TERM LOAN AGREEMENT                   Exhibit 10.16

     This Term Loan  Agreement is entered into as of the 5th day of May, 1998,
by and between UNION PLANTERS BANK,  NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION,  a national  banking
association, whose address is 6200 Poplar Avenue, HQ4, Memphis, Tennessee, 38119
Attn:  Commercial  Lending  (herein  "Lender" or "Bank"),  and FRED'S,  INC.,  a
Tennessee  corporation,  whose  address  is  4300  New  Getwell  Road,  Memphis,
Tennessee 38118 (herein "Borrower").


     WHEREAS,  Borrower has requested that Lender make the loan described below;

     WHEREAS,  Lender is  willing  to lend  funds to  Borrower  on the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises and of other good and
valuable   consideration,   the   adequacy  and  receipt  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:


     1.1 Definitions.  In addition to terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement,
the following terms shall have the meanings  indicated,  which meanings shall be
equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms of such terms:

     "Advance"  shall mean the drawing  down by Borrower of loans from Lender on
any given Advance Date.

     "Advance Date" shall mean the date as of which an Advance is consummated.

     "Affiliate"  of any Person shall mean any other Person  which,  directly or
indirectly, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such
Person. For purposes of this definition,  "control" of any Person shall mean the
power, directly or indirectly,  either to (i) vote 10% or more of the securities
having  ordinary  voting  power for the  election of directors of such Person or
(ii) direct the management  and policies of such Person,  whether by contract or
otherwise.  The  term  "Affiliate"  shall  include,   without  limitation,   any
partnership of which the Borrower, or any Affiliate of the Borrower is a general
partner or is a limited partner with more than a ten percent (10%) interest.

     "Borrowing Limit" shall mean the Commitment.


     "Business Day" shall mean a day on which  commercial  banks are required to
be open for business in Memphis, Tennessee.

     "Commitment" shall mean Twelve Million Dollars ($12,000,000.00).

     "Debt"  means,  with respect to any Person,  considered  on a  consolidated
basis, all  indebtedness and other similar monetary  obligations of such Person,
including all obligations of such Person under capital leases.

     "Debt Service"  shall mean all amounts  payable or to be paid during the 12
months  following any date of measurement,  with respect to all Debt,  including
without  limitation,  payments on capital leases,  maturities of capital leases,
and  maturities  of  other  Debt  during  such  period,  and  including  without
limitation,  all  interest,  fees  and  expenses  with  respect  to  all  of the

     "Default" shall mean any event which, with the lapse of time, the giving of
notice, or both, would become an Event of Default hereunder.

     "EBITDA"  means  consolidated  Net Income  plus  interest  expense,  taxes,
depreciation  and  amortization,  all  calculated  on a  consolidated  basis  in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principals consistently applied.

     "Event of Default" shall have the meaning defined in Section 8.1.

     "Indebtedness"  shall mean,  for any Person,  considered on a  consolidated
basis,  (a) all  indebtedness  or other  obligations of such Person for borrowed
money or for the  deferred  purchase  price of  property  or  services,  (b) all
indebtedness or other  obligations of any other Person the payment or collection
of which  such  Person  has  guaranteed  (except  by reason of  endorsement  for
collection  in the  ordinary  course of  business)  or in  respect of which such
Person is liable, contingently or otherwise, including without limitation liable
by way of agreement to purchase,  to provide funds for payment,  to supply funds
to or  otherwise  to  invest in such  other  Person,  or other  wise to assure a
creditor  against loss, (c) all  indebtedness or other  obligations of any other
Person for  borrowed  money or for the  deferred  purchase  price of property or
services  secured  by (or for  which  the  holder  of such  indebtedness  has an
existing right, contingent or otherwise, to be secured by) any mortgage, deed of
trust, pledge, lien, security interest or other charge or encumbrance upon or in
property  (including without  limitation  accounts and contract rights) owned by
such  Person,  whether or not such Person has  assumed or become  liable for the
payment  of  such  indebtedness  or  obligations,   and  (d)  capitalized  lease
obligations of such Person.

     "Interest Rate" shall mean a per annum rate as set forth in the Note.

     "Lien" shall mean any interest in Property  securing an obligation owed to,
or a claim by, a person or entity other than the owner of the Property,  whether
such interest is based on the common law, statute,  or contract,  and including,
but not limited to, the lien or security interest arising from


a mortgage, encumbrance,  pledge, security agreement, conditional sale, or trust
receipt, or a lease, consignment, or bailment for security purposes.

     "Loan Documents" shall mean each of this Agreement,  the Note, the Negative
Pledge Agreement and each other document or instrument  executed by the Borrower
or any  Affiliate  in favor of the  Lender in  connection  with the  transaction
contemplated hereby.

     "Negative  Pledge  Agreement"  shall  mean the  Negative  Pledge  Agreement
executed  in  counterparts  by  Borrower in favor of Lender and dated as of even
date herewith.

     "Maturity  Date" shall mean November 1, 2005,  unless  accelerated  earlier
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

     "Net Income" of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries for any period shall mean
the net income,  determined in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles,  consistently  applied, on a consolidated basis, but in any event by
deducting  from the  amount of its gross  income for such  period all  operating
expenses and other proper charges to income for such period,  including (without
in any  respect  limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing)  interest  on all
outstanding   Indebtedness,   amortization   of  debt   discount   and  expense,
amortization of all other deferred  charges  properly sub ject to  amortization,
provisions  for all  taxes  including  taxes  based on or  measured  by  income,
provisions for all  contingency  reserves  whether  general or special,  made in
accordance with gen erally accepted  accounting  principles  (but, to the extent
that any such provision is subsequently  determined to have been unnecessary and
is reversed on the books of such Person,  the amount thereof (less the amount of
taxes,  if any, with respect  thereto) may be included in  computations  of "Net
Income"  subsequently  made for the period in which such provision was created),
and provisions for depreciation, retirements and obsolescence in accordance with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles  and in amounts  not less than those
actually deducted on the books of such Person,  provided,  however, that profits
realized  or losses  sustained  from the sale or other  disposition  of  capital
assets shall be excluded and the  deduction for income taxes shall be determined
as though  such  profits  had not been  realized  and such  losses  had not been

     "Note" shall mean the Promissory  Note in the amount of the Commitment made
by the Bor rower in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

     "Obligations" include, without limitation, any and all liabilities,  debts,
and  obligations of the Borrower to the Lender,  of each and every kind,  nature
and  description,  under this Agreement,  under any other Loan Document or under
any other  agreement  between the  Borrower and the Lender.  "Obligations"  also
includes,  without limitation, any and all obligations of the Borrower to act or
to refrain from acting in accordance with the terms,  provisions,  and covenants
of this Agreement or of any other agreement  between the Borrower and the Lender
or any other  instrument  furnished by the Borrower to the Lender.  The Lender's
books and records shall be prima facie  evidence of the amount of the Borrower's
indebtedness to the Lender hereunder.


     "Partial  Affiliates"  shall mean any  Affiliates of Borrower which are not
wholly owned and controlled by Borrower.

     "Person"  shall  mean  any  natural  person,  corporation,   unincorporated
organization,  trust, joint-stock company, joint venture, association,  company,
partnership  or  government,  or any  agency  or  political  subdivision  of any
government, or any other form of entity.

     "Property" means the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and
all improvements and fixtures thereon and all appurtenances thereto.

     "Subsidiary"  means (i) any  corporation  of which more than fifty  percent
(50%) of the issued and  outstanding  Voting Stock is owned or controlled at the
time as of which any  determination  is being made directly or indirectly by any
Person;  or  (ii)  any  limited  liability   company,   partnership  or  limited
partnership  of which more than fifty percent (50%) of the interests  therein is
owned or  controlled  at the time as of which any  determination  is being made,
directly or indirectly by any Person.

     "Tangible  Net Worth" of the Borrower  shall mean  "assets" of the Borrower
and its  Subsidiaries on a consolidated  basis less total  "liabilities"  of the
Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated  basis.  There shall be excluded
therefrom   all   intangible   assets,   including,   but  without   limitation,
organizational expenses, patents,  trademarks,  copyrights,  goodwill, covenants
not to compete,  research and development costs,  training costs, treasury stock
and all  unamortized  debt discount,  all deferred income taxes and all deferred
charges.  "Tangible Net Worth," "assets" and "liabilities"  shall be computed in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,  consistently applied,
except that shareholder notes receivable shall be excluded.

     "Voting Stock" means securities of any class of a corporation,  the holders
of which are ordinarily,  in the absence of  contingencies,  entitled to elect a
majority of the corporate directors (or persons performing similar functions).

     1.2 Accounting  Terms.  Accounting terms not  specifically  defined in this
Agreement shall have the meanings given to them under accounting  principles and
practices generally accepted in the United States, applied on a basis consistent
with prior periods.

     1.3  Other  Definitional  Provisions.  The  words  "hereof",  "herein"  and
"hereunder", and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall refer
to this Agreement as a whole and not any particular provision of this Agreement.
Any  Section,  Exhibit  or  Schedule  references  are to this  Agreement  unless
otherwise specified.



     2.1 The Loan. The Bank agrees, upon terms and conditions of this Agreement,
to make Advances  from time to time to Borrower  during the period from the date
hereof to the Maturity Date in an aggregate  outstanding amount not to exceed at
any time the Commitment.

     2.2 Making the Loan.  Each Advance shall be made on written notice given by
the  Borrower  to the Bank two  Business  Days  prior to the date upon which the
Advance is to be made.

     2.3 Funding of Term Loan.  Upon  fulfillment of the conditions set forth in
Article 4 hereof,  the Lender shall on each  Advance Date make  available to the
Borrower the amount of the requested Advance (provided that the aggregate amount
of all  Advances  made  to date  plus  the  new  Advance  does  not  exceed  the
Commitment), by transfer of immediately available funds to an account maintained
by the Borrower  with the Lender.  The Advances  made by the Lender from time to
time to the Borrower  under this Agreement  shall be made against,  evidenced by
and repaid with interest  thereon in  accordance  with the Note of the Borrower.
Amounts repaid may not be reborrowed.

     2.4  Interest.  Interest  shall  accrue on the  outstanding  balance of all
Advances  made  pursuant  to the Loan at the rate of  interest  set forth in the

     2.5 Non-Use Fee. As additional  consideration for Bank's commitment to make
the Loan hereunder and  reservation  of monies to fund the Loan,  Borrower shall
pay to Bank monthly,  with respect to the  immediately  prior calendar  month, a
monthly fee (the "Non-Use Fee"),  calculated on an annualized basis with respect
to the  unadvanced  part of the Loan. The Non-Use Fee shall only be payable with
respect to periods prior to the Conversion  Date. If the Unadvanced  Portion (as
defined below) of the Loan, is less than or equal to $6,000,000.00,  the monthly
Non-Use Fee is ten (10) basis points  multiplied by the Unadvanced  Portion;  if
the   Unadvanced   Portion  is  greater   than   $6,000,000.00   but  less  than
$9,000,000.00,  then the  monthly  Non-Use  Fee is  fifteen  (15)  basis  points
multiplied by the Unadvanced  Portion;  and if the Unadvanced Portion is greater
than or equal to  $9,000,000.00,  the  monthly  Non-Use Fee is twenty (20) basis
points multiplied by the Unadvanced Portion.

     In no event shall the Non-Use Fee exceed the amount  permitted  pursuant by
applicable  law, when taken  together with all interest and charges,  and in the
event the same shall be received in excess of the amount  approved by applicable
law,  it shall be applied to payment of  principal  and other sums due under the
Loan rather than to such fee.

     The term "Unadvanced  Portion" means the average daily  difference  between
the  Commitment  and the aggregate of all Advances  outstanding on each day. All
Non-Use Fees shall be paid at maturity,  however such maturity may occur, in the
event not previously paid as scheduled above.


     2.6 Repayment  Terms.  Interest and principal shall be payable as set forth
in the Note.  On the  Maturity  Date the  Borrower  shall  repay  all  principal
advances together with interest thereon.

3.       SECURITY

     As security for the Indebtedness of Borrower to Lender hereunder,  Borrower
will and hereby grants and conveys to Lender:

     3.1 Negative Pledge. Borrower for good and valuable consideration grants to
Lender a negative  pledge as set forth in the  Negative  Pledge  Agreement  with
respect to the Property,  and any other documents reasonably required by Bank to
evidence the negative  pledge,  recorded at Lender's  discretion in counties and
states where the Property is located. The Negative Pledge Agreement sets forth a
list of  exceptions  describing  various  matters  not  covered by the  Negative


     The Lender  shall not be  obligated  to make any  Advance  to the  Borrower
hereunder unless the following conditions have been satisfied, in the reasonable
opinion of Lender and its counsel:

     4.1 Each  Advance.  The  obligation  of the  Lender  to make  each  Advance
hereunder  is  subject  to the  conditions  of  Section  4.2  below,  and to the
following conditions  precedent,  each of which shall have been met or performed
on or before the Advance Date in form and substance satisfactory to Lender:

     (a) No Default.  No Default or Event of Default  shall have occurred and be
continuing or will occur upon the making of the Advance.

     (b) Correctness of Representations. The representations and warranties made
by the  Borrower  in this  Agreement  shall be with the same force and effect as
though  such rep  resentations  and  warranties  had been  made on and as of the
Advance Date.

     (c) Notice of Advance.  The Borrower shall have delivered to the Lender the
notice of advance provided for in Section 2.2 hereof.

     (d) No  Litigation;  Certain  Other  Conditions.  There shall be no suit or
proceeding  pending  or  threatened  before  any  court  or  by  or  before  any
governmental or regulatory  autho rity,  commission,  bureau or agency or public
regulatory body which suit, if determined adversely to the Borrower,  might have
a  material  adverse  effect  on the  financial  condition  or  business  of the
Borrower, on a consolidated basis.


     (e) No Material  Adverse Change.  There shall have been no material adverse
change in the  financial  condition,  business  or  prospects  of the  Borrower,
considered on a consolidated  basis,  since the date of the initial  pre-closing
Financial  Statements  dated November 1, 1997. There shall have been no material
adverse  change  in  the  financial  condition,  business  or  prospects  of the
Borrower,  considered on a consolidated  basis,  since the date of the then most
recently submitted Financial Statements.

     (f)  Compliance  Certificate.  Borrower  shall have  furnished  to Lender a
compliance certificate duly executed by its chief financial officer or Treasurer
(the  "Compliance  Certificate")  dated the Advance  Date,  in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit  "B", to the effect that each of the  conditions  set forth in
this Section 4.1 has been met as of such date.

     4.2  Initial  Advance.  The  obligation  of the Lender to make the  initial
Advance hereunder is subject to the following additional  conditions  precedent,
each of which  shall  have  been met or  performed  by the date of such  initial

     (a) Note and  Other  Loan  Documents.  The  Note,  Compliance  Certificate,
Negative  Pledge  Agreement  in  multiple  counterparts,   and  the  other  Loan
Documents,  each duly  executed by the Borrower and otherwise  completed,  shall
have been delivered to the Lender.

     (b) Opinion of Counsel.  The Lender shall have  received  from  independent
counsel to the  Borrower  a legal  opinion in  substantially  the form  attached
hereto as Exhibit "C".

     (c)  Certificate  of Existence.  The Borrower  shall have  delivered to the
Lender a Certificate of Existence from the State in which it is  incorporated or
authorized to do business.

     (d) Evidence of Insurance.  The Borrower shall have submitted to the Lender
evidence that it maintains insurance conforming to the requirements of Article 6

     (e) Filing; Other Perfection.  The Lender's Negative Pledge Agreement shall
have been duly  recorded  or filed in  counterparts  in the  manner  and  places
elected by Lender with respect to the Property of Borrower,  and all taxes, fees
and other charges in connection with the execution,  delivery and filing of such
statements  or forms  with  respect  thereto  shall  have  been duly paid by the

     (f) Checklist  Items.  Without  limitation,  Borrower agrees to provide all
items  shown  on the  closing  checklist  attached  as  Exhibit  "D" in form and
substance  satisfactory  to Lender on or before Loan  closing,  except the items
marked as  "post-closing"  shall be provided within the number of days after the
date hereof which are specified on the checklist.

     (g) Lender's  Fee. The Borrower  shall have paid  Lender's  up-front fee of
Eighteen  Thousand  and No/100  Dollars  ($18,000.00)  and  Lender's  reasonable
closing costs and reasonable attorney fees.


     In order to induce the Lender to enter into this  Agreement and to make the
loans provided for herein, the Borrower makes the following  representations and
warranties to the Lender,  all of which shall survive the execution and delivery
of  this  Agreement  and  the  Note.  The  representations  and  warranties  are
continuing  and  are  deemed  made  and  remade  as of  each  day so long as any
obligations  remain  due under  the Loan  Documents.  As of each  such day,  the
following are and will remain true and correct:

     5.1 Corporate  Existence and Power. The Borrower and its Subsidiaries  each
is a  corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly  existing  under the laws of the
jurisdiction  of its  incorporation  and duly  qualified or licensed to transact
business  in all places  where the nature of the  properties  owned by it or the
business conducted by it makes such qualification necessary or where the failure
to be so qualified  or licensed  might have a material  adverse  effect upon the
financial  condition,  business or properties  of the Borrower,  considered on a
consolidated basis.

     5.2  Subsidiaries.   Fred's  Stores  of  Tennessee,  Inc.,  Fred's  Capital
Management,  Inc., and Fred's Real Estate and Equipment  Management  Corporation
are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Borrower.

     5.3 Corporate  Authority.  The execution,  delivery and performance of this
Agreement,  the borrowing  hereunder and the execution of the Note and the other
Loan Documents  executed  pursuant  hereto have been authorized by all requisite
corporate action of Borrower.  Neither the authorization,  execution,  delivery,
nor  performance  by  the  Borrower  of  this  Agreement  or of any  other  Loan
Documents,  nor the  performance  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or
thereby will violate any  provision of the  corporate  charter or by-laws of the
Borrower,  and none of the  foregoing do or will with the passage of time or the
giving of notice,  result in a breach of, or result in a default or require  any
consent  under or result  in the  creation  of any  additional  lien,  charge or
encumbrance  upon any  property  or  assets of the  Borrower  pursuant  to,  any
instrument  or  agreement  to which  the  Borrower  is a party  or by which  the
Borrower or its respective properties may be bound or affected.

     5.4 Financial  Condition.  The  consolidated  balance sheet of the Borrower
dated as of February 1, 1997 (the "Balance  Sheet"),  and  statements of income,
changes in financial  position and shareholders'  equity of the Borrower for the
fiscal period ending on that date, including any related


notes,  certified by the independent  certified public  accountant,  pursuant to
their  audit  of the  financial  records  of  the  Borrower  (collectively,  the
"Financial  Statements"),  and the unaudited  financial  statements  dated as of
November 1, 1997, all of which were heretofore furnished to the Lender, are (and
each  furnished  in the future will be) true,  correct and  complete  and fairly
present  the  financial  condition  of the  Borrower  as of  the  date  of  such
statements;  provided that such  Financial  Statements do not reflect the recent
acquisition of seventeen (17) stores.  Other than as reflected in such financial
statements,  the Borrower has no direct or contingent obligations or liabilities
which are or would be material to the financial  condition of the Borrower,  nor
any material  unrealized  or  unanticipated  losses from any  commitment  of the
Borrower.  Such  financial  statements  have been  prepared in  accordance  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles  consistently  applied throughout the
periods  involved.  Since  the  date  of  the  original,  pre-closing  Financial
Statements, there has been no material adverse change in the business or assets,
or in the  condition or  prospects,  financial or  otherwise,  of the  Borrower,
considered  on a  consolidated  basis,  from  that set  forth  in the  Financial
Statements.  Since the date of the most recently submitted Financial Statements,
there has been no material  adverse change in the business or assets,  or in the
condition or prospects, financial or otherwise, of the Borrower, considered on a
consolidated basis, from that set forth in the most recently submitted Financial

     5.5 Pending  Litigation.  There are no suits or proceedings  pending, or to
the knowledge of the Borrower,  threatened, before any court or by or before any
governmental or regulatory  author ity,  commission,  bureau or agency or public
regulatory body against or affecting the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries, or
any  of  the  rights  or  assets  or  businesses  of  Borrower  or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries, which if adversely determined might have a material adverse effect
on  the  financial  condition  or  business  of  the  Borrower  or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries, considered on a consolidated basis.

     5.6 Payment of Taxes. The Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  each has properly
prepared  and filed or caused to be  properly  prepared  and filed all  federal,
state and local tax  returns  which are  required  to be filed and have paid all
taxes shown thereon to be due. No extensions of any statute of  limitations  are
in effect  with  respect  to any tax  liability  of the  Borrower  or any of its

     5.7 Certain  Agreements.  Borrower is not, and Borrower's  Subsidiaries are
not, a party to any  agreement  or  instrument  or subject to any court order or
governmental  decree  adversely  affecting any of their  business  properties or
assets,  operations  or  condition  (financial  or  otherwise)  in any  material

     5.8  Authorization,  Etc.  All  authorizations,   consents,  approvals  and
licenses required under the corporate charter or by-laws of the Borrower and its
Subsidiaries  or  under  applicable  law or  regulation  for  the  ownership  or
operation of the property owned or operated by the Borrower and its Subsidiaries
or the conduct of any  business or activity  conducted  by the  Borrower and its
Subsidiaries  have been duly  issued and are in full force and  effect,  and the
Borrower and its Subsidiaries each is not in default, nor has any event occurred
which  with  the  passage  of time or the  giving  of  notice,  or  both,  would
constitute a default under any of the terms or provisions  thereof, or under any
order,  decree,  ruling,  regulation  or other  decision  or  instrument  of any


commission,  bureau or other  administrative  agency or public  regulatory  body
having jurisdiction over the Borrower and its Subsidiaries,  which default might
have a  material  adverse  effect on the  financial  condition  or  business  of
Borrower,   considered  on  a  consolidated  basis.  No  approval,   consent  or
authorization  of or filing or registration  with any  governmental  commission,
bureau or other  regulatory  authority or agency is required with respect to the
execution, delivery or performance of any of the Loan Documents.

     5.9 Use of Loan. The proceeds of the Advances shall be used exclusively for
the  purpose  of  warehouse  modernization  and to meet the needs of  Borrower's
ordinary course of business.

     5.10 No Violation.  The execution,  delivery and performance by Borrower of
the Loan Documents does not and will not result in the breach of or constitute a
default,  which  default  materially  affects  the  financial  condition  of the
Borrower,  considered on a  consolidated  basis,  under any indenture or loan or
credit  agreement or any other  agreement in effect as of the date hereof or any
lease or instrument to which the Borrower or its  Subsidiaries  is a party or by
which it or its  properties  may be bound or  affected,  and do not and will not
violate any  provision of law or regula tion  applicable  to the Borrower or its
Subsidiaries,  or any writ,  order or decree  of any  court or  governmental  or
regulatory  authority or agency  applicable to the Borrower or its Subsidiaries.
Borrower or its  Subsidiaries  is not in default (and neither has there occurred
any event which with the passage of time or the giving of notice  would become a
default),  which  default  materially  affects the  financial  condition  of the
Borrower, considered on a consolidated basis, in the performance,  observance or
fulfillment of any of the obligations,  covenants or conditions contained in any
agreement or instrument to which the Borrower or its Subsidiaries is a party, or
any law, regulation, decree or order.

     5.11 Binding  Effect.  Each of the Loan  Documents  constitutes  the legal,
valid and binding obligation of the Borrower,  enforceable  against the Borrower
in accordance with its respective terms.

     5.12 No  Indebtedness  to Partial  Affiliates.  Either (a)  Borrower has no
Partial Affiliates, or (b) if Borrower has any Partial Affiliates, then Borrower
has no Indebtedness to any of its Partial Affiliates.

     5.13 Location of Chief Executive  Office.  Borrower's and its  Subsidiaries
chief  executive  office and  principal  place of  business  are  located at the
Borrower's  address stated at the end of this Agreement.  Borrower  covenants to
notify Lender in writing of any change in the facts set forth in this Section or
in the name of Borrower or its  Subsidiaries  thirty (30) days prior to any such
change, and such notice shall refer to this Section.

     5.14 Location of Records and Property.  Borrower's headquarters and primary
warehouse  are located on the Property.  The records  pertaining to the Property
are located at the address stated at the end of this Agreement.  The Property of
Borrower is located at the address stated at the end of this Agreement. Borrower
shall keep the Property and the records  pertaining thereto in and at the herein
described  locations  and shall  provide  Lender not less than  thirty (30) days
prior written notice


of any  changes in or  additions  to the  locations  where the  Property  and/or
records pertaining thereto are used, kept, stored or maintained.

     5.15  Ownership  of Property;  No Liens.  Borrower is the sole owner of the
Property  which is now  carried  on its books  and  reflected  on its  Financial
Statements,  and has valid leasehold interests in its Property which it purports
to lease. The Property is free from all Liens, other than Liens permitted by the
exceptions set forth in the Negative Pledge Agreement.

     5.16  Indebtedness.  As of the date of execution  hereof,  the  outstanding
Indebtedness of Borrower does not exceed $6,700,000.00 in the aggregate.

     5.17 Accuracy of Information.  All  information  furnished to the Lender by
the  Borrower  for  purposes  of this  Agreement  or any  Loan  document  or any
transaction  contemplated  hereby  or  thereby  is,  and  all  such  information
hereinafter  furnished will be, true and accurate on the date furnished and will
not omit any material fact necessary to make such  information not misleading at
such time.


     Borrower  covenants  and  agrees  that from the date of  execution  of this
Agreement  and until the payment in full of the  principal of and interest  upon
the Note and all other Obligations.

     6.1  Reporting  Requirements.  The Borrower  will,  unless the Lender shall
otherwise consent in writing, furnish to the Lender:

     (a) A company  prepared  consolidated  quarterly  balance  sheet and income
statement  together with year to date summaries  within  forty-five (45) days of
the end of each quarter, or as soon as the information is reasonably available.

     (b) Audited  annual  financial  statements,  including  balance  sheets and
income  statements,  prepared by a certified public  accounting firm of national
recognition, within ninety (90) days of the end of each fiscal year.

     (c) Promptly after the commencement thereof,  notice of all actions,  suits
and  proceedings  of the type  described in Section  4.1(d)  before any court or
governmental department,  commission,  board, bureau, agency or instrumentality,
domestic or foreign, affecting the Borrower;

     (d) As  soon as  possible  and in any  event  within  ten  days  after  the
occurrence  of each  Default or Event of  Default,  the  statement  of the chief
financial  officer or Treasurer of the Borrower  setting  forth  details of such
Default or Event of Default and action  which the Company  proposes to take with
respect thereto; and


     (e) As  soon as  possible  and in any  event  within  ten  days  after  the
occurrence thereof, notice as to any other event which with the passage of time,
the giving of notice or otherwise,  might result in a material adverse change in
the financial condition,  business or prospects of the Borrower, considered on a
consolidated basis;

     (f) Such other  information  respecting  the  business,  properties  or the
condition or operations,  financial or otherwise,  of the Borrower or any of its
Affiliates as the Lender may from time to time reasonably request.

     6.2 Loan Proceeds.  The Borrower will use the proceeds of the Advances only
for the purposes set forth in this  Agreement,  and will furnish the Lender with
all evidence that it may rea sonably require with respect to such use.

     6.3  Maintenance of Business and  Properties;  Insurance.  Borrower and its
Subsidiaries  will  continue  to engage in all of their  businesses  of the same
general  nature as the  business  engaged in by  Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries
during the present and preceding  fiscal year; at all times  maintain,  preserve
and protect all of their  material  franchises  and trade names and preserve all
Borrower's and its Subsidiaries  tangible property used or useful in the conduct
of their business and keep the same in good repair, working order and condition,
ordinary  wear and tear  excepted,  and from time to time make all  needful  and
proper repairs, renewals, replacements, betterments, and improvements thereto so
that the business carried on in connection  therewith may be conducted  properly
and  advantageously at all times.  Borrower and its Subsidiaries  shall continue
all of their current  operations in their names, and Borrower shall not commence
any  operation  or  business in  competition  with the  current  operations  and
businesses of Borrower and its Subsidiaries. Borrower shall maintain or cause to
be  maintained  hazard  insurance  covering all such  tangible  real or personal
property in such  amounts,  written on such  companies  and in such forms as are
reasonably  satisfactory  to the Lender.  Borrower shall also maintain  adequate
liability insurance in such amounts,  written on such companies and in such form
as is reasonably  satisfactory to Lender.  The Borrower shall, at the request of
Lender, furnish to Lender copies of all such insurance policies and certificates
evidencing such insurance coverage.

     6.4  Financial   Covenants  of  Borrower.   The  Borrower  and   Borrower's
Subsidiaries  on a  consolidated  basis  shall,  until  payment  in  full of all
indebtedness, maintain the following financial position and ratios in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied, measured at
the end of each fiscal quarter.

     (a) Consolidated  Tangible Net Worth.  The consolidated  Tangible Net Worth
shall not be less than $100,000,000.00.

     (b) Net Income.  Net Income  together with  depreciation  and  amortization
shall  equal at least  two  percent  (2%) of  revenue  measured  quarterly  on a
trailing four fiscal quarter basis.


     (c) EBITDA to Debt  Service.  The ratio of EBITDA to Debt Service  shall be
equal to or greater  than 2.00 to 1.00,  with  EBITDA  measured  quarterly  on a
trailing four fiscal quarter basis.

     6.5 No Advances  to Partial  Affiliates.  Without  the  written  consent of
Lender,  Borrower shall not advance funds to any Partial  Affiliate of Borrower.
No  Indebtedness  shall  be  permitted  to exist to  Borrower  from any  Partial
Affiliate of Borrower without Lender's written consent.

     6.6 Schedules of Advances.  Borrower  shall deliver to Lender at the end of
each fiscal  quarter  during the term of this  Agreement  schedules  listing all
advances and Indebtedness from Borrower to any Partial Affiliates of Borrower.

     6.7 Borrower Compliance  Certificates.  Borrower shall deliver to Lender at
the end of each fiscal  quarter  during the term of this  Agreement a Compliance
Certificate  signed by the Chief  Financial  Officer or Treasurer of Borrower in
substantially the form of Exhibit "B" to this Agreement.

     6.8 Payment of Taxes.  Borrower and its Subsidiaries will pay and discharge
all taxes, assessments, and governmental charges or levies imposed upon Borrower
or upon its  income  or  profits,  or upon any  other  properties  belonging  to
Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries,  prior to the date on  which  penalties  attach
thereto,  and all lawful claims which, if unpaid,  might become a lien or charge
upon any properties of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries.

     6.9 Compliance with Laws, etc.  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  will comply
with the requirements of all applicable laws,  rules,  regulations and orders of
any  governmental  authority,  noncompliance  with  which  might have a material
adverse effect on the business, operation or credit of Borrower, considered on a
consolidated basis.

     6.10 Books and Records.  Borrower and its Subsidiaries  shall keep true and
correct  records  and  books  of  account,  in  which  entries  will  be made in
accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles  consistently applied,
reflecting all financial  transactions.  Lender or its representatives  shall be
afforded  reasonable  access to and the right to examine and copy any such books
and records at any time during  normal  business  hours and the right to inspect
the Borrower's and its Subsidiaries premises and business operations of Borrower
and  its  Subsidiaries.  If  Lender  retains  a  third  party  to  conduct  such
examination, then Borrower shall pay the reasonable expenses of the third party.

     6.11 Further Assurances. Borrower shall execute, at Borrower's expense, all
notices  and other  instruments  and make all filings  and  recordings  that the
Lender shall reasonably  request in order to assure that the Lender at all times
holds duly executed, delivered, filed and recorded Negative Pledge Agreements of
first priority in the Property.



     Borrower  covenants  and  agrees  that from the date of  execution  of this
Agreement  and until the payment in full of the  principal of and interest  upon
the Note,  the  Borrower  will not,  without  the prior  written  consent of the

     7.1  Liens.  Create or grant any Lien  upon or with  respect  to any of the
Property,  except in favor of Lender and except as permitted  by the  exceptions
set forth in the Negative Pledge Agreement.

     7.2  Indebtedness  to  Partial  Affiliates.  Create,  incur,  or assume any
additional Indebtedness to any Partial Affiliates.

     7.3 Lease Obligations. Create, incur, or permit any leases or agreements to
lease the  Property,  except as  permitted  by the  exceptions  set forth in the
Negative Pledge Agreement.

     7.4  Assumptions,  Guaranties,  Etc.,  of  Indebtedness  of Other  Persons.
Assume,  guarantee,  endorse or otherwise become directly or contingently liable
in connection  with any  Indebtedness of any Person,  except:  (i) guaranties by
endorsement  of  negotiable  instruments  for deposit or  collection  or similar
transactions in the ordinary course of business; or (ii) indemnities executed in
connection  with  the  recent  acquisition  of 17  stores;  or (iii)  any  other
guaranties of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries  incurred in the ordinary course
of business but not to exceed $1,000,000.00 in the aggregate.

     7.5 Mergers,  Etc. Merge or  consolidate  with, or sell,  assign,  lease or
otherwise dispose of (whether in one transaction or in a series of transactions)
all or substantially all of its assets (whether now owned or hereafter acquired)
to, any Person.

     7.6 Sales, Etc., of Assets. Sell, assign, lease or otherwise dispose of any
part of the  Property,  except in favor of Lender and except as permitted by the
exceptions set forth in the Negative Pledge Agreement.

     7.7 Loans or Advances to or Investments in Other Persons.  Make any loan or
advance  to  any  Person,  except  loans  to  employees  up to an  aggregate  of
$1,000,000.00,  or purchase or otherwise  acquire the capital  stock,  assets or
obligations  of, or any interest in, any Person,  other than readily  marketable
direct  obligations  of the United  States of America and  certificates  of time
deposit  or  commercial  paper  issued  by banks or bank  holding  companies  of
recognized  standing  operating in the United States of America and having total
assets of at least $50,000,000.

     7.8 Dividends,  Etc.  Declare or pay any cash dividends  which would reduce
the  Borrower's  Tangible  Net Worth below  $100,000,000.00;  redeem,  retire or
otherwise  acquire  for  value  any  of  its  capital  stock  now  or  hereafter
outstanding  which  would  reduce  the  Borrower's   Tangible  Net  Worth  below
$100,000,000.00; return any capital to its stockholders as such which


would reduce the Borrower's Tangible Net Worth below  $100,000,000.00;  make any
distribution  of assets to its  stockholders  as such  which  would  reduce  the
Borrower's Tangible Net Worth below $100,000,000.00;  or repay Indebtedness owed
its  stockholders  which would  reduce the  Borrower's  Tangible Net Worth below

     7.9 Capital  Expenditures.  Make capital  expenditures,  other than capital
expenditures  financed by proceeds of this Loan, on a consolidated  basis in any
fiscal year in an aggregate amount in excess of $15 million.

     7.10  Transactions  With  Partial  Affiliates.   Enter  into  any  material
transactions with any Partial Affiliate.

     7.11  Contracts  Prohibiting  Compliance  with  Article  7.  Enter into any
contract or other  agreement  which would  prohibit or in any way  restrict  the
ability of the Borrower or its  Subsidiaries  to comply with the  provisions  of
this Article 7.


     8.1 Events of  Default.  If any one of the  following  events  ("Events  of
Default") shall ----------------- occur:

     (a) Any  representation  or warranty  made by the Borrower  herein,  in any
other Loan Document,  or in any certificate or report  furnished by the Borrower
hereunder  or  thereunder,  shall prove to have been  incorrect  in any material
respect when or as of when made; or

     (b) (i) Default  shall be made by the  Borrower  in the payment  within ten
(10) days of the due date of any  principal  or  interest  on the Note,  or (ii)
there shall be any default in the payment,  when due, of any other  indebtedness
to any third party  creditor,  except that default upon any  indebtedness to any
third  party  creditor  shall not be a default so long as the  aggregate  of all
indebtedness in default to all third party creditors does not exceed one million
dollars ($1,000,000.00).

     (c) Default shall be made by the Borrower in any of its  obligations  under
Section 6.1  (relating to reporting  requirements)  or Section 6.4  (relating to
financial  covenants)  and shall not be cured within ten (10) days after written
notice thereof by the Lender to the Borrower; or

     (d) Borrower shall breach a covenant in the Negative Pledge Agreement; or

     (e)  Default  shall  be  made by the  Borrower  in the  due  observance  or
performance  of any  other  covenant,  condition  or  agreement  on the  part of
Borrower to be observed or


performed under the terms of this Agreement or the other Loan Documents and 
shall not be cured  within  thirty (30) days after  written  notice thereof by 
the Lender to the Borrower (this cure period shall not apply to defaults 
specified in the other subsections of this Section); or

     (f) A final judgment  shall be rendered  against the Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries  for the payment of money which,  after deducting the amount of any
insurance proceeds paid or payable to or on behalf of the Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries  in connection with such judgment,  is in excess of  $1,000,000.00,
and the same shall  remain  undischarged  for a period of 30 days,  during which
period  execution  shall not  effectively  be stayed.  If a dispute  exists with
respect to the liability of any insurance underwriter under any insurance policy
of the  Borrower,  no  deduction  under  this  subsection  shall be made for the
insurance proceeds which are the subject of such dispute; or

     (g) The Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries shall (1) voluntarily terminate
operations  or apply for or  consent  to the  appointment  of, or the  taking of
possession by, a receiver,  custodian,  trustee or liquidator of the Borrower or
any of its Subsidiaries, or of all or of a substantial part of the assets of the
Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries,  (2) admit in writing its inability,  or be
generally  unable,  to pay its debts as the debts become due, (3) make a general
assignment for the benefit of its creditors, (4) commence a voluntary case under
the Federal Bankruptcy Code (as now or hereafter in effect), (5) file a petition
seeking to take advantage of any other law relating to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  winding-up,  or composition or adjustment of debts, (6) fail to
controvert in a timely and appropriate  manner,  or acquiesce in writing to, any
petition  filed against it in an involuntary  case under the Bankruptcy  Code or
applicable  state  bankruptcy  laws or (7) take  any  corporate  action  for the
purpose of effecting any of the foregoing; or

     (h) Without his or its application, approval or consent, a proceeding shall
be commenced, in any court of competent jurisdiction,  seeking in respect of the
Borrower  or  any  of  its   Subsidiaries:   the  liquidation,   reorganization,
dissolution, winding-up, or composition or readjustment of debt, the appointment
of a trustee,  receiver,  liquidator  or the like of the  Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries or of all or any substantial part of the assets of the Borrower, or
other like relief in respect of the  Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  under
any law  relating to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  winding-up,  or
composition or adjustment of debts; and, if the proceeding is being contested in
good faith by the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries,  as the case may be, the
same shall  continue  undismissed,  or unstayed  and in effect for any period of
thirty (30) consecutive days, or an order for relief against the Borrower or any
of  its  Subsidiaries  shall  be  entered  in any  involuntary  case  under  the
Bankruptcy Code or applicable state bankruptcy laws; or

     (i) Any  foreclosure  or other  proceedings  shall be commenced to enforce,
execute or realize  upon any lien,  encumbrance,  attachment,  trustee  process,
mortgage  or   security   interest  in  Property  of  Borrower  or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries,  but only if such  Property  has an  aggregate  value in excess of
$500,000.00. .


     THEREUPON,  in the case of any such event, other than an event described in
subsection  (g) or (h) of this Section  8.1, the Lender may, at its option:  (A)
immediately  reduce to zero the  Commitment  hereunder,  and/or (B)  immediately
declare  any  Obligations  not  otherwise  due and  payable  at such  time to be
forthwith  due and payable,  whereupon  the same shall become  forthwith due and
payable;  and, in the case of any event  described in  subsection  (g) or (h) of
this Section 8.1, the Commitment  hereunder  shall  automatically  be reduced to
zero,  without  any action on the part of the  Lender,  and any  Obligation  not
otherwise due and payable at such time shall become  immediately due and payable
without presentment,  demand, protest, or other notice of any kind, all of which
are hereby  expressly  waived,  anything  contained herein or in the Note to the
contrary  notwithstanding;  and, further,  in each and every such occurrence the
Lender may proceed to protect  and enforce its rights by suit in equity,  action
or law and/or other appropriate  proceedings either for specific  performance of
any covenant or condition  contained in this  Agreement or in any  instrument or
assignment delivered to the Lender pursuant to this Agreement,  or in aid of the
exercise of any power granted in this Agreement or any instrument or assignment.


     9.1 No Waiver, Remedies Cumulative. No failure on the part of the Lender to
exercise  and no delay in  exercising  any right  hereunder  shall  operate as a
waiver thereof,  nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right hereunder
preclude  any other or further  exercise  thereof or the  exercise  of any other
right.  The remedies herein provided are cumulative and are not exclusive of any
remedies provided by law.

     9.2 Survival of  Representations.  All  representations and warranties made
herein shall  survive the making of the Advances  hereunder  and the delivery of
the Note.

     9.3 Indemnity;  Costs,  Expenses and Taxes.  The Borrower  agrees to pay on
demand all reasonable out of-pocket costs and reasonable  expenses of the Lender
in connection with the preparation, execution and delivery of this Agreement and
any other  Loan  Documents,  including  the  reasonable  fees and  out-of-pocket
expenses of Messrs.  Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs special counsel for the Lender, with
respect thereto. After any Event of Default hereunder, Borrower agrees to pay on
demand  all  reasonable  fees  and  out-of-pocket  expenses  of  legal  counsel,
independent  public accountants and other outside experts retained by the Lender
and incurred in connection  with the enforcement of any of the Loan Documents or
the  protection of any of the Lender's  rights  thereunder,  including,  without
limitation,  any  internal  costs,  including  personnel  costs  of the  Lender,
incurred in connection with such  administration  and enforcement.  In addition,
the Borrower  shall pay any and all stamp and other taxes  payable or determined
to be  payable  in  connection  with  the  execution  and  delivery  of any Loan
Documents,  and agree to save the Lender  harmless  from and against any and all
liabilities with respect to or resulting from any delay in paying or omission to
pay such taxes.  All obligations  provided for in this Section shall survive any
termination of this Agreement.


     9.4 Notices. Unless telephonic notice is specifically permitted pursuant to
the terms of this Agreement,  any notice or other communication hereunder to any
party hereto shall be by telegram, telex or registered or certified mail (return
receipt  requested)  and shall be effective  upon actual receipt or, if earlier,
three (3) days after notice is sent, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid,
to such party. Notice shall be in the mails,  postage prepaid,  addressed to the
party at its address  specified  beneath its  signature  hereto (or at any other
address that such party may here after specify to the other parties in writing).

     9.5 Tennessee Law. This  Agreement and each of the Loan Documents  shall be
deemed a  contract  made  under the law of the State of  Tennessee  and shall be
governed by and  construed in  accordance  with the internal  laws of said state
(without regard to its conflict of laws rules).

     9.6 Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the  benefit  of the  Borrower  and the  Lender,  and their  respective
successors  and  assigns;  provided  that the Borrower may not assign any of its
rights hereunder.

     9.7  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate  counterparts,  each of
which when so executed  and  delivered  shall be deemed an  original  and all of
which when taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     9.8 Jurisdiction, Service of Process.

     (a) Any suit, action or proceeding against the Borrower with respect to any
of the Loan  Documents  or any  judgment  entered by any court in respect of any
thereof may be brought in a court of competent  jurisdiction  in Shelby  County,
Tennessee as the Lender (in its sole  discretion) may elect, and Borrower hereby
accepts  the  nonexclusive  jurisdiction  of such  courts for the purpose of any
suit, action or proceeding.

     (b) In addition,  Borrower hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying
of venue of any suit, action or proceeding  arising out of or relating to any of
the Loan  Documents  or any  judgment  entered by any court in  respect  thereof
brought in any court of competent juris diction in Shelby County, Tennessee, and
hereby further  irrevocably waives any claim that any suit, action or proceeding
brought  in any such  court of  competent  jurisdiction  has been  brought in an
inconvenient forum.

     9.9  Limit on  Interest.  Anything  herein  or in the Note to the  contrary
notwithstanding,  the  obligations  of the Borrower under this Agreement and the
Note to the Lender shall be subject to the limitation  that payments of interest
to the  Lender  shall not be  required  to the extent  that  receipt of any such
payment by the Lender would be contrary to provisions  of law  applicable to the
Lender (if any) or the Borrower  which limit the maximum rate of interest  which
may be charged or  collected  by the Lender;  provided,  however,  that  nothing
herein shall be construed to limit the Lender to


presently  existing  maximum legal rates of interest,  if an increased  interest
rate  is  hereafter   permitted  by  reason  of  applicable   federal  or  state

     9.10 Amendments,  Modifications, Waivers. This Agreement and the other Loan
Documents may be amended,  modified or waived only by a writing  executed by the
Lender and the Borrower.

     9.11 Checklist Items.  Without  limitation,  Borrower agrees to provide all
items  shown on the  closing  checklist  attached  as Exhibit  "D",  in form and
substance  satisfactory  to Lender on or before Loan  closing,  except the items
marked as  "post-closing"  shall be provided within the number of days after the
date hereof which are specified on the checklist.

     9.12 ERISA.

     (a) ERISA Terms.  Certain terms used in this Loan  Agreement  aredefined in
ERISA.  When and if used in this  Loan  Agreement,  such  terms  shall  have the
meanings given them in ERISA.  Specifically,  the following terms shall have the
following meanings:

     "Accumulated  Funding Deficiency" means an "accumulated funding deficiency"
as defined in Section  302 of ERISA or Section  412(a) of the  Internal  Revenue
Code (the "Code").

     "Commonly  Controlled  Entity" means any trade or  business(whether  or not
incorporated)  which is under  "common  control" (as defined in the Code) and of
which the Borrower or any of it Subsidiaries is a part.

     "Multiemployer  Plan" means a  multiemployer  plan (as defined in ERISA) to
which the Borrower,  or any Commonly  Controlled Entity, as appropriate,  has or
had an obligation to contribute.

     "Plan" means any pension,  profit  sharing,  savings,  stock bonus or other
deferred  compensation  plan  which is  subject  to the  requirements  of ERISA,
together with any related  trusts,  including any Plan the  obligations of which
have been assumed by Borrower.

     "Prohibited  Transaction"  means a "prohibited  transaction"  as defined in
Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code.

     "Reportable  Event"  means a  "reportable  event" as defined by Title IV of

     (b) ERISA  Representation.  (i) Any Plan  established and maintained by the
Borrower, its Subsidiaries or any Commonly Controlled Entity that is intended to
qualify as a tax-exempt  employee  plan under  Section  401(a) of the Code,  has
received a determination  of the Internal Revenue Service that such Plan does so
qualify in form, and there is no current matter which would materially adversely
affect the qualified tax-exempt status of any such Plan; (ii) neither Borrower,


its  Subsidiaries,  nor any  Commonly  Controlled  Entity  has  engaged in or is
engaging  in  any  Prohibited  Transaction;  and  (iii)  neither  Borrower,  its
subsidiaries nor any Commonly  Controlled  entity (a) maintains any Plan subject
to Section 412 of the Code or Title IV of ERISA or (b)  participates or has ever
participated in a Multiemployer Plan.

     (c) ERISA  Compliance.  Borrower  shall not (i)  restate  or amend any Plan
established and maintained by Borrower or any Commonly  Controlled  Entity, in a
manner designed to disqualify such Plan under the applicable requirements of the
Code;  (ii) take or fail to take any  action or permit any  Commonly  Controlled
Entity  to take or fail to take any  action  which  would  materially  adversely
affect the qualified  tax-exempt  status of any Plan of Borrower or any Commonly
Controlled Entity;  (iii) engage in or permit any Commonly  Controlled Entity to
engage  in any  Prohibited  Transaction;  (iv)  incur  or  permit  any  Commonly
Controlled Entity to incur any Accumulated  Funding  Deficiency,  whether or not
waived,  in connection  with any Plan;  (v)  participate  in any Plan subject to
Title IV of ERISA.

     9.13 Headings.  The headings of this Agreement are for convenience only and
are  not  to  affect  the  construction  of or  to  be  taken  into  account  in
interpreting the substance of this Agreement.

     9.14 Waiver of Notice,  Etc.  Except to the extent that  written  notice is
required under the express provisions of this Agreement, Borrower waives demand,
notice, protest,  notice of loans made, credit extended,  collateral received or
delivered  or other action  taken in reliance  hereon and all other  demands and
notice of any description.  With respect both to the Obligations and collateral,
the Borrower  assents to any extension or postponement of the time of payment or
any other indulgence, to any substitution, exchange or release of collateral, to
the addition or release of any party or persons primarily or secondarily liable,
to the acceptance of partial payment thereon and the settlement, compromising or
adjusting  of any  thereof,  all in such manner and at such time or times as the
Lender may deem advisable.

     9.15  Severability.  In the  event  that any one or more of the  provisions
contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid,  illegal
or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability
shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, but this Agreement shall
be construed as if such invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  provision had never
been contained herein.

     9.16  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  and  the  other  Loan  Documents
constitute the full and entire  understanding  and agreement between the parties
with regard to the subjects here of and thereof.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed  (as an  instrument  under seal in the case of the  Borrower) as of the
date first above written.


                                       FRED'S, INC. 



                                          4300 New Getwell Road
                                          Memphis, Tennessee 38118


                                       UNION PLANTERS BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                          Victoria E. Docauer
                                          Vice President, Corporate Lending

                                          6200 Poplar Avenue, HQ4
                                          Memphis, TN 38119

                                       For correspondence:

                                       P.O. Box 387
                                       Memphis, TN 38147

                                       For payments:

                                       P.O. Box 2121
                                       Memphis, TN 38159-0001


                                   Exhibit "A"

                        Legal Description of the Property

     The  following  described  real  estate,  situated and being in the City of
Memphis, County of Shelby, State of Tennessee, to-wit:


                                   Exhibit "B"


     The  undersigned,  the  ____________________  officer of Fred's,  Inc. (the
"Borrower"),  does hereby certify on behalf of the Borrower  pursuant to Section
4.1(f) and Section 6.7 of the Term Loan Agreement dated _______________________,
1998 (as the same may be  amended  from time to time,  the  "Agreement")  by and
between the Borrower and Union  Planters  Bank,  N.A. (the "Lender") as follows.
Capitalized  terms used and not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall have the same
meanings as in the Agreement.

     1. No Event of Default as  defined  in Article 8 of the  Agreement,  and no
event with which  notice  and/or lapse of time could become an Event of Default,
has occurred and is continuing;

     2. The  representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in Article
5 of the  Agreement  are true on and as of the date hereof,  with the same force
and effect as if such repre sentations and warranties had been made on and as of
the date hereof;

     3. The conditions  precedent to each Advance contemplated in the Agreement,
contained in Section 4.1 of the Agreement, have been met and performed as of the
date hereof;

     4. There has been no material  adverse  change in the financial  condition,
business or prospects of the Borrower, considered on a consolidated basis, since
the date of the original pre- closing Financial  Statements or since the date of
the most recently submitted Financial Statements;

     5. Borrower is in compliance  with the covenants of Articles 6 and 7 of the

     6. Consolidated Tangible Net Worth is  $__________________,  which is equal
to or greater than $100,000,000.00;

     7.  Net   Income   together   with   depreciation   and   amortization   is
$__________________.  Two  percent  (2%)  of  revenue  measured  quarterly  on a
trailing  four  fiscal  quarter  basis is $  ______________________.  Net Income
together with  depreciation  and  amortization  is at least equal to two percent
(2%) of revenue measured quarterly on a trailing four fiscal quarter basis;

     8. EBITDA  measured  quarterly on a trailing  four fiscal  quarter basis is
$_________________. Debt Service is $__________________.  The ratio of EBITDA to
Debt  Service is  __________________,  which is equal to or greater than 2.00 to
1.00; and


                                     page 2

     9. There is no  Indebtedness  to Borrower  from any Partial  Affiliate.  No
funds have been advanced by Borrower to a Partial Affiliate.

     WITNESS my hand this ____ day of ______________________, 1998.

                              FRED'S, INC.

                             Name (Print):


                                   Exhibit "C"

                          [Form of Opinion of Counsel]

                                  Letterhead of

                                                          ________________, 1998
Union Planters Bank, National Association
6200 Poplar Avenue, HQ4
Memphis, Tennessee 38119


     We are  furnishing  this  opinion to you (the  "Bank")  pursuant to Section
4.2(b)  of the  Term  Loan  Agreement  dated as of  ____________________,  1998,
between  Fred's,   Inc.  (the  "Company"),   and  the  Bank  (the  "Agreement").
Capitalized terms used, but not otherwise defined,  herein have the same meaning
as in the Agreement.

     We are general  counsel to the Company and, as such,  we are familiar  with
the  organization  and  corporate  powers,  and have  examined the [charter] and
By-Laws  (in each  case as  amended  to date) and the  records  of  meetings  of
directors and shareholders of the Company.  We advised the Board of Directors of
the Company in connection with the  authorization of the Agreement and the other
Loan  Documents  (as  defined in the  Agreement)  and the  granting  of security
interests in the Collateral by the Company pursuant to the Agreement.

     We  have  examined  the  Loan  Documents  and  such  other   documents  and
certificates  as we have deemed  necessary  or  advisable to enable us to render
this opinion.

     The opinions hereinafter expressed are qualified (1) to the extent that the
validity or enforceability  of any provisions in the Agreement,  the Note, or of
any rights  granted to you pursuant to any of the  foregoing,  may be subject to
and affected by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or
similar laws from time to time in effect and  affecting  the rights of creditors
generally and (2) to the extent that the remedy of specific  performance  may be
unavailable  in any  jurisdiction  or may be  withheld  as a matter of  judicial

     Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion that:

     1. The Company is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly  existing and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Tennessee.

     2. The Company has all requisite  corporate  power and authority to execute
and deliver the Loan  Documents and to incur and perform the  obligations  under
the Loan Documents.


     3. The making and performance by the Company of the Loan Documents has been
duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  action  and  will  not  cause or
constitute a violation of any provision of law or of the  corporation's  charter
or By-Laws.

     4. The Loan Documents have been duly authorized,  executed and delivered by
the Company and each constitutes the legal,  valid and binding  agreement of the
Company and are enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms.

     5. Except for such consents, approvals,  authorizations,  and exemptions as
have been obtained, no consent,  authorization, or approval of, or exemption by,
any Federal, state or local regulatory authority must be obtained as of the date
hereof  by  the  Companies  in  connection  with  its  execution,   delivery  or
performance of the Loan Documents.

     6. Neither the execution and delivery of the Loan  Documents by the Company
nor the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  thereby,  will result in
any breach or violation of any provisions of, or constitute (with or without the
passage  of time or the  giving of  notice) a default  or  require  any  consent
(except  such  as have  been  duly  obtained)  under,  any  agreement  or  other
instrument of which the Company is a party or by which the  Company's  assets or
properties  may be bound,  or will result in the creation or  imposition  of any
lien,  charge,  or encumbrance of any nature  whatsoever on any of the assets or
properties  of the Company.  [The opinion  letter may indicate  reliance  upon a
certificate of the Company with respect to this paragraph.]

     7. There is no suit or proceeding pending or, to our knowledge,  threatened
against the  Company,  which,  if  adversely  determined,  could have a material
adverse effect on the financial condition or business of the Company, considered
on a consolidated  basis, or in its ability to fulfill its obligations under the
Loan Documents.  [The opinion letter may indicate reliance upon a certificate of
the Company with respect to this paragraph.]

                                       Very truly yours,


                                   EXHIBIT "D"

                        [SEE ATTACHED CLOSING CHECKLIST]



         The undersigned,  the ____________________ officer of Fred's, Inc. (the
"Borrower"),  does hereby certify on behalf of the Borrower  pursuant to Section
4.1(f) and Section 6.7 of the Term Loan Agreement dated _______________________,
1998 (as the same may be  amended  from time to time,  the  "Agreement")  by and
between the Borrower and Union  Planters  Bank,  N.A. (the "Lender") as follows.
Capitalized  terms used and not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall have the same
meanings as in the Agreement.

     1. No Event of Default as  defined  in Article 8 of the  Agreement,  and no
event with which  notice  and/or lapse of time could become an Event of Default,
has occurred and is continuing;

     2. The  representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in Article
5 of the  Agreement  are true on and as of the date hereof,  with the same force
and effect as if such repre sentations and warranties had been made on and as of
the date hereof;

     3. The conditions  precedent to each Advance contemplated in the Agreement,
contained in Section 4.1 of the Agreement, have been met and performed as of the
date hereof;

     4. There has been no material  adverse  change in the financial  condition,
business or prospects of the Borrower, considered on a consolidated basis, since
the date of the original pre- closing Financial  Statements or since the date of
the most recently submitted Financial Statements;

     5. Borrower is in compliance  with the covenants of Articles 6 and 7 of the

     6. Consolidated Tangible Net Worth is  $__________________,  which is equal
to or greater than $100,000,000.00;

     7.  Net   Income   together   with   depreciation   and   amortization   is
$__________________.  Two  percent  (2%)  of  revenue  measured  quarterly  on a
trailing  four  fiscal  quarter  basis is $  ______________________.  Net Income
together with  depreciation  and  amortization  is at least equal to two percent
(2%) of revenue measured quarterly on a trailing four fiscal quarter basis;

     8. EBITDA  measured  quarterly on a trailing  four fiscal  quarter basis is
$_________________. Debt Service is $__________________.  The ratio of EBITDA to
Debt  Service is  __________________,  which is equal to or greater than 2.00 to
1.00; and


                                     page 2

     9. There is no  Indebtedness  to Borrower  from any Partial  Affiliate.  No
funds have been advanced by Borrower to a Partial Affiliate.

     WITNESS my hand this ____ day of ______________________, 1998.

                                                FRED'S, INC.

                                  Name (Print):


                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

May    , 1998                                                 Loan #
$12,000,000.00                                                Memphis, Tennessee

     FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, FRED'S, INC., a Tennessee Corporation,
promises to pay to the order of UNION PLANTERS  BANK,  NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION,  a
national  banking  association with offices in Memphis,  Tennessee  (hereinafter
"Bank") or to the order of any subsequent  holder hereof, in lawful money of the
United States of America, the lesser of (i) Twelve Million and No/100ths Dollars
($12,000,000.00),  or (ii) such sums as the Bank may advance  under the terms of
that  certain  Term Loan  Agreement  of even date  herewith  (the  "Agreement"),
together with interest on the unpaid  principal  balance from the date hereof at
the rate of Six and 82/100 percent (6.82%) per annum until maturity.

     It is agreed that interest may be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year
unless  calculation on that basis would result in Bank  receiving  interest at a
rate in excess of the maximum rate of interest which Bank as a national bank, is
permitted by law to contract for and charge,  in which case the  principal  debt
evidenced hereby shall bear interest at such maximum rate.

     Subject to the terms hereof, the principal and interest due hereunder shall
be payable a follows:

         (i)      Interest Only.

                  From the date hereof,  all interest accrued hereon at the rate
         of interest described above shall be payable monthly, commencing on the
         first day of the second  calendar month  following the initial  advance
         hereunder,  and continuing on the first day of each  consecutive  month
         thereafter,  and all  accrued  but  unpaid  interest  shall  be due and
         payable on November 1, 1998 (the "Conversion  Date") or such other time
         the Bank may  accelerate  the  maturity  pursuant  to the  terms of the
         Agreement; and

         (ii)     Amortization.

                  After  the  Conversion  Date,  the  rate of  interest  accrual
         described above shall continue to apply,  and no further advances shall
         be  permitted.  However,  amortized  payments of principal and interest
         shall commence. Commencing on the first day of the month next following
         the  Conversion  Date,  principal and interest shall be repaid in equal
         monthly  installments  of blended  principal  and interest  based on an
         eighty-four  (84)  month  amortization   period.   Notwithstanding  any
         provision herein or elsewhere contained to the contrary, the loan shall
         mature and all unpaid principal, accrued interest and other sums due in
         connection  with this Note or the Agreement shall be due and payable in
         full on November 1, 2005,  unless  accelerated  earlier pursuant to the
         terms of the Agreement.

     All  installments  of principal and interest  shall be paid to Bank at P.O.
Box Number  387,  Memphis,  Tennessee  38147 or to such other  person or at such
other place as Bank or the holder  hereof may  designate in writing from time to

     The principal,  as evidenced by this note,  shall bear  interest,  from the
date of maturity (whether by demand,  acceleration or otherwise) until this note
is fully  satisfied,  at the maximum  rate of interest  which Bank as a national
bank,  is  permitted  by law to contract for and charge on the date hereof or at
such  maximum  rate so permitted  on the  maturity  date  thereof,  whichever is
greater.  Any renewal or extension of the principal evidenced by this note shall
bear  interest at the rate of interest  set by Bank at that time,  not to exceed
the maximum rate which Bank, as a national bank, is permitted by law to contract
for and charge on the date of this note or such maximum rate so permitted on the
date of such renewal or extension,  whichever is greater. Borrower hereby agrees
to pay to Bank  all  expenses  directly  related  to the loan  evidenced  hereby
incurred or to be incurred in its making,  servicing  or  collection,  including
reasonable  attorney's  fees.  Borrower  agrees  to pay to Bank  all  reasonable
charges for  services  rendered or to be rendered by its  officers or  employees
indirectly for the collection of the loan evidenced hereby.

     At the option of Bank, the undersigned  agrees to pay a late charge, not to
exceed six (6) cents ($0.06) for each dollar ($1.00) or fraction  thereof of any
installment when paid more than ten (10) days after the due date thereof,  which
late charge is to cover the extra expense involved in handling late payments.

     The   undersigned   hereby  is  granted  the  privilege  of  prepaying  the
indebtedness  evidenced by this Note, in whole or in part, upon the payment of a
prepayment  fee to Bank, in an amount  calculated as follows:  (a) no prepayment
fee if repaid  before  October 1, 1998;  (b) two percent  (2%) of the  principal
being repaid,  if repaid on or after October 1, 1998 and on or before October 1,
2000;  (c) one percent  (1%) of the  principal  being  repaid,  if repaid  after
October 1, 2000 but on or before  October 1, 2002;  and (d) no prepayment fee if
repaid after October 1, 2002.

     Any  payments  received  by the  Bank on  account  of this  Note  prior  to
acceleration shall be applied first to any costs, expenses, or charges then owed
the Bank by the Borrower,  second to accrued and unpaid  interest,  and third to
the unpaid principal balance hereof.

     Default in the payment of this Note shall not relieve  the  undersigned  of
the obligation to pay  prepayment  fees, if any, and late charges as hereinabove

     If this Note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection,  by suit
or otherwise,  the undersigned  shall pay all reasonable costs of collection and
reasonable  attorney fees incurred by Bank  (including,  but not limited to, any
attorney fees incurred in any bankruptcy  proceeding in which the undersigned or
any successor, assignor or guarantor hereof appears as a debtor) and


including all costs and expenses incurred in collecting or attempting to collect
or securing or  attempting  to secure this Note or  enforcing or  attempting  to
enforce the holder's  rights with respect to the  collateral  securing this Note
(including, but not limited to, any appraisal fees) or in connection with any of
the foregoing, to the extent legally allowable by laws of the State of Tennessee
or any other state  where the  collateral  for this Note or any part  thereof is

     From and after the maturity date hereof or the date of default hereunder or
under the Agreement,  or the Negative Pledge  Agreement (as defined below),  the
entire unpaid principal balance of the indebtedness  evidenced hereby,  together
with all interest then accrued  thereon,  shall,  at the absolute  option of the
holder hereof, at once become due and payable, without further demand or notice,
the same being expressly waived.

     Nothing  contained  herein  shall  be  construed  or shall  operate  either
presently or  prospectively  (i) to require the undersigned to pay interest at a
rate greater than the lawful rate for which the  undersigned  may contract,  but
shall  require  payment to be made only to the extent of such lawful  rate,  nor
(ii) to  require  the  undersigned  to make any  payment  or to take any  action
contrary  to law.  If any amount of  interest  is paid  herein in excess of that
which the holder  lawfully  may  receive,  then any  excess  shall be applied to
principal of this Note.

     The  undersigned  and any endorsers or guarantors  hereof  severally  waive
presentment,  demand,  protest,  and notice of  protest,  demand,  dishonor  and
non-payment and agree that Bank or any subsequent  holder may, without releasing
the  liability of the  undersigned  or any endorser or guarantor  hereof,  grant
extensions or renewals  hereof in whole or in part,  from time to time,  without
notice to any of them,  successively  or otherwise and for any term or terms and
Bank or any such  holder  hereof  shall not be liable for or  prejudiced  by the
failure to collect or for a lack of diligence  in bringing  suit under this Note
or any renewals or extensions hereof.  Bank in its sole discretion  reserves the
right to extend  and  modify the loan  evidenced  by this  Note,  upon terms and
conditions  Bank may  designate.  TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE in the payment of
all  installments  of principal and interest on this Note and the performance of
the other obligations of the undersigned hereunder.

     No delay or  omission by the Bank in  exercising  or  enforcing  any of the
Bank's powers,  rights,  privileges,  remedies,  or discretion  hereunder  shall
operate  as a waiver  thereof on that  occasion  nor on any other  occasion.  No
waiver of any default  hereunder  shall operate as a waiver of any other default
hereunder, nor as a continuing waiver.

     This Note shall be binding upon the Borrower and any endorser and guarantor
hereof and upon their  respective  heirs,  successors and  representatives,  and
shall  inure  to the  benefit  of the Bank and its  successors,  endorsees,  and

     If any provision hereof shall be construed to be invalid, unenforceable, or
unlawful in whole or in part,  then such clause or provision shall have no force
and effect, as though not herein contained,  and the remaining provisions hereof
shall not be affected by such invalidity,


unenforceability, or unlawfulness. Each term or provision hereof shall, however,
be valid, operative, be in full force and effect, and be enforced to the fullest
extent permitted by law.

     This Note is secured by a Negative Pledge  Agreement (the "Negative  Pledge
Agreement") of even date herewith  between the Bank and the  undersigned and may
now or  hereafter  be  secured by other  mortgages,  trust  deeds,  assignments,
security agreements, or other instruments of pledge or hypothecation.



     This Note is  delivered  to the Bank at its  principal  office in  Memphis,
Tennessee. The Borrower, and each endorser and guarantor of this Note submits to
the  jurisdiction  of the courts of the State of Tennessee for all purposes with
respect  to  this  Note,  any  collateral   given  to  secure  their  respective
liabilities to the Bank, and their respective relationships with the Bank.

     The  Borrower  has read all of the  terms and  conditions  of this Note and
acknowledges receipt of an exact copy of it.

                                  FRED'S, INC.
                                              a Tennessee Corporation


                                  Name (Print):

