
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1934

(Mark One)

      ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999


      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from _____________________
      to _____________________________

                         COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 1-14601
                              ARCH CHEMICALS, INC.

           Virginia                                     06-1526315

         501 Merritt 7                                      06851
          Norwalk, CT                                    (ZIP CODE)



                                                   NAME OF EACH EXCHANGE
       TITLE OF EACH CLASS                          ON WHICH REGISTERED
       -------------------                         ---------------------
          Common Stock                            New York Stock Exchange
Series A Participating Cumulative                 New York Stock Exchange
 Preferred Stock Purchase Rights


     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant  was required to file such  reports) and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes _X_ No ___.

     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K: [_]

     As of January 31, 2000, the aggregate  market value of registrant's  common
stock held by non-affiliates of registrant was approximately $359,920,104.

     As of January 31, 2000, 22,538,963, shares of the registrant's common stock
were outstanding.


                     IN THIS FORM 10-K AS INDICATED HEREIN:

                                                              PART OF 10-K
               DOCUMENT                                  INTO WHICH INCORPORATED
               --------                                  -----------------------
Proxy Statement relating to Arch's 2000
Annual Meeting of Shareholders                                  Part III


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                    FORM 10-K

                                     PART I

                                                                        PAGE NO.
Item 1   Business .........................................................    1
Item 2   Properties .......................................................    7
Item 3   Legal Proceedings ................................................    9
Item 4   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders ..............   10

                                     PART II

Item 5   Market for Registrant's Common Equity
              and Related Stockholder Matters                                 12
Item 6   Selected Financial Data ..........................................   12
Item 7   Management's Discussion and Analysis of
              Financial Condition and Results of Operations                   13
Item 7A  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures
              about Market Risk                                               22
Item 8   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data ......................   24
Item 9   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants
              on Accounting and Financial Disclosure                          44

                                    PART III

Item 10  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant ...............   44
Item 11  Executive Compensation ...........................................   44
Item 12  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
              and Management                                                  44
Item 13  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions ...................   44

                                     PART IV

Item 14  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K ..  44

                                     PART I



     Arch  Chemicals,  Inc.  ("Arch" or the "Company") is a specialty  chemicals
manufacturer  which  supplies  value  added  products  and  services  to several
industries  on a  worldwide  basis,  including  the  consumer  products  and the
semiconductor industries. The principal businesses in which the Company competes
are microelectronic  chemicals,  water chemicals and performance chemicals.  The
Company's  ability  and  willingness  to provide  superior  levels of  technical
customer support, the manufacturing  flexibility of many of its facilities,  and
the cultivation of close customer  relationships  are the common skills on which
the Company relies in servicing its global markets and customers.

     The Company was organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia on
August 25, 1998 as a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Olin  Corporation  ("Olin") for
the purpose of effecting a tax-free  distribution of Olin's  Specialty  Chemical
Businesses  ("Distribution")  to the  shareholders  of  Olin.  The  Distribution
occurred on February 8, 1999 ("Distribution Date") upon which the Company became
a separate,  independent  company. In the Distribution,  for every two shares of
Olin Common Stock held by a  shareholder  of record as of February 1, 1999,  the
shareholder  received one share of the Company's  Common Stock ("Common  Stock")
(such one share for every two being the "Distribution Ratio").

     Information  as to  sales  and  income  (loss)  of,  and the  total  assets
attributable  to, each of the  Company's  segments  as of the last three  fiscal
years  appears  in Note 9  "Segment  Reporting"  to the  Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial Statements contained in Item 8 of Part II of this Report.

     The term  "Company"  as used  herein  means Arch  Chemicals,  Inc.  and its
subsidiaries unless the context indicates otherwise.


     In   September   1999,   the  Company   purchased   the   hydroquinone   di
(beta-hydroxyethyl) ether ("HQEE") business of Eastman Chemical Company. HQEE is
an  aromatic  chain  extender  used  in  high   performance   applications   for
thermoplastic urethanes and cast elastomers.

     On October 28, 1999,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  approved a stock
repurchase  program,  whereby  the Company is  authorized  to buy back up to 1.2
million shares of its Common Stock,  representing  approximately five percent of
its then outstanding shares.  Shares are expected to be repurchased from time to
time in the open market, or otherwise, as conditions warrant.


     The Company's principal products and services fall within three businesses:
microelectronic  chemicals,  water  chemicals  and  performance  chemicals.  For
financial information about each of the Company's industry segments, and foreign
and domestic and export  sales,  see Note 9 "Segment  Reporting" to the Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements contained in Item 8 of Part II of this Report.
The principal products of each business are described below.


     The Company  manufactures  and supplies a range of products and services to
semiconductor  manufacturers and to flat panel display manufacturers  throughout
the world.

     The Company manufactures a wide range of photoresist and ancillary products
encompassing negative, g-line, i-line and 248nm deep UV technologies to meet the
constantly  evolving  needs  of the  semiconductor  industry.  The  Company  has
recently  announced  new  products  based on two new  series  of  248nm  deep UV
resists,  new  advanced  i-line  products and  environmentally-friendly  residue
removers  and has  begun  sampling  both  thin  imaging  systems  (TIS2000)  and
single-layer  193nm  resist  materials.  The  current  focus of the  photoresist
research and development


efforts is aimed at evolving the technology  platforms underlying these products
through modification of the respective materials chemistries to meet the ongoing
demands  of  the  semiconductor  industry.  The  Company  is  pursuing  advanced
photoresist  development through internal  development,  strategic alliances and
licensing agreements.

     The microelectronic chemicals sold by the Company also include a variety of
high  purity  acids,  bases,  oxidizers,  etchants  and  solvents  (collectively
referred to as "process chemicals"). The industry structure in which the process
chemicals  business  operates  results  in low  profitability  at  present.  Its
customer  group is  concentrated  and enjoys  significant  purchasing  leverage.
Manufacturing  overcapacity exists and, unless the industry  rationalizes,  will
exist in the foreseeable  future.  This results in  unsatisfactory  pricing.  In
addition,  the industry  suffers from  inefficiencies  in  manufacturing,  asset
utilization, logistics, research and development, and selling and administrative

     Another  microelectronic  chemical  product line,  referred to as thin film
systems,  includes film deposition  precursors,  dopants,  chlorine  sources and
chemical delivery equipment.

     In  addition  to the  range  of  products  offered,  the  Company  provides
semiconductor  manufacturers  with a variety of chemical usage related services,
known as  chemical  management  services,  including  inventory  management  and
chemical handling.

     The Company's  microelectronic  chemicals  business  competes against other
suppliers on the basis of performance,  product quality, service, technology and
pricing. The Company has a broad patent portfolio  encompassing the technologies
underlying  the design of its  products  which the Company  believes  provides a
competitive  advantage  against  other  suppliers.   The  Company  enhances  its
technological  competitive  advantage by entering into  technology  licenses and
joint  development  agreements  with third parties to meet the rapidly  evolving
needs of the  semiconductor  industry.  Numerous programs have been implemented,
are planned or are in progress  which are expected to improve the cost structure
and are  designed  to make  this  business  a low cost  industry  supplier.  The
Company's  extensive  product  line  and  global   infrastructure  are  distinct
advantages  that enhance its  competitiveness.  This  enables  this  business to
service  virtually all  semiconductor  industry wet chemical  requirements  on a
worldwide basis.  Product performance and quality and the technology  associated
with quality are generally considered an industry prerequisite. The high quality
standards  of the  semiconductor  industry  serve as a hurdle,  which  limit the
number of new entrants as suppliers to the market.

     The  Company's  microelectronic  chemicals  are sold on a  direct  basis or
through independent third party  distributors.  Chemical management services are
offered on a direct basis only.


     The Company manufactures and sells chemicals and distributes equipment on a
worldwide basis for the  sanitization  and  recreational  use of residential and
commercial pool water,  and the purification of potable water. The Company sells
both calcium hypochlorite and chlorinated  isocyanurates for the sanitization of
residential  and  commercial  pool  water.  The  Company is a leading  worldwide
producer of calcium hypochlorite with 65% to 70% available chlorine. The Company
has a competitive advantage through ownership of the J3 technology which enables
it to produce calcium hypochlorite with superior dissolving  characteristics and
75% available  chlorine as compared to calcium  hypochlorite  with 65% available
chlorine.  The Company  owns  widely  recognized  brand  names for both  calcium
hypochlorite  (HTH(R)) and chlorinated  isocyanurates  (Pace(R)).  The Company's
water  chemical  products  are sold  under a variety of brand  names,  including
Company-owned trademarks such as Sock-It(R),  Super Sock-It(R),  Duration(R) and
Pulsar(R). The Company's water chemical products are also distributed as private
label brands. In addition to the pool water sanitizers, calcium hypochlorite and
chlorinated isocyanurates, the Company sells ancillary chemicals and accessories
for the maintenance and recreational use of residential and commercial pools.

     The Company's water chemical  products are also sold in the municipal water
market  for the  purification  of  potable  water.  The  Company  sells  calcium
hypochlorite to purify potable water mainly in a number of countries outside the
U.S. The Company has plans to expand its presence in the municipal  water market
both domestically and internationally.

     In 1999,  approximately  78% of the  Company's  water  chemical  sales were
within North  America,  and the  remaining 22% were  throughout  the rest of the
world. In North America, the Company sells water chemical products


either directly to retail or through independent third party  distributors.  The
Company also has subsidiaries and ownership interests in joint ventures in South
Africa and Brazil which manufacture and distribute calcium hypochlorite to local

     In addition to the  manufacture  and sale of water  chemicals,  the Company
distributes chemicals, equipment, parts and accessories for pools mainly through
two wholly-owned subsidiaries. One subsidiary,  Superior Pool Products, Inc., is
headquartered  in Anaheim,  California  with 19  locations  throughout  Arizona,
California and Nevada. Another subsidiary,  Hydrochim,  S.A., located in France,
distributes  chemicals and equipment throughout Europe. The Company is currently
pursuing a sale of Superior Pool Products, Inc.


     The Company's  performance  chemicals  business consists of the manufacture
and sale of a broad range of products  with  diverse end uses.  The  performance
chemicals sold by the Company are critical to the  performance  and value of the
customer's end use products.  As a result,  there is a high level of operational
integration  with  many  customers.   The  performance   chemicals  business  is
characterized  by technology  driven  product  solutions  that benefit  specific
customers and provide manufacturing  flexibility.  In addition,  the business is
characterized by close customer  relationships  with entities who are leaders in
the  markets  in  which  they  compete.   The  flexibility   afforded  by  batch
manufacturing  in some  operations  combined  with  the  Company's  ability  and
willingness to provide superior  technical  support enables it to respond to the
specific  needs of a  diverse  group of  customers.  This  gives  the  Company a
competitive advantage over competitors whose manufacturing processes and related
cost structure  constrain  their ability to respond cost  effectively to smaller
volume customers. Customers, however, include industry leaders such as Procter &
Gamble, Unilever and Uniroyal.

     The Company's performance chemicals business manufactures flexible polyols,
specialty  polyols,  urethane  systems and glycols and glycol  ethers.  Flexible
polyols,  which  are  used  in the  furniture,  bedding,  carpet  and  packaging
industries,   are  manufactured  by  the  Company's   wholly-owned,   Venezuelan
subsidiary,  Etoxyl, C.A., for South American markets.  Specialty polyols, which
are used as an ingredient  for  elastomers,  adhesives,  coatings,  sealants and
rigid foam, are  manufactured  at the Company's  Brandenburg,  Kentucky site, as
well as by its Venezuelan subsidiary. The Brandenburg facility also manufactures
glycols and glycol ethers for use as an  ingredient  in cleaners,  personal care
products and antifreeze and provides custom manufacturing of specialty chemicals
for a small group of companies.

     The performance  chemicals business also manufactures biocides that control
the  growth of  micro-organisms,  particularly  fungi  and  algae,  and  control
dandruff on the scalp.  All of the biocide  products are marketed under the well
recognized  trademarks,  Omadine(R),  Omacide(R) and Triadine(R)  biocides.  The
majority of the biocide chemicals produced by the Company are based on the zinc,
sodium and  copper  salts of the  pyrithione  molecule.  These  pyrithione-based
biocides  include over twenty  products with differing  concentrates,  forms and
salts and the Company is a worldwide  leader in these  biocide  products.  Other
biocide chemicals are based on iodopropargyl-n-butylcarbamate  ("IPBC"), a broad
spectrum fungicide, and serves the metalworking fluids and coatings markets. The
IPBC-based  biocides  currently  consist of five  variations  with others in the
development  stages.  Biocides  make up a small  portion of the  customers'  end
products,  and therefore must be highly effective at low  concentrations as well
as  compatible  with the  formulation's  other  components.  Meeting the biocide
customer's  needs requires a high degree of technical  support and the expertise
to do business in a highly regulated environment.  The Company's ability to meet
these  needs makes it a preferred  supplier  in the high  growth,  anti-dandruff
market. The Company is also uniquely  positioned as the only pyrithione supplier
with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registrations for metalworking fluids,
coatings and anti-foulant paints. The manufacturing  flexibility of the biocides
assets  also  permits the Company to offer fine  chemical  custom  manufacturing

     The  Company's  performance  chemicals  business  also  supplies  hydrazine
hydrates  as well as  propellant  grade  hydrazine  and  hydrazine  derivatives.
Hydrazine  hydrate products are sold for use in chemical  blowing agents,  water
treatment chemicals,  agricultural  products,  pharmaceutical  intermediates and
other chemical  products.  Hydrazine  hydrates are produced at its Lake Charles,
Louisiana  production  facility.  The hydrazine hydrates are supplied in various
concentrations,  ranging from 51-100%,  and packaging containers including bulk,
tote bins and drums.


     The performance chemicals business also supplies propellant grade hydrazine
and  hydrazine  derivatives  for use as fuel in  satellites,  expendable  launch
vehicles and  auxiliary  and  emergency  power  units.  These  propellant  grade
hydrazine  products include Ultra PureTM Hydrazine  (UPH),  anhydrous  hydrazine
(AH),  unsymmetrical  dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH),  monomethyl hydrazine (MMH) and
hydrazine fuel blends.  In addition to space-related  applications in satellites
and launch vehicles,  auxiliary power from hydrazine-driven units is supplied to
the NASA Space  Shuttle  for  maneuvering  its  rocket  engine  nozzles  and for
operating  valves,  control  surfaces,  brakes and  landing  gear on the Shuttle
Orbiter.  Emergency  power from  hydrazine is also provided to jet aircraft like
the F-16 to operate  electrical  and  hydraulic  units in the event of an engine
flameout.  The Company  also  supplies  launch  services  and special  packaging
containers  including  cylinders  to improve  the safe  handling  and storage of
propellants and to reduce launch costs.

     The  Company's  performance  chemicals  business  is also a major  regional
supplier of sulfuric acid  regeneration  services and virgin sulfuric acid sales
to the U.S. Gulf Coast market with manufacturing facilities located in Beaumont,
Texas  and  Shreveport,   Louisiana.  The  Company  supplies  sulfuric  acid  to
refineries  for  their  petroleum  alkylation  process  and to  pulp  and  paper
manufacturers  for use as a reagent for chlorine  dioxide  generation  and water
treatment neutralization for pH control.


     No single  customer has accounted for more than 10% of the Company's  total
annual sales over the last three fiscal years.  The  Company's  customer base is
diverse  and   includes   semiconductor   manufacturers,   flat  panel   display
manufacturers,  world-renowned consumer product companies, national and regional
chemical and equipment  distributors,  other chemical manufacturers and the U.S.


     The  Company  utilizes a variety of raw  materials  in the  manufacture  of
products  for  its  three  businesses.  The  Company  has  not  experienced  any
difficulty  in securing raw  materials.  Outlined  below are the  principal  raw
materials for the product businesses. The majority of the Company's raw material
requirements  are purchased and many are provided under the terms and conditions
of written agreements.

     MICROELECTRONIC   CHEMICALS.   The   principal   raw   materials   for  the
microelectronic  chemicals  business include sulfuric acid,  hydrofluoric  acid,
nitric acid,  phosphoric acid,  hydrochloric acid,  hydrogen peroxide,  ammonia,
isopropyl alcohol,  acetone,  tetraethylorthosilicate  (TEOS),  dichloroethylene
(DCE),     trichloroethane    (TCA),     phosphorous     oxychloride    (POCL3),
hexamethyldisilazone  (HMDS),  custom  polymers,  photoinitiators,  tetra methyl
ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) and custom polyimide resins and photosensitizers.

     WATER CHEMICALS. The  principal  raw  materials  for  the  water  chemicals
business  include  chlorine,  caustic soda, lime and chlorinated  isocyanurates.
Chlorine  and  caustic  soda  are  provided  by  Olin  pursuant  to a long  term
chlor-alkali  supply  agreement  with  Olin and with  respect  to the  Company's
Charleston  facility,  are  delivered  via a  pipeline  from the  adjacent  Olin
facility.  The balance of the raw materials are purchased  from other  suppliers
and are readily available.

     PERFORMANCE  CHEMICALS.  The raw  materials for the  performance  chemicals
business include a variety of chemicals  including  propylene,  propylene oxide,
ethylene oxide, pyridine,  iodine, propargyl butyl carbamate,  chlorine, caustic
soda,  sulfur and ammonia.  For this segment,  propylene is the most significant
raw material and is subject to price volatility.

     Electricity   is  the   predominant   energy   source  for  the   Company's
manufacturing  facilities and is primarily  supplied to the Company by public or
government  utilities.  Natural gas used for steam  production  is an  important
energy  source for many of the  Company's  manufacturing  sites and is purchased
from multiple suppliers.


     The Company's research  activities are conducted at a number of facilities.
Company-sponsored  research  expenditures  were  approximately  $17.7 million in
1999, $16.2 million in 1998 and $21.1 million in 1997.


     In general,  intellectual  property is important to the Company, but no one
technology, patent, or license or group thereof related to a specific process or
product  is of  material  importance  to the  Company  as a whole.  The  Company
believes  that its  broad  patent  portfolio  in the  microelectronic  chemicals
segment provides a sustainable  competitive advantage for that product line. The
Company  owns  three  process  patents  for  the  technology   relating  to  the
manufacture of J3 calcium  hypochlorite  which are  materially  important to the
water  chemicals  business.  One of these patents expires in 2010 and the others
expire in 2009. The Company owns a patent covering a process for producing Ultra
PureTM hydrazine,  the world's purest grade of anhydrous hydrazine,  which makes
it the preferred propellant for monopropellant  satellite thruster applications.
This patent expires in 2006.


     Although  the  businesses  of the  Company as a whole are not  seasonal  in
nature,  approximately 40% of the sales in the water chemicals business occur in
the second quarter of the calendar year. The purchase of water chemical products
by consumers in the residential pool market is concentrated in the United States
between  Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. In addition,  the weather can also
have a significant effect on water chemical sales during any given year.


     The amount of backlog orders is immaterial to the Company as a whole.


     The Company's  performance  chemicals  business sells hydrazine to the U.S.
Government.  Consequently, as a government contractor, the Company is subject to
extensive and complex U.S.  Government  procurement laws and regulations.  These
laws and  regulations  provide  for  ongoing  government  audits and  reviews of
contract  procurement,  performance and administration.  Failure to comply, even
inadvertently,  with  these laws and  regulations  and with laws  governing  the
export of controlled  products and commodities  could subject the Company or one
or more of its  businesses  to civil and criminal  penalties  and under  certain
circumstances, suspension and debarment from future government contracts and the
exporting of products for a specified period of time.


     The Company's  microelectronic  chemicals,  water chemicals and performance
chemicals  businesses  are in highly  competitive  industries,  and the  Company
encounters  strong  competition  with respect to each of its product  lines from
other manufacturers worldwide. This competition, from other manufacturers of the
same products and from manufacturers of different products designed for the same
uses, is expected to continue in both U.S. and foreign markets. Depending on the
product involved, various types of competition are encountered, including price,
delivery,  service,  performance,  product  innovation,  product recognition and
quality.  Overall,  the  Company  regards  its  principal  product  groups to be
competitive with many other products of other producers, and believes that it is
an important producer of many such product groups.


     The Company's export sales from the United States to unaffiliated customers
were $63.1 million in 1999, $63.9 million in 1998 and $93.6 million in 1997. The
financial  information  about  geographic  areas  contained  in Note 9  "Segment
Reporting" to the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements found in Item 8
of Part II of this Report is incorporated herein by reference.


     As of December 31, 1999,  the Company had  approximately  3,100  employees,
approximately 740 of whom were working in foreign  countries.  Approximately 376
of  the  hourly  paid  employees  of the  Company  located  at its  Brandenburg,
Kentucky, Lake Charles,  Louisiana,  Shreveport,  Louisiana and Beaumont,  Texas
facilities are


represented for purposes of collective  bargaining,  by several  different labor
organizations and the Company is party to nine labor contracts  relating to such
employees.  These labor  contracts  extend for three- or  four-year  terms which
expire in the years 2000,  2001,  2002 and 2003.  No major work  stoppages  have
occurred in the last three years.  While  relations  between the Company and its
employees  and  their   various   representatives   are   generally   considered
satisfactory,  there can be no assurance that new labor contracts can be entered
into without work stoppages.


     The establishment and implementation of Federal,  state and local standards
to  regulate  air and  water  quality  and to govern  contamination  of land and
groundwater has affected, and will continue to affect,  substantially all of the
Company's manufacturing locations.  Federal legislation providing for regulation
of the  manufacture,  transportation,  use and disposal of  hazardous  and toxic
substances  has  imposed  additional  regulatory  requirements  on  industry  in
general,  and  particularly  on  the  chemicals  industry.   In  addition,   the
implementation  of  environmental  laws, such as the Resource  Conservation  and
Recovery Act, the Clean Air Act and the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,
Compensation  and Liability Act of 1980, as amended by the Superfund  Amendments
and  Reauthorization  Act of 1986, has required and will continue to require new
capital  expenditures  and will increase  operating  costs.  The Company employs
waste minimization and pollution prevention programs at its manufacturing sites.

     The Distribution Agreement, dated as of February 1, 1999 (the "Distribution
Agreement"),  between  the  Company  and  Olin  relating  to  the  Distribution,
specifies  that  the  Company  is only  responsible  for  certain  environmental
liabilities at the Company's current facilities and certain off-site locations.

     Associated costs of investigatory and remedial  activities are provided for
in  accordance  with  generally   accepted   accounting   principles   governing
probability  and the ability to reasonably  estimate  future  costs.  Charges to
income for  investigatory  and  remedial  efforts were not material to operating
results  in 1999,  1998 and 1997,  but may be  material  to net income in future
years.  In 1997, in connection  with the sale of the  surfactants  businesses to
BASF, a $2.3 million provision was recorded to provide for future  environmental
spending at the Brandenburg, Kentucky site.

     Cash outlays for  remedial and  investigatory  activities  associated  with
former waste sites and past  operations  were incurred by Olin. Cash outlays for
normal  plant  operations  for the  disposal  of  waste  and the  operation  and
maintenance of pollution  control  equipment and facilities to ensure compliance
with mandated and  voluntarily  imposed  environmental  quality  standards  were
charged to income.  Cash outlays for environmental  related  activities  totaled
$12.5 million in 1999,  $12.0 million in 1998 and $10.8 million in 1997.  During
1999,  $2.4 million  ($1.0  million in 1998;  $2.8 million in 1997) was spent on
capital projects, $9.7 million ($10.6 million in 1998; $8.0 million in 1997) was
spent on normal plant  operations,  and $0.4 million  ($0.4 million in 1998) was
spent  on  remedial  activities.   Historically,  the  Company  has  funded  its
environmental capital expenditures through cash flow from operations and expects
to do so in the future.

     The Company's  consolidated  balance sheets included liabilities for future
environmental expenditures to investigate and remediate known sites amounting to
$2.4 million at December 31, 1999 and $2.8 million at December 31, 1998,  all of
which were  classified as other  noncurrent  liabilities.  These amounts did not
take into account any discounting of future  expenditures,  any consideration of
insurance  recoveries  or any  advances in  technology.  These  liabilities  are
reassessed periodically to determine if environmental circumstances have changed
or if the costs of remediation  efforts can be better estimated.  As a result of
these  reassessments,  future  charges  to  income  may be made  for  additional

     Annual  environmental-related  cash  outlays  for  site  investigation  and
remediation,  capital projects and normal plant operations are expected to range
from $10 to $15 million over the next several years.  While the Company does not
anticipate  a  material   increase  in  the   projected   annual  level  of  its
environmental-related costs, there is always the possibility that such increases
may  occur  in  the  future  in  view  of  the  uncertainties   associated  with
environmental  exposures.  Environmental  exposures  are difficult to assess for
numerous reasons,  including the  identification  of new sites,  developments at
sites resulting from investigatory studies,  advances in technology,  changes in
environmental  laws and  regulations  and their  application,  the  scarcity  of
reliable data  pertaining to identified  sites,  the difficulty in assessing the
involvement and financial  capability of other potentially  responsible  parties
and the  Company's  ability to obtain  contributions  from other parties and the
lengthy time periods over which site remediation occurs.



     The table below sets forth the  locations  where the Company  conducts  its
business and a brief description of the activities  conducted at each identified
location. A more detailed  description of the Company's principal  manufacturing
facilities  follows the table.  The Company  believes  that its  facilities  are
sufficiently  maintained  and suitable and adequate for its immediate  needs and
that additional  space is available to accommodate  expansion.  Unless otherwise
noted below, the identified location is owned by the Company.

     LOCATION                    PRIMARY ACTIVITIES
     --------                    ------------------
McIntosh, Alabama(1)             Blending and storage facility for performance
Chandler, Arizona(2)             Warehouse and office facility for
                                 microelectronic chemicals
Mesa, Arizona                    Manufacturing facility for microelectronic
Anaheim, California(2)           Office and warehouse space for water chemicals
Cheshire, Connecticut(3)         Research and development facility and offices
Norwalk, Connecticut(2)          Corporate headquarters
Bethalto, Illinois(2)            Corporate data center
Naperville, Illinois(2)          Water chemicals service center
Brandenburg, Kentucky            Manufacturing facility for microelectronic and
                                 performance chemicals
Lake Charles, Louisiana          Manufacturing facility for performance
Shreveport, Louisiana            Manufacturing facility for performance
Rochester, New York              Manufacturing facility for performance
East Providence, Rhode Island    Manufacturing facility and materials research
                                 center for microelectronic chemicals
North Kingston, Rhode Island     Manufacturing facility of microelectronic
                                 chemicals; North American technical support
                                 center; new product development center for
                                 microelectronic chemicals
Charleston, Tennessee(1)         Manufacturing facility for water chemicals
Beaumont, Texas                  Manufacturing facility for performance
Zwijndrecht, Belgium(1)          Manufacturing facility for microelectronic
                                 chemicals and European technical support center
Igarassu, Brazil                 Facility of a joint venture for the manufacture
                                 of water chemicals
Salto, Brazil                    Repackaging facility for water chemicals and
                                 manufacturing facility for performance
Amboise, France                  Repackaging, distribution and warehouse
                                 facility for water chemicals
Swords, Ireland                  Manufacturing facility for performance
Kempton Park, South Africa       Facility of a joint venture for the manufacture
                                 of water chemicals
Maracaibo, Venezuela             Manufacturing facility for performance

- ----------
(1)  Land is leased.
(2)  Leased facility.
(3)  Subject to a contract of sale. If sold, will become a leased facility.

     The  Company  also  leases   several   warehouse   facilities  in  Arizona,
California,  Idaho,  Nevada and Texas and  several  overseas  sales  offices and


     The principal  manufacturing  properties of the Company described below are
all owned by the Company,  except for the land under the Belgium  facility which
is leased until 2041, the land under the McIntosh plant and Charleston  facility
which are  being  leased  from  Olin and  except  for  properties  held by joint
ventures as noted below.

     MCINTOSH,  ALABAMA. The  Company's  facility  located in  McIntosh, Alabama
blends,  packages  and  stores  propellant  grade  hydrazine  products.  Special
hydrazine fuel blends are produced as the principal  propellant for several U.S.
Air Force launch vehicle programs including the Titan and Delta rockets.


     MESA, ARIZONA. The Company has a state-of-the-art  microelectronic chemical
manufacturing facility in Mesa, Arizona. This facility  manufactures,  purifies,
formulates  and packages  extensive  product lines of ultra high purity  process
chemicals.  This facility is ISO 9002-certified. A second facility for thin film
systems was constructed at Mesa in 1999.

     In  addition  to  manufacturing  operations,   the  Company  has  extensive
analytical testing,  applications testing and warehousing  capabilities for both
process  and thin film  chemicals  at the Mesa plant  site.  Current  operations
occupy  approximately 30 acres of the 52 acre plant site. The remaining  acreage
is available for future expansions.

     BRANDENBURG,  KENTUCKY. The ISO 9002-certified  Brandenburg plant covers an
area of 200  acres,  surrounded  by 1,200  acres of land which  provides  both a
buffer zone and expansion capability.  The plant contains multiple manufacturing
facilities  producing  a wide  range of  products.  Many of these  products  are
derivatives  of ethylene  oxide and propylene  oxide.  A broad line of specialty
polyols  are  produced  in a  flexible  batch  facility  and sold into  urethane
coatings, adhesives, sealant and elastomer applications.  Chemical intermediates
for the Company's  microelectronic materials business are produced in a separate
manufacturing  facility  dedicated  to this  purpose.  There is a  research  and
development  center at the site which  supports the  development  and  technical
service needs of the polyol and glycol products and new product scale up for the
microelectronics  business.  Ethylene  oxide is  produced  on site in a facility
owned by Sun Company and  operated by the  Company.  The Company  also  operates
other  facilities on the site to produce  commodity and specialty  chemicals for
third parties under long-term contractual arrangements.

     LAKE CHARLES,  LOUISIANA.  The Company's  facility located in Lake Charles,
Louisiana consists of three manufacturing  plants that produce various hydrazine
products.  One ISO 9002-certified  plant, built in 1979, produces solution grade
hydrazine  products  for  use  in  chemical  blowing  agents,   water  treatment
chemicals,   agricultural  products,   pharmaceutical  intermediates  and  other
chemical products.  A second ISO 9002-certified  plant, built in 1953,  produces
propellant  grade  hydrazine  products  including   anhydrous   hydrazine  (AH),
unsymmetrical  dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH) and monomethyl  hydrazine (MMH) for use
as fuel in satellites,  expendable  launch  vehicles and auxiliary  power units.
Additional equipment of the Company at this site produces propellant grade Ultra
PureTM  Hydrazine (UPH),  the world's purest grade of anhydrous  hydrazine,  for
satellite propulsion.

     SHREVEPORT,  LOUISIANA.  This ISO 9002-certified  plant produces industrial
grade  virgin  sulfuric  acid for  delivery to the U.S.  Gulf Coast and provides
regeneration  services  primarily to local  refineries.  In addition,  this site
provides   alternative  fuel  burning  services  and  markets  sodium  bisulfite

     ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. This facility manufactures a large number of chemicals
for the specialty chemicals industry.  Many of these chemicals are biocides used
to control the growth of  microorganisms,  particularly,  fungi and algae and to
control dandruff on the scalp. The largest 2-chloropyridine  production facility
in the world is located here.  2-Chloropyridine  is the key intermediate used to
produce the Company's Omadine(R) biocides. These products are based on the salts
of the pyrithione  molecule.  The Company  manufactures  over a dozen pyrithione
products  at this  site by  modifying  these  salts  by  concentration,  form or
combining them with other biocides.  The Company's Triadine(R) brand of biocides
is a combination  of pyrithione  and triazine,  a bactericide  purchased  from a
supplier.  This facility also produces the Omacide(R) IPBC brand, which is based
upon  iodopropargyl-n-butylcarbamate  (IPBC),  a  broad-spectrum  fungicide.  In
addition,  this facility also  manufactures  several  chemicals  custom-made for
specific customers for widely diverse markets.

     EAST PROVIDENCE,  RHODE ISLAND. This ISO 9001-certified facility is located
in an industrial park in East  Providence,  Rhode Island.  Originally built as a
materials  research  center  in  1974,  the  facility  was  expanded  in 1984 to
manufacture photoresists, photoresist developers, and photoresist strippers used
in the  semiconductor  industry.  The  materials  research  center  at this site
develops new compounds used in the  manufacture of photoactive  products and has
on-site  capabilities for chemical synthesis,  testing, and product formulation.
This capability  allows for rapid  commercialization  of new technologies and is
augmented  by  scale-up  facilities  at  the  Brandenburg,  Kentucky  site.  The
manufacturing plant at the site receives raw materials,  formulates, filters and
packages  finished  goods in a high  purity,  clean  environment.  Full  quality
control  capabilities  are  located  on-site  or at  the  nearby  Quonset  Point
facility. The high degree of flexibility required to custom manufacture specific
products is maintained through the number of multiple sized formulation  vessels
available here.

     NORTH KINGSTON, RHODE ISLAND. This ISO 9001-certified  facility is  located
in a  new  industrial  park  in North Kingston,  Rhode  Island   (Quonset  Point
Industrial Park) which originally housed a distribution warehouse. A new


state-of-the-art  manufacturing  facility  and  product  development  center for
advanced   photoresists   has  been  built   on-site  to  expand  the  Company's
capabilities  in  the   development  and  manufacture  of  advanced   technology
photoresists.  A  technical  service  center is located  on-site  with  advanced
photolithography  equipment  identical to that of the customer base and provides
technical  service  support to North America.  The equipment is also used by the
advanced  product  development  groups to develop  state-of-the-art  products in
anticipation  of customer  requirements.  The  manufacturing  plant receives raw
materials and formulates,  filters and packages finished goods in a high purity,
clean environment.  Full test capabilities are located on-site.  The high degree
of flexibility  required to custom  manufacture  specific products is maintained
through  the  number of  multiple  sized  formulation  vessels  available  here.
Packaging and  manufacturing  facilities  were designed for a new  generation of
purity requirements.

     CHARLESTON, TENNESSEE. The Company's ISO 9002-certified facility located in
Charleston,  Tennessee produces,  packages,  and stores calcium hypochlorite for
the water chemicals business. There are two distinct manufacturing operations at
this site. One produces the Company's 65% (nominal)  available  chlorine product
while the other produces the Company's  patented,  75% high  available  chlorine
product.  Products are packaged into containers that range in size from 5 pounds
to 2,000  pounds per  container.  The site also stores as much as 10-14  million
pounds of product during peak periods.

     BEAUMONT,  TEXAS. The Company's  facility is a major regional  manufacturer
and supplier of industrial grade virgin sulfuric acid to the U.S. Gulf Coast and
provides regeneration services primarily to local refineries.  In addition,  the
Company  provides  limited  alternative  waste fuel burning services and markets
sodium  bisulfite  solution.  This facility has achieved and maintained ISO 9002
certification since 1993.

     ZWIJNDRECHT, BELGIUM. The original facility located in Zwijndrecht, Belgium
has been operational since 1993 and primarily manufactures,  tests, and provides
technical  support for  photoresists,  photoresist  developers,  and photoresist
strippers used in the semiconductor industry. In 1998, the facility was expanded
to  manufacture  and test high purity acids,  etchants,  and thin film chemicals
also  used  in  the  semiconductor  industry.  This  expanded  facility  is  ISO
9002-certified.  A  technical  service  center is also  located on the site with
photolithography  equipment  identical to that of the customer base and provides
technical service support to European customers.

     IGARASSU,  BRAZIL. The Company's facility located in Igarassu,  Brazil is a
joint venture  operation  (Nordesclor  S.A.) that produces and packages  calcium
hypochlorite  for the water chemicals  business within Brazil.  Products for the
swimming  pool  market  and the water  treatment  market  are  manufactured  and
packaged at this site.  The  Company  also has a small  repackaging  facility in
Salto,  Brazil.  The Salto  facility also blends and  manufactures  products for
performance  chemicals.  This facility is currently  shared with Olin  Reductone

     SWORDS, IRELAND. This facility is located just north of Dublin, Ireland and
has been producing  biocides for over  twenty-five  years.  2-Chloropyridine  is
imported from the Company's  Rochester,  New York plant and converted into zinc,
copper and sodium salts of the  pyrithione  molecule.  The  finished  product is
shipped to customers in over fifty countries around the world.  This facility is
both ISO 9002- and ISO 14001-certified.

     KEMPTON PARK, SOUTH AFRICA. The Company's facility located in Kempton Park,
South Africa is a joint venture operation  (Aquachlor (Pty) Ltd.), that produces
and packages calcium  hypochlorite  for the water chemicals  business within the
Southern  Africa  region.  Products  for the swimming  pool and water  treatment
markets are also packaged at this site.

     MARACAIBO,   VENEZUELA.   The  Company's  ISO  9002-certified  facility  in
Venezuela  is a  multi-product  manufacturing  plant  producing a broad range of
polyols,  demulsifiers,  and specialty  surfactants to support regional markets.
Specialty polyols are also produced for local consumption and export.


     In connection with the Distribution,  the Company assumed substantially all
non-environmental  liabilities for legal  proceedings  relating to the Company's
businesses as conducted  prior to the  Distribution  Date.  In addition,  in the
normal course of business,  the Company is subject to proceedings,  lawsuits and
other  claims,  including  proceedings  under  laws and  regulations  related to
environmental  and  other  matters.   All  such  matters  are  subject  to  many
uncertainties and outcomes that are not predictable with assurance.  While these
matters could materially affect


operating  results when resolved in future periods,  it is management's  opinion
that after final disposition,  any monetary liability or financial impact to the
Company  beyond that provided in the  consolidated  balance sheet as of December
31, 1999 would not be  material  to the  Company's  financial  position,  annual
results of operations or cash flows.


     No matter was  submitted  to a vote of  security  holders  during the three
months ended December 31, 1999.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     The biographical information of the executive officers of the Company as of
March 1, 2000 are noted below.

     NAME AND AGE                      OFFICE
     -------------                     ------
     Michael E. Campbell (52)      Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
     Leon B. Anziano (57)          President and Chief Operating Officer
     Mark A. Killian (52)          Corporate Vice President, Human Resources
     Louis S. Massimo (42)         Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial
     Sarah A. O'Connor (40)        Corporate Vice President, General Counsel and
     W. Paul Bush (49)             Vice President and Treasurer
     Hayes Anderson (39)           Vice President and General Manager,
                                   Semiconductor Chemicals and Services
     Paul J. Craney (51)           Vice President, Strategic Development
     John E. Culbertson (45)       Vice President and General Manager, Biocides
     Roderick C. Flint (34)        Vice President and General Manager, Acids and
                                   Hydrazine and International Operations
     James P. LaCasse (48)         Vice President and General Manager,
     John J. Margherio (51)        Vice President and General Manager,
                                   Performance Urethanes and Organics
     James A. Rushton (50)         Vice President and General Manager, Water
     Alfred C. Schmidt (54)        Vice President, Information Technology
     Carl G. Seefried (55)         Vice President and Chief Technologist
     Charles W. Shaver (41)        Vice President, Operations
     Steven C. Giuliano (30)       Controller

     No family  relationship  exists  between any of the above  named  executive
officers or between any of them and any Director of the Company.  Such  officers
were elected or appointed to serve as such,  subject to the Bylaws,  until their
respective successors are chosen.

     Mr. Campbell was elected Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  Officer
on February 7, 1999. Prior to the Distribution,  he was Executive Vice President
of Olin and had global management  responsibility  for all of Olin's businesses.
Prior to his  election as an Executive  Vice  President  of Olin,  Mr.  Campbell
served as President of Olin's Microelectronic  Materials Division. Prior to that
time and  since  1987,  he  served as Olin's  Corporate  Vice  President,  Human

     Mr. Anziano was elected  President and Chief Operating  Officer on February
7, 1999. Prior to the Distribution and since April 1993, he was a Corporate Vice
President of Olin and since April 30, 1998 had the title of President  Specialty
Chemicals  at Olin.  Since  1988,  he served  Olin in the  following  management
capacities:  Group Vice President & General Manager, Industrial Chemicals; Group
Vice President & General  Manager,  Urethanes;  and President,  Basic  Chemicals
Division.  Mr.  Anziano has  announced  his intention to retire from the Company
effective mid-2000.

     Mr.  Killian was elected  Corporate  Vice  President,  Human  Resources  on
February 7, 1999.  Prior to the  Distribution,  Mr.  Killian served as Director,
Human Resources for Olin since his appointment in February 1991.

     Mr.  Massimo was elected a Corporate  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial
Officer on January 27, 1999. Prior to the Distribution,  he served as Controller
of Olin since April 1, 1996 and, in addition,  a Corporate Vice President  since
January 1, 1997.  Since  November  1994 until  April  1996,  he served as Olin's
Director of Corporate Accounting. Prior to November 1994, he was an Audit Senior
Manager for KPMG LLP.


     Ms.  O'Connor was elected  Corporate Vice  President,  General  Counsel and
Secretary on February 7, 1999.  She was elected a Vice  President of the Company
on October  13, 1998 when the Company  was a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Olin.
Prior to the  Distribution  and  since  1995,  Ms.  O'Connor  served  as  Olin's
Director, Planning and Development.  Ms. O'Connor became an Associate Counsel in
the Olin Corporate Legal  Department in 1989 and was promoted to Counsel in 1992
and to Senior Counsel in January 1995.

     Mr. Bush was  elected  Treasurer  on February 7, 1999 and also  appointed a
Vice President on that date.  Prior to the Distribution and since February 1998,
Mr. Bush was a consultant to Olin. Prior to February 1998, and since March 1994,
he was Vice President, Treasurer and then Vice President, Investments of Johnson
& Higgins,  an insurance  brokerage and benefits consulting firm. Prior to 1994,
he held various managerial positions, including Vice President and Treasurer and
Vice President, Financial Planning and Analysis for Squibb Corporation.

     Mr.   Anderson  was  appointed   Vice   President   and  General   Manager,
Semiconductor  Chemicals  and  Services on June 8, 1999.  Prior to that time and
since February 19, 1999, Mr. Anderson was Business  Director,  Process Chemicals
and  Chemical  Management  Services.  Prior to serving as Business  Director and
prior to the Distribution,  Mr. Anderson served as Business Director,  Chemicals
Management  Services  of Olin  since  1995  and from  1993 to 1995 was  Business
Manager, Chemical Management Services at Olin.

     Mr. Craney was appointed Vice  President,  Strategic  Development on August
31, 1999. From February 7, 1999 until August 30, 1999, he was Vice President and
General  Manager,  Urethane  Products.  Prior to the  Distribution and since May
1996, Mr. Craney served as Vice President and General Manager, Urethane Products
Chemicals  Division,  at Olin.  Prior to May 1996, he served as Vice  President,
Business Development and Materials Management Chemicals Division, at Olin.

     Mr.  Culbertson was appointed Vice President and General Manager,  Biocides
on March 1, 1999.  He joined the Company on February  25, 1999 and prior to that
time he served in various management capacities at Colgate Palmolive,  including
Director, Strategic Planning-Global (1998-1999),  General Manager, Colgate Costa
Rica (1995-1998) and Director, Marketing-Latin America (1994-1995).

     Mr. Flint was appointed Vice President and General  Manager,  Hydrazine and
Sulfuric  Acid on  February  7,  1999.  On  August  31,  1999,  he was given the
additional  title of General  Manager,  International  Operations.  Prior to the
Distribution  and since  January  1997,  Mr. Flint served as General  Manager of
Hydrazine  at Olin.  Prior to 1997 and since March  1996,  Mr.  Flint  served as
Olin's Manager of Planning and Development for Performance  Urethanes.  Prior to
March 1996 and since February 1995, he served as Olin's International  Marketing
Manager, Alphatic Diisocyanates.  Prior to February 1995 and since January 1994,
he served as Olin's Business Evaluator for Performance Urethanes.

     Mr. LaCasse was appointed Vice President and General Manager, Photopolymers
on February 7, 1999.  Prior to the  Distribution  and since  1996,  Mr.  LaCasse
served as Vice  President and General  Manager,  Photopolymers  at Olin and from
1991 to 1996 as Vice  President,  Asia-Pacific  for  both  Olin  Microelectronic
Materials and OCG Microelectronic Materials.

     Mr. Margherio was appointed Vice President and General Manager, Performance
Urethanes  and Organics on August 31, 1999.  From  February 7, 1999 until August
30, 1999, he was Vice President,  International.  Prior to the  Distribution and
since   December  1997,  Mr.   Margherio   served  as  Olin's  Vice   President,
International. Prior to December 1997 and since February 1996, he served as Vice
President and General Manager of Polychrome,  a division of Sun Chemical.  Prior
to February 1996, he served as Olin's General Manager, Urethanes & Hydrazine.

     Mr.  Rushton  was  appointed  Vice  President  and General  Manager,  Water
Chemicals on February 7, 1999.  Prior to the  Distribution  and since 1996,  Mr.
Rushton  served as Director  for  Aquachlor.  Prior to 1996 and since  1988,  he
served as Director, International Marketing, Pool Chemicals.

     Mr.  Schmidt  was  appointed  Vice  President,  Information  Technology  on
February 7, 1999. Prior to the Distribution,  and since 1997, Mr. Schmidt served
as  Olin's  Vice  President,  Information  Technology.  Prior  to  1997,  he was
Executive Director, Software and Systems Engineering of Pitney Bowes.


     Dr.  Seefried  was  appointed  Vice  President  and Chief  Technologist  on
February  7,  1999.   Prior  to  the   Distribution,   Dr.   Seefried  was  Vice
President-Technology,  Planning and Development at Olin.  Prior to that time, he
was Vice President-Technology of Olin's Chemicals Division.

     Mr. Shaver was appointed Vice President, Operations on April 29, 1999. From
September 1996 to December 1998, he held several progressive  positions with MMT
Environmental,    Inc.,   an   environmental   R&D   company,   including   Vice
President-Manufacturing,  Chief  Operating  Officer and President.  From 1980 to
1996, he held various  positions  with Dow Chemical  Co.,  serving since 1995 as
Engineering and Technology Manager, Epoxy Products and Intermediates.

     Mr.  Giuliano  was elected  Controller  on January 27,  1999.  Prior to the
Distribution,  Mr.  Giuliano  was an  Audit  Senior  Manager  for KPMG  LLP,  an
accounting  firm and prior to that and since 1991, he held various  positions of
increasing  responsibility for KPMG LLP, where he had overall responsibility for
services provided in connection with audits, SEC filings,  private offerings and
other services for certain domestic and multinational clients.

                                     PART II


     As of January 31, 2000,  there were  approximately  8,200 record holders of
Company Common Stock.

     The  Company's  Common  Stock  is  traded  on the New York  Stock  Exchange
("NYSE") under the symbol "ARJ." The Company's  Common Stock began "regular way"
trading on the NYSE on February 9, 1999.

     Information  concerning  the high and low  sales  prices  of the  Company's
Common Stock and dividends paid on Common Stock during each quarterly  period in
1999 is set forth in Note 15 "Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)" to the Notes
to Consolidated Financial  Statements in  Item 8 of Part II of this Report. Data
on sales prices and dividends paid for earlier periods are not presented because
no "regular way" stock trading occurred and no cash dividends were paid prior to
February 1999.

     Among the  provisions  of the Credit  Facility  (as defined on page 20) are
restrictions  relating to the payments of dividends and the  acquisition  of the
Company's  Common Stock based on a financial  formula.  As of December 31, 1999,
dividends and stock repurchases were limited to approximately $83 million.


     The following table summarizes  certain selected  historical  financial and
operating  information  with  respect to the  Company  and is  derived  from the
Consolidated  Financial  Statements of the Company. The financial data as of and
for each of the three  years  ended  December  31,  1999 were  derived  from the
audited  financial   statements   included  elsewhere  herein.  Such  historical
financial data may not be indicative of the Company's  future  performance.  The
information  set forth below should be read in  conjunction  with  "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of  Operations"  and
the historical  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and Notes thereto  included
elsewhere  in this Form  10-K.  The  historical  financial  information  for the
periods  preceding  February  8,  1999  (the  "Distribution  Date")  include  an
allocated  share of Olin's  historical  centralized  activities.  The  following
information  is  qualified  in its  entirety by the  information  and  financial
statements appearing elsewhere in this Form 10-K.


                                                                                    YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                 1999           1998           1997           1996           1995
                                                                ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
                                                                            ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Sales .....................................................     $879.8         $862.8         $929.9         $913.5         $872.8
Cost of Goods Sold ........................................      637.7          622.0          676.3          647.8          659.6
Selling and Administration (1) ............................      163.8          167.6          153.5          159.0          141.1
Research and Development ..................................       17.7           16.2           21.1           21.0           17.4
                                                                ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Operating Income ..........................................       60.6           57.0           79.0           85.7           54.7
Interest and Other Income, net (2) ........................        0.9            3.8            7.2            8.4           12.6
                                                                ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Income Before Taxes and Extraordinary Gain ................       61.5           60.8           86.2           94.1           67.3
Income Tax Provision ......................................       20.8           20.8           29.9           33.0           23.4
                                                                ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Income Before Extraordinary Gain ..........................       40.7           40.0           56.3           61.1           43.9
Extraordinary Gain, net (3) ...............................        1.3             --             --             --             --
                                                                ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Net Income ................................................       42.0           40.0           56.3           61.1           43.9
                                                                ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Diluted/Unaudited Proforma Income Per Share (4) ...........       1.82           1.55           2.26           2.47           1.72
Common Dividends Per Share (5) ............................       0.60             --             --             --             --

Capital Expenditures ......................................       58.9           84.3           71.0           53.2           65.4
Depreciation ..............................................       49.3           43.1           43.6           40.2           41.4
Effective Tax Rate ........................................       33.8%          34.2%          34.7%          35.1%          34.8%

Working Capital ...........................................     $168.5         $147.1         $151.5         $124.9         $129.9
Property, Plant and Equipment, net ........................      326.7          331.6          280.4          257.3          261.4
Total Assets ..............................................      759.5          721.6          693.2          651.2          624.1
Long-Term Debt (4) ........................................       76.8            7.0            5.5            5.5            5.5
Shareholders' Equity (4) ..................................      451.8          504.5          455.6          429.6          411.4
Capitalization ............................................      549.6          512.4          462.5          436.9          417.0

- ----------
(1)  Selling  and  administration  expenses  for 1999  include  $2.3  million of
     nonrecurring  expenses related to an unfavorable  arbitration award and the
     decision to delay construction of a facility in China.
(2)  Interest and other income, net in 1995 includes a gain ($7.0) from the sale
     of the Sun(R) brand  trademark,  a dry sanitizer plant in Charleston,  West
     Virginia and a related tableting facility in Livonia, Michigan and includes
     equity in earnings of affiliates for all years.
(3)  Extraordinary  gain, net in 1999 represents a gain on the extinguishment of
     debt related to the  settlement of a $5.2 million face value note through a
     payment of $3.0 million, net of related taxes of $0.9.
(4)  In January  1999,  Olin  borrowed $75 million and on February 8, 1999,  the
     Company  assumed this debt from Olin.  Pro forma net income for the periods
     1995 through 1998 reflects the pro forma effects of borrowings assuming $75
     million was outstanding and that the Company had seasonal  weighted average
     borrowings  related to the Water  Chemicals  segment  of $20  million at an
     aggregate  effective  rate  of  7%.  Pro  forma  common  stock  outstanding
     represents the number of common shares issued at the Distribution  Date and
     assumes  that such shares  were  outstanding  for all periods  prior to the
     Distribution.  See Note 14 "Pro Forma Financial Information (unaudited)" to
     the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
(5)  The annual dividend rate is $0.80 per share. 1999 dividends represent three
     quarterly payments in 1999.


     This  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
Results of Operations  covers certain  periods when the Company  operated as the
specialty chemical businesses of Olin. However, this Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations  has been prepared as
if the Company were


a separate  entity for all periods  discussed.  It should be read in conjunction
with the  Company's  historical  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and  Notes
thereto included  elsewhere herein.  Sales consist of sales to third parties net
of any  discounts.  Gross  Margin is defined  as Sales less Cost of Goods  Sold,
which includes raw materials,  labor, overhead and depreciation  associated with
the manufacture of the Company's  various  products.  Other  operating  expenses
include selling, administration,  research and development. In addition, segment
operating income includes the equity in earnings of affiliated companies.



                                                YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           1999           1998           1997
                                          ------         ------         ------
                                         (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Sales ................................    $879.8         $862.8         $929.9
Gross Margin .........................     242.1          240.8          253.6
Selling and Administration ...........     161.5          167.6          153.5
Nonrecurring Expenses (1) ............       2.3             --             --
Research and Development .............      17.7           16.2           21.1
Equity in Earnings of
  Affiliated Companies ...............       5.8            3.4            7.1
Interest Expense (2) .................       5.7            7.2            7.5
Extraordinary Gain, net (3) ..........       1.3             --             --
Net Income (2) .......................      42.0           35.7           52.0

Basic Income Per Share (2) ...........    $ 1.83         $ 1.55         $ 2.26
Diluted Income Per Share (2) .........    $ 1.82         $ 1.55         $ 2.26
Weighted Average Common Stock
Basic (2) ............................      23.0           23.0           23.0
Diluted (2) ..........................      23.1           23.0           23.0

- ----------
(1)  Represents  nonrecurring  expenses  related to an  unfavorable  arbitration
     award and the decision to delay construction of a facility in China.
(2)  Pro Forma Financial Information--In January 1999, Olin borrowed $75 million
     and on February 8, 1999, the Company assumed this debt from Olin. Pro forma
     net income for 1998 and 1997  reflects the pro forma  effects of borrowings
     assuming  $75 million  was  outstanding  and that the Company had  seasonal
     weighted average  borrowings  related to the Water Chemicals segment of $20
     million  at an  aggregate  effective  rate of 7%.  Pro forma  common  stock
     outstanding   represents   the  number  of  common  shares  issued  at  the
     Distribution  Date and assumes  that such shares were  outstanding  for all
     periods  prior  to the  Distribution.  See  Note  14 "Pro  Forma  Financial
     Information (unaudited)" to the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
(3)  Extraordinary  gain, net in 1999 represents a gain on the extinguishment of
     debt related to the  settlement of a $5.2 million face value note through a
     payment of $3.0 million, net of related taxes of $0.9.


     Sales  increased  2.0%.  The sales  increase was due to a 4.7%  increase in
volumes  partially offset by a 2.7% decrease in prices.  The increase in volumes
was primarily  related to the water chemicals  segment.  The decrease in pricing
was primarily related to the microelectronic chemicals and performance chemicals

     Gross  margin  percentage  was 27.5% in 1999 and 27.9% in 1998.  Higher raw
materials and manufacturing costs more than offset the impact of higher volumes.

     Selling and administration expenses,  excluding nonrecurring expenses, as a
percentage of sales  decreased to 18.4% in 1999 from 19.4% in 1998 due to higher
sales and lower expenditures.  Selling and administration  expenses decreased in
amount due to the effect of cost-cutting  initiatives implemented by the Company
in 1999, which more than offset incremental public company costs.


     Research and  development  expenses  increased  due to higher  expenditures
associated with the photopolymers business.

     Equity in earnings of affiliated  companies  increased  $2.4 million due to
the favorable performance of both of the Company's joint ventures.

     Interest  expense was $5.7 million in 1999  compared to pro forma  interest
expense of $7.2 million in 1998. The decrease was primarily due to lower average
working capital borrowings and lower rates on such borrowings than those assumed
in the prior year.

     The effective  tax rate  decreased to 33.8% in 1999 from 34.2% in 1998 as a
result of higher equity in earnings of affiliated companies, partially offset by
lower foreign tax credits.

     Results for 1999 include an  extraordinary  gain on the  extinguishment  of
debt of $1.3 million after-tax,  or $0.06 per share, and nonrecurring charges of
$1.5 million after-tax, or $0.07 per share.

     The Company's sales and operating income for 2000 are expected to be higher
than 1999. Sales for 2000 are expected to be 4% to 6% higher than 1999.  Diluted
income per share for 2000 is expected  to be 12% to 15% higher than 1999.  These
estimates are based upon expected improved financial performance across a number
of  Arch's  businesses.  In  microelectronic  chemicals,  the  recovery  in  the
semiconductor  industry,  added  new  photopolymer  product  qualifications  and
actions to improve  the  short-term  performance  of  process  chemicals  should
benefit  this  segment.  In  water  chemicals,   the  Company  expects  improved
performance as a result of strategically  focusing on our branded  business.  As
for the  performance  chemicals  segment,  recovery in the Asian markets  should
benefit  the  hydrazine  business,  and  organic  growth  within the  segment is
expected to improve 2000 results.  The Company also expects to derive additional
benefits overall from continuing cost reduction initiatives.


     Sales decreased  7.2%. The decrease was  attributable to a 1.1% decrease in
prices  and a 6.1%  decrease  due  to the  sales  of  the  surfactants,  fluids,
non-urethane   polypropylene  glycol  and  polyethylene  glycol   (collectively,
"surfactants")  business and the conversion of the flexible polyol business to a
tolling  operation.  Under the  tolling  operation,  the Company  does  contract
manufacturing  for a third  party who sells the  manufactured  product  to other

     Gross margin  percentage was 27.9% in 1998 and 27.3% in 1997.  Higher gross
margin as a result of the impact of the  surfactants  supply  agreement  and the
conversion of the polyols  business to a tolling  operation  were  primarily the
main  contributors  to the  increased  gross margin  percentage.  Excluding  the
results  of the  surfactants  business  which  was sold in 1997 and the  related
supply agreement,  the gross margin percentage for 1998 and 1997 would have been
27.1% and 27.3%, respectively.

     Selling and  administration  expenses as a percentage of sales increased to
19.4% in 1998 from 16.5% in 1997 due to lower sales and higher expenses. Selling
and  administration  expenses  increased in amount due to higher  administration
expenses for information  technology systems (primarily SAP  implementation) and
increased international operating expenses.

     Research and development expenses decreased due to the consolidation of the
foreign research efforts for photopolymers into the U.S. operations and the sale
of the surfactants businesses to BASF in November 1997.

     The  effective  tax rate  decreased  to 34.2% in 1998  from  34.7% in 1997,
resulting  from the  utilization  of higher  foreign tax credits and lower state
taxes in 1998.

     In November 1997, the Company completed a transaction with BASF whereby the
Company  received  $42  million  for  the  sale  of its  performance  chemicals'
surfactants  business  and  a  three-year  supply  agreement.  Of  the  proceeds
received,  $12 million was  allocated  to the sale of the  surfactants  business
based on the fair value of such  business  and $30 million was  allocated to the
supply  agreement.  No gain or loss was  recorded  on the  sale.  In the  supply
agreement,  the Company agreed to reserve  production  capacity for  surfactants
products  at its  Brandenburg,  Kentucky  facility  and to supply BASF with such
products in exchange  for a $30 million  payment made at the time of signing the
agreement,  plus recovery of all fixed and variable costs during the term of the
agreement. The


agreement  expires on December  31, 2000 unless  extended;  the Company does not
believe it will be  extended.  The $30 million  payment was recorded as deferred
income and is being amortized  ratably into operating income over the three-year
period.  Unless the supply  agreement is extended beyond 2000, which the Company
does not expect to happen,  no future  income will be realized  with  respect to
this supply  agreement after December 31, 2000.  Sales and operating  income for
each of the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998 include $9.5 million  related
to the amortization of deferred income under the supply agreement.


                                                   YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                               1999         1998         1997
                                               -----        -----        -----
                                                     ($ IN MILLIONS)
     Sales ................................   $ 214.8      $ 227.6      $ 242.6
     Operating Income (Loss) ..............      (3.0)        (4.1)         9.5


     Sales  decreased 5.6% and the operating loss decreased in 1999. The results
were negatively  impacted by the depressed  performance of the process chemicals
product line.  Process chemicals reported sales of $67.8 million and incurred an
operating loss of $11.6 million in 1999 compared with sales of $77.6 million and
an operating loss of $8.0 million in 1998.  The industry  structure in which the
process chemicals business operates results in low profitability at present. The
customer  group is  concentrated  and enjoys  significant  purchasing  leverage.
Manufacturing  overcapacity exists and, unless the industry  rationalizes,  will
exist in the foreseeable  future.  This results in  unsatisfactory  pricing.  In
addition,  the industry  suffers from  inefficiencies  in  manufacturing,  asset
utilization, logistics, research and development, and selling and administrative
costs.  The  Company  has  initiated   actions  to  improve  process   chemicals
performance  in  the  near-term,   which  include  structural  reengineering  to
eliminate costs,  significant improvement in manufacturing operations and better
inventory  management.  In  addition,  the  Company is  pursuing  other  various
strategic options.

     Excluding the impact of the process chemicals product line, sales decreased
2.0%.  Operating  income  excluding  process  chemicals  improved  significantly
primarily  due to  lower  operating  expenses  as a  result  of  cost  reduction
initiatives and favorable  joint venture  performance  (Fuji Photo Film),  which
more than offset the effect of slightly lower sales.


     Sales  decreased  6.2% with an operating loss occurring in 1998 compared to
an operating profit in 1997.  Sales of all products  weakened during 1998 as the
Company's  businesses  were  adversely  impacted by the poor  conditions  in the
worldwide  semiconductor  market. Also, major semiconductor  customers underwent
extended  shutdowns  and some  delayed or  canceled  fab  construction  projects
resulting in decreased  sales.  In addition to the poor market  condition of the
semiconductor  industry,  start-up costs for the Company's new process chemicals
facility  in Belgium  and  photoresist  facility  in Rhode  Island,  unfavorable
operating  performance  from its  foreign  affiliate  and higher  administration
expenses for information technology systems (SAP implementation)  contributed to
the operating loss.  These were slightly offset by lower R&D spending  resulting
from the consolidation of its overseas  photopolymers R&D operations to existing
facilities in the U.S.


                                                    YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                 1999         1998         1997
                                                ------       ------       ------
                                                      ($ IN MILLIONS)
     Sales ..................................   $326.8       $290.3       $286.9
     Operating Income .......................     26.3         13.8         26.5



     Sales increased 12.6% and operating income increased 90.6%. The increase in
sales was attributable to increased  volumes from the  distribution  businesses,
Superior Pool Products and Hydrochim, and higher bulk export and branded volumes
(HTH(R) and Pace(R)).  Prices were slightly lower compared to last year as lower
bulk prices were almost  entirely  offset by higher  average brand  prices.  The
operating  income increase was  attributable to the additional sales volumes and
favorable joint venture  performance  which more than offset higher  advertising

     The  Company  is  currently  pursuing  a sale  of  one of its  distribution
businesses,  Superior Pool Products,  Inc. ("SPPI") due to its lack of strategic
connection  with any of Arch's other  businesses.  SPPI had sales and  operating
income of $84  million  and $3.7  million,  respectively,  in 1999.  The Company
expects to complete a transaction during the second quarter of 2000.


     Sales  increased 1.2% while operating  income  decreased  47.9%.  Increased
sales from North America branded calcium hypochlorite, higher volumes of Pace(R)
brand products  (chlorinated  isocyanurates) and higher  distribution sales more
than offset  lower bulk and export  volumes and lower  prices.  Chinese  calcium
hypochlorite  producers increased their exports of product,  which disrupted the
supply/demand  balance and affected prices on a worldwide basis. The decrease in
operating   income  was  primarily   attributable  to  the  decline  in  calcium
hypochlorite prices and higher manufacturing costs and operating expenses. Lower
production  volumes,  higher  depreciation  expense and other plant costs, legal
expenses, along with higher distribution costs in connection with a new customer
accounted for the increased operating costs.


                                                    YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                 1999         1998         1997
                                                ------       ------       ------
                                                      ($ IN MILLIONS)
     Sales ..................................   $338.2       $344.9       $400.4
     Operating Income:
        Before Nonrecurring Expenses ........     45.4         50.7         50.1
        Nonrecurring Expenses ...............     (2.3)          --           --
                                                ------       ------       ------
     Operating Income .......................     43.1         50.7         50.1


     Sales decreased 1.9%, while operating income decreased 15%.  Excluding $2.3
million of nonrecurring  expenses  incurred in the third quarter of 1999 related
to an unfavorable  arbitration award and the decision to delay construction of a
facility in China,  both of which are associated with the Biocides product line,
operating  income  decreased  10.5%  primarily  due to lower  hydrazine  hydrate

     Performance urethanes and organics sales decreased due to lower pricing and
volumes for nonfoam  polyols and lower  pricing for  propylene  glycol  products
combined with lower volumes and pricing in Latin America, principally related to
the surfactants  business.  Operating income  increased  slightly from the prior
year as increased contract manufacturing fees, improved domestic product mix and
favorable operating expenses due to cost reduction programs more than offset the
lower volumes, pricing and higher raw material costs.

     Biocides sales were higher  primarily due to increased  volumes  related to
the anti-dandruff,  building products and marine paint markets. Operating income
before  nonrecurring  expenses  was  higher  due to the  impact of higher  sales
partially  offset by  higher  international  operating  expenses.  In  addition,
manufacturing  costs were  negatively  impacted by an unscheduled  outage at the
Rochester  plant  during  the  first  quarter  of 1999  resulting  from a severe


     Hydrazine  sales  were lower due to lower  hydrazine  hydrate  pricing  and
volumes  caused by poor Asian  economic  conditions and lower Ultra PureTM sales
due to the timing of launch schedules. Operating income decreased from the prior
year due to the sales  shortfall  and an  unanticipated,  extended  plant outage
earlier in the year, resulting in unfavorable manufacturing costs.

     Sulfuric acid sales were  comparable to prior year as higher pricing offset
lower  volumes.  Operating  income  increased  primarily  as a  result  of lower
manufacturing costs and operating expenses due to cost reduction efforts.


     Sales decreased  13.9%,  while operating  income  increased 1.2%. The sales
decrease was attributable primarily to the sale of the surfactants businesses to
BASF in November 1997 and the conversion of the flexible polyols business from a
merchant business to a tolling  operation.  Higher sales of IPBC-based  biocide,
which is used primarily in  metalworking  and the coatings  markets,  and Copper
Omadine(R)  biocide,  which is used in the marine antifoulant paint market, were
partially offset by a decline in volume in the Asian  anti-dandruff agent market
along  with  lower  pricing  due to the  relatively  stronger  value of the U.S.

     The operating income increase was attributable  primarily to the conversion
of the flexible polyols business to a tolling operation. In addition,  operating
income increased by $4 million due to the conversion of the surfactants business
to a  contract  manufacturing  arrangement  under a supply  agreement  with BASF
which,  unless extended,  expires on December 31, 2000. This increase along with
the profit impact from higher IPBC-based  biocide and Copper Omadine(R)  biocide
volumes were offset in part by lower  anti-dandruff  agent  volumes to the Asian
market,  and  higher   administration   expense  for  additional   international

     In November 1997, the Company completed a transaction with BASF whereby the
Company  received  $42  million  for  the  sale  of its  performance  chemicals'
surfactants  business  and  a  three-year  supply  agreement.  Of  the  proceeds
received,  $12 million was  allocated  to the sale of the  surfactants  business
based on the fair value of such  business  and $30 million was  allocated to the
supply  agreement.  No gain or loss was  recorded  on the  sale.  In the  supply
agreement,  the Company agreed to reserve  production  capacity for  surfactants
products  at its  Brandenburg,  Kentucky  facility  and to supply BASF with such
products in exchange  for a $30 million  payment made at the time of signing the
agreement,  plus recovery of all fixed and variable costs during the term of the
agreement.  The  agreement  expires on December  31, 2000 unless  extended;  the
Company  does not  believe it will be  extended.  The $30  million  payment  was
recorded as deferred income and is being amortized ratably into operating income
over the three-year period. Unless the supply agreement is extended beyond 2000,
which the Company does not expect to happen,  no future  income will be realized
with  respect to this  supply  agreement  after  December  31,  2000.  Sales and
operating  income for each of the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998 include
$9.5 million  related to the  amortization  of deferred  income under the supply


     The establishment and implementation of Federal,  state and local standards
to  regulate  air and  water  quality  and to govern  contamination  of land and
groundwater has affected, and will continue to affect,  substantially all of the
Company's manufacturing locations.  Federal legislation providing for regulation
of the  manufacture,  transportation,  use and disposal of  hazardous  and toxic
substances  has  imposed  additional  regulatory  requirements  on  industry  in
general,  and  particularly  on  the  chemicals  industry.   In  addition,   the
implementation  of  environmental  laws, such as the Resource  Conservation  and
Recovery Act, the Clean Air Act and the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,
Compensation  and Liability Act of 1980, as amended by the Superfund  Amendments
and  Reauthorization  Act of 1986, has required and will continue to require new
capital  expenditures  and will increase  operating  costs.  The Company employs
waste minimization and pollution prevention programs at its manufacturing sites.

     The Distribution  Agreement  specifies that the Company is only responsible
for certain  environmental  liabilities at the Company's current  facilities and
certain off-site locations.

     Associated costs of investigatory and remedial  activities are provided for
in  accordance  with  generally   accepted   accounting   principles   governing
probability  and the ability to reasonably  estimate  future  costs.  Charges to
income for


investigatory  and remedial  efforts  were not material to operating  results in
1999,  1998 and 1997 but may be material to net income in future years. In 1997,
in  connection  with  the sale of the  surfactants  businesses  to BASF,  a $2.3
million provision was recorded to provide for future  environmental  spending at
the Brandenburg, Kentucky site.

     Cash outlays for  remedial and  investigatory  activities  associated  with
former waste sites and past  operations  were incurred by Olin. Cash outlays for
normal  plant  operations  for the  disposal  of  waste  and the  operation  and
maintenance of pollution  control  equipment and facilities to ensure compliance
with mandated and  voluntarily  imposed  environmental  quality  standards  were
charged to income.  Cash outlays for environmental  related  activities  totaled
$12.5 million in 1999,  $12.0 million in 1998 and $10.8 million in 1997.  During
1999,  $2.4 million  ($1.0  million in 1998;  $2.8 million in 1997) was spent on
capital projects, $9.7 million ($10.6 million in 1998; $8.0 million in 1997) was
spent on normal plant  operations,  and $0.4 million  ($0.4 million in 1998) was
spent  on  remedial  activities.   Historically,  the  Company  has  funded  its
environmental capital expenditures through cash flow from operations and expects
to do so in the future.

     The Company's  Consolidated  Balance Sheets included liabilities for future
environmental expenditures to investigate and remediate known sites amounting to
$2.4 million at December 31, 1999, and $2.8 million at December 31, 1998, all of
which were  classified as other  noncurrent  liabilities.  These amounts did not
take into account any discounting of future  expenditures,  any consideration of
insurance  recoveries  or any  advances in  technology.  These  liabilities  are
reassessed periodically to determine if environmental circumstances have changed
or if the costs of remediation  efforts can be better estimated.  As a result of
these  reassessments,  future  charges  to  income  may be made  for  additional

     Annual  environmental-related  cash  outlays  for  site  investigation  and
remediation,  capital projects and normal plant operations are expected to range
from $10 to $15 million over the next several years.  While the Company does not
anticipate  a  material   increase  in  the   projected   annual  level  of  its
environmental-related costs, there is always the possibility that such increases
may  occur  in  the  future  in  view  of  the  uncertainties   associated  with
environmental  exposures.  Environmental  exposures  are difficult to assess for
numerous reasons,  including the  identification  of new sites,  developments at
sites resulting from investigatory studies,  advances in technology,  changes in
environmental  laws and  regulations  and their  application,  the  scarcity  of
reliable data  pertaining to identified  sites,  the difficulty in assessing the
involvement and financial  capability of other potentially  responsible  parties
and the  Company's  ability to obtain  contributions  from other parties and the
lengthy time periods over which site remediation occurs.


     The Company  provides for deferred taxes on temporary  differences  between
the  financial  statement  and tax bases of assets  using the  enacted tax rates
which are expected to apply to taxable income when the temporary differences are
expected to reverse.

     Prior to the  Distribution,  the Company's  operations were included in the
U.S. Federal  consolidated  income tax returns of Olin. The provision for income
taxes prior to the Distribution includes the Company's allocated share of Olin's
consolidated  income tax provision and is calculated on a separate Company basis
consistent  with the  requirements  of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 109,
"Accounting  for Income  Taxes."  Allocated  current  income taxes  payable were
settled with Olin on a current  basis.  Olin and the Company  entered into a Tax
Sharing  Agreement  that provides that Olin is  responsible  for the Federal tax
liability  of the Company  for each year that the  Company and its  subsidiaries
were included in Olin's  consolidated  Federal income tax return, and for state,
local and  foreign  taxes of the Company and its  subsidiaries  attributable  to
periods  prior to the  Distribution,  in each case  including  tax  subsequently
assessed  pursuant to the audit of, or other adjustment to, previously filed tax


     Cash flows from operations  supplemented  by the Company's  credit facility
were used to finance the Company's working capital  requirements and capital and
investment projects.  Prior and up to the Distribution,  the Company's financing
requirements were provided by Olin.



                                                   YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                1999         1998         1997
                                               ------       ------       ------
                                                     ($ IN MILLIONS)
             PROVIDED BY (USED FOR)
     Net Operating Activities .............    $ 58.7       $ 85.2       $ 83.5
     Capital Expenditures .................     (58.9)       (84.3)       (71.0)
     Net Investing Activities .............     (67.0)       (85.3)       (59.4)
     Net Financing Activities .............      13.8         (1.2)       (21.6)

     For the 1999 year,  the  reduction in cash flow  provided by net  operating
activities  was primarily  attributable  to higher  accounts  receivable  due to
increased  fourth  quarter  sales and an  increase  in the  overall  days  sales
outstanding as compared to 1998.

     For the 1998 year, the increase in cash flow from net operating  activities
was primarily  attributable to a reduced  investment in working  capital.  Lower
accounts  receivable  levels due  primarily  from exiting the merchant  flexible
polyols  business and the lower accounts  receivable and reduced sales resulting
from the depressed  semiconductor  industry, as well as the Company's ability to
manage  its  inventory  in  response  to the  decreased  demand,  were  the main
contributors  to the  reduced  investment  in working  capital.  These more than
offset the effect of lower net income and BASF payments received in 1997.

     In November 1997, the Company completed a transaction with BASF whereby the
Company  received  $42  million  for  the  sale  of its  performance  chemicals'
surfactants business and a three-year supply agreement.

     Capital  spending for the 1999 year  decreased  30.1% compared to the prior
year.  The  decrease is  primarily  attributable  to the  completion  of certain
capital projects in the microelectronic  chemicals segment in the prior year and
as a result of the Company's focus on reducing capital spending levels.

     In   September   1999,   the  Company   purchased   the   Hydroquinone   di
(beta-hydroxyethyl) ether ("HQEE")  specialty  chemicals  business from  Eastman
Chemical Company of Kingsport, Tennessee.

     Capital  spending for the 1998 year increased 18.7% over the prior year. In
microelectronic  chemicals,  there were three major capital  projects:  an ultra
high-purity  chemicals plant and distribution center in Zwijndrecht,  Belgium to
better serve the  semiconductor  industry in Europe,  a photoresist  facility in
North Kingston,  Rhode Island to support the rapid commercialization of advanced
photoresist  products  and a  diffusion  facility  in Mesa,  Arizona  which will
replace  an  existing   facility  and  support  the   development   of  advanced
semiconductor  devices.  The  high-purity  chemicals plant in Belgium started up
operations  in the third  quarter of 1998,  the  photoresist  facility  in Rhode
Island  started up operations in the fourth  quarter of 1998 while the diffusion
facility  started  up  during  1999.  These  three  projects  represent  a total
investment of approximately $58 million,  of which approximately $36 million was
spent during 1998.  During 1998,  $10.4 million was spent at the Rochester,  New
York;  Swords,  Ireland;  and Suzhou,  China facilities  related to the expanded
capacity for key intermediate materials.

     Capital spending for 2000 is expected to be in the $65 million range.

     Cash  provided  by  financing  in  1999  was  due to  increased  borrowings
associated  with  higher  working  capital   requirements,   dividends  paid  to
shareholders of $13.8 million, and $6.7 million used to repurchase common stock.

     Net financing activities in 1998 and 1997 related to intercompany  activity
with Olin.

     On January 27,  1999,  Olin  obtained an unsecured  $125 million  revolving
five-year credit  facility,  which expires in January 2004 and an unsecured $125
million,  364-day  facility,  which expired in January 2000  (collectively,  the
"Credit  Facility").  Olin  borrowed $75 million under the Credit  Facility.  On
February 8, 1999, the Company  succeeded to the Credit  Facility and assumed the
$75 million of debt. The unsecured $125 million, 364-day facility was renewed by
the Company under the same terms, and now expires in January 2001.


     The  Credit  Facility   contains   leverage  and  interest  coverage  ratio
covenants,  and restricts the payment of dividends in excess of $65 million plus
50% of cumulative  net income under certain  circumstances.  Fees are payable on
the Credit  Facility  and range from  0.125% to 0.30%.  The  Company  may select
various  floating rate  borrowing  options,  including but not limited to, LIBOR
plus 0.325% to 1.00% and the prime rate.  At December 31, 1999,  the Company had
$160 million of available  borrowings  under this Credit  Facility.  The Company
believes that the Credit Facility is adequate to satisfy its liquidity needs for
the near future.

     Arch also currently has  approximately  $30 million of uncommitted lines of

     On October 28, 1999, Arch's Board of Directors  approved a stock repurchase
program  whereby the Company is authorized to buy back up to 1.2 million  shares
of its  common  stock,  representing  approximately  5% of  outstanding  shares.
Through  December 31, 1999, the Company had  repurchased  approximately  391,000
shares under this program at a cost of $6.7 million.  The Company  believes that
its current  financing ability and liquidity are more than adequate to fund this
program and allow it to continue to pursue strategic acquisitions.


     In 1998,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 ("SFAS 133"),  "Accounting for Derivative
Instruments  and Hedging  Activities."  It requires an entity to  recognize  all
derivatives  as either  assets or  liabilities  in the  statement  of  financial
position  and  measure  those  instruments  at fair  value.  This  statement  is
effective for all fiscal quarters of fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2000.
The Company is currently  evaluating  the effect this statement will have on its
financial position and results of operations in the period of adoption.


     On January 1, 1999,  eleven of the fifteen member countries of the European
Union  adopted the euro as their common legal  currency  and  established  fixed
conversion  rates  between their  existing  sovereign  currencies  and the euro.
Conversion  to the  euro  is not  expected  to  have a  material  impact  on the
Company's business, operations, or financial position.


     The Company  enters into forward sales and purchase  contracts and currency
options to manage  currency risk  resulting  from purchase and sale  commitments
denominated  in  foreign  currencies  (principally  euro,  Canadian  dollar  and
Japanese  yen) and  relating to  particular  anticipated  but not yet  committed
purchases and sales expected to be denominated in those  currencies.  All of the
currency  derivatives  expire  within one year and are for United  States dollar
equivalents.  At December  31, 1999,  the Company had forward  contracts to sell
foreign  currencies  with face values of $0.9  million  (1998-$5.3  million) and
forward  contracts  to buy foreign  currencies  with face values of $2.3 million
(1998-$3.1  million).  At  December  31,  1999  and  1998  the  Company  had  no
outstanding option contracts to sell or buy foreign currencies.

     In  accordance  with  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 52
("SFAS 52"),  "Foreign  Currency  Translation," a transaction is classified as a
hedge when the foreign  currency  transaction is designated as, and is effective
as, a hedge of a foreign currency commitment and the foreign currency commitment
is  firm.  A hedge  is  considered  by the  Company  to be  effective  when  the
transaction reduces the currency risk on its foreign currency commitments.  If a
transaction  does not meet the criteria to qualify as a hedge,  it is considered
to be  speculative.  For a foreign  currency  commitment that is classified as a
hedge,  any gain or loss on the commitment is deferred and included in the basis
of the  underlying  instrument.  Any  realized  and  unrealized  gains or losses
associated with foreign currency  commitments that are classified as speculative
are   recognized  in  the  current  period  and  are  included  in  Selling  and
Administration  in the Consolidated  Statements of Income. If a foreign currency
transaction   previously   considered  as  a  hedge  is  terminated  before  the
transaction  date of the related  commitment,  any  deferred  gain or loss shall
continue to be deferred and included in the basis of the underlying transaction.
Premiums  paid for  currency  options  and gains or losses on forward  sales and
purchase contracts are not material to operating results.



     The Company's  year 2000  initiatives  have been  successful  to date.  The
Company's  approach  was to subdivide  its Year 2000 program into four  distinct
segments:  1)  Business  Systems;  2)  Manufacturing;  3) Supply  Chain;  and 4)
Infrastructure.  The  Company  has  transitioned  all of its  systems to the new
millennium  without  experiencing  significant  problems in any of its  business
systems, manufacturing, supply chain or infrastructure areas.

     In addition, the Company believes it has identified, tested and developed a
plan to  respond  to all  known  Year  2000  concerns  in  accordance  with  its
contractural obligations and operational requirements.  The Company currently is
not aware of any significant  Year 2000 or similar problems that have arisen for
its customers or suppliers.  Therefore, management believes it has minimized its
risk related to future exposure concerning Year 2000 issues. The Company intends
to continue to monitor  Year 2000 issues and does not believe  such future costs
will be material to the Company's results of operations,  financial  position or


     The  information  contained  in this  Form  10-K  contains  forward-looking
statements that are based on management's  beliefs,  certain assumptions made by
management and  management's  current  expectations,  estimates and  projections
about the markets  and  economy in which the Company and its various  businesses
operate.  Words  such  as  "anticipates,"  "believes,"  "estimates,"  "expects,"
"forecasts,"  "opines," "plans,"  "predicts,"  "projects,"  "should," "targets,"
"will," and  variations  of such words and similar  expressions  are intended to
identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of
future  performance  and involve  certain risks,  uncertainties  and assumptions
("Future  Factors") which are difficult to predict.  Therefore,  actual outcomes
and results may differ  materially  from what is expected or  forecasted in such
forward-looking  statements.  The Company  undertakes  no  obligation  to update
publicly any forward-looking  statements,  whether as a result of future events,
new information or otherwise. Future factors which could cause actual results to
differ  materially from those discussed  include but are not limited to: general
economic and business and market conditions, lack of moderate growth in the U.S.
economy or even a slight  recession in 2000; the continued  recovery of economic
conditions  in  Asia;  customer  acceptance  of new  products,  efficacy  of new
technology,  changes in U.S. laws and regulations,  increased competitive and/or
customer  pressure;  the Company's ability to maintain chemical price increases;
higher-than-expected  raw material  costs for certain  chemical  product  lines;
increased  foreign  competition  in the calcium  hypochlorite  markets;  lack of
stability or growth in the  semiconductor  industry;  unfavorable  court or jury
decisions,  the supply/demand balance for the Company's products,  including the
impact of excess industry  capacity;  failure to achieve targeted cost reduction
programs;  unsuccessful entry into new markets for electronic chemicals; capital
expenditures  in excess  of those  scheduled;  environmental  costs in excess of
those    projected;    and   the   occurrence   of   unexpected    manufacturing


     The  Company  is  exposed to various  market  risks,  including  changes in
foreign  currency  exchange rates and interest rates. The Company does not enter
into  derivatives  or other  financial  instruments  for trading or  speculative


     The  Company is exposed to  interest  rate risk  primarily  from its Credit
Facility  which is based upon various  floating  rates.  Based upon the expected
levels of borrowings  under this facility in 2000, an increase in interest rates
of 100 basis points would not have a material  adverse  effect on the  Company's
results of operations or cash flows (approximately $1.0 million).


     The Company  operates  manufacturing  facilities in six countries and sells
products in over 60 countries.  Approximately  15 percent of the Company's sales
are  denominated  in currencies  other than the U.S.  dollar.  As a result,  the
Company is subject to risks associated with these foreign operations,  including
currency  devaluations  and  fluctuations  in  currency  exchange  rates.  These
exposures from foreign  exchange  fluctuations  can affect the Company's  equity
investments  and its respective  share of earnings  (losses),  the Company's net
investment in foreign subsidiaries,


translation of the Company's foreign operations for U.S. GAAP reporting purposes
and from purchase and sales commitments  denominated in foreign currencies.  The
Company enters into forward sales and purchase contracts and currency options to
manage currency risk from actual and anticipated  purchase and sales commitments
denominated  or expected to be denominated  in a foreign  currency  (principally
euro,  Canadian  dollar and Japanese  yen). It is the Company's  policy to hedge
approximately 60% to 80% of these transactions.  All of the currency derivatives
expire  within  one year  and are for  United  States  dollar  equivalents.  The
counterparties to the options and contracts are major financial institutions.

     At December  31,  1999,  the Company had forward  contracts to sell foreign
currencies with face values of $0.9 million and forward contracts to buy foreign
currencies  with face values of $2.3  million.  The fair values of these forward
contracts approximated face values.

     Holding other variables constant,  if there was a 10 percent adverse change
in foreign  currency  exchange rates, the net effect on the Company's cash flows
would be a  decrease  of  between $1  million  to $2  million,  as any  increase
(decrease) in cash flows resulting from the Company's  hedged forward  contracts
would be offset by an equal increase  (decrease) in cash flows on the underlying
transaction being hedged.



                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Arch Chemicals, Inc.:

     We have  audited  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets  of Arch
Chemicals,  Inc.  and  subsidiaries  as of December  31, 1999 and 1998,  and the
related consolidated statements of income, shareholders' equity (equity prior to
the  distribution) and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period
ended  December  31,  1999.  These  consolidated  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

     We conducted  our audits in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable  assurance about whether the  consolidated  financial  statements are
free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and disclosures in the  consolidated  financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the consolidated  financial  statements  referred to above
present  fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of Arch
Chemicals,  Inc.  and  subsidiaries  as of December  31, 1999 and 1998,  and the
results  of their  operations  and their cash flows for each of the years in the
three-year period ended December 31, 1999, in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles.

                                                KPMG LLP

Stamford, CT
January 26, 2000



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                               DECEMBER 31,
                                                            1999          1998
                                                           ------        ------
                                                               (IN MILLIONS,
                                                                EXCEPT PER
                                                              SHARE AMOUNTS)
Current Assets:
  Cash and Cash Equivalents ...........................    $ 12.1        $  7.1
  Receivables, net:
    Trade .............................................     156.0         130.3
    Other .............................................      12.6          11.4
  Inventories, net ....................................     147.3         139.3
  Other Current Assets ................................      26.7          25.6
                                                           ------        ------
    Total Current Assets ..............................     354.7         313.7
Investments & Advances--Affiliated Companies
  at Equity ...........................................      20.8          21.1
Property, Plant and Equipment, net ....................     326.7         331.6
Goodwill ..............................................      37.1          34.8
Other Assets ..........................................      20.2          20.4
                                                           ------        ------
    Total Assets ......................................    $759.5        $721.6
                                                           ======        ======
Current Liabilities:
  Short-Term Borrowings ...............................    $ 21.0        $  0.9
  Accounts Payable ....................................     108.1         106.7
  Accrued Liabilities .................................      57.1          59.0
                                                           ------        ------
    Total Current Liabilities .........................     186.2         166.6
Long-Term Debt ........................................      76.8           7.0
Other Liabilities .....................................      44.7          43.5
                                                           ------        ------
    Total Liabilities .................................     307.7         217.1
Commitments & Contingencies
Shareholders' Equity:
  Common Stock, par value $1 per share,
    Authorized 100.0 shares:
    22.6 shares issued and outstanding
      at December 31, 1999 ............................      22.6            --
  Additional Paid-in Capital ..........................     431.9            --
  Retained Earnings from February 8, 1999 .............      23.8            --
  Equity ..............................................        --         519.0
  Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss ................     (26.5)        (14.5)
                                                           ------        ------
    Total Shareholders' Equity ........................     451.8         504.5
                                                           ------        ------
    Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity ........    $759.5        $721.6
                                                           ======        ======

         See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements




                                                      YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                   1999        1998        1997
                                                  ------      ------      ------
                                                       (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT
                                                         PER SHARE AMOUNTS)

Sales .........................................   $879.8      $862.8      $929.9
Operating Expenses:
  Cost of Goods Sold ..........................    637.7       622.0       676.3
  Selling and Administration ..................    163.8       167.6       153.5
  Research and Development ....................     17.7        16.2        21.1
                                                  ------      ------      ------
Operating Income ..............................     60.6        57.0        79.0
  Equity in Earnings of Affiliated Companies ..      5.8         3.4         7.1
  Interest Expense ............................      5.7         0.6         0.9
  Interest Income .............................      0.8         1.0         1.0
                                                  ------      ------      ------
Income Before Taxes and Extraordinary Gain ....     61.5        60.8        86.2
  Income Taxes ................................     20.8        20.8        29.9
                                                  ------      ------      ------
Income Before Extraordinary Gain ..............     40.7        40.0        56.3
  Extraordinary Gain (net of taxes of $0.9) ...      1.3          --          --
                                                  ------      ------      ------
Net Income ....................................   $ 42.0      $ 40.0      $ 56.3
                                                  ======      ======      ======

                                                                  PRO FORMA
Basic Income Per Share:
  Before Extraordinary Gain ...................   $ 1.77      $ 1.55      $ 2.26
  Extraordinary Gain ..........................     0.06          --          --
                                                  ------      ------      ------
  Net Income ..................................   $ 1.83      $ 1.55      $ 2.26
                                                  ======      ======      ======
Diluted Income Per Share:
  Before Extraordinary Gain ...................   $ 1.76      $ 1.55      $ 2.26
  Extraordinary Gain ..........................     0.06          --          --
                                                  ------      ------      ------
  Net Income ..................................   $ 1.82      $ 1.55      $ 2.26
                                                  ======      ======      ======
Weighted Average Common Stock
  Outstanding--Basic ..........................     23.0        23.0        23.0
Weighted Average Common Stock
  Outstanding--Diluted ........................     23.1        23.0        23.0

         See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements




                                                      YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                     1999       1998       1997
                                                    -----      -----      -----
                                                          ($ IN MILLIONS)
Net Income ....................................     $42.0      $40.0      $56.3
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to
  Net Cash and Cash Equivalents
  Provided (Used) by Operating Activities:
    Earnings of Non-consolidated Affiliates ...      (5.8)      (3.4)      (7.1)
    Depreciation ..............................      49.3       43.1       43.6
    Amortization of Intangibles ...............       4.1        4.0        3.8
    Deferred Taxes ............................       2.1        2.7       (5.2)
    Change in Assets and Liabilities Net of
      Purchases and Sales of Businesses:
      Receivables .............................     (26.7)      19.9      (13.7)
      Inventories .............................      (7.9)       0.2      (14.9)
      Other Current Assets ....................      (1.4)       1.4        0.7
      Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities ..       7.4      (14.0)      (8.4)
      Noncurrent Liabilities ..................      (5.2)      (7.1)      17.4
Other Operating Activities ....................       0.8       (1.6)      11.0
                                                    -----      -----      -----
  Net Operating Activities ....................      58.7       85.2       83.5
                                                    -----      -----      -----

Capital Expenditures ..........................     (58.9)     (84.3)     (71.0)
Business Acquired in Purchase Transaction .....      (8.0)        --         --
Proceeds from Sales of Businesses .............        --         --       12.0
Investments and Advances-Affiliated Companies
  at Equity ...................................        --        0.1       (0.2)
Other Investing Activities ....................      (0.1)      (1.1)      (0.2)
                                                    -----      -----      -----
  Net Investing Activities ....................     (67.0)     (85.3)     (59.4)
                                                    -----      -----      -----

Long-Term Debt Assumed from Olin ..............      75.0         --         --
Long-Term Debt Borrowings (Repayments) ........      (3.4)       1.7         --
Short-Term Debt Borrowings (Repayments) .......      20.5       (0.7)      (0.2)
Dividends Paid ................................     (13.8)        --         --
Purchases of Arch Common Stock ................      (6.7)        --         --
Transfers to Olin .............................     (58.1)      (2.2)     (21.4)
Other Financing Activities ....................       0.3         --         --
                                                    -----      -----      -----
  Net Financing Activities ....................      13.8       (1.2)     (21.6)
                                                    -----      -----      -----
  Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash
    and Cash Equivalents ......................      (0.5)      (0.6)       1.0
                                                    -----      -----      -----
  Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and
    Cash Equivalents ..........................       5.0       (1.9)       3.5
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year ..       7.1        9.0        5.5
                                                    -----      -----      -----
Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year ........     $12.1      $ 7.1      $ 9.0
                                                    =====      =====      =====
  Income Taxes, net ...........................     $18.4      $  --      $  --
  Interest ....................................     $ 5.4      $ 0.5      $ 0.8

         See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements



                       (EQUITY PRIOR TO THE DISTRIBUTION)

                                                                                                EQUITY IN     ACCUMULATED    COMPRE-
                                                        COMMON STOCK     ADDITIONAL              EARNINGS        OTHER      HENSIVE
                                                      ----------------     PAID-IN   RETAINED    PRIOR TO    COMPREHENSIVE   INCOME
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1996 ........................    --         --          --        --       $436.9        $(7.3)          --
Net Intercompany Activity ...........................    --         --          --        --        (21.4)          --           --
Net Income ..........................................    --         --          --        --         56.3           --        $56.3
Other Comprehensive Loss ............................    --         --          --        --           --         (8.9)        (8.9)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1997 ........................    --         --          --        --        471.8        (16.2)        47.4
Net Intercompany Activity ...........................    --         --          --        --          7.2           --           --
Net Income ..........................................    --         --          --        --         40.0           --         40.0
Other Comprehensive Income ..........................    --         --          --        --           --          1.7          1.7
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1998 ........................    --         --          --        --        519.0        (14.5)        41.7
Net Intercompany Activity ...........................    --         --          --        --        (62.6)          --           --
Net Income Prior to the Distribution ................    --         --          --        --          4.4           --          4.4
Capitalization of Divisional Equity .................  23.0      $23.0      $437.8        --       (460.8)          --           --
Net Income Subsequent to the Distribution ...........    --         --          --     $37.6           --           --         37.6
Other Comprehensive Loss ............................    --         --          --        --           --        (12.0)       (12.0)
Stock Options Exercised .............................    --         --         0.4        --           --           --           --
Stock Repurchase ....................................  (0.4)      (0.4)       (6.3)       --           --           --           --
Dividends Paid ($0.60 per share in 1999) ............    --         --          --     (13.8)          --           --           --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1999 ........................  22.6      $22.6      $431.9     $23.8       $   --        $(26.5)      $30.0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)



     Arch Chemicals, Inc. ("Arch" or the "Company") was organized under the laws
of the Commonwealth of Virginia on August 25, 1998 as a wholly-owned  subsidiary
of Olin  Corporation  ("Olin") for the purpose of effecting the  distribution of
Olin's Specialty  Chemical  Businesses  ("Distribution")  to the shareholders of
Olin.  The  Company  is  a  specialty  chemicals   manufacturer  which  supplies
value-added  products and services to several  industries on a worldwide  basis,
including  the consumer  products and  semiconductor  industries.  The principal
businesses in which the Company competes are  microelectronic  chemicals,  water
chemicals and performance chemicals.

     Prior to the  Distribution,  the Company  operated the Specialty  Chemicals
Division of Olin. The Company has organized its segments  around  differences in
products and services, which is how the Company manages its business.

     The  microelectronic  chemicals  segment  supplies a range of products  and
services to semiconductor  manufacturers  and flat panel display  manufacturers.
These  include a variety  of high  purity  acids,  bases,  oxidizers,  etchants,
solvents,  photoresists,  polyimides and ancillary products. The water chemicals
segment  manufactures  and sells  chemicals  and  distributes  equipment for the
sanitization  and  recreational use of residential and commercial pool water and
the   purification  of  potable  water.   The  performance   chemicals   segment
manufactures  and  sells a broad  range  of  products  with  diverse  end  uses.
Performance  chemicals are characterized by technology-driven  product solutions
that benefit  specific  customers  and provide  manufacturing  flexibility.  The
products  include  flexible  and  specialty  polyols,  glycols,  glycol  ethers,
pyrithione-based  and IPBC-based biocides,  hydrazine hydrates,  propellants and
virgin and regenerated sulfuric acid.

     Olin and the Company  entered into a Tax Sharing  Agreement  that  provides
that Olin is  responsible  for the Federal tax liability of the Company for each
year that the Company and its subsidiaries were included in Olin's  consolidated
Federal income tax return, and for state, local and foreign taxes of the Company
and its subsidiaries attributable to periods prior to the Distribution,  in each
case  including  tax  subsequently  assessed  pursuant to the audit of, or other
adjustment to, previously filed tax returns.

     Olin and the Company  entered into a  Chlor-Alkali  Supply  Agreement  that
provides for the supply by Olin of chlorine and caustic soda. Under the terms of
the agreement,  Olin will supply all the Company's requirements for chlorine and
caustic  soda for a five-year  period  ending in 2003,  with  extensions  unless
cancelled   on  two  years'  prior   notice  by  either   party.   Purchases  of
electrochemical units of chlorine and caustic soda will be at a fixed price.


     The preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements requires estimates
and assumptions  that affect amounts  reported and disclosed in the Consolidated
Financial  Statements and related Notes.  Actual results could differ from those

     The  accompanying  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,   which  have  been
prepared as if the Company had operated as a separate stand-alone entity for all
periods presented except as discussed in the following  paragraph,  include only
those assets,  liabilities,  revenues and expenses attributable to the Company's
operations.  The Consolidated  Financial  Statements include the accounts of the
Company and  certain  majority-owned  subsidiaries.  Intercompany  balances  and
transactions   between  entities  included  in  these   Consolidated   Financial
Statements  have been  eliminated.  Investments  in 20-50% owned  affiliates are
accounted for on the equity method.

     The  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  prior to the  Distribution do not
include an allocation of Olin's  consolidated  debt and interest  expense nor do
they  reflect the $75 of debt  assumed by the  Company  from Olin on February 8,
1999.  For 1998 and 1997,  an  assessment  of corporate  overhead is included in
selling and  administration  expenses with the allocation based on either effort
committed  or number  of  employees.  Management  believes  that the  allocation
methods used to allocate the costs and expenses are  reasonable,  however,  such
allocated  amounts may or may not  necessarily be indicative of what selling and
administration expenses would have been if the Company operated independently of


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)


     All highly  liquid  investments  with a maturity of three months or less at
the date of purchase are considered to be cash equivalents.


     Inventories  are  stated  at the  lower  of cost or net  realizable  value.
Certain  inventories  are valued by the dollar value last-in,  first-out  (LIFO)
method of inventory accounting. Costs for other inventories have been determined
principally  by the  first-in,  first-out  (FIFO)  method.  Elements of costs in
inventories include raw materials, direct labor and manufacturing overhead.


     Property,  plant  and  equipment  are  recorded  at cost.  Depreciation  is
computed on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives:

          Improvements to land ................................   10 to 20 years
          Buildings and building equipment ....................   10 to 25 years
          Machinery and equipment .............................    3 to 12 years

     Leasehold  improvements  are  amortized  over the term of the  lease or the
estimated useful life of the improvement,  whichever is less. Start-up costs are
expensed as incurred.


     Goodwill,  the excess of the purchase price of the acquired businesses over
the fair value of the respective net assets,  is amortized  principally  over 30
years on a straight-line  basis. Other  intangibles,  which consist primarily of
patents,  trademarks,  non-compete agreements,  and various technology licensing
agreements,  are amortized on a  straight-line  basis  principally  over 3 to 15
years.  Accumulated  amortization  was $39.2 and $35.3 at December  31, 1999 and
1998, respectively.


     The impairment of tangible and  intangible  assets is assessed when changes
in  circumstances  indicate  that  their  current  carrying  value  may  not  be
recoverable.  Under SFAS No. 121,  "Accounting  for the Impairment of Long-Lived
Assets  and  for  Long-Lived  Assets  to Be  Disposed  Of," a  determination  of
impairment,  if any, is made based on the undiscounted value of estimated future
cash flows,  salvage  value or expected  net sales  proceeds,  depending  on the
circumstances.  The Company  periodically  reviews the value of its  goodwill to
determine if any impairment has occurred.  It is the Company's  policy to record
asset  impairment  losses,  and any  subsequent  adjustments  to such  losses as
initially  recorded,  as well as net  gains or  losses  on sales of  assets as a
component of operating income when the estimated fair value exceeds the carrying
value  of such  assets.  Under  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion  No.  17,
"Intangible  Assets," the Company also periodically  evaluates the future period
over which the benefit of goodwill will be received,  based on the  undiscounted
value of future cash flows,  and records an impairment if necessary based on the
undiscounted value of estimated future cash flows.


     Accruals for environmental  matters are recorded when it is probable that a
liability  has been  incurred and the amount of the  liability can be reasonably
estimated,  based upon current law and  existing  technologies.  These  amounts,
which are not discounted and are exclusive of claims against third parties,  are
adjusted   periodically  as  assessment  and  remediation  efforts  progress  or
additional  technical  or  legal  information  becomes available.  Environmental


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

remediation costs are charged to expense. Environmental costs are capitalized if
the  costs  increase  the  value of the  property  and/or  mitigate  or  prevent
contamination from future operations.


     The  carrying  values of cash and cash  equivalents,  accounts  receivable,
accounts payable, and short-term borrowings  approximated fair values due to the
short-term  maturities  of these  instruments.  The fair value of the  Company's
long-term debt was determined based on current market rates for debt of the same
risk and maturity. The fair values of currency forward and option contracts were
estimated based on quoted market prices for contracts with similar terms.


     Revenues are principally  recognized when services are rendered or products
are delivered to customers.


     The Company had entered into a contract with the United  States  Department
of the  Air  Force  to  supply  hydrazine-based  propellant.  It was a  one-year
contract with four one-year  renewal options  beginning  January 1, 1995,  which
expired on  December  31,  1999.  The  Company is  currently  in the  process of
renegotiating  this contract and has received an extension of the contract until
June 30, 2000. The new contract is expected to be a three-year contract with two
one-year renewal  options.  Negotiations are expected to be completed during the
first half of 2000.  The current  contract  consists  of a fixed price  facility
management fee and a product purchase  arrangement  whereby the Company supplies
product at a fixed price per pound of product adjusted  annually for agreed-upon
cost  escalations.  In 1999, 1998 and 1997 the Company's  performance  chemicals
segment sales include $17.3, $17.6 and $20.2, related to this agreement.


     Foreign  affiliate  balance  sheet  amounts are  translated at the exchange
rates in effect at  year-end,  and income  statement  and cash flow  amounts are
translated  at the  average  rates  of  exchange  prevailing  during  the  year.
Translation adjustments are included in the accumulated other comprehensive loss
component of shareholders'  equity.  Where foreign  affiliates operate in highly
inflationary   economies  non-monetary  amounts  are  translated  at  historical
exchange  rates while  monetary  assets and  liabilities  are  translated at the
current  rate  with  the  related  adjustments  reflected  in  the  Consolidated
Statements of Income.


     The Company  accounts  for  stock-based  compensation  under  Statement  of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 123  "Accounting  for Stock-Based
Compensation."  As allowed under SFAS No. 123, the Company has chosen to account
for stock-based compensation cost in accordance with Accounting Principles Board
Opinion  No.  25,   "Accounting  for  Stock  Issued  to  Employees."  Pro  forma
information regarding net income and earnings per share, as calculated under the
provisions of SFAS No. 123, is disclosed in Note 6.


     The Company  provides for deferred taxes on temporary  differences  between
the  financial  statement  and tax bases of assets  using the enacted tax rates,
which are expected to apply to taxable income when the temporary differences are
expected to reverse.

     Prior to the  Distribution,  the Company's  operations were included in the
U.S.  Federal  consolidated  tax returns of Olin. The provision for income taxes
prior to the  Distribution,  includes the  Company's  allocated  share of Olin's
consolidated  income tax provision and is calculated on a separate company basis
consistent with the requirements of


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes." Allocated income taxes payable were
settled with Olin on a current basis.


     All earnings per share  computations  and  presentations  are in accordance
with SFAS No. 128,  "Earnings  Per Share."  Basic  earnings  per common share is
computed  by  dividing  net  income  available  to  common  shareholders  by the
weighted-average  number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted
earnings  per common share is  calculated  in a similar  manner  except that the
weighted-average  number of common shares outstanding during the period includes
the potential  dilution that could occur if stock options or other  contracts to
issue  common  stock  were  exercised.  The  number of shares  included  for the
potential issuance of common shares was 0.1 million in 1999.  Performance Shares
are not presently included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share, but
may potentially dilute earnings per share in the future.


     The Company's other comprehensive  income (loss) consists solely of foreign
currency  translation  gains and losses.  The Company  does not provide for U.S.
income  taxes on  foreign  currency  translation  adjustments  since it does not
provide for such taxes on undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries.


     Pension and  postretirement  health care and life insurance benefits earned
during the year as well as interest on projected benefit obligations are accrued
currently.  Prior  service  costs and  credits  resulting  from  changes in plan
benefits are amortized  over the average  remaining  service period of employees
expected to receive  benefits.  Curtailment gains and losses are recognized when
they occur.  Settlement gains and losses are recognized when significant pension
obligations are settled and the gain or loss is determinable.



     Allowance for doubtful  accounts was $5.7 and $6.7 at December 31, 1999 and
1998,  respectively.  Provision for doubtful  accounts charged to operations was
$1.2, $1.4 and $1.3 in 1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively.  Bad debt write-offs,
net of  recoveries,  amounted  to $2.2,  $0 and $0.3 in 1999,  1998,  and  1997,

                                                                 DECEMBER 31,
                                                              1999        1998
                                                             ------      ------
     Raw materials and supplies ........................     $ 54.9      $ 55.4
     Work-in-progress ..................................       13.4        14.2
     Finished goods ....................................      129.0       121.7
                                                             ------      ------
     Inventories, gross ................................      197.3       191.3
     LIFO reserves .....................................      (50.0)      (52.0)
                                                             ------      ------
     Inventories, net ..................................     $147.3      $139.3
                                                             ======      ======

     Inventory valued using the LIFO method comprised 59% of the total inventory
at December  31, 1999 and 65% at  December  31,  1998.  Gross  inventory  values
approximate replacement cost.


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

                                                                 DECEMBER 31,
                                                              1999        1998
                                                             ------      ------
     Land and improvements to land ....................      $ 28.5      $ 34.0
     Buildings and building equipment .................       124.0       117.7
     Machinery and equipment ..........................       659.2       624.3
     Leasehold improvements ...........................         3.1         4.4
     Construction-in-progress .........................        61.9        81.6
                                                             ------      ------
     Property, plant and equipment ....................       876.7       862.0
     Less accumulated depreciation ....................       550.0       530.4
                                                             ------      ------
     Property, plant and equipment, net ...............      $326.7      $331.6
                                                             ======      ======

     Leased  assets  capitalized  and  included  in the  previous  table are not
significant.  Maintenance and repairs  charged to operations  amounted to $35.1,
$33.7, and $37.9 in 1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively.


     Included in accrued liabilities are the following items:

                                                                DECEMBER 31,
                                                              1999        1998
                                                             ------      ------
     Deferred income ..................................      $  9.3      $  9.6
     Accrued compensation .............................        11.0        10.3
     Other ............................................        36.8        39.1
                                                             ------      ------
       Total accrued liabilities ......................      $ 57.1      $ 59.0
                                                             ======      ======

     Included in other non-current liabilities are the following items:

                                                                DECEMBER 31,
                                                              1999        1998
                                                             ------      ------
     Deferred income ..................................      $  1.6      $ 12.8
     Other ............................................        43.1        30.7
                                                             ------      ------
       Total other non-current liabilities ............      $ 44.7      $ 43.5
                                                             ======      ======

     Deferred  income  relates  primarily  to a $30 payment  under a  three-year
supply agreement expiring on December 31, 2000, unless extended, entered into in
connection with the sale of the  surfactants  business to BASF in November 1997.
Sales and  operating  income for the years  ending  December  31,  1999 and 1998
include  $9.5,  related to the  amortization  of the deferred  income under such
supply agreement (see Note 10).


     On January 27, 1999,  Olin obtained an unsecured $125  revolving  five-year
credit  facility  ("Five-year  Facility"),  which expires in January 2004 and an
unsecured $125 364-day facility ("364-day  Facility"),  which expired in January
2000,  was  subsequently  renewed by the Company  under the same terms,  and now
expires in January 2001 (collectively the "Credit Facility").  Olin borrowed $75
under the Credit  Facility.  On February 8, 1999,  the Company  succeeded to the
Credit Facility and assumed the $75 of debt.

     The  Credit  Facility   contains   leverage  and  interest  coverage  ratio
covenants, and restricts the payment of dividends in excess of 50% of cumulative
net income under certain circumstances.  Fees are payable on the Credit Facility
and range from 0.125% to 0.30%.  The Company may select  various  floating  rate
borrowing  options,  including but not limited to LIBOR plus 0.325% to 1.00% and
Prime.  The weighted  average interest rate for the year ended December 31, 1999
was 6.6%. At December 31, 1999,  borrowings under the Credit Facility were $90.0
of which $75.0 was classified as long-term,  and the effective interest rate was


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

     In  addition,  at  December  31,  1999 the  Company  had $1.8 of  long-term
borrowings outstanding floating with LIBOR.

     At  December  31,  1999,  Arch also had  approximately  $30 of  uncommitted
short-term  lines of credit  available  under which $5.4 was  outstanding  at an
interest rate of 6.2%.

     The fair value of the  Company's  long-term  debt was $76.8 at December 31,
1999 and $5.1 at December 31, 1998.



     The Company  enters into forward sales and purchase  contracts and currency
options to manage  currency risk  resulting  from purchase and sale  commitments
denominated  in  foreign  currencies  (principally  euro,  Canadian  dollar  and
Japanese  yen) and  relating to  particular  anticipated  but not yet  committed
purchases and sales expected to be denominated in those  currencies.  All of the
currency  derivatives  expire  within one year and are for United  States dollar
equivalents.  At December  31, 1999,  the Company had forward  contracts to sell
foreign currencies with face values of $0.9 (1998-$5.3) and forward contracts to
buy foreign  currencies  with face values of $2.3  (1998-$3.1).  The fair market
values of these forward contracts  approximated face values at December 31, 1999
and 1998. At December 31, 1999, the Company had no outstanding  option contracts
to sell or buy foreign  currencies.  The  counterparties  to the  contracts  and
options are major financial institutions. The risk of loss to the Company in the
event of nonperformance  by a counterparty is not significant.  The Company does
not use financial  instruments  for  speculative or trading  purposes nor is the
Company a party to leveraged derivatives.

     In  accordance  with  Statement of  Accounting  Standards No. 52 ("SFAS No.
52"),  "Foreign  Currency  Translation,"  a transaction is classified as a hedge
when the foreign  currency  transaction is designated as, and is effective as, a
hedge of a foreign currency  commitment and the foreign  currency  commitment is
firm. A hedge is considered by the Company to be effective when the  transaction
reduces the currency risk on its foreign currency commitments.  If a transaction
does not meet the  criteria  to  qualify  as a  hedge,  it is  considered  to be
speculative.  For a foreign  currency  commitment that is classified as a hedge,
any gain or loss on the  commitment is deferred and included in the basis of the
underlying  transaction.  Any realized and unrealized gains or losses associated
with  foreign  currency  commitments  that are  classified  as  speculative  are
recognized in the current period and are included in selling and  administration
in the  Consolidated  Statements of Income.  If a foreign  currency  transaction
previously  considered as a hedge is terminated  before the transaction  date of
the related commitment,  any deferred gain or loss shall continue to be deferred
and  included  in the basis of the  underlying  transaction.  Premiums  paid for
currency options and gains or losses on forward sales and purchase contracts are
not material to operating results.

     Foreign currency  exchange gains, net of taxes,  were $0.2 in 1999, $0.7 in
1998, and $0.5 in 1997.



                                                     YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                  1999        1998         1997
                                                 -----       -----        -----
     Domestic ................................   $45.1       $39.7        $64.4
     Foreign .................................    16.4        21.1         21.8
                                                 -----       -----        -----
     Pretax income ...........................   $61.5       $60.8        $86.2
                                                 =====       =====        =====
     Currently payable:
       Federal ...............................   $ 7.3       $ 7.5        $20.5
       State .................................     1.9         3.0          6.8
       Foreign ...............................     5.0         7.6          7.8
     Deferred ................................     6.6         2.7         (5.2)
                                                 -----       -----        -----
     Income tax expense ......................   $20.8       $20.8        $29.9
                                                 =====       =====        =====


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

     The  following  table  accounts for the  difference  between the actual tax
provision and the amounts obtained by applying the statutory U.S. Federal income
tax rate of 35% to the income before taxes.


                                                    YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                  1999        1998         1997
                                                 -----       -----        -----
     Statutory federal tax rate ..............    35.0        35.0         35.0
     Foreign income tax ......................    (3.7)       (6.6)        (3.5)
     State income taxes, net .................     3.0         3.6          4.2
     Goodwill ................................     0.8         1.0          0.7
     Equity in net income of affiliates ......    (3.2)       (0.6)        (1.5)
     Other, net ..............................     1.9         1.8         (0.2)
                                                 -----       -----        -----
     Effective tax rate ......................    33.8        34.2         34.7
                                                 =====       =====        =====

                                                                DECEMBER 31,
                                                              1999        1998
                                                             ------      ------
     Deferred tax assets:
       Postretirement benefits ........................      $  8.7      $  7.0
       Non-deductible reserves ........................        18.1        21.9
       Other miscellaneous items ......................         6.6         3.7
                                                             ------      ------
          Total deferred tax assets ...................        33.4        32.6
                                                             ------      ------
     Deferred tax liabilities:
       Property, plant and equipment ..................        19.3        12.7
       Other miscellaneous items ......................         2.2         1.4
                                                             ------      ------
          Total deferred tax liabilities ..............        21.5        14.1
                                                             ------      ------
     Net deferred tax asset ...........................      $ 11.9      $ 18.5
                                                             ======      ======

     Included  in  Other   Current   Assets  at  December  31,  1999  and  1998,
respectively,  are $19.2 and $19.5 of net current deferred tax assets.  Included
in Other Long-Term Liabilities at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively,  are
$7.3 and $1.0 of net  long-term  deferred  tax  liabilities.  Taxable  income is
expected to be sufficient to recover the net benefit  within the period in which
these differences are expected to reverse and, therefore, no valuation allowance
was established.

     The Company  provides for deferred taxes on temporary  differences  between
the financial statement and tax bases of assets using the enacted tax rates that
are  expected to apply to taxable  income  when the  temporary  differences  are
expected to reverse. At December 31, 1999, the Company's share of the cumulative
undistributed  earnings  of  foreign  subsidiaries  was  approximately  $84.  No
provision  has  been  made  for  U.S.  or   additional   foreign  taxes  on  the
undistributed  earnings of foreign  subsidiaries  since the  Company  intends to
continue to reinvest these  earnings.  Foreign tax credits would be available to
substantially  reduce or eliminate any amount of additional  U.S. tax that might
be payable on these foreign earnings in the event of distributions or sale.



     At the  time  of the  Distribution,  stock  options  issued  by  Olin  were
converted  into  both an option  to  purchase  Company  common  stock  ("Company
Options") and an option to purchase Olin common stock ("New Olin  Options") with
the same aggregate  "intrinsic value" at the time of the Distribution as the old
award.  The  conversion of the options did not result in a charge to earnings as
no new measurement date was created. The Company is


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

responsible  for  delivering  shares of Company  common  stock upon  exercise of
Company  Options,  and Olin is  responsible  for the  delivery of shares of Olin
Common stock upon exercise of New Olin Options.  Options  granted under the Olin
1980 Stock Option Plan to Olin employees who became  Company  employees upon the
Distribution  will  terminate  upon the  earlier of (i) the end of their term or
(ii) two years  following the  Distribution.  Options  granted to such employees
under the Olin 1988 Stock  Option  Plan or the Olin 1996 Stock  Option Plan will
retain the original term of the option.  Options granted to such employees under
the Olin  1996  Stock  Option  Plan,  which  were not  vested at the time of the
Distribution, will continue to vest in accordance with their vesting schedule so
long as the optionee remains employed at the Company.

     The Company has adopted a long-term  incentive  plan to encourage  selected
salaried employees to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company's growth and
performance  and to attract  and  retain  qualified  individuals.  The plan will
provide for the ability to issue stock options,  restricted stock and restricted
stock units, and performance awards.

     On February 9, 1999, the Company granted to certain employees approximately
968,000  options to purchase  common stock at an exercise  price of $19.41 (fair
market value of the common stock on the grant  date).  In addition,  the Company
granted to certain employees  approximately 245,000 performance share units. All
these grants were made under the Company's  1999 Long Term  Incentive  Plan. The
options vest and become  exercisable  at the end of a three-year  period and are
exercisable up to ten years from the date of grant. The performance  share units
will vest if certain  performance  measures  are met at the end of a  three-year
performance  period  and upon  vesting  are paid out in shares of common  stock.
Units may be paid out in shares on a basis of up to 1.5  shares  for every  unit
depending on the Company's performance.

     The following table summarizes stock option activity during 1999 (number of
options in thousands):

                                             STOCK    AVERAGE
                                            OPTIONS    PRICE     RANGE OF PRICES
                                             -----     ------     -------------
Olin stock options converted
  as of the Distribution ...............     1,557     $26.84     $15.68-$34.88
    Options granted ....................     1,032      19.51       19.41-22.72
    Options exercised ..................        34      19.38          19.38
    Options cancelled or forfeited .....       181      23.82       19.38-34.88
                                             -----     ------     -------------
Balance, December 31, 1999 .............     2,374     $23.99     $15.68-$31.92
                                             =====     ======     =============

     At December 31, 1999,  options  covering  1,100,061  shares were  currently
exercisable  at a  weighted  average  exercise  price  of  $25.89.  The  average
remaining contractual life was approximately seven years.

     Pursuant to APB No. 25,  compensation cost is recorded when the fair market
value of the Company's  stock at the date of grant for fixed options exceeds the
exercise price of the stock option.  Olin's policy was, and Arch's policy is, to
grant stock options with an exercise  price equal to its common stock fair value
on the date of grant.  Accordingly,  there are no charges  reflected  herein for
stock  options  granted to employees.  Compensation  cost for  restricted  stock
awards is accrued over the life of the award based on the quoted market price of
the Company's stock at the date of the award.  Compensation cost for performance
share  units is  estimated  based on the  number  of shares  to be  earned.  The
ultimate  cost will be based on the market price of the  Company's  stock at the
settlement date.  Prior to the  Distribution,  certain  employees of the Company
received  restricted  stock unit awards  under Olin's  stock-based  compensation
plans.  The cost associated with the employees  participating  in these plans is
included  in the  Consolidated  Statements  of  Income  and is not  material  to
operating results.

     Pro forma net income was calculated  based on the following  assumptions as
if the  Company had  recorded  compensation  expense for the Olin stock  options
granted to those employees of the Specialty  Chemicals  business since 1996. The
fair value of each Olin option granted during 1998 and 1997 was estimated on the
date of grant using the  Black-Scholes  option  pricing model with the following
weighted-average  assumptions  used:  dividend yield of 3.2% in 1998 and 2.8% in
1997, risk free interest rate of 5.5% in 1998 and 1997,  expected  volatility of
27% in 1998, and 21% in 1997 and an expected life of 7 years.  The fair value of
each Arch option  granted  during 1999 was  estimated on the date of grant using
the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following weighted-average


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

assumptions  used:  dividend  yield of 4.2%,  risk free  interest rate of 6.25%,
expected volatility of 40% and an expected life of 7 years. Pro forma net income
as if the Company had recorded  compensation expense for the Arch and Olin stock
options  granted  was  $40.7,   $39.5,   and  $55.6  in  1999,  1998  and  1997,
respectively.  Pro forma  earnings  per share in 1999  would have been $1.76 per

     The 1998 and 1997 pro forma amounts are not necessarily  representative  of
the  effects of  stock-based  awards on future pro forma net income  because (1)
future grants of employee stock options to Arch management may not be comparable
to  awards  made  to  employees  while  Arch  was a part  of  Olin  and  (2) the
assumptions used to compute the fair value of any stock option awards may not be
comparable to the Olin assumptions used.


     The Company has adopted a  Shareholder  Rights  Plan,  which is designed to
prevent an acquiror from gaining control of the Company without  offering a fair
price to all shareholders.



     Effective  February  8, 1999,  the  Company  established  the Arch  pension
benefit  plan,  a defined  benefit  pension  plan  covering  virtually  all U.S.
employees.  Prior to the Distribution,  these employees were participants in one
of  several  Olin  pension  benefit  plans  covering  employees  of  other  Olin
businesses.  The Arch pension  benefit plan provides  benefits  based on service
with Olin and with the  Company.  The  Company is liable for the  payment of all
pension plan  benefits  earned by Company  employees  prior to and following the
Distribution who retire after the Distribution.  Olin transferred  assets to the
Company's  pension plan. The amount of the assets  transferred was calculated in
accordance with Section 4044 of the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
1974, as amended.  The assets of the Arch plan consist  primarily of investments
in commingled funds administered by independent investment advisors.

     Olin is liable for  postretirement  medical and death benefits  provided to
former  employees  of  the  Company  who  retired  prior  to  the  Distribution.
Subsequent to the Distribution,  the Company adopted a retiree medical and death
benefits  plan,  that  largely  replicated  the Olin  retiree  medical and death
benefit  program.  The Company is liable for the payment of all retiree  medical
and death  benefits  earned by  Company  employees  prior to and  following  the
Distribution  who retire.  The Olin plan was an  unfunded  plan;  therefore,  no
assets were transferred.

     The following tables provide a reconciliation  of the changes in the plans'
projected benefit obligations, fair value of plan assets, funded status, certain
assumptions  and  components  of  net  periodic  pension  expense  of  the  Arch
retirement plan, which prior to the  Distribution  represents  Arch's portion of
Olin's pension benefit plans,  and are reflected in the  Consolidated  Financial


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

                                                                   PENSION BENEFITS                    POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS
                                                           --------------------------------       --------------------------------
                                                            1999         1998                      1999         1998
                                                           ------       ------                    ------       ------
Projected benefit obligation at beginning of year ....     $107.1       $ 81.0                    $  8.2       $  6.4
Service cost (benefits earned during the period) .....        6.1          5.0                       0.6          0.7
Interest cost on the projected benefit obligation ....        7.6          6.6                       0.5          0.5
Plan amendments ......................................         --          1.8                        --           --
Actuarial (gain)/loss ................................      (16.8)        12.7                      (1.4)         0.6
Benefits paid ........................................       (0.3)          --                        --           --
                                                           ------       ------                    ------       ------
Projected benefit obligation at end of year ..........     $103.7       $107.1                    $  7.9       $  8.2
                                                           ======       ======                    ======       ======

Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year .......     $ 87.0       $ 73.4
Adjustment to fair value of plan assets ..............       27.0           --
Benefits paid ........................................       (0.3)          --
Actual return on plan assets (net of expenses) .......       13.4         13.6
                                                           ------       ------
Fair value of plan assets at end of year .............     $127.1       $ 87.0
                                                           ======       ======

FUNDED STATUS ........................................     $ 23.4       $(20.1)                   $ (7.9)      $ (8.2)
Unrecognized net actuarial loss/(gain) ...............      (41.3)         5.5                       0.2          1.6
Unamortized prior service cost .......................        4.1          4.8                      (0.4)        (0.5)
Unrecognized transition asset ........................       (0.5)        (1.0)                       --           --
                                                           ------       ------                    ------       ------
Accrued benefit cost .................................     $(14.3)      $(10.8)                   $ (8.1)      $ (7.1)
                                                           ======       ======                    ======       ======

                                                            1999         1998         1997         1999         1998         1997
                                                           ------       ------       ------       ------       ------       ------
Discount rate ........................................       8.00%        7.00%        7.25%        8.00%        7.00%        7.25%
Rate of compensation increase ........................       4.60%        4.50%        4.50%          --           --           --
Long-term rate of return on assets ...................       9.50%        9.50%        9.50%          --           --           --

Service cost (benefits earned during the period) .....     $  6.1       $  5.0       $  6.1       $  0.6       $  0.7       $  0.4
Interest cost on the projected benefit obligation ....        7.6          6.6          4.6          0.5          0.5          0.4
Expected return on plan assets .......................      (10.1)        (7.0)        (5.8)          --           --           --
Amortization of prior service cost ...................        0.7          0.8          0.7         (0.1)        (0.1)        (0.1)
Amortization of transition obligation ................       (0.5)        (0.5)        (0.5)          --           --           --
Recognized actuarial (gain)/loss .....................       (0.2)         0.1           --           --           --           --
                                                           ------       ------       ------       ------       ------       ------
Net periodic benefit cost ............................     $  3.6       $  5.0       $  5.1       $  1.0       $  1.1       $  0.7
                                                           ======       ======       ======       ======       ======       ======

     The  accumulated  benefit  obligation  relating to the  Company's  unfunded
pension plans was $3.6 and $4.1, as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

     For measurement purposes,  the assumed health care cost trend rate was 5.7%
for HMO plans and 7.25% for non-HMO plans in 1999,  which reduce ratably to 4.5%
for the HMO  plans  and 5% for the  non-HMO  plans in the  years  2003 and 2002,
respectively.  The assumed  health care cost trend rate  assumptions  can have a
significant  impact on the amounts reported.  A one percent increase or decrease
each year in the health care cost trend rate  utilized  would have resulted in a
$0.1 increase or decrease,  respectively,  in the aggregate service and interest
cost  components of expense for the year 1999,  and a $0.4 increase or decrease,
respectively,  in the accumulated  postretirement benefit obligation at December
31, 1999.

     The Company's foreign subsidiaries maintain pension and other benefit plans
that are consistent with statutory practices and are not significant.


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)


     Prior  to the  Distribution,  Company  employees  participated  in the Olin
Corporation  Contributing  Employee  Ownership  Plan ("Olin  CEOP"),  which is a
defined  contribution  plan available to essentially all domestic Olin employees
and provides a match of employee contributions.  Subsequent to the Distribution,
the Olin CEOP was converted into a multiple employer plan in which both Olin and
the Company  participate.  The  matching  contribution  allocable to the Company
employees  has  been  included  in  costs  and  expenses  in  the   accompanying
Consolidated Statements of Income and was $3.4, $3.6, and $3.1 in 1999, 1998 and
1997, respectively.


     On February 8, 1999, Olin, the sole shareholder of the Company, distributed
(on a 1-for-2 basis) all the issued and outstanding  shares of common stock, par
value $1 per share,  of the  Company,  to the  shareholders  of record of Olin's
common stock as of February 1, 1999,  upon which the Company  became a separate,
independent company. The total shares distributed was approximately 22,980,000.


     Segment results for the periods ended December 31 were as follows:

                                                     1999       1998       1997
                                                    ------     ------     ------
     Microelectronic Chemicals ................     $214.8     $227.6     $242.6
     Water Chemicals ..........................      326.8      290.3      286.9
     Performance Chemicals ....................      338.2      344.9      400.4
                                                    ------     ------     ------
TOTAL SALES ...................................     $879.8     $862.8     $929.9
                                                    ======     ======     ======
     Microelectronic Chemicals ................     $ (3.0)    $ (4.1)    $  9.5
     Water Chemicals ..........................       26.3       13.8       26.5
     Performance Chemicals ....................       45.4       50.7       50.1
                                                    ------     ------     ------
  BEFORE NONRECURRING EXPENSES ................       68.7       60.4       86.1
  NONRECURRING EXPENSES .......................       (2.3)        --         --

                                                    ------     ------     ------
  EQUITY INCOME IN AFFILIATED COMPANIES .......     $ 66.4     $ 60.4     $ 86.1
                                                    ======     ======     ======
     Microelectronic Chemicals ................     $  2.7     $  0.9     $  4.5
     Water Chemicals ..........................        3.1        2.5        2.6
                                                    ------     ------     ------
TOTAL EQUITY INCOME IN AFFILIATED COMPANIES ...     $  5.8     $  3.4     $  7.1
                                                    ======     ======     ======
     Microelectronic Chemicals ................     $ 18.5     $ 14.3     $ 13.1
     Water Chemicals ..........................       12.0       11.7       10.4
     Performance Chemicals ....................       18.8       17.1       20.1
                                                    ------     ------     ------
TOTAL DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ....................     $ 49.3     $ 43.1     $ 43.6
                                                    ======     ======     ======
     Microelectronic Chemicals ................     $  3.9     $  3.9     $  3.7
     Water Chemicals ..........................        0.1        0.1        0.1
     Performance Chemicals ....................        0.1         --         --
                                                    ------     ------     ------
TOTAL AMORTIZATION EXPENSE ....................     $  4.1     $  4.0     $  3.8
                                                    ======     ======     ======
     Microelectronic Chemicals ................     $ 14.8     $ 43.3     $ 39.8
     Water Chemicals ..........................       12.2       10.1       16.2
     Performance Chemicals ....................       31.9       30.9       15.0
                                                    ------     ------     ------
TOTAL CAPITAL SPENDING ........................     $ 58.9     $ 84.3     $ 71.0
                                                    ======     ======     ======


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

                                                    1999       1998       1997
                                                   ------     ------     ------
     Microelectronic Chemicals ...............     $304.5     $309.6     $286.5
     Water Chemicals .........................      180.9      166.4      182.1
     Performance Chemicals ...................      283.1      251.0      235.3
     Other ...................................       (9.0)      (5.4)     (10.7)
                                                   ------     ------     ------
TOTAL ASSETS .................................     $759.5     $721.6     $693.2
                                                   ======     ======     ======
     Microelectronic Chemicals ...............     $ 11.2     $  9.2     $ 10.0
     Water Chemicals .........................        9.6       11.9       11.1
                                                   ------     ------     ------
  AFFILIATED COMPANIES AT EQUITY .............     $ 20.8     $ 21.1     $ 21.1
                                                   ======     ======     ======

     Segment  operating  income includes the equity in the earnings of investees
accounted  for by the  equity  method  and does  not  include  interest  income,
interest expense or extraordinary  items.  Segment  operating income includes an
allocation  of corporate  charges  based on various  allocation  bases.  Segment
assets include only those assets that are directly identifiable to a segment and
do not include such items as cash,  deferred  taxes,  LIFO  reserves,  and other
assets.  Sales by  segment  substantially  represent  sales for the three  major
product lines of the Company.

                                                     YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                    1999       1998       1997
                                                   ------     ------     ------

     United States ..........................      $647.9     $646.2     $719.8
     Foreign ................................       231.9      216.6      210.1
     Transfers between areas:
     United States ..........................        69.7       57.6       68.9
     Foreign ................................         2.1        1.7        1.9
     Eliminations ...........................       (71.8)     (59.3)     (70.8)
                                                   ------     ------     ------
        Total Sales .........................      $879.8     $862.8     $929.9
                                                   ======     ======     ======

                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                    1999       1998       1997
                                                   ------     ------     ------
     United States ..........................      $569.9     $560.1     $503.9
     Foreign ................................       218.9      243.7      234.1
     Investments ............................        11.2        9.5       10.5
     Eliminations ...........................       (40.5)     (91.7)     (55.3)
                                                   ------     ------     ------
        Total Assets ........................      $759.5     $721.6     $693.2
                                                   ======     ======     ======

     Transfers  between  geographic  areas are priced  generally  at  prevailing
market  prices.  Export sales from the United States to  unaffiliated  customers
(included in United  States  sales  above) were $63.1,  $63.9 and $93.6 in 1999,
1998, and 1997, respectively.



     In   September   1999,   the  Company   purchased   the   Hydroquinone   Di
(Beta-hydroxyethyl)  Ether  ("HQEE")  specialty  chemicals  business  of Eastman
Chemical Company. This acquisition was accounted for as a purchase and


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

the  results of  operations  have been  included in the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements  from the date of purchase and were not material in 1999. The related
goodwill is being amortized over 20 years.

     Supplemental cash flow information on the business acquired is as follows:

                                                                   YEAR ENDED
                                                               DECEMBER 31, 1999
     Working capital .......................................         $ 0.1
     Property, plant and equipment .........................           0.2
     Other assets ..........................................           3.3
     Goodwill ..............................................           4.4
     Cash paid for acquisition .............................         $ 8.0


     In November 1997, the Company completed a transaction with BASF whereby the
Company  received  $42 for the sale of its  performance  chemicals'  surfactants
business and a three-year supply agreement.  Of the proceeds  received,  $12 was
allocated  to the sale of the  surfactants  business  based on the fair value of
such business and $30 was allocated to the supply agreement. No gain or loss was
recorded on the sale.  In the supply  agreement,  the Company  agreed to reserve
production  capacity  for  surfactants  products  at its  Brandenburg,  Kentucky
facility  and to supply BASF with such  products  in exchange  for a $30 payment
made at the time of  signing  the  agreement  plus  recovery  of all  fixed  and
variable  costs  during  the term of the  agreement.  The  agreement  expires on
December  31, 2000  unless  extended;  the  Company  does not believe it will be
extended. The $30 payment was recorded as deferred income and is being amortized
ratably into  operating  income over the  three-year  period.  Unless the supply
agreement is extended beyond 2000,  which the Company does not expect to happen,
no future  income will be realized with respect to this supply  agreement  after
December 31, 2000.

     Supplemental cash flow information on the business sold is as follows:

                                                                  YEAR ENDED
                                                               DECEMBER 31, 1997
     Proceeds ..............................................         $12.0
     Working capital .......................................          (9.0)
     Property, plant and equipment .........................            --
     Other assets ..........................................          (0.2)
     Other liabilities .....................................          (2.8)
     Gain on disposition of business .......................         $  --


     The Company leases certain properties,  such as manufacturing,  warehousing
and office space and data processing and office equipment. Leases covering these
properties  generally contain escalation clauses based on increased costs of the
lessor,  primarily property taxes, maintenance and insurance and have renewal or
purchase options.  Total rent expense charged to operations amounted to $27.7 in
1999, $19.8 in 1998, and $19.2 in 1997 (sublease income is not significant).

     Future  minimum rent payments  under  operating  leases  having  initial or
remaining  noncancelable  lease terms in excess of one year at December 31, 1999
are as follows:  $6.6 in 2000; $5.5 in 2001; $4.2 in 2002; $3.6 in 2003; $3.5 in
2004; and $1.2 thereafter.

     There are a variety  of  non-environmental  legal  proceedings  pending  or
threatened  against the  Company.  Those  matters  that are  probable  have been
accrued  for  in  the  accompanying   Consolidated  Financial  Statements.   Any
contingent  amounts  in excess of amounts  accrued  are not  expected  to have a
material adverse effect on annual results of operations,  financial  position or
liquidity of the Company.


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)


     Olin and the Company have entered into an agreement,  which  specifies that
the Company is only responsible for  environmental  liabilities at the Company's
current operating plant sites and certain offsite  locations.  Olin retained the
liability for all former plant sites and former waste disposal  sites.  In 1997,
in connection  with the sale of the surfactants  business,  a $2.3 provision was
recorded  to  provide  for future  environmental  spending  at the  Brandenburg,
Kentucky site. The  Consolidated  Balance Sheets include  liabilities for future
environmental expenditures to investigate and remediate known sites amounting to
$2.4 and $2.8 at  December  31,  1999 and 1998,  respectively,  all of which are
classified as other noncurrent liabilities.

     Environmental  exposures  are  difficult  to assess for  numerous  reasons,
including the identification of new sites,  developments at sites resulting from
investigatory studies, advances in technology, changes in environmental laws and
regulations and their  application,  the scarcity of reliable data pertaining to
identified  sites,  the  difficulty in assessing the  involvement  and financial
capability of other potentially responsible parties and the Company's ability to
obtain  contributions  from other parties and the length of time over which site
remediation occurs.


     Olin  sells  chlorine  and  caustic  soda  to the  Company,  which  is used
primarily in the  production of calcium  hypochlorite.  These product  purchases
aggregated  $20.7 in 1998, and $22.8 in 1997, and are reflected in cost of goods
sold in the  Consolidated  Statements  of  Income  for the  respective  periods.
Settlement of these  intercompany sales occurred at the time of shipments by way
of the intercompany account.

     The  Company  was  charged by Olin for the  Company's  share of expenses of
certain centralized  activities using various allocation bases. These activities
include,  but are not limited to,  administration  of employee benefit programs,
tax compliance,  management  information  systems,  treasury,  legal and general
corporate functions.  Aggregate charges to the Company for centralized corporate
services were $30.6 in 1998, and $31.8 in 1997.



     During the fourth quarter of 1999,  Arch recorded an after-tax gain of $1.3
(net of  taxes of  $0.9),  or $0.06  per  diluted  share  related  to the  early
extinguishment of a $5.2 face value note through a payment of $3.0.


     During  the third  quarter  of 1999,  Arch  recorded  $2.3 of  nonrecurring
expenses related to an unfavorable  arbitration  award and the decision to delay
construction of a facility in China. These nonrecurring expenses reduced diluted
earnings per share $0.07.


     On January 27, 1999,  Olin obtained an unsecured $125  revolving  five-year
credit  facility  which  expires in January 2004 and an  unsecured  $125 364-day
facility,  which expired in January 2000 (collectively,  the "Credit Facility").
Olin borrowed $75 under the Credit  Facility.  On February 8, 1999,  the Company
succeeded to the Credit Facility and assumed the $75 of debt.

     The following  represents the pro forma effects of borrowings  assuming $75
was outstanding under the Credit Facility for one full year and that the Company
had seasonal weighted average  borrowings related to the Water Chemicals Segment
of $20 under the Credit Facility at an aggregate effective rate of 7%, inclusive
of facility fees and amortization of initial bank fees.


                      ($ IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)

                                                        YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                             1998        1997
                                                           ------      ------
     Pro forma effect on:
       Increase to interest expense ...................    $  6.6      $  6.6
       Decrease to net income .........................       4.3         4.3

     Pro forma income per share was calculated using the number of common shares
that were issued at the  Distribution  date and  assuming  that such shares were
outstanding for all periods prior to the Distribution date.


     The Company's  common stock began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on
a "regular way" basis on February 9, 1999.

                                                                FIRST         SECOND          THIRD         FOURTH
1999                                                           QUARTER        QUARTER        QUARTER        QUARTER          YEAR
- ----                                                            ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Sales .....................................................     $225.0         $268.2         $201.6         $185.0         $879.8
Cost of goods sold ........................................      157.7          190.4          151.0          138.6          637.7
Income before extraordinary gain ..........................       13.5           20.9            4.1            2.2           40.7
Extraordinary gain ........................................         --             --             --            1.3            1.3
Net income ................................................       13.5           20.9            4.1            3.5           42.0
Diluted income per share:
  Before extraordinary gain ...............................       0.59           0.90           0.18           0.09           1.76
  Extraordinary gain ......................................         --             --             --           0.06           0.06
  Net income ..............................................       0.59           0.90           0.18           0.15           1.82
Stock market price:
  High ....................................................    23 1/4          25 5/16        24 3/8        21 5/8          25 5/16
  Low .....................................................    15 15/16        15 1/2         16            13 15/16        13 15/16
  Close (at end of quarter) ...............................    16 3/4          24 5/16        16 3/16       20 15/16        20 15/16
Common dividend paid per share ............................         --           0.20           0.20           0.20           0.60

                                                                FIRST         SECOND          THIRD         FOURTH
1998                                                           QUARTER        QUARTER        QUARTER        QUARTER          YEAR
- ----                                                            ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Sales .....................................................     $220.4         $270.4         $203.6         $168.4         $862.8
Cost of goods sold ........................................      150.1          190.7          152.9          128.3          622.0
Net income (loss) .........................................       16.3           21.1            4.0           (1.4)          40.0
Pro forma net income (loss) ...............................       15.0           19.8            3.2           (2.3)          35.7
Pro forma diluted income (loss) per share .................       0.65           0.86           0.14          (0.10)          1.55



     Not Applicable.

                                    PART III


     The  information  relating to the Company's  Directors under the paragraphs
entitled  "Who are the persons  nominated by the Board in this election to serve
as  directors?"  and "Who are the other  remaining  directors and when are their
terms  scheduled to end?" under the heading "Item  1--Election  of Directors" in
the  Proxy   Statement   relating  to  the  Company's  2000  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  (the "Proxy  Statement")  is  incorporated  by  reference  in this
Report. See also the list of executive officers following Item 4 of this Report.
The information  regarding compliance with Section 16 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended,  contained in the  paragraph  entitled  "Section  16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance" under the heading "Security Ownership
of Directors and Officers" in the Proxy  Statement is  incorporated by reference
in this Report.


     The information  under the heading  "Executive  Compensation"  in the Proxy
Statement (but excluding the Report of the  Compensation  Committee on Executive
Compensation  appearing  on pages 11 through 12 of the Proxy  Statement  and the
graph appearing on page 16 of the Proxy  Statement) is incorporated by reference
in this  Report.  The  information  under the  heading  "Additional  Information
Regarding  the  Board  of  Directors--What  are the  directors  paid  for  their
services?" in the Proxy Statement is incorporated by reference in this Report.


     The information  concerning holdings of Company stock by certain beneficial
owners  contained  under the heading  "Certain  Beneficial  Owners" in the Proxy
Statement and the information concerning beneficial ownership of Common Stock by
directors and officers of the Company under the heading  "Security  Ownership of
Directors and Officers" in the Proxy Statement are  incorporated by reference in
this Report.


     The information  under the paragraph  entitled  "Certain  Relationships and
Related  Transactions"  under the heading "Executive  Compensation" in the Proxy
Statement are incorporated by reference in this Report.

                                     PART IV



     The following is a list of the Financial  Statements  included in Item 8 of
Part II of this Report:

Independent Auditors' Report ..............................................   24
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998 ..............   25
Consolidated Statements of Income for the Years Ended
  December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 ........................................   26
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended
  December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 ........................................   27
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity
  (Equity prior to the Distribution) for the
Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 ..............................   28
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ................................   29



     Schedules not included herein are omitted because they are  inapplicable or
not required or because the required  information  is given in the  consolidated
financial statements and notes thereto.

     Separate financial  statements of 50% or less owned subsidiaries  accounted
for by the  equity  method  are not  summarized  herein  and have  been  omitted
because, in the aggregate, they would not constitute a significant subsidiary.


     Management  contracts and compensatory plans and arrangements are listed as
Exhibits 10.12 through 10.22 below.

     The Company is party to other instruments defining the rights of holders of
long-term debt. No such instrument  authorizes an amount of securities in excess
of 10% of the total assets of the Company and its subsidiaries on a consolidated
basis. The Company agrees to furnish a copy of each instrument to the Commission
upon request.

 3.1     Amended and Restated  Articles of Incorporation of the  Company-Exhibit
         3.1 to the Company's  Current  Report on Form 8-K,  filed  February 17,
 3.2     Bylaws of the Company as amended January 27, 2000.
 4.1     Specimen  Common  Share   certificate-Exhibit   4.1  to  the  Company's
         Registration Statement on Form 10, as amended.*
 4.2     Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Company (filed as
         Exhibit 3.1 hereto).
 4.3     Bylaws of the Company (filed as Exhibit 3.2 hereto).
 4.4(a)  Rights  Agreement  dated as of January 29, 1999 between the Company and
         ChaseMellon  Shareholder Services,  L.L.C., as Rights Agent-Exhibit 4.1
         to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K, filed February 17, 1999.*
 4.4(b)  Amendment No. 1, dated July 25, 1999, to Rights Agreement,  dated as of
         January 29,  1999-Exhibit 4 to the Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form
         10-Q, for the period ending June 30, 1999.*
 4.5     Form  of  Rights  Certificate  (attached  as  Exhibit  B to the  Rights
         Agreement filed as Exhibit 4.4(a) hereto).*
 4.6(a)  364-Day  Credit  Agreement,  dated as of January  27,  1999,  among the
         Company,  Olin,  the Lenders party thereto,  Bank of America,  National
         Trust and Savings  Association,  as Syndication  Agent,  Wachovia Bank,
         N.A.,  as   Documentation   Agent,   The  Chase   Manhattan   Bank,  as
         Administrative  Agent and Chase  Securities  Inc., as  Arranger-Exhibit
         10.1 to the Company's  Current  Report on Form 8-K,  filed February 17,
 4.6(b)  Extension  Agreement,  dated as of January 26, 2000, among the Company,
         the Lenders party thereto, Bank of America,  National Trust and Savings
         Association,   as   Syndication   Agent,   Wachovia   Bank,   N.A.,  as
         Documentation  Agent and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank, as  Administrative
         Agent, relating to the 364-Day Credit Agreement.
 4.7     Five-year  Credit  Agreement,  dated as of January 27, 1999,  among the
         Company,  Olin,  the Lenders party thereto,  Bank of America,  National
         Trust and Savings  Association,  as Syndication  Agent,  Wachovia Bank,
         N.A.,  as   Documentation   Agent,   The  Chase   Manhattan   Bank,  as
         Administrative  Agent and Chase  Securities  Inc., as  Arranger-Exhibit
         10.2 to the Company's  Current  Report on Form 8-K,  filed February 17,
 10.1    Distribution  Agreement,  dated as of  February  1, 1999,  between  the
         Company and  Olin--Exhibit  2 to the Company's  Current  Report on Form
         8-K, filed February 17, 1999.*
 10.2    Chlor-Alkali  Supply Agreement,  dated as of February 8, 1999,  between
         the Company and  Olin--Exhibit  10.2 to the Company's  Annual Report on
         Form 10-K for the period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.3    Covenant  Not To  Compete  Agreement,  dated as of  February  8,  1999,
         between the  Company and  Olin--Exhibit  10.3 to the  Company's  Annual
         Report on Form 10-K for the period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.4    Form of Employee Benefits Allocation  Agreement between the Company and
         Olin--Exhibit  10.4 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
         period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.5    Form of Intellectual  Property  Transfer and License  Agreement between
         the  Company  and  Olin--Exhibit  10.9  to the  Company's  Registration
         Statement on Form 10, as amended.*
 10.6    Form of Sublease  between the  Company  and  Olin--Exhibit  10.5 to the
         Company's Registration Statement on Form 10, as amended.*


 10.7    Form  of  Trade  Name  License   Agreement   between  the  Company  and
         Olin--Exhibit 10.11 to the Company's Registration Statement on Form 10,
         as amended.*
 10.8(a) Transition  Services  Agreement,  dated as of February 8, 1999, between
         the Company and  Olin--Exhibit  10.8 to the Company's  Annual Report on
         Form 10-K for the period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.8(b) Amendment to Transition  Services  Agreement,  dated as of December 29,
         1999, between the Company and Olin.
 10.9    Tax  Sharing  Agreement,  dated as of  February  8, 1999,  between  the
         Company and  Olin--Exhibit  10.9 to the Company's Annual Report on Form
         10-K for the period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.10   Charleston  Services  Agreement,  dated as of February 8, 1999, between
         the Company and  Olin--Exhibit  10.10 to the Company's Annual Report on
         Form 10-K for the period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.11   Information  Technology  Services  Agreement,  dated as of  February 8,
         1999,  between  the Company and  Olin--Exhibit  10.11 to the  Company's
         Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.12   Form of Executive Agreement.
 10.13   1999 Stock Plan for Non-employee Directors, as amended January 1, 2000.
 10.14   1999 Long Term Incentive Plan, as amended October 28, 1999.
 10.15   Supplemental  Contributing  Employee Ownership Plan, as amended through
         January 27, 2000.
 10.16   Supplementary  and Deferral  Benefit  Pension Plan, as amended July 29,
 10.17   Senior Executive Pension Plan, as amended July 29, 1999.
 10.18   Employee Deferral  Plan-Exhibit 10.18 to the Company's Annual Report on
         Form 10-K for the period ending December 31, 1998.*
 10.19   Key   Executive   Death   Benefits-Exhibit   10.19  to  the   Company's
         Registration Statement on Form 10, as amended.*
 10.20   Form  of  Endorsement  Split  Dollar  Agreement-Exhibit  10.20  to  the
         Company's Registration Statement on Form 10, as amended.*
 10.21   Arch  Chemicals,  Inc. Annual  Incentive  Plan, as amended  December 9,
 10.22   Senior  Management  Incentive  Compensation Plan as amended January 27,
 21.     List of Subsidiaries.
 23.     Consent of KPMG LLP, dated March 8, 2000.
 24.     Power of Attorney.
 27.     Financial Data Schedule.


     No reports on Form 8-K were filed  during the quarter  ended  December  31,

*  Previously filed as indicated and incorporated herein by reference.  Exhibits
   incorporated  by  reference  are  located  in SEC  File  No.  1-14601  unless
   otherwise indicated.



     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: March 8, 2000

                                                ARCH CHEMICALS, INC.

                                                By    MICHAEL E. CAMPBELL
                                                      Michael E. Campbell
                                                   Chairman of the Board and
                                                    Chief Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of the
registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated.

 SIGNATURE                               TITLE
 --------                                -----

     MICHAEL E. CAMPBELL               Chairman Of The Board, Chief Executive
- ----------------------------           Officer and Director (Principal
     Michael E. Campbell               Executive Officer)

- ----------------------------
     Richard E. Cavanagh               Director

- ----------------------------
   John W. Johnstone, Jr.              Director

- ----------------------------
       Jack D. Kuehler                 Director

- ----------------------------
  H. William Lichtenberger             Director

- ----------------------------
      Michael O. Magdol                Director

- ----------------------------
      John P. Schaefer                 Director

      LOUIS S. MASSIMO                 Vice President and Chief Financial
- ----------------------------             Officer (Principal Financial Officer)
      Louis S. Massimo

     STEVEN C. GIULIANO                Controller
- ----------------------------             (Principal Accounting Officer)
     Steven C. Giuliano

*By: Sarah A. O'Connor
- ----------------------------
Sarah A. O'Connor

Date: March 8, 2000


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX


  3.2        Bylaws of the Company as amended January 27, 2000.
  4.6(b)     Extension Agreement, dated as of January 26, 2000, among the
             Company, the Lenders party thereto, Bank of America, National Trust
             and Savings Association, as Syndication Agent, Wachovia Bank, N.A.,
             as Documentation Agent and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as
             Administrative Agent, relating to the 364-Day Credit Agreement.
10.8(b)      Amendment to Transition Services Agreement, dated as of December
             29, 1999, between the Company and Olin.
10.12        Form of Executive Agreement.
10.13        1999 Stock Plan for Non-employee Directors, as amended January 1,
10.14        1999 Long Term Incentive Plan, as amended October 28, 1999.
10.15        Supplemental Contributing Employee Ownership Plan, as amended
             through January 27, 2000.
10.16        Supplementary and Deferral Benefit Pension Plan, as amended July
             29, 1999.
10.17        Senior Executive Pension Plan, as amended July 29, 1999.
10.21        Arch Chemicals, Inc. Annual Incentive Plan, as amended December 9,
10.22        Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan, as amended
             January 27, 2000.
21.          List of Subsidiaries.
23.          Consent of KPMG LLP, dated March 8, 2000.
24.          Power of Attorney
27.          Financial Data Schedule.