Exhibit I

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Below we discuss GE's new growth platforms that were presented at  the  analyst

Water Technologies
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GE Specialty Materials CEO Bill Woodburn and GE Water Technologies  CEO  George
Oliver provided an overview of the business. Water Technologies  is  a  leading
provider  of  engineered  chemical  treatment  of  water  and  industrial   and
commercial process systems ($1.1B annual revenue,  capabilities  acquired  with
Betz in Q202), as well as a leading supplier of mechanical separation equipment
for water purification  and  fluid  filtration  ($300mm  revenue,  capabilities
acquired  with  Osmonics  in  Q103).  Acquisition  integration  is   proceeding
smoothly. Compared to the period prior to being acquired, Betz  customer  churn
has declined to 3% from 10%, sales rep turnover has declined to 2% from 10% and
growth has increased to 5%+ from (4%). Operating profit margin is  expected  to
be ~15% in '03, increasing to 20% by '06.

GE's water businesses address fast growing segments of  a  $40B  piece  of  the
$360B global water &  process  market.  Target  segments  include  chemicals  &
services ($11B market), filtration consumables ($9B), modular equipment  ($8B),
as well as opportunities in waste & environmental services, smart & contractual
services, custom equipment and maintenance. In aggregate, these businesses  are
growing at 2-3x GDP, have a high return on capital (15%+),  and  play  to  GE's
strengths in technology, distribution and services. GE expects to leverage  its
global distribution capabilities and strong customer relationships to grow core
revenue while it adds related businesses to fuel expected  21%  annual  growth-
half organic / half acquired-through '06 (to $3.0B). GE recently  had  >$1B  in
the Water acquisition pipeline focusing on areas like services,  water  process
and process chemistry.

The business' service model is compelling with 80%  of  sales  recurring,  one-
third of which are annual contracts. George Oliver (former VP & GM,  GE  Engine
Services) is applying his GEAE experience to the Water  platform  where  he  is
focusing the segment on GE's competitive strengths  by  further  enhancing  the
service delivery component of the business. GE is also placing more of a  focus
on technological innovation-capX as a percentage of sales is expected to be ~4%
in '03 and to increase to 6% in '04 vs. an estimated 2% at Betz  prior  to  the
acquisition which was not making the investments needed to spur growth.

Heavy  industry  (metals  &  mining,  petrochemical,  hydrocarbon   processing)
represents the largest end market served (40-50% of sales).  We  estimate  that
power customers represent ~15% of sales. High purity process industries (food &
beverage, pharma & medical) activity is being  driven  by  regulatory  changes.
Middle market commercial and  institutional  business  requires  fairly  narrow
service requirements but add up to a significant portion  of  the  business  in
aggregate. Geographically, revenue is ~67% in the Americas, 25% in  Europe  and
8% in Asia. The opportunity in Asia is driven by massive infrastructure  build-
out opportunities in China, which  management  estimates  is  a  $500mm  market
growing at 15-20% annually. On the competitive landscape, GE is the  #2  player
in water management chemicals and services, with a ~15% share.   Suez's  Ondeo-
Nalco is the  global  leader  with  ~25%  of  the  market  and  Ashland's  Drew
Industrial business is #3. Other major competitors  include  ChemTreat  ($150mm
sales), Buckman Laboratories ($235mm sales in water treatment, mostly for  pulp
& paper)  and  Baker  Petrolite  (serves  primarily  refining  &  petrochemical
plants). The remainder of the market is fairly fragmented.

There is an excellent article in the May 21/28 issue of Chemical Week regarding
the water treatment industry. If you would like a copy of the  article,  please
contact us.

General Electric Co.              2              Nicole M. Parent (212) 583-8047