Exhibit M


            See Appendix A-1 for Analyst Certification and Important Disclosures

AFFIRMS Q2                                             MKT CAP:  $298,749.3 MIL.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   UNITED STATES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
June 20, 2003                 SUMMARY
                              * GE held an analyst mtg in NYC highlighting 3
MULTI-INDUSTRY                  of its new growth platforms: Water, Security and
Jeffrey T. Sprague, CFA         Healthcare IT.  These platforms generate $7
+1-212-816-6699                 billion in profitable revenues today and are
jeffrey.sprague@citigroup.com   expected to reach $12 billion by 2006.
John M. Roselli, CFA          * GE CFO Keith Sherin affirmed Q203 guidance,
+1-212-816-2594                 but did not narrow the full year range of
Mark Wilterding                 $1.55-1.70.  We believe the range will be
+1-212-816-1910                 narrowed downward when Q2 earnings are reported.
                                However, given the recent weakness in Plastics
                                orders, most of the Street has already nudged
                                estimates to the lower half of the range,
                                suggesting that a formal announcement will be a
                              * Water is a $1.4B biz with an op margin of
                                ~15%. GE's goal is to grow to it to $3B in revs
                                by 06 through a combination of mkt growth, share
                                gains, and acqs.
                              * GE plans to grow its security biz to $3-4B by
                                06 from $1B today, driven by $1-2B in acqs, and
                                a $1B in organic growth.  We reiterate our
                                Outperform (1M) rating and $35 target.  Our
                                group is rated Overweight.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P/E  (12/03E) ...................          18.8x
P/E  (12/04E) ...................          17.1x
TEV/EBITDA  (12/03E) ............          12.7x
TEV/EBITDA  (12/04E) ............          12.1x
Book Value/Share  (12/03E) ......          $6.64
Price/Book Value ................            4.5x
Dividend/Yield  (12/03E) ........      $0.76/2.5%
Revenue (12/03E) ................ $130,705.0 mil.
Proj. Long-Term EPS Growth ......             10%
ROE  (12/03E) ...................           21.1%
Long-Term Debt to Capital(a) ....           14.3%
GE is in the S&P 500(R) Index.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Data as of most recent quarter
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SHARE DATA                               RECOMMENDATION
Price (6/19/03) .......        $29.86    Current Rating ............     1M
52-Week Range ......... $32.89-$22.00    Prior Rating ..............     1M
Shares Outstanding(a)..  10,005.0 mil.   Current Target Price ...... $35.00
Convertible .....................  No    Previous Target Price ..... $35.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FY ends                 1Q          2Q          3Q          4Q     Full Year
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/02A   Actual      $0.35A      $0.44A      $0.41A      $0.31A      $1.51A
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/03E   Current     $0.32A      $0.38E      $0.41E      $0.48E      $1.59E
         Previous    $0.32A      $0.38E      $0.41E      $0.48E      $1.59E
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/04E   Current      NA          NA          NA          NA         $1.75E
         Previous     NA          NA          NA          NA         $1.75E
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12/05E   Current      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
         Previous     NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First Call Consensus EPS: 12/03E $1.60; 12/04E $1.74; 12/05E $1.91

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GE held an analyst meeting in NYC highlighting 3 of its  new  growth  platforms:
Water, Security and Healthcare IT.  Through a series of acquisitions and organic
growth these business have grown substantially.  The  Healthcare  IT  initiative
got under way in 1999 and the Security and Water initiatives are  less  than  18
months old but the company already has $7  billion  in  profitable  revenues  in
these platforms today.  GE projects that  additional  acquisitions  and  organic
expansion will drive these business to $12 billion by 2006.  Given the vast size
of the relevant served markets that projection could prove conservative.

GE CFO Keith Sherin affirmed the Q2 guidance of $0.37-0.39.  He did not formally
narrow the $1.55-1.70 guidance range for 2003.  We believe  the  range  will  be
narrowed with a

                                                        Citigroup Global Markets


downside bias when Q2 earnings are reported.  However, given the recent weakness
in Plastics orders,  most of the Street (including our recent $0.03 reduction to
$1.59)  has  already  nudged  estimates  down to the  lower  half of the  range,
suggesting that GE's potential range narrowing will likely be a non- event.

Economic conditions were characterized as sluggish, although they appear stable.
Plastics orders for example are down 15% yr/yr against a  tough  comp,  but  are
flat sequentially.  Short cycle orders excluding Plastics (ex. acquisitions  and
F/X) are flat in Q2, improving from the Q1 decline of 4%.  NBC  scatter  pricing
remains very strong, up 25% in Q2.  The company also  indicated  that  SARS  had
some impact on Medical, Aircraft and Plastics in the quarter, but the impact  is
now diminishing.  NBC and Power performed better than expected  in  the  quarter
offsetting the overall weakness in Plastics  and  any  SARS  impact  across  the
businesses.  Sherin reaffirmed comfort with the goal of divesting  $1-5  billion
of industrial businesses in 2003.  We also  believe  the  company  is  close  to
divesting FGIC from GE Capital which could go in the $2 billion +/- range.

Water  Technologies  CEO  George  Oliver  outlined  the  strategy   and   growth
opportunities for GE's newly formed  water  business.    GE  entered  the  water
industry through the $1.8 billion acquisition of BetzDearborn in April 2002  and
followed it with the $250 million acquisition  of  Osmonics  in  February  2003.
GE's Water Technology portfolio  includes  chemical  and  wastewater  management
products (including agents and reactants), monitoring  and  diagnostic  devices,
membrane separation systems and  process  treatment  equipment.    Chemical  and
wastewater management products  include  corrosion  inhibitors  and  sterilizing
equipment for use in  industrial  machinery,  HVAC  systems,  and  various  flow
control applications.  The company's process treatment products are designed  to
maintain  environmental  standards  for  various  end-users  including  food   &
beverage, chemical processing and power generation companies.

The current water business generates $1.4 billion in revenues with an  operating
margin of ~15%.  The company's goal is to reach $3 billion in revenues  by  2006
(a  21%  CAGR)  through  a  combination  of  market  growth,  share  gains,  and
acquisitions.  Acquisitions are expected to account for half of the growth  over
the next few years.  Areas targeted for acquisition include services, water  and
process  chemistry,  membranes  and  filtration  and  modular  equipment.     GE
estimates that ~80% of current water revenues are recurring but only 5% are tied
to contractual services.  Ultimately, GE's goal is  to  generate  25%  of  Water
Technologies top-line from contractual services  and  another  50%  from  annual
purchase agreements.

GE's strategy is to transform the  water  business  into  a  fixed-price,  total
solutions  model  by  bundling  equipment,  consumables  and  long-term  service
agreements.  It is the same formula first implemented at  GE  Aircraft  Engines.
At Engines,  the  total  solutions  model  substantially  improved  margins  and
accelerated organic growth and GE hopes to do the same with the water  business.
GE's goal is to extend the typical water customer contract to 3-5 years  from  1
year currently and move to a fixed price contract which  would  generate  ~$150K
per customer per year on average, up from the current  usage-based  model  which
generates only



~$60K/year.  GE Water is also expanding it presence globally with new plants and
investment in Eastern Europe,  the Middle East and China. The business currently
generates ~65% of revenues in the Americas, ~25% in Europe, and ~10% in the rest
of the world.

The attractiveness of the water industry has  drawn  the  attention  of  several
companies in our coverage list, including ITT Industries, Danaher, GE,  and  SPX
Corp.  These companies have been attracted  by  the  fragmented  nature  of  the
industry,   the   growing   supply/demand   imbalance,   increased    regulatory
requirements, and new applications requiring higher levels of purification.  All
of these factors suggest that the industry could provide sustainable growth well
above GDP for the foreseeable future, in our view.  GE Water currently targets a
$40 billion sub-segment of the $360 billion water industry  (see  table  below).
GE views these markets as the most  attractive  in  the  industry,  given  their
above-average  growth  rates  (2-3X  GDP),  high  technology  base,  value-added
service component, and low capital  intensity/high  ROIC.    However,  we  would
not rule out a move into other adjacent markets in the water  industry  at  some
point in the future.  GE's chief competitors  in  these  markets  include  Ondeo
Nalco, U.S. Filter, and Ionics.


 Waste Services                    $1B
 Environmental Services            $1B
 Smart Services                    $1B
 Contractual Services              $1B
 Chemicals & Services             $11B
 Filtration Consumables            $9B
 Modular Equipment                 $8B
 Customer Equipment                $5B
 Maintenance                       $1B

Industrial Systems President and  CEO  Lloyd  Trotter  outlined  the  steps  his
business has taken to integrate technology into the portfolio.  Historically,  a
focused product offering of steady  growth  industrial  businesses  has  defined
Industrial Systems.  We believe Interlogix, acquired in Q102, has established  a
profitable high-tech  platform  with  products  that  can  be  marketed  through
existing channels.

Interlogix is a global leader in the electronic  security  technology  industry.
The focus of Interlogix is to provide customers  with  communication  technology
and security information that provides, life safety and lifestyle  enhancements.
The emergence of Homeland  Security  and  web-enabled  premises  management  has
provided Interlogix with an opportunity to sell to  residential  and  commercial
end markets.  The global security market is estimated at  $127  billion  and  is
divided into two segments: Service and Products.  Service represents  about  $74
billion and Products represents about $53 billion of the global security market.
The Products segment is divided into two segments: Electronics  and  Mechanical.
GE is focusing on the $29 billion electronics segment.    The  company  believes
that the Electronics market can grow more than 10%  and  can  deliver  operating
margins greater than 15%.  GE's is targeting all of the major areas  within  the
electronics segment of the security market, including Access Control, Intrusion,
Fire Services, Video and Trace Detection/X-Ray.




                                MKT SIZE    GROWTH       MARGIN
Access Control                       $4B       11%      10-15%
Intrusion                            $9B        6%      10-15%
Fire Services                        $5B        4%      10-15%
Video                                $4B       14%      20-25%
Trace Detection/X-Ray                $7B       20%      20-25%
ELECTRONIC SECURITY MARKET          $29B      ~10%        ~15%
Source: GE

GE purchased Ion-Track and Interlogix in 2002.   Those  companies  provided  the
platform  for  the  Access  Control,  Intrusion,  Video  and   Trace   Detection
businesses.  These businesses are generating $1 billion  in  run-rate  sales  in
2003 and sales are estimated to increase to $4 billion by 2006.   In  2002,  the
Ion-Track and Interlogix acquisitions provided a $740 million sales base.  Since
then, Interlogix has been able to grow  sales  organically  by  ~21%.    Organic
growth has come from new product launches.    Interlogix  has  launched  38  new
products in 2002 and 52 in 2003 and plans to launch ~100 new products  in  2004.
Bolt-on acquisitions accounted for ~13% of the sales  growth  since  conception.
The company has a full pipeline of bolt on acquisitions  under  review,  six  in
Access Control, four in Fire  Services,  seven  in  Video  and  three  in  Trace

Trotter noted that Digital  Video  was  the  most  attractive  area  within  the
electronics market.  Currently, there is a movement  away  from  analog  towards
digital video.  Digital video represents ~13% of the $3.7 billion Video  market,
while Analog video represents~86% of the video market.  Digital is growing at  a
40% clip and analog is declining at an 8% rate.  GE  estimates  that  the  Video
market will increase to $6.3  billion  by  2006  and  that  digital  video  will
represent 60% of the market, while analog will represent 40% of the market.   GE
plans to gain a significant portion of the digital video market by launching its
eTreppid video compression technology with in the next  six  months.    eTreppid
compresses video so that 1/10th of the normal  storage  capacity  is  needed  to
store data, while reducing bandwidth requirements and increasing video  quality.
Ultimately, digital video allows users to improve productivity and  performance,
while lowering infrastructure costs.

GE Medical Systems' (GEMS) CEO Joe Hogan provided an update on one of GE's  more
established "growth platforms", Healthcare IT.  In addition to GEMS  competitive
advantage in imaging equipment, IT provides a significant long-term  opportunity
for the company.  GEMS Healthcare IT business is expected to grow 20%+  in  2003
to $1.7 billion, helping  drive  the  expected  10-12%  growth  for  the  entire
segment.  By 2006, management expects Healthcare IT to generate top-line of $4.0
billion with 25% operating margin (up from an estimated 18% in '03).

Pressure on reimbursement fees has created a consolidation  and  rationalization
of IT spending among healthcare providers.  This bodes well for GEMS' networking
businesses, which can be integrated with the company's digital imaging  products
to offer  an  integrated  imaging  solution,  thereby  reducing  hospital  costs
significantly.  GE's networking capability is  an  essential  component  of  its
product offering today, especially given the fact that procedures are viewed  as
profit centers for healthcare providers.

Historically,  most  of  the  IT  development  in  healthcare  has  been  around
traditional functions such as admissions, insurance processing,  billing,  etc.,
rather than in the actual practice of medicine and diagnostics.    However,  the
largest  cost  and  opportunity  for  error  (with  potential  life   or   death
implications) is in places like the radiology lab, OR, or ICU.   GE  noted  that
the #8 largest cause of death is medical error.    The  company  is  working  to
integrate these



functions  and using the Six Sigma  philosophy  to eliminate  opportunities  for
error.  Examples would be automated procedures that ensure the proper (as low as
possible)  radiation  doses for  patients  based on their size and weight or the
ability  of a  radiologist  to embed  commentary  in a  digital  image  that the
attending doctor or surgeon could reference at the time of treatment.

GEMS PACS (picture archival communications system), which is a subset of the  IT
portfolio, is considered a key growth engine.  As  digital  images  proliferate,
the opportunity to store, share, protect and interpret the images is  exploding.
GE believes it has about 30% share in this market and revenues are  expected  to
grow ~25% to $530 million in 2003.    GEMS  remarked  that  only  about  10%  of
hospitals have some type of image  management  system  suggesting  rapid  growth
drive by new penetration.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trading at less than 17X our 2004 EPS estimate with a yield of 2.5%, we  believe
GE shares remain attractive.  However in the near term uncertainty about key end
markets and continued mixed economic news may keep GE  in  a  relatively  narrow
trading range.  GE's relative dividend yield is at ~150% of  the  market  yield,
which is near a 20-year high and well above its 20-year mean of 100%.   Possible
positive catalysts in the next 6-12 months include  portfolio  repositioning  to
enhance returns, possible  pick-up  in  short  cycle  order  trends,  increasing
visibility on the actual bottom for  Power  and  Aerospace  and  accretion  from
acquisitions.  Our 12-18 month price target remains $35.    Our  target  assumes
that GE can trade at a 15% premium to our target group target multiple of  17.5X
forward earnings.  Our group target multiple of 17.5X is based on  our  analysis
of early cycle valuations (i.e., valuations of depressed  earnings)  during  the
early 1990s.  Over the past 10 years, GE has averaged about a 20% premium to the
group, but given the difficulties  in  several  businesses  such  as  Power  and
Aircraft and the higher contribution of earnings  from  Capital,  we  believe  a
slightly smaller premium is warranted.  However,  we  continue  to  believe  the
stock deserves to trade at a premium  based  on  its  portfolio  of  world-class
businesses, excellent management team and financial  metrics  (e.g.  cash  flow,
ROIC, etc.).  GE continues to  execute  well  in  a  difficult  economy  and  is
methodically repositioning the portfolio for better  future  growth  and  higher
returns.  We reiterate our Outperform (1M) rating.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GE is one of the world's largest companies and  as  a  result  has  exposure  to
numerous global economic and political risks.  Primary  specific  risks  in  the
near term include the potential for a further fall-off in the Power business due
to the distressed nature of GE's customers.  GE is also exposed to the  troubled
airline industry through its engine business and leasing business.   We  believe
it has managed its airline risks well, but the potential  for  further  industry
deterioration remains a risk.  The company has also struggled with losses in its
reinsurance business, which could result in charges against earnings to  bolster
reserves.  Continued improvement in short cycle businesses (NBC and Lighting) is
key to offsetting declining earnings in Power Systems.    It  is  worth  noting,
however, that further deterioration in Plastics fundamentals could  continue  to
pressure earnings.  If the impact on the  company  from  any  of  these  factors
proves to be greater than we anticipate, the stock will likely  have  difficulty
achieving our target price.



ANALYST CERTIFICATION                                               APPENDIX A-1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I, Jeff Sprague, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this research
report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all of the subject
issuer(s) or securities. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is,
or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or
view(s) in this report.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General Electric (GE)
Ratings and Target Price History
Analyst: Jeffrey Sprague

[Graphic omitted reflecting ratings and target price history between January
2001 and June 2003. Graphic highlighted closing prices on dates set forth in
table below. Graphic appears to indicate that the stock was covered during dates
listed in table below.]

- -----------------------------------------------
                             Target     Closing
                              Price       Price
 #    Date       Rating       (USD)       (USD)
- -----------------------------------------------
 1:   5 Sep 00     1L        *70.00       58.75
 2:   6 Aug 01     1L        *60.00       41.39
 3:  17 Sep 01     1L        *50.00       35.15
 4:  27 Jun 02     1L        *40.00       29.90
 5:  13 Aug 02     1L        *38.00       30.95
 6:   6 Sep 02   Stock rating system changed
 7:   6 Sep 02     1L         38.00       28.30
 8:  26 Sep 02     1L        *32.00       26.39
 9:  30 Sep 02     1L         32.00       24.65
10:  20 Nov 02    *1M        *30.00       24.80
11:   5 Jun 03     1M        *35.00       29.78
- -----------------------------------------------
*Indicates change.

Chart current as of 14 June 2003

See "Important Disclosures" at the end of this report for
a description of the firm's current and former rating systems

A seat on the advisory board of General Electric is held by one or more
directors or employees of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. or its affiliates.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Citigroup Global Markets Inc. or its affiliates beneficially owns 1% or more of
any class of common equity securities of General Electric.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Within the past 12 months, Citigroup Global Markets Inc. or its affiliates has
acted as manager or co-manager of a public offering of securities of General
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Citigroup Global Markets Inc. or its affiliates has received compensation for
investment banking services provided within the past 12 months from General
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Citigroup Global Markets Inc. or its affiliates expects to receive or intends to
seek, within the next three months, compensation for investment banking services
from General Electric.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Analysts' compensation is determined based upon activities and services intended
to benefit the investor clients of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its
affiliates ("the Firm"). Like all Firm employees, analysts receive compensation
that is impacted by overall firm profitability, which includes revenues from,
among other business units, the Private Client Division, Institutional Equities,
and Investment Banking.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Firm is a market maker in the publicly traded equity securities of General
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      BUY     HOLD          SELL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Smith Barney Global Equity
  Research Coverage (2576)                            34%      41%           25%
  % of companies in each rating category that
    are investment banking clients                    47%      42%           37%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multi-industry -- North America (17)                  24%      53%           24%
  % of companies in each rating category that
    are investment banking clients                    75%      44%           75%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As noted in the headings to our ratings-distribution table, for purposes of
NASD/NYSE disclosure rules Smith Barney's Outperform rating most closely
corresponds to a buy recommendation; our In-line rating most closely corresponds
to a hold/neutral rating; and our Underperform rating most closely corresponds
to a sell rating.  Because our ratings are based on the relative attractiveness
of a security within an industry or analyst-coverage area, however, Outperform,
In-line, and Underperform cannot be directly equated to buy, hold/neutral, and
sell categories.  Accordingly, your decision to buy or sell a security should be
based upon your personal investment objectives and only after evaluating the
stock's expected relative performance and risk.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Guide To Investment Ratings: Smith Barney's stock ratings are based upon
expected performance over the next 12 to 18 months relative to the analyst's
industry coverage universe. An Outperform (1) rating indicates that we expect
the stock to outperform the analyst's industry coverage universe over the coming
12-18 months. An In-line (2) rating indicates that we expect the stock to
perform approximately in line with the analyst's coverage universe. An
Underperform (3) rating indicates that we expect the stock to underperform the
analyst's coverage universe. In emerging markets, the same ratings
classifications are used, but the stocks are rated based upon expected
performance relative to the primary market index in the region or country. Our
complementary Risk rating system takes into account predictability of financial
results and stock price volatility. L (Low Risk): high predictability of
financial results and low volatility; M (Medium Risk): moderate predictability
of financial results and moderate volatility; H (High Risk): low predictability
of financial results and high volatility; S (Speculative): exceptionally low
predictability of financial results and highest risk and volatility. Risk
ratings for Asia Pacific are determined by a quantitative screen which
classifies stocks into four risk categories: Low Risk, Medium Risk, High Risk,



Speculative Risk. In addition, in the major markets our Industry rating system
is based on each analyst's evaluation of their industry coverage relative to the
primary market index in their region. The industry ratings are Overweight: we
expect this industry to perform better than the primary index for the region in
the next 12-18 months; Marketweight: we expect the industry to perform
approximately in line with the primary index for the region in the next 12-18
months; and Underweight: we expect the industry to perform worse than the
primary market index for the region in the next 12-18 months.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General Electric is rated relative to a universe of Multi-industry (North
America) stocks that comprises the following companies: American Standard,
Cooper Industries, Crane Co., Danaher Corp., Emerson, General Electric,
Honeywell International, Hubbell Incorporated, ITT Industries, Maytag
Corporation, Rockwell Automation, Roper Industries, SPX Corporation, Textron,
The 3M Company, Tyco International Ltd. and Whirlpool Corporation.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prior to September 9, 2002, the Firm's stock rating system was based upon the
expected total return over the next 12 to 18 months. The total return required
for a given rating depended on the degree of risk in a stock (the higher the
risk, the higher the required return). A Buy (1) rating indicated an expected
total return ranging from +15% or greater for a low-risk stock to +30% or
greater for a speculative stock. An Outperform (2) rating indicated an expected
total return ranging from +5% to +15% (low-risk) to +10% to +30% (speculative).
A Neutral (3) rating indicated an expected total return ranging from -5% to +5%
(low-risk) to -10% to +10% (speculative). An Underperform (4) rating indicated
an expected total return ranging from -5% to -15% (low-risk) to -10% to -20%
(speculative). A Sell (5) rating indicated an expected total return ranging from
- -15% or worse (low-risk) to -20% or worse (speculative). The Risk ratings were
the same as in the current system.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




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such corporations.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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maker, the Firm usually provides bids and offers and may act as principal in
connection with such transactions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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