Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant [ ]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [x]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
[X]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-12

                              Oshkosh Corporation
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                               Icahn Partners LP
                         Icahn Partners Master Fund LP
                       Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P.
                      Icahn Partners Master Fund III L.P.
                         High River Limited Partnership
                             Hopper Investments LLC
                                 Barberry Corp.
                                Icahn Onshore LP
                               Icahn Offshore LP
                               Icahn Capital L.P.
                                   IPH GP LLC
                        Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P.
                          Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc.
                                 Beckton Corp.
                                 Carl C. Icahn
                                 A.B. Krongard
                              Vincent J. Intrieri
                                Samuel Merksamer
                               Jose Maria Alapont
                              Daniel A. Ninivaggi
                               Marc F. Gustafson
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required.

[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rule 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is  calculated  and  state  how  it  was  determined):

     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5) Total fee paid:

[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the  Form  or  Schedule  and  the  date  of  its  filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:

     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3) Filing Party:

     4) Date Filed:

     On  November 4, 2011, Carl C. Icahn and affiliated entities filed amendment
No.  2 to Schedule 13D relating to Oshkosh Corporation, a copy of which is filed
herewith  as  Exhibit  1.


                                                                       EXHIBIT 1

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 13D

                   Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. 2)*

                              Oshkosh Corporation
                                (Name of Issuer)

                         Common Stock, Par Value $0.01
                         (Title of Class of Securities)

                                 (CUSIP Number)

                             Keith Schaitkin, Esq.
                                Icahn Capital LP
                          767 Fifth Avenue, 47th Floor
                            New York, New York 10153
                                 (212) 702-4300
                 (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Person
               Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications)

                                November 4, 2011
            (Date of Event which Requires Filing of this Statement)

If  the filing person has previously filed a statement on Schedule 13G to report
the  acquisition  that  is  the subject of this Schedule 13D, and is filing this
schedule  because  of  Section 240.13d-1(e), 240.13d-1(f) or 240.13d-1(g), check
the  following  box  /  /.

NOTE:  Schedules  filed in paper format shall include a signed original and five
copies of the schedule, including all exhibits. See Rule 13d-7 for other parties
to  whom  copies  are  to  be  sent.

*The  remainder  of this cover page shall be filled out for a reporting person's
initial filing on this form with respect to the subject class of securities, and
for  any  subsequent  amendment  containing  information  which  would  alter
disclosures  provided  in  a  prior  cover  page.

The information required on the remainder of this cover page shall not be deemed
to  be  "filed"  for the purpose of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934  ("Act") or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section of the Act
but  shall  be  subject  to  all  other  provisions of the Act (however, see the

                                  SCHEDULE 13D

Item 1. Security and Issuer

     This  statement constitutes Amendment No. 2 to the Schedule 13D relating to
the  Common Stock, par value $0.01 (the "Shares"), issued by Oshkosh Corporation
(the "Issuer"), and hereby amends the Schedule 13D filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission on June 30, 2011 and amended by Amendment No. 1 thereto (as
amended,  the  "Initial  Schedule  13D"), on behalf of the Reporting Persons (as
defined  in the Initial Schedule 13D), to furnish the additional information set
forth  herein.  All capitalized terms contained herein but not otherwise defined
shall  have  the  meanings  ascribed  to such terms in the Initial Schedule 13D.

Item 4. Purpose of Transaction

     Item  4  of  the  Initial  Schedule  13D  is  hereby  amended by adding the

     On November 4, 2011, the Reporting Persons delivered a letter to the Issuer
notifying  the  Issuer that the Reporting Persons intend to nominate and seek to
elect 6 individuals to the Issuer's 13-member board of directors. A copy of this
Letter  is  filed  herewith  as an exhibit and incorporated herein by reference.


Item 7. Material to be Filed as Exhibits

     1. Nomination Notification Letter


     After  reasonable  inquiry  and  to  the  best  of  each of the undersigned
knowledge and belief, each of the undersigned certifies that the information set
forth  in  this  statement  is  true,  complete  and  correct.

Dated: November 4, 2011

     By:  Hopper  Investments  LLC,  general  partner

     By:  /s/  Edward  E.  Mattner
          Name:  Edward  E.  Mattner
          Title:  Authorized  Signatory

     By:  IPH  GP  LLC,  its  general  partner
     By:  Icahn  Enterprises  Holdings  L.P.,  its  sole  member
By:  Icahn  Enterprises  G.P.  Inc.,  its  general  partner
     By:  Icahn  Enterprises  Holdings  L.P.,  its  sole  member
By:  Icahn  Enterprises  G.P.  Inc.,  its  general  partner
     By:  Icahn  Enterprises  G.P.  Inc.,  its  general  partner

By:  /s/ Dominick  Ragone
     Name:  Dominick  Ragone
     Title:  Chief  Financial  Officer

/s/  Carl  C.  Icahn

                                   EXHIBIT 1

                         HIGH RIVER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                               ICAHN PARTNERS LP
                         ICAHN PARTNERS MASTER FUND LP
                       ICAHN PARTNERS MASTER FUND II L.P.
                      ICAHN PARTNERS MASTER FUND III L.P.
                              c/o Icahn Capital LP
                          767 Fifth Avenue, 46th Floor
                               New York, NY 10153

                                November 3, 2011

Oshkosh Corporation
2307 Oregon Street
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903
Attention: Corporate Secretary

Re:  Notice of Nomination of Directors at the 2012 Annual Meeting of
     Shareholders of Oshkosh Corporation (the "Corporation")

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     High  River  Limited  Partnership,  a  Delaware  limited partnership ("High
River"  or the "Record Holder" hereby submits this notice (this "Notice") on the
date hereof pursuant to the requirements (the "Bylaw Requirements") set forth in
the  By-laws  of  the  Corporation (the "Bylaws") of its intent to nominate each
person on the Slate (as defined below) for election as directors of the Board of
Directors  (the  "Board")  of  the  Corporation  at  the  2012 annual meeting of
shareholders  of  the Corporation (the "Annual Meeting"), or any special meeting
of  shareholders of the Corporation called for a similar purpose. This Notice is
submitted by the Record Holder and on behalf of the Direct Beneficial Owners (as
defined  below).

     As  of the close of business on November 3, 2011, (i) High River represents
that  it  is  the  holder  of record of, and is entitled to vote, 1000 shares of
Common  Stock,  $0.01 par value per share, of the Corporation (the "Shares") and
that  it  is the direct beneficial owner of 1,733,054 Shares (including the 1000
Shares  of  which  High River is the shareholder of record); (ii) Icahn Partners
LP, a Delaware limited partnership ("Icahn Partners"), represents that it is the
direct  beneficial  owner  of  2,654,644 Shares and that it is not the holder of
record  of  any  Shares;  (iii)  Icahn Partners Master Fund LP, a Cayman Islands
exempted  limited partnership ("Icahn Master"), represents that it is the direct
beneficial  owner of 2,867,004 Shares and that it is not the holder of record of
any  Shares;  (iv) Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P., a Cayman Islands exempted
limited  partnership  ("Icahn  Master  II"),  represents  that  it is the direct
beneficial  owner  of  982,896 Shares and that it is not the holder of record of
any  Shares;  (v) Icahn Partners Master Fund III L.P., a Cayman Islands exempted
limited  partnership ("Icahn Master III" and collectively with High River, Icahn
Partners,  Icahn  Master  and Icahn Master III, the "Direct Beneficial Owners"),
represents  that it is the direct beneficial owner of 427,662 Shares and that it
is  not the holder of record of any Shares; in each case as further described in
Annex  A.  Carl  C.  Icahn,  by  virtue of his relationship to High River, Icahn
Partners,  Icahn  Master,  Icahn  Master  II  and  Icahn Master III is deemed to
beneficially own (as that term is defined in Rule 13d-3 of the Securities Act of
1933,  as  amended)  the  Shares which High River, Icahn Partners, Icahn Master,
Icahn  Master  II  and  Icahn  Master  III directly beneficially own, as further
described  in  Annex  A.

     The address of Icahn Partners is 767 Fifth Avenue, 46th Floor, New York, NY
10153.  The  address of Icahn Master is c/o Walkers SPV Limited, P.O. Box 908GT,
87  Mary Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. The address of Icahn
Master II is c/o Walkers SPV Limited, Walker House, 87 Mary Street, George Town,
Grand  Cayman  KY1-9002,  Cayman Islands. The address of Icahn Master III is c/o
Walkers  SPV  Limited,  Walker  House, 87 Mary Street, George Town, Grand Cayman
KY1-9002,  Cayman  Islands.  The address of High River is 767 Fifth Avenue, 46th
Floor,  New  York, NY 10153. Each of Icahn Master, Icahn Master II, Icahn Master
III,  Icahn  Partners  and  High  River  is primarily engaged in the business of
investing in securities. High River believes that its name and address set forth
above  is  the  name  and  address  for  the  Record  Holder that appears on the
Corporation's  books.

     The Record Holder hereby represents that it is a holder of record of shares
of  the  Corporation  entitled  to  vote  under  the  Corporation's  Articles of
Incorporation  at the Annual Meeting with respect to the nomination of the Slate
for  election as directors of the Corporation and intends to appear in person or
by  proxy  at  the  Annual  Meeting to nominate for election as directors of the
Board  the  following persons (each, a "Nominee" and collectively, the "Slate"):

                                 A.B. Krongard
                              Vincent J. Intrieri
                                Samuel Merksamer
                               Jose Maria Alapont
                              Daniel A. Ninivaggi
                               Marc F. Gustafson

     Mr.  Krongard  has an impressive background as a leader in both the private
and  public  sectors,  having  served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
Alex.  Brown  Incorporated,  the nation's oldest investment banking firm, and as
Executive  Director  of  the  Central  Intelligence  Agency.  Mr.  Intrieri  has
significant  experience  as a director of various companies which enables him to
understand  the  complex  business and financial issues that a company may face.
Mr.  Merksamer  has  a  strong record as a financial analyst and has served on a
number  of  public  and  private  boards,  which  have provided him with a broad
understanding  of  the operational, financial and strategic issues facing public
and  private companies. Mr. Alapont is a highly accomplished executive with more
than  30 years of global leadership experience at both vehicle manufacturers and
suppliers,  with  business and operations responsibilities in the Europe, Middle
East  and Africa, Asia Pacific, and Americas regions. Mr. Ninivaggi has a strong
background in operations and management having served in various executive roles
and  having  served on a number of public and private boards, including Motorola
Mobility  and  CIT  Group. Mr. Gustafson has a long and successful career in the
transportation industry, particularly the heavy truck industry, having served as
an  executive  officer  of various companies in that industry. The Record Holder
believes that these individuals' knowledge of operations, investments, corporate
finance  and  law will significantly improve the expertise and leadership of the

     In  this  Notice: (i) certain information relating to the Direct Beneficial
Owners  and  the Beneficial Owner(s) (as defined in Annex A) is set forth in the
body  of  this Notice and Annex A and Annex B; (ii) certain information relating
to  each  Nominee  is  set forth in the body of this Notice and Annex B, AnnexE,
AnnexF,  AnnexG, AnnexH, AnnexI, AnnexJ and AnnexK, as applicable; and (iii) the
written  consent  of each Nominee to be named in the applicable proxy statement,
including  as  a  nominee,  and  to serve as a director of the Corporation if so
elected  is  attached  as  Annex  C.  Each Nominee (other than Messrs. Intrieri,
Merksamer and Ninivaggi) is also party to an agreement substantially in the form
attached  hereto as Annex D, pursuant to which Icahn Capital LP, an affiliate of
the  Record  Holder,  has agreed to pay certain fees to such Nominee (other than
Mr.  Alapont)  and  to  indemnify  such  Nominee  with respect to certain costs
incurred  by  such  Nominee in connection with the proxy contest relating to the
Annual  Meeting  (the  "Nominee  Agreement").

     Each  Nominee, Direct Beneficial Owner and Beneficial Owner has an interest
in  the  election  of  directors  at  the  Annual  Meeting:  (i) directly and/or
indirectly  through the beneficial ownership (if any) of Shares, as described on
Annex  A  and  any  applicable attachments thereto; (ii) pursuant to the Nominee
Agreement,  if  applicable, relating to such Nominee and Icahn Capital LP; (iii)
with  respect  to  Mr.  Intrieri,  indirectly  through  an  investment  in Icahn
Partners;  (iv) with respect to Mr. Alapont, indirectly through an investment in
Icahn  Partners;  and  (v)  with  respect  to  Mr. Ninivaggi, indirectly through
certain  options  to  purchase  depositary  units  of  Icahn  Enterprises  L.P.

     With  respect  to each Nominee, other than as disclosed in this Notice, (i)
such Nominee is not, and, within the past year, was not a party to any contract,
arrangement  or  understanding with any person with respect to any securities of
the  Corporation,  including, but not limited to, joint ventures, loan or option
arrangements,  puts  or  calls, guarantees against loss or guarantees of profit,
division of losses or profits, or the giving or withholding of proxies; and (ii)
neither  such  Nominee nor any of such Nominee's associates have any arrangement
or  understanding  with  any person with respect to (A) any future employment by
the  Corporation  or  its affiliates or (B) any future transactions to which the
Corporation  or  any  of  its  affiliates  will  or  may  be  a  party.

     With  respect  to  each  Direct Beneficial Owner and each Beneficial Owner,
other than as disclosed in this Notice, (i) neither such Direct Beneficial Owner
nor  such  Beneficial  Owner  is,  or  was, within the past year, a party to any
contract,  arrangement  or  understanding  with  any  person with respect to any
securities  of  the  Corporation, including, but not limited to, joint ventures,
loan  or  option  arrangements,  puts  or  calls,  guarantees  against  loss  or
guarantees  of  profit,  division  of  losses  or  profits,  or  the  giving  or
withholding  of  proxies;  and  (ii)  neither  such  Direct  Beneficial  Owner,
Beneficial  Owner nor any of their respective associates have any arrangement or
understanding  with  any person with respect to (A) any future employment by the
Corporation  or  its  affiliates  or  (B)  any  future transactions to which the
Corporation  or  any  of  its  affiliates  will  or  may  be  a  party.

     With  respect  to  each  Nominee,  such  Nominee  is  independent under the
independence  standards applicable to the Corporation under (i) paragraph (a)(1)
of  Item  407  of  Regulation  S-K  and (ii) the New York Stock Exchange listing

     Each  of  Vincent  J. Intrieri, Samuel Merksamer and Daniel A. Ninivaggi is
employed  by  entities affiliated with Carl Icahn. Mr. Jose Maria Alapont is the
president,  chief executive officer and a director of Federal-Mogul Corporation,
a  NASDAQ  listed  auto parts supplier ("Federal-Mogul"). Icahn Enterprises L.P.
("Icahn  Enterprises")  is  the  owner  of  approximately 76% of the outstanding
shares  of common stock of Federal Mogul. Carl C. Icahn is the indirect owner of
the  general  partner  of  Icahn  Enterprises  and  the  indirect  holder  of
approximately  92.5%  of  the  outstanding depositary units representing limited
partnership  interests  in Icahn Enterprises. Carl C. Icahn is also the chairman
of  the  board  of  directors  of  Federal  Mogul.

     In  September  2011,  pursuant to an agreement with Icahn Capital LP, dated
August  17, 2011, Mr. Krongard was paid $25,000 by Icahn Capital LP for agreeing
to  become  a member of a slate of director nominees for The Clorox Company that
the Record Holder intended to nominate at the 2011 annual stockholder meeting of
The  Clorox  Company.

     Vincent  J.  Intrieri  entered  into an agreement, dated as of December 31,
2004  (the  "Original Intrieri Agreement") with certain affiliates of Mr. Icahn.
The  term  of  the  Original  Intrieri  Agreement ran from January 1, 2005 until
December  31,  2011.  Under  the  Original  Intrieri Agreement, Mr. Intrieri was
employed  to act as a senior executive officer with the title of Senior Managing
Director  and  Mr.  Intrieri  agreed to work for various other affiliates of Mr.
Icahn  for  the  aggregate  consideration  described  below.  Under the Original
Intrieri Agreement, Mr. Intrieri was entitled to receive cash compensation equal
to  (i)  a  base  salary  at the rate of $400,000 per annum plus (ii) a bonus of
between $1,000,000 and $1,250,000 per annum, as determined by such affiliates of
Mr.  Icahn.  Under,  the  Original  Intrieri  Agreement,  Mr.  Intrieri was also
entitled  to  receive  a  2.5%  participatory  interest  in the profits and fees
derived  by  Mr. Icahn and/or his affiliated entities from Icahn Partners, Icahn
Master,  Icahn  Master  II  and  Icahn  Master III (the "Funds"). Because only a
portion  of  such  profit  interests  are  distributed  and because of his other
investments  in  the Funds, Mr. Intrieri also has capital accounts in the Funds.
The  portion  of this profit participation consisting of his 2.5% management fee
participation  was deferred until January 30, 2010 and was paid to him in fiscal
2010,  in  an  aggregate  amount  equal  to  $699,319.  Mr.  Intrieri's  2.5%
participatory  interest  described  above was superseded by the Current Intrieri
Agreement described below. Mr. Intrieri continues to hold an investment in Icahn

     On  September  26,  2011, Mr. Intrieri entered into an employment agreement
(the  "Current Intrieri Agreement") with Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P. ("Icahn
Enterprises  Holdings"),  an affiliate of Mr. Icahn, the term of which commenced
on  October  1, 2011. The Current Intrieri Agreement superseded and replaced the
Original  Intrieri  Agreement.  Pursuant  to the Current Intrieri Agreement, Mr.
Intrieri  serves  as  Senior Vice President of Icahn Enterprises G.P. and Senior
Managing Director of the Funds. Mr. Intrieri's employment period continues under
the  Current  Intrieri  Agreement  through  December  31, 2013, unless otherwise
terminated  earlier  or  extended,  in  each  case, pursuant to the terms of the
Current  Intrieri  Agreement.  Pursuant  to  the Current Intrieri Agreement, Mr.
Intrieri is entitled to aggregate compensation of $6.5 million per annum. If the
Current  Intrieri Agreement is extended beyond December 31, 2013 pursuant to the
terms  thereof,  Mr.  Intrieri  is  entitled  to  aggregate compensation of $7.5
million  per  annum.

     The  Original  Intrieri  Agreement  is further described on page 224 of the
Form  10-K  for  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2010,  filed  by Icahn
Enterprises  with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 8, 2011, which
is  attached hereto as Annex E and incorporated herein by reference. The Current
Intrieri  Agreement  is  further  described  on  the  Form  8-K  filed  by Icahn
Enterprises  with  the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 30, 2011,
which  is  attached  hereto  as  AnnexF and incorporated herein by reference. In
addition,  for  your  reference  the Current Intrieri Agreement and the Original
Intrieri  Agreement  (with amendments) are attached hereto as part of AnnexF and
as  Annex  G,  respectively,  and  incorporated  herein  by  reference.

     Samuel  Merksamer  entered  into an employment agreement with Icahn Capital
LP,  an affiliate of Mr. Icahn, on May 12, 2008, pursuant to which Mr. Merksamer
was  employed  as  an Investment Analyst with Icahn Capital LP. The term of this
agreement  commenced  on  May  12,  2008  and  ends on December 31, 2011, unless
earlier under the terms thereof. Under this agreement, Mr. Merksamer is entitled
to  a  base salary of $175,000 per annum and a discretionary bonus of up to 150%
of base salary for December 31, 2008, up to 150% of base salary for December 31,
2009,  up  to  200% of base salary for December 31, 2010, and up to 250% of base
salary  for  December  31,  2011.  Under  this agreement, Mr. Merksamer was paid
aggregate  compensation  of  $325,000  for  the  year  ended  December 31, 2008,
$525,000  for  the year ended December 31, 2009, and $675,000 for the year ended
December  31,  2010.  Under  this  agreement,  Mr. Merksamer is also entitled to
participate  in  certain  benefit  programs and plans of Icahn Capital LP. He is
also subject to certain confidentiality, non-solicit and non-compete obligations

     The  Federal-Mogul Corporation, an affiliate of Mr. Icahn ("Federal Mogul")
entered into an employment agreement (the "Original Alapont Agreement") with Mr.
Alapont  on  February  2,  2005.  The Original Alapont Agreement had a five year
term, and provided for a base annual salary of $1.5 million. It also provided an
opportunity  for  an annual bonus in the target amount of $1.5 million, with the
actual bonus ranging from no bonus to up to 150% of this target amount, based on
the  financial  performance  of  the  Federal  Mogul.

     The  Original  Alapont  Agreement  was amended and restated as of March 23,
2010 (the "Current Alapont Agreement"). Under the Current Alapont Agreement, Mr.
Alapont  agreed  to  serve as President and CEO of the Federal Mogul for a three
year  period  ending  March  23,  2013 (the "Extended Term") at a salary of $1.5
million  per  annum and with an annual cash bonus not to exceed $1.5 million per
annum. The Current Alapont Agreement provides for payments under certain benefit
plans  and  fringe  benefits to Mr. Alapont in any calendar year in an aggregate
dollar  amount  not  greater  than  125%  of the aggregate 2009 dollar amount of
payments  under  such  benefit  plans  and  fringe  benefits.

     As  of  March  23,  2010,  Mr.  Alapont has fully qualified for 20 years of
service  credit  under  Federal  Mogul's  KEY  Executive  Pension Plan (the "KEY
Plan"),  and  accordingly no further years of service credit may be earned under
the  Key  Plan  and  he may retire from Federal Mogul and receive benefits under
this  plan at any time. Pursuant to the Current Alapont Agreement, Federal Mogul
and  Mr.  Alapont  agreed  that  for  purposes  of  determining  "Final  Average
Compensation"  (as  such  term  is  defined  in  the  KEY  Plan)  the period for
determining  the three consecutive years in which Mr. Alapont earned the highest
compensation  will  be  the  five  year  period  ending  March  23,  2010.

     In  connection  with  the  Current Alapont Agreement, Federal Mogul and Mr.
Alapont  agreed  to  restate  a prior Stock Option Agreement, dated February 15,
2008  (the "Prior Stock Option Agreement") between Federal Mogul and Mr. Alapont
in respect of options to purchase four million shares of Common Stock of Federal
Mogul  under  the  Stock  Option Agreement (the "Option") and did so by entering
into  a  Restated  Stock  Option  Agreement,  dated  as  of  March 23, 2010 (the
"Restated  Option  Agreement"). The Option has fully vested as of March 23, 2010
and  is  fully  exercisable  in accordance with the terms of the Restated Option
Agreement  as of such date. The Stock Option Agreement provided that in no event
would  the Option be exercised after December 27, 2014. Under the Restated Stock
Option  Agreement  if, on any date prior to December 27, 2014, Mr. Alapont is no
longer  employed  by  the  Federal  Mogul for any reason whatsoever (the date on
which  such  event  occurs  being the "Relevant Date"), then the Option shall be
exercisable by Mr. Alapont until and including the earlier of (i) the date which
is  the  90th  day  after  the  Relevant  Date,  and  (ii)  December  27,  2014.

     Federal  Mogul  and  Mr.  Alapont also entered into an Amended and Restated
Deferred  Compensation  Agreement (the "Deferred Compensation Agreement"), dated
as  of  March  23,  2010,  to  reflect  the  Extended  Term.

     The  Original  Alapont Agreement is further described on the Form 8-K filed
by  Federal  Mogul  with  the  Securities and Exchange Commission on February 4,
2005,  which  is attached hereto as AnnexH and incorporated herein by reference.
Each  of  the  Current  Alapont Agreement, the Restated Option Agreement and the
Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  is further described on the Form 8-K filed by
Federal  Mogul  with  the  Securities and Exchange Commission on March 24, 2010,
which  is  attached  hereto as Annex I and incorporated herein by reference. The
terms  of  Mr.  Alapont's employment with Federal Mogul are further described in
the  Compensation  Discussion and Analysis Section (beginning on page 17) of the
Definitive  Proxy  Statement  on  Schedule  14A  file  by Federal Mogul with the
Securities  and  Exchange Commission on April 15, 2011, which is attached hereto
as Annex J and incorporated herein by reference. In addition, for your reference
the  Original  Alapont  Agreement and each of the Current Alapont Agreement, the
Restated  Option  Agreement and the Deferred Compensation Agreement are attached
hereto  as part of Annex H and Annex I, respectively, and incorporated herein by

     On  February  11,  2010,  Icahn  Enterprises  entered  into  an  employment
agreement with Daniel A. Ninivaggi (the "Ninivaggi Agreement") pursuant to which
Mr.  Ninivaggi  serves  as the President of Icahn Enterprises, Icahn Enterprises
Holdings  L.P. and Icahn Enterprises GP Inc., affiliates of Mr. Icahn. Under the
Ninivaggi Agreement, Mr. Ninivaggi is (1) principally responsible for overseeing
portfolio company operations, generally not including the entities involved with
the  hedge  funds  managed  and  advised  by  subsidiaries  of Icahn Enterprises
Holdings  L.P.  and  (2) involved with acquisitions, dispositions and financings
engaged  in  by  Icahn  Enterprises,  Icahn  Enterprises  Holdings  L.P.  and

     Pursuant  to  the  Ninivaggi Agreement, Mr. Ninivaggi is entitled to: (i) a
base salary at the per annum rate of $650,000 for the period ending December 31,
2010  and for each of the calendar years ending December 31, 2011 and 2012; (ii)
a  bonus  in  the amount of $550,000 for the period ending on December 31, 2010;
and  (iii) a bonus of not less than $450,000 and not more than $650,000 for each
of  the  calendar  years  ending  December 31, 2011 and 2012. Mr. Ninivaggi also
received a relocation payment of $300,000 in connection with the commencement of
his  employment.

     In  addition,  on  February  11,  2010, Icahn Enterprises and Mr. Ninivaggi
entered  into a Class A Option Agreement and Class B Option Agreement (together,
the  "Option  Agreements").  Pursuant  to  terms of the Ninivaggi Agreement, Mr.
Ninivaggi  was  granted  Class  A  options  to purchase 100,000 Depositary Units
("Units")  of  Icahn  Enterprises with an exercise price of $45.60 per Unit, and
Class  B  options to purchase 100,000 Units with an exercise price of $55.60 per
Unit.  Each  of  the  Class A options and the Class B options (collectively, the
"Options") shall vest as to 33,334 Options, on December 31, 2010; 33,333 Options
on December 31, 2011 and the balance of 33,333 Options on December 31, 2012. The
Options  shall  expire on December 31, 2014 except as otherwise set forth in the
Ninivaggi  Agreement  or  the  Option  Agreements.

     The  Ninivaggi Agreement is further described on page 216 of, and the terms
of  Mr.  Ninivaggi's  employment  are  further  described  in  the  Compensation
Discussion  and Analysis section beginning on page 208 of, the Form 10-K for the
fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2010  filed  by  Icahn  Enterprises with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on March 8, 2011, which is attached hereto as
Annex  E  and  incorporated herein by reference. Each of the Ninivaggi Agreement
and  the  Option  Agreements  is also further described on the Form 8-K filed by
Icahn  Enterprises  with  the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 18,
2010,  which is attached hereto as Annex K and incorporated herein by reference.
In  addition,  for  your  reference  the  Ninivaggi  Agreement  and  the  Option
Agreements are attached hereto as part of Annex K and are incorporated herein by

     The  Annexes  and  all attachments thereto are hereby incorporated into and
made  a  part  of this Notice. Accordingly, all matters disclosed in any part of
this  Notice, including the Annexes and all attachments thereto should be deemed
disclosed for all purposes of this Notice. All upper case terms appearing in the
Annexes  and  all  attachments  thereto that are not defined in such Annexes and
attachments  shall  have  the  meanings  given in the body of this Notice or the
Annexes,  as  applicable.

     Information  is set forth herein as of the close of business on November 3,
2011.  Except  as  required  by  Section  2.11(a)(ii) of the Bylaws, neither the
delivery  of  this  Notice  nor  any  delivery  by  any Direct Beneficial Owner,
Beneficial  Owner,  or Nominee of additional information to the Corporation from
and  after  the  date  hereof  shall be deemed to constitute an admission by any
Direct  Beneficial  Owner,  Beneficial Owner, Nominee or any of their respective
affiliates  (if  any) that such delivery is required or that each and every item
or  any  item of information is required or as to the legality or enforceability
of  any  notice  requirement  or  any  other  matter,  or a waiver by any Direct
Beneficial  Owner,  Beneficial  Owner,  Nominee  or  any  of  their  respective
affiliates  (if  any)  of  their  right to contest or challenge, in any way, the
validity  or  enforceability  of  any  notice  requirement  or  any other matter
(including  actions  taken by the Board in anticipation of, or following receipt
of,  this Notice). Furthermore, this Notice assumes that the Board will nominate
a  total  of  thirteen  (13)  director nominees for election to the Board at the
Annual  Meeting  and  if  the  Board (i) increases the number of directors to be
nominated  and  elected  at the Annual Meeting or a special meeting called for a
similar purpose, the Record Holder reserves the right to add additional director
nominees  in  respect of each such additional directorship or (ii) decreases the
number  of  directors  to  be  nominated  and elected at the Annual Meeting or a
special  meeting  called  for  a similar purpose, the Record Holder reserves the
right  to  remove  director  nominees  from  the  Slate  in respect of each such
decreased  directorship. In the event any statement or other information in this
Notice  is  not  correct,  or  to the extent any applicable information has been
omitted  from  this  Notice, the Direct Beneficial Owners, Beneficial Owners and
Nominees  reserve  the  right to correct and/or supplement any such statement or
other  information  set  forth  in  this  Notice.

                            [Signature page follows]

Very  truly  yours,

By:  Hopper  Investments  LLC,  its  general  partner
By:  Barberry  Corp.,  its  sole  member

By:  /s/ Edward E. Mattner
     Name:  Edward  E.  Mattner
     Title:  Authorized  Signatory
     Dated  November  3,  2011


By:  /s/ Edward E. Mattner
     Name:  Edward  E.  Mattner
     Title:  Authorized  Signatory
     Dated  November  3,  2011


By:  /s/ Edward E. Mattner
     Name:  Edward  E.  Mattner
     Title:  Authorized  Signatory
     Dated  November  3,  2011


By:  /s/ Edward E. Mattner
     Name:  Edward  E.  Mattner
     Title:  Authorized  Signatory
     Dated  November  3,  2011


By:  /s/ Edward E. Mattner
     Name:  Edward  E.  Mattner
     Title:  Authorized  Signatory
     Dated  November  3,  2011

     [Signature page to Shareholders' Notice for the 2012 Annual Meeting of
                     Shareholders of Oshkosh Corporation.]

                                                                         ANNEX A

(1) TITLE        (2) NAME OF         (3) AMOUNT OF            (4) PERCENT
    OF               BENEFICIAL          BENEFICIAL               OF
    CLASS            OWNER (1)           OWNERSHIP                CLASS (2)
    -----            ----------          ----------               -------
   Common Stock,     High River           1,733,054                 1.90%
   par value
   $0.01 per
   share ("Shares")

   Shares            Icahn Partners       2,654,644                 2.91%

   Shares            Icahn Master         2,867,004                 3.14%

   Shares            Icahn Master II        982,896                 1.08%

   Shares            Icahn Master III       427,662                 0.47%


     Barberry  Corp., a Delaware corporation ("Barberry"), is the sole member of
Hopper  Investments  LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Hopper"), which
is  the  general  partner  of  High River. Beckton Corp., a Delaware corporation
("Beckton")  is  the sole shareholder of Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., a Delaware
corporation  ("Icahn  Enterprises  GP"),  which  is the general partner of Icahn
Enterprises  Holdings  L.P.,  a Delaware limited partnership ("Icahn Holdings").
Icahn  Holdings  is  the sole member of IPH GP LLC, a Delaware limited liability
company  ("IPH"), which is the general partner of Icahn Capital L.P., a Delaware
limited  partnership  ("Icahn Capital"). Icahn Capital is the general partner of
each  of  Icahn Onshore LP, a Delaware limited partnership ("Icahn Onshore") and
Icahn  Offshore  LP,  a  Delaware  limited partnership ("Icahn Offshore"). Icahn
Onshore  is the general partner of Icahn Partners. Icahn Offshore is the general
partner  of  each of Icahn Master, Icahn Master II and Icahn Master III. Each of
Barberry  and  Beckton  is  100 percent owned by Carl C. Icahn ("Mr. Icahn," and
collectively  with  Barberry,  Hopper,  Beckton,  Icahn  Enterprises  GP,  Icahn
Holdings,  IPH, Icahn Capital, Icahn Onshore and Icahn Offshore, the "Beneficial
Owners"  and  each  of  them  a  "Beneficial Owner"). As such, Mr. Icahn is in a
position  indirectly  to  determine  the investment and voting decisions made by
each  of  the  Direct  Beneficial  Owners  and  the  Beneficial  Owners.

The  principal  business  address  of each of (i) Icahn Offshore, Icahn Onshore,
Icahn  Capital,  IPH,  Icahn Holdings, Icahn Enterprises GP and Beckton is White
(1)  Please  note  that each shareholder listed in this table is, as of November
     3,  2011,  the  direct  beneficial  owner of the Shares set forth under the
     heading  "(3)  Amount of Beneficial Ownership" and that Indirect beneficial
     ownership  of  Shares  is described below in the text of this Annex A under
     the  heading  "Description  of Beneficial Ownership and Beneficial Owners."

(2)  Please  note  that  percentages  of ownership set forth in this column were
     calculated  based  on  the 91,181,486 Shares stated to be outstanding as of
     July  22,  2011 by the Corporation in the Corporation's Form 10-Q filed for
     the  quarterly  period  ended  June  30,  2011.

Plains  Plaza, 445 Hamilton Avenue - Suite 1210, White Plains, NY 10601 and (ii)
Mr.  Icahn,  Barberry and Hopper is c/o Icahn Capital LP, 767 Fifth Avenue, 46th
Floor,  New  York,  NY  10153.

     Barberry is primarily engaged in the business of serving as the sole member
of  Hopper  and  investing  in  securities.  Hopper  is primarily engaged in the
business  of  serving  as  the  general  partner  of High River and investing in
securities.  Icahn  Offshore  is primarily engaged in the business of serving as
the  general  partner  of each of Icahn Master, Icahn Master II and Icahn Master
III.  Icahn  Onshore  is  primarily  engaged  in  the business of serving as the
general  partner  of  Icahn  Partners. Icahn Capital is primarily engaged in the
business  of  serving as the general partner of each of Icahn Offshore and Icahn
Onshore.  IPH  is  primarily  engaged  in the business of serving as the general
partner of Icahn Capital. Icahn Holdings is primarily engaged in the business of
holding  direct  or  indirect  interests  in various operating businesses. Icahn
Enterprises  GP  is  primarily engaged in the business of serving as the general
partner  of  each  of Icahn Enterprises and Icahn Holdings. Beckton is primarily
engaged  in  the  business of holding the capital stock of Icahn Enterprises GP.
Mr. Carl C. Icahn is primarily engaged in serving as (i) Chief Executive Officer
of  Icahn  Capital  LP,  a wholly owned subsidiary of Icahn Enterprises, through
which  Mr.  Icahn  manages  various  private  investment  funds, including Icahn
Partners,  Icahn  Master, Icahn Master II and Icahn Master III, (ii) Chairman of
the  Board  of  Icahn  Enterprises  GP, the general partner of Icahn Enterprises
L.P.,  a New York Stock Exchange listed diversified holding company engaged in a
variety  of  businesses,  including  investment  management, automotive, gaming,
railcar,  food  packaging,  metals,  real  estate  and  home  fashion, and (iii)
Chairman  of  the  Board  and  a  director  of  Starfire  Holding  Corporation
("Starfire"),  a  holding company engaged in the business of investing in and/or
holding  securities  of  various  entities,  and  as Chairman of the Board and a
director  of  various  of  Starfire's  subsidiaries.

     The  Direct  Beneficial  Owners  and the Beneficial Owners may be deemed to
beneficially own, in the aggregate, 8,665,260 Shares, representing approximately
9.50%  of the Corporation's outstanding Shares (based upon the 91,181,486 Shares
stated  to  be  outstanding  as  of  July  22,  2011  by  the Corporation in the
Corporation's  Form  10-Q  filed  for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2011).

     High  River has sole voting power and/or sole dispositive power with regard
to  1,733,054  Shares.  Each of Hopper, Barberry and Mr. Icahn has shared voting
power and/or shared dispositive power with regard to such Shares. Icahn Partners
has  sole  voting  power  and/or sole dispositive power with regard to 2,654,644
Shares.  Each  of  Icahn  Onshore,  Icahn  Capital,  IPH,  Icahn Holdings, Icahn
Enterprises  GP,  Beckton  and  Mr.  Icahn has shared voting power and/or shared
dispositive power with regard to such Shares. Icahn Master has sole voting power
and/or  sole  dispositive  power  with regard to 2,867,004 Shares. Each of Icahn
Offshore,  Icahn Capital, IPH, Icahn Holdings, Icahn Enterprises GP, Beckton and
Mr. Icahn has shared voting power and/or shared dispositive power with regard to
such Shares. Icahn Master II has sole voting power and/or sole dispositive power
with regard to 982,896 Shares. Each of Icahn Offshore, Icahn Capital, IPH, Icahn
Holdings,  Icahn  Enterprises  GP, Beckton and Mr. Icahn has shared voting power
and/or shared dispositive power with regard to such Shares. Icahn Master III has
sole  voting  power and/or sole dispositive power with regard to 427,662 Shares.
Each  of  Icahn  Offshore, Icahn Capital, IPH, Icahn Holdings, Icahn Enterprises
GP,  Beckton  and  Mr.  Icahn  has shared voting power and/or shared dispositive
power  with  regard  to  such  Shares.

     Each of Hopper, Barberry and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to
High  River,  may  be deemed to indirectly beneficially own the 1,733,054 Shares
which  High  River  directly  beneficially  owns.  Each  of Icahn Onshore, Icahn
Capital,  IPH,  Icahn  Holdings, Icahn Enterprises GP, Beckton and Mr. Icahn, by
virtue  of  their  relationships  to Icahn Partners, may be deemed to indirectly
beneficially own the 2,654,644 Shares which Icahn Partners directly beneficially
owns.  Each  of  Icahn  Offshore,  Icahn  Capital,  IPH,  Icahn  Holdings, Icahn
Enterprises GP, Beckton and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to Icahn
Master,  Icahn  Master  II  and  Icahn  Master  III, may be deemed to indirectly
beneficially  own  the  4,277,562 Shares which Icahn Master, Icahn Master II and
Icahn  Master  III  directly  beneficially  own.


The  following  table  indicates the date of each purchase and sale of Shares by
Mr. Icahn and his affiliates within the past two years, and the number of Shares
in  each  such  purchase  and  sale.

NAME                         DATE                           SHARES PURCHASED
----                         ----                           ----------------
High River                4/29/2011                               20,640
High River                4/29/2011                              114,440
High River                5/02/2011                              108,012
High River                5/02/2011                                6,520
High River                5/03/2011                              120,001
High River                5/03/2011                                  980
High River                5/04/2011                               55,000
High River                6/28/2011                               12,824
High River                6/29/2011                                1,460
High River                6/30/2011                               60,000
High River                8/31/2011                            1,233,177 (3)

Icahn Partners            4/29/2011                               31,710
Icahn Partners            4/29/2011                              175,821
Icahn Partners            5/02/2011                              164,869
Icahn Partners            5/02/2011                                9,989
Icahn Partners            5/03/2011                              183,831
Icahn Partners            5/03/2011                                1,503
Icahn Partners            5/04/2011                               84,255
Icahn Partners            6/28/2011                               19,643
Icahn Partners            6/29/2011                                2,236
Icahn Partners            6/30/2011                               91,906
Icahn Partners            8/31/2011                            1,888,881 (3)

Icahn Master              4/29/2011                               33,915
Icahn Master              4/29/2011                              188,043
Icahn Master              5/02/2011                              180,077
Icahn Master              5/02/2011                               10,783
Icahn Master              5/03/2011                              198,462
Icahn Master              5/03/2011                                1,621
Icahn Master              5/04/2011                               90,961
Icahn Master              6/28/2011                               21,215
Icahn Master              6/29/2011                                2,415
Icahn Master              6/30/2011                               99,258
Icahn Master              8/31/2011                            2,040,254 (3)

Icahn Master II           4/29/2011                               11,810
Icahn Master II           4/29/2011                               65,483
Icahn Master II           5/02/2011                               60,685
Icahn Master II           5/02/2011                                3,701
Icahn Master II           5/03/2011                               68,112
Icahn Master II           5/03/2011                                  556
Icahn Master II           5/04/2011                               31,218
Icahn Master II           6/28/2011                                7,273
Icahn Master II           6/29/2011                                  828
Icahn Master II           6/30/2011                               34,029
Icahn Master II           8/31/2011                              699,201 (3)

Icahn Master III          4/29/2011                                5,125
Icahn Master III          4/29/2011                               28,413
Icahn Master III          5/02/2011                               26,416
Icahn Master III          5/02/2011                                1,607
Icahn Master III          5/03/2011                               29,597
Icahn Master III          5/03/2011                                  240
Icahn Master III          5/04/2011                               13,566
Icahn Master III          6/28/2011                                3,164
Icahn Master III          6/29/2011                                  361
Icahn Master III          6/30/2011                               14,807
Icahn Master III          8/31/2011                              304,366 (3)
(3)  The  Direct  Beneficial  Owner  acquired  these Shares upon the exercise of
     call  options  as  described  on  Attachment  I-A  to  this  Annex

     Shares  purchased by each of the Direct Beneficial Owners are maintained in
margin  accounts that include positions in securities in addition to the Shares.
As  of November 2, 2011, the indebtedness of (i) High River's margin account was
approximately  $555.8  million,  (ii)  Icahn  Partners'  margin  account  was
approximately  $810.1  million,  (iii)  Icahn  Master's  margin  account  was
approximately  $831.8  million,  (iv)  Icahn  Master  II's  margin  account  was
approximately  $256.0  million,  and  (v)  Icahn Master III's margin account was
approximately  $117.2  million.

                                                                         ANNEX A
                                                                  ATTACHMENT 1-A

The  following  are  American  call  options  purchased by the Direct Beneficial
Owners,  which  were  written  by  UBS  AG  with  a  $19.84  strike price and an
expiration  date  of  May  3,  2013, and which provided for physical settlement.
These  are  further  described in the chart set forth below. On August 31, 2011,
the  Direct  Beneficial  Owners  exercised all of their respective call options.

NAME                  DATE             QUANTITY          OPTION PREMIUM PAID ($)
----                  ----             --------          -----------------------
High River         5/05/2011            100,000                   1,068,350.00
High River         5/06/2011            140,000                   1,498,350.00
High River         5/09/2011             77,160                     822,371.28
High River         5/10/2011             55,000                     590,386.50
High River         5/11/2011            112,164                   1,164,419.35
High River         6/20/2011            145,000                     895,723.00
High River         6/21/2011            170,338                   1,215,157.22
High River         6/22/2011            146,643                   1,126,907.46
High River         6/23/2011             75,870                     545,573.58
High River         6/24/2011            106,002                     840,988.07
High River         6/27/2011            100,000                     800,810.00
High River         6/30/2011              5,000                      45,665.50

Icahn Partners     5/05/2011            153,195                   1,636,658.78
Icahn Partners     5/06/2011            214,470                   2,295,365.18
Icahn Partners     5/09/2011            118,204                   1,259,818.23
Icahn Partners     5/10/2011             84,256                     904,429.18
Icahn Partners     5/11/2011            171,827                   1,783,804.82
Icahn Partners     6/20/2011            221,962                   1,371,148.06
Icahn Partners     6/21/2011            260,919                   1,861,343.96
Icahn Partners     6/22/2011            224,623                   1,726,160.37
Icahn Partners     6/23/2011            116,217                     835,704.83
Icahn Partners     6/24/2011            162,371                   1,288,202.80
Icahn Partners     6/27/2011            153,177                   1,226,656.73
Icahn Partners     6/30/2011              7,660                      69,959.55

Icahn Master      05/05/2011            165,384                   1,766,879.96
Icahn Master      05/06/2011            231,538                   2,478,035.45
Icahn Master      05/09/2011            127,610                   1,360,067.38
Icahn Master      05/10/2011             90,962                     976,413.40
Icahn Master      05/11/2011            185,500                   1,925,749.70
Icahn Master      06/20/2011            240,302                   1,484,441.57
Icahn Master      06/21/2011            281,792                   2,010,247.77
Icahn Master      06/22/2011            242,592                   1,864,246.74
Icahn Master      06/23/2011            125,512                     902,544.24
Icahn Master      06/24/2011            175,359                   1,391,245.70
Icahn Master      06/27/2011            165,431                   1,324,787.99
Icahn Master      06/30/2011              8,272                      75,549.00

Icahn Master II   05/05/2011             56,760                     606,395.46
Icahn Master II   05/06/2011             79,462                     850,442.06
Icahn Master II   05/09/2011             43,797                     466,788.43
Icahn Master II   05/10/2011             31,216                     335,081.91
Icahn Master II   05/11/2011             63,666                     660,942.21
Icahn Master II   06/20/2011             81,827                     505,478.11
Icahn Master II   06/21/2011             96,607                     689,175.02
Icahn Master II   06/22/2011             83,168                     639,121.13
Icahn Master II   06/23/2011             43,029                     309,417.24
Icahn Master II   06/24/2011             60,119                     476,966.11
Icahn Master II   06/27/2011             56,715                     454,179.39
Icahn Master II   06/30/2011              2,835                      25,892.34

Icahn Master III  05/05/2011             24,661                     263,465.79
Icahn Master III  05/06/2011             34,530                     369,557.33
Icahn Master III  05/09/2011             19,029                     202,811.08
Icahn Master III  05/10/2011             13,566                     145,621.51
Icahn Master III  05/11/2011             27,661                     287,159.91
Icahn Master III  06/20/2011             35,909                     221,824.26
Icahn Master III  06/21/2011             42,033                     299,855.02
Icahn Master III  06/22/2011             36,187                     278,086.24
Icahn Master III  06/23/2011             18,722                     134,628.03
Icahn Master III  06/24/2011             26,158                     207,529.72
Icahn Master III  06/27/2011             24,677                     197,615.88
Icahn Master III  06/30/2011              1,233                      11,261.11

                                                                         ANNEX A
                                                                  ATTACHMENT 1-B

The  following  are  European  put  options  which  were  written  by the Direct
Beneficial Owners to UBS AG and had a $19.84 strike price and an expiration date
of  the  earlier  of  May  3,  2013  or  the  date  on  which  the corresponding
American-style  call  option  described in Annex A, Attachment 1-A is exercised,
and provided for cash settlement only and are further described in the chart set
forth  below.  On August 31, 2011, the Direct Beneficial Owners exercised all of
the  call options described in Annex A, Attachment 1-A, and upon exercise of the
call  options,  all of the put options described below expired pursuant to their

NAME                   DATE             QUANTITY         OPTION PREMIUM PAID ($)
----                   ----             --------         -----------------------
High River           5/05/2011            100,000                  1,000.00
High River           5/06/2011            140,000                  1,400.00
High River           5/09/2011             77,160                    771.60
High River           5/10/2011             55,000                    550.00
High River           5/11/2011            112,164                  1,121.64
High River           6/20/2011            145,000                  1,450.00
High River           6/21/2011            170,338                  1,703.38
High River           6/22/2011            146,643                  1,466.43
High River           6/23/2011             75,870                    758.70
High River           6/24/2011            106,002                  1,060.02
High River           6/27/2011            100,000                  1,000.00
High River           6/30/2011              5,000                     50.00

Icahn Partners       5/05/2011            153,195                  1,531.95
Icahn Partners       5/06/2011            214,470                  2,144.70
Icahn Partners       5/09/2011            118,204                  1,182.04
Icahn Partners       5/10/2011             84,256                    842.56
Icahn Partners       5/11/2011            171,827                  1,718.27
Icahn Partners       6/20/2011            221,962                  2,219.62
Icahn Partners       6/21/2011            260,919                  2,609.19
Icahn Partners       6/22/2011            224,623                  2,246.23
Icahn Partners       6/23/2011            116,217                  1,162.17
Icahn Partners       6/24/2011            162,371                  1,623.71
Icahn Partners       6/27/2011            153,177                  1,531.77
Icahn Partners       6/30/2011              7,660                     76.60

Icahn Master         5/05/2011            165,384                  1,653.84
Icahn Master         5/06/2011            231,538                  2,315.38
Icahn Master         5/09/2011            127,610                  1,276.10
Icahn Master         5/10/2011             90,962                    909.62
Icahn Master         5/11/2011            185,500                  1,855.00
Icahn Master         6/20/2011            240,302                  2,403.02
Icahn Master         6/21/2011            281,792                  2,817.92
Icahn Master         6/22/2011            242,592                  2,425.92
Icahn Master         6/23/2011            125,512                  1,255.12
Icahn Master         6/24/2011            175,359                  1,753.59
Icahn Master         6/27/2011            165,431                  1,654.31
Icahn Master         6/30/2011              8,272                     82.72

Icahn Master II      5/05/2011             56,760                    567.60
Icahn Master II      5/06/2011             79,462                    794.62
Icahn Master II      5/09/2011             43,797                    437.97
Icahn Master II      5/10/2011             31,216                    312.16
Icahn Master II      5/11/2011             63,666                    636.66
Icahn Master II      6/20/2011             81,827                    818.27
Icahn Master II      6/21/2011             96,607                    966.07
Icahn Master II      6/22/2011             83,168                    831.68
Icahn Master II      6/23/2011             43,029                    430.29
Icahn Master II      6/24/2011             60,119                    601.19
Icahn Master II      6/27/2011             56,715                    567.15
Icahn Master II      6/30/2011              2,835                     28.35

Icahn Master III     5/05/2011             24,661                    246.61
Icahn Master III     5/06/2011             34,530                    345.30
Icahn Master III     5/09/2011             19,029                    190.29
Icahn Master III     5/10/2011             13,566                    135.66
Icahn Master III     5/11/2011             27,661                    276.61
Icahn Master III     6/20/2011             35,909                    359.09
Icahn Master III     6/21/2011             42,033                    420.33
Icahn Master III     6/22/2011             36,187                    361.87
Icahn Master III     6/23/2011             18,722                    187.22
Icahn Master III     6/24/2011             26,158                    261.58
Icahn Master III     6/27/2011             24,677                    246.77
Icahn Master III     6/30/2011              1,233                     12.33

                                                                         ANNEX B
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 1

NAME:                   A.B. Krongard

AGE:                    75

BUSINESS                1400  West  Seminary  Avenue
ADDRESS:                Lutherville,  Maryland  21093

RESIDENCE               1400  West  Seminary  Avenue
ADDRESS:                Lutherville,  Maryland  21093
OR  EMPLOYMENT:         See  below

CITIZENSHIP:            United  States  of  America

Mr.  Krongard  does  not,  and  his  associates  do not, own, beneficially or of
record,  any  shares  of  capital stock of the Corporation.  Mr. Krongard has an
interest  in  the  election  of  directors at the Annual Meeting pursuant to the
Nominee  Agreement  attached  hereto  as  Annex  D.

Mr.  Krongard  serves  as  an outside director on the Global Board of DLA Piper.
DLA  Piper is one of the world's largest law firms with over 2,800 lawyers in 49
offices  in  18  countries. In addition, he is the Lead Director of Under Armour
Inc.  where  he chairs the Audit Committee.  He is also a member of the Board of
Iridium  Communications  Inc.  and  In-Q-Tel.  He serves as Vice Chairman of the
Johns  Hopkins  Health  System,  Chairman of The Baltimore Police Foundation and
member  of  the  audit  committee  of  Apollo  Global  Management,  LLC.

Mr.  Krongard  retired from the Central Intelligence Agency on November 30, 2004
where  he  had  been  Executive  Director  since  March,  2001.  Prior  to  this
appointment,  Mr.  Krongard  served  as  Counselor  to  the  Director of Central
Intelligence  from  February  2,  1998,  after  a  29-year  career in investment

Mr.  Krongard  had  previously  worked  in  various  capacities  at  Alex. Brown
Incorporated,  the  nation's  oldest  investment  banking  firm. In 1991, he was
elected as Chief Executive Officer and assumed the additional duties of Chairman
of  the  Board  in  1994.  Upon  the  merger  of  Alex  Brown with Bankers Trust
Corporation in September 1997, Mr. Krongard became Vice Chairman of the Board of
Bankers Trust and served in such capacity until joining the Central Intelligence

Mr.  Krongard  served as Chairman of the Securities Industry Association in 1996
and  was  named  the Outstanding Executive in the financial services industry in
1995  and  1996  by Financial World. In 1997, he received the Golden Plate Award
from  the  American  Academy  of  Achievement.

Mr.  Krongard  received  an A.B. Degree with honors from Princeton University in
1958  and  a  Juris  Doctor  Degree  with honors from the University of Maryland
School  of  Law  in  1975.

                                                                         ANNEX B
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 2


NAME:                   Vincent J. Intrieri

AGE:                    55

BUSINESS                Icahn  Capital  LP,  767  Fifth  Avenue,  47th  Floor
ADDRESS:                New  York,  NY  10153

RESIDENCE               200  East  66th  Street,  Apt.  B1205
ADDRESS:                New  York,  NY  10065
OR  EMPLOYMENT:         See  below

CITIZENSHIP:            United  States  of  America

Mr.  Intrieri has an interest in the election of directors through an investment
in  Icahn  Partners  LP. Other than in respect of such investment (to the extent
applicable), Mr. Intrieri does not, and his associates do not, own, beneficially
or  of  record,  any  shares  of  capital  stock  of  the  Corporation.

Mr.  Intrieri  served  as a Senior Managing Director of Icahn Capital Management
L.P.  from  August  8,  2007  until  December  31, 2007. From January 1, 2008 to
September  30,  2011, Mr. Intrieri served as a Senior Managing Director of Icahn
Capital  L.P.,  the  entity  through  which  Carl  C.  Icahn manages third party
investment  funds  and  since October 1, 2011, Mr. Intrieri has served as Senior
Vice  President  of Icahn Enterprises G.P. and Senior Managing Director of Icahn
Capital  L.P.  Since  November  2004,  Mr.  Intrieri  has been a Senior Managing
Director  of  Icahn Onshore LP, the general partner of Icahn Partners, and Icahn
Offshore,  the general partner of Icahn Master, Icahn Master II and Icahn Master
III.  Mr.  Intrieri has served as a director of Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., the
general  partner of Icahn Enterprises L.P. since July 2006. Since November 2005,
Mr.  Intrieri  has  been  a  director  of  WestPoint  International,  Inc.,  a
manufacturer  and  distributor  of  home fashion consumer products. Mr. Intrieri
also serves on the board of directors of FederalMogul Corporation, a supplier of
automotive  products. Since December 2007, Mr. Intrieri has been chairman of the
board and a director of PSC Metals, Inc. and, since December 2006, he has been a
director  of National Energy Group, Inc. Since January 1, 2005, Mr. Intrieri has
been  Senior  Managing Director of Icahn Associates Corp. and High River Limited
Partnership, entities primarily engaged in the business of holding and investing
in  securities.  From  April 2005 through September 2008, Mr. Intrieri served as
the  President  and  Chief  Executive Officer of Philip Services Corporation, an
industrial  services  company.  Since  August 2005, Mr. Intrieri has served as a
director  of  American  Railcar  Industries,  Inc.,  a company that is primarily
engaged  in the business of manufacturing covered hopper and tank railcars. From
March  2005  to  December  2005,  Mr.  Intrieri was a Senior Vice President, the
Treasurer  and  the  Secretary of American Railcar Industries. Since April 2003,
Mr.  Intrieri  has  been  chairman  of  the board of directors and a director of
Viskase  Companies,  Inc.,  a producer of cellulosic and plastic casings used in
preparing  and packaging processed meat products. Since March 2011, Mr. Intrieri
has  served  as  a  director  of Dynegy Inc., a company primarily engaged in the
production  and  sale  of electric energy, capacity and ancillary services. From
November 2006 to November 2008, Mr. Intrieri served on the board of directors of
Lear  Corporation,  a global supplier of automotive seating and electrical power
management  systems and components. From August 2008 through September 2009, Mr.
Intrieri  was  a  director of WCI Communities, Inc., a homebuilding company. Mr.
Intrieri  also  serves  on  the  board  of  directors  of  XO  Holdings,  LLC, a
telecommunications  company.  Since  January  4,  2011,  Mr. Intrieri has been a
director  of  Motorola Solutions, Inc., a provider of communication products and
services. With respect to each company mentioned above, Mr. Carl Icahn, directly
or  indirectly, either (i) controls such company or (ii) has an interest in such
company  through the ownership of securities. Mr. Intrieri is a certified public

                                                                         ANNEX B
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 3


NAME:                   Samuel Merksamer

AGE:                    31

BUSINESS                767  Fifth  Avenue,  47th
ADDRESS:                Floor,  New  York,  NY  10153

RESIDENCE               9  Seneca  Trail
ADDRESS:                Harrison,  New  York  10528
OR  EMPLOYMENT:         See  below

CITIZENSHIP:            United  States  of  America

Mr.  Merksamer  does  not,  and  his  associates do not, own, beneficially or of
record,  any  shares  of  capital  stock  of  the  Corporation.

Mr.  Merksamer  has  served  as  an  investment  analyst  at Icahn Capital LP, a
subsidiary  of  Icahn  Enterprises  L.P.,  since  May  2008.  Mr.  Merksamer  is
responsible  for  identifying, analyzing and monitoring investment opportunities
and portfolio companies for Icahn Capital. Mr. Merksamer serves as a director of
Dynegy  Inc.,  Viskase  Companies,  Inc.,  American Railcar Industries Inc., PSC
Metals  Inc.  and  Federal-Mogul  Corporation.  Viskase  Companies,  PSC Metals,
American  Railcar  Industries  Inc.  and  Federal-Mogul  are  each,  directly or
indirectly,  controlled  by  Carl  C.  Icahn.  Mr. Icahn also has an interest in
Dynegy  Inc.  through  the  ownership  of securities.  From 2003 until 2008, Mr.
Merksamer  was an analyst at Airlie Opportunity Capital Management, a hedge fund
management  company,  where he focused on high yield and distressed investments.
Mr.  Merksamer  received  an  A.B. in Economics from Cornell University in 2002.

                                                                         ANNEX B
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 4

NAME:                   Jose  Maria  Alapont

AGE:                    61

BUSINESS                26555  Northwestern  Highway
ADDRESS:                Southfield,  Michigan  48033

RESIDENCE               1772  Heron  Ridge  Drive
ADDRESS:                Bloomfield  Hills,  MI  48302

OR  EMPLOYMENT:         See  below

CITIZENSHIP:            Spain

Mr.  Alapont  has an interest in the election of directors at the Annual Meeting
pursuant  to  the  Nominee  Agreement  attached hereto as Annex D and indirectly
through  an  investment  in  Icahn  Partners  LP.  Other than in respect of such
investment  (to the extent applicable), Mr. Alapont does not, and his associates
do  not,  own,  beneficially  or  of  record, any shares of capital stock of the

Since March 2005, Jose Maria Alapont has been president, chief executive officer
and  a  director  of  Federal-Mogul Corporation ("Federal-Mogul"), a supplier of
automotive  products  that  is  an  affiliate  of Mr. Carl C. Icahn. Mr. Alapont
served as chairman of the board of directors of Federal-Mogul from 2005 to 2007.
He  has  more  than  35  years  of  global leadership experience in both vehicle
manufacturers and suppliers with business and operations responsibilities in the
Americas,  Asia  Pacific,  Europe,  Middle  East  and  Africa  regions.

Mr.  Alapont,  between 2003 and 2005 was chief executive officer and a member of
the  board  of  directors  of  Fiat IVECO, the manufacturer of light, medium and
heavy-duty  commercial  vehicles,  engines,  passenger  transport,  defense  and
fire-fighting  vehicles.

He  served  in  various  key executive positions at Delphi Corporation, a global
automotive  supplier from 1997 to 2003. He began at Delphi as executive director
of  international operations. In 1999, Mr. Alapont was named president of Delphi
Europe,  Middle  East  and Africa and a vice president of Delphi Corporation and
also  became  a  member  of  the  Delphi  Strategy  Board,  the  company's  top
policy-making  group.  In  2003,  Mr.  Alapont  was  named president of Delphi's
international  operations,  and  vice  president  of  sales  and  marketing.

Mr.  Alapont,  from  1990  to  1997, served in several executive roles and was a
member  of the Strategy Board at Valeo, a global automotive supplier. He started
at  Valeo  as  managing  director of engine cooling systems, Spain. In 1991, Mr.
Alapont  was  named  executive  director  of Valeo's worldwide heavy-duty engine
cooling operations. In 1992, he became group vice president of Valeo's worldwide
clutch  and  transmission components division. He was named group vice president
of  the  company's  worldwide lighting systems division in 1996. Since May 2011,
Mr.  Alapont  has  been  a  member  of the board of directors of Mentor Graphics
Corporation,  a  NASDAQ-listed  electronic  design  automation  company.

Mr.  Alapont began and developed his automotive career from 1974 to 1989 at Ford
Motor  Company,  and  over  the  course  of 15 years, starting at Ford of Spain,
progressed  through  different  management  and  executive positions in quality,
testing  and  validation,  manufacturing  and  purchasing  positions  at Ford of

A native of Spain, Mr. Alapont earned degrees in industrial engineering from the
Technical  School  of  Valencia in Spain and in philology from the University of
Valencia  in  Spain.

                                                                         ANNEX B
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 5


NAME:                   Daniel A. Ninivaggi

AGE:                    47

BUSINESS                Icahn  Capital  LP,  767  Fifth  Avenue,  47th  Floor
ADDRESS:                New  York,  NY  10153

RESIDENCE               100  West  57th  Street,  Apt.  6R
ADDRESS:                New  York,  NY  10019
OR  EMPLOYMENT:         See  below

CITIZENSHIP:            United  States  of  America

Mr.  Ninivaggi  does  not,  and  his  associates do not, own, beneficially or of
record,  any  shares  of capital stock of the Corporation.  Mr. Ninivaggi has an
interest  in  the election of directors at the Annual Meeting indirectly through
certain  options  to  purchase  depositary  units  of  Icahn  Enterprises  L.P.

Daniel  A.  Ninivaggi  has served as President of Icahn Enterprises L.P. and its
general  partner,  Icahn  Enterprises G.P. Inc., since April 5, 2010, and as its
Principal Executive Officer, or chief executive, since August 4, 2010. From 2003
until  July  2009,  Mr.  Ninivaggi served in a variety of executive positions at
Lear  Corporation,  a global supplier of automotive seating and electrical power
management  systems  and  components,  including  as  General  Counsel from 2003
through  2007,  as Senior Vice President from 2004 until 2006, and most recently
as  Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer from 2006 to 2009.
Lear  Corporation  filed  for  bankruptcy  in  July  2009. Prior to joining Lear
Corporation, from 1998 to 2003, Mr. Ninivaggi was a partner with the law firm of
Winston  &  Strawn  LLP,  specializing  in  corporate  finance,  mergers  and
acquisitions,  and corporate governance. Mr. Ninivaggi also served as Of Counsel
to  Winston & Strawn LLP from July 2009 to March 2010. From December 2009 to May
2011,  Mr.  Ninivaggi  has  also  served as a director of CIT Group Inc., a bank
holding  company.  Mr.  Ninivaggi  also  serves  as  a  director of FederalMogul
Corporation,  a  supplier  of  automotive  products,  and  XO  Holdings,  LLC, a
telecommunications  company.  Since December 2010, Mr. Ninivaggi has served as a
director of Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc., a provider of mobile communication
devices, video and data delivery solutions. Since January 6, 2011, Mr. Ninivaggi
has also served as the Interim President and Interim Chief Executive Officer and
a  director of Tropicana Entertainment Inc., a company that is primarily engaged
in  the  business  of  owning  and  operating  casinos  and  resorts.

                                                                         ANNEX B
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 6

NAME:                   Marc  F.  Gustafson

AGE:                    59

BUSINESS               754  Bear  Left
ADDRESS:               Asheville,  NC  28805

RESIDENCE              754  Bear  Left
ADDRESS:               Asheville,  NC  28805

OR  EMPLOYMENT:        See  below

CITIZENSHIP:           United  States  of  America

Mr. Gustafson has an interest in the election of directors at the Annual Meeting
pursuant to the Nominee Agreement attached hereto as Annex D. Mr. Gustafson does
not,  and  his  associates do not, own, beneficially or of record, any shares of
capital  stock  of  the  Corporation.

Marc  Gustafson  founded  Gustafson Consulting Group in 2008 in Asheville, North
Carolina.  His  firm  specializes  in management consulting for companies in the
transportation  and  related  industries. Mr. Gustafson also provides litigation
support  and  expert  testimony  in cases involving the transportation industry.
Mr.  Gustafson's  transportation  industry  expertise  includes  the heavy truck
industry,  which began in 1975, as the owner of Mack dealerships in Florida.  He
owned and operated the dealerships for seventeen years.  In 1991, he joined Mack
Trucks,  Inc.  as  its Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing.  In that
position,  he  was  responsible  for  all  North  and  Latin American commercial
operations  for  Mack.  In  1996,  he  joined  Volvo Trucks North America as its
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer.  During  his  tenure at Volvo, he was
appointed  Chairman  of  Volvo's global truck marketing and business development
committee,  and  was  involved  in  Volvo's  strategic  efforts to acquire other
companies  in  the  heavy  truck  industry,  including  his former employer Mack
Trucks,  Inc.,  as  well  as  Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. and Petro Truck Stops.  In
2003,  he  ran  Freightliner  Corporation's  American LaFrance subsidiary, which
builds  fire  emergency  vehicles.  Then  in  2004,  he  joined  Federal  Signal
Corporation  to  run  its  fire emergency vehicle subsidiaries, E-One and Bronto
Skylift.  He  left  Federal  Signal in 2007 and, a year later, founded Gustafson
Consulting  Group.

Mr.  Gustafson  is  also  a  former  board  member  of  the  American  Trucking
Association,  Volvo  Cars, NA and Habitat for Humanity, Charleston. He graduated
from  Berry  College  with  a  BS  degree  in  1974.

                                                                         ANNEX C

The  written  consent  of  each  Nominee  to,  among  other things, being named,
including  as  a  nominee  for election as a director of the Corporation, in the
applicable  proxy statement and to serve as a director if so elected is attached
to  this  Annex  C.  If  the  Corporation requests original signed statements of
consents,  the  Record  Holder  will  provide  them.

                                                                         ANNEX C
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 1

                               CONSENT OF NOMINEE

     The  undersigned hereby consents to being named, including as a nominee for
election  as  a  director  of  Oshkosh Corporation (the "Company"), in the proxy
statement  to  be  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and
distributed  to  Stockholders  of  the Company by High River Limited Partnership
("High River"), Icahn Partners LP ("Icahn Partners"), Icahn Partners Master Fund
LP ("Icahn Master"), Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P. ("Icahn Master II"), and
Icahn  Partners  Master Fund III L.P. ("Icahn Master III", and collectively with
High River, Icahn Partners, Icahn Master and Icahn Master II, the "Holders") and
in other materials in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Holders
from  Stockholders  of  the  Company  to  be voted at the 2012 annual meeting of
Stockholders of the Company and any adjournment thereof, and further consents to
serve  as  a  director  of  the  Company,  if  so  elected.

Dated:  November  3,  2011

/s/ A.B.  Krongard
Name:  A.B.  Krongard

                                                                         ANNEX C
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 2

                               CONSENT OF NOMINEE

     The  undersigned hereby consents to being named, including as a nominee for
election  as  a  director  of  Oshkosh Corporation (the "Company"), in the proxy
statement  to  be  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and
distributed  to  Stockholders  of  the Company by High River Limited Partnership
("High River"), Icahn Partners LP ("Icahn Partners"), Icahn Partners Master Fund
LP ("Icahn Master"), Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P. ("Icahn Master II"), and
Icahn  Partners  Master Fund III L.P. ("Icahn Master III", and collectively with
High River, Icahn Partners, Icahn Master and Icahn Master II, the "Holders") and
in other materials in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Holders
from  Stockholders  of  the  Company  to  be voted at the 2012 annual meeting of
Stockholders of the Company and any adjournment thereof, and further consents to
serve  as  a  director  of  the  Company,  if  so  elected.

Dated:  November  3,  2011

/s/ Vincent  J.  Intrieri
Name:  Vincent  J.  Intrieri

                                                                         ANNEX C
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 3

                               CONSENT OF NOMINEE

     The  undersigned hereby consents to being named, including as a nominee for
election  as  a  director  of  Oshkosh Corporation (the "Company"), in the proxy
statement  to  be  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and
distributed  to  Stockholders  of  the Company by High River Limited Partnership
("High River"), Icahn Partners LP ("Icahn Partners"), Icahn Partners Master Fund
LP ("Icahn Master"), Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P. ("Icahn Master II"), and
Icahn  Partners  Master Fund III L.P. ("Icahn Master III", and collectively with
High River, Icahn Partners, Icahn Master and Icahn Master II, the "Holders") and
in other materials in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Holders
from  Stockholders  of  the  Company  to  be voted at the 2012 annual meeting of
Stockholders of the Company and any adjournment thereof, and further consents to
serve  as  a  director  of  the  Company,  if  so  elected.

Dated:  November  3,  2011

/s/ Samuel  Merksamer
Name:  Samuel  Merksamer

                                                                         ANNEX C
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 4

                               CONSENT OF NOMINEE

     The  undersigned hereby consents to being named, including as a nominee for
election  as  a  director  of  Oshkosh Corporation (the "Company"), in the proxy
statement  to  be  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and
distributed  to  Stockholders  of  the Company by High River Limited Partnership
("High River"), Icahn Partners LP ("Icahn Partners"), Icahn Partners Master Fund
LP ("Icahn Master"), Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P. ("Icahn Master II"), and
Icahn  Partners  Master Fund III L.P. ("Icahn Master III", and collectively with
High River, Icahn Partners, Icahn Master and Icahn Master II, the "Holders") and
in other materials in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Holders
from  Stockholders  of  the  Company  to  be voted at the 2012 annual meeting of
Stockholders of the Company and any adjournment thereof, and further consents to
serve  as  a  director  of  the  Company,  if  so  elected.

Dated:  November  3,  2011

/s/ Jose  Maria  Alapont
Name:  Jose  Maria  Alapont

                                                                         ANNEX C
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 5

                               CONSENT OF NOMINEE

     The  undersigned hereby consents to being named, including as a nominee for
election  as  a  director  of  Oshkosh Corporation (the "Company"), in the proxy
statement  to  be  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and
distributed  to  Stockholders  of  the Company by High River Limited Partnership
("High River"), Icahn Partners LP ("Icahn Partners"), Icahn Partners Master Fund
LP ("Icahn Master"), Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P. ("Icahn Master II"), and
Icahn  Partners  Master Fund III L.P. ("Icahn Master III", and collectively with
High River, Icahn Partners, Icahn Master and Icahn Master II, the "Holders") and
in other materials in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Holders
from  Stockholders  of  the  Company  to  be voted at the 2012 annual meeting of
Stockholders of the Company and any adjournment thereof, and further consents to
serve  as  a  director  of  the  Company,  if  so  elected.

Dated:  November  3,  2011

/s/ Daniel  A.  Ninivaggi
Name:  Daniel  A.  Ninivaggi

                                                                         ANNEX C
                                                                    ATTACHMENT 6

                               CONSENT OF NOMINEE

     The  undersigned hereby consents to being named, including as a nominee for
election  as  a  director  of  Oshkosh Corporation (the "Company"), in the proxy
statement  to  be  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and
distributed  to  Stockholders  of  the Company by High River Limited Partnership
("High River"), Icahn Partners LP ("Icahn Partners"), Icahn Partners Master Fund
LP ("Icahn Master"), Icahn Partners Master Fund II L.P. ("Icahn Master II"), and
Icahn  Partners  Master Fund III L.P. ("Icahn Master III", and collectively with
High River, Icahn Partners, Icahn Master and Icahn Master II, the "Holders") and
in other materials in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Holders
from  Stockholders  of  the  Company  to  be voted at the 2012 annual meeting of
Stockholders of the Company and any adjournment thereof, and further consents to
serve  as  a  director  of  the  Company,  if  so  elected.

Dated:  November  3,  2011

/s/ Marc  F.  Gustafson
Name:  Marc  F.  Gustafson

                                                                         ANNEX D

Attached  to  this  Annex  D  is the form of agreement to be entered into by the
Nominees  (other  than  Messrs.  Intrieri,  Merksamer,  and  Ninivaggi)  and  an
affiliate  of  the  Record Holder pursuant to which such affiliate has agreed to
pay certain fees to such Nominees (other than Mr. Alapont) and to indemnify such
Nominees  with  respect to certain costs incurred by such Nominees in connection
with  the  proxy  contest  relating  to  the  Annual  Meeting.

                                ICAHN CAPITAL LP

                                November 3, 2011

To the undersigned potential nominee:

     This will confirm our understanding as follows:

     You agree that you are willing, should we so elect, to become a member of a
slate  of  nominees  (the "Slate") to stand for election as directors of Oshkosh
Corporation  ("Oshkosh")  in  connection with a proxy contest with management of
Oshkosh  in  respect  of the election of directors of Oshkosh at the 2012 Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders of Oshkosh (the "Annual Meeting"), expected to be held
on  or  about  February  2012,  or  a special meeting of stockholders of Oshkosh
called  for  a  similar  purpose  (the  "Proxy  Contest").

     Icahn  Capital  LP  ("Icahn") agrees to pay the costs of the Proxy Contest.

     In addition, upon our filing of a preliminary proxy statement with the SEC,
which indicates that Icahn, or an affiliate thereof, intends to nominate you for
election at the Annual Meeting, you will be entitled to be paid $25,000 by Icahn
unless  you  are elected to serve as a director of Oshkosh at the Annual Meeting
or  a special meeting of stockholders of Oshkosh called for a similar purpose or
in  connection  with  a settlement of the Proxy Contest by Icahn and Oshkosh, in
which  case  you  will not receive any payment from Icahn in connection with the
Proxy  Contest.  Payment to you pursuant to this paragraph, if any, will be made
by  Icahn,  subject  to  the  terms  hereof,  upon  the  earliest  of  (i)  the
certification  of  the  results of the election in respect of the Proxy Contest,
(ii)  the  settlement  of  the  Proxy Contest by Icahn and Oshkosh, or (iii) the
withdrawal  of  the  Proxy  Contest  by  Icahn (4).

     You  understand  that  it  may  be difficult, if not impossible, to replace
nominees  who,  such  as  yourself,  have agreed to serve on the Slate and later
change their minds and determine not to seek election. Accordingly, the Slate is
relying  upon your agreement to seek election. In that connection, you are being
supplied  with  a questionnaire in which you will provide Icahn with information
necessary  for  Icahn to make appropriate disclosure both to Oshkosh and for use
in  creating  the proxy material to be sent to shareholders of Oshkosh and to be
filed  with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You have agreed that (i) you
will  immediately  complete  and  sign  the  questionnaire and return it to Mark
DiPaolo,  Assistant  General  Counsel,  Icahn  Enterprises LP, 767 Fifth Avenue,
Suite 4700, New York, NY 10153, Tel: (212) 702-4361, Fax: (212) 688-1158, Email:  and  (ii)  your responses to the questions contained therein
will  be  true  and  correct in all respects. In addition, you have agreed that,
concurrently  with  your execution of this letter, you will execute the attached
instrument  directed  to  Oshkosh  informing  Oshkosh  that you consent to being
nominated  by  Icahn,  or  an  affiliate  thereof, for election as a director of
Oshkosh  and, if elected, consent to serving as a director of Oshkosh.  You also
will  make a statement in the attached instrument that if elected, you intend to
tender  a  resignation  effective upon your failure to receive the required vote
for re-election at the next meeting at which you would face re-election and upon
acceptance  of  such  resignation  by  the Board of Directors of the Company, in
accordance  with the Company's Amended and Restated Bylaws.  Upon being notified
that  we  have  chosen  you,  we  may forward that instrument and your completed
questionnaire  (or  summaries  thereof) to Oshkosh.  Upon being notified that we
have chosen you, we may forward that instrument and your completed questionnaire
(or  summaries  thereof)  to  Oshkosh.
(4)  This  paragraph  is  not  contained  in  Mr.  Alapont's  agreement.

     Icahn hereby agrees that, so long as you actually serve on the Slate, Icahn
will  defend,  indemnify  and  hold  you  harmless  from and against any and all
losses,  damages, penalties, judgments, awards, liabilities, costs, expenses and
disbursements (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, costs,
expenses  and  disbursements) incurred by you in the event that (i) you become a
party,  or  are  threatened  to  be  made  a  party,  to  any  civil,  criminal,
administrative or arbitrative action, suit or proceeding, and any appeal thereof
relating  solely  to your role as a nominee for director of Oshkosh on the Slate
(a  "Proceeding")  or (ii) you are called to testify or give a deposition in any
Proceeding  (whether or not you are a party or are threatened to be made a party
to  such  Proceeding),  including,  in  each case, the advancement to you of all
reasonable  attorneys' costs and expenses incurred by you in connection with any
Proceeding.  Your  right  of indemnification hereunder shall continue (i) in the
event  that  Icahn determines to withdraw the Slate or remove you from the Slate
and  (ii)  after  the  election  has taken place but only for events which occur
prior  to  such  election  and  subsequent  to  the date hereof. Anything to the
contrary  herein  notwithstanding,  Icahn is not indemnifying you for any action
taken  by  you  or  on  your  behalf  which  occurs  prior to the date hereof or
subsequent  to  the  Annual  Meeting or such earlier time as you are no longer a
nominee  of  the  Slate  for  election to Oshkosh' Board of Directors or for any
actions  taken  by  you  as  a  director of Oshkosh, if you are elected. Nothing
herein  shall be construed to provide you an indemnity: (i) in the event you are
found to have engaged in a violation of any provision of state or federal law in
connection  with  the  Proxy Contest unless you demonstrate that your action was
taken  in  good  faith  and  in a manner you reasonably believed to be in or not
opposed  to  the best interests of electing the Slate; or (ii) if you acted in a
manner  which  constitutes  gross negligence or willful misconduct. In the event
that  you shall make any claim for indemnification hereunder, you shall promptly
notify Icahn in the event of any third-party claims actually made against you or
known  by  you  to  be threatened.  In addition, with respect to any such claim,
Icahn  shall  be  entitled to control your defense with counsel chosen by Icahn.
Icahn  shall  not  be  responsible  for  any settlement of any claim against you
covered  by this indemnity without its prior written consent. However, Icahn may
not enter into any settlement of any such claim without your consent unless such
settlement  includes  a  release of you from any and all liability in respect of
such  claim.

     Each  of us recognizes that should you be elected to the Board of Directors
of  Oshkosh  all of your activities and decisions as a director will be governed
by  applicable  law  and  subject  to your fiduciary duty to the stockholders of
Oshkosh  and,  as  a result, that there is, and can be, no agreement between you
and  Icahn  which  governs  the  decisions  which you will make as a director of

     Should  the  foregoing agree with your understanding, please so indicate in
the  space provided below, whereupon this letter will become a binding agreement
between  us.

Very  truly  yours,


By:  __________________________
     Name:  Edward  E.  Mattner
     Title:  Authorized  Signatory

Agreed  to  and  Accepted  as
of  the  date  first  above  written:
