
Agreement  made  as of the 1st day of October 2011 (the "Effective Date") by and
between  Icahn  Enterprises Holdings LP (the "Employer") and Vincent J. Intrieri
residing  at  200  East  66th  Street,  Apt.  B1205  New  York,  New  York 10065
("Employee" or "you"). Capitalized terms used herein have the meanings set forth
in  Section  14  or  as  elsewhere  defined  in  this  Agreement.


The  purpose  of  this agreement (the "Agreement") is to set forth the terms and
conditions  of  Employee's  employment  with  the  Employer.

Employee  and  Icahn Management LP and other affiliates of Carl C. Icahn entered
into  an agreement dated as of December 31, 2004.  That agreement, as previously
modified,  supplemented  and/or  amended  from  time  to time, and as more fully
described  in  Section  11  below,  is  defined  in  Section  11  as  the "Prior

The  parties  hereto  desire  to  enter into this Agreement dated as of the date
hereof,  which  shall  and  hereby  does,  terminate  and  supersede  the  Prior
Agreement,  except  as  set  forth  in  Section  11  below.
In consideration of the premises, and for other good and valuable consideration,
the  receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto
hereby  agree  as  follows:

1.     EMPLOYMENT:  Subject  to the terms of this Agreement, the Employer hereby
employs  Employee  to  perform  the  duties  described  in  Section 2 below, and
Employee  hereby accepts such employment.  Employee's title shall be Senior Vice
President  of  Icahn  Enterprises  G.P. Inc. and Senior Managing Director of the
Icahn  Enterprises  hedge  funds.

2.     DUTIES.  Employee  shall be employed to act as a senior executive officer
to  provide  the  types  of  services  he  has  previously  provided  during his
employment  under  the  Prior  Agreement,  including to provide oversight to the
operating  portfolio  companies  of  Employer,  and  to perform credit analysis,
research,  and  transaction  analysis  and such other investment analysis and to
perform such other duties, for Employer, or other Affiliates of Employer, and to
hold such offices and directorships (with Affiliates of Employer and others), in
each  case  as  Employer  shall  request  from time to time.  Employee agrees to
devote  his  full  business  time  and  reasonable  best efforts to such duties.
Regarding  the investment activities of Employer and its subsidiaries (including
the  investment activities of the Icahn hedge funds) Employee will be controlled
by,  and  subject to the supervision of, both:  (x) Employer; and (y) High River
Limited  Partnership (or by any other Person designated in writing by High River
Limited  Partnership  or  any such subsequent designee).  The duties of Employee
will  be  provided  at  the headquarter business offices of Mr. Icahn, where Mr.
Icahn  primarily  conducts his business activities if he continues to be engaged
in  such  activities.  Currently  the  address  of  such  headquarters  is Icahn
Enterprises,  767  Fifth  Avenue,  New York, New York 10153.  At the election of
Employer the duties of Employee will be provided in New York City at the address
designated  by  Employer.  Employee  will engage in such occasional travel as is
necessary  and  appropriate  to  the  duties  of  Employee.

3.     BENEFITS.  During the Term (as defined herein) Employee shall be entitled
to  accrue  and  use  27  PTO  days  annually in accordance with the policies of
Employer  and shall be entitled to participate in all health and welfare benefit
programs  and  plans  for  which he is eligible, which are made available to all
senior  executive  employees  of  Employer.

4.     TERM.  The term of employment under this Agreement shall be for a period
of 27 months commencing on October 1, 2011 and ending on December 31, 2013
unless such employment ceases earlier for any reason (any early cessation of
employment under this Agreement, an "Early Cessation") (See Section 6 below)
(whether: (i) terminated for Cause; (ii) terminated without Cause; (iii) due to
death or Disability; (iv) or by the action of Employee such as resignation or

From  June  30,  2013  through  September  30,  2013  (such period, the "Request
Period")  Employer  may  request  (such  request,  the  "Renewal  Request") that
Employee  agree  to extend the term of his employment under this Agreement for a
period of 3 years (from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016 (the "Extended
Period")).  The  Renewal Request, if any, must:  (i) be in writing and signed by
Employer;  (ii)  be  delivered to Employee by hand or at the address of Employee
reflected  on  the  books  and  records  of  Employer; and (iii) state that, "in
accordance  with  the  Agreement  between Vincent Intrieri and Icahn Enterprises
Holdings  LP  dated as of October 1, 2011 (and in accordance with the provisions
thereof,  defined terms have the meanings set forth therein) if Employee accepts
the  Renewal  Request in accordance with the terms of Section 4 of the Agreement
by  delivering the Renewal Acceptance during the Reply Period then: (i) the Cash
Compensation  (as contemplated in Section 6 of the Agreement) will automatically
increase during the Extended Period to be a salary at a rate of $7.5 million per
annum;  (ii)  Employee's  employment will be extended to include the period from
January  1, 2014 through December 31, 2016 (or ending earlier in the event of an
Early  Cessation);  and (iii) the Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force
and  effect  in  accordance  with  its  terms."

If  Employer fails to give the Renewal Request as provided for in this Section 4
during  the  Request Period, then the term of employment of Employee will end on
December  31,  2013  (or  earlier  in  the  event  of  an  Early  Cessation).

Employee  will  have  a  period  of 30 calendar days from the date of Employee's
receipt  of  the  Renewal  Request  (such  30 day period, the "Reply Period") to
either:  (i)  agree to such Renewal Request by delivering his acceptance thereof
to  the  Employer  in  writing  during  the  Reply  Period (such acceptance, the
"Renewal  Acceptance");  or  (ii)  reject  such  Renewal  Request.  If  Employee
provides  the  Renewal  Acceptance,  as provided above, during the Reply Period,
then the Agreement will constitute a legal and binding Agreement of Employer and
Employee  on  the  terms set forth in this Agreement with the term of employment
continuing  through  the  end  of  the Extended Period (or ending earlier in the
event  of   an  Early  Cessation)  but at a salary at a rate of $7.5 million per
annum  commencing  on  January  1,  2014.

If  Employee  has  received  the  Renewal  Request  during the Request Period in
accordance  with  this Section 4, but does not provide the Renewal Acceptance as
provided  in this Section 4 during the Reply Period, then the term of Employment
will  end  on  December 31, 2013 (or earlier in the event of an Early Cessation)
and  the  Non-Compete  Period  will  continue through the period contemplated in
Section  9  of  this  Agreement.

For  all purposes under this Agreement "Term" shall mean the period from October
1,  2011  through  the  last  day  of  Employee's  employment  hereunder.

5.     CASH  COMPENSATION.  During  the  Term,  the  Employer  agrees  to pay to
Employee  and Employee agrees to accept, as his total exclusive compensation for
all  services  to  be rendered under this Agreement, a salary at a rate of $6.50
million  per  annum,  which  shall  be earned and payable every two weeks (being
$250,000.00  every  two  weeks)  (such salary, the "Cash Compensation").  In the
event  of  a  Renewal Acceptance in response to a Renewal Request, in accordance
with  the  terms of Section 4 above, then the Cash Compensation will increase to
$7.5 million per annum for the Extended Period, all as contemplated in Section 4

All  payments  shall  be  made  in  cash  and  shall  be  subject  to applicable
deductions,  and  to  payroll  and  withholding  taxes  as  required  by  law.


     i)  Power  of  Termination.  The  Employer  may terminate the employment of
     Employee  under  this Agreement at any time, with Cause, or in the sole and
     absolute  discretion  of  Employer  without  Cause.  For  purposes  of this
     Agreement  the  term  "Cause", shall mean (i) Employee's material breach of
     this  Agreement  provided, however, that Disability shall not be considered
     Cause, (ii) Employee's conviction of a criminal violation of Applicable Law
     (as  hereinafter  defined),  (iii)  Employee's  conviction  for  a  felony
     violation  (other  than traffic violations), (iv) Employee's conviction for
     securities  law violations, or (v) Employee's breach of the confidentiality
     provision of this Agreement. For purposes hereof, the term "Applicable Law"
     shall  mean  any law, rule or regulation ("Law") relating in any way to the
     activity  of  investing  or  trading  in  securities  or  other Law that is
     violated  during  the  course  of  the  Employee's  performance of services
     hereunder.  Employee  shall  not be deemed to be in violation of Applicable
     Law  if  such  violation  occurred  as  a  result  of  action  taken at the
     direction,  or  with  the  consent  (after  full  disclosure)  of Employer.

     ii)  Termination  for  Cause/Resignation.  In  the  event  that  Employee's
     employment  is terminated for Cause or by the action of Employee such as by
     resignation  or retirement, then the entire amount of the Cash Compensation
     earned through the last day of employment but not yet paid shall be paid to

     iii)  Without Cause. In the event that the employment of Employee hereunder
     is  terminated  by  the  Employer  prior to the End Date without Cause then
     Employer  shall  pay on each normal payroll date to Employee the salary due
     to  Employee until the End Date as if such employment continued through the
     End  Date.

     iv)  Death/Disability. In the event of either Employee's: (x) death; or (y)
     failure  to  provide  the  services  and  perform  the  duties contemplated
     hereunder due to health related issues which failure continues for a period
     of  90  consecutive  days during the Term (such failure to provide services
     for 90 consecutive days, "Disability") (unless otherwise agreed by Employer
     and  Employee in writing), then Employee's employment hereunder shall cease
     effective  upon  death  or  Disability. In such event Employer shall pay to
     Employee or Employee's estate the entire amount of Cash Compensation earned
     through  the  date  of  such  cessation of employment. For the avoidance of
     doubt,  no  such  cessation  of employment for death or Disability shall be
     deemed  to  be  a  termination  of  employment  by  Employer without Cause.

     v)  Offset.  Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, at
     any  time that Employer has an obligation to pay Employee Cash Compensation
     during  any  period during which Employee is no longer employed pursuant to
     this  Agreement,  then  such  obligation to pay shall be reduced dollar for
     dollar  by  any  amount  of compensation or income of any kind of character
     which Employee receives from any source whatsoever for services of any kind
     rendered by Employee to, for or on behalf of, any Person in respect of such

     vi)  No  Other  Rights  of  Employee.  In the event of the cessation of the
     employment  of the Employee for any reason or no reason, the Employee shall
     cease  to  have  any  right  to  Cash  Compensation or any other payment or
     consideration or any other rights other than: (i) as expressly set forth in
     this  Section  6;  and  (ii)  as  expressly set forth in Section 11. To the
     extent  that  any provision of this Agreement may result in any duplication
     of  any calculation, allocation, payment or amount, such consequence is not
     intended and no such duplicate amount shall be included in any calculation,
     allocation,  payment  or  amount.

     vii)  Resignation.  Employee  may resign from his employment hereunder (but
     will remain subject to Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13(iii) hereof).
     Any  such resignation will not be on less than 20 days prior written notice
     to  Employer.

     viii)  Expiration  of Employment Period. If the employment of Employee does
     not cease as a result of an Early Cessation, then it shall cease on the End

7.     REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES.  Employee  represents  as  follows:

     i)  To  the best of his knowledge, except as known to Employer, he is not a
     party  to,  or  involved  in,  or  under  investigation  in, any pending or
     threatened litigation, proceeding or investigation of any governmental body
     or  authority  or  any  private  person,  corporation  or  other  entity.

     ii)  Employee  has never been suspended, censured or otherwise subjected to
     any  disciplinary  action  or  other  proceeding  by  any  State,  other
     governmental  entities,  agencies  or  self-regulatory  organizations.

     iii)  Employee  is  not  subject  to any restriction whatsoever which would
     cause  him to not be able fully to fulfill his duties under this Agreement.

8.     CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION.  During the term of this Agreement and at
all  times  thereafter,  Employee  shall  hold  in  a fiduciary capacity for the
benefit of the Related Persons all secret or confidential information, knowledge
or  data,  including without limitation trade secrets, investments, contemplated
investments,  business  opportunities,  valuation  models  and  methodologies,
relating  to  the  business  of  the  Related Persons:  (i) obtained by Employee
during  Employee's  employment hereunder and during his previous employment with
any  of  the  foregoing persons or entities and (ii) not otherwise in the public
domain  (all  of the foregoing "Confidential Information").  Employee shall not,
without  prior written consent of the Employer (which may be granted or withheld
in its sole and absolute discretion provided that Employee shall be permitted to
use  Confidential  Information  in connection with the performance of his duties
with  the  Employer  and  its  Affiliates  without  being required to obtain the
written  consent  of  Employer),  communicate  or  divulge  any  Confidential
Information  to  anyone  other  than the Related Persons and those designated by
Employer,  except  to  the  extent compelled pursuant to the order of a court or
other  body having jurisdiction over such matter or based upon the advice of his
counsel  that  such  disclosure  is  legally  required;  provided, however, that
Employee  will  assist  Employer  at Employer expense, in obtaining a protective
order,  other  appropriate  remedy or other reliable assurance that confidential
treatment  will  be accorded such information so disclosed pursuant to the terms
of  this  Agreement.

All  processes,  technologies,  investments,  contemplated investments, business
opportunities, valuation models and methodologies, and inventions (collectively,
"Inventions"),  including  without  limitation  new contributions, improvements,
ideas,  business  plans,  discoveries,  trademarks  and  trade names, conceived,
developed, invented, made or found by Employee, alone or with others, during the
period the Employee is employed hereunder, whether or not patentable and whether
or  not  on  the Employer's time or with the use of its facilities or materials,
shall  be  the  property  of Employer or its designee, and shall be promptly and
fully  disclosed  by Employee to Employer.  Employee shall perform all necessary
acts  (including,  without limitation, executing and delivering any confirmatory
assignments,  documents,  or instruments requested by Employer) to vest title to
any  such  Invention  in Employer or in any person designated by Employer and to
enable  such  person,  at  its  expense,  to secure and maintain domestic and/or
foreign  patents  or  any  other  rights  for  such  Inventions.

Without limiting anything contained above, Employee agrees and acknowledges that
all  personal  and  not  otherwise public information about the Related Persons,
including,  without  limitation,  their  respective  investments,  investors,
transactions,  historical  performance,  and  all  information  regarding  or
concerning  Carl  Icahn, his family members and all of the other Related Persons
shall  constitute Confidential Information for purposes of this Agreement. In no
event  shall  Employee  during  or after his employment hereunder, disparage Mr.
Icahn,  his family members or any of the other Related Persons. Employee further
agrees not to write a book or article about Mr. Icahn, his family members or any
of  the  other  Related  Persons  in any media and not to publish or cause to be
published in any media, any Confidential Information, and further agrees to keep
confidential  and not to disclose to any third party, including, but not limited
to,  newspapers,  authors, publicists, journalists, bloggers, gossip columnists,
producers,  directors, script writers, media personalities, and the like, in any
and  all  media  or  communication  methods,  any  Confidential  Information.

9.     COMPETITIVE  SERVICES.  (a)  During  the period that Employee is employed
under  this  Agreement  and  through  the  last  day  of the Non-Compete Period,
Employee  will  not:

          (x)  engage  in  any capacity, directly or indirectly, whether as sole
          proprietor,  stockholder, partner, owner, equity owner, lender, agent,
          trustee,  consultant, employee, advisor, manager, franchisee or in any
          other  relationship  or  capacity:

          (A)  in  the  business  of  investing  in privately or publicly issued
               debt,  equity,  or  other  investments  or  securities,  or other
               investments  or  derivatives thereof, either individually or with
               or  on behalf of any Person (whether or not conducted for profit)
               (including,  without  limitation,  for  or on behalf of any hedge
               fund,  mutual  fund, investment company, managed account, fund of
               funds or other vehicles for the investment or management of money
               or assets), whether for his own account or with, for or on behalf
               of  any  other  Person;  or

          (B)  in  any business of or conducted by, or of the type conducted by,
               any  Related  Person (each of the Persons and businesses referred
               to  in  Section  9  (a) (x) (A) and (B) a "Covered Business"); or

          (y) enter into the employ of any Covered Business, render any services
          to  any  Covered  Business, raise capital for any Covered Business, or
          otherwise  become  interested in or aid, represent, invest in, solicit
          employees  for,  or  participate  in, or assist, any Covered Business,
          directly  or  indirectly  in  any  manner;  or

provided,  however, that the provisions in this Section 9(a) shall not be deemed
to preclude Employee, after cessation of his employment under this Agreement, as
an  individual  investor,  from  making an investment in or acquiring securities
solely  as  a  passive  investment  so  long  as  such securities do not, in the
aggregate,  constitute  more  than  one  percent  (1%) of any class or series of
outstanding  securities of such corporation or entity and the securities of such
entity  are:  (i)  registered under Section 11 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934;  or (ii) are non-public securities that are purchased without reduction or
waiver  of  management  fees,  incentive  allocations or other costs and reflect
solely  the proportionate economic interests of the Employee based only upon his
invested  capital on a pro rata basis.  Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit
Employee from making investments during the Term in accordance with the policies
and  procedures  of  Employer  in  place  from  time  to  time.

     (b)  Section  9(a) shall not be applicable after the Employment of Employee
          under  this  Agreement  ceases if the employment of Employee ceases as
          the  result of: (w) termination of such employment by Employer without
          Cause;  (x)  the  Disability of the Employee; or (y) the expiration of
          the Term on December 31, 2013 in the event that Employer does not give
          the  Renewal  Request  during  the  Request  Period in accordance with
          Section  4.

     (c)  The  Employee  acknowledges and agrees that the Related Persons have a
          worldwide  reputation  and  operate  on a worldwide basis and that the
          scope of this covenant will and is intended to prohibit his activities
          as set forth above throughout the world. The Employee acknowledges and
          agrees that the provisions of Section 9(a) are fair and reasonable and
          necessary  to protect the business, reputation, goodwill and franchise
          of  the  Related  Persons. Employee acknowledges that, in light of the
          significant compensation of Employee, Employee is voluntarily entering
          into  this  provision  and  is well able to comply with its provisions
          without  hardship.

     (d)  During  the  Restricted  Period  Employee  will not seek, negotiate to
          obtain,  solicit,  discuss,  arrange  for,  attempt  to  arrange  for,
          establish, or attempt to establish, directly or indirectly, any of the
          following:  any  employment, consulting arrangement, advisory or other
          business  relationship,  individual proprietorship, venture, business,
          for  profit  or  not-for-profit  enterprises, or any other activity or
          arrangement  individually  or  with any other Person, through which he
          will or may obtain compensation, remuneration, fees, profit sharing or
          any  similar payment of any kind or character (but Employee may engage
          in  personal  investment  activity that does not violate the policies,
          procedures  and  compliance manuals contemplated in Section 13(i)). In
          the  event that Employee breaches the terms of this Section 9(d), then
          Employee  shall  pay to Employer, on demand by Employer, as liquidated
          damages  and  not  as  a penalty, the sum of $600,000 (the "Liquidated

10.    REMEDY  FOR BREACH.  Employee hereby acknowledges that the provisions of
Sections  8  and  9  of  this  Agreement  are  reasonable  and necessary for the
protection  of  the  Related  Persons and are not unduly burdensome to Employee.
Employee  further  acknowledges  that  the  Related  Persons will be irreparably
harmed  if  such covenants are not specifically enforced.  Accordingly, Employee
agrees  that,  in  addition  to  any  other  relief to which the Employer may be
entitled,  including  claims  for damages, each of the persons and entities that
are  included  in  the  Related  Persons  shall  be  entitled to seek and obtain
injunctive  relief  (without  the  requirement  of  any  bond)  from  a court of
competent jurisdiction for the purpose of restraining Employee from an actual or
threatened  breach  of  such  covenants.


Employee  is  a  party  to agreements with Carl C. Icahn and his Affiliates (all
such agreements, collectively, the "Prior Agreement") including, but not limited
to  the following:  An employment agreement dated as of December 31, 2004, which
was  subsequently  amended  by  agreements  dated February 1, 2007 and April 19,
2007,  an  Amendment in Relation to Management Fee Participation dated August 8,
2007,  an  Amendment to Agreement dated December 31, 2004 which is dated January
1,  2008,  an Amendment in Relation to Section 409A of The Internal Revenue Code
dated  December,  2008,  and  various  agreements  of  partnership  and  limited
partnerships  (all  of  the  foregoing  together  with  all  other  employment,
partnership,  limited  liability  company  and  other agreements or arrangements
relating  to  the  employment,  compensation  and  other service relationship of
Employee  with  any  of  the  Related  Persons  (other  than any confidentiality
agreement  or  indemnity  agreement).

Pursuant  to  the Prior Agreement, Employee was, among other things, entitled to
receive  a  participation in incentive allocations, special profit interests and
management  fees  as  contemplated  therein.

Effective on October 1, 2011:  (x) Employee shall be entitled to a bonus payment
of  between  $750,000  and  $937,500 as determined by Carl Icahn, which shall be
paid  not  later than October 10, 2011, and (y) Employee shall cease to have any
right  to  participate  in  incentive  allocations,  special profit interests or
management  fees,  or  to receive or accrue any other payments, consideration or
rights,  under or with respect to the Prior Agreement for periods from and after
September  30, 2011.  Except as set forth in this Section 11 the Prior Agreement
is  hereby  terminated  and  shall  have  no  further  force  or  effect.

Under  the Prior Agreement Employee has earned a capital account in partnerships
relating to the Icahn hedge funds aggregating approximately $2 million (estimate
as of August 31, 2011) (the aggregate balance of such capital accounts from time
to  time,  being referred to herein as the "Capital Account Balance").  Employee
shall  continue  to be entitled to such capital account and any earnings thereon
in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  the Prior Agreement (but not any incentive
allocations,  special  profit  interests  or  management fees or other payments,
consideration  or  rights).  At  any time Employer may pay to Employee an amount
equal  to  the  then  applicable Capital Account Balance.  At any time, on prior
written  notice  given  at  least  15  days prior to the next calendar month end
following  such notice, Employee may request to withdraw all or a portion of the
Capital  Account  Balance.  Payments  in  respect of any such withdrawal will be
made as promptly as practicable following a calendar month end.  Upon payment to
Employee of his Capital Account Balance, so that the Capital Account Balance has
been  reduced  to  zero,  any  and all rights, powers and privileges of Employee
under  the  Prior  Agreement  is  and  shall  be deemed to be, terminated in all
respects  and shall be null and void and of no further force or effect; it being
understood  and  agreed,  for the avoidance of doubt, that upon such payment all
rights  and  interests  of  the  Employee thereunder will be and be deemed to be
terminated  and  the  rights  and  interests of the Employee in all partnership,
limited liability company or other entity contemplated in the Prior Agreement or
relating  thereto, will be and be deemed to be extinguished in all respects (and
he  shall  cease to be a partner, member, interest holder or participant therein
in  any  respect),  all without any other act or deed by Employee or any Related

Employee  acknowledges  and agrees that except for: (i) his right to receive the
payments  set forth above in this Section 11: (ii) his right under any indemnity
agreement  or  obligation;  and (iii) the other rights of Employee expressly set
forth  in this Agreement, Employee has no other rights or claims under the Prior
Agreement or otherwise against or relating to, any of the Related Persons of any
kind or character, direct or indirect and any and all such rights and claims, if
any,  are  hereby  waived  and  released  in  all  respect.

The  rights  and obligations of Employee and Employer under this Section 11 will
survive  any  cessation  of  Employee's  employment for any reason or no reason.

12.    Miscellaneous.

     i)  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  supersedes  any  and  all existing
     agreements,  oral  or  written,  between  Employee  and  any of the Related
     Persons  relating  to  the  terms  and  conditions of Employee's employment
     except  for  the  provisions  set  out in Section 11 above. Employee is not
     entitled  to any other payments or benefits from any of the Related Persons
     with  respect  to  his employment by any Related Person except as expressly
     provided  for  in  this  Agreement.

     ii) Amendments and Waivers. No provisions of this Agreement may be amended,
     modified,  waived  or discharged except as agreed to in writing by Employee
     and Employer. The failure of a party to insist upon strict adherence to any
     term or provision of this Agreement on any occasion shall not be considered
     a  waiver  thereof  or deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist
     upon  strict  adherence  to  that  term  or  provision or any other term or
     provision  of  this  Agreement.

     iii)  Governing  Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
     accordance  with the laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements
     made  and/or to be performed in that State, without regard to any choice of
     law  provisions  thereof.  All  disputes  arising out of or related to this
     Agreement  shall  be submitted to the state and federal courts of New York,
     and  each  party  irrevocably  consents  to  such personal jurisdiction and
     waives  all  objections  thereto, but does so only for the purposes of this

     iv)  Severability.  If  any  provision  of  this  Agreement  is  invalid or
     unenforceable,  the  balance  of  this  Agreement  shall  remain in effect.

     v) Judicial Modification. If any court or arbitrator determines that any of
     the covenants in Sections 8 or 9, or any part of any of them, is invalid or
     unenforceable,  the remainder of such covenants and parts thereof shall not
     thereby  be  affected and shall be given full effect, without regard to the
     invalid  portion.  If  any  court or arbitrator determines that any of such
     covenants,  or any part thereof, is invalid or unenforceable because of the
     geographic  or  temporal  scope of such provision, such court or arbitrator
     shall  reduce  such  scope  to  the extent necessary to make such covenants
     valid  and  enforceable.

     vi)  Successors;  Binding  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall  inure to the
     benefit  of  and  be  binding  upon the successors and assigns of Employer.
     Employee  may  not  sell, convey, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of,
     directly  or  indirectly,  any  of  the  rights, claims, powers or interest
     established  hereunder other than with the prior written consent (which may
     be  granted  or  withheld in its sole and absolute discretion) of Employer.

     vii)  Taxes.  All  payments  to  Employee  shall  be  subject to applicable
     deductions,  payroll  and  withholdings  taxes,  as  required  by  law.

     viii)  Survival.  Sections  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11, 12 and 13(iii) of this
     Agreement  shall  survive  the  termination  of  the employment of Employee
     hereunder  and shall be and remain fully effective in accordance with their

     ix)  No  Continuation  of  Agreement. Following the termination of the Term
     Employee  will  not  be deemed to be employed under this Agreement, even if
     the  employment  of  Employee  continues  with  any  Related  Persons.

13.     OTHER

     i)   Employee  recognizes  that  the business of the Employer and the other
          Related  Persons  requires  that  he  be  on call at any time and as a
          result  Employee  is  required  to maintain an office at his residence
          which  is  equipped with a dedicated phone line, personal computer and
          such  other  reasonable  office  equipment  which Employee deems to be
          necessary  to conduct the Related Persons business at home. During the
          Term, Employee shall follow all policies and procedures and compliance
          manuals adopted by or in respect of any or all of the Related Persons.

     ii)  Employee  recognizes  that  during  the Term Employer may request from
          time  to  time  that  Employee  serve  on Boards of Directors or as an
          employee  or  officer of one or more entities and Employee will do so.
          Employer  agrees  to indemnify and hold harmless the Employee for such
          service  and  any  service  provided  as  contemplated in clause (iii)
          below. Any remuneration or other property obtained as a result of such
          service  shall  remain  the  property  of  the  Employee.

     iii) So  long  as Employee remains employed by Employer and for a period of
          one  year  thereafter  Employee  agrees  that  he  will:

          (x)  not  resign  during  the  then  current term as a director of any
          public  corporation on whose board he is serving at the request of any
          Related Person (but Employee will not be required to accept additional
          appointments and election to such boards following the last day of his
          employment  by  Employer);  and

          (y)  resign  from any board of directors within five (5) business days
          following  the  request  of  Employer  that  he  do  so.


     Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall
have the following meanings:

     "Affiliate"  and "Control" shall have the meanings set forth in Rule 405 of
Regulation  C  of  the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Any reference in this
Agreement  to  "Affiliates"  shall  include, without limitation, all persons and
entities  that  are  included  in the Related Persons, in each case, on the date
hereof  and  from  time  to  time.

     "End  Date"  means:  (i)  December  31, 2013 if there is no Renewal Request
given  to  Employee  in  accordance with the terms of Section 4 above during the
Request  Period; or (ii) December 31, 2016 if and only if there occurs a Renewal
Acceptance  in  response  to  a  Renewal Request in accordance with the terms of
Section  4  above.

     "Non-Compete  Period"* means the period beginning on the Effective Date and
continuing  through:

     (i)  the  date  of  cessation  of  the  employment  of  Employee under this
Agreement,  if  the  employment  of  Employee  hereunder ceases: (w) pursuant to
Section 6 (viii)(but this clause (i) will not be applicable if Employee does not
accept  during  the Reply Period in accordance with Section 4, a Renewal Request
given  by  Employer  to Employee in accordance with Section 4 and instead clause
(ii)(z)  below  will  apply);  (x)  due  to the termination of the employment of
Employee  hereunder  by  Employer without Cause; or (y) due to the Disability of
Employee,  and

     (ii)  for a period of one year following the cessation of the employment of
Employee  under  this  Agreement,  if the employment of Employee ceases: (x) for
Cause; (y) due to a resignation by Employee; or (z) by expiration of the Term on
December  31,  2013  if  Employee  does  not  accept  during the Reply Period in
accordance  with  Section  4, a Renewal Request given by Employer to Employee in
accordance  with  Section  4.

     "Persons"  or  "persons"  means any natural person, entity, proprietorship,
corporation,  limited  liability  company, trust, partnership or other business,
profit  or  not-for-profit,  enterprise  or  vehicle.

     "Related  Persons"  means  Employer  and  its  Affiliates, and any of their
respective  officers,  directors, agents or employees (including but not limited
to  Carl  C.  Icahn,  his  family  members  and  his  and  their  Affiliates).

     "Restricted  Period"  means  any  period  during which Employee is employed
under  this  Agreement,  provided  that  if the Employer fails to give a Renewal
Request  to  Employee in accordance with the terms of Section 4 above during the
Request  Period,  then  the  Restricted  Period  will end on September 30, 2013.

               [Remainder of this page left intentionally blank]

*    For  the  avoidance  of  doubt,  if: (x) Employer fails to give the Renewal
     Request  as  provided  for in Section 4 during the Request Period, then the
     Non-Compete  Period  would end on December 31, 2013 (unless such employment
     is  earlier  terminated  as  contemplated  under  this  Agreement)  and (y)
     Employee  does  not  accept  during  the  Reply  Period, in accordance with
     Section  4,  a  Renewal Request given by Employer to Employee in accordance
     with Section 4, then the Non-Compete Period would end on December 31, 2014.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  undersigned  have  executed this Agreement as of the date
first  written  above.

EMPLOYER                                            EMPLOYEE
Icahn Enterprises Holdings LP
By:  Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc.

By:  /s/ Carl C. Icahn                              /s/ Vincent J. Intrieri
     -----------------                              -----------------------
     Name:  Carl C. Icahn                           Name:  Vincent J. Intrieri
     Title:  Chairman of the Board

            [Signature page to Vince Intrieri Employment Agreement]