Exhibit 10.19

                             PRIME VENDOR AGREEMENT
                        FRED'S STORES OF TENNESSEE, INC.
                          BERGEN BRUNSWIG DRUG COMPANY

     This Prime Vendor  Agreement  ("Agreement")  is entered into this 22 day of
November, 1999 by and between BERGEN BRUNSWIG DRUG COMPANY ("Bergen") and FRED'S


     A. Bergen is a supply channel management company that offers pharmaceutical
and other products, and related services. Fred's is a retailer of pharmaceutical
and other products,  and operates facilities related thereto  ("Facilities") and
all references to Fred's herein include each Fred's Pharmacies that is a part of
Fred's now and in the future.

     B. The purpose of this  Agreement is to establish the terms and  conditions
of the prime vendor relationship between Bergen and Fred's.

     NOW THEREFORE FOR VALUABLE  CONSIDERATION  the receipt and  sufficiency  of
which is hereby acknowledged the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. Agreement Regarding Sale and Purchase.

          1.1 Subject to the terms and  conditions  contained  herein Fred's has
     agreed to  purchase  and  Bergen has  agreed to supply  pharmaceutical  and
     selected other  products as described in Section 1.2, below  (collectively,
     "Products") ordered by Fred's Facilities.

          1.2 Prime Vendor. Fred's hereby acknowledges and agrees that Bergen is
     Fred's   prime   vendor  for  its  Fred's   Pharmacies   for   prescription
     pharmaceuticals,   general  merchandise  and  supplies  ordered  by  Fred's
     Pharmacies   during  the  term  of  this  Agreement,   including,   without
     limitation,  retail,  central  fill and mail order  Facilities,  as well as
     Products  purchased by National  Pharmaceutical  Network,  Inc., ("NPN") an
     affiliate company of Fred's Stores of Tennessee,  Inc. At least ninety-five
     percent (95%) of all branded  Prescription  Drugs and  ninety-nine  percent
     (99%) of all generic  Prescription Drugs initially ordered by Fred's from a
     wholesaler will be initially ordered from Bergen.

          This agreement does not apply to merchandise  that is not prescription
     pharmaceutical   Products   stocked  and  supplied   through   Fred's  Inc.
     Distribution Center.

     2. Services.

          2.1 Delivery.  Bergen will provide five (5) deliveries per week Monday
     through Friday subject to Section 3.3, below.

          2.2  Ordering.  All orders to Bergen,  with the exception of emergency
     orders,   must  be   transmitted   electronically.   Bergen  will   provide
     Ultraphase(R)  electronic ordering devices including scanning devices at no
     charge to facilitate  such  transmission.  In addition to accepting six (6)
     digit Bergen item numbers for order  transmission,  Bergen will also accept
     NDC or UPC numbers  for product  identification.  Order  cut-off  times and
     delivery schedules will be as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.

          2.3 Sales and Service Representation.  Bergen will provide Fred's with
     a Bergen  management  level contact for Fred's  Director of Pharmacy.  This
     specific  contact will be a qualified Bergen associate that will facilitate
     information  between  Fred's  and  Bergen.  No sales  calls will be made on
     individual   pharmacies.   Customer   service   representatives   in   each
     distribution center will handle all customer service issues.

          2.4 Returns. All merchandise returns must be processed electronically.
     Fred's will  receive one hundred  percent  (100%)  credit on the  following
     returns:  picking errors, ordering errors, shipping errors, billing errors,
     recalls,  discontinued  items,  products  received  short-dated or damaged,
     guaranteed  sales,  saleable products with six (6) months or more remaining
     shelf  life  and  returns  handled  through  a  third  party  processor  or
     manufacturer in an amount equal to the  pass-through  credit through Bergen
     that is allowed by such third party  processor  or  manufacturer.  Programs
     with third party  processors  where Bergen  assists  with  reconciliations,
     invoicing  and similar  services,  will have a service  charge equal to two
     percent  (2%) of the return  value of the  Products,  which  charge will be
     assessed  by Bergen and  payable by Fred's  upon  receipt of an invoice for
     such  services.  All other returns will fall under the normal Bergen return
     goods policy.  Short-dated products are those with less than six (6) months
     remaining  shelf life on the date of receipt at the  ordering  pharmacy.  A
     Bergen  representative  will handle claims and shortages.  Bergen's  return
     goods policy is attached  hereto as  Attachment  "B" and by this  reference
     incorporated herein.

          2.5  Fill  Rates.  Bergen  commits  to a  ninety-seven  percent  (97%)
     adjusted  fill rate on a  chain-wide  basis.  The  adjusted  fill rates are
     calculated as follows:

               (a) An item shorted on an original order will not be counted as a
          short for the second time until 72 hours have passed.

               (b) On  individual  line items  where only a partial  quantity is
          received,  we will  consider it a short if fifty percent (50%) or less
          of the quantity  ordered is shipped.

               (c) On any new item, or an item previously not ordered by Fred's,
          a period of thirty (30) days will be given to add the item to Bergen's
          inventory.  This  period is computed  from the date Fred's  places the
          original order and provides estimates on usage.

               (d) The  quantity  of an item  ordered  in excess of one  hundred
          twenty  percent  (120%) of the most recent month's order for such item
          on an aggregate basis for all Facilities will not be considered short.

               (e)  Manufacturer's  legitimate back orders,  unavailability  and
          other shortages are not computed in determining the service level.

          2.6 In the event that BBDC does not  provide a 97%  service  level for
     any calendar month of the agreement,  BBDC agrees to pay Fred's a rebate of
     0.05%  of that  month's  net  purchases  (all  purchase  minus  claims  and

     3. Cost of Goods.

          3.1  Subject to  section  3.3  below,  "Cost" for the  purpose of this
     agreement is defined as that cost  incurred by Bergen,  represented  on the
     manufacturers'   current  price  list,  adjusted  to  reflect  free  goods,
     promotional   allowances   and  other  special   pricing   offered  by  the
     manufacturers during deal periods and contract pricing maintained by Bergen
     in a bid file.  Adjustments to "Cost" are not made for cash  discounts,  or
     purchase and/or  performance  rebates.  Bergen will ad to the billed amount
     any applicable  sales, use,  business,  or occupational tax. SuperNet items
     (primarily  retail-oriented  products  sold at a special  net cost) are not
     subject  to the  pricing  set  forth  in  Section  3.2,  nor to  additional
     discounts. SuperNet is defined as those Products sold at a special net cost
     quoted by Bergen.  These  Products  are  predominantly  Generic  Purchasing
     Program ("GPP"),  private label, durable medical equipment and non-pharmacy
     general merchandise.

          3.2 Products purchased by Fred's will be charged at the rate set forth
     in Schedule 1.

          Weekly  Terms:  All payments  may be received by Bergen by  electronic
     funds  transfer  ("EFT").  Invoices for  Products  delivered by Bergen from
     Monday  through  Friday  will be sent by Bergen to Fred's  via a  statement
     dated the  following  Monday.  Payment for each  statement  will be due and
     payable,  and must be received by Bergen,  no later than fourteen (14) days
     from the date of such statement.

          3.3 The pricing in Section 3.2 is based upon there being only five (5)
     deliveries per week.

          3.4  Fred's  will  receive  the  dating  set forth in  Schedule 1 with
     respect to: (a) initial  opening  orders and the first  fourteen (14) days'
     purchases after the Facility opens, for new pharmacies and (b) with respect
     to existing  pharmacies  acquired by Fred's,  the amount of purchases after
     the  acquisition  equal  to the  value of the  prescription  pharmaceutical
     inventory on hand at the acquired  pharmacy on the date of  acquisition  by
     Fred's  (excluding  the  value  of  inventory  that is  damaged,  outdated,
     unsaleable  or  otherwise  unreturnable  pursuant to Bergen's  Return Goods
     Policy  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  A and  incorporated  herein  by this
     reference).  The  inventory  count to  determine  the  inventory  value for
     acquired pharmacies shall be performed by a mutually acceptable third party
     service, at Fred's expense.

          3.5  Fred's  will  receive  the  dating  set  forth in  Schedule  1 on
     statements reflecting invoices for the month of August.

          3.6 All  invoices  that have not been paid when due will be assessed a
     one and one-half  percent  (1.5%) per month late charge on the  outstanding
     balance on each statement until paid.

          3.7 Once in each twelve (12) month period, Fred's shall have the right
     to audit  Bergen's  books  and  records,  including,  but not  limited  to,
     Bergen's  supplier  invoices  which  relate in any way to  amounts  paid by
     Fred's for the purpose of  validating  the accuracy of the amounts so paid.
     Fred's may use its own employees or representatives to conduct the audit or
     engage an outside accounting firm. Each party shall bear its own expense of
     any audit. Any accounting firm engaged to conduct an audit pursuant to this
     Agreement will sign a confidentiality  statement  insuring that all details
     and terms of books and records  examined (except the total aggregate amount
     due to  either  party  as a  result  of  the  audit)  will  be  treated  as
     confidential  and will not be  revealed  in any manner or form by or to any
     person or entity.  Bergen shall fully  cooperate  with  representatives  of
     Fred's and auditing accountants in the conduct of an audit. Audits shall be
     made during normal business hours,  following  forty-five (45) days written
     notice, and without undue interference to Bergen's business activity.

          3.8 Bergen  and Fred's  will use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to
     develop  electronic data interchange  ("EDI")  capabilities that will allow
     certain  of  the   transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement  to  be
     accomplished  by EDI. The EDI standard  supported by Bergen is the American
     National  Standards  (ANSI),  Accredited  Standards  Committee  (ASC)  x 12

     4. Repackaging.

          Bergen will offer a  comprehensive  repackaging  program to all Fred's
     pharmacies  that will include a reverse  substitution  feature.  Repackaged
     items will be subject to the  pricing  set forth in Section  3.2,  with the
     costs to repackage and cost of money added to each repackaged Product.  Any
     remaining  margin will be split equally  between Bergen and Fred's.  Bergen
     will also  provide a rebate  equal to the amount set forth in Schedule 1 to
     be paid  within  thirty  (30) days after the end of each  twelve (12) month
     period of this Agreement.

     5. Generic Purchasing Program.

          5.1 Fred's shall  participate in Bergen's GPP(R)  (Generic  Purchasing
     Program) in accordance with the current  requirements for such program,  as
     the same may be modified from  time-to-time  by Bergen.  Fred's shall order
     ninety-nine  percent  (99%) of all  generic  pharmaceutical  Products  from
     Bergen and shall  participate  in the GPP  Automatic  Compliance  Assurance
     Program  ("ACAP").  Fred's  authorizes  Bergen to be its sole agent for the
     development and  implementation  of a pharmaceutical  generic formulary for
     the length of this Agreement.  This authorization includes the selection of
     Product,  the  manner  in which  substitution  is made  and all  agreements
     negotiated with the generic supplier.

          5.2  When  a  manufacturer  back  order  occurs  on a  GPP  item,  the
     supplier's  participation  in the  GPP  requires  the  supplier  to pay the
     difference  between  the GPP price and the  substituted  item  price.  This
     information  is tracked  in the  General  Office of Bergen and Fred's  will
     receive credit on a semi-annual basis.

          5.3 On new Product market  entries only, the supplier's  participation
     in GPP requires  that Fred's will be credited for the  difference,  if any,
     between the initial  invoiced amount for all GPP purchases during the first
     sixty  (60)  days and the price of such GPP  Product  on the 60th day after
     such Product is introduced  into the market place.  This  information  will
     also be tracked in the Bergen General Office and Fred's will receive credit
     on a semi-annual  basis.  In addition,  any time during the first year of a
     Product introduction, if there is a price decrease for such Product, Fred's
     will receive a retroactive  price reduction for the previous  fourteen (14)
     days to be credited to Fred's.

          5.4 A once a month  consultation  will be established  with the Bergen
     GPP team and the  designees  from  Fred's  for the  purposes  of  reviewing
     program  changes  and  enhancements.  Bergen will also  provide  updates to
     Fred's  Corporate  Office for program  changes  with the same  frequency of
     updates being offered  generally to GPP  participants  (currently  once per

     6. GPP Participation Incentive.

          6.1 Bergen will pay to Fred's on a quarterly  basis within thirty (30)
     days of the end of each quarter,  contingent upon Fred's full participation
     in and  compliance  with the GPP, a rebate based upon GPP purchases for the
     quarter, calculated as set forth in Schedule 1.

          6.2 In order to have the GPP  quarterly  rebate  coincide  with Fred's
     fiscal year of February 1 through  January 31, a rebate will be  calculated
     and paid to Fred's based on the  percentage of GPP purchases for the period
     commencing December 27, 1999 and ending January 31, 2000.  Depending on the
     percentage  level of the GPP purchases  for such period ending  January 31,
     2000,  Bergen will pay to Fred's within thirty (30) days of the end of such
     period a rebate  equal to  one-third  (1/3) of the amount of the  quarterly
     rebate  that would  otherwise  be payable  for a full  quarter  pursuant to
     Section 6.1. (For example,  if the percentage of GPP purchases  compared to
     total prescription drug purchases is eight percent (8%) or greater,  Fred's
     would be paid one-third of the corresponding quarterly rebate.) Thereafter,
     GPP rebates  will be  calculated  and paid in  accordance  with Section 6.1
     commencing on February 1, 2000.

     7. Systems Development.

          In consideration of the development costs to be incurred by Fred's for
     the  transition  toward  implementation  of  this  Agreement,  as  well  as
     development  of its  supply  management  capabilities,  Bergen  shall  make
     systems development contributions to Fred's in the amounts and on the dates
     set forth in Schedule 1.

     8. Pricing Conditions.

          Bergen  agrees  to be bound by the  pricing  conditions  set  forth in
     Schedule 1.

     9. Central Fill.

          Bergen will collaborate with PDX to propose a central fill opportunity
     to  Fred's  that  will  include  specified  savings  on  each  prescription
     processed by the central fill facility or facilities.

     10. Other Services.

          Bergen  offers  certain  other  services to its  customers  generally,
     including Today's  Healthcare(R),  PatientPlus(R) and InterLinx(TM),  which
     are  available  to Fred's  at the  currently  published  prices at the time
     services  are  requested  (except  in the  case  of  InterLinx  for  Fred's
     Corporate Office,  which is offered at the rate of Seventy-Four Dollars and
     Ninety-Five/100  ($74.95)  per  month  regardless  of when the  service  is

     11. PharmaHealth Natural Care Center.

          Bergen  agrees to use  commercially  reasonable  efforts,  upon Fred's
     request, to develop a customized version of Bergen's  PharmaHealth  Natural
     Care  Center(TM).  Upon  commencement of a mutually  acceptable  customized
     PharmaHealth program, the initial purchase of a PharmaHealth Platinum, Gold
     or Silver set and the appropriate  product will be subject to the terms set
     forth in Schedule 1.

     12.  Pharmacy  Benefit  Management.

          Concurrently  with entering into this Agreement,  and in consideration
     of this  Agreement  being made  applicable  to purchases of Product by NPN,
     Bergen and NPN are entering into a separate  agreement that covers pharmacy
     benefit management services to be provided by Bergen to NPN.

     13. Term of Agreement.

          This  Agreement  is for a term  as  set  forth  in  Schedule  1.  Upon
     expiration of the original term,  this  Agreement  shall  automatically  be
     extended for an additional two (2) years upon the same terms and conditions
     as the original  term,  unless  either Fred's or Bergen gives prior written
     notice to the other party at least ninety (90) days prior to  expiration of
     the term of this Agreement.

     14. No Representation Regarding Products.

          Bergen  makes,  and  shall be  deemed to make,  no  representation  or
     warranty,  express or implied, as to the value, absence of defect,  absence
     of infringement, or the absence of any obligation based on strict liability
     in tort or any other  representation  or  warranty  whatsoever,  express or
     implied,  with respect to the products supplied pursuant to this Agreement,
     except that Bergen has received title conveyed to it by the manufacturer or
     supplier thereof.  Other than labeling and packaging changes with regard to
     repackaging  Products in accordance with this  Agreement,  said product has
     not been altered, modified, and/or changed and it has been properly stored.
     Fred's  understands that Bergen is not the manufacturer of any products and
     agrees  that  Fred's  will  settle  all  claims,  defenses,   set-offs  and
     counterclaims it may have with or against the manufacturer thereof directly
     with the  manufacturer  and  will not  assert  any such  claims,  defenses,
     set-offs or counterclaims  against Bergen.  Fred's acknowledgment or deemed
     acknowledgment   of   receipt   of   products   shall   constitute   Fred's
     acknowledgment  and  agreement  that the  products  are fit to  dispense or
     distribute through its locations.  Fred's acknowledges that Bergen has made
     no representation  or warranty written,  oral or implied about the products
     or their fitness for any purpose.

     15. Products Liability.

          15.1 Bergen and its subsidiaries obtain a certificate of insurance,  a
     continuing  guarantee and an  indemnification  regarding  products from all
     suppliers (or suitable alternative  documentation,  if appropriate).  These
     records are available for inspection by Fred's during normal business hours
     upon request.

          15.2 Bergen  specifically  and  expressly  disclaims  all  warranties,
     express or implied,  written or oral, including but not limited to those of
     merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose regarding the products
     or services provided herein.  Except for the provisions and requirements of
     Section 14, Fred's agrees that Bergen,  its subsidiaries,  affiliates,  and
     the directors, officers, shareholders and agents of each will not be liable
     to  Fred's  for  any  liability,  claim,  loss,  damage  (consequential  or
     otherwise) or expense of any kind caused,  directly or  indirectly:  (i) by
     the  inadequacy of the products for any purpose,  (ii) by any deficiency or
     defect,  (iii) by any delay in  providing  the  products,  (iv)  failure to
     provide the products,  or (v) death or bodily injury which may be caused by
     the product  (unless  and except to the extent such death or bodily  injury
     results from negligent or intentional acts of Bergen).

     16. Representations and Warranties.

          16.1  Representation  and Warranties of Fred's.  Fred's represents and
     warrants to Bergen that (a) it is duly organized,  validly  existing and in
     good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized,
     (b) the person  executing this Agreement on behalf of it is duly authorized
     to  bind  it to all  terms  and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  (c)  this
     Agreement,  when executed and delivered by it, will be the legal, valid and
     binding  obligation of it,  enforceable  against it in accordance  with its
     terms, and (d) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
     it do not and will not (i) conflict  with or constitute a breach or default
     under,  its charter  documents,  delegations  of  authority or any material
     agreement,  contract,  commitment  or  instrument to which it is a party or
     (ii)  require  the  consent,  approval  or  authorization  of,  or  notice,
     declaration,  filing or registration  with, any third party or governmental
     or regulatory authority.

          16.2  Representation  and Warranties of Bergen.  Bergen represents and
     warrants to Fred's that (a) it is duly organized,  validly  existing and in
     good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized,
     (b) the person  executing this Agreement on behalf of it is duly authorized
     to  bind  it to all  terms  and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  (c)  this
     Agreement,  when executed and delivered by it, will be the legal, valid and
     binding  obligation of it,  enforceable  against it in accordance  with its
     terms, and (d) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
     it do not and will not (i) conflict  with or constitute a breach or default
     under,  its charter  documents,  delegations  of  authority or any material
     agreement,  contract,  commitment  or  instrument to which it is a party or
     (ii)  require  the  consent,  approval  or  authorization  of,  or  notice,
     declaration,  filing or registration  with, any third party or governmental
     or regulatory authority.

     17. License Related to Certain Services.

          17.1 Bergen  currently  offers certain  services,  and may develop new
     services in the future,  which rely on certain hardware or software offered
     to its  customers  for  such  fees as may be  published  and  changed  from
     time-to-time.  In the event  Fred's  subscribes  to any such  service,  its
     license will be as set forth below.

          17.2 For any software application Bergen may provide to Fred's, Bergen
     grants Fred's a non-exclusive, non-transferable license for the use of that
     Software ("Software") and its related documentation (the  "Documentation").
     Each  license is  granted  solely  for use in  connection  with one or more
     pharmacies.  No such  license  grants  Fred's  any  rights to any  patents,
     trademarks or trade names. Fred's may not sublicense,  lease, distribute or
     otherwise  transfer a Software  application,  the related  Documentation or
     Fred's  right to use the  Software  and  related  Documentation  except for
     Fred's locations. Fred's may not make, or allow anyone else to make, copies
     of the  Software  or  related  materials,  beyond  one copy for  backup and
     archival  purposes and one for each Fred's  pharmacy  being  serviced under
     this  Agreement.  Fred's may not  alter,  modify or adapt any  Software  or
     related  Documentation or create  derivative works from them nor translate,
     reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the Software.

          17.3 A license to Software and related  Documentation  will  terminate
     automatically  upon the earlier of Fred's  failure to comply with the terms
     of the  license or any other  material  provision  in this  Agreement,  the
     termination  of services  for which  Fred's is using the  Software,  or the
     expiration or termination of this Agreement. Upon termination of a license,
     Fred's must cease using the Software and related materials and, at Bergen's
     election and expense,  return or destroy all copies of the Software  Fred's
     may have in its possession or under its control, and certify to Bergen that
     Fred's has done so.

          17.4 Bergen  specifically  and  expressly  disclaims  all  warranties,
     express or implied,  written or implied, written or oral, including but not
     limited to those of merchantability  and fitness for a particular  purpose,
     regarding the Software,  the related  Documentation and all other property,
     services  or rights  covered by this  Agreement.  Fred's  acknowledges  the
     possibility  that (i) the Software may not operate in combination or in the
     manner  which  Fred's  may  select  for use and (ii) the  operation  of the
     Software may not be uninterrupted or error free. In no event will Bergen be
     responsible  for any  consequential  or  special  damages  (including  lost
     profits)  allegedly  resulting  from  any  product,  services  or  licensed
     property provided under this Agreement.

          17.5 All computer  hardware and software and other equipment  provided
     by Bergen  (including  Ultraphase  devices  and totes in which  Product was
     delivered)  (collectively "Bergen Property") shall be returned to Bergen at
     the end of the term of this Agreement or upon earlier  termination  for any
     reason.  All such Bergen  property shall be mutually  counted by Bergen and
     Fred's and any Bergen  property  not  returned or  unaccounted  for will be
     charged to Fred's at  replacement  cost or original cost less wear and tear
     and depreciation whichever is lesser.

     18. Confidentiality.

          The  parties  agree  that the  provisions  and the  existence  of this
     Agreement,  and any information provided to either party as required herein
     including  but not  limited to  pricing,  the Cost of Goods and the reports
     provided  related to this  Agreement are  confidential  and  proprietary in
     nature. Except as may be required to be disclosed by any law, the SEC or as
     a  result  of  subpoena  or as may be  required  by any  person  or  entity
     advancing   credit   (and  such   third   party   will  be  bound  by  this
     confidentiality provision),  Bergen and Fred's agree that the terms of this
     Agreement  will not be disclosed to any other  persons  except each party's
     respective officers, directors, agents, representatives, or employees.

     19. Trademarks, Trade Names, Etc.

          19.1  Fred's  shall  not  use  the  name,   trade  name,   trademarks,
     servicemark(s),  trade dress or logo(s) of Bergen or any of its  affiliates
     in publicity releases, advertising, sales literature or materials or in any
     similar activity without Bergen's prior written consent.

          19.2 Bergen shall not use the name,  trade name,  trademarks,  service
     marks,  trade dress or logo of Fred's or any of its affiliates in publicity
     releases,  advertising  or sales  literature or materials or in any similar
     activity without Fred's prior written consent.

     20. Indemnification.

          20.1 Fred's  Indemnification.  Fred's agrees to indemnify,  defend and
     hold harmless  Bergen and its  respective  officers,  trustees,  directors,
     shareholders,  affiliates,  employees and agents (the "Indemnified  Party")
     against  any and all  claims,  actions,  losses  and  damages  of any  kind
     (including all costs and expenses and reasonable  attorneys'  fees) arising
     out of Fred's breach of the terms hereof.

          20.2 Bergen  Indemnification.  Bergen agrees to indemnify,  defend and
     hold harmless  Fred's and its  respective  officers,  trustees,  directors,
     shareholders,  affiliates,  employees and agents (the "Indemnified  Party")
     against  any and all  claims,  actions,  losses  and  damages  of any  kind
     (including all costs and expenses and reasonable  attorneys'  fees) arising
     out of Bergen's breach of the terms hereof.

     21. Open Records.

          Pursuant to the  requirements  of  applicable  law,  Bergen and Fred's
     hereby agree that, if requested to do so, Bergen will make available to the
     Secretary of Health and Human Services ("HHS"),  the Comptroller General of
     the   Government   Accounting   Office   ("GAO"),   or   their   authorized
     representatives,  all contracts,  books,  documents and records relating to
     the  nature and  extent of costs  hereunder  for a period of four (4) years
     after  furnishing  of products  hereunder.  In addition,  Bergen and Fred's
     hereby  agree,  if  services  are to be provided  by a  subcontract  with a
     related  organization,  Bergen will  require by such  subcontract  that the
     subcontractor  make  available  to the HHS and  GAO,  or  their  authorized
     representatives,  all contracts,  books,  documents and records relating to
     the  nature  and  extent of the costs  thereunder  for a period of four (4)
     years after furnishing of products thereunder. Notwithstanding anything set
     forth herein to the contrary,  Bergen shall have no obligation hereunder to
     make public Attorney-Client privileged documents or records.

     22. Force Majeure.

          In the event  Bergen's  delivery or arranging for delivery of products
     under this  Agreement is  prevented,  impaired,  reduced or  restricted  by
     reason of force  majeure,  labor  disputes,  fire, act of God, or any other
     similar or dissimilar  cause beyond its control,  including but not limited
     to the  unavailability  of  such  products,  transportation,  shortages  of
     materials  or fuel,  delay in  delivery  or failure to deliver by  Bergen's
     suppliers,  loss of facilities of distribution,  the voluntary foregoing of
     the right to acquire or use any materials in order to accommodate or comply
     with the orders, requests, regulations,  recommendations or instructions of
     any governmental  authority  (whether in furtherance of national defense or
     war activities or to meet any other emergency),  or the compliance with any
     law,  order,  ruling,  regulation,   instruction  or  requirements  of  any
     governmental  authority or any political  subdivision or agency thereof, or
     for any other cause whether of the same or different  character than herein
     specified,  beyond the reasonable  control of the party  affected  thereby,
     Bergen,  without  liability  or  obligation,  may reduce or  eliminate  the
     quantities  herein  specified in proportion to the prevention,  impairment,
     reduction or  restriction  upon Bergen's  production or delivery,  on a pro
     rata basis  among all users of its  products  during the period of any such
     disability. In any such case, the products which Bergen is unable to supply
     shall be eliminated  from this contract by written  notice  describing  the
     amounts  eliminated and the estimated  time period during which  deliveries
     are to be  suspended;  and Bergen shall be relieved of any  liability  with
     respect  thereto  during  such time  Bergen may not be able to deliver  the
     products in question. In addition, due to circumstances beyond its control,
     Bergen, at its discretion and only if added to all other customer accounts,
     may add to the Cost of products  for any account,  regardless  of location,
     its fuel costs,  including  state taxes and surtaxes  thereon,  if any, and
     other  related  costs  associated  with its delivery of products so long as
     such circumstances continue to affect Bergen's said Costs.

     23. Termination.

          23.1  Default.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  by  either  party
     providing  written  notice of termination to the other party upon a default
     of the other party under this Agreement.  For purposes of this provision, a
     default  shall be deemed to have  occurred upon the happening of any of the

               (a) A party has filed a petition in bankruptcy,  been adjudged to
          be  insolvent  by a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  or has  made a
          general assignment for the benefit of its creditors;

               (b) A party has failed to pay any amount that is due to the other
          party under this Agreement and such failure continues for fifteen (15)
          days  after  such  party  receives  notice  of such  breach  from  the
          non-breaching party; or

               (c) A party fails to perform any of its material  obligations  or
          failure to correct any major service issue under this  Agreement,  and
          such failure  continues for thirty (30) days after such party receives
          notice of such breach from the non-breaching party; provided, however,
          if the  breaching  party has commenced to cure such breach within such
          thirty (30) days,  but such cure is not  completed  within said thirty
          (30) days,  such party shall be afforded the amount of additional time
          reasonably  necessary to complete  said cure,  provided that the party
          diligently pursues curing the breach until completion.

          23.2  Notice.  For  the  purposes  of this  Agreement  the  notice  of
     termination required for each event of default listed in Section 23.1 is as

                           (a)      Section 23.1(a) -- ten (10) days
                           (b)      Section 23.1(b) - ten (10) days
                           (c)      Section 23.1(c) -- sixty (60) days

     24. Miscellaneous.

          24.1 No Agency.  Bergen shall be an independent  contractor hereunder,
     and this Agreement shall not be construed to create any other  relationship
     between the parties,  as principal and agent, joint venturers or otherwise.
     Neither party is authorized  to enter into  agreements  for or on behalf of
     the other  party,  collect any  obligation  due or owed to the other party,
     accept  service of process for the other party,  or bind the other party in
     any manner whatever.

          24.2   Severability.   The   invalidity   or  partial   invalidity  or
     unenforceability  of any term or  provision  of this  Agreement  shall  not
     affect the validity or enforceability of any other term or provision.

          24.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
     and  understanding  between the  parties,  is  intended  as a complete  and
     exclusive  statement  of the terms of their  agreement  with respect to its
     subject  matter,  and  supersedes  any prior  agreements or  understandings
     between the parties relating to its subject matter.

          24.4  Amendments.  This Agreement may not be amended,  supplemented or
     modified in any respect without further written  agreement of both parties,
     signed by their respective authorized representatives.

          24.5  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in one or more
     counterparts,  which  shall  together  constitute  but  one  and  the  same

          24.6  Waivers.  Neither  party's  failure  to  insist,  in one or more
     instances,  upon the  performance  of any  term or terms of this  Agreement
     shall be construed as a waiver or  relinquishment  of such party's right to
     such performance or other future performance of such term or terms, and the
     other  party's  obligations  with respect  thereto  shall  continue in full
     force.  Either party's consent to or approval of any act by the other party
     on any one  occasion  shall not be deemed a consent or approval of the same
     act on any subsequent occasion.

          24.7  Notices.  Any notice  required or permitted  hereunder  shall be
     given by personal  delivery,  or by prepaid  registered or certified  mail,
     return receipt requested, addressed as follows:

                  If to Bergen:             Bergen Brunswig Drug Company
                                            4000 Metropolitan Drive
                                            Orange, California 92868
                                            Attn:  President - Retail Sales

                  with a copy to:           Bergen Brunswig Corporation
                                            4000 Metropolitan Drive
                                            Orange, California 92868
                                            Attn:  Chief Legal Officer

                  If to Fred's:             Fred's Stores of Tennessee, Inc.
                                            4300 New Getwell Road
                                            Memphis, Tennessee
                                            Attn:  E.V.P. of Pharmacy Operations

                  with a copy to:           Fred's Stores of Tennessee, Inc.
                                            4300 New Getwell Road
                                            Memphis, Tennessee
                                            Attn:  Secretary/General Counsel

     or to such other address as either party may  designate by written  notice.
     Notice by personal delivery shall be effective upon receipt,  and notice by
     mail shall be effective upon the date that the return receipt is signed.

          24.8  Captions.  The captions and headings in this  Agreement  are for
     convenience  only, and are not intended to be a part of this Agreement,  or
     to affect its meaning or interpretation.

          24.9 Assignment.  Except as set forth below, Fred's and Bergen may not
     assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

          24.10  Successor and Assigns.  Subject to the provisions  Section 24.9
     this  Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and be an obligation of each
     party's successors and assigns.

          24.11 Further Assurances.  Each party, at its own cost and expense, at
     the  reasonable  request of the other party,  agrees to undertake  all such
     further acts and to execute all such further reasonable documents as may be
     necessary  and  reasonably  requested  by either  party to  effectuate  the
     purchase and sale of the products contemplated herein.

          24.12  Affiliate  Companies.  In order to better  service the needs of
     Fred's,  products  or  services  may,  from time to time be  provided by an
     affiliate  company of Bergen  subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
     agreement.  Fred's  hereby  acknowledges  that products or services will be
     provided  by an  affiliate  of Bergen  and  hereby  expressly  accepts  and
     consents to this  distribution  arrangement and agrees to be liable for all
     payments  due  hereunder  to such  affiliate  of Bergen or as  directed  by


Fred's Stores of Tennessee, Inc.            Bergen Brunswig Drug Company

By: /s/ Michael Hayes                       By: /s/ David W. Neu
   -------------------------                   ---------------------------
Print Name:  Michael Hayes                  Print Name:  David W. Neu
           -----------------                           -------------------
Title: President                            Title: President, Retail Dvsn.
      ------------------------                    ------------------------
Date:    11/23/99                           Date:  11/24/99
      ----------------------                      ------------------------

                                    EXHIBIT A

Distribution Centers*               Order Cut Off Times*      Delivery Times*
- ---------------------               --------------------      ---------------
Nashville                                7:00 pm CST          8:00 am -12:00 CST

Dallas                                   8:00 pm CST          8:00 am -12:00 CST

Houston                                  8:00 pm CST          8:00 am -12:00 CST

Atlanta                                  7:00 pm EST          8:00 am -12:00 EST

Montgomery                               7:00 pm CST          8:00 am -12:00 EST
                                         6:00 pm CST (GA)     8:00 AM -12:00 EST

Mobile                                   7:00 pm CST          8:00 am -12:00 CST

Meridian                                 7:00 pm CST          8:00 am -12:00 CST

*    This list of  Distribution  Centers is subject to change if and when Bergen
     adds or changes  distribution  centers in the normal course of its business
     operations,  or if  existing  distribution  centers  are added upon  Fred's
     acquisition/opening of new Facilities. In addition, order cut off times and
     delivery times are subject to changes as may be required by the operational
     requirements of each distribution center.

                                    EXHIBIT B

                           BBDC's RETURN GOODS POLICY

All returns to Bergen Brunswig should be transmitted via Electronic  Order Entry
(machine or computer).

1.   The policy  will  allow  full  credit  (customer  acquisition  cost) on the
     following, if returned within 90 days of purchase:

     a.   Filling Errors
     b.   Guaranteed Sale Items
     c.   Ordering Errors
     d.   Shipping Errors
     e.   Billing Errors
     f.   Shortages, Claims
     g.   Concealed Shipping Damages

2.   All other merchandise returned will have a handling charge applied:

     a.   Over stock  (inventory  reduction)  will be credited at wholesale file
          cost, less a 10% handing fee.

     b.   Unsaleable merchandise  (merchandise that has been damaged or has less
          than nine (9) months  dating)  accepted for return in accordance  with
          manufacturer's  policy  will be  credited at  wholesale  cost,  less a
          thirty percent (30%)  handling fee, or the product's  salvage value as
          determined by the manufacturer's return policy.

3.   Credits are posted to statements daily.

     a.   Ordering/shipping   errors  and  all  other  saleable  items  will  be
          processed   and   posted  no  later  than  two  weeks  of  receipt  of

     b.   All unsaleable products (expired,  outdated,  shop worn, etc.) will be
          processed   and  posted  no  later  than  four  weeks  of  receipt  of

4.   Items requiring special handling:

     a.   Schedule II Items:  As a policy,  we do not accept  Class II items for
          return. In the event of a damage/shipping/ordering  error, full credit
          will be given.

     b.   Refrigerated Items:  Saleable items requiring  refrigeration should be
          held under proper storage for your sales  representative  to handle on
          their next call to your facility

5.   Items that may not be returned:

     a.   Unsaleable products from manufacturers whose policy WILL NOT allow the
          wholesaler  to  handle.  BBDC  will  assist  you in  contacting  these
          manufacturers to help effect the return.

     b.   Products   which  are  outdated  past  allowable  time  given  by  the
          manufacturer for return.

     c.   Products with broken seals and/or partial  contents.  BBDC will assist
          you in contacting the manufacturer to help effect the return.

     d.   Saleable or unstable products,  such as "cents off", bonus pack, trial
          size or any item sold on a no return basis.

     e.   Returns  shipped from the following are not, or may not be, covered by
          this policy and will be handled by your BBDC representative.

                  *   General Merchandise Division
                  *   Gift Show Purchases
                  *   Promotions Unlimited Circular Merchandise
                  *   Fragrance Plus
                  *   Special Drop Ship Purchases

6.   Any  credit  or  return   questions   not  covered  or  understood  in  the
     above-stated  policy  can be  quickly  resolved  by  contacting  your  BBDC
     customer service representative at your servicing division.