Exhibit 10.7

WELLS FARGO                                                  CONTINUING GUARANTY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1. GUARANTY;  DEFINITIONS.  In  consideration  of any credit or other  financial
accommodation heretofore now or hereafter extended or made to  STAR SOLUTIONS OF
DELAWARE, INC.  ("Borrowers'),  or any of them,  by WELLS FARGO BANK,  NATIONAL.
ASSOCIATION  ("Bank"),  and for other valuable  consideration,  the  undersigned
INCENTRA SOLUTIONS,  INC. ("Guarantor"),  jointly and severally  unconditionally
guarantees  and  promises to pay to Bank or order,  on demand in lawful money of
the United States of America and in  immediately  available  funds,  any and all
Indebtedness  of any of the Borrowers to Bank. The term  "Indebtedness"  is used
herein in its most comprehensive sense and includes any and all advances, debts,
obligations and  liabilities of Borrowers,  or any of them,  heretofore,  now or
hereafter  made,  incurred or created,  whether  voluntary  or  involuntary  and
however arising,  whether due or not due, absolute or contingent,  liquidated or
unliquidated,  determined or undetermined,  and whether  Borrowers may be liable
individually or jointly with others,  or whether recovery upon such Indebtedness
may be or hereafter becomes unenforceable.

GUARANTIES.  The liability of Guarantor  shall not exceed at any time the sum of
$5,000,000.00  for principal,  plus all interest  thereon and costs and expenses
pertaining  to the  enforcement  of this Guaranty  and/or the  collection of the
Indebtedness  of any of the Borrowers to Bank.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
Bank may permit the Indebtedness of Borrowers to exceed  Guarantor's  liability.
This is a  continuing  guaranty and all rights,  powers and  remedies  hereunder
shall  apply  to all  past,  present  and  future  Indebtedness  of  each of the
Borrowers to Bank,  including that arising under successive  transactions  which
shall either continue the Indebtedness, increase or decrease it, or from time to
time  create  new  Indebtedness  after  all or any prior  Indebtedness  has been
satisfied, and notwithstanding the death, incapacity,  dissolution,  liquidation
or  bankruptcy  of any of the  Borrowers  or  Guarantor  or any  other  event or
proceeding affecting any of the Borrowers or Guarantor.  This Guaranty shall not
apply to any new  Indebtedness  created after actual  receipt by Bank of written
notice of its revocation as to such new  Indebtedness;  provided  however,  that
loans or advances made by Bank to any of the Borrowers  after  revocation  under
commitments  existing  prior  to  receipt  by  Bank  of  such  revocation,   and
extensions,  renewals or modifications, of any kind, of Indebtedness incurred by
any of the  Borrowers  or  committed  by Bank  prior to  receipt by Bank of such
revocation,  shall not be considered new  Indebtedness.  Any such notice must be
sent to Bank by registered U.S. mail,  postage prepaid,  addressed to its office
at Colorado RCBO, 1740 Broadway,  3rd Floor,  Denver, CO 80274, or at such other
address as Bank shall from time to time designate. Any payment by Guarantor with
respect to the  Indebtedness  shall not reduce  Guarantor's  maximum  obligation
hereunder  unless written notice to that effect is actually  received by Rank at
or prior to the time of such payment.  The  obligations  of Guarantor  hereunder
shall be in addition to any obligations of Guarantor under any other  guaranties
of any  liabilities  or obligations of any of the Borrowers or any other persons
heretofore or hereafter given to Bank unless said other guaranties are expressly
modified or revoked in writing;  and this Guaranty shall not,  unless  expressly
herein provided, affect or invalidate any such other guaranties.

LIMITATIONS; REINSTATEMENT OF LIABILITY. The obligations hereunder are joint and
several and independent of the  obligations of Borrowers,  and a separate action
or actions may be brought and  prosecuted  against  Guarantor  whether action is
brought against any of the Borrowers or any other person, or whether arty of the
Borrowers or any other person is joined in any such action or actions. Guarantor
acknowledges  that this  Guaranty is absolute  and  unconditional,  there are no
conditions precedent to the effectiveness of this Guaranty, and this Guaranty is
in full force and effect and is  binding  on  Guarantor  as of the date  written
below,  regardless  of whether Bank obtains  collateral or any  guaranties  from
others or takes any other action contemplated by Guarantor. Guarantor waives the
benefit of any statute of limitations  affecting Guarantor's liability hereunder
or the  enforcement  hereof,  and  Guarantor  agrees  that  any  payment  of any
Indebtedness or other act which shall toll any statute of limitations applicable
thereto shall similarly  operate to toll such statute of limitations  applicable
to Guarantor's  liability hereunder.  The liability of Guarantor hereunder shall
be  reinstated  and revived and the rights of Bank shall  continue if and to the
extent  that for any  reason  any  amount  at any time  paid on  account  of any
Indebtedness  guaranteed  hereby is rescinded  or must  otherwise be restored by
Bank,  whether as a result of any proceedings in bankruptcy or reorganization or
otherwise,  all ~s though such amount had not been paid. The determination as to
whether any amount so paid must be rescinded  or restored  shall be made by Bank
in its sole discretion;  provided  however,  that if Bank chooses to contest any
such matter at the request of Guarantor,  Guarantor agrees to indemnify and hold
Bank  harmless  from and against all costs and  expenses,  including  reasonable
attorneys' fees, expended or incurred by Bank in connection therewith, including
without limitation, in any litigation with respect thereto,

4.  AUTHORIZATIONS  TO BANK.  Guarantor  authorizes  Bank either before or after
revocation  hereof,  without  notice  to or  demand on  Guarantor,  and  without
affecting  Guarantor's  liability  hereunder,  from time to time to:  (a) alter,
compromise,  renew, extend,  accelerate or otherwise change the time for payment
of, or otherwise  change the terms of, the  Indebtedness or any portion thereof,
including  increase or decrease  of the rate of interest  thereon;  (b) take and
hold  security  for the  payment of this  Guaranty  or the  Indebtedness  or any
portion thereof, and exchange,  enforce, waive,  subordinate or release any such
security;  (c)  apply  such  security  and  direct  the  order or manner of sale
thereof,  including  without  limitation,  a non-judicial  sale permitted by the
terms of the controlling security agreement,  mortgage or deed of trust, as Bank
in its direction may determine; (d) release or substitute any one or more of the
endorsers or any other guarantors of the Indebtedness, or any portion thereof or
any portion thereof, or any other party thereto; and (e) apply payments received
by Bank from any of the Borrowers to any Indebtedness of any of the Borrowers to
Bank, in such order as Bank shall determine in its sole  discretion,  whether or
not such  Indebtedness is covered by this Guaranty,  and Guarantor hereby waives
any  provision  of  law  regarding   application  of  payments  which  specifies
otherwise. Bank may without notice assign this Guaranty in whole or in part Upon
Bank's  request.  Guarantor  agrees to  provide  to Bank  copies of  Guarantor's
financial Statements.

5.  REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES.  Guarantor  represents and warrants to Bank
that: (a) this Guaranty is executed at Borrowers'  request;  (b) Guarantor shall
not,  without  Bank's prior written  consent,  sell,  lease,  assign,  encumber,
hypothecate,  transfer or otherwise  dispose of all or a substantial or material
part of Guarantor's assets other than in the ordinary course of

Guarantor's business; (c) Bank has made no representation to Guarantor as to the
creditworthiness  of any of the  Borrowers;  and (d) Guarantor  has  established
adequate  means of obtaining  from each of the  Borrowers on a continuing  basis
financial and other information  pertaining to Borrowers'  financial  condition.
Guarantor  agrees to keep  adequately  informed  from such  means of any  facts,
events  or  circumstances  which  might in arty  way  affect  Guarantor's  risks
hereunder,  and Guarantor  further  agrees that Bank shall have no obligation to
disclose to Guarantor  any  information  or material  about any of the Borrowers
which is acquired by Bank In any manner.


6.1  Guarantor  waives any right to require Bank to: (a) proceed  against any of
the  Borrowers or any other  person;  (b) marshal  assets or proceed  against or
exhaust any security  held from any of the  Borrowers or any other  person;  (c)
give notice of the terms,  time and place of any public or private sale or other
disposition of personal  property security held from any of the Borrowers or any
other person; (d) take any action or pursue any other remedy in Bank's power; or
(a) make any  presentment  or  demand  for  performance,  or give any  notice of
nonperformance, protest, notice of protest or notice of dishonor hereunder or in
connection With arty  obligations or evidences of  indebtedness  held by Bank as
security for or which constitute in whole or in part the Indebtedness guaranteed
hereunder, or in connection with the creation of new or additional Indebtedness.

6.2  Guarantor  waives any defense to its  obligations  hereunder  based upon or
arising by reason of (a) any disability or other defense of any of the Borrowers
or any other person;  (b) the cessation or limitation from any cause whatsoever,
other than payment in full, of the  Indebtedness  of any of the Borrowers or any
other person; (c) any lack of authority of any officer, director, partner, agent
or other person  acting or  purporting  to act on behalf of any of the Borrowers
which is a corporation,  partnership  or other type of entity,  or any defect in
the formation of any such Borrower;  (d) the application by any of the Borrowers
of the  proceeds  of any  Indebtedness  for  purposes  other  than the  purposes
represented  by Borrowers to, or intended or  understood  by, Bank or Guarantor;
(a) any act or omission by Bank which directly or indirectly  results in or aids
the  discharge of any of the  Borrowers or any portion of' the  Indebtedness  by
operation  of law or  otherwise,  or which in any way  impairs or  suspends  any
rights or remedies of Bank against any of the  Borrowers:  (f) any impairment of
the value of any interest in any security  for the  Indebtedness  or any portion
thereof,  including  without  limitation,  the  failure  to obtain  or  maintain
perfection or recordation  of any interest in any such security,  the release of
any such security without substitution, and/or the failure to preserve the value
of, or to comply with applicable law in disposing of, any such security; (g) any
modification  of  the  Indebtedness,  in any  form  whatsoever,  including  arty
modification made after revocation hereof to any indebtedness  incurred prior to
such  revocation,  and  including  without  limitation  the renewal,  extension,
acceleration  or other  change in time for payment  of,. or other  change in the
terms of,  the  Indebtedness  or any  portion  thereof,  including  increase  or
decrease of the rate of interest thereon;  or (h) any requirement that Bank give
any notice of acceptance of this  Guaranty.  Until all  Indebtedness  shall have
been paid in full,  Guarantor shall have no right of subrogation,  and Guarantor
waives any right to enforce any remedy which Bank now has or may hereafter  have
against any of the Borrowers or any other person,  and waives any benefit of, or
any right to

participate  in, any security now or hereafter held by Bank.  Guarantor  further
waives  all  rights  and  defenses  Guarantor  may have  arising  out of (i) any
election of remedies by Bank,  even though that  election of remedies  such as a
non-judicial  foreclosure  with  respect to any  security for any portion of the
Indebtedness  destroys Guarantor's rights of subrogation or Guarantor's right to
proceed  against  any of the  Borrower  for  reimbursement,  or (ii) any loss of
rights  Guarantor may suffer by reason of any rights,  powers or remedies of any
of the  Borrower's  Indebtedness,  whether  by  operation  of law or  otherwise,
including  any  rights  Guarantor  may have to a fair  market  value  hearing to
determine  the size of a  deficiency  following  any  foreclosure  sale or other
disposition of any real property security for any portion of the Indebtedness.

addition to all liens upon and rights of setoff  against the monies,  securities
or other property of Guarantor given to Bank by law, Bank shall have a lien upon
and a right of setoff  against  all  monies,  securities  and other  property of
Guarantor now or hereafter in the possession of or on deposit with Bank, whether
held in a general or special account or deposit or for safekeeping or otherwise,
and every such lien and right of setoff may be exercised  without demand upon or
notice to  Guarantor.  No lien or right of  setoff  shall he deemed to have been
waived by any act or conduct on the part of Bank,  or by any neglect to exercise
such right of setoff or to enforce such lien,  or by any delay in so doing,  and
every  right of setoff and lien shall  continue  in full force and effect  until
such  right of setoff or lien is  specifically  waived  or  released  by Bank in

8. SUBORDINATION. Any Indebtedness of any of the Borrowers now or hereafter held
by Guarantor is hereby  subordinated  to the  Indebtedness of Borrowers to Bank.
Such  Indebtedness of Borrowers to Guarantor is assigned to Bank as security for
this Guaranty and the Indebtedness and, if Bank requests, shall be collected and
received  by  Guarantor  as trustee for Bank and paid over to Bank on account of
the  Indebtedness of Borrowers to Bank but without  reducing or affecting in any
manner the liability of Guarantor  under the other  provisions of this GUARANTY.
Any notes or other instruments now or hereafter  evidencing such Indebtedness of
any of the  Borrowers to  Guarantor  shall be marked with a legend that the same
are subject to this  Guaranty  and, if Bank so  requests,  shall be delivered to
Bank.  Bank is hereby  authorized in the name of Guarantor  from time to time to
file  financing  statements and  continuation  statements and execute such other
documents and take such other action as Bank deems  necessary or  appropriate to
perfect, preserve and enforce its rights hereunder.

9. REMEDIES;  NO WAIVER.  All rights,  powers and remedies of Bank hereunder are
cumulative.  No delay failure or discontinuance of Bank in exercising any right,
power or remedy  hereunder  shall  affect or operate as a waiver of such  right,
power or remedy;  nor shall any single or partial  exercise  of any such  right,
power or  remedy  preclude,  waive or  otherwise  affect  any  other or  further
exercise  thereof or the  exercise  of any other  right,  power or  remedy.  Any
waiver,  permit,  consent or approval of arty kind by bank of any breach of this
Guaranty,  or any such waiver of any provisions or conditions hereof, must be in
writing and shall be effective only to the extent set forth in writing.

10. COSTS, EXPENSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. Guarantor shall pay to Bank

immediately upon demand the full amount of all payments, advances, charges,
costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees (to include outside
counsel fees and all allocated costs of Bank's in-house counsel), expended or
incurred by Bank in connection with the enforcement of arty of Bank's rights,
powers or remedies and/or the collection of any amounts which become due to Bank
under this Guaranty, and the prosecution or defense of any action in any way
related to this Guaranty, whether incurred at the trial or appellate level, in
an arbitration proceeding or otherwise, and including any of the foregoing
incurred in connection with any bankruptcy proceeding (including without
limitation, any adversary proceeding, contested matter or motion brought by Bank
or any other person) relating to Guarantor or any other person or entity. All of
the foregoing shall be paid by Guarantor with interest from the date of demand
until paid in full at a rate per annum equal to the greater of ten percent (10%)
or Bank's Prime Pate in effect from time to time.

11. SUCCESSORS; ASSIGNMENT. This Guaranty shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit  of  the  heirs,  executors,   administrators,   legal  representatives,
successors and assigns of the parties;  provided however, that Guarantor may not
assign or transfer any or its interests or rights hereunder without Bank's prior
written consent. Guarantor acknowledges that Bank has the right to sell, assign,
transfer,  negotiate  or grant  participations  in all or any  part  of,  or any
interest in, any  Indebtedness  of Borrowers  to Bank and any  obligations  with
respect  thereto,  including this Guaranty.  In connection  therewith,  Bank may
disclose all documents and information which Bank now has or hereafter  acquires
relating to Guarantor  and/or this  Guaranty,  whether  furnished by  Borrowers,
Guarantor or  otherwise.  Guarantor  further  agrees that Bank may disclose such
documents and information to Borrowers.

12.  AMENDMENT.  This Guaranty may be amended or modified only in writing signed
by Bank and Guarantor.

13. APPLICATION OF SINGULAR AND PLURAL. In all cases where there is but a single
Borrower,  then all words used herein in the plural shall be deemed to have bean
used in the singular  where the context and  construction  so require;  and when
there is more than one Borrower named herein,  or when this Guaranty is executed
by more  than one  Guarantor,  the  word  "Borrowers"  and the word  "Guarantor"
respectively shall mean all or any one or more of them as the context requires.

warrants  and  agrees  that each of the  waivers  set forth  herein is made with
Guarantors full knowledge of its significance and  consequences,  and that under
the circumstances,  the waivers are reasonable and not contrary to public policy
or law. If any waiver or other  provision of this Agreement  shall be held to be
prohibited by or invalid under  applicable  public policy or law, such waiver or
other provision shall be ineffective  only to the extent of such  prohibition or
invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such waiver or other provision
or any remaining provisions of this Agreement.

15.  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Guaranty  shall  be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado.


16.1 ARBITRATION. The parties hereto agree, upon demand by arty party, to submit
to binding arbitration all claims,  disputes and controversies  between or among
them (and their respective employees, officers, directors,  attorneys, and other
agents), whether In tort, contract or otherwise arising out of or relating to in
any way (a) the loan and  related  loan and  security  documents  which  are the
subject of this  Guaranty  and its  negotiation,  execution,  collateralization,
administration,  repayment, modification,  extension,  substitution,  formation,
inducement,  enforcement, default or termination; or (b) requests for additional

16.2 GOVERNING RULES. Any arbitration  proceeding will (a) proceed in a location
in Colorado selected by the American  Arbitration  Association  ("AAA");  (b) be
governed by the Federal  Arbitration  Act (Title 9 of the United  States  Code),
notwithstanding  any conflicting choice of law provision in any of the documents
between  the  parties;   and  (c)  be  conducted  by  the  AAA,  or  such  other
administrator  as the parties shall mutually agree upon, in accordance  with the
AAA's commercial dispute resolution procedures, unless the claim or counterclaim
is at least  $1,000,000.00  exclusive of claimed interest,  arbitration fees and
costs in which case the  arbitration  shall be conducted in accordance  with the
AAA's optional procedures for large, complex commercial disputes (the commercial
dispute  resolution  procedures or the optional  procedures  for large,  complex
commercial disputes to be referred to, as applicable,  as the `Rules"). If there
is any  inconsistency  between  the terms  hereof and the  Rules,  the terms and
procedures  set forth  herein shall  control.  Any party who fails or refuses to
submit to arbitration following a demand by any other party shall bear all costs
and  expenses  incurred by such other  party in  compelling  arbitration  of any
dispute.  Nothing  contained  herein shall be deemed to be a waiver by any party
that is a bank of the  protections  afforded to it under 12 U.S.C.  ss.91 or any
similar applicable state law.

arbitration  requirement does not limit the right of arty party to (a) foreclose
against real or personal property  collateral;  (b) exercise  self-help remedies
relating to collateral or proceeds of collateral such as setoff or repossession;
or (c) obtain  provisional  or ancillary  remedies such as replevin,  injunctive
relief,  attachment or the appointment of a receiver, before during or after the
pendency of any  arbitration  proceeding.  This  exclusion does not constitute a
waiver  of the  right or  obligation  of any  party to  submit  any  dispute  to
arbitration or reference hereunder, including those arising from the exercise of
the actions detailed in sections (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph.

16.4 ARBITRATOR  QUALIFICATIONS AND POWERS. Any arbitration  proceeding in which
the amount in controversy is  $5,000,000.00  or less will be decided by a single
arbitrator  selected  according  to the  Rules  and who shall not enter an award
greater  than  $5,000,000.00.  Any  dispute in which the  amount in  controversy
exceeds  $5,000,000.00  shall be  decided by  majority  vote of a panel of three
arbitrators:   provided  however,  that  all  three  arbitrators  must  actively
participate in all hearings and deliberations.  The arbitrator will be a neutral
attorney  licensed in the State of Colorado  or a neutral  retired  judge of the
state or federal  judiciary  of  Colorado,  in either case with a minimum of ten
years  experience in the substantive law applicable to the subject matter of the
dispute to be arbitrated.  The arbitrator will determine whether or not an issue
is  arbitratable  and  will  give  effect  to  the  statutes  of  limitation  in
determining any claim. In any arbitration

proceeding  the  arbitrator  will decide (by documents Only or with a hearing at
the  arbitrator's  discretion)  any  pre-hearing  motions  which are  similar to
motions  to  dismiss  for  failure  to  state a claim  or  motions  for  summary
adjudication.  The arbitrator  shall resolve all disputes in accordance with the
substantive  law of Colorado  and may grant any remedy or relief that a court of
such  state  could  order or grant  within the scope  hereof and such  ancillary
relief as is necessary to make effective any award,  The  arbitrator  shall also
have the power to award recovery of all costs and fees, to impose  sanctions and
to take such other action as the arbitrator deems necessary to the same extent a
judge could pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Colorado Rules
of Civil Procedure or other applicable law.  Judgment upon the award rendered by
the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.  The institution
and  maintenance of an action for judicial relief or pursuit of a provisional or
ancillary  remedy  shall not  constitute  a waiver  of the  right of any  party,
including the  plaintiff,  to submit the  controversy or claim to arbitration it
any other party contests such action for judicial relief.

16.5  DISCOVERY.  In any arbitration  proceeding  discovery will be permitted in
accordance with the Rules.  All discovery shall be expressly  limited to matters
directly relevant to the dispute being arbitrated and must be completed no later
than 20 days  before the  hearing  date and within 180 days of the filing of the
dispute with the AAA. Any requests for an extension of the discovery periods, or
any discovery disputes, will be subject to final determination by the arbitrator
upon a showing  that the  request for  discovery  is  essential  for the party's
presentation  and  that  no  alternative  means  for  obtaining  information  is

16.6 CLASS PROCEEDINGS AND CONSIDERATIONS. The resolution of any dispute arising
pursuant  to the  terms of this  Guaranty  shall  be  determined  by a  separate
arbitration  proceeding  and such dispute shall not be  consolidated  with other
disputes or included in any class proceeding.

16.7 PAYMENT OF ARBITRATION COSTS AND FEES, The arbitrator shall award all costs
and expenses of the arbitration proceeding.

16.8 MISCELLANEOUS.  To the maximum extent practicable, the AAA, the arbitrators
and the  parties  shall take all action  required to  conclude  any  arbitration
proceeding  within  180 days of the  filing  of the  dispute  with  the AAA.  No
arbitrator  or  other  party  to an  arbitration  proceeding  may  disclose  the
existence,  content or results thereof, except for disclosures of information by
a party  required in the ordinary  course of its business,  by applicable law or
regulation,  or to the extent  necessary to exercise any judicial  review rights
set forth herein.  If more than one agreement for  arbitration by or between the
parties  potentially  applies  to a  dispute,  the  arbitration  provision  most
directly  related to the documents  between the parties or the subject matter of
the dispute shall control. This arbitration provision shall survive termination,
amendment or expiration of any of the documents or any relationship  between the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned  Guarantor has executed this Guaranty as of
February 18, 2005.


        Thomas P. Sweeney III
        Chief Executive Officer