Year Ended December 31,
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in millions of dollars)                        2000            1999               1998              1997 (4)              1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income before Taxes
and Minority Interests                      $  836.3        $  570.0           $  697.4          $1,427.1              $  692.7
Equity in the Earnings of
Unconsolidated Affiliates                        0.4            (5.8)              (3.3)             (2.1)                 (1.4)
Sub-total of Fixed Charges                     168.9           160.9              144.1             113.3                 108.6
                                          ----------      ----------         ----------        ----------            ----------
Sub-total of Adjusted Net Income             1,005.6           725.1              838.2           1,538.3                 799.9
Interest on Annuities and
Financial Products                           1,474.2         1,510.4            1,446.2           1,253.5               1,185.6
                                          ----------      ----------         ----------        ----------            ----------
Adjusted Net Income Base                     2,479.8         2,235.5            2,284.4           2,791.8               1,985.5

Rent Expense                                    88.4            81.5               81.3              62.5                  71.6

Fixed Charges:
Interest and Debt Expense                      139.5           133.7              117.1              92.5                  84.7
Rent (Pro-rated)                                29.4            27.2               27.0              20.8                  23.9
                                          ----------      ----------         ----------        ----------            ----------
Sub-total Fixed Charges                        168.9           160.9              144.1             113.3                 108.6
Interest on Annuities and
Financial Products                           1,474.2         1,510.4            1,446.2           1,253.5               1,185.6
                                          ----------      ----------         ----------        ----------            ----------
Sub-total Fixed Charges                      1,643.1         1,671.3            1,590.3           1,366.8               1,294.2
Preferred Dividends (Pre-tax)                    0.1             0.1                0.1               0.2                   0.2
                                          ----------      ----------         ----------        ----------            ----------
Total Fixed Charges                         $1,643.2        $1,671.4           $1,590.4          $1,367.0              $1,294.4

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:
Excluding Interest on Annuities
and Financial Products (1)                      5.95            4.51               5.82             13.57                  7.37

Including Interest on Annuities
and Financial Products (2)                      1.51            1.34               1.44              2.04                  1.53

Ratio of Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges
and Preferred Stock Dividends (3)               1.51            1.34               1.44              2.04                  1.53

(1) For purposes of determining this ratio, earnings consist of income
    before federal income taxes, cumulative effect of accounting change,
    if any, and minority interests adjusted for the difference between
    income or losses from unconsolidated equity investments and cash
    distributions from such investments, plus fixed charges. Fixed
    charges consist of 1) interest and debt expense on short and
    long-term debt and distributions to minority interest-preferred
    securities of subsidiary companies and 2) the portion of operating
    leases that are representative of the interest factor.

(2) Same as the ratio of earnings to fixed charges, excluding interest
    on annuities and financial products, except fixed charges and
    earnings include interest on annuities and financial products.

(3) Same as the ratio of earnings to fixed charges, including interest
    on annuities and financial products, except that fixed charges
    include the pre-tax earnings required to cover preferred stock
    dividend requirements.

(4) Coverage ratios for 1997 are higher than other historical periods
    shown due to the inclusion of the gain on sale of discontinued