(RULE 14-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material under Section 240.14a-12

                               MILTOPE GROUP INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

     [ ]  No fee required.

     [X]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

          (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
               common stock, par value $0.01 per share
          (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
               5,962,623 shares of common stock and 532,336 shares of common
               stock reserved for the exercise of issued and outstanding
               options, or an aggregate of 6,494,959 shares of common stock
          (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
          (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
               6,494,959* shares x $5.78 = $37,540,863
               *For the purposes of calculating the filing fee, each option to
               acquire shares of common stock has been deemed exercised or
               converted into the shares of common stock subject to such option.
          (5)  Total fee paid: $3,037**
               **The fee has been calculated by multiplying the aggregate value
               of the transaction (as described above) by 0.00008090 pursuant to
               Section 14(g) of the Exchange Act.

          [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

          [ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
               Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
               the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous
               filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule
               and the date of its filing.

               (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

               (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

               (3)  Filing Party:

               (4)  Date Filed:


                                 [MILTOPE LOGO]

                               MILTOPE GROUP INC.
                           3800 RICHARDSON ROAD SOUTH
                            HOPE HULL, ALABAMA 36043

                                                              _________ __, 2003

Dear Stockholders:

         You are cordially  invited to attend a special  meeting of stockholders
of Miltope Group Inc.,  to be held at Miltope  Group's  corporate  headquarters,
3800  Richardson  Road South,  Hope Hull,  Alabama 36043, on _______ __, 2003 at
__:00 a.m., Central Time.

         At this special meeting,  you will be asked to consider and vote upon a
proposal to adopt an Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of October 21, 2003,
which   provides  for  the  merger  of  Miltope  Group  with  and  into  Miltope
Corporation,  and the merger of VTK Merger Subsidiary, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Vision Technologies Kinetics, Inc., with and into Miltope Corporation, and to
approve the mergers.  Upon completion of these mergers,  you will be entitled to
receive $5.78 in cash, without interest, and one contingent value right, or CVR,
for each share of Miltope  Group's  common stock that you own on the date of the
mergers,  and you will no longer be a  stockholder  of Miltope  Group.  Each CVR
represents the  nontransferable  right to receive a pro rata share of 50% of the
net  proceeds,  if any,  from the  lawsuit  brought  by two of  Miltope  Group's
subsidiaries against DRS Technologies Inc. and other parties,  after adjustments
for taxes.

         The board of  directors  of  Miltope  Group  unanimously  approved  the
Agreement and Plan of Merger and the mergers and  determined  that the Agreement
and Plan of Merger and the  mergers are fair to, and in the best  interests  of,
Miltope  Group  and  its  stockholders.   THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS  UNANIMOUSLY
arriving  at  its   recommendation,   the  board  of   directors   gave  careful
consideration  to a  number  of  factors  described  in the  accompanying  proxy
statement.  One factor was the separate and independent written opinions of each
of Quarterdeck  Investment  Partners,  LLC and Legacy Partners  Group,  LLC, the
financial advisors to Miltope Group,  stating that the amount of $5.78 per share
to be received by Miltope Group's public stockholders as a result of the mergers
is fair, from a financial point of view, to those stockholders.

         The affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by
the  holders  of the  outstanding  shares of  Miltope  Group's  common  stock is
required to authorize the mergers.  Great  Universal  Incorporated,  has agreed,
pursuant  to  certain  voting   agreements,   to  vote  3,664,478   shares,   or
approximately  61.5%, of Miltope Group's common stock in favor of the mergers at
the special meeting of the stockholders. Therefore, unless Miltope Group's board
of directors  exercises its right to accept a superior  proposal,  the requisite
vote to adopt the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  and  approve  the  mergers  is
assured. As further explained in the proxy statement, if you do not vote for the
mergers, you are entitled to have your shares appraised and to receive a payment
for the "fair value" of your shares.

         The  accompanying  proxy  statement  explains the proposed  mergers and
provides specific  information  concerning the special meeting. It also includes
copies  of the  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger,  the  voting  agreements,  the
contingent  value rights  agreement  and the separate  and  independent  written
opinions of each of Quarterdeck and Legacy. Please read it carefully.

         Whether or not you plan to attend the special  meeting,  we urge you to
please complete, sign and, in the enclosed self-addressed envelope,  return your
proxy as soon as possible so that your vote will be recorded. Even if you return
your proxy card,  you may still attend the special  meeting and vote your common
stock in person.  Your  proxy may be  revoked at any time  before it is voted by
submitting a written revocation or a proxy bearing a later

date to the secretary of Miltope Group,  or by attending and voting in person at
the special  meeting.  For stock held in "street name," you may revoke or change
your vote by submitting  instructions  to your broker or nominee.  IF YOU DO NOT

         Please  do not send any  certificates  for your  shares  at this  time.
Instructions for the purpose of exchanging your shares for the  consideration to
be received upon  consummation  of the mergers will be sent to you following the
consummation of the mergers.


                                    Thomas R. Dickinson
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer

         THIS PROXY  STATEMENT  IS DATED  ________  __,  2003 AND IS FIRST BEING

                                 [MILTOPE LOGO]

                               MILTOPE GROUP INC.
                           3800 RICHARDSON ROAD SOUTH
                            HOPE HULL, ALABAMA 36043



TO BE HELD __________, __________, 2003


         Notice is  hereby  given  that a special  meeting  of  stockholders  of
Miltope  Group Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation,  will be held at Miltope  Group's
corporate headquarters, 3800 Richardson Road South, Hope Hull, Alabama 36043, on
____________, ______ ___, 2003 at __:00 a.m., Central Time to:

         1.       Consider and vote upon a proposal to adopt the  Agreement  and
                  Plan of Merger, among Miltope Group Inc., Miltope Corporation,
                  Vision Technologies  Kinetics,  Inc. and VTK Merger Subsidiary
                  Corporation,  dated as of October 21, 2003,  pursuant to which
                  Miltope  Group will merge with and into  Miltope  Corporation,
                  and VTK Merger  Subsidiary  will  merge with and into  Miltope
                  Corporation,  and to approve the mergers, each as described in
                  the accompanying proxy statement; and

         2.       Consider  and vote upon such other  business  as may  properly
                  come before the Special Meeting, including any adjournments or
                  postponements thereof.

         Only holders of record of Miltope  Group's common stock as of the close
of business on  _________  __, 2003 will be entitled to notice of and to vote at
the special meeting and any adjournments or  postponements  of the meeting.  The
affirmative  vote of the  holders of a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of
common stock entitled to vote at the special meeting of stockholders is required
to adopt the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  and  approve  the  mergers.  Great
Universal Incorporated,  has agreed to vote 3,664,478 shares of common stock, or
approximately 61.5% of Miltope Group's common stock outstanding, in favor of the
Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  at the  special  meeting  of the  stockholders.
Therefore,  unless  Miltope  Group's  board of directors  exercises its right to
accept a superior  proposal,  the requisite vote to adopt the Agreement and Plan
of Merger  and  approve  the  mergers  is  assured.  A form of proxy and a proxy
statement  containing  more detailed  information  with respect to matters to be
considered at the special meeting accompany and form a part of this notice.

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                           Tom B. Dake

Hope Hull, Alabama
__________, 2003

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



SUMMARY TERM SHEET...........................................................S-1


FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION....................................................1

THE SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS............................................1

     Date, Time and Location...................................................1
     Vote Required.............................................................1
     Who Can Vote; Record Date.................................................1
     Solicitation of Proxies...................................................2
     Procedure for Voting......................................................2
     Date of Proxy Statement and Mailing.......................................2

THE MERGERS....................................................................2

     Structure of the Mergers..................................................2
     Background of the Mergers.................................................2
     Recommendation of the Board of Directors; Miltope Group's Purpose and
       Reasons for the Mergers.................................................5
     Opinion of Quarterdeck Investment Partners................................7
     Opinion of Legacy Partners Group.........................................13
     Interests of Certain Persons in the Mergers that Differ From Your
     Effects of the Mergers...................................................19
     Material United States Federal Income Tax Consequences...................19
     Regulatory Filings and Approvals.........................................21
     Appraisal Rights.........................................................22

THE AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER..............................................23

     The Mergers..............................................................23
     Effective Time of the Mergers............................................24
     Merger Consideration; Exchange Procedure.................................24
     Representations and Warranties...........................................24
     Conduct of Business Pending the Mergers..................................26
     No Solicitation of Offers; Notice of Proposals from Third Parties........28
     Stockholders' Meeting....................................................29
     Proxy Statement and Related Documents....................................29
     Access to Information....................................................29
     Indemnification and Insurance............................................30
     Conditions to the Mergers................................................30
     Expense Reimbursement....................................................33
     Termination Fee..........................................................33
     Amendment and Waiver.....................................................34

RELATED AGREEMENTS............................................................35

     Voting Agreements........................................................35
     Contingent Value Rights Agreement........................................35
     Indemnity Agreement......................................................36


THE DRS LITIGATION............................................................36

     Legal Proceedings........................................................36

THE PARTIES...................................................................37

     Miltope Group............................................................37
     Miltope Corporation......................................................38
     Vision Technologies Kinetics.............................................38
     VTK Merger Subsidiary....................................................38

CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS..........................................................39

     Letter Agreement with Great Universal....................................39


     Market Price Information.................................................39
     Dividend Policy..........................................................39



WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION...........................................41


     Stockholder Proposals....................................................41
     Other Matters............................................................42

ANNEX A - Agreement and Plan of Merger.......................................A-1

ANNEX B - Primary Voting Agreement...........................................B-1

ANNEX C - Secondary Voting Agreement.........................................C-1

ANNEX D - Contingent Value Rights Agreement..................................D-1

ANNEX E - Fairness Opinion of Quarterdeck Investment Partners................E-1

ANNEX F - Fairness Opinion of Legacy Partners Group..........................F-1

ANNEX G - Delaware General Corporation Law Section 262.......................G-1




A:   The board of directors of Miltope Group is providing  these proxy materials
     to give you  information  to  determine  how to vote in  connection  with a
     special  meeting of  stockholders  which will take place on  ______________
     _______, 2003 at __:00 a.m., Central Time.


A:   Please carefully read this proxy  statement.  You are invited to attend the
     special meeting.  However, you should mail your signed and dated proxy card
     in the enclosed  envelope as soon as possible,  so that your shares will be
     represented  at the  special  meeting in case you are unable to attend.  No
     postage is required if the proxy card is returned in the  enclosed  postage
     prepaid envelope and mailed in the United States.


A:   It means your shares are  registered  differently  or are held in more than
     one account.  Please provide voting  instructions  for each proxy card that
     you receive.


A:   You may vote "FOR",  "AGAINST"  or  "ABSTAIN."  If you  "ABSTAIN" or do not
     vote, it has the same effect as a vote "AGAINST"  adoption of the Agreement
     and Plan of Merger and  approval of the  mergers.  If you provide  specific
     voting instructions,  your shares will be voted as you instruct. As further
     explained  in the  section  "Appraisal  Rights"  on page  22 in this  proxy
     statement,  you must vote  "AGAINST" or "ABSTAIN" in order to preserve your
     appraisal rights. If you sign your proxy card or broker voting  instruction
     card with no further instructions,  your shares will be voted in accordance
     with the recommendation of the board of directors to vote "FOR" adoption of
     the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  and  approval  of the  mergers.  Great
     Universal Incorporated, also referred to as "Great Universal" or "GUI", has
     agreed to vote 3,664,478 shares of common stock, or approximately  61.5% of
     Miltope  Group's common stock, in favor of the Agreement and Plan of Merger
     at the  special  meeting of the  stockholders.  Therefore,  unless  Miltope
     Group's  board  of  directors  exercises  its  right to  accept a  superior
     proposal,  the requisite vote to adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger and
     approve the mergers is assured.


A:   The board of  directors  unanimously  recommends  that you vote your shares
     "FOR"  adoption  of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger and  approval of the


A:   Your broker will vote your shares for you ONLY if you instruct  your broker
     how to vote for you. Your broker should mail  information  to you that will
     explain how to give it these instructions.


A:   No.  After  the  mergers  are   consummated,   we  will  send  you  written
     instructions  that will explain how to exchange your certificates for $5.78
     per share in cash, without interest,  and one CVR per share.  Please do not
     send in your certificates now or with your proxies.  Hold your certificates
     until you receive our instructions.



A:   Yes.  You may revoke  your proxy or change your vote by sending a notice to
     Tom B. Dake, our corporate  secretary,  by sending in a later dated, signed
     proxy  card  before  the  meeting or by  attending  the  meeting in person;
     provided that if your shares are held in "street name" by a broker or other
     nominee, you obtain a proxy to vote at the meeting from the broker or other

     TO ME?

A:   Your  receipt of cash and CVRs in  exchange  for your shares in the mergers
     will be a taxable event for United States federal income tax purposes. Your
     tax consequences will depend on your personal situation. You should consult
     your tax advisor for a full  understanding  of the tax  consequences of the
     mergers to you and the characterization of the CVRs for tax purposes.


A:   Yes. Under Delaware law, you have appraisal  rights in connection  with the
     mergers so long as you take all the steps  required to perfect your rights.
     These steps are described under the section  "Appraisal  Rights" on page 22
     in this proxy statement.


A:   We are  working  toward  completing  the  mergers as  quickly as  possible.
     However, Miltope Group and Vision Technologies Kinetics cannot complete the
     mergers until they satisfy additional conditions,  including the receipt of
     all required regulatory authority and other governmental  approvals. We are
     unable to predict when the mergers  will be completed  since we do not know
     when the  companies  will  satisfy all of the  conditions  set forth in the
     Agreement and Plan of Merger.


A:   If you have more  questions  about the  mergers  or if you need  additional
     copies of the proxy  statement  or the  enclosed  proxy  card,  you  should
     contact our Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Tom B. Dake at (334) 285-8665.


                               SUMMARY TERM SHEET



         Miltope Group Inc.
         3800 Richardson Road South
         Hope Hull, Alabama  36043
         (334) 285-8665

         Miltope Group Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  is the parent  company of
Miltope Corporation,  an Alabama corporation, IV Phoenix Group, Inc., a New York
corporation,  also referred to as "PGI", and Miltope Business Products,  Inc., a
New York corporation.

         Miltope Corporation
         3800 Richardson Road South
         Hope Hull, Alabama  36043
         (334) 285-8665

         Miltope  Corporation  is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Miltope  Group.
Miltope Corporation  designs,  develops and manufactures  computers and computer
peripheral equipment for military,  industrial and commercial applications where
reliable operation of the equipment in challenging environments is imperative.

         Vision Technologies Kinetics, Inc.
         225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 525
         Alexandria, Virginia  22314
         (703) 683-8970

         Vision Technologies  Kinetics,  Inc., a Delaware corporation,  provides
design and  engineering  services  for  military  vehicles,  weapon  systems and
munitions.  Vision Technologies Kinetics is a direct wholly-owned  subsidiary of
Vision Technologies Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation,  with headquarters in
Alexandria,  Virginia,  and an indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Singapore
Technologies Engineering Ltd., a Singapore company.

         VTK Merger Subsidiary Corporation
         225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 525
         Alexandria, Virginia  22314
         (703) 683-8970

         VTK Merger Subsidiary  Corporation is an Alabama  corporation formed on
September 8, 2003 and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vision Technologies Kinetics.
VTK Merger  Subsidiary has not, to date,  conducted any  significant  activities
other than those incident to its  formation,  its execution of the Agreement and
Plan  of  Merger  and  the  related  documents,  and  its  participation  in the
preparation  of this proxy  statement.  VTK Merger  Subsidiary  currently has no
material assets or liabilities,  other than its rights and obligations under the
Agreement  and Plan of Merger and the related  documents,  and has not generated
any material revenues or expenses.


         STRUCTURE  OF THE MERGERS.  Miltope  Group will be merged with and into


Corporation,  with  Miltope  Corporation  surviving  the merger,  and VTK Merger
Subsidiary  will be  merged  with and into  Miltope  Corporation,  with  Miltope
Corporation  surviving  the merger and  continuing  to operate its business as a
direct  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Vision Technologies  Kinetics.  The separate
existence of each of Miltope Group and VTK Merger  Subsidiary  will cease.  (See
pages 2 and 23 and Annex A)

         STOCKHOLDER  VOTE.  You are being asked to vote to adopt the  Agreement
and  Plan of  Merger  and  approve  the  mergers.  Under  the  Delaware  General
Corporation Law, or the DGCL, the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the
votes  entitled  to be cast by the holders of the  outstanding  shares of common
stock of Miltope Group,  whether in person or by proxy, is required to adopt the
Agreement  and Plan of Merger and  approve the  mergers.  GUI has agreed to vote
approximately 61.5% of the outstanding shares of Miltope Group's common stock in
favor of the  adoption of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger and approval of the
mergers.  Therefore,  unless  Miltope  Group's board of directors  exercises its
right to accept a superior  proposal,  the requisite vote to adopt the Agreement
and Plan of Merger and approve  the mergers is assured.  (See pages 1 and 35 and
Annexes B and C)

         EFFECTIVENESS  OF THE MERGERS.  The mergers will be effective  upon the
filing of both  articles of merger with the  Secretary  of State of the State of
Alabama,  in  accordance  with  the  Alabama  Business  Corporation  Act,  and a
certificate  of merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware,  in
accordance  with the DGCL, or at such later time as is specified in the articles
of merger and certificate of merger. (See page 24)

         PRICE FOR YOUR STOCK. At the effective time of the mergers,  each share
of Miltope Group's common stock issued and outstanding  immediately prior to the
effective  time  (except  for shares of common  stock held by  stockholders  who
exercise their appraisal rights) will be cancelled and  automatically  converted
into the right to receive $5.78 in cash,  without  interest,  and one contingent
value  right.  Miltope  Group's  shares  will no longer be traded on The  Nasdaq
SmallCap Market or be registered  under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended. (See page 24)

         CONTINGENT VALUE RIGHT. Each contingent value right, or CVR, represents
the  nontransferable  right  to  receive  a pro  rata  share  of 50% of the  net
proceeds,  if any,  from the  lawsuit  brought  by Miltope  Corporation  and PGI
against  DRS  Technologies  and other  parties,  also  referred to in this proxy
statement as the "DRS litigation," after adjustments for taxes.  Pursuant to the
Contingent Value Rights Agreement, or CVR Agreement (attached as Annex D to this
proxy statement),  $0.7 million has been set aside from the merger consideration
to fund certain costs and expenses associated with the litigation. The CVRs will
not be assignable or otherwise  transferable  by holders of the CVRs,  except by
will,  upon death or by  operation  of law.  The CVRs will not be evidenced by a
certificate or other instrument. (See page 35 and Annex D)


         On October 3, 2001, Miltope  Corporation and PGI filed a lawsuit in the
United States  District  Court for the Eastern  District of New York against DRS
Technologies,  its affiliate DRS Electronic  Systems,  Inc. and former officers,
directors  and  employees  of PGI. In their  complaint  and  subsequent  amended
complaint,  Miltope  Corporation  and PGI alleged  damages based on, among other
things, misappropriated trade secrets and trade secret know-how, infringement of
several   trademarks   held  by  Miltope   Corporation  and  PGI,  breach  of  a
confidentiality  agreement,  tortious  interference  with  contracts,  breach of
fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment and unfair  competition.  DRS Technologies and
DRS Electronic Systems answered the complaint,  denying the claims against them,
but did not file any  counterclaims.  The individual  defendants also denied the
claims  against  them.  Three of the  individual  defendants,  who  were  former
officers  and  directors of Miltope  Corporation  and PGI,  filed  counterclaims
alleging  damages  based on, among other things,  breach of their  employment or
severance  agreements  with PGI  and/or  Miltope  Corporation.  In total,  these
individual defendants are seeking approximately $2.9 million in damages. Miltope
Corporation and PGI deny the counterclaims made by these defendants.

         Miltope  Corporation  and PGI seek total damages against all defendants
of not less than $19 million.  In  addition,  Miltope  Corporation  and PGI seek
punitive and treble  damages,  royalties on the DRS  Technologies  products that
incorporate  Miltope  Corporation's and PGI's trade secrets,  injunctive relief,
attorneys' fees and interest.  The CVR agreement  provides that GUI shall act as
the representative of the holders of the CVRs. GUI, as


representative,  is authorized to approve or reject any settlement of any aspect
or portion of the DRS litigation.  If this lawsuit does not ultimately result in
a judgment or settlement  favorable to MILTOPE CORPORATION or PGI, the CVRs will
be worthless. As of the filing of this proxy statement,  the court has not set a
trial  date for this  action,  but  Miltope  Group  believes  that a trial  will
commence within six months.


         The board of directors of Miltope  Group has approved the Agreement and
Plan of Merger  and  determined  that the  mergers  are fair to, and in the best
interests of, Miltope Group's  stockholders.  The board of directors unanimously
recommends  that Miltope Group's  stockholders  vote in favor of the adoption of
the Agreement and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers.


         Each of  Quarterdeck  Investments  Partners,  LLC and  Legacy  Partners
Group, LLC delivered separate and independent opinions to the board of directors
of Miltope  Group,  dated as of  October  21,  2003,  that,  based upon  certain
assumptions  made,  matters  considered and limits of the review  undertaken (as
described in the opinions), the consideration to be received by the stockholders
of Miltope  Group as a result of the mergers is fair from a  financial  point of
view to the stockholders.  Copies of Quarterdeck's  opinion and Legacy's opinion
are attached to this proxy statement as Annex E and Annex F,  respectively,  and
should be read in their entirety.


         The special  meeting of Miltope  Group's  stockholders  will be held on
____ __, 2003, at __:00 a.m.,  Central Time,  at Miltope  Group's  headquarters,
3800 Richardson Road South, Hope Hull, Alabama 36043.


         The affirmative vote of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be
cast by the holders of the outstanding  shares of common stock of Miltope Group,
whether in person or by proxy,  is required to adopt the  Agreement  and Plan of
Merger and approve the mergers.  You can vote at the special  meeting all of the
shares of common  stock that you owned of record as of the close of  business on
_________ __, 2003, which is the record date fixed by the board of directors for
the  special  meeting.  Because  GUI has agreed to vote  approximately  61.5% of
Miltope  Group's  outstanding  common  stock  in favor  of the  adoption  of the
Agreement and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers, unless Miltope Group's
board of  directors  exercises  its right to  accept a  superior  proposal,  the
requisite vote to adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger and approve the mergers
is assured.


         The cost of preparing,  assembling,  printing, mailing and distributing
the notice of special  meeting,  this proxy statement and proxies shall be borne
by Miltope Group.


         Only  holders of record of Miltope  Group's  common stock on the record
date will be  entitled to vote at the special  meeting and any  adjournments  or
postponements  of that  meeting.  Please return the proxy as soon as possible so
that your vote will be  recorded.  Even if you return your proxy  card,  you may
still attend the special meeting and vote your common stock in person.


         If you do not vote  for the  mergers,  you are  entitled  to have  your
shares appraised and to receive a payment for the "fair value" of your shares.



         GUI has entered  into voting  agreements  with  Miltope  Group,  Vision
Technologies  Kinetics and VTK Merger  Subsidiary.  Under the voting agreements,
GUI has agreed to vote all of the Miltope Group common stock it owns in favor of
the  adoption of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers.
GUI owns approximately 61.5% of Miltope Group's outstanding common stock. In the
event that the board of directors of Miltope Group  terminates the Agreement and
Plan of Merger to accept a superior  proposal,  the Secondary Voting  Agreement,
pursuant  to which GUI is required  to vote  shares  representing  approximately
26.5% of Miltope Group's  outstanding common stock in favor of the mergers,  may
be  terminated.  GUI would  continue to be obligated,  under the Primary  Voting
Agreement,  to vote shares  representing  approximately  35% of Miltope  Group's
outstanding common stock in favor of the mergers.


         The completion of the mergers  depends on the  satisfaction of a number
of conditions which are specified in the Agreement and Plan of Merger.


         Miltope Group and Vision  Technologies  Kinetics can mutually  agree at
any time to terminate  the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger.  Also,  under certain
circumstances,  either  Miltope Group,  on the one hand, or Vision  Technologies
Kinetics,  on the other hand,  can decide to terminate the Agreement and Plan of
Merger. If the termination of the Agreement and Plan of Merger is due to Miltope
Group's  breach,  then  Miltope  Group is required to pay the expenses of Vision
Technologies  Kinetics in connection  with the  negotiation of the mergers in an
amount not to exceed $1,000,000.  In the event that Miltope Group terminates the
mergers in order to accept a  superior  proposal,  or in  certain  circumstances
Miltope  Group  terminates  the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  and a  superior
proposal has been made but not accepted or, within a period of nine months after
such  termination,  a  subsequent  takeover  transaction  has been  consummated,
Miltope Group may be required to pay Vision Technologies  Kinetics a termination
fee in an amount equal to $1,800,000.


         Miltope  Group has  agreed in the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger not to
encourage  (including by way of furnishing  non-public  information),  initiate,
participate  in, or solicit any offer or proposal  which  constitutes  any other
offer or proposal  concerning  any (i) tender or exchange  offer  involving more
than 20% of its common  stock,  (ii)  merger,  consolidation,  recapitalization,
restructuring  or other business  combination or similar  transaction  involving
Miltope Group or its  subsidiaries,  (iii) issuance,  sale or other  disposition
(including  by  way  of  merger,  consolidation,   business  combination,  share
exchange,  joint venture or similar transaction) of Miltope Group's common stock
or other equity interests representing 20% or more of the Miltope Group's voting
power,  (iv)  sale,  lease or  disposition  directly  or  indirectly  by merger,
consolidation, business combination, share exchange, joint venture or otherwise,
of assets representing 20% or more of the consolidated  assets,  revenues or net
income of Miltope Group and its  subsidiaries,  or (v) combination of any of the
foregoing.  Miltope Group has agreed that, in the event of an unsolicited  offer
or  proposal  as  described  above,  it  will  not  engage  in  negotiations  or
discussions  with, or provide any information to, any person or company relating
to or in connection with the offer or proposal.  In addition,  Miltope Group has
agreed not to enter into any agreement  with respect to any offer or proposal as
described  above  or enter  into any  agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding
requiring  it to abandon,  terminate  or fail to  consummate  the mergers or any
other transaction contemplated by the Agreement and Plan of Merger.

         However, Miltope Group may furnish information concerning its business,
properties  or assets to any  person  pursuant  to a  customary  confidentiality
agreement and may discuss and  negotiate  and  participate  in  discussions  and
negotiations  with such person  concerning an  acquisition  proposal if (i) such
person has made a superior  proposal and (ii) the board of directors  determines
in good faith,  after  receiving  advice from outside  legal  counsel to Miltope
Group,  that the  failure  to  provide  such  information  or to  engage in such
discussions  or  negotiations   would  constitute  a  breach  of  the  fiduciary
obligations of the board of directors to Miltope Group's




         Miltope  Group  does not  believe  that any  material  federal or state
regulatory  approvals,  filings or notices are required by it in connection with
the mergers,  except for the filing of this proxy  statement with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission,  the  filing  of a  certificate  of  merger  with the
Secretary  of State of the State of  Delaware,  the filing of articles of merger
with the Secretary of State of the State of Alabama and a voluntary  filing with
the Committee on Foreign  Investment in the United  States,  also referred to as
"CFIUS,"  pursuant to the Exon-Florio  Amendment  promulgated  under the Omnibus
Trade and  Competitiveness  Act of 1988,  also  referred to as the  "Exon-Florio


         The receipt of cash and CVRs by you pursuant to the mergers or pursuant
to your exercise and perfection of appraisal  rights will be a taxable event for
you for  federal  income  tax  purposes  and may also be  taxable  events  under
applicable  state,  local and foreign tax laws. The tax consequences to you will
depend   upon  the  facts   and   circumstances   applicable   to  you  and  the
characterization of the CVRs for tax purposes.  Accordingly,  you should consult
your tax  advisor  with  respect to the  federal,  state,  local or foreign  tax
consequences of the mergers.


         In considering the recommendation of the board of directors, you should
be aware that certain officers, directors and stockholders of Miltope Group have
relationships  or  interests  in the mergers and the  transactions  contemplated
thereby that are different from the interests of other stockholders and that may
present  actual or  potential  conflicts  of interest.  In  connection  with the
closing  of the  mergers,  GUI will  receive  approximately  $21.2  million  and
3,664,478  CVRs for its stock.  If Miltope  Group had not agreed to the mergers,
GUI would not have been able to sell any  substantial  portion  of its shares of
Miltope  Group's common stock due to the volume  restriction of Rule 144 and the
general  lack of  trading  volume.  Henry Guy and David  Marcus  are  members of
Miltope  Group's  board of  directors  and members of GUI's board of  directors.
Miltope  Group's  board of  directors  was aware of these  potential  and actual
conflicts of interest and considered them in evaluating the proposed mergers.


         If you have any questions  about the mergers or if you need  additional
copies of the proxy statement or the enclosed proxy card, you should contact our
Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Tom B. Dake at (334) 285-8665.



         Vision Technologies Kinetics has supplied all information in this proxy
statement  relating to it. Miltope Group has not  independently  verified any of
the information relating to Vision Technologies  Kinetics.  No persons have been
authorized to give any  information  or to make any  representations  other than
those contained in this proxy statement.

                           FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION

         The matters  discussed in this proxy  statement that are not historical
facts are  "forward  looking  statements"  within  the  meaning  of the  Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 and Miltope  Group  intends that such
forward  looking  statements  be subject to the safe  harbors  created  thereby.
Miltope  Group warns that  caution  should be taken in relying  upon any forward
looking  statements  contained  herein,  as they  involve  a number of risks and
uncertainties  that  may  cause  the  actual  results  of  Miltope  Group  to be
materially  different  from any  future  results  expressed  or  implied by such
forward looking  statements.  Examples of such risks and uncertainties  include,
but are not limited to, the ability of Miltope Group to  consummate  the sale of
Miltope Group, future demand for Miltope Group's products and services,  general
economic  conditions,  actions of  competitors,  termination of contracts at the
convenience  of the United States  government,  customer  funding  variations in
connection  with  multi-year  contracts  and follow-on  options,  the ability to
succeed in the DRS  litigation and obtain any proceeds  therefrom,  the value of
the CVRs, and other risks and  uncertainties.  Should one or more of these risks
or uncertainties materialize,  or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect,
actual results may vary materially  from those described  herein as anticipated,
believed, estimated or expected. Miltope Group does not undertake any obligation
to update or revise any forward  looking  statement made by it or on its behalf,
whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



         The special  meeting of Miltope  Group's  stockholders  will be held on
____ __, 2003, at _:00 a.m., Central Time, at Miltope Group's headquarters, 3800
Richardson Road South, Hope Hull, Alabama 36043.


         Under the DGCL,  the  affirmative  vote of at least a  majority  of the
votes  entitled  to be cast by the holders of the  outstanding  shares of common
stock of Miltope Group,  whether in person or by proxy, is required to adopt the
Agreement and Plan of Merger and approve the mergers.  The presence in person or
by proxy of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of common stock
of Miltope Group  constitutes a quorum for a stockholder vote on the adoption of
the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger and  approval  of the  mergers at the special
meeting. Each share of common stock entitles the holders thereof to one (1) vote
on the adoption of the Agreement and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers.
Proxies  submitted that contain  abstentions or broker  non-votes will be deemed
present at the special  meeting only for  determining  the presence of a quorum.
Abstentions and broker non-votes with respect to the vote on the adoption of the
Agreement and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers will have the effect of
votes  against the adoption of the  Agreement and Plan of Merger and approval of
the  mergers.  Because  GUI has  agreed to vote  approximately  61.5% of Miltope
Group's  outstanding  common stock in favor of the adoption of the Agreement and
Plan of Merger and  approval of the mergers,  unless  Miltope  Group's  board of
directors exercises its right to accept a superior proposal,  the requisite vote
to adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger and approve the mergers is assured.


         You can vote at the special  meeting all of the shares of common  stock
that you owned of record as of the close of  business  on  _________  __,  2003,
which  has been  fixed by the  board of  directors  as the  record  date for the
special  meeting.  If you own shares that are  registered in someone else's name
(for example, a broker), you need to


direct that person to vote those shares or obtain an authorization from them and
vote the shares yourself at the special meeting.  As of the close of business on
the record date, there were [5,962,623]  shares of common stock outstanding held
by approximately _____ stockholders of record.


         The cost of preparing,  assembling,  printing, mailing and distributing
the notice of special  meeting,  this proxy statement and proxies shall be borne
by Miltope  Group.  Miltope Group also will reimburse  brokers,  banks and other
custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries,  who are holders of record of the common
stock of Miltope Group, for their reasonable  out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection with forwarding proxy soliciting  materials to the beneficial  owners
of shares of common  stock.  In addition to the use of the mail,  proxies may be
solicited  without extra  compensation  by directors,  officers and employees of
Miltope Group by personal interview,  telephone,  telegram, cablegram, facsimile
or other means of electronic communication.


         Only  holders of record of Miltope  Group's  common stock on the record
date will be  entitled to vote at the special  meeting and any  adjournments  or
postponements  of that  meeting.  Please return the proxy as soon as possible so
that your vote will be  recorded.  Even if you return your proxy  card,  you may
still  attend the special  meeting and vote your  common  stock in person.  Your
proxy may be  revoked  at any time  before it is voted by  submitting  a written
revocation or a proxy bearing a later date to the Secretary of Miltope Group, or
by  attending  and voting in person at the  special  meeting.  For stock held in
"street name," you must follow the procedures  required by the holder of record,
which is usually a brokerage firm or bank, to revoke a proxy. You should contact
the holder of record directly for more information on these procedures.


         This proxy statement is dated ______ __, 2003 and is first being mailed
to stockholders of Miltope Group on or about ______ __, 2003.

                                   THE MERGERS


Miltope  Group will be merged with and into  Miltope  Corporation,  with Miltope
Corporation  surviving the merger.  Additionally,  VTK Merger Subsidiary will be
merged with and into Miltope Corporation, with Miltope Corporation surviving the
merger.  Miltope  Corporation  will continue to operate its business as a direct
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Vision Technologies Kinetics. The separate existence
of each of Miltope Group and VTK Merger Subsidiary will cease.


         Miltope  Group's  board of  directors  has  evaluated,  on a continuing
basis,  the business and operations of Miltope  Group,  as well as the strategic
direction and prospects of its business in light of the conditions and trends in
its  industry  as  part  of  Miltope  Group's  long-term  strategy  to  maximize
stockholder value.

         The  board  of  directors   became   concerned   that  the   continuing
consolidation  in  the  defense  industry  would  put  smaller  suppliers  at  a
competitive   disadvantage  and  that  the  challenging  defense  appropriations
environment  was creating  uncertainty for those firms having a limited array of
product offerings.  Therefore,  the board of directors determined that it was in
the best  interests of Miltope  Group and its  stockholders  to seek a strategic
acquisition partner.

         Accordingly,  on June 24, 2002,  Miltope Group retained  Quarterdeck to
provide advice regarding Miltope Group's long-term financial strategy.


         From July 2002 through  August 2002,  Miltope  Group,  with the help of
Quarterdeck and other representatives,  prepared materials regarding a potential
sale of Miltope Group.

         From August 2002 through  September,  2002,  Quarterdeck,  on behalf of
Miltope Group,  contacted a total of 93 potential buyers. This total included 57
potential  strategic  buyers  and 36  potential  financial  buyers.  Quarterdeck
provided 37 of the 93 potential buyers with offering documents.

         On September 12, 2002,  four potential  buyers  submitted  preliminary,
non-binding  indications  of  interest  to  acquire  Miltope  Group.  During the
following month, two of these potential buyers withdrew from the process because
of internal events, limited resources and/or a focus on alternative  acquisition
opportunities.  Of the other two of these potential  buyers,  both  subsequently
attended  management  presentations  and one also conducted a cursory review and
investigation  of Miltope Group's business and  arrangements.  In late November,
the latter  potential buyer withdrew its interest,  citing a lack of a strategic
fit, an inability to realize cost saving  synergies  and concerns  about the DRS
litigation.  Shortly thereafter, the remaining potential buyer also withdrew its

         In early  October  2002,  Quarterdeck  contacted a number of  strategic
buyers who were unable to devote the  resources  to the  transaction  during the
initial process.

         On  November  6, 2002,  Vision  Technologies  Systems,  Inc.,  the sole
stockholder of Vision Technologies Kinetics, received an offering memorandum and
indicated that it would submit an indicative offer in early December.

         In late November,  Quarterdeck,  on behalf of Miltope Group,  contacted
twelve  additional  potential  financial  buyers  to  evaluate  Miltope  Group's

         In December 2002, two strategic buyers,  including Vision  Technologies
Systems,   submitted  a   preliminary,   non-binding   indication  of  interest.
Additionally,  a third strategic buyer provided a verbal indication of interest.
From  January 7  through  January  9,  2003,  Miltope  Group's  management  made
presentations to these three strategic  buyers. On January 27, 2003, a potential
financial  buyer  submitted a non-binding,  preliminary  indication of interest.
Between  February  and  March,  2003,  these  four  potential  buyers  met  with
management  and/or  commenced  a due  diligence  investigation  of the  company.
Subsequently,  all of these  potential  buyers,  other than Vision  Technologies
Kinetics, withdrew their interest and declined to submit offers.

         On March 10, 2003, Vision  Technologies  Systems submitted an offer for
the  purchase  of all of the  outstanding  shares  of  Miltope  Group,  and  the
assumption  of  outstanding  debt,  at an  equity  value of $26  million  and an
enterprise  value  of $34.4  million.  In  connection  with  the  offer,  Vision
Technologies  Systems  required as a  condition  that GUI agree to enter into an
agreement in support of the transaction.

         On March 25, 2003,  Miltope  Group's board of directors met to consider
the offer from Vision Technologies Systems and determined that it was inadequate
given Miltope Group's projected performance. The board of directors rejected the
offer from Vision Technologies Systems as not maximizing stockholder value.

         On April 1, 2003, Vision Technologies Systems increased its offer to an
equity value of $31.1 million and an enterprise value of $39.5 million.  At that
time,  Vision  Technologies   Systems  also  revised  its  list  of  outstanding
conditions in connection with the mergers,  including that Miltope Group and GUI
sign an exclusivity  agreement,  pursuant to which, among other things,  Miltope
Group and GUI would be restricted from discussing sale  transactions  with other
potential buyers for approximately three weeks,  whether or not Miltope Group or
GUI  initiated  such  discussions.  In  addition,  Vision  Technologies  Systems
continued to require as a condition to the  transaction  that GUI agree to enter
into agreements in support of the transaction.

         On April 2, 2003,  Miltope  Group's  board of directors met to consider
the revised offer from Vision  Technologies  Systems and determined  that it was
inadequate given Miltope Group's projected  performance.  The board of directors
rejected  the  offer  from  Vision   Technologies   Systems  as  not  maximizing
stockholder  value.  Accordingly,  Miltope Group did not enter into the proposed
exclusivity letter.

         On April 10, 2003,  GUI asked  Quarterdeck  to assess  other  strategic
alternatives available to Miltope



         On April 24, 2003, Quarterdeck presented various alternatives available
to Miltope Group including merging with another public company, acquisitions and
issuing stock to raise capital for acquisitions.

         After additional  discussion  between  representatives of Miltope Group
and Vision Technologies  Systems,  on May 20, 2003, Vision Technologies  Systems
once again revised its offer price to an enterprise value of $42.95 million.  In
connection  with this revised offer,  Miltope Group's board of directors met and
determined  to pursue  further  negotiations,  and  continue  the due  diligence
process,  with Vision  Technologies  Systems.  Miltope Group resumed discussions
with Vision Technologies Systems and Vision Technologies Systems resumed its due
diligence investigation of the company.

         On May 21, 2003, Miltope Group and Vision Technologies  Systems entered
into an exclusivity  agreement,  pursuant to which, among other things,  Miltope
Group was restricted,  through June 25, 2003, from discussing sale  transactions
with  other  potential  buyers,  whether or not  Miltope  Group  initiated  such
discussions.  Also on May 21, 2003, GUI and Vision Technologies  Systems entered
into a separate  exclusivity  agreement,  pursuant to which, among other things,
GUI was restricted,  through June 25, 2003, from discussing with other potential
buyers sale transactions  involving Miltope Group,  whether or not GUI initiated
such discussions.

         From May 2003 through July 2003, Vision Technologies  Systems continued
its due  diligence  review of the  company.  During  this  period,  the  parties
negotiated  substantial  issues regarding the structure of the transaction,  tax
treatment and other  matters.  In  connection  with these  negotiations,  Vision
Technologies  Systems  included,  as a condition to the mergers,  that GUI would
agree to enter into voting  agreements,  that Miltope Group's board of directors
would approve the voting  agreements  and that GUI would enter into an indemnity
agreement in connection with certain tax and environmental matters.

         On June 19,  2003,  Miltope  Group  engaged  Legacy to issue a fairness
opinion with respect to the mergers.

         On June 25,  2003,  the  exclusivity  period under the parties' May 21,
2003 exclusivity agreements expired.

         On July 16, 2003, the parties  extended the exclusivity  period through
July 28, 2003.

         On  July  22,  2003,  the  parties  and  their  representatives  met in
Washington, DC to further negotiate the terms and conditions of the transaction.

         On July 28, 2003,  the  exclusivity  period under the parties' two July
16, 2003 exclusivity agreements expired and the parties extended the exclusivity
period through August 18, 2003 for Miltope Group and through August 30, 2003 for

         On  July  30,  2003,  the  parties  generally  agreed  to a form  of an
agreement and plan of merger,  but could not agree on the cash  consideration in
the mergers and certain  structural  issues because of, among other things,  the
ongoing DRS litigation and the proceeds  Miltope Group  anticipated as result of
the litigation.

         On August 18, 2003, the  exclusivity  period under Miltope Group's July
28, 2003 exclusivity  agreement expired and the parties extended the exclusivity
period through August 30, 2003.

         On August 30, 2003,  the  exclusivity  period  expired under both GUI's
July 28,  2003  exclusivity  agreement  and  Miltope  Group's  August  18,  2003
exclusivity agreement.

         On  September  4, 2003,  the parties  agreed on a general  structure to
allow  Miltope  Group the  appropriate  financial  resources  to pursue  the DRS
litigation, while still allowing Miltope Group's stockholders to benefit from


the proceeds the company anticipates as a result of the litigation.  The parties
had determined that contingent value rights, or CVRs, could be issued to Miltope
Group's  stockholders in addition to the cash consideration in the mergers.  The
parties continued to negotiate the Agreement and Plan of Merger and a Contingent
Value Rights Agreement in accordance with this new structure.

         From September 4, 2003 through  October 9, 2003, the parties  continued
to negotiate  material  aspects of the  Agreement and Plan of Merger and the CVR
payment structure.

         On October 9, 2003,  the parties  negotiated  an  increased  enterprise
value of Miltope Group in the amount of $44.95 million. Because of Quarterdeck's
involvement in, and extensive  knowledge of, the  transaction,  Legacy requested
that the company expand Quarterdeck's engagement to also include the delivery of
a fairness  opinion.  The company  agreed  and,  on October 9, 2003,  if engaged
Quarterdeck to issue a fairness opinion with respect to the mergers,  separately
and independently from Legacy.

         On October 14, 2003,  Miltope Group issued a press  release  announcing
that it had reached a non-binding  oral  agreement  with an  unaffiliated  third
party  concerning the possible  acquisition  of Miltope Group.  The company also
announced in the press release that pricing terms ranged from $5.25 to $5.90.

         On  October  21,  2003,  Miltope  Group's  board  of  directors,  after
receiving  separate and independent  fairness opinions from both Quarterdeck and
Legacy, and Miltope Corporation's board of directors both approved the Agreement
and Plan of Merger,  the CVR Agreement and the  indemnity  agreement,  each with
Vision Technologies  Kinetics, a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Vision Technologies
Systems,  and  Miltope  Group's  board of  directors  also  approved  the voting

         On October 22, 2003,  Miltope  Group and Vision  Technologies  Kinetics
jointly issued a press release  announcing  that the two companies had agreed on
the terms of merger,  pursuant  to which,  Miltope  Corporation  would  become a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Vision Technologies Kinetics.


         At a meeting  of the  board of  directors  held on  October  21,  2003,
Miltope Group's board of directors, after careful review of the documents, facts
and  circumstances  relating to the mergers,  and after hearing the separate and
independent  presentations  of Quarterdeck and Legacy  regarding the fairness of
the  transaction to the  stockholders of Miltope Group,  unanimously  concluded,
based  in part on the  presentations  of its two  financial  advisors,  that the
mergers,  and the terms and  provisions  of the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger,
including  the merger  consideration  of $5.78 in cash per share and one CVR per
share,  were fair and in the best  interests  of Miltope  Group's  stockholders,
unanimously approved the Agreement and Plan of Merger and the voting agreements,
authorized  Miltope Group to enter into the Agreement and Plan of Merger and the
voting  agreements and unanimously  resolved to recommend to the stockholders of
Miltope  Group  that  they vote to adopt the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  and
approve the mergers.

         The board of directors,  in determining that the terms of the Agreement
and Plan of Merger were  advisable,  fair and in the best  interests  of Miltope
Group's  stockholders,  and in determining to recommend to the  stockholders  of
Miltope  Group that they adopt the  Agreement and Plan of Merger and approve the
mergers,   considered  certain  factors,  including  but  not  limited  to,  the

         (i)    the financial condition, assets, results of operations, business
                and  prospects  of  Miltope  Group  and the  risks  inherent  in
                achieving those prospects, including, without limitation, future
                demand  for  Miltope  Group's  products  and  services,  general
                economic  conditions,  actions of  competitors,  termination  of
                contracts at the convenience of the United States government and
                customer  funding   variations  in  connection  with  multi-year
                contracts and follow-on options;

         (ii)   the  volumes  at which the  common  stock  has  traded in recent

         (iii)  the  negotiations  which took place between Vision  Technologies
                Kinetics, on the one hand, and Miltope Group, on the other hand,
                with respect to the merger consideration and the belief by the


                members of the board of  directors  that $5.78 per share was the
                highest price that Vision  Technologies  Kinetics would agree to
                pay or that could be obtained  from any other source  reasonably
                capable of consummating a transaction;

         (iv)   that the merger  consideration to be received by Miltope Group's
                stockholders  in the mergers  reflects an  increased  negotiated
                enterprise  value  of  Miltope  Group  of  approximately  $10.35
                million,  or  approximately  30%,  when  compared to the initial
                purchase price offered by Vision  Technologies  Systems in March

         (v)    expressions of interest from other prospective purchasers;

         (vi)   the  trading  prices  at which the  common  stock  traded  since
                Miltope Group's initial public offering;

         (vii)  the potential for Miltope  Corporation and PGI to succeed in the
                DRS  litigation  and the  amount of net  proceeds  that could be
                recovered from the  litigation,  by settlement or judgment,  and
                the fact that,  if the  mergers  are  effected,  each of Miltope
                Group's  stockholders  will have the  right,  as a result of the
                CVR, to obtain a portion of any such proceeds;

         (viii) the risks that Miltope  Corporation  and PGI will not succeed in
                the DRS  litigation  and that the costs and expenses  associated
                with  the   litigation   could  exceed  any  proceeds  from  the

         (ix)   the strategic fit with Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  given the
                nature of the respective businesses;

         (x)    the separate and independent opinions of each of Quarterdeck and
                Legacy as to the  fairness,  from a financial  point of view, of
                the cash portion of the merger  consideration  to be received by
                Miltope Group's stockholders,  as set forth in each such opinion
                and the analyses  presented to the board of directors of Miltope
                Group by these financial advisors on October 21, 2003; and

         (xi)   the  availability of appraisal  rights under the DGCL to holders
                of common  stock who  dissent  from the  mergers,  which  rights
                provide  stockholders  who  dispute  the  fairness of the merger
                consideration  with an opportunity to have a court determine the
                fair value of their shares.

         Each of the foregoing factors supported the decision of Miltope Group's
board of directors.  The board of directors viewed all of the foregoing  factors
as important in reaching its conclusion and did not assign any particular weight
to any individual factor.

         The  board of  directors  also  considered  the  following  potentially
negative factors in their  deliberations  concerning the mergers,  which factors
are not listed in any relative order of importance:

         (i)      following the mergers,  the stockholders of Miltope Group will
                  cease to participate in any future earnings growth or increase
                  in value of Miltope Group;

         (ii)     the actual or  potential  conflicts  of interest  that certain
                  officers,  directors and stockholders of Miltope Group have in
                  connection with the mergers;

         (iii)    a  portion  of the  merger  consideration  is  contingent  and
                  payable  pursuant  to the CVRs only in the event that  Miltope
                  Corporation and PGI are successful in the DRS litigation;  and
                  that  if  Miltope   Corporation   and  PGI  do  not  obtain  a
                  substantial   award  or  favorable   settlement   in  the  DRS
                  litigation,  little or no payment will be made under the CVRs;

         (iv)     the  possibility  that the mergers will not be consummated and
                  the resulting effects to Miltope Group and to the stockholders
                  of Miltope Group.

         The board of directors viewed all of the foregoing factors as important
in reaching their conclusion. In


light of the number and variety of factors the board of directors  considered in
connection  with its  evaluation of the mergers,  the board of directors did not
find it practicable to assign relative  weights to the foregoing  factors,  and,
accordingly,  the  board  of  directors  did not do so.  Rather,  the  board  of
directors based its recommendation on the totality of the information  presented
to and considered by it, except that particular consideration was placed on: (i)
the separate and  independent  opinions of Quarterdeck  and Legacy that the cash
portion of the merger consideration, $5.78 per share, was fair, from a financial
point of view,  to the  stockholders  of  Miltope  Group,  as set forth in their
respective  opinions;  and (ii) the negotiations that took place between Miltope
Group and Vision Technologies Kinetics.

         The  purpose of  effecting  the  mergers at this time is to provide the
stockholders of Miltope Group with an opportunity to liquidate their  investment
in Miltope Group for cash at a significant  premium to the average  market price
for the common  stock  during the past  several  years.  The board of  directors
determined  that it was an  appropriate  time to enter into the mergers based on
its  knowledge of the industry in which  Miltope  Group  competes and its belief
that the value of the common stock in the foreseeable  future could be less than
the value that could be obtained through the mergers.

         The  foregoing  discussion  of the factors  considered  by the board of
directors is not meant to be  exhaustive,  but  includes  all  material  factors
considered by the board of directors to support its recommendation.


         Except to the extent a recommendation is made in a person's capacity as
a director,  no executive  officer of Miltope Group has made any  recommendation
with respect to the adoption of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  approval of
the mergers or any other  transaction  contemplated by the Agreement and Plan of


         Miltope Group retained  Quarterdeck under an engagement  letter,  dated
June 24, 2002, to act as financial  advisor  regarding Miltope Group's long-term
financial  strategy.  Pursuant to the terms of Quarterdeck's  financial  advisor
engagement  letter,   Quarterdeck  assisted  Miltope  Group  in  soliciting  and
assessing expressions of interest in Miltope Group. The solicitations  generated
interest from multiple parties and, ultimately, culminated with the execution of
the Agreement and Plan of Merger.

         Miltope  Group  selected  Quarterdeck  as its  financial  advisor  with
respect to the mergers  because  Quarterdeck is an investment  banking firm that
has  substantial  experience  in the global  aerospace,  defense and  government
services markets and is familiar with Miltope Group and prospective acquirers of
Miltope  Group.  As part of its  investment  banking  business,  Quarterdeck  is
regularly  engaged in the valuation of businesses  and  securities in connection
with mergers and acquisitions and valuations for corporate and other purposes in
the global aerospace, defense and government services markets.

         In connection with the proposed  mergers,  on October 9, 2003,  Miltope
Group  retained  Quarterdeck  under an  engagement  letter to render its written
opinion  to  Miltope  Group's  board  of  directors  as to  whether  the  merger
consideration  to be received in connection  with the proposed  mergers is fair,
from a financial point of view, to the stockholders of Miltope Group, other than
holders of shares as to which statutory appraisal rights are perfected, pursuant
to the terms of the Agreement and Plan of Merger.

         The merger  consideration  was determined in arm's-length  negotiations
between Miltope Group and Vision Technologies Systems. Pursuant to Quarterdeck's
fairness opinion engagement letter, Quarterdeck was not retained for the purpose
of making a recommendation,  nor did it make a recommendation,  as to the amount
of consideration to be paid in the mergers.  No restrictions or limitations were
imposed by Miltope Group upon Quarterdeck with


respect to the investigations  made or the procedures followed by Quarterdeck in
rendering its opinion.

         On October 21, 2003,  Miltope  Group's board of directors met to review
the proposed mergers.  During this meeting,  Quarterdeck reviewed with the board
of directors  certain  financial  analyses,  as described below. At the meeting,
Quarterdeck  rendered to the board of directors its oral  opinion,  subsequently
confirmed by delivery of a written opinion,  dated as of October 21, 2003, that,
based upon and subject to the various  considerations  set forth in the opinion,
the  merger  consideration  was fair,  from a  financial  point of view,  to the
stockholders  of  Miltope  Group,  other  than  holders  of  shares  as to which
statutory appraisal rights are perfected.

         The full text of Quarterdeck's  opinion,  which sets forth, among other
things,   assumptions  made,   procedures   followed,   matters  considered  and
limitations  on the scope of the review  undertaken by  Quarterdeck in rendering
its opinion is attached as Annex E to this proxy  statement and is  incorporated
herein by reference in its  entirety.  Miltope  Group and its board of directors
urge  its  stockholders  to,  and they  should,  read  the  Quarterdeck  opinion
carefully and in its entirety.  The summary of the  Quarterdeck  opinion in this
proxy  statement  is  qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of
the Quarterdeck opinion.

         Quarterdeck's  opinion was provided for the  information and assistance
of the board of directors in connection with its  consideration  of the mergers.
The Quarterdeck  opinion addresses only the fairness,  from a financial point of
view and as of the date of the Quarterdeck opinion, of the merger consideration,
does not address  Miltope  Group's  underlying  business  decision to effect the
mergers and does not constitute a  recommendation  to any  stockholder as to how
such  stockholder  should  vote or act on any matter  relating  to the  mergers.
Quarterdeck's  opinion  did not  address  in any way any other  merger  terms or
agreements  including,  without limitation,  the financial or other terms of any
voting, contingent value rights or indemnity agreement.

         Quarterdeck's  opinion spoke only as of the date it was  rendered,  was
based on the  conditions  as they  existed  and  information  with  which it was
supplied  as of such  date  and was  without  regard  to any  market,  economic,
financial,  legal,  tax or other  circumstances  or event of any kind or  nature
which might  exist or occur  after such date.  Unless  otherwise  noted,  all of
Quarterdeck's  analyses were performed based on market information  available as
of October 17, 2003.

         In connection with its opinion, Quarterdeck, among other things:

         o        reviewed  a  draft  dated  as of  October  21,  2003,  of  the
                  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger  and  certain  other  related

         o        reviewed  certain  publicly  available  business and financial
                  information relating to Miltope Group;

         o        reviewed certain other information  relating to Miltope Group,
                  including  certain  internal  financial   analyses,   budgets,
                  reports and other information,  that Miltope Group provided to
                  or discussed with Quarterdeck; and

         o        met with Miltope Group's management team to discuss historical
                  and current operations, financial conditions and prospects, as
                  well as the impact on Miltope  Group and its  prospects of the
                  economy  and  their  industry,  including  the  effect  of the
                  current economic environment.

         In  connection  with  its  review,   Quarterdeck  did  not  assume  any
responsibility for independent  verification of any of the foregoing information
and relied on such  information  being  complete  and  accurate in all  material
respects.  With  respect  to the  financial  forecasts  for  Miltope  Group that
Quarterdeck reviewed,  Quarterdeck was advised, and assumed, that such forecasts
were  reasonably  prepared  on bases  reflecting  the best  currently  available
estimates and judgments of Miltope Group's management team as to Miltope Group's
future financial performance. Quarterdeck was not requested to make, and did not
make,  an  independent  evaluation  or  appraisal of Miltope  Group's  assets or
liabilities  (contingent or otherwise),  nor was Quarterdeck  furnished with any
such  evaluations  or  appraisals.  Quarterdeck  did  not  make  an  independent
assessment of any lawsuit or legal advice. The Quarterdeck  opinion  necessarily
is based upon information available to it as of the date of the opinion and upon
financial,  economic,  market and other  conditions as they existed and could be
evaluated on the date of the opinion. In


addition,  Quarterdeck  assumed that the mergers would be  consummated  upon the
terms set forth in the Agreement and Plan of Merger without material  alteration
thereof. Quarterdeck assumed, in all respects material to its analysis, that the
representations and warranties of each party contained in the Agreement and Plan
of Merger  were true and  correct,  that each  party  would  perform  all of its
covenants  and  agreements  under the  Agreement and Plan of Merger and that all
conditions to the consummation of the mergers would be satisfied without waiver.

         In  preparing  its  opinion  to  Miltope  Group's  board of  directors,
Quarterdeck  performed a variety of  financial  and  comparative  analyses.  The
preparation of a fairness  opinion is a complex  process and is not  necessarily
susceptible to partial  analysis or summary  description.  Quarterdeck  believes
that its analyses must be considered as a whole and that  selecting  portions of
its  analyses  and of the factors  considered  by it,  without  considering  all
analyses  and  factors,  could create a  misleading  or  incomplete  view of the
processes  underlying the Quarterdeck opinion. No company or transaction used in
the analysis  performed by  Quarterdeck  as a comparison is identical to Miltope
Group  or to the  mergers.  In  addition,  Quarterdeck  may have  given  various
analyses more or less weight than other  analyses,  and may have deemed  various
assumptions more or less probable than other  assumptions,  so that the range of
valuation  resulting from any particular  analysis described below should not be
taken to be  Quarterdeck's  view of Miltope  Group's actual value. In performing
its analyses,  Quarterdeck  made numerous  assumptions  with respect to industry
performance, general business and economic conditions and other matters, many of
which are beyond Miltope Group's control.  The analyses performed by Quarterdeck
are not necessarily  indicative of actual values or actual future results, which
may be  significantly  more  or  less  favorable  than  that  suggested  by such
analyses. In addition, analyses relating to the value of businesses or assets do
not  purport to be  appraisals  or to  necessarily  reflect  the prices at which
businesses or assets may actually be sold. The analyses  performed were prepared
solely as part of Quarterdeck's analysis of the fairness, from a financial point
of view, of the mergers and were provided to Miltope  Group's board of directors
in connection with the delivery of the Quarterdeck opinion.  Quarterdeck did not
place any weight on any potential value of the CVRs when making its analyses and
does not make any representations with regard to the value of the CVRs.

         The following is a brief summary of the material analyses  performed by
Quarterdeck in connection with the preparation of its opinion,  and presented to
Miltope  Group's  board of  directors  at its meeting  held on October 21, 2003.
Certain of the summaries of the financial analyses include information presented
in tabular format. In order to understand fully the material  financial analyses
used by  Quarterdeck,  the tables  should be read together with the text of each
summary.  The  tables  alone do not  constitute  a complete  description  of the
material financial analyses.

         HISTORICAL TRADING ANALYSIS. To provide contextual data and comparative
market information,  Quarterdeck reviewed the historical trading data of Miltope
Group's  common stock over various  periods ending October 17, 2003 and compared
such data with the cash merger consideration. The following table sets forth the
average  closing price of Miltope Group's common stock for those periods and the
premium  implied  by the  cash  merger  consideration  in the  mergers  to those
historical average closing prices:

                                              AVERAGE             IMPLIED
         PERIOD                            CLOSING PRICE       PREMIUM PAID
         ------                            -------------       ------------
         October 17, 2003                      $5.65                2.3%
         Last Three Months                     $4.84               19.4%
         Last Six Months                       $4.08               41.7%
         Last Twelve Months                    $3.75               54.1%
         Last Two Years                        $3.23               78.9%

         COMPARABLE COMPANY ANALYSIS. To provide contextual data and comparative
market  information,  Quarterdeck  compared  selected  historical  operating and
financial  ratios for Miltope  Group to certain  publicly  traded  aerospace and
defense manufacturing companies that Quarterdeck deemed relevant.

         In conducting its analysis,  Quarterdeck compared,  among other things,
the enterprise value of Miltope


Group  implied by the cash  merger  consideration,  expressed  as a multiple  of
actual (as adjusted for one time or unusual items that were publicly  disclosed)
latest  twelve  months,  or  LTM,  revenue,  earnings  before  interest,  taxes,
depreciation  and  amortization  (also  referred to as  "EBITDA"),  and earnings
before  interest and taxes (also  referred to as "EBIT") as of June 30, 2003 and
to estimated revenue and EBITDA for the 2003 calendar year (as available) to the
respective  low,  mean,  median  and  high  enterprise  value  multiples  of the
comparable  companies implied by the public trading value of their common stock.
In  addition,   Quarterdeck  compared,  among  other  things,  the  cash  merger
consideration  expressed as a multiple of  estimated  earnings per share for the
2003 calendar  year, or "CY",  and the 2004 calendar year (as  available) to the
respective  low,  mean,  median  and high  price to  earnings  multiples  of the
comparable companies implied by the public trading prices of their common stock.
Quarterdeck  reviewed  information as of October 17, 2003 to calculate specified
financial and  operating  information,  market values and trading  multiples (as
described  below),  and then compared  Miltope  Group's  financial and operating
information,  market values and trading  multiples as of October 17, 2003,  with
the  corresponding  financial  and  operating  information,  market  values  and
multiples of the following selected  companies:  The Allied Defense Group, Inc.,
Ducommun, Inc., Nortech Systems, Inc., Reinhold Industries, Inc., Sparton Corp.,
Tadiran  Communications Ltd. and Teledyne Technologies Inc. Although Quarterdeck
used these  companies  for  comparative  purposes,  no company  utilized  in the
Comparable  Company  Analysis  is  identical  to  Miltope  Group.   Accordingly,
consideration  of the results cannot be limited to a quantitative  review of the
mathematical  analysis,  such as determining the average or median, and involves
complex   considerations  and  judgments  concerning   differences  in  industry
performance,  general business,  economic,  market and financial  conditions and
other matters concerning the companies as well as Miltope Group.

     ENTERPRISE VALUE     TRANSACTION  -------------------------------------
     -----------------     ---------    ----      ----     ------     ----
     LTM Revenue ........    0.7x       0.3x      0.6x      0.6x      0.9x
     LTM EBITDA .........    7.4x       2.6x      5.8x      6.8x      8.3x
     LTM EBIT ...........    9.1x       3.7x      8.1x      9.4x     12.1x
     2003 CY Revenue ....    0.7x       0.6x      0.6x      0.6x      0.6x
     2003 CY EBITDA .....    6.5x       4.1x      6.4x      6.4x      8.6x

         Quarterdeck  selected a range  about the mean  enterprise  value to LTM
EBITDA multiple for the Comparable Company Analysis which resulted in an implied
valuation range of $3.75 to $4.70 per share of Miltope Group's common stock.

         PRECEDENT TRANSACTION ANALYSIS.  Using publicly available  information,
Quarterdeck  reviewed Miltope Group's implied transaction  multiples relative to
the corresponding  multiples of nineteen precedent transactions in the aerospace
and defense manufacturing industry and related industries with enterprise values
approximately  corresponding to the enterprise value of Miltope Group implied by
the cash merger  consideration.  No transaction  utilized as a comparison in the
Precedent  Transaction  Analysis  is  identical  to  the  mergers.  Accordingly,
consideration  of the results cannot be limited to a quantitative  review of the
mathematical  analysis,  such as determining the average or median, and involves
complex   considerations  and  judgments  concerning   differences  in  industry
performance,  general business,  economic,  market and financial  conditions and
other matters  concerning  the companies as well as Miltope  Group.  For each of
these precedent transactions,  Quarterdeck compared as a multiple of LTM revenue
and EBITDA the enterprise value of each  transaction (as available),  calculated
as of the effective date of each transaction.


DATE                   ACQUIROR                              TARGET
- ----                   --------                              ------
August 21, 2003(1)     Cubic Corporation                     ECC International Corporation
September 18, 2003     Itronix Corporation                   Golden Gate Capital
September 3, 2003      Aeroflex Incorporated                 MCE Technologies, Inc.
July 31, 2003          Aeroflex Incorporated                 Racal Wireless Solution Group
March 27, 2003         BAE SYSTEMS Electronic Systems Ltd.   Advanced Power Technology, Inc.
March 11, 2003         ECO Corp.                             Darlington
February 18, 2003      DRS Technologies, Inc.                Power Technology Inc.
February 7, 2003       EDO Corp.                             AERA
January 22, 2003       Emcore Corp.                          Optoelectronics Business/Agere Systems, Inc.
December 19, 2002      L-3 Communications Holdings           Ship Analytics, Inc.
December 18, 2002      Northrop Grumman Corp.                Fibersense Technology Corp.
December 13, 2002      Three-Five Systems Inc.               ETMA Corp.
December 6, 2002       BAE SYSTEMS North America             Condor Pacific Industries, Inc.
November 25, 2002      Crane Co.                             General Technology Corp.
November 8, 2002       L-3 Communications Holdings           International Microwave Corp.
September 24, 2002     L-3 Communications Holdings           Technology, Mgmt & Analysis Corp.
August 29, 2002        Esterline Technologies Corp.          Flares Business/BAE Systems North America
March 28, 2002         International Rectifier Corp.         Military Product Line/Fairchild Semiconductor
January 7, 2002        L-3 Communications Holdings           SY Technology, Inc.

                                                  SELECTED TRANSACTION MULTIPLES
                                IMPLIED           ------------------------------
                         TRANSACTION MULTIPLES        MEAN            MEDIAN
   ENTERPRISE VALUE      ---------------------        ----            -------
   LTM revenue                    0.7x                0.9x             1.0x
   LTM EBITDA                     7.4x                7.2x             7.4x

         Quarterdeck  selected a range  about the mean  enterprise  value to LTM
EBITDA  multiple for the Precedent  Transaction  Analysis  which  resulted in an
implied  valuation  range of $5.08 to $6.02 per share of Miltope  Group's common

         PREMIUMS PAID ANALYSIS.  Quarterdeck conducted a premiums paid analysis
based on the  premium of the offer price over the  trading  prices one day,  one
week and one month prior to the  announcement  date of  selected  representative
transactions  from April 7, 2003 to October 9, 2003.  Quarterdeck  reviewed  the
following  transactions  in all  industries  involving  acquisitions  of  public
companies with enterprise values between $25 and $75 million.

DATE                 ACQUIROR                           TARGET
- ----                 --------                           ------
October  9, 2003     Bunker Hill Bancorp                NS&L Bancorp, Inc.
September 2, 2003    Flexsteel Industries, Inc.         DMI Furniture, Inc.

- --------
(1)  This  transaction  has not yet closed.  This  calculation  was based on the
     announcement date of the transaction.


July 18, 2003        CIVCO Holding, Inc.                Colorado MEDtech Inc.
July 18, 2003        Capital Growth Partners LLC        United Park City Mines Co.
July 3, 2003         Investor Group                     Lillian Vernon Corp.
July 2, 2003         Bruker Daltonics Inc.              Bruker AXS, Inc.
July 1, 2003         OpenTV Corp.                       ACTV Inc.
July 1, 2003         Alcan Inc.                         Baltek Corp
June 30, 2003        Intuitive Surgical, Inc.           Computer Motion, Inc.
June 20, 2003        Classic Bancshares, Inc.           First Federal Financial
June 16, 2003        Dendrite International, Inc.       SYNAVANT, Inc.
May 5, 2003          Oaktree Capital Management LLC     Acorn Products, Inc.
April 25, 2003       Sun Bancorp Inc.                   Steelton Bancorp, Inc.
April 7, 2003        Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc.        Montana Mills Bread Co., Inc.

         The  following  table  presents  the  premiums of offer prices over the
trading  prices one day, one week and one month prior to the  announcement  date
for the  respective  transactions,  and the implied  premiums  based on the cash
merger consideration. The information in the table is based on the closing stock
price of Miltope Group on October 17, 2003.

                               IMPLIED      REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTION PREMIUM
         PREMIUMS PAID TO    TRANSACTION    ----------------------------------
         ----------------    -----------     ----    -----   ------   ------
         One Day Prior           2.3%        2.2%    37.0%    39.4%    72.6%
         One Week                0.6%        2.9%    37.6%    37.9%    75.9%
         One Month              -5.7%        2.9%    46.0%    34.1%   155.6%

         Quarterdeck  selected a range  within the mean for all  periods for the
Premiums Paid Analysis which resulted in an implied  valuation range of $7.63 to
$8.19 per share of Miltope Group's common stock.

         LEVERAGED BUYOUT ANALYSIS.  Using the operating projections provided to
Quarterdeck by Miltope Group's management,  Quarterdeck performed an analysis to
determine the potential price per share, under current market conditions, that a
purchaser in a leveraged buyout could  theoretically pay for Miltope Group while
earning  targeted  returns  typical  for  the  financial  sponsor  industry.  In
performing this analysis,  Quarterdeck assumed that, (i) the mergers would close
by the end of the 2003 fiscal year and the first projected  fiscal year would be
2004; and (ii) a pro forma capital  structure  including (a) leverage  multiples
based on estimated CY 2003  adjusted  EBITDA,  (b) total new leverage with terms
consistent  with  market  pricing  and   availability  and  (c)  exit  multiples
consistent with publicly traded comparable companies.

         The Leveraged Buyout Analysis resulted in an implied valuation range of
$4.25 to $4.45 per share of Miltope Group's common stock.

         DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS. Using the operating projections provided
to Quarterdeck by Miltope Group's management, Quarterdeck performed a discounted
cash flow  analysis in which it estimated  the value of Miltope  Group by adding
the discounted  value of Miltope Group's annual  projected free cash flows for a
five-year  time  period to the  discounted  terminal  value for  Miltope  Group.
Quarterdeck  used a  terminal  value  based on the mean  values  derived  by the
comparable company analysis and precedent transaction analysis.  Miltope Group's
cash flows and terminal  value were  discounted to present value using  weighted
average cost of capital based on the  theoretical  cost of capital  derived from
Miltope Group's recent trading performance.


         The  Discounted  Cash Flow  Analysis  resulted in an implied  valuation
range of $4.45 to $5.84 per share of Miltope Group's common stock.

         SUMMARY OF ANALYSES.  Based on the analyses described above and certain
qualitative considerations, Quarterdeck noted that the cash merger consideration
was within the implied valuation range resulting from two of the analyses, above
the  range of two  analyses  and  below  the  range of the  remaining  analysis.
Quarterdeck  noted that all of its analyses  excluded the potential value of the
CVR. In reaching its opinion,  Quarterdeck did not assign any particular  weight
to any one  analysis or the results  yielded by that  analysis.  Rather,  having
viewed these results in the aggregate,  Quarterdeck  exercised its  professional
judgment in  determining  that,  based on the aggregate of the analyses used and
the results they yielded,  the merger  consideration  was fair, from a financial
point of view, to Miltope Group's stockholders other than those perfecting their
statutory  appraisal rights.  Quarterdeck  believed it was inappropriate to, and
therefore did not, rely solely on the quantitative  results of the analyses and,
accordingly,  also made qualitative judgments concerning differences between the
characteristics  of Miltope Group,  the mergers and the data selected for use in
its analyses.

         As described above, in connection with the approval of the mergers, the
board of directors of Miltope Group  separately  retained  Quarterdeck to render
this opinion.  Quarterdeck will receive a fee of $100,000 from Miltope Group for
rendering its opinion and making the presentation referred to above. This latter
fee is not  contingent  upon  results of the mergers nor the  completion  of any
transaction involving Miltope Group. Separately,  Quarterdeck will receive a fee
of 2.5% of the merger consideration, less any fee paid pursuant to Quarterdeck's
fairness opinion  engagement  letter,  from Miltope Group in connection with the
advisory  services it has provided  pursuant to Quarterdeck's  financial advisor
engagement  letter.  This fee is contingent upon the completion of a transaction
involving  Miltope Group. In addition,  should the value of the CVRs elevate the
total  enterprise value of the transaction over $45 million after the closing of
the transaction,  Quarterdeck will be entitled to additional  compensation based
on a new enterprise value. If no transaction occurs,  Quarterdeck is entitled to
receive $500,000 from Miltope Group. The terms of both Quarterdeck's  engagement
letter and its  fairness  opinion  engagement  letter,  which are  customary  in
transactions  of this nature,  were  negotiated at arm's length between  Miltope
Group and  Quarterdeck.  In addition under both  engagements,  Miltope Group has
agreed  to  reimburse  Quarterdeck  for its  out-of-pocket  expenses,  including
attorney's  fees,  incurred in connection  with its  engagement and to indemnify
Quarterdeck  and certain  related  persons  against any liabilities and expenses
arising out of or in conjunction with its rendering of services  pursuant to its
engagement, except if such liabilities are found in a final court judgment to be
the  direct  result of  Quarterdeck's  gross  negligence,  bad faith or  willful
misconduct.  Quarterdeck has, in the past two years, provided investment banking
services to Singapore Aerospace,  an affiliate of Vision Technologies  Kinetics,
for which Quarterdeck received $100,000.


         On June 19, 2003, Miltope Group retained Legacy to act as its financial
advisor  in  connection  with  the  mergers  and  related  matters  based on its
qualifications,  expertise,  reputation,  and its  knowledge of the business and
affairs of Miltope Group.

         The fairness opinion of Legacy is described below.

         At the October 21, 2003 meeting of Miltope  Group's board of directors,
Legacy  reviewed and  considered  the terms of the mergers and rendered its oral
opinion to the board of directors  that, as of that date,  the $5.78 cash merger
consideration  to be received by the holders of Miltope  Group's common stock as
provided in the draft of the Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated as of October
21,  2003,  was fair from a  financial  point of view to the  holders of Miltope
Group's common stock (other than holders of dissenting  shares and GUI).  Legacy
subsequently  delivered to Miltope Group's board of directors a written opinion,
dated  October  21,  2003,  confirming  its oral  opinion.  Pursuant to Legacy's
engagement  letter,  Legacy  was  not  retained  for the  purpose  of  making  a
recommendation,  nor  did  it  make  a  recommendation,  as  to  the  amount  of
consideration to be paid in the mergers.  No limitations were imposed by Miltope
Group's board of directors upon Legacy with respect to the  investigations  made
or the procedures followed by Legacy in rendering its opinion.


         The full text of Legacy's opinion,  dated October 21, 2003, is attached
as Annex F to this proxy  statement.  Legacy's  opinion  describes,  among other
things,  the assumptions made,  procedures  followed,  matters  considered,  and
limits on the review undertaken in connection with that opinion. Miltope Group's
stockholders  are urged to, and should,  read the opinion  carefully  and in its
entirety.  Legacy  addressed its opinion to Miltope  Group's board of directors.
The opinion relates only to the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the
$5.78 per share cash  consideration  to be  received  by the  holders of Miltope
Group's common stock (other than holders of dissenting  shares and GUI) and does
not  address  any  other  aspect  of the  mergers.  It  does  not  constitute  a
recommendation  to any holder of Miltope  Group's common stock as to how to vote
at the meeting.  The summary of Legacy's  opinion set forth in this  document is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of such opinion.

         In connection with rendering its opinion, Legacy, among other things:

         o        Reviewed  the  draft  of the  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger,
                  including the financial terms of the agreement;

         o        Reviewed certain publicly  available  business,  financial and
                  other information regarding Miltope Group;

         o        Reviewed the current and historical market pricing and trading
                  volume of Miltope Group's stock;

         o        Compared the publicly available business,  financial and other
                  information  regarding Miltope Group with similar  information
                  regarding  certain other  publicly  traded  companies  that it
                  deemed relevant;

         o        Compared  the  proposed  financial  terms of the  draft of the
                  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  with the  financial  terms of
                  certain other business  combinations and transactions  that it
                  deemed relevant;

         o        Developed  discounted  cash flow  models  for  Miltope  Group,
                  relying on forecasts provided by management;

         o        Developed  leveraged  buyout  models of Miltope Group based on
                  those same management projections;

         o        Considered  other  information  such as financials  studies as
                  well as financial and economic/market  criteria that it deemed
                  relevant in the context of  determining  the fairness,  from a
                  financial point of view, of the proposed transactions;

         o        Held discussions with members of senior  management of Miltope
                  Group with respect to its  business,  prospects  and strategic
                  objectives; and

         o        Reviewed  the  contents  of the data room  prepared by Miltope
                  Group and its advisors.

         In  rendering  its  opinion,   Legacy  relied  upon  the  accuracy  and
completeness  of the foregoing  financial and other  information it reviewed for
the purposes of its opinion,  and Legacy did not assume any  responsibility  for
any  independent  verification  of such  information.  Legacy did not prepare or
obtain  any  independent  valuation  or  appraisal  of  any  of  the  assets  or
liabilities of Miltope Group or concerning the solvency or fair value of Miltope
Group  (within the context of a solvency  analysis).  With  respect to financial
forecasts,  Legacy  assumed  that  they had been  reasonably  prepared  on bases
reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of management of
Miltope  Group as to the future  financial  performance  of Miltope  Group,  and
Legacy expressed no view as to the reasonableness of such forecasts, projections
and estimates or the assumptions on which they were based.

         Further, Legacy's opinion was necessarily based on economic,  monetary,
market and other  conditions as in effect on, and the information made available
to Legacy as of, the date of its opinion.  Legacy's  opinion did not address any
aspect of the  mergers  other than the $5.78 cash  merger  consideration  to the
extent provided in its opinion,  and Legacy expressed no opinion as to the CVRs.
Legacy  also  expressed  no opinion as to the  underlying  business  decision to
effect the mergers.

         In rendering  its  opinion,  Legacy  assumed that the mergers  would be
consummated on the terms described


in the draft of the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  without  any  waiver of any
material terms or conditions by Miltope Group,  and that obtaining the necessary
regulatory approvals for the mergers would not have a material adverse effect on
Miltope Group.

         The following is a summary of material  financial analyses performed by
Legacy in  preparation  of its oral opinion  rendered on October 21,  2003,  and
reviewed with Miltope  Group's board of directors on that date.  These summaries
of financial analyses include information  presented in tabular format. In order
to fully  understand the financial  analyses used by Legacy,  the tables must be
read together with the  accompanying  text of each summary.  The tables alone do
not constitute a complete description of the financial analyses.


         As part of its analysis,  Legacy employed four valuation methodologies:
(1) a comparable companies analysis, (2) a comparable transactions analysis, (3)
a discounted cash flow analysis and (4) a leveraged buyout analysis.

         COMPARABLE COMPANIES ANALYSIS.  Legacy presented an overview of Miltope
Group,  including a review of Miltope  Group's  historical  financial  data, and
compared Miltope Group's  financial  performance,  market  multiples,  and stock
price  performance  to that of a company index  consisting of a certain group of
defense-aerospace  companies,  also  referred to as the "Peer  Index".  The Peer
Index  included data for 11 publicly  traded  defense-aerospace  companies  that
Legacy considered comparable to Miltope Group for the purposes of this analysis,
and included the following companies:

       The Allied Defense Group, Inc.       Innovative Solutions & Support, Inc.
       DRS Technologies, Inc.               Nortech Systems Incorporated
       Ducommun Incorporated                Sparton Corporation
       Elbit Systems Ltd.                   Sypris Solutions, Inc.
       Esterline Technologies Corporation   Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
       Herley Industries, Inc.

         With regard to Miltope Group's financial  performance,  Legacy compared
various  financial  statistics to analyze the operating  performance  of Miltope
Group  versus the Peer Index,  using data for the twelve  months  ended June 30,
2003,  or in the case of the  companies  in the Peer Index the latest  available

         Legacy also presented an overview of Miltope  Group's market  multiples
and stock price performance as compared to the respective statistics of the Peer
Index.  The  comparative  analysis  for Miltope  Group was  presented  using the
closing price of its common stock of $5.65 on October 17, 2003.  Current  prices
of the companies in the Peer Index are also as of October 17, 2003.  Comparative
stock performance data from this analysis is shown in the following table:

                                  Mean                                Cash
Prices as a multiple of:       Peer Index         Miltope        Consideration
                               ----------         -------        -------------
LTM Net Sales                     0.76x            0.72x              0.73x
LTM EBITDA                        7.2x             7.4x(1)            7.6x
LTM EBIT                         10.5x             8.8x(1)            8.9x


- ----------
(1)  Excludes $150,000 in asset impairment, $303,000 in non-recurring
     consolidation expense and legal expenses related to the DRS litigation.

         COMPARABLE  TRANSACTIONS ANALYSIS.  Legacy performed an analysis of the
consideration paid in multiple acquisitions of companies. The consideration paid
as a multiple of revenue  and EBITDA in the two  precedent  transactions  Legacy
considered  most  relevant  was  compared to the  multiples  implied by the cash
consideration  offered to holders of the common  stock of Miltope  Group  (other
than  holders  of  dissenting  shares)  in the  mergers.  The  two  transactions
considered by Legacy to be most relevant were:

     Announcement Date          Target Name               Acquirer Name
     -----------------          -----------               -------------
          08/21/03        ECC International Corp.       Cubic Corporation
          07/23/03              Simula, Inc.           Armor Holdings, Inc.

         The  multiples  of revenues and EBITDA for the  precedent  transactions
were based on the  acquired  company's  revenues  and EBITDA for the most recent
twelve months prior to announcement of the relevant transaction.

                            ECC/Cubic     Simula/Armor     Cash Consideration
                            ---------     ------------     ------------------
Price as a matter of:

         Revenues             1.11x           1.05x                0.73x
         EBITDA               7.4x            6.1x                 7.6x

         DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS.  Legacy performed a five-year discounted
cash flow  analysis to determine a range of present  values per share of Miltope
Group's  common stock.  The earnings  projections  that formed the basis for the
cash flow and the terminal  value were based on  management's  estimates for the
years  2004  through  2008.  The cash  flow  stream  and  terminal  values  were
discounted  to present  values using a range of discount  rates from 11% to 13%,
which Legacy  viewed as the  appropriate  discount rate range for a company with
Miltope Group's risk characteristics.

         Two methods of discounted cash flow analysis were employed:  a terminal
EBITDA  multiple  method using  valuation  multiples of 6.0x, 6.5x and 7.0x with
implied  free cash flow growth rates  ranging from 2.4% to 5.4%;  and a constant
free cash flow growth method using free cash flow growth rates of 2.5%, 3.0% and
3.5% with implied EBITDA  multiples  ranging from 4.9x to 6.9x.  Employing these
methods  produced an implied per share value range for Miltope  Group's stock of
$4.14 to $6.02.

         LEVERAGED  BUYOUT  ANALYSIS.  Legacy also performed a leveraged  buyout
analysis to arrive at a range of values for Miltope Group's stock. This analysis
assumed target equity  returns  between 25% and 30% and EBITDA exit multiples of
5x to 6x.  The  projections  that  formed  the  basis  for  this  analysis  were
management's  estimates for the years 2004 through 2008. Legacy used assumptions
regarding  leverage  multiples  and  interest  rates  that it  considered  to be
reasonable under the circumstances.  This analysis produced an implied valuation
of between $4.25 and $4.75 per share for Miltope Group's stock.

         The   summaries   set  forth  above  do  not  purport  to  be  complete
descriptions of the analyses  conducted by Legacy. The preparation of a fairness
opinion is a complex  process and is not  necessarily  susceptible  to a partial


analysis or summary  description.  Legacy  believes  that its  analyses  must be
considered  as a whole and that  selecting  portions  of its  analyses,  without
considering  the analyses taken as a whole,  would create an incomplete  view of
the analyses underlying its opinion. In addition,  Legacy considered the results
of all such analyses and did not assign relative weights to any of the analyses,
so that  the  ranges  of  valuations  resulting  from  any  particular  analysis
described  above should not be taken to be Legacy's  view of the actual value of
Miltope Group's common stock.

         In performing  its  analyses,  Legacy made  numerous  assumptions  with
respect to industry  performance,  general  business,  economic  and  regulatory
conditions  and other  matters,  many of which are beyond the control of Miltope
Group. The analyses performed by Legacy are not necessarily indicative of actual
values,  trading values or actual future results that might be achieved,  all of
which  may be  significantly  more or less  favorable  than  suggested  by these
analyses.  Legacy's analyses were prepared solely as part of its analysis of the
fairness,  from  a  financial  point  of  view,  of the  $5.78  per  share  cash
consideration  to be  received by the holders of Miltope  Group's  common  stock
(other  than  holders of  dissenting  shares and GUI) in the  mergers and do not
purport to be  appraisals  or to reflect the prices at which Miltope Group might
be sold.

         No company or  transaction  used in any of the analyses is identical to
Miltope  Group or the  mergers.  Accordingly,  an analysis of the results of the
foregoing  necessarily involves complex  considerations and judgments concerning
financial and operating  characteristics of Miltope Group and other factors that
could affect the public  trading  value of the companies to which they are being
compared.  Mathematical  analysis (such as determining the average or median) is
not in  itself a  meaningful  method  of using  comparable  transaction  data or
comparable company data.

         In  addition,  as  described  above,  Legacy's  opinion was one of many
factors taken into consideration by Miltope Group's board of directors in making
its determination to approve the mergers.  Consequently,  the analyses described
above should not be viewed as  determinative  of the opinion of Miltope  Group's
board of  directors  with  respect to the value of Miltope  Group or whether the
board of directors would be willing to agree to a different  consideration.  The
consideration  to be  received by the holders of Miltope  Group's  common  stock
(other than holders of dissenting  shares) was determined  through  negotiations
between  Miltope  Group and Vision  Technologies  Systems  and was  approved  by
Miltope Group's board of directors.

         As part of its  investment  banking  business,  Legacy is  continuously
engaged in the valuation of businesses and securities in connection with mergers
and  acquisitions,  competitive  biddings,  and valuations for  corporations and
other purposes.

         As consideration for Legacy's services, Miltope Group has paid Legacy a
fee of $112,500.  In addition,  Miltope Group has agreed, among other things, to
reimburse Legacy for all out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in connection with the
services  provided by Legacy,  and to  indemnify  and hold  harmless  Legacy and
certain related parties from and against certain liabilities and expenses, which
may include certain liabilities under the federal securities laws, in connection
with its engagement.


         In considering the recommendation of the board of directors, you should
be aware that certain officers, directors and stockholders of Miltope Group have
relationships  or  interests  in the mergers and the  transactions  contemplated
thereby,  including  those  referred  to  below,  that  are  different  from the
interests  of other  stockholders  and  that may  present  actual  or  potential
conflicts of interest.

         In  connection  with the  closing  of the  mergers,  GUI  will  receive
approximately  $21.2 million and 3,664,478 CVRs for its stock.  If Miltope Group
had not  agreed  to the  mergers,  GUI  would  not  have  been  able to sell any
substantial  portion of its shares of Miltope  Group's  common  stock due to the
volume restriction of Rule 144 and the general lack of trading volume. Henry Guy
and David Marcus are members of both  Miltope  Group's  board of  directors  and
GUI's board of directors.

         Vision  Technologies  Systems required,  as a condition to the mergers,
that GUI enter into, and GUI has entered into,  voting  agreements  with Miltope
Group, Vision Technologies Kinetics and VTK


Merger Subsidiary.  Under the voting  agreements,  GUI has agreed to vote all of
the Miltope Group common stock it owns in favor of the adoption of the Agreement
and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers.  GUI owns approximately 61.5% of
Miltope  Group's  outstanding  common  stock.  In the  event  that the  board of
directors of Miltope Group terminates the Agreement and Plan of Merger to accept
a superior  proposal,  the Secondary Voting Agreement,  pursuant to which GUI is
required  to vote shares  representing  approximately  26.5% of Miltope  Group's
outstanding common stock in favor of the mergers,  may be terminated.  GUI would
continue to be obligated,  under the Primary  Voting  Agreement,  to vote shares
representing  approximately 35% of Miltope Group's  outstanding  common stock in
favor of the mergers.

         Each share of Miltope Group's common stock entitles the holders thereof
to one vote on the Agreement and Plan of Merger.  Because GUI has agreed to vote
approximately  61.5% of Miltope Group's outstanding common stock in favor of the
adoption of the Agreement and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers, unless
Miltope  Group's  board of  directors  exercises  its right to accept a superior
proposal,  the  requisite  vote to adopt the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  and
approve the mergers is assured.

         As of October 21, a total of 532,336  shares of Miltope  Group's common
stock were reserved for issuance  pursuant to outstanding  options granted under
Miltope  Group's  common  stock  option  plans,  of which  287,960  were held by
executive  officers and five directors of Miltope Group.  Prior to the effective
time of the mergers,  the board of  directors  will take  appropriate  action to
provide that,  immediately prior to the effective time of the mergers, each then
outstanding option to purchase Miltope Group's shares will become exercisable in
full, and to the extent not so exercised or validly canceled,  will be forfeited
as of the  effective  time.  The board of directors may  additionally  take such
action as may be  necessary  to permit  any  holder  of  options  to, in lieu of
exercise,  elect to have any such option  cancelled at the effective time and to
receive (A) a payment in cash equal to the product of (i) the excess, if any, of
$5.78 over the  applicable  exercise  price per share of common stock subject to
such stock option and (ii) the total number of shares of common stock subject to
such stock option and (B) only if cash is paid for such option, one CVR for each
share subject to such option.

         Under the CVR Agreement,  Miltope  Corporation is required to reimburse
GUI,  as  the   stockholder   representative,   for   reasonable   expenses  and
disbursements  incurred in connection with its rights and obligations  under the
CVR Agreement.

         As a condition to the mergers,  Vision  Technologies  Systems  required
that GUI enter into an  indemnity  agreement  with  respect  to certain  tax and
environmental  matters.  On October 21, 2003,  for the benefit of all of Miltope
Group's Stockholders, and for no additional consideration,  GUI entered into the
indemnity agreement.

         On October 21, 2003, Miltope Group, Miltope Corporation and GUI entered
into a letter agreement,  pursuant to which,  among other things, GUI has agreed
to accept  deferred  repayment  of the amount of $649,000 due to GUI for certain
management and consulting  services provided by GUI to Miltope Group and Miltope
Corporation.  The services rendered by GUI were not provided in connection with,
and do not relate to, the mergers.

         Until the  effective  time of the mergers,  Miltope  Group will keep in
effect  in its  by-laws,  and  thereafter  for a  period  of six  years,  Vision
Technologies  Kinetics will keep in effect in its articles of  incorporation  or
by-laws, certain provisions that provide for the indemnification and exculpation
of the present or former  officers,  directors,  employees and agents of Miltope
Group.  These  provisions  may  protect the current  directors  and  officers of
Miltope  Group and its  subsidiaries  from  potential  liability in the scope of
their service.

         As more fully  described in the Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  Miltope
Corporation will maintain officers' and directors'  liability insurance covering
those  persons  who are  covered by Miltope  Group's  directors'  and  officers'
insurance as of the date of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger or the  effective
time of the mergers for a period of one year after the effective time and, for a
period  of  five  years  thereafter,  will  maintain  directors'  and  officers'
insurance for such persons through the directors' and officers'  insurance of an
affiliate  of  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  on terms  consistent  with  those
applicable to other  officers and directors  covered under such  directors'  and
officers'  insurance.  Such  insurance  may protect the  current  directors  and
officers of Miltope Group and its subsidiaries  from potential  liability in the
scope of their service.

         The  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  also  provides  that,  after  the
effective  time of the mergers,  Miltope  Corporation is required to arrange for
each employee,  director and officer of Miltope Group and its  subsidiaries  who
was  participating  in any of the benefit  plans of Miltope  Group or any of its
subsidiaries  immediately  before  the  effective  time of the  mergers  and who
remains an  employee,  director  or officer  of  Miltope  Corporation  after the
effective time of the mergers,  to be eligible to participate in any counterpart
benefit plans in which employees,  directors and officers of Miltope Corporation


         Ronald V. Hite is the Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of Cypress
International,  Inc.  In March  2002,  approximately  13 months  before Mr. Hite
became  a  member  of  Miltope  Group's  board of  directors,  Cypress  and Hoak
Breedlove  Wesneski & Co. ("HBW") entered into an agreement,  pursuant to which,
HBW agreed to pay Cypress 15% of any  retainers and success fees received by HBW
from clients  referred to HBW by Cypress.  Pursuant to that  arrangement and the
mergers,  Cypress  received  a fee  from  HBW,  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics's
financial  advisor,  equal to 15% of the retainer  that HBW received from Vision
Technologies  Kinetics  with respect to the Miltope Group  opportunity  and will
receive,  upon the closing of the mergers, a fee equal to 15% of the success fee
that HBW will  receive  from  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  if the mergers are

         The  board  of  directors  was  aware  of these  potential  and  actual
conflicts of interest and considered them in evaluating the proposed mergers.


Pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger,  the certificate of  incorporation
and bylaws of Miltope  Corporation in effect  immediately prior to the effective
time will be the  certificate  of  incorporation  and  bylaws  of the  surviving

         MARKET  FOR THE  SHARES.  Miltope  Group's  shares of common  stock are
currently  listed  and  traded on The Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market  under the symbol
"MILT". Upon consummation of the mergers,  Miltope Group will no longer meet the
criteria for continued  listing on The Nasdaq  SmallCap Market or trading on any
other securities market and will accordingly be delisted.

         CONTINUED  INTEREST IN MILTOPE  GROUP.  Upon the  effectiveness  of the
mergers,  Miltope  Group will cease to exist.  Under the DGCL,  stockholders  of
Miltope  Group who do not vote for the  adoption  of the  Agreement  and Plan of
Merger and approval of the mergers and who comply with the  requirements  of the
DGCL on  appraisal  rights  may  elect  to  receive,  in  cash,  the  judicially
determined  fair  market  value of their  shares of common  stock in lieu of the
merger consideration of $5.78 in cash and one CVR per share.


         The  following  is a  discussion  of the  material  Federal  income tax
consequences  of the mergers to holders of Miltope Group's common stock. It does
not address all aspects of Federal income  taxation that may be important to you
in light of your particular circumstances.  For example, it does not address tax
consequences  that may apply to you if you are a  taxpayer  that is  subject  to
special  treatment under the Federal income tax laws, such as a bank,  financial
institution,  broker-dealer,  insurance  company,  foreign person, or tax-exempt
entity,  or if you acquired  your  Miltope  Group's  common stock by  exercising
employee  stock options or otherwise as  compensation.  It also does not address
any aspect of state, local or foreign taxation. This discussion assumes that, at
the time of the mergers,  you will hold your Miltope  Group's  common stock as a
capital asset.

         The following discussion is based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as  amended  (the  "Code"),   Treasury   Regulations   promulgated   thereunder,
administrative  rules and practice,  and judicial precedent,  all as of the date
hereof.  All  of  these  authorities  are  subject  to  change,   possibly  with
retroactive  effect,  and any  such  change  could  alter  the tax  consequences
discussed herein.  Miltope Group has not requested and will not request a ruling
from the Internal  Revenue  Service (the "Service") as to any of the federal tax
consequences of the mergers, and there can be no assurance that the Service will
not disagree with or seek to challenge any of the conclusions set forth herein.



         In general,  the mergers  will be a taxable  transaction  to holders of
Miltope  Group's common stock.  Unless open  transaction  treatment  applies (as
discussed below), and except as discussed under  "Characterization of the CVRs,"
you will  recognize  gain or loss at the  time of the  mergers  measured  by the
difference between (1) the amount of cash and the fair market value (at the time
of the  mergers) of the CVRs you receive and (2) your tax basis in your  Miltope
Group's common stock. Such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss and will be
long-term  capital  gain or loss if your  holding  period is more than one year.
Your  initial tax basis in the CVRs will equal the fair market value of such CVR
upon receipt. The holding period of the CVRs will begin on the day following the
date of the mergers.  The  installment  method of reporting any gain will not be
available  with  respect to the sale of your  shares of Miltope  Group's  common


         If a payment is made with respect to a CVR, you will  recognize gain in
the amount by which the payment exceeds your tax basis in the CVR. If no payment
is made or the  payment  is less  than  your  tax  basis  in the  CVR,  you will
recognize a loss. The character of any gain or loss recognized on such a payment
is not entirely clear,  and may depend on the  characterization  of the CVRs for
tax purposes (see "Characterization of the CVRs").

         If the fair market value of the CVRs at the time of the mergers  cannot
be determined, open transaction treatment might be available with respect to the
reporting  of gain on the mergers.  It is the  position of the Internal  Revenue
Service, reflected in Treasury Regulations, that only in "rare and extraordinary
cases" is the value of property so uncertain that open transaction  treatment is
available.  If "open  transaction"  treatment does apply, you would not take the
CVRs into account in  determining  your gain or loss at the time of the mergers.
Instead,  at that time you would recognize gain (but not loss) to the extent the
cash you receive  exceeds your tax basis in your Miltope  Group's  common stock.
Thereafter,  payments  received  under the CVRs (other than  amounts  treated as
imputed interest) would first be treated as a non-taxable return of basis to the
extent  the cash you  received  did not  exceed  your tax basis in your  Miltope
Group's common stock, with any excess treated as capital gain. Such capital gain
will be long-term  capital  gain if you held your Miltope  common stock for more
than one year. If the DRS  litigation is ultimately  resolved in such a way that
the amount (if any) that you  receive  with  respect to the CVR (other  than any
amount treated as imputed  interest),  plus the amount of cash that you received
at the time of the  mergers,  is less than your  basis in your  Miltope  Group's
common stock,  you will  recognize the  difference as a loss at that time.  Such
loss will be capital,  and will be long-term if, at the time of the mergers, you
held your  Miltope  Group's  common  stock for more  than one year.  Any  amount
treated as imputed  interest  will be taxable as ordinary  income  (whether  you
otherwise have a gain or loss).

         There is no  authority  directly  on point with  respect to whether the
receipt of CVRs under the mergers is eligible for open transaction treatment and
accordingly,  holders of CVRs are urged to consult their tax advisors  regarding
this issue.


         Due  to  a  lack  of  controlling   legal  authority  with  respect  to
instruments  similar  to the  CVRs,  the  characterization  of the  CVRs for tax
purposes  is not clear.  However,  it is likely that the CVRs will be treated as
either (i) debt of Miltope Corporation,  (ii) a contractual right not treated as
debt,  (iii) an equity  interest in Miltope  Corporation,  or (iv) an  undivided
interest in the DRS litigation.

         In general,  the  characterization  of the CVRs  should not  materially
affect the tax consequences as discussed above, except that:

     o   If the CVRs are  treated  as debt  instruments,  under  the  contingent
         payment  debt  instrument  rules a holder  would be required to include
         currently  an  amount  in  income  as  interest  (based on the yield of
         "comparable"  debt  instruments)  in  advance  of  the  receipt  of any
         payment,  regardless of a holder's  method of accounting.  THUS,  UNDER

     o   If the CVRs are treated as equity,  it is possible that, at the time of
         the mergers,  you will only  recognize gain with respect to the portion
         of your Miltope  Group's  common stock that is exchanged for cash,  and
         not with respect to that portion which is exchanged for CVRs.

     o   As noted  above,  the  character of income  recognized  in respect of a
         payment  or  the  CVRs  may  differ  depending  on  how  the  CVRs  are

         You should consult your own tax advisor as to the  characterization  of
the CVRs for tax purposes and the consequences to you of such characterization.



         Holders  of  Miltope  Group's  common  stock may be  subject  to backup
withholding at the current rate of 28 percent (or such other rate that may be in
effect at the time  payment  is made  with  respect  to the  CVRs,  if any) with
respect to  consideration  received  pursuant  to the  mergers or upon a payment
under the CVRs unless you provide a correct  taxpayer  identification  number in
the  manner  required  and  you  certify  that  you are not  subject  to  backup
withholding  or  are  an  "exempt  recipient."  Backup  withholding  is  not  an
additional tax, but rather may be credited  against the taxpayer's tax liability
for the year.

         The foregoing  summary of United States federal income tax consequences
is included herein for general information only.  Accordingly,  shareholders are
urged to consult  their own tax advisors  regarding the federal,  state,  local,
foreign,  and other tax  consequences  of the  exchange  offer in light of their
particular circumstances.



         Miltope  Group  does not  believe  that any  material  federal or state
regulatory  approvals,  filings  or notices  are  required  by Miltope  Group in
connection with the mergers other than: (i) filings  required under the Exchange
Act; (ii) filing of a  certificate  of merger with the Secretary of State of the
State of  Delaware;  (iii)  filing of articles of merger with the  Secretary  of
State of the State of Alabama;  and (iv) as described  further  below,  required
filings with CFIUS pursuant to the Exon-Florio Amendment. Miltope Group believes
that none of these filings would present an obstacle to the prompt completion of
the mergers.


         The Exon-Florio Amendment authorizes the President of the United States
or his designee to make an  investigation  to determine  the effects on national
security of mergers, acquisitions and takeovers by or with foreign persons which
could result in foreign control of persons engaged in interstate commerce in the
United States.  The President has delegated  authority to  investigate  proposed
transactions to the CFIUS.

         In order for the  President  to exercise  his  authority  to suspend or
prohibit an acquisition, the President must make two findings: (i) that there is
credible  evidence that leads the President to believe that the foreign interest
exercising  control might take action that threatens to impair national security
and (ii) that  provisions  of law other than the  Exon-Florio  Amendment and the
International  Emergency  Economic  Powers  Act  do  not  provide  adequate  and
appropriate  authority  for the  President to protect the  national  security in
connection  with the  acquisition.  The  President's  actions are not subject to
judicial  review.  If the President makes such findings,  he may take action for
such time as he  considers  appropriate  to suspend  or  prohibit  the  relevant
acquisition.  The President may direct the Attorney  General to seek appropriate
relief, including divestment relief, in the District Courts of the United States
in order to implement and enforce the Exon-Florio Amendment.

         Absent certain conditions,  the Exon-Florio Amendment does not obligate
the  parties  to an  acquisition  to  notify  CFIUS of a  proposed  transaction.
However,  if  notice  of a  proposed  acquisition  is not  submitted,  then  the
transaction  remains  indefinitely  subject to review by the President under the
Exon-Florio Amendment.

         On November __, 2003,  Miltope Group and Vision  Technologies  Kinetics
filed a joint notice of the proposed mergers with CFIUS.  Although Miltope Group
believes that the mergers should not raise any national security concerns, there
can be no assurance that CFIUS will not determine to conduct an investigation of
the mergers and, if an  investigation  is  commenced,  there can be no assurance
regarding the outcome of such investigation.

         Any  determination  that an  investigation  is called  for must be made
within 30 days of notice of the  proposed  transaction.  If a  determination  is
made, any  investigation  must be completed within 45 days of the  determination
and any decision to take action must be announced  within 15 days of  completion
of the investigation.



         Record  holders of the common stock are  entitled to  appraisal  rights
under  Section 262 of the DGCL in  connection  with the mergers.  The  following
discussion is not a complete statement of the law pertaining to appraisal rights
under the DGCL and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of
Section  262  which  is  reprinted  in its  entirety  as  Annex G to this  proxy
statement.  Except as set forth  herein and in Annex G,  holders of common stock
will not be entitled to appraisal rights in connection with the mergers.

         Under  the  DGCL,  record  holders  of  common  stock  who  follow  the
procedures  set  forth in  Section  262 and who  have not  voted in favor of the
adoption  of the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  and  approval  of the  mergers
(including  record  holders who abstain  from  voting)  will be entitled to have
their common stock appraised by the Delaware Court of Chancery (the "Court") and
to receive payment of the "fair value" of such shares,  exclusive of any element
of value arising from the accomplishment or expectation of the mergers, together
with a fair rate of interest, as determined by such court.

         Under  Section 262,  where a merger  agreement  is to be submitted  for
adoption,  or a merger is submitted for approval,  at a meeting of stockholders,
as in the  case of the  special  meeting,  not less  than 20 days  prior to such
meeting,  Miltope  Group must notify each of the holders of common  stock at the
close of business on the record date for such meeting that such appraisal rights
are  available and include in each such notice a copy of Section 262. This proxy
statement  constitutes  such notice for  purposes of the  special  meeting.  Any
stockholder of record who wishes to exercise  appraisal rights should review the
following  discussion  and Annex G  carefully  because  failure  to  timely  and
properly comply with the procedures  specified in Section 262 will result in the
loss of appraisal rights under the DGCL.

         A holder of common  stock  wishing to  exercise  appraisal  rights must
deliver to Miltope  Group,  before the vote on the adoption of the Agreement and
Plan of Merger and  approval of the mergers at the  special  meeting,  a written
demand for  appraisal of such holder's  common  stock.  A holder of common stock
will not satisfy the notice  requirement under Section 262, if the holder merely
votes  against the  mergers.  In addition,  a holder of common stock  wishing to
exercise  appraisal rights must hold of record such common stock on the date the
written demand for appraisal is made and must continue to hold such common stock
through the effective time of the mergers.

         Only a holder of record of common stock is entitled to assert appraisal
rights for the common  stock  registered  in that  holder's  name.  A demand for
appraisal should  reasonably  inform Miltope Group of the holder's  identity and
that the holder  intends to demand an appraisal  with  respect to such  holder's
common stock.

         Within  10  days  after  the  effective  time,  Miltope  Group,  as the
surviving corporation, must send a notice as to the effectiveness of the mergers
to each person who has satisfied the  appropriate  provisions of Section 262 and
who has not voted in favor of adoption of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger and
approval  of the  mergers as of the  effective  time.  Within 120 days after the
effective  time,  but not  thereafter,  the  surviving  corporation  or any such
stockholder who has satisfied the foregoing conditions and is otherwise entitled
to appraisal rights,  may file a petition in the Court demanding a determination
of the "fair  value" of the common  stock held by such  stockholder.  If no such
petition is filed,  appraisal  rights will be lost for all  stockholders who had
previously  demanded  appraisal of their common stock.  Stockholders  of Miltope
Group who wish to exercise their appraisal  rights should therefore regard it as
their  obligation to take all steps necessary to perfect their appraisal  rights
in the manner prescribed in Section 262.

         Within 120 days after the effective  time,  any record holder of common
stock who has complied with the provisions of Section 262 will be entitled, upon
written request,  to receive from the surviving  corporation a statement setting
forth the  aggregate  number  of  shares  of common  stock not voted in favor of
approval of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger and with respect to which demands
for  appraisal  were  received by Miltope  Group,  and the  aggregate  number of
holders of such shares of common stock. Such statement must be mailed within ten
(10) days after the written request  therefor has been received by the surviving
corporation or within ten (10) days after expiration of the time for delivery of
demands for appraisal under Section 262, whichever is later.


         If a petition for  appraisal is timely  filed,  after a hearing on such
petition,  the Court will  determine  the  holders of common  stock  entitled to
appraisal  rights  and will  appraise  the "fair  value" of the shares of common
stock,  exclusive  of any element of value  arising from the  accomplishment  or
expectation of the mergers, together with a fair rate of interest, if any, to be
paid upon the amount  determined  to be the "fair  value."  Holders  considering
seeking appraisal should be aware that the "fair value" of their common stock as
determined  under  Section 262 could be more than,  the same as or less than the
value of the merger  consideration that they would otherwise receive if they had
not sought  appraisal of their common  stock.  The  Delaware  Supreme  Court has
stated that "proof of value by any  techniques  or methods  which are  generally
considered  acceptable  in the financial  community and otherwise  admissible in
court" should be considered in the appraisal proceedings.  In addition, Delaware
courts have decided that the statutory  appraisal  remedy,  depending on factual
circumstances,  may or may not be a dissenter's exclusive remedy. The Court will
also determine the amount of interest, if any, to be paid upon the amounts to be
received by persons whose shares of common stock have been appraised.  The costs
of the action may be  determined  by the Court and taxed upon the parties as the
Court deems equitable.  Upon  application of a holder,  the Court may also order
that all or a portion of the expenses  incurred by any holder of common stock in
connection  with  an  appraisal,   including  without   limitation,   reasonable
attorneys'  fees and the fees and  expenses  of  experts,  be  charged  pro rata
against the value of all of the common stock entitled to appraisal.

         Any  stockholder of Miltope Group who has duly demanded an appraisal in
compliance  with Section 262 will not, after the effective  time, be entitled to
vote such  stockholder's  common stock for any purpose nor,  after the effective
time,  be entitled to the payment of  dividends or other  distributions  thereon
(except dividends or other distributions  payable to stockholders of record at a
date which is prior to the effective time).

         If no petition for an appraisal is filed within the time  provided,  or
if a  stockholder  of Miltope  Group  delivers to the  surviving  corporation  a
written  withdrawal  of his or her demand for an appraisal  and an acceptance of
the  mergers,  within  60 days  after  the  effective  time or with the  written
approval  of the  surviving  corporation  thereafter,  then  the  right  of such
stockholder to an appraisal will cease and such stockholder shall be entitled to
receive the merger  consideration.  No pending appraisal proceeding in the Court
will be dismissed as to any stockholder without the approval of the Court, which
approval may be conditioned on such terms as the Court deems just.


                        THE AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

         The following is a summary of the material  provisions of the Agreement
and Plan of Merger.  This  summary is  qualified in its entirety by reference to
the full text of the Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  a copy of which is attached
as Annex A to this proxy  statement and  incorporated  herein by reference.  Any
capitalized  terms used and not defined below have the meanings given to them in
the Agreement and Plan of Merger.


         The  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  provides  that,  upon the terms and
provisions of and subject to the  conditions set forth in the Agreement and Plan
of  Merger,  the  certificate  of merger  and the  articles  of  merger,  at the
effective time, Miltope Group will be merged with and into Miltope  Corporation,
and VTK Merger  Subsidiary  will be merged  with and into  Miltope  Corporation.
Following the effective time, Miltope Group and VTK Merger Subsidiary will cease
to exist as separate  entities and Miltope  Corporation  shall be the  surviving
corporation  and  a  direct  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  Vision  Technologies

         The directors of Miltope Corporation immediately prior to the effective
time will be the  directors of the  surviving  corporation.  The officers of the
Miltope Corporation immediately prior to the effective time will be the officers
of the surviving corporation.



         The  mergers  shall  become   effective  upon  the  filing  of  both  a
certificate  of merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware,  in
accordance  with the DGCL, and articles of merger with the Secretary of State of
the State of Alabama,  in accordance with the Alabama Business  Corporation Act,
or at such later time as is agreed  upon by the  parties  and  specified  in the
certificate of merger and articles of merger.


         At the  effective  time of the  mergers,  each share of  Miltope  Group
common stock issued and  outstanding  immediately  prior to the  effective  time
(except  for  shares of common  stock  held in Miltope  Group's  treasury  or by
stockholders  who  exercise  their  appraisal  rights)  will  be  cancelled  and
automatically  converted  into the  right  to  receive  $5.78  in cash,  without
interest, and one CVR.

         Each CVR  represents  the  nontransferable  right to receive a pro rata
share of 50% of the net proceeds,  if any,  from the lawsuit  brought by Miltope
Corporation  and  PGI  against  DRS  Technologies   and  other  parties,   after
adjustments for taxes.

         Promptly  after the  effective  time, a paying agent will mail, to each
holder of record of a certificate or certificates which represented  outstanding
shares of the capital stock immediately prior to the effective time, a letter of
transmittal and instructions for surrendering  such certificates in exchange for
the merger  consideration.  In accordance  with the terms of the CVR  agreement,
such holders of record (or their  assignees or transferees by death or operation
of law)  will  be  entitled  to  receive  the CVR  payment  amount,  if any,  in
connection with the DRS litigation.

         Miltope Group's stockholders should not submit their stock certificates
for  exchange  until  receipt  of the  letter of  transmittal  and  instructions
referred to above.


         As of October 21, a total of 532,336  shares of Miltope  Group's common
stock were reserved for issuance  pursuant to outstanding  options granted under
Miltope  Group's  common stock option plans Prior to the  effective  time of the
mergers,  the board of directors will take  appropriate  action to provide that,
immediately  prior to the effective time of the mergers,  each then  outstanding
option to purchase  Miltope Group's shares will become  exercisable in full, and
to the extent not so exercised or validly canceled,  will be forfeited as of the
effective time. The board of directors may additionally  take such action as may
be necessary  to permit any holder of options to, in lieu of exercise,  elect to
have any such  option  cancelled  at the  effective  time and to  receive  (A) a
payment in cash equal to the  product of (i) the  excess,  if any, of $5.78 over
the  applicable  exercise  price per share of common stock subject to such stock
option and (ii) the total number of shares of common stock subject to such stock
option  and (B)  only if cash is paid for such  option,  one CVR for each  share
subject to such option.


         The  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  contains,  subject  to  specified
exceptions  and  qualifications,  representations  and  warranties  customary in
transactions  of this type,  including  the  representations  and  warranties by
Miltope  Group,  and in some  cases  Miltope  Corporation,  with  regard  to the

          o    organization, standing and corporate power;

          o    capital structure;

          o    subsidiaries;

          o    corporate power and authorization;


          o    SEC documents;

          o    conflicts;

          o    financial statements;

          o    certain  changes  and  events  (or  the  absence  thereof)  since
               December 31, 2002;

          o    tax matters;

          o    litigation;

          o    compliance  with the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
               1974 (commonly referred to as "ERISA"), as amended;

          o    environmental matters

          o    real property and leased property;

          o    intellectual property;

          o    material contracts;

          o    compliance with laws;

          o    insurance;

          o    personnel and labor relations;

          o    brokers and finders;

          o    delivery of Legacy fairness opinion; and

          o    vote required;

         The  Agreement  and Plan of Merger also  contains  representations  and
warranties  made by  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  and VTK  Merger  Subsidiary
relating to the following:

          o    organization, standing and corporate power;

          o    corporate power and authorization;

          o    conflicts;

          o    consents and approvals required for the mergers;

          o    financing arrangements;

          o    fees for finders;

          o    accuracy of  information  supplied  for  inclusion  in this proxy
               statement; and


          o    any status as an "interested stockholder" of Miltope Group.


         The Agreement  and Plan of Merger  provides  that,  except as otherwise
disclosed to Vision  Technologies  Kinetics and VTK Merger Subsidiary,  and with
certain other exceptions,  prior to the effective time,  Miltope Group will not,
and will not permit its subsidiaries to, do or agree to do any of the following:

          o    conduct  its  business  in a manner  other  than in the  ordinary
               course  of  business   and  it  shall   preserve   its   business
               organization and business relationships;

          o    issue,  sell,  transfer or pledge any  treasury  stock of Miltope
               Group  or  any   capital   stock  of  any  of  its   subsidiaries
               beneficially owned by it;

          o    amend its charter, bylaws or similar organizational documents;

          o    split,  combine  or  reclassify  the  outstanding  shares  or any
               outstanding  capital stock, or authorize or create a new class of
               capital stock, of any of Miltope Group's subsidiaries;

          o    declare,  set  aside or pay any  dividend  or other  distribution
               payable in cash,  stock or property,  with respect to its capital
               stock or enter into any  agreement  with respect to the voting of
               its capital stock;

          o    issue, sell, pledge, dispose of or encumber any additional shares
               of,  or  securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for,  or
               options,  warrants,  calls,  commitments or rights of any kind to
               acquire (or stock  appreciation  rights with respect to), capital
               stock of any class of Miltope  Group or its  subsidiaries,  other
               than  certain  shares  reserved  for  issuance  pursuant  to  the
               exercise of certain options;

          o    transfer, lease, license, sell, mortgage,  pledge, dispose of, or
               encumber  any assets  having a value in excess of $250,000  other
               than pursuant to existing contracts or commitments or the sale or
               purchase of goods in the ordinary  course of business  consistent
               with past  practice,  or enter into any commitment or transaction
               outside  the  ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past

          o    redeem,  purchase or otherwise  acquire,  directly or indirectly,
               any of its capital stock;

          o    make any change in the compensation  payable or to become payable
               to any of its officers,  directors,  agents or consultants, or to
               persons providing  management  services,  enter into or amend any
               employment,   severance,   consulting,   termination   or   other
               employment-related agreement, arrangement or benefit plan or make
               any  loans  to  any  of  its  officers,   directors,   employees,
               affiliates,  agents  or  consultants  or make any  change  in its
               existing  borrowing or lending  arrangements  for or on behalf of
               any of such persons pursuant to a benefit plan or otherwise;

          o    with certain  exceptions,  pay, make or amend any current benefit
               plan,  agreement  or  arrangement  to provide  for any accrual or
               arrangement for payment of any pension,  retirement  allowance or
               other  employee  benefit  pursuant to any existing  benefit plan,
               agreement or  arrangement to any officer,  director,  employee or

          o    with certain  exceptions,  pay or make any accrual or arrangement
               for payment to any officers,  directors,  employees or affiliates
               of Miltope Group of any amount relating to unused vacation days;

          o    with certain exceptions, adopt, pay, grant, issue, accelerate, or
               accrue  salary or other  payments  or  benefits  pursuant  to any
               pension,  profit-sharing,  bonus, extra compensation,  incentive,
               deferred  compensation,   stock  purchase,  stock  option,  stock
               appreciation   right  or  other  stock-based   incentive,   group
               insurance,  severance pay,  retirement or other employee  benefit
               plan, agreement or arrangement,


               or any employment or consulting agreement with or for the benefit
               of any director, officer, employee, agent or consultant;

          o    modify,  amend or  terminate  any  material  agreement  or waive,
               release or assign any material  rights or claims,  except in each
               case in the  ordinary  course of  business  consistent  with past

          o    cancel or terminate any material  insurance policy naming Miltope
               Group  or any  of its  subsidiaries  as a  beneficiary  or a loss
               payable payee without notice to Vision Technologies Kinetics;

          o    except in the ordinary  course of business  under lines of credit
               in   existence   on  the  date   hereof,   incur  or  assume  any
               indebtedness,  in each case for  borrowed  money,  in a principal
               amount in excess of $250,000 in the  aggregate  for Miltope Group
               and its subsidiaries taken as a whole;

          o    assume,   guarantee,   endorse  or  otherwise  become  liable  or
               responsible  for any  obligations of any other person (other than
               those  exclusively  among  Miltope  Group  and its  subsidiaries)
               except in the ordinary course of business;

          o    make  any  loans,   advances  or  capital  contributions  to,  or
               investments  in, any other person  (other than those  exclusively
               among  Miltope  Group and its  subsidiaries)  unless  such  loan,
               advance,  capital  contribution  or  investment  is  made  in the
               ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past  practice and
               does  not  exceed  $50,000   individually  and  $250,000  in  the

          o    make any  commitments  for  capital  expenditures  other  than in
               amounts  less than  $150,000  individually  and  $500,000  in the

          o    acquire (including, without limitation, by merger, consolidation,
               or  acquisition of stock or assets) any interest in any person or
               any division thereof or any assets, except in the ordinary course
               of business consistent with past practice;

          o    change any of the accounting methods, policies or procedures used
               by it unless required by GAAP;

          o    except as required by  applicable  law,  make any tax election or
               change any tax election  already made,  adopt any tax  accounting
               method,  change any tax  accounting  method  unless  required  by
               applicable  law,  enter into any tax  allocation  agreement,  tax
               sharing agreement,  tax indemnity agreement or closing agreement,
               settle any tax claim or assessment or consent to any tax claim or
               assessment  or any waiver of the statute of  limitations  for any
               such claim or assessment;

          o    pay, discharge or satisfy any claims, liabilities or obligations,
               other than those in the ordinary course of business or those that
               Miltope Group or any of its  subsidiaries  is required to make by
               any law, rule or regulation of any governmental  entity or by any
               contractual  obligation  not prohibited by the Agreement and Plan
               of Merger,  in either case,  only if such  payment,  discharge or
               satisfaction does not exceed $250,000 in the aggregate;

          o    pre-pay any  long-term  debt,  except in the  ordinary  course of
               business in an amount not to exceed $250,000 in the aggregate for
               Miltope Group and its subsidiaries taken as a whole;

          o    accelerate or delay collection of notes or accounts receivable in
               advance of or beyond  their  regular  due dates or the dates when
               the same  would have been  collected  in the  ordinary  course of
               business consistent with past practice;

          o    delay or accelerate  payment of any account payable or in advance
               of its due date or the date such  liability  would have been paid
               in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;


          o    vary the inventory practices of Miltope Group or its subsidiaries
               in any material respect from past practices;

          o    adopt a plan of  complete  or partial  liquidation,  dissolution,
               merger, consolidation,  restructuring,  recapitalization or other
               reorganization of Miltope Group or any of its subsidiaries (other
               than the mergers contemplated by this proxy statement);

          o    knowingly  take any action that would  reasonably  be expected to
               result  in  any of  the  conditions  to  the  mergers  not  being
               satisfied,  or that would give rise to a right of  termination of
               the Agreement and Plan of Merger for Vision Technologies Kinetics
               or VTK Merger Subsidiary under the Agreement and Plan of Merger;

          o    enter  into any  agreement  or take any other  action  that would
               present a material  risk of  delaying  the  mergers or that would
               require a consent of a third  party for the  consummation  of the

          o    enter into any agreement that would have the effect of subjecting
               Vision  Technologies  Kinetics,   Miltope  Corporation,   as  the
               surviving  corporation of the mergers, or any of their affiliates
               to any  non-compete  or  other  material  restrictions  on  their
               respective businesses following the closing;

          o    waive,  release,   assign,  settle  or  compromise  any  material
               litigation or arbitration;

          o    write up,  write down or write off the book value of any  assets,
               individually  or in the  aggregate,  for  Miltope  Group  and its
               subsidiaries taken as a whole, in excess of $150,000,  except for
               depreciation   and   amortization   in   accordance   with   GAAP
               consistently  applied and except for the  write-down  of obsolete
               inventory in the ordinary course of business;

          o    take  any  action  to  exempt  or  make  not  subject  to (A) the
               provisions  of Section  203 of the DGCL,  or (B) any other  state
               takeover  law or state  law that  purports  to limit or  restrict
               business  combinations  or the ability to acquire or vote shares,
               any person (other than Vision Technologies  Kinetics,  VTK Merger
               Subsidiary and any subsidiaries of Vision Technologies  Kinetics)
               or any action  taken  thereby,  which person or action would have
               otherwise been subject to the restrictive  provisions thereof and
               not exempt therefrom;

          o    effect  a plant  closing  or mass  layoff  affecting  any site of
               employment or one or more  facilities  or operating  units within
               any  site of  employment  or  facility  of  Miltope  Group or any
               subsidiary   without   the  prior   written   consent  of  Vision
               Technologies Kinetics;

          o    terminate more than  forty-nine  (49) employees  within a site of
               employment  or facility  of Miltope  Group or any  subsidiary  or
               operating  unit  within  a site  of  employment  or  facility  or
               operating  unit  of  Miltope  Group  or  any  subsidiary  without
               providing prior written notice to Vision  Technologies  Kinetics;

          o    enter into any agreement,  contract, commitment or arrangement to
               do any of the foregoing or to authorize any of the foregoing.


         Miltope  Group has agreed that it will  immediately  cease any existing
discussions  or  negotiations,  if any,  with any  other  person  of an offer or
proposal  concerning any (i) tender or exchange offer involving more than 20% of
its common stock, (ii) merger, consolidation, recapitalization, restructuring or
other business combination or similar transaction involving Miltope Group or its
subsidiaries,  (iii) issuance,  sale or other  disposition  (including by way of
merger,  consolidation,  business combination,  share exchange, joint venture or
similar  transaction) of Miltope Group's common stock or other equity  interests
representing 20% or more of the Miltope Group's voting power, (iv)


sale,  lease or  disposition  directly or indirectly  by merger,  consolidation,
business  combination,  share  exchange,  joint venture or otherwise,  of assets
representing 20% or more of the consolidated  assets,  revenues or net income of
Miltope Group and its subsidiaries,  or (v) combination of any of the foregoing.
Miltope Group is required to promptly request that all confidential  information
furnished on behalf of Miltope  Group with respect to such and offer or proposal
be  returned.  Miltope  Group is also  required  to notify  Vision  Technologies
Kinetics promptly if any inquiries or proposals are received by, any information
is requested from, or any negotiations or discussions are sought to be initiated
or continued with Miltope Group or its subsidiaries,  in each case in connection
with  such  an  offer  or  proposal  including  certain  details  in  connection

         Miltope  Group has also agreed in the  Agreement and Plan of Merger not
to encourage (including by way of furnishing non-public information),  initiate,
participate in, or solicit any such offer or proposal.  Miltope Group has agreed
that, in the event of an unsolicited  offer or proposal as described  above,  it
will not engage in negotiations or discussions  with, or provide any information
to,  any  person  or  company  relating  to or in  connection  with the offer or
proposal. In addition,  Miltope Group has agreed not to enter into any agreement
with  respect  to any offer or  proposal  as  described  above or enter into any
agreement,  arrangement or understanding  requiring it to abandon,  terminate or
fail to  consummate  the mergers or any other  transaction  contemplated  by the
Agreement and Plan of Merger.

         However, Miltope Group may furnish information concerning its business,
properties  or assets to any  person  pursuant  to a  customary  confidentiality
agreement and may discuss and  negotiate  and  participate  in  discussions  and
negotiations  with such person  concerning an  acquisition  proposal if (i) such
person has made a superior  proposal and (ii) the board of directors  determines
in good faith,  after  receiving  advice from outside  legal  counsel to Miltope
Group,  that the  failure  to  provide  such  information  or to  engage in such
discussions  or  negotiations   would  constitute  a  breach  of  the  fiduciary
obligations of the board of directors to Miltope Group's stockholders.


         The Agreement and Plan of Merger  provides that Miltope Group will take
all  actions  necessary  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of  Delaware
including calling a special meeting of Miltope Group's stockholders, as promptly
as  practicable,  which is the  special  meeting to which  this proxy  statement
relates,  to consider and vote in favor of adoption of the Agreement and Plan of
Merger and approval of the mergers.


         The Agreement and Plan of Merger requires Miltope Group to prepare this
proxy  statement  and file it with the SEC.  Miltope  Group will mail this proxy
statement to the  stockholders  of Miltope Group as soon as the proxy  statement
has been cleared by the SEC. Except as expressly  permitted in the Agreement and
Plan of Merger, this proxy statement must include the fairness opinion of Legacy
and the  recommendation  of the board of  directors  in favor of the approval of
both the mergers and the Agreement and Plan of Merger.


         The  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  provides  that Vision  Technologies
Kinetics and its officers,  employees,  accountants,  counsel, financing sources
and other  representatives  will have reasonable access for reasonable purposes,
during  normal  business  hours  prior to  closing,  to all  properties,  books,
contracts,  commitments  and records of Miltope Group and may receive  copies of
each  additional  report or other  document  filed by Miltope Group  pursuant to
federal  securities  laws  and  information   regarding  any  material  business
development and all other  information  concerning its business,  properties and
personnel as Vision Technologies Kinetics may reasonably request.


         The  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  provides  that,  unless  otherwise
provided by law, Vision Technologies


Kinetics  and VTK Merger  Subsidiary  are  required to keep and will cause their
respective  representatives  and agents to keep  confidential  all  confidential
information  about  and  furnished  by  Miltope  Group,  provided,  that  Vision
Technologies Kinetics may cause certain confidential information to be disclosed
to prospective financing sources.


         Until the  effective  time of the mergers,  Miltope  Group will keep in
effect  in its  by-laws,  and  thereafter  for a  period  of six  years,  Vision
Technologies  Kinetics will keep in effect in its articles of  incorporation  or
by-laws, certain provisions that provide for the indemnification and exculpation
of the present or former  officers,  directors,  employees and agents of Miltope

         As more fully  described in the Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  Miltope
Corporation will maintain officers' and directors'  liability insurance covering
those  persons  who are  covered by Miltope  Group's  directors'  and  officers'
insurance as of the date of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger or the  effective
time of the mergers for a period of one year after the effective time and, for a
period  of  five  years  thereafter,  will  maintain  directors'  and  officers'
insurance for such persons through the directors' and officers'  insurance of an
affiliate  of  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  on terms  consistent  with  those
applicable to other  officers and directors  covered under such  directors'  and
officers' insurance.


         The completion of the mergers  depends on a number of conditions  being
satisfied, including the following, each of which is more fully described in the
Agreement and Plan of Merger which has been attached to this proxy  statement as
Annex A:

         The  respective  obligations  of each party to effect the  mergers  are
subject to the following conditions:

          o    the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the votes entitled
               to be cast by the  holders of the common  stock of Miltope  Group
               shall have been obtained; and

          o    no statute, rule, regulation,  order, decree, judgment, ruling or
               injunction  shall  have  been  instituted,  pending,  enacted  or
               promulgated by any governmental  entity or any court of competent
               jurisdiction   which   directly   restrains  or   prohibits   the
               consummation  of the mergers in accordance  with the terms of the
               Agreement and Plan of Merger.

         The  obligation  of  Vision   Technologies   Kinetics  and  VTK  Merger
Subsidiary  to  effect  the  mergers  is  subject  to the  following  additional

          o    (i) each of  Miltope  Group and  Miltope  Corporation  shall have
               performed  in all material  respects  each of its  covenants  and
               agreements contained in the Agreement and Plan of Merger required
               to  be  performed  and  (ii)  each  of  the  representations  and
               warranties of each of Miltope Group and Miltope  Corporation made
               in the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  shall  have been true and
               correct  when made and shall be true and correct in all  respects
               as if made on and as of the closing date or other date  specified

          o    the   Agreement   and  Plan  of  Merger  and  the  documents  and
               instruments  executed and delivered in  connection  with it shall
               have been duly  authorized,  executed  and  delivered  by each of
               Miltope Group and Miltope  Corporation  and each of Miltope Group
               and Miltope  Corporation  shall have  performed or complied  with
               each such documents and instruments in all material respects;

          o    there  shall not have  occurred,  since  October  21,  2003,  any
               material adverse effect (as more fully described in the Agreement
               and Plan of  Merger)  or any  event or  development  that  would,
               individually or in the aggregate,  reasonably be expected to have
               a material adverse effect;


          o    Miltope Group shall have obtained each material company consent;

          o    all  regulatory  approvals,  including in  particular,  under the
               Exon-Florio  Amendment  shall have been  obtained and shall be in
               full force and effect as of the closing date;

          o    on or  prior  to the date of the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger,
               certain  persons  were  required to execute  and deliver  written
               waivers of their  rights to receive any payment or benefit to the
               extent  necessary  to avoid  treatment  as an  "excess  parachute
               payment" under the Internal Revenue Code;

          o    an indemnity agreement by and among Miltope Corporation, GUI, and
               Vision Technologies  Kinetics was required to be duly authorized,
               executed and delivered by Miltope Corporation and GUI on or prior
               to the date of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  and must be in
               full force and effect as of the closing date and neither  Miltope
               Corporation   nor  GUI  shall  be  in  breach  of  the  indemnity
               agreement; and

          o    Miltope  Group  shall have  delivered  a closing  certificate  to
               Vision Technologies Kinetics.

         The  obligation of Miltope Group and Miltope  Corporation to effect the
mergers is subject to the following additional conditions:

          o    (i)  each  of  Vision   Technologies   Kinetics  and  VTK  Merger
               Subsidiary shall have performed in all material  respects each of
               its covenants and agreements  contained in the Agreement and Plan
               of Merger  required  to be  performed  at or prior to the closing
               date and  (ii)  each of the  representations  and  warranties  of
               Vision  Technologies  Kinetics and VTK Merger  Subsidiary made in
               the Agreement and Plan of Merger shall have been true and correct
               when made and shall be true and  correct  in all  respects  as if
               made  on and as of the  closing  date  or  other  date  specified

          o    the   Agreement   and  Plan  of  Merger  and  the  documents  and
               instruments  executed and delivered in  connection  with it shall
               have been duly  authorized,  executed  and  delivered  by each of
               Vision Technologies Kinetics and VTK Merger Subsidiary and Vision
               Technologies  Kinetics  and  VTK  Merger  Subsidiary  shall  have
               performed or complied with each such documents and instruments in
               all material respects; and

          o    Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  shall  have  delivered  a closing
               certificate to Miltope Group.


         The Agreement and Plan of Merger may be terminated at any time prior to
the effective time as follows:

          o    by the mutual written consent of Vision Technologies Kinetics and
               Miltope  Group,   in  each  case  acting  through  its  board  of

          o    by either  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics or Miltope Group if the
               consummation  of  the  mergers  is  prohibited  by any  court  of
               competent  jurisdiction or other  government  entity by an order,
               decree or ruling,  which the parties to the Agreement and Plan of
               Merger  use their  best  efforts  to  vacate,  which  permanently
               prohibits  consummation  of the  mergers in  accordance  with the
               terms of the  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  and is  final  and
               non-appealable and shall not have resulted from a material breach
               of representation or warranty covenant by the terminating party;

          o    by either  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics or Miltope Group if the
               stockholders  of Miltope Group reject or otherwise  fail to adopt
               the  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger  at a  special  meeting  of


          o    by Vision  Technologies  Kinetics if, without any material breach
               by Vision  Technologies  Kinetics or VTK Merger Subsidiary of its
               representations,  warranties, obligations under the Agreement and
               Plan of  Merger,  the  closing  of the  mergers  shall  not  have
               occurred  on or before the date which is six months from the date
               of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  provided,  however,  that
               Vision Technologies  Kinetics may not terminate the Agreement and
               Plan of Merger if Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  shall  have (i)
               failed to fulfill any obligation  under the Agreement and Plan of
               Merger,  which failure has been a principal cause of, or resulted
               in, the  failure  of any  condition  to the  closing to have been
               satisfied  on or  before  the  closing  of the  mergers,  or (ii)
               otherwise materially breached the Agreement and Plan of Merger;

          o    by Miltope Group if, without any material breach by Miltope Group
               of  its  representations,   warranties,   obligations  under  the
               Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  the closing of the mergers  shall
               not have  occurred  on or  before  the  closing  date,  provided,
               however,  that Miltope  Group may not terminate the Agreement and
               Plan of Merger if Miltope  Group shall have (i) failed to fulfill
               any  obligation  under the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  which
               failure  has been a  principal  cause of,  or  resulted  in,  the
               failure of any condition to the closing to have been satisfied on
               or  before  the  closing  of  the  mergers,   or  (ii)  otherwise
               materially breached the Agreement and Plan of Merger;

          o    by Miltope Group, if (i) Vision Technologies  Kinetics shall have
               breached in any material  respect any material  covenant or other
               agreement contained in the Agreement and Plan of Merger, (ii) any
               representations or warranties of Vision Technologies  Kinetics or
               VTK Merger  Subsidiary  contained  in the  Agreement  and Plan of
               Merger  which are  qualified as to  materiality  shall fail to be
               true and correct in all respects  when made or as if made at such
               time, (iii) any representation or warranty of Vision Technologies
               Kinetics or VTK Merger  Subsidiary made in the Agreement and Plan
               of Merger  which is not so  qualified  shall  fail to be true and
               correct in all material  respects when made or as if made at such
               time,  or (iv) to allow  Miltope Group to enter into an agreement
               in accordance  with the Agreement and Plan of Merger with respect
               to a superior offer,  but only after Miltope Group has convened a
               special meeting of its  stockholders  and its  stockholders  have
               rejected the mergers and the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  and
               after the Miltope Group fulfills its other  obligations under the
               Agreement and Plan of Merger,  which breach or failure to be true
               and  correct  cannot  be or has not been  cured  within  ten (10)
               business days after  Miltope  Group gives  written  notice of the
               breach to Vision Technologies Kinetics;

          o    by Vision Technologies Kinetics, if (i) Miltope Group and Miltope
               Corporation  shall have  breached  in any  material  respect  any
               material  covenant or other agreement  contained in the Agreement
               and Plan of Merger,  (ii) any  representations  or  warranties of
               either  Miltope  Group or Miltope  Corporation  contained  in the
               Agreement   and  Plan  of  Merger  which  are   qualified  as  to
               materiality  shall fail to be true and  correct  in all  respects
               when made or as if made at such time, or (iii) any representation
               or warranty of Miltope Group and Miltope  Corporation made in the
               Agreement and Plan of Merger which is not so qualified shall fail
               to be true and correct in all material  respects  when made or as
               if made at such  time,  which  breach or  failure  to be true and
               correct  cannot be or has not been cured within ten (10) business
               days after Vision  Technologies  Kinetics gives written notice of
               the breach to Miltope Group;

          o    by Vision Technologies Kinetics, if (i) the board of directors of
               Miltope  Group  shall  have  withdrawn  or  modified  in a manner
               adverse  to  VTK  Merger   Subsidiary,   or  failed  upon  Vision
               Technologies  Kinetics's  request to  reconfirm,  its approval or
               recommendation  of the  mergers  or the  Agreement  and  Plan  of
               Merger,  (ii) the board of directors of Miltope  Group shall have
               determined  to accept,  or shall have  determined to recommend to
               Miltope  Group's  stockholders  that  they  approve,  a  takeover
               proposal,  or Miltope Group shall have entered into or shall have
               publicly  announced  its  intention  to enter into,  a definitive
               written agreement or written agreement in principle providing for
               a takeover  proposal or (iii) a tender  offer or  exchange  offer
               that, if successful, would result in any person or group becoming
               a beneficial  owner of 20% or more of the  outstanding  shares is
               commenced  (other  than by  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  or an
               affiliate  of  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics)  and the  board of
               directors fails to recommend against  acceptance of such offer by
               the stockholders of Miltope Group; or


          o    by  Vision   Technologies   Kinetics  if  either  of  the  voting
               agreements,  as more fully described below,  shall cease to be in
               full force or if GUI is in  material  breach  thereof;  or if any
               person or group  other  than  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics,  an
               affiliate  of Vision  Technologies  Kinetics  or GUI  becomes the
               beneficial  owner  of 20% or more of the  outstanding  shares  of
               Miltope  Group,  provided  that  any  amounts  payable  shall  be
               adjusted less any amounts paid previously.

         In the  event of  termination  of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger by
either  Miltope Group or Vision  Technologies  Kinetics,  written  notice of the
termination,  and the  provision  to which  such  termination  is made,  will be
provided to the other party and the Agreement and Plan of Merger shall forthwith
become void and have no effect. Nothing in the Agreement and Plan of Merger will
relieve Vision  Technologies  Kinetics and VTK Merger  Subsidiary from liability
for any breach of the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger or  relieve  any party from
liability,   or  limit   liability,   for  any   willful   breach   or   willful
misrepresentation  under the Agreement and Plan of Merger,  or prevent any party
from asserting any equitable relief available to it.


         In the event that the Agreement  and Plan of Merger is  terminated  for
one  of  the  following  reasons,  Miltope  Group  is  required  to  pay  Vision
Technologies  Kinetics's and VTK Merger Subsidiary's  out-of-pocket expenses not
in excess of $1,000,000:

          o    the  stockholders  of Miltope  Group reject or otherwise  fail to
               adopt the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger at a special  meeting of
               stockholders  and no takeover  proposal has been made or received
               prior to the termination of the Agreement and Plan of Merger;

          o    Vision Technologies Kinetics terminates the Agreement and Plan of
               Merger because Miltope Group or Miltope  Corporation has breached
               a material  representation  or warranty  under the  Agreement and
               Plan of Merger or a person or group becomes a beneficial owner of
               20% or more of the  outstanding  shares of  Miltope  Group and no
               takeover  proposal  has  been  made  or  received  prior  to  the
               termination of the Agreement and Plan of Merger; or

          o    by either Miltope Group or Vision Technologies Kinetics,  without
               a material breach by the terminating party of its representations
               or  warranties  under the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  and the
               closing of the mergers  shall not have  occurred on or before the
               date which is six months from the date of the  Agreement and Plan
               of Merger and a takeover  proposal has been made known to Miltope
               Group and not withdrawn prior to the date of termination,  unless
               the  termination  is due to a material  adverse  effect caused by
               Vision Technologies Kinetics or its affiliates.


         In the event that the Agreement  and Plan of Merger is  terminated  for
one  of  the  following  reasons,  Miltope  Group  is  required  to  pay  Vision
Technologies Kinetics $1,800,000:

          o    the  stockholders  of Miltope  Group reject or otherwise  fail to
               adopt the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger at a special  meeting of
               stockholders  and (i) a takeover  proposal  has been made and not
               withdrawn  prior to the  date of the  special  meeting  or (ii) a
               binding  agreement with respect to a takeover proposal is entered
               into or the  transactions  constituting  a takeover  proposal are
               consummated within 9 months after such termination, provided that
               any  amounts  payable  shall be adjusted  less any  amounts  paid

          o    Miltope  Group  terminates  the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger to
               enter into an agreement for a superior offer;

          o    Vision Technologies Kinetics terminates the Agreement and Plan of
               Merger  because  either (i) Miltope Group or Miltope  Corporation
               has  breached  in  any  material  respect  any  of  its  material
               covenants or


               other  agreement  contained in the  Agreement and Plan of Merger,
               (ii) any  representation  or warranty of Miltope Group or Miltope
               Corporation  made in the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  which is
               qualified as to materiality  has failed to be true and correct in
               all respects when made or (iii) any representation or warranty of
               Miltope  Group or Miltope  Corporation  made in the Agreement and
               Plan of  Merger  which is not  qualified  as to  materiality  has
               failed to be true and correct in all material  respects when made
               which was not cured  within ten  business  days of the receipt of
               written  notice  of the  breach  and  there  has been a take over
               proposal  received or made to Miltope  Group prior to the date of
               termination or there is a subsequently accepted takeover proposal
               consummated within 9 months after such termination, provided that
               any  amounts  payable  shall be adjusted  less any  amounts  paid

          o    Vision Technologies Kinetics terminates the Agreement and Plan of
               Merger  because (i) the board of directors  of Miltope  Group has
               withdrawn  or  modified  in  a  manner   adverse  to  VTK  Merger
               Subsidiary,  or has failed  upon Vision  Technologies  Kinetics's
               request to  reconfirm,  its  approval  or  recommendation  of the
               mergers  or  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger,  (ii)  the  board of
               directors  of Miltope  Group has  determined  to  accept,  or has
               determined to recommend to Miltope Group's stockholders that they
               approve a takeover proposal, or Miltope Group has entered into or
               has publicly  announced its intention to enter into, a definitive
               written agreement or written agreement in principle providing for
               a takeover  proposal or (iii) a tender  offer or  exchange  offer
               that, if successful, would result in any person or group becoming
               a beneficial  owner of 20% or more of the  outstanding  shares is
               commenced  (other  than  by  Vision  Technologies   Kinetics,  an
               affiliate of Vision  Technologies  Kinetics or GUI) and the board
               of directors has failed to recommend  against  acceptance of such
               offer by the stockholders of Miltope Group; or

          o    Vision Technologies Kinetics terminates the Agreement and Plan of
               Merger because (i) either of the voting agreements, as more fully
               described  below,  has ceased to be in full force or if GUI is in
               material  breach  thereof,  or (ii) if any person or group  other
               than  Vision  Technologies   Kinetics,  an  affiliate  of  Vision
               Technologies  Kinetics or GUI has become the beneficial  owner of
               20% or more of the  outstanding  shares of Miltope  Group;  and a
               takeover  proposal has been received or made known to the Company
               prior  to the date of  termination,  provided  that  any  amounts
               payable shall be adjusted less any amounts paid previously.

         Any expense  reimbursement  amount or termination fee shall be paid, in
accordance  with the terms set out in the Agreement and Plan of Merger,  by wire
transfer of immediately  available funds and Miltope Group shall have no further
obligations to Vision Technologies Kinetics or VTK Merger Subsidiary.


         Subject to  applicable  law,  the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger may be
amended by written agreement of the parties to the Agreement and Plan of Merger,
by action taken by the parties' respective board of directors, at any time prior
to the closing date.  However,  after stockholder  approval,  no such amendment,
modification  or  supplement  may  reduce  the  amount or change the form of the
merger   consideration  or  materially  adversely  affect  the  rights  of  such

         At any time prior to the  effective  time,  the parties may, by actions
taken by their respective board members and set in writing,  (i) extend the time
for the  performance  of any of the  obligations  or  other  acts  of the  other
parties,  (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the  representations  and warranties of
the  other  parties  contained  in the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger or in any
document  delivered  pursuant  to the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  and (iii)
subject to the provisions of the Agreement and Plan of Merger,  waive compliance
by the other parties with any of the  agreements or conditions  contained in the
Agreement and Plan of Merger.


                               RELATED AGREEMENTS


         On October 21, 2003, Miltope Group, Vision Technologies  Kinetics,  VTK
Merger  Subsidiary and GUI entered into a Primary Voting Agreement  (attached to
this proxy statement as Annex B) and a Secondary Voting  Agreement  (attached to
this  proxy  statement  as Annex C),  pursuant  to which,  GUI,  the holder of a
majority of MGI's capital  stock,  has agreed to vote in favor of the mergers at
the special  meeting of Miltope  Group's  stockholders.  In addition,  under the
voting agreements, GUI is required to vote against any takeover proposal in most
circumstances  and it is  restricted  from  disposing  its  shares in any way or
granting a proxy or other authorization with respect to its shares.  Pursuant to
the voting agreements,  GUI has granted to, and appointed,  Vision  Technologies
Kinetics and VTK Merger Subsidiary an irrevocable proxy and  attorney-in-fact to
vote its shares of Miltope Group. In addition,  the voting  agreements  prohibit
GUI and its affiliates  from  encouraging,  soliciting or  participating  in any
conversations or negotiations with any persons  concerning a takeover  proposal.
In the voting  agreements,  GUI also waived its appraisal rights with respect to
the mergers.

         GUI owns  approximately  61.5% of Miltope  Group's  outstanding  common
stock. In the event that the board of directors of Miltope Group  terminates the
Agreement and Plan of Merger to accept a superior proposal, the Secondary Voting
Agreement,  pursuant  to which,  GUI is  required  to vote  shares  representing
approximately  26.5% of Miltope Group's outstanding common stock in favor of the
mergers,  may be  terminated.  GUI would  continue  to be  obligated,  under the
Primary  Voting  Agreement,  to vote shares  representing  approximately  35% of
Miltope Group's outstanding common stock in favor of the mergers.


         On October 21, 2003, Miltope Group, Miltope Corporation, GUI and Vision
Technologies Kinetics entered into a Contingent Value Rights Agreement (attached
to this proxy  statement  as Annex D),  pursuant  to which,  Miltope  Group will
create and issue CVRs to its  stockholders  of record  immediately  prior to the
effective  time. Each CVR represents the  contingent,  nontransferable  right to
receive  a pro  rata  share  of 50% of the net  proceeds,  if any,  from the DRS
litigation, after adjustments for taxes.

         If there are any net proceeds  from the DRS  litigation,  the amount of
cash payable for each CVR held by holders of the CVR on the payment date will be
determined  based on either of the  following  two  formulas,  depending  on the
amount of Claims Expenses.  The term "Claims  Expenses" refers to the sum of all
fees,  costs and expenses  (including  attorneys fees and expenses)  incurred or
accrued  after  the  effective  time of the  mergers  by  Miltope  Group and its
affiliates in prosecuting and settling the DRS litigation  (including  defending
against any  counterclaims),  including amounts paid or payable in settlement or
in judgment of any  counterclaims  against Miltope Group and its affiliates.  In
addition,  any amounts  paid or payable by Miltope  Group or its  affiliates  in
settlement or judgment of any  counterclaims  in the  litigation  are considered
"Claims Expenses," whether paid or payable before or after the effective time of
the mergers.  If the full and final  settlement of, or judgment with respect to,
the  litigation  occurs prior the effective  time,  then "Claims  Expenses" also
includes all of the fees,  costs and expenses  paid or payable since October 21,
2003.  The  term   "Litigation   Proceeds"  refers  to  all  cash  and  non-cash
compensation, payments, penalties, interest and other damages, if any, recovered
or  received  (at trial,  on appeal or by  settlement)  by Miltope  Group or its
affiliates as a result of the DRS litigation.  The term "Tax  Allocation"  means
the result obtained by multiplying the Litigation Proceeds by 20%.

         a.  If the Claims Expenses are equal to or less than $700,000, then the
dollar amount paid for each CVR will equal:

                               TOTAL NUMBER OF CVRs

         b.  If the Claims Expenses exceed $700,000, then the dollar amount paid
for each CVR will equal:


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              TOTAL NUMBER OF CVRs

As  accounted  for in these two  formulas,  $0.7  million of  additional  merger
consideration will be paid by Vision Technologies Kinetics to fund certain costs
and expenses associated with the litigation.

         In  addition,  under  the  CVR  Agreement,  Miltope  Corporation  shall
maintain,  indirectly  or  directly,  a  register  of the  CVRs.  Following  the
effective date of the mergers and the complete  conclusion of the DRS litigation
(including,  without  limitation,  final  judgments  with  respect  to, or final
settlement of, all related claims and the receipt by Miltope  Corporation or any
of its affiliates of any proceeds in connection therewith),  Miltope Corporation
and the designated representative of Miltope Group's stockholders shall agree on
the  aggregate  CVR payment  amount in  accordance  with the CVR  Agreement  and
Miltope Corporation shall establish a CVR payment date. On the CVR payment date,
Miltope  Corporation  will cause the CVR payment to be  delivered to each of the
holders of the CVRs by check mailed to the respective addresses reflected on the
CVR register at the close of business on the last  business day prior to the CVR
payment date.

         The CVR Agreement  provides that GUI shall act as the representative of
the holders of CVRs. GUI, as representative,  is authorized to approve or reject
any settlement of any aspect or portion of the DRS litigation.


         On October 21, 2003, Miltope  Corporation,  GUI and Vision Technologies
Kinetics entered into an indemnity agreement,  pursuant to which, GUI has agreed
to indemnify  Vision  Technologies  Kinetics,  Miltope  Corporation,  and PGI in
connection with certain tax and environmental matters.

                               THE DRS LITIGATION


         In the spring of 2000, the Chief Operating Officer of DRS Technologies,
Inc., a competitor  of Miltope  Group,  spoke with  Richard  Pandolfi,  then the
President and Chief Executive Officer of PGI, regarding the possible acquisition
by DRS Technologies of Miltope Group. A confidentiality  agreement was signed by
DRS and Mr.  Pandolfi to protect Miltope  Corporation's  and PGI's trade secrets
from  misappropriation  by DRS  Technologies.  Pursuant to this  confidentiality
agreement,  DRS  Technologies  undertook  extensive  due  diligence  and Miltope
Corporation and PGI disclosed various confidential  documents and information to
DRS Technologies.

         On or around October 24, 2000, DRS  Technologies  submitted an offer to
purchase all of the capital stock of Miltope Group,  which GUI,  Miltope Group's
majority  shareholder,  rejected.  Key PGI executives  and employees,  including
Richard Pandolfi,  shortly  thereafter began consulting for, and assisting,  DRS
Technologies  in  developing  products and  expanding  their  markets.  Many key
employees  eventually  resigned from PGI and became  full-time  employees of DRS


         On October 3, 2001, Miltope  Corporation and PGI filed a lawsuit in the
United States  District  Court for the Eastern  District of New York against DRS
Technologies,   its  affiliate  DRS  Electronic  Systems  and  former  officers,
directors and employees of PGI. This lawsuit is entitled MILTOPE CORPORATION AND

         The complaint filed by Miltope Corporation and PGI, as amended, alleges
misappropriation  of trade  secrets,  breach  of the  confidentiality  agreement
signed prior to the due diligence,  unjust  enrichment,  unfair  competition and
trademark  infringement.  Miltope  Corporation  and  PGI  also  allege  tortious
interference with business  relationships,  tortious interference with contracts
and conspiracy to breach fiduciary duty. Specifically,


such claims relate to the activities of certain former  employees of PGI and the
hiring  of  some of  those  employees  by DRS  Technologies  and DRS  Electronic
Systems. Miltope Corporation and PGI seek damages for each of these claims.

         DRS Technologies and DRS Electronic  Systems answered the complaint and
denied  the  claims  against  them,  but did not  file  any  counterclaims.  The
individual defendants also denied the claims. Three of the individual defendants
filed counterclaims alleging, among other things, breach of their employment and
severance  agreements with Miltope  Corporation  and/or PGI.  Defendant Pandolfi
counterclaimed and alleged that PGI failed to pay him certain salary, severance,
commissions,  accrued vacation, benefits, business expenses and consulting fees.
Mr. Pandolfi further alleged that PGI refused to return certain of his property.
Mr.  Pandolfi  is  seeking  a total of  approximately  $2  million  in  damages.
Defendant Patricia Wilson, the former Chief Operating Officer and Vice President
of Sales for PGI,  counterclaimed that PGI breached her employment agreement and
withheld her past due salary and severance  benefits under such  agreement.  Ms.
Wilson is  seeking  a total of  approximately  $372,000  in  damages.  Defendant
Russell Meyer, the former Vice President of Engineering for PGI,  counterclaimed
that Miltope Corporation and PGI breached his employment  agreement and withheld
his past due  salary and  severance  benefits.  Mr.  Meyer is seeking a total of
approximately  $550,000  in  damages.  Miltope  Corporation  and  PGI  deny  the
counterclaims made by these defendants.

         Miltope  Corporation  and PGI seek total damages against all defendants
of not less than $19 million.  In  addition,  Miltope  Corporation  and PGI seek
punitive and treble  damages,  royalties on the DRS  Technologies  products that
incorporate  Miltope  Corporation's and PGI's trade secrets,  injunctive relief,
attorneys' fees and interest.

         The CVR Agreement  provides that GUI shall act as the representative of
the holders of CVRs. GUI, as representative,  is authorized to approve or reject
any settlement of any aspect or portion of the DRS litigation.

         As of the filing of this proxy statement, the court has not set a trial
date. Certain discovery remains to be completed, but Miltope Group believes that
a trial will commence within six months.



                                   THE PARTIES


         Miltope  Group Inc,  incorporated  in Delaware  in March  1984,  is the
parent  company of  Miltope  Corporation,  PGI and  Miltope  Business  Products.
Miltope  Corporation was originally  incorporated  as a New York  corporation in
1975 to acquire the assets and  business of the Military  Equipment  Division of
Potter  Instrument  Company,  Inc.  and,  until  June 1984,  was a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of Stonebrook  Group Inc.  (formerly  Stenbeck  Reassurance Co. Inc.)
("SGI").  In June 1984, all of the outstanding stock of Miltope Group was issued
to SGI in exchange for all of the outstanding stock of Miltope Corporation.  SGI
is a privately held  corporation  that,  since 1975, has supported the formation
and  funding  of  companies  engaged  in  the  development  and  manufacture  of
electronic   hardware  for  defense  and  communications   applications  and  in
communications   services.  In  January  1985,  stockholders  of  Miltope  Group
(including  SGI) sold  700,000  shares of  Miltope  Group's  common  stock in an


public offering.  In November 1985,  Miltope Group sold an additional  1,000,000
shares of its common stock to the public.

         In September  1994,  Miltope  Group  relocated  its  headquarters  from
Melville,  New York to  Montgomery,  Alabama.  On  December  30,  1994,  Miltope
Corporation  merged  with and into a newly  formed  Alabama  corporation,  which
succeeded  to all of the New  York  corporation's  assets  and  liabilities.  On
January 1, 1995, Modern Holdings Incorporated (formerly XSource Corporation),  a
Delaware corporation ("MHI"), acquired 62.8% of the outstanding shares of common
stock of Miltope Group pursuant to certain share exchange transactions with SGI,
which at such  time was a holder  of 55.6% of the  outstanding  shares of common
stock of Miltope Group, and Stuvik AB, a Swedish  corporation and, at such time,
a holder of  approximately  7.2% of the  outstanding  shares of Miltope  Group's
common  stock.  Prior  to  June  of  1999,  MHI  was a  subsidiary  of GUI and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of MIC-USA Inc., a Delaware corporation ("MIC-USA")and a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Millicom  International Cellular S.A.. In connection
with the  reorganization of GUI in June 1999,  Miltope Group became a subsidiary
of GUI,  which  became a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Great  Universal  LLC,  a
Delaware limited  liability company  ("GU-LLC"),  the sole member of which, from
the date of reorganization until December 31, 1999, was MIC-USA. On December 31,
1999,  The 1999  Great  Universal  LLC Trust,  Bruce H.  Grant as  trustee  (the
"Trust"),  was formed and MIC-USA  assigned all ownership  interest of GU-LLC to
the Trust as the sole member of GU-LLC.  GU-LLC provides,  through its operating
subsidiaries,  integrated network products and services, consulting engineering,
billing systems applications,  television and media and specialized  electronics
products and services.

         On April 1, 2000,  Miltope Group entered into an agreement with GUI, to
acquire  GUI's  ownership  of 90% of the  outstanding  stock of PGI.  Since GUI,
through  its  controlling  interest  in  Miltope  Group,   continues  to  own  a
controlling interest in PGI after the acquisition,  the acquisition was recorded
on  Miltope  Group's  books at GUI's  historical  cost and  accounted  for on an
"as-if-pooled basis".


         Miltope Corporation designs,  develops,  and manufactures computers and
computer   peripheral   equipment  for  military,   industrial   and  commercial
applications   where   reliable   operation  of  the  equipment  in  challenging
environments  is  imperative.  The systems  provided  are  qualified  for use in
airborne,  shipboard,  and  ground  based  applications.  Miltope  Corporation's
product  lines  include  a broad  range  of  computers,  computer  workstations,
servers,   printers,  disk  cartridges,   and  mass  storage  systems.   Miltope
Corporation  continues to increase its presence in the military arena  including
United  States Air Force  avionics  and ground  based  systems as well as United
States Army system diagnostics.  Miltope Corporation's equipment is designed and
qualified  for use as part of in-flight  entertainment,  cabin  management,  and
communication systems and is certified for use aboard virtually every commercial
and business jet platform.


         Vision Technologies  Kinetics,  Inc., a Delaware corporation,  provides
design and  engineering  services  for  military  vehicles,  weapon  systems and
munitions.  Vision Technologies Kinetics is a direct wholly-owned  subsidiary of
Vision Technologies Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation,  with headquarters in
Alexandria,  Virginia,  and an indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Singapore
Technologies Engineering Ltd., a Singapore company.


         VTK  Merger  Subsidiary  is an Alabama  corporation  that was formed on
September  8, 2003.  VTK  Merger  Subsidiary  has not,  to date,  conducted  any
significant activities other than those incident to its formation, its execution
of the  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger  and  the  related  documents,  and its
participation in the preparation of this proxy statement.  VTK Merger Subsidiary
currently  has no  material  assets or  liabilities,  other  than its rights and
obligations  under the Agreement  and Plan of Merger and the related  documents,
and has not generated any material revenues or expenses.


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS


         On October 21, 2003, Miltope Group, Miltope Corporation and GUI entered
into a letter agreement,  pursuant to which,  among other things, GUI has agreed
to accept  deferred  repayment  of the amount of $649,000 due to GUI for certain
management and consulting  services provided by GUI to Miltope Group and Miltope
Corporation.  The services rendered by GUI were not provided in connection with,
and do not relate to, the mergers.



         Miltope  Group's common stock is traded publicly on The Nasdaq SmallCap
Market under the symbol "MILT".  The following table sets forth the high bid and
low asked prices on The Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market for each quarter  during fiscal
years 2001, 2002 and 2003. Such quotations represent inter-dealer prices without
retail markup,  markdown or commission and may not necessarily  represent actual

                        PERIOD                         HIGH            LOW
                        ------                         ----            ---
Fiscal 2001             First Quarter                 $ 1.25         $ 0.66
                        Second Quarter                  2.18           0.79
                        Third Quarter                   2.20           1.40
                        Fourth Quarter                  2.88           1.47

Fiscal 2002             First Quarter                   2.17           1.40
                        Second Quarter                  5.70           1.58
                        Third Quarter                   3.75           2.51
                        Fourth Quarter                  4.50           2.54

Fiscal 2003             First Quarter                   4.50           2.98
                        Second Quarter                  4.75           2.93
                        Third Quarter                   6.70           2.88
                        Fourth Quarter                  6.45           5.45
                        (through October 21, 2003)

         On October 22, 2003,  Miltope  Group  announced  that it had signed the
Agreement and Plan of Merger which  provides,  among other  things,  that Vision
Technologies Kinetics will acquire the outstanding shares of the common stock of
Miltope  Group for $5.78 in cash and one CVR for each share of common stock held
Miltope  Group's  stockholders.  On October 21, 2003,  the closing  price of the
common stock on The Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market was $5.58 per share. On November 5,
2003 the closing  price of the common  stock on The Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market was
$6.02 per share.  You are urged to obtain a current  market  quotation  for your
shares of common stock.


         We have not declared or paid any cash  dividends on our stock since our
organization.  Under the terms of our revolving bank line of credit, our ability
to pay cash dividends to our stockholders is restricted.  Miltope Group does not
presently anticipate paying cash dividends on its common stock.


         The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  the
ownership of voting  securities  of Miltope Group by each person who is known to
Miltope Group's  management to have been the beneficial owner of more than 5% of
the outstanding shares of Miltope Group's common stock as of October 21, 2003:


                          NAME AND ADDRESS               AMOUNT AND NATURE
   --------------       -------------------          -----------------------    ----------------
common stock         Great Universal Incorporated             3,664,478               61.5%
($0.01 par value)    153 E. 53rd Street
                     New York, NY  10022

* Unless otherwise noted, all shares are directly owned.


         The following  table sets forth certain  information  as of October 21,
2003 regarding the ownership of Miltope  Group's  voting  securities by (i) each
director of Miltope Group's board of directors,  (ii) each executive  officer of
Miltope  Group  and  Miltope  Corporation,  and  (iii)  all of  Miltope  Group's
directors  and  executive  officers  as a  group,  and as to the  percentage  of
outstanding shares held by them on that date:

                      NAME OF BENEFICIAL        AMOUNT AND NATURE OF
- --------------         ---------------         ------------------------    ----------------

common stock         William L. Dickinson           83,345 (2)                    1.3%

common stock         Henry Guy**                     9,000 (3)                       *

common stock         Jerry O. Tuttle                53,865 (4)                       *

common stock         David E. Marcus***              9,000 (5)                       *

common stock         Ronald V. Hite                  9,000 (6)                       *

                     EXECUTIVE OFFICERS
                    WHO ARE NOT DIRECTORS

common stock         Thomas R. Dickinson            96,000 (7)                    1.5%

common stock          Robert G. Kaseta              70,500 (8)                    1.1%

common stock             Tom B. Dake                59,700 (9)                       *

common stock          Edward F. Crowell            38,020 (10)                       *

common stock       Executive officers and             28,430 (2)                  6.7%
                    directors as a group         (3) (4) (5) (6)
                        (10 persons)            (7) (8) (9) (10)

  * Represents less than one percent of the class.
 ** President and Chief Executive Officer of GUI, Miltope Group's principal
*** Chairman of the Board of GUI, Miltope Group's principal stockholder.

(1) Unless otherwise noted, all shares are directly owned.  Includes shares that
may be acquired pursuant to options


exercisable  on October 21,  2003,  and within  sixty days of October 21,  2003,
pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act.

(2) Represents  10,250 shares of common stock owned by Mr.  Dickinson and 73,095
shares of common stock that Mr.  Dickinson  may acquire  upon  exercise of stock

(3) Represents 4,000 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Guy and 5,000 shares of
common stock that Mr. Guy may acquire upon exercise of stock options.

(4)  Represents  4,000  shares of common  stock  owned by Mr.  Tuttle and 49,865
shares of common  stock  that Mr.  Tuttle may  acquire  upon  exercise  of stock

(5) Represents 4,000 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Marcus and 5,000 shares
of common stock that Mr. Marcus may acquire upon exercise of stock options.

(6)  Represents  4,000 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Hite and 5,000 shares
of common stock that Mr. Hite may acquire upon exercise of stock options.

(7)  Represents  1,000 shares of common stock owned by Mr.  Dickinson and 95,000
shares of common stock that Mr.  Dickinson  may acquire  upon  exercise of stock

(8) Represents  1,200 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Kaseta,  65,000 shares
of common stock that Mr.  Kaseta may acquire upon  exercise of stock options and
4,300 shares of common stock held by Mr.  Kaseta's  wife.  Mr. Kaseta  disclaims
beneficial ownership of the shares owned by his wife.

(9) Represents 1,600 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Dake,  55,000 shares of
common stock that Mr. Dake may acquire upon  exercise of stock options and 3,100
shares of common stock owned by Mr. Dake's wife. Mr. Dake  disclaims  beneficial
ownership of the shares owned by his wife.

(10) Represents 20 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Crowell and 38,000 shares
of common stock that Mr. Crowell may acquire upon exercise of stock options.


         Miltope Group is currently  subject to the information  requirements of
the Exchange Act and in  accordance  therewith  files  periodic  reports,  proxy
statements  and  other  information  with  the  SEC  relating  to its  business,
financial and other matters.  Copies of such reports, proxy statements and other
information  may  be  copied  (at  prescribed  rates)  at the  public  reference
facilities maintained by the SEC at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Judiciary
Plaza,  Washington,  D.C.  20549 and at the  following  Regional  Offices of the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission:  500 West  Madison  Street,  Suite  1400,
Chicago, Illinois 60661; and 233 Broadway, New York, New York 10279. For further
information  concerning  the  SEC's  public  reference  rooms,  you may call the
Securities and Exchange  Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330.  Some of this information
may also be accessed on the World Wide Web through the SEC's Internet address at
"" The common stock is listed on Nasdaq Small Cap Market, and
materials also may be inspected at the offices of The Nasdaq  SmallCap Market at
33 Whitehall Street, New York, NY 10004.



         Miltope  Group  intends  to hold an annual  meeting in 2004 only if the
mergers are not consummated. If the mergers are not consummated, stockholders of
Miltope Group may submit proposals for  consideration at the next annual meeting
of Miltope  Group's  stockholders.  In order to be included  for the next annual
meeting, stockholder proposals must have been received by Miltope Group no later
than January 2, 2004 and must have complied with the  requirements of Rule 14a-8
under the Exchange Act.



         The board of  directors  does not intend to bring  before  the  special
meeting for action any matters other than those  specifically  referred to above
and is not aware of any other  matters  which are  proposed to be  presented  by
others.  If any other matters or motions should properly come before the special
meeting,  the persons  named in the proxy intend to vote  thereon in  accordance
with their judgment on such matters or motions, including any matters or motions
dealing with the conduct of the special meeting.

         No  person  is  authorized  to give  any  information  or to  make  any
representations  with respect to the matters  described in this proxy  statement
other than those  contained  herein.  Any  information or  representations  with
respect to such matters not contained  herein or therein must not be relied upon
as having been authorized by Miltope Group. The delivery of this proxy statement
shall not under any circumstances  create any implication that there has been no
change  in the  affairs  of  Miltope  Group  since  the date  hereof or that the
information in this proxy  statement is correct as of any time subsequent to the
date hereof.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                     Tom D. Dake
______ __, 2003


                                                                         Annex A

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER


                       VISION TECHNOLOGIES KINETICS, Inc.,



                               Merger Subsidiary,

                               MILTOPE GROUP INC.,

                                  the Company,


                              MILTOPE CORPORATION,

                             the DSS Cleared Company

                          DATED AS OF OCTOBER 21, 2003

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I THE MERGERS........................................................A-2
      SECTION 1.1   The Mergers..............................................A-2
      SECTION 1.2   Effective Time...........................................A-2
      SECTION 1.3   Closing..................................................A-2
      SECTION 1.4   Directors and Officers of the Surviving Corporation......A-3
      SECTION 1.5   Effect of the Mergers....................................A-3
      SECTION 1.6   Subsequent Actions.......................................A-3
      SECTION 1.7   Articles of Incorporation; By-Laws.......................A-3
      SECTION 1.8   Actions by Company and the DSS Cleared Company...........A-4

ARTICLE II CONVERSION OF SECURITIES..........................................A-4
      SECTION 2.1   Conversion of Securities.................................A-4
      SECTION 2.2   Dissenting Shares........................................A-5
      SECTION 2.3   Surrender of Shares; Stock Transfer Books................A-6
      SECTION 2.4   Stock Plans..............................................A-8

      SECTION 3.1   Organization and Qualification...........................A-8
      SECTION 3.2   Capitalization...........................................A-9
      SECTION 3.3   Subsidiaries............................................A-10
      SECTION 3.4   Authorization...........................................A-11
      SECTION 3.5   SEC Documents...........................................A-12
      SECTION 3.6   No Conflicts............................................A-13
      SECTION 3.7   Financial Statements....................................A-14
      SECTION 3.8   Absence of Certain Changes or Events....................A-14
      SECTION 3.9   Tax Matters.............................................A-14
      SECTION 3.10  Litigation..............................................A-17
      SECTION 3.11  ERISA Compliance........................................A-17
      SECTION 3.12  Environmental Matters...................................A-19
      SECTION 3.13  Real Property and Leased Property.......................A-20
      SECTION 3.14  Intellectual Property...................................A-21
      SECTION 3.15  Contracts...............................................A-22
      SECTION 3.16  Compliance With Laws....................................A-24
      SECTION 3.17  Insurance Coverage......................................A-24
      SECTION 3.18  Personnel; Labor Relations..............................A-25
      SECTION 3.19  Brokers and Finders.....................................A-26
      SECTION 3.20  Opinion of Legacy.......................................A-26
      SECTION 3.21  Vote Required...........................................A-26



      SECTION 4.1   Organization and Power..................................A-26
      SECTION 4.2   Authorization...........................................A-27
      SECTION 4.3   No Conflicts............................................A-27
      SECTION 4.4   Consents and Approvals..................................A-27
      SECTION 4.5   Financing of the Mergers................................A-28
      SECTION 4.6   Finder's Fees...........................................A-28
      SECTION 4.7   Disclosure..............................................A-28
      SECTION 4.8   Interested Stockholder..................................A-28

      SECTION 5.1   Interim Operations of the Company.......................A-28
      SECTION 5.2   Takeover Proposals......................................A-31
      SECTION 5.3   No Solicitation.........................................A-32

ARTICLE VI ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS............................................A-34
      SECTION 6.1   Special Meeting; Proxy Statement........................A-34
      SECTION 6.2   Meeting of Stockholders of the Company..................A-35
      SECTION 6.3   Additional Agreements...................................A-35
      SECTION 6.4   Notification of Certain Matters.........................A-36
      SECTION 6.5   Access; Confidentiality.................................A-37
      SECTION 6.6   Publicity...............................................A-38
      SECTION 6.7   Directors' and Officers' Insurance and Indemnification..A-38
      SECTION 6.8   Employee Benefits.......................................A-39
      SECTION 6.9   Merger Subsidiary Compliance............................A-40
      SECTION 6.10  Reasonable Best Efforts.................................A-40
      SECTION 6.11  Taxes...................................................A-40

ARTICLE VII CONDITIONS......................................................A-41
      SECTION 7.1   Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect
                          the Mergers.......................................A-41
      SECTION 7.2   Conditions to Parent's and Merger Subsidiary's
                          Obligation to Effect the Mergers..................A-41
      SECTION 7.3   Conditions to the Company's Obligation to Effect
                          the Mergers.......................................A-43

ARTICLE VIII TERMINATION....................................................A-43
      SECTION 8.1   Termination.............................................A-43
      SECTION 8.2   Effect of Termination...................................A-45

ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS...............................................A-48
      SECTION 9.1   Amendment...............................................A-48
      SECTION 9.2   Waiver..................................................A-48
      SECTION 9.3   Non-Survival of Representations and Warranties..........A-48
      SECTION 9.4   Notices.................................................A-49
      SECTION 9.5   Headings................................................A-49
      SECTION 9.6   Exhibits, Schedules and Annexes.........................A-49
      SECTION 9.7   Counterparts............................................A-50


      SECTION 9.8   Governing Law...........................................A-50
      SECTION 9.9   Pronouns................................................A-50
      SECTION 9.10  Time Periods............................................A-50
      SECTION 9.11  No Strict Construction..................................A-50
      SECTION 9.12  Entire Agreement........................................A-50
      SECTION 9.13  Severability............................................A-51
      SECTION 9.14  Successors and Assigns..................................A-51
      SECTION 9.15  Fees and Expenses.......................................A-51


                          INDEX OF ANNEXES AND EXHIBITS
Annex A - Form of Voting Agreements......................................... A-1
Annex B - Articles of Incorporation of the DSS Cleared Company.............. B-1

Exhibit 6.6 - Joint Press Release........................................... C-1

                             INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS

Term                                                               Location
- ----                                                               --------
Affidavit of Loss................................................. 2.3(e)
Agreement......................................................... Preamble
Alabama Law ...................................................... Recitals
Ancillary Agreement............................................... 3.4(a)
Articles of Merger................................................ 1.2
Benefit Plan...................................................... 3.11(a)
Bid............................................................... 3.15(g)(i)
Board of Directors................................................ Recitals
Cash Consideration................................................ 2.1(a)
CERCLA............................................................ 3.12(c)
Certificate of Merger............................................. 1.2
Certificates...................................................... 2.3(b)
Closing........................................................... 1.3
Closing Date...................................................... 1.3
COBRA............................................................. 3.11(f)
Code.............................................................. 3.9(m)(iv)
Common Stock...................................................... 3.2
Company........................................................... Preamble
Company Agreements................................................ 3.6
Company Financial Advisor......................................... 3.19
Company Letter.................................................... Article III
Company Representatives........................................... 5.2
Confidentiality Agreement......................................... 5.3(b)
Counterpart Plans................................................. 6.8
Covered Persons................................................... 6.7(b)
CVR............................................................... 2.1(a)
CVR Agreement..................................................... Recitals
D&O Insurance..................................................... 6.7(b)
Delaware Law...................................................... Recitals
Dissenting Shares................................................. 2.2(a)
DSS Cleared Company............................................... Preamble
DSS Cleared Company Board of Directors............................ Recitals


Term                                                               Location
- ----                                                               --------
Effective Time.................................................... 1.2
Encumbrances...................................................... 3.13(a)
Environmental Laws................................................ 3.12(c)
Environmental Permits............................................. 3.12(c)
ERISA............................................................. 3.11(a)
ERISA Affiliate................................................... 3.11(a)
Exchange Act...................................................... 3.5(a)
Exchange Agent.................................................... 2.3(a)
Exon-Florio Amendment............................................. 7.2(f)
Expense Reimbursement Amount...................................... 8.2(c)(i)
Financial Statements.............................................. 3.7(a)
GAAP.............................................................. 3.7(a)
Governmental Entity............................................... 3.6
Government Contract............................................... 3.15(g)(ii)
Great Universal................................................... Recitals
Hazardous Substances.............................................. 3.12(c)
HSR Act........................................................... 6.3(a)
Income Tax........................................................ 3.9(m)(iii)
Income Taxes...................................................... 3.9(m)(iii)
Indemnified Person(s)............................................. 6.7(a)
Intellectual Property............................................. 3.14(a)
IRS .............................................................. 3.11(a)
Leased Property................................................... 3.13(b)
Legacy............................................................ 1.8
Material Adverse Effect........................................... 3.1(b)
Material Company Consents......................................... 6.3(b)
Mergers........................................................... Recitals
Merger Consideration.............................................. 2.1(a)
Merger Subsidiary................................................. Preamble
Notice of Superior Proposal....................................... 5.3(b)
Non-employee Directors............................................ 2.4
Options........................................................... 2.4
Other Intellectual Property....................................... 3.14(a)
Outside Date...................................................... 8.1(d)
Parent............................................................ Preamble
Permitted Encumbrances............................................ 3.13(a)
Person............................................................ 2.3(d)
Proxy Statement................................................... 6.1(a)
Real Property..................................................... 3.13(a)
Record Date Stockholders.......................................... 2.1(e)
Registered Intellectual Property.................................. 3.14(a)
Regulatory Approvals.............................................. 3.6
SEC............................................................... 3.5(a)
SEC Documents..................................................... 3.5(a)


Term                                                               Location
- ----                                                               --------
Section 280G Waiver............................................... 7.2(f)
Securities Act.................................................... 3.5(a)
Shares............................................................ Recitals
Special Meeting................................................... 6.1(a)
Stock Plans....................................................... 2.4
Subsequently Accepted Takeover Proposal........................... 8.2(c)(ii)(A)
Subsidiary........................................................ 3.3
Superior Proposal................................................. 5.3(b)
Surviving Corporation............................................. 1.1
Takeover Proposal................................................. 5.2
Tax............................................................... 3.9(m)(i)
Tax Authority..................................................... 3.9(m)(i)
Taxable........................................................... 3.9(m)(i)
Taxes............................................................. 3.9(m)(i)
Tax Return........................................................ 3.9(m)(ii)
Termination Fee................................................... 8.2(c)(ii)
Treasury Regulations.............................................. 3.9(m)(v)
U.S. Court........................................................ 3.10
U.S. Government................................................... 3.15(g)(iii)
Voting Agreements................................................. Recitals
WARN Act.......................................................... 3.18(a)


                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

         AGREEMENT  AND PLAN OF MERGER  ("Agreement"),  dated as of October  21,
2003,  among  Vision  Technologies   Kinetics,   Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation
("Parent"),  VTK Merger  Subsidiary  Corporation,  an Alabama  corporation and a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Parent ("Merger Subsidiary"),  Miltope Group Inc., a
Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  and  Miltope  Corporation,  an Alabama
corporation  and a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the Company  (the "DSS  Cleared


         WHEREAS,  the  parties  contemplate  that,  at the  Effective  Time (as
defined below), (i) the Company will merge with and into the DSS Cleared Company
and (ii)  Merger  Subsidiary  will merge with and into the DSS  Cleared  Company
(collectively, the "Mergers");

         WHEREAS,  each of the board of  directors of the Company (the "Board of
Directors")  and the board of  directors  of the DSS Cleared  Company  (the "DSS
Cleared Company Board of Directors") has approved, and deems it advisable and in
the best  interests  of its  stockholders  and  shareholders,  respectively,  to
consummate,  the Mergers upon the terms and subject to the  conditions set forth

         WHEREAS, the board of directors of each of Parent and Merger Subsidiary
has  approved,  and  deems it  advisable  and in the best  interests  of  Merger
Subsidiary's shareholders to consummate,  the Mergers upon the terms and subject
to the conditions set forth herein;

         WHEREAS,  also in furtherance of the transactions  contemplated hereby,
each of the Board of Directors  and the DSS Cleared  Company  Board of Directors
has approved the Mergers in accordance  with the General  Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware (the "Delaware Law") and the Alabama Business  Corporation Act
(the  "Alabama  Law"),  respectively,  and upon the  terms  and  subject  to the
conditions set forth herein;

         WHEREAS,  also in furtherance of the transactions  contemplated hereby,
the board of directors of each of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary has approved the
Mergers in  accordance  with the Delaware Law and the Alabama Law upon the terms
and subject to the conditions set forth herein;

         WHEREAS,  the Board of Directors has determined that the  consideration
to be paid in the  Mergers for each share of the issued and  outstanding  common
stock,  $0.01 par value per share,  of the Company (the "Shares") is fair to the
holders of such shares and has resolved to recommend that its stockholders adopt
and approve this Agreement and the CVR Agreement (as defined below), the Mergers
and each of the transactions  contemplated  hereby upon the terms and subject to
the conditions set forth herein;

         WHEREAS,   as  a  condition  and  inducement  to  Parent's  and  Merger
Subsidiary's  entering into this  Agreement and  incurring the  obligations  set
forth herein, the Company's majority stockholder,  Great Universal Incorporated,
a Delaware  corporation  ("Great  Universal"),  who beneficially  owns 3,664,478
Shares,  concurrently herewith is entering into voting agreements


(collectively,  the  "Voting  Agreements"),  dated as of the date  hereof,  with
Parent,  in the  forms  attached  hereto  as Annex A,  pursuant  to which  Great
Universal  has  agreed,  among  other  things,  to vote the Shares held by Great
Universal in favor of the Mergers and the adoption of this  Agreement,  upon the
terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein;

         WHEREAS,  the  Company,  the DSS  Cleared  Company,  Parent  and  Great
Universal have entered into a Contingent  Value Rights Agreement dated as of the
date hereof (the "CVR Agreement")  pursuant to which the Company will issue CVRs
(as defined below) as part of the Merger Consideration (as defined below); and

         WHEREAS,  the  Company,  the DSS  Cleared  Company,  Parent  and Merger
Subsidiary  desire to make certain  representations,  warranties,  covenants and
agreements in connection with the Mergers.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing  and the  mutual
representations,  warranties,  covenants and  agreements  set forth herein,  the
receipt and  sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto
agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                                   THE MERGERS

         SECTION 1.1 THE MERGERS.  Upon the terms and subject to the  conditions
of this  Agreement and in accordance  with the Alabama Law and the Delaware Law,
at the Effective Time, the Mergers shall occur, the separate corporate existence
of the Company and Merger  Subsidiary  shall cease,  and the DSS Cleared Company
shall  continue as the  surviving  corporation  of the Mergers.  The DSS Cleared
Company as the surviving  corporation after the Mergers is sometimes referred to
hereinafter as the "SURVIVING CORPORATION."

         SECTION  1.2  EFFECTIVE  TIME.   Subject  to  the  provisions  of  this
Agreement,  the parties  hereto shall cause articles of merger (the "ARTICLES OF
MERGER")  and a  certificate  of merger  (the  "CERTIFICATE  OF  MERGER"),  each
relating to the Mergers and in customary form and substance,  to be executed and
filed on or before the Closing Date (as defined below) (or on such other date as
the Company, the DSS Cleared Company and Parent may agree) with the Secretary of
State of the State of Alabama and the Secretary of State of the State  Delaware,
respectively,  in such form as required by, and executed in accordance with, the
relevant  provisions of the Alabama Law or the Delaware Law, as applicable.  The
Mergers  shall  become  effective on the date on which the Articles of Merger is
duly  filed  with  the  Secretary  of  State of the  State  of  Alabama  and the
Certificate  of Merger is duly filed with the Secretary of State of the State of
Delaware,  or such time as is agreed upon by the parties  and  specified  in the
Articles of Merger or the Certificate of Merger, as applicable, and such time is
hereinafter referred to as the "EFFECTIVE TIME."

         SECTION 1.3 CLOSING.  Unless this Agreement  shall have been terminated
pursuant to Section 8.1 hereof and subject to the  satisfaction or waiver of all
conditions  set forth in Article  VII hereof,  the  closing of the Mergers  (the
"CLOSING")  shall take place at 10:00 a.m. on a date (the "CLOSING  DATE") to be
specified by the parties  hereto,  which shall be no later than the second (2nd)
business day after  satisfaction or waiver of all of the conditions set forth in
Article VII


hereof provided that all such  conditions  continue to be so satisfied or waived
on such second  (2nd)  business  day,  and if not so  satisfied  or waived,  the
Closing shall be automatically  extended from time to time until the first (1st)
subsequent  business day on which all such  conditions are again so satisfied or
waived,  subject,  however,  to Article VIII hereof,  at the offices of Latham &
Watkins LLP, 555 Eleventh  Street,  N.W.  Suite 1000,  Washington,  D.C.  20004,
unless another date or place is agreed to in writing by the parties hereto.

directors of Merger  Subsidiary  immediately  before the Effective Time shall be
the initial  directors  of the  Surviving  Corporation,  and the officers of the
Company  immediately  before the Effective Time shall be the initial officers of
the Surviving Corporation,  in each case until their successors are duly elected
or appointed and qualified or until the earlier of their death,  resignation  or
removal in accordance with the articles of incorporation  and the by-laws of the
Surviving  Corporation.  If, at the Effective Time, a vacancy shall exist on the
board of directors or in any office of the Surviving  Corporation,  such vacancy
may thereafter be filled in the manner provided by the Alabama Law.

         SECTION 1.5 EFFECT OF THE MERGERS. At the Effective Time, the effect of
the Mergers shall be as provided in this Agreement and the applicable provisions
of the Alabama Law and the Delaware Law.  Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, and subject thereto, at the Effective Time all the property,  rights,
privileges,  powers and franchises of the Company, Merger Subsidiary and the DSS
Cleared  Company  shall  vest  in the  Surviving  Corporation,  and  all  debts,
liabilities  and duties of the Company,  Merger  Subsidiary  and the DSS Cleared
Company  shall  become  the  debts,  liabilities  and  duties  of the  Surviving

         SECTION 1.6  SUBSEQUENT  ACTIONS.  If, at any time after the  Effective
Time,  the Surviving  Corporation  shall  consider or be advised that any deeds,
bills of sale,  assignments,  assurances  or any other  actions  or  things  are
necessary or desirable to vest, perfect or confirm of record or otherwise in the
Surviving  Corporation  its right,  title or interest in, to or under any of the
rights,  properties or assets of either of the Company, Merger Subsidiary or the
DSS Cleared Company acquired or to be acquired by the Surviving Corporation as a
result of, or in  connection  with,  the Mergers or  otherwise to carry out this
Agreement,  the officers and  directors of the  Surviving  Corporation  shall be
authorized  to  execute  and  deliver,  in the name and on behalf of either  the
Company,  Merger Subsidiary or the DSS Cleared Company, all such deeds, bills of
sale,  assignments  and assurances and to take and do, in the name and on behalf
of each of such corporations or otherwise,  all such other actions and things as
may be necessary  or  desirable  to vest,  perfect or confirm any and all right,
title and  interest in, to and under such  rights,  properties  or assets in the
Surviving Corporation or otherwise to carry out this Agreement.


         (a)    At the Effective Time, the articles of incorporation  of the DSS
Cleared Company attached hereto as ANNEX B, as in effect  immediately before the
Effective  Time,  shall  be the  articles  of  incorporation  of  the  Surviving
Corporation  until  thereafter  amended as  provided by the Alabama Law and such
articles of incorporation.


         (b)    At the Effective Time, the By-Laws of the DSS  Cleared  Company,
as in effect  immediately before the Effective Time, shall be the by-laws of the
Surviving  Corporation until thereafter  amended as provided by the Alabama Law,
the articles of incorporation of the Surviving Corporation and such by-laws.

Board of Directors and DSS Cleared Company Board of Directors hereby approves of
and consents to the Mergers and represents to Parent and Merger  Subsidiary that
each such  board of  directors,  at a meeting  duly  called and held on the date
hereof,  at which a  majority  of  directors  of each  board  was  present,  has
unanimously  (i)  determined  that this  Agreement and the CVR Agreement and the
transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby,  including the Mergers,  are fair
to, and in the best  interests  of, the Company and the DSS Cleared  Company and
their stockholders and shareholders, respectively, (ii) duly authorized, adopted
and approved  this  Agreement and the CVR Agreement and approved the Mergers and
the other transactions contemplated hereby, (iii) resolved to recommend that the
Company's  and  the  DSS  Cleared   Company's   stockholders  and  shareholders,
respectively,  authorize, adopt and approve this Agreement and the CVR Agreement
and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby,  including the Mergers;
PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that the Company's recommendation to its stockholders may be
withheld, withdrawn, amended or modified in accordance with the terms of Section
5.3(c) hereof and (iv) taken all other action necessary to render Section 203 of
the  Delaware Law  inapplicable  to the Mergers and the Voting  Agreements.  The
Company further represents, that, prior to the execution hereof, Legacy Partners
Group,  LLC  ("LEGACY")  has  delivered  to the Board of  Directors  its written
opinion,  dated the date hereof, that the Merger Consideration to be received by
the holders of Shares  pursuant to the Mergers is fair to such holders of Shares
from a financial point of view.

                                   ARTICLE II

                            CONVERSION OF SECURITIES

SECTION 2.1  CONVERSION OF SECURITIES.  At the Effective  Time, by virtue of the
Mergers  and  without  any action on the part of the  Company,  the DSS  Cleared
Company,  Parent,  Merger  Subsidiary,  or the  holder  of any of the  following

         (a)    Each   Share  issued  and  outstanding  immediately  before  the
Effective Time (other than any Shares to be canceled  pursuant to Section 2.1(b)
hereof and any Dissenting Shares (as defined in Section 2.2(a) hereof, if any)),
without any action on the part of the holder  thereof,  shall be converted  into
and solely  represent  the right to receive (i) an amount in cash equal to $5.78
per share,  without  interest (the "CASH  CONSIDERATION")  payable to the holder
thereof  upon  surrender  of  the  certificate  representing  such  Share  or an
Affidavit of Loss (as defined in Section 2.3(e)  hereof) in the manner  provided
in Section 2.3 hereof and (ii) one contingent  value right (a "CVR") which shall
represent the contingent  right to receive the CVR Payment Amount (as defined in
the CVR Agreement), if any. The Cash Consideration and the CVR to be received in
respect of each Share pursuant to this Section  2.1(a) are together  referred to
in this  Agreement  as the  "MERGER  CONSIDERATION".  All such  Shares,  when so
converted,  shall no longer be outstanding and shall  automatically  be canceled
and  retired  and  shall  cease to  exist,  and  each  holder  of a  certificate
representing  any  such  Shares  shall  cease to have any  rights  with  respect


thereto,  except the right to receive the Merger Consideration therefor upon the
surrender of such certificate or provision of an Affidavit of Loss in accordance
with Section 2.3 hereof, without interest.

         (b)    Each  Share  held  in the  treasury  of the  Company  or the DSS
Cleared Company and each Share owned by Parent,  Merger Subsidiary or any direct
or indirect wholly-owned  subsidiary of Parent or Merger Subsidiary  immediately
before the Effective Time shall be canceled and  extinguished  and no payment or
other consideration shall be made with respect thereto.

         (c)    Each share of common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of Merger
Subsidiary  issued and outstanding  immediately  before the Effective Time shall
thereafter  represent one validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable share of
common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of the Surviving  Corporation and shall
be the only issued and outstanding capital stock of the Surviving Corporation.

         (d)    Each share of common  stock,  par value $0.01 per share,  of the
DSS Cleared  Company,  issued and outstanding  immediately  before the Effective
Time,  without  any  action on the part of the  holder  thereof,  shall,  at the
Effective Time, no longer be outstanding and shall automatically be canceled and
extinguished  and no payment or other  consideration  shall be made with respect
thereto,  and each such  holder  thereof  shall  cease to have any  rights  with
respect thereto and shall receive no consideration in the Mergers.

         (e)    Under the terms of the CVR  Agreement,  the holders of record of
Shares immediately prior to the Effective Time (the "RECORD DATE  STOCKHOLDERS")
will be entitled to receive the CVR Payment  Amount,  if any, in connection with
the  settlement  or  judgment  of the claims and  counterclaims  in the  lawsuit
(Case No. 01 6545,  U.S.  District  Court for the Eastern  District of New York;
filed October 3, 2001). As set forth in the CVR Agreement,  the CVRs will not be
assignable  or  otherwise  transferable  in any manner by the  holders  thereof,
except by will, upon death or by operation of law.


         (a)    Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
any  Shares  held by a holder  who has  demanded  and  perfected  his demand for
appraisal of his Shares in  accordance  with Section 262 of the Delaware Law and
as of the Effective Time has neither effectively withdrawn nor lost his right to
such appraisal  ("DISSENTING SHARES") shall not be converted into or represent a
right to receive  cash  pursuant to Section 2.1 hereof,  but the holder  thereof
shall be entitled to only such rights as are granted by the Delaware Law.

         (b)    Notwithstanding  the provisions of Section 2.2(a) hereof, if any
holder of Shares who demands  appraisal  of his Shares  under the  Delaware  Law
shall effectively withdraw or lose (through failure to perfect or otherwise) his
right to  appraisal,  then as of the  Effective  Time or the  occurrence of such
event,  whichever  occurs later,  such holder's  Shares shall  automatically  be


converted into and represent only the right to receive the Merger  Consideration
as provided in Section 2.1(a) hereof,  without interest thereon,  upon surrender
of the certificate or certificates  representing  such Shares or provision of an
Affidavit of Loss pursuant to Section 2.3 hereof.

         (c)    The Company  shall (i) give Merger  Subsidiary  prompt notice of
any written  demands for appraisal,  withdrawals of such demands,  and any other
instruments  served  pursuant to Section 262 of the Delaware Law and received by
the Company,  and (ii) allow Merger  Subsidiary to direct all  negotiations  and
proceedings  with respect to demands for  appraisal  under the Delaware Law. The
Company shall not voluntarily  make any payment with respect to any such demands
for  appraisal and shall not,  except with the prior  written  consent of Merger
Subsidiary  or Parent,  which may be given or withheld in its sole and  absolute
discretion, settle or offer to settle any such demands.


         (a)    Before the Effective Time,  Merger  Subsidiary shall designate a
bank or trust  company  reasonably  acceptable  to the  Company to act as paying
agent for the  Company and agent for  holders of Shares in  connection  with the
Mergers (the  "EXCHANGE  AGENT") to receive and pay the funds  necessary to make
the payment of the Cash Consideration  contemplated by Section 2.l(a) hereof. At
the Effective Time, Merger  Subsidiary shall deposit,  or cause to be deposited,
in trust  with the  Exchange  Agent for the  benefit  of  holders  of Shares the
aggregate  Cash  Consideration  to which such  holders  shall be entitled at the
Effective Time pursuant to Section 2.1(a) hereof. The funds held by the Exchange
Agent  pursuant to this Section 2.3 shall not be used for any purpose other than
the payment of the Cash Consideration pursuant hereto.

         (b)    Each holder of a certificate or  certificates  representing  any
Shares canceled upon the Mergers,  which immediately prior to the Effective Time
represented  outstanding Shares (the "CERTIFICATES") whose Shares were converted
pursuant to Section 2.1(a) hereof may thereafter  surrender such  Certificate or
Certificates  to the Exchange  Agent,  as agent for such  holder,  to effect the
surrender of such  Certificate  or  Certificates  on such holder's  behalf for a
period ending six (6) months after the Effective Time.  Merger Subsidiary agrees
that promptly  after the Effective Time it shall cause the  distribution  to the
Record Date  Stockholders  as of the  Effective  Time of materials to facilitate
such  surrender  pursuant  to  Section  2.3(c)  hereof.  Upon the  surrender  of
Certificates,  the holder of such Certificates shall be entitled to receive,  in
exchange  therefore,  (i) cash in an  amount  equal  to the  Cash  Consideration
multiplied by the number of Shares represented by such Certificates and (ii) the
number of CVRs into which such  Shares have been  converted  pursuant to Section
2.1(a).  Until  so  surrendered,   each  Certificate  (other  than  Certificates
representing  Dissenting  Shares and  Certificates  representing  Shares held by
Merger  Subsidiary or Parent or in the treasury of the Company) shall  represent
solely the right to receive the aggregate Merger Consideration relating thereto.

         (c)    Promptly after the Effective Time, the Exchange Agent shall send
to each  holder  of  record,  as of the  Effective  Time,  of a  Certificate  or
Certificates  theretofore  evidencing Shares,  other than Certificates  formerly
representing  Shares to be canceled  pursuant to Section 2.1(b) hereof, a letter
of transmittal (which shall specify that delivery shall be effected, and risk of
loss and  title to the  Certificates  shall  pass,  only  upon  delivery  of the
Certificates to the Exchange Agent) and instructions advising such holder of the
procedure for surrendering to the Exchange


Agent such  Certificates  for exchange into the Merger  Consideration.  Upon the
surrender of a Certificate to the Exchange Agent together with and in accordance
with such  transmittal  form duly  executed and any other  documents  reasonably
required  by  such  instructions  (including,  without  limitation,  a  properly
completed  Internal  Revenue  Service  Form  W-9  or  suitable  substitute  form
establishing as exemption from backup withholding),  the holder thereof shall be
entitled  to receive  promptly  in exchange  therefor  the Merger  Consideration
deliverable  in respect  of each Share  formerly  represented  thereby  and such
Certificate shall forthwith be canceled. Upon such surrender, the Exchange Agent
promptly will deliver the Merger  Consideration.  No interest or dividends shall
be paid or accrue on the Merger Consideration.

         (d)    If  delivery  of the  Merger  Consideration  is to be made to an
individual,  general  partnership,  limited  partnership,  corporation,  limited
liability  company or any other legal entity  (each a "PERSON"),  other than the
Person in whose name a surrendered  Certificate or instrument is registered,  it
shall be a condition to such  delivery  that the  Certificate  or  instrument so
surrendered  shall be properly endorsed or shall be otherwise in proper form for
transfer and that the Person  requesting such delivery in a name other than that
of the registered holder of the Certificate or instrument  surrendered shall pay
to the  Exchange  Agent any  transfer  or other  taxes  payable by reason of the
foregoing or establish to the satisfaction of Merger  Subsidiary or the Exchange
Agent that such taxes either have been paid or are not applicable.

         (e)    In the event any  Certificate  shall have been  lost,  stolen or
destroyed,  upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the Person  claiming
such Certificate to be lost,  stolen or destroyed  ("AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS") and the
delivery of an indemnity  bond in form and substance and with surety  reasonably
satisfactory  to the  Surviving  Corporation,  the  Surviving  Corporation  will
deliver or cause to be delivered in exchange for such lost,  stolen or destroyed
Certificate  the  Merger   Consideration   deliverable  in  respect  thereof  as
determined in accordance with this Article II and without any interest thereon.

         (f)    At the Effective  Time,  the stock transfer books of the Company
shall be closed and there shall not be any further  registration of transfers of
Shares or any shares of capital stock  thereafter on the records of the Company.
If, after the  Effective  Time,  Certificates  are  presented  to the  Surviving
Corporation,  they shall be canceled and exchanged for Merger  Consideration  as
provided in this  Article II. No  interest  shall  accrue or be paid on the Cash
Consideration  or CVRs  deliverable  upon  the  surrender  of a  Certificate  or
Certificates which immediately before the Effective Time represented outstanding

         (g)    Promptly  following  the date which is six (6) months  after the
Effective  Time,  the  Surviving  Corporation  shall be  entitled to require the
Exchange Agent to deliver to it any cash  (including any interest  received with
respect thereto), Certificates and other documents in its possession relating to
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  which had been made  available  to the
Exchange Agent and which have not been disbursed to holders of Certificates, and
thereafter  such holders shall be entitled to look to the Surviving  Corporation
(subject to  abandoned  property,  escheat or similar  laws) with respect to the
Merger  Consideration  deliverable  upon due  surrender  of their  Certificates,
without  any  interest  thereon.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  neither  the
Surviving  Corporation nor the Exchange Agent shall be liable to any holder of a
Certificate for Merger Consideration  delivered to a public official pursuant to
any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.


         (h)    The Cash  Consideration  paid in the Mergers shall be net to the
holder of Shares in cash,  subject to reduction only for any applicable  federal
back-up  withholding  or, as set forth in Section  2.3(d),  stock transfer taxes
payable by such  holder.  The CVR  Payment  Amount,  if any,  paid under the CVR
Agreement  shall be net to the holder of CVRs in cash,  subject to adjustment as
set forth in the CVR Agreement and reduction for any applicable  federal back-up

         SECTION 2.4 STOCK  PLANS.  Prior to the  Effective  Time,  the Board of
Directors  shall  adopt  appropriate  resolutions  and  take all  other  actions
necessary and  appropriate to provide that,  immediately  prior to the Effective
Time,  each then  outstanding  option to purchase  Shares (an "OPTION")  granted
under any stock option plans or  agreements of the Company (all of which are set
forth on Section 3.2 of the Company  Letter,  collectively,  the "STOCK PLANS"),
will be  exercisable  in full and,  to the  extent not so  exercised  or validly
canceled, be forfeited as of the Effective Time. The Board of Directors may take
such action as may be  necessary  or desirable to permit any holder of an Option
to, in lieu of exercise, elect to have the Option canceled (a "CANCELED OPTION")
at the Effective Time and to receive,  in exchange and full settlement  therefor
and in consideration  of the cancellation of such Option,  (i) a payment in cash
(subject  to any  applicable  withholding  tax) equal to the  product of (x) the
excess, if any, of the Cash  Consideration  over the per Share exercise price of
such Option,  and (y) the number of Shares  subject to such Option and (ii) only
if cash is paid pursuant to clause (i) above,  one CVR for each Share subject to
such Option (together, the "OPTION CONSIDERATION"). Any such election to receive
the Option Consideration will be conditioned upon the Option holder providing to
the Company prior to the Effective Time a consent to cancellation and release in
such form as is  approved by Parent.  From and after the  Effective  Time,  such
Canceled  Options shall no longer be exercisable  by the former holder  thereof,
but shall only entitle such holder to the delivery of the Option  Consideration.
At, or as soon as practicable  after, the Effective Time,  Parent shall or shall
cause the  Surviving  Corporation  to provide  each holder of a Canceled  Option
which is validly  canceled  pursuant to this  Section  2.4 with a lump-sum  cash
payment equal to the Cash  Consideration  payable to such holder hereunder.  The
holders  of  Options  which  are "out of the  money"  (I.E.,  having a per Share
exercise  price  equal to or in  excess  of the Cash  Consideration)  shall  not
receive any  consideration  with respect to the forfeiture of such Options as of
the  Effective  Time.  Prior to the  Effective  Time,  the Company shall use its
reasonable  best  efforts to ensure  that  holders of Options  that are  neither
exercised nor canceled will have no rights with respect to the Options.

                                  ARTICLE III


         The Company  represents and warrants to Parent and Merger Subsidiary as
set forth in this  Article  III,  except to the extent  provided in that certain
letter delivered by the Company to Parent and Merger  Subsidiary dated as of the
date hereof (the "COMPANY LETTER"), as follows:


         (a)    Each of the Company and the DSS Cleared Company is a corporation
duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the
States of Delaware  and Alabama,  respectively.  Each of the Company and the DSS
Cleared  Company  has  all  requisite


corporate power and authority and all necessary  governmental approvals to carry
on its business as it is now being  conducted and to own,  lease and operate its

         (b)    Each  of the  Company  and  the  DSS  Cleared  Company  is  duly
qualified or licensed to do business as a foreign  corporation  in good standing
in every jurisdiction where the character of its properties, owned or leased, or
the nature of its activities make such  qualification,  license or good standing
necessary,  except  where the  failure to be so  qualified,  licensed or in good
standing  would not  reasonably  be  expected  to have,  individually  or in the
aggregate,  a Material Adverse Effect on the Company. As used in this Agreement,
"MATERIAL  ADVERSE EFFECT" means any material adverse change in or effect on the
business,  operations,  properties (including intangible properties),  financial
condition,  results of  operations,  assets,  liabilities  or  prospects  of the
Company and its Subsidiaries (as defined below) taken as a whole,  excluding any
such  changes  or  effects  directly  resulting  from  any  one or  more  of the
following:  (1) material  adverse  changes in the U.S.  financial or  securities
markets or the U.S.  economy in general,  (2)  material  adverse  changes in the
defense  industry  in general,  to the extent  that the  effects  thereof do not
disproportionately  impact the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  or (3) any
knowingly  competitive  action taken with respect to the Company's U.S. business
or operations by Parent or Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. or any of its
control  subsidiaries,  other  than  actions  or  inactions  by Parent or Merger
Subsidiary  which are  contemplated or permitted by this Agreement or any of the
Ancillary Agreements.

         (c)    The Company has  heretofore  delivered  to Parent  complete  and
correct copies of the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws,  each
as amended and in effect on the date hereof.  The Company is not in violation of
any of the provisions of its Certificate of Incorporation  or By-Laws.  Complete
and correct  copies of all minute books of the Company since 1995 have been made
available by the Company to Parent.

         SECTION 3.2 CAPITALIZATION. The authorized capital stock of the Company
consists of 20,000,000  shares of common  stock,  par value $0.01 per share (the
"COMMON  STOCK").  As of the date hereof,  (i) 5,962,623  Shares were issued and
outstanding,  (ii)  848,489  shares were issued and held in the  treasury of the
Company,  and (iii) a total of 532,336  Shares were reserved under the Company's
Stock  Plans in respect of  outstanding  and future  awards.  Section 3.2 of the
Company Letter sets forth a true,  accurate and complete list of all outstanding
Options  and the  exercise  prices  and  vesting  schedules  thereof.  Except as
disclosed in Section 3.2 of the Company  Letter,  all  outstanding  Options were
granted pursuant to the Company's 1995 Stock Option and Performance  Award Plan.
All the  outstanding  shares of the Company's  capital stock are, and all Shares
which may be issued  pursuant to the  exercise of  outstanding  Options will be,
when issued in  accordance  with the terms  thereof,  duly  authorized,  validly
issued,  fully paid,  non-assessable  and free of preemptive  rights.  Except as
disclosed  in this  Section  3.2 or as set forth in Section  3.2 of the  Company
Letter,  (w) there are no shares of  capital  stock of the  Company  authorized,
issued or  outstanding,  the Common  Stock is the only  class of  capital  stock
outstanding and no other series or classes of capital stock has been authorized,
(x)  there  are  no  existing  options,   warrants,  calls,  preemptive  rights,
subscriptions  or other rights,  agreements,  arrangements or commitments of any
character,  relating to the issued or unissued  capital  stock of the Company or
any  Subsidiary  obligating  the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  to issue,
transfer  or sell or cause to be  issued,  transferred  or sold  any  shares  of
capital  stock or other  equity  interest  in the Company or any  Subsidiary  or
securities  convertible or exchangeable  for


such  shares  or  equity  interests  or  obligating  the  Company  or any of its
Subsidiaries  to grant,  extend or enter into any such  option,  warrant,  call,
subscription or other right, agreement, arrangement or commitment, (y) there are
no bonds, debentures,  notes or other securities having the right to vote on any
matters on which shareholders of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries may vote
issued or outstanding and (z) there are no outstanding  contractual  obligations
of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  to  repurchase,  redeem or otherwise
acquire any Shares,  or the capital stock of the Company or of any Subsidiary of
the Company. Except as disclosed in Section 3.2 of the Company Letter, there are
no  voting  trusts  or other  agreements  to  which  the  Company  or any of its
Subsidiaries  is a party with respect to the voting of the capital  stock of the
Company or any Subsidiary (including, without limitation, agreements restricting
the transfer of,  affecting  the voting  rights of,  requiring  the  repurchase,
redemption  or  disposition  of, or  containing  any right of first refusal with
respect to,  requiring the  registration for sale of, or granting any preemptive
or anti-dilutive  right with respect to, any shares of capital stock of or other
equity  interests  in the  Company  or any  Subsidiary).  Except as set forth on
Section 3.2 of the Company Letter,  there are no outstanding or authorized stock
appreciation,  phantom stock, profit participation, or other similar rights with
respect to the Company.

         SECTION 3.3 SUBSIDIARIES.  Section 3.3 of the Company Letter contains a
complete  and  accurate  list  of  each  of  the  Company's  Subsidiaries,   the
jurisdiction of incorporation of each such Subsidiary,  and the Company's equity
interest  therein.  Each  Subsidiary of the Company is duly  organized,  validly
existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  its   jurisdiction   of
incorporation  and has the  corporate  power  and  authority  and all  necessary
governmental approvals to own, lease and operate its properties and carry on its
business as it is now being  conducted.  Each  Subsidiary  is duly  qualified or
licensed to do business, and is in good standing, in each jurisdiction where the
character  of its  properties  owned or leased or the  nature of its  activities
makes such qualification, licensing or good standing necessary, except where the
failure to be so qualified, licensed or in good standing would not reasonably be
expected to have,  individually or in the aggregate,  a Material Adverse Effect.
Except as set forth on Section 3.3 of the Company Letter, each outstanding share
of capital stock of each Subsidiary is duly  authorized,  validly issued,  fully
paid,  non-assessable  and free of preemptive rights and is owned,  beneficially
and of  record,  by the  Company  or  another  Subsidiary  free and clear of all
security interests,  liens, claims,  pledges,  options, rights of first refusal,
agreements,  limitations  on the Company's or any  Subsidiary's  voting  rights,
charges or other encumbrances of any nature  whatsoever.  Except as disclosed in
Section 3.3 of the Company  Letter,  (i) there are no shares of capital stock of
any Subsidiary  authorized,  issued or  outstanding,  (ii) there are no existing
options,  warrants,  calls,  preemptive  rights,  subscriptions or other rights,
agreements, arrangements or commitments of any character, relating to the issued
or unissued  capital stock of any Subsidiary  obligating any of its Subsidiaries
to issue, transfer or sell or cause to be issued, transferred or sold any shares
of  capital  stock  or other  equity  interest  in a  Subsidiary  or  securities
convertible or  exchangeable  for such shares or equity  interests or obligating
any Subsidiary to grant,  extend or enter into any such option,  warrant,  call,
subscription or other right, agreement,  arrangement or commitment,  (iii) there
are no bonds, debentures,  notes or other securities having the right to vote on
any matters on which shareholders of a Subsidiary may vote issued or outstanding
and (iv) there are no outstanding  contractual  obligations of any Subsidiary to
repurchase,  redeem or  otherwise  acquire  any shares of  capital  stock of any
Subsidiary.  There are no outstanding  contractual obligations of the Company or
any  Subsidiary  to provide funds to, or make any  investment  (in the form of a
loan, capital contribution or otherwise) in, any Subsidiary


or any other person, other than guarantees by the Company of any indebtedness or
other obligations of a wholly-owned  Subsidiary.  Except as set forth on Section
3.3 of the Company Letter,  none of the Company or any of the Subsidiaries holds
shares of capital stock or other equity interests in any other person. Except as
disclosed in Section 3.3 of the Company  Letter,  there are no voting  trusts or
other  agreements to which any  Subsidiary is a party with respect to the voting
of any capital stock or other equity  interests in any other person  (including,
without limitation, agreements restricting the transfer of, affecting the voting
rights of, requiring the repurchase, redemption or disposition of, or containing
any right of first refusal with respect to,  requiring the registration for sale
of, or granting  any  preemptive  or  anti-dilutive  right with  respect to, any
shares of capital  stock or other  equity  interests in any other  person).  The
Company has heretofore  delivered to Parent  complete and correct copies of each
Subsidiary's  Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws (and any other comparable
constituent  documents),  each as amended and in effect on the date hereof. Each
Subsidiary is not in violation of any of the  provisions of its  Certificate  of
Incorporation  or  By-Laws  (and any other  comparable  constituent  documents).
Complete  and correct  copies of all minute books of each  Subsidiary  have been
made  available by the Company to Parent.  Except as set forth on Section 3.3 of
the Company Letter,  there are no outstanding or authorized stock  appreciation,
phantom stock, profit participation, or other similar rights with respect to any
Subsidiary. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "SUBSIDIARY" shall mean any
corporation  or other  entity a majority of whose  outstanding  voting  stock or
ownership  interests  ordinarily entitled to vote for the election of a majority
of the Board of  Directors  or other  governing  body is directly or  indirectly
owned by the Company or one or more other Subsidiaries.


         (a)    Each  of the  Company  and  the  DSS  Cleared  Company  has  all
requisite  corporate  power to execute and deliver this  Agreement and all other
documents  and  instruments  to be executed and  delivered  by it in  connection
herewith,  including  without  limitation  the  Voting  Agreements  and  the CVR
Agreement (each, an "ANCILLARY  AGREEMENT") and, subject to the adoption of this
Agreement by the  stockholders  of the Company,  to consummate the  transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby. The execution, delivery and performance by each
of the Company and the DSS Cleared  Company of this  Agreement and all Ancillary
Agreements  to  which  it  is a  party,  and  the  consummation  by  it  of  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  thereby,  have  been  duly and  validly
authorized by its board of directors and no other  corporate  action on the part
of the  Company  or the DSS  Cleared  Company  is  necessary  to  authorize  the
execution  and  delivery  by the  Company  and the DSS  Cleared  Company of this
Agreement  and  all  Ancillary  Agreements  to  which  it  is a  party  and  the
consummation by it of the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby,  except
the  adoption and approval of this  Agreement  and the Mergers by the  Company's
stockholders  as  contemplated  by Section 6.1 hereof.  This  Agreement and each
Ancillary  Agreement  to which it is a party  constitutes  a valid  and  legally
binding agreement of each of the Company and the DSS Cleared Company enforceable
in accordance with its terms.

         (b)    Each of the Company  and the DSS  Cleared  Company has taken all
necessary  and  appropriate   actions  so  that  the  restrictions  on  business
combinations  contained  in Section 203 of the  Delaware Law will not apply with
respect to or as a result of this Agreement,  the Voting Agreements or any other
Ancillary  Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and


thereby,  including the Mergers,  without any further  action on the part of the
stockholders or the board of directors of either company.  Complete and accurate
copies of all of the board of directors resolutions reflecting such actions have
been previously  provided to Parent.  No other state takeover statute or similar
statute or  regulation  applies or purports to apply to the Mergers or any other
transaction  contemplated by this Agreement,  the Voting Agreements or any other
Ancillary Agreement.


         (a)    Except as disclosed in Section 3.5(a) of the Company Letter, the
Company  has timely  filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the
"SEC"), and heretofore has made available to Parent, true and complete copies of
all reports,  schedules, forms, statements and other documents required to be so
filed by it from January 1, 2000  through the date hereof  under the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "EXCHANGE  Act"), or the Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the  "SECURITIES  ACT"),  including (i) the annual  reports on
Form 10-K for all fiscal  years ended  during such  period,  (ii) the  quarterly
reports on Form 10-Q required for all fiscal  quarters  during such period,  and
(iii) its proxy or  information  statements  relating to meetings of, or actions
taken  without a meeting by, the  stockholders  of the Company  held during such
period (the "SEC DOCUMENTS").

         (b)    As of its respective date, or if amended,  as of the date of the
last such  amendment,  each SEC Document,  including,  without  limitation,  any
financial  statements  or  schedules  included  therein  (i) did not contain any
untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to
be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light
of the circumstances  under which they were made, not misleading and (ii) except
as disclosed in Section 3.5(b) of the Company  Letter,  complied in all material
respects with the applicable requirements of the Exchange Act and the Securities
Act, as the case may be, and the applicable rules and regulations promulgated by
the SEC  thereunder.  None  of the  Company's  Subsidiaries  has  any  class  of
securities   registered   under,  or  is  subject  to  the  periodic   reporting
requirements of, the Exchange Act.

         (c)    The Company maintains a system of accounting controls sufficient
to  provide  reasonable   assurances  that  (i)  transactions  are  executed  in
accordance   with   management's   general  or  specific   authorization;   (ii)
transactions  are  recorded as  necessary  to permit  preparation  of  financial
statements  in  conformity   with  GAAP  (as  defined  below)  and  to  maintain
accountability  for  assets;  (iii)  access  to  assets  is  permitted  only  in
accordance with  management's  general or specific  authorization;  and (iv) the
recorded   accountability  for  assets  is  compared  with  existing  assets  at
reasonable  intervals  and  appropriate  action  is taken  with  respect  to any

         (d)    The Company is neither engaged in any transactions with, nor has
any obligations to, any unconsolidated  entities that are contractually  limited
to activities  that  facilitate  the Company's  transfer of or access to assets,
including,  without limitation,  structured finance entities and special purpose
entities, or otherwise engage in, or have any obligations under, any off-balance
sheet transactions or arrangements.


         (e)    The Company is not engaged in any trading  activities  involving
commodity contracts or other trading contracts which are not currently traded on
a securities  or  commodities  exchange and for which the market value cannot be

         (f)    The Proxy  Statement (as defined  below) and any other  filings,
and any  amendments or supplements  thereto,  when filed by the Company with the
SEC,  or  when   distributed   or  otherwise   disseminated   to  the  Company's
stockholders,  as  applicable,  will comply as to form in all material  respects
with the applicable  requirements of the Exchange Act. The Proxy  Statement,  as
supplemented or amended, if applicable,  at the time such Proxy Statement or any
amendment or supplement  thereto is first mailed to the  Company's  stockholders
and at the  time  such  stockholders  vote  on  adoption  and  approval  of this
Agreement  and the  Mergers  at the  Special  Meeting,  and any other SEC filing
(other than the Proxy Statement) or any amendment or supplement  thereto, at the
time of the filing and at the time of any distribution or dissemination thereof,
in each case,  will not contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or omit
to state  any  material  fact  necessary  in order to make the  statements  made
therein,  in the light of the  circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not
misleading.  The representations and warranties contained in this Section 3.5(f)
will not apply to statements or omissions included in the Proxy Statement or any
other SEC filings based upon information  furnished in writing to the Company by
Parent or Merger Subsidiary specifically for use therein.

         (g)    The Company  has  previously  provided to Parent a complete  and
correct copy of any amendment or modification  which has not yet been filed with
the SEC to any agreement, document or other instrument which previously had been
filed by the Company with the SEC pursuant to the Securities Act or the Exchange

         (h)    Except as set forth in the SEC Documents,  since the date of the
Company's last proxy or information  statement  filed with the SEC, no event has
occurred  that would be required to be reported by the Company  pursuant to Item
404 of Regulation S-K promulgated by the SEC.

         SECTION 3.6 NO  CONFLICTS.  Except as  disclosed  in Section 3.6 of the
Company Letter and for filings, permits, authorizations,  consents and approvals
as  may  be  required  under  the  Exchange  Act,  the  execution,  delivery  or
performance  of this  Agreement  and  the  Ancillary  Agreements  by each of the
Company and the DSS Cleared Company, the consummation by each of the Company and
the DSS Cleared Company of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby or
compliance  by each of the Company and the DSS Cleared  Company  with any of the
provisions hereof and thereof will not (i) conflict with or result in any breach
of any provision of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  the By-Laws or similar
organizational documents of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, (ii) require
on the part of either  the  Company  or the DSS  Cleared  Company  any filing or
notice with, or any permit,  authorization,  consent,  certification,  waiver or
approval from, any international,  national,  foreign,  federal,  state or local
judicial, legislative, executive, administrative or regulatory body or authority
(a "GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY") including, without limitation, in relation to U.S. and
non-U.S.  security  matters  and the HSR Act (as defined  below)  (collectively,
"REGULATORY APPROVALS"),  (iii) require any consent or approval under, result in
a violation or breach of, or  constitute a change of control or (with or without
due notice or lapse of time or both) a default (or give rise to (x) any right of
termination,  vesting, amendment, cancellation or acceleration or to receive any
other or additional payments,  (y) the creation of any lien or other encumbrance
on any property or asset of the Company or any


Subsidiary or (z) the loss of any benefit) under,  any of the terms,  conditions
or provisions of any note, bond, mortgage,  indenture,  lease, license,  permit,
contract  (including,  without  limitation any  Government  Contract (as defined
below))  agreement or other instrument or obligation to which the Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  is a  party  or by  which  any  of  them  or any of  their
properties  or assets is bound (the "COMPANY  AGREEMENTS"),  or (iv) violate any
order, writ, injunction,  decree,  statute, rule or regulation applicable to the
Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their properties or assets, except in
the case of clauses  (ii),  (iii) and (iv) for any matter  otherwise  covered by
such clauses which would not reasonably be expected to have,  individually or in
the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.


         (a)    The  consolidated  financial  statements  included  in  the  SEC
Documents (the "FINANCIAL STATEMENTS") fairly present, in all material respects,
the consolidated  financial position and the consolidated  results of operations
and cash flows (and  changes in financial  position,  if any) of the Company and
its  consolidated  Subsidiaries as of the times and for the periods  referred to
therein, subject, in the case of unaudited, interim financial statements, to the
lack of footnotes and normal year-end  adjustments and to any other  adjustments
or exceptions  described therein, all in accordance with United States generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") applied on a consistent basis throughout
the  periods  involved  (except  as may be  indicated  therein  or in the  notes
thereto).  The books and records of the Company and each  Subsidiary  have been,
and are being,  maintained in accordance  with  applicable  legal and accounting

         (b)    Except  as and to  the  extent  set  forth  on the  consolidated
balance sheet of the Company and its  consolidated  Subsidiaries  as of December
31, 2002 included in the SEC Documents, including the notes thereto, none of the
Company or any consolidated Subsidiary has any liabilities or obligations of any
nature  (whether  accrued,  absolute,  contingent  or  otherwise)  that would be
required to be  reflected  on a balance  sheet or in notes  thereto  prepared in
accordance  with GAAP applied on a consistent  basis,  except for liabilities or
obligations  incurred in the ordinary course of business since December 31, 2002
that would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate,
a Material Adverse Effect.

         SECTION 3.8 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS.  Except to the extent
disclosed  in Section 3.8 of the Company  Letter or in the SEC  Documents  filed
prior  to the  date  hereof,  since  December  31,  2002,  the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries  have conducted their businesses in the ordinary course  consistent
with past  practice  and,  since such date,  there has not been (i) any Material
Adverse Effect or any event or development  that would,  individually  or in the
aggregate,  reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse Effect,  (ii) any
event or development that would, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be
expected to prevent or materially delay the performance of this Agreement or any
Ancillary  Agreement by the Company, or (iii) any action taken by the Company or
any Subsidiary,  or any other occurrence,  that, if taken or occurred during the
period  from  the date of this  Agreement  through  the  Effective  Time,  would
constitute a breach of Section 5.1.



         (a)    Each of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  has timely  filed all
federal  income and all other  material Tax Returns (as defined  below) that are
required to be filed by or with respect to the Company and its Subsidiaries. All
such Tax Returns were complete and accurate in all material respects.  Except as
disclosed in Section 3.9 of the Company Letter, the Company and its Subsidiaries
are not the beneficiaries of any extension of time within which to file any such
Tax Returns.  The Company has delivered or made  available to Parent correct and
complete  copies of all federal  Income Tax Returns and all other  material  Tax
Returns and all material examination reports,  ruling requests and statements of
deficiencies  assessed  against  or  agreed  to by  the  Company  or  any of its

         (b)    Each of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  has timely paid all
Taxes (as defined below) due and owing,  whether or not shown on any Tax Returns
(except  for  Taxes  that are  being  contested  in good  faith  by  appropriate
proceedings)  or for which  reserves,  which are adequate under GAAP,  have been

         (c)    Except as  disclosed  in Section  3.9(c) of the Company  Letter,
each of the Company and its Subsidiaries  has complied in all material  respects
with all applicable laws,  rules and regulations  relating to the withholding of
Taxes and has timely  withheld  and paid to the proper  Governmental  Entity all
amounts  required to have been withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid
or owing to any employee, independent contractor, creditor or stockholder.

         (d)    Except as disclosed in Section 3.9(d) of the Company Letter, (i)
no audits or other  administrative  or court  proceedings are presently  pending
with regard to any Taxes for which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries  could
be liable,  (ii) no dispute or claim  concerning any Taxes for which the Company
or any of its Subsidiaries could be liable has been claimed or raised by any Tax
Authority in writing to the Company, and (iii) no claim has been made in writing
to the  Company by any  authority  in a  jurisdiction  where the Company and its
Subsidiaries do not file Tax Returns that the Company or any such Subsidiary is,
or may be, subject to taxation by that jurisdiction.

         (e)    The unpaid  Taxes of the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  (i) did
not, as of the balance  sheet date of December 31, 2002,  exceed the reserve for
Tax liability  (excluding any reserve for deferred Taxes  established to reflect
timing  differences  between  book and Tax  income) set forth on the face of the
balance  sheet  contained  in  the  year  ending  December  31,  2002  financial
statements (rather than any notes thereto) and (ii) will not exceed that reserve
as  adjusted  for  operations  and  transactions  through  the  Closing  Date in
accordance with the past custom and practice of the Company and its Subsidiaries
in filing their Tax Returns.

         (f)    There  are no  Encumbrances  for  Taxes,  other  than  Permitted
Encumbrances  (as  defined  below),  on any of the assets of the  Company or its

         (g)    None of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries has (i) consented
at any time under Section  341(f)(1) of the Code (as defined  below) to have the
provisions of Section  341(f)(2) of the Code apply to any  disposition of any of
their assets; (ii) agreed, or is required,  to make any adjustment under Section
481(a)  of the Code by reason of a change  in  accounting  method or  otherwise;
(iii) made an election,  or is required,  to treat any of its assets as owned by
another  Person  pursuant to the provisions of former Section 168(f) of the Code
or as tax-exempt


bond financed  property or tax-exempt use property within the meaning of Section
168 of the Code;  (iv)  acquired  and does not own any assets  that  directly or
indirectly  secure any debt the  interest on which is tax exempt  under  Section
103(a) of the Code; (v) made and will not make a consent dividend election under
Section  565 of the Code;  or (vi)  made any of the  foregoing  elections  or is
required to apply any of the foregoing rules under any comparable state or local
Tax provision.

         (h)    There are no  Tax-sharing  agreements  or  similar  arrangements
(including Tax indemnity  arrangements) with respect to or involving the Company
or its Subsidiaries.

         (i)    Except as set forth in  Section  3.9(i) of the  Company  Letter,
neither the Company nor its  Subsidiaries has any liability for the Taxes of any
Person  (other than Taxes of the  Company or its  Subsidiaries)  under  Treasury
Regulations  (as defined  below) Section  1.1502-6 (or any similar  provision of
state,  local,  or foreign law),  as a transferee  or successor,  by contract or

         (j)    Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries  (while any such
Subsidiary was part of the Company's consolidated tax group) has distributed the
stock of any corporation in a transaction satisfying the requirements of Section
355 of the Code since April 16,  1997,  and neither the stock of the Company nor
the  stock of any of its  Subsidiaries  has been  distributed  in a  transaction
satisfying the requirements of Section 355 of the Code since April 16, 1997.

         (k)    There is no contract,  agreement,  plan or arrangement  covering
any  employee  or former  employee  of the  Company or any ERISA  Affiliate  (as
defined below) that,  individually or collectively,  provides for the payment by
the Company of any amount that is not deductible under Section  162(a)(1) or 404
of the Code.

         (l)    None of the Company and its Subsidiaries has been a United State
real property holding corporation within the meaning of Section 897(c)(2) of the
Code during the applicable period specified in Section  897(c)(1)(A)(ii)  of the

         (m)    For purposes of this Agreement:

                (i)  "TAX"  (including,  with  correlative  meaning,  the  terms
         "TAXES" and "TAXABLE")  means (x) any net income,  gross income,  gross
         receipts, sales, use, ad valorem, transfer,  transfer gains, franchise,
         profits, license, withholding, payroll, employment, social security (or
         similar),  unemployment,  excise,  or real or  personal  property  tax,
         together  with  any  interest  and  any  penalty,  addition  to  tax or
         additional  amount  or  deductions  imposed  by any  governmental  body
         (domestic  or  foreign)  (a  "TAX   AUTHORITY")   responsible  for  the
         imposition  of any such tax,  whether  disputed or not,  including  any
         liability arising under any tax sharing agreement,  with respect to the
         Company or any of its  Subsidiaries;  (y) any liability for the payment
         of any amount of the type described


         in the immediately  preceding  clause (x) as a result of the Company or
         any of its  Subsidiaries  being a member of an  affiliated  or combined
         group with any other corporation at any time on or prior to the Closing
         Date;  and (z) any liability of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries
         for the payment of any amounts of the type described in the immediately
         preceding  clause  (x)  as a  result  of a  contractual  obligation  to
         indemnify any other person.

                (ii) "TAX RETURN" means any return,  declaration,  report, claim
         for  refund,  or  information  return or  statement  relating to Taxes,
         including  any  schedule  or  attachment  thereto,  and  including  any
         amendment thereof.

                (iii) "INCOME TAX" or "INCOME  TAXES" shall mean all Taxes which
         are based on or measured by income.

                (iv) "CODE"  shall mean the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as

                (v) "TREASURY  REGULATIONS" shall mean the Treasury  Regulations
         promulgated under the Code.

         SECTION 3.10 LITIGATION. Except as set forth in the SEC Documents or as
disclosed in Section 3.10 of the Company  Letter,  there is (i) no suit,  claim,
action  or  proceeding  pending,  (ii)  to  the  knowledge  of the  Company,  no
investigation pending, or (iii) to the knowledge of the Company, no suit, claim,
action, proceeding or investigation threatened, in each case against the Company
or any of its  Subsidiaries  or for  which  the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  is
obligated to indemnify a third party,  including  but not limited to any suit or
action  involving a products  liability claim, at law or in equity or before any
United States federal or state court of competent jurisdiction (a "U.S. COURT"),
United  States  federal,  state  or  local  administrative  body or  arbitration
tribunal,   or  any   foreign  or  other   court  of   competent   jurisdiction,
administrative body or arbitration  tribunal,  which (x) if determined adversely
to the  Company  or its  Subsidiaries  would  reasonably  be  expected  to have,
individually  or in the aggregate,  a Material  Adverse Effect or (y) challenges
the validity or propriety,  or seeks to prevent or materially delay consummation
of the Mergers or any transaction  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  the Voting
Agreements or any other Ancillary  Agreement or otherwise  prevent or materially
delay  performance  by  the  Company  of its  material  obligations  under  this
Agreement, the Voting Agreements or any other Ancillary Agreement.


         (a)    Section  3.11(a)  of the  Company  Letter  sets forth a true and
complete list of all "employee benefit plans," as defined in Section 3(3) of the
Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"),  and all
other  bonus,  deferred  compensation,   pension,  profit-sharing,   retirement,
medical,  life,  disability  income,  severance,  stock purchase,  stock option,
incentive or other  employee  benefit plans that are  currently,  or were in the
past six years,  maintained,  contributed  to, or required to be  maintained  or
contributed  to, by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  or any other Person
that,  together with the Company, is treated as a single employer under Sections
414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code (each an "ERISA AFFILIATE"), for the benefit
of any current or former employees,  officers or directors of the Company or any
ERISA  Affiliate,  or under which the Company or its ERISA  Affiliates may incur
any material  liability  (individually,  a "BENEFIT  PLAN").  In addition,  with
respect to each Benefit  Plan,  the Company has  delivered or made  available to
Parent correct and complete copies of (i) all Benefit Plans,  including  without
limitation all plan documents and all amendments thereto, (ii) all trust


agreements,  insurance  contracts or other funding vehicles,  and all amendments
thereto,  relating to any Benefit  Plan,  (iii) all  summaries  and summary plan
descriptions,  including  any summary of material  modifications,  (iv) the most
recent annual reports (Form 5500 series) filed with the IRS with respect to such
Benefit  Plan,  (v) the most recent  determination  or opinion  letter,  if any,
issued by the United States Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") with respect to any
Benefit Plan and any pending request for such a determination  letter,  and (vi)
all  filings not of the type  previously  described  made with any  Governmental

         (b)    Each Benefit Plan has been  established and  administered in all
material respects in accordance with its terms, and all  contributions  required
to be made  under the terms of any of the  Benefit  Plans as of the date of this
Agreement  have been timely made.  The Company,  each ERISA  Affiliate  and each
Benefit  Plan  are  in  compliance  in all  material  respects  with  applicable
provisions of ERISA, the Code and other applicable laws, rules and regulations.

         (c)    Except as  disclosed in Section  3.11(c) of the Company  Letter,
(i) all Benefit Plans intended to be qualified  under Section 401(a) of the Code
have been the subject of  determination  or opinion  letters  from the  Internal
Revenue  Service to the effect that such Benefit  Plans are qualified and exempt
from federal income Taxes under Section 401(a) and 501(a), respectively,  of the
Code, and to the best knowledge of the Company nothing has occurred,  whether by
action or failure to act, that would reasonably be expected to cause the loss of
such qualification,  (ii) no Benefit Plan intended to be qualified under Section
401(a)  of the  Code  has  been  amended  since  the  date  of its  most  recent
determination letter or application therefor in any material respect,  except as
required  by law,  (iii) all  Benefit  Plans  have been  amended,  to the extent
necessary,  to comply with the so-called GUST legislation,  (iv) no Benefit Plan
has  experienced  a full or  partial  plan  termination,  (v)  there has been no
prohibited  transaction  (within  the meaning of Section 406 of ERISA or Section
4975 of the Code and other than a  transaction  that is exempt under a statutory
or administrative  exemption) with respect to any Benefit Plan that would result
in material  liability to the Company or an ERISA  Affiliate,  (vi) each Benefit
Plan can be amended,  terminated or otherwise  discontinued  after the Effective
Time in accordance with its terms,  without  material  liability to the Company,
(vii) no suit,  administrative  proceeding,  action or other litigation has been
brought,  or to the knowledge of Company is threatened,  against or with respect
to any Benefit Plan,  including any audit or inquiry by the IRS or United States
Department of Labor (other than routine  benefits  claims),  (viii)  neither the
Company nor any ERISA Affiliate  sponsors,  maintains,  contributes to or has an
obligation to contribute to, or has sponsored, maintained, contributed to or had
an  obligation to  contribute  to any  multiemployer  plan within the meaning of
Section  3(37) of ERISA (a  "MULTIEMPLOYER  PLAN") or any  pension  plan that is
subject to Title IV of ERISA,  (ix) neither the Company nor any ERISA  Affiliate
has  incurred  any  liability  due to a complete  or partial  withdrawal  from a
Multiemployer   Plan  or  due  to  the  termination  or   reorganization   of  a
Multiemployer  Plan, and (x) neither the Company nor any ERISA Affiliate has any
liability under ERISA Section 502. Except as disclosed in Section 3.11(c) of the
Company  Letter,  all  reports,  returns and similar  documents  with respect to
material  Benefit  Plans  required to be filed with any  Governmental  Entity or
distributed to any Benefit Plan participant have been fully and timely filed.

         (d)    Except as disclosed in Section 3.11(d) of the Company Letter, no
event has  occurred  and, to the best  knowledge  of the  Company,  no condition
exists  that would  subject  the  Company,  either  directly or by reason of its
affiliation with an ERISA Affiliate, to any material


Tax, fine, lien,  penalty or other liability imposed by ERISA, the Code or other
applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with a Benefit Plan.

         (e)    Except as disclosed in Section 3.11(e) of the Company Letter, no
amount  that could be  received  (whether  in cash or property or the vesting of
property) in connection with the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated
by this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreement  by any  employee,  officer or
director  of the  Company  or any of  its  Subsidiaries  who is a  "disqualified
individual"  (as such term is defined in proposed  Treasury  Regulation  Section
1.280G-1) under any Benefit Plan could be characterized as an "excess  parachute
payment" (as defined in Section 280G(b)(1) of the Code); neither the Company nor
any of its Subsidiaries has any obligation to "gross up" or otherwise compensate
any such person with respect to the  imposition of any excise tax on payments to
such person.

         (f)    Except as required by Law, no Benefit  Plan  provides any of the
following retiree or post-employment benefits to any person: medical, disability
or life insurance benefits. The Company and each ERISA Affiliate are in material
compliance with (i) the requirements of the applicable  health care continuation
and notice provisions of the Consolidated  Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation Act of
1985,  as  amended,  and  the  regulations   (including  proposed   regulations)
thereunder  ("COBRA")  and  any  similar  state  law  and  (ii)  the  applicable
requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,
as amended, and the regulations (including the proposed regulations) thereunder.

         (g)    Except as set forth in Section  3.11(g) of the  Company  Letter,
neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries maintains, sponsors, contributes
or has any  liability  with  respect to any  employee  benefit  plan  program or
arrangement that provides  benefits outside of the United States to non-resident
aliens with no United States source income.

         SECTION 3.12 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS. Except as set forth in Section 3.12
of the Company Letter:

         (a)    Each of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  is now and has always
been  in  compliance  with  all  Environmental  Laws  and  the  Company  has all
Environmental Permits necessary for the conduct and operation of the business as
now being conducted, and all such permits are in good standing, except where the
failure to be in such compliance or to maintain such Environmental Permits would
not have a Material Adverse Effect.

         (b)    (i)  There is not now and has not been any  Hazardous  Substance
used, generated, treated, stored, transported, disposed of, released, handled or
otherwise  existing on, under,  about,  or emanating from or to (x) any property
currently owned,  leased or operated by the Company or any Subsidiary or (y) any
property formerly owned, leased or operated by the Company or any Subsidiary (at
the time such property was so owned, leased or operated), except in all cases in
material  compliance  with all applicable  Environmental  Laws; (ii) neither the
Company  nor any  Subsidiary  has  received  any  notice of  alleged,  actual or
potential  responsibility  or  liability  for, or any  inquiry or  investigation
regarding,  any release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances or alleged
violation of, or non-compliance  with, any Environmental Law, nor is the Company
or any Subsidiary aware of any information which would reasonably be expected to
form the basis of any such notice or claim;  (iii) there is no site to which the
Company or any Subsidiary has


transported  or arranged for the transport of Hazardous  Substances  which is or
would  reasonably  be  expected  to  become  the  subject  of any  action  under
Environmental  Laws;  (iv)  there  is not  now  nor  has  there  ever  been  any
underground or  aboveground  storage tank at any (x) property  currently  owned,
leased or operated by the Company or any Subsidiary or (y) any property formerly
owned,  leased or operated by the  Company or any  Subsidiary  (at the time such
property was so owned,  leased or operated);  (v) complete and correct copies of
sampling  results,  environmental  or  safety  audits or  inspections,  or other
written reports concerning environmental, health or safety issues, pertaining to
any property or business currently or formerly owned,  leased or operated by the
Company or any Subsidiary  that are in the Company's  possession or control have
been  provided to Parent;  and (vi) neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has
knowingly   released  any  person  or  entity  from  any  claim,   liability  or
responsibility  under any  Environmental  Law nor has it  knowingly  waived  any
rights concerning any claims under any Environmental Law.

         (c) For purposes of this Agreement:

                (i)   "ENVIRONMENTAL   LAWS"   means  any  and  all   applicable
         international,  federal,  state, or local laws,  statutes,  ordinances,
         regulations,  policies,  rules,  judgments,  orders,  court  decisions,
         Environmental  Permit,  restrictions  and licenses,  which  regulate or
         relate  to the  protection  or  clean up of the  environment;  the use,
         treatment,  storage,  transportation,  handling, disposal or release of
         Hazardous  Substances,  the  preservation  or  protection of waterways,
         groundwater,  drinking water,  air,  wildlife,  plants or other natural
         resources;  or the health and safety of persons or property,  including
         without limitation protection of the health and safety of employees; or
         impose  liability  or  responsibility   with  respect  to  any  of  the
         foregoing, including without limitation the Comprehensive Environmental
         Response,   Compensation   and  Liability  Act  (42  et
         seq.)("CERCLA"), or any other law of similar effect;

                (ii) "ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS" means any material permit, license,
         authorization or approval required under applicable Environmental Laws;

                (iii)  "HAZARDOUS  SUBSTANCES"  means any  pollutant,  chemical,
         substance and any toxic, infectious, carcinogenic, reactive, corrosive,
         ignitable or flammable  chemical,  or chemical  compound,  or hazardous
         substance,  material or waste,  whether  solid,  liquid or gas, that is
         subject to regulation,  control or remediation  under any Environmental
         Laws,  including  without  limitation,   asbestos  in  any  form,  urea
         formaldehyde,  PCBs, radon gas, crude oil or any fraction thereof,  all
         forms of natural gas, petroleum products or by-products or derivatives.


         (a)    Section 3.13(a) of the Company Letter sets forth a complete list
of all real property  currently owned by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries
(the "REAL PROPERTY") and all real property formerly owned by the Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries.  Except as set forth in  Section  3.13(a)  of the  Company
Letter,  the Company or one of its  Subsidiaries  has good, valid and marketable
title to the Real Property,  free and clear of all liens, claims,  restrictions,
mortgages and encumbrances  ("ENCUMBRANCES"),  other than Permitted Encumbrances


defined  below),  except in all cases where the failure to have such title would
not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material
Adverse  Effect.  As used in this Agreement,  the term "PERMITTED  ENCUMBRANCES"
means (i) those Encumbrances set forth in Section 3.13(a) of the Company Letter,
(ii) Encumbrances, including, without limitation, by easements, granted in favor
of any  Governmental  Entity or utility  company for the customary  provision of
utilities and services to the Real Property or any improvements  thereon,  (iii)
Encumbrances  for water and sewage  charges  and  current  taxes not yet due and
payable or being contested in good faith, (iv) mechanics',  carriers', workers',
repairers', materialmen's, warehousemen's and other similar Encumbrances arising
or incurred in the ordinary  course of  business,  (v)  Encumbrances  arising or
resulting  from any action  taken by Parent or Merger  Subsidiary,  or (vi) such
other Encumbrances which, together with the Encumbrances set forth under clauses
(ii) to (v) above, are not substantial in amount, do not materially detract from
the value or impair  the use of the  property  subject  thereto,  or impair  the
operations  of the Company or any  Subsidiary  and which have arisen only in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice.

         (b)    Set forth in Section  3.13(b) of the Company Letter is a correct
and  complete  list of all  Company  Agreements  under  which the Company or any
Subsidiary  is a  lessee  ("LEASED  PROPERTY").  The  Company  and  each  of its
Subsidiaries  enjoys peaceful and undisturbed  possession under all such Company
Agreements,  all of such  Company  Agreements  are  valid and none of them is in
default under any such lease,  except for any matters  otherwise covered by this
sentence which would not reasonably be expected to have,  individually or in the
aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.

         (c)    The  Company  and each of its  Subsidiaries  have  obtained  all
appropriate licenses,  permits,  easements and rights of way required to use and
operate the Real  Property in the manner in which the Real  Property  and Leased
Property  currently  are being  used and  operated,  except  for such  licenses,
permits,  easements or rights of way the failure of which to have obtained would
not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material
Adverse Effect.


         (a)    Except as  disclosed in Section  3.14(a) of the Company  Letter,
the Company and each  Subsidiary  have exclusive  ownership of and title to each
issued patent,  pending patent  application,  registered  trademark,  registered
trade name,  registered  service mark and registered  copyright owned or used in
and  material to the  business of the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a
whole  (collectively,  the  "REGISTERED  INTELLECTUAL  Property"),  and  to  the
knowledge  of the  Company,  the  Company  and  each  Subsidiary  has  exclusive
ownership of and rights to use each material  patent  application,  unregistered
trademark, trademark application,  unregistered trade name, unregistered service
mark,  unregistered  copyright  and  other  trade  secret  or other  proprietary
intellectual  property (the "OTHER INTELLECTUAL  PROPERTY" and collectively with
the Registered  Intellectual Property, the "INTELLECTUAL  PROPERTY") owned by or
used in and material to the business of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  taken
as a whole.

         (b)    Except as set forth in Section  3.14(b) of the  Company  Letter:
(i) to the  knowledge  of the  Company,  the current use by the Company and each
Subsidiary  of such  Intellectual  Property does not infringe upon the rights of
any other  Person;  (ii) to the  knowledge  of the


Company,  no other  Person is  infringing  upon the rights of the Company or any
Subsidiary  in any  such  Intellectual  Property;  (iii)  no  written  claim  of
invalidity  or  conflicting  ownership  rights with respect to any  Intellectual
Property has been made by a third party and no such Intellectual Property is the
subject of any pending or, to the Company's knowledge,  threatened action, suit,
claim, investigation,  arbitration or other proceeding; (iv) no person or entity
has given written  notice to the Company or any  Subsidiary  that the use of any
Intellectual  Property  by  the  Company,  any  Subsidiary  or any  licensee  is
infringing or has infringed any domestic or foreign patent,  trademark,  service
mark,  trade name,  or  copyright  or design  right,  or that the  Company,  any
Subsidiary or any licensee has  misappropriated  or improperly used or disclosed
any trade secret,  confidential  information or know-how; (v) the making, using,
selling,  manufacturing,  marketing, licensing,  reproduction,  distribution, or
publishing  of any  process,  machine,  manufacture  or  product  related to any
Intellectual  Property,  does not and will not  infringe any domestic or foreign
patent,  trademark,  service mark, trade name,  copyright or other  intellectual
property  right of any  third  party,  and does  not and  will not  involve  the
misappropriation   or  improper  use  or  disclosure   of  any  trade   secrets,
confidential  information or know-how of any third party;  and (vi) there exists
no prior act or current conduct or use by the Company, any Subsidiary or, to the
Company's  knowledge,  any  third  party  that  would  void  or  invalidate  any
Intellectual  Property;  and except in the case of clauses (iii),  (iv), (v) and
(vi) for any matter otherwise covered by such clauses which would not reasonably
be  expected  to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a Material  Adverse

         SECTION 3.15 CONTRACTS.

         (a)    Except as disclosed in Section  3.15(a) of the Company Letter or
filed as exhibits to the SEC  Documents,  none of the Company  Agreements (i) is
material to the  business,  financial  condition or results of operations of the
Company  and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole  or is  otherwise  a  "material
contract"  (as  such  term is  defined  in Item  601(b)(10)  of  Regulation  S-K
promulgated  by the SEC);  (ii)  involves  aggregate  expenditures  in excess of
$250,000;  (iii) involves  annual  expenditures  in excess of $50,000 and is not
cancelable  within  one year;  (iv)  contains  any  non-compete  or  exclusivity
provisions with respect to any material line of business or material  geographic
area with respect to the Company, any Subsidiary or any of the Company's current
or future  affiliates,  or which  restricts  the conduct of any material line of
business by the  Company,  any  Subsidiary  or any of the  Company's  current or
future affiliates,  or any geographic area in which the Company,  any Subsidiary
or any of the Company's current or future  affiliates may conduct  business,  in
each case in any material respect, or (v) could prohibit or materially delay the
consummation  of the Mergers or any of the other  transactions  contemplated  by
this  Agreement or any Ancillary  Agreement.  Each of the Company  Agreements is
valid,  binding  and  enforceable  and in full force and  effect,  except  where
failure to be valid,  binding and enforceable and in full force and effect would
not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material
Adverse Effect.  There are no defaults (nor does there exist any condition which
upon the passage of time or the giving of notice  would cause such a default) on
the part of the Company or its Subsidiaries,  nor to the Company's knowledge, on
the part of third parties,  under the Company Agreements,  except those defaults
that would not reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate,
a Material Adverse Effect.


       (b)    Except as  disclosed in Section  3.15(b) of the Company  Letter or
filed as exhibits to the SEC Documents, none of the Company or any Subsidiary is
a party to or bound by any Company Agreement any of the benefits to any party of
which will be  increased,  or the vesting of the  benefits to any party of which
will be accelerated,  by the occurrence of any of the transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement, the Voting Agreements or any other Ancillary Agreement or the
value of any of the  benefits  to any party of which will be  calculated  on the
basis of any of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  the Voting
Agreements or any other Ancillary Agreement.

       (c)    With respect to each  Government  Contract  (as defined  below) to
which  the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  is a party or Bid (as  defined
below):  (i) the Company or its  Subsidiary  that is a party to such  Government
Contract or Bid has complied  with all  material  terms and  conditions  and all
applicable  requirements  of  statute,  rule,  regulation,  order or  agreement,
whether  incorporated  expressly,  by reference or by operation of law; (ii) all
representations  and certifications  were current,  accurate and complete in all
material respects when made, and the Company or its Subsidiary has complied with
all such representations and certifications;  (iii) no allegation has been made,
either orally or in writing,  that the Company or its Subsidiary that is a party
to such  Government  Contract or Bid is in breach or violation of any statutory,
regulatory or  contractual  requirement;  (iv) no termination  for  convenience,
termination  for  default,  cure notice or show cause notice has been issued and
received by the Company or any Subsidiary;  (v) no material cost incurred by the
Company or one of its Subsidiaries or one of their respective subcontractors has
been  questioned or  disallowed;  and (vi) no money due to the Company or one of
its Subsidiaries has been (or has threatened to be) withheld or set off.

       (d)    Neither  the  Company,  any of its  Subsidiaries  or any of  their
current or, to the  Company's  knowledge,  former  employees is (or for the last
three years has been) (i) under administrative, civil or criminal investigation,
indictment or information,  audit or internal  investigation with respect to any
alleged  irregularity,  misstatement or omission regarding a Government Contract
or Bid,  or (ii)  suspended  or  debarred  from  doing  business  with  the U.S.
Government  or any state or local  government  or  declared  non-responsible  or
ineligible  for  government  contracting.  Neither  the  Company  nor any of its
Subsidiaries has made a voluntary  disclosure to any U.S.  Government,  state or
local government entity with respect to any alleged  irregularity,  misstatement
or omission  arising  under or relating to any  Government  Contract or Bid. The
Company does not have  knowledge  of any  circumstances  that would  warrant the
institution   of  suspension  or  debarment   proceedings   or  the  finding  of
non-responsibility  or  ineligibility  on the part of the  Company or one of its
Subsidiaries or any of the current employees in the future.

       (e)    Neither the U.S. Government, any state or local government nor any
prime  contractor,  subcontractor or vendor has asserted in writing any claim or
initiated any dispute  proceeding against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
or  one  of  their  current  employees,  nor  has  the  Company  or  one  of its
Subsidiaries asserted any claim or initiated any dispute proceeding, directly or
indirectly,  against any such party,  concerning any Government Contract or Bid.
The  Company  has no  knowledge  of any facts upon which such a claim or dispute
proceeding may be based.


       (f)    For purposes of this Section 3.15, the following  terms shall have
the following meanings:

              (i)    "BID" means any  quotation,  bid or proposal by the Company
       or any of its Subsidiaries which, if accepted or awarded, would lead to a
       contract with the U.S. Government or any other entity,  including a prime
       contractor or a higher tier subcontractor to the U.S. Government, for the
       design,  manufacture  or sale of products or the provision of services by
       the Company or one of its Subsidiaries;

              (ii)   "GOVERNMENT    CONTRACT"    means   any   prime   contract,
       subcontract,  teaming  agreement or  arrangement,  joint  venture,  basic
       ordering  agreement,  letter  contract,  purchase order,  delivery order,
       change order, arrangement or other commitment of any kind relating to the
       business of the Company or one of its Subsidiaries between the Company or
       one of its  Subsidiaries  and  (x) the  U.S.  Government,  (y) any  prime
       contractor to the U.S.  Government or (z) any subcontractor  with respect
       to any contract described in clause (x) or (y).

              (iii)  "U.S.   GOVERNMENT"  means  the  United  States  government
       including any and all agencies, commissions, branches,  instrumentalities
       and departments thereof.

       SECTION 3.16 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Except for laws, rules and regulations
relating  to  tax  matters,   ERISA   compliance,   environmental   matters  and
intellectual property (which are exclusively provided for in Sections 3.9, 3.11,
3.12 and 3.14  hereof,  respectively),  the  operations  of the  business of the
Company and its Subsidiaries as currently conducted are not in violation of, nor
is the Company or any of its Subsidiaries in default under, or violation of, any
federal,  state or local  law,  statute,  regulation,  license  or permit or any
order,  judgment or decree of any Governmental Entity to or by which the Company
or any of its  Subsidiaries  or any of their assets or  properties  are bound or
affected,  except for such  violations or defaults as have not had and would not
reasonably be expected to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a Material
Adverse  Effect.  The Company and its  Subsidiaries  have been duly  granted all
authorizations,   licenses,  permits,  certificates,  approvals  and  clearances
necessary for the Company and its  Subsidiaries  to own, lease and operate their
properties  or to carry  on their  respective  businesses  substantially  in the
manner  described  in the SEC  Documents  filed  prior to the date hereof and as
currently  conducted,  except  those the  failure  of which to obtain  would not
reasonably be expected to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a Material
Adverse Effect.

       SECTION 3.17 INSURANCE COVERAGE. The Company and each of its Subsidiaries
have policies of insurance and bonds with reputable insurers in such amounts and
of the type reasonably  appropriate for the conduct of the business or ownership
and  operation  of the assets of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  and covering
such risks as are in  accordance  with normal  industry  practice for  companies
engaged  in  businesses  similar  to that of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries
(taking  into account the cost and  availability  of such  insurance).  All such
policies  are in full force and effect,  all  premiums due and payable have been
paid, and no written  notice of  cancellation  or termination  has been received
with  respect to any such  policy.  Except as  disclosed  in Section 3.17 of the
Company Letter, there is no material claim pending under any of such policies or
bonds as to which  coverage  has been  denied  or  disputed  in  writing  by the
underwriters  of such policies or bonds and which denial or dispute is likely to
be adversely


determined  to the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries,  and  which if so  adversely
determined,  in  whole  or in  part,  would  reasonably  be  expected  to  have,
individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.


       (a)    Except as disclosed in Section 3.18(a) of the Company Letter,  (i)
neither  the  Company  nor  any   Subsidiary  is  the  subject  of  any  action,
arbitration,  governmental  or  other  examination  or  investigation,  hearing,
administrative or other proceeding  asserting that the Company or any Subsidiary
has committed an unfair labor practice (within the meaning of the National Labor
Relations Act or  comparable  state law) or seeking to compel the Company or any
Subsidiary to bargain with any labor  organization  as to wages or conditions of
employment which if adversely determined,  individually or in the aggregate with
other such proceedings so adversely determined,  would reasonably be expected to
have,  individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect, (ii) neither
the Company nor any Subsidiary is party to any collective  bargaining agreement,
(iii) there is not any strike or other labor  dispute  involving  the Company or
any  Subsidiary  pending  or, to the  Company's  knowledge,  threatened,  or any
activity  involving  any of their  respective  employees  seeking  to  certify a
collective  bargaining unit or engaging in any other labor organizing  activity,
and (iv) since  January 1, 2000,  neither  the Company  nor any  Subsidiary  has
effected (A) a plant  closing  affecting  any site of  employment or one or more
facilities  or operating  units within any site of employment or facility of the
Company or any Subsidiary or (B) a mass layoff  affecting any site of employment
or facility or operating  unit within any site of  employment or facility of the
Company or any  Subsidiary,  nor has the  Company or any  Subsidiary  engaged in
layoffs or employment  terminations  sufficient in number to trigger application
of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining  Notification Act (the "WARN ACT") or of
any state or local law  equivalent  to the WARN Act.  For the  purposes  of this
Section 3.18,  "plant closing," "mass layoff," "site of employment,"  "operating
unit" and  "employment  loss" shall have the meanings  ascribed to such terms in
the WARN Act or the implementing  regulations thereof, or any state or local law
equivalent to the WARN Act. None of the Company or any  Subsidiary is liable for
any  payment  to any  trust or other  fund or to any  Governmental  Entity  with
respect to unemployment compensation benefits, social security or other benefits
or  obligations  for  employees  (other than routine  payments to be made in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice).

       (b)    The  Company  has  identified  in Section  3.18(b) of the  Company
Letter and has made  available  to Parent  true and  complete  copies of (i) all
severance and employment agreements with directors,  officers or employees of or
consultants to the Company or any  Subsidiary;  (ii) all severance  programs and
policies  of each of the  Company  and each  Subsidiary  with or relating to its
employees;  and (iii) all plans, programs,  agreements and other arrangements of
the Company and each  Subsidiary  with or relating to its  directors,  officers,
employees or consultants which contain change in control  provisions.  Except as
set forth in Section  3.18(b) of the Company  Letter,  none of the execution and
delivery of this Agreement or any Ancillary Agreement or the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby or thereby will (either alone or in conjunction
with any other  event,  such as  termination  of  employment)  (i) result in any
payment (including,  without limitation,  severance,  unemployment compensation,
parachute  or  otherwise)  becoming  due to any  director or any employee of the
Company or any  Subsidiary  or affiliate  from the Company or any  Subsidiary or
affiliate under


any Company Benefit Plan or otherwise,  (ii) significantly increase any benefits
otherwise  payable  under  any  Company  Benefit  Plan or  (iii)  result  in any
acceleration  of the time of payment or vesting  of any  material  benefits.  No
individual who is a party to an employment  agreement  listed in Section 3.18(b)
of  the  Company  Letter  or  any  agreement  incorporating  change  in  control
provisions  with the Company or its  Subsidiaries  has terminated  employment or
been  terminated,  nor  has  any  event  occurred  that  could  give  rise  to a
termination  event, in either case under  circumstances that has given, or could
give,  rise to a  severance  obligation  on the part of the  Company  under such
agreement.  Section  3.18(b) of the Company Letter sets forth the Company's best
estimates of the amounts payable to the executives  listed therein,  as a result
of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement,  any Ancillary  Agreement
and/or  any  subsequent  employment   termination  (including  any  cash-out  or
acceleration  of options and restricted  stock and any "gross-up"  payments with
respect to any of the foregoing),  based on  compensation  data applicable as of
the date of such  Company  Letter  and the  assumptions  stated on that  Company

       SECTION 3.19  BROKERS  AND  FINDERS.  No  broker,  finder  or  investment
banker, other  than the Legacy and  Quarterdeck  Investment  Partners,  LLC (the
"Company Financial Advisor"),  is entitled to any brokerage fees, commissions or
finders' fees in  connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  The
Company has  previously  provided  Parent with a true and complete  copy of each
agreement  between  the  Company  and each of Legacy and the  Company  Financial
Advisor  pursuant  to which  such  firms  would be  entitled  to any  payment in
connection  with the  Mergers  or any  other  transaction  contemplated  by this
Agreement, the Voting Agreements or any other Ancillary Agreement.

       SECTION 3.20  OPINION OF LEGACY.  Legacy  has  delivered  to the Board of
Directors  its  written  opinion,   dated  the  date  hereof,  that  the  Merger
Consideration to be received by the holders of Shares pursuant to the Mergers is
fair to such holders of Shares from a financial point of view.

       SECTION 3.21  VOTE  REQUIRED.  The  affirmative  vote of the holders of a
majority of the  outstanding  Shares is the only vote, if any, of the holders of
any class or series of capital stock or other equity interests of the Company or
the DSS Cleared Company necessary to approve the Mergers.

                                   ARTICLE IV


       Parent and Merger Subsidiary, jointly and severally, hereby represent and
warrant to the Company and the DSS Cleared Company as follows:


       (a)    Parent is a corporation  duly organized,  validly  existing and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Parent has all requisite
corporate  power  and  authority  to enter  into this  Agreement,  and all other
documents  and  instruments  to be executed and  delivered


by it in connection  herewith,  and to carry out its  obligations  hereunder and
thereunder,  and to own,  operate and lease its  properties and to carry out its
business as it is now being conducted.

       (b)    Merger  Subsidiary  is  a  corporation  duly  organized,   validly
existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the  State of its  formation.
Merger Subsidiary has all requisite  corporate power and authority to enter into
this  Agreement,  and all other  documents  and  instruments  to be executed and
delivered  by it in  connection  herewith,  and to  carry  out  its  obligations
hereunder and  thereunder.  Merger  Subsidiary is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of
Parent,  has been organized  solely for the purpose of consummating  the Mergers
has  conducted  no  business  or  operations  of any nature and has  incurred no
obligations  or  liabilities  other than those created by or in connection  with
this Agreement.

       SECTION 4.2   AUTHORIZATION. The execution and delivery of this Agreement
and all other  documents and  instruments to be executed and delivered by Parent
and Merger Subsidiary in connection herewith, and the due consummation by Parent
and Merger Subsidiary of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and
validly  authorized by all necessary  corporate action on the part of Parent and
Merger  Subsidiary and no other  corporate  proceedings on the part of Parent or
Merger Subsidiary are necessary to authorize this Agreement or to consummate the
transactions  contemplated hereby. This Agreement constitutes (and each document
and instrument  contemplated by this  Agreement,  when executed and delivered in
accordance  with the  provisions  hereof,  will  constitute) a valid and legally
binding agreement of each of Parent and Merger Subsidiary,  enforceable  against
them in accordance with its terms.

       SECTION 4.3   NO CONFLICTS.  The execution,  delivery  and performance of
this  Agreement  by Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  and the  consummation  of the
transactions contemplated hereby or in connection herewith,  including,  without
limitation,  the financing  thereof,  do not and will not  constitute a conflict
with,  breach or violation of or default (or an event which with notice or lapse
of time or both  would  become a  default)  under (i)  Parent's  Certificate  of
Incorporation or By-Laws, as amended to date; (ii) Merger Subsidiary's  Articles
of  Incorporation  or  By-laws,   as  amended  to  date;  (iii)  any  agreement,
instrument, license, franchise or permit to which Parent or Merger Subsidiary is
subject or by which  Parent or Merger  Subsidiary  is bound;  (iv) any  statute,
administrative regulation,  order, writ, injunction, decree or arbitration award
to which  Parent or Merger  Subsidiary  is subject or by which  Parent or Merger
Subsidiary  is bound;  or (v) any  statutory or  decisional  law (or any duty or
obligation thereunder, derived therefrom or related thereto), rule or regulation
to which Parent,  Merger  Subsidiary,  their respective  officers,  directors or
affiliates  is subject or to which such Person is bound  except,  in the case of
clauses  (iii),  (iv) and (v) for any matter  otherwise  covered by such clauses
which (x) would not  reasonably  be  expected  to  prevent or  materially  delay
consummation of the Mergers or otherwise prevent or materially delay performance
by  Parent  or  Merger  Subsidiary  of their  material  obligations  under  this
Agreement  or any  agreement  executed  and  delivered  by  them  in  connection
herewith, or (y) are not material to Merger Subsidiary or Parent.

       SECTION 4.4   CONSENTS AND APPROVALS.  Except for  filings,  approvals or
consents  required by (i) the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware;  (ii)
the Exchange Act; and (iii) such other statutes,  rules or regulations which may
require registrations, authorizations, consents or approvals relating to matters
that, in the aggregate, are not material to Merger Subsidiary or Parent, neither
Parent  nor  Merger  Subsidiary  is  required  to  submit  any  notice,  report,


registration,  declaration or other filing with or obtain any consent,  approval
or authorization from any Governmental  Entity or third party in connection with
the execution and delivery by Parent or Merger  Subsidiary of this  Agreement or
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

       SECTION 4.5   FINANCING  OF  THE  MERGERS. Parent  and  Merger Subsidiary
have, or will have at the Effective  Time, the funds necessary to consummate the

       SECTION 4.6   FINDER'S  FEES.  No  broker,  finder,  investment banker or
other  Person  or  entity,  other  than Hoak  Breedlove  Wesneski  & Co.,  whose
compensation  will be paid by  Parent,  is  entitled,  in  connection  with  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  to any broker's  commission,  finder's fee,
investment banker's fee or similar payment from Parent, Merger Subsidiary or the
Company  based  upon  arrangements  made by or on  behalf  of  Parent  or Merger

       SECTION 4.7   DISCLOSURE.  The  information  with  respect  to  Parent or
Merger Subsidiary  or any of their Subsidiaries that either of them furnishes to
the Company  specifically  for use in the Proxy  Statement and any other related
filings,  at the time of the filing thereof,  at the time of any distribution or
dissemination  thereof and at the time of the Special Meeting,  will not contain
any untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to state any  material  fact
necessary  in order to make the  statements  made  therein,  in the light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

       SECTION 4.8   INTERESTED  STOCKHOLDER.  At no time  during  the three (3)
years prior to the date of this Agreement has Parent, Merger Subsidiary,  or any
of their respective affiliates or associates been an "interested stockholder" of
the  Company  within  the  meaning  of, and as defined  in,  Section  203 of the
Delaware Law.

                                   ARTICLE V


       SECTION 5.1   INTERIM  OPERATIONS  OF THE COMPANY.  The Company covenants
and agrees that,  from the date hereof  until the  Effective  Time,  without the
prior  written  approval of Parent,  which  approval  shall not be  unreasonably
withheld,  delayed or  conditioned,  the Company shall not, and shall not permit
any of its  Subsidiaries  to, directly or indirectly,  do or agree to do, any of
the following:

       (a)    conduct the  business of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  in a
manner  other than in the  ordinary and usual course and each of the Company and
its  Subsidiaries  shall,  subject to the other  restrictions  contained in this
Agreement, use its best efforts to preserve its business organization intact and
maintain its existing relations with customers,  suppliers, employees, creditors
and business associates;

       (b)    directly or  indirectly,  (i) except  upon  exercise of Options or
other rights to purchase  Shares  outstanding on the date hereof,  issue,  sell,
transfer or pledge or agree to sell,  transfer or pledge any  treasury  stock of
the Company or any capital stock of any of its Subsidiaries  beneficially  owned
by it; (ii) amend its or any of its  Subsidiaries'  Certificate of Incorporation
or By-laws or  similar  organizational  documents;  or (iii)  split,  combine or


the outstanding Shares or any outstanding  capital stock, or authorize or create
a new class of capital stock, of any of the Subsidiaries of the Company;

       (c)    other than the  payment of  dividends  or other  distributions  by
Subsidiaries to the Company or to other Subsidiaries:  (i) declare, set aside or
pay any dividend or other distribution payable in cash, stock or property,  with
respect to its capital  stock or enter into any  agreement  with  respect to the
voting of its capital stock; (ii) issue,  sell,  pledge,  dispose of or encumber
any additional shares of, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for, or
options, warrants, calls, commitments or rights of any kind to acquire (or stock
appreciation  rights with respect to), capital stock of any class of the Company
or its Subsidiaries,  other than Shares reserved for issuance on the date hereof
pursuant to the exercise of Options outstanding on the date hereof; (iii) except
as disclosed in Section 5.1(c) of the Company Letter, transfer,  lease, license,
sell,  mortgage,  pledge,  dispose of, or encumber any assets  having a value in
excess of $250,000 (or authorize any of the  foregoing),  other than pursuant to
existing  contracts  or  commitments  or the  sale or  purchase  of goods in the
ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past practice,  or enter into any
commitment or  transaction  outside the ordinary  course of business  consistent
with past practice; or (iv) redeem,  purchase or otherwise acquire,  directly or
indirectly, any of its capital stock;

       (d)    except as disclosed in Section 5.1(d) of the Company Letter,  make
any  change  in the  compensation  payable  or to become  payable  to any of its
officers,  directors,  agents or consultants, or to Persons providing management
services,  provided that changes in compensation  payable to other employees may
be made in the  ordinary  course  of  business  consistent  with  past  practice
(provided  individual  increases in employee  compensation  do not exceed 5% per
annum), enter into or amend any employment,  severance, consulting,  termination
or other employment-related  agreement,  arrangement or Benefit Plan or make any
loans  to any of its  officers,  directors,  employees,  affiliates,  agents  or
consultants or make any change in its existing borrowing or lending arrangements
for or on behalf of any of such Persons pursuant to a Benefit Plan or otherwise,
other than the hiring of  non-management  personnel  in the  ordinary  course of
business each having an annual salary not in excess of $75,000;

       (e)    except (i) pursuant to Benefit Plans  existing at the date hereof,
or as disclosed in Section  3.11(a) of the Company  Letter,  (ii) as required by
any law, rule or regulation of any  Governmental  Entity,  (iii) as disclosed in
Section 5.1(e) of the Company  Letter,  and (iv) pursuant to Section 2.4 hereof,
pay or  make,  or  amend  or agree to  amend  any  Benefit  Plan,  agreement  or
arrangement  existing  at  the  date  hereof  to  provide  for  any  accrual  or
arrangement for payment of any pension,  retirement  allowance or other employee
benefit pursuant to any existing  Benefit Plan,  agreement or arrangement to any
officer,  director,  employee  or  affiliate  or pay or agree to pay or make any
accrual or  arrangement  for payment to any  officers,  directors,  employees or
affiliates of the Company of any amount relating to unused vacation days,  adopt
or pay, grant, issue, accelerate, or accrue salary or other payments or benefits
pursuant to any pension, profit-sharing,  bonus, extra compensation,  incentive,
deferred compensation, stock purchase, stock option, stock appreciation right or
other stock-based incentive, group insurance, severance pay, retirement or other
employee benefit plan, agreement or arrangement, or any employment or consulting
agreement with or for the benefit of any director,  officer,  employee, agent or
consultant, whether past or present;


       (f)    modify,  amend or  terminate  any  material  Company  Agreement or
waive,  release or assign any material rights or claims,  except in each case in
the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

       (g)    cancel or  terminate  any  material  insurance  policy  naming the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  as a  beneficiary  or a loss payable  payee
without notice to Parent;

       (h)    (i)    except in the  ordinary  course of business  under lines of
credit in  existence on the date hereof,  incur or assume any  indebtedness,  in
each case for borrowed money, in a principal amount in excess of $250,000 in the
aggregate for the Company and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole;  (ii) assume,
guarantee,  endorse or otherwise become liable or responsible (whether directly,
contingently  or otherwise) for any obligations of any other Person (other than,
with respect to (x) the  Company,  any  Subsidiary  or (y) any  Subsidiary,  the
Company or any other  Subsidiary)  except in the ordinary  course of business or
make any loans,  advances or capital  contributions  to, or investments  in, any
other Person (other than, with respect to (1) the Company, any Subsidiary or (2)
any Subsidiary, the Company or any other Subsidiary), except for any such matter
undertaken  in the ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past  practice
PROVIDED, in any event, that such obligations, loans, advances, contributions or
investments  do not exceed $50,000  individually  and $250,000 in the aggregate;
(iii) make any commitments for, or make or authorize any,  capital  expenditures
other  than in amounts  less than  $150,000  individually  and  $500,000  in the
aggregate  other than as  disclosed in Section  5.1(h) of the Company  Letter or
(iv)  acquire  (including,  without  limitation,  by merger,  consolidation,  or
acquisition  of stock or assets)  any  interest  in any  Person or any  division
thereof or any assets, except in the ordinary course of business consistent with
past practice;

       (i)    (i)    change  any  of  the   accounting   methods,   policies  or
procedures  used by it unless  required  by GAAP or (ii)  except as  required by
applicable  law, make any Tax election or change any Tax election  already made,
adopt  any Tax  accounting  method,  change  any Tax  accounting  method  unless
required by applicable law, enter into any tax allocation agreement, tax sharing
agreement, tax indemnity agreement or closing agreement, settle any Tax claim or
assessment  or  consent  to any Tax  claim or  assessment  or any  waiver of the
statute of limitations for any such claim or assessment;

       (j)    (i)    pay,  discharge  or  satisfy  any  claims,  liabilities  or
obligations   (absolute,   accrued,   asserted  or  unasserted,   contingent  or
otherwise),  other  than the  payment,  discharge  or  satisfaction  of any such
claims,  liabilities or  obligations  in the ordinary  course of business or any
such  payment,  discharge  or  satisfaction  that  the  Company  or  any  of its
Subsidiaries  is  required  to  make  by any  law,  rule  or  regulation  of any
Governmental  Entity or by any  contractual  obligation  not  prohibited by this
Section 5.1,  PROVIDED such payment,  discharge or satisfaction  does not exceed
$250,000  in the  aggregate  (ii)  pre-pay  any  long-term  debt,  except in the
ordinary course of business in an amount not to exceed $250,000 in the aggregate
for the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole, (iii) accelerate or delay
collection of notes or accounts receivable in advance of or beyond their regular
due dates or the dates when the same would have been  collected  in the ordinary


of business  consistent with past practice,  (iv) except as disclosed in Section
5.1(j) of the Company Letter, delay or accelerate payment of any account payable
or in advance of its due date or the date such liability would have been paid in
the ordinary course of business  consistent with past practice,  or (v) vary the
inventory  practices of the Company or its  Subsidiaries in any material respect
from past practices;

       (k)    adopt a plan of  complete  or  partial  liquidation,  dissolution,
merger, consolidation,  restructuring,  recapitalization or other reorganization
of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries (other than the Mergers);

       (l)    (i)    knowingly take, or agree to commit to take, any action that
would  reasonably be expected to result in any of the  conditions to the Mergers
not being  satisfied,  or that would give rise to a right of termination of this
Agreement for Parent or Merger Subsidiary pursuant to Section 8.1 hereof or (ii)
enter into any  agreement or take any other action that would present a material
risk of delaying  the  Mergers or that would  require a consent of a third party
for the consummation of the Mergers;

       (m)    enter into any agreement  that would have the effect of subjecting
Parent, the Surviving  Corporation or any of their affiliates to any non-compete
or other material  restrictions  on their  respective  businesses  following the

       (n)    waive,   release,   assign,  settle  or  compromise  any  material
litigation or arbitration;

       (o)    write up,  write down or write off the book  value of any  assets,
individually or in the aggregate,  for the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as
a whole,  in excess of $150,000,  except for  depreciation  and  amortization in
accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied  and  except  for the write down of
obsolete inventory in the ordinary course of business;

       (p)    take  any  action  to  exempt  or  make  not  subject  to (A)  the
provisions of Section 203 of the Delaware  Law, or (B) any other state  takeover
law or state law that purports to limit or restrict business combinations or the
ability  to acquire  or vote  shares,  any Person  (other  than  Parent,  Merger
Subsidiary and any  subsidiaries  of Parent) or any action taken thereby,  which
Person or action would have otherwise been subject to the restrictive provisions
thereof and not exempt therefrom;

       (q)    except to the extent  disclosed  in Section  5.1(q) of the Company
Letter,  (i)  effect  a plant  closing  or mass  layoff  affecting  any  site of
employment  or one or more  facilities  or  operating  units  within any site of
employment  or  facility  of the  Company or any  Subsidiary  without  the prior
written  consent of Parent or (ii) terminate more than forty-nine (49) employees
within a site of  employment  or facility of the  Company or any  Subsidiary  or
operating  unit within a site of employment or facility or operating unit of the
Company or any Subsidiary  without providing prior written notice to Parent. For
the purposes of this Section  5.1(q),  "plant  closing,"  "operating  unit," and
"employment loss" shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in Section 3.18
of this Agreement; and

       (r)    enter into an agreement, contract, commitment or arrangement to do
any of the foregoing, or to authorize any of the foregoing.

       SECTION 5.2   TAKEOVER  PROPOSALS.  The Company agrees that it will,  and
that it will  cause the  officers,  directors,  investment  bankers,  attorneys,
accountants,  employees and other agents or  representatives  of the Company and
its Subsidiaries  (collectively,  the "COMPANY


REPRESENTATIVES")  to, immediately cease and cause to be terminated any existing
discussions or negotiations,  if any, with any Person conducted  heretofore with
respect to any possibility or  consideration  of making a Takeover  Proposal (as
defined  below),  and will promptly  request that all  confidential  information
furnished on behalf of the Company with respect thereto be returned. The Company
shall notify  Parent  promptly (and in any event within one (1) business day) in
writing if any  inquiries or  proposals  are  received  by, any  information  is
requested from, or any negotiations or discussions are sought to be initiated or
continued   with  the  Company,   any  of  its   Subsidiaries   or  any  Company
Representatives, in each case in connection with any Takeover Proposal including
the identity of the Person and its affiliates  making such proposal,  inquiry or
offer  and  any  information  requested  from  it  or  of  any  negotiations  or
discussions  being sought to be initiated with it, and shall furnish to Parent a
written  summary of the  material  terms and  conditions  of any such  proposal,
inquiry or offer.  The Company  agrees that it shall keep Parent fully  informed
promptly of any developments in the status and terms of any of the foregoing. As
used in this  Agreement,  "TAKEOVER  PROPOSAL"  shall mean any offer or proposal
(other than the Mergers)  concerning any (i) tender or exchange offer  involving
more  than 20% of the  Shares,  (ii)  merger,  consolidation,  recapitalization,
restructuring or other business combination or similar transaction involving the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  (iii) issuance,  sale or other disposition
(including  by  way  of  merger,  consolidation,   business  combination,  share
exchange,  joint  venture  or  similar  transaction)  of Shares or other  equity
interests  representing  20% or more of the voting  power of the  Company,  (iv)
sale,  lease or  disposition  directly or indirectly  by merger,  consolidation,
business  combination,  share  exchange,  joint venture or otherwise,  of assets
representing 20% or more of the consolidated  assets,  revenues or net income of
the Company and its Subsidiaries, or (v) combination of any of the foregoing.


       (a)    The Company  will not, nor will it authorize or permit the Company
Representatives to, directly or indirectly:  (i) encourage  (including by way of
furnishing  non-public  information),  initiate,  participate in, or solicit any
offer or proposal which constitutes any Takeover Proposal;  (ii) in the event of
an unsolicited  Takeover  Proposal for the Company,  engage in  negotiations  or
discussions  with, or provide any information to, any Person (other than Parent,
any of its affiliates or representatives)  relating to or in connection with any
Takeover  Proposal;  or (iii)  enter  into any  agreement  with  respect  to any
Takeover  Proposal or enter into any  agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding
requiring  it to abandon,  terminate  or fail to  consummate  the Mergers or any
other transaction contemplated by this Agreement.

       (b)    Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  prior to the Effective  Time, the
Company may furnish information concerning its business, properties or assets to
any Person  pursuant  to a  customary  confidentiality  agreement  (the terms or
provisions  of which  are no more  favorable  to such  Person  than the terms or
provisions  with  respect  to  Parent  and  Merger  Subsidiary  pursuant  to the
Confidentiality  Agreement,  dated  November 6, 2002,  between an  affiliate  of
Parent  and  the  Company  Financial  Advisor  on  behalf  of the  Company  (the
"CONFIDENTIALITY  Agreement")), and may discuss and negotiate and participate in
discussions and  negotiations  with such Person  concerning a Takeover  Proposal
only if (i) such  Person  has made a  Superior  Proposal  and (ii) the  Board of
Directors  determines in good faith,  after receiving  advice from outside legal
counsel to the  Company,  that the  failure to provide  such  information  or to
engage in such  discussions  or  negotiations  would  constitute a breach of the
fiduciary obligations of the Board of Directors to


the  Company's  stockholders.  A  "SUPERIOR  PROPOSAL"  shall  mean a bona  fide
Takeover  Proposal made by a third party which was not solicited in violation of
this  Agreement  by  the  Company,  any  of its  Subsidiaries,  or  any  Company
Representative  or  affiliate  of the  Company,  and  which,  in the good  faith
judgment  of the Board of  Directors,  taking into  account  the various  legal,
financial and regulatory  aspects of the Takeover Proposal and the Person making
such Takeover Proposal,  (x) if accepted,  would be capable of being consummated
by such third party without a financing contingency,  and (y) if accepted would,
based upon the written opinion of Legacy,  result in a transaction  that is more
favorable to the Company's  stockholders,  from a financial  point of view, than
the  Mergers.  The  Company  shall  promptly,  and in any event  within  one (1)
business  day  following  any  determination  by the Board of  Directors  that a
Takeover  Proposal (or any  amendment  thereto) is a Superior  Proposal,  notify
Parent in writing ("NOTICE OF SUPERIOR  PROPOSAL") of such  determination of the
same,  which  notice  shall  include the identity of the bidder and a reasonable
summary of the terms and  conditions of the Superior  Proposal or, if a Superior
Proposal is amended, the terms and conditions as so amended. If Parent does not,
within three (3) business  days after  Parent's  receipt of a Notice of Superior
Proposal  or of any such notice with  respect to any amended  proposal,  make an
irrevocable  written offer or enter into a definitive written agreement amending
this  Agreement to provide for a  transaction  which the Board of Directors  has
determined in its judgment (after receiving the advice of Legacy) to be at least
as  favorable  to the  Company's  stockholders  as the  Superior  Proposal,  the
Company,  by action of its Board of  Directors,  may  terminate  this  Agreement
pursuant to and in accordance  with clause (iv) of Section 8.1(f) and enter into
an agreement with respect to a Superior Proposal.

       (c)    Neither the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof shall (i)
withdraw or modify,  or propose  publicly  to  withdraw  or modify,  in a manner
adverse to Parent or Merger  Subsidiary,  the approval or  recommendation by the
Board of  Directors  or any such  committee  of the Mergers and the adoption and
approval of this Agreement,  (ii) approve or recommend, or propose to approve or
recommend,  any Takeover Proposal,  or (iii) cause the Company to enter into any
letter of intent, agreement in principle, acquisition agreement or other similar
agreement  related to any Takeover  Proposal.  Nothing contained in this Section
5.3(c)  shall  prohibit  the  Company  (x) from  taking  and  disclosing  to its
stockholders a position  contemplated by Rule 14d-9 or Rule 14e-2(a) promulgated
under the Exchange  Act with regard to a Takeover  Proposal  (provided  that the
Board of  Directors  shall  not  withdraw  or modify in an  adverse  manner  its
approval or  recommendation of the Mergers or this Agreement except as set forth
below) or (y) in the event  that a  Superior  Proposal  is made and the Board of
Directors determines in good faith, after receiving advice from outside counsel,
that it would otherwise constitute a breach of the fiduciary  obligations of the
Board of Directors to the Company's stockholders,  from withdrawing or modifying
its  recommendation  of the Mergers prior to the Special Meeting;  PROVIDED that
such withdrawal or  modification  cannot be made earlier than three (3) business
days  following the day of delivery of written notice to Parent of its intention
to do so, and, PROVIDED  FURTHER,  that such withdrawal or modification can only
be made if the  Company  is in  compliance  with all  other  provisions  of this
Agreement.  Any such withdrawal or modification shall not change the approval of
the Board of Directors  for purposes of causing  Section 203 of the Delaware Law
to be inapplicable to the Mergers and the Voting  Agreements.  Nothing contained
in this Section  5.3(c) shall affect the  Company's  obligations  under  Section
6.1(a) to hold and convene the Special  Meeting and to submit this Agreement and
the Mergers for adoption and approval.


                                   ARTICLE VI

                              ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

       SECTION 6.1   SPECIAL   MEETING;   PROXY   STATEMENT.    As  promptly  as
practicable following the date of this Agreement, the Company shall:

       (a)    duly call,  give notice of, convene and hold a special  meeting of
its  stockholders  (the  "SPECIAL  Meeting")  for the purpose of  obtaining  the
necessary approvals of the Mergers and this Agreement by the stockholders of the

       (b)    prepare and, after  consultation with and review by Parent and its
outside counsel, file with the SEC a preliminary proxy statement relating to the
Mergers and this Agreement and use its reasonable best efforts (i) to obtain and
furnish  the  information  required  to be  included  by the SEC in  such  proxy
statement and, after consultation with and review by Parent, to respond promptly
to any comments made by the SEC with respect to the preliminary  proxy statement
and promptly  cause a definitive  proxy (the "PROXY  STATEMENT") to be mailed to
its stockholders and, if necessary, after the Proxy Statement shall have been so
mailed,  promptly  circulate  amended or  supplemental  proxy  material  and, if
required in connection  therewith,  resolicit  proxies;  PROVIDED,  that no such
amended or  supplemental  proxy  material will be mailed by the Company  without
consultation  with and review by Parent and its outside  counsel  (which  review
shall not be unreasonably delayed) and (ii) to obtain the necessary adoption and
approval of this Agreement and the Mergers by the stockholders of the Company;

       (c)    include in the Proxy Statement the fairness opinion of Legacy,  as
described in Section 1.8 of this Agreement,  and the recommendation of the Board
of Directors that  stockholders  of the Company vote in favor of the approval of
the Mergers and the adoption of this  Agreement,  unless a Superior  Proposal is
made and the Board of Directors determines, in accordance with Section 5.3(c) of
this Agreement,  that including the recommendation  would constitute a breach of
the  fiduciary   obligations   of  the  Board  of  Directors  to  the  Company's
stockholders;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that the Company agrees that its obligations
under Section 6.1(a) to hold and convene the Special  Meeting and to submit this
Agreement  and the Mergers for adoption and approval  shall not be affected by a
determination by the Board of Directors that it cannot make such  recommendation
to the Company's stockholders;

       (d)    promptly notify Parent of the receipt of any comments from the SEC
and of any request from the SEC for amendments or supplements to the preliminary
proxy statement or the Proxy Statement or for additional  information,  and will
promptly  supply  Parent and its  outside  counsel  with  copies of all  written
correspondence between the Company or its representatives,  on the one hand, and
the SEC or  members  of its  staff,  on the  other  hand,  with  respect  to the
preliminary proxy statement, the Proxy Statement or the Mergers;

       (e)    promptly notify Parent of the receipt of any comments from the SEC
with respect to the CVRs,  supply Parent and its outside  counsel with copies of
all written  correspondence  between the Company or its representatives,  on the
one hand, and the SEC or members of its staff,  on the other hand,  with respect
to the CVRs, consult with Parent prior to responding to


such comments and permit Parent and its outside  counsel to  participate  in any
and all correspondence, discussions or communications with the SEC regarding the

       (f)    promptly  inform  Parent  and its  outside  counsel if at any time
prior to the  Special  Meeting,  any event  should  occur  that is  required  by
applicable law to be set forth in an amendment of, or a supplement to, the Proxy
Statement,  in which case, the Company, with the cooperation and approval of and
in consultation with Parent and its outside counsel, will, upon learning of such
event, promptly prepare and mail such amendment or supplement;  and (g) promptly
correct the Proxy Statement if and to the extent that it shall have become false
or misleading in any material respect (and each of Parent and Merger Subsidiary,
with respect to written  information  supplied by it specifically for use in the
Proxy Statement,  promptly shall notify the Company of any required  corrections
of such  information  and cooperate  with the Company with respect to correcting
such  information)  and to  supplement  the  information  contained in the Proxy
Statement to include any  information  that shall  become  necessary in order to
make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading in any material respect.

Section 5.3 hereof, at the Special Meeting, the Company shall use its reasonable
best efforts to solicit from stockholders of the Company proxies in favor of the
Mergers and shall take all other action necessary or, in the reasonable  opinion
of Merger  Subsidiary,  advisable to secure any vote or consent of  stockholders
required by the Delaware  Law or the Alabama Law to effect the  Mergers.  Merger
Subsidiary  agrees  that it shall  vote,  or cause to be voted,  in favor of the
Mergers all Shares directly or indirectly beneficially owned by it.


       (a)    The Company and Parent shall use their  reasonable best efforts to
(i) take, or cause to be taken,  all  appropriate  action and do, or cause to be
done,  all  things  necessary,  proper  or  advisable  under  applicable  law or
otherwise to consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement as promptly as practicable, (ii) obtain from any Governmental Entities
any  Regulatory  Approvals  required  to be  obtained  or to avoid any action or
proceeding by any Governmental Entity (including,  without limitation,  those in
connection with the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976, as
amended (the "HSR ACT"),  in connection  with the  authorization,  execution and
delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
herein,  including without limitation the Mergers,  and (iii) make all necessary
filings,  and thereafter  make any other required  submissions,  with respect to
this  Agreement  and the Mergers  required  under (x) the Exchange  Act, and any
other applicable federal or state securities Laws, (y) the Exon-Florio Amendment
and the HSR Act and (z) any other applicable law; PROVIDED, that the Company and
Parent shall  cooperate  with each other in  connection  with (1)  preparing and
filing of the Proxy Statement and any other filings, (2) determining whether any
action by or in respect of, or filing with, any Governmental Entity is required,
in  connection  with the  consummation  of the  Mergers and (3) seeking any such
actions,  consents,  approvals or waivers or making any such filings,  including
providing copies of all filed documents to the non-filing party and its advisors
prior to filing and, if requested, accepting all reasonable additions, deletions
or changes suggested in connection therewith; and PROVIDED,


FURTHER,  that nothing in this Section 6.3 shall require  Parent to agree to (A)
the  imposition of conditions,  (B) the  requirement of divestiture of assets or
property or (C) the  requirement  of  expenditure  of money by Parent to a third
party in exchange for any such consent.  The Company and Parent shall furnish to
each other all  information  required for any  application or other filing under
the rules and  regulations of any applicable law (including all  information) in
connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

       (b)    The Company shall give (or shall cause its  Subsidiaries  to give)
any notices to third parties,  and use, and cause its  Subsidiaries  to use, all
reasonable best efforts to obtain (i) the consents under the Company  Agreements
set forth in  Section  3.6(a)  of the  Company  Letter  (the  "MATERIAL  COMPANY
CONSENTS"), and (ii) any other third party consents which are necessary,  proper
or advisable to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  in this  Agreement;
PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  with respect  solely to (ii) above,  the Company and Parent
shall  coordinate  and cooperate in determining  whether any actions,  consents,
approvals  or  waivers  are  required  to be  obtained  from  third  parties  in
connection with  consummation of the Mergers.  In the event the Company fails to
obtain any of the  foregoing  consents,  the  Company  shall use all  reasonable
efforts,  and shall take any such actions  reasonably  requested  by Parent,  to
minimize any adverse effect upon the Company, and its businesses  resulting,  or
which  would  reasonably  be expected to result  after the  consummation  of the
Effective Time, from the failure to obtain such consent.

       (c)    From the date of this  Agreement  until the  Effective  Time,  the
Company  shall  promptly  notify  Parent in  writing of any  pending  or, to the
knowledge  of  the  Company,  threatened  action,  suit,  arbitration  or  other
proceeding or investigation  by any Governmental  Entity or any other person (i)
challenging or seeking  material  damages in connection  with the Mergers or any
other  transaction  contemplated  by this Agreement or the Voting  Agreements or
(ii)  seeking to  restrain or prohibit  the  consummation  of the Mergers or any
other  transaction  contemplated  by this Agreement or the Voting  Agreements or
otherwise  limit  the  right of  Parent  or any  subsidiary  of Parent to own or
operate all or any portion of the  businesses or assets of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries,  which, in either case, would reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect.


       (a)    The  Company  shall  give  prompt  notice  to  Parent  and  Merger
Subsidiary of the occurrence or  non-occurrence of any event whose occurrence or
non-occurrence  would be likely to cause (i) any representation or warranty made
by the Company or the DSS Cleared  Company  contained in this Agreement which is
qualified as to Material  Adverse  Effect to be untrue or inaccurate at any time
from the date hereof to the Effective  Time,  (ii) any other  representation  or
warranty  made by the  Company  or the DSS  Cleared  Company  contained  in this
Agreement  to be untrue or  inaccurate  at any time from the date  hereof to the
Effective  Time  (other  than  such  untruth  or  inaccuracy  which  would  not,
individually or in the aggregate,  have a Material  Adverse  Effect),  (iii) any
condition set forth in Section 7.1 or 7.3 to be unsatisfied at any time from the
date hereof to the  Closing  Date or (iv) any failure on the part of the Company
or the DSS Cleared Company to comply with or satisfy in any material respect any
material covenant, condition or agreement to be complied with or satisfied by it


       (b)    Parent shall give prompt  notice to the Company of the  occurrence
or  non-occurrence  of any event whose  occurrence  or  non-occurrence  would be
likely  to cause (i) any  representation  or  warranty  made by Parent or Merger
Subsidiary  contained in this Agreement  which is qualified as to materiality to
be untrue or inaccurate at any time from the date hereof to the Effective  Time,
(ii) any other  representation  or warranty made by Parent or Merger  Subsidiary
contained in this Agreement to be untrue or inaccurate in a material  respect at
any time from the date hereof to the  Effective  Time,  (iii) any  condition set
forth in Section 7.1 or 7.2 to be  unsatisfied  at any time from the date hereof
to the  Closing  Date or (iv) any  failure  on the part of the  Parent or Merger
Subsidiary  to comply  with or  satisfy in any  material  respect  any  material
covenant,  condition  or  agreement  to be  complied  with  or  satisfied  by it

       (c)    The delivery of any notice  pursuant to this Section 6.4 shall not
limit  or  otherwise  affect  the  remedies  available  hereunder  to the  party
receiving such notice or the right of such party to terminate this Agreement.


       (a)    Subject to any  restrictions  under  applicable  law,  the Company
shall  continue to give (and shall cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to give) the
officers,   employees,   accountants,   counsel,  financing  sources  and  other
representatives of Parent, reasonable access for reasonable purposes in light of
the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  during normal business hours
during  the  period  prior to the  Closing  Date to all its  properties,  books,
contracts,  commitments and records and,  during such period,  the Company shall
(and shall cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to) furnish promptly to Parent (i) a
copy of  each  report,  schedule,  registration  statement  and  other  document
publicly filed or received by it during such period pursuant to the requirements
of federal securities laws and (ii) information  regarding any material business
development  of  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  and  all  other  information
concerning  its  business,  properties  and  personnel as Parent may  reasonably
request; PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that the Company shall not be required to waive any
legal  privilege  by virtue  of this  Section  6.5.  The  Company  shall use its
reasonable  best efforts to enter into an appropriate  agreements with Parent to
allow for  disclosures  under this Section 6.5(a)  without  waiving or otherwise
relinquishing any applicable  privileges.  During this period,  the Company will
also consult with Parent on all matters  outside the ordinary course of business
relating to the Company's  business and strategy.  The Company  expressly agrees
that from the date hereof  until the Closing  Date,  the  Company  will  provide
Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  with all documents,  materials and information in
the  Company's  possession  or  control  pertaining  to  environmental   matters
concerning any current or previous Company owned,  leased or operated  property,
facility,  or business including compliance with and responsibility or liability
under, any Environmental  Laws or related to Hazardous  Substances.  The Company
grants  access to  Parent  to any of its  currently  owned,  leased or  operated
properties,  for  environmental  investigation,  including  invasive  testing if
reasonably warranted and recommended by a qualified consultant at the conclusion
of a Phase I  Environmental  Audit;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that Parent  provide a
written work plan for Company's  prior review and approval for any such invasive
work.  Unless otherwise  required by law and until the Closing Date,  Parent and
Merger   Subsidiary  shall  hold  any  such  information   which  is  non-public
information  in  confidence  and  shall  not  use  such  information  except  in
accordance   with,  and  shall   otherwise  abide  by,  the  provisions  of  the
Confidentiality Agreement. No


investigation pursuant to this Section 6.5(a) shall affect any representation or
warranty made by the Company hereunder.

       (b)    Prior to the Closing,  the Company and its  accountants,  counsel,
agents  and other  representatives  shall  cooperate  with  Parent by  providing
information about the Company which is necessary for Parent and its accountants,
agents,  counsel and other  representatives to prepare the Disclosure Documents.
Notwithstanding  the penultimate  sentence of Section 6.5(a) hereof,  Parent may
disclose,  or cause its  representatives  to  disclose,  and at the  request  of
Parent,  the  Company  shall  and  shall  cause  its  Subsidiaries  to  disclose
information  concerning the Company and its  Subsidiaries  and their  respective
businesses,  assets and properties,  and the  transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement to prospective  financing  sources in connection  therewith,  provided
that such  financing  sources  agree to hold such  information  in confidence in
accordance   with,  and  shall   otherwise  abide  by,  the  provisions  of  the
Confidentiality Agreement.

       SECTION 6.6   PUBLICITY. The initial  press  release  with respect to the
execution of this Agreement  shall be a joint press release in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 6.6.  Thereafter,  so long as this  Agreement is in effect and
subject to the other provisions of this Agreement,  neither the Company,  Parent
nor any of their  respective  affiliates shall issue or cause the publication of
any press  release  or other  announcement  with  respect to the  Mergers,  this
Agreement  or the  other  transactions  contemplated  hereby  without  the prior
consent of the other party,  except after  receiving the advice of outside legal
counsel,  and after  informing  all the  parties  hereto,  that such  release or
announcement  is required by law or by any listing  agreement with or rules of a
national  securities  exchange or trading market. If so advised,  Parent and the
Company shall consult with each other before issuing, and provide each other the
opportunity to comment upon,  any such press release or other public  statements
with respect to such transactions.


       (a)    Until the Effective  Time the Company shall keep in effect Article
IX of its By-Laws,  and thereafter for a period of six (6) years,  the Surviving
Corporation  shall keep in effect in its  Articles of  Incorporation  or By-Laws
provisions which provides for  indemnification and exculpation of the present or
former officers,  directors,  employees and agents (the "INDEMNIFIED PERSON(S)")
of the Company to the extent provided by Articles IX of the Company's By-laws on
the date hereof.

       (b)    The  Parent  shall   maintain,   or  shall  cause  the   Surviving
Corporation to maintain,  the Company's and its Subsidiaries  existing officers'
and directors'  liability insurance ("D&O INSURANCE") covering those persons who
are covered by the  Company's  D&O  Insurance as of the date hereof or as of the
Effective  Time (the  "COVERED  Persons") for a period of one (1) year after the
Effective  Time and, for a period of five (5) years  thereafter,  shall maintain
D&O Insurance for such Covered Persons through the D&O Insurance of an affiliate
of Parent on terms used consistent  with those  applicable to other officers and
directors  covered  under  such D&O  Insurance;  PROVIDED,  that  the  Surviving
Corporation  may  substitute  therefor  policies  of  substantially   equivalent
coverage and amounts containing terms no less favorable to such former directors
or officers (but without creating any gaps in coverage); PROVIDED, FURTHER, that
the  Surviving  Corporation  shall not in any event be required to pay an annual
premium for the D&O  Insurance  in excess of 150% the last annual  premium  paid
prior to the date of this Agreement,


which  premium  the  Company   represents  and  warrants  to  be   approximately
$90,000.00;  PROVIDED,  FURTHER,  that if the annual  premiums of such insurance
coverage  exceed such amount,  Parent shall be obligated to obtain a policy with
the best  coverage  available  for a cost not  exceeding  such  amount.  Each of
Parent, Merger Subsidiary and the Company acknowledge and hereby agree that each
of the Covered Persons is intended to be a third party  beneficiary of the terms
of  this  Section  6.7(b).  The  Surviving   Corporation  shall  reimburse  each
Indemnified  Person for his or her  reasonable  expenses in enforcing his or her
rights under this Section 6.7,  including  reasonable  attorneys fees,  unless a
court of competent  jurisdiction shall determine,  and such determination  shall
have become final and non-appealable,  that  indemnification of such Indemnified
Person in the manner contemplated hereby, is prohibited by applicable law.

       (c)    If the Surviving  Corporation or any successor or assign shall (i)
consolidate  with or merge into any other Person and shall not be the continuing
or surviving  corporation  or entity of such  consolidation  or merger,  or (ii)
transfer  all  or  substantially  all  of  its  properties  and  assets  to  any
individual,  corporation  or other  entity,  then and in each such case,  proper
provisions shall be made so that the successors and assigns thereof shall assume
the  obligations  set forth in this  Section  6.7;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  no such
assignment  or  assumption  shall  relieve  the  Surviving  Corporation  (or any
successor or assign) of its  obligations  set forth in (or imposed  pursuant to)
this Section 6.7.

       SECTION 6.8   EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. On and after the Effective Time,  Parent
agrees to cause the Surviving Corporation to arrange for each employee, director
and officer of the Company and its Subsidiaries who was  participating in any of
the  Benefit  Plans of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  immediately  before the
Effective Time and who remains an employee, director or officer of the Surviving
Corporation  after the  Effective  Time,  to be eligible to  participate  in any
counterpart  benefit  plans in which  employees,  directors  and officers of the
Surviving Corporation  participate (the "COUNTERPART PLANS"), in accordance with
the terms and  conditions  thereof,  and if such  Counterpart  Plans  exist,  to
provide that for purposes of eligibility,  vesting and determination of level of
benefits, but not accrual of or entitlement to benefits, such participants shall
receive full credit for years of service with the Company  and/or any Subsidiary
and prior  employers to the extent such service is taken into account under such
Benefit Plans,  PROVIDED that such service shall not be recognized to the extent
that such recognition would result in a duplication of benefits or to the extent
that  such  service  was  not  recognized  under  the  applicable  Benefit  Plan
immediately  before the Effective  Time.  The Surviving  Corporation  shall give
credit under those of its  Counterpart  Plans that are welfare benefit plans for
all co-payments  made,  amounts  credited toward  deductibles and  out-of-pocket
maximums,  and time accrued against applicable waiting periods, by employees and
officers (in each case including  their eligible  dependents) of the Company and
the Subsidiaries,  to the extent given under the applicable  Benefit Plan of the
Company or any Subsidiary immediately before the Effective Time, and shall waive
all pre-existing  condition  restrictions  otherwise applicable to employees and
officers of the Company or any Subsidiary  under the Counterpart  Plans that are
welfare  benefit  plans in which  employees  and officers of the Company and any
Subsidiary  become  eligible to participate on or following the Effective  Time,
but  only  to the  extent  restrictions  were  not  applicable  to the  relevant
participant under the applicable Benefit Plan immediately prior to the Effective
Time.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein,  the Stock Plans of the
Company  will not be  continued  after,  and  shall  be  terminated  as of,  the
Effective Time.


       SECTION 6.9   MERGER SUBSIDIARY COMPLIANCE.  Parent  shall  cause  Merger
Subsidiary  to timely  perform and comply with all of its  obligations  under or
related to this Agreement,  including, without limitation, all obligations in or
with respect to the Mergers.


       (a)    Prior to the  Closing,  upon the terms and  subject  to the terms,
provisions and conditions of this  Agreement,  Parent,  Merger  Subsidiary,  the
Company and the DSS Cleared  Company  agree to use their  respective  reasonable
best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions,  and to do, or cause to
be done,  all things  necessary,  proper or  advisable  to  consummate  and make
effective  the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  as  promptly  as

       (b)    No party shall  willfully  perform any act which if performed,  or
willfully  omit to  perform  any act which if  omitted  to be  performed,  would
prevent or excuse the consummation of the Mergers.

       SECTION 6.11  TAXES.

       (a)    Parent, Great Universal and the Company and its Subsidiaries shall
cooperate fully, as and to the extent  reasonably  requested by the other party,
in connection with the filing of Tax Returns  pursuant to this Agreement and any
audit,  litigation or other  proceeding with respect to Taxes.  Such cooperation
shall include the  retention and (upon the other party's  request) the provision
of records  and  information  which are  reasonably  relevant to any such audit,
litigation  or other  proceeding  and making  employees  available on a mutually
convenient  basis to  provide  additional  information  and  explanation  of any
material provided hereunder.  The Company,  its Subsidiaries and Great Universal
agree (i) to retain all books and records with respect to Tax matters  pertinent
to each of the Company  and its  Subsidiaries  relating  to any  Taxable  period
beginning  before  the  Closing  Date  until the  expiration  of the  statute of
limitations (and, to the extent notified by Parent,  any extensions  thereof) of
the respective Taxable periods,  and to abide by all record retention agreements
entered  into with any Taxing  authority,  (ii) to deliver or make  available to
Parent,  within sixty (60) days after the Closing Date, copies of all such books
and records,  and (iii) to give the other party reasonable  written notice prior
to transferring, destroying or discarding any such books and records and, if the
other party so requests, the Company and its Subsidiaries or Great Universal, as
the case may be,  shall allow the other party to take  possession  of such books
and records.  Parent and Great  Universal  further agree,  upon request,  to use
their  best  efforts  to  obtain  any  certificate  or other  document  from any
governmental  authority  or any other  Person as may be  necessary  to mitigate,
reduce or eliminate  any Tax that could be imposed  (including,  but not limited
to, with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby).

       (b)    All transfer,  documentary,  sales,  use, stamp,  registration and
other  substantially  similar  Taxes  and  fees  (including  any  penalties  and
interest)  incurred in connection with this Agreement  (collectively,  "TRANSFER
TAXES") shall be borne by Great Universal and Parent equally.

       (c)    The Company shall have delivered to Parent a form of notice to the
Internal  Revenue  Service  in  accordance  with the  requirements  of  Treasury
Regulations  Section   1.897-


2(h)(2) and in form and  substance  reasonably  acceptable  to Parent along with
written  authorization  for Parent to deliver  such notice form to the  Internal
Revenue Service on behalf of the Company upon the Closing.

                                  ARTICLE VII


MERGERS. The respective obligations of each party to effect the Mergers shall be
subject  to the  satisfaction  on or  prior to the  Closing  Date of each of the
following conditions,  any and all of which may be waived in whole or in part by
the  Company,  Parent or Merger  Subsidiary,  as the case may be, to the  extent
permitted by applicable law:

       (a)    STOCKHOLDER  APPROVAL.  The Mergers and this Agreement  shall have
been  approved and adopted by the  requisite  vote of the holders of the Shares;

       (b)    NO  RESTRAINTS.  No  statute,  rule,  regulation,  order,  decree,
judgment,  ruling or injunction shall have been instituted,  pending, enacted or
promulgated by any  Governmental  Entity or any court of competent  jurisdiction
which  directly  restrains  or  prohibits  the  consummation  of the  Mergers in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that each of the
parties  hereto  shall have used  reasonable  efforts  to prevent  and appeal as
necessary any of the foregoing.

TO  EFFECT  THE  MERGERS.  The  respective  obligations  of  Parent  and  Merger
Subsidiary  to effect the  Mergers  shall be subject to the  satisfaction  on or
prior to the Closing Date of each of the  following  conditions,  any and all of
which may be waived in whole or in part by Parent or Merger  Subsidiary,  as the
case may be, to the extent permitted by applicable law:

Each of the Company  and the DSS Cleared  Company  shall have  performed  in all
material  respects  each  of its  covenants  and  agreements  contained  in this
Agreement required to be performed at or prior to the Closing Date, (ii) each of
the  representations  and  warranties of each of the Company and the DSS Cleared
Company made in this Agreement  which is qualified as to materiality  shall have
been true and correct when made and shall be true and correct in all respects as
of the Closing  Date as if made on and as such date (other than  representations
and  warranties  which address  matters only as of a certain date which shall be
true and correct as of such certain date), and (iii) each of the representations
and  warranties of each of the Company and the DSS Cleared  Company made in this
Agreement  that is not so  qualified  shall  have been true and  correct  in all
material  respects  when  made and  shall be true and  correct  in all  material
respects on and as of the Closing  Date as if made on and as of such date (other
than  representations  and warranties which address matters only as of a certain
date which shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such certain

       (b)    ANCILLARY  AGREEMENTS.  Each of the Ancillary  Agreements to which
each of the Company and the DSS Cleared Company is or will be a party shall have
been duly authorized,


executed and  delivered  by each of the Company and the DSS Cleared  Company and
each of the Company and the DSS Cleared Company shall have performed or complied
with each such Ancillary Agreement in all material respects.

       (c)    MATERIAL  ADVERSE EFFECT.  Since the date hereof,  there shall not
have  occurred  any Material  Adverse  Effect or any event or  development  that
would,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  reasonably  be  expected  to have a
Material Adverse Effect.

       (d)    CONSENTS.  The Company shall have  obtained each Material  Company
Consent, each of which is in full force and effect as of the Closing Date.

       (e)    REGULATORY  APPROVALS.  All  Regulatory  Approvals,  including  in
particular under Section 721 of the Defense  Production Act of 1950, as amended,
and the regulations and rules  thereunder (the  "EXON-FLORIO  Amendment")  shall
have been obtained and shall be in full force and effect as of the Closing Date;
PROVIDED  that such  Regulatory  Approvals  shall not impose terms or conditions
which (i) restrain, prohibit or materially limit Parent's or Merger Subsidiary's
ownership or operation (or that of their respective  subsidiaries or affiliates)
of all or any material  portion of the business or assets of the Company (or the
Surviving  Corporation) and its (or the Surviving  Corporation's)  Subsidiaries,
taken as a whole, or (ii) compel Parent or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates
to dispose of or hold  separate all or any  material  portion of the business or
assets of the Company (or the Surviving  Corporation)  and its (or the Surviving
Corporation's)  Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole.  Parent  acknowledges  that the
requirement to enter into a special security agreement or voting trust agreement
with  respect  to the  Surviving  Corporation  shall  not  constitute  a term or
condition described in clauses (i) and (ii) above.

       (f)    SECTION 280G WAIVERS. On or prior to the date hereof, the Company,
the DSS  Cleared  Company  and each  Person to whom any  payment  or  benefit is
required  or  proposed  to  be  made  in  connection  or  association  with  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any Ancillary
Agreement  that could  constitute an "excess  parachute  payment" (as defined in
Section  280G(b)(1)  of the Code) shall have  executed  and  delivered a written
waiver,  in a form approved by Parent,  of such Person's  rights to receive such
payment  or benefit to the extent  necessary  to avoid  treatment  as an "excess
parachute payment" (a "SECTION 280G WAIVER"),  and each such Section 280G Waiver
shall be in full force and effect as of the Closing Date.

       (g)    INDEMNITY AGREEMENT.  The Indemnity Agreement by and among the DSS
Cleared  Company,  Great  Universal and Parent shall have been duly  authorized,
executed  and  delivered  by the DSS Cleared  Company and Great  Universal on or
prior to the date  hereof,  shall be in full force and effect as of the  Closing
Date and neither the DSS Cleared  Company nor Great Universal shall be in breach

       (h)    COMPANY OFFICERS CERTIFICATE.  The Company shall have delivered to
Parent a  certificate,  dated the Closing  Date,  signed by the chief  executive
officer  or  chief  financial  officer  of  the  Company,  certifying  that  the
conditions  set  forth in  Sections  7.2(a),  (c),  (d),  (e) and (f) have  been


MERGERS. The obligation of the Company to effect the Mergers shall be subject to
the  satisfaction  on or  prior  to the  Closing  Date of each of the  following
conditions,  any and all of  which  may be  waived  in  whole  or in part by the
Company, to the extent permitted by applicable law:

Each of Parent  and  Merger  Subsidiary  shall have  performed  in all  material
respects  each of its  covenants  and  agreements  contained  in this  Agreement
required  to be  performed  at or prior to the  Closing  Date,  (ii) each of the
representations  and  warranties  of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  made in this
Agreement which is qualified as to materiality  shall have been true and correct
when made and shall be true and correct in all  respects as of the Closing  Date
as if made on and as such date (other than  representations and warranties which
address  matters only as of a certain date which shall be true and correct as of
such certain  date),  and (iii) each of the  representations  and  warranties of
Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  made in this  Agreement  that is not so qualified
shall have been true and correct in all material respects when made and shall be
true and correct in all  material  respects on and as of the Closing  Date as if
made on and as of such date (other than  representations  and  warranties  which
address matters only as of a certain date which shall be true and correct in all
material respects as of such certain date).

       (b)    ANCILLARY  AGREEMENTS.  Each of the Ancillary  Agreements to which
Parent  and  Merger  Subsidiary  is or will  be a party  shall  have  been  duly
authorized,  executed and delivered by Parent and Merger Subsidiary, as the case
may be,  and  Parent  and  Merger  Subsidiary,  as the case may be,  shall  have
performed  or  complied  with  each such  Ancillary  Agreement  in all  material

       (c)    PARENT  OFFICERS  CERTIFICATE.  Parent shall have delivered to the
Company a  certificate,  dated the Closing Date,  signed by the chief  executive
officer or chief financial officer of Parent,  certifying that the condition set
forth in Section 7.3(a) has been satisfied.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


       SECTION 8.1   TERMINATION.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  and  the
transactions  contemplated  herein  may be  abandoned  at any  time  before  the
Effective Time, whether before or after stockholder approval:

       (a)    By mutual written consent of Parent and the Company,  in each case
acting through its board of directors; or

       (b)    By  either  Parent  or the  Company  if  any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction or other Governmental  Entity shall have issued an order, decree or
ruling  (which order,  decree or ruling the parties  hereto shall use their best
efforts to vacate), in each case permanently restraining, enjoining or otherwise
prohibiting  the Mergers and such order,  decree,  ruling or other  action shall
have become final and non-appealable and shall not have resulted from a material
breach of a representation, warranty or covenant by the terminating party; or


       (c)    By either Parent or the Company,  if at the Special  Meeting,  the
stockholders  of the Company  reject or otherwise fail to adopt and approve this
Agreement and the Mergers; or

       (d)    By Parent  if,  without  any  material  breach by Parent or Merger
Subsidiary  of  its  representations,   warranties  or  obligations  under  this
Agreement,  the Closing  shall not have  occurred on or before the date which is
six months  from the date of this  Agreement  (the  "OUTSIDE  DATE"),  PROVIDED,
HOWEVER,  that Parent may not terminate this Agreement  pursuant to this Section
8.1(d) if Parent  shall  have (i) failed to fulfill  any  obligation  under this
Agreement,  which  failure  has been a principal  cause of, or resulted  in, the
failure of any condition to the Closing to have been satisfied on or before such
date, or (ii) otherwise materially breached this Agreement; or

       (e)    By the Company if,  without any material  breach by the Company of
its representations, warranties or obligations under this Agreement, the Closing
shall not have occurred on or before the Outside Date, PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that
the Company may not terminate this Agreement  pursuant to this Section 8.1(e) if
the  Company  shall  have (i)  failed  to  fulfill  any  obligation  under  this
Agreement,  which  failure  has been a principal  cause of, or resulted  in, the
failure of any condition to the Closing to have been satisfied on or before such
date, or (ii) otherwise materially breached this Agreement; or

       (f)    By the  Company,  if (i)  Parent or Merger  Subsidiary  shall have
breached in any  material  respect  any  material  covenant  or other  agreement
contained in this Agreement,  (ii) any  representation  or warranty of Parent or
Merger  Subsidiary  made in this Agreement  which is qualified as to materiality
shall  fail to be true and  correct in all  respects  when made or as if made at
such time, (iii) any  representation  or warranty of Parent or Merger Subsidiary
made in this  Agreement  which  is not so  qualified  shall  fail to be true and
correct in all material  respects  when made or as if made at such time, or (iv)
to allow the  Company to enter into an  agreement  in  accordance  with  Section
5.3(b) hereof with respect to a Superior  Offer,  but only after the Company has
convened  a  Special  Meeting  pursuant  to  Section  6.1(a)  and the  Company's
stockholders have rejected the Mergers and this Agreement, and after the Company
fulfills  its  obligations  under  Section  8.2  hereof  on  or  prior  to  such
termination (provided that the Company's right to terminate this Agreement under
this Section  8.1(f)(iv) shall not be available if the Company is then in breach
of Section  5.2 or 5.3),  in each case with  respect to  clauses  (i),  (ii) and
(iii), which breach or which failure to be true and correct cannot be or has not
been  cured  within ten (10)  business  days of the  receipt  of written  notice
thereof; or

       (g)    By Parent,  if (i) either the Company or the DSS  Cleared  Company
shall have  breached  in any  material  respect any  material  covenant or other
agreement  contained in this Agreement,  (ii) any  representation or warranty of
either the Company or the DSS Cleared  Company made in this  Agreement  which is
qualified  as to  materiality  shall fail to be true and correct in all respects
when made or as if made at such time or (iii) any  representation or warranty of
either the Company or the DSS Cleared  Company made in this  Agreement  which is
not so qualified shall fail to be true and correct in all material respects when
made or as if made at such time,  in each case which breach or which  failure to
be true and  correct  cannot be or has not been cured  within ten (10)  business
days of the receipt of written notice thereof; or


       (h)    By Parent, if (i) the Board of Directors of the Company shall have
withdrawn or modified in a manner adverse to Merger  Subsidiary,  or failed upon
Parent's request to reconfirm,  its approval or recommendation of the Mergers or
this  Agreement (or  determined to do any of the  foregoing),  (ii) the Board of
Directors shall have determined to accept, or shall have determined to recommend
to the Company's  stockholders that they approve,  a Takeover  Proposal,  or the
Company shall have entered into or shall have  publicly  announced its intention
to enter into, a definitive  written agreement or written agreement in principle
providing  for a Takeover  Proposal or (iii) a tender  offer or  exchange  offer
that, if  successful,  would result in any Person or group becoming a beneficial
owner of 20% or more of the  outstanding  Shares  is  commenced  (other  than by
Parent or an affiliate of Parent) and the Board of Directors  fails to recommend
against  acceptance of such offer by the stockholders of the Company  (including
by taking no position or a neutral position with respect thereto); or

       (i)    By Parent,  if (i) either of the Voting  Agreements shall cease to
be in full force and effect or Great Universal is in material breach thereof; or
(ii) any Person (other than Parent,  an affiliate of Parent or Great  Universal)
or group becomes the beneficial owner of 20% or more of the outstanding Shares.


       (a)    In the event of  termination  of this  Agreement  as  provided  in
Section 8.1 hereof, written notice thereof shall forthwith be given to the other
party or  parties  specifying  the  provision  hereof  pursuant  to  which  such
termination is made.

       (b)    In the  event of  termination  of this  Agreement  by  either  the
Company,  on one hand,  or Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  on the other hand,  as
provided in Section 8.1, this Agreement shall forthwith become null and void and
there  shall be no  liability  on the part of  Parent,  Merger  Subsidiary,  the
Company or the DSS Cleared Company,  except (i) as set forth in Sections 8.2(c),
(d) or (e)  hereof  and (ii)  nothing  herein  shall  relieve  Parent  or Merger
Subsidiary  from liability for any breach of this Agreement or relieve any party
from  liability,  or limit its  liability,  for any  willful  breach or  willful
misrepresentation  hereunder,  or prevent any party from asserting any equitable
remedies available to it for such willful breach or willful misrepresentation.

       (c)    (i)    The Company shall pay to Parent an amount equal to Parent's
       and Merger  Subsidiary's actual and reasonably  documented  out-of-pocket
       expenses  (including  without  limitation,  fees  payable  to all  banks,
       investment  banking  firms and  other  financial  institutions  and their
       respective  counsel,  and all  fees of  counsel,  accountants,  financial
       printers,  experts and consultants to Parent) not in excess of $1,000,000
       (the "EXPENSE  REIMBURSEMENT AMOUNT") if this Agreement is terminated for
       any of the following reasons:

                     (A)    Parent or the  Company  shall have  terminated  this
              Agreement  pursuant  to Section  8.1(c) and no  Takeover  Proposal
              shall have been received or made known to the Company prior to the
              date of termination  (regardless of whether such Takeover Proposal
              has been publicly announced);


                     (B)    Parent shall have terminated this Agreement pursuant
              to Section 8.1(g) or 8.1(i)(i) and no Takeover Proposal shall have
              been  received or made known to the  Company  prior to the date of
              termination (regardless of whether such Takeover Proposal has been
              publicly announced); or

                     (C)    Parent shall have terminated this Agreement pursuant
              to  Section  8.1(d) or the  Company  shall  have  terminated  this
              Agreement  pursuant  to Section  8.1(e),  and a Takeover  Proposal
              shall have been made known to the Company and not withdrawn  prior
              to the date of  termination  (regardless  of whether such Takeover
              Proposal  has been  publicly  announced),  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  if
              Parent terminates this Agreement  pursuant to Section 8.1(d) where
              the failure of the Closing to occur by the Outside  Date is due to
              the existence of a Material Adverse Effect caused by the action of
              the  Parent  or its  affiliates,  the  Company  shall not have any
              obligation to pay the Expense Reimbursement Amount.

              (ii)   The Company  shall pay Parent an amount equal to $1,800,000
       (the  "TERMINATION  FEE") if the Agreement is  terminated  for any of the
       following reasons:

                     (A)    Parent or the  Company  shall have  terminated  this
              Agreement  pursuant  to  Section  8.1(c) and either (1) a Takeover
              Proposal shall have been made and not withdrawn  prior to the date
              of the Special Meeting or (2) a binding  agreement with respect to
              a  Takeover   Proposal  is  entered   into  or  the   transactions
              constituting a Takeover  Proposal are consummated  within 9 months
              after such termination (the entering into a binding agreement with
              respect to, or the  consummation  of, a Takeover  Proposal  within
              such  period,  a  "SUBSEQUENTLY   ACCEPTED  TAKEOVER   PROPOSAL"),
              provided  any amounts  payable  under this  Section  8.2(c)(ii)(A)
              shall be less any  amounts  previously  paid  pursuant  to Section
              8.2(c)(i)(A) above;

                     (B)    the Company  shall have  terminated  this  Agreement
              pursuant to Section 8.1(f)(iv);

                     (C)    Parent shall have terminated this Agreement pursuant
              to Section  8.1(g) and either (1) a Takeover  Proposal  shall have
              been  received or made known to the  Company  prior to the date of
              termination  or (2)  there  is a  Subsequently  Accepted  Takeover
              Proposal,   provided  any  amounts   payable  under  this  Section
              8.2(c)(ii)(D)  shall be less any amounts  previously paid pursuant
              to Section 8.2(c)(i)(B) above; or

                     (D)    Parent shall have terminated this Agreement pursuant
              to Section 8.1(h).

                     (E)    Parent shall have terminated this Agreement pursuant
              to Section 8.1(i) and a Takeover Proposal shall have been received
              or made  known to the  Company  prior to the date of  termination;
              provided  any amounts  payable  under this  Section  8.2(c)(ii)(E)
              shall be less any  amounts  previously  paid  pursuant  to Section
              8.2(c)(i)(B) above.


              (iii)  Any Expense Reimbursement Amount or Termination Fee, as the
       case may be,  shall be payable  by the  Company  in  accordance  with the

                     (A)    with  respect  to  amounts  payable  under  Sections
              8.2(c)(i)(B), 8.2(c)(i)(C)(1),  8.2(c)(ii)(C)(1), 8.2(c)(ii)(D) or
              8.2(c)(ii)(E),  not later than one (1) business day after the date
              of  termination  or,  with  respect  to an  Expense  Reimbursement
              Amount,  such later date as Parent  presents  to the  Company  its
              documented expenses;

                     (B)    with  respect  to  amounts  payable  under  Sections
              8.2(c)(ii)(A)(2), 8.2(c)(i)(C)(2) or 8.2(c)(ii)(C)(2), the earlier
              of the date the binding agreement with respect to the Subsequently
              Accepted  Takeover  Proposal is entered  into or the  transactions
              constituting  the  Subsequently  Accepted  Takeover  Proposal  are
              consummated; and

                     (C)    with  respect  to  amounts  payable  under  Sections
              8.2(c)(i)(A), 8.2(c)(ii)(A)(1) or 8.2(c)(ii)(B) on or prior to the
              date of termination  or, with respect to an Expense  Reimbursement
              Amount,  such later date as Parent  presents  to the  Company  its
              documented expenses.

              (iv)   Any Expense Reimbursement Amount or Termination Fee, as the
       case may be, shall be payable by wire transfer of  immediately  available
       funds to an account as Parent may  designate  in writing to the  Company.
       Subject to Section 8.2(b) and the following sentence, upon payment of any
       Expense  Reimbursement  Amount or  Termination  Fee  required  to be paid
       pursuant  to this  Section  8.2(c),  the  Company  shall  have no further
       obligation  to Parent or  Merger  Subsidiary,  under  this  Agreement  or
       otherwise;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that if the Company fails to pay promptly
       the  amounts  required  pursuant to this  Section  8.2(c) and in order to
       obtain such payment  Parent or Merger  Subsidiary  commences a suit which
       results in a final  non-appealable  judgment against the Company for such
       amounts,  the Company  shall pay to Parent or Merger  Subsidiary  (x) the
       costs and expenses  (including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees) incurred by
       Parent or Merger Subsidiary in connection with such suit and (y) interest
       on all such amounts required to be paid at the rate announced by Citibank
       N.A.  as its  "reference  rate" in effect on the date such  amounts  were
       required  to  be  paid.  The  Company's  obligation  to  pay  an  Expense
       Reimbursement  Amount or Termination  Fee, as the case may be, under this
       Section 8.2 shall  survive  termination  of this  Agreement  and continue
       until such amount is paid,  including without  limitation amounts payable
       under Section 8.2(c)(iii)(B).

              (v)    The Company  acknowledges  that the  Expense  Reimbursement
       Amount  and  Termination  Fee  provided  for in  this  Section  8.2 is an
       integral part of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and that
       without the Expense Reimbursement Amount and Termination Fee provided for
       above,  neither  Parent  nor  Merger  Subsidiary  would  enter  into this

       (d)    Each  party,  if so  requested  by the other  party,  will  return
promptly  every  document  furnished to it by or on behalf of the other party in
connection with the transactions


contemplated  hereby,  whether so obtained before or after the execution of this
Agreement,  and any copies  thereof  (except  for copies of  documents  publicly
available)  which may have been made, and will use  reasonable  efforts to cause
its  representatives  and any  representatives  of  financial  institutions  and
investors and others to whom such documents  were  furnished  promptly to return
such documents and any copies thereof any of them may have made.

       (e)    The parties'  obligations  under  Sections 6.5, 6.6 and Article IX
hereof shall  continue  indefinitely  notwithstanding  any  termination  of this
Agreement,  PROVIDED THAT, with respect to Section 6.5, the parties' obligations
to keep information  confidential  shall terminate three (3) years from the date
hereof. This Section 8.2 shall survive any termination of this Agreement and the
Confidentiality  Agreement  will remain in full force and effect in the event of
such termination.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

       SECTION 9.1   AMENDMENT.  This  Agreement  may be amended by the  parties
hereto by action taken by or on behalf of their  respective  boards of directors
at any time before or after adoption and approval hereof by the  stockholders of
the Company but,  after such adoption and approval,  no amendment  shall be made
which reduces the amount or changes the form of Merger  Consideration to be paid
in the Mergers or in any way materially  adversely affects the rights of holders
of the Shares  without the further  adoption and approval of such holders.  This
Agreement may not be amended  except by an instrument in writing signed by or on
behalf of each of the parties hereto.

       SECTION 9.2   WAIVER.  At  any  time  prior  to  the  Effective Time, the
parties hereto, by action taken by their respective boards of directors, may (i)
extend the time for the  performance of any of the  obligations or other acts of
the other parties hereto, (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and
warranties of the other parties  contained  herein or in any document  delivered
pursuant  hereto,  and (iii)  waive  compliance  with any of the  agreements  or
satisfaction  of any of the conditions  contained  herein.  Any agreement on the
part of a party  hereto to any such  extension  or waiver shall be valid only if
set forth in an instrument in writing  signed on behalf of such party,  but such
extension  or  waiver  or  failure  to  insist  on  strict  compliance  with  an
obligation,  covenant,  agreement or condition shall not operate as a waiver of,
or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other failure.

6.5,  6.7, and 6.8 hereof and this Article IX, and,  without  limitation  by the
specific enumeration of the foregoing,  each and every other agreement contained
in this Agreement or any  certificate or other  document  delivered  pursuant to
this  Agreement and which  contemplates  performance  after the Effective  Time,
shall  survive  the  Mergers.  None  of  the  representations,   warranties  and
agreements (other than those agreements  referred to in the previous sentence of
this Section  9.3)  contained  in this  Agreement or in any exhibit,  disclosure
schedule,  certificate or other instrument  delivered pursuant to this Agreement
shall survive the earliest to occur of the Effective Time and the termination of
this Agreement.


       SECTION 9.4   NOTICES. Any notice, request, instruction or other document
to be given  hereunder  by any party to the others  shall be deemed  given if in
writing and delivered  personally or sent by overnight courier  (providing proof
of delivery), postage prepaid or by facsimile (which is confirmed).

              if to Parent or Merger Subsidiary:

              225 Reineckers Lane, Suite 525
              Alexandria, Virginia  22314
              Attention: Misty Walsh
              Facsimile: (703) 683-8979

              with a copy to:

              Michael W. Sturrock, Esq.
              Latham & Watkins LLP
              80 Raffles Place #14-20
              UOB Plaza 2, Singapore 048624
              Facsimile: (+65) 6536-1171

              if to the Company or the DSS Cleared Company:

              3800 Richardson Road South
              Hope Hull, Alabama  36043
              Attention:  President
              Facsimile:  (334) 613-6519

              with a copy to:

              Leonard Gubar, Esq.
              Piper Rudnick LLP
              1251 Avenue of the Americas
              New York, New York 10020
              Facsimile: (212) 835-6001

or to such other address as may have been designated in a prior notice.  Notices
shall be deemed to have been given when received.

       SECTION 9.5   HEADINGS.  The  headings  in this  Agreement  are  intended
solely for  convenience  of  reference  and  shall  be given  no  effect  in the
construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

       SECTION 9.6   EXHIBITS,  SCHEDULES AND ANNEXES.  The Exhibits,  Schedules
and Annexes referred to in this Agreement shall be deemed to be an integral part
of this Agreement as if fully rewritten herein.


       SECTION 9.7   COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be executed in multiple
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  and all of which
together shall constitute one and the same document.


       (a)    This Agreement,  including all matters of  construction,  validity
and  performance,  shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the State of Delaware,  as applied to contracts made,  executed
and to be fully  performed  in such state by  citizens  of such  state,  without
regard to conflict of laws principles.


       SECTION 9.9   PRONOUNS.  The use of a particular pronoun herein shall not
be  restrictive  as to gender or number but shall be interpreted in all cases as
the context may require.

       SECTION 9.10  TIME PERIODS. Unless otherwise  provided herein, any action
required  hereunder to be taken  within a certain  number of days shall be taken
within that number of calendar days; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the last day for
taking such action fails on a weekend or a holiday, the period during which such
action may be taken shall be automatically extended to the next business day.

       SECTION 9.11  NO STRICT CONSTRUCTION. The language used in this Agreement
will be deemed to be the language  chosen by the parties hereto to express their
mutual intent, and no rule of strict construction will be applied against either

       SECTION 9.12  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement and the  agreements  and
documents referred to in this Agreement or delivered hereunder are the exclusive
statement of the agreement  between the parties  concerning  the subject  matter
hereof.  All negotiations  and prior agreements  between the parties (other than
those incorporated herein,  including the Confidentiality  Agreement) are merged
into this Agreement, and there are no representations, warranties,


covenants, understandings, or agreements, oral or otherwise, in relation thereto
among the  parties  other than  those  incorporated  herein and to be  delivered

       SECTION 9.13  SEVERABILITY.  Whenever  possible,  each  provision of this
Agreement  will be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under
applicable  law, but if any provision of this Agreement is held to be prohibited
by or invalid under  applicable law, such provision will be ineffective  only to
the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder
of this Agreement.

       SECTION 9.14  SUCCESSORS  AND ASSIGNS.  The  provisions of this Agreement
shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and their
respective successors and assigns,  provided that no party may assign,  delegate
or otherwise  transfer  any of its rights or  obligations  under this  Agreement
without  the  consent  of the  other  parties  hereto  except  that  Parent  may
substitute any direct or indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Parent for Merger
Subsidiary  without consent of the Company or the DSS Cleared  Company,  but any
such  transfer or  assignment  will not relieve  Parent,  the Company or the DSS
Cleared Company of its obligations under this Agreement. Except for Sections 6.7
hereof,  and except as  otherwise  provided in this  Agreement,  nothing in this
Agreement  is intended or shall be  construed to confer on any Person other than
the parties hereto any rights or benefits hereunder.

       SECTION 9.15  FEES AND EXPENSES.  Except as  otherwise  set forth in this
Agreement,  each party hereto shall bear all fees and expenses  incurred by such
party in connection with, relating to or arising out of the execution,  delivery
and  performance  of this  Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby
(including the Mergers).

                            [Signature Page Follows]


       IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the parties has caused this Agreement to be
executed on its behalf by its officers thereunto duly authorized,  all as of the
day and year first above written.

                                     VISION TECHNOLOGIES KINETICS, INC.

                                     By:      /s/      JOHN COBURN
                                        Name:  John Coburn

                                        Title: Authorized Representative

                                     VTK MERGER SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

                                     By:      /s/      ALFRED W. CLARK
                                        Name:  Alfred W. Clark
                                        Title: President

                                     MILTOPE GROUP INC.

                                     By:      /s/      THOMAS R. DICKINSON
                                        Name:  Thomas R. Dickinson
                                        Title: President and CEO

                                     MILTOPE CORPORATION

                                     By:      /s/      THOMAS R. DICKINSON
                                        Name:  Thomas R. Dickinson
                                        Title: President and CEO


                                                                         Annex B

                            PRIMARY VOTING AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT made as of this 21st day of October, 2003 by and among Vision
Technologies  Kinetics,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  ("PARENT"),  VTK Merger
Subsidiary  Corporation,  an Alabama corporation ("MERGER SUBSIDIARY"),  Miltope
Group  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the  "COMPANY"),  and  Great  Universal
Incorporated, a Delaware corporation (the "STOCKHOLDER").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:
                               - - - - - - - - - -

         WHEREAS,   concurrently   with  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this
Agreement,  Parent, Merger Subsidiary,  the Company and Miltope Corporation,  an
Alabama corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the "DSS CLEARED
COMPANY"),  have entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (as such agreement
may be amended from time to time, the "MERGER AGREEMENT"), pursuant to which the
Company and Merger  Subsidiary  will merge with and into the DSS Cleared Company
(the "MERGERS"); and

         WHEREAS,  as an inducement  and a condition to entering into the Merger
Agreement,  Parent has required that the Stockholder  agree, and the Stockholder
has agreed, to enter into this Agreement.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing  and the  mutual
representations,  warranties,  covenants and  agreements  herein set forth,  the
parties hereto intending to be legally bound hereby agree as follows:

         1.   DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement:

              (a) "BENEFICIALLY  OWN" or "BENEFICIAL  OWNERSHIP" with respect to
any securities shall mean having  "beneficial  ownership" of such securities (as
determined pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act), including pursuant to
any agreement, arrangement or understanding,  whether or not in writing. Without
duplicative  counting  of the same  securities  by the same  holder,  securities
Beneficially  Owned by a Person shall include  securities  Beneficially Owned by
all other  Persons with whom such Person would  constitute a "group"  within the
meaning of Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act.

              (b)  "COMPANY  COMMON  STOCK"  shall  mean at any time the  Common
Stock, $0.01 par value per share, of the Company.

              (c)  "PROHIBITED  ACT" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

              (d) "SUBJECT SHARES" shall mean 2,086,918 shares of Company Common
Stock  held by the  Stockholder  or its  affiliates  as set forth  opposite  the
Stockholder's  name on Schedule I hereto, all of which are Beneficially Owned by
the Stockholder.

                                     B - 1

Capitalized  terms used and not  otherwise  defined  herein have the  respective
meanings ascribed to them in the Merger Agreement.

         2.   AGREEMENTS.

              (a)  VOTING  AGREEMENT.  The  Stockholder  shall,  at any  meeting
(whether annual or special and whether or not an adjourned or postponed meeting)
of the holders of Company Common Stock,  however  called,  or in connection with
any written consent of the holders of Company Common Stock, vote (or cause to be
voted) the Subject Shares, (i) in favor of the Mergers, the execution,  delivery
and  performance  by the Company of the Merger  Agreement  and the  approval and
adoption of the terms thereof and each of the other actions  contemplated by the
Merger  Agreement  and this  Agreement and any actions  required in  furtherance
thereof and  hereof,  and (ii)  against any  Takeover  Proposal  (including  any
Superior  Proposal) and against any action or agreement that could reasonably be
expected to: (A) impede,  frustrate,  prevent,  nullify or adversely  affect, or
delay the consummation of the transactions contemplated under, this Agreement or
the Merger  Agreement,  (B) result in the breach in any respect of any covenant,
representation  or warranty or any other obligation or agreement of the Company,
the DSS  Cleared  Company,  Parent or the  Merger  Subsidiary  under the  Merger
Agreement or (C) result in any of the conditions set forth in Article VII of the
Merger Agreement not being fulfilled  (collectively,  the actions referred to in
(A) through (C), "PROHIBITED ACTS").

              (b) NO INCONSISTENT  AGREEMENTS.  The Stockholder hereby covenants
and  agrees  that,  except as  contemplated  by this  Agreement  and the  Merger
Agreement,  it  shall  not (i)  transfer  (which  term  shall  include,  without
limitation,  any sale,  gift,  pledge or other  disposition),  or consent to any
transfer of, any or all of the Subject Shares, any Options Beneficially Owned by
the Stockholder or any interest therein, (ii) enter into any contract, option or
other agreement or  understanding  with respect to any transfer of any or all of
such Subject  Shares,  Options or any interest  therein,  (iii) grant any proxy,
power-of-attorney  or other  authorization  in or with  respect to such  Subject
Shares or Options,  (iv) deposit  such  Subject  Shares of Options into a voting
trust or enter  into a voting  agreement  or  arrangement  with  respect to such
Subject Shares or Options, or (v) take any action that constitutes or results in
a Prohibited Act.


                  (i)  The  Stockholder   hereby   irrevocably  grants  to,  and
appoints,  Parent and Merger Subsidiary,  or either of them, in their respective
capacities as officers of Parent, and any individual who shall hereafter succeed
to any such office of Parent, and each of them  individually,  the Stockholder's
proxy and  attorney-in-fact  (with full power of  substitution),  for and in the
name, place and stead of the Stockholder, to vote the Subject Shares, or grant a
consent or approval  in respect of the Subject  Shares in favor of any or all of
the Mergers  and the  transactions  contemplated  by the Merger  Agreement,  and
against any Takeover  Proposal  (including  any Superior  Proposal) or action or
agreement  that  constitutes  or results in a Prohibited  Act. In addition,  the
Stockholder  further agrees that, if the Board of Directors  fails or refuses to
submit the Merger  Agreement and the Mergers to the  stockholders of the Company
as required  under the Merger  Agreement,  then the proxy  granted  hereby shall
include the ability to vote all  Subject  Shares held of record or  Beneficially
Owned by it to (A) call or cause to be

                                     B - 2

called a special  meeting of  stockholders  of the  Company to submit the Merger
Agreement and the Mergers to the stockholders of the Company for a vote, and (B)
approve all or any actions  incident to the Merger  Agreement and the Mergers or
the other matters referred to in this Section 3 by stockholder written consent.

                  (ii) The Stockholder  represents  that any proxies  heretofore
given in respect of the Subject  Shares are not  irrevocable,  and that any such
proxies are hereby revoked.

                  (iii) The Stockholder understands and acknowledges that Parent
is  entering  into the  Merger  Agreement  in  reliance  upon the  Stockholder's
execution and delivery of this Agreement.  The  Stockholder  hereby affirms that
the irrevocable proxy set forth in this Section 2(c) is given in connection with
the execution of the Merger Agreement,  and that such irrevocable proxy is given
to secure the performance of the duties of the Stockholder under this Agreement.
The Stockholder  hereby further  affirms that the  irrevocable  proxy is coupled
with an interest  and may under no  circumstances  be revoked.  The  Stockholder
hereby ratifies and confirms all that such irrevocable  proxy may lawfully do or
cause to be done by  virtue  hereof.  Such  irrevocable  proxy is  executed  and
intended to be irrevocable  in accordance  with the provisions of Section 212(e)
of the Delaware Law.

              (d)  NO  SOLICITATION.  The  Stockholder  hereby  agrees,  in  the
capacity of stockholder or otherwise,  that neither the  Stockholder  nor any of
its  subsidiaries or affiliates  shall (and the  Stockholder  shall use its best
efforts to cause its officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents,
including,  but not limited to, investment  bankers,  attorneys and accountants,
not to), directly or indirectly,  encourage, solicit, participate in or initiate
discussions or  negotiations  with, or provide any information to, any Person or
group (other than Parent, any of its affiliates or  representatives)  concerning
any  Takeover  Proposal  or take any other  action  which the  Company  would be
prohibited  from taking under  Sections 5.2 and 5.3(a) of the Merger  Agreement.
The  Stockholder  will,  and will  cause its  subsidiaries,  affiliates  and the
respective officers, directors, employees, representatives,  investment bankers,
attorneys,  accountants and other agents of the Stockholder and its subsidiaries
and affiliates to, (i) immediately cease any existing activities,  discussion or
negotiations  with  any  parties  conducted   heretofore  with  respect  to  any
possibility of  consideration  of making a Takeover  Proposal,  (ii) immediately
request that all confidential information furnished on behalf of the Stockholder
with respect thereto be returned and (iii) promptly (and in any event within one
(1) business  day) notify  Parent in writing if any  inquiries or proposals  are
received  by,  any  information  is  requested  from,  or  any  negotiations  or
discussions  are sought to be  initiated or continued  with the  Stockholder  in
connection with any Takeover  Proposal  including the identity of the Person and
its  affiliates  making  such  proposal,  inquiry  or offer and any  information
requested  from it or of any  negotiations  or  discussions  being  sought to be
initiated with it, and shall furnish to Parent a written summary of the material
terms and conditions of any such  proposal,  inquiry or offer.  The  Stockholder
agrees that it shall keep Parent fully informed  promptly of any developments in
the status and terms of any of the foregoing.

              (e) WAIVER OF APPRAISAL RIGHTS.  The Stockholder hereby waives any
rights of appraisal  or rights of dissent from the Mergers that the  Stockholder
may have.

                                     B - 3

              (f) PROXY  STATEMENT.  The  Stockholder  hereby permits Parent and
Merger Subsidiary to publish and disclose in the Proxy Statement  (including all
documents and schedules  filed with the SEC),  its identity and ownership of the
Subject   Shares  and  the   nature  of  its   commitments,   arrangements   and
understandings under this Agreement.

hereby represents and warrants to Parent as follows:

              (a) OWNERSHIP OF SUBJECT SHARES. The Stockholder is the record and
Beneficial Owners of the Subject Shares. On the date hereof, the Subject Shares,
together with the shares of Company Common Stock Beneficial Owned by Stockholder
which are subject to the Secondary Voting  Agreement,  dated the date hereof, by
and among Parent, Merger Subsidiary, the Company and Stockholder, constitute all
of the shares of Company Common Stock owned of record or  Beneficially  Owned by
the Stockholder  and its  affiliates.  The Stockholder has sole voting power and
sole  power to issue  instructions  with  respect  to the  matters  set forth in
Section 2 hereof,  sole power of  disposition,  sole power of  conversion,  sole
power to demand  appraisal  rights and sole power to agree to all of the matters
set forth in this Agreement, in each case with the respect to all of the Subject
Shares with no  limitations,  qualifications  or  restrictions  of such  rights,
subject to applicable securities laws and the terms of this Agreement.

              (b) POWER;  BINDING  AGREEMENT.  The Stockholder has the corporate
power  and  authority  to  enter  into  and  perform  all of  the  Stockholder's
obligations  under this  Agreement.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
this Agreement by the Stockholder  will not violate any other agreement to which
the Stockholder is a party including,  without limitation, any voting agreement,
proxy arrangement, pledge agreement, shareholder agreement or voting trust. This
Agreement has been duly and validly  executed and  delivered by the  Stockholder
and constitutes a valid and binding  agreement of the  Stockholder,  enforceable
against the Stockholder in accordance with its terms.  The Board of Directors of
the Company has  approved,  for  purposes of Section 203 of the Delaware Law and
any  applicable  provision of the Company's  certificate of  incorporation,  the
terms of this Agreement,  including,  without limitation,  the irrevocable proxy
and voting provisions set forth in Section 2 hereof.  There is no beneficiary or
holder of a voting trust certificate or other interest of any trust of which the
Stockholder  is a trustee  whose  consent  is  required  for the  execution  and
delivery  of  this  Agreement  or the  consummation  by the  Stockholder  of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

              (c) NO  CONFLICTS.  Except for filings under the Exchange Act, (i)
no filing  with,  and no  permit,  authorization,  consent or  approval  of, any
Governmental  Entity is necessary  for the  execution  of this  Agreement by the
Stockholder  and  the  consummation  by  the  Stockholder  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  and  (ii)  none  of the  execution  and  delivery  of this
Agreement  by  the  Stockholder,  the  consummation  by the  Stockholder  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby or compliance by the Stockholder  with any of
the  provisions  hereof shall (A)  conflict  with or result in any breach of any
organizational  documents  applicable  to  the  Stockholder,  (B)  result  in  a
violation or breach of, or constitute  (with or without  notice or lapse of time
or both) a  default  (or give  rise to any  third  party  right of  termination,
cancellation,  material  modification or  acceleration)  under any of the terms,
conditions  or  provisions  of  any

                                     B - 4

note,  loan  agreement,   bond,   mortgage,   indentures,   license,   contract,
arrangement,  agreement or other  instrument  or obligation of any kind to which
the  Stockholder is a party or by which the Stockholder or any of its properties
or assets may be bound,  or (C) violate  any order,  writ,  injunction,  decree,
judgment,  statute,  rule or regulation  applicable to the Stockholder or any of
its properties or assets.

              (d) NO  ENCUMBRANCES.  Except as permitted by this Agreement,  the
Subject Shares and the  certificates  representing  such Subject Shares are now,
and at all times during the term hereof will be, held by the Stockholder,  or by
a nominee or custodian for the benefit of the Stockholder, free and clear of all
Encumbrances,   proxies,   voting  trusts  or  agreements,   understandings   or
arrangements or any other rights whatsoever, except for and such Encumbrances or
proxies arising hereunder.

              (e) NO FINDER'S  FEES.  No broker,  investment  banker,  financial
advisor  or other  Person  is  entitled  to any  broker's,  finder's,  financial
adviser's or other similar fee or commission in connection with the transactions
contemplated  hereby  based  upon  arrangements  made  by or on  behalf  of  the

              (f)  RELIANCE  BY  PARENT.   The   Stockholder   understands   and
acknowledges  that Parent is entering  into,  and causing  Merger  Subsidiary to
enter into, the Merger  Agreement in reliance upon the  Stockholder's  execution
and delivery of this Agreement.


              (a) POWER; BINDING AGREEMENT. Each of Parent and Merger Subsidiary
has the  corporate  power and  authority  to enter into and  perform  all of its
obligations  under this  Agreement.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
this  Agreement  by each of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  will not  violate any
other agreement to which either of them is a party. This Agreement has been duly
and validly  executed and delivered by each of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary and
constitutes  a  valid  and  binding  agreement  of  each of  Parent  and  Merger
Subsidiary, enforceable against the Stockholder in accordance with its terms.

              (b) NO  CONFLICTS.  Except for filings under the Exchange Act, (i)
no filing  with,  and no  permit,  authorization,  consent or  approval  of, any
Governmental  Entity is necessary for the execution of this Agreement by each of
Parent and Merger  Subsidiary and the  consummation by each of Parent and Merger
Subsidiary  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  (ii)  none  of the
execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  by  each  of  Parent  and  Merger
Subsidiary,  the  consummation  by each of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby or  compliance  by each of Parent  and Merger
Subsidiary  with any of the provisions  hereof shall (A) conflict with or result
in any breach of any  organizational  documents  applicable  to either Parent or
Merger  Subsidiary,  (B) result in a violation or breach of, or constitute (with
or without notice or lapse of time or both) a default (or give rise to any third
party right of termination, cancellation, material modification or acceleration)
under any of the terms,  conditions or provisions of any note,  loan  agreement,
bond, mortgage, indentures, license, contract,  arrangement,  agreement or other
instrument or obligation of any kind to which either Parent or Merger Subsidiary
is a party or by which  either of Parent  or Merger  Subsidiary  or

                                     B - 5

any of their properties or assets may be bound, or (C) violate any order,  writ,
injunction,  decree, judgment,  statute, rule or regulation applicable to either
Parent or Merger Subsidiary or any of their properties or assets.

         5.   FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  From  time to  time,  at the  other  party's
request and without further  consideration,  each party hereto shall execute and
deliver such additional documents and take all such further lawful action as may
be  necessary  or  desirable  to  consummate  and  make  effective,  in the most
expeditious manner practicable, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         6.   STOP TRANSFER.  The Stockholder shall not request that the Company
register  the  transfer   (book-entry  or  otherwise)  of  any   certificate  or
uncertificated  interest  representing  any of the Subject  Shares,  unless such
transfer  is made in  accordance  with this  Agreement.  In the event of a stock
dividend or distribution, or any change in the Company Common Stock by reason of
any stock dividend, split-up, recapitalization,  combination, exchange of shares
or the like,  the term  "SUBJECT  SHARES" shall refer to and include the Subject
Shares as well as all such stock dividends and distributions and any shares into
which or for which any or all of the Subject Shares may be changed or exchanged.

         7.   TERMINATION.  The covenants and agreements  contained  herein with
respect to the Subject  Shares shall  terminate upon the earlier to occur of (i)
the Closing Date and (ii) the termination of the Merger  Agreement in accordance
with its terms;  PROVIDED THAT if the termination of the Merger  Agreement gives
rise to, or, with the passing of time could give rise to, the requirement that a
Termination  Fee be paid under the Merger  Agreement,  then this Agreement shall
not terminate until 24 months after the date hereof.

         8.   MISCELLANEOUS.

              (a)  ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement  and the  agreements  and
documents referred to in this Agreement or delivered hereunder are the exclusive
statement of the agreement  between the parties  concerning  the subject  matter
hereof.  All negotiations  and prior agreements  between the parties (other than
those  incorporated  herein)  are merged into this  Agreement,  and there are no
representations,  warranties, covenants,  understandings, or agreements, oral or
otherwise,  in relation thereto among the parties other than those  incorporated
herein and to be delivered hereunder.

              (b)  BINDING   AGREEMENT.   This  Agreement  and  the  obligations
hereunder  shall  attach to the  Subject  Shares and shall be  binding  upon any
person or entity to which legal or beneficial  ownership of such Subject  Shares
shall  pass,  whether  by  operation  of law or  otherwise,  including,  without
limitation,  the  Stockholder's  successors.  Notwithstanding  any  transfer  of
Subject  Shares,  the transferor  shall remain liable for the performance of all
obligations of the transferor under this Agreement.

              (c) ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement shall not be assigned by operation
of law or otherwise without the prior written consent of the other parties.

                                     B - 6

              (d) AMENDMENTS,  WAIVERS,  ETC. This Agreement may not be amended,
changed,  supplemented,  waived or otherwise modified or terminated, except upon
the  execution  and  delivery  of a written  agreement  executed  by the parties

              (e) NOTICES. Any notice, request, instruction or other document to
be given  hereunder  by any  party to the  others  shall be  deemed  given if in
writing and delivered  personally or sent by overnight courier  (providing proof
of delivery), postage prepaid or by facsimile (which is confirmed).

              if to Parent or Merger Subsidiary:

              225 Reineckers Lane, Suite 525
              Alexandria, VA 22314
              Attention:  Misty Walsh
              Facsimile:  (703) 683-8979

              with a copy to:

              Michael W. Sturrock, Esq.
              Latham & Watkins LLP
              80 Raffles Place #14-20
              UOB Plaza 2, Singapore 048624
              Facsimile: (+65) 6536-1171

              if to the Company:

              3800 Richardson Road South
              Hope Hull, AL 36043
              Attention: President
              Facsimile: (334) 613-6591

                                     B - 7

              with a copy to:

              Leonard Gubar, Esq.
              Piper Rudnick LLP
              1251 Avenue of the Americas
              New York, New York 10020
              Facsimile: (212) 835-6001

              if to the Stockholder:

              153 East 53rd Street
              59th Floor
              New York, New York 10022
              Facsimile: (212) 702-4666

              with a copy to:

              Leonard Gubar, Esq.
              Piper Rudnick LLP
              1251 Avenue of the Americas
              New York, New York 10020
              Facsimile: (212) 835-6001

or to such other address as may have been designated in a prior notice.  Notices
shall be deemed to have been given when received.

              (f) SPECIFIC  PERFORMANCE.  Each of the parties hereto  recognizes
and acknowledges that a breach by it of any covenants or agreements contained in
this Agreement will cause the other party to sustain  damages for which it would
not have an adequate remedy at law for money damages, and therefore in the event
of any such  breach  the  aggrieved  party  shall be  entitled  to the remedy of
specific  performance  of such covenants and agreements and injunctive and other
equitable relief in addition to any other remedy to which it may be entitled, at
law or in equity.

              (g) REMEDIES CUMULATIVE.  All rights, powers and remedies provided
under this  Agreement  or  otherwise  available  in respect  hereof at law or in
equity shall be cumulative and not alternative or exclusive, and the exercise of
any thereof by any party shall not preclude the  simultaneous  or later exercise
of any other such right, power or remedy by such party.

              (h) NO WAIVER.  The failure of any party  hereto to  exercise  any
right,  power or remedy provided under this Agreement or otherwise  available in
respect  hereof at law or in equity,  or to insist upon  compliance by any other
party hereto with its obligations  hereunder,  and any custom or practice of the
parties at variance with the terms hereof, shall not constitute a waiver by such
party of its  right to  exercise  any such  other  right,  power or remedy or to
demand such compliance.

                                     B - 8

              (i) NO THIRD PARTY  BENEFICIARIES.  Subject to the  provisions  of
Section  9(b) hereof,  this  Agreement is not intended to be for the benefit of,
and shall not be  enforceable  by,  any  person or entity  who or which is not a
party hereto.

              (j)  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement,  including  all  matters of
construction,  validity and performance,  shall be governed by and construed and
enforced in  accordance  with the laws of the State of  Delaware,  as applied to
contracts made,  executed and to be fully performed in such state by citizens of
such state, without regard to conflict of laws principles.

              (k) DESCRIPTIVE  HEADINGS.  The  descriptive  headings used herein
used herein are inserted for  convenience of reference only and are not intended
to be part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

              (l) COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,
each of  which  shall be  deemed  to be an  original,  but all of  which,  taken
together, shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                            [Signature Page Follows]

                                     B - 9

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement
to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                  VISION TECHNOLOGIES KINETICS, INC.

                                  By:  /s/  JOHN COBURN
                                     Name:  John Coburn
                                     Title: Authorized Representative

                                  VTK MERGER SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

                                  By:  /s/  ALFRED W. CLARK
                                     Name:  Alfred W. Clark
                                     Title: President

                                  MILTOPE GROUP INC.

                                  By:  /s/  THOMAS R. DICKINSON
                                     Name:  Thomas R. Dickinson
                                     Title: President and CEO

                                  GREAT UNIVERSAL INCORPORATED

                                  By:  /s/  HENRY LEE GUY
                                     Name:  Henry Lee Guy
                                     Title:  President and CEO


                                   SCHEDULE I

                                 SUBJECT SHARES

           STOCKHOLDER                                       SUBJECT SHARES
           -----------                                       --------------

  GREAT UNIVERSAL INCORPORATED                                 2,086,918

                                  Schedule - I

                                                                         Annex C

                           SECONDARY VOTING AGREEMENT

       AGREEMENT  made as of this 21st day of October,  2003 by and among Vision
Technologies  Kinetics,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  ("PARENT"),  VTK Merger
Subsidiary  Corporation,  an Alabama corporation ("MERGER SUBSIDIARY"),  Miltope
Group  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the  "COMPANY"),  and  Great  Universal
Incorporated, a Delaware corporation (the "STOCKHOLDER").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:
                              - - - - - - - - - -

       WHEREAS,  concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement,
Parent,  Merger  Subsidiary,  the Company and  Miltope  Corporation,  an Alabama
corporation  and  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the  Company  (the  "DSS  CLEARED
COMPANY"),  have entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (as such agreement
may be amended from time to time, the "MERGER AGREEMENT"), pursuant to which the
Company and Merger  Subsidiary  will merge with and into the DSS Cleared Company
(the "MERGERS"); and

       WHEREAS,  as an  inducement  and a condition to entering  into the Merger
Agreement,  Parent has required that the Stockholder  agree, and the Stockholder
has agreed, to enter into this Agreement.

       NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  foregoing  and  the  mutual
representations,  warranties,  covenants and  agreements  herein set forth,  the
parties hereto intending to be legally bound hereby agree as follows:

       1.     DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement:

              (a)    "BENEFICIALLY  OWN" or "BENEFICIAL  OWNERSHIP" with respect
to any securities  shall mean having  "beneficial  ownership" of such securities
(as  determined  pursuant  to Rule  13d-3  under the  Exchange  Act),  including
pursuant  to any  agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding,  whether or not in
writing. Without duplicative counting of the same securities by the same holder,
securities  Beneficially Owned by a Person shall include securities Beneficially
Owned by all other  Persons  with whom such Person  would  constitute  a "group"
within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act.

              (b)    "COMPANY  COMMON  STOCK"  shall mean at any time the Common
Stock, $0.01 par value per share, of the Company.

              (c)    "PROHIBITED  ACT"  shall  have  the  meaning  set  forth in
Section 2(a).

              (d)    "SUBJECT  SHARES"  shall mean  1,577,560  shares of Company
Common Stock held by the Stockholder or its affiliates as set forth opposite the
Stockholder's  name on Schedule I hereto,  together with any shares  acquired by
the Stockholder or its affiliates in any

                                     C - 1

capacity  after the date hereof and prior to the  termination  of the Agreement,
whether upon exercise of Options or by means of purchase, dividend, distribution
or otherwise, all of which are Beneficially Owned by the Stockholder.

Capitalized  terms used and not  otherwise  defined  herein have the  respective
meanings ascribed to them in the Merger Agreement.

       2.     AGREEMENTS.

              (a)    VOTING  AGREEMENT.  The  Stockholder  shall, at any meeting
(whether annual or special and whether or not an adjourned or postponed meeting)
of the holders of Company Common Stock,  however  called,  or in connection with
any written consent of the holders of Company Common Stock, vote (or cause to be
voted) the Subject Shares, (i) in favor of the Mergers, the execution,  delivery
and  performance  by the Company of the Merger  Agreement  and the  approval and
adoption of the terms thereof and each of the other actions  contemplated by the
Merger  Agreement  and this  Agreement and any actions  required in  furtherance
thereof and  hereof,  and (ii)  against any  Takeover  Proposal  (including  any
Superior  Proposal) and against any action or agreement that could reasonably be
expected to: (A) impede,  frustrate,  prevent,  nullify or adversely  affect, or
delay the consummation of the transactions contemplated under, this Agreement or
the Merger  Agreement,  (B) result in the breach in any respect of any covenant,
representation  or warranty or any other obligation or agreement of the Company,
the DSS  Cleared  Company,  Parent or the  Merger  Subsidiary  under the  Merger
Agreement or (C) result in any of the conditions set forth in Article VII of the
Merger Agreement not being fulfilled  (collectively,  the actions referred to in
(A) through (C), "PROHIBITED ACTS").

              (b)    NO  INCONSISTENT   AGREEMENTS.   The   Stockholder   hereby
covenants  and agrees that,  except as  contemplated  by this  Agreement and the
Merger Agreement,  it shall not (i) transfer (which term shall include,  without
limitation,  any sale,  gift,  pledge or other  disposition),  or consent to any
transfer of, any or all of the Subject Shares, any Options Beneficially Owned by
the Stockholder or any interest therein, (ii) enter into any contract, option or
other agreement or  understanding  with respect to any transfer of any or all of
such Subject  Shares,  Options or any interest  therein,  (iii) grant any proxy,
power-of-attorney  or other  authorization  in or with  respect to such  Subject
Shares or Options,  (iv) deposit  such  Subject  Shares of Options into a voting
trust or enter  into a voting  agreement  or  arrangement  with  respect to such
Subject Shares or Options, or (v) take any action that constitutes or results in
a Prohibited Act.


                     (i)    The Stockholder  hereby  irrevocably  grants to, and
appoints,  Parent and Merger Subsidiary,  or either of them, in their respective
capacities as officers of Parent, and any individual who shall hereafter succeed
to any such office of Parent, and each of them  individually,  the Stockholder's
proxy and  attorney-in-fact  (with full power of  substitution),  for and in the
name, place and stead of the Stockholder, to vote the Subject Shares, or grant a
consent or approval  in respect of the Subject  Shares in favor of any or all of
the Mergers  and the  transactions  contemplated  by the Merger  Agreement,  and
against any Takeover  Proposal  (including  any Superior  Proposal) or action or
agreement that constitutes or results in a

                                     C - 2

Prohibited Act. In addition,  the Stockholder  further agrees that, if the Board
of Directors fails or refuses to submit the Merger  Agreement and the Mergers to
the stockholders of the Company as required under the Merger Agreement, then the
proxy granted  hereby shall include the ability to vote all Subject  Shares held
of  record  or  Beneficially  Owned by it to (A)  call or  cause to be  called a
special meeting of  stockholders  of the Company to submit the Merger  Agreement
and the Mergers to the  stockholders  of the Company for a vote, and (B) approve
all or any actions incident to the Merger Agreement and the Mergers or the other
matters referred to in this Section 3 by stockholder written consent.

                     (ii)   The   Stockholder   represents   that  any   proxies
heretofore given in respect of the Subject Shares are not irrevocable,  and that
any such proxies are hereby revoked.

                     (iii)  The Stockholder  understands and  acknowledges  that
Parent is entering into the Merger Agreement in reliance upon the  Stockholder's
execution and delivery of this Agreement.  The  Stockholder  hereby affirms that
the irrevocable proxy set forth in this Section 2(c) is given in connection with
the execution of the Merger Agreement,  and that such irrevocable proxy is given
to secure the performance of the duties of the Stockholder under this Agreement.
The Stockholder  hereby further  affirms that the  irrevocable  proxy is coupled
with an interest  and may under no  circumstances  be revoked.  The  Stockholder
hereby ratifies and confirms all that such irrevocable  proxy may lawfully do or
cause to be done by  virtue  hereof.  Such  irrevocable  proxy is  executed  and
intended to be irrevocable  in accordance  with the provisions of Section 212(e)
of the Delaware Law.

              (d)    NO  SOLICITATION.  The  Stockholder  hereby agrees,  in the
capacity of stockholder or otherwise,  that neither the  Stockholder  nor any of
its  subsidiaries or affiliates  shall (and the  Stockholder  shall use its best
efforts to cause its officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents,
including,  but not limited to, investment  bankers,  attorneys and accountants,
not to), directly or indirectly,  encourage, solicit, participate in or initiate
discussions or  negotiations  with, or provide any information to, any Person or
group (other than Parent, any of its affiliates or  representatives)  concerning
any  Takeover  Proposal  or take any other  action  which the  Company  would be
prohibited  from taking under  Sections 5.2 and 5.3(a) of the Merger  Agreement.
The  Stockholder  will,  and will  cause its  subsidiaries,  affiliates  and the
respective officers, directors, employees, representatives,  investment bankers,
attorneys,  accountants and other agents of the Stockholder and its subsidiaries
and affiliates to, (i) immediately cease any existing activities,  discussion or
negotiations  with  any  parties  conducted   heretofore  with  respect  to  any
possibility of  consideration  of making a Takeover  Proposal,  (ii) immediately
request that all confidential information furnished on behalf of the Stockholder
with respect thereto be returned and (iii) promptly (and in any event within one
(1) business  day) notify  Parent in writing if any  inquiries or proposals  are
received  by,  any  information  is  requested  from,  or  any  negotiations  or
discussions  are sought to be  initiated or continued  with the  Stockholder  in
connection with any Takeover  Proposal  including the identity of the Person and
its  affiliates  making  such  proposal,  inquiry  or offer and any  information
requested  from it or of any  negotiations  or  discussions  being  sought to be
initiated with it, and shall furnish to Parent a written summary of the material
terms and conditions of any such  proposal,  inquiry or offer.  The  Stockholder
agrees that it shall keep Parent fully informed  promptly of any developments in
the status and terms of any of the foregoing.

                                     C - 3

              (e)    WAIVER OF APPRAISAL RIGHTS.  The Stockholder  hereby waives
any  rights  of  appraisal  or  rights  of  dissent  from the  Mergers  that the
Stockholder may have.

              (f)    PROXY STATEMENT.  The Stockholder hereby permits Parent and
Merger Subsidiary to publish and disclose in the Proxy Statement  (including all
documents and schedules  filed with the SEC),  its identity and ownership of the
Subject   Shares  and  the   nature  of  its   commitments,   arrangements   and
understandings under this Agreement.

hereby represents and warrants to Parent as follows:

              (a)    OWNERSHIP OF SUBJECT SHARES.  The Stockholder is the record
and Beneficial  Owners of the Subject  Shares.  On the date hereof,  the Subject
Shares,  together with the shares of Company  Common Stock  Beneficial  Owned by
Stockholder  which are subject to the Primary Voting  Agreement,  dated the date
hereof,  by and among Parent,  Merger  Subsidiary,  the Company and Stockholder,
constitute  all of the  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock  owned of  record  or
Beneficially  Owned by the Stockholder  and its affiliates.  The Stockholder has
sole  voting  power and sole  power to issue  instructions  with  respect to the
matters set forth in Section 2 hereof, sole power of disposition,  sole power of
conversion, sole power to demand appraisal rights and sole power to agree to all
of the matters set forth in this Agreement, in each case with the respect to all
of the Subject Shares with no  limitations,  qualifications  or  restrictions of
such  rights,  subject  to  applicable  securities  laws  and the  terms of this

              (b)    POWER; BINDING AGREEMENT. The Stockholder has the corporate
power  and  authority  to  enter  into  and  perform  all of  the  Stockholder's
obligations  under this  Agreement.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
this Agreement by the Stockholder  will not violate any other agreement to which
the Stockholder is a party including,  without limitation, any voting agreement,
proxy arrangement, pledge agreement, shareholder agreement or voting trust. This
Agreement has been duly and validly  executed and  delivered by the  Stockholder
and constitutes a valid and binding  agreement of the  Stockholder,  enforceable
against the Stockholder in accordance with its terms.  The Board of Directors of
the Company has  approved,  for  purposes of Section 203 of the Delaware Law and
any  applicable  provision of the Company's  certificate of  incorporation,  the
terms of this Agreement,  including,  without limitation,  the irrevocable proxy
and voting provisions set forth in Section 2 hereof.  There is no beneficiary or
holder of a voting trust certificate or other interest of any trust of which the
Stockholder  is a trustee  whose  consent  is  required  for the  execution  and
delivery  of  this  Agreement  or the  consummation  by the  Stockholder  of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

              (c)    NO  CONFLICTS.  Except for filings  under the Exchange Act,
(i) no filing with,  and no permit,  authorization,  consent or approval of, any
Governmental  Entity is necessary  for the  execution  of this  Agreement by the
Stockholder  and  the  consummation  by  the  Stockholder  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  and  (ii)  none  of the  execution  and  delivery  of this
Agreement  by  the  Stockholder,  the  consummation  by the  Stockholder  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby or compliance by the Stockholder  with any of
the  provisions  hereof shall (A)  conflict  with or result in any breach of any
organizational  documents  applicable  to  the  Stockholder,  (B)  result  in  a
violation or breach of, or constitute (with or without notice or lapse

                                     C - 4

of  time  or  both)  a  default  (or  give  rise to any  third  party  right  of
termination,  cancellation,  material modification or acceleration) under any of
the terms, conditions or provisions of any note, loan agreement, bond, mortgage,
indentures,  license,  contract,  arrangement,  agreement or other instrument or
obligation  of any  kind to which  the  Stockholder  is a party or by which  the
Stockholder or any of its properties or assets may be bound,  or (C) violate any
order,  writ,  injunction,   decree,  judgment,   statute,  rule  or  regulation
applicable to the Stockholder or any of its properties or assets.

              (d)    NO ENCUMBRANCES. Except as permitted by this Agreement, the
Subject Shares and the  certificates  representing  such Subject Shares are now,
and at all times during the term hereof will be, held by the Stockholder,  or by
a nominee or custodian for the benefit of the Stockholder, free and clear of all
Encumbrances,   proxies,   voting  trusts  or  agreements,   understandings   or
arrangements or any other rights whatsoever, except for and such Encumbrances or
proxies arising hereunder.

              (e)    NO FINDER'S FEES. No broker,  investment banker,  financial
advisor  or other  Person  is  entitled  to any  broker's,  finder's,  financial
adviser's or other similar fee or commission in connection with the transactions
contemplated  hereby  based  upon  arrangements  made  by or on  behalf  of  the

              (f)    RELIANCE  BY  PARENT.   The  Stockholder   understands  and
acknowledges  that Parent is entering  into,  and causing  Merger  Subsidiary to
enter into, the Merger  Agreement in reliance upon the  Stockholder's  execution
and delivery of this Agreement.


              (a)    POWER;  BINDING  AGREEMENT.   Each  of  Parent  and  Merger
Subsidiary  has the corporate  power and authority to enter into and perform all
of its obligations under this Agreement. The execution, delivery and performance
of this Agreement by each of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  will not violate any
other agreement to which either of them is a party. This Agreement has been duly
and validly  executed and delivered by each of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary and
constitutes  a  valid  and  binding  agreement  of  each of  Parent  and  Merger
Subsidiary, enforceable against the Stockholder in accordance with its terms.

              (b)    NO  CONFLICTS.  Except for filings  under the Exchange Act,
(i) no filing with,  and no permit,  authorization,  consent or approval of, any
Governmental  Entity is necessary for the execution of this Agreement by each of
Parent and Merger  Subsidiary and the  consummation by each of Parent and Merger
Subsidiary  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  (ii)  none  of the
execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  by  each  of  Parent  and  Merger
Subsidiary,  the  consummation  by each of Parent and Merger  Subsidiary  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby or  compliance  by each of Parent  and Merger
Subsidiary  with any of the provisions  hereof shall (A) conflict with or result
in any breach of any  organizational  documents  applicable  to either Parent or
Merger  Subsidiary,  (B) result in a violation or breach of, or constitute (with
or without notice or lapse of time or both) a default (or give rise to any third
party right of termination, cancellation, material modification or acceleration)
under any of the terms,  conditions or provisions of any note,  loan  agreement,
bond, mortgage, indentures, license,

                                     C - 5

contract,  arrangement,  agreement or other instrument or obligation of any kind
to which  either  Parent or Merger  Subsidiary  is a party or by which either of
Parent or Merger  Subsidiary or any of their  properties or assets may be bound,
or (C) violate any order, writ, injunction,  decree, judgment,  statute, rule or
regulation  applicable  to either  Parent or Merger  Subsidiary  or any of their
properties or assets.

       5.     FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  From  time to  time,  at the  other  party's
request and without further  consideration,  each party hereto shall execute and
deliver such additional documents and take all such further lawful action as may
be  necessary  or  desirable  to  consummate  and  make  effective,  in the most
expeditious manner practicable, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

       6.     STOP TRANSFER.  The Stockholder shall not request that the Company
register  the  transfer   (book-entry  or  otherwise)  of  any   certificate  or
uncertificated  interest  representing  any of the Subject  Shares,  unless such
transfer  is made in  accordance  with this  Agreement.  In the event of a stock
dividend or distribution, or any change in the Company Common Stock by reason of
any stock dividend, split-up, recapitalization,  combination, exchange of shares
or the like,  the term  "SUBJECT  SHARES" shall refer to and include the Subject
Shares as well as all such stock dividends and distributions and any shares into
which or for which any or all of the Subject Shares may be changed or exchanged.

       7.     TERMINATION.  The covenants and agreements  contained  herein with
respect to the Subject  Shares shall  terminate upon the earlier to occur of (i)
the Closing Date and (ii) the termination of the Merger  Agreement in accordance
with its terms;  PROVIDED THAT, if the termination of the Merger Agreement gives
rise to, or, with the passing of time could give rise to, the requirement that a
Termination  Fee be paid under the Merger  Agreement,  then this Agreement shall
not  terminate  until 24  months  after  the date  hereof.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  in the event a Superior  Proposal is made and the Board of Directors
makes a good faith  determination to withdraw or modify its recommendation  that
the  stockholders of the Company adopt and approve the Merger  Agreement and the
Merger,  this  Agreement  shall be  terminable  by any  party  hereto  upon such
withdrawal or  modification  occurring in accordance  with Section 5.3(c) of the
Merger Agreement.

       8.     MISCELLANEOUS.

              (a)    ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement and the  agreements and
documents referred to in this Agreement or delivered hereunder are the exclusive
statement of the agreement  between the parties  concerning  the subject  matter
hereof.  All negotiations  and prior agreements  between the parties (other than
those  incorporated  herein)  are merged into this  Agreement,  and there are no
representations,  warranties, covenants,  understandings, or agreements, oral or
otherwise,  in relation thereto among the parties other than those  incorporated
herein and to be delivered hereunder.

              (b)    BINDING  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement  and  the  obligations
hereunder  shall  attach to the  Subject  Shares and shall be  binding  upon any
person or entity to which legal or beneficial  ownership of such Subject  Shares
shall pass, whether by operation of law or

                                     C - 6

otherwise,   including,   without  limitation,   the  Stockholder's  successors.
Notwithstanding  any transfer of Subject  Shares,  the  transferor  shall remain
liable for the  performance  of all  obligations  of the  transferor  under this

              (c)    ASSIGNMENT.   This  Agreement  shall  not  be  assigned  by
operation of law or  otherwise  without the prior  written  consent of the other

              (d)    AMENDMENTS,   WAIVERS,  ETC.  This  Agreement  may  not  be
amended,  changed,  supplemented,  waived or otherwise  modified or  terminated,
except upon the  execution and delivery of a written  agreement  executed by the
parties hereto.

              (e)    NOTICES. Any notice, request, instruction or other document
to be given  hereunder  by any party to the others  shall be deemed  given if in
writing and delivered  personally or sent by overnight courier  (providing proof
of delivery), postage prepaid or by facsimile (which is confirmed).

              if to Parent or Merger Subsidiary:

              225 Reineckers Lane, Suite 525
              Alexandria, VA 22314
              Attention:  Misty Walsh
              Facsimile:  (703) 683-8979

              with a copy to:

              Michael W. Sturrock, Esq.
              Latham & Watkins LLP
              80 Raffles Place #14-20
              UOB Plaza 2, Singapore 048624
              Facsimile: (+65) 6536-1171

              if to the Company:

              3800 Richardson Road South
              Hope Hull, AL 36043
              Attention: President
              Facsimile: (334) 613-6591

              with a copy to:

              Leonard Gubar, Esq.
              Piper Rudnick LLP
              1251 Avenue of the Americas
              New York, New York 10020
              Facsimile: (212) 835-6001

                                     C - 7

              if to the Stockholder:

              153 East 53rd Street
              59th Floor
              New York, New York 10022
              Facsimile: (212) 702-4666

              with a copy to:

              Leonard Gubar, Esq.
              Piper Rudnick LLP
              1251 Avenue of the Americas
              New York, New York 10020
              Facsimile: (212) 835-6001

or to such other address as may have been designated in a prior notice.  Notices
shall be deemed to have been given when received.

              (f)    SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Each of the parties hereto recognizes
and acknowledges that a breach by it of any covenants or agreements contained in
this Agreement will cause the other party to sustain  damages for which it would
not have an adequate remedy at law for money damages, and therefore in the event
of any such  breach  the  aggrieved  party  shall be  entitled  to the remedy of
specific  performance  of such covenants and agreements and injunctive and other
equitable relief in addition to any other remedy to which it may be entitled, at
law or in equity.

              (g)    REMEDIES  CUMULATIVE.   All  rights,  powers  and  remedies
provided under this Agreement or otherwise available in respect hereof at law or
in equity shall be cumulative and not alternative or exclusive, and the exercise
of any  thereof  by any  party  shall not  preclude  the  simultaneous  or later
exercise of any other such right, power or remedy by such party.

              (h)    NO WAIVER.  The failure of any party hereto to exercise any
right,  power or remedy provided under this Agreement or otherwise  available in
respect  hereof at law or in equity,  or to insist upon  compliance by any other
party hereto with its obligations  hereunder,  and any custom or practice of the
parties at variance with the terms hereof, shall not constitute a waiver by such
party of its  right to  exercise  any such  other  right,  power or remedy or to
demand such compliance.

              (i)    NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES.  Subject to the provisions of
Section  9(b) hereof,  this  Agreement is not intended to be for the benefit of,
and shall not be  enforceable  by,  any  person or entity  who or which is not a
party hereto.

              (j)    GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement,  including all matters of
construction,  validity and performance,  shall be governed by and construed and
enforced in  accordance  with the laws of the State of  Delaware,  as applied to
contracts made,  executed and to be fully performed in such state by citizens of
such state, without regard to conflict of laws principles.

                                     C - 8

              (k)    DESCRIPTIVE HEADINGS.  The descriptive headings used herein
used herein are inserted for  convenience of reference only and are not intended
to be part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

              (l)    COUNTERPARTS.   This   Agreement   may   be   executed   in
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which,
taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                            [Signature Page Follows]

                                     C - 9

              IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned have caused this Agreement to
be duly executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                       VISION TECHNOLOGIES KINETICS, INC.

                                       By:      /s/      JOHN COBURN
                                          Name:  John Coburn
                                          Title: Authorized Representative

                                       VTK MERGER SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

                                       By:      /s/      ALFRED W. CLARK
                                          Name:  Alfred W. Clark
                                          Title: President

                                       MILTOPE GROUP INC.

                                       By:      /s/      THOMAS R. DICKINSON
                                          Name:  Thomas R. Dickinson
                                          Title: President and CEO

                                       GREAT UNIVERSAL INCORPORATED

                                       By:      /s/      HENRY LEE GUY
                                          Name:  Henry Lee Guy
                                          Title: President and CEO


                                   SCHEDULE I

                                 SUBJECT SHARES

         STOCKHOLDER                                              SUBJECT SHARES
         -----------                                              --------------

GREAT UNIVERSAL INCORPORATED                                        1,577,560

                                  Schedule - I

                                                                         Annex D


       This  CONTINGENT  VALUE  RIGHTS  AGREEMENT,  dated as of October 21, 2003
(this "Agreement"), is entered into by and among MILTOPE GROUP, INC., a Delaware
corporation   ("MGI"),   MILTOPE   CORPORATION,   an  Alabama  corporation  (the
"Company"),   VISION  TECHNOLOGIES   KINETICS,   INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation
("Parent"),  and GREAT  UNIVERSAL  INCORPORATED,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the


       WHEREAS, MGI, the Company,  Parent and VTK Merger Subsidiary  Corporation
have entered  into an Agreement  and Plan of Merger dated as of October 21, 2003
(the  "Merger  Agreement"),  pursuant  to which  MGI and VTK  Merger  Subsidiary
Corporation  will  each  merge  with  and  into the  Company,  with the  Company
surviving the mergers as a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent;

       WHEREAS,  pursuant to the Merger  Agreement the Company  agreed to create
and issue to MGI's  stockholders  of record  immediately  prior to the Effective
Time contingent value rights (the "CVRs") as hereinafter described; and

       WHEREAS,  all  things  necessary  have been  done to make the CVRs,  when
issued pursuant to the Merger Agreement and hereunder,  the valid obligations of
the Company and to make this  Agreement a valid  agreement  of the  Company,  in
accordance with its terms.

       NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  and in  consideration  of  the  premises  and  the
consummation of the  transactions  referred to above, it is mutually  covenanted
and  agreed,  for  the  equal  and  proportionate  benefit  of all  Holders  (as
hereinafter defined), as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I



              (a)    For all  purposes of this  Agreement,  except as  otherwise
       expressly provided or unless the context otherwise requires:

                     (i)    the terms  defined in this Article have the meanings
              assigned to them in this  Article,  and include the plural as well
              as the singular;

                     (ii)   all  accounting  terms used herein and not expressly
              defined  shall  have  the  meanings  assigned  to  such  terms  in
              accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,  and the
              term  "generally  accepted   accounting   principles"  means  such
              accounting  principles  as are  generally  accepted  in the United
              States at the time of any computation;

                                     D - 1

                     (iii)  the words  "herein,"  "hereof" and  "hereunder"  and
              other words of similar  import refer to this  Agreement as a whole
              and not to any particular Article, Section or other subdivision;

                     (iv)   unless  the  context   otherwise   requires,   words
              describing  the singular  number shall include the plural and vice
              versa,  words  denoting any gender  shall  include all genders and
              words  denoting   natural  Persons  shall  include   corporations,
              partnerships and other Persons and vice versa; and

                     (v)    all  references  to  "including"  shall be deemed to
              mean including without limitation.

       (b)    The  following  terms shall have the meanings  ascribed to them as

       "Affiliate"  of a Person  means a Person  that,  directly or  indirectly,
through one or more  intermediaries,  controls,  is  controlled  by, or is under
common control with, the first mentioned Person.

       "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of the Company.

       "Board  Resolution"  means  a  copy  of a  resolution  certified  by  the
secretary or an assistant  secretary of the Company to have been duly adopted by
the Board of  Directors  and to be in full  force and effect on the date of such

       "Business  Day" means any day other than a  Saturday,  Sunday or a day on
which banking  institutions in New York, New York are authorized or obligated by
law or executive order to remain closed.

       "Cash  Equivalents"  means (a)  securities  issued or directly  and fully
guaranteed or insured by the United States or Singapore government or any agency
or  instrumentality  thereof having  maturities of not more than six months from
the date of  acquisition,  (b)  certificates  of deposit with  maturities of six
months or less from the date of acquisition, bankers acceptances with maturities
not  exceeding  six months and overnight  bank  deposits,  in each case with any
commercial  bank organized and in existence  under the laws of the United States
and  having  capital  and  surplus  in excess of $500  million,  (c)  repurchase
obligations with a term of not more than seven days for underlying securities of
the types described in clauses (a) and (b) above entered into with any financial
institution  meeting  the  qualifications  specified  in clause (b)  above,  (d)
commercial  paper having the highest rating  obtainable  from Moody's  Investors
Service,  Inc. or Standard & Poor's  Ratings  Services and in each case maturing
within 180 days after the date of  acquisition,  (e)  investments  in commercial
paper, maturing not more than 180 days after the date of acquisition,  issued by
a corporation  organized and in existence under the laws of the United States or
any foreign country recognized by the United States with a rating at the time as
of which any  investment  therein is made of "P-111  (or  higher)  according  to
Moody's  Investor  Service,  Inc. or "A-11,  (or higher)  according  to Standard
Poor's Ratings Services,  and (f) money market mutual funds substantially all of
the  assets of which are of the type  described  in the  foregoing  clauses  (a)
through (e) above.

                                     D - 2

       "Cash  Proceeds"  means  all  cash  compensation,   payments,  penalties,
interest and other damages,  if any, recovered or received by the Company or any
of its  Affiliates  as a result of the  Litigation,  whether such  compensation,
penalties,  interest or other damages are recovered at trial,  upon appeal or in

       "Claims  Expenses" means,  without double counting,  the sum of all fees,
costs and expenses  (including  attorneys fees and expenses) incurred or accrued
after the Effective Time by the Company and its  Affiliates in  prosecuting  and
settling  the  Litigation   (including  defending  against  any  counterclaims),
including  amounts  paid  or  payable  in  settlement  or  in  judgment  of  any
counterclaims  against the Company in the Litigation  and, except as provided in
Section 2.4,  excluding any payment of Firm Expenses.  "Claims  Expenses"  shall
also include any amounts  paid or payable to or on behalf of the  Representative
pursuant to Section 3.4 of this  Agreement  (whether  paid or payable  before or
after the Effective Time).  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  (i) amounts paid or
payable by the Company or its  Affiliates in settlement or judgment with respect
to any counterclaims in the Litigation shall be deemed "Claims Expenses" whether
paid or  payable  before or after the  Effective  Time and (ii) in the event the
full and final settlement of, or judgment with respect to, the Litigation occurs
prior to the Effective Time,  "Claims  Expenses" shall mean all fees,  costs and
expenses (including  attorneys fees and expenses) paid or payable after the date
hereof by the  Company  and its  Affiliates  in  prosecuting  and  settling  the
Litigation (including defending against any counterclaims).

       "Company"  has the  meaning  set  forth in the  first  paragraph  of this

       "Control"  (including the terms "controlled",  "controlled by" and "under
common control with") means the possession, directly or indirectly or as trustee
or executor,  of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or
policies of a Person,  whether  through the  ownership of stock,  including  the
power to dispose of or vote such stock,  as trustee or executor,  by contract or

       "CVRs"  means the  contingent  value  rights to be issued by the  Company
pursuant to the Merger Agreement and this Agreement.

       "CVR Payment  Amount"  means,  on the CVR Payment Date, an amount of cash
(if  positive)  with  respect to each CVR equal to the  quotient of (A)(i)(x) if
Claims Expenses equal or are less than the Reserve, $700,000.00 minus the Claims
Expenses  or (y) if Claims  Expenses  exceed the  Reserve,  50% of the result of
$700,000.00  minus  the  Claims  Expenses,  plus  (ii) 50% of the sum of (1) the
aggregate amount of Litigation  Proceeds actually received by the Company or its
Affiliates,  minus (2) the Tax  Allocation,  divided by (B) the total  number of
CVRs outstanding on the CVR Payment Date.

       "CVR Payment Date" means the date that the CVR Payment  Amount is paid by
the Company to the Holders, which shall be established pursuant to Section 2.4.

       "CVR Register" and "CVR Registrar" have the respective meanings specified
in Section 2.3(b).

       "Effective  Time" has the  meaning  ascribed  to such term in the  Merger

                                     D - 3

       "Firm  Expenses"  has the  meaning  specified  in Section  2.4(e) of this

       "Holder"  means a Person  in whose  name a CVR is  registered  in the CVR

       "Litigation"  means  the  lawsuit  entitled  MILTOPE  CORPORATION  AND IV
EDMAN,  SUNNY SHUM, AND MICHAEL GAVIGAN (Case No. 01 6545,  U.S.  District Court
for the Eastern District of New York; filed October 3, 2001).

       "Litigation  Proceeds"  means  the  aggregate  amount of any and all Cash
Proceeds and Realized  Non-Cash Proceeds actually received by the Company or any
of its Affiliates.

       "Litigation  Proceeds  Certificate" has the meaning  specified in Section
2.4(a) of this Agreement.

       "Merger  Agreement"  has the  meaning  set forth in the  recitals to this

       "Non-Cash Proceeds" means all non-cash compensation, payments, penalties,
interest and other damages,  if any, recovered or received by the Company or any
of its  Affiliates  as a result of the  Litigation,  whether such  compensation,
penalties,  interest or other damages are recovered at trial,  upon appeal or in

       "Officer's Certificate,  means a certificate signed by the president, any
vice president,  the controller,  the treasurer,  the secretary or any assistant
secretary,  in  each  case of the  Company,  in his or her  capacity  as such an
officer, and delivered to the Representative.

       "Person" means any individual,  corporation,  partnership, joint venture,
limited liability company,  business trust,  association,  joint-stock  company,
trust,  estate,  unincorporated  organization  or  government  or any  agency or
political subdivision thereof.

       "Realized  Non-Cash  Proceeds"  means (i) all cash  proceeds  received in
respect of Non-Cash Proceeds, net of direct expenses incurred in converting such
Non-Cash Proceeds to cash and (ii) the fair market value (as determined pursuant
to Section 2.4) of any Non-Cash  Proceeds that would not  reasonably be expected
to be realized by receipt of cash in the foreseeable future.

       "Representative"  means the Person named as the  "Representative"  in the
first paragraph of this Agreement,  until a successor  Representative shall have
become  such  pursuant  to the  applicable  provisions  of this  Agreement,  and
thereafter "Representative" shall mean such successor Representative.

       "Resolution"  has  the  meaning  specified  in  Section  2.4(e)  of  this

       "Reserve" means the sum of $700,000.00.

       "Successor  Representative" means any successor  Representative appointed
pursuant to Section 3.5(e)

                                     D - 4

       "Surviving Person" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1(a)(1).

       "Tax Allocation"  means the result obtained by multiplying the Litigation
Proceeds actually received by the Company or its Affiliates by 20%.

authorization,  direction, notice, consent, waiver or other document provided or
permitted  by this  Agreement to be made upon,  given or furnished  to, or filed

              (a)    the  Representative  by any Holder or the Company  shall be
       sufficient  for every  purpose  hereunder  if in  writing  and  delivered
       personally, or mailed first-class postage prepaid or sent by a nationally
       recognized overnight courier to the Representative addressed to it at 153
       East 53rd Street, Suite 5900, New York, NY 10022, or at any other address
       previously  furnished  in writing to the  Holders  and the Company by the
       Representative; or

              (b)    the Company by the Representative or by any Holder shall be
       sufficient  for every  purpose  hereunder  if in  writing  and  delivered
       personally, telecopied or mailed first-class postage prepaid or sent by a
       nationally recognized overnight courier to the Company addressed to it at
       225 Reineckers  Lane,  Suite 525,  Alexandria,  Virginia 22314, or at any
       other address  previously  furnished in writing to the Representative and
       the Holders by the Company.

       SECTION 1.3   NOTICE TO HOLDERS. Where this Agreement provides for notice
to Holders,  such notice shall be sufficiently  given (unless  otherwise  herein
expressly  provided) if in writing and mailed,  first-class  postage prepaid, to
each Holder  affected by such event, at his, her or its address as it appears in
the CVR  Register,  not later than the latest  date,  and not  earlier  than the
earliest  date,  prescribed  for the  giving of such  notice.  In any case where
notice to Holders is given by mail, neither the failure to mail such notice, nor
any defect in any notice so mailed,  to any  particular  Holder shall affect the
sufficiency of such notice with respect to other Holders.

       SECTION 1.4   EFFECT OF HEADINGS. The Article and Section headings herein
are for convenience only and shall not affect the construction hereof.

       SECTION 1.5   SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  All  covenants  and  agreements in
this Agreement by the Company shall bind its successors and assigns,  whether so
expressed or not.

       SECTION 1.6   BENEFITS OF AGREEMENT.  Nothing in this Agreement,  express
or implied, shall give to any Person (other than the parties hereto, the Holders
and their permitted  successors and assigns  hereunder) any benefit or any legal
or equitable  right,  remedy or claim under this Agreement or under any covenant
or provision herein  contained,  all such covenants and provisions being for the
sole benefit of the parties hereto,  the Holders and their permitted  successors
and assigns.

       SECTION 1.7   GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  and  the  CVRs  shall  be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

                                     D - 5

       SECTION 1.8   LEGAL HOLIDAYS. In the event that a CVR Payment  Date shall
not be a Business Day, then  (notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to
the  contrary)  any  payment  required to be made in respect of the CVRs on such
date  need  not be made on such  date,  but may be made on the  next  succeeding
Business  Day with the same  force and effect as if made on the  applicable  CVR
Payment Date.

       SECTION 1.9   SEVERABILITY  CLAUSE.  In  case  any  one  or  more  of the
provisions  contained  in this  Agreement  shall  for any  reason  be held to be
invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or
unenforceability  shall not affect any other  provisions of this Agreement,  but
this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid or illegal or unenforceable
provision had never been contained herein. Upon such determination that any term
or other  provision  is invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable,  the court or other
tribunal making such  determination  is authorized and instructed to modify this
Agreement  so as to effect  the  original  intent of the  parties  as closely as
possible  so that  the  transactions  and  agreements  contemplated  herein  are
consummated as originally contemplated to the fullest extent possible.

       SECTION 1.10  COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be signed in any number of
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to constitute  but one and the same

       SECTION  1.11  EFFECTIVENESS;   TERMINATION.   This  Agreement  shall  be
terminated  and of no force or  effect,  and the  parties  hereto  shall have no
liability  hereunder,  upon the  earliest to occur of (i) the payment of all CVR
Payment Amounts required to be paid under the terms of this Agreement,  (ii) the
determination  that no CVR  Payment  Amounts  are  required to be made under the
terms of this  Agreement and (iii) the  termination  of the Merger  Agreement in
accordance with the terms thereof, provided that, for the avoidance of doubt, if
the Closing (as defined in the Merger  Agreement)  occurs,  this Agreement shall
only be capable of termination under (i) and (ii) above and shall not be capable
of termination under this clause (iii).

       SECTION 1.12  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement and the Merger  Agreement
represent the entire  understanding  of the parties hereto with reference to the
transactions  and matters  contemplated  hereby and  thereby and this  Agreement
supercedes any and all other oral or written  agreements  hereto made except for
the Merger Agreement.  If and to the extent that any provision of this Agreement
is  inconsistent  or conflicts with the Merger  Agreement,  this Agreement shall
govern and be controlling.

                                   ARTICLE II

                             CONTINGENT VALUE RIGHTS

       SECTION 2.1   ISSUANCE OF CVRS. The CVRs shall be issued  pursuant to the
Merger at the time and in the manner set forth in the Merger Agreement.

       SECTION 2.2   NONTRANSFERABLE.  The  CVRs  shall  not  be  assignable  or
otherwise transferable by Holders, except by will, upon death or by operation of


                                     D - 6

              (a)    The CVRs shall not be evidenced by a  certificate  or other

              (b)    The  Company  shall  cause  to be  kept  at  the  Company's
       principal  office a register (the register  maintained in such office and
       in any other office designated  pursuant to this Section 2.3 being herein
       sometimes  referred to as the "CVR  Register") in which the Company shall
       provide for the  registration  of CVRs.  The  secretary of the Company is
       hereby initially appointed "CVR Registrar" for the purpose of registering
       CVRs and transfers of CVRs as herein provided.

              (c)    Subject to the restriction on transferability  set forth in
       Section 2.2,  every request made to the Company to transfer a CVR must be
       in writing and  accompanied  by a written  instrument of transfer in form
       reasonably  satisfactory  to the  Company  and  the CVR  Registrar,  duly
       executed by the Holder thereof,  his attorney duly authorized in writing,
       personal  representative  or  survivor  and setting  forth in  reasonable
       detail the circumstances  relating to the transfer.  Upon receipt of such
       written notice by the Company,  the CVR Registrar  shall,  subject to his
       reasonable  determination that the transfer  instrument is in proper form
       and the transfer  otherwise  complies with the other terms and conditions
       herein,  register  the  transfer  of the  CVRs in the CVR  Register.  All
       transfers  of CVRs  registered  in the CVR  Register  shall be the  valid
       obligations of the Company,  evidencing the same right, and shall entitle
       the transferee to the same benefits and rights under this  Agreement,  as
       those held by the  transferor.  No transfer of a CVR shall be valid until
       registered  in the CVR Register and any transfer not duly  registered  in
       the CVR Register will be void ab initio.

              (d)    A Holder may make a written request to the CVR Registrar or
       the  Company  to  change  such  Holder's  address  of  record  in the CVR
       Register.  The written request must be duly executed by the Holder.  Upon
       receipt of such written  notice by the CVR Registrar or the Company,  the
       CVR  Registrar  shall  promptly  record  the change of address in the CVR


              (a)    As  promptly as  practicable  but in no event later than 15
       days after the latest to occur of (1) the full and final  settlement  of,
       or the entry of  judgment  with  respect  to, the  Litigation,  including
       counterclaims,  (2)  receipt by the Company or any of its  Affiliates  of
       Litigation Proceeds or any Non-Cash Proceeds, and (3) the Effective Time,
       the  Company  shall  deliver to the  Representative  a  certificate  (the
       "Litigation Proceeds Certificate") setting forth in reasonable detail (i)
       the amount of any Cash Proceeds and Realized  Non-Cash  Proceeds received
       by the Company or its Affiliates,  if any, (ii) a detailed description of
       Non-Cash Proceeds received by the Company,  if any, (iii) the fair market
       value of any Realized Non-Cash  Proceeds  described in clause (ii) of the
       definition  thereof and the methodology  used, and calculations  made, to
       determine  such fair market  value,  (iv) an itemized  list in reasonable
       detail of the Claims Expenses, (v) the calculation of the Tax Allocation,
       (vi) any  assumptions  underlying the  determination  of any item used in
       making the necessary  calculations of the CVR Payment  Amount,  (vii) any
       financial or other  documentation  reasonably  necessary to  sufficiently
       support  the  calculation  of the CVR  Payment  Amount,  and  (viii)  the
       calculation of the CVR Payment Amount, if any.

                                     D - 7

              (b)    Within  30  days of  delivery  of the  Litigation  Proceeds
       Certificate,  the  Representative  shall give written  notice  specifying
       whether it agrees with or objects (a "Notice of Agreement"  and a "Notice
       of Objection",  respectively) to the Litigation Proceeds Certificate, the
       CVR Payment Amount and the CVR Payment Amount calculation.

              (c)    If the  Representative  delivers a Notice of Agreement  and
       any CVR Payment  Amount is payable,  the  Company  shall  establish a CVR
       Payment  Date with  respect to such CVR Payment  Amount that is within 15
       days of the date of the Notice of  Agreement.  On such CVR Payment  Date,
       the  Company  shall  then  promptly  cause the CVR  Payment  Amount to be
       delivered  to each of the Holders by check  mailed to the address of each
       Holder as  reflected  in the CVR  Register as of the close of business on
       the last Business Day prior to such CVR Payment Date.

              (d)    If the Representative delivers a Notice of Objection within
       such 30-day period, the Company shall hold an amount of cash equal to the
       aggregate  CVR  Payment  Amount,  if any,  set  forth  in the  Litigation
       Proceeds  Certificate  in  a  separate  bank  account  invested  in  Cash
       Equivalents until a Resolution is obtained pursuant to the procedures set
       forth in Section 2.4(e).

              (e)    If the Representative delivers a Notice of Objection within
       such 30-day period, the  Representative  shall as promptly as practicable
       following delivery of the Notice of Objection, but in no event later than
       15 days after delivery of the Notice of Objection, deliver to the Company
       a certificate (the "Representative  Objection Certificate") setting forth
       in  reasonable  detail  each  of  the  objections  to  the  calculations,
       valuations,  methodologies,  lists,  computations,  assumptions and other
       information,  including, without limitation, the fair market value of any
       Realized  Non-Cash  Proceeds  described in clause (ii) of the  definition
       thereof (collectively,  the "Determinations") that the Representative has
       to the  Litigation  Proceeds  Certificate.  If the Company does not agree
       with  the   Representative's   objections  to  the  Litigation   Proceeds
       Certificate,  then within ten days of the delivery by the  Representative
       of  the  Representative  Objection  Certificate,   the  Company  and  the
       Representative  shall submit the portions of the Determinations set forth
       in the Litigation Proceeds  Certificate that are in dispute to a mutually
       agreed upon independent  public accounting firm of national standing that
       shall  have  expertise  in  income  and  franchise  tax  matters  and the
       valuation of assets and properties (the "Firm"),  provided, that the Firm
       has  not  billed  the  Representative,  the  Company  or the  Parent  for
       professional  services within the three-year period  immediately prior to
       the  date of the  Litigation  Proceeds  Certificate.  The  Firm  shall be
       instructed  to  determine  whether  the  Determinations  set forth in the
       Litigation  Proceeds  Certificate that are in dispute are correct. If the
       Firm determines  that such  Determinations  are correct,  the CVR Payment
       Amount shall be as set forth in the Litigation Proceeds Certificate,  and
       the  Representative  shall  be  deemed  to have  delivered  a  Notice  of
       Agreement with respect to such Litigation  Proceeds  Certificate.  If the
       Firm  determines  that  any  of  the  Determinations  set  forth  in  the
       Litigation Proceeds  Certificate are incorrect in any respect that causes
       the CVR Payment Amount  determined by the Company to be less than the CVR
       Payment Amount  determined by the Firm, the Firm's resulting  calculation
       of the CVR  Payment  Amount  shall be  binding on the  parties  hereto (a
       "Resolution"), and in

                                     D - 8

       addition to the CVR Payment  Amount  determined by the Firm,  the Company
       shall pay to the Holders  interest on such  differential  calculated from
       the date that the Representative  delivered its Notice of objection at an
       interest rate equal to the rate actually  earned by the Company  pursuant
       to the  investment  of such  funds in Cash  Equivalents.  All  costs  and
       expenses  billed by the Firm in connection  with the  performance  of its
       duties described  herein ("Firm  Expenses") shall be paid by the Company;
       provided, however, that if the Company's determination of the CVR Payment
       Amount is:

                     (i)    greater  than or  equal  to 95% of the  CVR  Payment
              Amount  determined  by the Firm,  then  100% of the Firm  Expenses
              shall be deducted from the CVR Payment Amount;

                     (ii)   greater  than or  equal  to 85% of the  CVR  Payment
              Amount  determined  by the  Firm,  but  less  than  95% of the CVR
              Payment  Amount  determined  by the  Firm,  then  50% of the  Firm
              Expenses shall be deducted from the CVR Payment Amount; or

                     (iii)  less than 85% of the CVR Payment  Amount  determined
              by the Firm,  then the  Company  shall not be  reimbursed  for any
              portion of the Firm Expenses.

              (f)    If  the  Representative   does  not  deliver  a  Notice  of
       Agreement or a Notice of objection to the Litigation Proceeds Certificate
       within the 30-day period  described above,  the  Representative  shall be
       deemed to have  delivered  a Notice of  Agreement  with  respect  to such
       Litigation  Proceeds  Certificate,  and,  if any CVR  Payment  Amount  is
       payable,  the Company shall  establish a CVR Payment Date with respect to
       such CVR Payment  Amount that is within 15 days following the last day of
       such 30-day  period.  On such CVR Payment  Date,  the Company  shall then
       promptly  cause the CVR  Payment  Amount to be  delivered  to each of the
       Holders by check mailed to the address of each Holder as reflected in the
       CVR  Register as of the close of business on the last  Business Day prior
       to such CVR  Payment  Date.  If the  Representative  delivers a Notice of
       Objection with respect to such Litigation Proceeds Certificate within the
       30-day period described above,  then after a Resolution is obtained,  the
       Company  shall  establish  a CVR  Payment  Date with  respect to such CVR
       Payment Amount that is within ten days of the date of such Resolution. On
       such CVR Payment  Date,  the Company  shall then  promptly  cause the CVR
       Payment  Amount to be delivered to each of the Holders by check mailed to
       the address of each  Holder as  reflected  in the CVR  Register as of the
       close of  business  on the last  Business  Day prior to such CVR  Payment


              (a)    In the event  that the  Company or its  Affiliates  receive
       payments  of  Litigation  Proceeds  on more than one  date,  then the CVR
       Payment Amount with respect to any such Litigation Proceeds shall be paid
       with  respect  to  each  such  receipt  of  Litigation  Proceeds  and the
       procedures  described  in Section 2.4 shall apply to each such receipt of
       Litigation Proceeds.  The calculation of the CVR Payment Amount following
       the  calculation  of the initial CVR  Payment  Amount  shall be made on a
       cumulative, non-duplicative, basis to

                                     D - 9

       reflect the receipt of all Litigation Proceeds, the payment of all Claims
       Expenses and the prior payment of any CVR Payment Amounts  (including the
       $700,000  referred to in the  definition  thereof)  from the date of this
       Agreement  to the  date of  determination  of each  such  subsequent  CVR
       Payment Amount (it being understood,  however, that in no event shall the
       Holders be  obligated  or required to refund to the Company or any of its
       Affiliates any portion of any CVR Payment Amount  previously  paid to the

              (b)    The determination by the Company and the  Representative of
       any CVR Payment  Amount  pursuant to the  procedures set forth in Section
       2.4,  absent a  mathematical  error,  shall be final and  binding  on the
       Company and each Holder.

              (c)    Except in the specific cases  specified in this  Agreement,
       no  interest  shall  accrue  on any  amounts  payable  on the CVRs to any

              (d)    The Company  shall be entitled to deduct and  withhold,  or
       cause to be deducted or withheld,  from the CVR Payment Amount  otherwise
       payable  pursuant  to this  Agreement  such  amounts as it is required to
       deduct and withhold  with respect to the making of such payment under the
       Code (as defined in the Merger  Agreement),  or any  provision  of state,
       local or foreign tax law.  To the extent that  amounts are so withheld or
       paid over to or deposited  with the relevant  governmental  entity,  such
       withheld  amounts shall be treated for all purposes of this  Agreement as
       having  been paid to the Holder in respect  of which such  deduction  and
       withholding was made.

              (e)    Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the  contrary,  in the
       event the Company incurs Claims  Expenses in excess of  $700,000.00,  the
       Company  shall be  reimbursed  for such  excess  Claims  Expenses  out of
       Litigation  Proceeds,  if any,  prior to the  payment of any CVR  Payment


              (a)    The CVRs shall not have any voting or  dividend  rights and
       shall not bear a stated rate of interest.

              (b)    The CVRs  shall  not  represent  any  equity  or  ownership
       interest in the Company or in any constituent company to the Merger.

                                  ARTICLE III

                               THE REPRESENTATIVE


              (a)    The  Representative  undertakes  to perform such duties and
       only such duties as are  specifically  set forth in this  Agreement.  The
       Representative  shall exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it
       by this  Agreement,  and use the same  degree  of care  and  skill in its
       exercise,  as a prudent man would exercise or use under the circumstances
       in  the  conduct  of  his  own  affairs;  provided,   however,  that  the
       Representative shall not be

                                     D - 10

       liable  for  any  acts  or  omissions  except  to  the  extent  that  the
       Representative  has  engaged  in  willful  misconduct  or bad faith or is
       grossly negligent in the performance of its duties.

              (b)    No  provision  of this  Agreement  shall  be  construed  to
       relieve the Representative  from liability for its own willful misconduct
       or bad  faith or  gross  negligence,  except  that no  provision  of this
       Agreement  shall  require  the  Representative  to expend or risk its own
       funds or otherwise  incur any financial  liability in the  performance of
       any of its duties  hereunder  or in the  exercise of any of its rights or

       SECTION 3.2   CERTAIN  RIGHTS  OF   REPRESENTATIVE.   The  Representative
undertakes to perform such duties and only such duties as are  specifically  set
forth in this Agreement,  and no implied  covenants or obligations shall be read
into this Agreement against the Representative. In addition:

              (a)    the  Representative  shall  have the  right,  and is hereby
       authorized on behalf of the Holders,  to approve or reject in writing any
       settlement of any aspect or portion of the Litigation entered into by the
       Company or its Affiliates;

              (b)    the  Representative  may rely and  shall  be  protected  in
       acting  or  refraining  from  acting  upon any  resolution,  certificate,
       statement,  instrument,  opinion,  report,  notice,  request,  direction,
       consent,  order or other paper or  document  believed by it to be genuine
       and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties;

              (c)    whenever the Representative  shall deem it desirable that a
       matter be proved or  established  prior to taking,  suffering or omitting
       any action hereunder, the Representative may, in the absence of bad faith
       or willful misconduct on its part, rely upon an Officer's Certificate;

              (d)    the  Representative  may engage and consult with counsel of
       its  selection  and the written  advice of such counsel or any opinion of
       counsel  shall be full  and  complete  authorization  and  protection  in
       respect of any action taken,  suffered or omitted by it hereunder in good
       faith and in reliance thereon;

              (e)    the Representative may engage and consult with tax experts,
       valuation  firms and other experts and third parties that it, in its sole
       and absolute  discretion,  deems appropriate or necessary to enable it to
       discharge its duties hereunder;

              (f)    the permissive  rights of the  Representative  to do things
       enumerated in this Agreement shall not be construed as a duty;

              (g)    the  Representative  shall not be required to give any note
       or surety in respect of the  execution  of such  powers or  otherwise  in
       respect of the premises; and

              (h)    the initial Representative may be a Holder.

recitals  contained herein shall be taken as the statements of the Company,  and
the  Representative  assumes  no  responsibility  for  their  correctness.   The
Representative makes no representations as

                                     D - 11

to the validity or sufficiency of this Agreement or the CVRs. The Representative
shall not be  accountable or liable for the use or application by the Company of
the Litigation Proceeds or Non-Cash Proceeds.

The Company agrees:

              (a)    except as otherwise  expressly  provided herein, to pay the
       Representative,  upon the request of the  Representative,  all reasonable
       expenses  and  disbursements  incurred or to be  incurred  after the date
       hereof by the  Representative  in  accordance  with any provision of this
       Agreement (including, without limitation, the reasonable compensation and
       the expenses and  disbursements  of its counsel,  tax experts,  valuation
       firms and other  experts  and third  parties as  contemplated  in Section
       3.2); and

              (b)    to indemnify the  Representative  and hold it harmless from
       and  against  any  and all  liabilities,  obligations,  losses,  damages,
       penalties,  actions,  judgments,  suits,  costs,  reasonable expenses and
       reasonable  disbursements  of any kind or nature  whatsoever  (including,
       without  limitation,  the  reasonable  compensation  and the expenses and
       disbursements  of its  counsel,  tax experts,  valuation  firms and other
       experts and third  parties as  contemplated  in Section  3.2) that may be
       imposed on, asserted  against or incurred by it resulting or arising from
       actions taken under this  Agreement by it after the date hereof until the
       termination  of  this  Agreement,  and  the  Representative  shall  be so
       indemnified  under this  Agreement  for its own ordinary  (but not gross)
       negligence,  but  the  Representative  does  not  have  the  right  to be
       indemnified  under this  Agreement for its own willful  misconduct or bad
       faith or gross negligence.

              (c)    Notwithstanding  Section  3.4(a) and (b), to the extent the
       Claims  Expenses  exceed  the  Litigation   Proceeds,   any  payment  the
       Representative  is  entitled to receive  under this  Section 3.4 shall be
       reduced  by the  amount  by which  the  Claims  Expenses  so  exceed  the
       Litigation Proceeds.


              (a)    The Representative may resign at any time by giving written
       notice thereof to the Company.

              (b)    If at any time the Representative shall become incapable of
       acting,  any  Holder of a CVR may,  on behalf of  himself  and all others
       similarly situated,  petition any court of competent jurisdiction for the
       removal  of  the  Representative  and  the  appointment  of  a  successor

              (c)    If the  Representative  shall resign,  be removed or become
       incapable of acting, the Company,  by a Board Resolution,  shall promptly
       appoint a qualified  successor  Representative who is a Holder and not an
       officer of the Company. The successor  Representative so appointed shall,
       forthwith upon its acceptance of such appointment in accordance with this
       Section 3.5(c), become the successor Representative.

                                     D - 12

              (d)    The Company shall give notice of each  resignation and each
       removal  of  a  Representative   and  each  appointment  of  a  successor
       Representative  by mailing  written  notice of such event by  first-class
       mail, postage prepaid, to the Holders as their names and addresses appear
       in the CVR  Register.  Each notice shall  include the name and address of
       the  successor  Representative.  If the Company fails to send such notice
       within  ten  days  after   acceptance  of   appointment  by  a  successor
       Representative, the successor Representative shall cause the notice to be
       mailed at the expense of the Company.

Representative appointed hereunder shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to the
Company  and  to  the  retiring  Representative  an  instrument  accepting  such
appointment  and a counterpart of this  Agreement,  and thereupon such successor
Representative, without any further act, deed or conveyance, shall become vested
with all the rights,  powers, trusts and duties of the retiring  Representative;
but, on request of the Company or the  successor  Representative,  such retiring
Representative  shall  execute and deliver an  instrument  transferring  to such
successor  Representative  all the  rights,  powers and  trusts of the  retiring

                                   ARTICLE IV


OF  HOLDERS.  The  Company  shall  furnish  or  cause  to be  furnished  to  the
Representative (a) in such form as the  Representative  may reasonably  require,
the names and addresses of the Holders within 15 days of the Effective Time, and
(b) at such times as the Representative may request in writing, within five days
after  receipt by the Company of any such  request,  a list, in such form as the
Representative  may  reasonably  require,  of the names and the addresses of the
Holders  as of a date not more  than 15 days  prior  to the  time  such  list is

                                   ARTICLE V



              (a)    The Company shall  prosecute the  Litigation in good faith.
       In any  settlement to resolve the  Litigation,  the Company shall seek in
       good faith a settlement of the  Litigation  for Cash Proceeds or Non-Cash
       Proceeds  that will become  Realized  Non-Cash  Proceeds as  described in
       clause (i) of the  definition  thereof in as short a period of time after
       the settlement is entered as is reasonably practicable.  At the time that
       any  settlement of the  Litigation  is entered into,  the Company and the
       Representative  shall  seek in good  faith to agree on the  amount,  or a
       methodology for determining  the amount,  of any Cash Proceeds,  Realized
       Non-Cash Proceeds or Non-Cash Proceeds  resulting from the settlement and
       of the  appropriate  treatment  thereof for purposes of  calculating  the
       Assumed Tax Liability.

                                     D - 13

              (b)    The  Company  shall not settle any aspect or portion of the
       Litigation without obtaining (i) the prior approval of the specific terms
       of such  settlement  by the Board of Directors and (ii) the prior written
       consent of the  Representative  (which consent shall not be  unreasonably
       withheld).  Unless advised by its counsel in the Litigation that doing so
       may adversely  affect any legal  privilege or protection it may have with
       respect  to such  information  in  connection  with the  Litigation,  the
       Company  shall  afford  the   Representative  (1)  reasonable  access  to
       information concerning the Litigation that is in the possession,  custody
       or control  of the  Company  and its  Affiliates  and (2) the  reasonable
       assistance of the officers, employees, counsel and experts of the Company
       and its Affiliates for purposes of performing the Representative's duties
       under this Agreement.

              (c)    Unless advised by its counsel in the Litigation  that doing
       so may  adversely  affect any legal  privilege or  protection it may have
       with respect to such information in connection with the Litigation,  upon
       request  by the  Representative  to the  Company  from time to time,  the
       Company shall provide the Representative with such information  regarding
       the status of the  Litigation,  including  the amount of Claims  Expenses
       incurred,  as shall be  reasonably  necessary to enable it to satisfy its
       obligations hereunder.

              (d)    The  Company  in good  faith  shall  convert or cause to be
       converted  any  Non-Cash  Proceeds  to cash  as  promptly  as  reasonable
       practicable after receiving any such Non-Cash Proceeds.

              (e)    The  Company  shall  hold an  amount  of cash  equal to the
       aggregate  amount of any CVR  Payment  Amount  payable  pursuant  to this
       Agreement in a separate bank account invested in Cash  Equivalents  until
       such cash has been paid to the Holders.

       SECTION 5.2  PAYMENT OF CVR PAYMENT  AMOUNT.  The Company  shall duly and
promptly  pay each Holder the CVR Payment  Amount in the manner  provided for in
Section  2.4  and in  accordance  with  the  terms  of this  Agreement.  For the
avoidance of doubt,  the CVR Payment  Amounts will in no way depend on or relate
to the  operating  results  of the  Company  or any  constituent  company to the

                                   ARTICLE VI



              (a)    Without  the  consent of any  Holders,  the  Company,  when
       authorized  by  a  Board  Resolution,  and  the  Representative,  in  the
       Representative's sole and absolute discretion,  at any time and from time
       to time,  may enter into one or more  amendments  hereto,  for any of the
       following purposes:

                     (i)    to evidence the  succession of another Person to the
              Company and the  assumption by any such successor of the covenants
              of the Company herein;

                                     D - 14

                     (ii)   to evidence the  succession  of another  Person as a
              successor  Representative  and the  assumption by any successor of
              the covenants and obligations of the Representative herein;

                     (iii)  to add to the  covenants of the Company such further
              covenants, restrictions,  conditions or provisions as the Board of
              Directors  and the  Representative  shall  consider  to be for the
              protection  of the  Holders;  provided  that  in each  case,  such
              provisions shall not materially  adversely affect the interests of
              the Holders;

                     (iv)   to cure any ambiguity,  to correct or supplement any
              provision  herein that may be defective or  inconsistent  with any
              other  provision  herein,  or to make any  other  provisions  with
              respect to  matters or  questions  arising  under this  Agreement;
              provided that in each case, such  provisions  shall not materially
              adversely affect the interests of the Holders; or

                     (v)    as may be  necessary or  appropriate  to ensure that
              the CVRs are not subject to registration  under the Securities Act
              or the  Exchange  Act (each as defined  in the Merger  Agreement),
              provided  that  such  provisions  shall not  materially  adversely
              affect the interests of the Holders.

              (b)    Promptly  after  the  execution  by  the  Company  and  the
       Representative  of any  amendment  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  this
       Section 6.1, the Company shall mail a notice  thereof by first class mail
       to the  Holders  at  their  addresses  as they  shall  appear  on the CVR
       Register, setting forth in general terms the substance of such amendment.


              (a)    With the consent of the Holders of not less than a majority
       of  the  outstanding  CVRs,  the  Company,  when  authorized  by a  Board
       Resolution,  and the Representative may enter into one or more amendments
       hereto for the purpose of adding,  eliminating or changing any provisions
       of this Agreement if such  addition,  elimination or change is in any way
       materially adverse to the interest of the Holders.

              (b)    Promptly  after  the  execution  by  the  Company  and  the
       Representative  of any  amendment  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  this
       Section 6.2, the Company shall mail a notice  thereof by first class mail
       to the  Holders  at  their  addresses  as they  shall  appear  on the CVR
       Register, setting forth in general terms the substance of such amendment.

       SECTION 6.3   EXECUTION  OF  AMENDMENTS.    In  executing  any  amendment
permitted by this Article,  the Representative shall be entitled to receive, and
shall be fully protected in relying upon, an opinion of Counsel stating that the
execution of such  amendment is authorized or permitted by this  Agreement.  The
Representative  may, but is not obligated to, enter into any such amendment that
affects the Representative's own rights,  privileges,  covenants or duties under
this Agreement or otherwise.

                                     D - 15

       SECTION 6.4   EFFECT OF AMENDMENTS. Upon the  execution of any  amendment
under this Article,  this Agreement  shall be modified in accordance  therewith,
such  amendment  shall form a part of this  Agreement for all purposes and every
Holder shall be bound thereby.

                                  ARTICLE VII



              (a)    The Company  shall not  consolidate  with or merge into any
       other  Person or  convey,  transfer  or lease its  properties  and assets
       substantially as an entirety to any Person, unless:

                     (1)    in case the Company shall  consolidate with or merge
              into any other Person or convey,  transfer or lease its properties
              and assets  substantially as an entirety to any Person, the Person
              formed by such  consolidation  or into which the Company is merged
              or the Person that  acquires by  conveyance  or transfer,  or that
              leases, the properties and assets of the Company  substantially as
              an  entirety  (the  "Surviving  Person")  shall  expressly  assume
              payment of amounts  on all the CVRs and the  performance  of every
              duty and covenant of this  Agreement on the part of the Company to
              be performed or observed; and

                     (2)    the Company has delivered to the  Representative  an
              Officer's  Certificate,  stating that such consolidation,  merger,
              conveyance,  transfer or lease  complies with this Article VII and
              that all conditions precedent herein provided for relating to such
              transaction have been complied with.

              (b)    For  purposes of this  Section  7.1,  "convey,  transfer or
       lease its properties and assets  substantially as an entirety" shall mean
       properties and assets  contributing  in the aggregate at least 80% of the
       Company's total  consolidated  revenues as reported in the Company's last
       available periodic financial report (quarterly or annual, as the case may

       SECTION 7.2   SUCCESSOR SUBSTITUTED.  Upon any consolidation of or merger
by the Company with or into any other  Person,  or any  conveyance,  transfer or
lease of the properties and assets substantially as an entirety to any Person in
accordance  with  Section  7.1, the  Surviving  Person shall  succeed to, and be
substituted  for, and may exercise  every right and power of, the Company  under
this Agreement with the same effect as if the Surviving Person had been named as
the  Company  herein,  and  thereafter,  except  in the  case  of a  lease,  the
predecessor Person shall be relieved of all obligations and covenants under this
Agreement and the CVRs.


                                     D - 16


                                       MILTOPE GROUP, INC.

                                       By:      /s/      THOMAS R. DICKINSON
                                       Name:    Thomas R. Dickinson
                                       Title:   President and CEO

                                       MILTOPE CORPORATION

                                       By:      /s/      THOMAS R. DICKINSON
                                       Name:    Thomas R. Dickinson
                                       Title:   President and CEO

                                       VISION TECHNOLOGIES KINETICS, INC.

                                       By:      /s/      JOHN COBURN
                                       Name:    John Coburn
                                       Title:   Authorized Representative

                                       GREAT UNIVERSAL INCORPORATED

                                       By:      /s/      HENRY LEE GUY
                                       Name:    Henry Lee Guy
                                       Title:   President and CEO


                                                                         Annex E

              [Letterhead of Quarterdeck Investment Partners, LLC]

As of October 21, 2003

The Board of Directors
Miltope Group Inc.
3800 Richardson Road South
Hope Hull, Alabama  36043


Miltope Group,  Inc.  ("Miltope" or the "Company") has retained us to deliver to
you our  opinion as to the  fairness,  from a  financial  point of view,  to the
holders of the common shares of the Company  (other than holders of shares as to
which statutory  dissenters'  rights are perfected) of the  consideration  to be
received  by such  holders  pursuant to the terms of the  Agreement  and Plan of
Merger  dated  October 21, 2003 (the  "Agreement")  among the  Company,  Miltope
Corporation,  a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company ("Miltope  Corporation"),
VTK  Merger  Subsidiary  Corporation  ("VTK"  or  the  "Merger  Subsidiary"),  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Vision Technologies Kinetics, Inc. (the "Parent" and
together with the Merger Subsidiary, the "Purchaser") and the Parent.

According  to the terms of the  Agreement,  the Company will merge with and into
Miltope  Corporation and Subsidiary will merge with and into Miltope Corporation
(both mergers, collectively, the "Merger"); and upon consummation of the Merger,
Merger Sub will pay or cause to be paid to the holders of all of the outstanding
common shares of the Company,  including  common shares issued upon the exercise
of  existing  stock  options,  a cash  price  of $5.78  per  share  and  Miltope
Corporation will issue to the holders of all of the outstanding common shares of
the Company,  including common shares issued upon the exercise of existing stock
options, a contingent value right for each such share (the "Consideration");  in
addition to other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement (including all
schedules and exhibits thereto) and other agreements  contemplated  thereby (the
"Merger Agreements").

Quarterdeck Investment Partners, LLC ("Quarterdeck"),  a subsidiary of Jefferies
Group, Inc. ("Jefferies"),  is an international investment banking firm focusing
exclusively on the global  aerospace,  defense and government  services markets.
With offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, D.C., Quarterdeck
advises  both listed and  unlisted  companies  in its focused  markets.  Miltope
retained Quarterdeck pursuant to an

                                     E - 1

engagement agreement dated June 24, 2002 (the "Engagement Letter") regarding the
Company's long term financial strategy.  Pursuant to the terms of the Engagement
Letter, Quarterdeck assisted the Company in soliciting and assessing expressions
of interest in the Company. The solicitations  generated a significant amount of
interest from multiple  parties and,  ultimately,  culminated with the Agreement
between the Company and the  Purchaser.  In connection  with the approval of the
Agreement, the Company separately retained Quarterdeck to render this opinion to
you.  Quarterdeck  will  receive a fee from the Company in  connection  with the
advisory services it has provided pursuant to the Engagement  Letter,  including
fees that are  contingent  upon the  completion of a  transaction  involving the
Company.  Quarterdeck will receive a separate fee from the Company for rendering
this opinion.  This latter fee is not contingent  upon results of the Merger nor
the completion of a transaction involving the Company. In addition,  the Company
has agreed to  indemnify  Quarterdeck  for  certain  liabilities  arising out of
either of its engagements. Quarterdeck has in the past provided services to, and
received  compensation  from,  certain  of the  bidders  in the  Company's  sale
process,  including an affiliate of the Purchaser,  on matters  unrelated to the
proposed  acquisition.  Quarterdeck's  affiliates  may  own  securities  of  the
Company,  the Parent and/or their subsidiaries and affiliates and may maintain a
market in the  securities of the Company,  the Parent and/or their  subsidiaries
and affiliates and may publish  research reports  regarding such securities.  In
the ordinary course of their businesses,  Quarterdeck's  affiliates may trade or
hold such  securities  for  their  own  account  and for the  accounts  of their
customers  and,  accordingly,  may at any time hold long or short  positions  in
those securities.

In  connection  with this  opinion,  Quarterdeck  has  reviewed,  relied upon or
performed, among other things, the following:

       (i)    Reviewed   the   Merger   Agreements,   participated   in  certain
              negotiations with the Purchaser and discussed with the officers of
              the Company the course of other negotiations with the Purchaser;

       (ii)   Reviewed certain financial and other information about the Company
              that was publicly available;

       (iii)  Reviewed  information  furnished to  Quarterdeck  by the Company's
              management,   including  certain  internal   financial   analysis,
              forecasts, projections, budgets, reports and other information;

       (iv)   Met  with  the  Company's  and  Miltope  Corporation's  management
              regarding the business prospects,  financial outlook and operating
              plans of the Company and held discussions concerning the impact on
              the Company  and its  prospects  of the economy and the  Company's
              industry,   including   the   effect  of  the   current   economic

       (v)    Reviewed and considered  the current and historical  market prices
              of the Company's common shares for the period  Quarterdeck  deemed
              appropriate,  as well as the  trading  volume and public  float of
              such shares;

       (vi)   Compared the valuation in the public  market of companies  similar
              to that of the Company in market, product types, and size;

       (vii)  Reviewed the  acquisition  valuation  multiples of publicly traded
              companies which we deemed comparable to the Company;

                                     E - 2

       (viii) Performed a discounted  cash flow  analysis to analyze the present
              value  of the  future  cash  flow  streams  that the  Company  has
              indicated it expects to generate;

       (ix)   Performed a  leveraged  buyout  analysis to analyze the  potential
              value  of  the  Company  in  a   hypothetical   leveraged   buyout

       (x)    Performed  comprehensive  marketing  of the  business to potential
              buyers  or  merger   candidates  whose  possible   interest  in  a
              transaction  was  solicited  and  considered  by the  Company  and
              Quarterdeck; and

       (xi)   Evaluated and assessed all offers submitted.

In  addition  to  the  foregoing,  Quarterdeck  performed  such  other  studies,
analyses,  and investigations and considered such other financial,  economic and
market criteria as it considered appropriate in arriving at its opinion.

In our review and analysis and in rendering the opinion,  Quarterdeck  has, with
your permission, assumed and relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of
the financial  information,  forecasts and other  information  provided to it by
Miltope  or  that  was  publicly  available  to it,  and has  not  attempted  to
independently  verify  any  of  such  information.  This  opinion  is  expressly
conditioned  upon such  information  (whether  written or oral) being  complete,
accurate and fair in all respects. With respect to the financial projections and
financial models provided to and examined by us, we note that projecting  future
results of any company is inherently  subject to uncertainty.  You have informed
us, however, and we have assumed with your permission, that such projections and
models were reasonably prepared on bases reflecting the best currently available
estimates  and good faith  judgments of the  management of the Company as to the
future performance of the Company.  In addition,  in rendering this opinion,  we
have assumed that the Company will perform in accordance  with such  projections
and models for all periods  specified  therein.  Although such  projections  and
models did not form the principal basis for our opinion,  but rather constituted
one of many items that we employed, changes to such projections and models could
affect the opinion rendered herein.  Quarterdeck  expresses no opinion as to the
Company's financial projections or the assumptions upon which they are based.

Accordingly,  Quarterdeck's analyses must be considered as a whole.  Considering
any portion of such analyses or the factors considered,  without considering all
analyses  and  factors,  could create a  misleading  or  incomplete  view of the
process  underlying the conclusions  expressed herein. We expressly disclaim any
undertaking  or  obligation  to advise  any  person of any change in any fact or
matter affecting our opinion of which we become aware after the date hereof.  In
furnishing this opinion,  we do not admit that we are experts within the meaning
of the term "experts" as used in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

Quarterdeck  has  assumed  that  there  have  been no  material  changes  in the
Company's  assets,  financial  condition,  results of  operations,  business  or
prospects  since the most recent  financial  statements made available to us. In
addition,  Quarterdeck has not conducted a physical inspection of the properties
and facilities of the Company and has

                                     E - 3

not made or obtained an  independent  valuation  or  appraisal  of the assets or
liabilities  (contingent or otherwise) of the Company nor has  Quarterdeck  been
furnished with any such evaluations or appraisals for the Company or any reports
of such physical  inspections for the Company,  nor does Quarterdeck  assume any
responsibility to obtain any such evaluations, appraisals or inspections for the
Company.  Quarterdeck's  opinion is necessarily based on the economic and market
conditions and other  circumstances as they exist and are evaluated by it on the
date hereof.

Quarterdeck,  with your permission,  has relied on advice of the Company's legal
counsel and  independent  accountants  to the  Company as to all legal,  tax and
financial  reporting  matters with  respect to the  Company,  the Merger and the
Merger  Agreements.  It has  assumed  that the Merger will be  consummated  in a
manner that  complies in all  respects  with the  applicable  provisions  of the
Securities  Act, as amended,  and all other  applicable  federal and  provincial
statues,  rules and  regulations.  Quarterdeck  has further  assumed,  with your
permission, that (i) the Merger will be consummated in accordance with the terms
described in the Merger Agreements,  without any further amendments thereto, and
without  waiver by the Company of any of the  conditions to Merger  Subsidiary's
obligations;  (ii)  there  is not now,  and  there  will not as a result  of the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated by the Merger  Agreements be, any
default,  or event of default,  under any indenture,  credit  agreement or other
material agreement or instrument to which the Company or any of its subsidiaries
or  affiliates  is a party;  and  (iii)  all  material  assets  and  liabilities
(contingent  or otherwise,  known or unknown) of the Company are as set forth in
its consolidated financial statements provided to us by the Company.

This opinion is for the benefit and use of the Board of Directors of the Company
(the  "Board")  in its  consideration  of the Merger and may not be  reproduced,
disseminated,  quoted  or  referred  to at any  time,  in any  manner or for any
purpose without our prior written consent. However, this opinion may be included
in its  entirety in any filing made by the Company in respect of the Merger with
the Securities and Exchange Commission, provided that this opinion is reproduced
in full and any description of or reference to us or summary of this opinion and
related  analysis  in such  filing is  acceptable  to us and our  counsel.  This
opinion  does not address the merits of the decision of the Board or the Company
to enter into the Merger  Agreements  as  compared to any  alternative  business
transaction  that might be  available  to the  Company,  nor does it address the
underlying business decision of the Board or the Company to engage in the Merger
or the  terms of the  Merger  Agreements.  Our  opinion  does not  constitute  a
recommendation  to any stockholder as to how such  stockholder  should vote with
respect to, or whether such  stockholder  should tender any shares  pursuant to,
the  Merger  and  should  not be  relied  upon  by  any  stockholder  as  such a
recommendation. Further, this opinion addresses only the fairness as of the date
hereof of the  Consideration  to be received by the  stockholders of the Company
from a financial  point of view and it does not address any other  aspect of the
Merger.  Quarterdeck  has not been engaged to prepare,  and has not prepared,  a
valuation of the Company and its opinion  should not be construed as such.  This
opinion  was  prepared  as of the date  hereof  and  Quarterdeck  disclaims  any
undertaking  or  obligation  to advise  any  person of any change in any fact or
matter affecting this opinion after the date hereof.

                                     E - 4

Based  upon  and  subject  to  the  foregoing,  Quarterdeck's  experience  as an
investment  bank,  its work as  described  above  and  other  factors  we deemed
relevant,  Quarterdeck  is of  the  opinion  that  as of  the  date  hereof  the
Consideration to be received by the stockholders of the Company in the Merger is
fair, from a financial point of view, to such  stockholders  (other than holders
of shares as to which statutory dissenters' rights are perfected).

Very truly yours,


                                     E - 5

                                                                         Annex F

                      [Letterhead of Legacy Partners Group]

Board of Directors
Miltope Group Inc.
3800 Richardson Road South
Hope Hull, AL 36043

                                                        October 21, 2003
Ladies and Gentlemen:

Miltope  Group Inc., a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  is  considering
whether  to  enter  into an  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  (the  "Acquisition
Agreement"),  with Vision Technologies  Kinetics,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation
(the "Acquiror") VTK Merger Subsidiary Corporation,  an Alabama corporation (the
"Sub")  and  Miltope  Corporation,  an  Alabama  corporation  ("Miltope").   The
Acquisition  Agreement will provide for the merger (the "Merger") of the Company
with and into Miltope and the merger of the Sub with and into  Miltope,  so that
Miltope  will  become  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of the  Acquiror,  and each
outstanding  share of common  stock,  par value $0.01 per share,  of the Company
will  be  converted  into  the  right  to  receive  $5.78  in  cash  (the  "Cash
Consideration")  plus one  contingent  value  right  ("CVR")  as  defined in the
Acquisition  Agreement.  You have  asked us to advise  you with  respect  to the
fairness to the  stockholders  of the Company from a financial  point of view of
the Cash Consideration to be received by such stockholders pursuant to the terms
of the Acquisition Agreement.  This opinion does not address any other aspect of
the Merger or any related transaction,  the merits of the underlying decision by
the Company and the Board to enter into the Acquisition Agreement,  the relative
merits of the Merger compared with other business  strategies that may have been
considered by the Company and the Board or the fairness of the  consideration to
be  received   pursuant  to  the   Acquisition   Agreement  by  Great  Universal
Incorporated  ("GUI"),  which owns a majority of the Company's  Common Stock and
has already agreed to vote in favor of the Merger.

In arriving at our opinion, we have reviewed certain publicly available business
and financial  information  relating to the Company,  as well as the most recent
proposed draft of the Acquisition Agreement dated October 21, 2003. We have also
reviewed certain other information,  including financial forecasts,  provided to
us by the  Company  and have met with the  Company's  management  to discuss the
business and prospects of the Company.

We have also considered  certain financial and stock market data of the Company,
and we have  compared  those  data with  similar  data for other  publicly  held
companies  in  businesses  similar to the  Company  and we have  considered  the
financial terms of certain other business  combinations  and other  transactions
which have recently been effected.  We also considered  such other  information,
financial  studies,  analyses and  investigations  and  financial,  economic and
market criteria which we deemed relevant.

In  connection  with our  review,  we have not assumed  any  responsibility  for
independent  verification of any of the foregoing information and have relied on
its being  complete and

                                     F-1                            Confidential

accurate in all material respects.  With respect to the financial forecasts,  we
have assumed that they have been  reasonably  prepared on bases  reflecting  the
best currently available estimates and judgments of the Company's  management as
to the future  financial  performance of the Company.  In addition,  we have not
been  requested  to make,  and have  not  made,  an  independent  evaluation  or
appraisal of the assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of the Company,
nor have we been furnished with any such evaluations or appraisals

For purposes of rendering this opinion,  we have assumed that the Merger will be
consummated  on the terms  described  in the proposed  draft of the  Acquisition
Agreement,  without waiver of any material terms or conditions,  and that in the
course of obtaining any  necessary  legal,  regulatory  or third party  consents
and/or  approvals,  no  restrictions  will be imposed  that will have a material
adverse effect on the Merger or other actions  contemplated  by the  Acquisition
Agreement. Our opinion is necessarily based upon financial, economic, market and
other conditions as they exist and can be evaluated on the date hereof.

We will receive a fee for rendering  this opinion,  which fee is not  contingent
upon consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Acquisition Agreement.

It is understood  that this letter is for the  information of Board of Directors
in  connection  with its  consideration  of the Merger,  does not  constitute  a
recommendation to any stockholder as to how such stockholder  should vote on the
proposed Merger.

Based upon and subject to the foregoing,  it is our opinion that, as of the date
hereof, the Cash Consideration to be received by the stockholders of the Company
in the Merger is fair to such  stockholders,  other than GUI,  from a  financial
point of view.

Very truly yours,


     By:          /s/ John B. Maier II
     Name: John B. Maier II
     Title: Partner

                                     F-2                            Confidential

                                                                         Annex G

                                     ANNEX G
                  Delaware General Corporation Law Section 262


(a)    Any  stockholder of a corporation of this State who holds shares of stock
on the date of the making of a demand pursuant to subsection (d) of this section
with  respect to such shares,  who  continuously  holds such shares  through the
effective date of the merger or consolidation,  who has otherwise  complied with
subsection  (d) of this section and who has neither voted in favor of the merger
or  consolidation  nor consented  thereto in writing  pursuant to Section 228 of
this title  shall be entitled  to an  appraisal  by the Court of Chancery of the
fair  value  of the  stockholder's  shares  of  stock  under  the  circumstances
described in subsections  (b) and (c) of this section.  As used in this section,
the word "stockholder"  means a holder of record of stock in a stock corporation
and also a member of record of a nonstock  corporation;  the words  "stock"  and
"share"  mean and  include  what is  ordinarily  meant by those  words  and also
membership or membership interest of a member of a nonstock corporation; and the
words  "depository  receipt"  mean a  receipt  or other  instrument  issued by a
depository representing an interest in one or more shares, or fractions thereof,
solely of stock of a corporation, which stock is deposited with the depository.

(b)    Appraisal rights shall be available for the shares of any class or series
of  stock  of a  constituent  corporation  in a merger  or  consolidation  to be
effected  pursuant  to Section  251 (other  than a merger  effected  pursuant to
Section 251(g) of this title),  Section 252,  Section 254,  Section 257, Section
258, Section 263 or Section 264 of this title:

       (1)    Provided,  however,  that no  appraisal  rights under this section
shall be available for the shares of any class or series of stock,  which stock,
or depository receipts in respect thereof, at the record date fixed to determine
the  stockholders  entitled  to receive  notice of and to vote at the meeting of
stockholders to act upon the agreement of merger or  consolidation,  were either
(i) listed on a national  securities exchange or designated as a national market
system security on an interdealer  quotation system by the National  Association
of Securities  Dealers,  Inc. or (ii) held of record by more than 2,000 holders;
and further  provided that no appraisal rights shall be available for any shares
of stock of the constituent corporation surviving a merger if the merger did not
require  for  its  approval  the  vote  of the  stockholders  of  the  surviving
corporation as provided in subsection (f) of Section 251 of this title.

       (2)    Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, appraisal rights
under this section  shall be available  for the shares of any class or series of
stock of a constituent  corporation  if the holders  thereof are required by the
terms of an agreement of merger or consolidation  pursuant to Sections 251, 252,
254,  257,  258,  263 and 264 of this title to accept  for such  stock  anything

              a.     Shares of stock of the  corporation  surviving or resulting
       from such  merger or  consolidation,  or  depository  receipts in respect

              b.     Shares of stock of any  other  corporation,  or  depository
       receipts  in  respect  thereof,  which  shares  of stock  (or  depository
       receipts in respect thereof) or depository receipts at the effective date
       of the  merger  or  consolidation  will be either  listed  on a  national
       securities exchange or designated as a national market system security on
       an interdealer quotation system by the National Association of Securities
       Dealers, Inc. or held of record by more than 2,000 holders;

              c.     Cash in lieu of fractional shares or fractional  depository
       receipts  described  in the  foregoing  subparagraphs  a.  and b. of this
       paragraph; or

              d.     Any combination of the shares of stock, depository receipts
       and cash in lieu of fractional shares or fractional  depository  receipts
       described in the foregoing subparagraphs a., b. and c. of this paragraph.

       (3)    In the event all of the stock of a subsidiary Delaware corporation
party to a merger  effected  under Section 253 of this title is not owned by the
parent  corporation  immediately prior to the merger,  appraisal rights shall be
available for the shares of the subsidiary Delaware corporation.


(c)    Any  corporation  may provide in its  certificate of  incorporation  that
appraisal  rights  under this section  shall be available  for the shares of any
class or series of its stock as a result of an amendment to its  certificate  of
incorporation,  any  merger  or  consolidation  in which  the  corporation  is a
constituent corporation or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of
the corporation.  If the certificate of incorporation contains such a provision,
the procedures of this section, including those set forth in subsections (d) and
(e) of this section, shall apply as nearly as is practicable.


(d)    Appraisal rights shall be perfected as follows:

       (1)    If a proposed merger or  consolidation  for which appraisal rights
are provided  under this section is to be submitted for approval at a meeting of
stockholders, the corporation, not less than 20 days prior to the meeting, shall
notify each of its stockholders who was such on the record date for such meeting
with  respect to shares for which  appraisal  rights are  available  pursuant to
subsection  (b) or (c) hereof that appraisal rights are available for any or all
of the shares of the constituent corporations,  and shall include in such notice
a copy of this  section.  Each  stockholder  electing to demand the appraisal of
such stockholder's shares shall deliver to the corporation, before the taking of
the vote on the merger or consolidation,  a written demand for appraisal of such
stockholder's  shares.  Such demand will be sufficient if it reasonably  informs
the  corporation  of the identity of the  stockholder  and that the  stockholder
intends thereby to demand the appraisal of such stockholder's shares. A proxy or
vote against the merger or  consolidation  shall not constitute such a demand. A
stockholder electing to take such action must do so by a separate written demand
as herein  provided.  Within 10 days after the effective  date of such merger or
consolidation,   the  surviving  or  resulting  corporation  shall  notify  each
stockholder  of  each  constituent   corporation  who  has  complied  with  this
subsection  and  has not  voted  in  favor  of or  consented  to the  merger  or
consolidation of the date that the merger or consolidation has become effective;

       (2)    If the merger or  consolidation  was approved  pursuant to Section
228 or Section 253 of this title, then, either a constituent  corporation before
the effective date of the merger or consolidation, or the surviving or resulting
corporation within ten days thereafter,  shall notify each of the holders of any
class or series of stock of such  constituent  corporation  who are  entitled to
appraisal  rights  of the  approval  of the  merger  or  consolidation  and that
appraisal  rights are available for any or all shares of such class or series of
stock of such constituent corporation and shall include in such notice a copy of
this section.  Such notice may, and, if given on or after the effective  date of
the  merger or  consolidation,  shall,  also  notify  such  stockholders  of the
effective  date of the merger or  consolidation.  Any  stockholder  entitled  to
appraisal  rights may,  within 20 days after the date of mailing of such notice,
demand in writing from the surviving or resulting  corporation  the appraisal of
such holder's  shares.  Such demand will be sufficient if it reasonably  informs
the  corporation  of the identity of the  stockholder  and that the  stockholder
intends thereby to demand the appraisal of such holder's shares.  If such notice
did  not  notify   stockholders   of  the  effective   date  of  the  merger  or
consolidation,  either (i) each such constituent corporation shall send a second
notice before the effective date of the merger or  consolidation  notifying each
of the holders of any class or series of stock of such  constituent  corporation
that are entitled to  appraisal  rights of the  effective  date of the merger or
consolidation or (ii) the surviving or resulting  corporation  shall send such a
second  notice to all such  holders on or within 10 days  after  such  effective
date;  provided,  however,  that if such second notice is sent more than 20 days
following the sending of the first notice,  such second notice need only be sent
to each  stockholder  who is entitled to  appraisal  rights and who has demanded
appraisal  of such  holder's  shares  in  accordance  with this  subsection.  An
affidavit of the  secretary or assistant  secretary or of the transfer  agent of
the corporation that is required to give either notice that such notice has been
given  shall,  in the  absence of fraud,  be prima  facie  evidence of the facts
stated therein. For purposes of determining the stockholders entitled to receive
either notice,  each constituent  corporation may fix, in advance, a record date
that  shall be not more  than 10 days  prior to the date the  notice  is  given,
provided,  that if the  notice  is given on or after the  effective  date of the
merger or  consolidation,  the record date shall be such  effective  date. If no
record date is fixed and the notice is given prior to the  effective  date,  the
record date shall be the close of business on the day next  preceding the day on
which the notice is given.

(e)    Within 120 days after the effective date of the merger or  consolidation,
the surviving or resulting  corporation or any stockholder who has complied with
subsections  (a) and (d)  hereof  and who is  otherwise  entitled  to  appraisal
rights,  may file a petition in the Court of Chancery  demanding a determination
of the  value  of  the  stock  of all  such  stockholders.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  at any time within 60 days after the effective date of the merger or
consolidation,   any   stockholder   shall  have  the  right  to  withdraw  such
stockholder's  demand for  appraisal  and to accept the terms  offered  upon the
merger or consolidation.  Within 120 days after the effective date of the merger
or  consolidation,  any  stockholder  who has complied with the  requirements of
subsections  (a) and (d)  hereof,  upon  written  request,  shall be entitled to
receive  from  the  corporation  surviving  the  merger  or  resulting  from the
consolidation a statement setting forth the aggregate number of shares not voted
in favor of the merger or  consolidation  and with respect to which  demands for
appraisal have been received and the aggregate number of holders of such shares.
Such written statement shall be mailed to the stockholder within 10


days after such  stockholder's  written request for such a statement is received
by the surviving or resulting  corporation or within 10 days after expiration of
the period for delivery of demands for appraisal  under  subsection  (d) hereof,
whichever is later.

(f)    Upon the filing of any such petition by a stockholder,  service of a copy
thereof shall be made upon the surviving or resulting  corporation,  which shall
within 20 days after such service file in the office of the Register in Chancery
in which the petition was filed a duly  verified list  containing  the names and
addresses of all  stockholders  who have  demanded  payment for their shares and
with whom  agreements  as to the value of their  shares have not been reached by
the surviving or resulting  corporation.  If the petition  shall be filed by the
surviving or resulting corporation,  the petition shall be accompanied by such a
duly verified list. The Register in Chancery,  if so ordered by the Court, shall
give  notice of the time and place  fixed for the  hearing of such  petition  by
registered or certified  mail to the surviving or resulting  corporation  and to
the stockholders shown on the list at the addresses therein stated.  Such notice
shall also be given by 1 or more  publications at least 1 week before the day of
the  hearing,  in a newspaper  of general  circulation  published in the City of
Wilmington, Delaware or such publication as the Court deems advisable. The forms
of the notices by mail and by  publication  shall be approved by the Court,  and
the costs thereof shall be borne by the surviving or resulting corporation.

(g)    At  the  hearing  on  such  petition,   the  Court  shall  determine  the
stockholders who have complied with this section and who have become entitled to
appraisal  rights.  The Court may require the  stockholders who have demanded an
appraisal for their shares and who hold stock  represented  by  certificates  to
submit  their  certificates  of stock to the  Register in Chancery  for notation
thereon of the pendency of the  appraisal  proceedings;  and if any  stockholder
fails to comply with such direction, the Court may dismiss the proceedings as to
such stockholder.

(h)    After  determining the stockholders  entitled to an appraisal,  the Court
shall appraise the shares, determining their fair value exclusive of any element
of value  arising  from the  accomplishment  or  expectation  of the  merger  or
consolidation,  together  with a fair rate of interest,  if any, to be paid upon
the amount  determined to be the fair value. In determining such fair value, the
Court shall take into account all relevant factors. In determining the fair rate
of interest, the Court may consider all relevant factors,  including the rate of
interest which the surviving or resulting  corporation  would have had to pay to
borrow money  during the pendency of the  proceeding.  Upon  application  by the
surviving or resulting corporation or by any stockholder entitled to participate
in the appraisal proceeding, the Court may, in its discretion,  permit discovery
or other pretrial  proceedings and may proceed to trial upon the appraisal prior
to the final  determination  of the  stockholder  entitled to an appraisal.  Any
stockholder  whose name appears on the list filed by the  surviving or resulting
corporation  pursuant to  subsection  (f) of this section and who has  submitted
such stockholder's certificates of stock to the Register in Chancery, if such is
required,  may  participate  fully  in  all  proceedings  until  it  is  finally
determined that such  stockholder is not entitled to appraisal rights under this

(i)    The Court  shall  direct the  payment  of the fair  value of the  shares,
together with interest, if any, by the surviving or resulting corporation to the
stockholders entitled thereto.  Interest may be simple or compound, as the Court
may direct.  Payment shall be so made to each such  stockholder,  in the case of
holders of  uncertificated  stock  forthwith,  and the case of holders of shares
represented  by  certificates  upon  the  surrender  to the  corporation  of the
certificates  representing  such stock.  The  Court's  decree may be enforced as
other decrees in the Court of Chancery may be enforced,  whether such  surviving
or resulting corporation be a corporation of this State or of any state.

(j)    The costs of the proceeding may be determined by the Court and taxed upon
the parties as the Court deems equitable in the circumstances.  Upon application
of a stockholder,  the Court may order all or a portion of the expenses incurred
by any  stockholder  in  connection  with the appraisal  proceeding,  including,
without  limitation,  reasonable  attorney's  fees and the fees and  expenses of
experts,  to be charged pro rata against the value of all the shares entitled to
an appraisal.

(k)    From and after the  effective  date of the  merger or  consolidation,  no
stockholder who has demanded  appraisal  rights as provided in subsection (d) of
this section  shall be entitled to vote such stock for any purpose or to receive
payment of dividends or other  distributions  on the stock (except  dividends or
other  distributions  payable to stockholders of record at a date which is prior
to the effective date of the merger or consolidation);  provided,  however, that
if no  petition  for an  appraisal  shall be filed  within the time  provided in
subsection  (e) of this  section,  or if such  stockholder  shall deliver to the
surviving or resulting  corporation a written  withdrawal of such  stockholder's
demand for an appraisal and an acceptance of the merger or consolidation, either
within 60 days after


the effective date of the merger or  consolidation as provided in subsection (e)
of this section or thereafter with the written approval of the corporation, then
the right of such stockholder to an appraisal shall cease.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  no appraisal  proceeding in the Court of Chancery shall be dismissed
as to any stockholder  without the approval of the Court,  and such approval may
be conditioned upon such terms as the Court deems just.

(l)    The shares of the surviving or resulting  corporation to which the shares
of such  objecting  stockholders  would have been converted had they assented to
the merger or  consolidation  shall have the status of  authorized  and unissued
shares of the surviving or resulting corporation.


                               MILTOPE GROUP INC.
                           3800 Richardson Road South
                            Hope Hull, Alabama 36043



TO BE HELD ON __________ __, 2003

         The  undersigned  holder of  common  stock of  Miltope  Group  Inc.,  a
Delaware corporation,  hereby appoints ___________________,  ___________________
and ___________________,  and each of them, as proxies for the undersigned, each
with full power of  substitution,  for and in the name of the undersigned to act
for the undersigned and to vote, as designated below, all of the shares of stock
of Miltope Group that the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special Meeting
of  Stockholders of Miltope Group, to be held on ______ __, 2003 at ___:00 a.m.,
Central Time, at Miltope  Group's  corporate  headquarters,  Miltope Group Inc.,
3800 Richardson Road South, Hope Hull,  Alabama 36043 and at any adjournments or
postponements thereof.

         The board of  directors  unanimously  recommends a vote FOR adoption of
the Agreement and Plan of Merger and approval of the mergers.

         Adoption  of the  Agreement  and Plan of  Merger  and  approval  of the
mergers as described in Miltope Group's proxy statement.

         [_] FOR               [_] AGAINST               [_] ABSTAIN

         In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
business  as may  properly  come  before  the  Special  Meeting,  including  any
adjournments or postponements thereof.

                        (Continue and Sign on Other Side)

(Continued from other side)


         The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt  of the  Notice  of the
Special Meeting and the accompanying proxy statement.


                                         (Signature if held jointly)

                                         Date ____________________, 2003

         Please sign  exactly as name appears  hereon and mail it promptly  even
though you now plan to attend the Special Meeting. When shares are held by joint
tenants,  both should sign. When signing as Attorney,  Executor,  Administrator,
Guardian  or  Trustee,  please  add your full title as such.  If a  corporation,
please sign in full corporate name by president or other authorized  officer. If
a partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.