Licenses
to Additional Licensees.  Licensee shall not sublicense (or attempt to
- -----------------------
sublicense) any of its rights hereunder without the prior written consent of
Licensor, in the sole discretion of Licensor.

                                  ARTICLE 15

         Section 15.1.  Notices.  Any notice, payment, demand, or communication
required or permitted to be given by any provision of this agreement shall be in
writing and mailed (certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return
receipt requested) or sent by hand or overnight courier, or by facsimile (with
acknowledgment received), charges prepaid and addressed as described on the
Notice Address Schedule attached to the Master Signature Page, or to such other
address or number as such party may from time to time specify by written notice
to the other party in accordance with the provisions of this Section 15.1.  All
notices and other communications given to a party in accordance with the
provisions of this agreement shall be deemed to have been given and received (i)
four (4) Business Days after the same are sent by certified or registered mail,
postage prepaid, return receipt requested, (ii) when delivered by hand or
transmitted by facsimile (with acknowledgment received and, in the case of a
facsimile only, a copy of such notice is sent no later than the next Business
Day by a reliable overnight courier service, with acknowledgment of receipt) or
(iii) one (1) Business Day after the same are sent by a reliable overnight
courier service, with acknowledgment of receipt.

         Section 15.2.  Binding Effect.  Except as otherwise provided in this
agreement, this agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
parties and their respective successors, transferees, and assigns.


         Section 15.3.  Construction.  This agreement shall be construed simply
according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party.

         Section 15.4.  Time.  Time is of the essence with respect to this

         Section 15.5.  Table of Contents; Headings.  The table of contents and
section and other headings contained in this agreement are for reference
purposes only and are not intended to describe, interpret, define or limit the
scope, extent or intent of this agreement.

         Section 15.6.  Severability.  Every provision of this agreement is
intended to be severable.  If any term or provision hereof is illegal, invalid
or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, that term or provision will be
enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the
parties, and such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect
the validity or legality of the remainder of this agreement.  If necessary to
effect the intent of the parties, the parties will negotiate in good faith to
amend this agreement to replace the unenforceable language with enforceable
language which as closely as possible reflects such intent.

         Section 15.7.  Further Action.  Each party, upon the reasonable request
of the other party, agrees to perform all further acts and execute, acknowledge,
and deliver any documents which may be reasonably necessary, appropriate, or
desirable to carry out the intent and purposes of this agreement.

         Section 15.8.  Governing Law.  The internal laws of the State of
Missouri (without regard to principles of conflict of law) shall govern the
validity of this agreement, the construction of its terms, and the
interpretation of the rights and duties of the parties.

         Section 15.9.  Specific Performance.  Each party agrees with the other
party that the other party would be irreparably damaged if any of the provisions
of this agreement are not performed in accordance with their specific terms and
that monetary damages would not provide an adequate remedy in such event.
Accordingly, in addition to any other remedy to which the nonbreaching party may
be entitled, at law or in equity, the nonbreaching party shall be entitled to
injunctive relief to prevent breaches of this agreement and specifically to
enforce the terms and provisions hereof.

         Section 15.10. Entire Agreement.  The provisions of this agreement set
forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties as to the
subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, oral or written, and
other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof.

         Section 15.11. Limitation on Rights of Others.  Nothing in this
agreement, whether express or implied, shall be construed to give any party
other than the parties any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or in
respect of this agreement.


         Section 15.12.  Waivers; Remedies.  The observance of any term of this
agreement may be waived (either generally or in a particular instance and either
retroactively or prospectively) by the party or parties entitled to enforce such
term, but any such waiver shall be effective only if in writing signed by the
party or parties against which such waiver is to be asserted.  Except as
otherwise provided herein, no failure or delay of any party in exercising any
power or right under this agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall
any single or partial exercise of any such right or power, or any abandonment or
discontinuance of steps to enforce such right or power, preclude any other
further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or power.

         Section 15.13.  Jurisdiction; Consent to Service of Process.

         (a)  Each party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits, for
              itself and its property, to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of any
              Missouri State court sitting in the County of Jackson or any
              Federal court of the United States of America sitting in the
              Western District of Missouri, and any appellate court from any
              such court, in any suit action or proceeding arising out of or
              relating to this agreement, or for recognition or enforcement of
              any judgment, and each party hereby irrevocably and
              unconditionally agrees that all claims in respect of any such
              suit, action or proceeding may be heard and determined in such
              Missouri State Court or, to the extent permitted by law, in such
              Federal court.

         (b)  Each party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives, to the
              fullest extent it may legally do so, any objection which it may
              now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, action
              or proceeding arising out of or relating to this agreement in
              Missouri State court sitting in the County of Jackson or any
              Federal court sitting in the Western District of Missouri. Each
              party hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted
              by law, the defense of an inconvenient forum to the maintenance of
              such suit, action or proceeding in any such court and further
              waives the right to object, with respect to such suit, action or
              proceeding, that such court does not have jurisdiction over such

         (c)  Each party irrevocably consents to service of process in the
              manner provided for the giving of notices pursuant to this
              agreement, provided that such service shall be deemed to have
              been given only when actually received by such party. Nothing in
              this agreement shall affect the right of a party to serve process
              in another manner permitted by law.

         Section 15.14.  Waiver of Jury Trial.  Each party waives, to the
fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any right it may have to a trial by
jury in respect of any action, suit or proceeding arising out of or relating to
this agreement.

         Section 15.15.  Consents.  Whenever this agreement requires or permits
consent by or on behalf of a party, such consent shall be given in writing in a
manner consistent with the requirements for a waiver of compliance as set forth
in Section 15.13, with appropriate notice in accordance with Section 15.1 of
this agreement.



         Section 15.16.  Master Signature Page.  Each party agrees that it will
execute the Master Signature Page that evidences such party's agreement to
execute, become a party to and be bound by this agreement, which document in
incorporated herein by this reference.

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                                Sprint Spectrum

                          Trademark and Service Mark
                               License Agreement


                             Sprint Spectrum L.P.



