
Item 1. Report to Stockholders:
- -------------------------------
The following is a copy of the report transmitted to stockholders pursuant
to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940:





From the Trustees


John A. Hill and
George Putnam, III

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

It is a pleasure to present you with the first shareholder report for
Putnam's newest mutual fund concept, the Putnam RetirementReady
[REGISTRATION MARK] Funds. Designed to offer you a one-step approach to
investment diversification, each target-year fund encompasses stock,
bond, and capital preservation investments and is managed using a
gradually changing asset allocation. Over time, as the target year draws
closer, each portfolio will be invested more conservatively so that its
level of risk is reduced appropriately for its shortened investment time
horizon. Another fund, the RetirementReady Maturity Fund, offers a fixed
allocation focusing on bonds and capital preservation investments.

Putnam is committed to helping investors and their advisors reach
informed investment decisions. Over the past year, we have taken steps
to enhance the information we provide to shareholders. Many of these
enhancements appear in this report, including a section on ongoing fund
expenses, manager compensation information that pertains to the funds,
and a section on the funds' Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members that
includes information about these individuals' other fund management
responsibilities at Putnam. We also provide information on fund
ownership. In addition, starting on page 14, we provide information
about the approval by the Trustees of your fund's management contract
with Putnam. You can expect to see additional enhancements in the funds'
annual report, which will cover the period from February 1 to July 31,

In the following pages, your fund's management team discusses
performance, strategy, and its outlook for the remainder of fiscal 2005.
As always, we thank you for your support of the Putnam funds.

Respectfully yours,

/S/ JOHN A. HILL              /S/ GEORGE PUTNAM, III

John A. Hill                  George Putnam, III
Chairman of the Trustees      President of the Funds

March 16, 2005


As discussed in the prospectus you received before becoming a
shareholder, each target-dated RetirementReady [REGISTRATION MARK] Fund
seeks capital appreciation and current income consistent with a
decreasing emphasis on capital appreciation and an increasing emphasis
on current income as the fund approaches its target date. The Maturity
Fund seeks as high a rate of current income as Putnam Management
believes is consistent with preservation of capital.

Each of the RetirementReady Funds invests in a strategic combination of
Putnam mutual funds whose underlying asset classes and investment styles
provide you with exposure to growth- and value- style stocks, large and
small companies, and investment-grade and high-yield bonds. For each
fund except the Maturity Fund, allocations to the underlying Putnam
mutual funds are adjusted periodically, in order to reduce portfolio
volatility as the fund approaches its target, or maturity, date. While
diversification can help protect your returns from excessive volatility,
it cannot protect against market losses. However, by choosing a
RetirementReady Fund based on the year you plan to start withdrawing
assets (typically in retirement), you may pursue maximum returns while
seeking to maintain a level of risk appropriate to your time horizon.

This report covers the first half of the funds' 2005 fiscal year, which
is an abbreviated period that extends from their inception on November
1, 2004, through January 31, 2005. Fund performance is not included in
this initial report because the funds do not yet have a full quarter of
results. The report begins with an overview of global equity and
fixed-income market performance. This is followed by a listing of the
objectives and strategies of the Putnam mutual funds in which the
RetirementReady Funds invest. The "Allocation by Fund" chart on page 5
identifies the percent of assets that each RetirementReady Fund had
invested in the underlying Putnam funds, as of the last day of the
period. This is followed by your management team's views on anticipated
developments that could affect the funds over the next six months and
their plans for responding to them. Information on your fund's
management team on page 7. On page 8 we present information on the
funds' expenses in a way that will enable you to compare your fund's
expense ratio with the expenses of other funds. The Investment Glossary
on page 12 defines key terms used throughout the report.

We hope you will find the information in this report useful.

Market overview

The six-month period ended January 31, 2005, was a time of dramatic
change for both stock and bond markets. Although the RetirementReady
Funds began operations toward the end of this period, on November 1,
2004, we believe it is valuable to provide you with a perspective for
the full six months in order to give you a better understanding of
events that affected the different asset classes in which these funds
invest. For the majority of 2004, equities and fixed-income markets
experienced a period of "benign equilibrium" -- flat to slightly
positive returns. However, after the November 2 elections, both stocks
and bonds rallied sharply. On the equity side, stocks across industries,
investment styles, and market capitalizations posted positive returns;
the same was also true for bonds across the credit-quality and maturity
spectrums. Since the New Year, stock and bond markets for the most part
have reversed direction and given back a portion of those gains.

A number of factors affected the market patterns that emerged in late
2004. The positive impact of improving job data, continued high
corporate earnings, and low inflation that built up throughout the year
seemed to create a pent-up demand for both stocks and bonds. But that
demand was stymied by concerns about rising interest rates, the future
of the economy, the war in Iraq, and uncertainty surrounding the
presidential election. Once some of this negative sentiment and
uncertainty lifted, the markets responded.

Market overview: Equities

The most significant factor affecting the U.S. stock market during the
period was the presidential election. As a general rule, markets tend to
react negatively to change, making it no surprise that after President
Bush's reelection, equities across the board rallied. The lack of
terrorist activity at several high-profile events -- including the
Athens Olympics and the Democratic and Republican National Conventions
in Boston and New York City, respectively -- soothed investors, but did
not compel them to act. These factors in essence created a latent demand
in the stock market that sent equities, particularly the more sensitive
smaller-cap and growth-style stocks, into a strong rally following the
November 2 election. Prior to that point, performance differences
between investment styles and stocks of different market capitalizations
had been relatively minor.

On the international stage, two main factors drove stock market
performance -- a global "rebalancing" and the devaluation of the U.S.
dollar. In local currency terms, the S&P 500 Index, a broad measure of
domestic common stock performance, has consistently outperformed
international markets since 1997. This trend, however, began to reverse
a few years ago as China began the process of industrialization and
Europe underwent a number of economic transformations. The result in
2004 was that international stocks outperformed their U.S. counterparts
on an absolute basis. The rapid decline of the U.S. dollar, beginning in
October and continuing throughout the fourth quarter, further enhanced
returns for international stocks. The burgeoning U.S. budget deficit,
among other factors, has led to one of the weakest dollars in recent
years, and foreign securities further benefited from that trend when
their returns were translated back into local currency figures. While
the dollar recovered somewhat in January, the trend of international
stocks outperforming their domestic counterparts has continued, with
most international indexes outperforming the S&P 500 by several
percentage points on a year-to-date basis.

Market overview: Fixed Income

In 2004, all eyes in the domestic bond market focused on the Federal
Reserve Board (the Fed) as investors braced for what many felt was an
inevitable rise in interest rates. By August, the Fed had firmly
demonstrated its commitment to raising rates gradually rather than
aggressively, as some had feared. Against this backdrop, the yield curve
(the difference in yields between bonds of various maturities) flattened
considerably, as the yields on shorter-term bonds climbed. High- yield
bonds continued to outperform in this environment, as they have for the
past few years, as investors were willing to take on added risk in
exchange for the higher interest payments these lower-quality securities
generally pay. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities also posted strong
returns, as many investors returned to the fixed-income market after the
Fed solidified its current pro-growth stance.

Like their equity counterparts, international fixed-income securities
also benefited from the weakening U.S. dollar. Consequently, investors
in non-U.S. markets, like those at home, generally sought out higher
yields wherever they could find them. The international high-yield
sector performed well for the year, as did emerging- market debt. In
addition, companies that were able to take advantage of rising oil
prices to improve their financial conditions saw their bond prices rise,
especially within the oil services and energy sectors.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russell 3000 Index (broad stock market)                                 9.32%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S&P 500 Index (broad stock market)                                      8.16%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI EAFE Index (international stocks)                                 16.68%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI EMF Index (emerging-market stocks)                                29.48%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lehman Aggregate Bond Index (broad bond market)                         3.81%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lehman Credit Index (corporate bonds)                                   5.06%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JP Morgan Developed High Yield Index (high-yield corporate
bonds)                                                                  7.47%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
These indexes provide an overview of performance in different market
sectors for the six months ended 1/31/05.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Underlying Investments for the Putnam
RetirementReady Funds

Except for the Maturity Fund, each Putnam RetirementReady Fund invests,
to varying degrees, in a variety of Putnam mutual funds. This section
describes the goals and strategies of the underlying Putnam funds.

Putnam Voyager Fund

The fund seeks capital appreciation by investing primarily in growth
stocks of large-capitalization U.S. companies. Growth stocks are issued
by companies that Putnam believes are fast-growing and whose earnings
are likely to increase over time. Growth in earnings may lead to an
increase in the price of the stock. The fund invests mainly in midsized
and large companies, although it can invest in companies of any size.

The Putnam Fund for  Growth and Income

The fund seeks capital growth and current income by investing primarily
in common stocks of large-capitalization U.S. companies, with a focus on
value stocks that offer the potential for capital growth, current
income, or both. Value stocks are those that Putnam believes are
currently undervalued by the market. We look for companies undergoing
positive change. If we are correct and other investors recognize the
value of the company, the price of the stock may rise. The fund invests
mainly in large companies.

Putnam Capital Opportunities Fund

The fund seeks long-term growth of capital by investing primarily in
common stocks of small-capitalization U.S. companies that Putnam
believes have favorable investment potential. For example, the fund may
purchase stocks of companies whose stock price is lower than the value
Putnam places on the company. The fund may also consider other factors
that Putnam believes will cause the stock price to rise. The fund
invests mainly in small and midsized companies.

Putnam International Equity Fund

The fund seeks capital appreciation by investing primarily in common
stocks of companies outside the United States that Putnam believes have
favorable investment potential. For example, the fund may purchase
stocks of companies whose stock price is lower than the value Putnam
places on the company. The fund may also consider other factors that
Putnam believes will cause the stock price to rise. The fund invests
mainly in midsized and large companies, although it can invest in
companies of any size. Although we emphasize investments in developed
countries, the fund may also invest in companies located in emerging

Putnam Income Fund

The fund seeks high current income consistent with what Putnam believes
to be prudent risk. The fund invests mainly in bonds that are
obligations of companies and governments worldwide denominated in U.S.
dollars, are either investment-grade or below investment-grade (junk
bonds), and have intermediate- to long-term maturities (three years or

Putnam Money Market Fund

The fund seeks as high a rate of current income as Putnam Management
believes is consistent with preservation of capital and maintenance of
liquidity. The fund invests mainly in instruments that are high quality
and have short-term maturity.

Money market funds are not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other governmental agency. Although
the fund seeks to maintain a constant share price of $1.00, it is
possible to lose money by investing in the fund.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allocations by Fund as of 1/31/05
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Putnam        Putnam          Putnam                               Putnam
                         Fund for       Capital      International     Putnam     Putnam     Money
                        Growth and   Opportunities      Equity         Voyager    Income     Market
                          Income         Fund            Fund           Fund       Fund       Fund
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RetirementReady Fund
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2045 Fund                  24.9%        15.1%           30.7%          24.5%       3.9%       0.9%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2040 Fund                  25.0%        15.2%           29.8%          24.7%       4.9%       0.4%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2035 Fund                  24.0%        14.2%           27.8%          23.6%       7.8%       2.6%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2030 Fund                  23.0%        13.2%           25.7%          22.7%      11.7%       3.7%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2025 Fund                  22.1%        12.2%           23.7%          21.7%      14.6%       5.7%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2020 Fund                  21.1%        11.2%           17.6%          20.8%      20.6%       8.7%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015 Fund                  18.3%        10.3%           11.5%          17.9%      28.5%      13.5%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010 Fund                  13.3%         7.2%            4.2%          13.0%      38.8%      23.5%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maturity Fund              10.3%         5.2%             --           10.0%      45.1%      29.4%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Percentages based on market value. Portfolio composition will vary over
time. Due to rounding, percentages may not equal 100%.

The outlook for your fund

The following commentary reflects anticipated developments that could
affect your fund over the next six months, as well as your management
team's plans for responding to them.

Management believes that 2005 will bear much more of a resemblance to
the first three quarters of 2004 than the last. We feel it is highly
unlikely that the strategy of simply "being in the market," which has
worked for the last two years, will continue to pay off. While we
believe stocks will record a positive return for the year, gains will
not necessarily come from all market-caps and investment styles. Rather,
we foresee a "rotation to quality" as stocks with solid earnings and
healthy balance sheets begin to outperform their higher-volatility
counterparts. On a geographical basis, we believe the dollar will remain
weak, if not weaken further, while international markets remain strong
on an absolute level. International exposure will likely be a key
component of generating solid returns. Domestically, the tightening
policy the Fed has put into effect will begin to create a more
challenging environment for both stocks and bonds, we believe. We find
the high-yield sector less attractive now than in recent months,
although yield will likely remain an important component of any
fixed-income investment strategy. In this type of environment, we feel
broad-based diversification and active management will be vital to
performance, and that your fund's ability to deliver both through its
investment in a diverse group of actively-managed underlying funds will
position it well for the coming months.

The views expressed in this report are exclusively those of Putnam
Management. They are not meant as investment advice.

The underlying Putnam funds can invest in international investments,
which involve risks such as currency fluctuations, economic instability,
and political developments. The underlying Putnam funds can invest some
or all of their assets in small and/or midsize companies and such
investments increase the risk of greater price fluctuations. The
underlying Putnam funds can also have a significant portion of their
holdings in bonds. Mutual funds that invest in bonds are subject to
certain risks, including interest-rate risk, credit risk, and inflation
risk. As interest rates rise, the prices of bonds fall. Long-term bonds
have more exposure to interest-rate risk than short-term bonds.
Lower-rated bonds may offer higher yields in return for more risk.
Unlike bonds, bond funds have ongoing fees and expenses. These risks
apply to any underlying Putnam fund with a significant portion of its
assets invested in bonds. A 2% short-term trading fee may be imposed on
shares exchanged or sold within 5 days of purchase.

Your fund's management

Your fund is managed by the members of the Putnam Global Asset
Allocation Team. Jeffrey Knight is the Portfolio Leader, and Robert Kea,
Bruce MacDonald, and Robert Schoen are Portfolio Members. The Portfolio
Leader and Portfolio Members coordinate the management of the funds.

Fund manager compensation

The total 2004 fund manager compensation that is attributable to the
funds is approximately $230,000. This amount includes a portion of 2004
compensation paid by Putnam Management to the fund managers listed in
this section for their portfolio management responsibilities, calculated
based on the fund assets they manage as a percentage of the total assets
they manage. The compensation amount also includes a portion of the 2004
compensation paid to the Chief Investment Officer of the team for his
oversight responsibilities, calculated based on the fund assets he
oversees taken as a percentage of the total assets he oversees. These
percentages are determined as of the funds' fiscal period-end. For
personnel who joined Putnam Management during or after 2004, the
calculation reflects annualized 2004 compensation or an estimate of 2005
compensation, as applicable.

Other Putnam funds managed by the Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members

Jeffrey Knight is also a Portfolio Leader of the Putnam Asset Allocation
Funds: Growth, Balanced and Conservative Portfolios and a Portfolio
Member of The George Putnam Fund of Boston.

Robert Kea, Bruce MacDonald, and Robert Schoen are also Portfolio
Members of the Putnam Asset Allocation Funds: Growth, Balanced and
Conservative Portfolios.

Jeffrey Knight, Robert Kea, Bruce MacDonald, and Robert Schoen may also
manage other accounts and variable trust funds advised by Putnam
Management or an affiliate.

Changes in your fund's Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members

Your fund's Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members did not change during
the period ended January 31, 2005.

Fund ownership

Your fund's Portfolio Leader and Portfolio Members, as well as the
members of Putnam's Executive Board, each invest in one or more of the
seven mutual funds that underlie the Putnam RetirementReady Funds.

Understanding your fund's expenses

As a mutual fund investor, you pay ongoing expenses, such as management
fees, distribution fees (12b-1 fees), and other expenses. Using the
information below, you can estimate how these expenses affect your
investment and compare them with the expenses of other funds. You may
also pay one-time transaction expenses, including sales charges (loads)
and redemption fees, which are not shown in this section and would have
resulted in higher total expenses. Expense information also does not
include the fees and expenses of the underlying Putnam mutual funds in
which the RetirementReady funds invest. For more information, see your
fund's prospectus or talk to your financial advisor.

Review your fund's expenses

The table that begins below shows the expenses you would have paid on a
$1,000 investment in each of the RetirementReady Funds from November 1,
2004, the funds' inception date, to the funds' first fiscal period-end,
January 31, 2005. It also shows how much a $1,000 investment would be
worth at the close of the period, assuming actual returns and expenses.
You may use the information in this table to estimate the expenses that
you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000,
and then multiply the result by the number in the first line ("Expenses
paid per $1,000") for the class of shares you own.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assuming actual returns from the funds' inception, 11/1/04, to 1/31/05
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RetirementReady Fund                  Class A          Class B          Class C          Class M          Class R
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2045 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.91            $2.86            $2.86            $2.21            $1.56
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,062.50        $1,060.50        $1,060.50        $1,061.20        $1,061.90
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2040 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.91            $2.85            $2.85            $2.21            $1.56
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,061.30        $1,059.40        $1,059.40        $1,059.90        $1,060.70
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2035 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.91            $2.85            $2.85            $2.20            $1.56
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,058.20        $1,056.40        $1,056.30        $1,057.00        $1,057.50
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Expenses for each share class are calculated using the fund's
  annualized expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing
  expenses as a percentage of net assets for the period from 11/1/04 to
  1/31/05. The expense ratio may differ for each share class (see the next
  table in this section). Expenses are calculated by multiplying the
  expense ratio by the average account value for the period; then
  multiplying the result by the number of days in the period; and then
  dividing that result by the number of days in the year. Expenses do not
  reflect expenses of the underlying funds in which the funds invest.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assuming actual returns from the funds' inception,
11/1/04, to 1/31/05
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RetirementReady Fund                  Class A          Class B          Class C          Class M          Class R
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2030 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.91            $2.85            $2.85            $2.20            $1.55
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,055.30        $1,053.10        $1,053.10        $1,053.80        $1,054.60
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2025 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.91            $2.84            $2.84            $2.20            $1.55
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,051.90        $1,049.90        $1,050.00        $1,050.60        $1,051.20
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2020 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.90            $2.83            $2.83            $2.19            $1.55
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,045.20        $1,043.20        $1,043.20        $1,043.90        $1,044.50
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.90            $2.82            $2.82            $2.18            $1.54
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,036.80        $1,035.10        $1,035.10        $1,035.80        $1,036.50
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010 Fund Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.80            $2.80            $2.17            $1.53
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,024.70        $1,022.90        $1,022.80        $1,023.40        $1,024.10
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maturity Fund
Expenses paid per $1,000*               $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.16            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,017.30        $1,015.30        $1,015.30        $1,016.00        $1,016.60
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Compare your fund's expenses with those of other funds

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has established guidelines
to help investors assess fund expenses. Per these guidelines, the table
below shows your fund's expenses based on a $1,000 investment, assuming
a hypothetical 5% annualized return. You can use this information to
compare the ongoing expenses (but not transaction expenses or total
costs) of investing in the fund with those of other funds. All mutual
fund shareholder reports will provide this information to help you make
this comparison. Please note that you cannot use this information to
estimate your actual ending account balance and expenses paid during the

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assuming a hypothetical 5% annualized return from the funds' inception, 11/1/04, to 1/31/05
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RetirementReady Fund                  Class A          Class B          Class C          Class M          Class R
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2045 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2040 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2035 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2030 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2025 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Expenses for each share class are calculated using the fund's
  annualized expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing
  expenses as a percentage of net assets for the period from 11/1/04 to
  1/31/05. The expense ratio may differ for each share class. Expenses are
  calculated by multiplying the expense ratio by the average account value
  for the period; then multiplying the result by the number of days in the
  period; and then dividing that result by the number of days in the year.
  Expenses do not reflect expenses of the underlying Putnam funds in which
  the funds invest.

+ During the period from 11/1/04 to 1/31/05, your fund limited its expenses;
  had it not done so, expenses would have been higher.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assuming a hypothetical 5% annualized return from the funds' inception, 11/1/04 to 1/31/05
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RetirementReady Fund                  Class A          Class B          Class C          Class M          Class R
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2020 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010 Fund
Fund Expenses paid per $1,000*          $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,009.83        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maturity Fund
Expenses paid per $1,000*               $0.89            $2.79            $2.79            $2.15            $1.52
Ending value (after expenses)       $1,011.72        $1,009.83        $1,010.15        $1,010.46        $1,011.09
Annualized expense ratio                 0.35%            1.10%            1.10%            0.85%            0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Terms and definitions

Total return shows how the value of the fund's shares changed over time,
assuming you held the shares through the entire period and reinvested
all distributions in the fund.

Net asset value (NAV) is the price, or value, of one share of a mutual
fund, without a sales charge. NAVs fluctuate with market conditions. NAV
is calculated by dividing the net assets of each class of shares by the
number of outstanding shares in the class.

Public offering price (POP) is the price of a mutual fund share plus the
maximum sales charge levied at the time of purchase. POP performance
figures shown here assume the 5.25% maximum sales charge for class A
shares and 3.50% for class M shares.

Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) is a charge applied at the time
of the redemption of class B or C shares and assumes redemption at the
end of the period. Your fund's class B CDSC declines from a 5% maximum
during the first year to 1% during the sixth year. After the sixth year,
the CDSC no longer applies. The CDSC for class C shares is 1% for one
year after purchase.

Class A shares are generally subject to an initial sales charge and no
sales charge on redemption (except on certain redemptions of shares
bought without an initial sales charge).

Class B shares may be subject to a sales charge upon redemption.

Class C shares are not subject to an initial sales charge and are
subject to a contingent deferred sales charge only if the shares are
redeemed during the first year.

Class M shares have a lower initial sales charge and a higher 12b-1 fee
than class A shares and no sales charge on redemption (except on certain
redemptions of shares bought without an initial sales charge).

Class R shares are not subject to an initial sales charge or CDSC and
are available only to certain defined contribution plans.

Comparative indexes

JP Morgan Developed High Yield Index is an unmanaged index of high-yield
fixed-income securities issued in developed countries.

Lehman Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of U.S.
investment-grade fixed-income securities.

Lehman Credit Index is an unmanaged index of investment-grade corporate

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) EAFE Index is an unmanaged
index of equity securities from developed countries in Western Europe,
the Far East, and Australasia.

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) EMF Index is an unmanaged
index of equity securities from emerging markets available to non-U.S.

Russell 3000 Index is an unmanaged index of the 3,000 largest U.S.

S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of common stock performance.

Indexes assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not account for
fees. Securities and performance of a fund and an index will differ. You
cannot invest directly in an index.

Trustee approval of management contract

The Board of Trustees of the Putnam funds oversees the management of
each fund and, as required by law, approves each fund's management
contract with Putnam Management. In approving your fund's management
contract, the Board of Trustees, with the assistance of its Contract
Committee consisting solely of Independent Trustees, requests and
evaluates all information it deems reasonably necessary under the
circumstances. The Contract Committee reviewed the information provided
by Putnam Management and other information developed with the assistance
of the Board's independent counsel and independent staff. The Contract
Committee reviewed and discussed key aspects of this information with
all of the Independent Trustees. Upon completion of this review, the
Contract Committee recommended and the Independent Trustees approved
your fund's management contract, effective June 11, 2004.

The Trustees considered numerous factors they believe relevant in
approving your fund's management contract. The Trustees considered the
quality of the investment management services expected to be provided by
Putnam Management, based in part on Putnam Management's experience and
investment performance managing other target retirement products over
the one-year and year-to-date periods ended March 31, 2004, relative to
certain competitors. The Trustees also considered the rationale behind
the selection of the underlying Putnam funds in which your fund invests,
including the performance record of these funds.

The Trustees also considered the quality and incremental value of the
asset allocation and other services to be provided by Putnam Management
to your fund, including Putnam's shareholder servicing arrangements. The
Trustees considered the experience and skills of the individuals
comprising Putnam Management's Global Asset Allocation Team, including
the individuals listed under "Your fund's management" in this report,
noting the resources that Putnam Management has made available to such
personnel and, in general, the ability of Putnam Management to attract
and retain high-quality personnel.

The Trustees reviewed the proposed management fee for your fund and the
proposed voluntary expense limitation to be implemented through your
fund's first fiscal year. The Trustees also considered the management
fees of the underlying funds in which your fund would invest, and other
direct and indirect benefits expected to be received by Putnam
Management and its affiliates as a result of their relationships with
your fund. With respect to their evaluation of the proposed management
fees, the Trustees reviewed an analysis of the fees of other target
retirement mutual funds prepared by Putnam Management, taking into
consideration the fees of the underlying funds as well as the fund-of

Based on this evaluation, the Trustees believe that the proposed fee
schedule for your fund represents reasonable compensation in light of
the nature and quality of the services to be provided to your fund and
the fees paid by competitive funds. This conclusion was based on a
comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees
and was not the result of any single factor.

Other information for shareholders

A note about duplicate mailings

In response to investors' requests, the SEC has modified mailing
regulations for proxy statements, semiannual and annual reports, and
prospectuses. Putnam is now able to send a single copy of these
materials to customers who share the same address. This change will
automatically apply to all shareholders except those who notify us. If
you would prefer to receive your own copy, please call Putnam at

Proxy voting

Putnam is committed to managing our mutual funds in the best interests
of our shareholders. The Putnam funds' proxy voting guidelines and
procedures are available on the Putnam Individual Investor Web site,
www.putnaminvestments.com/individual, and on the SEC's Web site,
www.sec.gov. If you have questions about finding forms on the SEC's Web
site, you may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may also obtain the
Putnam funds' proxy voting guidelines and procedures at no charge by
calling Putnam's Shareholder Services at 1-800-225-1581.

Fund portfolio holdings

For periods ending on or after July 9, 2004, the fund will file a
complete schedule of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first
and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Shareholders may
obtain the fund's Forms N-Q on the SEC's Web site at www.sec.gov. In
addition, the fund's Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's
public reference room in Washington, D.C. You may call the SEC at
1-800-SEC-0330 for information about the SEC's Web site or the operation
of the public reference room.

This page intentionally left blank.

The funds' portfolios
January 31, 2005 (Unaudited)

                                                              2045                          2040                          2035
                                                              Fund                          Fund                          Fund

EQUITY FUNDS*                                                94.4%                         94.2%                         89.4%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Shares         Value          Shares         Value          Shares         Value
The Putnam Fund for Growth and Income        136,058    $2,591,894         215,903    $4,112,951         446,858    $8,512,647
Putnam Capital Opportunities Fund            133,811     1,576,295         212,123     2,498,794         427,192     5,032,320
Putnam International Equity Fund             137,099     3,198,529         210,211     4,904,209         422,599     9,859,253
Putnam Voyager Fund                          154,482     2,553,584         245,220     4,053,502         507,412     8,387,518
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Equity Funds
(cost $9,682,620, $15,182,186, $30,922,001)             $9,920,302                   $15,569,456                   $31,791,738
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIXED INCOME FUNDS*                                           4.8%                          5.3%                         10.4%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Shares         Value          Shares         Value          Shares         Value
Putnam Income Fund                            58,673       406,012         116,396       805,465         400,462     2,771,193
Putnam Money Market Fund                      98,687        98,687          70,184        70,184         936,241       936,241
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Fixed Income Funds
(cost $503,240, $872,848, $3,698,134)                     $504,699                      $875,649                    $3,707,434
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Investments                                      $10,425,001                   $16,445,105                   $35,499,172
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost of Investments (Note 1)                           $10,185,860                   $16,055,034                   $34,620,135
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Percentages indicated are based on net assets of $10,509,210, $16,527,869 and $35,577,047, respectively.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                              2030                          2025                          2020
                                                              Fund                          Fund                          Fund

EQUITY FUNDS*                                                84.5%                         79.6%                         70.7%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Shares         Value          Shares         Value          Shares         Value
The Putnam Fund for Growth and Income        647,831   $12,341,170       1,075,818   $20,494,340       1,141,457   $21,744,754
Putnam Capital Opportunities Fund            599,971     7,067,661         962,457    11,337,742         977,850    11,519,065
Putnam International Equity Fund             591,889    13,808,779         945,381    22,055,738         776,016    18,104,451
Putnam Voyager Fund                          735,565    12,158,896       1,221,010    20,183,282       1,294,145    21,392,223
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Equity Funds
(cost $44,133,958, $71,876,787, $70,786,848)           $45,376,506                   $74,071,102                   $72,760,493
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIXED INCOME FUNDS*                                          15.4%                         20.3%                         29.3%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Shares         Value          Shares         Value          Shares         Value
Putnam Income Fund                           908,689     6,288,125       1,967,391    13,614,342       3,067,304    21,225,748
Putnam Money Market Fund                   1,979,846     1,979,846       5,291,392     5,291,392       8,904,837     8,904,837
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Fixed Income Funds
(cost $8,248,071, $18,863,216, $30,058,354)             $8,267,971                   $18,905,734                   $30,130,585
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Investments                                      $53,644,477                   $92,976,836                  $102,891,078
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost of Investments (Note 1)                           $52,382,029                   $90,740,003                  $100,845,202
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Percentages indicated are based on net assets of $53,717,959, $93,039,734 and $102,951,348, respectively.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                              2015                          2010                      Maturity
                                                              Fund                          Fund                          Fund

EQUITY FUNDS*                                                58.0%                         37.7%                         25.4%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Shares         Value          Shares         Value          Shares         Value
The Putnam Fund for Growth and Income      1,145,965   $21,830,618         544,414   $10,371,093         235,329    $4,483,018
Putnam Capital Opportunities Fund          1,043,572    12,293,272         478,143     5,632,527         191,522     2,256,134
Putnam International Equity Fund             589,663    13,756,851         140,443     3,276,515              --            --
Putnam Voyager Fund                        1,296,889    21,437,584         614,869    10,163,777         265,809     4,393,814
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Equity Funds
(cost $66,957,302, $28,636,369, $10,890,613)           $69,318,325                   $29,443,912                   $11,132,966
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIXED INCOME FUNDS*                                          42.0%                         62.2%                         74.3%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Shares         Value          Shares         Value          Shares         Value
Putnam Income Fund                         4,919,612    34,043,712       4,372,893    30,260,422       2,844,789    19,685,937
Putnam Money Market Fund                  16,163,085    16,163,085      18,337,630    18,337,630      12,847,553    12,847,553
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Fixed Income Funds
(cost $50,104,872, $48,490,330, $32,450,566)           $50,206,797                   $48,598,052                   $32,533,490
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Investments                                     $119,525,122                   $78,041,964                   $43,666,456
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost of Investments (Note 1)                          $117,062,174                   $77,126,699                   $43,341,179
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Percentages indicated are based on net assets of $119,584,772, $78,107,834 and $43,796,976, respectively.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Statement of assets and liabilities
January 31, 2005 (Unaudited)

                                                                         2045              2040              2035
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in underlying Putnam Funds, at value (Note 1)         $10,425,001       $16,445,105       $35,499,172
Dividends, interest and other receivables                                 146                86             1,387
Receivable for shares of the fund sold                                591,186         1,364,727         2,265,167
Receivable for securities sold                                         19,799            34,364            24,591
Unamortized offering costs (Note 1)                                    65,068            65,068            65,068
Receivable from Manager (Note 2)                                       21,820            22,249            22,519
Total assets                                                       11,123,020        17,931,599        37,877,904
Payable for shares of the fund redeemed                                19,799            34,365            24,591
Payable for securities purchased                                      591,327         1,364,810         2,266,506
Payable for distribution fees (Note 2)                                    889             1,264             2,447
Other accrued expenses                                                  1,795             3,291             7,313
Total liabilities                                                     613,810         1,403,730         2,300,857
Net assets                                                        $10,509,210       $16,527,869       $35,577,047
Represented by:
Paid-in-capital (Notes 1 and 4)                                   $10,249,273       $16,117,766       $34,636,698
Undistributed net investment income (loss) (Note 1)                   (17,755)          (19,133)          (21,500)
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments (Note 1)           38,551            39,165            82,812
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                            239,141           390,071           879,037
Total -- Representing net assets applicable to capital
outstanding                                                       $10,509,210       $16,527,869       $35,577,047
Computation of net asset value and offering price Class A
Net Assets                                                         $4,957,934        $7,525,706       $14,141,167
Number of shares outstanding                                           74,208           112,528           214,879
Net asset value                                                        $66.81            $66.88            $65.81
Offering price per class A share (front-end sales charge of
5.25%)                                                                 $70.51            $70.59            $69.46
Computation of net asset value Class B
Net Assets                                                             $1,912           $23,552           $13,781
Number of shares outstanding                                               29               361               215
Net asset value                                                        $65.25            $65.24            $64.01
Computation of net asset value Class C
Net Assets                                                             $7,853            $1,059            $1,056
Number of shares outstanding                                              120                16                16
Net asset value                                                        $65.25            $65.24            $64.06
Computation of net asset value Class M
Net Assets                                                             $6,074            $8,100           $11,488
Number of shares outstanding                                               93               124               179
Net asset value                                                        $65.27            $65.21            $64.05
Offering price per class M share (front-end sales charge of
3.50%)                                                                 $67.64            $67.58            $66.37
Computation of net asset value Class R
Net Assets                                                             $1,062            $1,061            $1,058
Number of shares outstanding                                               16                16                17
Net asset value                                                        $65.29            $65.27            $64.08
Computation of net asset value Class Y
Net Assets                                                         $5,534,375        $8,968,391       $21,408,497
Number of shares outstanding                                           76,325           123,998           300,320
Net asset value                                                        $72.51            $72.33            $71.29
Cost of investments (Note 1)                                      $10,185,860       $16,055,034       $34,620,135
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         2030              2025              2020
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in underlying Putnam Funds, at value (Note 1)         $53,644,477       $92,976,836      $102,891,078
Dividends, interest and other receivables                               2,976             8,037            13,899
Receivable for shares of the fund sold                              3,250,741         3,929,282         3,609,041
Receivable for securities sold                                         42,105            34,400            12,642
Unamortized offering costs (Note 1)                                    65,068            65,068            65,068
Receivable from Manager (Note 2)                                       23,695            24,539            16,939
Total assets                                                       57,029,062        97,038,162       106,608,667
Payable for shares of the fund redeemed                                42,105            34,400            12,642
Payable for securities purchased                                    3,253,617         3,937,044         3,622,473
Payable for distribution fees (Note 2)                                  3,404             6,284             6,991
Other accrued expenses                                                 11,977            20,700            15,213
Total liabilities                                                   3,311,103         3,998,428         3,657,319
Net assets                                                        $53,717,959       $93,039,734      $102,951,348
Represented by:
Paid-in-capital (Notes 1 and 4)                                   $52,363,557       $90,643,765      $100,743,276
Undistributed net investment income (loss) (Note 1)                   (15,552)           (5,490)           14,394
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments (Note 1)          107,506           164,626           147,802
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                          1,262,448         2,236,833         2,045,876
Total representing net assets applicable to capital
outstanding                                                       $53,717,959       $93,039,734      $102,951,348
Computation of net asset value and offering price Class A
Net Assets                                                        $19,534,636       $33,808,340       $36,825,614
Number of shares outstanding                                          299,718           491,609           583,521
Net asset value                                                        $65.18            $68.77            $63.11
Offering price per class A share (front-end sales charge of
5.25%)                                                                 $68.79            $72.58            $66.61
Computation of net asset value Class B
Net Assets                                                            $49,754           $54,500           $32,447
Number of shares outstanding                                              779               816               521
Net asset value                                                        $63.90            $66.81            $62.27
Computation of net asset value Class C
Net Assets                                                             $6,546           $21,875           $29,483
Number of shares outstanding                                              102               327               473
Net asset value                                                        $63.90            $66.88            $62.30
Computation of net asset value Class M
Net Assets                                                            $28,468           $90,383          $152,947
Number of shares outstanding                                              446             1,352             2,455
Net asset value                                                        $63.89            $66.84            $62.30
Offering price per class M share (front-end sales charge of
3.50%)                                                                 $66.21            $69.26            $64.56
Computation of net asset value Class R
Net Assets                                                             $1,055            $1,051            $1,045
Number of shares outstanding                                               16                16                17
Net asset value                                                        $63.94            $66.91            $62.36
Computation of net asset value Class Y
Net Assets                                                        $34,097,500       $59,063,585       $65,909,812
Number of shares outstanding                                          486,600           856,982           979,157
Net asset value                                                        $70.07            $68.92            $67.31
Cost of investments (Note 1)                                      $52,382,029       $90,740,003      $100,845,202
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         2015              2010          Maturity
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in underlying Putnam Funds, at value (Note 1)        $119,525,122       $78,041,964       $43,666,456
Dividends, interest and other receivables                              25,528            29,246            20,404
Receivable for shares of the fund sold                              2,127,222         1,469,625         1,064,618
Receivable for securities sold                                         14,854           119,033            86,380
Unamortized offering costs (Note 1)                                    65,247            65,247            84,836
Organizational cost (Note 1)                                               --                --            12,500
Receivable from Manager (Note 2)                                       15,844            17,535            43,764
Total assets                                                      121,773,817        79,742,650        44,978,958
Payable for shares of the fund redeemed                                14,854           119,063            86,400
Payable for securities purchased                                    2,146,482         1,497,891         1,084,339
Payable for distribution fees (Note 2)                                  7,965             5,917             3,589
Other accrued expenses                                                 19,744            11,945             7,654
Total liabilities                                                   2,189,045         1,634,816         1,181,982
Net assets                                                       $119,584,772       $78,107,834       $43,796,976
Represented by:
Paid-in-capital (Notes 1 and 4)                                  $116,889,607       $77,057,026        43,427,650
Undistributed net investment income (loss) (Note 1)                    51,514            57,725             8,121
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments (Note 1)          180,703            77,818            35,928
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                          2,462,948           915,265           325,277
Total representing net assets applicable to capital
outstanding                                                      $119,584,772       $78,107,834       $43,796,976
Computation of net asset value and offering price Class A
Net Assets                                                        $39,820,335       $29,559,014       $17,708,645
Number of shares outstanding                                          615,905           509,854           312,310
Net asset value                                                        $64.65            $57.98            $56.70
Offering price per class A share (front-end sales charge of
5.25%)                                                                 $68.23            $61.19            $59.84
Computation of net asset value Class B
Net Assets                                                             $6,735           $65,125          $102,066
Number of shares outstanding                                              105             1,141             1,799
Net asset value                                                        $63.93            $57.09            $56.73
Computation of net asset value Class C
Net Assets                                                            $15,326            $4,685            $1,015
Number of shares outstanding                                              240                82                18
Net asset value                                                        $63.90            $57.11            $56.73
Computation of net asset value Class M
Net Assets                                                            $73,842            $1,023            $1,016
Number of shares outstanding                                            1,155                18                18
Net asset value                                                        $63.95            $57.14            $56.73
Offering price per class M share (front-end sales charge of
3.50%)                                                                 $66.27            $59.21            $58.79
Computation of net asset value Class R
Net Assets                                                             $1,037            $1,024            $1,017
Number of shares outstanding                                               16                18                18
Net asset value                                                        $64.01            $57.16            $56.73
Computation of net asset value Class Y
Net Assets                                                        $79,667,497       $48,476,963       $25,983,217
Number of shares outstanding                                        1,230,063           801,986           457,209
Net asset value                                                        $64.77            $60.45            $56.83
Cost of investments (Note 1)                                     $117,062,174       $77,126,699       $43,341,179
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Statement of operations
For the period ended January 31, 2005* (Unaudited)

                                                                         2045              2040              2035
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income
Income distributions from underlying funds                            $46,021           $72,302          $161,336
Expenses (Note 2)
Compensation of Manager (Note 2)                                          951             1,485             3,361
Distribution fees (Note 2)                                              1,993             3,136             6,182
Audit fees                                                                355               841             1,953
Registration fees                                                       1,206             1,897             4,076
Other fees                                                                234               553             1,283
Amortization of offering costs (Note 1)                                21,928            21,928            21,928
Fees waived and reimbursed by Manager (Note 2)                        (22,771)          (23,734)          (25,879)
Total expenses                                                          3,896             6,106            12,904
Net investment income                                                  42,125            66,196           148,432
Net realized gain on sale of underlying fund shares                    38,551            39,165            82,812
Net unrealized appreciation of underlying fund shares                 239,141           390,071           879,037
Net gain on investments                                               277,692           429,236           961,849
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                 $319,817          $495,432        $1,110,281
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Commencement of operations November 1, 2004.

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         2030              2025              2020
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income
Income distributions from underlying funds                           $242,099          $428,596          $440,758
Expenses (Note 2)
Compensation of Manager (Note 2)                                        5,105             9,030            10,101
Distribution fees (Note 2)                                              9,187            16,430            17,979
Audit fees                                                              3,510             6,054             6,769
Registration fees                                                       6,163            10,669             3,996
Other fees                                                              2,306             3,978             4,448
Amortization of offering costs (Note 1)                                21,928            21,928            21,928
Fees waived and reimbursed by Manager (Note 2)                        (28,801)          (33,569)          (27,040)
Total expenses                                                         19,398            34,520            38,181
Net investment income                                                 222,701           394,076           402,577
Net realized gain on sale of underlying fund shares                   107,506           164,626           147,802
Net unrealized appreciation of underlying fund shares               1,262,448         2,236,833         2,045,876
Net gain on investments                                             1,369,954         2,401,459         2,193,678
Net increase in net assets resulting  from operations              $1,592,655        $2,795,535        $2,596,255
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Commencement of operations November 1, 2004.

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         2015              2010          Maturity
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income
Income distributions from underlying funds                           $538,657          $324,416          $173,659
Expenses (Note 2)
Compensation of Manager (Note 2)                                       12,825             8,082             4,417
Distribution fees (Note 2)                                             21,099            15,499             8,889
Audit fees                                                              9,179             5,404             3,601
Registration fees                                                       4,535             2,990             1,685
Other fees                                                              6,033             3,550             2,367
Amortization of offering costs (Note 1)                                21,749            21,749            32,445
Organizational cost (Note 1)                                               --                --            12,500
Fees waived and reimbursed by Manager (Note 2)                        (28,669)          (25,617)          (48,181)
Total expenses                                                         46,751            31,657            17,723
Net investment income                                                 491,906           292,759           155,936
Net realized gain on sale of underlying fund shares                   180,703            77,818            35,928
Net unrealized appreciation of underlying fund shares               2,462,948           915,265           325,277
Net gain on investments                                             2,643,651           993,083           361,205
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations               $3,135,557        $1,285,842          $517,141
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Commencement of operations November 1, 2004.

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Statement of changes in net assets
For the period ended January 31, 2005* (Unaudited)

                                                                         2045              2040              2035
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase in net assets
Net investment income                                                 $42,125           $66,196          $148,432
Net realized gain on underlying fund shares                            38,551            39,165            82,812
Net unrealized appreciation on underlying
fund shares                                                           239,141           390,071           879,037
Net increase in net assets resulting from
operations                                                            319,817           495,432         1,110,281
Distributions to shareholders from net investment income (Note 1)
Class A                                                               (26,219)          (40,513)          (70,868)
Class B                                                                    (8)               (7)              (86)
Class C                                                                    (8)               (7)               (6)
Class M                                                                    (9)              (48)              (21)
Class R                                                                    (9)               (8)               (7)
Class Y                                                               (33,627)          (44,746)          (98,944)
Increase from capital share transactions
(Note 4)                                                           10,249,273        16,117,766        34,636,698
Total increase in net assets                                       10,509,210        16,527,869        35,577,047
Net assets:
Beginning of period                                                        --                --                --
End of period                                                     $10,509,210       $16,527,869       $35,577,047
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Commencement of operations November 1, 2004.

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         2030              2025              2020
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase in net assets
Net investment income                                                $222,701          $394,076          $402,577
Net realized gain on underlying fund shares                           107,506           164,626           147,802
Net unrealized appreciation on underlying
fund shares                                                         1,262,448         2,236,833         2,045,876
Net increase in net assets resulting from
operations                                                          1,592,655         2,795,535         2,596,255
Distributions to shareholders from net investment income (Note 1)
Class A                                                               (98,122)         (156,581)         (155,610)
Class B                                                                    (6)              (79)              (90)
Class C                                                                    (6)               (5)              (14)
Class M                                                                   (19)             (210)             (151)
Class R                                                                    (6)               (6)               (5)
Class Y                                                              (140,095)         (242,685)         (232,313)
Increase from capital share transactions
(Note 4)                                                           52,363,558        90,643,765       100,743,276
Total increase in net assets                                       53,717,959        93,039,734       102,951,348
Net assets:
Beginning of period                                                        --                --                --
End of period                                                     $53,717,959       $93,039,734      $102,951,348
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Commencement of operations November 1, 2004.

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         2015              2010          Maturity
                                                                         Fund              Fund              Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase in net assets
Net investment income                                                $491,906          $292,759          $155,936
Net realized gain on underlying fund shares                           180,703            77,818            35,928
Net unrealized appreciation on underlying
fund shares                                                         2,462,948           915,265           325,277
Net increase in net assets resulting from
operations                                                          3,135,557         1,285,842           517,141
Distributions to shareholders from net investment income (Note 1)
Class A                                                              (151,730)         (100,806)          (55,792)
Class B                                                                   (23)               (9)             (232)
Class C                                                                   (46)               (5)               (2)
Class M                                                                   (71)               (3)               (3)
Class R                                                                    (4)               (3)               (4)
Class Y                                                              (288,518)         (134,208)          (91,782)
Increase from capital share transactions
(Note 4)                                                          116,889,607        77,057,026        43,327,650
Total increase in net assets                                      119,584,772        78,107,834        43,696,976
Net assets:
Beginning of period (Note 5)                                               --                --           100,000
End of period                                                    $119,584,772       $78,107,834       $43,796,976
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Commencement of operations November 1, 2004.

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial highlights
(For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Investment Operations

                                             Net                    Realized and                                             Net
                                           Asset                      Unrealized                                           Asset
                                          Value,             Net     Gain (Loss)      Total from                          Value,
                                       Beginning      Investment              on      Investment           Total             End
Period ended                           of Period      Income (a)     Investments      Operations   Distributions       of Period
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam Retirement Ready 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                      $63.42           $0.34           $3.63           $3.97          $(0.58)         $66.81
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       63.50            0.36            3.54            3.90           (0.52)          66.88
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.61            0.35            3.30            3.65           (0.45)          65.81
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.16            0.35            3.09            3.44           (0.42)          65.18
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       65.75            0.37            3.05            3.42           (0.40)          68.77
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       60.69            0.30            2.45            2.75           (0.33)          63.11
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.62            0.29            2.02            2.31           (0.28)          64.65
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.79            0.24            1.17            1.41           (0.22)          57.98
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       55.96            0.22            0.75            0.97           (0.23)          56.70
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Ratios and Supplemental Data

                                           Total                                        Ratio of Net
                                      Investment                         Ratio of         Investment
                                       Return at     Net Assets,         Expenses      Income (Loss)
                                       Net Asset   End of Period   to Average Net         to Average          Portfolio
Period ended                        Value (%)(b)  (in thousands) Assets (%)(c)(d)  Net Assets (%)(d)       Turnover (%)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam Retirement Ready 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        6.25*         $4,958            0.09*              0.54*              8.56*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        6.13*          7,526            0.09*              0.59*              6.34*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.82*         14,141            0.09*              0.58*              5.97*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.53*         19,535            0.09*              0.57*              5.35*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.19*         33,808            0.09*              0.56*              4.87*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        4.52*         36,826            0.09*              0.51*              5.10*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        3.68*         39,820            0.09*              0.47*              5.74*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        2.47*         29,559            0.09*              0.44*              6.75*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        1.73*         17,709            0.09*              0.42*              8.89*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  + Unaudited.

  * Not annualized.

 ** For the period November 1, 2004 (commencement of operations) to
    January 31, 2005.

(a) Per share net investment income (loss) has been determined on the basis
    of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

(b) Total return does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

(c) Expense ratios do not include expenses of the underlying funds.

(d) Reflects an involuntary contractual expense limitation in effect during
    the period. As a result of such limitation the expenses for the period
    ended January 31, 2005 reflect a reduction of the following based on each
    fund's average net assets.

Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund           0.30%
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund           0.20
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund           0.10
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund           0.07
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund           0.05
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund           0.04
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund       0.14

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial highlights (Continued)
(For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Investment Operations

                                             Net                    Realized and                                             Net
                                           Asset             Net      Unrealized                                           Asset
                                          Value,      Investment     Gain (Loss)      Total from                          Value,
                                       Beginning          Income              on      Investment           Total             End
Period ended                           of Period      (Loss) (a)     Investments      Operations   Distributions       of Period
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                      $62.00           $0.18           $3.58           $3.76          $(0.51)         $65.25
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.25            3.44            3.69           (0.45)          65.24
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.36            3.09            3.45           (0.44)          64.01
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.30            2.95            3.25           (0.35)          63.90
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       64.00            0.05            3.15            3.20           (0.39)          66.81
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       60.00            0.20            2.39            2.59           (0.32)          62.27
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.20            1.98            2.18           (0.25)          63.93
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.07            1.22            1.29           (0.20)          57.09
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.12            0.74            0.86           (0.13)          56.73
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Ratios and Supplemental Data

                                           Total                                        Ratio of Net
                                      Investment                         Ratio of         Investment
                                       Return at     Net Assets,         Expenses      Income (Loss)
                                       Net Asset   End of Period   to Average Net         to Average          Portfolio
Period ended                        Value (%)(b)  (in thousands) Assets (%)(c)(d)  Net Assets (%)(d)       Turnover (%)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        6.05*             $2             0.28*             0.26*               8.56*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.94*             24             0.28*             0.38*               6.34*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.64*             14             0.28*             0.52*               5.97*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.31*             50             0.28*             0.21*               5.35*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        4.99*             55             0.28*             0.13*               4.87*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        4.32*             32             0.28*             0.35*               5.10*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        3.51*              7             0.28*             0.34*               5.74*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        2.29*             65             0.28*             0.16*               6.75*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        1.53*            102             0.28*             0.22*               8.89*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  + Unaudited.

  * Not annualized.

 ** For the period November 1, 2004 (commencement of operations) to
    January 31, 2005.

(a) Per share net investment income (loss) has been determined on the basis
    of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

(b) Total return does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

(c) Expense ratios do not include expenses of the underlying funds.

(d) Reflects an involuntary contractual expense limitation in effect
    during the period. As a result of such limitation the expenses for
    the period ended January 31, 2005 reflect a reduction of the following
    based on each fund's average net assets.

Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund           0.30%
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund           0.20
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund           0.10
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund           0.07
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund           0.05
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund           0.04
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund       0.14

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial highlights (Continued)
(For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Investment Operations

                                             Net                    Realized and                                             Net
                                           Asset             Net      Unrealized                                           Asset
                                          Value,      Investment     Gain (Loss)      Total from                          Value,
                                       Beginning          Income              on      Investment           Total             End
Period ended                           of Period      (Loss) (a)     Investments      Operations   Distributions       of Period
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                      $62.00           $0.21           $3.55           $3.76          $(0.51)         $65.25
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.25            3.44            3.69           (0.45)          65.24
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.24            3.20            3.44           (0.38)          64.06
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.09            3.16            3.25           (0.35)          63.90
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       64.00            0.06            3.14            3.20           (0.32)          66.88
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       60.00            0.07            2.53            2.60           (0.30)          62.30
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.14            2.04            2.18           (0.28)          63.90
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.11            1.17            1.28           (0.17)          57.11
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.12            0.74            0.86           (0.13)          56.73
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Ratios and Supplemental Data

                                           Total                                        Ratio of Net
                                      Investment                         Ratio of         Investment
                                       Return at     Net Assets,         Expenses      Income (Loss)
                                       Net Asset   End of Period   to Average Net         to Average          Portfolio
Period ended                        Value (%)(b)  (in thousands) Assets (%)(c)(d)  Net Assets (%)(d)       Turnover (%)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        6.05*              $8            0.28*             0.34*               8.56*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.94*               1            0.28*             0.38*               6.34*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.63*               1            0.28*             0.37*               5.97*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.31*               7            0.28*             0.21*               5.35*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.00*              22            0.28*             0.13*               4.87*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        4.32*              29            0.28*             0.17*               5.10*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        3.51*              15            0.28*             0.24*               5.74*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        2.28*               5            0.28*             0.21*               6.75*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        1.53*               1            0.28*             0.22*               8.89*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  + Unaudited.

  * Not annualized.

 ** For the period November 1, 2004 (commencement of operations) to
    January 31, 2005.

(a) Per share net investment income (loss) has been determined on the
    basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the

(b) Total return does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

(c) Expense ratios do not include expenses of the underlying funds.

(d) Reflects an involuntary contractual expense limitation in effect
    during the period. As a result of such limitation the expenses for
    the period ended January 31, 2005 reflect a reduction of the following
    based on each fund's average net assets.

Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund           0.30%
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund           0.20
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund           0.10
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund           0.07
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund           0.05
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund           0.04
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund       0.14

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial highlights (Continued)
(For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Investment Operations

                                             Net                    Realized and                                             Net
                                           Asset             Net      Unrealized                                           Asset
                                          Value,      Investment     Gain (Loss)      Total from                          Value,
                                       Beginning          Income              on      Investment           Total             End
Period ended                           of Period      (Loss) (a)     Investments      Operations   Distributions       of Period
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                      $62.00           $0.29           $3.52           $3.81          $(0.54)         $65.27
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.37            3.36            3.73           (0.52)          65.21
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.14            3.35            3.49           (0.44)          64.05
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.09            3.20            3.29           (0.40)          63.89
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       64.00            0.18            3.06            3.24           (0.40)          66.84
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       60.00            0.10            2.54            2.64           (0.34)          62.30
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.13            2.09            2.22           (0.27)          63.95
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.17            1.14            1.31           (0.17)          57.14
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.16            0.73            0.89           (0.16)          56.73
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Ratios and Supplemental Data

                                           Total                                        Ratio of Net
                                      Investment                         Ratio of         Investment
                                       Return at     Net Assets,         Expenses      Income (Loss)
                                       Net Asset   End of Period   to Average Net         to Average          Portfolio
Period ended                        Value (%)(b)  (in thousands) Assets (%)(c)(d)  Net Assets (%)(d)       Turnover (%)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        6.12*              $6            0.21*             0.24*               8.56*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.99*               8            0.21*             0.57*               6.34*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.70*              11            0.21*             0.39*               5.97*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.38*              28            0.21*             0.27*               5.35*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.06*              90            0.21*             0.35*               4.87*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        4.39*             153            0.21*             0.24*               5.10*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        3.58*              74            0.21*             0.30*               5.74*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        2.34*               1            0.21*             0.30*               6.75*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        1.60*               1            0.21*             0.28*               8.89*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  + Unaudited.

  * Not annualized.

 ** For the period November 1, 2004 (commencement of operations) to
    January 31, 2005.

(a) Per share net investment income (loss) has been determined on the basis
    of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

(b) Total return does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

(c) Expense ratios do not include expenses of the underlying funds.

(d) Reflects an involuntary contractual expense limitation in effect
    during the period. As a result of such limitation the expenses for the
    period ended January 31, 2005 reflect a reduction of the following based
    on each fund's average net assets.

Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund           0.30%
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund           0.20
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund           0.10
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund           0.07
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund           0.05
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund           0.04
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund       0.14

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial highlights (Continued)
(For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Investment Operations
                                             Net                    Realized and                                             Net
                                           Asset             Net      Unrealized                                           Asset
                                          Value,      Investment     Gain (Loss)      Total from                          Value,
                                       Beginning          Income              on      Investment           Total             End
Period ended                           of Period      (Loss) (a)     Investments      Operations   Distributions       of Period
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                      $62.00           $0.34           $3.51           $3.85          $(0.56)         $65.29
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.33            3.44            3.77           (0.50)          65.27
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.32            3.20            3.52           (0.44)          64.08
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       61.00            0.32            3.02            3.34           (0.40)          63.94
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       64.00            0.31            2.98            3.29           (0.38)          66.91
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       60.00            0.26            2.41            2.67           (0.31)          62.36
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.00            0.25            2.02            2.27           (0.26)          64.01
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.20            1.15            1.35           (0.19)          57.16
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.00            0.19            0.74            0.93           (0.20)          56.73
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Ratios and Supplemental Data

                                            Total                                       Ratio of Net
                                       Investment                         Ratio of        Investment
                                        Return at     Net Assets,         Expenses     Income (Loss)
                                        Net Asset   End of Period   to Average Net        to Average           Portfolio
Period ended                         Value (%)(b)  (in thousands) Assets (%)(c)(d) Net Assets (%)(d)        Turnover (%)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        6.19*              $1            0.15*             0.51*               8.56*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        6.07*               1            0.15*             0.50*               6.34*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.75*               1            0.15*             0.49*               5.97*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.46*               1            0.15*             0.49*               5.35*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        5.12*               1            0.15*             0.48*               4.87*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        4.45*               1            0.15*             0.43*               5.10*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        3.65*               1            0.15*             0.39*               5.74*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        2.41*               1            0.15*             0.36*               6.75*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                        1.66*               1            0.15*             0.34*               8.89*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  + Unaudited.

  * Not annualized.

 ** For the period November 1, 2004 (commencement of operations) to
    January 31, 2005.

(a) Per share net investment income (loss) has been determined on the
    basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during
    the period.

(b) Total return does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

(c) Expense ratios do not include expenses of the underlying funds.

(d) Reflects an involuntary contractual expense limitation in effect during
    the period. As a result of such limitation the expenses for the period
    ended January 31, 2005 reflect a reduction of the following based on
    each fund's average net assets.

Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund           0.30%
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund           0.20
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund           0.10
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund           0.07
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund           0.05
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund           0.04
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund       0.14

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial highlights
(For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Investment Operations

                                             Net                    Realized and                                             Net
                                           Asset             Net      Unrealized                                           Asset
                                          Value,      Investment     Gain (Loss)      Total from                          Value,
                                       Beginning          Income              on      Investment           Total             End
Period ended                           of Period      (Loss) (a)     Investments      Operations   Distributions       of Period
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                      $68.76           $0.40           $3.95           $4.35          $(0.60)         $72.51
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       68.61            0.37            3.89            4.26           (0.54)          72.33
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       67.76            0.37            3.63            4.00           (0.47)          71.29
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       66.78            0.35            3.38            3.73           (0.44)          70.07
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       65.87            0.37            3.10            3.47           (0.42)          68.92
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       64.69            0.31            2.66            2.97           (0.35)          67.31
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       62.71            0.31            2.05            2.36           (0.30)          64.77
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       59.18            0.27            1.23            1.50           (0.23)          60.45
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       56.08            0.25            0.76            1.01           (0.26)          56.83
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Ratios and Supplemental Data

                                           Total                                        Ratio of Net
                                      Investment                         Ratio of         Investment
                                       Return at     Net Assets,         Expenses      Income (Loss)
                                       Net Asset   End of Period   to Average Net         to Average          Portfolio
Period ended                        Value (%)(b)  (in thousands) Assets (%)(c)(d)  Net Assets (%)(d)       Turnover (%)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       6.31*           $5,534            0.03*             0.58*               8.56*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       6.20*            8,968            0.03*             0.55*               6.34*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       5.90*           21,408            0.03*             0.55*               5.97*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       5.57*           34,098            0.03*             0.54*               5.35*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       5.26*           59,064            0.03              0.55*               4.87*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       4.58*           65,910            0.03*             0.50*               5.10*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       3.76*           79,667            0.03*             0.49*               5.74*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       2.54*           48,477            0.03*             0.47*               6.75*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund
January 31, 2005** +                       1.79*           25,983            0.03*             0.47*               8.89*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  + Unaudited.

  * Not annualized.

 ** For the period November 1, 2004 (commencement of operations) to
    January 31, 2005.

(a) Per share net investment income (loss) has been determined on the
    basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during
    the period.

(b) Total return does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

(c) Expense ratios do not include expenses of the underlying funds.

(d) Reflects an involuntary contractual expense limitation in effect during
    the period. As a result of such limitation the expenses for the period
    ended January 31, 2005 reflect a reduction of the following based on
    each fund's average net assets.

Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund           0.30%
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund           0.20
Putnam RetirementReady 2035 Fund           0.10
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund           0.07
Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund           0.05
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund           0.03
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund           0.04
Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund       0.14

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Notes to financial statements
January 31, 2005 (Unaudited)

Note 1
Significant accounting policies

Each of Putnam RetirementReady Funds: Putnam RetirementReady 2045 Fund,
Putnam RetirementReady 2040 Fund, Putnam Retirement Ready 2035 Fund,
Putnam RetirementReady 2030 Fund, Putnam RetirementReady 2025 Fund,
Putnam RetirementReady 2020 Fund, Putnam RetirementReady 2015 Fund,
Putnam RetirementReady 2010 Fund and Putnam RetirementReady Maturity
Fund, (collectively the "funds") is a series of Putnam Retirement Ready
Funds, a Massachusetts business trust organized on June 8, 2004 (the
"Trust"). Each fund is a diversified open-ended investment company under
the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, each of which is
represented by a series of shares of beneficial interest. Each fund
except the Maturity Fund seeks capital appreciation and current income
consistent with a decreasing emphasis on capital appreciation and an
increasing emphasis on current income as it approaches its target date.
The Maturity Fund seeks as high a rate of current income as Putnam
Investment Management, LLC ("Putnam Management") believes is consistent
with preservation of capital.

Currently there are nine separate funds, of which eight have a target
date specified by the calendar year in the name of each fund. The target
dates are in five-year increments beginning with the year 2010. The
ninth fund is named Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund. As the other
funds reach their target date, they will merge with the Maturity Fund.

These financial statements report on each fund which may invest in the
following Putnam funds: Putnam Income Fund, Putnam Capital Opportunities
Fund, The Putnam Fund for Growth and Income, Putnam Money Market Fund,
Putnam International Equity Fund and Putnam Voyager Fund (the
"underlying Putnam funds"), which are managed by Putnam Management. The
financial statements of the underlying Putnam funds contain additional
information about the expenses and investments of the underlying Putnam
funds and are available upon request.

Each fund offers class A, class B, class C, class M, class R and class Y
shares. Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of
5.25%. Class B shares, which convert to class A shares after
approximately eight years, do not pay a front-end sales charge but pay a
higher ongoing distribution fee than class A, class M and class R
shares, and are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge, if those
shares are redeemed within six years of purchase. Class C shares are
subject to the same fees and expenses as class B shares, except that
class C shares have a one-year 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge
and do not convert to class A shares. Class M shares are sold with a
maximum front-end sales charge of 3.50% and pay an ongoing distribution
fee that is higher than class A and class R shares but lower than class
B and class C shares. Class R shares are sold without a front-end sales
charge and pay an ongoing distribution fee that is higher than class A
shares, but lower than class B, class C and class M shares. Class R
shares are offered to qualified employee-benefit plans. Class Y shares,
which are sold at net asset value, are generally subject to the same
expenses as class A, class B, class C, class M and class R shares, but
do not bear a distribution fee. Class Y shares are sold to certain
eligible purchasers including certain defined contribution plans
(including corporate IRAs), bank trust departments and trust companies.

A 2.00% redemption fee may apply to any shares that are redeemed (either
by selling or exchanging into another fund) within 5 days of purchase.
The redemption fee is accounted for as an addition to paid-in-capital.

Investment income, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses
of each fund are borne pro-rata based on the relative net assets of each
class to the total net assets of each fund, except that each class bears
expenses unique to that class (including the distribution fees
applicable to such classes). Each class votes as a class only with
respect to its own distribution plan or other matters on which a class
vote is required by law or determined by the Trustees. Shares of each
class would receive their pro-rata share of the net assets of the fund,
if that fund were liquidated. In addition, the Trustees declare separate
dividends on each class of shares.

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies
consistently followed by the funds in the preparation of their financial
statements. The preparation of financial statements is in conformity
with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America and requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial
statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net
assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could
differ from those estimates.

A) Security valuation The price of each fund's shares is based on its
net asset value (NAV), which is in turn based on the NAVs of the
underlying Putnam funds in which it invests. The NAV per share of each
class equals the total value of its assets, less its liabilities,
divided by the number of its outstanding shares. Shares are only valued
as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange each
day the exchange is open. Each underlying Putnam fund values its
investments for which market quotations are readily available at market
value. It values short-term investments that will mature within 60 days
at amortized cost, which approximates market value. It values all other
investments and assets at their fair value. Each underlying Putnam fund
translates prices for its investments quoted in foreign currencies into
U.S. dollars at current exchange rates. As a result, changes in the
value of those currencies in relation to the U.S. dollar may affect an
underlying Putnam fund's NAV. Because foreign markets may be open at
different times than the New York Stock Exchange, the value of a fund's
shares may change on days when shareholders are not able to buy or sell
them. If events materially affecting the values of an  underlying Putnam
fund's foreign investments occur between the close of foreign markets
and the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, these
investments will be valued at their fair value. In addition, the closing
prices for securities in foreign markets or on foreign exchanges that
close prior to the close of the New York Stock Exchange may not fully
reflect events that occur after such close but before the close of the
New York Stock Exchange. As a result, each underlying Putnam Fund has
adopted fair value pricing procedures, which, among other things,
require the funds' to fair value foreign equity securities if there has
been a movement in the U.S. market that exceeds a specified threshold.
Although the threshold may be revised from time to time and the number
of days on which fair value prices will be used will depend on market
activity, it is possible that fair value prices will be used to a
significant extent.

B) Security transactions and related investment income Security
transactions, shares of the underlying Putnam funds, are recorded on the
trade date (date the order to buy or sell is executed). Gains or losses
from the sale of the underlying Putnam funds are determined on the
identified cost basis. Income and capital gain distributions from the
underlying funds are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

C) Federal taxes It is the policy of each fund to distribute all of its
taxable income within the prescribed time and otherwise comply with the
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code") applicable
to regulated investment companies. It is also the intention of each fund
to distribute an amount sufficient to avoid imposition of any excise tax
under Section 4982 of the Code, as amended. Therefore, no provision has
been made for federal taxes on income, capital gains or unrealized
appreciation on securities held nor for excise tax on income and capital

D) Distributions to shareholders Distributions to shareholders from net
investment income are recorded by each fund on the ex-dividend date.
Distributions from capital gains, if any, are recorded on the
ex-dividend date and paid at least annually. The amount and character of
income and gains to be distributed are determined in accordance with
income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted
accounting principles. Reclassifications are made to each fund's capital
accounts to reflect income and gains available for distribution (or
available capital loss carryovers) under income tax regulations.

E) Expenses of the trust Expenses directly charged or attributable to
any fund will be paid from the assets of that fund. Generally, expenses
of the trust will be allocated among and charged to the assets of each
fund on a basis that the Trustees deem fair and equitable, which may be
based on the relative assets of each fund or the nature of the services
performed and relative applicability to each fund.

F) Organization and offering Expenses incurred by each fund in
connection with its organization, its registration with the Securities
and Exchange Commission and with various states and the initial public
offering of its shares were $86,966, except Maturity Fund which incurred
$127,496 plus $12,500 in organization costs.

The organization fees are expensed as occurred and the offering costs
will be amortized over a twelve month period on a straight line basis.

Note 2
Management fee, administrative
services and other transactions

Putnam Management is paid for management and investment advisory
services monthly at an annual rate of 0.05% based on the average net
assets of each fund.

In order to limit each fund's expenses, Putnam Management has agreed to
limit its compensation (and, to the extent necessary, bear other
expenses) through July 31, 2007, to the extent that each funds' net
expenses (exclusive of brokerage, interest, taxes, extraordinary
expenses, fees and expenses of the underlying funds in which each fund
invests and payments under the fund's distribution plan) would exceed an
annual rate of 10% of each fund's average net assets.

Each fund has adopted distribution plans (the "Plans") with respect to
its class A, class B, class C, class M and class R shares pursuant to
Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The purpose of the
Plans is to compensate Putnam Retail Management, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Putnam, LLC and Putnam Retail Management GP, Inc., for
services provided and expenses incurred in distributing shares of the
funds. The Plans provide for payments by each fund to Putnam Retail
Management at an annual rate of up to 0.35%, 1.00%, 1.00%, 1.00% and
1.00% of the average net assets attributable to class A, class B, class
C, class M and class R shares, respectively. The Trustees have approved
payments on class A, class M and class R shares to 0.25%, 0.75% and
0.50% of average net assets, respectively.

For the period ended January 31, 2005, Putnam Retail Management, acting
as underwriter, received the following:

                  Class A            Class M
                    Net                Net
                Commissions        Commissions
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2045 Fund           $--                $--
2040 Fund            --                 --
2035 Fund            --                 --
2030 Fund             8                 --
2025 Fund            20                 --
2020 Fund            --                 --
2015 Fund            --                 --
2010 Fund            --                 --
Maturity Fund        --                 --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

A deferred sales charge of up to 1.00% and 0.65% is assessed on certain
redemptions of class A and class M shares, respectively. For the period
ended January 31, 2005, Putnam Management acting as underwriter,
received no monies on class A and class M redemptions, respectively.

Note 3
Purchases and sales of securities

During the period ended January 31, 2005, cost of purchases and proceeds
from sales of underlying Putnam funds were as follows:

Fund                                 Purchases             Sales
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
2045 Fund                          $10,832,549          $685,240
2040 Fund                           16,810,503           794,634
2035 Fund                           36,220,262         1,682,939
2030 Fund                           54,537,685         2,263,162
2025 Fund                           94,197,745         3,622,368
2020 Fund                          104,903,845         4,206,445
2015 Fund                          123,246,288         6,364,817
2010 Fund                           81,426,766         4,377,885
Maturity Fund                       46,455,813         3,150,562
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Note 4
Capital shares

At January 31, 2005, there was an unlimited number of shares of
beneficial interest authorized. Transactions in capital shares were as

RetirementReady 2045 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                             76,859        $5,032,024
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                           386            26,219
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                        77,245         5,058,243

Shares repurchased                      (3,037)         (202,919)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                            74,208        $4,855,324
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 29            $1,866
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                8
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            29             1,874

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                29            $1,874
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                120            $7,894
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                8
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           120             7,902

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               120            $7,902
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 93            $6,100
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                9
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            93             6,109

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                93            $6,109
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 16            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                9
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            16             1,009

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                16            $1,009
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                             80,427        $5,673,827
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                           456            33,627
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                        80,883         5,707,454

Shares repurchased                      (4,558)         (330,399)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                            76,325        $5,377,055
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady 2040 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            117,239        $7,654,424
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                           595            40,513
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       117,834         7,694,937

Shares repurchased                      (5,306)         (356,563)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           112,528        $7,338,374
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                361           $23,494
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                7
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           361            23,501

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               361           $23,501
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 16            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                7
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            16             1,007

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                16            $1,007
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                123            $8,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             1                48
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           124             8,048

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               124            $8,048
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 16            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                8
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            16             1,008

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                16            $1,008
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            126,952        $8,958,099
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                           608            44,746
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       127,560         9,002,845

Shares repurchased                      (3,562)         (257,017)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           123,998        $8,745,828
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady 2035 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            223,757       $14,366,742
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         1,059            70,868
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       224,816        14,437,610

Shares repurchased                      (9,937)         (657,806)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           214,879       $13,779,804
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                214           $13,749
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             1                86
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           215            13,835

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               215           $13,835
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 16            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            16             1,006

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                16            $1,006
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                179           $11,438
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*               21
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           179            11,459

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               179           $11,459
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 17            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                7
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            17             1,007

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                17            $1,007
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            309,708       $21,495,101
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         1,366            98,944
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       311,074        21,594,045

Shares repurchased                     (10,754)         (764,458)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           300,320       $20,829,587
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady 2030 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            315,801       $20,004,737
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         1,483            98,122
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       317,284        20,102,859

Shares repurchased                     (17,566)       (1,150,138)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           299,718       $18,952,721
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                779           $49,125
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           779            49,131

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               779           $49,131
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                102            $6,502
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           102             6,508

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               102            $6,508
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                445           $28,381
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             1                19
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           446            28,400

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               446           $28,400
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 16            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            16             1,006

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                16            $1,006
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            494,931       $33,905,872
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         1,970           140,095
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       496,901        34,045,967

Shares repurchased                     (10,301)         (720,175)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           486,600       $33,325,792
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady 2025 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            508,043       $33,989,959
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         2,245           156,581
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       510,288        34,146,540

Shares repurchased                     (18,679)       (1,285,205)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           491,609       $32,861,335
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                911           $61,432
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             1                79
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           912            61,511

Shares repurchased                         (96)           (6,580)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               816           $54,931
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                327           $22,047
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                5
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           327            22,052

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               327           $22,052
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                              1,349           $90,523
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             3               210
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                         1,352            90,733

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                             1,352           $90,733
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 16            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            16             1,006

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                16            $1,006
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            879,676       $59,178,844
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         3,473           242,685
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       883,149        59,421,529

Shares repurchased                     (26,167)       (1,807,821)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           856,982       $57,613,708
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady 2020 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            604,805       $37,297,780
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         2,435           155,610
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       607,240        37,453,390

Shares repurchased                     (23,719)       (1,493,332)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           583,521       $35,960,058
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                622           $38,709
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             1                90
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           623            38,799

Shares repurchased                        (102)           (6,336)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               521           $32,463
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                473           $29,652
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*               14
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           473            29,666

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               473           $29,666
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                              2,453          $153,694
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             2               151
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                         2,455           153,845

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                             2,455          $153,845
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 17            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                5
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            17             1,005

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                17            $1,005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                          1,008,020       $66,498,249
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         3,409           232,313
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                     1,011,429        66,730,562

Shares repurchased                     (32,272)       (2,164,323)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           979,157       $64,566,239
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady 2015 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            638,445       $40,398,771
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         2,324           151,730
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       640,769        40,550,501

Shares repurchased                     (24,864)       (1,601,872)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           615,905       $38,948,629
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                105            $6,682
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*               23
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           105             6,705

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               105            $6,705
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                240           $15,382
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*               46
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                           240            15,428

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                               240           $15,428
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                              1,155           $73,794
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*               71
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                         1,115            73,865

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                             1,155           $73,865
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 16            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            16             1,004

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                16            $1,004
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                          1,288,859       $81,642,179
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         4,412           288,518
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                     1,293,271        81,930,697

Shares repurchased                     (63,208)       (4,086,721)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                         1,230,063       $77,843,976
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady 2010 Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            533,484       $30,512,792
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         1,730           100,806
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       535,214        30,613,598

Shares repurchased                     (25,360)       (1,472,693)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           509,854       $29,140,905
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                              1,253           $71,397
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                9
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                         1,253            71,406

Shares repurchased                        (112)           (6,374)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                             1,141           $65,032
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 82            $4,650
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                5
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            82             4,655

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                82            $4,655
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 18            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            18             1,003

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                18            $1,003
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 18            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            18             1,003

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                18            $1,003
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            840,518       $50,166,748
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         2,210           134,208
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       842,728        50,300,956

Shares repurchased                     (40,742)       (2,456,528)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           801,986       $47,844,428
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

RetirementReady Maturity Fund

                                 For the period November 1, 2004
                                 (commencement of operations) to
                                                January 31, 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Class A                                 Shares            Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            331,619       $18,655,878
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                           984            55,792
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       332,603        18,711,670

Shares repurchased                     (20,293)       (1,151,864)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           312,310       $17,559,806
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                  9              $525
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                             4               232
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            13               757

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                13              $757
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 18            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            18             1,002

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                18            $1,002
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 18            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            18             1,003

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                18            $1,003
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class R
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                 18            $1,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                            --*                4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                            18             1,004

Shares repurchased                          --                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                                18            $1,004
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                            483,121       $27,236,029
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with
of distributions                         1,617            91,782
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       484,738        27,327,811

Shares repurchased                     (27,529)       (1,563,733)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase                           457,209       $25,764,078
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

* Represents fractional shares issued in connection with
  reinvestment of distributions.

Note 5
Initial capitalization and offering of shares

The Trust was established as a Massachusetts business trust on June 8,
2004. During the period June 8, 2004, to September 14, 2004, the Trust
had no operations other than those related to organizational matters,
including the initial capital contribution of $100,000 and the issuance
of 1,786 Putnam RetirementReady Maturity Fund class B shares to Putnam
LLC. The Trust commenced investment operations on November 1, 2004.

At January 31, 2005, Putnam LLC owned the following shares of each fund:

                                         Percentage of          Value at
                       Shares owned   shares outstanding    January 31, 2004
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2045 Fund class B           16              55.2%               $1,060
2045 Fund class C           16              13.3                 1,060
2045 Fund class M           16              17.2                 1,061
2045 Fund class R           16             100.0                 1.062
2040 Fund class B           16               4.4                 1,060
2040 Fund class C           16             100.0                 1,060
2040 Fund class M           16              12.9                 1,059
2040 Fund class R           16             100.0                 1,061
2035 Fund class B           17               7.7                 1.056
2035 Fund class C           16             100.0                 1,056
2035 Fund class M           17               9.2                 1,057
2035 Fund class R           17             100.0                 1,057
2030 Fund class B           16               2.1                 1,053
2030 Fund class C           16              16.2                 1.053
2030 Fund class M           16               3.7                 1.053
2030 Fund class R           16             100.0                 1,054
2025 Fund class B           16               1.9                 1,050
2025 Fund class C           16               4.8                 1,050
2025 Fund class M           16               1.2                 1,051
2025 Fund class R           16             100.0                 1,051
2020 Fund class B           17               3.2                 1,043
2020 Fund class C           17               3.5                 1,043
2020 Fund class M           17               0.7                 1,044
2020 Fund class R           17             100.0                 1,045
2015 Fund class B           16              15.4                 1,035
2015 Fund class C           16               6.8                 1,035
2015 Fund class M           16               1.4                 1,036
2015 Fund class R           16             100.0                 1,037
2010 Fund class B           18               1.6                 1.023
2010 Fund class C           18              21.8                 1,023
2010 Fund class M           18             100.0                 1,023
2010 Fund class R           18             100.0                 1,024
Maturity Fund class B    1,786              99.3               101,320
Maturity Fund class C       18             100.0                 1,015
Maturity Fund class M       18             100.0                 1,016
Maturity Fund class R       18             100.0                 1,017
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note 6
Regulatory matters and litigation

Putnam Management has entered into agreements with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and the Massachusetts Securities Division settling
charges connected with excessive short-term trading by Putnam employees
and, in the case of the charges brought by the Massachusetts Securities
Division, by participants in some Putnam-administered 401(k) plans.
Pursuant to these settlement agreements, Putnam Management will pay a
total of $193.5 million in penalties and restitution, with $153.5
million being paid to shareholders and the funds. The restitution amount
will be allocated to shareholders pursuant to a plan developed by an
independent consultant, with payments to shareholders currently expected
by the end of the summer.

The SEC's and Massachusetts Securities Division's allegations and
related matters also serve as the general basis for numerous lawsuits,
including purported class action lawsuits filed against Putnam
Management and certain related parties, including certain Putnam funds.
Putnam Management will bear any costs incurred by Putnam funds in
connection with these lawsuits. Putnam Management believes that the
likelihood that the pending private lawsuits and purported class action
lawsuits will have a material adverse financial impact on the fund is
remote, and the pending actions are not likely to materially affect its
ability to provide investment management services to its clients,
including the Putnam funds.

Brokerage commissions

Brokerage commissions are paid to firms that execute trades on behalf of
your mutual fund. When choosing these firms, Putnam is required by law
to seek the best execution of the trades, taking all relevant factors
into consideration, including expected quality of execution and
commission rate. The RetirementReady Funds, however, invest in shares of
other Putnam mutual funds, rather than in stocks and bonds. For that
reason, the funds do not incur brokerage charges.

Putnam puts your interests first

Beginning in January 2004, Putnam began introducing a number of
voluntary initiatives designed to reduce fund expenses, provide
investors with more useful information, and help safeguard the interests
of all Putnam investors. Visit www.putnaminvestments.com for details.

Cost-cutting initiatives

Reduced sales charges The maximum sales charge for class A shares has
been reduced to 5.25% for equity funds (formerly 5.75%) and 4.50% for
most income funds (formerly 4.75%).*

Lower class B purchase limit

To help ensure that investors are in the most cost-effective share
class, the maximum amount that can be invested in class B shares has
been reduced to $100,000. (Larger trades or accumulated amounts will be
directed to class A shares.)

Ongoing expenses will be limited

Through calendar 2005, total ongoing expenses, including management fees
for all funds, will be maintained at or below the average of each fund's
industry peers in its Lipper load-fund universe. For more information,
please see the Statement of Additional information.

Improved disclosure

Putnam fund prospectuses and shareholder reports have been revised to
disclose additional information that will help shareholders compare
funds and weigh their costs and risks along with their potential
benefits. Shareholders will find easy-to-understand information about
fund expense ratios,  portfolio manager compensation, risk comparisons,
brokerage commissions, and employee and trustee ownership of Putnam
funds. Disclosure of breakpoint discounts has also been enhanced to
alert investors to potential cost savings.

Protecting investors' interests

Short-term trading fee introduced

To discourage short-term trading, which can interfere with a fund's
long-term strategy, a 2% short-term trading fee will be imposed on any
Putnam fund shares (other than money market funds) redeemed or exchanged
within five calendar days of purchase.

* The maximum sales charge for class A shares of Putnam Limited Duration
  Government Income Fund (formerly Putnam Intermediate U.S. Government
  Income Fund) and Putnam Floating Rate Income Fund remains 3.25%.

Fund information

One of the largest mutual fund families in the United States, Putnam
Investments has a heritage of investment leadership dating back to Judge
Samuel Putnam, whose Prudent Man Rule has defined fiduciary tradition
and practice since 1830. Founded over 65 years ago, Putnam Investments
was built around the concept that a balance between risk and reward is
the hallmark of a well-rounded financial program. We presently manage
over 100 mutual funds in growth, value, blend, fixed income, and

Investment Manager

Putnam Investment Management, LLC
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109

Marketing Services

Putnam Retail Management
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109


Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company

Legal Counsel

Ropes & Gray LLP


John A. Hill, Chairman
Jameson Adkins Baxter
Charles B. Curtis
Myra R. Drucker
Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.
Ronald J. Jackson
Paul L. Joskow
Elizabeth T. Kennan
John H. Mullin, III
Robert E. Patterson
George Putnam, III
W. Thomas Stephens
Richard B. Worley


George Putnam, III

Charles E. Porter
Executive Vice President,
Associate Treasurer and
Principal Executive Officer

Jonathan S. Horwitz
Senior Vice President and Treasurer

Steven D. Krichmar
Vice President and
Principal Financial Officer

Michael T. Healy
Assistant Treasurer and
Principal Accounting Officer

Daniel T. Gallagher
Vice President and Legal and
Compliance Liaison Officer

Beth S. Mazor
Vice President

James P. Pappas
Vice President

Richard S. Robie, III
Vice President

Mark C. Trenchard
Vice President and
BSA Compliance Officer

Francis J. McNamara, III
Vice President and
Chief Legal Officer

Charles A. Ruys de Perez
Vice President and
Chief Compliance Officer

Judith Cohen
Clerk and Assistant Treasurer

This report is for the information of shareholders of the Putnam
RetirementReady [REGISTRATION MARK] Funds. It may also be used as sales
literature when preceded or accompanied by the current prospectus, the
most recent copy of Putnam's Quarterly Performance Summary, and Putnam's
Quarterly Ranking Summary. For more recent performance, please visit
www.putnaminvestments.com. Investors should carefully consider the
investment objective, risks, charges, and expenses of a fund, which are
described in its prospectus. For this and other information or to
request a prospectus, call 1-800-225-1581 toll free. Please read the
prospectus carefully before investing. The fund's Statement of
Additional Information contains additional information about the fund's
Trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling



The Putnam Funds
One Post Office Square
Boston, Massachusetts 02109


Call 1-800-225-1581 or visit our Web site

SA097-222383  3/05

Not FDIC Insured    May Lose Value    No Bank Guarantee

PUTNAM INVESTMENTS                                      [SCALE LOGO OMITTED]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Putnam RetirementReady Funds
Supplement to Semiannual Report dated 1/31/05

The following information has been prepared to provide class Y shareholders
with information specific to their holdings. Class Y shares are offered
exclusively to clients that meet the eligibility requirements specified in
the fund's prospectus for such shares. The semiannual report covers the
first half of the funds' 2005 fiscal year, which is an abbreviated period
that extends from their inception on November 1, 2004, through January 31,
2005. Fund performance is not included in this initial report because the
funds do not yet have a full quarter of results. For the most recent
month-end performance, please visit www.putnaminvestments.com. Past
performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be
less or more than those shown. Investment return and principal value will
fluctuate and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares. If
you have questions, please consult your fund prospectus or call Putnam toll
free at 1-800-752-9894. A short-term trading fee of up to 2% may apply.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please see pages 8-11 of the accompanying shareholder report for a
discussion of the information appearing in the tables below:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RETIREMENTREADY FUNDS             Maturity    2010        2015      2020       2025       2030        2035      2040     2045
                                    Fund      Fund        Fund      Fund       Fund       Fund        Fund      Fund     Fund
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPENSES AND    Expenses paid per  $0.25      $0.26      $0.26      $0.26      $0.26      $0.26      $0.26      $0.26    $0.26
VALUE OF A          $1,000*
assuming actual   Ending value
returns for the (after expenses) $1,017.90  $1,025.40  $1,037.60  $1,045.80  $1,052.60  $1,055.70  $1,059.00  $1,062.00 $1,063.10
6 months ended
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPENSES AND    Expenses paid per  $0.25      $0.25      $0.25      $0.25      $0.25      $0.25      $0.25      $0.25    $0.25
VALUE OF A          $1,000*
assuming a
5% annualized     Ending value
return          (after expenses) $1,012.35  $1,012.35  $1,012.35  $1,012.35  $1,012.35  $1,012.35  $1,012.35  $1,012.35 $1,012.35
for the
6 months
ended 1/31/05
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Your fund's         0.10%      0.10%      0.10%      0.10%      0.10%      0.10%      0.10%      0.10%    0.10%
               expense ratio+
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Expenses for each share class are calculated using the fund's annualized
  expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing expenses as a
  percentage of net assets for the period from 11/1/04 to 1/31/05. The expense
  ratio may differ for each share class. Expenses are calculated by
  multiplying the expense ratio by the average account value for the period;
  then multiplying the result by the number of days in the period; and then
  dividing that result by the number of days in the year. Expenses do not
  reflect expenses of the underlying Putnam funds in which the funds invest.

+ During the period from 11/1/04 to 1/31/05, your fund limited its expenses;
  had it not done so, expenses would have been higher.

Item 2. Code of Ethics:
- -----------------------
Not applicable

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert:
- -----------------------------------------
Not applicable

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services:
- -----------------------------------------------
Not applicable

Item 5.  Audit Committee: Not applicable
- -------------------------

Item 6. Schedule of Investments: Not applicable
- --------------------------------

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures For Closed-End
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Management Investment Companies: Not applicable

Item 8. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Companies and Affiliated Purchasers: Not applicable

Item 9. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders:
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        Not applicable

Item 10. Controls and Procedures:
- ---------------------------------

(a) The registrant's principal executive officer and principal
financial officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the
effectiveness of the design and operation of the registrant's
disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of
the filing date of this report, that the design and operation of
such procedures are generally effective to provide reasonable
assurance that information required to be disclosed by the registrant
in this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within
the time periods specified in the Commission's rules and forms.

(b) Changes in internal control over financial reporting:
Not applicable

Item 11. Exhibits:
- ------------------

(a) Not applicable

(b) A separate certification for each principal executive officer and
principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2
under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the officer
certifications as required by Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002 are filed herewith.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.


By (Signature and Title):            /s/Michael T. Healy
                                     Michael T. Healy
                                     Principal Accounting Officer
Date: March 28, 2005

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and the Investment Company Act of  1940, this report has been signed
below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in
the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title):            /s/Charles E. Porter
                                     Charles E. Porter
                                     Principal Executive Officer
Date: March 28, 2005

By (Signature and Title):            /s/Steven D. Krichmar
                                     Steven D. Krichmar
                                     Principal Financial Officer
Date: March 28, 2005