INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT
Board of Directors
Central Garden & Pet Company
Lafayette, California
  We consent to the use in this Registration Statement of Central Garden & Pet
Company on Form S-3 of our reports dated November 15, 1996, appearing in the
Prospectus, which is a part of this Registration Statement, and incorporated
by reference from the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended September 28, 1996, and our report on Four Paws Products, Ltd. and
subsidiaries dated January 20, 1997 and our report on the Sandoz flea and tick
protection business dated December 20, 1996 (May 23, 1997 as to Note 9)
incorporated by reference herein from the Company's Current Reports on Form 8-
K/A dated April 3, 1997 and July 14, 1997, respectively, and to the references
to us under the headings "Selected Consolidated Financial and Operating Data"
and "Experts" in such Prospectus.
Deloitte & Touche LLP
San Francisco, California
July 14, 1997