Filed Pursuant to
                                                                  Rule 424(b)(3)
                                                                Registration No:

                         THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY
                                  FIXED ANNUITY

The Travelers Insurance Company's Fixed Annuity is a flexible premium group
deferred annuity Contract ("the Contract and/or Certificates") which provides a
guaranteed fixed rate of return for your investment. We offer the Contract to
employers for use with retirement plans and programs that qualify for favorable
federal tax treatment. Where permitted by state law, we reserve the right to
restrict purchase payments into the Contract. If you surrender your Contract,
your Cash Value may be subject to a market adjusted value calculation and
surrender charges.

This prospectus explains:

       o   the Contract and Certificate;

       o   The Travelers Insurance Company;

       o   the Interest Rates;

       o   Surrenders and Partial Surrenders;

       o   Surrender Charges;

       o   Market Adjusted Value;

       o   Death Benefit;

       o   Annuity Payments;

       o   other aspects of the Contract.

The group annuity contracts may be issued to employers on an unallocated or
allocated basis. This Contract is issued by The Travelers Insurance Company. The
Company is located at One Cityplace, Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3415. Travelers
Distribution LLC, One Cityplace, Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3415 is the
principal underwriter and distributor of the Contracts.




                          PROSPECTUS DATED MAY 2, 2005.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Special Terms......................................     1      Investments by the Company......................        12
Prospectus Summary.................................     3      Annual Statement................................        12
The Insurance Companies............................     4      Amendment of the Contracts......................        12
The Contract.......................................     4      Distribution of the Contracts...................        12
     Application and Purchase Payments.............     4      Federal Tax Considerations......................        13
Interest Periods...................................     5           General....................................        13
     Establishment of Interest Rates...............     6           Section 403(b) Plans and Arrangements......        13
Surrenders.........................................     6           Qualified Pension and Profit-Sharing
Transfers..........................................     6             Plans....................................        14
Charges and Deductions.............................     7           Individual Retirement Annuities............        14
     Surrender Charge..............................     7           Roth IRAs..................................        15
     Contract Discontinuation and Market                            Section 457 Plans..........................        15
       Adjusted Value..............................     8           Nonqualified Annuities.....................        16
     Premium Taxes.................................     9           The Employee Retirement Income
     Reductions of Charges.........................    10             Security Act of 1974.....................        16
Death Benefit......................................    10           Federal Income Tax Withholding.............        17
Distribution Rules.................................    10           Tax Advice.................................        18
Annuity Options....................................    10           Puerto Rico Tax Considerations.............        18
     Election of Maturity Date and Settlement......    10           Non-Resident Aliens........................        18
     Change of Maturity Date or Annuity Option.....    11      Available Information...........................        18
     Annuity Options...............................    11      Financial Statements............................        19
                                                               Legal Opinion...................................        19
                                                               Expert..........................................        19
                                                               Appendix A......................................       A-1

                                  SPECIAL TERMS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In this prospectus, the following terms have the indicated meanings:

ANNUITANT -- The person upon whose life the Contract is issued.

ANNUITY -- Payment of income for a stated period or amount.

APPROVED PRODUCTS -- Products approved by the Travelers Insurance Company.

BENEFICIARY(IES) -- Beneficiary of this Contract is the Plan Trustee, unless the
Plan provides otherwise.

CASH SURRENDER VALUE -- The Cash Value less surrender charges and any applicable
Premium Tax.

CASH VALUE -- the value of net Purchase Payments in Your Account or an
Individual Account less the amount of any surrenders, plus interest, sometimes
referred to as "Account Value."

CERTIFICATE DATE -- The date on which a certificate is issued, as shown on the
Certificate Specifications page.

CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION -- A certificate stating the benefits to which each
Participant is entitled under this Contract if issued.

CERTIFICATE YEAR -- A twelve-month period beginning on the Certificate Date and
each anniversary thereof. This may or may not coincide with the Plan year.

CODE -- The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and all related laws and
regulations, which are in effect during the term of this Contract.

COMPANY (WE, US, OUR) -- The Travelers Insurance Company.

DUE PROOF OF DEATH -- (i) A copy of a certified death certificate; (ii) a copy
of a certified decree of a court of competent jurisdiction as to the finding of
death, (iii) a written statement by a medical doctor who attended the deceased;
or (iv) any other proof satisfactory to Us.

EXCESS PLAN CONTRIBUTIONS -- Plan contributions including excess deferrals,
excess contributions, excess aggregate contributions, excess annual additions,
and excess nondeductible contributions that require correction by the Plan
Administrator, excluding reversions upon Plan Termination.

FIXED ACCOUNT -- Part of the general account of the Company, which may invest in
stocks, bonds, money market investments, real estate mortgages, real estate and
other investments.

FIXED ANNUITY -- An Annuity with payments that remain fixed as to dollar amount
throughout the payment period.

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT -- Account Value/Cash Value credited to a Participant or
Beneficiary under this Contract.

MATURITY DATE -- The date on which Annuity payments begin.

OUR OFFICE -- The home offices of The Travelers Insurance Company located at One
Cityplace, Hartford Connecticut 06103-3415. Please send all correspondence to
P.O. Box 990009, Hartford, Connecticut 06199-0009.

PARTICIPANT -- An eligible person who is a member in Your Plan.

PLAN -- The Plan or the arrangement under Section 403(b) of the Code used in a
retirement plan or program whereby the Purchase Payments and any gains are
intended to qualify under Sections 401, 403, or 457 of the Code. We are not a
party to the Plan. We do not assume the responsibilities of the Plan
Administrator, nor are We bound by the terms of the Plan. All records pertaining
to the Plan will be open for inspection by Us.


PLAN ADMINISTRATOR -- The corporation or other entity so specified on the
application or purchase order. If none is specified, the Plan Trustee is the
Plan Administrator.

PLAN TERMINATION -- Termination of Your Plan, including partial Plan
Termination, as determined by Us.

PLAN TRUSTEE -- The trustee specified in the Contract Specifications.

PREMIUM TAX -- The amount of tax, if any, charged by the state or municipality.
Generally, We will deduct any applicable Premium Tax from the Cash Value either
upon Surrender, annuitization, death, or at the time a Purchase Payment is made,
but no earlier than when We have the liability under state law.

PURCHASE PAYMENTS -- Payments of premium You make on behalf of the Participants
under this Contract.

SEPARATION FROM SERVICE -- The termination or permanent severance of a
Participant's employment with the employer for any reason that is a separation
from service within the meaning of the Plan. However, termination of a
Participant's employment with the employer as a result of the sale of all or
part of the employer's business (including divisions or subsidiaries of the
employer) will not be considered Separation from Service unless the Participant
actually loses his/her job or is not immediately included in a pension or profit
sharing plan of the successor employer.

SURRENDER -- Funds distributed from the Contract or certificate for retirement,
Separation from Service, loans, hardship withdrawals, death, disability, return
of Excess Plan Contributions, payment of certain Plan expenses as mutually
agreed upon, Contract Discontinuance, or transfers to other Plan funding
vehicles. Such surrender may or may not be subject to surrender charges and the
market adjusted value calculations.

SURRENDER DATE -- The date We receive Your Written Request or a Participant's
Written Request if so authorized, for a Surrender.

VALUATION DATE -- A date on which the Contract is valued.

WRITTEN REQUEST -- Written information including requests for Contract,
Beneficiary, ownership transfers, surrenders or other changes sent to Us in a
written form satisfactory to Us and received in good order at Our Office.
Requests for changes are subject to any action taken prior to Our receipt of the
written information.

YOU, YOUR -- The Contract owner.

YOUR ACCOUNT -- Cash Value attributed to Purchase Payments plus interest
credited to You under this Contract.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Travelers Insurance Company Fixed Annuity is a flexible premium group
deferred fixed annuity contract available to certain types of retirement plans
and programs that receive favorable tax treatment under the Code such as
qualified pension and profit sharing plans, tax deferred annuity plans (for
public school teachers and employees and employees of certain other tax-exempt
and qualifying employers) and deferred compensation plans of state and local

This prospectus describes both the Contract and the Certificate. The Contract
and Certificate have similar features and provisions. An employer as the
Contract Owner purchases the Contract to fund its Qualified Plan. The employer
can purchase the Contract on an allocated or unallocated basis. If the employer
purchases the Contract on an allocated basis, the employee participating in the
Qualified Plan ("Participant") will be issued a Certificate. Generally,
allocated contracts are issued to tax deferred annuity plans. If the employer
purchases the Contract on an unallocated basis, the employer will be responsible
for any accounts for the Participant and no Certificates will be issued by us.
Generally, unallocated contracts are issued to qualified pension and profit
sharing plans and deferred compensation plans of state and local governments.

The Contract is offered by The Travelers Insurance Company. It is an indirect
wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. The Contract is available only in
those states where it has been approved for sale.

We deposit your Purchase Payments in Our Fixed Account. For each Purchase
Payment, We establish an interest rate "period " and guarantee a rate of
interest for that Purchase Payment for twelve months. At the end of the twelve
months, We will establish a renewal rate of interest. (See "Guaranteed Interest

You may surrender your Contract at any time before the Maturity Date, but the
Cash Value may be subject to a surrender charge and/or Our market adjusted value
calculations. You may also take partial surrenders from your Contract; partial
surrenders may be subject to a surrender charge. However, if your Contract was
issued as part of a tax deferred annuity plan, deferred compensation plan or
combined qualified plan/tax deferred annuity plan, You or a Participant, if
authorized, may take partial surrenders after the first Contract/Certificate
Year annually of up to 10% of the Cash Value of Your Account/Individual Account
as of the first Valuation Date of any given Contract/Certificate Year without
the imposition of a surrender charge. We may waive surrender charges in certain
instances. (See "Surrenders"). We also may deduct any applicable premium taxes
from the amounts You surrender. A Participant may be subject to income tax and a
10% penalty tax if he or she is younger than 59 1/2 at the time of the full or
partial surrender, and the full or partial surrender may also be subject to
income tax withholding. (See "Federal Tax Considerations").

The market adjusted value calculations reflect the relationship between the
interest rate on new deposits for this class of contracts on the date of
surrender and the interest rate credited to amounts in Your Contract on the date
of surrender. The Company has no specific formula for determining initial
interest rates or renewal interest rates. However, such determination will
generally reflect interest rates available on the types of debt instruments in
which the Company intends to invest the amounts invested in the Contract. In
addition, the Company's management may also consider various other factors in
determining these rates for a given period, including regulatory and tax
requirements; sales commission and administrative expenses borne by the Company;
general economic trends; and competitive factors. (See Investments by the
Company.) It is possible that the amount You receive upon surrender may be less
than Your Purchase Payments if interest rates increase. It is also possible that
if interest rates decrease, the amount You receive upon surrender may be Your
net Purchase Payments plus accrued interest. On the Maturity Date You specified,
the Company will make either a lump sum payment or start to pay a series of
payments based on the Annuity Options you select. (See "Annuity Period").

If a Participant dies before the Maturity Date, the Contract provides for a
death benefit which is the Cash Value of the Participant's Individual Account,
less any applicable premium tax as of the date We receive Due Proof of Death.
(See "Death Benefit").

We will deduct any applicable premium taxes from Cash Value either upon death,
surrender, annuitization, or at the time You make a Purchase Payment to the
Contract. (See "Surrenders Premium Taxes").


The terms and conditions of the Plan govern what is available to Participants.
Participants should carefully consider the features of their employer's Plan,
which may be different from the Contract and Certificate described in this
prospectus. In addition, certain features described in this prospectus may vary
from your Contract because of differences in applicable state law.

We offer a variety of fixed and variable annuity contracts. They offer features,
including variable investment options, fees and/or charges that are different
from those described in this prospectus. Upon request, Your agent can provide
You with more information about those Contracts.

                              THE INSURANCE COMPANY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Travelers Insurance Company is a stock insurance company chartered in 1863
in the state of Connecticut and has been continuously engaged in the insurance
business since that time. The Company is licensed to conduct life insurance
business in all states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, Guam, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas. The Company is
an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. The Company's home office
is located at One Cityplace, Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3415.

On January 31, 2005, CITIGROUP INC. announced that it has agreed to sell its
life insurance and annuity businesses to METLIFE, INC. The proposed sale would
include The Travelers Insurance Company. The transaction is subject to certain
domestic and international regulatory approvals, as well as other customary
conditions to closing. The transaction is expected to close this summer. Under
the terms of the transaction, The Travelers Insurance Company will distribute
its ownership of Primerica Life Insurance Company and certain other assets,
including shares of Citigroup preferred stock, to Citigroup Inc., or its
subsidiaries prior to the closing. The Travelers Insurance Company has filed a
current report on Form 8-K on February 2, 2005 with additional information about
the transaction, including pro forma financial information. The filing can be
found at the SEC's Internet website at

The transaction will not affect the terms or conditions of your annuity
contract, and The Travelers Insurance Company will remain fully responsible for
its contractual obligations to annuity contract owners.

                                  THE CONTRACT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


You may purchase a Contract through an authorized agent. The agent will send
Your completed application or order to purchase, along with a minimum Purchase
Payment of at least $1,000 for the Contract and $20 for each certificate to Us,
and We will determine whether to accept or reject your application or order to
purchase. If We accept your application or order to purchase, one of Our legally
authorized officers will prepare and execute a Contract within two business days
after We receive that application or order. We then will send the Contract to
you through your sales representative.

We may:

     o    accept Purchase Payments up to $3 million without prior approval;

     o    contact You or Your agent if the application or order form is not
          properly completed; and/ or

     o    return your entire application or order form and Purchase Payment
          within thirty days if not properly completed.

We sell the Contract for use with certain qualified retirement plans. Please be
aware that the Contract includes features such as tax deferral on accumulated
earnings. Qualified retirement plans provide their own tax deferral benefit.
Please consult a tax adviser to determine whether this Contract is an
appropriate investment for You. See Appendix A for information concerning
qualified plans.


You may make additional Purchase Payments of at least $1,000 ($20 per
Certificate) at any time before the Maturity Date. We will apply any subsequent
net Purchase Payment You make within two Business Days after We receive it.

                                INTEREST PERIODS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We deposit each net Purchase Payment (I.E., a Purchase Payment less any
applicable Premium Tax charge) in our Fixed Account where We credit the Payment
with interest daily at an effective annual interest rate between 1.0% and 3.0%
for allocated contracts and 1.0% for unallocated contracts, depending on
applicable states' statutory minimum requirements. We may, however, in our sole
discretion, credit interest above the statutory minimum requirements. The actual
minimum interest rate for your Contract will be on the Contract Specifications
page. This rate will not change for the life of the Contract and will apply to
any Certificates issues under the Contract.

The amount of interest We credit to a particular net Purchase Payment varies
with that Purchase Payment's interest rate "period". We establish an interest
rate "period " for each net Purchase Payment, and guarantee that rate for twelve
months. At the end of that twelve-month guarantee period, We will determine and
credit a renewal interest rate. We guarantee that renewal rate until the end of
the current calendar year. After that, We will declare the second and all future
renewal rates each subsequent January 1 and guarantee such rates through
December 31 of each year.



When you purchase Your Contract, You will know the initial interest rate for
your Purchase Payment. The Company has no specific formula for determining
interest rates in the future. The interest rates will be declared from time to
time as market conditions dictate. (See "Investments by the Company"). The
Company may consider various factors in determining interest rates for a given
period, including regulatory and tax requirements, sales commissions,
administrative expenses, general economic trends, and competitive factors. THE

The Company will make the final determination as to guaranteed interest rates to
be declared. We cannot predict nor can We guarantee future interest rates.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There are two sets of rules when considering surrenders or partial surrenders
from Your Contract. The first are rules and procedures that apply to surrenders
and partial surrenders under the Contract; We discuss these provisions in this
prospectus. The second are rules specific to Your Plan. Please consult Your Plan
for information as to those provisions.

The Contract allows You to make a full or partial surrender by Written Request
before the Maturity Date, subject to the surrender charges and in some
instances, adjusted market value calculations. In addition, Participants, if so
authorized, may make partial surrenders. We may discontinue the Contract or
terminate a Participant's Individual Account under certain circumstances.

We will determine Your Cash Surrender Value (or Cash Surrender Value in an
Individual Account) as of the next Valuation Date following Our receipt of a
Written Request by You or the Participant, if so authorized. We may defer
payment of any surrender up to six months from the date We receive Your notice
of surrender, or such lesser period if required by state law. State law requires
that if We defer payment for more than 30 days, We will pay the state required
annual interest rate on the amount that we defer.

For the purposes of processing partial surrenders, We will take the amount
surrendered from the most recent "period" first, and then from each subsequent
"period" in descending order on a last-in, first out basis. Upon request, We
will inform You of the amount payable upon a full or partial surrender. Any full
or partial surrender may be subject to ordinary income tax and, if a Participant
is younger than age 59 1/2 at the time of the full or partial surrender, a 10%
penalty tax may apply. A full or partial surrender may also be subject to income
tax withholding. A Participant may not be able to take partial surrenders from
his or her Individual Account before age 59 1/2. A Participant should discuss
his or her options with a qualified tax advisor. (See "Federal Tax

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You may transfer amounts from the Fixed Account to products within Your Plan and
to Approved Products not issued by Us. If you transfer Cash Value to Approved
Products not issued by Us, Your transfers may not exceed 20% per
Contract/Certificate Year of the Cash Value in the Fixed Account valued on each
Contract/Certificate Year anniversary. We reserve the right to modify the amount
available for transfer to Approved Products and to products not issued by Us.


Federal laws designed to counter terrorism and prevent money laundering might,
in certain circumstances, require us to block a contract owner's ability to make
certain transactions and thereby refuse to accept any request for withdrawals,
surrenders, or death benefits, until the instructions are received from the


regulator. We may also be required to provide additional information about you
and your contract to government regulators.

                             CHARGES AND DEDUCTIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We will deduct the charges described below to cover our costs and expenses, the
services provided, and our risks assumed under the Contracts. We incur certain
costs and expenses for the distribution and administration of the Contract and
for providing the benefits payable thereunder. Our administrative services and
risks may include:

     o    processing applications for and issuing the Contracts and certificates

     o    maintaining Contract owner and Participant records;

     o    administering Annuity payments;

     o    furnishing accounting services;

     o    reconciling and depositing cash receipts;

     o    providing Contract confirmations and periodic statements;

     o    providing toll-free inquiry services; and

     o    the risk that our costs in providing the services will exceed our
          revenues from Contract charges (which cannot be changed).

The amount of the charge may not necessarily correspond to the costs associated
with providing the services or benefits stated in the Contract. We may realize a
profit on one or more of the charges, and may use any such profit for any
corporate purpose.


We do not assess front-end sales charges. We may, however, assess a surrender
charge on full and partial surrenders made before the end of the eighth
Contract/Certificate Year. The surrender charge for an allocated Contract is
calculated based on the age of each Certificate. The surrender charge for an
unallocated Contract is calculated based on the age of the Contract. The
surrender charge is computed as a percentage of the Cash Value being surrendered
and is as follows:

                                                         CHARGE AS A PERCENTAGE
         CONTRACT/CERTIFICATE YEAR                           OF CASH VALUE
         -------------------------                           -------------
                    1-2                                            5%
                    3-4                                            4%
                    5-6                                            3%
                     7                                             2%
                     8                                             1%
                    9+                                             0%

We will not assess a surrender charge on:

         > transfers to Approved Products within Your Plan

         > certain benefit distributions that become payable under the terms of
           a Plan and other distributions, including:

               o    retirement, death, or disability of a Participant (as
                    defined by Code section 72(m)(7));

               o    Separation from Service;

               o    hardship withdrawals as defined by the Code;

               o    minimum distributions as defined by the Code;


               o    return on Excess Plan Contributions;

               o    certain Plan expenses as mutually agreed upon between You
                    and Us;

               o    transfers to an employer stock fund as mutually agreed upon
                    between You and Us; and

               o    annuitization under this Contract.

         > if the market adjusted value is greater than the Cash Value of the
           Contract as of the date of discontinuance, and You elect to receive
           the Cash Value of the Contract in equal installments over a 5-year

Unless payment of surrender charges are provided in a different manner, We will
reduce your requested distribution by any applicable surrender charges.

In addition, for Contracts issued to tax deferred annuity plans, deferred
compensation plans or combined qualified plans/tax deferred annuity plans, We
may allow You or a Participant, if authorized, after the first
Contract/Certificate Year to take partial surrenders annually of up to 10% of
the Cash Value in Your Account/Individual Account as of the first Valuation Date
of any given Contract Year without the imposition of a surrender charge. The
free withdrawal allowance does not apply to full surrenders transferred directly
to annuity contracts issued by other financial institutions. We reserve the
right to modify the free withdrawal amount.

We reserve the right to modify the surrender charge provisions for Contracts
issued in the future. This will not affect Your Contract if the Contract is in
effect before the modification to the surrender charge is effective.


Under certain circumstances, We may discontinue the Contract.

You may discontinue this Contract by Written Request at any time for any reason.

If the Contract is discontinued, any Certificates issued under the Contract will
be discontinued.

We reserve the right to discontinue this Contract if:

     o    the Cash Value of Your Contract is less than the termination amount
          shown on your Contract Specifications page. We state a termination
          amount on your Contract Specifications page. In general, this amount
          is $2,000 of the Cash Value of a Participant's Individual Account (the
          amount is $2,000 per Account for an allocated Contract and $20,000 per
          unallocated Contract). If the Cash Value in a Participant's Individual
          Account is less than that stated termination amount, We reserve the
          right to terminate that Account and move the Cash Value of that
          Participant's Individual Account to Your Account. We will move to Your
          Account at Your direction any Cash Value to which a Participant is not
          entitled under the Plan upon termination;

     o    We determine within Our sole discretion and judgment that the Plan or
          administration of the Plan is not in conformity with applicable law;

     o    We receive notice that is satisfactory to Us of Plan Termination.

If you discontinue this Contract because of Plan Termination and the Plan
certifies to Us that the Plan Termination is the result of the dissolution or
liquidation of the employer under US Code Title 11 procedures, We will
distribute the Cash Surrender Value directly to the employees entitled to share
in such distributions in accordance with the Plan relating to Plan Termination.
Distribution may be in the form of cash payments, Annuity options, or deferred

The following events will not trigger a market adjusted value:

     o    retirement, death, or disability of a Participant (as defined by Code
          section 72(m)(7));

     o    Separation from Service;

     o    hardship withdrawals as defined by the Code;

     o    minimum distributions as defined by the Code;


     o    return on Excess Plan Contributions;

     o    certain Plan expenses as mutually agreed upon between You and Us;

     o    transfers to an employer stock fund as mutually agreed upon between
          You and Us; and

     o    annuitization under this Contract.

However, if you discontinue this Contract for any other reason than the events
described immediately above or because of Our exercise of Our right to
discontinue the Contract, We will determine the market adjusted value of the
Contract. The market adjusted value is the current value as of the date of
discontinuance and reflects the relationship between the rate of interest
credited to funds on deposit under the Contract at the time of discontinuance to
the rate of interest credited on new deposits for this class of contracts at the
time of discontinuance. The market adjusted value may be greater than or less
than the Cash Value of the Contract.

If the market adjusted value is less than the Cash Value of your Contract as of
the date of discontinuance, We will pay You Your choice of:

     (a)  the market adjusted value, less any amounts deducted on surrender, in
          one lump sum within 60 days of the date of discontinuance; or

     (b)  the Cash Surrender Value of the Contract in equal installments over a
          5-year period. We determine the amount deducted on surrender, if any,
          as of the date of discontinuance and will apply that amount to all
          installment payments. We will credit interest to the remaining Cash
          Value during this installment period at a fixed effective annual
          interest rate of not less than the interest rate required under state
          insurance law. We will make the first payment no later than 60 days
          following Our mailing the written notice to You at the most current
          address available on Our records. We will mail the remaining payments
          on each anniversary of the discontinuance date for 4 years. Allowable
          distributions shown of Your Contract Specifications page are not
          allowed during the 5-year installment period.

If the market adjusted value is greater than the Cash Value of the Contract as
of the date of discontinuance, We will pay You Your Choice of:

     (a)  the Cash Surrender Value of the Contract within 60 days of the date of
          discontinuance; or

     (b)  the Cash Value of the Contract in equal installments over a 5-year
          period. We will credit interest on the remaining Cash Value of the
          Contract during the installment period at a fixed annual rate of
          interest of not less than the interest rate required under state
          insurance law. We will make the first payment no later than 60 days
          following Our mailing of the written notice to You at the most current
          address available on Our records. We will mail the remaining payments
          on each anniversary of the discontinuance date for 4 years. We do not
          allow the allowable distributions shown on Your Contract
          Specifications page during the 5-year installment period.

MARKET ADJUSTED VALUE FORMULA: Payment on a partial or full surrender may be
adjusted up or down by the application of the market adjusted value calculation.
The market adjusted value formula is:

          MARKET ADJUSTED VALUE = CASH VALUE X (1+RO)(5) / (1+R1+.0025)(5)

RO is the average interest rate credited to amounts in the Contract on the date
of discontinuance, and R1 is the interest rate on new deposits for this class of
contracts on the date of discontinuance.


Certain state and local governments impose premium taxes. These taxes currently
range from 0% to 5.0%, depending upon the jurisdiction. The Company is
responsible for paying these taxes and will determine the method used to recover
premium tax expenses incurred. The Company will deduct any applicable premium
taxes from the Cash Value either upon death, surrender, annuitization, or at the
time the Purchase Payment is made to the Contract, but no earlier than when the
Company has a tax liability under state law.



We may reduce or eliminate certain charges or alter the manner in which the
particular charge is deducted. Generally, these types of changes will be based
on our anticipation of lower sales expenses or perform fewer sales services due

     o    the size of the group participating in the Contract;

     o    an existing relationship to the contract owner;

     o    use of mass enrollment procedures; or

     o    performance of sales functions by a third party which We would
          otherwise perform.

Please see your Contract for any reduction of charges provisions applicable to

                                  DEATH BENEFIT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If applicable under Your Plan, We may pay a death benefit in a single sum to the
Beneficiary if a Participant dies before the Maturity Date. We also may pay a
death benefit under certain circumstances if the Annuitant dies on or after the
Maturity Date.

The death benefit before the Maturity Date equals the Cash Value of a
Participant's Individual Account less any applicable premium tax as of the date
We receive Due Proof of Death. If the Annuitant dies on or after the Maturity
Date, the death benefit will consist of any benefit remaining under the Annuity
option then in effect.

We will pay interest on death proceeds of a Participant's Individual Account in
accordance with regulation in effect by the state whose laws apply to the


The distributions required by federal tax law differ for qualified plans
depending on the type of Plan. Upon receipt of Due Proof of Death, the
Beneficiary will instruct us how to treat the proceeds, subject to the
distribution rules discussed below.

In general, the Beneficiary will receive any remaining contractual benefits upon
the death of the Participant. The Beneficiary may receive the remaining benefits
in a single sum or elect one of the settlement options. If the Participant dies
after any mandatory distribution has begun but before his or her entire interest
has been distributed, the remaining interest must be paid out at least as
rapidly as it was being paid out under the method of payment in effect at the
time of death. If the Participant dies before the distribution of his or her
entire interest has begun, the entire interest must be distributed within five
years after the Participant's death or an Annuity payable over no longer than
life or life expectancy must be distributed to an electing Beneficiary starting
within one year of the Participant's death. A spousal designated Beneficiary may
elect to defer distributions until the Participant would have attained the age
of 70 1/2.

Please see Your Contract and Your tax advisor for more information.

                                 ANNUITY OPTIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


You can select a Maturity Date when you apply for the Contract and/or when We
issue a certificate thereunder; if You do not, the default age for certificate
maturity is when a Participant reaches age 70 1/2.

You may elect to have all or a portion of the Cash Surrender Value of an
Individual Account paid in a lump sum, or You may elect to have Your Cash
Surrender Value or a portion thereof, distributed under any of the Annuity
options described below. In addition, any amount payable from the Contact may be
applied to an Annuity option. A Participant, if authorized, may apply any
proceeds payable from his or her Individual Account to an Annuity Option.


To elect an Annuity option, You must send a Written Request to Our Office at
least 30 days before such election is to become effective. If no option is
elected for qualified Contracts, We will apply the Cash Surrender Value to
Option 4 to provide a Joint and Last Survivor Life Annuity.

You must provide Us with the following information when you elect an Annuity

     o    the Participant's name, address, date of birth, and social security

     o    the amount to be distributed in the form of an Annuity option;

     o    the Annuity option which is to be purchased;

     o    the date the Annuity option payments are to begin;

     o    if the form of the Annuity provides a death benefit in the event of
          the Participant's death, the name, relationship, and address of the
          Beneficiary as designated by You; and

     o    any other data We may require.


You may change the Maturity Date at any time as long as such change is made in
writing and is received by Us at least 30 days before the scheduled Maturity
Date or date the Annuity option is scheduled to become effective. Once an
Annuity option has begun, it may not be changed.


You or a Participant, if authorized, may elect any one of the following Annuity
options. Annuity payments may be available on a monthly, quarterly, semiannual,
or annual basis. The minimum amount that may be applied to Annuity options is
$2,000 unless We consent to a smaller amount. If any periodic payments due are
less than $100, We reserve the right to make payments at less frequent

We use the Life Annuity Tables to determine the first monthly payment. They show
the dollar amount of the first monthly Annuity payment which can be purchased
with each $1,000 applied. The amount applied to an Annuity will be the Cash
Surrender Value attributable to a Participant's Individual Account as of 14 days
before the Maturity Date. We reserve the right to require satisfactory proof of
age of any person on whose life We base Annuity payments before making the first
payment under any of these options.

Any Cash Surrender Value We apply to an Annuity option will provide payments at
least equal to those provided if the same amount was applied to purchase a
single premium immediate Annuity We offer at that time for the same class of
contracts. If it would produce a larger payment, We agree that We will determine
the Annuity payment using the Life Annuity Tables in effect on the Maturity

As provided in your Contract, We may adjust the age used to determine Annuity
payments, and We may deduct premium taxes from Annuity payments.

OPTION 1 -- LIFE ANNUITY -- NO REFUND: The Company will make Annuity payments
during the lifetime of the Annuitant ending with the last monthly payment before
death. This option offers the maximum periodic payment, since there is no
assurance of a minimum number of payments or provision for a death benefit for

Company will make monthly Annuity payments during the lifetime of the Annuitant,
with the agreement that if, at the death of that person, payments have been made
for less than 120,180, or 240 months as elected, We will continue making
payments to the Beneficiary during the remainder of the period.

OPTION 3 -- JOINT AND LAST SURVIVOR LIFE ANNUITY: The Company will make monthly
annuity payments during the joint lifetime of the Annuitant and a second person.
On the death of either person, We will continue making payments to the survivor.
No further payments will be made following the death of the survivor.

PRIMARY PAYEE: The Company will make monthly Annuity payments during the joint
lifetime of two persons on whose lives We base the


payments. We will designate one of the two persons as the primary payee. We will
designate the other person as the secondary payee. On the death of the secondary
payee, if survived by the primary payee, We will continue to make monthly
Annuity payments to the primary payee in the same amount that would have been
payable during the joint lifetime of the two persons.

On the death of the primary payee, if survived by the secondary payee, We will
continue to make monthly Annuity payments to the secondary payee in an amount
equal to 50% of the payments, which would have been made during the lifetime of
the primary payee.

No further payments will be made following the death of the survivor.

OPTION 5 -- PAYMENTS FOR A FIXED PERIOD: The Company will make monthly payments
for the period selected. If at the death of the Annuitant payments have been
made for less than the period selected, the Company will continue to make
payments to the Beneficiary during the remainder of that period.

OPTION 6 -- OTHER ANNUITY OPTIONS: The Company will make other arrangements for
Annuity payments as may be mutually agreed upon by You and Us.

                           INVESTMENTS BY THE COMPANY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We must invest our assets according to applicable state laws regarding the
nature, quality and diversification of investments that may be made by life
insurance companies. In general, these laws permit investments, within specified
limits and subject to certain qualifications, in federal, state and municipal
obligations, corporate bonds, preferred and common stocks, real estate
mortgages, real estate and certain other investments.

In establishing interest rates, the Company will consider the yields on fixed
income securities that are part of the Company's current investment strategy for
the Contracts at the time that the interest rates are established. (See
"Establishment of Interest Rates".) The current investment strategy for the
Contracts is to invest in fixed income securities, including public bonds,
privately placed bonds, and mortgages, some of which may be zero coupon
securities. While this generally describes our investment strategy, We are not
obligated to follow any particular strategy except as may be required by federal
and state laws.

                                ANNUAL STATEMENT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After the end of each calendar year, You will receive a statement that will

       o   Your Cash Value as of the end of the preceding year;

       o   all transactions regarding Your Contract during the year;

       o   Your Cash Value at the end of the current year; and

       o   the interest credited to Your Contract.

                           AMENDMENT OF THE CONTRACTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We reserve the right to amend the Contracts to comply with applicable federal or
state laws or regulations. We will notify You in writing of any such amendments.

                          DISTRIBUTION OF THE CONTRACTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Travelers Distribution LLC ("TDLLC") an affiliate of the Company, is the
principal underwriter of the Contracts. TDLLC is registered with the Securities
and Exchange Commission under the Act as a broker-dealer, and is a member of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. The Contract is offered through
both affiliated and non-affiliated broker dealers.


The principal underwriter enters into selling agreements with certain
broker-dealers registered under the Act. Under the selling agreements such
broker-dealers may offer Contracts to persons who have established an account
with the broker-dealer. In addition, the Company may offer certificates to
members of certain other eligible groups. The Company will pay a maximum
commission of 6% of the Purchase Payment for the sale of a Contract. Tower
Square Securities, Inc., an affiliate of the Company, receives greater
compensation for selling the contract than nonaffiliated broker-dealers.

From time to time, the Company may offer customers of certain broker-dealers
special interest rates and negotiated commissions. In addition, the Company may
offer Contracts to members of certain other eligible groups through trusts or

                           FEDERAL TAX CONSIDERATIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Company is taxed as a life insurance company under Subchapter L of the Code.
Generally, amounts credited to a contract are not taxable until received by the
Contract Owner, participant or Beneficiary, either in the form of annuity
payments or other distributions. Tax consequences and limits are described
further below for each annuity program. The following general discussion of the
federal income tax consequences related to your investment in this Contract is
not intended to cover all situations, and is not meant to provide legal or tax
advice. Because of the complexity of the law and the fact that the tax results
will vary depending upon many factors, you should consult with your tax and/or
legal advisor regarding the tax implications of purchasing this Contract based
upon your individual situation.

Congress has recognized the value of saving for retirement by providing certain
tax benefits for annuities. The Internal Revenue Code ("Code") governs how
earnings on your investment in the Contract are ultimately taxed, depending upon
the type of Contract, Qualified or Non-qualified, and the manner in which the
money is distributed, as briefly described below. In analyzing the benefits of
tax deferral it is important to note that the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2003 reduced the marginal tax rates on long-term capital
gains and dividends to 5% and 15%. The reduced rates apply during 2003 through
2008, and thereafter will increase to prior levels. Earnings under annuity
Contracts, like interest payable as fixed investments (notes, bonds, etc.),
continue to be taxed as ordinary income (top rate of 35%).


While annual plan contribution limits may be increased from time to time by
Congress and the IRS for federal income tax purposes, these limits must be
adopted by each state for the higher limits to be effective at a state income
tax level. In other words, permissible contribution limit for income tax
purposes may be different at the federal level from your state's income tax
laws. Please consult your employer or tax adviser regarding this issue.


Purchase Payments for a tax-deferred annuity contract (including salary
reduction contributions) may be made by an employer for employees under annuity
plans adopted by public educational organizations and certain organizations
which are tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Code. Within statutory
limits ($14,000 in 2005, $15,000 in 2006), such salary reduction contributions
are not currently includable in the gross income of the participants. Additional
"catch-up contributions" may be made by individuals age 50 or over. Increases in
the value of the Contract attributable to these Purchase Payments are similarly
not subject to current taxation. Instead, both the contributions to the
tax-sheltered annuity and the income in the Contract are taxable as ordinary
income when distributed.

An additional tax of 10% will apply to any taxable distribution received by the
participant before the age of 59 1/2, except when due to death, disability, or
as part of a series of payments for life or life expectancy, or made after the
age of 55 with separation from service. There are other statutory exceptions
that may apply in certain situations.

Amounts attributable to salary reductions made to a tax-sheltered annuity and
income thereon may not be withdrawn prior to attaining the age of 59 1/2,
separation from service, death, total and permanent disability, or in


the case of hardship as defined by federal tax law and regulations. Hardship
withdrawals are available only to the extent of the salary reduction
contributions and not from the income attributable to such contributions. These
restrictions do not apply to assets held generally as of December 31, 1988.

Distributions must begin by April 1st of the calendar year following the later
of the calendar year in which the participant attains the age of 70 1/2 or the
calendar year in which the Participant retires. Certain other mandatory
distribution rules apply at the death of the participant.

Certain distributions, including most partial or full redemptions or
"term-for-years" distributions of less than 10 years, are eligible for direct
rollover to another 403 (b) contract, certain qualified plans or to an
Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) without federal income tax or

To the extent an eligible rollover distribution is not directly rolled over to
another 403 (b) contract, an IRA or eligible qualified contract, 20% of the
taxable amount must be withheld. In addition, current tax may be avoided on
eligible rollover distributions which were not directly transferred to a
qualified retirement program if the participant makes a rollover to a qualified
retirement plan or IRA within 60 days of the distribution.

Distributions in the form of annuity payments are taxable to the participant or
Beneficiary as ordinary income in the year of receipt, except that any
distribution that is considered the participant's "investment in the Contract"
is treated as a return of capital and is not taxable.


Like most other contributions made under a qualified pension or profit-sharing
trust described in Section 401 (a) of the Code and exempt from tax under Section
501 (a) of the Code, a Purchase Payment made by an employer (including salary
reduction contributions under Section 401(k) of the Code) is not currently
taxable to the participant and increases in the value of a contract are not
subject to taxation until received by a participant or Beneficiary. For 2005,
the applicable limits are $42,000 for total contributions and $14,000 for salary
reduction contributions made pursuant to Code Section 401(k). Additional
"catch-up contributions" may be made by individuals age 50 or over.

Distributions in the form of annuity payments are taxable to the participant or
Beneficiary as ordinary income in the year of receipt, except that any
distribution that is considered the participant's "investment in the contract"
is treated as a return of capital and is not taxable. Certain eligible rollover
distributions including most partial and full surrenders or term-for-years
distributions of less than 10 years are eligible for direct rollover to an
eligible retirement plan or to an IRA without federal income tax withholding.

If a distribution that is eligible for rollover is not directly rolled over to
another qualified retirement plan or IRA, 20% of the taxable amount must be
withheld. In addition, current tax may be avoided on eligible rollover
distributions that were not directly transferred to a qualified retirement
program if the participant makes a rollover contribution to a qualified
retirement plan or IRA within 60 days of the distribution.

Distributions must begin by April Ist of the calendar year following the later
of the calendar year in which you attain age 70 1/2 or the calendar year in
which you retire, except that if you are a 5% owner as defined in Code Section
416(i) (1) (B), distributions must begin by April Ist of the calendar year
following the calendar year in which you attain age 70 1/2. Certain other
mandatory distribution rules apply on the death of the participant.

An additional tax of 10% will apply to any taxable distribution received by the
participant before the age of 59 1/2, except by reason of death, disability or
as part of a series of payments for life or life expectancy, or at early
retirement at or after the age of 55. There are other statutory exceptions which
may apply in certain situations. Amounts attributable to salary reduction
contributions under Code Section 401(k) and income thereon may not be withdrawn
prior to severance from employment, death, total and permanent disability,
attainment of age 59 1/2, or in the case of hardship.


To the extent of earned income for the year and not exceeding the applicable
limit for the taxable year, an individual may make deductible contributions to
an individual retirement annuity (IRA). The applicable limit ($2,000 per year
prior to 2002) has been increased by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2001 ("EGTRRA"). The limit is $3,000 for calendar years
2002-2004, $4,000 for calendar years 2005-2007,


and will be indexed for inflation in years subsequent to 2008. (Note: The
minimum Purchase Payment allowed for this Contract is $5,000.) Additional
"catch-up contributions" may be made to an IRA by individuals age 50 or over.
There are certain limits on the deductible amount based on the adjusted gross
income of the individual and spouse based on their participation in a retirement
plan. If an individual is married and the spouse is not employed, the individual
may establish IRAs for the individual and spouse. Purchase Payments may then be
made annually into IRAs for both spouses in the maximum amount of 100% of earned
income up to a combined limit based on the individual limits outlined above.

Partial or full distributions are treated as ordinary income, except that
amounts contributed after 1986 on a non-deductible basis are not includable in
income when distributed. An additional tax of 10% will apply to any taxable
distribution from the IRA that is received by the participant before the age of
59 1/2 except by reason of death, disability or as part of a series of payments
for life or life expectancy. Distributions must commence by April 1st of the
calendar year after the close of the calendar year in which the individual
attains the age of 70 1/2. Certain other mandatory distribution rules apply on
the death of the individual. The individual must maintain personal and tax
return records of any non-deductible contributions and distributions.

Section 408 (k) of the Code provides for the purchase of a Simplified Employee
Pension (SEP) plan. A SEP is funded through an IRA with an annual employer
contribution limit of $40,000 for each participant.


Effective January 1, 1998, Section 408A of the Code permits certain individuals
to contribute to a Roth IRA. Eligibility to make contributions is based upon
income, and the applicable limits vary based on marital status and/or whether
the contribution is a rollover contribution from another IRA or an annual
contribution. Contributions to a Roth IRA, which are subject to certain
limitations, (similar to the annual limits for traditional IRAs), are not
deductible and must be made in cash or as a rollover or transfer from another
Roth IRA or other IRA. A conversion of "traditional" IRA to a Roth IRA may be
subject to tax and other special rules apply. You should consult a tax adviser
before combining any converted amounts with other Roth IRA contributions,
including any other conversion amounts from other tax years.

Qualified distributions from a Roth IRA are tax-free. A qualified distribution
requires that the Roth IRA has been held for at least 5 years, and the
distribution is made after age 59 1/2, on death or disability of the owner, or
for a limited amount ($10,000) for a qualified first time home purchase for the
owner or certain relatives. Income tax and a 10% penalty tax may apply to
distributions made (1) before age 59 1/2 (subject to certain exceptions) or (2)
during five taxable years starting with the year in which the first contribution
is made to the Roth IRA.


Section 457 of the Code allows employees and independent contractors of state
and local governments and tax-exempt organizations to defer a portion of their
salaries or compensation to retirement years without paying current income tax
on either the deferrals or the earnings on the deferrals. Such deferrals are
subject to limits similar to those applicable to 403(b) and 401(k) plans.

The Owner of contracts issued under Section 457 plans by non-governmental
employers is the employer or a contractor of the participant and amounts may not
be made available to participants (or beneficiaries) until separation from
service, retirement or death or an unforeseeable emergency as determined by
Treasury Regulations. The proceeds of annuity contracts purchased by Section 457
plans are subject to the claims of general creditors of the employer or
contractor. A different rule applies with respect to Section 457 plans that are
established by governmental employers. The contract must be for the exclusive
benefit of the plan participants (and their beneficiaries), and the governmental
employer (and their creditors) must have no claim on the contract.

Distributions must begin by April 1st of the calendar year following the later
of the calendar year in which the participant attains the age of 70 1/2 or the
calendar year in which the participant retires. Certain other mandatory
distribution rules apply upon the death of the participant.

All distributions from plans that meet the requirements of Section 457 of the
Code are taxable as ordinary income in the year paid or made available to the
participant or Beneficiary.



Individuals may purchase tax-deferred annuities without any limits. The Purchase
Payment receives no tax benefit, deduction or deferral, but taxes on the
increases in the value of the Contract are generally deferred until
distribution. Generally, if an annuity is owned other than by an individual, the
owner will be taxed each year on the increase in the value of the Contract. An
exception applies for Purchase Payments made before March 1, 1986. In addition,
for Contracts issued after April 22, 1987, all deferred increases in value will
be includable annually in the income of an Owner when that Owner transfers the
Contract without adequate considerations.

The federal tax law requires nonqualified annuity contracts issued on or after
January 19, 1985 to meet minimum mandatory distribution requirements upon the
death of the Contract Owner. Failure to meet these requirements will cause the
succeeding Contract Owner or Beneficiary to lose the tax benefits associated
with annuity contracts, i.e., primarily the tax deferral prior to distribution.
The distribution required depends upon whether an Annuity Option is elected or
whether the succeeding Owner is the surviving spouse. Contracts will be
administered by the Company in accordance with these rules.

If two or more nonqualified annuity contracts are purchased from the same
insurer within the same calendar year, such annuity contracts will be aggregated
for federal income tax purposes. As a result, distributions from any of them
will be taxed based upon the amount of income in all of the same calendar year
series of annuities. This will generally have the effect of causing taxes to be
paid sooner on the deferred gain in the contracts.

Those receiving partial distributions made before annuitization of a contract
will generally be taxed on an income-first basis to the extent of income in the
Contract. Certain pre-August 14, 1982 deposits into a nonqualified annuity
contract that have been placed in the Contract by means of a tax-deferred
exchange under Section 1035 of the Code may be withdrawn first without income
tax liability. This information on deposits must be provided to the Company by
the other insurance company at the time of the exchange. There is income in the
Contract generally to the extent the Cash Value exceeds the investment in the
Contract. The investment in the Contract is equal to the amount of premiums paid
less any amount received previously that was excludable from gross income. Any
direct or indirect borrowing against the value of the Contract or pledging of
the Contract as security for a loan will be treated as a cash withdrawal under
the tax law.

With certain exceptions, the law will impose an additional tax if a Contract
Owner makes a withdrawal of any amount under the Contract that is allocable to
an investment made after August 13, 1982. The amount of the additional tax will
be 10% of the amount includable in income by the Contract Owner because of the
withdrawal. The additional tax will not be imposed if the amount is received on
or after the Contract Owner reaches the age of 59 1/2, or if the amount is one
of a series of substantially equal periodic payments made for life or life
expectancy of the taxpayer. The additional tax will not be imposed if the
withdrawal or partial surrender follows the death or disability of the Contract

Code Section 1035 provides that, if certain conditions are met, no gain or loss
is recognized when an annuity contract is received in exchange for a life,
endowment, or annuity contract. Since different annuity contract have different
expenses, fees, and benefits, a tax-free exchange could result in your
investment becoming subject to higher or lower fees and expenses.


Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), as amended,
certain special provisions may apply to the Contract if the Owner of a Section
403 (b) plan Contract or the owner of a contract issued to certain qualified
plans requests that the Contract be issued to conform to ERISA or if the Company
has notice that the Contract was issued pursuant to a plan subject to ERISA.

ERISA requires that certain Annuity Options, withdrawals or other payments and
any application for a loan secured by the Contract may not be made until the
Participant has filed a Qualified Election with the plan administrator. Under
certain plans, ERISA also requires that a designation of a Beneficiary other
than the participant's spouse be deemed invalid unless the participant has filed
a Qualified Election.

A Qualified Election must include either the written consent of the
Participant's spouse, notarized or witnessed by an authorized plan
representative, or the participant's certification that there is no spouse or
that the spouse cannot be located.


The Company intends to administer all contracts to which ERISA applies in a
manner consistent with the direction of the plan administrator regarding the
provisions of the plan, in accordance with applicable law. Because these
requirements differ according to the plan, a person contemplating the purchase
of an annuity contract should consider the provisions of the plan.


The portion of a distribution that is taxable income to the recipient will be
subject to federal income tax withholding, generally pursuant to Section 3405 of
the Code. The application of this provision is summarized below.


             There is a mandatory 20% tax withholding for plan distributions
             that are eligible for rollover to an IRA or to another retirement
             plan but that are not directly rolled over. A distribution made
             directly to a participant or Beneficiary may avoid this result if:

             (a)  a periodic settlement distribution is elected based upon a
                  life or life expectancy calculation, or

             (b)  a complete term-for-years settlement distribution is elected
                  for a period of ten years or more, payable at least annually,

             (c)  a minimum required distribution as defined under the tax law
                  is taken after the attainment of the age of 70 1/2 or as
                  otherwise required by law.

             A distribution including a rollover that is not a direct rollover
             will require the 20% withholding, and the 10% additional tax
             penalty on premature withdrawals may apply to any amount not added
             back in the rollover. The 20% withholding may be recovered when the
             participant or Beneficiary files a personal income tax return for
             the year if a rollover was completed within 60 days of receipt of
             the funds, except to the extent that the participant or spousal
             Beneficiary is otherwise underwithheld or short on estimated taxes
             for that year.


             To the extent not subject to the mandatory 20% withholding as
             described in (1) above, the portion of a nonperiodic distribution
             which constitutes taxable income will be subject to federal income
             tax withholding, to the extent such aggregate distributions exceed
             $200 for the year, unless the recipient elects not to have taxes
             withheld. If an election to opt out of withholding is not provided,
             10% of the taxable portion of the distribution will be withheld as
             federal income tax; provided that the recipient may elect any other
             percentage. Election forms will be provided at the time
             distributions are requested. This form of withholding applies to
             all annuity programs.

          THAN ONE YEAR)

             The portion of a periodic distribution that constitutes taxable
             income will be subject to federal income tax withholding under the
             wage withholding tables as if the recipient were married claiming
             three exemptions. A recipient may elect not to have income taxes
             withheld or have income taxes withheld at a different rate by
             providing a completed election form. Election forms will be
             provided at the time distributions are requested. This form of
             withholding applies to all annuity programs.

Recipients who elect not to have withholding made are liable for payment of
federal income tax on the taxable portion of the distribution. All recipients
may also be subject to penalties under the estimated tax payment rules if
withholding and estimated tax payments are not sufficient.


Recipients who do not provide a social security number or other taxpayer
identification number will not be permitted to elect out of withholding.
Additionally, United States citizens residing outside of the country, or U.S.
legal residents temporarily residing outside the country, are subject to
different withholding rules and cannot elect out of withholding.


Because of the complexity of the law and the fact that the tax results will vary
according to the factual status of the individual involved, a person
contemplating purchase of an annuity contract and/or an Owner, participant or
Beneficiary who may make elections under a contract should consult with a
qualified tax or legal adviser prior to such purchase or the making of an
election. It should be understood that the foregoing description of the federal
income tax consequences under these contracts is not exhaustive and that special
rules are provided with respect to situations not discussed here. It should be
understood that if a tax benefited plan loses its exempt status, employees could
lose some of the tax benefits described. For further information, a qualified
tax adviser should be consulted.


The Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994 (the "1994 Code") taxes
distributions from non-qualified annuity contracts differently than in the U.S.
Distributions that are not in the form of an annuity (including partial
surrenders and period certain payments) are treated under the 1994 Code first as
a return of investment. Therefore, no taxable income is recognized for Puerto
Rico tax purposes until the cumulative amount paid exceeds your tax basis. The
amount of income on annuity distributions (payable over your lifetime) is also
calculated differently under the 1994 Code. Since Puerto Rico residents are also
subject to U.S. income tax on all income other than income sourced to Puerto
Rico, and the Internal Revenue Service issued guidance in 2004 which indicated
that the income from an annuity contract issued by a U.S. life insurer would be
considered U.S. source income, the timing of recognition of income from an
annuity contract could vary between the two jurisdictions. Although the 1994
Code provides a credit against the Puerto Rico income tax for U.S. income taxes
paid, an individual may not get full credit because of the timing differences.
You should consult with a personal tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of
purchasing an annuity contract and/or any proposed distribution, particularly a
partial distribution or election to annuitize.


Distributions to non-resident aliens ("NRAs") are subject to special and complex
tax and withholding rules under the Code with respect to U.S. source income,
some of which are based upon the particular facts and circumstances of the
Contract Owner, the beneficiary and the transaction itself. As stated above, the
IRS has taken the position that income from the Contract received by NRAs is
considered U.S. source income. In addition, Annuity Payments to NRAs in many
countries are exempt from U.S. tax (or subject to lower rates) based upon a tax
treaty, provided that the Contract Owner complies with the applicable
requirements. NRAs should seek guidance from a tax adviser regarding their
personal situation.

                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company files reports and other information with the Securities and Exchange
Commission ("Commission"), as required by law. You may read and copy this
information and other information at the public reference facilities of the
Commission at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. You may also
review this information by accessing the Commission's website at

Under the Securities Act of 1933, each Company has filed with the Commission a
registration statement (the "Registration Statement") relating to the Contracts
offered by this prospectus. This prospectus has been filed as a part of the
Registration Statement and does not contain all of the information set forth in
the Registration Statement and the exhibits, and reference is hereby made to
such Registration Statement and exhibits for further information relating to the
Company and the Contracts. The Registration Statement and the exhibits may be
inspected and copied as described above. Although the Company furnishes
certificate and contract owners with


the Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004 the Company
does not plan to furnish subsequent financial reports.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company's latest annual report on Form 10-K has been filed with the

The Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2004 contains additional
information about the Company, including audited financial statements for the
Company's latest fiscal year. The Company filed its Form 10-K on March 30, 2005
via Edgar File No. 33-03094.

If requested, the Company will furnish, without charge, a copy of any and all of
the documents incorporated by reference, other than exhibits to those documents
(unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference in those
documents). You may direct your requests to the Company at P.O. Box 990009,
Hartford, CT 06199-0009, Attention: Annuity Services. The telephone number is
(800) 842-0086. You may also obtain copies of any documents, incorporated by
reference into this prospectus by accessing the SEC's Website

                                  LEGAL OPINION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Legal matters in connection with federal laws and regulations affecting the
issue and sale of the Contracts described in this prospectus and the
organization of the Company, its authority to issue such Contracts under
Connecticut law and the validity of the forms of the Contracts under Connecticut
law have been passed on by the Deputy General Counsel of the Company.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The consolidated financial statements and schedules of The Travelers Insurance
Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, and for each of the
years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2004, have been incorporated
by reference herein in reliance upon the reports of KPMG LLP, independent
registered public accounting firm, also incorporated by reference herein, and
upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing. The audit
reports covering the December 31, 2004, consolidated financial statements and
schedules refer to changes in the Company's methods of accounting for certain
nontraditional long-duration contracts and for separate accounts in 2004,
variable interest entities in 2003, and for goodwill and intangible assets in



                                   APPENDIX A
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Plans eligible to purchase the Contract are pension and profit sharing plans
qualified under ss.401 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 403 (b) ERISA
plans, and eligible state deferred compensation plans under ss.457 of the Code
("Qualified Plans"). Trustees should consider whether the Plan permits the
investment of Plan assets in the Contract, the distribution of such an annuity
and payment of death benefits in accordance with the requirements of the federal
income tax rules. Assuming continued Plan qualification and operation, earnings
on Plan assets will accumulate value on a tax-deferred even if the Plan is not
funded by this Contract. Trustees therefore should consider features of the
Contract other than tax-deferral before investing in the Contract. In addition,
because required minimum distributions must generally begin for annuitants after
age 70 1/2, trustees should consider whether that the Contract may not be an
appropriate purchase for annuitants approaching or over age 70 1/2.

To apply for this Contract, the trustee or other applicant must complete an
application or purchase order for the Group Annuity Contract and make a Purchase
Payment. A Group Annuity Contract will then be issued to the applicant. While
certificates may or may not be issued, each Purchase Payment is confirmed to the
contract owner. Surrenders under the Group Annuity Contract may be made at the
election of the contract owner, from the Account established under the Contract.
Account surrenders are subject to the same limitations, adjustments and charges
as surrenders made under a certificate (see "Surrenders"). Cash Surrender Values
may be taken in cash or applied to purchase annuities for the Contract Owners'
Qualified Plan participants.

Because there might not be individual participant accounts, the qualified Group
Annuity Contract issued in connection with a Qualified Plan may not provide for
death benefits. Annuities purchased for Qualified Plan participants may provide
for a payment upon the death of the Annuitant depending on the option chosen
(see "Annuity Options"). Additionally, since there might not be Annuitants prior
to the actual purchase of an Annuity by the contract owner, the provisions
regarding the Maturity Date may not be applicable.



                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 10-K

         ---           THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004


         ---          THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

              FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM _________ TO _________


                         COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 33-03094


                         THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY

                   CONNECTICUT                         06-0566090
           (State or other jurisdiction of          (I.R.S. Employer
           incorporation or organization)          Identification No.)

                 ONE CITYPLACE, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT   06103-3415
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (860) 308-1000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  None

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                             Yes _X_         No ___

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K.

                             Yes _X_         No ___

Indicate by checkmark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer (as defined
in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2).

                             Yes ___         No _X_

As of the date hereof, there were outstanding 40,000,000 shares of common stock,
par value $2.50 per share, of the registrant, all of which were owned by
Citigroup Insurance Holding Corporation, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of
Citigroup Inc.
                            REDUCED DISCLOSURE FORMAT

The registrant meets the conditions set forth in General Instruction I(1)(a) and
(b) of Form 10-K and is therefore filing this Form with the reduced disclosure


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ITEM NUMBER                          PART I                                 PAGE

    1.     Business .........................................................  2

           A.  General ......................................................  2
           B.  Business by Segment
                   Travelers Life & Annuity .................................  2
                   Primerica ................................................  4
           C.  Insurance Regulations ........................................  4

    2.     Properties .......................................................  6

    3.     Legal Proceedings ................................................  6

    4.     Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders ..............  8

                                     PART II

    5.     Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related
           Stockholder Matters ..............................................  8

    6.     Selected Financial Data ..........................................  8

    7.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
           and Results of Operations ........................................  9

    7A.    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk ....... 16

    8.     Financial Statements and Supplementary Data ...................... 19

    9.     Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting
           and Financial Disclosure ......................................... 67

    9A.    Controls and Procedures .......................................... 67
    9B.    Other Information ................................................ 67

                                    PART III

    10.    Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant ............... 67

    11.    Executive Compensation ........................................... 67

    12.    Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management ... 67

    13.    Certain Relationships and Related Transactions ................... 67

    14.    Principal Accountant Fees and
           Services ......................................................... 67

                                     PART IV

    15.    Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules ....................... 69
           Exhibit Index .................................................... 70
           Signatures ....................................................... 71
           Index to Financial Statements and Financial Statement Schedules .. 72

                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

                                     PART I



The Travelers Insurance Company (TIC, together with its subsidiaries, the
Company), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup Insurance Holding
Corporation (CIHC), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc.
(Citigroup). Citigroup is a diversified global financial services holding
company whose businesses provide a broad range of financial services to consumer
and corporate customers around the world. The periodic reports of Citigroup
provide additional business and financial information concerning it and its
consolidated subsidiaries. TIC was incorporated in 1863.

The Company's two reportable business segments are Travelers Life & Annuity
(TLA) and Primerica. The primary insurance entities of the Company are TIC and
its subsidiaries The Travelers Life and Annuity Company (TLAC), included in the
TLA segment, and Primerica Life Insurance Company (Primerica Life) and its
subsidiaries, Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada, CitiLife Financial
Limited (CitiLife) and National Benefit Life Insurance Company (NBL), included
in the Primerica segment. The consolidated financial statements include the
accounts of the insurance entities of the Company and Tribeca Citigroup
Investments Ltd., among others, on a fully consolidated basis.

On January 31, 2005, Citigroup announced that it had agreed to sell its Life
Insurance and Annuity businesses, including the Company, to MetLife, Inc. The
transaction is subject to certain domestic and international regulatory
approvals, as well as other customary conditions to closing. The Company's
Primerica segment and certain other assets will remain with Citigroup. The
transaction is expected to close this summer.

See Note 17 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. The Company filed
Form 8-K regarding this proposed transaction on February 2, 2005.



TLA core offerings include retail annuities, individual life insurance,
corporate owned life insurance (COLI) and institutional annuity insurance
products distributed by TIC and TLAC principally under the Travelers Life &
Annuity name. The Company has a license from St. Paul Travelers to use the names
"Travelers Life & Annuity," "The Travelers Insurance Company," "The Travelers
Life and Annuity Company" and related names in connection with the Company's
business. See Note 14 in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Among
the range of retail annuity products offered are fixed and variable deferred
annuities and payout annuities. Individual life insurance products offered
include term, universal and variable life insurance. The COLI product is a
variable universal life product distributed through independent specialty
brokers. The institutional annuity products include institutional pensions,
including guaranteed investment contracts (GICs), payout annuities, group
annuities sold to employer-sponsored retirement and savings plans, structured
settlements and funding agreements.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

Individual fixed and variable deferred annuities are primarily used for
retirement funding purposes. Variable annuities permit policyholders to direct
retirement funds into a number of separate accounts, which offer differing
investment options. Individual payout annuities offer a guaranteed payment
stream over a specified or life-contingent period.

Retail annuity products are distributed through affiliated channels and
non-affiliated channels. The affiliated channels include CitiStreet Retirement
Services, a division of CitiStreet LLC, (CitiStreet), a joint venture between
Citigroup and State Street Bank; Smith Barney (SB), a division of Citigroup
Global Markets Inc.; Primerica Financial Services, Inc. (PFS); and Citibank. The
non-affiliated channels primarily include a nationwide network of independent
financial professionals and independent broker-dealers. CitiStreet is a sales
organization of personal retirement planning specialists focused primarily on
the qualified periodic deferred compensation marketplace. CitiStreet is the
leading seller of retail annuities among the Company's affiliates and its share
of total individual annuity premiums and deposits was 27% in 2004. Other
affiliated retail annuities premiums and deposits in 2004 were: PFS - 17%, SB -
16% and Citibank - 9%. The non-affiliated channels accounted for 31% of
individual annuity premiums and deposits.

Individual life insurance is used to meet estate, business planning and
retirement needs and also to provide protection against financial loss due to
death. Individual life products are primarily marketed by independent financial
professionals and account for 77% of total 2004 life sales. SB and Citibank
accounted for 8% and 5%, respectively, of total individual life sales for 2004.

Institutional annuity products, including fixed and variable rate GICs, which
provide a guaranteed return on investment, continue to be a popular investment
choice for employer-sponsored retirement and savings plans. Annuities purchased
by employer-sponsored plans fulfill retirement obligations to individual
employees. Payout annuities are used primarily as a pension close-out investment
for companies. Structured settlements are purchased as a means of settling
certain indemnity claims and making other payments to policyholders over a
period of time. Funding agreement transactions offer fixed term and fixed or
variable rate investment options with policyholder status to domestic and
foreign institutional investors. These group annuity products are sold through
direct sales and various intermediaries.

TIC is licensed to sell and market its individual products in all 50 states, the
District of Columbia, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Bahamas and the U.S. and
British Virgin Islands.

The Company operates Tower Square Securities, Inc., which is an introducing
broker-dealer offering a full line of brokerage services. Tower Square
Securities facilitates the sale of individual variable life and annuity
insurance products by the independent financial professionals. Travelers
Distribution LLC, a limited purpose broker-dealer, is the principal underwriter
and distributor for TLA variable products.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K


Primerica Life and its subsidiaries, Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada,
CitiLife and NBL, are the insurance operations of the Primerica segment. Their
primary product is individual term life insurance marketed through a sales force
composed of approximately 106,000 representatives. A great majority of the
domestic licensed sales force works on a part-time basis. NBL also provides
statutory disability benefit insurance and other insurance, primarily in New
York, as well as direct response student term life insurance nationwide.
CitiLife was established in September 2000 to underwrite insurance in Europe.
Primerica, directly or through its subsidiaries, is licensed or otherwise
authorized to sell and market term life insurance in all 50 states, the District
of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana
Islands, Canada, the United Kingdom and Spain.


Insurance Regulatory Information System
- ---------------------------------------

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Insurance Regulatory
Information System (IRIS) was developed to help state regulators identify
companies that may require special attention. The IRIS system consists of a
statistical phase and an analytical phase whereby financial examiners review
annual statements and financial ratios. The statistical phase consists of 12 key
financial ratios based on year-end data that are generated from the NAIC
database annually; each ratio has an established "usual range" of results. These
ratios assist state insurance departments in executing their statutory mandate
to oversee the financial condition of insurance companies.

A ratio result falling outside the usual range of IRIS ratios is not considered
a failing result; rather, unusual values are viewed as part of the regulatory
early monitoring system. Furthermore, in some years, it may not be unusual for
financially sound companies to have several ratios with results outside the
usual ranges. An insurance company may fall out of the usual range for one or
more ratios because of specific transactions that are in themselves immaterial.
Generally, an insurance company will become subject to regulatory scrutiny if it
falls outside the usual ranges for four or more of the ratios. TLAC had four
ratios fall outside of the usual range for December 31, 2004 statutory financial
statements filed on March 1, 2005. TLAC had one ratio and three ratios fall
outside the usual range for December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. TLAC was
not subject to any regulatory action by any state insurance department or the
NAIC with respect to these IRIS ratios for the 2003 and 2002 statutory financial

Risk-Based Capital (RBC) Requirements
- -------------------------------------

In order to enhance the regulation of insurer solvency, the NAIC adopted a
formula and model law to implement RBC requirements for most life and annuity
insurance companies, which are designed to determine minimum capital
requirements and to raise the level of protection that statutory surplus
provides for policyholder obligations. For this purpose, an insurer's total
adjusted capital is measured in relation to its specific asset and liability
profiles. A company's risk-based capital is calculated by applying factors to
various asset, premium and reserve items, where the factor is higher for those
items with greater underlying risk and lower for less risky items.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

The RBC formula for life insurers measures four major areas of risk:

        o   asset risk (I.E., the risk of asset default),

        o   insurance risk (I.E., the risk of adverse mortality and morbidity

        o   interest rate risk (I.E., the risk of loss due to changes in
            interest rates) and

        o   business risk (I.E., normal business and management risk).

Under laws adopted by the states, insurers having less total adjusted capital
than that required by the RBC calculation will be subject to varying degrees of
regulatory action, depending upon the level of capital inadequacy.

The RBC law provides for four levels of regulatory action as defined by the
NAIC. The extent of regulatory intervention and action increases as the level of
total adjusted capital to RBC falls. The first level, the company action level,
requires an insurer to submit a plan of corrective actions to the regulator if
total adjusted capital falls below 200% of the RBC amount. The second level, the
regulatory action level, requires an insurer to submit a plan containing
corrective actions and requires the relevant insurance commissioner to perform
an examination or other analysis and issue a corrective order if total adjusted
capital falls below 150% of the RBC amount. The third level, the authorized
control level, authorizes the relevant commissioner to take whatever regulatory
actions are considered necessary to protect the best interest of the
policyholders and creditors of the insurer which may include the actions
necessary to cause the insurer to be placed under regulatory control, I.E.,
rehabilitation or liquidation, if total adjusted capital falls below 100% of the
RBC amount. The fourth level, the mandatory control level, requires the relevant
insurance commissioner to place the insurer under regulatory control if total
adjusted capital falls below 70% of the RBC amount.

The formulas have not been designed to differentiate among adequately
capitalized companies, which operate with higher levels of capital. Therefore,
it is inappropriate and ineffective to use the formula to rate or rank
companies. At December 31, 2004, the Company's principal domestic insurance
entities all had total adjusted capital in excess of amounts requiring company
action or any level of regulatory action at any prescribed RBC level.

Insurance Regulation Concerning Dividends
- -----------------------------------------

TIC is domiciled in the State of Connecticut. The insurance holding company law
of Connecticut requires notice to, and approval by, the State of Connecticut
Insurance Department for the declaration or payment of any dividend which,
together with other distributions made within the preceding twelve months,
exceeds the greater of (i) 10% of the insurer's surplus or (ii) the insurer's
net gain from operations for the twelve-month period ending on the preceding
December 31st, in each case determined in accordance with statutory accounting
practices. Such declaration or payment is further limited by adjusted unassigned
funds (surplus), reduced by 25% of the change in net unrealized capital gains,
as determined in accordance with statutory accounting practices. The insurance
holding company laws of other states in which the Company's insurance
subsidiaries are domiciled generally contain similar (although in certain
instances somewhat more restrictive) limitations on the payment of dividends. A
maximum of $908 million is available by the end of the year 2005 for such
dividends without prior approval of the State of Connecticut Insurance
Department, depending upon the amount and timing of the payments. In accordance
with the Connecticut statute, TLAC, after reducing its unassigned funds
(surplus) by 25% of the change in unrealized capital gains, may not pay a
dividend to TIC without prior approval of the State of Connecticut Insurance
Department. Primerica may pay up to $263 million to TIC in 2005 without prior
approval of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Insurance Department.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

The Company's 2004 dividends were paid in the following amounts: $467.5 million
on March 30; $152.5 million on June 30; and $152.5 million on September 30. Due
to the timing of the payments, these dividends were considered extraordinary.

In addition to the aforementioned quarterly dividends, the Company also made a
dividend consisting of all the issued and outstanding shares of The Travelers
Life and Annuity Reinsurance Company (TLARC) on December 15, 2004. TLARC was
valued at $250,000 and was considered to be an ordinary dividend. See Notes 4
and 13 for further discussion of TLARC.

In December 2004, the Company requested and received prior approval from the
State of Connecticut Insurance Department to pay an extraordinary dividend on
January 3, 2005. Under Connecticut law, the ordinary dividend limitation amount
is based upon the cumulative total of all dividend payments made within the
preceding twelve months. The Company's proposed dividend payment of $302.5
million payable on January 3, 2005 exceeded the ordinary dividend limitation by
approximately $167 million, based on the 2005 dividend limit of $908 million.
The State of Connecticut Insurance Department approved the request on December
19, 2004. TIC paid the dividend to its parent on January 3, 2005.

Code of Ethics
- --------------

The Company has adopted a code of ethics for financial professionals which
applies to the Company's principal executive officer and principal financial and
accounting officer. The code of ethics for financial professionals has been
included as an exhibit to this Form 10-K and can be found on the Citigroup
website by selecting the "Corporate Governance" page.


The Company's executive offices are located in Hartford, Connecticut. The
Company moved its executive offices to One Cityplace, Hartford, Connecticut,
during the first quarter of 2003. The Company occupies 373,000 square feet at
this location under an operating lease that runs through October 31, 2008.

Other leasehold interests of the Company include approximately 939,000 square
feet of office space in 24 locations throughout the United States.

Management believes that these facilities are suitable and adequate for the
Company's current needs. See Note 10 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements for additional information regarding these facilities.

The preceding discussion does not include information on investment properties.


In August 1999, an amended putative class action complaint captioned LISA
in New Britain, Connecticut Superior Court against the Company, its parent
corporation, certain of the Company's affiliates (collectively TLA), and the
Company's former affiliate, Travelers Property Casualty Corporation. The amended
complaint alleges Travelers Property Casualty Corporation purchased structured
settlement annuities from the Company and spent less on the purchase of those
structured settlement annuities than agreed with claimants; and that commissions
paid to brokers of structured settlement annuities, including an affiliate of
the Company, were paid, in part, to Travelers Property Casualty Corporation. The
amended complaint was dismissed and following an appeal by plaintiff in
September 2002 the Connecticut Supreme Court reversed the dismissal of several
of the plaintiff's claims. On May 26, 2004, the Connecticut Superior Court
certified a nationwide class action. The class action claims against TLA are


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

violation of the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practice Statute, unjust enrichment
and civil conspiracy. On June 15, 2004, the Defendants, including TLA, appealed
the Connecticut Superior Court's May 26, 2004 class certification order.

In 2003 and 2004, several issues in the mutual fund and variable insurance
product industries have come under the scrutiny of federal and state regulators.
Like many other companies in our industry, the Company has received a request
for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and a subpoena
from the New York Attorney General regarding market timing and late trading.
During 2004 the SEC requested additional information about the Company's
variable product operations on market timing, late trading and revenue sharing,
and the SEC, the National Association of Securities Dealers and the New York
Insurance Department have made inquiries into these issues and other matters
associated with the sale and distribution of insurance products. In addition,
like many insurance companies and agencies, in 2004 and 2005 the Company
received inquiries from certain state Departments of Insurance regarding
producer compensation and bidding practices. The Company is cooperating fully
with all of these requests and is not able to predict their outcomes.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K


Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I(2)(c) of Form 10-K.

                                     PART II


The Company has 40,000,000 authorized shares of common stock, all of which are
issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2004. All shares are held by an
indirect subsidiary of Citigroup, and there exists no established public trading
market for the common equity of the Company. The Company paid dividends to its
parent of $773 million and $545 million in 2004 and 2003, respectively. See Note
8 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for certain information
regarding dividend restrictions.


Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I(2)(a) of Form 10-K.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K


Management's narrative analysis of the results of operations is presented in
lieu of Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations, pursuant to General Instruction I(2)(a) of Form 10-K.

Additional information about the Company is available on the Citigroup website
at HTTP://WWW.TRAVELERSLIFE.COM by selecting the "Financial Information" page
and selecting "SEC Filings."


The Travelers Insurance Company (TIC, together with its subsidiaries, the
Company) is composed of two business segments, Travelers Life & Annuity (TLA)
and Primerica.


The Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements contain a summary of the
Company's significant accounting policies, including a discussion of recently
issued accounting pronouncements. Certain of these policies are considered to be
critical to the portrayal of the Company's financial condition, since they
require management to make difficult, complex or subjective judgments, some of
which may relate to matters that are inherently uncertain.


Deferred acquisition costs (DAC) represent costs that are deferred and amortized
over the estimated life of the related insurance policies. DAC principally
includes commissions and certain expenses related to policy issuance,
underwriting and marketing, all of which vary with and are primarily related to
the production of new business. The method for determining amortization of
deferred acquisition costs varies by product type based upon three different
accounting pronouncements: Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)
No. 60, "Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises" (SFAS 60), SFAS No.
91, "Accounting for Nonrefundable Fees and Costs Associated with Originating or
Acquiring Loans and Initial Direct Costs of Leases" (SFAS 91) and SFAS No. 97,
"Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Long Duration
Contracts and for Realized Gains and Losses from the Sale of Investments" (SFAS

DAC for deferred annuities, both fixed and variable, and payout annuities is
amortized employing a level effective yield methodology per SFAS 91 as indicated
by AICPA Practice Bulletin 8, generally over 10-15 years. An amortization rate
is developed using the outstanding DAC balance and projected account balances.
This rate is applied to actual account balances to determine the amount of DAC
amortization. The projected account balances are derived using a model that
contains assumptions related to investment returns and persistency. The model
rate is evaluated at least annually, and changes in underlying lapse and
interest rate assumptions are to be treated retrospectively. Variances in
expected equity market returns versus actual returns are treated prospectively
and a new amortization pattern is developed so that the DAC balances will be
amortized over the remaining estimated life of the business.

DAC for universal life and COLI is amortized in relation to estimated gross
profits from surrender charges, investment, mortality, and expense margins per
SFAS 97, generally over 16-25 years. Actual profits can vary from management's
estimates, resulting in increases or decreases in the rate of amortization.
Re-estimates of gross profits, performed at least annually, result in
retrospective adjustments to earnings by a cumulative charge or credit to


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

DAC relating to traditional life, including term insurance, and health insurance
is amortized in relation to anticipated premiums per SFAS 60, generally over
5-20 years. Assumptions as to the anticipated premiums are made at the date of
policy issuance or acquisition and are consistently applied over the life of the

All DAC is reviewed at least annually to determine if it is recoverable from
future income, including investment income, and, if not recoverable, is charged
to expense. All other acquisition expenses are charged to operations as


Future policy benefits represent liabilities for future insurance policy
benefits for payout annuities and traditional life products and are prepared in
accordance with industry standards and accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States of America (GAAP). The annuity payout reserves are
calculated using the mortality and interest assumptions used in the actual
pricing of the benefit. Mortality assumptions are based on the Company's
experience and are adjusted to reflect deviations such as substandard mortality
in structured settlement benefits. The interest rates range from 1.7% to 8.7%,
with a weighted average rate of 6.5% for these annuity products. Traditional
life products include whole life and term insurance. Future policy benefits for
traditional life products are estimated on the basis of actuarial assumptions as
to mortality, persistency and interest, established at policy issue. Actuarial
and interest assumptions include a margin for adverse deviation and are based on
the Company's experience. Interest assumptions applicable to traditional life
products range from 2.5% to 7.0%, with a weighted average of 5.3%.


Fixed maturities, which comprise 78% and 75% of total investments at December
31, 2004 and 2003, respectively, include bonds, notes and redeemable preferred
stocks. Fixed maturities, including instruments subject to securities lending
agreements (see Note 3 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements), are
classified as "available for sale" and are reported at fair value, with
unrealized investment gains and losses, net of income taxes, credited or charged
directly to shareholder's equity. Fair values of investments in fixed maturities
are based on quoted market prices or dealer quotes. If quoted market prices are
not available, discounted expected cash flows using market rates commensurate
with the credit quality and maturity of the investment are used to determine
fair value. Changes in assumptions could affect the fair values of fixed
maturities. Impairments are realized when investment losses in value are deemed
other-than-temporary. The Company conducts a rigorous review each quarter to
identify and evaluate investments that have possible indications of impairment.
An investment in a debt or equity security is impaired if its fair value falls
below its cost and the decline is considered other-than-temporary. Factors
considered in determining whether a loss is other-than-temporary include the
length of time and extent to which fair value has been below cost; the financial
condition and near-term prospects of the issuer; and the Company's ability and
intent to hold the investment for a period of time sufficient to allow for any
anticipated recovery. Changing economic conditions - global, regional, or
related to specific issuers or industries - could result in other-than-temporary


Premium income is reported for individual payout annuities, group close-out
annuities, whole life and term insurance. The annuities premiums are recognized
as revenue when collected. The life premiums are recognized as revenues when
due. Premiums for contracts with a limited number of premium payments, due over
a significantly shorter period than the period over which benefits are provided,
are considered revenue when due. The portion of premium which is not required to
provide for benefits and expenses is deferred and recognized in revenues in a
constant relationship to insurance benefits in force.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K


FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,                        2004          2003
- --------------------------------                      ------        ------
     ($ IN MILLIONS)

Revenues                                              $6,495        $6,139

Insurance benefits and interest credited               3,276         3,350

Operating expenses                                     1,136           960
                                                      ------        ------

Income before taxes                                    2,083         1,829

Income taxes                                             602           471
                                                      ------        ------

Net income                                            $1,481        $1,358
                                                      ======        ======

Net income in 2004 increased 9% from 2003, primarily attributable to increased
revenues due to earnings from business volume growth and improved retained
investment margins. These increases were partially offset by higher operating
expenses and higher DAC amortization and lower investment yields. See the
detailed description of each business segment for additional information.


FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,                        2004          2003
- -------------------------------                       ------        ------

Revenues                                              $4,725        $4,479

Insurance benefits and interest credited               2,716         2,816

Operating expenses                                       658           505
                                                      ------        ------

Income before taxes                                    1,351         1,158

Income taxes                                             361           240
                                                      ------        ------

Net income                                            $  990        $  918
                                                      ======        ======

Net income of $990 million in 2004, which increased 8% from $918 million in
2003, was primarily attributable to earnings from higher fee revenues and net
investment income (NII) from increased business volumes. These increases were
partially offset by higher operating expenses, higher DAC amortization and lower
investment yields, as well as a $30 million Dividends Received Deduction (DRD)
tax benefit related to prior periods in 2004, versus a $50 million DRD tax
benefit relating to prior periods in 2003.

TLA revenues increased to $4.7 billion in 2004, 5% higher than 2003. This
increased revenue was driven by NII and fee revenue, partially offset by a
decline in premiums.

TLA NII increased 10% to $3,012 million in 2004 from $2,743 million in 2003. The
increase was driven by a larger invested asset base from higher business volumes
and favorable equity and real estate returns.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

The following table shows net written premiums and deposits by product line for
each of the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003. The majority of the annuity
business and a substantial portion of the life business written by TLA are
accounted for as investment contracts, with the result that the deposits
collected are reported as liabilities and are not included in revenues. Deposits
represent a statistic used for measuring business volumes, which management of
the Company uses to manage the life insurance and annuities operations, and may
not be comparable to similarly captioned measurements used by other life
insurance companies.

                                                  2004                        2003
      ($ IN MILLIONS)                     Premiums   Deposits         Premiums    Deposits
                                          --------   --------         --------    --------
Retail annuities
  Fixed                                     $  --    $    582          $    --    $    535
  Variable                                     --       4,977               --       3,983
  Individual payout                            69          36               26          28
                                            -----    --------          -------    --------
Total retail annuities                         69       5,595               26       4,546
Institutional annuities                       707       7,284              908       6,494
Individual life insurance:
  Direct periodic premiums & deposits         136         865              140         686
  Single premium deposits                      --         745               --         405
  Reinsurance                                 (51)       (112)             (40)        (99)
                                            -----    --------          -------    --------
Total individual life insurance                85       1,498              100         992
Other                                          50          --               48          --
                                            -----    --------          -------    --------
         Total                              $ 911    $ 14,377          $ 1,082    $ 12,032
                                            =====    ========          =======    ========

Retail annuity deposits increased 23% in 2004 to $5.6 billion from $4.5 billion
in 2003, reflecting strong variable annuity sales due to improved equity market
conditions in 2004 and sales of the guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit
feature of the variable annuity product. Retail annuity account balances and
benefit reserves were $37.2 billion at December 31, 2004, up from $32.9 billion
at December 31, 2003. This increase reflects equity market growth in variable
annuity investments of $2.3 billion in 2004 and $2.1 billion of net sales from
good in-force retention.

Institutional annuities deposits (excluding the Company's employee pension plan
deposits) in 2004 increased 12% to $7.3 billion from 2003, reflecting higher
fixed and variable rate guaranteed investment contracts (GIC) sales. 2003
included a total of $1.0 billion fixed rate GIC sales to The Federal Home Loan
Bank of Boston. Institutional annuities premiums decreased 22% to $707 million
in 2004, primarily related to a one-time group close-out sale of $290 million in
2003. Group annuity account balances and benefit reserves reached $27.9 billion
at December 31, 2004, an increase of $2.7 billion, or 11%, from $25.2 billion at
December 31, 2003, reflecting continued strong GIC sales.

Deposits for the life insurance business increased 51% to $1.5 billion from
2003. This increase was related to an 84% increase in single premium sales and
higher direct periodic deposits for individual life insurance in 2004, driven by
independent agent high-end estate planning, partially offset by a 54% decrease
in COLI sales. Life insurance in force was $100.8 billion at December 31, 2004
up from $89.5 billion at December 31, 2003.

During 2004, TLA expenses increased primarily due to higher DAC amortization and
volume-related insurance expenses.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

The amortization of capitalized DAC is a significant component of TLA expenses.
TLA's recording of DAC amortization varies based upon product type. DAC for
deferred annuities, both fixed and variable, and payout annuities employs a
level yield methodology as described in SFAS 91. DAC for universal life (UL) and
COLI is amortized in relation to estimated gross profits as described in SFAS
97, with traditional life, including term insurance and other products amortized
in relation to anticipated premiums as per SFAS 60. The following is a summary
of capitalized DAC by type:

                                              Deferred & Payout              Traditional Life
    ($ IN MILLIONS)                               Annuities       UL & COLI       & Other         Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance January 1, 2003                            $ 1,353         $   578         $ 113         $ 2,044

Commissions and expenses deferred                      340             221            22             583
Amortization expense                                  (212)            (33)          (21)           (266)
Balance December 31, 2003                            1,481             766           114           2,361

Commissions and expenses deferred                      448             342            20             810
Amortization expense                                  (273)            (51)          (20)           (344)
Underlying lapse and interest rate adjustment          (17)             --            --             (17)
Pattern of estimated gross profit adjustment            --             (39)           --             (39)
Balance December 31, 2004                          $ 1,639         $ 1,018         $ 114         $ 2,771
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DAC capitalization increased $227 million or 39% in 2004 over 2003 driven by the
$121 million or 55% increase in UL and COLI, and the $108 million or 32%
increase in deferred and payout annuities, which is consistent with the increase
in premiums and deposits for those lines of business. The increase in
amortization expense in 2004 was primarily driven by business volume growth in
deferred annuities and UL, and also included a one-time adjustment for the
change in pattern in the estimated gross profits on the UL business and a
one-time increase in deferred annuities DAC amortization due to changes in
underlying lapse and expense adjustments.


TLA should benefit from growth in the aging population which is becoming more
focused on the need to accumulate adequate savings for retirement, to protect
these savings and to plan for the transfer of wealth to the next generation. TLA
is well positioned to take advantage of the favorable long-term demographic
trends through its strong financial position, widespread brand name recognition
and broad array of competitive life, annuity, retirement and estate planning
products sold through established distribution channels.

TLA's business is significantly affected by movements in the U.S. equity and
fixed income credit markets. U.S. equity and credit market events can have both
positive and negative effects on the deposit, revenue and policy retention
performance of the business. A sustained weakness in the equity markets will
decrease revenues and earnings in variable annuity products. Declines in credit
quality of issuers will have a negative effect on earnings. The retail annuities
business is interest rate and equity market sensitive. TLA's variable annuities
offer products with guaranteed features that are equity market sensitive. The
guaranteed minimum death benefit feature pays benefits when at the time of death
of a contractholder the account value is below the guaranteed amount. Another
guaranteed feature offered is a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit, which is
considered an embedded derivative. Exposure increases with the decline in equity
markets and exposure decreases with equity market growth. This creates earnings
volatility because the embedded derivative is marked to market through income.
TLA has entered into an alternative hedging strategy to reduce the earnings


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

Citigroup, the Company's ultimate parent, has agreed to sell its Life Insurance
and Annuities business to MetLife, Inc. TIC and TLA are included in Citigroup's
Life Insurance and Annuities business. The transaction is expected to close this
summer. At that time TLA, after giving effect to certain dispositions to be
effected prior to the closing, will become part of MetLife, Inc. See Note 17 of
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Due to the proposed transaction, there may be a negative impact on institutional
annuity sales in 2005, in particular fixed rate GICs, as potential customers
assess the concentration risk associated with the combination of MetLife, Inc.
and TLA.

Federal and state regulators have focused on, and continue to devote substantial
attention to, the mutual fund and variable insurance product industries. As a
result of publicity relating to widespread perceptions of industry abuses, there
have been numerous proposals for legislative and regulatory reforms, including
mutual fund governance, new disclosure requirements concerning mutual fund share
classes, commission breakpoints, revenue sharing, advisory fees, market timing,
late trading, portfolio pricing, annuity products, hedge funds, producer
compensation and other issues. It is difficult to predict at this time whether
changes resulting from new laws and regulations will affect the industries or
the Company's businesses, and, if so, to what degree.

The statements above are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. See "Forward-Looking Statements" on
page 16.


FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,                        2004          2003
- --------------------------------                      ------        ------

     Revenues                                         $1,770        $1,660

     Insurance benefits                                  560           534

     Operating expenses                                  478           455
                                                      ------        ------

     Income before taxes                                 732           671

     Income taxes                                        241           231
                                                      ------        ------

     Net income                                       $  491        $  440
                                                      ======        ======

Net income increased 12% to $491 million from $440 million in 2003. The increase
in net income reflects growth in life insurance in force from $503.6 billion at
December 31, 2003 to $545.4 billion at December 31, 2004 and higher NII from a
larger invested capital base. These were partially offset by volume-related
increases in DAC amortization. Other general expense increased slightly,
consistent with the increase of life insurance in-force. Mortality experience
was favorable in 2004, compared to 2003, however, there was an increase in
incurred claims. This increase is provided for by growth in the in-force,
associated premium revenues and policyholders reserve balances.

The amortization of capitalized DAC is a significant component of Primerica's
expenses. All of Primerica's DAC is associated with traditional life products.
DAC is amortized in relation to anticipated premiums as per SFAS 60. Amortized
DAC has remained level as a percentage of direct premiums. DAC amortization
increased from $235 million in 2003 to $249 in 2004, due to growth in sales and
in-force business.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

The following is a summary of capitalized DAC:

                     ($ IN MILLIONS)
                Balance January 1, 2003                $ 1,892

                Deferred expenses and other                377
                Amortization expense                      (235)

                Balance December 31, 2003                2,034

                Deferred expenses and other                393
                Amortization expense                      (249)

                Balance December 31, 2004              $ 2,178


FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,                        2004          2003
- --------------------------------                      ------        ------

     Individual term life                             $1,243        $1,179

     Other                                                72            66
                                                      ------        ------

                                                      $1,315        $1,245
                                                      ======        ======

The total face amount of term life insurance issued was $91.4 billion in 2004
compared to $82.2 billion in 2003. This increase in term life production
resulted from the increase in the productivity of licensed life representatives.
Life insurance in force at year-end 2004 reached $545.4 billion, up from $503.6
billion at year-end 2003, reflecting consistent in-force policy retention and
higher volume of sales.


Over the last few years, training programs, primarily sales and product
training, have been developed and deployed to maintain high compliance
standards, increase the number of producing agents and customer contacts and,
ultimately, increase production levels. A continuation of these trends could
positively influence future operations. This statement is a forward-looking
statement within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act.
See "Forward-Looking Statements" on page 16.

Citigroup, the Company's ultimate parent, has agreed to sell its Life Insurance
and Annuities business to MetLife, Inc. TIC, Primerica's direct parent, is
included in Citigroup's Life Insurance and Annuities business. Primerica and its
subsidiaries, through a dividend, will remain part of Citigroup.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K


See Note 1 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for Future Application
of Accounting Standards.


Certain of the statements contained herein that are not historical facts are
forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act. The Company's actual results may differ materially from
those included in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are
typically identified by the words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend,"
"estimate," "may increase," "may fluctuate," and similar expressions or future
or conditional verbs such as "will," "should," "would," and "could." These
forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, but not
limited to, regulatory matters, the resolution of legal proceedings, the impact
that the proposed sale to MetLife, Inc., and the transactions to be effected
before that sale, may have on the Company and its prospects, the potential
impact of a decline in credit quality of investments on earnings; the Company's
market risk and the discussions of the Company's prospects under "Outlook" on
the previous pages.


Market risk is the risk of loss arising from adverse changes in market rates and
prices, such as interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates, and other
relevant market rate or price changes. Market risk is directly influenced by the
volatility and liquidity in the markets in which the related underlying assets
are traded. The following is a discussion of the Company's primary market risk
exposures and how those exposures are currently managed as of December 31, 2004.


The primary market risk to the Company's investment portfolio is interest rate
risk associated with investments. The Company's exposure to equity price risk
and foreign exchange risk is not significant. The Company has no direct
commodity risk.

The interest rate risk taken in the investment portfolio is managed relative to
the duration of the liabilities. The portfolio is differentiated by product
line, with each product line's portfolio structured to meet its particular
needs. Potential liquidity needs of the business are also key factors in
managing the investment portfolio. The portfolio duration relative to the
liabilities' duration is primarily managed through cash market transactions. For
additional information regarding the Company's investment portfolio see Note 3
of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

There were no significant changes in the Company's primary market risk exposures
or in how those exposures are managed compared to the year ended December 31,
2003. The Company does not anticipate significant changes in the Company's
primary market risk exposures or in how those exposures are managed in future
reporting periods based upon what is known or expected to be in effect in future
reporting periods. The statements above are forward-looking statements within
the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. See
"Forward-Looking Statements" above.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K


Sensitivity analysis is defined as the measurement of potential loss in future
earnings, fair values or cash flows of market-sensitive instruments resulting
from one or more selected hypothetical changes in interest rates and other
market rates or prices over a selected time. In the Company's sensitivity
analysis model, a hypothetical change in market rates is selected that is
expected to reflect reasonably possible near-term changes in those rates. The
term "near-term" means a period of time going forward up to one year from the
date of the financial statements.
Actual results may differ from the hypothetical change in market rates assumed
in this report, especially since this sensitivity analysis does not reflect the
results of any actions that would be taken by the Company to mitigate such
hypothetical losses in fair value.

In this sensitivity analysis model, the Company uses fair values to measure its
potential loss. The sensitivity analysis model includes the following financial
instruments: fixed maturities, interest-bearing non-redeemable preferred stock,
mortgage loans, short-term securities, cash, investment income accrued, policy
loans, contractholder funds, guaranteed separate account assets and liabilities
and derivative financial instruments. In addition, certain non-financial
instrument liabilities have been included in the sensitivity analysis model.
These non-financial instruments include future policy benefits and policy and
contract claims. The primary market risk to the Company's market-sensitive
instruments is interest rate risk. The sensitivity analysis model uses a 100
basis point change in interest rates to measure the hypothetical change in fair
value of financial instruments and the non-financial instruments included in the

For invested assets, duration modeling is used to calculate changes in fair
values. Durations on invested assets are adjusted for call, put and reset
features. Portfolio durations are calculated on a market value weighted basis,
including accrued investment income, using trade date holdings as of December
31, 2004 and 2003. The current duration of invested assets as of December 31,
2004 is 4.6 years. The sensitivity analysis model used by the Company produces a
loss in fair value of interest rate sensitive invested assets of approximately
$2.4 billion and $2.2 billion based on a 100 basis point increase in interest
rates as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

Liability durations are determined consistently with the determination of
liability fair values. Where fair values are determined by discounting expected
cash flows, the duration is the percentage change in the fair value for a 100
basis point change in the discount rate. Where liability fair values are set
equal to surrender values, option-adjusted duration techniques are used to
calculate changes in fair values. The duration of liabilities as of December 31,
2004 is 5.1 years. The sensitivity analysis model used by the Company produces a
decrease in fair value of interest rate sensitive insurance policy and claims
reserves of approximately $1.9 billion and $1.7 billion based on a 100 basis
point increase in interest rates as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.
Based on the sensitivity analysis model used by the Company, the net loss in
fair value of market sensitive instruments, including non-financial instrument
liabilities, as a result of a 100 basis point increase in interest rates as of
December 31, 2004 and 2003 is not material.


The Company maintains a trading portfolio consisting primarily of convertible
bonds and common stocks with carrying values of $1,360 million and $1,707
million as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively, and $473 million and
$637 million of liabilities resulting from common stocks sold not yet purchased
(referred to as short sales) as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. The
primary market risk to the trading portfolio is equity risk. Assets are reported
as trading securities and liabilities are reported as trading securities sold
not yet purchased.


                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

The Company's primary investment strategy is convertible bond arbitrage where
convertible bonds are paired with short sales of the common stocks of companies
issuing the convertible bonds. These positions are established and maintained so
that general changes in equity markets and interest rates should not materially
impact the value of the portfolio.


The table below provides information about the trading portfolio's financial
instruments that are primarily exposed to equity price risk. This table presents
the fair values of these instruments as of December 31, 2004 and 2003. Fair
values are based upon quoted market prices.

($ IN MILLIONS)                             Fair value as of    Fair value as of
- ---------------                            December 31, 2004   December 31, 2003
                                           -----------------   -----------------
  Trading securities
    Convertible bond arbitrage                   $1,110             $1,447
    Other                                           250                260
                                                 ------             ------
                                                 $1,360             $1,707
                                                 ======             ======
  Trading securities sold not yet purchased
    Convertible bond arbitrage                   $  460             $  629
    Other                                            13                  8
                                                 ------             ------
                                                 $  473             $  637
                                                 ======             ======

The Company's trading portfolio investments and related liabilities are normally
held for periods less than six months. Therefore, expected future cash flows for
these assets and liabilities are expected to be realized in less than one year.




                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm..................20

     Consolidated Financial Statements:

         Consolidated Statements of Income for
         the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002.....................21

         Consolidated Balance Sheets - December 31, 2004 and 2003.............22

         Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholder's Equity
         for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002.................23

         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for
         the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002.....................24

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements........................25-66



The Board of Directors and Shareholder
The Travelers Insurance Company:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of The Travelers
Insurance Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, and the
related consolidated statements of income, changes in shareholder's equity, and
cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31,
2004. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Travelers
Insurance Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, and the
results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the
three-year period ended December 31, 2004, in conformity with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles.

As discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company
changed its methods of accounting and reporting for certain nontraditional
long-duration contracts and for separate accounts in 2004, variable interest
entities in 2003, and for goodwill and intangible assets in 2002.


Hartford, Connecticut
March 28, 2005


                                 ($ IN MILLIONS)

FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                         2004     2003      2002
                                                      ------   ------   -------

Premiums                                              $2,226   $2,327   $ 1,924
Net investment income                                  3,348    3,058     2,936
Realized investment gains (losses)                        16       37      (322)
Fee income                                               781      606       560
Other revenues                                           124      111       136
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Revenues                                    6,495    6,139     5,234
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current and future insurance benefits                  1,971    2,102     1,711
Interest credited to contractholders                   1,305    1,248     1,220
Amortization of deferred acquisition costs               649      501       393
General and administrative expenses                      487      459       407
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Benefits and Expenses                       4,412    4,310     3,731
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from operations before federal income taxes     2,083    1,829     1,503
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Federal income taxes
     Current                                             563      360       236
     Deferred                                             39      111       185
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Federal Income Taxes                          602      471       421
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                                            $1,481   $1,358   $ 1,082

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 ($ IN MILLIONS)

AT DECEMBER 31,                                                 2004      2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fixed maturities, available for sale at fair value
  (including $2,468 and $2,170 subject to securities
  lending agreements) (cost $45,314; $40,119)                 $ 47,715   $42,323
Equity securities, at fair value (cost $322; $323)                 367       362
Mortgage loans                                                   2,124     1,886
Policy loans                                                     1,121     1,135
Short-term securities                                            3,731     3,603
Trading securities, at fair value                                1,360     1,707
Other invested assets                                            5,005     5,188
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Investments                                          61,423    56,204
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash                                                               246       149
Investment income accrued                                          606       567
Premium balances receivable                                        177       165
Reinsurance recoverables                                         4,667     4,470
Deferred acquisition costs                                       4,949     4,395
Separate and variable accounts                                  31,327    26,972
Other assets                                                     2,448     2,426
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Assets                                             $105,843   $95,348
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Contractholder funds                                          $ 34,101   $30,252
Future policy benefits and claims                               16,808    15,964
Separate and variable accounts                                  31,327    26,972
Deferred federal income taxes                                    2,220     2,030
Trading securities sold not yet purchased, at fair value           473       637
Other liabilities                                                6,609     6,136
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Liabilities                                          91,538    81,991
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Common stock, par value $2.50; 40 million shares
  authorized, issued and outstanding
                                                                   100       100
Additional paid-in capital                                       5,449     5,446
Retained earnings                                                7,159     6,451
Accumulated other changes in equity from nonowner sources        1,597     1,360
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Shareholder's Equity                                 14,305    13,357
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Total Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity               $105,843   $95,348

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                       ($ IN MILLIONS)

                                                 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMON STOCK                                         2004       2003       2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, beginning of year                        $   100    $   100    $   100
Changes in common stock                                --         --         --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, end of year                              $   100    $   100    $   100

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, beginning of year                        $ 5,446    $ 5,443    $ 3,864
Stock option tax benefit (expense)                      3          3        (17)
Capital contributed by parent                          --         --      1,596
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, end of year                              $ 5,449    $ 5,446    $ 5,443

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, beginning of year                        $ 6,451    $ 5,638    $ 5,142
Net income                                          1,481      1,358      1,082
Dividends to parent                                  (773)      (545)      (586)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, end of year                              $ 7,159    $ 6,451    $ 5,638

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, beginning of year                        $ 1,360    $   454    $    74
Unrealized gains, net of tax                          138        817        452
Foreign currency translation, net of tax                1          4          3
Derivative instrument hedging activity
  gains (losses), net of tax                           98         85        (75)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, end of year                              $ 1,597    $ 1,360    $   454

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income                                        $ 1,481    $ 1,358    $ 1,082
Other changes in equity from nonowner sources         237        906        380
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total changes in equity from nonowner sources     $ 1,718    $ 2,264    $ 1,462

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Changes in total shareholder's equity             $   948    $ 1,722    $ 2,455
Balance, beginning of year                         13,357     11,635      9,180
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, end of year                              $14,305    $13,357    $11,635

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                           INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH
                                 ($ IN MILLIONS)

FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                     2004       2003       2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Premiums collected                             $ 2,218    $ 2,335    $ 1,917
   Net investment income received                   3,228      2,787      2,741
   Other revenues received                            901        335        384
   Benefits and claims paid                        (1,367)    (1,270)    (1,218)
   Interest paid to contractholders                (1,294)    (1,226)    (1,220)
   Operating expenses paid                         (1,646)    (1,375)    (1,310)
   Income taxes paid                                 (262)      (456)      (197)
   Trading account investments (purchases),
      sales, net                                      226       (232)        76
   Other                                             (479)       (84)      (105)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities     1,525        814      1,068
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Proceeds from maturities of investments
      Fixed maturities                              6,833      7,446      4,459
      Mortgage loans                                  655        358        374
   Proceeds from sales of investments
      Fixed maturities                              7,796     15,078     15,472
      Equity securities                                78        124        212
      Mortgage loans                                   52         --         --
      Real estate held for sale                        55          5         26
   Purchases of investments
      Fixed maturities                            (19,164)   (26,766)   (23,623)
      Equity securities                              (157)      (144)      (134)
      Mortgage loans                                 (944)      (317)      (355)
   Policy loans, net                                   14         34         39
   Short-term securities (purchases) sales, net      (116)       814     (1,320)
   Other investments (purchases) sales, net            50        108        (69)
   Securities transactions in course of
      settlement, net                                 699       (618)       529
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net Cash Used in Investing Activities           (4,149)    (3,878)    (4,390)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Contractholder fund deposits                     9,619      8,326      8,505
   Contractholder fund withdrawals                 (6,125)    (4,754)    (4,729)
   Capital contribution by parent                      --         --        172
   Dividends to parent company                       (773)      (545)      (586)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities     2,721      3,027      3,362
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash                        97        (37)        40
Cash at December 31, previous year                    149        186        146
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash at December 31, current year                 $   246    $   149    $   186

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




Significant accounting policies used in the preparation of the accompanying
financial statements follow.


The Travelers Insurance Company (TIC, together with its subsidiaries, the
Company), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup Insurance Holding
Corporation (CIHC), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc.
(Citigroup), a diversified global financial services holding company whose
businesses provide a broad range of financial services to consumer and corporate
customers around the world. The consolidated financial statements include the
accounts of the Company and its insurance and non-insurance subsidiaries on a
fully consolidated basis. The primary insurance entities of the Company are TIC
and its subsidiaries, The Travelers Life and Annuity Company (TLAC), Primerica
Life Insurance Company (Primerica Life), and its subsidiaries, Primerica Life
Insurance Company of Canada, CitiLife Financial Limited (CitiLife) and National
Benefit Life Insurance Company (NBL). Significant intercompany transactions and
balances have been eliminated. The Company consolidates entities deemed to be
variable interest entities when the Company is determined to be the primary
beneficiary under Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Interpretation No.
46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities" (FIN 46).

On January 31, 2005, Citigroup announced its intention to sell its Life
Insurance and Annuities business, which includes TIC, TLAC and certain other
businesses, to MetLife, Inc. Primerica Life and its subsidiaries will remain
part of Citigroup. See Note 17.

The financial statements and accompanying footnotes of the Company are prepared
in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The
preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management
to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and benefits and
expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those

Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the 2004



On January 1, 2004, the Company adopted the Accounting Standards Executive
Committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Statement of
Position 03-1, "Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises for Certain
Nontraditional Long-Duration Contracts and for Separate Accounts" (SOP 03-1).
The main components of SOP 03-1 provide guidance on accounting and reporting by
insurance enterprises for separate account presentation, accounting for an
insurer's interest in a separate account, transfers to a separate account,
valuation of certain liabilities, contracts with death or other benefit
features, contracts that provide annuitization benefits, and sales inducements
to contract holders.



The following summarizes the more significant aspects of the Company's adoption
of SOP 03-1:

SEPARATE ACCOUNT PRESENTATION. SOP 03-1 requires separate account products to
meet certain criteria in order to be treated as separate account products. For
products not meeting the specified criteria, these assets and liabilities are
included in the reporting entities' general account.

The Company's adoption of SOP 03-1 resulted in the consolidation on the
Company's balance sheet of approximately $500 million of investments previously
held in separate and variable account assets and approximately $500 million of
contractholder funds previously held in separate and variable account

variable annuity contracts with guaranteed minimum death benefit (GMDB)
features, SOP 03-1 requires the reporting entity to categorize the contract as
either an insurance or investment contract based upon the significance of
mortality or morbidity risk. SOP 03-1 provides explicit guidance for calculating
a reserve for insurance contracts, and provides that the reporting entity does
not hold reserves for investment contracts (i.e., there is no significant
mortality risk).

The Company determined that the mortality risk on its GMDB features was not a
significant component of the overall variable annuity product, and accordingly
continued to classify these products as investment contracts. Prior to the
adoption of SOP 03-1, the Company held a reserve of approximately $8 million to
cover potential GMDB exposure. This reserve was released during the first
quarter of 2004 as part of the implementation of SOP 03-1.

requires that a reserve, in addition to the account balance, be established for
certain insurance benefit features provided under universal life (UL) and
variable universal life (VUL) products if the amounts assessed against the
contract holder each period for the insurance benefit feature are assessed in a
manner that is expected to result in profits in earlier years and losses in
subsequent years from the insurance benefit function.

The Company's UL and VUL products were reviewed to determine if an additional
reserve is required under SOP 03-1. The Company determined that SOP 03-1 applied
to some of its UL and VUL contracts with these features and established an
additional reserve of approximately $1 million.

SALES INDUCEMENTS TO CONTRACT HOLDERS. SOP 03-1 provides, prospectively, that
sales inducements provided to contract holders meeting certain criteria are
capitalized and amortized over the expected life of the contract as a component
of benefit expense. During 2004, the Company capitalized sales inducements of
approximately $50.6 million in accordance with SOP 03-1. These inducements
relate to bonuses on certain products offered by the Company. For 2004,
amortization of these capitalized amounts was insignificant.


On January 1, 2004, the Company adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) Interpretation No. 46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities
(revised December 2003)," (FIN 46-R), which includes substantial changes from
the original FIN 46. Included in these changes, the calculation of expected
losses and expected residual returns has been altered to reduce the impact of
decision maker and guarantor fees in the calculation of expected residual
returns and expected losses. In addition, the definition of a variable interest
has been changed in the revised guidance. FIN 46 and FIN 46-R change the method
of determining



whether certain entities should be included in the Company's consolidated
financial statements. The Company has evaluated the impact of applying FIN 46-R
to existing VIEs in which it has variable interests. The effect of adopting FIN
46-R on the Company's consolidated balance sheet is immaterial. See Note 3.

An entity is subject to FIN 46 and FIN 46-R and is called a variable interest
entity (VIE) if it has (1) equity that is insufficient to permit the entity to
finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support from
other parties, or (2) equity investors that cannot make significant decisions
about the entity's operations or that do not absorb the expected losses or
receive the expected returns of the entity. All other entities are evaluated for
consolidation under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 94,
"Consolidation of All Majority-Owned Subsidiaries" (SFAS 94). A VIE is
consolidated by its primary beneficiary, which is the party involved with the
VIE that has a majority of the expected losses or a majority of the expected
residual returns or both.

For any VIEs that must be consolidated under FIN 46 that were created before
February 1, 2003, the assets, liabilities, and noncontrolling interests of the
VIE are initially measured at their carrying amounts with any difference between
the net amount added to the balance sheet and any previously recognized interest
being recognized as the cumulative effect of an accounting change. If
determining the carrying amounts is not practicable, fair value at the date FIN
46 first applies may be used to measure the assets, liabilities, and
noncontrolling interests of the VIE. In October 2003, the FASB announced that
the effective date of FIN 46 was deferred from July 1, 2003 to periods ending
after December 15, 2003 for VIEs created prior to February 1, 2003. TIC elected
to implement the provisions of FIN 46 in the 2003 third quarter, resulting in
the consolidation of VIEs increasing both total assets and total liabilities by
approximately $407 million. The implementation of FIN 46 encompassed a review of
numerous entities to determine the impact of adoption and considerable judgment
was used in evaluating whether or not a VIE should be consolidated.


In April 2003, the FASB issued SFAS No. 149, "Amendment of Statement 133 on
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (SFAS 149). SFAS 149 amends and
clarifies accounting for derivative instruments, including certain derivative
instruments embedded in other contracts, and for hedging activities under SFAS
No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." In
particular, this Statement clarifies under what circumstances a contract with an
initial net investment meets the characteristic of a derivative and when a
derivative contains a financing component that warrants special reporting in the
statement of cash flows. This Statement is generally effective for contracts
entered into or modified after June 30, 2003 and did not have a significant
impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.


On January 1, 2003, the Company adopted SFAS No. 146, "Accounting for Costs
Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities" (SFAS 146). SFAS 146 requires that
a liability for costs associated with exit or disposal activities, other than in
a business combination, be recognized when the liability is incurred. Previous
generally accepted accounting principles provided for the recognition of such
costs at the date of management's commitment to an exit plan. In addition, SFAS
146 requires that the liability be measured at fair value and be adjusted for
changes in estimated cash flows. The provisions of the new standard are
effective for exit or disposal activities initiated after December 31, 2002. The
adoption of SFAS 146 did not affect the Company's consolidated financial




On January 1, 2003, the Company adopted the fair value recognition provisions of
SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" (SFAS 123),
prospectively for all awards granted, modified, or settled after December 31,
2002. The prospective method is one of the adoption methods provided for under
SFAS No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation - Transition and
Disclosure," issued in December 2002. SFAS 123 requires that compensation cost
for all stock awards be calculated and recognized over the service period
(generally equal to the vesting period). This compensation cost is determined
using option pricing models, intended to estimate the fair value of the awards
at the grant date. Similar to Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25,
"Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" (APB 25), the alternative method of
accounting, an offsetting increase to stockholders' equity under SFAS 123 is
recorded equal to the amount of compensation expense charged. During the 2004
first quarter, the Company changed its option valuation from the Black-Scholes
model to the Binomial Method. The impact of this change was immaterial.

Had the Company applied SFAS 123 prior to 2003 in accounting for Citigroup stock
options, net income would have been the pro forma amounts indicated below:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                             2004       2003      2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compensation expense related to    As reported        $2         $2        $--
stock option plans, net of tax     Pro forma           5          7          9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                         As reported    $1,481     $1,358     $1,082
                                   Pro forma       1,478      1,353      1,073
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Effective January 1, 2002, the Company adopted the FASB SFAS No. 141, "Business
Combinations" (SFAS 141) and No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets"
(SFAS 142). These standards change the accounting for business combinations by,
among other things, prohibiting the prospective use of pooling-of-interests
accounting and requiring companies to stop amortizing goodwill and certain
intangible assets with an indefinite useful life created by business
combinations accounted for using the purchase method of accounting. Instead,
goodwill and intangible assets deemed to have an indefinite useful life will be
subject to an annual review for impairment. Other intangible assets that are not
deemed to have an indefinite useful life will continue to be amortized over
their useful lives. See Note 5.



On September 30, 2004, the FASB voted unanimously to delay the effective date of
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) No. 03-1, "The Meaning of Other-Than-Temporary
Impairment and its Application to Certain Investments" (EITF 03-1). The delay
applies to both debt and equity securities and specifically applies to
impairments caused by interest rate and sector spreads. In addition, the
provisions of EITF 03-1 that have been delayed relate to the requirements that a
company declare its intent to hold the security to recovery and designate a
recovery period in order to avoid recognizing an other-than-temporary impairment
charge through earnings.



The FASB will be issuing implementation guidance related to this topic. Once
issued, the Company will evaluate the impact of adopting EITF 03-1. The
disclosures required by EITF 03-1 are included in Note 3 to the Consolidated
Financial Statements.


In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123 (Revised 2004), "Share-Based
Payment" (SFAS 123-R), which replaces the existing SFAS 123 and supersedes APB
25. SFAS 123-R requires companies to measure and record compensation expense for
stock options and other share-based payment based on the instruments' fair
value. SFAS 123-R is effective for interim and annual reporting periods
beginning after June 15, 2005. The Company will adopt SFAS 123-R on July 1, 2005
by using a modified prospective approach. For unvested stock-based awards
granted before January 1, 2003 (APB 25 awards), the Company will expense the
fair value of the awards as at the grant date over the remaining vesting period.
The impact of recognizing compensation expense for the unvested APB 25 awards
will be immaterial in the third and fourth quarters of 2005. In addition, the
amount of additional compensation expense that will be disclosed as the impact
in the first and second quarters of 2005, as if the standard had been adopted as
of January 1, 2005, but will not be recognized in earnings, will be immaterial.
The Company continues to evaluate other aspects of adopting SFAS 123-R.



Fixed maturities include bonds, notes and redeemable preferred stocks. Fixed
maturities, including instruments subject to securities lending agreements (see
Note 3), are classified as "available for sale" and are reported at fair value,
with unrealized investment gains and losses, net of income taxes, credited or
charged directly to shareholder's equity. Fair values of investments in fixed
maturities are based on quoted market prices or dealer quotes. If quoted market
prices are not available, discounted expected cash flows using market rates
commensurate with the credit quality and maturity of the investment are used to
determine fair value. Impairments are realized when investment losses in value
are deemed other-than-temporary. The Company conducts a rigorous review each
quarter to identify and evaluate investments that have possible indications of
impairment. An investment in a debt or equity security is impaired if its fair
value falls below its cost and the decline is considered other-than-temporary.
Factors considered in determining whether a loss is other-than-temporary include
the length of time and extent to which fair value has been below cost; the
financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer; and the Company's
ability and intent to hold the investment for a period of time sufficient to
allow for any anticipated recovery. Changing economic conditions - global,
regional, or related to specific issuers or industries - could result in
other-than-temporary losses.

Also included in fixed maturities are loan-backed and structured securities
(including beneficial interests in securitized financial assets). Beneficial
interests in securitized financial assets that are rated "A" and below are
accounted for under the prospective method in accordance with EITF 99-20. Under
the prospective method of accounting, the investments effective yield is based
upon projected future cash flows. All other loan-backed and structured
securities are amortized using the retrospective method. The effective yield
used to determine amortization is calculated based upon actual and projected
future cash flows.

Equity securities, which include common and non-redeemable preferred stocks, are
classified as "available for sale" and carried at fair value based primarily on
quoted market prices. Changes in fair values of equity securities are charged or
credited directly to shareholder's equity, net of income taxes.



Mortgage loans are carried at amortized cost. A mortgage loan is considered
impaired when it is probable that the Company will be unable to collect
principal and interest amounts due. For mortgage loans that are determined to be
impaired, a reserve is established for the difference between the amortized cost
and fair market value of the underlying collateral. Cash received on impaired
loans is reported as income. In estimating fair value, the Company uses interest
rates reflecting the higher returns required in the current real estate
financing market.

Policy loans are carried at the amount of the unpaid balances that are not in
excess of the net cash surrender values of the related insurance policies. The
carrying value of policy loans, which have no defined maturities, is considered
to be fair value.

Short-term securities, consisting primarily of money market instruments and
other debt issues purchased with a maturity of less than one year, are carried
at amortized cost, which approximates fair value.

Cash includes certificates of deposits and other time deposits with original
maturities of less than 90 days.

Trading securities and related liabilities are normally held for periods less
than six months. These investments are marked to market with the change
recognized in net investment income during the current period.

Other invested assets include limited partnership and limited liability company
interests in investment funds and real estate joint ventures accounted for on
the equity method of accounting. Undistributed income is reported in net
investment income. Also included in other invested assets is real estate held
for sale, which is carried at the lower of cost or fair value less estimated
cost to sell. Fair value of foreclosed properties is established at the time of
foreclosure by internal analysis or external appraisers, using discounted cash
flow analyses and other accepted techniques. Thereafter, an impairment for
losses on real estate held for sale is established if the carrying value of the
property exceeds its current fair value less estimated costs to sell. Also
included in other invested assets is an investment in Citigroup Preferred Stock,
which is recorded at cost. See Notes 13 and 17.

Accrual of investment income is suspended on fixed maturities or mortgage loans
that are in default, or on which it is likely that future payments will not be
made as scheduled. Interest income on investments in default is recognized only
as payment is received.


The Company uses derivative financial instruments, including financial futures
contracts, swaps, interest rate caps, options and forward contracts, as a means
of hedging exposure to interest rate changes, equity price changes, credit and
foreign currency risk. The Company also uses derivative financial instruments to
enhance portfolio income and replicate cash market investments. The Company,
through Tribeca Citigroup Investments Ltd., holds and issues derivative
instruments in conjunction with investment strategies designed to enhance
portfolio returns. (See Note 11 for a more detailed description of the Company's
derivative use.) Derivative financial instruments in a gain position are
reported in the consolidated balance sheet in other assets, derivative financial
instruments in a loss position are reported in the consolidated balance sheet in
other liabilities and derivatives purchased to offset embedded derivatives on
variable annuity contracts are reported in other invested assets.



To qualify for hedge accounting, the hedge relationship is designated and
formally documented at inception detailing the particular risk management
objective and strategy for the hedge. This documentation includes the item and
risk that is being hedged, the derivative that is being used, as well as how
effectiveness is being assessed.

A derivative must be highly effective in accomplishing the objective of
offsetting either changes in fair value or cash flows for the risk being hedged.

For fair value hedges, in which derivatives hedge the fair value of assets and
liabilities, changes in the fair value of derivatives are reflected in realized
investment gains and losses, together with changes in the fair value of the
related hedged item. The Company primarily hedges available-for-sale securities.

For cash flow hedges, the accounting treatment depends on the effectiveness of
the hedge. To the extent that derivatives are effective in offsetting the
variability of the hedged cash flows, changes in the derivatives' fair value
will be reported in accumulated other changes in equity from nonowner sources in
shareholder's equity. These changes in fair value will be included in earnings
of future periods when earnings are also affected by the variability of the
hedged cash flows. To the extent these derivatives are not effective, the
ineffective portion of the change in fair value is immediately included in
realized investment gains and losses.

For net investment hedges, in which derivatives hedge the foreign currency
exposure of a net investment in a foreign operation, the accounting treatment
will similarly depend on the effectiveness of the hedge. The effective portion
of the change in fair value of the derivative, including any premium or
discount, is reflected in the accumulated other changes in equity from nonowner
sources as part of the foreign currency translation adjustment in shareholder's
equity. The ineffective portion is reflected in realized investment gains and

The effectiveness of these hedging relationships is evaluated on a retrospective
and prospective basis using quantitative measures of effectiveness. If a hedge
relationship is found to be ineffective, it no longer qualifies for hedge
accounting and any gains or losses attributable to such ineffectiveness as well
as subsequent changes in fair value are recognized in realized investment gains
and losses.

For those fair value and cash flow hedge relationships that are terminated,
hedge designations removed, or forecasted transactions that are no longer
expected to occur, the hedge accounting treatment described in the paragraphs
above will no longer apply. For fair value hedges, any changes to the hedged
item remain as part of the basis of the asset or liability and are ultimately
reflected as an element of the yield. For cash flow hedges, any changes in fair
value of the derivative remains in the accumulated other changes in equity from
nonowner sources in shareholder's equity and are included in earnings of future
periods when earnings are also affected by the variability of the hedged cash
flow. If the hedged relationship is discontinued because a forecasted
transaction will not occur when scheduled, the accumulated changes in fair value
of the derivative recorded in shareholder's equity are immediately reflected in
realized investment gains and losses.

The Company enters into derivative contracts that are economic hedges but do not
qualify or are not designated as hedges for accounting purposes. These
derivative contracts are carried at fair value, with changes in value reflected
in realized investment gains and losses.




The Company bifurcates an embedded derivative from the host contract where the
economic characteristics and risks of the embedded instrument are not clearly
and closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host
contract, the entire instrument would not otherwise be remeasured at fair value
and a separate instrument with the same terms of the embedded instrument would
meet the definition of a derivative under SFAS 133.

The Company purchases investments that have embedded derivatives, primarily
convertible debt securities. These embedded derivatives are carried at fair
value with changes in value reflected in realized investment gains and losses.
Derivatives embedded in convertible debt securities are classified in the
consolidated balance sheet as fixed maturity securities, consistent with the
host instruments.

The Company markets certain investment contracts that have embedded derivatives,
primarily variable annuity contracts. These embedded derivatives are carried at
fair value, with changes in value reflected in realized investment gains and
losses. Derivatives embedded in variable annuity contracts are classified in the
consolidated balance sheet as future policy benefits and claims.

The Company may enter into derivative contracts to hedge the exposures
represented by these embedded derivatives. These are economic hedges, however
they do not qualify for hedge accounting. These derivatives are carried at fair
value, with the changes in value reflected in realized gains and losses.


Realized investment gains and losses are included as a component of pre-tax
revenues based upon specific identification of the investments sold on the trade
date. Realized gains and losses also result from fair value changes in
derivative contracts that do not qualify, or are not designated, as hedging
instruments, and the application of fair value hedges under SFAS 133.
Impairments are recognized as realized losses when investment losses in value
are deemed other-than-temporary. The Company conducts regular reviews to assess
whether other-than-temporary losses exist. Also included in pre-tax revenues are
gains and losses arising from the remeasurement of the local currency value of
foreign investments to U.S. dollars, the functional currency of the Company. The
foreign exchange effects of Canadian operations are included in unrealized gains
and losses.


Deferred acquisition costs (DAC) represent costs that are deferred and amortized
over the estimated life of the related insurance policies. DAC principally
includes commissions and certain expenses related to policy issuance,
underwriting and marketing, all of which vary with and are primarily related to
the production of new business. The method for determining amortization of
deferred acquisition costs varies by product type based upon three different
accounting pronouncements: SFAS No. 60, "Accounting and Reporting by Insurance
Enterprises" (SFAS 60), SFAS No. 91, "Accounting for Nonrefundable Fees and
Costs Associated with Originating or Acquiring Loans and Initial Direct Costs of
Leases" (SFAS 91) and SFAS No. 97, "Accounting and Reporting by Insurance
Enterprises for Certain Long Duration Contracts and for Realized Gains and
Losses from the Sale of Investments" (SFAS 97).

DAC for deferred annuities, both fixed and variable, and payout annuities is
amortized employing a level effective yield methodology per SFAS 91 as indicated
by AICPA Practice Bulletin 8, generally over 10-15



years. An amortization rate is developed using the outstanding DAC balance and
projected account balances and is applied to actual account balances to
determine the amount of DAC amortization. The projected account balances are
derived using a model that contains assumptions related to investment returns
and persistency. The model rate is evaluated at least annually, and changes in
underlying lapse and interest rate assumptions are to be treated
retrospectively. Variances in expected equity market returns versus actual
returns are treated prospectively and a new amortization pattern is developed so
that the DAC balances will be amortized over the remaining estimated life of the

DAC for universal life and COLI is amortized in relation to estimated gross
profits from surrender charges, investment, mortality, and expense margins per
SFAS 97, generally over 16-25 years. Actual profits can vary from management's
estimates, resulting in increases or decreases in the rate of amortization.
Re-estimates of gross profits, performed at least annually, result in
retrospective adjustments to earnings by a cumulative charge or credit to

DAC relating to traditional life, including term insurance, and health insurance
is amortized in relation to anticipated premiums per SFAS 60, generally over
5-20 years. Assumptions as to the anticipated premiums are made at the date of
policy issuance or acquisition and are consistently applied over the life of the

All DAC is reviewed at least annually to determine if it is recoverable from
future income, including investment income, and if not recoverable, is charged
to expenses. All other acquisition expenses are charged to operations as
incurred. See Note 5.


The value of insurance in force is an asset that represents the actuarially
determined present value of anticipated profits to be realized from life
insurance and annuities contracts at the date of acquisition using the same
assumptions that were used for computing related liabilities where appropriate.
The value of insurance in force was the actuarially determined present value of
the projected future profits discounted at interest rates ranging from 14% to
18%. Traditional life insurance is amortized in relation to anticipated
premiums; universal life is amortized in relation to estimated gross profits;
and annuity contracts are amortized employing a level yield method. The value of
insurance in force, which is included in other assets, is reviewed periodically
for recoverability to determine if any adjustment is required. Adjustments, if
any, are charged to income. See Note 5.


Separate and variable accounts primarily represent funds for which investment
income and investment gains and losses accrue directly to, and investment risk
is borne by, the contractholders. Each account has specific investment
objectives. The assets of each account are legally segregated and are not
subject to claims that arise out of any other business of the Company. The
assets of these accounts are carried at fair value.

Amounts assessed to the separate account contractholders for management services
are included in revenues. Deposits, net investment income and realized
investment gains and losses for these accounts are excluded from revenues, and
related liability increases are excluded from benefits and expenses.

variable annuity contracts with GMDB features, SOP 03-1 requires the reporting
entity to categorize the contract as either an insurance or investment contract
based upon the significance of mortality or morbidity risk. SOP 03-1



provides explicit guidance for calculating a reserve for insurance contracts,
and provides that the reporting entity does not hold reserves for investment
contracts (i.e., there is no significant mortality risk).

The Company determined that the mortality risk on its GMDB features was not a
significant component of the overall variable annuity product, and accordingly
continued to classify these products as investment contracts. Prior to the
adoption of SOP 03-1, the Company held a reserve of approximately $8 million to
cover potential GMDB exposure. This reserve was released during the first
quarter of 2004 as part of the implementation of SOP 03-1.


Goodwill and intangible assets are included in other assets. The carrying amount
of goodwill and other intangible assets is reviewed at least annually for
indication of impairment in value that in the view of management would be
other-than-temporary. If it is determined that goodwill and other intangible
assets are unlikely to be recovered, impairment is recognized on a discounted
cash flow basis.

Upon adoption of SFAS 141 and SFAS 142, as of January 1, 2002, the Company
stopped amortizing goodwill and intangible assets deemed to have an infinite
useful life. Instead, these assets are subject to an annual review for
impairment. Other intangible assets that are not deemed to have an indefinite
useful life will continue to be amortized over their useful lives. See Note 5.


Contractholder funds represent receipts from the issuance of universal life,
COLI, pension investment, guaranteed investment contracts (GICs), and certain
deferred annuity contracts. For universal life and COLI contracts,
contractholder fund balances are increased by receipts for mortality coverage,
contract administration, surrender charges and interest accrued, where one or
more of these elements are not fixed or guaranteed. These balances are decreased
by withdrawals, mortality charges and administrative expenses charged to the
contractholder. Interest rates credited to contractholder funds related to
universal life and COLI range from 3.5% to 5.4%, with a weighted average
interest rate of 4.7%.

Pension investment, GICs and certain annuity contracts do not contain
significant insurance risks and are considered investment-type contracts.
Contractholder fund balances are increased by receipts and credited interest,
and reduced by withdrawals and administrative expenses charged to the
contractholder. Interest rates credited to those investment-type contracts range
from less than 1.0% to 8.0% with a weighted average interest rate of 4.2%.

requires that a reserve, in addition to the account balance, be established for
certain insurance benefit features provided under UL and VUL products if the
amounts assessed against the contract holder each period for the insurance
benefit feature are assessed in a manner that is expected to result in profits
in earlier years and losses in subsequent years from the insurance benefit

The Company's UL and VUL products were reviewed to determine if an additional
reserve is required under SOP 03-1. The Company determined that SOP 03-1 applied
to some of its UL and VUL contracts with these features and established an
additional reserve of approximately $1 million.




Future policy benefits represent liabilities for future insurance policy
benefits for payout annuities and traditional life products and are prepared in
accordance with industry standards and U.S. GAAP. The annuity payout reserves
are calculated using the mortality and interest assumptions used in the actual
pricing of the benefit. Mortality assumptions are based on Company experience
and are adjusted to reflect deviations such as substandard mortality in
structured settlement benefits. The interest rates range from 1.7% to 8.7% with
a weighted average of 6.5% for these products. Traditional life products include
whole life and term insurance. Future policy benefits for traditional life
products are estimated on the basis of actuarial assumptions as to mortality,
persistency and interest, established at policy issue. Interest assumptions
applicable to traditional life products range from 2.5% to 7.0%, with a weighted
average of 5.3%. Assumptions established at policy issue as to mortality and
persistency are based on the Company's experience, which, together with interest
assumptions, include a margin for adverse deviation. Appropriate recognition has
been given to experience rating and reinsurance.


Included in other liabilities is the Company's estimate of its liability for
guaranty fund and other insurance-related assessments. State guaranty fund
assessments are based upon the Company's share of premium written or received in
one or more years prior to an insolvency occurring in the industry. Once an
insolvency has occurred, the Company recognizes a liability for such assessments
if it is probable that an assessment will be imposed and the amount of the
assessment can be reasonably estimated. At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the
Company had a liability of $22.6 million and $22.5 million, respectively, for
guaranty fund assessments and a related premium tax offset recoverable of $4.8
million and $4.6 million, respectively. The assessments are expected to be paid
over a period of three to five years and the premium tax offsets are expected to
be realized over a period of 10 to 15 years.


The Company's insurance subsidiaries, domiciled principally in Connecticut and
Massachusetts, prepare statutory financial statements in accordance with the
accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the insurance departments of the
states of domicile. Prescribed statutory accounting practices are those
practices that are incorporated directly or by reference in state laws,
regulations, and general administrative rules applicable to all insurance
enterprises domiciled in a particular state. Permitted statutory accounting
practices include practices not prescribed by the domiciliary state, but allowed
by the domiciliary state regulatory authority. The Company does not have any
permitted statutory accounting practices.


Premium income is reported for individual payout annuities, group close-out
annuities, whole life and term insurance. The annuities premiums are recognized
as revenue when collected. The life premiums are recognized as revenue when due.
Premiums for contracts with a limited number of premium payments, due over a
significantly shorter period than the period over which benefits are provided,
are considered revenue when due. The portion of premium which is not required to
provide for benefits and expenses is deferred and recognized in revenues in a
constant relationship to insurance benefits in force.




Fee income is recognized on deferred annuity and universal life contracts for
mortality, administrative and equity protection charges according to contract
due dates. Fee income is recognized on variable annuity and universal life
separate accounts either daily, monthly, quarterly or annually as per contract


Other revenues include surrender penalties collected at the time of a contract
surrender, and other miscellaneous charges related to annuity and universal life
contracts recognized when received. Also included are revenues from
unconsolidated non-insurance subsidiaries. Amortization of deferred income
related to reinsured blocks of business are recognized in relation to
anticipated premiums and are reported in other revenues.


Current and future insurance benefits represent charges for mortality and
morbidity related to fixed annuities, universal life, term life and health
insurance benefits.


Interest credited to contractholders represents amounts earned by universal
life, COLI, pension investment, GICs and certain deferred annuity contracts in
accordance with contract provisions.


The provision for federal income taxes is comprised of two components, current
income taxes and deferred income taxes. Deferred federal income taxes arise from
changes during the year in cumulative temporary differences between the tax
basis and book basis of assets and liabilities.


The Company has two reportable business segments that are separately managed due
to differences in products, services, marketing strategy and resource
management. The business of each segment is maintained and reported through
separate legal entities within the Company. The management groups of each
segment report separately to the common ultimate parent, Citigroup Inc. These
business segments are Travelers Life & Annuity (TLA) and Primerica Life
Insurance (Primerica).

TRAVELERS LIFE & ANNUITY (TLA) core offerings include individual annuity,
individual life, COLI and group annuity insurance products distributed by TIC
and TLAC principally under the Travelers Life & Annuity name. Among the range of
individual products offered are deferred fixed and variable annuities, payout
annuities and term, universal and variable life insurance. The COLI product is a
variable universal life product distributed through independent specialty
brokers. The group products include institutional pensions, including GICs,
payout annuities, group annuities sold to employer-sponsored retirement and
savings plans, structured settlements and funding agreements.

The PRIMERICA business segment consolidates the businesses of Primerica Life,
Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada, CitiLife and NBL. The Primerica
business segment offers individual life products,



primarily term insurance, to customers through a sales force of approximately
106,000 representatives. A great majority of the domestic licensed sales force
works on a part-time basis.

The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described in the
summary of significant accounting policies (see Note 1). The amount of
investments in equity method investees and total expenditures for additions to
long-lived assets other than financial instruments, long-term customer
relationships of a financial institution, mortgage and other servicing rights,
and deferred tax assets, were not material.

REVENUES BY SEGMENT                           2004           2003           2002
- -------------------                       --------        -------        -------
TLA                                       $  4,725        $ 4,479        $ 3,653
Primerica                                    1,770          1,660          1,581
                                          --------        -------        -------
Total Revenues                            $  6,495        $ 6,139        $ 5,234
                                          ========        =======        =======

TLA                                       $    990        $   918        $   673
Primerica                                      491            440            409
                                          --------        -------        -------
Net Income                                $  1,481        $ 1,358        $ 1,082
                                          ========        =======        =======

TLA                                       $ 95,824        $85,881        $74,562
Primerica                                   10,019          9,467          8,433
                                          --------        -------        -------
Total segments                            $105,843        $95,348        $82,995
                                          ========        =======        =======

The following tables contain key segment measurements.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ($ IN MILLIONS)                                   TLA         PRIMERICA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Premiums                                            $911         $1,315
Net investment income                              3,012            336
Interest credited to contractholders               1,305              -
Amortization of deferred acquisition costs           400            249
Expenditures for deferred acquisition costs          810            393
Federal income taxes                                 361            241



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ($ IN MILLIONS)                                             TLA       PRIMERICA
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Premiums                                                    $1,082      $1,245
Net investment income                                        2,743         315
Interest credited to contractholders                         1,248          --
Amortization of deferred acquisition costs                     266         235
Expenditures for deferred acquisition costs                    583         377
Federal income taxes                                           240         231

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ($ IN MILLIONS)                                             TLA       PRIMERICA
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Premiums                                                    $  730      $1,194
Net investment income                                        2,646         290
Interest credited to contractholders                         1,220          --
Amortization of deferred acquisition costs                     174         219
Expenditures for deferred acquisition costs                    556         323
Federal income taxes                                           212         209

The majority of the annuity business and a substantial portion of the life
business written by TLA are accounted for as investment contracts, with the
result that the deposits collected are reported as liabilities and are not
included in revenues. Deposits represent a statistic integral to managing TLA
operations, which management uses for measuring business volumes, and may not be
comparable to similarly captioned measurements used by other life insurance
companies. For the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, deposits
collected amounted to $14.4 billion, $12.0 billion and $11.9 billion,

The Company's revenue was derived almost entirely from U.S. domestic business.
Revenue attributable to foreign countries was insignificant.

The Company had no transactions with a single customer representing 10% or more
of its revenue.





The amortized cost and fair value of investments in fixed maturities were as

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         GROSS          GROSS
DECEMBER 31, 2004                                    AMORTIZED COST   UNREALIZED      UNREALIZED   FAIR VALUE
($ IN MILLIONS)                                                          GAINS          LOSSES
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Mortgage-backed securities - CMOs and
   pass-through securities                                $8,568           $311           $9          $8,870
   U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of
   U.S. Government and government agencies and
   authorities                                             2,143            106           --           2,249
   Obligations of states, municipalities and
   political subdivisions                                    364             41            1             404
   Debt securities issued by foreign
   governments                                               847             81            1             927
   All other corporate bonds                              25,603          1,466           40          27,029
   Other debt securities                                   7,613            421           14           8,020
   Redeemable preferred stock                                176             41            1             216
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Available For Sale                          $45,314         $2,467          $66         $47,715
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         GROSS          GROSS
DECEMBER 31, 2003                                    AMORTIZED COST   UNREALIZED      UNREALIZED   FAIR VALUE
($ IN MILLIONS)                                                          GAINS          LOSSES
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Mortgage-backed securities - CMOs and
   pass-through securities                                $8,061           $326          $18          $8,369
   U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of
   U.S. Government and government agencies and
   authorities                                             2,035             22           12           2,045
   Obligations of states, municipalities and
   political subdivisions                                    379             21            2             398
   Debt securities issued by foreign
   governments                                               690             51            1             740
   All other corporate bonds                              23,098          1,507           64          24,541
   Other debt securities                                   5,701            377           22           6,056
   Redeemable preferred stock                                155             20            1             174
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Available For Sale                          $40,119         $2,324         $120         $42,323
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Proceeds from sales of fixed maturities classified as available for sale were
$7.8 billion, $15.1 billion and $15.5 billion in 2004, 2003 and 2002,
respectively. Gross gains of $246 million, $476 million and $741



million and gross losses of $263 million, $394 million and $309 million in 2004,
2003 and 2002, respectively, were realized on those sales. Additional losses of
$40 million, $110 million and $639 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively,
were realized due to other-than-temporary losses in value. Impairments in 2002
were concentrated in telecommunication and energy company investments.

The amortized cost and fair value of fixed maturities at December 31, 2004, by
contractual maturity, are shown below. Actual maturities will differ from
contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay
obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
($ IN MILLIONS)                                      COST       FAIR VALUE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Due in one year or less                        $2,634          $2,679
     Due after 1 year through 5 years               13,015          13,514
     Due after 5 years through 10 years             13,262          14,034
     Due after 10 years                              7,835           8,618
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    36,746          38,845
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Mortgage-backed securities                      8,568           8,870
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total Maturity                            $45,314         $47,715
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company makes investments in collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs).
CMOs typically have high credit quality, offer good liquidity, and provide a
significant advantage in yield and total return compared to U.S. Treasury
securities. The Company's investment strategy is to purchase CMO tranches which
are protected against prepayment risk, including planned amortization class and
last cash flow tranches. Prepayment protected tranches are preferred because
they provide stable cash flows in a variety of interest rate scenarios. The
Company does invest in other types of CMO tranches if a careful assessment
indicates a favorable risk/return tradeoff. The Company does not purchase
residual interests in CMOs.

At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Company held CMOs classified as available for
sale with a fair value of $6.0 billion and $5.2 billion, respectively.
Approximately 28% and 30%, respectively, of the Company's CMO holdings are fully
collateralized by GNMA, FNMA or FHLMC securities at December 31, 2004 and 2003.
In addition, the Company held $2.9 billion and $3.0 billion of GNMA, FNMA or
FHLMC mortgage-backed pass-through securities at December 31, 2004 and 2003,
respectively. All of these securities are rated AAA.

The Company engages in securities lending transactions whereby certain
securities from its portfolio are loaned to other institutions for short periods
of time. The Company generally receives cash collateral from the borrower, equal
to at least the market value of the loaned securities plus accrued interest, and
invests it in the Company's short-term money market pool (See Note 13). The
loaned securities remain a recorded asset of the Company, however, the Company
records a liability for the amount of the cash collateral held, representing its
obligation to return the cash collateral, and reports that liability as part of
other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. At December 31, 2004 and
2003, the Company held cash collateral of $2.2 billion and $2.4 billion,
respectively. The Company also had $382.7 million of investments held as
collateral with a third party at December 31, 2004. The Company does not have
the right to sell or pledge this collateral and it is not recorded on the
consolidated balance sheet. No such collateral existed at December 31, 2003.



The Company participates in dollar roll repurchase transactions as a way to
generate investment income. These transactions involve the sale of
mortgage-backed securities with the agreement to repurchase substantially the
same securities from the same counterparty. Cash is received from the sale,
which is invested in the Company's short-term money market pool. The cash is
returned at the end of the roll period when the mortgage-backed securities are
repurchased. The Company will generate additional investment income based upon
the difference between the sale and repurchase prices. These transactions are
recorded as secured borrowings. The mortgage-backed securities remain recorded
as assets. The cash proceeds are reflected in short-term investments and a
liability is established to reflect the Company's obligation to repurchase the
securities at the end of the roll period. The liability is classified as other
liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets and fluctuates based upon the
timing of the repayments. The balances were insignificant at December 31, 2004
and 2003.


The cost and fair values of investments in equity securities were as follows:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EQUITY SECURITIES:                                        GROSS UNREALIZED      GROSS UNREALIZED       FAIR
($ IN MILLIONS)                                 COST            GAINS                LOSSES           VALUE
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DECEMBER 31, 2004
   Common stocks                                 $153              $42                   $1             $194
   Non-redeemable preferred stocks                169                6                    2              173
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Equity Securities                   $322              $48                   $3             $367
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DECEMBER 31, 2003
   Common stocks                                 $109              $27                   $2             $134
   Non-redeemable preferred stocks                214               14                    -              228
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Equity Securities                   $323              $41                   $2             $362
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Proceeds from sales of equity securities were $78 million, $124 million and $212
million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Gross gains of $29 million, $23
million and $8 million and gross losses of $10 million, $2 million and $4
million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively, were realized on those sales.
Additional losses of $5 million, $11 million and $19 million in 2004, 2003 and
2002, respectively, were realized due to other-than-temporary losses in value.


Management has determined that the unrealized losses on the Company's
investments in fixed maturity and equity securities at December 31, 2004 are
temporary in nature. The Company conducts a periodic review to identify and
evaluate investments that have indications of possible impairment. An investment
in a debt or equity security is impaired if its fair value falls below its cost
and the decline is considered other-than-temporary. Factors considered in
determining whether a loss is other-than-temporary include the length of time
and extent to which fair value has been below cost; the financial condition and
near-term prospects of the issuer;



and the Company's ability and intent to hold the investment for a period of time
sufficient to allow for any anticipated recovery. The Company's review for
impairment generally entails:

o   Identification and evaluation of investments that have possible indications
    of impairment;

o   Analysis of individual investments that have fair values less than 80% of
    amortized cost, including consideration of the length of time the investment
    has been in an unrealized loss position;

o   Discussion of evidential matter, including an evaluation of factors or
    triggers that would or could cause individual investments to qualify as
    having other-than-temporary impairments and those that would not support
    other-than-temporary impairment;

o   Documentation of the results of these analyses, as required under business

The table below shows the fair value of investments in fixed maturities and
equity securities that are available for sale and have been in an unrealized
loss position at December 31, 2004:

                                                                      Gross Unrealized Losses
                                                           Less Than One Year       One Year or Longer               Total
                                                                          Gross                      Gross                    Gross
                                                            Fair     Unrealized         Fair    Unrealized        Fair   Unrealized
($ IN MILLIONS)                                            Value         Losses        Value        Losses       Value       Losses
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale:
Mortgage-backed securities-CMOs and pass-through
    securities                                              $955             $7          $82            $2      $1,037           $9
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S.
    Government and government agencies and authorities        66             --           11            --          77           --
Obligations of states, municipalities and political
    subdivisions                                               4             --           11             1          15            1
Debt securities issued by foreign governments                 24              1            2            --          26            1
All other corporate bonds                                  3,494             32          269             8       3,763           40
Other debt securities                                      1,072             10          199             4       1,271           14
Redeemable preferred stock                                    15             --            7             1          22            1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total fixed maturities                                    $5,630            $50         $581           $16      $6,211          $66
Equity securities                                            $39             $2          $14            $1         $53           $3
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At December 31, 2004, the cost of approximately 825 investments in fixed
maturity and equity securities exceeded their fair value by $69 million. Of the
$69 million, $50 million represents fixed maturity investments that have been in
a gross unrealized loss position for less than a year and of these 93% are rated
investment grade. Fixed maturity investments that have been in a gross
unrealized loss position for a year or more total $16 million and 89% of these
investments are rated investment grade. The gross unrealized loss on equity
securities was $3 million at December 31, 2004.



The table below shows the fair value of investments in fixed maturities and
equity securities in an unrealized loss position at December 31, 2003:

                                                                      Gross Unrealized Losses
                                                           Less Than One Year       One Year or Longer               Total
                                                                          Gross                      Gross                    Gross
                                                            Fair     Unrealized         Fair    Unrealized        Fair   Unrealized
($ IN MILLIONS)                                            Value         Losses        Value        Losses       Value       Losses
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale:
Mortgage-backed securities-CMOs and pass-through
    securities                                            $1,182            $18         $17            $--      $1,199          $18
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S.
    Government and government agencies and authorities     1,180             12          --             --       1,180           12
Obligations of states, municipalities and political
    subdivisions                                              45              2          --             --          45            2
Debt securities issued by foreign governments                 55              1          --             --          55            1
All other corporate bonds                                  1,793             39         503             25       2,296           64
Other debt securities                                        755             18          89              3         844           22
Redeemable preferred stock                                    12              1          11              1          23            1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total fixed maturities                                    $5,022            $91        $620            $29      $5,642         $120
Equity securities                                            $25             $1          $5             $1         $30           $2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At December 31, 2003, the cost of approximately 670 investments in fixed
maturity and equity securities exceeded their fair value by $122 million. Of the
$122 million, $91 million represents fixed maturity investments that have been
in a gross unrealized loss position for less than a year and of these 78% are
rated investment grade. Fixed maturity investments that have been in a gross
unrealized loss position for a year or more total $29 million and 38% of these
investments are rated investment grade. The gross unrealized loss on equity
securities was $2 million at December 31, 2003.




The aging of gross unrealized losses on fixed maturity investments is as

                                                                                               TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES
                                                                                                WITH UNREALIZED LOSS
                                                             TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES             TOTALING 20% OR MORE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DECEMBER 31, 2004                                        AMORTIZED         UNREALIZED        AMORTIZED         UNREALIZED
($ IN MILLIONS)                                             COST              LOSS              COST              LOSS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Six months or less                                    $4,435              $31               $1                $--
     Greater than six months to nine months                 1,029               14               --                 --
     Greater than nine months to twelve months                215                5               --                 --
     Greater than twelve months                               597               16               --                 --
                                                           ------              ---               --                ---
         Total                                             $6,276              $66               $1                $--
                                                           ======              ===               ==                ===

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                               TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES
                                                                                                WITH UNREALIZED LOSS
                                                             TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES             TOTALING 20% OR MORE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DECEMBER 31, 2003                                        AMORTIZED         UNREALIZED        AMORTIZED         UNREALIZED
($ IN MILLIONS)                                             COST              LOSS              COST              LOSS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Six months or less                                    $4,356              $68              $24                $7
     Greater than six months to nine months                   558               17               --                --
     Greater than nine months to twelve months                199                6                2                --
     Greater than twelve months                               650               29                3                 1
                                                           ------             ----              ---                --
         Total                                             $5,763             $120              $29                $8
                                                           ======             ====              ===                ==

Fair values of investments in fixed maturities and equity securities are based
on quoted market prices or dealer quotes or, if these are not available,
discounted expected cash flows using market rates commensurate with the credit
quality and maturity of the investment. The fair value of investments for which
quoted market prices, third-party broker quotations or validated model prices
are not available amounted to $345.0 million and $1,058.4 million at December
31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.




At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Company's mortgage loan portfolios consisted
of the following:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
($ IN MILLIONS)                                           2004           2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current Mortgage Loans                                  $2,070         $1,841
Underperforming Mortgage Loans                              54             45
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Mortgage Loans                               $2,124         $1,886
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Underperforming mortgage loans include delinquent mortgage loans over 90 days
past due, loans in the process of foreclosure and loans modified at interest
rates below market.

Aggregate annual maturities on mortgage loans at December 31, 2004 are shown
below. Actual maturities will differ from contractual maturities because
borrowers may have the right to prepay obligations with or without prepayment

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2005                                                      $ 122
2006                                                        308
2007                                                        249
2008                                                         93
2009                                                        252
Thereafter                                                1,100
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                               $2,124


Trading securities of the Company are held primarily in Tribeca Citigroup
Investments Ltd. The assets and liabilities are valued at fair value as follows:

($ IN MILLIONS)                             Fair value as of    Fair value as of
- ---------------                            December 31, 2004   December 31, 2003
                                           -----------------   -----------------
   Trading securities
      Convertible bond arbitrage                 $1,110              $1,447
      Other                                         250                 260
                                                 ------              ------
                                                 $1,360              $1,707
                                                 ======              ======

   Trading securities sold not yet purchased
      Convertible bond arbitrage                   $460                $629
      Other                                          13                   8
                                                 ------              ------
                                                   $473                $637
                                                 ======              ======



The Company's trading portfolio investments and related liabilities are normally
held for periods less than six months. See Note 11.


Other invested assets are composed of the following:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
($ IN MILLIONS)                                     2004          2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment in Citigroup Preferred Stock           $3,212        $3,212
Private equity and arbitrage investments           1,235         1,315
Real estate joint ventures                           230           327
Derivatives                                          192           182
Real estate - Investment                              28            33
Real estate - Foreclosed                               9            63
Other                                                 99            56
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                             $5,005        $5,188
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------


At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Company had an investment in Citigroup
Preferred Stock of $3.2 billion. See Note 13.

The Company both maintains and participates in a short-term investment pool for
its insurance affiliates. See Note 13.

The Company had concentrations of investments, excluding those in federal and
government agencies, primarily fixed maturities at fair value, in the following

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
($ IN MILLIONS)                                     2004          2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finance                                           $6,917        $5,056
Banking                                            3,474         2,830
Electric Utilities                                 3,258         3,552
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company held investments in foreign banks in the amount of $1,321 million
and $1,018 million at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively, which are
included in the table above.

The Company defines its below investment grade assets as those securities rated
Ba1 by Moody's Investor Services (or its equivalent) or below by external rating
agencies, or the equivalent by internal analysts when a public rating does not
exist. Such assets include publicly traded below investment grade bonds and
certain other privately issued bonds and notes that are classified as below
investment grade. Below investment grade assets included in the categories of
the preceding table include $918 million and $1,118 million in Electric
Utilities at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Below investment grade
assets in Finance and Banking were insignificant at December 31, 2004 and 2003.
Total below investment grade assets were $5.4 billion and $5.2 billion at
December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.



Included in mortgage loans were the following group concentrations:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
($ IN MILLIONS)                                     2004        2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
California                                          $788        $732

Agricultural                                      $1,177      $1,025
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company monitors creditworthiness of counterparties to all financial
instruments by using controls that include credit approvals, credit limits and
other monitoring procedures. Collateral for fixed maturities often includes
pledges of assets, including stock and other assets, guarantees and letters of
credit. The Company's underwriting standards with respect to new mortgage loans
generally require loan to value ratios of 75% or less at the time of mortgage


Investments included in the consolidated balance sheets that were non-income
producing amounted to $105.3 million and $104.4 million at December 31, 2004 and
2003, respectively.


The Company had mortgage loans and debt securities that were restructured at
below market terms at December 31, 2004 and 2003. The balances of the
restructured investments were insignificant. The new terms typically defer a
portion of contract interest payments to varying future periods. Gross interest
income on restructured assets that would have been recorded in accordance with
the original terms of such loans was insignificant in 2004, 2003 and 2002.
Interest on these assets, included in net investment income, was also
insignificant in 2004, 2003 and 2002.


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                2004        2003        2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Fixed maturities                        $2,615      $2,465      $2,359
     Mortgage loans                             184         158         167
     Trading                                     41         222           9
     Other invested assets                      303          58         203
     Citigroup Preferred Stock                  203         203         178
     Other, including policy loans              108          82         104
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total gross investment income                 3,454       3,188       3,020
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment expenses                             106         130          84
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Investment Income                        $3,348      $3,058      $2,936
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------




Net realized investment gains (losses) for the periods were as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                    2004     2003      2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Fixed maturities                                 (17)    $(28)    $(207)
   Equity securities                                 19       10       (15)
   Mortgage loans                                     1      (14)        -
   Real estate held for sale                         (4)       1         8
   Other invested assets                              5       49       (19)
      Guaranteed minimum withdrawal
         benefit derivatives, net                    30       --        --
      Other derivatives                             (14)      19       (87)
   Other                                             (4)      --        (2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total realized investment gains (losses)     $16      $37     $(322)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Changes in net unrealized investment gains (losses) that are reported in
accumulated other changes in equity from nonowner sources were as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                     2004     2003       2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Fixed maturities                               $197   $1,198       $664
     Equity securities                                 6       35          3
     Other                                            12        6         31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total unrealized investment gains           215    1,239        698
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Related taxes                                    77      421        243
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Change in unrealized investment gains           138      818        455
     Balance beginning of year                     1,444      626        171
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Balance end of year                      $1,582   $1,444       $626
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


The following table represents the carrying amounts and classification of
consolidated assets that are collateral for VIE obligations. The assets in this
table represent two investment vehicles that the Company was involved with prior
to February 1, 2003. These two VIEs are a collateralized debt obligation and a
real estate joint venture:

            $ IN MILLIONS              DECEMBER 31, 2004     DECEMBER 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Investments                       $386                  $ 400
               Cash                              9                     11
               Other                             2                      4
                                             -----                  -----
 Total assets of consolidated VIEs            $397                   $415
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The debt holders of these VIEs have no recourse to the Company. The Company's
maximum exposure to loss is limited to its investment of approximately $8
million. The Company regularly becomes involved with VIEs through its investment
activities. This involvement is generally restricted to small passive debt and
equity investments.


Reinsurance is used in order to limit losses, minimize exposure to large risks,
provide additional capacity for future growth and to effect business-sharing
arrangements. Reinsurance is accomplished through various plans of reinsurance,
primarily yearly renewable term (YRT), coinsurance and modified coinsurance.
Reinsurance involves credit risk and the Company monitors the financial
condition of these reinsurers on an ongoing basis. The Company remains primarily
liable as the direct insurer on all risks reinsured.

For TLA, since 1997 the majority of universal life business has been reinsured
under an 80% ceded/20% retained YRT quota share reinsurance program and term
life business has been reinsured under a 90%/10% YRT quota share reinsurance
program. Beginning June 1, 2002, COLI business has been reinsured under a
90%/10% quota share reinsurance program. Beginning in September 2002, newly
issued term life business has been reinsured under a 90%/10% coinsurance quota
share reinsurance program. Subsequently, portions of this term coinsurance has
reverted to YRT for new business. Generally, the maximum retention on an
ordinary life risk is $2.5 million. Maximum retention of $2.5 million is
generally reached on policies in excess of $12.5 million for universal life and
$25.0 million for term insurance. For other plans of insurance, it is the policy
of the Company to obtain reinsurance for amounts above certain retention limits
on individual life policies, which limits vary with age and underwriting
classification. Total in-force business ceded under reinsurance contracts is
$397.4 billion and $356.3 billion at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

For Primerica Life, business sold prior to 1991 was reinsured under a
coinsurance arrangement with approximately 50% of the face amount being ceded.
For business sold from 1991 through June 1994, only amounts over the company
retention of $1.0 million were reinsured through an excess loss YRT treaty. In
June 1994, Primerica Life began reinsuring almost all business under a 1st
dollar quota share YRT treaty with 80% being ceded. Beginning with business sold
in January 1997, the amount ceded was increased from 80% to 90%.

Business sold in Canada is not included in the U.S. YRT quota share treaties. In
Canada, the business sold from April 2000 through December 2003, was reinsured
under a separate 1st dollar quota share YRT arrangement, with the ceding amount
ranging from 70% to 90%. Beginning with business sold in January 2004, Canada
began reinsuring only amounts above their company retention of $500,000.

Primerica has also entered into several reinsurance assumed treaties with
Reinsurance Group of America, Inc. The reinsurance assumed treaties generated a
$79 million pre-tax loss in 2001 and a $95 million pre-tax loss in 2002. The
pre-tax impact from these reinsurance assumed treaties has been minor for 2003
and 2004.

During 2004, The Travelers Life and Annuity Reinsurance Company (TLARC) was
formed as a pure captive insurer in order to permit the Company to cede 100% of
its statutory based risk associated with the death benefit guarantee rider on
certain universal life contracts. The reinsurance transaction related to
statutory-only reserves, and had no impact on GAAP premiums and benefits. TLARC
is a direct subsidiary of CIHC, the Company's parent. See Note 13.



Effective July 1, 2000 the Company sold 90% of its individual long-term care
insurance business to General Electric Capital Assurance Company and its
subsidiary in the form of indemnity reinsurance arrangements. Written premiums
ceded per these arrangements were $224.2 million, $226.8 million and $231.8
million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively, and earned premiums ceded were
$224.3 million, $226.7 million and $233.8 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002,

On January 3, 1995, the Company sold its group life business to The Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company (MetLife) under the form of an indemnity insurance
arrangement. Premiums written and earned in 2004, 2003 and 2002 were

Prior to April 1, 2001, the Company also reinsured substantially all of the GMDB
on its variable annuity product. Total variable annuity account balances with
GMDB were $26.7 billion, of which $12.0 billion, or 45%, was reinsured, and
$23.5 billion, of which $12.9 billion, or 55%, was reinsured at December 31,
2004 and 2003, respectively. GMDB is payable upon the death of a contractholder.
When the benefit payable is greater than the account value of the variable
annuity, the difference is called the net amount at risk (NAR). NAR totals $1.1
billion, of which $.9 billion, or 84%, is reinsured and $1.7 billion, of which
$1.4 billion, or 81%, is reinsured at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

TIC writes workers' compensation business. This business is reinsured through a
100% quota-share agreement with The Travelers Indemnity Company, an insurance
subsidiary of St. Paul Travelers. See Note 14.

A summary of reinsurance financial data reflected within the consolidated
statements of income and balance sheets is presented below ($ in millions):

                                            FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31,
WRITTEN PREMIUMS                             2004         2003         2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Direct                                     $2,908       $2,979       $2,610
Assumed                                         1            1            -
Ceded to:
   The Travelers Indemnity Company             (4)           2          (83)
   Other companies                           (684)        (638)        (614)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Net Written Premiums                 $2,221       $2,344       $1,913

EARNED PREMIUMS                              2004         2003         2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Direct                                     $2,916       $3,001       $2,652
Assumed                                         1            1            -
Ceded to:
   The Travelers Indemnity Company             (1)         (21)        (109)
   Other companies                           (690)        (654)        (619)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Net Earned Premiums                  $2,226       $2,327       $1,924

The Travelers Indemnity Company was an affiliate for part of 2002.



Reinsurance recoverables at December 31, 2004 and 2003 include amounts
recoverable on unpaid and paid losses and were as follows ($ in millions):

REINSURANCE RECOVERABLES                                  2004          2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Life and accident and health business                   $3,178        $2,885
Property-casualty business:
     The Travelers Indemnity Company                     1,489         1,585
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Reinsurance Recoverables                          $4,667        $4,470

Reinsurance recoverables for the life and accident and health business include
$1,876 million and $1,617 million at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively,
from General Electric Capital Assurance Company. Assets collateralizing these
receivables in the amount of $1,894 million and $1,632 million at December 31,
2004 and 2003, respectively, were held in trust for the purpose of paying
Company claims.

Reinsurance recoverables also include $409 million and $435 million at December
31, 2004 and 2003, respectively, from MetLife.


The Company's intangible assets are DAC, goodwill and the value of insurance in
force. DAC and the value of insurance in force are amortizable.


                                 Deferred & Payout                        Traditional Life
($ IN MILLIONS)                      Annuities           UL & COLI             & Other             Total
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance January 1, 2003                $1,353                 $578               $2,005            $3,936

Deferred expenses & other                 340                  221                  399               960
Amortization expense                     (212)                 (33)                (256)             (501)

Balance December 31, 2003               1,481                  766                2,148             4,395

Deferred expenses & other                 448                  342                  413             1,203
Amortization expense                     (273)                 (51)                (269)             (593)
Underlying lapse and interest
    rate adjustment                       (17)                  --                   --               (17)
Pattern of estimated gross
    profit adjustment                      --                  (39)                  --               (39)

Balance December 31, 2004              $1,639               $1,018               $2,292            $4,949
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The value of insurance in force totaled $97 million and $112 million at December
31, 2004 and 2003, respectively, and is included in other assets. Amortization
expense on the value of insurance in force was $14 million, $18 million and $25
million for the year ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
Amortization expense related to the value of insurance in force is estimated to
be $16 million in 2005, $15 million in 2006, $13 million in 2007, $9 million in
2008 and $7 million in 2009.




At December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003, the Company had $48.2 billion and
$43.5 billion of life and annuity deposit funds and reserves, respectively, as

($ IN MILLIONS)                             December 31, 2004  December 31, 2003
Subject to discretionary withdrawal:
    With fair value adjustments                   $7,541             $6,974
    Subject to surrender charges                   4,852              6,057
    Surrenderable without charge                   8,105              5,756
                                                 -------            -------
    Total                                        $20,498            $18,787

Not subject to discretionary withdrawal:         $27,730            $24,693
                                                 -------            -------
    Total                                        $48,228            $43,480
                                                 =======            =======

Average surrender charges included in the subject to surrender charge category
above are 6.5% and 5.0%, respectively. In addition, during the payout phase,
these funds are credited at significantly reduced interest rates. There are $519
million and $550 million of life insurance reserves included in surrenderable
without charge at December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003, respectively. The
life insurance risks would have to be underwritten again if transferred to
another carrier, which is considered a significant deterrent for long-term
policyholders. Insurance liabilities that are surrendered or withdrawn from the
Company are reduced by outstanding policy loans and related accrued interest
prior to payout.

Included in contractholder funds and in the preceding paragraph are GICs
totaling $14.2 billion. These GICs have a weighted average interest rate of
4.23% and scheduled maturities are as follows:

($ IN MILLIONS)                   FIXED GIC     VARIABLE GIC       TOTAL
2005                                $1,237         $4,006          $5,243
2006                                 1,862             --           1,862
2007                                 1,561             --           1,561
2008                                 1,343             --           1,343
2009                                 1,393             --           1,393
2010 and thereafter                  2,835             --           2,835
                                   -------         ------         -------

Total                              $10,231         $4,006         $14,237
                                   =======         ======         =======





- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,              2004           2003           2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before federal income taxes         $2,083         $1,829         $1,503
Statutory tax rate                             35%            35%            35%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expected federal income taxes                 729            640            526
Tax effect of:
     Non-taxable investment income            (93)           (62)
     Tax reserve release                      (23)           (43)
     Other, net                               (11)             1             --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal income taxes                         $602           $471           $421
Effective tax rate                             29%            26%            28%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     United States                           $530           $330           $217
     Foreign                                   33             30             19
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                    563            360            236
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     United States                             40            108            182
     Foreign                                   (1)             3              3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                     39            111            185
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal income taxes                         $602           $471           $421

Additional tax benefits (expense) attributable to employee stock plans allocated
directly to shareholder's equity for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and
2002 were $3 million, $3 million and $(17) million, respectively.

The net deferred tax liability at December 31, 2004 and 2003 was comprised of
the tax effects of temporary differences related to the following assets and

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
($ IN MILLIONS)                                          2004       2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Tax Assets:
     Benefit, reinsurance and other reserves             $629       $574
     Operating lease reserves                              47         52
     Employee benefits                                    195        201
     Other                                                232        392
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Total                                        1,103      1,219
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Tax Liabilities:
     Deferred acquisition costs and value
        of insurance in force                          (1,365)    (1,225)
     Investments, net                                  (1,809)    (1,795)
     Other                                               (149)      (229)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Total                                      (3,323)    (3,249)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Deferred Tax Liability                            $(2,220)   $(2,030)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The Company and its subsidiaries file a consolidated federal income tax return
with Citigroup. Federal income taxes are allocated to each member of the
consolidated group, according to a Tax Sharing Agreement (the Agreement), on a
separate return basis adjusted for credits and other amounts required by the

TIC had $325 million and $52 million payable to Citigroup at December 31, 2004
and 2003, respectively, related to the Agreement.

At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Company had no ordinary or capital loss

The policyholders' surplus account, which arose under prior tax law, is
generally that portion of the gain from operations that has not been subjected
to tax, plus certain deductions. The balance of this account is approximately
$932 million. At current rates the maximum amount of such tax would be
approximately $326 million. Income taxes are not provided for on this amount
because under current U.S. tax rules such taxes will become payable only to the
extent such amounts are distributed as a dividend or exceed limits prescribed by
federal law. The 2004 Tax Act provides that this account can be reduced directly
by distributions made by the life insurance subsidiaries in 2005 and 2006. The
Company intends to make sufficient distributions to eliminate this account
within the timeframe permitted under the Act.



The Company's statutory net income, which includes the statutory net income of
all insurance subsidiaries, was $842 million, $1,104 million and $256 million
for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The
Company's statutory capital and surplus was $7.9 billion and $7.6 billion at
December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

The Company is currently subject to various regulatory restrictions that limit
the maximum amount of dividends available to be paid to its parent without prior
approval of insurance regulatory authorities. A maximum of $908 million is
available by the end of the year 2005 for such dividends without prior approval
of the State of Connecticut Insurance Department, depending upon the amount and
timing of the payments. TIC has requested approval to effect certain of the
distributions described in Note 17 as an extraordinary dividend. See Note 17. In
accordance with the Connecticut statute, TLAC may not pay dividends during 2005
without prior approval of the State of Connecticut Insurance Department.
Primerica may pay up to $263 million to TIC in 2005 without prior approval of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Insurance Department. The Company paid
dividends of $773 million, $545 million and $586 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002,

The Company's 2004 dividends were paid in the following amounts: $467.5 million
on March 30; $152.5 million on June 30; and $152.5 million on September 30. Due
to the timing of the payments, these dividends were considered extraordinary.

In addition to the aforementioned quarterly dividends, the Company also made a
dividend consisting of all the issued and outstanding shares of TLARC on
December 15, 2004. TLARC was valued at $250,000 and was considered to be an
ordinary dividend. See Notes 4 and 13 for further discussion of TLARC.

In December 2004, the Company requested and received prior approval from the
State of Connecticut Insurance Department to pay an extraordinary dividend on
January 3, 2005. Under Connecticut law, the ordinary dividend limitation amount
is based upon the cumulative total of all dividend payments made within



the preceding twelve months. The Company's proposed dividend payment of $302.5
million payable on January 3, 2005 exceeded the ordinary dividend limitation by
approximately $167 million, based on the 2005 dividend limit of $908 million.
The State of Connecticut Insurance Department approved the request on December
19, 2004. TIC paid the dividend to its parent on January 3, 2005.


Changes in each component of Accumulated Other Changes in Equity from Nonowner
Sources were as follows:

                                                 NET UNREALIZED   FOREIGN CURRENCY       DERIVATIVE      ACCUMULATED OTHER
                                                    GAIN/LOSS        TRANSLATION       INSTRUMENTS AND   CHANGES IN EQUITY
                                                  ON INVESTMENT      ADJUSTMENTS     HEDGING ACTIVITIES    FROM NONOWNER
($ IN MILLIONS)                                    SECURITIES                                                 SOURCES
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 2002                               $186               $(3)             $(109)                $74
Unrealized gains on investment securities,
   net of tax of $167                                   308                --                 --                 308
Add: Reclassification adjustment for losses
   included in net income, net of tax of $(78)          144                --                 --                 144
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net
   Of tax of $2                                          --                 3                 --                   3
Less: Derivative instrument hedging activity
   losses, net of tax of $(42)                           --                --                (75)                (75)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD CHANGE                                           452                 3                (75)                380
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 2002                              638                --               (184)                454
Unrealized gains on investment securities,
   net of tax of $414                                   805                --                 --                 805
Add: Reclassification adjustment for losses
   included in net income, net of tax of $(6)            12                --                 --                  12
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net
  of tax of $3                                           --                 4                 --                   4
Add: Derivative instrument hedging activity
   gains, net of tax of $46                              --                --                 85                  85
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD CHANGE                                           817                 4                 85                 906
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 2003                            1,455                 4                (99)              1,360
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unrealized gains on investment securities,
   net of tax of $58                                    139                --                 --                 139
Less: Reclassification adjustment for gains
   included in net income, net of tax of $1              (1)               --                 --                  (1)
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net
   Of tax of $0                                          --                 1                 --                   1
Add: Derivative instrument hedging activity
   gains, net of tax of $53                              --                --                 98                  98
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD CHANGE                                           138                 1                 98                 237
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 2004                           $1,593                $5               $ (1)             $1,597
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





The Company participates in a qualified, noncontributory defined benefit pension
plan sponsored by Citigroup. The Company's share of the expense related to this
plan was insignificant in 2004, 2003 and 2002.

The Company also participates in a non-qualified, noncontributory defined
benefit pension plan sponsored by Citigroup. During 2002, the Company assumed
Travelers Property Casualty Corporation's (TPC) share of the non-qualified
pension plan related to inactive employees of the former Travelers Insurance
entities as part of the TPC spin-off. See Note 14. The Company's share of net
expense for this plan was insignificant for 2004, 2003 and 2002.

In addition, the Company provides certain other postretirement benefits to
retired employees through a plan sponsored by Citigroup. The Company assumed
TPC's share of the postretirement benefits related to inactive employees of the
former Travelers Insurance entities during 2002 as part of the TPC spin-off. The
Company's share of net expense for the other postretirement benefit plans was
$28 million in both 2004 and 2003 and $18 million in 2002.


Substantially all of the Company's employees are eligible to participate in a
401(k) savings plan sponsored by Citigroup. The Company's expenses in connection
with the 401(k) savings plan were not significant in 2004, 2003 and 2002. See
Note 13.


Most leasing functions for the Company are administered by a Citigroup
subsidiary. Net rent expense for the Company was $22 million, $21 million, and
$24 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------
($ IN MILLIONS)                     RENTAL PAYMENTS          RENTAL PAYMENTS
- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------
2005                                     $ 51                      $ 5
2006                                       58                        5
2007                                       58                        6
2008                                       56                        6
2009                                       48                        6
Thereafter                                 31                       12
- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------
Total Rental Payments                    $302                      $40
============================== ========================= =======================

Future sublease rental income of approximately $54 million will partially offset
these commitments. Also, the Company will be reimbursed for 50%, totaling $120
million through 2011, of the rental expense for a particular lease by an





The Company uses derivative financial instruments, including financial futures
contracts, swaps, interest rate caps, options and forward contracts, as a means
of hedging exposure to interest rate changes, equity price changes, credit and
foreign currency risk. The Company also uses derivative financial instruments to
enhance portfolio income and replicate cash market investments. The Company,
through Tribeca Citigroup Investments Ltd., holds and issues derivative
instruments in conjunction with these investment strategies designed to enhance
portfolio returns.

The Company uses exchange traded financial futures contracts to manage its
exposure to changes in interest rates that arise from the sale of certain
insurance and investment products, or the need to reinvest proceeds from the
sale or maturity of investments. In addition, the Company enters into interest
rate futures contracts in connection with macro hedges intended to reduce
interest rate risk by adjusting portfolio duration. To hedge against adverse
changes in interest rates, the Company enters long or short positions in
financial futures contracts, which offset asset price changes resulting from
changes in market interest rates until an investment is purchased, or a product
is sold. Futures contracts are commitments to buy or sell at a future date a
financial instrument, at a contracted price, and may be settled in cash or
through delivery.

The Company uses equity option contracts to manage its exposure to changes in
equity market prices that arise from the sale of certain insurance products. To
hedge against adverse changes in the equity market prices, the Company enters
long positions in equity option contracts with major financial institutions.
These contracts allow the Company, for a fee, the right to receive a payment if
the Standard and Poor's 500 Index falls below agreed upon strike prices.

Currency option contracts are used on an ongoing basis to hedge the Company's
exposure to foreign currency exchange rates that result from the Company's
direct foreign currency investments. To hedge against adverse changes in
exchange rates, the Company enters into contracts that give it the right, but
not the obligation, to sell the foreign currency within a limited time at a
contracted price that may also be settled in cash, based on differentials in the
foreign exchange rate. These contracts cannot be settled prior to maturity.

The Company enters into interest rate swaps in connection with other financial
instruments to provide greater risk diversification and better match the cash
flows from assets and related liabilities. In addition, the Company enters into
interest rate swaps in connection with macro hedges intended to reduce interest
rate risk by adjusting portfolio duration. Under interest rate swaps, the
Company agrees with other parties to exchange, at specified intervals, the
difference between fixed rate and floating rate interest amounts calculated by
reference to an agreed upon notional principal amount. The Company also enters
into basis swaps in which both legs of the swap are floating with each based on
a different index. Generally, no cash is exchanged at the outset of the contract
and no principal payments are made by either party. A single net payment is
usually made by one counterparty at each due date.

The Company enters into currency swaps in connection with other financial
instruments to provide greater risk diversification and better match assets
purchased in U.S. Dollars with a corresponding liability originated in a foreign
currency. Under currency swaps, the Company agrees with other parties to
exchange, at specified intervals, foreign currency for U.S. Dollars. Generally,
there is an exchange of foreign currency for U.S. Dollars at the outset of the
contract based upon prevailing foreign exchange rates. Swap agreements are not
exchange traded so they are subject to the risk of default by the counterparty.



The Company enters into interest rate caps in connection with other financial
instruments to provide greater risk diversification and better match assets and
liabilities. In addition, the Company enters into interest rate caps in
connection with macro hedges intended to reduce interest rate risk by adjusting
portfolio duration. Under interest rate caps, the Company pays a premium and is
entitled to receive cash payments equal to the excess of the market interest
rates over the strike prices multiplied by the notional principal amount.
Interest rate cap agreements are not exchange traded so they are subject to the
risk of default by the counterparty.

Forward contracts are used on an ongoing basis to hedge the Company's exposure
to foreign currency exchange rates that result from the net investment in the
Company's Canadian operations as well as direct foreign currency investments. To
hedge against adverse changes in exchange rates, the Company enters into
contracts to exchange foreign currency for U.S. Dollars with major financial
institutions. These contracts cannot be settled prior to maturity. At the
maturity date the Company must purchase the foreign currency necessary to settle
the contracts.

The Company enters into credit default swaps in conjunction with a fixed income
investment to reproduce the investment characteristics of a different
investment. The Company will also enter credit default swaps to reduce exposure
to certain corporate debt security investment exposures that it holds. Under
credit default swaps, the Company agrees with other parties to receive or pay,
at specified intervals, fixed or floating rate interest amounts calculated by
reference to an agreed notional principal amount in exchange for the credit
default risk of a specified bond. Swap agreements are not exchange traded so
they are subject to the risk of default by the counterparty.

Several of the Company's hedging strategies do not qualify or are not designated
as hedges for accounting purposes. This can occur when the hedged item is
carried at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in earnings, the
derivative contracts are used in a macro hedging strategy, the hedge is not
expected to be highly effective, or structuring the hedge to qualify for hedge
accounting is too costly or time consuming.

The Company monitors the creditworthiness of counterparties to these financial
instruments by using criteria of acceptable risk that are consistent with
on-balance sheet financial instruments. The controls include credit approvals,
credit limits and other monitoring procedures. Additionally, the Company enters
into collateral agreements with its derivative counterparties. As of December
31, 2004, the Company held collateral under these contracts amounting to
approximately $813.0 million.

The table below provides a summary of the notional and fair value of derivatives
by type:

($ IN MILLIONS)                                       DECEMBER 31, 2004                      DECEMBER 31, 2003
                                                               Fair Value                         Fair Value
                                                               ----------                         ----------
                                             Notional                            Notional
DERIVATIVE TYPE                               Amount       Assets   Liabilities    Amount    Assets   Liabilities
Interest rate, equity and currency swaps        $8,926.0     $910.4       $158.7   $7,422.3    $685.7       $178.9
Financial futures                                1,421.0         --           --      790.2        --           --
Interest rate and equity options                 1,354.8      189.1           --      754.4     182.1           --
Currency forwards                                  510.1         --          8.9      352.4       0.3          7.3
Credit derivatives                                 427.4        4.1          3.4      209.5       5.2          0.6
Interest rate caps                                 117.5        3.1           --         --        --           --
          TOTAL                                $12,756.8   $1,106.7       $171.0   $9,528.8    $873.3       $186.8



The following table summarizes certain information related to the Company's
hedging activities for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003:

                                          Year Ended             Year Ended
In millions of dollars                 December 31, 2004     December 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hedge ineffectiveness recognized
    related to fair value hedges            $(33.2)                $(23.2)

Hedge ineffectiveness recognized
    related to cash flow hedges                6.1                   (3.4)

Net loss recorded in accumulated
    other changes in equity from
    nonowner sources related to
    net investment hedges                     (0.6)                 (33.6)
Net loss from economic
    hedges recognized in earnings            (20.1)                  (1.6)

During the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 there were no discontinued
forecasted transactions. The amount expected to be reclassified from accumulated
other changes in equity from nonowner sources into pre-tax earnings within
twelve months from December 31, 2004 is $(76.1) million.


In the normal course of business, the Company issues fixed and variable rate
loan commitments and has unfunded commitments to partnerships and joint
ventures. All of these commitments are to unaffiliated entities. The off-balance
sheet risk of fixed and variable rate loan commitments was $375.5 million and
$253.5 million at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. The Company had
unfunded commitments of $1,075.8 million and $527.8 million to these
partnerships at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.


The Company uses various financial instruments in the normal course of its
business. Certain insurance contracts are excluded by SFAS No. 107, "Disclosure
about Fair Value of Financial Instruments," and therefore are not included in
the amounts discussed.

At December 31, 2004 and 2003, investments in fixed maturities had a carrying
value and a fair value of $47.7 billion and $42.3 billion, respectively. See
Notes 1 and 3.

At December 31, 2004, mortgage loans had a carrying value of $2.1 billion and a
fair value of $2.2 billion and at year-end 2003 had a carrying value of $1.9
billion and a fair value of $2.0 billion. In estimating fair value, the Company
used interest rates reflecting the current real estate financing market.

Included in other invested assets are 2,225 shares of Citigroup Cumulative
Preferred Stock Series YYY, carried at cost of $2,225 million at December 31,
2004 and 2003, acquired as a contribution from TPC. This Series YYY Preferred
Stock pays cumulative dividends at 6.767%, has a liquidation value of $1 million



share and has perpetual duration, is not subject to a sinking fund or mandatory
redemption but may be optionally redeemed by Citigroup at any time on or after
February 27, 2022. Dividends totaling $150 million were received in both 2004
and 2003 and $125 million was received in 2002. There is no established market
for this investment and it is not practicable to estimate the fair value of the
preferred stock.

Included in other invested assets are 987 shares of Citigroup Cumulative
Preferred Stock Series YY, carried at cost of $987 million at December 31, 2004
and 2003. This Series YY Preferred Stock pays cumulative dividends at 5.321%,
has a liquidation value of $1 million per share, and has perpetual duration, is
not subject to a sinking fund or mandatory redemption but may be optionally
redeemed by Citigroup at any time on or after December 22, 2018. Dividends
totaling $53 million were received during each of 2004, 2003 and 2002. There is
no established market for this investment and it is not practicable to estimate
the fair value of the preferred stock.

At December 31, 2004, contractholder funds with defined maturities had a
carrying value of $15.2 billion and a fair value of $15.6 billion, compared with
a carrying value and a fair value of $13.5 billion and $13.7 billion at December
31, 2003. The fair value of these contracts is determined by discounting
expected cash flows at an interest rate commensurate with the Company's credit
risk and the expected timing of cash flows. Contractholder funds without defined
maturities had a carrying value of $14.4 billion and a fair value of $14.1
billion at December 31, 2004, compared with a carrying value of $13.1 billion
and a fair value of $12.8 billion at December 31, 2003. These contracts
generally are valued at surrender value.

The carrying values of $567 million and $698 million of financial instruments
classified as other assets approximated their fair values at December 31, 2004
and 2003, respectively. The carrying value of $3.0 billion and $2.5 billion of
financial instruments classified as other liabilities at December 31, 2004 and
2003 also approximated their fair values at both December 31, 2004 and 2003.
Fair value is determined using various methods, including discounted cash flows,
as appropriate for the various financial instruments.

Both the assets and liabilities of separate accounts providing a guaranteed
return had a carrying value and a fair value of $350 million at December 31,
2003. This separate account was fully consolidated in 2004 per the adoption of
SOP 03-1. See Note 1.

The carrying values of cash, trading securities and trading securities sold not
yet purchased are carried at fair value. The carrying values of short-term
securities and investment income accrued approximated their fair values. The
carrying value of policy loans, which have no defined maturities, is considered
to be fair value.



In August 1999, an amended putative class action complaint captioned LISA
in New Britain, Connecticut Superior Court against the Company, its parent
corporation, certain of the Company's affiliates (collectively TLA), and the
Company's former affiliate, Travelers Property Casualty Corporation. The amended
complaint alleges Travelers Property Casualty Corporation purchased structured
settlement annuities from the Company and spent less on the purchase of those
structured settlement annuities than agreed with claimants; and that commissions
paid to brokers of structured settlement annuities, including an affiliate of
the Company, were paid, in part, to Travelers Property Casualty Corporation. The
amended complaint was dismissed and following an appeal by plaintiff in
September 2002 the Connecticut Supreme Court reversed the dismissal of several
of the plaintiff's



claims. On May 26, 2004, the Connecticut Superior Court certified a nation wide
class action. The class action claims against TLA are violation of the
Connecticut Unfair Trade Practice Statute, unjust enrichment and civil
conspiracy. On June 15, 2004, the Defendants, including TLA, appealed the
Connecticut Superior Court's May 26, 2004 class certification order.

In 2003 and 2004, several issues in the mutual fund and variable insurance
product industries have come under the scrutiny of federal and state regulators.
Like many other companies in our industry, the Company has received a request
for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and a subpoena
from the New York Attorney General regarding market timing and late trading.
During 2004 the SEC requested additional information about the Company's
variable product operations on market timing, late trading and revenue sharing,
and the SEC, the National Association of Securities Dealers and the New York
Insurance Department have made inquiries into these issues and other matters
associated with the sale and distribution of insurance products. In addition,
like many insurance companies and agencies, in 2004 and 2005 the Company
received inquiries from certain state Departments of Insurance regarding
producer compensation and bidding practices. The Company is cooperating fully
with all of these requests and is not able to predict their outcomes.

In addition, the Company is a defendant or co-defendant in various other
litigation matters in the normal course of business. These include civil
actions, arbitration proceedings and other matters arising in the normal course
of business out of activities as an insurance company, a broker and dealer in
securities or otherwise.

In the opinion of the Company's management, the ultimate resolution of these
legal and regulatory proceedings would not be likely to have a material adverse
effect on the Company's consolidated financial condition or liquidity, but, if
involving monetary liability, may be material to the Company's operating results
for any particular period.


The Company is a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston (the Bank), and
in this capacity has entered into a funding agreement (the agreement) with the
Bank where a blanket lien has been granted to collateralize the Bank's deposits.
The Company maintains control of these assets, and may use, commingle, encumber
or dispose of any portion of the collateral as long as there is no event of
default and the remaining qualified collateral is sufficient to satisfy the
collateral maintenance level. The agreement further states that upon any event
of default, the Bank's recovery is limited to the amount of the member's
outstanding funding agreement. The amount of the Company's liability for funding
agreements with the Bank as of December 31, 2004 is $1.1 billion, included in
contractholder funds. The Company holds $60.3 million of common stock of the
Bank, included in equity securities.



The Company has provided a guarantee on behalf of Citicorp International Life
Insurance Company, Ltd. (CILIC), an affiliate. The Company has guaranteed to pay
claims up to $1 billion of life insurance coverage for CILIC. This guarantee
takes effect if CILIC cannot pay claims because of insolvency, liquidation or
rehabilitation. Life insurance coverage in force under this guarantee at
December 31, 2004 is $466 million. The Company does not hold any collateral
related to this guarantee.


Citigroup and certain of its subsidiaries provide investment management and
accounting services, payroll, internal auditing, benefit management and
administration, property management and investment technology services to the
Company as of December 31, 2004. The Company paid Citigroup and its subsidiaries
$41.0 million, $55.3 million and $56.9 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002,
respectively, for these services. The amounts due to affiliates related to these
services, included in other liabilities at December 31, 2004 and 2003, were

The Company has received reimbursements from Citigroup and its affiliates
related to the Company's increased benefit and lease expenses after the TPC
spin-off. See Note 14. These reimbursements totaled $27.4 million, $34.3 million
and $15.5 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

The Company maintains a short-term investment pool in which its insurance
affiliates participate. The position of each company participating in the pool
is calculated and adjusted daily. At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the pool
totaled approximately $4.1 billion and $3.8 billion, respectively. The Company's
share of the pool amounted to $3.3 billion at both December 31, 2004 and 2003,
and is included in short-term securities in the consolidated balance sheets.

At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Company had outstanding loaned securities to
an affiliate, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. (CGMI), of $361.5 million and
$238.5 million, respectively.

Included in other invested assets is a $3.2 billion investment in Citigroup
Preferred Stock at December 31, 2004 and 2003, carried at cost. Dividends
received on these investments were $203 million in both 2004 and 2003 and $178
million in 2002. See Notes 11 and 17.

The Company had investments in an affiliated joint venture, Tishman Speyer, in
the amount of $92.9 million and $166.3 million at December 31, 2004 and 2003,
respectively. Income of $54.2 million, $18.6 million and $99.7 million was
earned on these investments in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

The Company also had an investment in Greenwich Street Capital Partners I, an
affiliated private equity investment, in the amount of $45.3 million and $48.3
million at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Income of $4.5 million,
$33.9 million and $0 were earned on this investment in 2004, 2003 and 2002,

In the ordinary course of business, the Company purchases and sells securities
through affiliated broker-dealers, including SB. These transactions are
conducted on an arm's-length basis. Amounts due to SB were $363.7 million and
$134.4 million at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

The Company markets deferred annuity products and life insurance through its
affiliate, Smith Barney (SB), a division of CGMI. Annuity deposits related to
these products were $877 million, $835 million, and $1.0 billion in 2004, 2003
and 2002, respectively. Life



premiums were $137.5 million, $114.9 million and $109.7 million in 2004, 2003
and 2002, respectively. Commissions and fees paid to SB were $71.9 million,
$70.3 million and $77.0 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

The Company also markets individual annuity and life insurance through
CitiStreet Retirement Services, a division of CitiStreet LLC, (CitiStreet), a
joint venture between Citigroup and State Street Bank. Deposits received from
CitiStreet were $1.5 billion, $1.4 billion and $1.6 billion in 2004, 2003 and
2002, respectively. Commissions and fees paid to CitiStreet were $45.9 million,
$52.9 million and $54.0 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

The Company markets individual annuity products through an affiliate Citibank,
N.A. (together with its subsidiaries, Citibank). Deposits received from Citibank
were $525 million, $357 million and $321 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002,
respectively. Commissions and fees paid to Citibank were $44.3 million, $29.8
million and $24.0 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Primerica Financial Services, Inc. (PFS), an affiliate, is a distributor of
products for TLA. PFS or its affiliates sold $983 million, $714 million and $787
million of individual annuities in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
Commissions and fees paid to PFS were $75.4 million, $58.1 million and $60.4
million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Primerica Life has entered into a General Agency Agreement with PFS that
provides that PFS will be Primerica Life's general agent for marketing all
insurance of Primerica Life. In consideration of such services, Primerica Life
agreed to pay PFS marketing fees of no less than $10 million per year based upon
U.S. gross direct premiums received by Primerica Life. The fees paid by
Primerica Life were $15 million in 2004 and $12.5 million in each of 2003 and

During 2004 TLARC was established as a pure captive to reinsure 100% of the
statutory based risk associated with universal life contracts. Statutory
premiums paid by the Company to TLARC totaled $1,071 million in 2004. Ceding
commissions and experience refunds paid by TLARC to the Company totaled $1,054
million in 2004. The net amount paid was $17 million and reported as a reduction
of other income. See Note 4.

TIC has made a solvency guarantee for an affiliate, CILIC. See Note 12.

The Company participates in a stock option plan sponsored by Citigroup that
provides for the granting of stock options in Citigroup common stock to officers
and other employees. To further encourage employee stock ownership, Citigroup
introduced the WealthBuilder stock option program during 1997 and the Citigroup
Ownership Program in 2001. Under these programs, all employees meeting
established requirements have been granted Citigroup stock options. During 2001,
Citigroup introduced the Citigroup 2001 Stock Purchase Program for new
employees, which allowed eligible employees of Citigroup, including the
Company's employees, to enter into fixed subscription agreements to purchase
shares at the market value on the date of the agreements. During 2003 Citigroup
introduced the Citigroup 2003 Stock Purchase Program, which allowed eligible
employees of Citigroup, including the Company's employees, to enter into fixed
subscription agreements to purchase shares at the lesser of the market value on
the first date of the offering period or the market value at the close of the
offering period. Enrolled employees are permitted to make one purchase prior to
the expiration date. The Company's charge to income for these plans was
insignificant in 2004, 2003 and 2002.



The Company also participates in the Citigroup Capital Accumulation Program.
Participating officers and other employees receive a restricted stock award in
the form of Citigroup common stock. These restricted stock awards generally vest
after a three-year period and, except under limited circumstances, the stock can
not be sold or transferred during the restricted period by the participant, who
is required to render service to the Company during the restricted period. The
Company's charge to income for this program was insignificant in 2004, 2003 and

Unearned compensation expense associated with the Citigroup restricted common
stock grants, which represents the market value of Citigroup's common stock at
the date of grant, is included in other assets in the consolidated balance sheet
and is recognized as a charge to income ratably over the vesting period. The
Company's charge to income was insignificant during 2004, 2003 and 2002.


On April 1, 2004 TPC merged with a subsidiary of The St. Paul Companies to form
St. Paul Travelers.

On March 27, 2002, TPC, the Company's parent at December 31, 2001, completed its
IPO. On August 20, 2002, Citigroup made a tax-free distribution to its
stockholders of a majority portion of its remaining interest in TPC. In 2002,
prior to the IPO the following transactions occurred:

        o   The common stock of the Company was distributed by TPC to CIHC so
            the Company would remain an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of

        o   The Company sold its home office buildings in Hartford, Connecticut
            and a building housing TPC's information systems in Norcross,
            Georgia to TPC for $68 million.

        o   TLA Holdings LLC, a non-insurance subsidiary valued at $142 million,
            was contributed to the Company by TPC.

        o   The Company assumed pension, postretirement and post employment
            benefits payable to all inactive employees of the former Travelers
            Insurance entities and received $189 million of cash and other
            assets from TPC to offset these benefit liabilities. In March 2003,
            TPC paid the Company $22.6 million as a settlement for these
            benefit-related liabilities.

        o   The Company received 2,225 shares of Citigroup's 6.767% Cumulative
            Preferred Stock, Series YYY, with a par value of $1.00 per share and
            a liquidation value of $1 million per share as a contribution from

In connection with the TPC IPO and distribution, the Company's additional
paid-in capital increased $1,596 million during 2002 as follows:

Citigroup Series YYY Preferred Stock      $2,225
TLA Holdings LLC                             142
Cash and other assets                        189
Pension, postretirement, and
   post-employment benefits payable         (279)
Deferred tax assets                           98
Deferred tax liabilities                    (779)



At December 31, 2001, TPC and its subsidiaries were affiliates of the Company
and provided certain services to the Company. These services included data
processing, facilities management, banking and financial functions, benefits
administration and others. During 2002, the Company began phasing out these
services. The Company paid TPC $4.9 million and $33.6 million in 2003 and 2002,
respectively, for these services. In 2004, The Company did not receive these

The Company has a license from St. Paul Travelers to use the names "Travelers
Life & Annuity," "The Travelers Insurance Company," "The Travelers Life and
Annuity Company" and related names in connection with the Company's business.


The following table reconciles net income to net cash provided by operating

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                    2004      2003      2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net Income                                       $1,481     $1,358     $1,082
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
   cash provided by operating activities:
      Realized (gains) losses                       (16)       (37)       322
      Deferred federal income taxes                  (9)        58        185
      Amortization of deferred policy
        acquisition costs                           649        501        393
      Additions to deferred policy
        acquisition costs                        (1,203)      (960)
      Investment income                             106       (503)
      Premium balances                                8
                                                                (8)        (7)
      Insurance reserves and accrued expenses
                                                               604        832
      Other                                         (79)      (443)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operations                  $1,525       $814     $1,068
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In 2004, significant non-cash investing and financing activities include the
minority interest reversal of joint ventures held by TPC in the amount of $(58)
million. In 2003, these activities include the acquisition of real estate
through foreclosures of mortgage loans amounting to $53 million and the
inclusion of the TPC minority interest in joint ventures in the amount of $63
million. In 2002, these activities include the contribution of $2,225 million of
Citigroup YYY Preferred Stock and related deferred tax liability of $779
million; a $17 million COLI asset and $98 million deferred tax asset related to
the transfer of $279 million of pension and postretirement benefits, transferred
for $172 million cash; and the contribution of a non-insurance company, TLA
Holdings, LLC, for $142 million.




On January 31, 2005, Citigroup announced that it had agreed to sell TIC,
including TLAC and certain other domestic and international insurance businesses
(the Life Insurance and Annuity Businesses) to MetLife, Inc. (MetLife) pursuant
to an Acquisition Agreement (the Agreement). The transaction is subject to
certain regulatory approvals, as well as other customary conditions to closing.
Citigroup currently anticipates that the intended sale would be completed during
this summer.

The Company's Primerica segment and certain other assets will remain with
Citigroup. Accordingly, prior to the closing, TIC will distribute to its parent
company by way of dividend (i) all of the outstanding shares of common stock of
the Company's 100% owned subsidiary, Primerica Life Insurance Company (Primerica
Life), (ii) all shares of Citigroup's Series YYY and Series YY preferred stock
held by the Company and (iii) certain other assets, including certain assets and
liabilities related to the Company's share of the non-qualified pension plan,
and post retirement benefits related to inactive employees of the former
Travelers Insurance entities, assumed during Citigroup's 2002 spin-off of the
Travelers Property Casualty operations (collectively, the Dispositions). The
Dispositions require certain regulatory approvals.

Subject to closing adjustments described in the Agreement, the contemplated sale
price would be $11.5 billion.






The Company's management, with the participation of the Company's Chief
Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness
of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in
Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended ("Exchange Act")) as of the end of the period covered by this report.
Based on such evaluation, the Company's Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer have concluded that, as of the end of such period, the
Company's disclosure controls and procedures are effective in recording,
processing, summarizing and reporting, on a timely basis, information required
to be disclosed by the Company in the reports that it files or submits under the
Exchange Act.


There have not been any changes in the Company's internal control over financial
reporting (as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the
Exchange Act) during the fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2004 that have
materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the
Company's internal control over financial reporting.


Not Applicable

                                    PART III


Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I(2)(c) of Form 10-K.


Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I(2)(c) of Form 10-K.


Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I(2)(c) of Form 10-K.


Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I(2)(c) of Form 10-K.


The following is a description of the fees earned by KPMG for services rendered
to the Company for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003:


AUDIT FEES: Audit fees include fees paid by the Company to KPMG in connection
with the annual audit of the Company's consolidated financial statements, KPMG's
audits of subsidiary financial statements and KPMG's review of the Company's
interim financial statements. Audit fees also include fees for services
performed by KPMG that are closely related to the audit and in many cases could
only be provided by the Company's independent registered public accounting firm.
Such services include comfort letters and consents related to SEC registration
statements and other capital raising activities and certain reports relating to
the Company's regulatory filings, reports on internal control reviews required
by regulators, due diligence on completed acquisitions, and accounting advice on
completed transactions. The aggregate fees earned by KPMG for audit services
rendered to the Company and its subsidiaries for the years ended December 31,
2004 and December 31, 2003 totaled approximately $2.3 million and $1.3 million,

AUDIT RELATED FEES: Audit related services include due diligence services
related to contemplated mergers and acquisitions, accounting consultations,
internal control reviews not required by regulators, securitization related
services, employee benefit plan audits and certain attestation services as well
as certain agreed upon procedures. The aggregate fees earned by KPMG for audit
related services rendered to the Company and its subsidiaries for the years
ended December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003 were $42 thousand and $37
thousand, respectively.

TAX FEES: Tax fees include corporate tax compliance, counsel and advisory
services as well as expatriate tax services. The aggregate fees earned by KPMG
for tax related services rendered to the Company and its subsidiaries for the
years ended December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003 totaled approximately
$46,000 and $0, respectively.

ALL OTHER FEES: The Company did not incur any charges from KPMG for other
services rendered to the Company and its subsidiaries for matters such as
general consulting for the years ended December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003.

The Company did not engage KPMG for any additional non-audit services other than
those permitted under its policy, unless such services were individually
approved by the Citigroup audit and risk management committee.

Approval of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Services and Fees
Citigroup's audit and risk management committee has reviewed and approved all
fees charged by Citigroup's independent registered public accounting firm, and
actively monitored the relationship between audit and non-audit services
provided. The audit and risk management committee has concluded that the
provision of services by KPMG was consistent with the maintenance of the
external auditors' independence in the conduct of its auditing functions.
Effective January 1, 2003, Citigroup adopted a policy that it and its
subsidiaries would no longer engage its primary independent registered public
accounting firm for non-audit services other than "audit related services," as
defined by the SEC, certain tax services, and other permissible non-audit
services as specifically approved by the chair of the audit and risk management
committee and presented to the full committee at its next regular meeting. The
policy also includes limitations on the hiring of KPMG partners and other
professionals to ensure that the Company satisfies the SEC's auditor
independence rules.

During 2004, the following changes were made in Citigroup's policy for approval
of audit fees and services. Pre-approval of the audit and risk management
committee is required for all internal control engagements and, effective
December 31, 2004, Citigroup further restricted the scope of tax services that
may be provided by KPMG and determined that it will no longer use KPMG for tax
advisory services, including consulting and tax planning, except as related to
tax compliance services.

Under the Citigroup policy approved by the audit and risk management committee,
the committee must pre-approve all services provided by Citigroup's independent
registered public accounting firm and fees charged. The committee will consider
annually the provision of audit services and, if appropriate, pre-approve
certain defined audit fees, audit related fees, tax fees and other fees with
specific dollar value limits for each category of service. The audit and risk
management committee will also consider on a case by case basis and, if


approve specific engagements that are not otherwise pre-approved. Any proposed
engagement that does not fit within the definition of a pre-approved service may
be presented to the chair of the audit and risk management committee for
approval and to the full audit and risk management committee at its next regular
meeting. The policy includes limitations on hiring of partners or other
professional employees of KPMG that require adjustments to KPMG 's audit
approach if there is any apparent conflict, and at all times the Company is
mindful of the independence requirements of the SEC in considering employment of
these individuals.

Administration of the policy is centralized within, and monitored by, Citigroup
senior corporate financial management, which reports throughout the year to the
audit and risk management committee.

                                     PART IV


(a) Documents filed:

        (1) Financial Statements. See index on page 19 of this report.

        (2) Financial Statement Schedules. See index on page 72 of this report.

        (3) Exhibits. See Exhibit Index on page 70.


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

2.          Acquisition Agreement, dated as of January 31, 2005, by and between
            Citigroup Inc. and MetLife, Inc., incorporated by reference to
            Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K of Citigroup Inc.
            dated January 31, 2005 and filed February 4, 2005 (File No. 1-9924).

3.          Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

                a)  Charter of The Travelers Insurance Company (the "Company"),
                    as effective October 19, 1994, incorporated by reference to
                    Exhibit 3.01 to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                    for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 1994 (File No.
                    33-33691) (the "Company's September 30, 1994 10-Q").

                b)  By-laws of the Company, as effective October 20, 1994,
                    incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.02 to the Company's
                    September 30, 1994 10-Q.

10.01       Lease for office space in Hartford, Connecticut dated as of April 2,
            1996, by and between the Company and The Travelers Indemnity
            Company, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to the Annual
            Report on Form 10-K of Travelers Property Casualty Corp. for the
            fiscal year ended December 31, 1996 (File No. 1-14328).

10.02       Trademark License Agreement between Travelers Property Casualty
            Corp. and The Travelers Insurance Company, effective as of August
            20, 2002, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.01 to the
            Company's Quarterly Report on form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended
            September 30, 2002.

10.03       Lease for office space at Cityplace, Hartford, Connecticut, dated
            March 28, 1996, by and between Aetna Life and Casualty Company and
            The Travelers Indemnity Company, (the "Cityplace Lease"),
            incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.10 to the Registration
            Statement on Form S-1 of Travelers Insurance Group Holdings Inc.
            (then known as Travelers/Aetna Property Casualty Corp.) on April 22,
            1996 (File No. 333-2254).

10.04       First Amendment, dated May 15, 2001, by and between Aetna Inc.
            (formerly Aetna Life and Casualty Company) as Landlord and The
            Travelers Indemnity Company, as Tenant, with respect to the
            Cityplace Lease, incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.04 to the
            Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
            December 31, 2002.

10.05       Assignment and Assumption Agreement dated as of August 19, 2002, by
            and between The Travelers Indemnity Company as Assignor and the
            Company as Assignee, with respect to the Cityplace Lease,
            incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.05 to the Company's Annual
            Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002.

14.01       Citigroup Code of Ethics for Financial Professionals, incorporated
            by reference to Exhibit 14.01 to the Company's Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002.

21.         Subsidiaries of the Registrant:
                Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I (2)(b) of Form 10-K.

31.01+      Certification of chief financial officer pursuant to Section 302 of
            the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

31.02+      Certification of chief executive officer pursuant to Section 302 of
            the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

32.01+      Certification Pursuant to 18 USC Section 1350.

- -------------
+Filed herewith



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, on the 30th day of March,

                         THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY

         By:      /s/ GLENN D. LAMMEY
                  Glenn D. Lammey
                  Executive Vice President,
                  Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer
                  (Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the
capacities indicated on the 30th day of March, 2004.

SIGNATURE                             CAPACITY

/s/ GEORGE C. KOKULIS                 Director and Chief Executive Officer
- ------------------------
(George C. Kokulis)                   (Principal Executive Officer)

/s/ GLENN D. LAMMEY                   Director, Chief Financial Officer and
- ------------------------              Chief Accounting Officer
(Glenn D. Lammey)                     (Principal Financial Officer and
                                      Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ KATHLEEN L. PRESTON               Director
- ------------------------
(Kathleen L. Preston)

/s/ MARLA BERMAN LEWITUS              Director
- ------------------------
(Marla Berman Lewitus)

/s/ EDWARD W. CASSIDY                 Director
- ------------------------
(Edward W. Cassidy)

/s/ WILLIAM P. KRIVOSHIK              Director
- ------------------------
(William P. Krivoshik)

Supplemental Information to be Furnished With Reports Filed Pursuant to Section
15(d) of the Act by Registrants Which Have Not Registered Securities pursuant to
Section 12 of the Act: NONE

No Annual Report to Security Holders covering the registrant's last fiscal year
or proxy material with respect to any meeting of security holders has been sent,
or will be sent, to security holders.




The Travelers Insurance Company and Subsidiaries

     Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm                  *

     Consolidated Statements of Income                                        *

     Consolidated Balance Sheets                                              *
     Consolidated Statements of Changes In Shareholder's Equity               *
     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                    *
     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                               *

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm                       73

Schedule I - Summary of Investments - Other than Investments
   in Related Parties 2004                                                    74

Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information 2002-2004                  75

Schedule IV - Reinsurance 2002-2004                                           76

All other schedules are inapplicable for this filing

*  See index on page 19



The Board of Directors and Shareholder
The Travelers Insurance Company:

Under date of March 28, 2005, we reported on the consolidated balance sheets of
The Travelers Insurance Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2004 and
2003, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in
shareholder's equity and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year
period ended December 31, 2004, which are included in the Form 10-K. In
connection with our audits of the aforementioned consolidated financial
statements, we also audited the related consolidated financial statement
schedules as listed in the accompanying index. These financial statement
schedules are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these financial statement schedules based on our

In our opinion, such financial statement schedules, when considered in relation
to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, present fairly,
in all material respects, the information set forth therein.

As discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company
changed its methods of accounting and reporting for certain nontraditional
long-duration contracts and for separate accounts in 2004, variable interest
entities in 2003, and for goodwill and intangible assets in 2002.


Hartford, Connecticut
March 28, 2005



                                   SCHEDULE I
                                DECEMBER 31, 2004
                                 ($ IN MILLIONS)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE OF INVESTMENT                                                                                    AMOUNT SHOWN IN
                                                                          COST          VALUE         BALANCE SHEET(1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed Maturities:
         U.S. Government and government agencies and authorities           $6,582        $6,840             $6,840
         States, municipalities and political subdivisions                    364           404                404
         Foreign governments                                                  847           927                927
         Public utilities                                                   2,516         2,710              2,710
         Convertible bonds and bonds with warrants attached                   228           245                245
         All other corporate bonds                                         34,601        36,373             36,373
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Total Bonds                                                  45,138        47,499             47,499
     Redeemable preferred stocks                                              176           216                216
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total Fixed Maturities                                            45,314        47,715             47,715
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Equity Securities:
     Common Stocks:
         Banks, trust and insurance companies                                  13            17                 17
         Industrial, miscellaneous and all other                              140           177                177
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Total Common Stocks                                             153           194                194
     Nonredeemable preferred stocks                                           169           173                173
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total Equity Securities                                              322           367                367
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mortgage Loans                                                              2,124                            2,124
Real Estate Held For Sale                                                      37                               37
Policy Loans                                                                1,121                            1,121
Short-Term Securities                                                       3,731                            3,731
Trading Securities                                                          1,360                            1,360
Other Investments  (2)(3)(4)                                                1,341                            1,341
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total Investments                                                $55,350                          $57,796

(1) Determined in accordance with methods described in Notes 1 and 3 of the
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

(2) Excludes $3.2 billion of Citigroup Inc. preferred stock. See Note 13 of
    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

(3) Also excludes $415 million fair value of investment in affiliated
    partnership interests.

(4) Includes derivatives marked to market and recorded at fair value in the
    balance sheet.



                                  SCHEDULE III
                                 ($ IN MILLIONS)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           POLICY        OTHER
                                           BENEFITS,     POLICY                                  AMORTIZATION
                              DEFERRED     LOSSES,       CLAIMS              NET      BENEFITS,  OF DEFERRED
                              POLICY       CLAIMS        AND                 INVEST-  CLAIMS     POLICY         OTHER
                              COSTS        EXPENSES(1)   PAYABLE    REVENUE  INCOME   LOSSES(2)  COSTS          EXPENSES    WRITTEN
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Travelers Life & Annuity      $2,771       $46,452       $581        $911    $3,012   $2,716      $400          $259          $911
Primerica                      2,178         3,696        180       1,315       336      560       249           228         1,310
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                         $4,949       $50,148       $761      $2,226    $3,348   $3,276      $649          $487        $2,221

Travelers Life & Annuity      $2,361       $42,023       $532      $1,082    $2,743   $2,816      $266          $240        $1,093
Primerica                      2,034         3,500        161       1,245       315      534       235           219         1,251
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                         $4,395       $45,523       $693      $2,327    $3,058   $3,350      $501          $459        $2,344

Travelers Life & Annuity      $2,043       $37,774       $461       $ 730    $2,646   $2,404     $174           $190         $ 729
Primerica                      1,893         3,261        147       1,194       290      527      219            217         1,184
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                         $3,936       $41,035       $608      $1,924    $2,936   $2,931     $393           $407        $1,913

(1)  Includes contractholder funds.

(2)  Includes interest credited to contractholders.



                                   SCHEDULE IV
                                 ($ IN MILLIONS)

- -------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------------
                                                                                                      PERCENTAGE OF
                                                      CEDED TO OTHER    ASSUMED FROM                 AMOUNT ASSUMED
                                       GROSS AMOUNT      COMPANIES     OTHER COMPANIES  NET AMOUNT       TO NET
- -------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------------
- ------
Life Insurance In Force                   $646,184        $397,411           $  3,470     $252,243              1.4%

     Life insurance                       $  2,609        $    460           $      1     $  2,150               --
     Accident and health insurance             305             229                 --           76               --
     Property casualty                           1               1                 --           --               --
                                          --------        --------           --------     --------           ------
         Total Premiums                   $  2,915        $    690           $      1     $  2,226               --
                                          ========        ========           ========     ========           ======

Life Insurance In Force
                                          $593,006        $356,298           $  3,519     $240,227              1.4%
     Life insurance                       $  2,672        $    419           $      1     $  2,254               --
     Accident and health insurance             308             235                 --           73               --
     Property casualty                          21              21                 --           --
                                          --------        --------           --------     --------           ------
         Total Premiums                   $  3,001        $    675           $      1     $  2,327               --
                                          ========        ========           ========     ========           ======

Life Insurance In Force
                                          $549,066        $321,940           $  3,568     $230,694              1.5%
     Life insurance                       $  2,227        $    377           $     --     $  1,850               --
     Accident and health insurance             316             242                 --           74               --
     Property casualty                         109             109                 --           --               --
                                          --------        --------           --------     --------           ------
         Total Premiums                   $  2,652        $    728           $     --     $  1,924               --
                                          ========        ========           ========     ========           ======


                         THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY
                                  FIXED ANNUITY

 L-23159                                                                05/2005