1984 CIRCUIT CITY STORES, INC.
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                    AS AMENDED AND RESTATED FEBRUARY 17, 1998

         The 1984  Circuit City  Stores,  Inc.  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan,
effective March 1, 1985 as amended and restated  February 17, 1998 (the "Circuit
City Plan") provides eligible employees of Circuit City Stores, Inc., a Virginia
corporation (the  "Company"),  and certain of its subsidiaries an opportunity to
purchase  Circuit  City  Stores,  Inc.  -- Circuit  City Group  Common  Stock as
designated in the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of Circuit City
Stores,  Inc.  ("Circuit City Group Stock") through payroll deductions at prices
below the market.

         1. Amount of Stock  Subject to the Circuit City Plan.  The total number
of shares of Circuit City Group Stock which may be  purchased  under the Circuit
City Plan shall be  6,500,000,  subject to  adjustment as provided in Section 11
below.  Such shares may be newly issued shares that have been authorized but not
yet  issued or may be shares  purchased  for the  Circuit  City Plan on the open

         2. Eligible Employees.  All present and future employees of the Company
and its parent and  Subsidiary  corporations  (as defined  below and whether now
existing or hereafter  created or acquired) are eligible to  participate  in the
Circuit City Plan,  (as defined in Section 4 below),  except (i)  employees  who
have completed less than one year of Eligibility  Service (defined below),  (ii)
employees who are subject to Section 16 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended,  with respect to securities of the Company,  (iii) employees who are
officers of the Company or its  Subsidiaries,  or (iv) effective  April 1, 1997,
employees  of the  CarMax  Group  Companies  (defined  as CarMax,  Inc.  and its
Subsidiaries).  Independent  contractors of the Company or its  subsidiaries are
not eligible to participate  in the Circuit City Plan.  Whether an individual is
eligible to  participate  in the Circuit City Plan shall be determined as of the
first day of the first  payroll  period for which payroll  deductions  are to be

            For purposes of the Circuit City Plan,  "Subsidiary" is any business
entity (including,  but not limited to, a corporation,  partnership,  or limited
liability company) of which a company (the "Parent") directly or indirectly owns
one  hundred  percent  (100%) of the voting  interest  of the entity  unless the
Compensation  and  Personnel  Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company
(the  "Committee")  determines  that  the  entity  should  not be  considered  a
Subsidiary  for purposes of the Circuit City Plan.  If the Parent owns less than
one hundred percent (100%) of the voting interest of the entity, the entity will
be  considered  a  Subsidiary  for purposes of the Circuit City Plan only if the
Committee determines that the entity should be so considered.

            For purposes of the Circuit City Plan,  "Eligibility  Service" means
continuous  employment  with the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  including
CarMax, Inc. or any of its Subsidiaries,  as a regular employee.  Determinations
whether an employee is a regular  employee and whether an employee has completed
one year of Eligibility  Service may be made from time to time by the Committee,
but shall in each  instance be uniform in nature and  applicable  to all persons
similarly situated.

         3. Administration of the Circuit City Plan. The Circuit City Plan shall
be administered by the Committee.  The Committee shall have all powers necessary
to  administer  the  Circuit  City Plan,  including  the power to  construe  and
interpret the Circuit City Plan's documents; to decide all questions relating to
an employee's  employment  status and  eligibility to participate in the Circuit
City Plan; to make  adjustments  to the  limitations  on payroll  deductions set
forth in Section 5 below;  to employ such other persons as are necessary for the
proper  administration  of  the  Circuit  City  Plan;  and  to  make  all  other
determinations  necessary or advisable in  administering  the Circuit City Plan.
Any construction, interpretation, or application of the Circuit City Plan by the
Committee shall be final, conclusive and binding.

            The  Committee  shall  appoint an officer or other  employee  of the
Company  or  one  of  its  subsidiaries  to  serve  as  the  Circuit  City  Plan
Administrator.  The Circuit City Plan Administrator shall be responsible for the
general  administration  of the Circuit City Plan and such other  matters as the
Committee  deems  necessary for the efficient and proper  administration  of the
Circuit City Plan.

         4. Participation  in the Circuit City Plan.  An eligible  employee may
commence  or  recommence  (subject  to the  provisions  of  Section  12  below),
participation  in the  Circuit  City  Plan  effective  on any  March 1,  June 1,
September 1, or December 1 ("Enrollment  Dates") by completing and delivering to
the  designated  individuals  in  the  Company's  personnel  department,  a form
prescribed by the Circuit City Plan  Administrator (the  "Authorization  Form").
The employee must deliver the Authorization  Form to the designated  individuals
in the  Company's  personnel  department so that it is received at least 10 days
before the desired  Enrollment  Date.  The  Authorization  Form shall  authorize
payroll deductions from the employee's Compensation.

            An employee  who was a  participating  employee in the Circuit  City
Stores,  Inc.  Employee Stock Purchase Plan for CarMax Group Employees  ("CarMax
Plan")  immediately  prior to being  transferred to employment  with the Circuit
City Group Companies (defined as the Company and its Subsidiaries other than the
CarMax Group Companies) may begin participation in the Circuit City Plan as soon
as  administratively  practicable after receipt by the designated persons of the
employee's Authorization Form.

            For  purposes of the  Circuit  City Plan,  "Compensation"  means all
compensation  and commissions  (estimated as deemed  necessary by the Committee)
before any deductions or  withholding  and including  overtime and bonuses,  but
exclusive of all amounts paid as reimbursements of expenses including those paid
as part of commissions.  Eligible  employees who participate in the Circuit City
Plan are referred to herein as "Participating Employees".

         5. Payroll  Deductions,   Limitations,   and  Participating   Employee
Accounts.  A payroll  deduction  shall be made as a percentage  of  Compensation
payable to each  Participating  Employee for each payroll period as specified in
the Participating  Employee's  Authorization  Form.  Payroll deductions for each
payroll period shall not be less than 2% nor more than 10% of  Compensation  for
such  payroll  period.  Payroll  deduction  specifications  may be  made in 1/2%

            All  payroll  deductions  shall be  credited  to an  account  that a
custodian  appointed by the Committee (the  "Custodian")  shall establish in the
name of each Participating Employee (the "Payroll Deduction Account").

            The  maximum  amount  that may be  deducted  for each  Participating
Employee in any one calendar  year is $7,500.  When a  Participating  Employee's
aggregate   payroll   deductions  for  the  calendar  year  total  $7,500,   the
Participating  Employee's  purchases  of Circuit  City Group  Stock and  payroll
deductions  under the Circuit City Plan shall be suspended  for the remainder of
the calendar year.  However,  the Participating  Employee shall continue to be a
participant   under  the  Circuit   City  Plan  unless  he  or  she   terminates
participation,  and the  employee's  purchases  of Circuit  City Group Stock and
payroll  deductions  will be resumed  for the first  payroll  period of the next
calendar  year.  For purposes of this Section,  "aggregate  payroll  deductions"
refers to the cumulative year to date deductions made for the employee under the
CarMax Plan and the Circuit City Plan.

         6. Changes in Payroll Deductions.  A Participating  Employee may change
the  percentage  of his or her payroll  deductions,  subject to the minimums and
maximum  set forth  above,  effective  on any March 1,  June 1,  September  1 or
December 1, by delivering to the personnel  department a new Authorization  Form
so that it is received at least 10 days before the effective date of change.

         7. Purchase Price. The purchase price ("Purchase Price") for each share
of Circuit City Group Stock,  including  shares,  if any,  purchased by dividend
reinvestment, shall be the fair market value of such share on the Purchase Date,
less a discount not to exceed  fifteen  percent  (15%).  Such  discount is to be
determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.

         8. Method of Purchase and Purchase  Accounts.  The last business day of
each month shall be a Purchase  Date. On each Purchase  Date,  the funds in each
Participating  Employee's  Payroll  Deduction  Account  shall be  applied to the
purchase from the Company of the number of whole shares and fractional interests
in shares of Circuit City Group Stock as such funds can purchase at the Purchase
Price on that Purchase Date,  unless the Company  notifies the Custodian  before
the Purchase Date that a portion of the shares required shall be obtained on the
open market.  In the latter event, the Custodian shall apply such portion as the
Company  shall  direct of the funds in the  Payroll  Deduction  Accounts  to the
purchase  of whole  shares of Circuit  City Group  Stock on the open  market and
shall deliver the remaining funds, if any, to the Company. At the same time, the
Company  shall  issue to the  Custodian  for the  benefit  of the  Participating
Employees a sufficient  number of shares of Circuit City Group Stock so that the
total number of whole shares and fractional  interests in shares acquired by the
Participating Employees as of such Purchase Date shall be the same as would have
been acquired if all such shares had been acquired from the Company. The Company
shall  reimburse the Custodian for any expenses  incurred by it in effecting the
open market purchases.  The shares and fractional interests in shares of Circuit
City Group Stock  acquired  under the  Circuit  City Plan shall be credited to a
Purchase Account maintained by the Custodian for each Participating Employee.

            Dividends, if any, paid with respect to the Circuit City Group Stock
held in the Purchase Accounts shall be automatically  reinvested in Circuit City
Group Stock  under the Circuit  City Plan.  The  reinvestment  shall be effected
through the crediting of such dividends to the Participating  Employees' Payroll
Deduction Accounts on the date such dividends are received by the Custodian. All
funds in the Payroll Deduction  Account (from payroll  deductions and dividends,
if any) shall be applied to the  purchase of shares of Circuit  City Group Stock
on the next Purchase Date.

         9. Rights as a Shareholder. Participating Employees shall have all the
rights of  shareholders  with  respect  to shares of Circuit  City  Group  Stock
acquired  under  Circuit  City  Plan,  including  the right to vote such  shares
through the Custodian and receive  annual  reports,  proxy  statements and other
documents sent to shareholders of Circuit City Group Stock generally;  provided,
however,  that so long as such shares are held for a  Participating  Employee by
the  Custodian,  if a  Participating  Employee fails to respond to a request for
instructions  with respect to voting so that his or her response is not received
by the  Custodian  prior to the close of  business  on the second  business  day
preceding  the  deadline  for the  taking of action  with  respect to the shares
(whether such action be the voting of such shares,  the tendering of such shares
in  response  to a tender  offer or  exchange  offer or any other  action),  the
Custodian  shall  take such  action  with  respect  to the  shares  held for the
Participating   Employee  on  such  person's   behalf  in  accordance  with  the
recommendation of the Company's management.  By written notification received by
the Custodian on or before an Enrollment  Date, a  Participating  Employee shall
have the right, as of such Enrollment Date:

            (a) to obtain a  certificate  for the whole  shares of Circuit  City
      Group Stock credited to the Participating Employee's Purchase Account; or

            (b) to direct that any whole shares in the Purchase Account be sold,
      and  that  the  proceeds,  less  selling  expenses,  be  remitted  to  the
      Participating Employee.

         10. Rights Not Transferable. Rights under the Circuit City Plan are not
transferable by a Participating Employee.

         11. Certain  Adjustments in the Case of Stock Dividends or Splits.  The
Committee shall make appropriate  adjustments in the number of shares of Circuit
City Group Stock which may be purchased under the Circuit City Plan if there are
changes in the  Circuit  City Group  Stock by reason of stock  dividends,  stock
splits, reverse stock splits, recapitalization, merger or consolidation.

         12. Termination of Participation in Circuit City Plan. A Participating
Employee  may at any  time and for any  reason  terminate  participation  in the
Circuit  City  Plan by  written  notification  of  withdrawal  delivered  to the
designated individuals in the Company's personnel department.

             With the exception described below in the next to last paragraph of
this Section,  an employee's  participation  in the Circuit City Plan shall also
terminate upon his or her ceasing to be employed by the Company or a Subsidiary,
whether  by  reason  of death or  otherwise,  or upon the  employee's  otherwise
ceasing  to meet the  eligibility  requirements  set forth in Section 2 above or
becoming an independent contractor of the Company. In particular, and not by way
of  limitation,  employees  of the  CarMax  Group  Companies  will no  longer be
eligible to participate in the Circuit City Plan as of April 1, 1997.

            With respect to each terminated participant,  (i) payroll deductions
shall cease as of the first day of the next payroll  period after receipt by the
personnel  department of  notification  of withdrawal  or other  termination  of
participation,  whichever is  applicable,  and (ii) no  purchases  shall be made
after  the  Purchase  Date for the  calendar  month in  which  the last  payroll
deduction is made. A terminated participant shall elect:

            (a) to obtain a  certificate  for the whole  shares of Circuit  City
      Group Stock credited to his or her Purchase Account; or

            (b) to direct that the  Custodian  sell the whole  shares of Circuit
      City Group Stock  credited to his or her  Purchase  Account,  and that the
      proceeds, less selling expenses, be remitted to him or her.

            In either event,  the  terminated  participant  shall receive a cash
payment  for any  fractional  interests  in a share of Circuit  City Group Stock
credited to such terminated  participant's  Purchase Account.  Such cash payment
shall be based on the market  value of the Circuit  City Group Stock on the next
date whole  shares are sold for  Participating  Employees  after the  terminated
participant  elects whether to obtain a certificate for or to direct the sale of
his or her whole shares. If the terminated participant fails to make an election
within  60 days  following  termination  or  otherwise  becoming  ineligible  to
participate  in the Circuit City Plan, he or she shall be deemed to have elected
to obtain  certificates for the whole shares in his or her Purchase Account.  In
the event a Participating  Employee's  participation in the Circuit City Plan is
terminated by death,  delivery of any  certificate and monies under this Section
shall be made to the employee's  beneficiary as designated on a form  prescribed
by the Circuit City Plan  Administrator.  Any beneficiary so designated shall be
bound  by the  terms  of the  Circuit  City  Plan.  If no  beneficiary  has been
designated,  such  delivery  shall be made to the  legal  representative  of the
deceased employee's estate.

            The  foregoing  provisions  of this Section  notwithstanding,  if an
employee's  termination  results from the employee's transfer to employment with
the  CarMax  Group  Companies  or if  the  employee  ceases  to be  eligible  to
participate  in the Circuit  City Plan as of April 1, 1997  because he or she is
employed with the CarMax Group  Companies,  such a former  employee may maintain
his or her  Purchase  Account (in which case  dividends,  if any, on the Circuit
City Group Stock shall continue to be reinvested  through such Purchase  Account
as for other  Participating  Employees),  but the former  employee  shall not be
entitled to  contribute  additional  payroll  deductions  under the Circuit City
Plan.  Provided,  however,  if such former employee's  Purchase Account contains
less than five whole shares of Circuit  City Group Stock,  the Circuit City Plan
Administrator,   in  his  or  her  discretion,   may  determine  to  close  such
individual's  Purchase  Account and, in such event the former employee  involved
shall  then have the same  election  alternatives  as set forth in the third and
fourth paragraphs of this Section for other employees whose participation in the
Circuit City Plan is terminated.  Once an individual is no longer  employed with
the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  including the CarMax Group  Companies,
the  individual is not  permitted to maintain a Purchase  Account in the Circuit
City Plan and shall have the  election  alternatives  set forth in the third and
fourth paragraphs of this Section.

            An employee  who has  withdrawn  from the Circuit City Plan or whose
participation  in the  Circuit  City  Plan  has  otherwise  terminated  may  not
recommence  participation  in the Circuit City Plan during the  12-month  period
next following the effective date of such withdrawal or  termination;  provided,
however,   that  this  provision   shall  not  apply  to  an  individual   whose
participation in the Circuit City Plan has terminated due to his or her transfer
to  employment  with  the  CarMax  Group  Companies  and  who   subsequently  is
transferred back to employment with the Company or a Subsidiary and is otherwise
eligible to participate in the Circuit City Plan.  Such employees may recommence
participation  in the Circuit City Plan as soon as  practicable  after their new
Authorization Form is received by personnel department.

         13.  Amendment of the Circuit City Plan. The Board of Directors may, at
any time, or from time to time, amend the Circuit City Plan in any respect.

         14. Termination of the Circuit City Plan. The Circuit City Plan and all
rights of employees hereunder shall terminate:

            (a)  on  the  Purchase  Date  that  Participating  Employees  become
      entitled  to  purchase  a number of shares of  Circuit  City  Group  Stock
      greater than the number of shares  remaining  unpurchased out of the total
      number of shares which may be purchased under the Circuit City Plan; or

            (b) at any earlier date at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

             In  the  event  that  the  Circuit  City  Plan   terminates   under
circumstances  described in (a) above,  the Circuit  City Group Stock  remaining
unpurchased  as of the  termination  date shall be  allocated  to  Participating
Employees for purchase on a pro rata basis.

         15. Effective  Date of the Circuit  City Plan.  The Circuit  City Plan
shall become effective as amended and restated herein on February 17, 1998.

         16. Government and Other  Regulations.  The Circuit City Plan, and the
rights to  purchase  Circuit  City  Group  Stock  hereunder,  and the  Company's
obligation  to sell and deliver  Circuit  City Group Stock  hereunder,  shall be
subject  to  all  applicable   federal,   state  and  foreign  laws,  rules  and
regulations,  and to such  approvals by any  regulatory or government  agency as
may, in the opinion of counsel for the Company, be required.

         17. Indemnification  of  Committee.  Service  on the  Committee  shall
constitute service as a director of the Company so that members of the Committee
shall be entitled to  indemnification  and  reimbursement  as  directors  of the
Company pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.