THIS AGREEMENT, is made effective this 4th day of February, 1997,
     between GOLD RESERVE CORPORATION , a Montana Corporation, with its
     principal office in Spokane, Washington, herein referred to as
     "Corporation", and James P. Geyer, of Spokane, Washington, herein
     referred to as the "Executive".

     In consideration of the mutual covenants and benefits as herein set
     forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:


     1.  The Corporation hereby employs the Executive as its Senior Vice
         President, with the primary duty to oversee all mining and
         technically related activities, and the Executive hereby accepts
         such employment and agrees to devote all of his efforts for the
         benefit of the Corporation and to faithfully, industriously, and
         to the best of his ability, experience and talents, perform all of
         his required and assigned duties.  Executive shall perform the
         duties of the Senior Vice President subject to the general
         supervision and pursuant to the orders, advice and direction of
         the President of the Corporation. 

       Executive shall also render such other reasonable and unrelated
       services and duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by
       the President of the Corporation. 


     2.  The primary term of this Agreement shall be for a period of two
         (2) years commencing February 4, 1997 and will continue under the
         provisions of this Agreement until terminated as provided in
         Section 5.


     3.  The Corporation shall pay Executive, and the Executive shall
         accept from the Corporation, compensation at the minimum rate of
         U.S. $175,000 per year, prorated and payable bi-monthly or on such
         other basis as the parties may hereafter agree.  Such minimum
         compensation may be adjudged for merit or other raises as from
         time to time determined by the Board of Directors or any Committee
         thereof having such authority.  The Executive shall be 
       entitled to a minimum paid vacation of four (4) weeks in any
       calendar year.  If the Executive shall not use all vacation days in
       any calendar year, Executive shall be permitted to carry over those
       vacation days into the subsequent calendar year up to a maximum of
       50% of the Executive's annual paid vacation days in any one calendar
       year.  Unused vacation days in excess of the number of days allowed
       to be carried over to the subsequent year will be monetized in
       accordance with the Executive's compensation.  Such monies shall be
       applied by the Executive against the exercise price of the
       Executive's stock options that approximate such monies.  


     4.  In addition to the compensation as provided above, Corporation
         shall provide for Executive the following additional benefits:

          (1)  Term insurance on the life of the Executive, when put into
               effect, equal to at least U.S. $350,000, with proceeds
               thereof upon Executive's death to be payable to Executive's
               named beneficiary;

          (2)  Participation in all the Corporation's benefits, including
               medical, dental, vision, stock option and KSOP plans,
               retirement plan, bonus, holiday and any and all other plans
               (including disability insurance) that may be made available
               to employees;

          (3)  Upon the one year anniversary (February 5, 1998), the
               Company shall grant a bonus of U.S. $44,062.50 which funds
               will be used to exercise 5,000 shares pursuant to
               Executive's stock options;

          (4)  Indoor parking near Corporation's offices;

          (5)  Payment of dues in professional associations as may be
               required to maintain the Executive's membership in such

          (6)  Attendance at appropriate conferences, seminars and
               educational programs as may be necessary with the approval
               of the President;

          (7)  Reimbursement for all expenses incurred in connection with
               the performance of services to the Corporation, including
               entertainment, travel and other expenses incidental to the
               duties undertaken hereunder, provided that such expenses
               shall be reasonable and necessary and that Executive shall
               submit bills and vouchers, when possible, supporting all
               requests for reimbursement in accordance with Corporation's
          (8)  An appropriate office, which office will be located in
               Spokane, Washington, which shall be the principal place of
               employment during the term of the Agreement.  The Executive 
               hereby acknowledges that the current business of the
               Corporation requires its senior executives to be absent,
               from time to time, from the principal place of employment to
               other locations; and

          (9)  Such directors and officers liability insurance coverage as
               may be available from time to time to all directors and


     5.   This agreement will terminate or may  be terminated by any one of
          the following:

          (1)  By mutual agreement.

          (2)  Voluntarily and without cause, upon at least  3 months prior
               written  notice   of  termination  by  Corporation   to  the
               Executive or by the Executive to the Corporation; 

          (3)  By  the  Corporation for  cause  as  hereinafter defined  in
               Section 10; 

          (4)  Upon the  death or  disability of  Executive subject to  the
               provisions in Section 6 (D); or

          (5)  Constructive  termination  by third  parties subject  to the
               provisions in Section 6 (E).


     6 (A).  Termination by Executive or by Corporation With Cause:

          (1)  If Executive shall voluntarily terminate his employment
               under this Agreement pursuant to Section 5 (2) or if the
               employment of the Executive is terminated by the Corporation
               for cause pursuant to Section 5 (3), then all compensation
               and benefits as heretofore provided in Section 3  shall
               terminate immediately upon the effective date of termination
               (accrued vacation not taken will be paid to Executive at his
               then daily or weekly pay rate pursuant to the provision in
               Section 3 at time of termination).

     6 (B).  Termination by Corporation Without Cause

          (1)  If Corporation shall terminate this Agreement for any reason
               except cause pursuant to Section 5 (3) and as defined in
               Section 10, then upon the termination of the Executive's
               employment under this Agreement, the Corporation shall pay
               an amount equal to 24 months' salary.  The amount shall be
               paid in one lump sum no later than the fifth (5th) day
               following the date of termination of the Executive's
               employment.  All employee benefits provided to the Executive
               shall be continued as if the Executive was still an employee
               of the Corporation, for a period of one year from the date
               of termination or until replacement of  benefits of a
               similar nature from a new employer.  In the event Executive
               has existing stock options, such options will be governed in
               accordance with the terms of the respective option

     6 (C ).  Termination for Good Reason (includes Change In Control)

          (1)  Executive shall be entitled to terminate his employment for
               Good Reason.  For purposes of this Agreement, "Good Reason"
               shall mean, without Executive's express written consent, any
               of the following:

               i.     the assignment to Executive of any duties
                      inconsistent with Executive's responsibilities from
                      those in effect immediately prior to a Change in

               ii.    a reduction by the Corporation in Executive's annual
                      base salary as in effect on the date hereof or as the
                      same may be increased from time to time or a failure
                      by the Corporation to increase Executive's salary at
                      a rate commensurate with that of other senior
                      executives of the Corporation;

               iii.   the relocation of the office of the Corporation where
                      Executive is employed at the time of  a Change in
                      Control ("the CIC Location") to a location more than
                      fifty (50) miles away from the CIC Location or the
                      Corporation's requiring Executive to be based more
                      than fifty (50) miles away from the CIC Location
                      (except for required travel on the Corporation's
                      business to an extent substantially consistent with
                      Executive's business travel obligations just prior to
                      the Change in Control);
               iv.    the failure by the Corporation to continue to provide
                      Executive with benefits at least as favorable to
                      those enjoyed by Executive under any of the
                      Corporation's other benefits (Section 4) in which
                      Executive was participating at the time of the Change
                      in Control, the taking of any action by the
                      Corporation  which would directly or indirectly
                      materially reduce any of such benefits or deprive
                      Executive of any material fringe benefit enjoyed by
                      Executive at the time of the Change in Control, or
                      the failure by the Corporation to provide Executive
                      with the number of paid vacation days to which
                      Executive is entitled to at the time of the Change in
                      Control; and, if the business of the Corporation for
                      which Executive's services are principally performed
                      is sold at any time after a Change in Control and the
                      purchaser of such business fails to agree to provide
                      Executive with the same or a comparable position,
                      duties, salary and benefits as provided to Executive
                      by the Corporation immediately prior to the Change in

     6 (D).  Termination By Death or Disability 

          (1)  If Executive dies or becomes disabled before his employment
               is otherwise terminated, in addition to payments otherwise
               provided through insurance under Section 4 (1) and (2), the
               Corporation will immediately pay an amount of compensation
               equal to three month's annual salary as if Executive had
               been terminated without cause and all employee benefits
               theretofore provided to Executive will be continued for a
               period of one year from the date of death or disability as
               if the Executive was still an employee of the Corporation. 
               If such termination is due to Executive's death, payment
               will be made in one lump sum to his beneficiary, to be named
               in writing by Executive upon signing this Agreement, which
               designation may be changed at any time by written notice
               signed by Executive and delivered to the Secretary of
               Corporation; if no beneficiary survives Executive, the
               entire amount will be paid to his estate.  If such
               termination is due to Executive's disability, payment will
               be made in one lump sum to Executive.   

     6 (E).  Constructive Termination by Third Parties

          (1)  In the event Executive is taken hostage or otherwise
               wrongfully imprisoned or restrained, against his will and
               beyond his control, by a third party, all salary and
               benefits under this Agreement shall continue until such time
               as the Corporation may reasonably make determination that
               Executive is unlikely to return to his position.  At that
               time, the Corporation may elect to make payment to
               Executive's designated beneficiary in accordance with
               Section 6 (D).

     7.   This is a personal agreement.  No Executive's rights, benefits or
          interests hereunder may be subject to sale, anticipation,
          alienation, assignment, encumbrance, charge, pledge
          hypothecation, transfer, or set-off in respect of any claim,
          debt, or obligation or to execution, attachment, levy or similar
          process, or assignment by operation of law.  Any attempt,
          voluntary or involuntary, to effect any such action shall be
          null, void and of no effect.


     8.   The Executive shall be entitled to accept a position as a
          director of other corporations, whether such corporation is
          engaged in the mining industry or not, provided such directorship
          is first approved by the Board of Directors.


     9.   The Corporation represents to the Executive and the Executive may
          rely on such representations and warranties in entering into this
          Agreement as follows:

          (1)  The common shares of Gold Reserve Corporation are listed for
               trading on NASDAQ and The Toronto Stock Exchange.

          (2)  The financial statements, reports, and other information
               provided by the Corporation and its respective officers
               constitute complete and accurate disclosure of the status of
               the affairs of Gold Reserve Corporation and do not know of
               any other information, which if disclosed to the Executive,
               might reasonably be expected to cause the Executive to
               refrain from accepting employment with the Corporation or
               affect the value of Gold Reserve Corporation shares.


     10.  Cause to terminate the Executive's employment shall mean (a) the
          wilful and continued failure by the Executive to perform his
          duties in breach of a fiduciary duty imposed by his current
          position with the Corporation, (b) the wilful engaging by the
          Executive of misconduct which is materially injurious to the
          Corporation, monetarily or otherwise, or (c) the wilful violation
          by the Executive of the provisions of this Agreement, or (d) for
          any other "Cause" as determined in accordance with the laws of 
          the State of Washington.

     11.  The parties hereto agree that this Agreement and the performance
          hereunder and all suits and special proceedings hereunder be
          construed in accordance with and under and pursuant to the laws
          of the State of Washington, and that in any action, special
          proceedings or other proceeding that may be brought arising out
          of, in connection with, or by reason of this Agreement, the laws
          of the State of Washington shall be applicable and shall govern
          to the exclusion of the law under any other forum, without regard
          to the jurisdiction in which any action or special proceeding may
          be instituted.


     12.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the
          benefit of the Corporation, its successors or assigns and the
          personal representative, heirs, executors and administrators of
          the Executive.


     13.  Executive agrees that except as required for the performance of
          his duties, obligations and responsibilities hereunder, he will
          not at any time during the term of this Agreement or thereafter
          divulge to any person, firm or corporation any confidential
          information received by him during the course of his employment
          and all such confidential information shall be kept confidential
          and deemed the property of Corporation.  For the purpose of this
          provision, confidential information means, information known to
          the Executive as a consequence of his employment by Corporation
          and not generally known in the industry in which the Corporation
          is engaged or otherwise available to third parties from sources
          unrelated to or controlled by Corporation. 


     14.  In the event  that the Company does not have sufficient assets to
          complete  the terms of this Agreement, this contract will be null
          and void.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have  executed  this Agreement  at
     Spokane, Washington on the day and year first above written.


     By: Rockne J. Timm, President 
     and CEO


     --------------------------------   ---------------------------------
     By:  James P. Geyer                Witness

     Named beneficiary of the Executive is                                ,
     wife of the Executive.                ------------------------------