A. Composition.  The Administration Committee shall be composed entirely of
Trustees who are "independent" as defined in the rules of the New York
Stock Exchange ("NYSE") and the NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") or any
other exchange, as applicable and are not "interested persons" as defined
in the Investment Company Act of 1940 of any of the funds, or any fund's
investment adviser or principal underwriter (the "Independent Trustees").
All of the Board's Independent Trustees shall be members of the
Administration Committee.

B. Overview.  The overall charter of the Administration Committee is:  (i)
to review and comment on complex-wide matters to facilitate uniformity
among, and administration of, the funds; (ii) to oversee liaison between
management and the Independent Trustees; (iii) to review matters relating
to the Independent Trustees, such as retirement arrangements that have not
been assigned to another committee; (iv) to review the performance of the
Independent Trustees as appropriate; and (v) when appropriate, to oversee
the assignment of tasks to other Committees.

C. Specific Responsibilities.  The Administration Committee shall have the
following duties and powers, to be exercised at such times and in such
manner as the Committee shall deem necessary or appropriate:

1. To consider the number of funds under supervision by the Independent
Trustees and the ability of the Independent Trustees to discharge
successfully their fiduciary duties.

2. To evaluate, from time to time, the retirement policies for the
Independent Trustees.

3. To participate in the development of agendas for Board and Committee

4. To consider, evaluate and make recommendations regarding the type and
amount of fidelity bond, and director and officer and/or errors and
omission insurance coverage, for the funds, the Board and the Independent
Trustees, as applicable.

5. To identify qualified individuals to serve as Chief Compliance Officer
("CCO"), and recommend an appropriate candidate to the Board, as needed
from time to time.  The Administration Committee shall assist the Board in
monitoring: (i) the performance of the CCO and (ii) the cooperation of the
adviser(s) and other service providers with the CCO, including the
requirement of regular reports by the CCO to the Administration Committee
and to the Board.  The Administration Committee shall have the power to
annually review the CCO's responsibilities and the extent of his or her
authority and to conduct annual compensation and retention review with the
CCO and make appropriate recommendations to the Board.

6. To consider, evaluate and make recommendations and necessary findings
regarding independent legal counsel and any other advisers, experts or
consultants, that may be engaged from time to time, other than as may be
engaged directly by another Committee.

7. To evaluate feedback from shareholders as appropriate.

D. Additional Responsibilities.  The Committee will also perform other
tasks assigned to it from time to time by full Board, and will report
findings and recommendations to the full Board at each Regular Board
meeting following a Committee meeting, as appropriate.

E. Governance.  The Chairman of the Board shall serve as the chair of the
Administration Committee.  The chair shall be responsible for leadership of
the Committee, including scheduling meetings or reviewing and approving the
schedule for them, preparing agendas or reviewing and approving them before
meetings, presiding over meetings, and making reports to the full Board, as

F. Miscellaneous.  The Committee shall meet as often as it deems
appropriate, with or without management, as circumstances require.  The
Committee shall have the resources and authority appropriate to discharge
its responsibilities, including the authority to retain special counsel and
other advisers, experts or consultants, at the funds' expense, as it
determines necessary to carry out its duties.  The Committee shall have
direct access to such officers of and service providers to the funds as it
deems desirable.

G. Review.  The Committee shall review this Charter periodically and
recommend such changes to the full Board as it deems desirable.