PG&E CORPORATION

                           Administrative Guidelines
                        (As amended February 16, 2000)

 1.  Description. The Executive Stock Ownership Program ("Program") was approved
     by the Nominating and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors on
     October 15, 1997. The Program is an important element of the Committee's
     compensation policy of aligning executive interests with those of the
     Corporation's shareholders. As an integral part of the Program, the
     Committee also authorized the use of Special Incentive Stock Ownership
     Premiums ("SISOPs") which are designed to provide incentives to Eligible
     Executives to assist in achieving minimum stock ownership targets
     established by the Committee. These Guidelines were originally adopted by
     the Committee on November 19, 1997, amended by the Committee on July 22,
     1998, October 21, 1998, and February 16, 2000. These amended Guidelines,
     along with the written materials provided to the Committee on October 15,
     1997, describe the Program which became effective on January 1, 1998. The
     Program is administered by the Corporation's Senior Human Resources

2.   Eligible Executives. The Chief Executive Officer shall designate the
     officers of the Corporation and its affiliates who shall be Eligible
     Executives covered by the Program. Initially, the officers covered by the
     Guidelines and the applicable stock ownership Target are:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Officer Band             Position              Stock Ownership Target
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            1                     CEO                     3 x base salary
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            2             Heads of Business Lines,        2 x base salary
                          CFO, & General Counsel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            3                 SVPs of Corp.              1.5 x base salary
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.   Annual Milestones. Under the Guidelines, stock ownership levels are
     designed to be achieved by the end of the fifth calendar year following the
     calendar year in which an officer first becomes an Eligible Executive
     ("Target Date"). Annual Milestones have been established as a means of
     measuring progress towards achieving Targets and of providing incentives
     for Eligible Executives to expeditiously meet their Targets. The Annual
     Milestone at the end of the first full calendar year is 20 percent of the
     Target, and the Annual Milestone for each succeeding year is an additional
     20 percent of the Target. Annual Milestones shall be adjusted to reflect
     changes in base salary; provided, however, that in each instance any such
     modification shall be amortized over the remaining original five-year term.
     Following the Target Date, annual Targets also shall be modified to reflect
     changes in base salary.

4.   Calculation of Stock Ownership Levels. Stock ownership level is the dollar
     value of stock and stock equivalents owned by an Eligible Executive and
     calculated as of the last day of the calendar year ("Measurement Date").
     The purpose of this calculation is to determine the value of the stock or
     stock equivalents owned by the Eligible Executive as compared with the
     Annual Milestone or Target for that executive. For purposes of this
     calculation, the value per share of stock or stock equivalent ("Measurement
     Value") is the average closing price of PG&E Corporation common stock as
     traded on the New York Stock Exchange for the last thirty (30) trading days
     of the year.

     a)   The value of stock beneficially owned by the Eligible Executive is
          determined by multiplying the number of shares owned beneficially on
          the Measurement Date times the Measurement Value.

     b)   The value of PG&E Corporation phantom stock units credited to the
          Eligible Executive's account in the PG&E Corporation Deferred
          Compensation Plan for Officers ("DCP") is determined by multiplying
          the number of phantom stock units credited to the Eligible Executive's
          DCP account on the Measurement Date times the Measurement Value.

     c)   The value of stock held in the PG&E Corporation stock fund of any
          defined contribution plan maintained by PG&E Corporation or any of its
          subsidiaries is the value of the Eligible Executive's PG&E Corporation
          stock fund on the Measurement Date.

     d)   The value of vested stock options is the difference between the number
          of options multiplied by the Measurement Value minus the number of
          options multiplied by the option exercise price (for purposes of this
          calculation, any value attributable to dividend equivalents is

5.   Award of SISOPs. SISOPs are awarded to Eligible Executives who achieve and
     maintain stock ownership levels prior to the end of the third year
     following the year in which an officer first became an Eligible Executive.
     For purposes of determining awards, the total stock ownership level is
     calculated as set forth under paragraph 4, on the Measurement Date. The
     amount of a SISOP award shall be equal to:

     a)   For the first year, 20 percent of the amount of the Eligible
          Executive's stock ownership level at the end of the year, up to the
          Annual Milestone, plus an additional 30 percent of the amount by which
          the stock ownership level exceeds the Annual Milestone up to the
          target; and

     b)   For each of the second and third years, 20 percent of the amount up to
          the Annual Milestone by which the end of the year stock ownership
          level exceeds the beginning of the year stock ownership level, plus an
          additional 30 percent of the amount by which the end of the year
          balance exceeds the Annual Milestone, up to the Target.

     Each time a SISOP award calculation is made, a second calculation also is
     made to determine the minimum number of shares which must be retained by
     the Eligible Executive to avoid forfeiture of the SISOP award ("Minimum
     Ownership Level") as discussed below in paragraph 8.  This calculation
     converts the dollar value of the stock ownership level used as the basis
     for qualifying for SISOPs into a number of shares of stock.  It is
     calculated by dividing the stock ownership level by the Measurement Value.


     Thus, for example, if an Eligible Executive's stock ownership level was
     $250,000 and the Measurement Value was $25 per share, then the Minimum
     Ownership Level would be 10,000 shares.

     For purposes of this calculation, the maximum share ownership level used is
     the Eligible Executive's Target.  If an Eligible Executive has a share
     ownership level higher than his/her Target, the increment over the Target
     is not included.  Thus, for example, if an Eligible Executive has a Target
     of $750,000 and his/her share ownership level is $900,000, then only
     $750,000 is used to calculate the Minimum Ownership Level.

6.   SISOPs Credited to the Deferred Compensation Plan. Upon award, SISOPs are
     credited to the Eligible Executive's DCP account and converted into units
     of phantom stock each equal in value to a share of PG&E Corporation common
     stock ("SISOP units") as determined in accordance with paragraph 6 of the
     DCP. The SISOP units constitute "incentive awards" authorized to be awarded
     by the Committee to Eligible Executives under the PG&E Corporation Long-
     Term Incentive Program ("LTIP"). Upon credit of SISOP units to an Eligible
     Executive's DCP account, an equal number of shares of PG&E Corporation
     common stock shall be reserved for issuance from the pool of shares
     authorized for issuance under the LTIP. Once a SISOP unit is credited to
     the Eligible Executive's DCP account, it shall be subject to all of the
     terms and conditions specifically applicable to SISOP units under the DCP.
     Once vested in accordance with paragraph 7 below, SISOP units are
     distributed in the form of an equal number of shares of PG&E Corporation
     common stock as provided in the DCP.

7.   Vesting. SISOPs vest only upon the expiration of three years after the date
     of award (provided the Eligible Executive continues to be employed on such
     date), or, if earlier, upon an Eligible Executive's death, disability,
     Retirement, or upon a Change in Control, as defined in the LTIP. An
     Eligible Executive's unvested SISOPs will be forfeited upon termination of
     employment unless otherwise provided in the PG&E Corporation Officer
     Severance Policy.

8.   Forfeiture of SISOP Units. So long as SISOP units remain unvested, such
     units are subject to forfeiture if, on each Measurement Date, the Eligible
     Executive's stock ownership is less than the Minimum Ownership Level
     established when the SISOPs were granted (see paragraph 5). To determine
     forfeiture, the following steps are followed on each Measurement Date:

     a)   The number of shares and PG&E Corporation phantom stock units credited
          to the Eligible Executive's DCP account is determined.

     b)   The share-equivalent of the value of the vested "in the money" stock
          options is determined by dividing the value of such options (computed
          in the manner described in 4(d)) by the current Measurement Value
          (e.g., if the value of the vested "in the money" options is $100,000
          and the current Measurement Value is $25 per share, then the share
          equivalent is 4,000 shares).

     c)   The number of shares, PG&E Corporation phantom stock units, and share-
          equivalents of vested "in the money" options is added together. This
          total ("Current Holdings") is compared with the Minimum Ownership
          Level determined when the SISOPs were granted. If the Current Holdings
          are equal to or greater than the Minimum Ownership Level, then no
          unvested SISOP units are forfeited. If the Current Holdings are less
          than the


          Minimum Ownership Level, then the unvested SISOP units are forfeited
          in the same proportion as the Current Holdings are less than Minimum
          Ownership Level (for example, if the Current Holdings are 20 percent
          less than the Minimum Ownership Level, then 20 percent of the SISOP
          units are forfeited).

9.   Failure to Achieve or Maintain Target. Failure to achieve stock ownership
     levels at Target on the Target Date, or to maintain stock ownership levels
     at Target on any Measurement Date thereafter, will result in the deferral
     into the PG&E Corporation Phantom Stock Fund of the DCP of annual awards
     from the Performance Unit Plan ("PUP") and the Short Term Incentive Plan
     ("STIP"). As of any Measurement Date, to the extent that stock ownership
     levels are below Target, PUP awards shall be converted into PG&E
     Corporation Phantom Stock Units and held in the PG&E Corporation Phantom
     Stock Fund of the DCP. If, with the addition of the phantom stock units
     attributable to the PUP award, the stock ownership level is still below
     Target for any Measurement Date, any STIP award above target STIP also
     shall be converted into phantom stock units, to the extent necessary to
     achieve the Target stock ownership level. Such conversion of PUP and STIP
     awards shall continue for successive Measurement Dates, if necessary, until
     Target is met. Phantom stock units attributable to PUP and STIP awards
     described in this paragraph 9 will be paid from the DCP in a lump sum in
     January of the year following the year in which the Eligible Executive's
     employment terminates, or upon such earlier date as may have been elected
     by the Eligible Executive within thirty days after the date of mandatory
     deferral of PUP and/or STIP awards which date shall not be earlier than
     three (3) years after the date of mandatory deferral.
