THIS FOURTH  MODIFICATION  AGREEMENT  made and entered into this day of
August,  1998 to be  effective  as of the  first day of  September,  1998 by and
between UNION PLANTERS  NATIONAL BANK, a national  banking  association with its
principal offices in Memphis, Tennessee ("Lender") and FRED'S, INC., a Tennessee
corporation  having its offices at 4300 New  Getwell  Road,  Memphis,  Tennessee
38118 (referred to herein as "Borrower").


     WHEREAS,  Borrower  is  indebted  to Lender for  Advances  made to Borrower
pursuant to a Revolving  Loan made pursuant to that certain  Revolving  Loan and
Credit  Agreement  dated May 15, 1992 as amended and modified by a  Modification
Agreement dated May 31, 1995 and a Second Modification  Agreement dated July 31,
1995, and a Third  Modification  dated February , 1997 (herein the  "Agreement")
providing  for  advances  up  to  a  maximum  amount  of   $12,000,000.00   (the
"Commitment"); and,

         WHEREAS,  Borrower has  requested and Lender has agreed to again modify
the terms of the Revolving Loan.

         NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and of other good and
valuable   consideration,   the   adequacy  and  receipt  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1.       The Agreement is amended and modified as follows:

    a.       Section 2.1 Definitions is amended and shall read as follows:

     "Borrowing Base" is deleted.

     "Borrowing Limit" shall mean the Commitment.

     "Commitment" shall mean Seventeen Million Dollars ($17,000,000.00).

     "Total  Liabilities"  shall mean, at any date, all  liabilities,  including
without  limitation all contingent  obligations and all obligations  relative to
the face  amount of  Letters  of Credit,  whether  or not  drawn,  any  banker's
acceptances and reimbursement obligations, of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries,
calculated on a  consolidated  basis  without  duplication  in  accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles.

     "Total  Capitalization"  shall  mean,  with any date,  the sum of (a) Total
Liabilities plus (b) Net Worth of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries.

     b.  Section 4.3  Selection  of Interest  Rate.  shall be amended to read as

     A separate  rate shall be assigned to each  individual  Advance  (excluding
Credits  issued and not drawn upon,  but  including  any Advance made to honor a
draft presented under any Credit) based upon the Borrower's

selection  of  Interest  Rate at the time of funding  each  individual  Advance,
between the following:

     4.3.1 The  Lender's  Prime Rate minus one and  one-half  percent,  floating
(which rate of interest is referred to herein as the "Adjusted Prime Rate"), or

     4.3.2 75 basis points in excess of the LIBOR.  Available LIBOR periods were
defined  in the  Third  Modification  Agreement  entered  into  as of the day of
February, 1997.

     Selection of the Interest Rate by the Borrower  shall result in the accrual
of interest on the subject Advance  (excluding Credits issued and not drawn upon
) at the rate so selected for a period of thirty  days,  at the  termination  of
which,  all rates shall be calculated  upon the basis of the Lender's Prime Rate
minus one and one-half percent,  floating. By notice to the Lender made at least
3 days prior to the end of any calendar  month,  the Borrower may elect to apply
the LIBOR  based rate to all or any  portion of the  outstanding  Advances  (not
including  any Credit  issued and not drawn upon) then subject to the Prime Rate
for the following  calendar month (not to extend beyond any maturity date of the
loan facility).  Absent direction on the part of the Borrower, the interest rate
shall be the Lender's Prime Rate less one and one-half percent.

     c. Section 4.6  Repayment of Principal  and  Interest.  shall be amended to
read as follows:

     The aggregate principal amount of all Advances and interest accrued thereon
shall be due and  payable  in full on demand,  or if no demand is made,  then as

     4.6.1  Interest,  in the  full  amount  thereof  accruing  shall be due and
payable  monthly,  on the  first  day of each  calendar  month  (with  notice to
Borrower  by Lender of the  amount due and  method of  computation),  commencing
October 1, 1998.

     4.6.2  Principal  shall be  payable  in full at the end of the term of this
Agreement, whether by maturity, demand or otherwise.

    d. Section 4.10 Fees shall be amended to read as follows:

     one quarter of one percent  (.25%) shall be deleted and one  eighteenth  of
one percent  (.18%) shall be  substituted  in each of  subparagraphs  4.10.1 and

     e. Section 4.11.1 shall be amended to read as follows:


     Subject to the  provisions of 4.11.2 below,  the term of this Agreement and
Lender's  Commitment  hereunder  shall continue  until demand,  or if no demand,
until June 1, 2003, at which time this Agreement  shall be  terminated,  and the
entire principal balance of the Revolving Loan, together with interest, fees and
charges thereon shall be due and payable in full.

     f. Section 4.12 Annual Reduction is deleted.

     g. Section 6.4 Financial  Covenants.  is amend to add additional  covenants
which read as follows:

     6.4.3  The  Consolidated   Tangible  Net  Worth  shall  not  be  less  than

     6.4.4 Net Income together with depreciation and amortization shall equal at
least two percent (2%) of revenue  measured  quarterly on a trailing four fiscal
quarter basis.

     6.4.5 The ratio of EBITDA to Debt Service shall be equal to or greater than
2.00 to 1.00, with EBITDA  measured  quarterly on a trailing four fiscal quarter

     6.4.6  The Ratio of Total  Liabilities  to Total  Capitalization  shall not
exceed 0.50 to 1.00 as of any fiscal quarter end. Total Liabilities includes any
and all contingent liabilities.

     h. Section 6.11 is added and shall read as follows:

     Borrower  Compliance  Certificates  Borrower shall deliver to Lender at the
end of each  fiscal  quarter  during  the term of this  Agreement  a  Compliance
Certificate  signed by the Chief  Financial  Officer or Treasurer of Borrower in
substantially the form of "Exhibit A" to this Fourth Modification.

     i. Section 9.1.8 is added and shall read as follows:

     Default  shall be made by the  Borrower  under  the  terms of the Term Loan
Agreement,  entered  into by and between  Borrower  and Lender on the 5th day of
May, 1998.

     j. Section 8.3 Exception is added and shall read as follows:

     Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the Borrower shall be
permitted  to grant  title or liens in favor of the City of  Memphis  or  Shelby
County,  Tennessee,  or entities  created by either of them,  for the purpose of
providing  property tax  reductions  benefitting  Borrower,  so long as Borrower
retains  economic  benefits  substantially  equivalent to the economic  benefits
which were enjoyed by Borrower before the assets were transferred or encumbered


(such as retaining a long-term lease of the assets transferred).  This exception
does not extend to the placement of a mortgage or other  security  device on the
fee or leasehold to secure bond or other  financing,  although it is  acceptable
for the lease to  obligate  the lessee to make  payments  in lieu of taxes which
reflect property tax reductions benefitting Borrower.

         2.  Continuation of Terms.  Except as amended and modified herein,  the
Agreement and the Loan Documents remain in full force and effect and enforceable
according to their terms;  and all Advances made by Lender and all other actions
taken by Lender pursuant to the Agreement prior to the date hereof are approved,
ratified  and  confirmed  by Borrower.  Borrower  promises to pay the  Revolving
Credit Note according to its terms.

         3. Representations and Warranties of the Borrower.  To induce Lender to
enter  into this  Modification  Agreement  and to make the loans and  extend the
credit  contemplated  to be made  pursuant to the  Agreement as modified by this
Modification Agreement, Borrower hereby makes the representations and warranties
to Lender set forth in sections 3.1 through 3.15 of the  Agreement  (as the same
have been and are modified and amended by this Modification  Agreement),  all of
which  representations  and warranties are incorporated  herein by reference and
all of which  shall  survive the  execution  and  delivery of this  Modification

         4. Terms.  The term "Agreement" as used in the Agreement shall mean the
Agreement as modified by this and prior Modification  Agreements.  The Agreement
and the Loan  Documents  constitute  the complete and entire  understanding  and
agreement between the parties with regard to the subjects hereof and thereof

         5. Successors in Interest.  This Fourth Modification Agreement shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto,  their  respective
successors, assigns, transferee and grantees.

     6.  Governing  Law.  The  interpretation  and  performance  of this  Fourth
Modification  Agreement shall be governed in all respects in accordance with the
laws of the State of Tennessee.

         7. Undefined Terms. All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have
the same definitions as set forth in the Agreement.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereunto  have  executed this Fourth
Modification Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                  FRED'S, INC., a Tennessee Corporation



                                      UNION PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK

