
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by Registrant                         [x]
Filed by a Party Other than Registrant      [ ]

Check the Appropriate Box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only as listed by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)0
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Exchange Act rule 14a-11(c) or 14a-12

                                   LEXENT INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

            (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than
                                 the Registrant)

Payment of Filing fee (Check the appropriate  box)
[x] No Fee  Required
[ ] Fee computed on table below
    Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
Aggregate Number of Securities to which transaction applies:
Per unit price or the underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
calculated and state how it is determined):
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: $
Total fee paid: $
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
    Exchange  Act  Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which  the
    offsetting fee was paid previously.
Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or
Schedule and the date of its filing:
Amount Previously Paid:  $_______________.
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:  ________
Filing Party:


                                   LEXENT INC.
                              THREE NEW YORK PLAZA
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10004

                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 13, 2002

To the Stockholders of Lexent Inc.:

     NOTICE IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of LEXENT INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  will be held
on Monday,  May 13, 2002 at the hour of 10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, at the
Digital Sandbox,  55 Broad Street,  4th Floor, New York, New York 10004, for the
following purposes:

     (1) To elect three Class I directors for terms expiring in 2005;

     (2) To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the Company's
         independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002; and

     (3)  To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the

     Only  Stockholders of record at the close of business on March 15, 2002 are
entitled  to notice of,  and shall be  entitled  to vote at, the  Meeting or any
postponements or adjournments thereof.

     You are  requested  to fill in, date and sign the enclosed  proxy  card(s),
which are being solicited by the Company's Board of Directors. The prompt return
of your proxy will save the Company the expense of further requests for proxies.
Submitting  a proxy will not prevent  you from  voting in person,  should you so


                                       By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                       /s/ Noah Franzblau
                                       Noah Franzblau

Dated: April 15, 2002


                                   LEXENT INC.
                              THREE NEW YORK PLAZA
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10004

                                  MAY 13, 2002


     This Proxy Statement is being furnished in connection with the solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of Lexent Inc. (the "Company"),  to be used
at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be held on May 13, 2002
at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time at the Digital Sandbox, 55 Broad Street, 4th
Floor,  New  York,  New York  10004  and at any  postponements  or  adjournments
thereof.  Only Stockholders of record at the close of business on March 15, 2002
are  entitled  to vote  at the  Meeting  or any  postponements  or  adjournments

     Proxies will be solicited by mail, and the Company will pay all expenses of
preparing and soliciting these proxies. The approximate date on which this Proxy
Statement  and the  enclosed  form of proxy  cards  were  first sent or given to
Stockholders was April 15, 2002.

     A proxy card is enclosed.  Whether or not you plan to attend the Meeting in
person,  please  date,  sign and return the  enclosed  proxy card as promptly as
possible in the  postage  prepaid  envelope  provided to ensure that your shares
will be voted at the Meeting.

     Stockholders who execute proxies retain the right to revoke them by written
notice to the Secretary of the Company,  by executing a later-dated  proxy or by
attending  the Meeting and voting in person.  Unless a proxy is so revoked,  the
person  designated as proxy in any duly executed proxy card received,  will vote
on all matters  presented at the Meeting in accordance  with the  specifications
given therein by the person executing such proxy or, in the absence of specified
instructions,  will  vote  for the  named  nominees  to the  Company's  Board of
Directors  and in favor of each of the  proposals  indicated on such proxy.  The
Board of Directors  does not know of any other matter that may be brought before
the  Meeting  but,  in the event that any other  matter  should  come before the
Meeting, or any nominee should not be available for election,  the persons named
as proxy will have  authority  to vote all Proxies not marked to the contrary in
their discretion as they deem advisable.

     The total number of shares of the Company's Common Stock  outstanding as of
March 15, 2002 was  41,741,793  shares.  There are no shares of Preferred  Stock
outstanding.  Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one non-cumulative vote.
A majority of the shares of Common Stock  outstanding  and entitled to vote must
be present at the Meeting in person or by proxy in order to  constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.

     A list of Stockholders entitled to vote at the Meeting will be available at
the  Company's  offices,  Three New York Plaza,  New York,  New York 10004 for a
period  of  ten  days  prior  to the  Meeting  and at  the  Meeting  itself  for
examination by any Stockholder.


     At the Meeting, the Company's Stockholders will be asked (a) to elect three
Class I directors  for terms  expiring in 2005;  (b) to ratify the  selection of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the Company's independent auditors for the fiscal
year ending  December 31, 2002;  and (c) to transact any such other  business as
may properly come before the Meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof.
Management   reserves  the  right  to  withdraw  any  of  these  proposals  from
consideration prior to the actual vote thereupon.


     All shares of Common Stock  represented at the Meeting by properly executed
proxies received prior to the vote at the Meeting, unless previously revoked (as
described  immediately below), will be voted in accordance with the instructions
thereon.  If a properly signed proxy is returned and no instructions  are given,
proxies  will be voted FOR (i) the  election  of the  nominees  named  herein as
members of the Board and (ii) the ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as
the Company's  independent  certified public accountants.  No matters other than
those referred to above are presently scheduled to be considered at the Meeting.

     Only votes  cast "for" a matter  constitute  affirmative  votes.  Under the
General  Corporation  Law of the State of  Delaware,  an  abstaining  vote and a
broker non-vote are counted as present and entitled to vote and are,  therefore,
included for purposes of determining  whether a quorum of shares is present at a
meeting. A broker non-vote occurs when a nominee holding shares for a beneficial
owner does not vote on a particular  proposal  because the nominee does not have
discretionary  voting  power  with  respect  to that  item and has not  received
instructions from the beneficial owner. Broker non-votes and abstentions are not
included in the tabulation of the voting results on the election of directors or
matters  requiring  approval  of a  majority  of the votes cast for or against a
matter and,  therefore,  do not have the effect of votes in  opposition  in such
tabulations.  The votes  required  with  respect to the matters set forth in the
Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders are set forth below.

     Stockholders giving proxies may revoke them at any time before it is voted.
A proxy may be revoked by filing with the  Secretary of the Company at Three New
York Plaza,  New York,  New York 10004 prior to the Meeting either (i) a written
notice of revocation  bearing a date later than the date of such proxy or (ii) a
subsequent  proxy  relating to the same shares;  or by attending the Meeting and
voting in person (although attendance at the Meeting will not, in and of itself,
constitute a revocation of a proxy).

     Proxies are being  solicited  by and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
the  Company.  The Company  will  solicit  proxies by mail,  and the  directors,
officers and  employees of the Company may also  solicit  proxies by  telephone,
telegram  or  personal  interview.  Those  persons  will  receive no  additional
compensation   for  these   services  but  will  be  reimbursed  for  reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses. The Company will bear the costs of preparing and mailing
the  proxy  materials  to  fiduciaries,  custodians  and  brokerage  houses  for
forwarding to beneficial  owners of shares of Common Stock. Such persons will be
paid reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.


     If a quorum is present at the meeting,  the following votes are required to
approve each proposal, respectively:

     Proposal 1:    The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast shall
                    be sufficient  to elect each nominee on the Company's  slate
                    of directors.

     Proposal 2:    The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast shall
                    be     sufficient     to    ratify    the    selection    of
                    PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  as  the  Company's  independent
                    certified  public  accountants  for the fiscal  year  ending
                    December 31, 2002.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The first matter that stockholders will be asked to vote upon at the Annual
Meeting is the  election of three Class I Directors  for a term  expiring at the
annual meeting of stockholders to be held in the year 2005.

     Pursuant to the Second  Amended and  Restated  By-Laws of the  Company,  as
amended on August 14, 2000,  at the first meeting held for election of the Board
of  Directors,  there  were  elected  Directors  of the  first  class  ("Class I
Directors")  for a term of one-year;  Directors  of the second class  ("Class II
Directors")  for a term of  two-years;  and Directors of the third class ("Class
III Directors")  for a term of three years. At each annual election  thereafter,
successors  to the class of  Directors  whose  terms  expire  that year shall be
elected  to hold  office  for a term of three


years. Those Class I Directors elected at the Annual Meeting held on May 3, 2001
have a term which expires at the Annual Meeting to be held on May 13, 2002. Each
director's  term is  subject to the  election  and  qualification  of his or her
successor,  or prior  termination  of service in  accordance  with the Company's
certificate of incorporation, by-laws and applicable law.

     In October of 2001,  the Board of  Directors  voted to increase the size of
our Board from seven members to eight.  One of our current  Directors,  Kathleen
Perone,  was elected to the Board of Directors as a Class II Director in October
2001, and has been elected as a member of the Compensation Committee.

     The  following  individuals  serve as  members  of the  Company's  Board of
Directors.  L. White  Matthews,  III, Kevin M. O'Kane and Walter C. Teagle,  III
serve as Class I Directors  and their term will expire at the annual  meeting in
2002.  Richard L. Schwob,  Richard  Smith and Kathleen  Perone serve as Class II
Directors  and their  term will  expire at the annual  meeting in 2003.  Hugh J.
O'Kane,  Jr.  serves as a Class  III  Director  and his term will  expire at the
annual meeting in 2004. Peter O. Crisp, who was serving as a Class III Director,
resigned  from the Company's  Board of Directors  effective  March 4, 2002.  Mr.
Crisp was a member  of the Audit  Committee.  The  Board  intends  to name a new
member of the Audit Committee at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting.

     The following  individuals  have been  nominated by the Board of Directors'
Nominating Committee for election at the Annual Meeting:

Nominees for Class I Directors:

      L. White Matthews III (1) (2)....56    Director
      Kevin M. O'Kane..................49    President, Chief Executive Officer,
                                             Vice Chairman and Director
      Walter C. Teagle III.............52    Director and Executive Vice
                                             President, Administration

- --------------
(1) Member of Compensation Committee
(2) Member of Audit Committee


     Nominees for Class I Directors:

     L. White Matthews,  III has been a Director since September 1998. He is the
former  Chief  Financial  Officer and  Director of two public  corporations.  He
served as Executive Vice President,  Chief  Financial  Officer and a Director of
Ecolab Inc., a global marketer of cleaning and sanitation  products and services
from July 1999 to August 2001.  Prior to that,  he held various  positions  with
Union Pacific  Corporation and was the corporation's Chief Financial Officer for
nine years and a member of the Board of Directors.  Mr. Matthews holds a BS from
Hampden-Sydney  College and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School
of Business. He is also a Director of Nortrax, Inc.

     Kevin  M.   O'Kane   has   approximately   16  years   experience   in  the
telecommunications  industry  and has been our  President  and  Chief  Executive
Officer since March 31, 2001.  Prior to this position,  Mr. O'Kane was our Chief
Operating Officer,  and he has been a Director since our inception.  In February
2000,  he was appointed  Vice  Chairman of our Board of Directors.  Prior to our
founding,  and since  joining his  family's  business in 1976,  Mr.  O'Kane held
various  positions  in our  predecessor  company,  most  recently  as  its  Vice
President. Mr. O'Kane holds a BS in accounting from Boston College.

     Walter  C.  Teagle,  III has  approximately  six  years  experience  in the
infrastructure  services  industry and has been a Director since  September 1998
and served as an Executive  Vice  President  from February 2000 to January 2001.
From  February  2001 until  January of 2002,  Mr.  Teagle was on a paid leave of
absence.  He  returned  to Lexent as an  Executive  Vice  President  and resumed
responsibility   for   numerous   administration   and   corporate   development
initiatives.  From June 1999 through  January 2000, Mr. Teagle was the President
of our  subsidiary  National  Network  Technologies  LLC.  Prior to joining  our
company,  Mr.  Teagle was the  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Metro
Design Systems Inc., an engineering  and design firm which was acquired by us in
September 1999.


Mr.  Teagle also  serves as a Director of the First of Long Island  Corporation.
Mr. Teagle holds a BS in economics from the University of Maryland and an MBA in
finance from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School.



Hugh  J.   O'Kane,   Jr.  has   approximately   16  years   experience   in  the
telecommunications  industry  and has been  Chairman  of the Board of  Directors
since our inception.  From our inception to February 2000, he also served as our
President and Chief Executive Officer.  Prior to our founding, and since joining
his  family's  business  in 1973,  Mr.  O'Kane  held  various  positions  in our
predecessor company, most recently as its Vice President.  Mr. O'Kane holds a BS
in finance from Boston College.

     Kathleen  Perone has over 20 years of experience in the  telecommunications
and satellite  communications  industry and joined the Lexent Board of Directors
in October  2001.  Ms.  Perone is a founding  partner and  managing  director of
Acappella Ventures,  LLC, a venture capital firm focusing on early stage telecom
and  technology  infrastructure  companies.  Ms. Perone has held various  senior
level positions at Level 3 Communications,  WorldCom,  Inc., MFS  Communications
and Cable and Wireless.  While  employed at Level 3  Communications,  Inc.,  Ms.
Perone was the President of the North American  division,  the largest operating
division of Level 3 Communications.  Ms. Perone serves on the Board of Directors
for Focal Communications,  Infocrossing, and Con Edison Communications, a wholly
owned subsidiary of Consolidated  Edison, Inc. She is also on the advisory board
of Tellium,  Inc. and a trustee of the Gemini  Foundation.  Ms. Perone graduated
from Rutgers College in New Jersey with a B.A. in Business Administration.

     Richard L. Schwob has been a Director  since  March 2000.  He has served as
Vice President, Sales and Marketing of Marconi Communications,  an international
supplier of high performance broadband solutions,  since November 1999. Prior to
that, he held various  positions with Marconi,  most recently as Vice President,
General Manager for the Power and Outside Plant business units. Mr. Schwob holds
a BS from Drake  University  and  completed the Advanced  Management  Program at
Harvard University Graduate School of Business. He has held board positions with
the  Alliance  for  Telecommunications  Industry  Solutions  and is currently an
advisory board member for the International Engineering Consortium.

     Richard W. Smith has been a Director  since July 1998.  He is an individual
general partner of the general  partners of Allegra  Capital  Partners IV, L.P.,
Allegra Capital Partners III L.P.,  Lawrence,  Tyrrell,  Ortale & Smith II, L.P.
and Lawrence,  Tyrrell,  Ortale & Smith, L.P., each a venture capital investment
firm. He is also Chairman of both Ixnet, Inc. and IPC Communications, Inc. He is
also a director of several  private  companies.  Mr. Smith  co-authored the book
Treasury  Management:  A  Practitioner's  Hand-Book.  He holds a BA from Harvard

     Hugh J. O'Kane,  Jr., the Chairman of our board,  and Kevin M. O'Kane,  the
Vice Chairman of our board and our Chief Operating Officer, are brothers.

Director Meetings

     The Board of Directors held eight  meetings  during the year ended December
31, 2001.  All of the  directors  were  present at each such  meeting  either in
person or through  teleconference  with the exception of two meetings  where one
director was not present.

Report of the Compensation Committee

     The Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee") of the Board of Directors of
the Company for fiscal 2001 consisted of L. White Matthews,  Richard W Smith and
Thomas  Hallagan until the company's  annual meeting on May 3, 2001.  After that
date,  Walter  Teagle  replaced  Mr.  Hallagan.  Subsequently,  Kathleen  Perone
replaced   Walter  Teagle   effective   December  11,  2001.   The   Committee's
responsibilities include determining the compensation of the Company's executive
officers,  making  recommendations  to the Board of Directors with regard to the
adoption of new employee  benefit  plans,  and  administering  and making awards
under the Company's


compensation and stock option plans. No member, while serving on this Committee,
was  concurrently  an officer or  employee of the Company  during  fiscal  2001.
During fiscal 2001,  the committee held six meetings.  All members  attended all

     The  Compensation  Committee  assists the Board of Directors in determining
compensation levels for principal officers of the Company, employment terms and,
on a  quarterly  basis,  stock  option  grants.  The policy of the  Compensation
Committee is to develop a  compensation  program that is designed to attract and
retain highly qualified  executives and also motivate the executive  officers so
that the Company may achieve its strategic  goals.  The  Compensation  Committee
also  believes that it is  appropriate  to codify its  principles  and adopted a
charter on December 18, 2000.

     The principal  components of the Company's  compensation program consist of
base  salaries,  cash  bonuses and stock  options.  The  Company's  compensation
program is designed to align  management and stockholder  interests by providing
incentive   compensation  through  stock  option  awards  and  performance-based
bonuses. The Committee receives input from the Company's Chief Executive Officer
and other senior managers in the Company and reviews their proposals  concerning
executive compensation before making a final determination  concerning the scope
and nature of compensation arrangements.

     Base  salaries for key employees are reviewed by the Committee on an annual
basis in conjunction  with the Company's  annual budget for the upcoming  fiscal
year. The Company's philosophy is to provide base salaries at a level comparable
to positions of similar  responsibility  in similar  companies and industries in
order to retain the  services  of key  employees  who are in a position  to make
significant contributions to the Company's attainment of its objectives.

     During  fiscal  1999,   the  Company   established   an  annual   incentive
compensation  plan which  provides  bonus  opportunities  for the  Company's key
executive personnel based on three criteria: (1) the Company's overall financial
performance  relative  to the budget for a given  fiscal year as approved by the
Board of Directors,  (2) the financial  performance of individual business units
of the Company for  executives  directly  involved  with the  operation of those
units,  and  (3)  a  qualitative  assessment  by  the  Committee  of  individual
performance   not  directly   measurable  by  financial   results   pursuant  to
recommendations made by the Chief Executive Officer and other senior managers in
the Company.

     Payments for fiscal year 2000 under the annual incentive compensation  plan
paid during  fiscal  2001  ranged from 40% to 56% of base salary for  executives
other than the Chief Executive Officer and the Chairman. The purpose of the Plan
is to reward employees who have made significant  contributions to the Company's
achievement   of  its  objectives  and  to  provide  an  incentive  for  further
contributions.  No bonuses were paid under the plan to executives of the Company
for fiscal 2001.

                                       COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                                       Richard W.  Smith, Chairman
                                       Kathleen Perone
                                       L. White Matthews

Report of the Audit Committee

     In 2001, the Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors (the Committee) was
composed of Messrs.  Matthews, Crisp and Schwob. Each member of the Committee is
an independent  director as defined by Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the
Commission)  rules.  The  Committee  met four times during 2001,  including  one
meeting held by telephone conference call. The Committee is charged, among other
things, with:

         - Reviewing and recommending to the Board of Directors the independent
         auditor to audit the Company's financial statements;

         - Reviewing and discussing  with the  independent  auditors the matters
         required to be discussed by Statement of  Accounting  Standards  No. 61
         (Communication with Audit Committees (SAS 61);


         - Receiving from the  independent  auditor a formal  written  statement
         delineating  all  relationships  between  the  auditor  and the Company
         consistent with Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1; discussing
         with  the   independent   accountant   the   independent   accountant's
         independence;  and recommending that the Board take appropriate  action
         to oversee the independence of the independent auditor;

         - Reviewing expenses paid on behalf of or reimbursed to the Company's
         Chairman and Chief Executive Officer;

         -  Reviewing  with  the  independent   auditor  the  Company's  interim
         financial results to be included in the Company's  quarterly reports on
         Form 10-Q for filing with the Commission;

         - Discussing with management and the independent auditor the quality
         and adequacy of the Company's internal controls; and

         - Reviewing  press  releases of the  Company's  quarterly  results with
         management and outside auditors prior to issuance.

     The Audit  Committee  has  reviewed and  discussed  the  Company's  audited
financial statements with management,  which has primary  responsibility for the
financial statements, and with the independent auditors,  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP ("PWC").  The Committee has  discussed  with PWC the matters  required to be
discussed by SAS 61, which include,  among other items,  matters  related to the
conduct of the audit of the company's  financial  statements.  The Committee has
also  received   written   disclosure  and  the  letter  from  PWC  required  by
Independence  Standards  Board  Standard No. 1, which  relates to the  auditor's
independence from the Company and its related  entities,  and has discussed with
PWC that firm's  independence.  The  Committee  also  considered  whether  PWC's
provision  of  non-audit  services  to the  Company  in 2001,  which  included a
businessman's  review  of a  proposed  acquisition,  is  compatible  with  PWC's

     Based on the considerations referred to above, the Committee recommended to
the Board of Directors that the audited financial  statements be included in the
Company's  Annual  Report  on Form  10-K for  2001  and  that  PWC be  appointed
independent  auditors for the Company for 2002. The foregoing report is provided
by the following independent directors, who constitute the Audit Committee.

                                       AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                       L. White Matthews, III, Chairman
                                       Peter O. Crisp
                                       Richard L. Schwob

Director Compensation

     Each  director  who is not also an employee or an  affiliate of a principal
stockholder  of our company  received  options to purchase  shares of our common
stock under our stock option plan upon  becoming a director.  Each director also
receives cash remuneration for specific actions they performed on our behalf. In
2001,  each of these  directors  received a fee of $1,500 per  quarter  for each
quarter served as a member of the board, $750 for each board meeting attended in
person and $500 for each board meeting  attended  telephonically,  $500 for each
attended  meeting of a committee on which the director  served and $250 for each
committee  meeting  attended  telephonically.  We also  agreed to provide  these
members a $1,000 per day fee in the event we imposed upon these members specific
advisory  responsibilities outside the scope of the normal responsibilities of a
member of our board of directors.

     In addition to the cash  remuneration  described above, each director shall
receive  options to purchase  shares of common stock under our stock option plan
for each  year  served  as a member of our  board.  The  amount of each of these
grants is  determined  by the board or appointed  committee or committees on the
date of grant. In April of 2001, each outside director was granted 5,000 options
with an exercise price of $3.0625.


Compensation Committee Interlocks And Insider Participation

     Prior to January 1999, all compensation decisions relating to our executive
officers  were made  solely by our board of  directors.  Upon  formation  of our
Compensation Committee and through December 31, 2001, the Compensation Committee
made recommendations  regarding the compensation of our executive officers.  Mr.
Smith is a  general  partner  of the  general  partnership  of each of the funds
affiliated with Allegra Capital Partners.

                                   PROPOSAL 2


     The Board of Directors has selected PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to audit the
financial  statements  of the Company for the fiscal  year ending  December  31,
2002. Such firm,  which has served as the Company's  independent  auditors since
August 1998, has reported to the Company that none of its members has any direct
financial interest or material indirect financial interest in the Company.

     Unless  instructed to the contrary,  the person named in the enclosed proxy
intends to vote the same in favor of the ratification of  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as the Company's independent auditors.

     A representative  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP is expected to attend the
Meeting and will be afforded the opportunity to make a statement  and/or respond
to appropriate questions from Stockholders.



     The following table contains  information,  as of March 15, 2002, about the
beneficial ownership of our common stock for:

         - each person who beneficially owns more than five percent of the
         common stock;

         - each of our directors;

         - the named executive officers; and

         - all directors and executive officers as a group.

     Except as  indicated by footnote,  and subject to community  property  laws
where  applicable,  the  persons  named in the table  below have sole voting and
investment   power  with  respect  to  all  shares  of  common  stock  shown  as
beneficially  owned by them. The percentage of beneficial  ownership is based on
41,741,793 shares of common stock  outstanding as of March 15, 2002.  Fractional
shares have been rounded to the nearest whole number.


- ----------------------                        ------------------  ---------------------
Kevin M. O'Kane (2) ........................      11,532,465             27.62%
Hugh J. O'Kane, Jr.(3) .....................      10,513,319             25.19%
Abbott Capital 1330 Investors I, L.P. ......       6,827,564             16.36%
   1330 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2800
   New York, New York 10019
Allegra Capital Partners III, L.P.(4) ......       3,837,060              9.19%
   515 Madison Avenue -- 29th Floor
   New York, New York 10022
Walter C. Teagle III(5) ....................         483,068              1.18%
L. White Matthews III(6) ...................          74,897               *
Richard L. Schwob(7) .......................          34,012               *
Richard W. Smith(8) ........................       3,837,060              9.19%
Kathleen Perone(9) .........................           2,500               *
Victor DeJoy(10) ...........................         329,417               *
Jonathan Stern (11) ........................         204,167               *
All current directors and executive officers
   as a group  (10 persons)(12) ............      26,008,659             62.31%

- ---------------
*    Represents beneficial ownership of less than 1%.

     (1) Unless otherwise indicated, the address for each person or entity named
above is c/o Lexent Inc., Three New York Plaza, New York, New York 10004.

     (2) Includes 37,275 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of
March 15, 2002,  an aggregate  600,000  shares held in trust for Kevin  O'Kane's
children for which Mr. O'Kane is co-trustee  and 1,008,746  shares held in trust
for Hugh O'Kane's family for which Mr. O'Kane is co-trustee.

     (3) Includes 37,275 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of
March 15, 2002,  an  aggregate  600,000  shares held in trust for Hugh  O'Kane's
children for which Mr. O'Kane is co-trustee  and 1,008,746  shares held in trust
for Hugh O'Kane's family for which Mr. O'Kane's wife is co-trustee.

     (4)  Includes  674,584  shares held by Allegra  Capital  Partners  IV, L.P.
Richard Smith, one of our directors, is a general partner of the general partner
of each of the venture capital funds  affiliated with Allegra Capital  Partners.
Mr. Smith disclaims  beneficial  ownership of the shares held by Allegra Capital
Partners III, L.P. and Allegra Capital Partners IV, L.P.

     (5) Includes 196,668 shares subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days
of March 15, 2002 and 36,500 shares held in trust for Mr. Teagle's children.

     (6) Includes 37,397 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of
March 15, 2002.

     (7) Includes 34,012 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of
March 15, 2002.

     (8) Includes  3,162,476  shares held by Allegra Capital  Partners III, L.P.
and 674,584  shares held by Allegra  Capital  Partners  IV, L.P.  Mr. Smith is a
general  partner of the  general  partner of each of the venture  capital  funds
affiliated with Allegra Capital Partners and disclaims  beneficial  ownership of
the shares held by these entities.

     (9) Includes 2,500 shares subject to options  exercisable within 60 days of
March 15, 2002.

     (10) Includes 329,417 shares subject to options  exercisable within 60 days
of March 15, 2002

     (11) Includes 96,042 shares subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days
of March 15, 2002.


     (12) Includes 772,836 shares subject to options  exercisable within 60 days
of March 15, 2002.


     The current executive officers of the Company are as follows:

     Name                             Age  Position
     ----                             ---  --------
     Hugh J. O'Kane, Jr.............  51   Chairman of the Board
     Kevin M. O'Kane................  49   President, CEO, Vice Chairman and Director
     Victor P. DeJoy................  33   Executive Vice President, Engineering
     Jonathan H. Stern..............  57   Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
     Walter C. Teagle, III..........  52   Executive Vice President, Administration and Director
     Noah Franzblau.................  33   Secretary and Deputy General Counsel

     For the biographical summaries of Mr. Kevin M. O'Kane and Mr. Walter C.
Teagle, III, see "Information Concerning Nominees" above. For the biographical
summary of Mr. Hugh J. O'Kane, Jr., see "Other Information Regarding the Board
of Directors and Committees."

     Victor   P.   DeJoy  has   approximately   11  years   experience   in  the
telecommunications  industry and has been the  Executive  Vice  President of our
company in charge of design,  engineering and program management  services since
December  1999.  Prior to joining  our  company,  he served as the  Northeastern
Regional Vice President of Engineering and Operations at Nextlink Communications
since March 1998.  From May 1992  through  March 1998,  Mr.  DeJoy held  various
positions with TCG, most recently as its Vice President of National Provisioning
Center.  Mr. DeJoy holds a BS in electrical  engineering from Rutgers College of

     Jonathan  H.  Stern  has   approximately   20  years   experience   in  the
telecommunications  industry and has been  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief
Financial Officer since September 1998. Prior to joining our company,  he served
as Vice President and  Controller of  International  Specialty  Products Inc., a
NYSE-listed  chemical  manufacturer  since  1990.  Prior  to  that,  he was Vice
President and Controller of Western Union Corp., a telecommunications  provider.
Mr. Stern holds a BA in economics  from  Brooklyn  College and an MBA in finance
from New York University, and he is also a CPA.

     Noah Franzblau has been the Secretary of the Company since January 1, 2002.
He also serves as Deputy  General  Counsel and has been  employed by the Company
since  August  2000.  Prior to joining our  company,  he served as an  Associate
Attorney with the law firm of Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Peretti, LLP. Mr.
Franzblau holds a B.A. from Tufts University and a JD/MBA from the University of


     Set forth below is the aggregate  compensation for services rendered in all
capacities  to the Company  during its fiscal years ended  December 31, 2001 and
2000 by its Chief Executive Officer(s) and the four other highest-paid executive
officers  whose  compensation  exceeded  $100,000  during its fiscal  year ended
December  31, 2001.  These  individuals  are referred to as the Named  Executive
Officers.  The compensation  described in this table does not include medical or
other benefits that are available  generally to all of our salaried employees or
certain  perquisites or other personal  benefits received that do not exceed the
lesser of $50,000 or 10% of any such officer's salary and bonus:


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                   LONG TERM
NAME AND                  FISCAL                               OTHER ANNUAL        UNDERLYING        ALL OTHER
- ------------------         ----       ------      -----       ---------------     -------------    ------------
Hugh O'Kane,               2001      $280,000         ---         $5,100
Chairman of the Board      2000      $265,000    $350,000         $5,100            60,000                 ---
                           1999      $265,000    $400,000         $4,800                                   ---

Kevin O'Kane,              2001      $280,000         ---         $5,100                                   ---
Vice Chairman (and         2000      $265,000    $350,000         $5,100            60,000                 ---
President and Chief        1999      $265,000    $400,000         $4,800
Executive Officer from
March 30, 2001)

Alf T. Hansen,             2001      $120,000         ---         $5,100            150,000           $387,500
President Chief            2000      $217,200    $650,000         $5,100          1,245,000                ---
Executive Officer through
March 30, 2001(4)

Joseph Haines,             2001      $260,000         ---         $5,100                                   ---
Executive Vice President,  2000      $240,000    $185,000         $5,100           --- (6)

Victor DeJoy,              2001      $255,000         ---         $5,100                                   ---
Executive Vice President,  2000      $226,200    $185,000         $5,100           --- (6)

Jonathan Stern,            2001      $255,000         ---         $5,100
Executive Vice             2000      $240,000    $130,000         $5,100           --- (6)
President and Chief        1999      $205,100     $50,000         $4,800
Financial Officer

1   Compensation in this column reflects  contributions made by us to our 401(k)
    plan on behalf of each of the named executive officers.

2   Bonuses for the year 2000 were paid in 2001.

3   No bonuses for were paid for the year 2001.

4   Mr. Hansen  resigned as our President and Chief  Executive  Officer on March
    30, 2001. All other compensation for 2001 includes severance pay of $320,000
    and consulting payments of $67,500 from April through December 2001.

5   Mr. Haines resigned as our Executive Vice President, Operations on March 6,

6   Excludes  25,000  options,  25,000  options,  and 20,000 options for Messrs.
    Haines, DeJoy and Stern,  respectively,  granted in 2000 which were tendered
    and  canceled on September  24, 2001  pursuant to an offer by the Company to
    exchange  outstanding  options with exercises prices of $13.50 or higher for
    new options to be granted on March 25, 2002 to optionees  still  employed at
    that  date  equal to the  number  of  options  previously  tendered  by each
    optionee.  The exercise  price of the new options will be the closing market
    price on March 25,  2002 and the new  options  will vest as if the  tendered
    options had not been canceled.

                  OPTION GRANTS IN YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001

     The following table sets forth information  regarding stock options granted
by the Company  during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001 to each or any of
the Named Executive Officers:


                                       INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
                    --------------------------------------------------------  POTENTIAL REALIZABLE VALUE
                       NUMBER OF      % OF TOTAL                              AT ASSUMED ANNUAL RATES OF
                       SECURITIES      OPTIONS                                 STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION
                       UNDERLYING     GRANTED IN    EXERCISE                     FOR OPTION TERM ($)(2)
                    OPTIONS GRANTED   FISCAL 2001     PRICE      EXPIRATION   --------------------------
     NAME                 (#)            (%) (1)     ($/SH)         DATE            5%            10%
     ----           ---------------    -------      --------     ----------      ---------     ---------
Alf T. Hansen (3)        150,000        3.6         23.2500       02/01/11       2,191,500     6,447,000

(1)      Based on a total of 539,850 options granted in 2001.

(2)      The fair market value  ("FMV") was  determined  as the closing price on
         the date of grant. The potential  realizable  values under such options
         are  shown  based on  assumed  rates of  annual  compound  stock  price
         appreciation  of 5% and 10% over the full option term from the date the
         option was granted. These rates represent assumed rates of appreciation
         only.  Actual gains, if any, on stock option exercises will depend upon
         the future performance of our common stock.

(3)      Options vested as to 50% on the first  anniversary of the date of grant
         and as to the remaining portion, in equal monthly installments over the
         following 24 months.


     The  following  table sets forth for each of the Named  Executive  Officers
information  concerning  the exercise of options during fiscal year 2001 and the
number and value of securities underlying  unexercised options held by the Named
Executive Officer at December 31, 2001:

                                                     NUMBER OF SECURITIES               VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                    UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED                  IN THE MONEY
                                                          OPTIONS AT                          OPTIONS AT
                     SHARES                            DECEMBER 31, 2001                DECEMBER 31, 2001 (1)
                     ACQUIRED      VALUE        ------------------------------      ------------------------------
   ----            -----------    --------      -----------      -------------      -----------      -------------
Alf T. Hansen          -----        -----          604,241            543,259            -----               -----
Kevin O'Kane           -----        -----           31,595             28,405            -----               -----
Hugh O'Kane            -----        -----           31,595             28,405            -----               -----
Joseph Haines           ----         ----          135,417            239,583            -----               -----
Victor DeJoy            ----         ----          279,417            239,583            -----               -----
Jonathan Stern       213,125    $ 576,072           55,000             61,875         $325,419            $366,096

- ---------------
(1) Value of unexercised  in-the-money options are based on a value of $6.25 per
    share,  the closing price on December 31, 2001, minus the per share exercise
    price, multiplied by the number of shares underlying the option.


     In July, 1998, the Company entered into  substantially  similar  employment
agreements with Hugh O'Kane, Jr. and Kevin O'Kane.  Under such agreements,  Hugh
O'Kane,  Jr.  agreed to initially  serve as our  President  and Chief  Operating
Officer  and  Kevin  O'Kane  agreed to  initially  serve as our  Executive  Vice
President,  and, in each case in any other capacity as requested by our board of
directors  through July 2003. Each agreement shall be automatically  renewed for
successive one year periods until  terminated by either party. In February 2000,
these  agreements  were amended to provide each  individual  an annual salary of
$265,000,  subject  to  periodic  increases  as  approved  by  the  compensation
committee,  and an annual bonus  targeted at $300,000,  subject to adjustment by
the Compensation Committee. In connection with these amendments, each individual
was granted  options to purchase  60,000  shares of common  stock at an exercise
price of $7.33 per share. In the event either  individual is terminated  without
cause, that individual is entitled to receive  severance  payments equal to 100%
of his base salary through the end of his employment term.

     In August 1998,  the Company  entered  into an  employment  agreement  with
Jonathan Stern to serve as its Chief  Financial  Officer.  Under this agreement,
Mr. Stern is paid base compensation in an amount not less than


$240,000 per year, subject to periodic increases as approved by the Compensation
Committee. This Agreement was modified on February 14, 2000 to provide Mr. Stern
a bonus of at least  40% of his base  salary in the  event we  achieve  targeted
performance  standards.  Under his  employment  agreement,  Mr.  Stern  received
options to purchase  330,000  shares of our common stock at an exercise price of
$0.33 per share. If Mr. Stern's employment is terminated without cause following
a change of control of our company,  100% of Mr.  Stern's  options are to become
exercisable.  In the event Mr. Stern is terminated without cause, he is entitled
to receive severance  payments equal to 100% of his base salary and continuation
of benefits for six months.

     In December,  1999, the Company  entered into an employment  agreement with
Mr. DeJoy in which he agreed to serve as an  Executive  Vice  President  through
December 2003. In addition,  under his  agreement,  Mr. DeJoy agreed to serve as
president of one of our subsidiaries.  This agreement may be extended  according
to its terms. Under this agreement,  Mr. DeJoy is paid compensation in an amount
not less than  $240,000 per year,  subject to periodic  increases as approved by
the Compensation  Committee,  and, in the event we achieve targeted  performance
standards, he is entitled to receive a bonus of at least 40% of his base salary.
In addition,  Mr. DeJoy  received  options to purchase  525,000  shares,  of our
common  stock at an  exercise  price of $6.67 per share  upon  execution  of his
agreement.  These options  vested as to the first 150,000  shares on the date of
grant and, as to the balance,  in equal monthly  installments over the 36 months
after the first  anniversary of the date of grant.  In the future,  Mr. DeJoy is
eligible to receive  options to purchase at least 22,500  shares of common stock
each year at an  exercise  price  equal to the fair  market  value of our common
stock on the date of grant.  In the event Mr. DeJoy is terminated  without cause
or terminates his employment for good reason under the agreement, he is entitled
to severance payments equal to 100% of his base salary for varying periods up to
but not exceeding 18 months.


     The  following  graph  compares,  for the period from  January 2, 2001,  to
December 31, 2001, the cumulative  total  shareholder  return on Lexent's Common
Stock with the cumulative total return on the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (The
S&P 500 Index), the NASDAQ Composite Index (NASDAQ Composite),  and a peer group
index  selected  by  the  Company's  management,  which  includes  three  public
companies  within the Company's  industry  (the "Peer  Group").  The  comparison
assumes that $100 was invested on January 2, 2001 in the Company's Common Stock,
the S&P 500 Index,  the NASDAQ  Composite and the Peer Group. The companies that
comprise the Peer Group are: Dycom Industries,  Inc.,  MasTec,  Inc., and Quanta
Services,  Inc.  The  stock  price  performance  on the  following  graph is not
necessarily indicative of future stock price performance.


                               PLOT POINTS TO COME



     The following is a description of  relationships  and  transactions for the
last fiscal year to which we have been a party, in which amounts involved exceed
$60,000 and in which any director,  executive  officer or holder of more than 5%
of our capital  stock had or will have a direct or indirect  material  interest,
other than our compensation  arrangements with our directors and named executive
officers that are listed above.

     On January 1, 1997, Hugh O'Kane Electric Co., Inc., our predecessor
company, repurchased common shares owned by Denis J. O'Kane, a stockholder and
brother of each of Hugh J. O'Kane, Jr., our Chairman, and Kevin M. O'Kane, our
Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer. In consideration for the repurchase,
Denis O'Kane was issued a subordinated promissory note in the amount of $10.2
million. The note bears interest at the rate of 6% per year. The Company made
the first payment on the note on July 23, 1998 in connection with the merger of
Hugh O'Kane Electric Co., Inc. with and into our company. The payment was for
$1.5 million plus accrued interest. The remaining balance is payable in 22
quarterly installments of $0.4 million plus accrued interest with the final
payment due January 1, 2004. As of December 31, 2001, the outstanding principal
balance of this note was $3.6 million.

     From time to time prior to our initial  public  offering in July 2000,  the
Company had borrowed funds from Hugh O'Kane,  Jr. and Kevin O'Kane.  At December
31, 1999,  the amounts owed  hereunder  aggregated  $0.6  million,  of which $.4
million were repaid in August 2000 and $.2 million were repaid in November 2000.

     The Company leases three of our facilities  from entities owned by Hugh and
Kevin O'Kane and for two of these facilities, owned also by Denis O'Kane. Annual
rentals for office and warehouse premises at 88-90 White Street in New York, New
York are $0.3 million for calendar years 1998 through 2001, and $0.4 million for
calendar year 2002.  Annual  rentals for office and warehouse  premises in South
Plainfield,  New Jersey are $0.1  million  for the  twelve-month  periods  April
through March,  commencing April 1998 and ending March 2008. On May 1, 2000, the
Company  entered into a ten-year  lease for a garage and  warehouse  facility in
Long  Island  City,  New York.  The lease  payments  are $0.5  million  per year
commencing May 1, 2000.

     On July 20, 1998,  the Company agreed to provide Denis O'Kane with lifetime
medical, dental and life insurance benefits, and also, while he remains a common
stockholder,  a new  automobile  every  three years and an office at his primary
residence.  Costs for such  benefits  are  charged to expense as  incurred,  and
amounted to $34,000,  $33,000 and $45,000 for 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.
In addition,  Denis O'Kane provided consulting services pursuant to an agreement
with the Company for the period December 1, 2000 through November 30, 2001 for a
fee of $83,000.

     Walter C. Teagle,  III, a director and currently  Executive Vice President,
was on leave from his employment  duties during the period February 2001 through
December 2001. He performed  various services for the Company while on leave. He
received $183,500 during 2001.

     The Company has also agreed to pay its founder, Hugh O'Kane, Sr., a pension
for life,  which  amounted to $75,000 for each of the years 2001,  2000 and 1999
respectively.  In February 2002, the Board of Directors  approved an increase in
his annual pension to $100,000, effective March 1, 2002.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  requires
the Company's  officers and directors,  and persons who own more than 10% of the
Company's  Common  Stock,  to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC").  Officers,  directors and
greater  than 10%  Stockholders  are required by SEC  regulation  to furnish the
Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

     Based  solely  on  its  review  of  Forms  3 and 4 and  amendments  thereto
furnished  to the  Company  during  its most  recent  fiscal  year,  Forms 5 and
amendments  thereto  furnished  to the Company  with  respect to its most recent
fiscal year, and written  representations from certain reporting persons that no
Forms 5 were required for those


persons,  the Company  believes  that  through  December  31,  2001,  all filing
requirements  applicable  to  its  officers,  directors  and  greater  than  10%
beneficial owners were therewith complied, with the exception of the following:

     Alf T. Hansen filed one report late with  respect to 20,000  shares sold in
July 2001. The sale was reported on a Form 5 in February 2002.

     Charles T. Christ, our former Executive Vice President, failed to provide a
written  representation  to us  that  he was  not  required  to file a Form 5 in
February 2002.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Stockholder proposals intended to be presented at the Company's 2003 Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  Rule  14a-8  of the
Securities and Exchange Commission,  promulgated under the Exchange Act, must be
received by the Company's offices in New York City, New York by January 15, 2003
for inclusion in the  Company's  proxy  statement and form of proxy  relating to
such meeting.

                         SOLICITATION AND OTHER MATTERS

     The Company  will bear the cost of  preparing,  assembling  and mailing the
enclosed  proxy card. A copy of the  Company's  Annual Report for the year ended
December 31, 2001 is being mailed to Stockholders  concurrently with the mailing
of this Proxy Statement. In connection with the rules of the Securities Exchange
Commission,   Financial   Statements  and  the  Supplementary   Data  (including
consolidated   financial  statements  of  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries),
Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations and Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk, found
in the  Company's  Form 10-K are  incorporated  by reference.  STOCKHOLDERS  MAY

     The Board of Directors of the Company does not intend to present,  and does
not have reason to believe that others intend to present, any matter of business
at the meeting  other than that set forth in the  accompanying  Notice of Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders.  However,  if other  matters  properly come before the
meeting,  it is the intention of the person named in the enclosed  proxy card to
vote any proxies in accordance with his judgment.

                                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                       /s/ NOAH FRANZBLAU
                                       NOAH FRANZBLAU

DATED: April 15, 2002


                                   PROXY CARD

                                   LEXENT INC.
                              THREE NEW YORK PLAZA
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10004

This Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors.

The  undersigned  hereby appoints Noah  Franzblau,  as Proxy,  with the power to
appoint his substitute,  and hereby authorizes him, to represent and to vote, as
designated  below,  all the shares of Common Stock of Lexent Inc. held of record
by the undersigned on March 15, 2001 at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be
held on May 13, 2002, or any adjournment thereof.

1.   To elect the following individuals as members to the Board of Directors of
     the Company:

         [_] For all nominees               [_]   Withhold Authority
             listed below (except as              to vote for all
             marked to the contrary below).       nominees listed below.

          L. White Matthews III, Kevin M. O'Kane, and Walter C. Teagle III as
     Class I directors of the Company for a term of 3 years.

     To withhold authority to vote for any nominee(s), write such nominee(s)'
name(s) below:


2.   To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
     independent certified public accountant.

             FOR                  ABSTAIN               AGAINST



Please sign below.  When shares are held by jointly,  both holders  should sign.
When signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please
give full title as such. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by
the President or other  authorized  officer.  If a  partnership,  please sign in
partnership name by authorized person.

- ------------ Signature  ------------ Signature (if held jointly) --------- Date
