A. Membership. The Audit Committee shall be composed exclusively of Trustees
("Independent Trustees") who are not "interested persons" as defined in the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, of John Hancock Advisers, LLC and
who satisfy the independence and financial literacy requirements in this
charter.  The Audit Committee shall be composed at least three Independent
Trustees who are designated for membership from time to time by the
Administration Committee, subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees.
In selecting Independent Trustees to serve on the Audit Committee, the
Administration Committee should select members who are free of any
relationship that, in the opinion of the Administration Committee, may
interfere or give the appearance of interfering with such member's individual
exercise of independent judgment.  Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
no member of the Audit Committee may serve on the audit committee of more than
two other public companies (other than another John Hancock Fund).  Except as
otherwise permitted by the applicable rules of the New York Stock Exchange,
each member of the Audit Committee shall be independent as defined by such
NYSE rules and Rule 10A-3(b)(1) of the Exchange Act.  Each member of the Audit
Committee must be financially literate, as such qualification is interpreted
by the Board of Trustees in its business judgment, or must become financially
literate within a reasonable period of time after his or her appointment to
the Audit Committee.  At least one member of the Audit Committee must have
accounting or related financial management expertise, as the Board of Trustees
interprets such qualification in its business judgment.

B. Overview.  The Audit Committee's purpose is to:

1. assist the Board of Trustee's oversight of (1) the integrity of the funds'
financial statements, (2) the funds' compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements (except to the extent such responsibility is delegated to another
committee), (3) the independent auditor's qualifications and independence, and
(4) the performance of the funds' internal audit function and independent

2. act as a liaison between the funds' independent accountants and the full
Board; and

3. prepare an Audit Committee Report as required by the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") to the extent required to be included in the
funds' annual proxy statement or other filings.

The Audit Committee shall discharge its responsibilities, and shall access the
information provided by the funds' management and independent auditors, in
accordance with its business judgment.  Management is responsible for the
preparation of the fund's financial statements and the independent auditors
are responsible for auditing those financial statements.  The Audit Committee
and the Board of Trustees recognize that management (including the internal
audit staff) and the independent auditors have more experience, expertise,
resources and time, and more detailed knowledge and information regarding a
fund's accounting, auditing, internal control and financial reporting
practices than the Audit Committee does.  Accordingly, the Audit Committee's
oversight role does not provide any expert or special assurance as to the
financial statements and other financial information provided by a fund to its
shareholders and others.  The independent auditors are responsible for
auditing the funds' financial statements and for reviewing the funds'
unaudited interim financial statements.  The authority and responsibilities
set forth in this charter do not reflect or create any duty or obligation of
the Audit Committee to plan or conduct any audit, to determine or certify that
any fund's financial statements are complete, accurate, fairly presented, or
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or applicable law,
or to guarantee any independent auditor's report.

C. Oversight.  The independent auditors shall report directly to the Audit
Committee, and the Audit Committee shall be directly responsible for oversight
of the work of the independent auditors, including resolution of disagreements
between any fund's management and the independent auditors regarding financial
reporting.  In connection with its oversight role, the Audit Committee should
also review with the independent auditors, from time to time as appropriate:
significant risks and uncertainties with respect to the quality, accuracy or
fairness of presentation of a fund's financial statements; recently disclosed
problems with respect to the quality, accuracy or fairness of presentation of
the financial statements of companies similarly situated to the funds and
recommended actions which might be taken to prevent or mitigate the risk of
problems at the funds arising from such matters; accounting for unusual
transactions; adjustments arising from audits that could have a significant
impact on the funds' financial reporting process; and any recent SEC comments
on the funds' SEC reports, including, in particular, any compliance comments.
The Audit Committee should inquire of the independent auditor concerning the
quality, not just the acceptability, of the funds' accounting determinations
and other judgmental areas and question whether management's choices of
accounting principles are, as a whole, conservative, moderate or aggressive.

D. Specific Responsibilities.  The Audit Committee shall have the following
duties and powers, to be exercised at such times and in such manner as the
Committee shall deem necessary or appropriate:

1. To oversee the funds' auditing and accounting process.

2. To approve, and recommend to the full Board of Trustees for its
ratification and approval in accord with applicable law, the selection,
appointment, retention and compensation of an independent auditor for each
fund prior to the engagement of such independent auditor.  The Committee
should meet with the independent auditor prior to the audit to discuss the
planning and staffing of the audit. The Committee should periodically consider
whether, in order to assure continuing auditor independence, there should be
regular rotation of the independent audit firm and obtain and review a copy of
the most recent report on the independent auditor issued by the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board pursuant to Section 104 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

3. To periodically review and evaluate the lead partner and other senior
members of the independent auditor's team and confirm the regular rotation of
the lead audit partner and reviewing partner as required by Section 203 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

4. To confirm that the officers of the funds were not employed by the
independent auditor, or if employed, did not participate in any capacity in
the audit of the funds, in each case, during the one-audit-year period
preceding the date of initiation of the audit, as required by Section 206 of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

5. To pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided to each fund by
its independent auditor, directly or by establishing pre-approval policies and
procedures pursuant to which such services may be rendered, provided however,
that any such policies and procedures are detailed as to particular services,
the Audit Committee is informed of each service, and any such policies and
procedures do not include the delegation of the Audit Committee's
responsibilities under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or applicable rules
or listing requirements.  The Committees should periodically compare the fees
paid for audit services to those paid by peer companies as a means of
assessing whether the scope of audit work is sufficient.

6. To pre-approve all non-audit services provided by a fund's independent
auditor to the fund's investment adviser and any entity controlling,
controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that
provides ongoing services to the fund, if the engagement relates directly to
the operations and financial reporting of the fund.  The Committee is
authorized to delegate, to the extent permitted by law, pre-approval
responsibilities to one or more members of the Committee who shall report to
the Committee regarding approved services at the Committee's next regularly
scheduled meeting.  The Committee is also authorized to adopt policies and
procedures which govern the pre-approval of audit, audit-related, tax and
other services provided by the independent accountants to the funds.

7. To monitor the independent auditor of each fund throughout the engagement
to attempt to identify: conflicts of interest between management and the
independent auditor as a result of employment relationships; the provision of
prohibited non-audit services to a fund by its independent auditor; violations
of audit partner rotation requirements; and prohibited independent auditor
compensation arrangements whereby individuals employed by the auditor are
compensated based on selling non-audit services to the fund.  The independent
auditors should promptly contact the Audit Committee or its Chair about any
significant issue or disagreement concerning a fund's accounting practices or
financial statements that is not resolved to their satisfaction or if Section
10A(b) of the Exchange Act has been implicated.

8. To meet with independent auditors, including private meetings, as
necessary, management's internal auditors, and the funds' senior management
(i) to review the arrangements for and scope of the annual audit and any
special audits; (ii) to review the form and substance of the funds' financial
statements and reports, including each fund's disclosures under "Management's
Discussion of Fund Performance" and to discuss any matters of concern relating
to the funds' financial statements, including any adjustments to such
statements recommended by the independent accountants, or other results of an
audit; (iii) to consider the independent accountants' comments with respect to
the funds' financial policies, procedures and internal accounting controls and
management's responses thereto; (iv) to review the resolution of any
disagreements between the independent accountants and management regarding the
funds' financial reporting; and (v) to review the form of opinion the
independent accountants propose to render to the Board and shareholders. The
Audit Committee should request from the independent auditors a frank
assessment of management.

9. With respect to any listed fund, to consider whether it will recommend to
the Board of Trustees that the audited financial statements be included in a
fund's annual report.  The Board delegates to the Audit Committee the
authority to release the funds' financial statements for publication in the
annual and semi-annual report, subject to the Board's right to review and
ratify such financial statements following publication.  With respect to each
fund, to review and discuss with each fund's management and independent
auditor the funds' audited financial statements and the matters about which
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Codification of Statements on Auditing
Standards, AU 380) requires discussion.  The Audit Committee shall prepare an
annual committee report for inclusion where necessary in the proxy statement
of a fund relating to its annual meeting of security holders or in any other
filing required by the SEC's rules.

10. To receive and consider reports on the audit functions of the independent
auditors and the extent and quality of their auditing programs.

11. To oversee the adoption and implementation of any codes of ethics required
under applicable law.

12. To obtain and review, at least annually, a report by the independent
auditor describing: the firm's internal quality-control procedures; any
material issues raised by the most recent internal quality-control review, or
peer review, of the firm, or by any inquiry or investigation by governmental
or professional authorities, within the preceding five years, respecting one
or more independent audits carried out by the firm, and any steps taken to
deal with any such issues; and, to access the auditor's independence, all
relationships between the independent auditor and each fund, including the
disclosures required by any applicable Independence Standards Board Standard
No. 1.  The Audit Committee shall engage in an active dialogue with each
independent auditor concerning any disclosed relationships or services that
might impact the objectivity and independence of the auditor.

13. To review with the independent auditor any problems that may be reported
to it arising out of a fund's accounting, auditing or financial reporting
functions and management's response, and to receive and consider reports on
critical accounting policies and practices and alternative treatments
discussed with management.

14. To review the procedures for allocating fund brokerage, the allocation of
trades among various accounts under management and the fees and other charges
for fund brokerage.

15. To receive and consider reports from the independent auditors regarding
reviews of the operating and internal control structure of custodian banks and
transfer agents, including procedures to safeguard fund assets.

16. To monitor securities pricing procedures and review their implementation
with management, management's internal auditors, independent auditors and
others as may be required.

17. To establish and monitor, or cause to be established and monitored,
procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of complaints received by
a fund regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing
matters, and the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the
investment adviser, administrator, principal underwriter or any other provider
of accounting related services for a listed fund, as well as employees of the
fund regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters, as and when
required by applicable rules or listing requirements.  The procedures
currently in effect are attached as Exhibit A.

18. To report regularly to the Board of Trustees, including the Audit
Committee's conclusions with respect to the independent auditor and the funds'
financial statements and accounting controls.

E. Subcommittees.  The Audit Committee may, to the extent permitted by
applicable law, form and delegate authority to one or more subcommittees
(including a subcommittee consisting of a single member), as it deems
appropriate from time to time under the circumstances.  Any decision of a
subcommittee to preapprove audit or non-audit services shall be presented to
the full Audit Committee at its next meeting.

F. Additional Responsibilities.  The Committee shall serve as the "qualified
legal compliance committee" (as such term is defined in 17 CFR Part
205)("QLCC"), the duties of which are listed on Exhibit B to this charter; and
shall also perform other tasks assigned to it from time to time by the
Administration Committee or the full Board, and will report findings and
recommendations to the Administration Committee or the full Board, as

G. Funding.  Each fund shall provide for appropriate funding, as determined by
the Audit Committee, in its capacity as a committee of the Board of Trustees,
for payment of:

1. Compensation to any registered public accounting firm engaged for the
purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or performing other audit,
review or attest services for the fund.

2. Compensation to any advisers employed by the Audit Committee under its
authority to engage independent counsel and other advisers.

3. Ordinary administrative expenses of the Audit Committee that are necessary
or appropriate in carrying out its duties.

H. Governance.  One member of the Committee shall be appointed as chair.  The
chair shall be responsible for leadership of the Committee, including
scheduling meetings or reviewing and approving the schedule for them,
preparing agendas or reviewing and approving them before meetings, presiding
over meetings, and making reports to the Administration Committee or the full
Board, as appropriate.  The designation of a person as an "audit committee
financial expert", within the meaning of the rules under Section 407 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, shall not impose any greater responsibility or
liability on that person than the responsibility and liability imposed on such
person as a member of the Committee, nor shall it decrease the duties and
obligations of other Committee members or the Board. The compensation of Audit
Committee members shall be as determined by the Board of Trustees.  No member
of the Audit Committee may receive, directly or indirectly, any consulting,
advisory or other compensatory fee from a fund, other than fees paid in his or
her capacity as a member of the Board of Trustees or a committee of the Board.
The members of the Audit Committee should confirm that the minutes of the
Audit Committee's meetings accurately describe the issues considered by the
Committee, the process the Committee used to discuss and evaluate such issues
and the Committee's final determination of how to proceed.  The minutes should
document the Committee's consideration of issues in a manner that demonstrates
that the Committee acted with due care.

I. Evaluation.  At least annually, the Audit Committee evaluate its own
performance, including whether the Audit Committee is meeting frequently
enough to discharge its responsibilities appropriately.

J. Miscellaneous.  The Committee shall meet as often as it deems appropriate,
with or without management, as circumstances require.  The Committee shall
have the resources and authority appropriate to discharge its
responsibilities, including the authority to retain independent counsel and
other advisers, experts or consultants, at the funds' expense, as it
determines necessary to carry out its duties.  The Committee shall have direct
access to such officers of and service providers to the funds as it deems

K. Review.  The Committee shall review this charter at least annually and
shall recommend such changes to the Administration Committee or the full Board
as it deems desirable.


Policy for Raising and Investigating Complaints or Concerns

About Accounting or Auditing Matters

As contemplated by the Audit Committee Charter, the Committee has established
the following procedures for:

the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by a fund
regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters; and

the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the John Hancock
Advisers, LLC or its affiliates of concerns regarding questionable accounting
or auditing matters.

A. Policy Objectives

The objective of this policy is to provide a mechanism by which complaints and
concerns regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing
matters may be raised and addressed without the fear or threat of retaliation.
 The funds desire and expects that the employees and officers of John Hancock
Advisers, LLC or any other service provider to the funds will report any
complaints or concerns they may have regarding accounting, internal accounting
controls or auditing matters.

B. Procedures for Raising Complaints and Concerns

Persons with complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or
auditing matters or concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing
matters may submit such complaints or concerns to the attention of funds'
Secretary by sending a letter or other writing to the funds' principal
executive offices.  Complaints and concerns may be made anonymously to any of
the above individuals.  In addition any complaints or concerns may also be
communicated anonymously, directly to any member of the Audit Committee.

C. Procedures for Investigating and Resolving Complaints and Concerns

All complaints and concerns received will be promptly forwarded to the Audit
Committee of the Board of Trustees or the chair of the Audit Committee, unless
they are determined to be without merit by Secretary of the funds.  If sent
only to the chair, the chair may determine the appropriate response or may
refer the issues to the entire Audit Committee.  In any event, the funds'
Secretary will provide a record of all complaints and concerns received
(whether or not determined to have merit) to the Audit Committee each fiscal

The Audit Committee will evaluate any complaints or concerns received
(including those reported to the committee on a quarterly basis and which the
funds' Secretary has previously determined to be without merit).  If the Audit
Committee requires additional information to evaluate any complaint or
concern, it may conduct an investigation, including interviews of persons
believed to have relevant information.  The Audit Committee may, in its
discretion, assume responsibility for directing or conducting any
investigation or may delegate such responsibility to another person or entity.

After its evaluation of the complaint or concern, the Audit Committee will
authorize such follow-up actions, if any, as deemed necessary and appropriate
to address the substance of the complaint or concern.  The funds reserves the
right to take whatever action the Audit Committee believes appropriate, up to
an including discharge of any employee deemed to have engaged in improper

Regardless of whether a complaint or concern is submitted anonymously, the
Audit Committee will strive to keep all complaints and concerns and the
identity of those who submit them and participate in any investigation as
confidential as possible, limiting disclosure to those with a business need to

John Hancock Advisers, LLC and its affiliates shall not penalize or retaliate
against any person or entity for reporting a complaint or concern, unless it
is determined that the complaint or concern was made with knowledge that it
was false.  The funds will not tolerate retaliation against any person or
entity for submitting, or for cooperating in the investigation of, a complaint
or concern.  Moreover, any such retaliation is unlawful and may result in
criminal action.  Any retaliation will warrant disciplinary action against the
offending party, up to and including termination of employment.

John Hancock Advisers, LLC and its subadvisers shall include this policy in
its employee manual and shall distribute, at least annually, the policy to all
of its employees.

The funds shall retain records of all complaints and concerns received, and
the disposition thereof, for five years.


The QLCC shall adopt written procedures for the confidential receipt,
retention, and consideration of any report of evidence of a material

The QLCC has the authority and responsibility, once a report of evidence of a
material violation by a Fund, its officers, directors, employees or agents has
been received by the QLCC:

(i) to inform the CLO and CEO of such report (except in the case where the
reporting attorney reasonably believes that it would be futile to report
evidence of a material violation to the CLO and CEO, and has informed the QLCC
of such belief); and

(ii) to determine whether an investigation is necessary or appropriate, and,
if it determines an investigation is necessary or appropriate, to:

(A) notify the full board of directors;

(B) initiate an investigation, which may be conducted either by the CLO or by
outside attorneys; and

(C) retain such additional expert personnel as the QLCC deems necessary;

and, at the conclusion of such investigation, to:

(A) recommend, by majority vote, that the Fund implement an appropriate
response to evidence of a material violation; and

(B) inform the CLO and the CEO and the Board of Trustees of the results of any
such investigation and the appropriate remedial measures.

(iii) by majority vote, to take all other appropriate action, including
notifying the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the event that the
Fund fails in any material respect to implement an appropriate response that
the QLCC has recommended.