January 5, 2005

Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C.  20549

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are principal accountants for ManagedStorage International, Inc., who is
considered to be the accounting acquiror in the transaction, consummated on
August 18, 2004, whereby ManagedStorage International, Inc. became a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Incentra Solutions, Inc. On October 28, 2004, we
notified Incentra Solutions, Inc. of our resignation as the principal accountant
of ManagedStorage International, Inc. effective upon the issuance of our report
on the financial statements of ManagedStorage International, Inc. as of and for
the year ended December 31, 2003. We have read Incentra Solutions, Inc.'s
statements included under Item 4.01 of its amended Form 8-K dated October 28,
2004, as filed with the Commission on January 5, 2005, and we agree with such
statements, except that we are not in a position to agree or disagree with
Incentra Solutions' statement that the change was approved by the board of

Very truly yours,